Mindscape Battletoads video game User manual

Mindscape Battletoads video game User manual


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Mindscape Battletoads video game User manual | Manualzz
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Instructions en francais-
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| Ty Via Pee = :
¥lani in italiano
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Loading instructions
Introducing the Battletoads
The Dark Queen's foul plan
Game Controls
How to play
ÿ The Levels
де: The Baddies
Smash Hits
Technical Support
Instructions en francais
Anleitung auf deutsch
1 Instruzioni in italiano
[nsert the Battletoads CD into your CD37 as described in your
Commodore Instruction Manual and switch the machine on, After a
few seconds the game will appear.
Three voung, All American video-game testers are transformed into
three young, All Amphibian video-game heroes when play lesling a
brand new video-game for the PSICONE CORPORATION.
The name of the game is BATTLETOADS, and it has a secret hidden
in the heart of its silicon chip - a mysterious virus which acts, no
only upon the game's program, but on the players themselves,
transforming them into video game characters and thrusting them
through the screen into the pixel-populated dimension beyond, A
dimension known as the Cann Label fr.
The Gamescape is a world where anything can happen - where the
timeless Battle of good versus evil is [ought with à unique blend of
powerful sorcery and high technology. IL is a world that has always
existed, but which can only now be visited via the portal of comput-
er data, Programmers hold the key to this portal - a key not of metal
but of mathematics - giving Us access to the virtual reality beyond
the screen. This is a world of weirdness and wonder, of gigantic
games played against a backdrop of galaxies, a world of mystery and
magic, Frights and fantasy...
New worlds demand new amd original heroes, Adventurers and
explorers must chart the territory from which its legends and myths
are woven. Such heroes are the BATTLETOADS, a unique mixture of
man, amphibian and computer technology.
Blast through the screen!
Name: Zilz Age: Unknown Height: 657
Weight: 303 Ibs Hair: None Eyes: Amphibian
Outstanding features: Green and warly skin, He wears a wrist
computer, utility belt, gloves and studded knee pads.
History: The brainiest BATTLETOAD began Tife as MORGAN
ZIEGLER, a twenty vear old Games Tester for the multi-national
Due to à virus in thé prototype mind game” BAITLETOADS
which ZIEGLER was testing, he was transformed into à
humongous 30 compuler graphic called ZITZ.
Profile: ZITZ is a natural leader, relying on brains rather than brawn
ter save himself and his buddies From life threatening situations.
sometimes however, he relies a little too much en brain power ame
not enough on spontaneous physical action. Fortunately, this failing
is more than made up for by the other two members of the BATTLE-
TOADS team.
Name: Rash Age: “Mol Loo young Lo boogie,
not toc old to rock nm” roll!”
Height: 64" Weight: 243 bs Hair: None
Eves: Amphibian
Outstanding features: Mega-physigue (hoe says), He wears
sunglasses, Minja-stvle ribbons anc studded knee pads.
History: The most beautiful BATTLETOAD (he says) began lile as
PAVE SHAR, a seventeen vear old Games Tester Lor the multi-
national PSICONE CORPORATION. SHAR also fell victim to the
rampant virus in the prototype ‘mind game’ BATTLETOADS which
be was testing, As à result he was transformed into the humongous
41} computer graphie called RASE.
Profile: RASH is perhaps the most Hkeable of all the “toads - and the
most annoying too, [hs over confidence grates on the nerves at
Livres, Doe to the obsession of his alter-ego (Dave Sharl with
puanping iron, BASH has an inbulll early warning system thal takes
the form of a body builder's physique display and this arises when-
ever Lhe group are threatened,
Name: Pimple Age; Unknown Height: 74
Weight: 320 Ibs Hair; Nene Eves: Amphibian
Outstanding features: Absolutely humongous, He sears studded
wristbands and knee pads.
History: The biggest BATTLETOAL began life as GEORGE PIL, a
mnineleen year old Games Tester for the multi-national PSICONE
PIE was another victime of the virus in the prototype “mind game”
HATTLETOADS which he was also testing. In an instant he was
Lransformed into the homongous 30 computer graphic called
Profile: Although Ive is nol exactly the smartest BATTLETOAD,
МОЧЕ логе than makes up Tor his lack of brain power with his
phenomenal physical strength.
