User Manual Freezetag
1 — Last update: Aug 02, 2021
Berlinger & Co. AG
Copyright © 2021 Berlinger & Co. AG
Table of Contents
1. Home .................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Freeze-tag 10 min below 0°C / +32°F ................................................................................................ 2
2.1. Instructions for use..................................................................................................................... 3
3. Freeze-tag 60 min below 0°C / +32°F ................................................................................................ 4
3.1. Instructions for use..................................................................................................................... 5
4. Freeze-tag 60 min below -0.5°C / +31.1°F ......................................................................................... 6
4.1. Instructions for use..................................................................................................................... 7
5. Storage............................................................................................................................................... 8
6. Lot code explanation......................................................................................................................... 9
Berlinger & Co. AG
User Manual Freeze-tag - 1
1. Home
Monitoring of the freezing point
Internationally recognized symbols like the ok symbol and the alarm symbol show the alarm state clearly.
The Freeze-tag is a highly accurate electronic temperature indicator. It is 100% calibrated and has a
measuring accuracy of ± 0.3°C. For monitoring freeze-sensitive goods such as vaccines, medicine,
pharmaceutical, chemicals, dyes, etc. during transport and storage (single-use).
• Easy and Immediate Read Out
• Reliable – Exact – Good Value
• Long Shelf Life
Technical Specification
Product Information Overview
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User Manual Freeze-tag - 1
2. Freeze-tag 10 min below 0°C / +32°F
The Freeze-tag monitors the temperature of its environment and shows you on the display if there has
been an exposure of below 0 °C / +32 °F for over 10 minutes.
Important: The Freeze-tag monitors temperature exposure and not the product quality. Its purpose is to
signal if product quality evaluation/testing is required.
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2.1. Instructions for use
1. Enclose the Freeze-tag with the products that should be monitored.
2. Before reading, the Freeze-tag shall be placed in an environment above freezing temperature for
at least 2 minutes.
3. Observe the Freeze-tag and note which sign is shown on the display:
OK display
Your product has not been exposed for more than 10 minutes to freezing
Your product has been exposed for more than 10 minutes to freezing
The ALARM sign is irreversible!
If the display remains blank, expose the Freeze-tag again at room temperature and wait at least 2
minutes. If the display is still blank, please check the expiry date (see this chapter).
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3. Freeze-tag 60 min below 0°C / +32°F
The Freeze-tag monitors the temperature of its environment and shows you on the display if there has
been an exposure of below 0 °C / +32 °F for over 60 minutes.
Important: The Freeze-tag monitors temperature exposure and not the product quality. Its purpose is to
signal if product quality evaluation/testing is required.
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3.1. Instructions for use
1. Enclose the Freeze-tag with the products that should be monitored.
2. Before reading, the Freeze-tag shall be placed in an environment above freezing temperature for
at least 2 minutes.
3. Observe the Freeze-tag and note which sign is shown on the display:
OK display
Your product has not been exposed for more than 60 minutes to freezing
Your product has been exposed for more than 60 minutes to freezing
The ALARM sign is irreversible!
If the display remains blank, expose the Freeze-tag again at room temperature and wait at least 2
minutes. If the display is still blank, please check the expiry date (see this chapter).
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4. Freeze-tag 60 min below -0.5°C / +31.1°F
The Freeze-tag monitors the temperature of its environment and shows you on the display if there has
been an exposure of below -0.5 °C / +31.1 °F for over 60 minutes.
Important: The Freeze-tag monitors temperature exposure and not the product quality. Its purpose is to
signal if product quality evaluation/testing is required.
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4.1. Instructions for use
1. Enclose the Freeze-tag with the products that should be monitored.
2. Before reading, the Freeze-tag shall be placed in an environment above freezing temperature for
at least 2 minutes.
3. Observe the Freeze-tag and note which sign is shown on the display:
OK display
Your product has not been exposed for more than 60 minutes to
temperatures below -0.5 °C.
Your product has been exposed for more than 60 minutes to temperatures
below -0.5 °C.
The ALARM sign is irreversible!
If the display remains blank, expose the Freeze-tag again at room temperature and wait at least 2
minutes. If the display is still blank, please check the expiry date (see this chapter).
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5. Storage
Store the Freeze-tag in a controlled environment from +4 °C to +50 °C / +40 °F to +122 °F. The Freezetag is always active.
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6. Lot code explanation
Example: EXP/LOT 2008-05/A
In this example the expiry date of the Freeze-tag is May 2008 (2008-05). The same number is used as a
production lot number. The alphanumeric characters are a code used by the factory only.
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