Delta-T WS-GP2 Quick Start Guide
Delta-T WS-GP2 is a comprehensive weather station for measuring various meteorological parameters including wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, rainfall, and soil temperature. It is designed for use in various applications, including agricultural research, environmental monitoring, and meteorological studies. The station features a 2m high mast with a robust construction and an optional M2-BASE for fixing into concrete. It includes a range of sensors and a GP2 data logger with DeltaLINK software for setup, data collection and visualization.
WS-GP2 Weather Station WS-GP2 Weather Station for wind speed and direction, relative humidity, air and soil temperature, rain and solar radiation Quick Start Guide Delta-T Devices Ltd V2.4 Introduction The WS-GP2 Weather Station measures wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, rainfall and soil temperature. This guide explains how to choose a site, install the mast, mount and align the sensors. Then, using a PC, we show how to change the weather station program, check the sensor readings, then acquire and display readings. Description The weather station has a 2m high by 48 mm diameter anodised aluminium mast. Cross arm, connectors and fittings are provided for sensors and a GP2 data logger. The mast attaches to the ground via the standard base. This may be pinned to the ground by the stakes provided or bolted down on to concrete or rock. The M2-BASE is an optional extra, suitable for fixing into concrete. A levelling mechanism fits on the top of the mast for mounting a type ES2 solar radiation sensor. The cross arm is installed near the top of the mast and has an adapter to take a combined wind direction and speed sensor. Below this can fit a bracket holding the combined air temperature and humidity sensor in a radiation shield. The RG2-BP rain gauge has a base-plate to be staked level on the ground. 1 Unpacking Check your contents against your order - you should have:M2 mast with cross arm, steel guy ropes, baseplate, stakes, logger canopy, Ubolts, and a GP2 Logger. See Figure 1 and the Parts Index on page 4. Wind speed and direction sensor AN-WD2-03 RH and air temperature sensor RHT-SDI-12-T6 (including 1m M12 bare wire cable connected – for connection to GP2 logger). Solar energy flux sensor ES2-05 Rain gauge RG2+BP-06 Soil Temperature sensor ST1-05 GP2 Logger, with GP2-USB cable and GP2 User Manual Download DeltaLINK from our website: Page 2 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Identify Parts Figure 1: WS-GP2 Weather Station Mast and Sensor Parts (not to scale) Page 3 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Parts Index 1) 2) 3) 4) Ground stake (x3) D-shackle (x6) size: 3/16 inch Ring bolt (x3) size: M6 Lock nut. (x3 size: M6 plus x3 with a reverse screw thread) 5) Guy- line tensioning shackle /straining screws (x3). 6) Hook bolt (x3) 7) Stainless steel guy rope (3x 1.5m) 8) Ring bolt & lock nut (size:M8) 9) Mounting bracket for RHT sensor. 10) RHT radiation shield. Includes sensor with 1m 5 way M12 bare wire cable. 11) Mast to ball & socket connector 12) Ball & socket levelling device. 13) M8 nut. 14) Levelling plate 15) ES2 solar radiation sensor 16) Bubble level. 17) Spanner for ball and socket device 22mm locknuts 18) Mast to cross arm connector 19) Cross arm (1m x 32mm) with 6.5 mm dia. holes at 4 positions 20) Combined wind speed and direction sensor. 21) Alignment hub 22) Cross arm end plug x2. 23) Cross arm adapter 24) Allen key for cross arm adapter. 25) Stand offs for mounting GP2 to Logger Canopy (4x M4 x 15mm) 26) Logger canopy 27) GP2 data logger 28) Logger- canopy connectors 31) U bolt clamp plate (51mm x2) 32) Nuts & washers (x4 size: M6). 33) U Bolts (51mm x2) 34) RG2 rain gauge. 35) Right angle brackets (x2) with self- tapping screws for mounting RG2 to base-plate. 36) Stakes for RG2 base plate (x4) 37) Base plate for RG2 38) Stake for M2 Mast base-plate x2 39) M2 mast base 40) Allen key (8mm) 41) ST1 soil temperature probe. 