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- Electrical timers
- Grasslin
- talento 471/472 pro
- Operating manual
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GRASSLIN talento 471/472 pro, 791/792 pro, 881/882 pro digital timer Operating manual
Below you will find brief information for digital timer talento 471/472 pro, digital timer talento 791/792 pro, digital timer talento 881/882 pro. These digital timers are equipped with 100 or 400 memory locations, allowing for flexible programming of various scenarios. Their date-based programming capability enables you to create precise schedules for lighting, advertising, street lighting, shop window lighting, controlling devices, motors, pumps, shutters, blinds, and even presence simulation. The timers offer pulse, cycle, and ON/OFF programming modes, along with PC-assisted program generation for advanced control.
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talento 471/472 pro, talento 881/882 pro talento 791/792 pro EN Operatingmanual 1 6 12 18 24 15:26 1 OFF 1 Technical data DimensionsHxWxD(mm) Weightg(approx.) Mainvoltage Protectionclass Powerconsumption Switchingcapacity – Ohmicload(VDE,IEC) – Inductiveloadcosφ0.6 – Incandescent-/Halogenlampload – Fluorescentlamp – RatedloadAC1/AC15 Switchingcontacts Ambienttemperature Accuracy Shortestswitchinginterval Switchingstatedisplay Sealable 45x35x60 220 Seeratingplate || 1VA 16A/250VAC 10A/250VAC 2600W 1000W 3700W/750W Change-overcontact -10°C...+55°C Type±0,3sec./dayat+20°C 1sec.. Yes Yes A Menu structure MENU PROGRAM DAYLIGHT NEW ANNUAL 1) WEEKLY HOLIDAY ASTRO 1) DELETE REVIEW RANDOM OK ON/OFF OK SELECT CHL 1) OK DAY CHL ON OK HOUR CHL ON CONFIG AUTO NO CALIBR 1 CALIBR 2 TAXIMODE LIGHT PIN H COUNTER EXT I/P ASTRO 1) 12H 24H LANGUAGE AM PM 24H ENGLISH DEUTSCH ... DATETIME ON command: 3. Selectthedesireddays andconfirmbypressing 4. Enterhour(+/-)OK 5. Enterminutes(+/-)OK ON 2 www.graesslin.de [email protected] WARNING ZZInstallationmustbecarriedoutbya MENU OK LANGUAGE ENGLISH OK professionalelectrician! Mounting on DIN rail Putthedeviceslightlyinclinedontop oftherail.Thenpushitbackwards untilitengages. 5 6 CH2 S B CH1 1 2 M ~ 3 N DATETIME YEAR MONTH DAY DAY OK HOUR MINUTE TIMEZONE OK OK Phone:+49(0)7724/933-0 Fax:+49(0)7724/933-240 Bundesstraße36 D-78112St.Georgen Germany Grässlin GmbH Safety Instructions Danger! Risk of electric shock! WARNING ZZInstallationmustbecarriedoutbya professionalelectrician! • Toavoidinjuries,thedevicemustbeinstalledbyaskilled electricianonly! • Beforechangingthebattery,thedevicemustbedisconnected fromthepowersupply! • Pleaseobservethenationalregulationsandsafetyinstructions. • Interferencesandchangestothedevicewillinvalidatethe warrantyandguarantyrights. • Minimumdiameteroftheflexiblelinesfortheterminals:1mm2. Maximumdiameter:4mm2. Readandobservetheseinstructionstoguaranteeaperfectfunction ofthedeviceandasafeoperation. Information about the device Description of the device Universaldigitaltimer • 100or400memorylocations1) • Date-basedprogramming • Pulse,cycleprogram • PC-assistedprogramgeneration • Weeklyprogram/annualprogram1)/holidayprogram/ astroprogram1) Designated use • Thetimerisusedfor – lightinginprivatehomesandcommerce – advertising/streetlighting/shopwindowlighting – controllingdevices,motorsandpumps – controllingshuttersandblinds – Presencesimulation • MountingonlyonDINrail. • Suitableforuseindryroomsonly! • Donotinstallinthevicinityofdeviceshavinginductive discharges(motors,transformers,etc.) talento_471-472-791-792-881-882_pro_EN_A3.indd 1 Display A Functiondisplaysofthetwo leftkeys B Switchingstatedisplays(ON/ OFF/OVR/FIX) C 3displaylines D Weekdays Theassignmentcanbe changedintheDATETIME menu,forexampleto 1=Sunday. Defaultsetting1=Monday E Programmedswitchingtimes F Radioantenna G Displayofsummer/wintertime H Functiondisplaysofthetwo rightkeys 1 6 12 18 24 D C B A 15:26 FIX 1 OFF 1 E F G OVR ON 2 ESC OK 2 H I J K Keys/Interfaces I Rightkeys J Infraredinterface K Leftkeyswithmanual switchfunctionin Automaticmode Function displays of the two left keys: Scrollupwardsinthemenu Scrolldownwardsinthemenu Acceptselection/proposal + Briefkeypress=+1/longkeypress(about2sec)=fastforward - Briefkeypress=-1/longkeypress(about2sec)=fastforward Function displays of the two right keys: MENU LeavesAutomaticmodeandentersProgrammingmode ESC Briefkeypress=onestepbackward Longkeypress(about2sec)=BacktoAutomaticmode OK Makeaselectionandaccept EDT Changeprogramsin“Readmode” NO Donotexecutecommand YES Executecommand DEL Delete OK OK OK 3) 1) Functionnotavailableforallproducts. MENU OK DAYLIGHT AUTO NO Apulseswitchingcommandconsistsof: • Starttime • Duration =ONswitchingduration shortestONswitchingduration=1sec. longestONswitchingduration=59min.,59sec. AUTO In-factorydefaultsettingas specifiedbylaw(USAorEU).Itwill berecalculatedeveryyear. CALIBR 1 CALIBR 2 NO Nochangeover. CALIBR 1 (AUTO) ManualProgramming.Theprogrammedsummer/wintertimewillbe recalculatedautomaticallyforeachyear. – Thechange-overalwaystakesplaceonthefirst Sundayofthe selectedmonth,iftheentereddateliesbetween1.and15. – Thechange-overalwaystakesplaceonthelast Sundayofthe selectedmonth,iftheentereddateliesbetween16.and31. – Thetimechange-over(summertime/wintertime)occursonthe respectiveSundayat1o‘clockUTC(CoordinatedUniversal Time). CALIBR 2 (FIX) ManualProgramming. Thechange-overtakesplaceeveryyearalwaysonthesamedate. PROGRAM NEW ANNUAL 1. Confirm PULSEbypressingOK. ZZFreememorylocationsarebrieflydisplayed. 2. Whenprompted,selectchannels andconfirmbypressing OK ZZTheweekdaydisplayisflashing. ON command: 3. Selectthedesireddays andconfirmbypressing 4. Enterhour(+/-)OK 5. Enterminutes(+/-)OK C OK OK OK REPEAT NO REPEAT B A OK . CYCLE ONOFF PULSE OK ON/OFF OK HOUR CHL ON OK SELECT CHL 1) OK MIN CHL ON OK DAY CHL ON OK DAY CHL OFF 2) OK MONTH START OK HOUR CHL OFF OK DAY START OK MIN CHL OFF OK MONTH END OK DAY END SAVED 1. Confirm ON/OFFbypressingOK. ZZFreememorylocationsarebrieflydisplayed. 2. Whenprompted,selectchannels andconfirmbypressing OK ZZTheweekdaydisplayisflashing. . OFF command: 8. Whenprompted,selectdesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK 9. Enterhour(+/-)OK 10. Enterminutes(+/-)OK ZZTheprogramissaved. ForCYCLEandPULSE,youalsohavetosetthedurationand/ orperiod.Theprocedureisthesameasforcreatingaweekly program. A NO REPEAT Switchingonce. Startandstopdate(year, month,day,)aresetbyyou. B REPEAT Recurringprogram. Thisisdoneeachyearat thesametimeuntilyou removetheprograminthe menuunderProgram Delete. OK A NO REPEAT - ON/OFF programming OK ON/OFF OK HOUR CHL ON OK SELECT CHL 1) OK MIN CHL ON OK DAY CHL ON OK DAY CHL OFF 2) OK YEAR START OK OK HOUR CHL OFF MONTH START OK OK MIN CHL OFF DAY START OK YEAR END OK MONTH END SAVED DAY END OK Duration: 6. Enterminutesorseconds(+/-)andconfirmbypressingOK. ZZTheprogramissaved. Cycle programming period MENU pause OK 9.00 h OK channelON OK C A B AvailableonlyifindividualdayshavebeenselectedfortheON command. Settheweekdayinaccordancewiththecurrentdate. 