Automotive Data Solutions ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] Chrysler 300 2018 Installation Guide
Automotive Data Solutions ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] is a remote start module designed for 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT. It enables engine starting from a distance, allowing for pre-heating/cooling of the cabin and provides additional features such as remote door locking and unlocking, trunk/hatch operation (if supported), and more. The module requires professional installation by a Certified Technician and includes comprehensive installation guide, programming procedures and troubleshooting steps.
INSTALL GUIDE 2011-2017 CHRYSLER 300 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A C D B T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 MS1 HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A D B T002_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 1 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T002_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Chrysler 300 PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 CHRYSLER 300 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 C A D E B T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 42 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1: OBDII HOLDER VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK MS1 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 1 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS7 VS4 NC 1: OBDII HOLDER VS8 NC PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY VS5 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 JS2 NC JS1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, BEHIND GLOVEBOX (E) JS3 VS9 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK VS10 PURPLE VS11 NC VS12 MS2 NC HORN (-) T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 B A C T008_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM, ABOVE PASSENGER KICK PANEL (C) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 42 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T008_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Chrysler 300 PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2015-2017 DODGE CHALLENGER PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A C D B T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 MS1 PURPLE MS2 T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC PURPLE MS2 T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A C D B T007_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) 1 M5 M4 GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 6 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED/LTGREEN - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - IGNITION (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T007_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2015-2017 Dodge Challenger PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 DODGE CHALLENGER PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 C A D E B T009_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 42 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T009_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1: OBDII HOLDER VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK MS1 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 1 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T009_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) VS8 1 : BLACK NC 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 JS2 NC JS1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, BEHIND GLOVEBOX (E) JS3 VS9 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK VS10 PURPLE VS11 NC VS12 MS2 NC HORN (-) T009_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 B A C T009_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) 1 M5 M4 GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 6 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED/LTGREEN - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM, ABOVE PASSENGER KICK PANEL (C) 1 : BLACK 1 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - IGNITION (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T009_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Challenger PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2011-2017 DODGE CHARGER PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A C D B T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 MS1 HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T002_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A D B T002_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 1 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T002_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Charger PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 DODGE CHARGER PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 C A D E B T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 2 3 2 1 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 42 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1: OBDII HOLDER VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 2 3 2 1 2 : BLACK MS1 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 1 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS7 VS4 NC 1: OBDII HOLDER VS8 NC PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY VS5 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 JS2 NC JS1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, BEHIND GLOVEBOX (E) JS3 VS9 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK VS10 PURPLE VS11 NC VS12 MS2 NC HORN (-) T008_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 B A C T008_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM, ABOVE PASSENGER KICK PANEL (C) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 2 3 2 1 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 42 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 4 3 2 1 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T008_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Charger PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2013-2016 DODGE DART PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T005_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T005_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC VS8 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T005_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC VS8 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T005_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T005_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 4 5 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T005_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2016 Dodge Dart PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2014-2017 DODGE DURANGO PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A C D B T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 MS1 HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T006_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A D E B T006_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/GREEN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/GREEN OR WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - IGNITION (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T006_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Dodge Durango PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018-2019 DODGE DURANGO PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 C A D E B T010_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 1 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (E) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 1 OR OR 1 2 3 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T010_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK MS1 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 1 OR OR CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. 