42) Adjustable spanner 43) Mallet 44) Optional extra type M2-BASE for fixing mast in concrete (7¼ x 5½ inch, internal depth 5 inch) Page 4 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd 2 Choose the Location You may need a pickaxe and shovel to prepare the site. Results depend not just on sensor accuracy and reliability but also on how representative the site is – so choose the site carefully. Where data is to be compared to a “standard” meteorological site, the sensors should be exposed in a similar way to sensors at the standard sites, i.e. over a level surface of short grass and away from trees or buildings. These are rough guidelines. Refer to meteorological publications for further advice. e.g. Rules of thumb 2X Near a building, mount the sensors outside the zone of influence. Horizontally this extends roughly twice the height of the building upstream and ten times downstream. Vertically it extends to about twice the height of the structure. If the requirement is to measure the true local conditions, e.g. a field of newly planted corn, Rules of thumb 10 X 2X select a relatively uniform area of the terrain. Be aware that, as a crop grows up towards the sensors, the measured wind speed decreases as the canopy approaches. Sensors are also influenced by the changing local thermal and humidity microclimate above the crop. There are no simple rules to follow – Clothes line effect but be aware of the following: Clothes line effect: vegetation upwind may affect vapour gradients and heat transfer. Oasis effect: If an isolated source of water, e.g. a lake or glacier, is surrounded by a relatively arid area, then the relative humidity may be Oasis effect affected if the wind direction draws air from the water source. Leading Edge effect: When air moves over the boundary between two surfaces that differ in temperature, moisture content, roughness or some other characteristic, it takes time for the air to adjust. The line of discontinuity is known as the leading edge. The boundary layer will vary in Leading edge effect vertical extent with distance from the leading edge as it adjusts to the new conditions. Figure 2: Location Thermal plume effect: Avoid placing objects directly under the air humidity and temperature sensor, such as a solar panel, which can create a rising thermal plume when warmed by the sun. X Page 5 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd 3 Assembly Figure 4 Steps to assembly Page 6 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Mast Assembly It helps to have two people available. Step 0. Before assembly lay out all the parts and identify them. See Identify Parts on page 3. Step 1. Insert the 2m mast into the base and tighten up the locking grub-screw using the 8mm (M8) Allen key. Step 2. Slide the mast cross-arm connector over the mast and position it near the top of the mast to minimise interference with the wind sensors. Secure the join by tightening the socket grub-screw with the hexagonal 8 mm Allen key. Step 3. Screw the mast ball and socket connector on to the top of the mast. Step 4. Insert cross arm through connector, and secure it by tightening the locking grub-screw using the M8 Allen key. Step 5. Screw the solar sensor levelling device onto the mast ball and socket connector). Step 6. Attach ring bolts to the mast Step 7. Attach steel guy wire to the ring bolts using the D-shackles Step 8. If you have an assistant, now is the time to ask them to hold the mast vertical. Then, using the steel guy ropes as an indicator, hammer in the guy rope stakes at 3 locations around the mast, about 120 cm away from the centre. If you don’t have an assistant, put two stakes in, haul up the mast with the third, and position your third stake that way. Step 9. Hammer the 2 stakes in to attach the mast base securely to the ground. Page 7 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Step 10. Attach the steel guys to the 3 stakes using the D shackles. Step 11. Tighten the guy line tensioning shackle/straining screws. For ease, position the guy line tensioning shackles to close to the mast, rather than at the ground stakes – this will help to make quick adjustments to all three tensioners, within reach. Try to ensure the mast is vertical. Sensor Assembly Step 12. Attach the RHT mounting bracket using the U-bolts provided. Mount the RHT sensor in the radiation shield using the housing sleeve and plastic compression nut provided. Step 13. Attach the ES2 solar radiation sensor to the levelling plate via a screw into its base. Level it using the bubble level indicator and lock it in place using the 22mm spanner. Page 8 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Page 9 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Step 14. Fully insert wind vane arm into the hub at the top of the wind sensor. Align the vane with the centre axis of the sensor. Using the 5/64 inch Allen key, tighten the set/grub screw at the top of the hub to lock the windvane in place. Step 15. Slide the cross arm adapter onto the cross arm. This requires the 5/32 inch (~4mm) Allen key. Step 