4) OnlyappearswhentheAstro-settingsarenotset. 3) MENU REPEAT - ON/OFF programming duration Create weekly program CYCLE ONOFF PULSE Create annual program 1) SAVED starttime PROGRAM NEW WEEKLY OK MIN CHL ON OK MIN DURATION OK SEC DURATION B ON command: 3. Selectthedesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK 4. Enterstartdate(monthandday)intherelevantbox(+/-)OK 5. Enterstopdate(monthandday)intherelevantbox(+/-)OK 6. Enterhour(+/-)OK 7. Enterminutes(+/-)OK OFF command: 8. Whenprompted,selectdesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK 9. Enterhour(+/-)OK 10. Enterminutes(+/-)OK ZZTheprogramissaved. Example: ONcommandforchannel1dailyfromMondaytoFridayat3.00pm. ONswitchingduration15minutes. OK PULSE OK SELECT CHL 1) OK DAY CHL ON OK HOUR CHL ON OK Duration: 7. Enterdays,hours,minutesorseconds(+/-)andconfirmby pressingOK. 15.00 h Thefollowingsettingsare possible: . Period: 6. Enterdays,hours,minutesorseconds(+/-)andconfirmby pressingOK. OK Switchover summertime/wintertime 2) ON command: 3. Selectthedesireddays andconfirmbypressing 4. Enterhour(+/-)OK 5. Enterminutes(+/-)OK OK OFF command: 8. Whenprompted,selectdesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK 9. Enterhour(+/-)OK 10. Enterminutes(+/-)OK ZZTheprogramissaved. ForCYCLEandPULSE,youalsohavetosetthedurationand/ orperiod.Theprocedureisthesameasforcreatingaweekly program. 1. Confirm CYCLEbypressingOK. ZZFreememorylocationsarebrieflydisplayed. 2. Whenprompted,selectchannels andconfirmbypressing OK ZZTheweekdaydisplayisflashing. duration Operation and configuration Display and function keys • Switch-offcommandshaveahigherprioritythanswitch-on commands. • Thecentrallineofthedisplay,inwhichtheadjustedvaluesand selectedmenuitemsaredisplayed,isdisplayedlarger. • Flashingmeansthatanentryisrequired.Ifyoudonotenteranything withintwominutes,thetimerswitchesbacktoautomaticoperation. • “MAINSOFF”appearsonthedisplaywhenthedeviceisnotsupplied withpower. • “LOWBATT”appearsonthedisplaywhenabatterychangeis requiredwithinthenexttwoweeks. • Theprogramsareretainedafterareset,althoughyouwillneedto readjustdateandtime.Pressall4buttonsatthesametimetoreset thedevice. OK Pulse programming MENU 09.00am 10min. 40min. 07.00pm OK OK CYCLE DURATION DAY OK SELECT CHL 1) DURATION HOUR OK OK OK DAY CHL ON DURATION MIN OK OK HOUR CHL ON DURATION SEC OK OK DAY CHL OFF 2) MIN CHL ON OK OK HOUR CHL OFF PERIOD DAY OK OK MIN CHL OFF PERIOD HOURS OK PERIOD MIN OK PERIOD SEC SAVED . starttime Set date and time Connection diagram CH1=channel1 CH2=channel21) S =externalinput Amomentaryactionpush-buttoncan beassignedtoremotelyoperateone ofthechannels.Seeseparatesection headedEXTI/P. StarttimeMonday Duration Period StoptimeFriday OFF command: 6. Whenprompted,selectdesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK 7. Enterhour(+/-)OK 8. Enterminutes(+/-)OK ZZTheprogramissaved. L M ~ max. 100 m 80.10.1321.7/11/11/01 Danger! Risk of electric shock! OK MIN CHL ON OK DAY CHL OFF 2) OK HOUR CHL OFF OK MIN CHL OFF 1. Confirm ON/OFFbypressingOK. ZZFreememorylocationsarebrieflydisplayed. 