Delta-T Temperature Sensors User Manual
Delta-T Temperature Sensors are a range of thermistor and thermocouple probes designed for various applications. These sensors are compatible with Delta-T's data loggers and offer a variety of configurations to suit your specific needs. Select the appropriate sensor based on your application, desired accuracy, and operating temperature range.
User Manual for the Temperature Sensors TEMP-UM-2.1 Delta-T Devices Ltd Notices Copyright All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Delta-T Devices Ltd. Under the law, copying includes translation into another language. Copyright © 2014 Delta-T Devices Limited. Regulatory Compliance RoHS Design changes Delta-T Devices Ltd reserves the right to change the designs and specifications of its products at any time without prior notice. User Manual Version: 2.1 Delta-T Devices Ltd 130, Low Road, Burwell CAMBRIDGE CB25 0EJ U.K. Nov 2014 Tel: +44 1638 742922 Fax: +44 1638 743155 e-mail: [email protected] www: Contents Contents Introduction Thermistor Probes 3 4 4 General Purpose Thermistor probes. Thermistor Probes for Immersion in Water Tables of resistance versus temperature Effect of cable resistance 6 8 8 10 Thermocouple Probes 12 General Purpose probes. 12 Appendix 1: GP1 and DL6 Logger Thermistor Tables GP1 contribution to thermistor reading accuracy 13 15 Appendix 2: GP2 Logger-Controller Temperature Sensors 16 GP2 Thermistor Tables 18 Appendix 3: DL2e Logger 19 DL2e Logger:- 2K Thermistor Wiring DL2e Logger:- 2.252K Thermistor wiring DL2e Logger:- 10K Thermistor Wiring DL2e Logger:- 100K Thermistor Wiring DL2e Thermistor Tables – in 2.5 °C steps DL2e Thermocouple Tables 19 22 23 24 25 26 Accuracy Table for all Sensors Warranty and Service 27 28 Terms and Conditions of Sale Service, Repairs and Spares Technical Support 28 29 29 Temperature Sensors User Manual v2 Contents 3 Introduction This User Manual contains data sheets about a range of temperature sensors, including yours. This User Manual should be used in conjunction with the appropriate logger’s user manual or online help when using these sensors with a Delta-T Logger Figure 1 Delta-T temperature sensors 4 Introduction Thermistor Probes Thermistors have a non- linear resistance response to temperature, so the measured resistance is converted to temperature in a data logger by the use of a look-up table. Loggers made by Delta-T can do this. Historically thermistors were not as accurate as a Platinum resistance thermometers, but for many years now the precision obtainable with thermistors ( ±0.1 or ±0.2°C ) has been acceptable for many purposes. Thermistors supplied by Delta-T are usually 2K or 10K – which describes their resistance at 25°C. We supply a range of 2K thermistors, differentiated by their accuracy and construction - the way they are sealed and the cabling - these being optimised for different environments and uses. The 2K thermistor probes supplied by Delta-T conform to the Fenwall UUA32J2 specification. The 10K thermistor, used in the ST4 sensor has a resistance of 10K at 25°C and conforms to Fenwall code UUA41J1 and the BetTherm code 10K3A1B. Figure 2: Part numbering system used by BetaTHERM Notes DL2e and DL6 loggers are optimised for use with 2K thermistors GP2 logger-controllers can be used with both 2K and 10K thermistors without significantly affecting their accuracy. GP1 logger accuracy with 10K and 2K thermistors depends on the logger temperature. See GP1 contribution to thermistor reading accuracy on page 15. Note also we only quote typical values for the GP1 contribution to thermistor accuracy, whereas for our other loggers we quote worst case figures. DL2e logger supports 2K and also 2.252K, 10K and 100K thermistors Thermistor Probes 5 General Purpose Thermistor probes. ST1 and GT1 The ST1 and GT1 (which is identical) are general purpose probes utilising a 2K thermistor sensor. This is contained in a stainless steel sheath of 4.8mm nominal outside diameter, 125mm long, which is, in turn, connected to a two core cable, 5m long. Accuracy over a temperature range of 0 to 70 °C is ±0.2°C. ST2 The ST2 is similar to ST1, but with higher accuracy. It is fitted with a 2K thermistor sensor whose accuracy over a