Koganei Solenoid Valve F Series Owner's Manual
Koganei Solenoid Valve F Series is an EtherNet/IP compliant, serial transmission compatible manifold designed for use with F10 and F15 Series solenoid valves. It offers flexible I/O data allocation, multiple network topology options, and robust CIP object support. The device incorporates web page access for internal status monitoring, ensuring efficient control and monitoring. The device includes safety features like the HOLD/CLEAR switch, providing a reliable solution for a wide range of applications. Please refer to the detailed documentation for complete specifications and operational guidelines.
Document No. BK-HV045 EtherNet/IP Compliant Serial Transmission Compatible Manifold User's Manual Ver.4.0 Supported solenoid valves ● F10 Series ● F15 Series EtherNet/IP Compliant Serial Transmission Compatible Manifold User's Manual This user's manual describes the serial transmission block so that the serial transmission compatible manifold and solenoid valves can be used correctly. See the catalogs for information about the manifolds and the valves. To use these products correctly, you must first read the documentation. CAUTION This product does not have the appropriate functions to suppor t applications, such as safety equipment or accident prevention systems, that require high levels of safety. • Do not put the communication cables near or in bundles with power lines. • This manual is for the F10 and F15 series solenoid valves. Contact us if you are using a different series of solenoid valves. • For details and precautions regarding EtherNet/IP, refer to the manuals and other documentation about EtherNet/IP related equipment. ODVA, CIP, CompoNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP are trademarks of ODVA. The company and product names mentioned in this document are the trademarks of their respective companies. Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 1 Contents 1 Contents..............................................................................................................1 2 Revision History .................................................................................................... 3 3 Glossary ..............................................................................................................3 4 Major Parts and Functions ......................................................................................5 4-1 Power, communications, and FG connectors ........................................................5 4-2 Indicator panel ...............................................................................................5 4-3 Hardware switch settings .................................................................................6 4-3-1 Network address setting switch, HOLD/CLEAR switch ...................................... 6 4-3-2 Host address setting switch ........................................................................ 6 5 EDS file ...............................................................................................................7 6 IP address settings................................................................................................7 6-1 Specify using the host address switches .............................................................7 6-2 Use the DCHP server .......................................................................................8 6-3 Upload from a flash memory .............................................................................8 7 Relationship between I/O data allocation and solenoid valves ...................................... 9 8 Network topology................................................................................................ 10 8-1 Line format .................................................................................................. 10 8-2 Star format .................................................................................................. 10 8-3 Device level ring format ................................................................................. 11 9 CIP class objects................................................................................................. 11 9-1 Identity (class code: 01 hex) .......................................................................... 11 9-1-1 Service code ........................................................................................... 11 9-1-2 Attribute ................................................................................................ 12 9-1-3 Reset service .......................................................................................... 12 9-2 TCP/IP interface (class code: F5 hex) ............................................................... 13 9-2-1 Service code ........................................................................................... 13 9-2-2 Attribute ................................................................................................ 13 9-3 Ethernet Link (class code: F6 hex) ................................................................... 15 9-3-1 Service code ........................................................................................... 15 9-3-2 Attribute ................................................................................................ 15 9-4 Device Level Ring (class code: 47 hex)............................................................. 16 9-4-1 Service code ........................................................................................... 16 9-4-2 Attribute ................................................................................................ 16 9-5 Quality of Service (class code: 48 hex)............................................................. 17 9-5-1 Service code ........................................................................................... 17 9-5-2 Attribute ................................................................................................ 17 9-6 Discrete Output Point (class code: 09 hex) ....................................................... 17 —1— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 9-6-1 Service code ........................................................................................... 