16. Remove the post lock screw using a 5/32” (or 4mm) Allen key. Insert the post into the alignment hub replace the screw, so joining the two together. Step 17. Sit the wind sensor + alignment hub into the cross arm adapter, ensuring the sensor axis is vertical. Step 18. Find true north It is best to set the wind direction sensor to true north, not magnetic north. Compass Method: Get a compass and the local angle of magnetic declination – either from a map, local airport - or use an online calculator e.g. geomag-web/#declination ...and enter your latitude and longitude. Page 10 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Magnetic declination (or variation) is the angle between magnetic north and true north. It is positive when the angle measured is east of true north and negative when west. So, if the declination is positive, true north is left of magnetic north. Typical map of magnetic declination for year 2020 (reproduced courtesy of NOAA) From this map you can see the magnetic variation around the world can be quite large. Magnetic north also drifts over time, so it is best to refer wind direction to true north. Star Method: Find the North Star or the Southern Cross. Whichever method you use, establish where true north intersects the horizon. Page 11 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Step 19. Orient the body of the wind vane 19.1. Ensure that the hub lock screw is in place on the hub. In this state the wind vane cannot rotate and, if read, the sensor should indicate 180 degrees, i.e. south. 19.2. Rotate the body of the sensor until the counterweight and the black arrow on the housing actually point to true south (and the wind vane tail points to true north). 19.3. Tighten the two vertically paired grub screws on the cross arm adapter and then remove the hub lock screw - to release the wind vane and allow it to rotate freely. 19.4. Attach the sensor cable to the socket on the housing. Step 20. Mount the canopy, or optional M2 enclosure, at a convenient height on the mast using the two U bolts The canopy is designed to protect the logger from the heat of the sun, so mount it facing away from the equator (north in the northern hemisphere, on the south side in the southern hemisphere). Step 21. Mount the logger. Remove the logger lid and insert the four M4 bolts to protrude out of the hole at the back of the logger. Hold these in with a hexagonal socket wriech and bolt on the 4xM4x15mm stand offs. These allow air currents flow between the canopy and the back of the logger and so help it stay cool in hot weather. Step 22. Install raingauge RG2. Locate it away from air flow and fix it horizontally on the ground the plate and stakes provided. Step 23. Page 12 Install soil temperature sensor ST1 Bury it along with about 1 m of cable to isolate it from the direct heat of the sun. RG2 obstructions mounting ST1 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd 4 Wire-up the Sensors Individual sensor wiring instructions are also displayed in the ‘Info Panel’ of each Delta-T sensor, when selected in the DeltaLINK program. See the example on the next page. Note: In April 2024 new firmware and wiring changes were released. If you received your WS-GP2 before this date, please contact Delta-T ([email protected]), quoting serial numbers of your equipment and we can get you the correct instructions. SDI-12 connection to logger The RHT sensor has an M12- 5way connector fitted to it. This is connected to a M12 5-way bare wire cable which is connected to the GP2 SDI-12 port (connections in table above). To add more SDI-12 connectors onto the network, insert an STP T-piece between the sensor and logger cable, then add a sensor with an M12 connector fitted. See GP2 user manual “wiring and connector requirements” for pin-outs, connectors and wiring recommendations. Page 13 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd 5 Install DeltaLINK3 Install and start the GP2 software DeltaLINK on your PC as instructed in the GP2 User Manual and connect to the GP2 logger using the GP2-USB cable provided. 6 Examine the Weather Station Program 1. Select the Program window. Delta-T installed weather stations will have the WS-GP2 Weather Station Program pre-installed as shown. If missing, install this program: Click Change on the Program window and select Edit, Import Program, select, WS-GP2 Weather Station Program from the folder location C:\Program Files\Delta-T\DeltaLINK\WS-GP2 and click OK. Resize your window and the panels as convenient in order to read them. This weather station program is just an example to get you started, so please feel free to alter it. 2. Click on each sensor in the Measurement section of the Properties panel and observe that information about that sensor appears in the Info Panel. 