Clark OSQ126/162/192 Operator Manual
Manual of Responsibilities OSQ 126-192 OM-1202 IMPORTANT! Do not remove this manual from the lift truck. JUN 2022 | REV 1.1 Table of Contents DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................ 2 RESPONSIBILITIES OF DEALERS .............................................................................. 5 RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNERS ............................................................................... 8 RESPONSIBILITIES OF USERS ................................................................................ 11 RESPONSIBILITIES OF OPERATORS ......................................................................18 RESPONSIBILITIES OF LESSORS ............................................................................ 23 RESPONSIBILITIES OF LESSEES ............................................................................ 24 RESPONSIBILITIES OF BROKER ............................................................................. 24 1 Definitions Aerial platform. A mobile device that has an adjustable position platform, supported from ground level by a structure. Anchorage(s). A secure point of attachment to be used with personal fall protection equipment (PFPE). Authorized personnel (authorized person). Personnel approved or assigned to perform a specific type of duty or duties at a specific location or locations at a work site. Base. The relevant contact points of the aerial platform that form the stability fulcrum (e.g. wheels, casters, outriggers, stabilizers). Broker. An independent business entity or person that arranges a lease or transfer of ownership of an aerial platform, but does not own the aerial platform. If the entity or person is an employee of the buyer, seller, lessor or lessee of the aerial platform, he shall not be considered a broker. Chassis. The integral part of the aerial platform that provides mobility and support for the elevating assembly. Configuration. All positions in which an aerial platform or any part thereof can be placed within its intended operating limits. Critical component(s). Load supporting elements which support or stabilize the platform or aerial platform. Dealer. A person or entity who buys from a manufacturer or distributor and who generally sells, rents, and services aerial platforms. Delivery. Transfer of care, control, and custody of the aerial platform from one person or entity to another person or entity. Directional controls. Controls that initiate functions that affect movement of the platform or the aerial platform. Ductile materials. Materials having a minimum elongation of 10% in 2 inches (50.8mm). Elevating assembly. The mechanisms used to position the platform relative to the aerial platform chassis. Familiarization. Providing information regarding the control functions and safety devices for the aerial platform(s) to a qualified person or operator who controls the movement of the aerial platform(s) being delivered. Guardrail system. A vertical barrier primarily intended to protect against personnel falling to lower levels. Hazardous location. Any location that contains, or has the potential to contain, an explosive or flammable atmosphere as defined in ANSI/NFPA 505 – 1996, Powered Industrial Trucks. 2 Instability. A condition of an aerial platform in which the sum of the moments that tend to overturn the unit exceeds the sum of the moments tending to resist overturning. Insulated platform. A platform designed and tested to meet the specific electrical insulation ratings consistent with the manufacturer's identification plate. Interlock. A control or mechanism that, under specified conditions, automatically allows or prevents the operation of another control or mechanism. Lessee. A person(s) or entity to whom an aerial platform is provided by lease, rental, loan, or other arrangement. A lessee may also be a dealer, owner, user or operator. Lessor. A person(s) or entity who leases, rents, loans, or otherwise provides an aerial platform to another party for the beneficial use of that party (the user). A lessor may also be a dealer, owner, lessee, user, or operator. Maintenance. The act of upkeep such as inspection, lubrication, refueling, cleaning, adjustment and scheduled part(s) replacement. Manual of Responsibilities. A document containing the Definitions (Section 3) and the requirements mandated in the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard for the following entities: Dealers (Section 5); Owners (Section 6); Users (Section 7); Operators (Section 8); Lessors (Section 9); Lessees (Section 10), and Brokers (Section 11). Manufacturer. A person or entity who makes, builds, or produces an aerial platform. Maximum travel height. The maximum platform height or the most adverse configuration(s) with respect to stability in which travel is permitted by the manufacturer. Modification, modified. To make a change(s) to an aerial platform that affects the operation, stability, safety factors, rated load or safety of the aerial platform in any way. Most adverse stability condition(s). The permitted configuration of the aerial platform most likely to cause instability while maintaining stability. Factors to be considered shall include: (1) With zero load to maximum test load. (2) Up to and including maximum platform height. (3) All positions and configurations of the platform(s). (4) All wheel and axle positions. (5) Forward and backward configurations of the elevating assembly. (6) All other moveable features which affect the stability of the aerial platform. Multiple rating(s), multiple rated loads. Two or more different rated work loads based on alternative configurations of the aerial platform. Operation. Performance of functions of an aerial platform within the scope of its specifications and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the user’s work rules, and applicable governmental regulations. Operator. A qualified person who controls the movement of an aerial platform. 3 Outriggers. Devices that increase the stability of the aerial platform and that are capable of lifting and leveling the aerial platform. Override. To take over aerial platform movement control functions at the upper control station by those at the lower control station. Owner. A person or entity who has possession of an aerial platform by virtue of proof of purchase. Passive. Under specified conditions, automatically performed and not requiring any specific action to accomplish. Platform. The portion of an aerial platform intended to be occupied by personnel with their necessary tools and materials. Platform height. The vertical distance measured from the floor of the platform to the surface upon which the machine is being supported. Powered functions. Those which control motion of the platform or the aerial platform and are caused by electro- mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic forces. Qualified person. One who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project. Rated horizontal force. The maximum permissible horizontal force at the top rail which can be applied to the aerial platform as specified by the manufacturer. Rated work load. The designed carrying capacity of the aerial platform as specified by the manufacturer. Rebuild / recondition. The act of disassembly, repair or adjustment of an aerial platform or component, utilizing replacement parts and components, in accomplishing work beyond the scope of maintenance (as described and used in the standard) in order to restore, to the extent possible, the aerial platform or component to the original manufactured specifications. Remanufacture. The modification of an aerial platform, either by the original manufacturer or another qualified entity, so that the aerial platform will comply with the ANSI Standard in effect on the date the modification is completed. Repair. The act of restoring to good condition that which has been broken, damaged or worn due to use, abuse or other reasons. Shall. The word “shall” is to be understood as being mandatory. Should. The word “should” indicates that the rule is a recommendation, the advisability of which depends on the facts in each situation. Stability / Stable. A condition of an aerial platform in which the sum of the moments that tend to overturn the unit is less than or equal to the sum of the moments tending to resist overturning. 