temperature range of 0 to 70 °C is ±0.1°C. ST4 The ST4 has a 10K thermistor in a 120 mm long stainless steel shaft of diameter 6mm attached to 5 or 10m of co-axial cable with PVC outer sheath, the screen acting as part of the signal loop. Accuracy: ± 0.2°C. Minimum operating temperature: -10°C Maximum operating temperature: +40°C Environmental rating: IP67 This sensor is supported by a selectable sensor type in the DL2e logger program (Ls2Win) and the DeltaLINK software (used with GP1, GP2 and DL6 loggers). The linearization table is of type 10K3A1B. 6 Thermistor Probes MT2 The MT2 has a 2K microchip thermistor accurate to ±0.1°C over 0-70°C. It has a thin protective coating of vinyl. The thermistor is connected to a fourcore extension cable, 5 metres long. The vinyl dip provides an electrically insulating coating but is quite thin and not rugged, so the probe should not be used in water or other electrically conductive liquids. This sensor is suitable as a high accuracy small temperature sensor with a fast response time for use in situations not requiring hermetic sealing against moisture. Thermistor resistance: 2000 Ohm at 25°C. Resistance vs temperature table: Fenwal UUA32J2, also Betatherm 2K3A9 Accuracy: ±0.1°C over 0-70°C ±0.2°C at -40°C ±0.15°C at 100°C ± 1.0°C at 150°C Range: -50 to + 150°C Stability : ±0.2°C in 8 years at 25°C Size: 2.4 mm square (max) Probe operating temp : -30°C to 80°C - limited by cable Cable : 5 metre long, 3.2mm diameter, 4-core, so suitable for 4,3 or 2-wire connection. Thermistor Probes 7 Thermistor Probes for Immersion in Water ST3 The ST3 is similar to the general purpose ST2, except that it has a sheath-tocable seal and corrosion-resistant PVDF cable that will improve operational life if immersed for long periods in FRESH water. BT1 The BT1 thermistor probe is designed for immersion in SALT or FRESH water. The sensor is 150mm long by 6 mm diameter, with a 5 metre two core cable. The cable is covered in corrosion - resistant PVDF and may also be immersed. These probes can be supplied to special order with a longer cable for use at greater immersion depths, or with an extension lead of PVC covered cable where immersion is to be less than 5 metres. MT3 This is a sealed miniature catheter-style probe in a flexible nylon tube (100mm x 2mm), with a fast response suitable for immersion in sea water. Resistance: 2K at 25°C Table type: UUA32J2 Accuracy: ±0.1°C over 0-70°C Range: -50 to +150°C Probe length/dia: 2.5mm Cable : 5 metre long, 2-core Tables of resistance versus temperature Delta-T loggers have look-up tables in memory for thermistor sensors. The appropriate table is identified by the sensor type code. For example for a 2K thermistor the sensor type code is TM1 or Fenwall UUA32J2, depending on which logger you are using. This code corresponds to the UUA32J2 specification and converts the signal from the sensor into degrees centigrade before logging the data. Note that the look up tables behind these codes only cover a limited range , typically -20 to + 60°C , or -40 to + 70°C, depending on the logger. You may extend the range by defining your own non-linear look-up table, using the data below. Your logger User Manual explains how to do this. 8 Thermistor Probes 2K Thermistor Table – in 1°C steps °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms °C Ohms -50 134020 -20 19414 10 3980 40 1065.4 70 350.4 100 135.7 130 60.2 -49 124820 -19 18322 11 3794 41 1023.4 71 338.6 101 131.8 131 58.7 -48 116300 -18 17298 12 3618 42 983.4 72 327.2 102 128.1 132 57.3 -47 108440 -17 16338 13 3450 43 945.4 73 316.4 103 124.4 133 55.8 -46 101141 -16 15436 14 3292 44 908.6 74 306 104 120.9 134 54.4 -45 94380 -15 14590 15 3142 45 874 75 295.8 105 117.5 135 53.1 -44 88120 -14 13796 16 3000 46 840 76 286.2 106 114.2 136 51.9 -43 82320 -13 13048 17 2864 47 808 77 276.8 107 111 137 50.6 -42 76940 -12 12346 18 2736 48 778 78 268 108 107.9 138 49.4 -41 71940 -11 11686 19 2614 49 748.6 79 259.4 109 105 139 48.2 -40 67300 -10 11066 20 2498 50 720.6 80 251 110 102.1 140 47.1 -39 62980 -9 10480 21 2388 51 693.4 81 243 111 99.3 141 45.9 -38 58960 -8 9930 22 2284 52 668 82 235.4 112 96.6 142 44.9 -37 55240 -7 9412 23 2184 53 643.4 83 228 113 94 143 43.8 -36 51760 -6 8924 