3. To view the entire Sensor instructions in a separate panel right click over the Info panel to display “Print Preview” and select it with a right click. 4. To print this use ALT P or click the print icon. Page 14 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Note: different recording rates and calculated results can be chosen, and they can be different for each sensor. Note also you can run the weather station program connected to the GP2 simulator without a GP2 logger or weather station present. This is useful for tweaking the program and seeing the effect of different options on the simulated results graphs. Note SDI-12 sensors (including RH and air temperature) cannot currently be simulated. See also: GP2 User Manual. 7 Can I add more Sensors? Yes! The WS-GP2 uses 2 SDI-12 measurements, 3 analogue and 2 counter channels. This should leave: 9 analogue channels, 2 counter and ~60 SDI-12 inputs to use for other sensors. For further information see the GP2 User Manual. Note that the WS-GP2 weather station program has assigned Power Bank A to supply the precision reference 3V needed for the wind direction sensor on channel 1. So all the Power Bank A terminals, (PWR screw terminals on channels 1-6) will also be supplied 3V. Page 15 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd 8 Check Sensors & Start Logging 1. Select the Sensors window and click the Read now button. The sensor readings will continually refresh on a scrolling time graph. 2. Observe the sensor reading display in the scrolling charts and value panels. 3. Check the wind vane reads 360 degrees at north and 180 at south. 4. Spin the anemometer and blow on the radiation shield and check the readings look plausible. 5. Illuminate the light sensor then cover it, and check the readings seem plausible. 6. Pour water into the rain gauge funnel to simulate rainfall. 7. Click the Cancel button when finished. 8. Select the Logger window and click Start to commence logging. Weather Records 9 Collect and Save Logged Data 1. Select the Dataset window. All stored data in the logger will be retrieved and displayed on the screen (it may take a few seconds to download the data). Click Refresh if required. 2. Select File, Save to save the data to a dataset file. 3. Select File, Open to open and view a previously saved dataset file. 4. To save a dataset file as an ASCII file for importing into other programs, open the file in DeltaLINK, and select File, Save As… selecting the appropriate file type to save. Page 16 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd 10 View Weather Display Options in Dataset View Right-click on the timescales axis to select from the preset timescale options. Left click and drag on a chart to mark out a zoom region. Then right-click to zoom. Right click on the value axis to restore the default zoom. Left click and drag top and bottom chart borders then click to resize the chart. Right click on the chart region to pop up a menu of display options including Hide, Show all Charts and Details options See also the online Help. Key to graphing symbols Note – Statistical symbols are only available if selected in the program. Key to statistical symbols Maximum Time of maximum +1 standard deviation Average Time of minimum -1 standard deviation Minimum Page 17 % of time wind was from each direction: % of windrun from each direction % of wind energy from each direction Class Rose: % of time speed was in each Beaufort scale range 1 2 3 4 5 6 and greater © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Further processing your weather data You can save your data by clicking on the File > Save option. This will save a *.dt6 file to your PC. This file opens up in DeltaLINK but if you want to process it using Excel, click on the File>Save As option and change the “Save as type” option to Comma separated (*.csv). Once saved, this *.csv file can open up directly with Excel. Once your data is in Excel, many third-party Excel add-ins are available to help you process your database. Battery Life Replace the battery before the battery voltage indicator drops below 5.5V. At 1 reading/ minute on all sensors the internal 6 long life alkaline AA (LR6) batteries should last one year. Note the simulator does not accurately predict battery life and should not be relied on. To increase battery life, reduce