17 9-6-2 Attribute ................................................................................................ 17 9-6-3 About the number of outputs .................................................................... 18 9-7 System Information (class code: B0 hex) ......................................................... 19 9-7-1 Service code ........................................................................................... 19 9-7-2 Attribute ................................................................................................ 19 10 Web page ........................................................................................................ 20 10-1 How to use ................................................................................................. 20 11 Specifications ................................................................................................... 21 11-1 General specifications .................................................................................. 21 11-2 Communication specifications........................................................................ 21 —2— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 2 Revision History Date revised Description of revision June 2017 First printing August 2017 Added glossary Added IP address settings Added network topology Added CIP class objects January 2018 Correction 9-6-3 About the number of outputs June 2020 Added precautions when turning power off. 3 Glossary Terminology Communication protocol Description Defines the communication procedures and protocols for communications on a network. CIP Communication protocol that can be shared between (Common Industrial Protocol) DeviceNet, ControlNet, EtherNet/IP, and CompoNet. IP address Number for identifying devices on a network. It is configured from the network address and host address. Network address Number for identifying a network itself. Host address Number for identifying devices within a network. BOOTP Communication protocol used by devices on a network to (Bootstrap Protocol) automatically acqoire IP addresses from a server. DHCP Protocol with expanded backward compatibility for BOOTP. (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Connection Method for communications between devices and PLC. Basically this is used for I/O data communications. EDS file Information about connections to EtherNet/IP devices. Flash memory Memory device that keeps data, even if the power is turned off. Network topology Format of connections between devices on a netweek. Vendor ID Unique identifier that indicates a manufacturer, they are different for each communication standard. MAC address Identification number that is physically assigned to devices on a network to uniquely identify the devices. They are in a 48 bit format. —3— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX Ethernet standard regulated by IEEE802.3. Twisted-pair cables (UTP category 5 or better, STP) are used for this standard. RPI The interval at which packets are requested. (Requested Packet Interval) This is set by the communication cycle of the I/O data. Exclusive Owner This is one of the connection methods for communicating I/O data. When connected in this way, other connection requests are rejected. UCMM This stands for unconnected message manager. It uses message communications without using communication methods called connections. Full duplex communication Communications are sent and received simultaneously. Half duplex communication Communications in which receiving cannot be done while sending, and sending cannot be done while receiving. Auto negotiations Function to automatically optimize communication method (Auto-negotiation) and communication speed with a connected party. Default gateway Function that knows the method that packets are transmitted to other networks. MDI, MDI-X, Auto-MDIX These are communication connector specifications that define types of cables (straight, cross, etc.). The product has an automatic switching function, so it is not necessary to determine how to use cables or differentiate specifications. ACD Function to detect conflicting IP addresses. (Address Conflict Detection) HTTP Communication protocol used between web browsers and (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) web servers. —4— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 4 Major Parts and Functions 4-1 Power, communications, and FG connectors 4 Major Parts and Functions Powerand supply wire sizes: AWG 28 to 16, tightening torque: 0.22 to 0.25 N・m 4-1 Power, communications, FG (applicable connectors to 2.21 in・lbf]) 24...24 VDC + terminal G...24 VDC − terminal FG...Frame ground terminal FG terminal (tightening torque: 0.49 N・m [4.34 in・lbf]) Ground terminal connection (connected internally to the FG on the power supply term 4-2 Indicator panel Display panel LED displays and descriptions Power supply (applicable wire sizes: AWG 28 to 16, tightening torque: 0.22 to 0.25 N・m [1.95 to 2.21 in・lbf]) Power supply 24...24 VDC(applicable + terminalwire sizes: AWG 28 to 16, tightening torque: 0.22 to 0.25 N・m [1.95 to 2.21 in・lbf]) G...24 VDC − terminal 24...24 VDCground + terminal FG...Frame terminal G...24 VDC − terminal ground terminal FGFG...Frame terminal (tightening torque: 0.49 N・m [4.34 in・lbf]) Ground terminal connection (connected internally to the FG on the power supply terminal) FG terminal (tightening torque: 0.49 N・m [4.34 in・lbf]) Do not turn power offthe within 10for seconds afterbut starting powerpanel supply. * The illustration shows panel the YS7M1, the YS7M3 is the same. Ground terminal connection (connected internally to the FG on the power supply terminal) 4-2 Indicator panel Display panel 4-2 Indicator panel LED displays and descriptions Display panel LED displays and descriptions * The illustration shows the panel for the YS7M1, but the YS7M3 panel is the same. * The illustration shows the panel for the YS7M1, but the YS7M3 panel is the same. —5— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 4-3 Hardware switch settings This section explains the specifications for the hardware switches on the YS7Mn. 4-3-1 Network address setting switch, HOLD/CLEAR switch ON㻌 NETWORK H/C Switch Description NETWORK Sets the network address in the IP address. ON : 192.168.1. OFF: 192.168.0. *1 H/C Selects the output format when communications breakdown and when a connection cannot be established. H: Holds the last output (hold) C: Clears the output*1 *1 Factory setting 4-3-2 Host address setting switch The host address setting switches can set the host address in the IP address. 