48 47 46 45 44 43 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 HORN (-) PURPLE 42 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 4 3 2 1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (E) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 1 MS2 1 2 3 T010_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) VS8 1 : BLACK NC 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 JS2 NC JS1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (E) JS3 VS9 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK VS10 PURPLE VS11 NC VS12 MS2 NC HORN (-) T010_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A B D C T010_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/GREEN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/GREEN OR WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM, ABOVE PASSENGER KICK PANEL (C) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - IGNITION (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 5 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE OR OR CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 1 2 3 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T010_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Dodge Durango PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2011-2017 DODGE JOURNEY PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A C D B T001_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T001_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 MS1 HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T001_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 3 2 1 15 14 13 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) PURPLE MS2 T001_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A C D B T001_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 1 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 3 2 1 15 14 13 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T001_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2011-2017 Dodge Journey PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 DODGE JOURNEY PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 C A D E B T012_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 5 4 3 2 1 BCM (D) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 2 3 2 1 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 6 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 42 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (E) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 OR 1 2 3 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 OR HORN (-) MS1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE T012_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) 1 : BLACK VS8 1 NC 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 2 3 2 1 2 : BLACK MS1 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 1 OR OR CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. 48 47 46 45 44 43 41 40 39 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 HORN (-) PURPLE 42 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 4 3 2 1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (E) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 1 MS2 1 2 3 T012_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS6 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS5 VS7 NC BCM (D) VS8 1 : BLACK NC 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 MS1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 3 2 1 2 JS2 NC JS1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (E) JS3 VS9 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK VS10 PURPLE VS11 NC VS12 MS2 NC HORN (-) T012_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 B A D C T012_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BLUE - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1 PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 03 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT 6 5 4 3 2 1 BCM, ABOVE PASSENGER KICK PANEL (C) 1 : BLACK 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 HOOD STATUS (-) PURPLE/LTBLUE - 11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 15 14 13 2 3 2 1 2 : BLACK M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) 5 48 47 46 45 44 43 CANH (DATA) BROWN - 25 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 26 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE OR OR CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 1 2 3 HORN (-) M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT T012_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Dodge Journey PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2014-2017 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T004_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/GREEN OR WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T004_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T004_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T004_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T004_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/GREEN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/GREEN OR WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T004_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2014-2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018-2019 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C D B T011_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK 1 2 3 4 5 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/GREEN OR WHITE/BROWN - 01 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 1 2 3 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T011_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1: OBDII HOLDER VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 1 MS1 1 2 3 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. PURPLE MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T011_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 M2 M3 1: PTS CONNECTOR M5 M4 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 VIDE M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) VS9 MS1 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK JS2 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK NC JS1 VS10 JS3 VS11 NC VS12 PURPLE NC MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T011_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 B PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C T011_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/GREEN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/GREEN OR WHITE/BROWN - 01 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (C) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) WHITE/GREEN - 01 1 2 3 CANL (DATA) WHITE/BLUE - 02 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T011_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018-2019 Jeep Grand Cherokee PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2013-2017 