Whenever Herculean [eats are required, PIMPLE is the guy Lo call.
He's a gentle giant most of the time, but watch out if you should
happen to hart any of his friends = then he's liable to turn real mean.
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The BATTLETO ADS mentor is the immortal PROFESSOR T. BIRD,
affectionately known as the ‘coach’. His harmless bumbling exterior
conceals an enormous intelligence and a stupendous magical talent.
However, he has renounced their use, preferring science and logical
thought - as does lis protégé ZITZ - to get him out of trouble,
The Professor's nemesis 15 the ommorlal Dark Queen, She has an
unguenchable thirst lor power and is a highly dangerous
mesalomaniacal psychopath, She uses her magical talents and her
dark and terrible beauty to her advantage. Many a man has fallen
foul of their combined effects. Her ‘lite quest’ (as she calls her vicious
lust for power) is to claim what she has deluded herself into
believing is her rightful place on the Terran Corporate throne, She
will stop at nothing to achieve this end and has destroyed entire
solar systems - millions of lives - in her relentless drive for galactic,
and ultimately universal domination.
Fhe Dark Queen”
Aller her defeat by the Galactic Corporation at the battle of Canis
Major, Ihe Dark Queen and her renegade space troops retreal to the
otter reaches of the universe, hiding out in the dark spaces between
the stars,
Meanwhile, on board the spaceship Vulture, Professor T, Bird and
the Battletoads - Rash, Zitz and Pimple - are escorting the Princess
Angelica beck to her home planet where her father, the Terran
Emperor, awaits her safe arrival.
Along the way, Pimple, (the biggest battleroad|, takes Princess
Angelica out Tor a cruise in the Toadster toa nearby Leisure Station,
Pimple and I'rincess Angelica burn space, but the Dark Queen
ambushes them before they can get there. Luckily, Pimple manages
to send out a distress signal before the Toadster is gobbled up and
carried away to Ragnarok's World, the Dark Cuaeen’s planet.
50, there's the situation “Load. Thé Dark Queen has Kidnapped the
Princess Angelica and vour best buddy Pimple - so whatre va gonna
do about it?!
You're gonna gel real MALY, that's what you're gonna do, and then
vou're gonna get EVEN! Professor Bird's gonna set vou down on
Ragnarok, bul from there it's up to vou. You've got a long way to go
tonal’, through ice and lire and nightmares so terrible vou don't
tven wall to Imagine em - through a monstrous Garganbuoan
and ultimately to the Tower of Shadows, where the Dark Queen
wails you.
Have you got the guts “toad? We'll soon see, one way or another...
Te play Battletoads you'll need a control pad connected to port 1 of
vour CD32. IF you wish ta play à 2-player game you'll need a second
control pad connected to port 2,
Once the game has loaded vou will be presented with the title
screen. To skip the intro and see the options screen, hit the red
Select the number of players (1 or 2) by pressing the yellow button.
Choose between music or sound effects by pressing [he Blue ballon,
Once you're happy with the options, hit the fire button Lo begin
vour mission!
The control pad moves you around the screen and gives vou the
following capabilities:
* To run faster, give Lhe direction control two pushes in rapid
succession in the direction vou wish Lo run.
To carry oul the Battletoad Butt, press fire whilst running fast.
While moving, hit the Tire button to jump,
To attack, hit the Fire button!
To pick up an item, stand over it and hit the fire button.
To eat the lies (1) stard still and hit the Fire button when one
ties past!
(A) Player 1 score
The current score for player Lis shown here,
(15) Lives
The number of lives remaining is shown here. Each heart represents
ore Tee.
(С) Energy
This shows how much energy you have left, It will reduce from right
to left. When all of thé boxes are empty then vou will lose a Ile,
Fach new life replenishes the energy back to full strength.
(1) Game screen
This is where the action takes place! The game will begin when the
spaceship Vulture lowers the Battletoads down to Ragnarok’s World.