4 Stabilizers. Devices that increase the stability of the aerial platform but are not capable of lifting or leveling the aerial platform. Training. Instruction to enable the trainee to become a qualified person regarding the task to be performed, including knowledge regarding potential hazards. Unintended motion. Motion of the aerial platform or platform without activation of any control. Unrestricted rated workload. The maximum designed carrying capacity of the aerial platform allowed by the manufacturer in all operating configurations. User. A person(s) or entity who has care, control and custody of the aerial platform. This person or entity may also be the employer of the operator, a dealer, owner, lessor, lessee, or operator. Responsibilities of Dealers Basic principles. Sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance, application, and operation consistent with all data available regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment shall be applied in the training of operators, in maintenance, application, safety provisions and operation of the aerial platform with due consideration of the knowledge that the aerial platform will be carrying personnel. Manuals Machine manual(s). Dealers shall keep and maintain a copy(ies) of the: Operating Manual, Maintenance Manual, Parts Manual and Repair Manual. The operating manual and maintenance manual shall be provided with each rental, lease or sale delivery and shall be stored in the weather resistant storage compartment on the aerial platform. Manual(s) are considered an integral part of the aerial platform and are vital to communicate necessary safety information to owners, users and operators. In addition, repair and parts manuals should be provided with each sale delivery. Manual of Responsibilities. The current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of Self- Propelled Elevating Work Platforms shall be provided and stored in the weather resistant storage compartment. Pre-delivery preparation. Aerial platforms shall be inspected, serviced and adjusted to the manufacturer's requirements prior to each delivery by sale, lease or rental. Maintenance, Inspection and Repair Maintenance. When a dealer accomplishes preventative maintenance on the aerial platform, it shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) recommendations, the environment, and severity of use. Inspection. When the dealer accomplishes frequent and annual inspections, they shall be accomplished in accordance with the manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) manuals. 5 Repairs. Repairs accomplished to correct malfunctions and problems shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) manuals and instructions. Maintenance safety precautions. Before adjustments and repairs are started on an aerial platform, the following precautions shall be taken as applicable: (1) Power plant stopped and starting means rendered inoperative; (2) All controls in the "Off” position and all operating systems secured from inadvertent motion by brakes, blocks, or other means; (3) Elevating assembly and platform lowered to the full down position, if possible, or otherwise secured by blocking or cribbing to prevent dropping; (4) Hydraulic oil pressure relieved from all hydraulic circuits before loosening or removing hydraulic components; (5) Safety props or latches installed where applicable as prescribed by the manufacturer. Replacement parts. When parts or components are replaced, they shall be identical or equivalent to original aerial platform parts or components. Training. The dealer shall offer appropriate training to facilitate owners, users, and operators to comply with requirements set forth in this standard regarding the inspection, maintenance, use, application, and operation of the aerial platform. Familiarization on delivery. Upon delivery by sale, lease, rental or any form of use, the dealer shall have the responsibility with the person designated by the receiving entity for accepting the aerial platform to: (1) identify the weather resistant compartment (for manual storage). (2) confirm the manuals, as specified by the manufacturer, are on the aerial platform. (3) review control functions (4) review safety devices specific to the model aerial platform being delivered. Dealer as user. Whenever a dealer directs personnel to operate an aerial platform (loading, unloading, inspecting, sales demonstrations, or any form of use), the dealer shall assume the responsibilities of users as specified in the Responsibilities of Users (Section 7) standard. All personnel authorized to operate the aerial platform shall have been: (1) Trained. (2) Familiarized with the aerial platform to be operated. (3) Made aware of the responsibilities of operators as outlined in Section 8 of this Standard. Assistance to owners and users. If a dealer is unable to answer an owner's or user's question(s) relating to rated capacity, intended use, maintenance, repair, inspection, or operation of the aerial platform, the dealer shall obtain the proper information from the manufacturer, or a qualified person if the manufacturer is no longer in business, and provide that information to the owner or user. Record Retention and Dissemination Record retention. The dealer shall retain the following records for at least 4 years: (1) Name and address of the purchaser of each aerial platform by serial number and date of delivery. (2) Records of the predelivery preparation performed prior to each delivery. 6 (3) Records of frequent and annual machine inspections accomplished. (4) Records of repairs accomplished to correct malfunctions and problems. (5) Name of the person(s) trained. (6) Name of the person(s) providing the training. (7) Date of training. (8) Name of person(s) receiving familiarization with the aerial platform upon each delivery unless this individual has been provided with familiarization on the same model, or one having characteristics consistent with the one being delivered, within the prior 90 days. (9) Name of person(s) providing familiarization with the aerial platform upon each delivery. Proof of training. The dealer should provide trainees who successfully complete training a means to evidence they are trained. The dealer shall provide such proof if requested by the trainee. The document evidencing training shall include the following information: (1) Name of trainee (2) Name of entity providing training or retraining. (3) Name of trainer(s). (4) Clear identification that training covered Self- Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. (5) Date of training. Record dissemination. Upon request, the dealer shall provide the following information: (1) To the owner of the aerial platform, a copy of frequent or annual inspections performed. (2) To the owner of the aerial platform, a copy of repairs accomplished. (3) To a user, proof of training for an operator, including name of trainer and date of training. (4) To a user, the name of the person(s) receiving familiarization upon delivery of the aerial platform. Modifications. Modification, alteration or remanufacture of an aerial platform shall be made only with prior written permission of the manufacturer. Should the original manufacturer no longer exist, a qualified person may approve such modifications. All modifications shall meet the applicable manufacturer’s requirements as specified in Section 4 (Responsibilities of Manufacturers) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) safety bulletins. The dealer shall comply with safety related bulletins as received from the manufacturer (remanufacturer). Responsibilities upon sale. When the aerial platform is sold, the dealer: (1) Shall, upon delivery, ensure the operating and maintenance manuals are conveyed to the owner. (2) Shall, upon delivery, provide a copy of the current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees and Brokers of Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. (3) Should, within 60 days of sale, provide repair and parts manuals. (4) Shall, within 