RAM 1500 DIESEL PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 RAM 1500 DIESEL PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C E D B T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK 1 2 3 4 5 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 2 3 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 OR CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 OR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 1 OR OR MS1 2 1 3 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. CANH (DATA) ORANGE -02 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 PURPLE MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) VS9 MS1 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK JS2 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK NC JS1 VS10 JS3 VS11 NC VS12 PURPLE NC MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A B C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 D T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (C) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 2 1 3 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING MODULE (D) OR OR M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 2 3 4 CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 6 7 8 9 10 5 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2013-2017 RAM 1500 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 1500 PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 RAM 1500 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C E D B T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK 1 2 3 4 5 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 2 3 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 OR CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 OR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 1 OR OR MS1 2 1 3 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. CANH (DATA) ORANGE -02 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 PURPLE MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) VS9 MS1 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK JS2 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK NC JS1 VS10 JS3 VS11 NC VS12 PURPLE NC MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A B C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 D T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (C) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 2 1 3 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING MODULE (D) OR OR M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 2 3 4 CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 6 7 8 9 10 5 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 1500 PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2013-2017 RAM 2500 DIESEL PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 RAM 2500 DIESEL PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C E D B T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK 1 2 3 4 5 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 2 3 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 OR CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 OR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 1 OR OR MS1 2 1 3 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. CANH (DATA) ORANGE -02 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 PURPLE MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) VS9 MS1 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK JS2 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK NC JS1 VS10 JS3 VS11 NC VS12 PURPLE NC MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A B C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 D T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (C) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 2 1 3 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING MODULE (D) OR OR M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 2 3 4 CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 6 7 8 9 10 5 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2013-2017 RAM 2500 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 2500 PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 RAM 2500 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C E D B T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK 1 2 3 4 5 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 2 3 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 OR CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 OR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 1 OR OR MS1 2 1 3 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. CANH (DATA) ORANGE -02 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 PURPLE MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) VS9 MS1 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK JS2 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK NC JS1 VS10 JS3 VS11 NC VS12 PURPLE NC MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A B C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 D T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (C) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 2 1 3 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING MODULE (D) OR OR M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 2 3 4 CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 6 7 8 9 10 5 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 2500 PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2013-2017 RAM 3500 DIESEL PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 RAM 3500 DIESEL PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C E D B T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK 1 2 3 4 5 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 2 3 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 OR CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 OR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 1 OR OR MS1 2 1 3 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. CANH (DATA) ORANGE -02 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 PURPLE MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) VS9 MS1 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK JS2 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK NC JS1 VS10 JS3 VS11 NC VS12 PURPLE NC MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A B C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 D T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (C) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 2 1 3 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING MODULE (D) OR OR M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 2 3 4 CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 6 7 8 9 10 5 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 Diesel PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2013-2017 RAM 3500 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC MS1 JS2 JS1 JS3 NC HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 PURPLE MS2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 A C B T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 5 4 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CANH (DATA) GRAY/WHITE - 06 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 14 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T003_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2013-2017 Ram 3500 PTS AT INSTALL GUIDE 2018 RAM 3500 