Your toadally awesome rescue mission has begun, so hit the ground
Awaiting your arrival are endless canyons, dark holes, a terribying
tunel, an arctic cavern, a scalding inferno and much more! Each
one is [led with monstrous baddies and dangerous obstacles.
The baddies take the form of the Dark Queen's army of menacing
villains, and they're gonna try and stop you [rom reaching the
Tower of Shadows where she holds Pimple and the Princess Angelica
Chstacles are the deadly weapons which the Dark Queen has
carefully hidden to catch vou completely off guard. Advancing to
the next level requires defeating all of the baddies in the current
level and avoiding all of the obstacles,
You'll have to be careful, because they like to hit back, and il you're
hit too many times you're as good as gone because cach Baltletoad
has a limited life span. Luckily, you have a series of mega-powerlul
punches, slams and kicks at your disposal which only a Battletoad
can activate, Also, certain objects may be picked up along the way
and vsed as weapons. For a little extra energy, try munching on
somme ice juicy Mies.
Once you finally reach the Tower of Shadows, the ultimate show-
down begins. Here the Dark Queen will use every means possible to
keep you from getting your hands on Pimple and the Princess
Angelica, The surprises she has in store are enough lo make your
green skin crawl!
Dark Queen - She commands her evil forces From the Tower of
Shadows. You must seize her power to save vour friends.
a Es e a
Dragon - Will swoop down on you when you least expect it. Watch
oul for its speciality, the "toad-shan.
12. THE REVOLUTION Saturn Toadtraps - Feed exclusively on “toads, but you can uprool
them with the BT Bashing Ball.
18 19
ak Rockets - YWith built-in power boosters, this rodent is Beal on
vither mowing vou down or showering your green head with
Giblet - À robust rodent who is surprisingly quick and mean. Beat
him to the bomb, or vour history.
Souzy - These cowardly characters attack in groups [nom behind, Bul
Lhe Battletoad Butt will send them on their scuzey way.
Ravens - Toush old birds, (no relation to the professor) who can’
wait to get their claws on vou. À mutant variety will try to snip your
turbo-cable with ts big beak,
Vaders - This survivor of the original invaders is out to steal your
energy bars and escape with them.
Walker - The type that Kicks vou when you're down, Bust em up
then use a leg ás a weapon,
Boss Walker - Stay out of sight or this witless Walker will cook your
green butt and send it leapin®
Psyvko-Pigs - Wielding battle axes, these swine will give vou a major
headache unless vou make pork chops out of them first,
Sentry Drones - The experts at ‘toad-termination, Let ‘em Kiss
vour fist.
Robo- Manus - 4 genetically enhanced biogen, mutated by the forces
of darkness. Consider him armed and dangerous or he'll send vour
“Ioad-hide soarins with one burst from his blasters,
Electra-Eel - Let this sea serpent slither nearby and you'll get a buzz
79 vou wonl soon forget, 23
Snowman - Frosty's evil snow slingin® twin, Dodge his snowballs
then melt him with your Nuclear-Knuckles.
Hammerfish - Don’t be fooled by this Innocent looking little fish,
IET mail vou the first chance il gets.
Hornhead - Voted ugliest in his class, this oaf patrols the lower.
Don't let him make “toad-Eebaby out of you,
Steel-Beak - A duck which no oad would want in its bath. watch
out for its beak. [1 packs one heck of a peck!
General Slaughter - One of the Dark Queen's least intelligent
commanders. Fle always uses his head, it only as a weapon,
Gasser - A pull of truly smelly gas that is sure Lo leave you
Other baddies you will encounter include:
Techno-Droids - These unraly robots patrol the entrances to the
Terra Tubes, Give ‘em the Battletoac Butt and watch them Пу,
Krazy Kog - You'd best avoid this mechanoid menace or vouw'll end
up a “toad pancake,
Sucka - Like a fancy food processor, it drags you into its spinning
blades and turns voi nto ground "toad-meat,
Big Ball - Once it gets on à roll, it can knock you right on your
‘Load-butt. Get ready for a vigorous game of dodge ball.
24 25
Spike Ball - Revolving around the dreaded Tower of Shadows, this |
orb has been known to really stick it to intruclers. |
Snothall - You'll need more than a tissue to clean up this goo since
it clings to the roof and floor, walting to slime you.