24 2090 54 619.8 84 220.8 114 91.5 144 42.8 -35 48540 -5 8466 25 2000 55 597.2 85 214 115 89 145 41.8 -34 45520 -4 8032 26 1914.6 56 575.6 86 207.2 116 86.7 146 41.8 -33 42720 -3 7622 27 1833.4 57 554.8 87 200.8 117 84.3 147 39.9 -32 40100 -2 7238 28 1755.4 58 535 88 194.7 118 82.1 148 39 -31 37660 -1 6874 29 1681.4 59 515.8 89 188.8 119 80 149 38.1 -30 35400 0 6530 30 1611.4 60 497.6 90 183.1 120 77.9 150 37.2 -29 33260 1 6206 31 1544.6 61 480 91 177.5 121 75.9 -28 31280 2 5900 32 1480.6 62 463.2 92 172.2 122 73.9 -27 29440 3 5610 33 1419.4 63 447 93 167.1 123 72 -26 27700 4 5338 34 1361.4 64 431.4 94 162.1 124 70.12 -25 26080 5 5078 35 1306 65 416.6 95 157.3 125 68.34 -24 24560 6 4834 36 1253.4 66 402.2 96 152.7 126 66.6 -23 23140 7 4602 37 1203.4 67 388.4 97 148.2 127 64.9 -22 21820 8 4384 38 1155.4 68 375.2 98 143.9 128 63.3 -21 20580 9 4176 39 1109.4 69 362.6 99 139.7 129 61.7 Thermistor Probes 9 Effect of cable resistance For probes using a thermistor sensor, the resistance of any extension lead fitted would be additional to the probe values shown in the Table of Resistance vs Temperature. The standard cable sheath material used for ST1 & 2 is PVC, and for ST3 & BT1 is PVDF. These both have an operating temperature range of -20 to +80*C. Typically, the resistance of each cable core is 5.85 and 7.92 per 100m for PVC and PVDF sheathed cables respectively. With 2000 ohm and other low value thermistors on long cables, the cable resistance may cause small errors. The increased resistance reading causes a reduction in the temperature reading. The following table shows the temperature error in degrees error per ohm of cable resistance: For thermistor types 2K and 2K252: Sensor Temperature, C -20 +20 +40 +60 Cable Error, C/ -0.001 -0.009 -0.023 -0.055 Note that: The effect is temperature dependant and most pronounced at higher temperatures when the thermistor resistance is low. For 2-wire connection, the resistance of both connecting leads must be included. For 3-wire connection, only the return lead contributes to the error. 10 Thermistor Probes Data Logger accuracy The accuracy of temperature measurement depends both on the accuracy of the sensor, given above, and on the accuracy of the logger. GP2: The contribution of the GP2 logger to the accuracy of our standard 2K and 10K thermistor readings is considered to be negligible. GP1: The GP1 logger electronics is optimised for 10K thermistors. DL2e & DL6: These loggers give optimum accuracy for 2K thermistors. For more detail see the respective user manuals. Thermistor Probes 11 Thermocouple Probes General Purpose probes. STK1 The STK1 is a general purpose probe utilising a nickel-chromium (Chromal)/nickel-aluminium (Alumel), K type, thermocouple sensor. This is contained in a stainless steel sheath of 4.8mm nominal outside diameter, 125mm long, which is, in turn, connected to a two core cable, 5m long. Cable information Lead colour Core material Connect to Brown nickel-chromium Instrumentation terminal +ve Blue nickel-aluminium Instrumentation terminal -ve The materials used in the construction of the probe allow its use over a temperature range of -50 to 250 *C. The STK1 provides a direct millivolt output complying with ANSI C96:Special specification. This results in an output of approximately 42 microvolts per °C above reference junction temperature. This voltage can be converted to °C by DL2e and GP2 loggers, using the logger as the reference junction. The resultant sensor accuracy over a temperature range of 0 to 70 °C is ±1.5°C. The logger software allows direct conversion to temperature over the range from -120 to +200 °C, using sensor type TCK or ‘Thermocouple, type K’, depending on the logger used. This can be modified by defining your own nonlinear look-up table. For details of how to do this, please refer to your logger User Manual or on-line help in the logger software. Logger accuracy The uncertainty in a temperature measurement depends on the accuracy of the sensor, given above, and on the accuracy of the logger. The Delta-T Loggers accuracy contribution at different equipment temperatures is given in the appropriate logger user manual. This is added to the accuracy of the sensor to obtain system accuracy. See