60 days of the sale, notify the manufacturer (remanufacturer) or its successor (if existing) of the sale, providing the full name and address of the purchaser. (5) Should, if the aerial platform is used, accomplish an annual machine inspection prior to delivery and provide a copy to the purchaser within 60 days of the sale. 7 (6) Shall, upon delivery, familiarize the person designated by the receiving entity with the aerial platform being acquired. Responsibilities of Owners Basic principles. Sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance, application, and operation consistent with all data available regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment shall be applied in the performance of the responsibilities of owners with due consideration of the knowledge that the aerial platform will be carrying personnel. Responsibilities upon purchase. Upon purchase of the aerial platform, the buyer: (1) Shall ensure the operating and maintenance manuals have been received. (2) Should acquire repair and parts manuals within sixty days (60) of acquisition. (3) Shall within sixty days (60) of acquisition of the aerial platform provide the manufacturer (remanufacturer), or its successor, (if existing) with the full name and address of the buyer along with the model and serial number of the aerial platform acquired. (4) Shall, if the aerial platform is used, ensure that frequent and annual inspections are current. (5) Shall become familiar with and conform with the responsibilities of owners as set forth in the Manual of Responsibilities for Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. Manuals Machine manual(s). Owners shall provide a copy(ies) of the operating and maintenance manual(s) with each rental, lease, or sales delivery by ensuring they are properly stored in the weatherproof compartment that is a part of the aerial platform. The manual(s) is considered an integral part of the aerial platform and is vital to communicate necessary safety information to owners, users and operators, in addition, repair and parts manuals should be provided with each sale delivery. Manual of Responsibilities. The current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of Self- Propelled Elevating Work Platforms shall be provided and stored in the weather resistant storage compartment. Maintenance, Inspection and Repair Maintenance. The owner of an aerial platform shall arrange that the maintenance specified in this standard is properly performed on a timely basis. The owner shall establish a preventive maintenance program in accordance with the manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) recommendations and taking into account the environment of the work place and severity of use of the aerial platform. Inspection. The owner shall arrange for frequent and annual inspections to be performed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer (remanufacturer). All malfunctions and problems identified in the inspection shall be corrected before the aerial platform is returned to service. Repairs. When the aerial platform is damaged or in need of repair, all malfunctions and problems identified shall be corrected before the aerial platform is returned to service. 8 Predelivery preparation. Aerial platforms shall be inspected, serviced, and adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) requirements prior to each delivery by sale, lease or rental. Frequent inspection. The owner of an aerial platform shall ensure that a frequent inspection is performed in accordance with the manufacture’s (remanufacturer’s) instructions, for the aerial platform: (1) That was purchased used. This inspection shall be accomplished unless it is determined that the frequent and annual inspections are current; (2) That has been in service for three (3) months or 150 hours, whichever comes first; (3) That has been out of service for a period longer than three months. The inspection shall be made by a person qualified as a mechanic on the specific type of aerial platform or one having similar design characteristics. The inspection shall be in accordance with items specified by the manufacturer (remanufacturer) for a frequent inspection and shall include, but not be limited to the following: (1) All functions and their controls for speed(s) smoothness, and limits of motion; (2) Lower controls including the provisions for overriding of upper controls (3) All chain and cable mechanisms for adjustment and worn or damaged parts; (4) All emergency and safety devices; (5) Lubrication of all moving parts, inspection of filter element(s), hydraulic oil, engine oil, and coolant as specified by the manufacturer; (6) Visual inspection of structural components and other critical components such as fasteners, pins, shafts and locking devices; (7) Placard, warnings and control markings; (8) Additional items specified by the manufacturer. The owner shall not place the aerial platform into service until all malfunctions and problems have been corrected. Annual inspection. The owner of an aerial platform shall ensure that an annual inspection is performed on the aerial platform no later than thirteen (13) months from the date of the prior annual inspection. The inspection shall be performed by a person(s) qualified as a mechanic on the specific make and model of the aerial platform or one having similar design characteristics. The inspection shall be in accordance with items specified by the manufacturer (remanufacturer) for an annual inspection. The owner shall not place the aerial platform into service until all malfunctions and problems have been corrected. Maintenance safety precautions. Before adjustments and repairs are started on an aerial platform, the following precautions shall be taken as applicable: (1) Power plant stopped and starting means rendered inoperative; (2) All controls in the "off' position and all operating systems secured from inadvertent motion by brakes, blocks, or other means; (3) Elevating assembly and platform lowered to the full down position, if possible, or otherwise secured by blocking or cribbing to prevent dropping; (4) Hydraulic oil pressure relieved from all hydraulic circuits before loosening or removing hydraulic components; (5) Safety props or latches installed where applicable as prescribed by the manufacturer. Replacement parts. When parts or components are replaced, they shall be identical or equivalent to original aerial platform parts or components. 9 Maintenance training. The owners shall train their maintenance personnel in inspection and maintenance of the aerial platform in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and Sections 6.2 through 6.11 (Responsibilities of Owners) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Training Operator training. Whenever an owner directs or authorizes an employee to operate an aerial platform (loading, unloading, inspecting or any form of use) the owner shall assume the responsibilities of the user as specified in Section 7 (Responsibilities of Users) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard and shall ensure the person has been: (1) Trained. (2) Familiarized with the aerial platform to be operated. (3) Made aware of the responsibilities of operators as outlined in Section 8 of this Standard. Assistance to user. Upon request of the user, when an owner leases, rents or provides an aerial platform for any form of beneficial use, the owner at that time shall offer to do training or advise the user where training may reasonably be secured. Familiarization upon delivery. Upon delivery for lease, rental or any form of beneficial use, the owner shall have the responsibility with the person designated by the receiving entity for accepting the aerial platform to: (1) Identify the weather resistant compartment (for manual storage). (2) Confirm that the manuals, as specified by the manufacturer, are on the aerial platform. (3) Review control functions with the operator or person(s) designated by the user. (4) Review safety devices specific to the model aerial platform being delivered. Operation. When an owner operates an aerial platform, the owner shall have the responsibilities of users as specified in Section 7 (Responsibilities