Snowballs - A blizzard that's suaranteed to send a cold shiver down
vour "toacd-spine.
: |
Ice Spikes - Unless vou re fast on your green feet, these falling frozen
taggers make you feel like a pin cushion,
Retro-Blasters - These smash out of walls and fire lethal bolts of
energy. Short circuit them by using the BI Bashing Ball.
Electro-Zap - With 2,000 volts of ‘toad-frving electricity between
them, they glide across the screen at shocking speed.
и Ч Де ;
Swelleheeks - A rather windy individual guarding the Tower. Hang
on or vou'll become a sky diving “Toa.
Other obstacles you will encounter include:
Spikeback - Stumble onto their spike covered armour and you'll
surely get the point,
Meteorites - A storm of fiery rocks headed your way, Get that Jet
Turbo moving!
Missiles - An explosive barrage that comes al you from all sides.
Avold them, or your "toadst!
Buzzball - The only way to shake loose of this humongous ball of
killer static cling is to out leap it to the finish.
Electro-Gaps - These electrifying little gaps Between platforms can
be a real shocker.
To access these monstrous manowuvers, press FIRE!
Turbo Thwack - Swingin” Size Thirteen's - Jawbuster - Kiss-My-Fist -
Battletoac Butt - BT Bashing Ball - Nuclear Knuckles - Big Bad Boot -
should vou experience anv technical problems with this game,
such as it falling Lo operate, please contact our Technical Services
Technical Services
Mindscape International Ltd
Priority House
Charles Avenue
Burgess Hill
Wiest Sussex MATA UI
Ce leplone: +44 (00 443 23890000 (09:40 to T4:00hrs and 14:00
toda: 30h Monday о Рика м}
Fax: +44 (0) 444 248906
We regret that we cannot offer game hints and Lips, as the service is
provided for technical difficulties only.
Please read before using any video gome or allowing your children 30 usa if,
Some people aré liable lo hove an epileplic seizure or loss af consciousnass when exposed 1
Hashing lights or cedain normal candilions af everyday life. Such persons could risk e seizura
while watching lelevised images er while playing corfmin vides games, and this con accur even il
tera hove been no previous medical problems ©f experience of epliopsy
À you or à member of your family has ever shown spileplic symploms [seizure ar loss of
consciousness) when exposed te fickaring lights, consult your dectar belore playing,
Parents should supervise ther children's use of video genes, IF you ar yar children exporicnce
any of the following symptoms — dizziness, abered vision, eye or muscle fwikches, loss al
consciousness, dsorienlalion, envolurlory movements or convulsions — discontinue usa
immediately end consult your doctor,
Do not si too close fo the folevision screen: pasition yoursalfwith the linking cable at full stretch.
Flay video games preferably an a small sorean. Do nol play if yau are lired or hove nol hod
much вер. Маке SLIME hat iho room m which vou dre playing 55 worl В, Ра! fer 10—1 5 minutes
per hour while playing vided games.
Table des matières
Instructions de chargement
Commandes du jeu
Fonctionnement du jeu
Support technique
Instructions de
Inserez le CD Battletoads dans votre CD32 en suivant les instructions
de votre manuel Commodore et allumez l'ordinateur, Le jeu apparatl
après quelques sécondes,
Commandes du jeu
Pour jouer à Battletoads, il vous faut une manette branché dans le
port 1 de votre CD3Z, Si vous souhaitéz jouer avec un aml, il vous
faudra brancher une deuxième manette dans le port 2.
Une fois le jeu chargé, l'écran de litre apparait. Pour sauter l'intra-
duction et afficher l'écran d'options, appuyer sur Je boulon rouge,
SClectionmes le nombre de joueurs voulu (T1 ou ZHen appuyant sur le
bouton jaune, Choisisses [a musique on les effets sonores en
appuvant sur le bouton bleu.
Lorsque vous tes satisfait cles options choisies, appuvez sur le bou-
Lon de Lir pour commencer votre mission |
Le pavé-D) se deplace sur Vécrmn et vous permet les mouvements
suivints ;
» l'our courir plus vite, donnez deux petits coups rapides dans la
direction souhaitée,
= l'our frapper de la tête (“Battietoad Hutt"), appuyez sur le bouton
de tir tout en courant.