also page 27 12 Thermocouple Probes Appendix 1: GP1 and DL6 Logger Thermistor Tables GP1 and DL6 loggers use the following lookup tables. Note that these tables differ slightly from the standard thermistor resistance vs temperature tables. This is done to optimise the logger’s contribution to the overall accuracy when interpolating between the points on the lookup table. DeltaLINK's 2K thermistor table for GP1 and DL6 Loggers UUA32J2 Ohm 26034.0 Degrees C -25 19388.0 -20 14576.0 -15 11058.0 -10 8462.6 -5 6530.3 0 5079.2 5 3980.9 10 3142.9 15 2498.8 20 2000.0 25 1611.2 30 1306.0 35 1064.9 40 873.31 45 720.13 50 596.96 55 497.38 60 416.44 65 Note: See also the contribution of the GP1 to reading accuracy on page 15 Appendix 1: GP1 and DL6 Logger Thermistor Tables 13 DeltaLINK's 10K thermistor table for GP1 and DL6 Loggers 10K3A1B Ohm Degrees C 129940 -25 108747 -22 91327 -19 76961 -16 65067 -13 55192 -10 46960 -7 40078 -4 34307 -1 29451 2 25355 5 21888 8 18945 11 16441 14 14305 17 12477 20 10908 23 9560 26 8397 29 7393 32 6523 35 5767 38 5110 41 4537 44 4036 47 3598 50 3213 53 2874 56 2576 59 2313 62 2081 65 14 Appendix 1: GP1 and DL6 Logger Thermistor Tables GP1 contribution to thermistor reading accuracy GP1 contribution to 10K thermistor reading accuracy 0.4 0.3 Error °C 0.2 0.1 GP1 at 20°C max 0.0 GP1 at 20°C min GP1(-20°C to +60°C)max -0.1 GP1(-20°C to +60°C)min -0.2 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature °C GP1 contribution to 2K thermistor reading accuracy 0.4 0.3 Error °C 0.2 0.1 GP1 at 20°C max 0.0 GP1 at 20°C min GP1(-20°C to +60°C)max -0.1 GP1(-20°C to +60°C)min -0.2 -20 0 20 40 60 Temperature °C A 10K thermistor is usually considered to be more accurate than a 2K thermistor when used with a GP1 logger, but as these graphs show, at lower temperatures the GP1 may perform better with a 2K thermistor. Note: these values are typical, not worst case. Appendix 1: GP1 and DL6 Logger Thermistor Tables 15 Appendix 2: GP2 Logger-Controller Temperature Sensors DeltaLINK version 3 and later provides easy-to-configure pre-defined sensor type support in the GP2 Logger Controller for the following Delta-T temperature sensors: 1 2 3 This screenshot shows the simple three clicks needed to select a temperature sensor when creating a simple logger-control program for the GP2 using the DeltaLINK3 PC software. Comprehensive user instructions are provided within the DeltaLink3 software for wiring-up and using each sensor. 16 Appendix 2: GP2 Logger-Controller Temperature Sensors A typical “Info Panel ” information page from the DeltaLINK3 sensor library for the GP2 logger-controller is shown here for a 10K thermistor probe … Appendix 2: GP2 Logger-Controller Temperature Sensors 17 GP2 Thermistor Tables Five look-up tables are provided in the GP2 sensor library for three different types of thermistor. Ω at 25°C 2K 2K 10K 10K 10K Type Table Range UUA32J2 UUA32J2 10K3A1 10K3A1 ERTJ1VG103FA* -25 to + 65°C -40 to + 125°C -25 to + 65°C -25 to + 150°C -25 to + 65°C * Used in Delta-T soil moisture sensors type ML3 and SM300 Note: The temperature range over which a particular thermistor can be used may be restricted by other parts, (for instance the ST4’s PVC sheath’s limit is from -10 to +40°C) The screenshot at right shows part of the GP2’s 2K thermistor table, displayed in DeltaLINK, and which covers, and is optimised for, -25 to + 65°C. 18 Appendix 2: GP2 Logger-Controller Temperature Sensors Appendix 3: DL2e Logger DL2e Logger:- 2K Thermistor Wiring This measures temperatures in the range -20 to +60 deg C, using Fenwall UUA32J2 or BetaCURVE 2K3A1 thermistor types. This the type of thermistor that is fitted to the DL2e's terminal panel as the built-in cold-junction thermistor, and several Delta-T temperature probes (types AT2, BT1, MT2,MT3, RHT2nl-02, ST1, ST2, ST3,ST4, GT1) thermistor use this type of thermistor as their sensing element. Sensors may have two or four wires. Generic sensor connections are shown below for each of the analogue input card types, followed by specific details for the Delta-T probes and sensors. Note that the sensors are electrically symmetrical, so Resistance HI is interchangeable with Resistance LO, and in the four wire version, Resistance and Sense