PTS AT DOCUMENT NUMBER REVISION DATE 20190816 FIRMWARE ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0] HARDWARE CMHCXA0 ACCESSORIES ATTENTION: TO COMPLETE THIS INSTALLATION SOME ACCESSORIES MAY BE REQUIRED. VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO SEE ALL THE REQUIRED ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLE. TERMS OF USE Automotive Data Solutions Inc. (“ADS”) products are strictly intended for installation by Certified Technicians who are employed by a registered business specialized in the installation of automotive aftermarket electronics products. Prior to beginning installation of an ADS product in a vehicle, it is the Certified Technician’s responsibility to review the most current Product Guide, Install Guide and vehicle-specific notes available in Weblink®. ADS is not responsible for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any consequential damages, incidental damages, damages for loss of time, loss of earnings, loss of profit, commercial loss, loss of economic opportunity and the like that may or may not have resulted from the use, misuse, improper installation or operation of its products. ADS reserves itself the right to suspend any Weblink® account without notice and decline to offer technical support to non-Certified Technicians, noncompliant Certified Technicians or end users. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 T-HARNESS / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 PAGE 2 OF 12 20190816 A C E D B T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 3 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH7) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) 1 : BLACK 1 2 3 4 5 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1 2 3 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 OR CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 OR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 MS1 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 1 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 MS2 WHITE/BROWN - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT WHITE/BLACK WHITE/RED WHITE INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 1 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 4 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH10) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT VS4 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 1 OR OR MS1 2 1 3 CUT THE BROWN/RED AND BROWN/YELLOW WIRES 1 AND EXTEND THEM TO REACH THE BCM. INSULATE THE OBDII SIDE OF THE CUT WIRES. CANH (DATA) ORANGE -02 1 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING COLUMN (E) 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 5 PURPLE MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 5 OF 12 20190816 T-HARNESS / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 (ADS-THR-CH12) M1 ! M2 M3 ! CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". M5 M4 PTS SWITCH (A) VS2 1: PTS CONNECTOR 1: PTS HARNESS VS1 M1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 OBDII CONNECTOR (B) 1: OBDII HARNESS VS3 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 EMPTY 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 EMPTY 12 EMPTY VS4 1: OBDII HOLDER PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (C) VS7 1: LIGHT SWITCH HARNESS M3 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 EMPTY 04 EMPTY 05 EMPTY 06 EMPTY 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 EMPTY 09 EMPTY 10 EMPTY M4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 M5 01 02 03 04 05 06 1: LIGHT SWITCH CONNECTOR VS8 VS6 NC VS5 NC CAN JUNCTION BLOCKS, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (D) VS9 MS1 1: GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK JS2 1: WHITE 2 PIN CONNECTOR, GREEN JUNCTION BLOCK NC JS1 VS10 JS3 VS11 NC VS12 PURPLE NC MS2 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_H Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT HARDWIRE / COMPONENT LOCATOR - 1 OF 1 A B C PAGE 6 OF 12 20190816 D T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 7 OF 12 20190816 HARDWIRE / WIRING DIAGRAM - 1 OF 1 M1 ! ! M2 M3 CUT LOOP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ONLY PTS SWITCH (A) GROUND (-) BLACK - 03 M5 M4 1 FOR DIESEL VEHICLES, SET THE PROGRAMMING OPTIONS THROUGH WEBLINK AS FOLLOWS: IN "MENU #1 REMOTE STARTER", FOR "1- ENGINE TYPE" SELECT "4- DIESEL (5SEC WAIT TO START DELAY)". 1 PTS (+) PURPLE/BROWN - 04 IMO LIN WHITE/GREEN - 05 6 M1 01 ORANGE 02 RED 03 PURPLE 04 PINK/WHITE 05 PINK 06 WHITE 07 RED 08 BLACK 3 2 1 12V (+) RED - 06 PARKING LIGHT SWITCH (B) 1: BLACK PARKING LIGHT (MUX) WHITE/BROWN - 01 M2 01 GREEN•BLACK DOT 02 BLUE•BLACK DOT 03 RED/WHITE•BLACK DOT 04 GREEN/WHITE•BLACK DOT 05 GREEN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 06 BLUE/WHITE•BLACK DOT 07 EMPTY 08 WHITE/PURPLE•BLACK DOT 09 PURPLE/BLACK•BLACK DOT 10 WHITE/BLACK•BLACK DOT - HORN (-) OUTPUT 11 BROWN/BLACK•BLACK DOT 12 WHITE•BLACK DOT M3 01 BROWN•SILVER DOT 02 BLACK/WHITE•SILVER DOT 03 PURPLE•SILVER DOT 04 GREEN•SILVER DOT 05 PURPLE/WHITE•SILVER DOT 06 WHITE/BLUE•SILVER DOT 07 GRAY•SILVER DOT - HOOD (-) INPUT 08 BLUE•SILVER DOT 09 GRAY/BLACK•SILVER DOT 10 EMPTY 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CAN JUNCTION BLOCK, LEFT OF DRIVER SIDE DASH (C) 1 : WHITE CANH (DATA) GREEN - 01 2 1 3 CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 02 TRAILER MODULE, RIGHT OF STEERING MODULE (D) OR OR M4 01 EMPTY 02 EMPTY 03 BROWN/RED - CANH 1 04 BROWN/YELLOW - CANL 1 05 BLUE/RED 06 BLUE/YELLOW 07 EMPTY 08 ORANGE 09 YELLOW - PARKING LIGHT (MUX) OUTPUT 10 EMPTY 11 GRAY/RED - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 12 GRAY/YELLOW 13 GREEN/RED 14 ORANGE/WHITE 15 BROWN 16 ORANGE/BLACK 17 PINK - PTS (+) IN/OUT 18 PURPLE 19 RED - POWER 12V DC (+) INPUT 20 BLACK - GROUND (-) CANL (DATA) YELLOW - 01 1 2 3 4 CANH (DATA) ORANGE - 02 6 7 8 9 10 5 HORN (-) HOOD SWITCH 2 M5 01 GRAY/BLACK•BLUE DOT 02 WHITE/BLACK•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) CONNECTOR SIDE 03 GRAY/RED•BLUE DOT 04 WHITE/RED•BLUE DOT - IMMOBILIZER LIN (DATA) VEHICLE SIDE 05 GRAY•BLUE DOT 06 WHITE•BLUE DOT INSTALL THE SUPPLIED HOOD SWITCH IF 2 THE VEHICLE IS NOT EQUIPPED WITH ONE. T013_W Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 8 OF 12 20190816 MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 1 OF 2 01 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. 07 02 Press Unlock on keyfob 1. 08 STOP ACC Wait, LED 1 will turn solid RED. 13 Disconnect the BLACK 20-PIN connector. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 14 Remove module from vehicle. Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 15 Connect module to computer. Wait, if LED 1 flashes GREEN rapidly, proceed to step 11. If LED 1 turns solid RED, repeat steps 8 to 10. 16 Proceed with extended programming. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 17 Connect module to vehicle. Disconnect all connectors from module except the BLACK 20-PIN connector. 18 Close driver door. Re-open driver door to wake up data bus. ON START ENGINE START STOP 03 Wait, LED 1 will flash GREEN once [1x]. 09 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 04 Remove valet key from keyfob 1. 10 05 Remove batteries from keyfob 1. 