= Pour sauter tout en vous déplaçant, appuvez sur le bouton de tir,
l'onar attaquer, appuvez sur le Bouton de tir,
Pour ramasser un objet, placez-vous dessus et appuyez surf le
bouton de tir.
Pour gober les mouches (1), immobilisez-vous et appuvez sur le
bouton de tir au moment où l'une d'elles passe |
Support technique
Si ce jeu vous pose un quelconque problème technique, en refusant
par exemple de démarrer, veuillez contacter notre service de support
Technical Services
Mindscape International Lid
Priority House
Charles Avenue
Burgess Hill
West Sussex RHIS 9P)
Telephone : +44 444 23 96 00 ( du hundi au vendredi de 91150 à
13h00 et de 14h00 3 1630)
Fax ; +44 444 24 69 96
Ce service est réservé aux problèmes purement techniques, Nous
résrellons de ne pouvoir fournir aucun conseil ou suggestion quant
au jeu lui-même,
A lire event leute vfilisalian d'un jeu vidéo par vous-même où voire enfant.
Cerloines personnes sont succephbles de faire des crises d'épilepsie ou d'avoir ches
portes de conscience à le vue de certains types de lumières clignotentes où d'éléments
fréquents dans notre environnement quotidien. Ces personnes s'exposent à des crises
lorsqu'elles regordent certaines imacges lélévisées ou qu'elles jouent à cortoins jeux
vidéa, Ces phénomènes peuvent opparaitre alors même que le sujet n'a pas
d'ontécédent médico! où n'a jemeris été confronté © une crise d'épilapsie.
Si vous-même où un membre de votre famille avez dèje présenté des symptômes liés à
l'épilepsie (crise ow perfe de conscience) en présence de simulations lumineuses,
veuollez consullér voire medecin evant foute ublisalion,
Maus conseillons aux parents d'étre alientifs à leurs enfants lorsqu'ils jouent ovez des
Joux vidéo. 5i vous-même ou votre enfant présentez un des symplômes suivants :
vertige, Irauble de la vision, controction des yeux où des muscles, perte de conscience,
roubls de l'orientation, mouvement involontaire ou canvullion, vevillez immédiateement
cesser de pouer El consultar votre médecin.
Me vous fenez pas trop prés de l'ecran, Jouez à bonne distance de l'écran de télévision
al cuss loin que In permed lo cordon de raccordement, Ulilisez de präf‘rences les jeux
vidéo sur un écran de pelite taille. Eviter de jouer si vous êtes faliqué où si vous
пере de sommeil, Assurez-vous que vous JOUEZ dans une pièce bien écloirée. En
cours d'utilisation, faites des pouses de dix & quinze minutes toutes les heures.
INHALT Ni Ladeanweisung
zZ Lege die Battletoads-CD wie Im Commaodare-Handbuch beschrieben
3 g tn das C142 ein, und schalte den Computer ein, Nach wenigen
Ladeanweisung Sekunden erscheint das Spiel auf dem Bildschirm,
Spielsteuerung 40
Spielregeln 41
Kundendienst 43
36 39
Um Battletoads spielen zu können, muß am Port 1 des CD3z ein
Steuerblock angeschlossen sein. Fúr den 2-Spieler-Modus wirtl cin
zweiter Steuerblock in Port Z benötigt.
Wenn das Spiel geladen ist, erscheint der Titelbildschirm. Um clic
Einführung zu überspringen und den Options-Hildschtem autéu-
rufen, drücke die role Taste,
Wille die Anzahl der Spieler (1 mer 2) durch Drücken der gelben
Taste. Wenn du zwischen Musik und Klangeffekten wählen willst,
drückst du die blaue Taste,
Wenn du alle gewünschten Optionen gewählt hast, drückst du die
Feuertaste, und dic Mission beginnt!