of Users) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard and his operating personnel shall have responsibilities of operators as specified in Section 8 (Responsibilities of Operators) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Assistance to users and operators. If an owner is unable to answer a user's or operator's question(s) relating to rated capacity, intended use, maintenance, repair, inspection, or operation of the aerial platform, the owner shall obtain the proper information from the dealer or manufacturer and provide that information to the user or operator. Record Retention and Dissemination Record retention. The owner shall date and retain the following records for at least 4 years: (1) Name and address of the purchaser of each aerial platform by serial number and date of delivery. (2) Written records of the frequent and annual inspections and repairs performed. The record shall include deficiencies found, corrective action accomplished and identification of the person(s) performing the inspection and repairs. (3) Written records of repairs accomplished on the aerial platform. The records shall include corrective action accomplished and identification of the person(s) performing the repairs. (4) Pre-delivery preparation performed prior to each delivery. 10 (5) Name of the person(s) trained. (6) Name of person(s) providing training. (7) Name of person(s) receiving familiarization upon delivery, unless the individual has been provided with familiarization on the same model, or one having characteristics consistent with the one being delivered, within the prior 90 days. (8) Name of person(s) providing familiarization upon delivery. Proof of training. Owners providing training should provide successful trainees a means to evidence their training and shall provide such proof if requested by the trainee. The document evidencing training shall include the following information: (1) Name of trainee (2) Name of entity providing training or retraining. (3) Name of trainer(s). (4) Clear identification that training covered Self Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. (5) Date of training. Record dissemination. Upon request, an owner accomplishing training and/or familiarization shall provide the following: (1) to a user, proof of training for an operator, including name of trainer and date of training; (2) to a user, the name of the person(s) receiving familiarization upon delivery of the aerial platform. Modifications. Modification, alteration or remanufacture of an aerial platform shall be made only with prior written permission of the manufacturer (remanufacturer). Should the manufacturer (remanufacturer) no longer exist, a qualified person may approve such modifications. All modifications shall meet the applicable manufacturer’s requirements as specified in Section 4 (Responsibilities of Manufacturers) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Manufacturer's Safety Bulletins. The owner shall comply with safety-related bulletins as received from the manufacturer (remanufacturer) or the dealer. Responsibilities upon sale. Upon sale of the aerial platform, the seller: (1) Shall, upon delivery, ensure the operating and maintenance manuals are conveyed to the new owner. (2) Shall, upon delivery, provide a copy of the current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Operators, Users, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms to the new owner. (3) Should provide repair and parts manuals to the new owner. (4) Shall, upon the request of the new owner, offer to do training or advise where training may reasonably be obtained. Responsibilities of Users Basic principles. The information in this standard must be supplemented by good job management, safety control, and the application of sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance, application, and operation, consistent with all data available regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment. Since the user has direct control over the application and operation of aerial platforms, conformance with good safety practices in this area is the responsibility of the user and the operating personnel, including the operator. Decisions on the use and operation of the 11 aerial platform must always be made with due consideration for the fact that the aerial platform will be carrying personnel whose safety is dependent on those decisions. Manuals Machine manuals. Users shall keep and maintain a copy(ies) of the operating and maintenance manual(s) in the weather resistant storage compartment provided by the manufacturer. The manual(s) is considered an integral part of the aerial platform and is vital to communicate necessary safety information to users and operators. Manual of Responsibilities. The current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of Self- Propelled Elevating Work Platforms shall be provided and stored in the weather resistant storage compartment. Inspection and maintenance. Users shall inspect and maintain the aerial platform as required to ensure proper operation. The frequency of inspection and maintenance shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations taking into account the environment of the work place and the severity of use of the aerial platform. Aerial platforms that are not in proper operating condition shall be immediately removed from service until repaired. Repairs shall be made by a qualified person and the repairs shall be in conformance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Frequent inspection. Users of an aerial platform shall ensure that frequent inspections are conducted as outlined in Section 6.6 (Responsibilities of Owners) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Annual inspection. Users of an aerial platform shall ensure that annual inspections are conducted as outlined in Section 6.7 (Responsibilities of Owners) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Prestart inspection. Before use each day or at the beginning of each shift, the aerial platform shall be given a visual inspection and functional test including but not limited to the following: (1) Operating and emergency controls. (2) Safety devices. (3) Air, hydraulic and fuel system leaks. (4) Cables and wiring harness. (5) Loose or missing parts. (6) Tires and wheels. (7) Placards, warnings, control markings, and operating manual(s). (8) Outriggers, stabilizers, and other structures. (9) Guardrail system. (10) Items specified by the manufacturer. Maintenance safety precautions. Before adjustments and repairs are started on an aerial platform, the following precautions shall be taken as applicable: (1) Powerplant stopped and starting means rendered inoperative; (2) All controls in the "Off” position and all operating systems secured from inadvertent motion by brakes, blocks, or other means; (3) Elevating assembly and platform lowered to the full down position, if possible, or otherwise secured by blocking or cribbing to prevent dropping; 12 (4) Hydraulic oil pressure relieved from all hydraulic circuits before loosening or removing hydraulic components; (5) Safety props or latches installed where applicable as prescribed by the manufacturer (remanufacturer); (6) Precautions specified by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). Replacement parts. When parts or components are replaced, they shall be identical or equivalent to original aerial platform parts or components. Maintenance training. The user shall ensure only qualified personnel inspect and maintain the aerial platform in accordance with the manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) recommendations and Sections 7.3 and 7.4 (Responsibilities of Users) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Operator training and retraining. Whenever a user directs or authorizes an individual to operate an aerial platform the user shall ensure the person has been: (1) Trained before being assigned to operate the aerial platform. (2) Familiarized with the aerial platform to be operated. (3) Made aware of responsibilities of operators as outlined in Section 8 (Responsibilities of Operators) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. (4) Retrained, if