Quick Info External
Sensor for Fridgetag
1 — Last update: Aug 26, 2020
Berlinger & Co. AG
Copyright © 2020 Berlinger & Co. AG
Table of Contents
1. Home .................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. How to proceed ................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Data read out ..................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Before reconneting ................................................................................................................... 10
4. Pairing devices in SmartView ......................................................................................................... 11
5. Sensor replacement ........................................................................................................................ 13
6. FAQ .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Berlinger & Co. AG
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1. Home
Additional label on external sensor for Fridge-tag devices
Added value: Traceability of the external sensors used for the Berlinger Fridgetag family
This manual describes how to use the two-piece label of the external sensor for Fridge-tag devices
correctly. The target is to be able to trace at any time which external sensor (ID) is used for which
Fridge-tag device to measure the temperature.
Simple operation
The label of the external sensor can be easily pulled off and attached to the Fridge-tag device.
Optional backside label
To easily attach the external sensor label on the Fridge-tag, we have added an optional additional
backside label on your Fridge-tag, where the external sensor label can be attached and further important
information such as the sensor connected date (including signature) can be noted. This backside label is
thus optional to consider specific customer needs.
Related devices
This change applies to all Fridge-tag devices 2, 2 L, 2 E, 3 and both external sensors (with glycol vial
and with vacuum cup).
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2. How to proceed
According to your SOP, your Fridge-tag is equiped with an additional backside label. Please proceed as
Step 1
After unpacking your devices, carefully remove the second label from the external sensor.
Step 2
Stick the removed external sensor label on the backside of the Fridge-tag below the field Sensor Label
with ID number.
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1. New backside label on Fridge-tags
2. Place where sensor label needs to be placed
3. External sensor label
Step 3
Complete the field Sensor connected date with the date on which you install the sensor and sign at the
field Signature with a waterproof pen. The signature indicates who was in charge of the installing
process. Otherwise, please check your SOP.
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Step 4
Connect the new external sensor to the Fridge-tag.
Note: Two hours before activating the Fridge-tag, the external sensor must be placed in its
predetermined location. For further details jump into the User Manual for Fridge-tag devices (see below
Step 5).
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Step 5
Make sure that the two label IDs of the connected devices match with each other. Start with the regular
installing process as shown in the “User Manual and QuickInfo for Fridge-tag devices”. Links are below
the picture.
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Fridge-tag 2 / 2E
Fridge-tag 2L
Fridge-tag 3
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3. Data read out
Plug the Fridge-tag into any computer via USB interface. Make sure the device is plugged in properly.
Note: Disconnect the external sensor from the device first.
The Fridge-tag will now generate a PDF and ASCII report.
Fridge-tag 2 L: report of the last 28, 56, 84 or 112 days (optional factory setting).
Fridge-tag 2 / 2 E: report of the last 30, 60 days (factory preset).
Fridge-tag 3: report of the last 28, 56 days (factory preset).
Depending on the configuration, this process may take up to 2 minutes. Now choose the appropriate file
generated by the Fridge-tag.
USB connection of the Fridge-tag
The continuously appearing arrows in the upper display area indicate that the device is operating.
Note: This process must not be interrupted until the OK symbol appears on the display. This indicates
that the creation of the ASCII and PDF files has been successfully completed.
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The hard drive of the Fridge-tag is shown in your explorer. Open the desired file generated by the
Note: To disconnect the device properly, please always use the function “Safely Remove Hardware” on
your PC/Mac.
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Right-click the icon “Safely Remove
Hardware and Eject Media” in the
Windows taskbar (lower right corner).
Choose the corresponding device to
Do not disconnect the device before you
receive the depitcted message,
otherwise the device can be damaged.
Note: For this process no additional software is necessary.
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3.1. Before reconneting
Note: Save the file that has been generated. Print it out and note the ID of the sensor including date and
signature with a pen on the file and folder it according to your SOP. Herewith you can verify at anytime
which sensor has been used during the monitoring process.
After reading out the data from the Fridge-tag, the additional sensor label helps to reconnect the Fridgetag device to the correct external sensor. Check if the IDs match with one another.
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4. Pairing devices in SmartView
Customers using our open plattform SmartView can associate the external sensors to the corresponding
Fridge-tag devices.
Note: Only Fridge-tag 2L and Fridge-tag 3 can be integrated into SmartView.
Step 1
Go to “Devices” on the menu on the left-hand side. Choose the related Fridge-tag device to assign a new
external sensor in SmartView.
Step 2
Select “Modify”.
Step 3
Select “Replaceable Sensor”.
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Step 4
Add the replaceable sensor by choosing the corresponding external sensor. Set the start date and time.
Add any additional information at “Association Details” if applicable.
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5. Sensor replacement
After expiration of the operating lifetime of the external sensor, a new sensor can be connected.
Step 1
Check if the Fridge-tag shows the measured temperature on the display with the currently connected
Step 2
Check if the label of the currently connected sensor is already attachted on the backside label of the
Fridge-tag device. If not, catch up with “Step 3 in chapter How to proceed before installing the new
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Step 3
Disconnect the external sensor from the Fridge-tag.
Step 4
Carefully remove the two-piece label from the new external sensor.
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Step 5
Attach it the label on the second row of the backside label on the Fridge-tag. Make sure that the two
label IDs of the connected devices match with each other. Fill in the Sensor connected date and
Signature field. Proceed with the regular installing process or according to your SOP.
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6. FAQ
What if my Fridge-tag has no additional backside label?
This case applies only if
• you have a Fridge-tag in use that was produced before October 2020
• you don’t make us of the additional backside label
If the former applies and you have to replace the external sensor, you can remove the two-piece label
from the external sensor and attach it on the backside of the Fridge-tag device. You still have the
possibility to add the date and signature with a permanent marker directly on the device.
If the second applies, please proceed according to your SOP.
If you need more assistance please contact our support.
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