Mit dem Steuerblock kannst du dich auf dem Bildschirm bewégen,
und er gibt dir folgende Fihigkeiten:
e Wenn du sehneller laufen willst, driicke cen Steuerblock rasch
svoîmal hintereinander in der gewtinschten Richtung,
a Um einen Battletoad-Schlae durchzuführen, drücke während des
Laufens die Feueriaste,
s Wihrend du dich beweest, drückst du zum Springen dic
a Zum Angriff drückst du die Feuerlaste!
« Um cinen Gegenstand aufzuheben, stellst du dich darüber und
driickst dann die Feuertaste,
Um Fliegen zu essen (1 bleibst du stehen und drückst die
Feuertaste, sobald eine vorbeifliegt!
le à ci г Ea А . |
hh lA
e ON Yo PEÓN vf Y
(A) Punktzahl Spieler 1
Hier wird die l'unkzahl des ersten Spiclers angezeigt.
(В) Leben
Hier wird die Anzahl der verbleibenden Leben angezeigt, Jedes Herz
stellt ein Leben dar,
(C} Energie
Hier wird die tibrige Energle angezeigt. Sie nimmt von rechts nach
links aby, Wenn alle Felder leer sind, verllerst Du ein Leben. Jedes
neve Leben fillt die Energicebene wieder voll aul.
(12) Spiclhildschirm
Hier geht das Spiel ab! Das Spiel beginnt, wenn das Raumschiff
Vulture die Batiletoads auf Ragnorak absetzt. Die aufregence
Rettungsmission beginnt jetzt, also halte dich bereit,
Bei der Ankunft erwarten dich endlose Täler, ein schreckliche:
Tunnel, cine arktische Höhle, ein siedendes Inferno und weitere
Abenteuer! Jede Szene ist voll von monströsen Übeltätern und
eeführlichen Hindernissen,
Die Bösen formieren sich als Armee der Dark Queen, und sic ver-
suchen zu verhindern, daß Du den Turm der Schatten erreichst, in
dem Pimple und Prinzessin Angelica gelangen sind. Als Hindernisse
begegnen Dir hier die todbringenden Waffen, die von der Dark
Queen sorafáltig versteckt wurden, um dich damit zu gefährden. Um
zur nächsten Ebene zu gelangen, must Du alle Ubeltäter auf cer
jetzigen Ebene schlagen und alle Hindernisse umgehen,
Du mußt schr vorsichtig sein, denn sie schlagen zuriick, und wenn
Du zu viele Schläge einsteckst, bist Du so gut wie weg vom Fenster,
denn jeder Battletoad hat nur eine begrenzte Lebenszeit,
Glücklicherweise stehen Dir eine Keihe von megastarken Schlägen,
Süßen und Tritten zur Verfügung, die nur der Battletoad einsetzen
kann. Es können auch am Weg liegende Gegenstände aufgenommen
und als Waffen verwendet werden, Wenn Dh eiwas zusätzliche
Energie benötigst, dann kaue einfach ein paar sa [ige Fliegen,
Wenn Du den Turm der Schatten erreicht hast, beginnt die
Entscheidung. Die Dark Queen benutzt jecles Mittel, damit Du nicht
zu Pimple und Prinzessin Angelica gelangal. Die Aittel, «ie ihr zur
Verfügung stehen, Jassen deine Krôtenhaut zur Gänsehaut werden:
Wenn im dem Spiel technische Probleme auftreten sollten, wende das
Spiel beispickiweise nicht Kicft, dann wenden Sie sich bitle an
unseren technischen Котел Пет.
Technläicher Kunden ernst
Mindscape International Lid
riority House
Charles Avenue
Burgess Hill
West Sussex
BH15 9M
Telefon: ++44 (0) 444 2209600 (09.30 bis 13.00 Uhr und 14.000 bis a:00
Uhr Montag bis Freitag)
Fax: 44 (0) 444 2485000
Wir bedaucra, dal wir Ihnen keine Spicltips geben können, da sich
der Kundendicnst nore mit lechnischen Problemen befaßt,
Warnung betreffend epileptische Anfalle
Vor jeder Benutzung eines Vidoospiels durch Ihr Kind oder Sie selbst durchzulesen.