2. Whenprompted,selectchannels andconfirmbypressing OK ZZTheweekdaydisplayisflashing. MENU Installation and mounting Example: Channel1isswitchedonevery30minutesfor10minutes,startingon Monday9.00am. ThestoptimeisFriday7.00pm. SAVED 2 Select menu language Whendelivered,thetimerisinautomatic modewithpresettime,date(CET)and menuinEnglish. PresstheMenubuttontomakesettings. Thenselectthedesiredsetting. ON/OFF programming durationofthecycle stoptime 19.00 h 1. Confirm ON/OFFbypressingOK. ZZFreememorylocationsarebrieflydisplayed. 2. Whenprompted,selectchannels andconfirmbypressing OK ZZTheweekdaydisplayisflashing. channelOFF Thecycledurationmustnotbelessthantheperiod. Nonestingofcycleprogramsisallowed. Acycleswitchingcommandconsistsof: • Starttime • Duration =ONswitchingduration • Period =ONswitchingduration+pause • Cycleduration =timebetweenchannel ONandchannelOFF • Stoptime . ON command: 3. Selectthedesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK 4. Enterstartdate(year,monthandday)intherelevantbox(+/-) OK 5. Enterstopdate(year,monthandday)in therelevantbox(+/-)OK 6. Enterhour(+/-)OK 7. Enterminutes(+/-)OK 16.02.2012 10:40:01 Creating an ASTRO program 1) 11. SelectCHANNEL ON:YESorNO XZSelectYEStosetthetimeperiod(hoursandminutes)during whichthetimeswitchshouldswitchonagain. 23h Sunrise ON OFF ON OFF MENU OK PROGRAM NEW ASTRO OK OK SUNSET ON SUNRISE OFF Sunset OK MENU sunset. ON RANDOM RANDOM 5h SUNSETOFF SUNRISEON ThetimeswitchswitchesOFFatsunsetand switchesONatsunrise SUNRISEPULSE ThetimeswitchswitchesONatsunrisefora certaintime(pulse) SUNSETPULSE ThetimeswitchswitchesONatsunsetfora certaintime(pulse)) SUNRISE SUNSET PULSE ThetimeswitchswitchesONatsunriseand sunsetforacertaintime(pulse) 23h OFF ON A XZ PressDELtofinishtherandomswitchingprogram. ZZThetimerreturnstoAutomaticmode. OK OK OK CHL ON HOUR CHL ON MIN CHL ON MENU ON/OFF programming OK CONFIG TAXIMODE LIGHT PIN HCOUNTER EXT I/P ASTRO 1) ForCYCLEandPULSE,youalsohavetosetthedurationand/or period. IfONisset,youcanselectthedaysoftheweekonwhichthe timeswitchisswitchedoffduringholidays. Theprocedureisthesameasforcreatingaweeklyprogram. 1) OK ASTRO OK COUNTRY UNITED KINGDOM OK OK LONDON ClicktheCOUNTRYmenuitemto selectthedesiredcountryandcity. Thelongitudesandlatitudesare generatedautomatically. Ifthedesiredcityisnotincludedin thelist,youcanmanuallysetthe longitudesandlatitudesviathe LAT/LONmenuitem. YES OK PIN – Set PIN • Press+ -tosetanumeric value. • PressOKtosetthenextnumber. • SelectNO PIN,toremovethe PIN. HCOUNTER – Set hour counter toselectthe • Press channels. • SelectREVIEWtocheckthehour counter. toscrollthroughthe • Press differentprogramsteps • PressREStoresetthehour counterforthischannel. HCOUNTER – Set service counter Youcansetthenumberof operatinghoursafterwhicha servicemessageistoappear.It willbeshownonthedisplayas soonasthecounterhasreached thenumberofhourssetbyyou. toselectthe • Press channels. • Press+ -tosetanumeric value. Configuration ASTRO – Astro settings EXT I/P – External input I/P COUNT – Pulse counter SelectI/P COUNTtocheckthepulse counter.Itwillcounthowmanytimes theexternalbuttonwaspressed. PressREStoresetthepulsecounter tozeroandconfirmbypressingYES. EXT O/R – Manual switch SelectEXT O/Rtoassignachannel toanexternalbutton. OK SAVED 7. EnterminutesfortheOFFSET(+/-)OK OffsetcanbeusedtooffsettheONandOFFswitchingtimesof theAstroprogram.Thisisdoneinordertoadaptthemtothe localconditions. ExampleSUNSET ON / SUNRISE OFF: Offset=+00:15ThetimeswitchswitchesON15minutesafter thecalculatedsunsetandswitchesOFF15minutesafterthe calculatedsunrise. 