HI and LO are interchangeable in pairs. Generic 2-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Resistance LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND DGND* LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+) IN (--) AGND AGND DGND* LFW1 IN ( I} IN (+) AGND IN (--) DGND* Generic 4-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Sense HI Resistance LO Sense LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) n/c IN (--) n/c DGND* * If present, connect the screen to DGND unless the screen is connected to DGND elsewhere (eg connected to the body of the sensor, and the sensor body is connected to DGND). Appendix 3: DL2e Logger 19 Air Temperature Probe, type AT2: WIRE FUNCTION Red Resistance HI Braid Resistance LO LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND Sealed Thermistor Probe, type BT1: WIRE Brown Black FUNCTION Resistance HI Resistance LO LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND Miniature Thermistor Probe, types MT2, MT3: WIRE Red Yellow Blue Green Braid FUNCTION Resistance HI Sense HI Resistance LO Sense LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) n/c IN (--) n/c DGND 20 Appendix 3: DL2e Logger LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+) IN (--) AGND AGND DGND LFW1 IN ( I} IN (+) AGND IN (--) DGND Air Temperature Sensor, type RHT2nl-02: WIRE Blue Yellow Braid FUNCTION Thermistor HI, Thermistor LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) 61 or 62 (--) LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 LFW1 IN (+), IN (--) IN (+),IN ( I} AGND IN (--), AGND for EMC compliance Soil Temperature Probes, types ST1, ST2, GT1: WIRE Red Braid FUNCTION Resistance HI Resistance LO LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND Immersible Temperature Probes, type ST3: WIRE Brown Black FUNCTION Resistance HI Resistance LO LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND Appendix 3: DL2e Logger 21 DL2e Logger:- 2.252K Thermistor wiring This measures temperatures in the range -20 to +60°C, using the Fenwall UUA32J3 thermistor. Sensors may be supplied with two or four wires. Generic sensor connections are shown below for each of the analogue input card types. Note that the sensors are electrically symmetrical, so Resistance HI is interchangeable with Resistance LO, and in the four wire version, Resistance and Sense HI and LO are interchangeable in pairs. 2-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Resistance LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND DGND* LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+) IN (--) AGND AGND DGND* LFW1 I IN (+) AGND IN (--) DGND* 4-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Sense HI Resistance LO Sense LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) n/c IN (--) n/c DGND* * If present, connect the screen to DGND unless the screen is connected to DGND elsewhere (eg connected to the body of the sensor, and the sensor body is connected to DGND). 22 Appendix 3: DL2e Logger DL2e Logger:- 10K Thermistor Wiring This measures temperatures in the range -20 to +60°C, using the Fenwall UUA41J1 thermistor. Sensors may be supplied with two or four wires. Generic sensor connections are shown below for each of the analogue input card types. Note that the sensors are electrically symmetrical, so Resistance HI is interchangeable with Resistance LO, and in the four wire version, Resistance and Sense HI and LO are interchangeable in pairs. 2-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Resistance LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND DGND* LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+) IN (--) AGND AGND DGND* LFW1 I IN (+) AGND IN (--) DGND* 4-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Sense HI Resistance LO Sense LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) n/c IN (--) n/c DGND* * If present, connect the screen to DGND unless the screen is connected to DGND elsewhere (eg connected to the body of the sensor, and the sensor body is connected to DGND). Appendix 3: DL2e Logger 23 DL2e Logger:- 100K Thermistor Wiring This measures temperatures in the range -20 to +60°C, using the Fenwall UUAT51J1 thermistor. Sensors may be supplied with two or four wires. Generic sensor connections are shown below for each of the analogue input card types. Note that the sensors are electrically symmetrical, so Resistance HI is interchangeable with Resistance LO, and in the four wire version, Resistance and Sense HI and LO are interchangeable in pairs. 