necessary, based on the user’s observation and evaluation of the operator. Trainee records. A record of the trainee’s aerial platform instruction shall be maintained by the user for at least 4 years. Familiarization before use. The user shall permit only properly trained personnel to operate an aerial platform. The user shall ensure that before use the operator is familiar with the model of the aerial platform to be operated, and specifically: (1) knows where the weather resistant compartment for manual storage is located. (2) knows the operating and maintenance manuals supplied by the manufacturer (remanufacturer) are stored in the weather resistant compartment and is familiar with the operating and safety manuals. (3) understands all control functions, placards and warnings. (4) is aware of and understands all safety devices specific to the model aerial platform being used. Workplace inspection. Before the aerial platform is used and during use, the user shall check the area in which the aerial platform is to be used for possible hazards such as, but not limited to: (1) Drop-offs or holes, including those concealed by water, ice, mud, etc. (2) Slope(s). (3) Bumps and floor obstructions. (4) Debris. (5) Overhead obstructions and high voltage conductors. (6) Hazardous locations and atmospheres (reference ANSI/NFPA 505-1996). (7) Inadequate surface and support to withstand all load forces imposed by the aerial platform in all operating configurations. (8) Wind and weather conditions. (9) Presence of unauthorized persons. (10) Other possible unsafe conditions. 13 Determination of hazardous locations. It shall be the responsibility of the user to determine the hazard classification of the intended location of operation. Aerial platforms operated in hazardous locations shall be approved in accordance with, and of the type required, by ANSI/NFPA 505-1996. Operator warnings and instructions. The user shall direct personnel operating the aerial platform to be in compliance with the provisions set forth Section 8 (Responsibilities of Operators) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. The user shall monitor their performance and supervise their work to ensure the use, application and operation of the aerial platform is in conformance with the provisions set forth in this standard, warn personnel of potential hazards, provide means to protect against identified hazards, and explain the potential consequences of not following proper operating guidelines. Instructions and guidelines regarding proper operation shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following issues and subjects: (1) Fall protection. The guardrail system of the aerial platform provides fall protection. If occupant(s) of the platform are required to wear personal fall protection equipment (PFPE), occupants shall comply with instructions provided by the aerial platform manufacturer (remanufacturer) regarding anchorage(s). (2) Slope and grade. The aerial platform shall not be operated in any manner on grades, side slopes or ramps exceeding those for which the aerial platform is rated by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). (3) Deployment of stability enhancing means. Outriggers, stabilizers, extendible axles, oscillating axles or other stability enhancing means shall be deployed and locked into place as required by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). (4) Guardrail system. Guardrails shall be installed and positioned, and access gates or openings shall be closed per the manufacturer's (remanufacturer’s) instructions. (5) Distribution of load. The load and its distribution on the platform and any platform extension(s) shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's (remanufacturer’s) rated capacity for that specific configuration. (6) Maintain overhead clearance. The operator shall be instructed to ensure that adequate clearance is maintained from overhead obstructions and energized electrical conductors and parts. (7) Electrocution hazard. All applicable safety related work practices intended to prevent electric shock covered by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.333 shall be defined and explained to the operator by a qualified person. In particular, such person shall direct the operator, commensurate with the operator’s qualifications, to maintain the appropriate minimum approach distance (MAD) from energized power lines and parts covered by CFR 1910.333 (c). (8) Personal protective equipment (PPE). The user shall direct the operator to ensure all personnel on the platform wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as required. (9) Personnel footing. Personnel shall maintain a firm footing on the platform floor while working thereon. Climbing by occupants on the midrail or toprail of the aerial platform is prohibited. The use of planks, ladders, or any other devices on the platform for achieving additional height or reach is prohibited. 14 (10) Precaution for other moving equipment. When other moving equipment and vehicles are present, special precautions shall be taken to comply with local ordinances or safety standards established for the workplace. Warnings such as, but not limited to, flags, roped off areas, flashing lights, and barricades shall be used as appropriate. (11) Reporting problems or malfunctions. The user shall direct the operator to immediately report to a supervisor any problem(s) or malfunction(s) that become evident during operation. The user shall ensure all problems and malfunctions are repaired prior to continued use. (12) Reporting potentially hazardous locations. The user shall direct the operator to immediately report to a supervisor any potentially hazardous location(s) that become evident during operation. (13) Hazardous location operation. Operation of aerial platforms not approved and marked for operation in a hazardous location shall be prohibited. (14) Entanglement. Care shall be taken to prevent rope, electric cords, and hoses, etc., from becoming entangled in the aerial platform. (15) Capacity limitations. Rated capacities shall not be exceeded when loads are transferred to the platform at any height. (16) Work area. The user shall direct the operator to ensure the area surrounding the aerial platform is clear of personnel and equipment before lowering the platform. (17) Fueling. The engine (if applicable) shall be shut down while fuel tanks are being filled. Fueling shall be done in a well-ventilated area free of flame, sparks, or other hazards that may cause fire or explosion. (18) Battery charging. Batteries shall only be charged in a well-ventilated area free of flame, sparks, or other hazards that may cause fire or explosion. (19) Improper platform stabilization. The aerial platform shall not be positioned against another object to steady the platform or improve stability. (20) Misuse as a crane. The aerial platform shall not be used as a crane. (21) Unusual operating support conditions. The aerial platform shall not be operated from a position on trucks, trailers, railway cars, floating vessels, scaffolds, or similar equipment unless the application is approved in writing by the manufacturer (remanufacturer) or a qualified person. (22) Travel speeds. The user shall direct the operator to limit travel speed according to conditions, including the condition of the support surface, congestion, visibility, slope, location of personnel, and other factors leading to hazards which may cause collision(s) or result in potential injury(ies) to personnel. (23) Driving requirements. Before and during driving the aerial platform, the user shall direct the operator to: (a) Maintain a clear view of the support surface and route of travel. (b) Ensure personnel in the worksite area that may be affected are aware of the movement, communicating and maneuvering the aerial platform as required to protect against personal injury. 