8. Selectthe OFF PERIOD: YESorNO XZSelectYEStosetthetimeperiod(hoursandminutes) duringwhichthetimeswitchshouldswitchoff,e.g. night-timeswitch-offfrom23-5h. XZSelectNOtosetnoOFFperiod. OFF period: YES 9. EnterhourandminutefortheOFFcommand(+/-)OK 10. Whenprompted,selectdesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK View and edit program Weekly,yearly,holiday andastroprogramscan beviewedandedited separately. toscroll • Press throughthedifferent programsteps. • PressEDTtoedita program. Thisprocedureis similartocreatinga newprogram. MENU OK PROGRAM OK REVIEW OK ALL EDT/OK ONO P001 CHANNELS 1 TAXIMODE – Transmission of programs • Ahandheldprogrammingdevicecanbeusedtoexchangeprograms viatheIRinterface.Todoso,thedevicemustbeintheTAXIMODE andconnectedtopower. • PressESCtofinishtheTAXIMODE.. TAXXI out prog in RS232 Delete program Delete all programs • PressYEStodeleteall programs. • PressNOtodeleteindividual programs. Delete individual programs toscrollthroughthe • Press differentprogramsteps. OK DELETE NO DELETE ALL DEL ONO PO01 MENU OK PROGRAM OK DELETE YES DELETE ALL YES CONFIRM OK Press1x=FIXON=DurationON Press2x=FIXOFF=DurationOFF Press3x=OVR=Overridemode Press4x=Automaticmode YES 1 6 12 18 24 15:26 FIX 1 OFF PIN PIN PIN 0000 OK HCOUNTER SELECT SELECT CHANNEL 1) OK Operationofhandheldprogrammingdevice: 1. PressPROGtoselecttheprogramnumber. 2. PressINtoreadinaprogram. PressOUTtoreadoutaprogram. 3. Holdthehandheldprogrammingdevice verticallyovertheIRinterface. 4. PressingINorOUTagainwillstartthetransmission. CONFIRM AwrongtransmissionisshownbyEr2. Forfurtherinformation,seetheseparateoperatingmanual “handheldprogrammingdevice”. Uponpressingthebutton,an overrideswitchingcommandwill beexecuted.Itwillbeineffect untilthenexttimethebuttonis pressedoruntilthenextautomatic switchingcommand. COUNTDOWN – Countdown timer SelectCOUNTDOWNtosetthe timeforacountdowntimer. Uponpressingthebutton,an ONswitchingcommandwillbe carriedout.Itswitchestheselected channelONforthesettime. Pressingthebuttonagainwillstart thecountdowntimeragainatthe settime. OVR ON 2 ESC OK 2 Override mode TheOverridefunction(temporaryprogram overwrite)allowstheusertoswitchONorOFFearly.Thisdependson thecurrentchannelstatus.TheOverridefunctionappliesonlytothe currentprogramandremainsactiveuntilthenextprogramchange. Afterthat,thetimerreturnstoAutomaticmode. OK OK Maintenance and repair OK OK A . LIGHT FIX ON 2 MIN Automatic/Manual mode • Manualswitch:DurationON/DurationOFF/OVR/Automaticmode • Leftbutton=channel1/Rightbutton=channel2 OK 1 OK ON/OFF OK HOUR CHL ON OK SELECT CHL 1) OK MIN CHL ON OK DAY CHL ON OK DAY CHL OFF 2) OK MONTH START OK HOUR CHL OFF OK DAY START OK MIN CHL OFF OK MONTH END DAY END OK SAVED ON command: 4. Selectthedesireddays andconfirmbypressing OK 5. Enterstartdate(monthandday)intherelevantbox(+/-)OK 6. Enterstopdate(monthandday)intherelevantbox(+/-)OK OK Finish random switching program RANDOM OK DEL RANDOM MENU SUNSET ON OK SUNRISE OFF OK ASTRO 4) OK SELECT CHL 1) OK DAY CHL ON OK MONTH START OK DAY START OK MONTH END OK DAY END OK XZ PressOKtostarttherandomswitchingprogram. ZZRANDOMflashes. Creating a holiday program ON/OFF PULSE CYCLE OFF 1. Confirm SUNSET ON / SUNRISE OFFbypressingOK. ZZFreememorylocationsarebrieflydisplayed. 