2-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Resistance LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) IN (--) DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+), IN (--) AGND DGND* LFW1 IN (+), IN ( I} IN (--), AGND DGND* LAC1 15-ch and ACD1 IN (+) IN (--) AGND AGND DGND* LFW1 I IN (+) AGND IN (--) DGND* 4-wire connection: FUNCTION Resistance HI Sense HI Resistance LO Sense LO Screen LAC1 30-ch IN (+) n/c IN (--) n/c DGND* * If present, connect the screen to DGND unless the screen is connected to DGND elsewhere (eg connected to the body of the sensor, and the sensor body is connected to DGND). 24 Appendix 3: DL2e Logger DL2e Thermistor Tables – in 2.5 °C steps Appendix 3: DL2e Logger 25 DL2e Thermocouple Tables Temp (°C)is the temperature difference between hot and cold junctions. 26 Appendix 3: DL2e Logger ±1.1h ±0.14 -10 to +105 -20 to +80 2 4 2 PVC PVC -50 to 150 -50 to 250 DL6 GP1 GP2 ±0.1 2k AT2-05 AT2-05 Air Temperature Sensor, 2k thermistor 4 2 2 Vy/TEFLg nylon - PVC PVC -50 to 150 -50 to 150 PVC -50 to 150 -50 to 150 -50 to 150 poly-ethelene ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.14 ±0.14 -10 to +105 -10 to +105 ±0.4 ±0.14 Notes a: co-axial single-core with screen acting as signal loop b: Additional (worst case) error due to DL2e at +15 to +25 °C c: Additional (worst case) error due to DL6 at -10 to +50 C error due to GP1 at 0 to +60 °C d: Additional (typical) e: Additional (worst case) error due to GP2 at -20 to +60 °C see also page 14 of the Temperature Sensors User Manual v2 f: Over 0-70°C g: Teflon lead, Vynyl tip █████: Sorry, not available ±0.1 ±0.2 2k GT1-05 2k -10 to +105 2 ±0.1 2k BT1-05 MT3-05 ±0.4 ±0.14 -20 to +80 2 ±1.5 K STK1-05 ±0.1f ±0.09 ±0.4 ±0.14 -50 to+250 2 PTFE -50 to 250 ±0.2 10k ST4-05 2k ±1.0 ±1.0 -10 to +40 2a PVC -10 to +40 ±0.2 2k ST3-05 -20 to +80 poly-ethelene ±0.3 Pt ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.4 ±0.14 ±0.4 ±0.09 ±0.09 ±0.09 ±0.09 ±0.08 ±0.09 ±0.09 SP1-05 ±0.4 ±0.1 2k ST2-05 ±0.4 ±0.2 2k MT2-05 GP2 ±0.14 -10 to +105 2 PVC DL2e accuracyb accuracyc accuracyd accuracye (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) ±0.09 ±0.4 ±0.4 -10 to +105 ±0.14 -50 to 150 Cable range (°C) Number of cores Cable type Probe range (°C) ST1-05 MT2-05 Fast response Temeprature Sensor, 2k, suitable for leaves MT3-05 Flexible Mini-Thermistor Probe, 2k thermistor ST1-05 Soil temperature probe 2k thermistor , stainless steel sheathe, 6s response ST2-05 Precison temperature probe, 2k thermisotor, stainless steel sheathe, 6s response SP1-05 General Purpose Pt 100 probe, stainless steel sheath, for tempEratures up to 300°C ST3-05 Sealed Thermistor Probe,2k thermistor, with sealed sheath and leads suitable for continuous immersion ST4-05 Soil temperature probe 10k thermistor , stainless steel sheathe, 6s response, IP67 STK1-05 General purpose K type thermocouple probe, stainless steel sheath BT1-05 Sealed Thermistor Probe,2k thermistor, with sealed sheath and leads suitable for continuous immersion GT1-05 General Purpose temperature probe, 2k3 thermistor Probe Probe Type accuracy (°C) Accuracy Table for all Sensors Accuracy Table for all Sensors 27 Warranty and Service Terms and Conditions of Sale Our Conditions of Sale (ref: COND: 1/07) set out Delta-T's legal obligations on these matters. The following paragraphs summarise Delta-T's position but reference should always be made to the exact terms of our Conditions of Sale, which will prevail over the following explanation. Delta-T warrants that the goods will be free from defects arising out of the materials used or poor workmanship for a period of two years from the date of delivery. Delta-T shall be under no liability in respect of any defect arising from fair wear and tear, and the warranty does not cover damage through misuse or inexpert servicing, or other circumstances beyond their control. If the buyer experiences problems with the goods they shall notify