Adtech ADT-HC8200 User`s manual

Below you will find brief information for Flame/Plasma Cutting Machine CNC System HC 8200. The HC8200 is a cutting digital control system that utilizes the Windows XP operating system and an Intel Atom CPU for fast processing speeds. It offers a multi-language interface, slotting/kerf compensation, and rotating/mirroring functions, as well as other powerful features to help you improve your cutting process. This manual will cover the system interface, electrical wiring, functions and operations, commands, and troubleshooting.

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Flame/Plasma Cutting Machine CNC System HC 8200 User’s Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Multi-language human-computer interface
  • Slotting/Kerf compensation
  • Rotating and mirroring functions of part processing surface
  • Compatible with ISO - G code and ESSI code
  • Customized steel plate area
  • Support for multiple cutting types
  • Support for manual inching and self-locking
  • Breakpoint memory, including emergency stop memory, alarm memory, power failure memory

Frequently asked questions

The HC8200 uses the Windows XP operating system.

The Slotting/Kerf compensation feature is used to account for the width of the cutting tool, ensuring more accurate cuts.

The HC8200 allows you to switch between five cutting types: preview, flame, plasma, powder-spraying laying out, and plasma marking.

The HC8200 supports ISO-G code and ESSI code.

Yes, the HC8200 supports breakpoint memory, which saves your progress in case of power failure (requires a UPS).
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