Monche Menschen zeigen bei bestimmien Arden von Aimmemedern Lichiquallen oder
ander, in dar Umgebung täglich vorkommenden Elementen eine Meigung zu
epileptischen Krisen oder Ohnmochtsonfällen. Dieses Risike kann bei bestimmter
Fernsehbildern oder Videospielen auftreten, Das Phänomen kann euch auftreten, ohne
daß die betreffende Person in diesem Zusammenhang [ce medizinisch behandalt würde
eder einen epilepfischen Anfall erlitten hat,
Sallten Sie selbst oder ein Milglied Ihrer Familie je bai flimmernden Lichiquellan
Epilepsio- éhnliche Sympsome emplunden haben, sa wenden Sie sich vor jeder
Benulzung an den Arzt.
Wir empfehlen Eltern, ihre Kinder beim Videospielen oufmerksam zv beabochten.
Brechen Sie dos Spiel sofort ob und konsultieren Sie einen Arzt, tolls Sie selbst oder Th
Kind sines der folgenden Symplome verspüren: Schwindel, Sehstörungen, Augen- oder
Muskelkontraklianen, Bewußkeinsverlust, Orientierungschwierigkeiten, vnkontrollierte
Bewegungen eder kromplartige Zuckungen.
In jedem Fall zu treffende Vorsichtsmassnahmen bei der Benutzung
eines Videospiels
Sitzan Sie nicht zu nah am Fernsehbilduchirm; ouf jeden Fall so weit enHert, wie os dis
Ansehlulfkobel aroubt. Spielen Sie Videospiele varzugraaiso ouf kleinem Bildschirm.
Spielen Sie nicht, wenn Siv úbermidel sind oder nicht genug geschlafen haben
Vergewissem Sie sich, do Sie in einem qui beleuchteten Row spielen. Schalten Sie
beim Spielen jede Stunde cine zehn- bis fonfzehnminitige Pause ein.
[struzioni di caricamento
Controlli del gioco
Esecuzione del rioco
Assistenza tecnica
Istruzioni da
Inserire il CD Battletoads nel CD32 come descritto nel manuale di
strurioni Commodore c accendere il computer, Dopo alcuni secondi
appariria il gion,
Controlli del gioco
Perariocare a Battletoads sara necessario un tastierine di controllo
collegato alla porta 1 di Amiga. Se si desidera eseguire un gioco a due
eiocatori sara necessario un secondo tastierino di contrallo collegato
alla porta 2.
Una volta che il gioco © stato caricato appare lo schermer dei titoli.
Per salino Vintroducione e visaalizzart lo scheme delle opeioni,
premere il pulsimte rosso,
selezionare il numero dei gietator (o 2) premendo il tasto gallo.
accgliere tra gli effett| musicali e quelli sonori mentre si gioca
premencdo [ tasto blu, Una volta soddistatt delle oprioni, premere úl
pulsante del fuoco per Iniziare la missione.
Il tastierino di controllo vi sposta sullo schermo ¢ formisce le
seguenti capacila:
= Por correre pit velocemente, dare al tastierino di controllo doe
spinte in suecessione rapida nella direzlone in cui st desidera
Percontinuare il” Hattletoad Butt”, premere il pulsante del fuero
mentre il personageio corre molto velocemente,
Mentre ci si sposta, premere il pulsante del fuoco per saltaro,
* Рег аНассаге, premere il pulsante del fuaco!
* Per raccopliere un elemento, starci sopra e premere il pulsante
del Fuoco,
* Permangiare le mosche (1) state Fermi e premere | pulsante del
fueco quando passa tua mosca!
Esecuzione del gioco
I iy
(A) Punteggio del giocalore |
Qui appare il punteguio corrente del giocatore 1.
(BE) Vile
Qui viene mostrato U numero di vite imanenti. Ogni cuore
rappresenta una vila.