the reading frequency, and/or use an external lead acid battery or an approved mains-powered 12V DC supply. You might expect an external 10 Ah lead acid battery to last longer but this is not the case - the GP2’s input overvoltage regulator for external power sources uses quite a lot of current (~0.8mA) but also internal self- discharge in the lead acid battery can limit this - to 10 months at 25C, and only 3 months at 40C, unless periodically recharged – for example by a solar panel. Note: When retrieving data, keep an eye on your logger battery. Its status is reported by the logger software, and you can also log it along with the sensor readings. The voltage reported is what is presented to the sensors, and is slightly less than that at the battery terminals. Note: If a powered sensor is connected to power bank A or B, then every time any of those sensors are read, power is supplied to all the sensors on that power bank. Page 18 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Specifications Page 19 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Service & Recalibration Before returning parts, please contact Delta-T or your local agent for instructions. Wind speed and direction AN-WD2 Recalibrate: every year. Service: 6-12 months: look & listen to see if the vane and cups are running freely, are undamaged, and are not loose. 12-24 months: replace anemometer bearings. 24-36 months: complete factory overhaul of sensor. Most parts are replaceable in the field. See also AN-WD2 User Manual and document folder on the on the Delta-T website. Rain gauge RG2 Can be recalibrated in the field. See also the RG2 User Manual on the Delta-T website. Light sensor ES2 Typical drift <2% per year. Recalibrate every 2 years. Keep it clean and level. See also the ES2 User Manual on the Delta-T website. RH & air temp sensor RHT Typical drift <0.25%RH per year and <0.03degC per year. No adjustment of the RH or temperature element is possible. Inaccurate sensors must be replaced. Replace every two years in clean atmospheric conditions or every year if the atmosphere is polluted. See also the Tekbox TBSHTP06 User Manual on the Delta-T website or via the Tekbox website directly. ST1 Soil temperature sensor This cannot be recalibrated. The only check you can do is to check the resistance across the terminals, which should be 2000 Ohms at 25°C. See also the ST1User Manual on the Delta-T website. Page 20 © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd Notices This product uses software code. It should not be used in safety-critical applications or where consequential loss may occur. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place for regularly monitoring and checking the equipment. In no event shall Delta-T’s liability exceed the selling price of the product. Delta-T is not liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of equipment, including but not limited to data loss, vegetation loss, loss of energy or water, cost of substitute equipment or services, property damage, or personal injury that results from installer’s negligence. The customer agrees to the limitations and exclusions of liability by purchase or use of this product. See also the GP2 Product Usage.pdf in the online Document Library folder. CE Conformity The CE marking identifies this product as complying with all relative directives in the European Union (EU). The UKCA marking identifies this product as complying with all relative directives in the UK. Certification is available on request Delta-T Devices Ltd 130 Low Road, Burwell Cambridge CB25 0EJ UK Page 21 Tel: +44 1638 742922 Fax: +44 1638 743155 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] web: © 2024 Delta-T Devices Ltd ">

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Key features
- Wind speed & direction
- Air temp & humidity
- Solar radiation
- Rainfall
- Soil temperature
- 2m mast
- GP2 data logger
- DeltaLINK software
Frequently asked questions
The Quick Start Guide provides detailed instructions for assembly, sensor installation, and connecting to the GP2 data logger. You'll also need to install DeltaLINK software on your PC to configure the station and collect data.
The WS-GP2 is suitable for various applications, including agricultural research, environmental monitoring, and meteorological studies. It can be used to track weather patterns, assess environmental conditions, and monitor agricultural conditions.
The reading frequency can be adjusted in the DeltaLINK software. You can set it to take readings at intervals of 1 minute or less.