15 (c) Maintain a safe distance from obstacles, debris, drop-offs, holes, depressions, ramps, and other hazards to ensure safe travel. (d) Maintain a safe distance from overhead obstacles and energized electrical conductors. (24) Stunt driving. The user shall inform the operator that stunt driving and horseplay are prohibited. (25) Securing the aerial platform. The user shall direct the operator to implement means provided to protect against use by an unauthorized person(s). (26) Altering safety devices. Interlocks or other safety devices shall not be altered or disabled. (27) Snagged platform. If the platform/basket or supporting assembly becomes caught, snagged, or otherwise prevented from normal motion by adjacent structures or other obstacles such that control reversal does not free the platform, all personnel shall be removed from the platform/basket before attempts are made to free the platform using lower controls. (28) Vacating (or entering) an elevated aerial platform. If permitted by the manufacturer, personnel shall only vacate or enter a raised aerial platform by following the guidelines and instructions provided by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). (29) Modifications. Modification or alteration of an aerial platform or the fabrication and attaching of frameworks, or the mounting of attachments for holding tools or materials onto the platform or the guardrail system shall only be accomplished with the prior written permission of the manufacturer (remanufacturer). Should the manufacturer (remanufacturer) no longer exist, a qualified person may approve such modifications. All modifications shall meet the applicable manufacturer’s requirements as specified in Section 4 (Responsibilities of Manufacturers) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. (30) Assistance to the operator. If an operator encounters any suspected malfunction of the aerial platform, or any hazard or potentially unsafe condition relating to capacity, intended use or safe operation of the aerial platform, the operator shall cease operation of the aerial platform and request further information from the user. (31) Problems or malfunctions. Any problem(s) or malfunction(s) that affect the safety of operations shall be repaired prior to the use of the aerial platform. (32) Carrying materials (larger than the platform.) The user shall ensure that only tools and materials which are evenly distributed and can be safely handled by a person(s) working from the platform are transported. (33) Rated horizontal force. The user shall direct the operator not to exceed the manufacturer's (remanufacturer’s) rated horizontal force. (34) Bridge cranes. When an aerial platform is to operate within the area of travel of a bridge crane or similar equipment, steps shall be taken to prevent a collision with the aerial platform. 16 (35) Adequate support requirements. The user shall insure the support surface is adequate for the aerial platform and the load carried. (36) Leveling the aerial platform. Outriggers and leveling devices supplied by the manufacturer (remanufacturer) shall be utilized to level the aerial platform when provided. (37) Protecting against unauthorized use. The user shall direct the operator not to use, rent, lease, or provide the aerial platform for any form of beneficial use unless so authorized. User as Operator. If a user is also the operator of an aerial platform, the user shall have the Responsibilities of Operators specified in Section 8 of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard as well as Responsibilities of Users as specified in Section 7 of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Shutdown of aerial platform. The user shall authorize and direct the operating personnel to cease operation of the aerial platform in case of any suspected malfunctions of the aerial platform, or any hazard or potentially unsafe condition that may be encountered, and to request further information as to safe operation from the owner, dealer, or manufacturer before further operation of the aerial platform. Record Retention and Dissemination Record retention. The user shall retain the following records for at least 4 years: (1) Names of the operator(s) trained and retrained. (2) Names of operator(s) provided familiarization. (3) The owner (or the entity designated by the owner) is responsible to ensure frequent and annual inspections are conducted and written records are maintained. The records shall include the date of the inspection, any deficiencies found, the corrective action recommended and identification of the person(s) performing the inspection. (4) When employees of the user accomplish repairs on the aerial platform, the user shall maintain written records. The record shall include the date of repair, a description of the work accomplished, and identification of the person(s) performing the repair. Record dissemination (1) When the user directs personnel to accomplish frequent or annual inspections, not later than 60 days after the inspections, the appropriate records shall be provided to the owner of the aerial platform. (2) When the user directs personnel to accomplish repairs on the aerial platform, not later than 60 days after the repairs are accomplished, the appropriate records shall be provided to the owner. Proof of training. Users providing training should provide successful trainees a means to evidence their training and shall provide such proof if requested by the trainee. The document evidencing training shall include the following information: (1) Name of trainee. (2) Name of entity providing training or retraining. (3) Name of trainer(s). (4) Clear identification that training covered Self Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. (5) Date of training. 17 Modifications. Modification, alteration or remanufacture of an aerial platform shall be made only with prior written permission of the manufacturer (remanufacturer). Should the manufacturer (remanufacturer) no longer exist, a qualified person may approve such modifications. All modifications shall meet the applicable manufacturer’s requirements as specified in Section 4 (Responsibilities of Manufacturers) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Manufacturer's safety bulletins. The user shall comply with safety-related bulletins as received from the manufacturer (remanufacturer), dealer or owner. Responsibilities of Operators Basic principles. The information in this standard shall be supplemented by good judgment, safety control, and caution in evaluating each situation. Since the operator is in direct control of the aerial platform, conformance with good safety practices in this area is the responsibility of the operator. The operator shall make decisions on the use and operation of the aerial platform with due consideration for the fact that his or her own safety as well as the safety of other personnel on the platform is dependent on those decisions. Manuals Machine manuals. The operator shall ensure the operating and maintenance manuals are stored in the weather resistant storage compartment on the aerial platform. The manual(s) is considered an integral part of the aerial platform and is vital to communicate necessary safety information to the operator. The operator shall be familiar with the manuals and reference them as required. Manual of Responsibilities. The operator shall be familiar with the requirements for operators as set forth in Section 8 (Responsibilities of Operators) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard for dealers, owners, users, operators, lessors, lessees, and brokers of Self-Propelling Elevating Work Platforms. The current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms shall be provided and stored in the weather resistant storage compartment. Prestart inspection. Before use each day or at the beginning of each shift, the aerial platform shall be given a visual inspection and functional test including but not limited to the following: (1) Operating and emergency controls. (2) Safety devices. (3) Personal protective devices. (4) Air, hydraulic, and fuel systems leaks. (5) Cables and wiring harness. (6) Loose or missing parts. (7) Tires and wheels. (8) Placards, warnings, control markings, and operating manual(s). (9) Outriggers, stabilizers and other structures. (10) Guardrail system. (11) Items specified by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). Problems or malfunctions. Any problems or malfunctions that affect the safety of operations shall be repaired prior to the use of the aerial platform. 