2. Whenprompted,selectAstro-settings. 3. Whenprompted,selectchannels andconfirmbypressing OK ZZTheweekdaydisplayisflashing. OFF Sunset Channel ON: YES 12. EnterhourandminutefortheONcommand(+/-)OK ZZTheprogramissaved. Sunset ON / Sunrise OFF 20:00 OFF 7:30 20:30 LIGHT – Background illumination • SelectFIX ONtoset thebackgroundlighting permanently. • Select2 MINifyouwantthe backgroundlightingtobe automaticallyswitchedoff2 minutesafteryourlastinput. 23h Sunset PROGRAM NEW HOLIDAY ON 7:00 XZSelectNOifthenight-timeswitch-offshouldlasttothenext Thefollowingsettingsarepossible: SUNSETON ThetimeswitchswitchesONatsunsetand SUNRISEOFF switchesOFFatsunrise MINUTES OFFSET OK YES OFF PERIOD OK HOUR CHL OFF OK MIN CHL OFF Random switching program 1) Theprogrammedswitchingcommandisdelayedbyavariable(random) periodof0-30minutes.. OK HCOUNTER OK SERVICE OK CHANNEL 1) OK HOURS 00000 H SERVICE Battery change Beforechangingthebattery,thedevicemustbedisconnectedfromthe powersupply!Dateandtimewillbelost! 1. Liftthebatterycompartmentusinga screwdriver. 2. Takethebatteryoutofthesupport. 3. Insertnew(LithiumbatterytypeCR2450) 1 6 12 18 24 batteryintosupport. Observepolarityofthebattery! 15:26 4. Pushbatterysupportdownwarduntilit ESC OK engages. 1 2 5. Disposeofthebatteryinan environmentallyfriendlymanner. 1 OFF ON 2 Disposal / Recycling EXT I/P I/P COUNT I/P 00000 OK EXT I/P EXT O/R SELECT CHANNEL 1) OK Disposeofthepackingmaterialcorrectlyaccordingtolegal requirementsandregulations. OK OK Observethefollowingnotesfordisposingofdefectivesystem componentsorthesystemafteritsservicelife: • Disposeofappropriately,i.e.separatingthepartstobedisposedof accordingtomaterialgroups. • Donotthrowelectricalandelectroniccomponentsinthebin.Bring thesepartstotherecyclingcenters. • Alwaysensuretheenvironmentallysounddisposalconformtothe state-of-the-artenvironmentprotection,recyclinganddisposal engineering. OK OK OK EXT I/P OK COUNTDOWN OK SELECT CHL 1) OK DURATION MIN:SEC Ifaprogramisalreadyrunningontheselectedchannel,noswitching commandwillbeexecuted!Afterthetimehasexpired,thetimerreturns toAutomaticmode. ShortestONswitchingduration:30seconds LongestONswitchingduration:90minutes Countdowntimerandmanualswitchcannotbeselectedatthe sametime!Thefunctionselectedlastalwaysapplies. Functionnotavailableforallproducts. AvailableonlyifindividualdayshavebeenselectedfortheON command. 4) OnlyappearswhentheAstro-settingsarenotset. 1) 2) talento_471-472-791-792-881-882_pro_EN_A3.indd 2 16.02.2012 10:40:04
Key Features
- 100 or 400 memory locations
- Date-based programming
- Pulse, cycle, and ON/OFF programming modes
- PC-assisted program generation
- Weekly, annual, holiday, and astro program settings
- DIN rail mounting
- External input for remote control
- Override mode for temporary program adjustment
- Automatic/manual mode for convenience
- Background illumination for display visibility