(0) Energia |
Mostra quinta energia vi rimane. Si deduce da destra a УИ,
Ouando tutte le caselle sono vuote perderele una vita. Cgni novi
vita riporta il massimo di energia,
(I) Schermo del gioco
L'axione si svolge qui! O gioco inizla quando la navicella spaziale
vallure scarica i Battletoads nel mondo di Ragnarok. La vostra
straordinaria missione di salvatageis ¢ inizdata, quindi loccate ter
Ad accopliervi vi sono Ecanyon infiniti, i buchi nerd, un tunnel
terrificante, una caverma artica, un interno rovente e molta di paí
Cero ci essí Cd pieno cdi pemici mostrosi e ostacoli perico los,
Ncattivi prencdono la forma dell'esercito di malviventi della Dark
Queen € cercheranneo di imperdlirvi dl raggiungere la Torre delle
tenchee in Cui sono prigioniert Pimple € la principessa Angelica,
Cali ostacolt sono armi letali che la Dark Queen ha nascosto con
allenzione per cogliervi impreparati. Lavanzamento al livello
successivo richiede la sconfitta di tutti i cattivi nel livelle corrente €
il superamento di tutti gli ostacoli.
Povrete fare attenzione, perché a loro piace conlrallaccare e se
venite cOlpiti troppe volte sarete priticanente eliminati perché ogni
Battletoad ha una vita limitata, Fortunalamente, avete una serie di
pueni merapotenti, colpí e calcia disposizione che solo un
Wattletoac pue attivart, Inolire, alcuni oggetti possono essere raccolti
nel percorso ¢ wsali come armi. Per un po’ di energia supplementare,
prowate a sgranocchiare qualche mosca sucess.
Una volta raggiunta la Torre delle tenebre, inizia la prova fale. Oui
la Dark Queen userá ogni mezzo possibile per impedini di niettere le
mani su Pimple e sulla principessa Angelica, Le sorprese che ha in
serbo vi faranno arcappoñare la vostra pelle verde!
Assistenza tecn1ca
Nel caso riscontriale problemi tecnici enn questo gioco, Come ur
mancato funzsionamento, contatlare il servizio di
assistenza tectiicel.
Technical Services
Mindscape International Lid
Priority House
Charles Avenue
Burgess Hill
15 910
Telefono: +44 107 444 2396000 (dalle 097.1) alle 1340 « dalle 14:01)
alle 16:30 dal lunedi al venercli)
Fase 44d (01 444 248095
siamo spiacenti di non potere offrire suggerimentt € consigli per il
gioco, poiche il servizio © fornito solo per problemi Lecmici.
Avvertimenta relativo alepilessia
De leggere, e do far leggere al vosin bombini, prima eli passara all'vsa di un video
Álcune persene sono soggelle add altacchi di epilessio 0-0 pordita di coscienza quenda
saone espoile alle staríallio della luce o ed clement freguenti nel nostro ambiente
guetidiano. Tali persone sono seggélle ad altacchi mentre guardano lo schermo
telovisive & giecanó con un video giochi. Tali manifeslaziani passons apparire anche
quando ¡| soggeHo non ho olcun precedente medico 0 nen ho moi sofferto di uno cris
So voi séessi o un membro della vostra fomiglio ha gio presentato del sintemi relalivi
all'epilessio (attacchi o perdito di coscienza) in presenza dí stimali luminosi, consultare
il medica prima eli passaré all'usé del video giochi.
Consigliome oi genitori di tenere d'occhio ¡ bombini mentre questi giocano con il video
giochi. Qualera voi sessi o un vostro bombino present uno de seguenti sinfomi:
vertigini, alterazioni alle vista, contrazioni degli acchi o deí muscalí, perdia di
coscienza, derientamento, movimanto involontario a convulsiani, amehete
immediatomente di giocare e consullate un medica,
Precouzioni de prendere in tutti i cosi prima
di utilizzare un video giochi.
Non leneleví roppo vicina alle schermo; rispoltale la distanza consentita dal cava
Usale il gioco su uno schermo di piccale dimensioni. Evitale dí giecare qualora siate
slenchi o non abbiale darmita a sulticienza, Assicurateri di grocere in un pesto ben
illuminata. Durante il gioco, fate ogni era delle pause di 10-15 minut,
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Mindscape International Li,
Priority House, Charles Avenue, Maltings Park,
Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9P0)
© 1991, 1994 Rare Ltd. Licensed to Tradewest, Inc. by Rare Coin-Il, Inc. Sublicenced to
Mindecape International Ltd, BATTLETOADS is a trademark ol Rare LLd,


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