18 Training, Retraining, and Familiarization General training. Only personnel who have received general instructions regarding the inspection, application and operation of aerial platforms, including recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with their operation, shall operate an aerial platform. Such items covered shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following issues and requirements: (1) The purpose and use of manuals. (2) That operating manuals are an integral part of the aerial platform and must be stored properly in the weather resistant compartment when not in use. (3) A pre-start inspection. (4) Responsibilities associated with problems or malfunctions affecting the operation of the aerial platform. (5) Factors affecting stability. (6) The purpose of placards and decals. (7) Workplace inspection. (8) Safety rules and regulations. (9) Authorization to operate. (10) Operator warnings and instructions. (11) Actual operation of the aerial platform. Under the direction of a qualified person, the trainee shall operate the aerial platform for a sufficient period of time to demonstrate proficiency in the actual operation of the aerial platform. Retraining. The operator shall be retrained, when so directed by the user, based on the user’s observation and evaluation of the operator. Familiarization. When an operator is directed to operate an aerial platform, he/she is not familiar with, the operator shall receive instructions regarding the following items: (1) The location of the weather resistant compartment (for manual storage). (2) The purpose and function of all controls. (3) Safety devices and operating characteristics specific to the aerial platform. Before operation. Before operation, the operator shall: (1) Read and understand the manufacturer's (remanufacturer’s) operating instruction(s) and user's safety rules or have them explained. (2) Understand all labels, warnings and instructions displayed on the aerial platform or have them explained. (3) Ensure all occupants of the aerial platform wear appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) for the conditions, including the environment in which the aerial platform will be operated. Workplace inspection. Before the aerial platform is used and during use, the operator shall check the area in which the aerial platform is to be used for possible hazards such as, but not limited to: (1) Drop-offs or holes, including those concealed by water, ice, mud, etc. (2) Slope(s). (3) Bumps and floor obstructions. (4) Debris. (5) Overhead obstructions and electrical conductors. (6) Hazardous locations and atmospheres (reference ANSI/NFPA 505-1995). (7) Inadequate surface and support to withstand all load forces imposed by the aerial platform in all operating configurations. (8) Wind and weather conditions. 19 (9) Presence of unauthorized persons. (10) Other possible unsafe conditions. Prior to each elevation. Before each elevation of the platform, the operator shall ensure: (1) Outriggers, stabilizers, extendible axles, or other stability enhancing means, are used as required by the manufacturer. (2) Guardrails are installed, and access gates or openings are closed per manufacturer's (remanufacturer’s) instructions. (3) The load and its distribution on the platform and any platform extension(s) are in accordance with the manufacturer's (remanufacturer’s) rated capacity for that specific configuration. (4) All personnel on the aerial platform have appropriate safety gear for the work and environment envisioned. Understanding of hazardous locations. It shall be the responsibility of the operator to understand the hazard classification of the intended location of operation according to ANSI/NFPA 505 - 1996. Operator warnings and instructions. The operator shall ensure the operation of the aerial platform is in compliance with the following: (1) Fall protection. The guardrail system of the aerial platform provides fall protection. If occupant(s) of the platform are required to wear personal fall protection equipment (PFPE), occupants shall comply with instructions provided by the aerial platform manufacturer (remanufacturer) regarding anchorage(s). (2) Slope and grade. The aerial platform shall not be operated in any manner on grades, side slopes or ramps exceeding those for which the aerial platform is rated by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). (3) Deployment of stability enhancing means. Outriggers, stabilizers, extendible axles, oscillating axles or other stability enhancing means shall be deployed and locked into place as required by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). (4) Guardrail system. Guardrails shall be installed and positioned, and access gates or openings shall be closed per the manufacturer's (remanufacturer’s) instructions. (5) Distribution of load. The load and its distribution on the platform and any platform extension(s) shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's rated capacity for that specific configuration. (6) Maintaining overhead clearance. The operator shall ensure that adequate clearance is maintained from overhead obstructions and energized electrical conductors and parts. (7) Electrocution hazard. The operator shall perform only that work for which he or she is qualified, in compliance with all applicable safety related work practices intended to prevent electric shock covered by the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.333. The operator’s level of competence shall be established only by persons qualified to do so. Operators shall maintain the appropriate minimum approach distance (MAD) from energized power lines and parts covered by CFR 1910.333 (c). 20 (8) Personal protective equipment (PPE). The operator shall ensure all occupants of the platform wear personal protective equipment as required. (9) Personnel footing. Personnel shall maintain firm footing on the platform floor while working thereon. Climbing by occupants on the mid-rail or top rail of the aerial platform is prohibited. The use of planks, ladders, or any other devices on the platform for achieving additional height or reach is prohibited. (10) Precaution for other moving equipment. When other moving equipment and vehicles are present, special precautions shall be taken to comply with local ordinances or safety standards established for the workplace. Warnings such as, but not limited to, flags, roped off areas, flashing lights, and barricades shall be used as appropriate. (11) Reporting problems or malfunctions. The operator shall immediately report to a supervisor any problem(s) or malfunction(s) that become evident during operation. The operator shall ensure all problem(s) or malfunction(s) that affect the safety of operations are repaired prior to continued use. (12) Reporting potentially hazardous locations. The operator shall immediately report to a supervisor any potentially hazardous location(s) that become evident during operation. (13) Hazardous location operation. Operation of aerial platforms not approved and marked for operation in a hazardous location shall be prohibited. (14) Entanglement. Care shall be taken to prevent rope, electric cords, and hoses, etc., from becoming entangled in the aerial platform. (15) Capacity limitations. Rated capacities shall not be exceeded when loads are transferred to the platform at any height. (16) Work area. The operator shall ensure the area surrounding the aerial platform is clear of personnel and equipment before lowering the platform. (17) Fueling. The engine (if applicable) shall be shut down while fuel tanks are being filled. Fueling shall be done in a well-ventilated area free of flame, sparks, or other hazards that may cause fire or explosion. (18) Battery charging. Batteries shall only be charged in a well-ventilated area free of flame, sparks, or other hazards that may cause fire or explosion. (19) Improper platform stabilization. The aerial platform shall not be positioned against another object to steady the platform or improve stability. (20) Misuse as a crane. The aerial platform shall not be used as a crane. (21) Unusual operating support conditions. The aerial platform shall not be operated from a position on trucks, trailers, railway cars, floating vessels, scaffolds, or similar equipment unless the application is approved in writing by the manufacturer (remanufacturer) or a qualified person. 