Delta-T (or Delta-T’s local distributor) as soon as they become aware of such problem. Delta-T may rectify the problem by replacing faulty parts free of charge, or by repairing the goods free of charge at Delta-T's premises in the UK during the warranty period. If Delta-T requires that goods under warranty be returned to them from overseas for repair, Delta-T shall not be liable for the cost of carriage or for customs clearance in respect of such goods. However, Delta-T requires that such returns are discussed with them in advance and may at their discretion waive these charges. Delta-T shall not be liable to supply products free of charge or repair any goods where the products or goods in question have been discontinued or have become obsolete, although Delta-T will endeavour to remedy the buyer’s problem. Delta-T shall not be liable to the buyer for any consequential loss, damage or compensation whatsoever (whether caused by the negligence of the Delta-T, their employees or distributors or otherwise) which arise from the supply of the goods and/or services, or their use or resale by the buyer. Delta-T shall not be liable to the buyer by reason of any delay or failure to perform their obligations in relation to the goods and/or services if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the Delta-T’s reasonable control. 28 Warranty and Service Service, Repairs and Spares Users in countries that have a Delta-T distributor or technical representative should contact them in the first instance. Spare parts for our own instruments can be supplied and can normally be despatched within a few working days of receiving an order. Spare parts and accessories for products not manufactured by Delta-T may have to be obtained from our supplier, and a certain amount of additional delay is inevitable. No goods or equipment should be returned to Delta-T without first obtaining the return authorisation from Delta-T or our distributor. On receipt of the goods at Delta-T you will be given a reference number. Always refer to this reference number in any subsequent correspondence. The goods will be inspected and you will be informed of the likely cost and delay. We normally expect to complete repairs within one or two weeks of receiving the equipment. However, if the equipment has to be forwarded to our original supplier for specialist repairs or recalibration, additional delays of a few weeks may be expected. For contact details see below. Technical Support Users in countries that have a Delta-T distributor or technical representative should contact them in the first instance. Technical Support is available on Delta-T products and systems. Your initial enquiry will be acknowledged immediately with a reference number. Make sure to quote the reference number subsequently so that we can easily trace any earlier correspondence. In your enquiry, always quote instrument serial numbers, software version numbers, and the approximate date and source of purchase where these are relevant. Contact Details: Tech Support Team Delta-T Devices Ltd 130 Low Road, Burwell, Cambridge CB25 0EJ, UK email: [email protected] email: [email protected] web: Tel: +44 (0)1638 742922 Fax: +44 (0)1638 743155 Warranty and Service 29 ">

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Key features
- Thermistor and Thermocouple Probes
- 2K and 10K Thermistor Options
- Various Accuracy Levels
- Immersion and General Purpose Probes
- Compatible with Delta-T Data Loggers
Frequently asked questions
Thermistor probes use a semiconductor material that changes resistance based on temperature, while thermocouple probes measure the voltage generated by the difference in temperature between two dissimilar metals.
The operating temperature range varies depending on the specific probe type. The manual provides details for each probe, including minimum and maximum operating temperatures.
Consider the desired accuracy, temperature range, and environment where the sensor will be used. The manual provides detailed descriptions and specifications for each probe to help you make the right selection.
These sensors are specifically designed for use with Delta-T data loggers. Compatibility with other loggers may vary and is not guaranteed.