11 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 06 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 12 ENGINE START STOP Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT MODULE PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - 2 OF 2 19 STOP ACC ON START Push start button twice [2x] with keyfob 1 to ON position. (No battery) 25 Press and release the module’s programming button. Wait, LED 1 will turn solid GREEN for 2 seconds. 26 Release the brake pedal. Push start button once [1x] to OFF position. 27 Wait, LED 2 will flash GREEN. Insert battery in keyfob 1. 28 Module Programming Procedure completed. PAGE 9 OF 12 20190816 ENGINE START STOP 20 21 STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 22 23 START vehicle for 15 seconds. STOP ACC ON START ENGINE START STOP 24 Press and hold the brake pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT TAKEOVER PROCEDURE - PTS - 1 OF 1 >> All OEM keyfobs must be at least 10 feet away from the vehicle. All vehicle doors must be closed and locked prior to remote start sequence. Failure to comply will result in remote starter malfunction. 06 Take over procedure completed. 01 Time restriction. Complete steps 2 to 5 within 45 seconds. >> Failure to follow procedure will result in vehicle engine shutdown. 02 Press unlock on OEM or aftermarket remote. 03 Open driver door and enter vehicle. 04 Close driver door. 05 Press and release BRAKE pedal. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN PAGE 10 OF 12 20190816 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 1 OF 2 PAGE 11 OF 12 20190816 CHECKLIST - WITH AFTERMARKET KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press the LOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. 9 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 7: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 1: Do the doors lock? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If problem persists, press the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. RAP and auto light shutdown test YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 10 4 Press the UNLOCK button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob. YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support if the problem persists. Question 2: Do the doors unlock? Question 8: Did the radio, interior controls and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired door lock/unlock connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 11 Open hood. 12 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 5 Press the TRUNK release button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 13 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 3: Does the trunk or hatch open/unlock? Question 9: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Close trunk or hatch and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and the wired trunk/hatch connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: Go to next step. 14 Close hood. Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. 15 Enter vehicle and close the doors. Question 4: Does the driver side sliding door open? 16 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. YES: Press the AUX 1 button once [1x] to close the driver sliding door and go to next step. 17 Wait for the vehicle to start. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 18 Press brake pedal. 7 Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob if supported. YES: Go to next step. 6 YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. Question 10: Does the vehicle shut down? Question 5: Does the passenger side sliding door open? YES: Press the AUX 2 button once [1x] to close the passenger sliding door and go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming and the RF connections. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to shut down vehicle, check connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. 19 Exit vehicle. 8 Press the START/STOP button once [1x] on the aftermarket keyfob to remote start vehicle. 20 Installation checklist completed. Question 6: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the remote programming, the RF connections and check the remote start error codes. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT PAGE 12 OF 12 20190816 INSTALLATION CHECKLIST - 2 OF 2 CHECKLIST - WITH OEM KEYFOB 1 WARNING: Vehicle engine will start many times. Test in a well ventilated area. 2 Close all vehicle doors, hood and trunk. 3 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 1: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: Go to next step. NO: The module doesn't detect OEM remote lock button from the vehicle communication network. Check all connections, repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 4 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down vehicle. Question 2: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. NO: Repeat step. If the problem persists, press on the brake pedal once [1x] to shut down the vehicle and call technical support. 5 RAP Shutdown test Question 3: Did the radio, interior controls, and headlights turn off within 60 seconds after remote start shutdown? YES: Go to next step. NO: Verify the RAP SHUTDOWN connections as illustrated in the wiring diagram. Repeat the test and call technical support, if the problem persists. 6 Open hood. 7 If not already installed, affix the mandatory orange warning sticker under the hood and proceed to next step. 8 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. Question 4: Does the vehicle remote start? YES: The vehicle is not equipped with a factory hood pin. Install a mandatory aftermarket hood switch, then repeat the test. NO: Go to next step. 9 Close hood. 10 Enter vehicle and close the doors. 11 Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to remote start vehicle. 12 Wait for the vehicle to start. 13 Press brake pedal. Question 5: Does the vehicle shut down? YES: Go to next step. 14 Exit vehicle. 15 Installation checklist completed. NO: The module does NOT detect the brake pedal signal. Press LOCK button three times [3x] rapidly on the OEM keyfob to shut down, check the brake connection as illustrated in the wiring diagram, if applicable, and call technical support. Patent No. US 8,856,780 CA 2759622 Automotive Data Solutions Inc. © 2019 ADS-RSA-CH7-[CMHCXA0]-EN 2018 Ram 3500 PTS AT ">

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Key features
- Remote Engine Start
- Remote Door Lock/Unlock
- Trunk/Hatch Operation
- Pre-Heating/Cooling
- Programmable Settings
- Compatibility with OEM Keyfobs
- Installation Guide
- Advanced Security
Frequently asked questions
The programming procedure is detailed on pages 8 and 9 of the installation guide and involves a series of steps to be performed in the vehicle, including connecting the module, using the provided keyfob, and starting/stopping the engine.
The takeover procedure allows you to take over the vehicle after it has been remotely started. This is done by pressing the unlock button on the OEM or aftermarket remote, entering the vehicle, closing the driver door, and pressing and releasing the brake pedal. This procedure is outlined on page 10 of the guide.
The PTS switch is a component of the remote start module and is generally located in the vehicle's driver compartment. Its exact location can vary depending on the vehicle model. You can find a diagram of the T-harness and component locator on page 2 of the installation guide.