21 (22) Travel speeds. The operator shall limit travel speed according to conditions, including the condition of the support surface, congestion, visibility, slope, location of personnel, and other factors leading to hazards which may cause collision(s) or result in potential injury(ies) to personnel. (23) Driving requirements. Before and during driving the aerial platform, the operator shall: (a) Maintain a clear view of the support surface and route of travel. (b) Ensure personnel in the worksite area that may be affected are aware of the movement, communicating and maneuvering the aerial platform as required to protect against personal injury. (c) Maintain a safe distance from obstacles, debris, drop-offs, holes, depressions, ramps, and other hazards to ensure safe travel. (d) Maintain a safe distance from overhead obstacles and energized electrical conductors. (24) Stunt driving. Stunt driving and horseplay are prohibited. (25) Securing the aerial platform. The operator shall implement means provided to protect against use by an unauthorized person(s). (26) Altering safety devices. Interlocks or other safety devices shall not be altered or disabled. (27) Snagged platform. If the platform/basket or supporting assembly becomes caught, snagged, or otherwise prevented from normal motion by adjacent structures or other obstacles such that control reversal does not free the platform, all personnel shall be removed from the platform/basket before attempts are made to free the platform using lower controls. (28) Vacating (or entering) an elevated aerial platform. If permitted by the manufacturer, personnel shall only vacate or enter a raised aerial platform by following the guidelines and instructions provided by the manufacturer (remanufacturer). (29) Modifications. Modification or alteration of an aerial platform or the fabrication and attaching of frameworks, or the mounting of attachments for holding tools or materials onto the platform or the guardrail system shall only be accomplished with the prior written permission of the manufacturer (remanufacturer). Should the manufacturer (remanufacturer) no longer exist, a qualified person may approve such modifications. All modifications shall meet the applicable manufacturer’s requirements as specified in Section 4 (Responsibilities of Manufacturers) of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. (30) Assistance to the operator. If an operator encounters any suspected malfunction of the aerial platform, or any hazard or potentially unsafe condition relating to capacity, intended use or safe operation of the aerial platform, the operator shall cease operation of the aerial platform and request further information from the user. (31) Problem(s) or malfunction(s). Any problems or malfunctions that affect the safety of operations shall be repaired prior to the use of the aerial platform. (32) Carrying materials (larger than the platform.) 22 The operator shall ensure only tools and materials which are evenly distributed and can be safely handled by a person(s) working from the platform, shall be transported. (33) Rated horizontal force. The operator shall not permit personnel on the platform to exceed the manufacturer’s (remanufacturer’s) rated horizontal force. (34) Bridge cranes. When an aerial platform is to operate within the area of travel of a bridge crane or similar equipment, steps shall be taken to prevent a collision with the aerial platform. (35) Adequate support requirements. The operator shall ensure the support surface is adequate for the aerial platform and the load carried. (36) Leveling the aerial platform. Outriggers and leveling devices supplied by the manufacturer shall be utilized to level the aerial platform when provided. (37) Protecting against unauthorized use. The operator shall not use, rent, lease, or provide the aerial platform for any form of beneficial use to another entity without the authorization of the user. Record of training. When provided or when obtained upon the operator’s request, proof of training provided by the training entity should be retained by the operator. Records shall contain the following information: (1) Name of trainee. (2) Name of entity providing training or retraining. (3) Name of trainer(s). (4) Clear identification that training covered Self Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. (5) Date of training. Responsibilities of Lessors Basic principles. Sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance, application, and operation consistent with all data available regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment shall be applied in the performance of responsibilities of lessors with due consideration of the knowledge that the aerial platform will be carrying personnel. Lessor as a dealer. When a lessor is a dealer for the manufacturer of the aerial platform being leased, the lessor shall have the responsibilities of dealers as specified in Section 5 of this standard. Lessor as an owner. When a lessor is the owner of the aerial platform being leased, the lessor shall have the responsibilities of owners as specified in Section 6 of this standard. Lessor as a user. When a lessor is the user of the aerial platform, the lessor shall have the responsibilities of users as specified in Section 7 of this standard. Lessor as an operator. When a lessor is the operator of the aerial platform, the lessor shall have the responsibilities of operators as specified in Section 8 of this standard. 23 Responsibilities of Lessees Basic principles. Sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance, application, and operation consistent with all data available regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment shall be applied in the performance of responsibilities of lessees with due consideration of the knowledge that the aerial platform will be carrying personnel. Lessee as a Dealer. When a lessee is also the dealer for the manufacturer (remanufacturer) of the aerial platform, the lessee shall have the Responsibilities of Dealers as specified in Section 5 of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Lessee as an Owner. When a lessee is the owner of the aerial platform, the lessee shall have the Responsibilities of Owners as specified in Section 6 of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Lessee as a User. When a lessee is the user of the aerial platform, the lessee shall have the Responsibilities of Users as specified in Section 7 of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Lessee as an Operator. When a lessee is the operator of the aerial platform, the lessee shall have the Responsibilities of Operators as specified in Section 8 of the ANSI / SAIA A92.6 Standard. Responsibilities of Broker Responsibilities upon sale. The broker shall: (1) Upon delivery, ensure the operating and maintenance manuals are provided to the new owner. (2) Upon delivery, provide a copy of the current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Operators, Users, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms to the new owner. (3) Maintain records of the sale for a minimum of four (4) years. Responsibilities with re-rents, leases, or any other form of beneficial use. When compensation is received as a result of a re-rent, lease or any form of beneficial use of an aerial platform, the broker shall: (1) Upon delivery, ensure the operating and maintenance manuals are provided to the user. (2) Upon delivery, provide a copy of the current Manual of Responsibilities for Dealers, Operators, Users, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. (3) Ensure operating personnel are familiarized with the aerial platform prior to use. (4) Retain records of the transaction for a minimum of four (4) years. 24 Scan Link Below Safety Starts with You! OM-1202 700 Enterprise Drive Lexington KY 40510 Additional copies of this manual are available from your CLARK dealer. ">

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