㻌 x100 x10 Exa 192.168.1.㻌 Host address㻌 x1 Setting value 000 *1 Description Sets the IP address according to the content of the flash memory. Refer to "6 IP address settings" for details. 001-254 Sets the host address. 255-999 Acquires IP address from DCHP server. *1 Factory setting If the IP address is not unique, an abnormality occurs and the NS lights red. —6— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 5 EDS file Download from https://official.koganei.co.jp/. 6 IP address settings There are three methods to set the IP address. Specify using the host address switches (recommended) Use the DCHP server Upload from a flash memory Basically, the recommended method is to use the host address switches to set it directly. This is because you can check the address settings visually and you do not need to do the settings via software or to use special equipment. 6-1 Specify using the host address switches The range of IP addresses that can be set with the host address switches is shown in the table below. NETWORK 0 1 HOST 1 to 254 IP address range to to The following settings are also fixed. Item Setting value Subnet mask Gateway (disabled) —7— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 6-2 Use the DCHP server This method acquires the IP address from the DCHP server. Use this if you are using a large-scale network on which you cannot specify the IP address by using the host address switches. You need a DCHP server on your network to use this method. YS7M1㻌 Switching Hub DHCP server 6-3 Upload from a flash memory This method uploads the IP address from the internal flash memory. You can assign a fixed IP address, but it is also possible to dynamically acquire it from a BOOTP server or DCHP server because you can change the way of deciding the IP address. This is applicable if you want to use a BOOTP server and operate on a large scale network. To do the settings, use the software*1 provided by the PLC vendor. The factory setting for the switches is 000, so uploading from a flash memory is enabled (acquiring the IP address from a DHCP server). *1 BOOTP-DHCP Server (Rockwell Automation, Inc.) Network Configurator (from Omron Co., Ltd.), etc. —8— Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 7 Relationship between I/O data allocation and solenoid valves The relationship between the solenoid valves and the allocation of I/O data to the serial transmission block varies according to the "Wiring specifications" specified in the order number of the manifold. Wiring specifications, blank (packed wiring): Wired according to specifications of mounted valves. -W (double wiring): All wiring is for double solenoids, regardless of the specifications of the mounted valves. If wiring specifications are "blank" (packed wiring) The valves specified in the single solenoid specifications (*1) when ordering are wired to solenoid A only, and are not wired to solenoid B because wiring is done according to specifications for the mounted valves. This means that it cannot function as a double solenoid valve after it is delivered because no current flows to solenoid B, even if it is switched from a single solenoid valve to a double solenoid valve. When wiring specifications are "-W" (double wiring) All wiring is for double solenoids. Assigned in order from the left, regardless of the installation position 6LQJOHVROHQRLGVSHFLILFDWLRQV Stations Solenoids 1 1 *1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 6 *1 5 7 8 6 *1 7 8 F10T1-A1 F10T2-A1 F10T1-A1 F10T2-A1 F10T1-A1 F10T2-A1 F10T1-A1 F10T2-A1 10 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 (example of above configuration) F10M10SJ-JR-M1 stn. 1 stn. 2, 3 stn. 4 stn. 5 stn. 6 stn. 7, 8 stn. 9 stn. 10 9 *1 DC24V DC24V DC24V DC24V DC24V DC24V DC24V DC24V —9— 16 (F10T1, F15T1 F10T0, F15T0) Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant Output supported by example configuration: YS7M1 (16 contacts) Bits b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 WORD Input data "Blank" (packed wiring) 10 Stations Solenoids 16 15 9 8 14 13 7 12 11 6 10 9 5 8 4 7 3 6 5 2 4 3 1 2 1 * Maximum is 8 consecutive. To use 10 consecutive, use the YS7M3. "-W" (double wiring) 8 Stations Solenoids 16 7 15 14 6 13 12 5 11 10 4 9 8 3 7 6 2 5 4 1 3 2 1 8 Network topology The YS7Mn supports the following connection formats. Line format Star format Device level ring format 8-1 Line format A line format network connects devices in a daisy chain format. Switching hubs are not needed, and the total length of the LAN cable can be reduced. YS7M1㻌 8-2 Star format A star format network connects the various devices from switching hubs. YS7M1㻌 Switching Hub㻌 — 10 — Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 8-3 Device level ring format A device level ring (hereafter DLR) format network is resilient to breakdowns. The connections are maintained by switching to line format communications if a line is cut or a device in the ring malfunctions. A control device known as a supervisor must be installed on the network. 6XSHUYLVRU YS7M1㻌 5RFNZHOO&RPSDFW/RJL[RUVLPLODU Basically, you must configure a DLR format network so that all the devices you connect support DLR. Refer to the PLC manual for more details. 9 CIP class objects Identity Class code 01 hex Provides information that identifies a product. TCP/IP Interface F5 hex Provides the interface for the TCP/IP network. Ethernet Link F6 hex Provides information for the IEEE802.3 communications Name of object Description interface. Device Level Ring 47 hex Provides information about the status of the device level ring. Quality of Service 48 hex Provides information about priority order of Ethernet frame. Discrete Output Point 09 hex Provides information about discrete outputs. System Information B0 hex Provides information about products. (vendor expansion) 9-1 Identity (class code: 01 hex) 9-1-1 Service code Service code Name 01 hex Get_Attribute_All 05 hex Reset 0E hex Get_Attribute_Single — 11 — Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 9-1-2 Attribute Instance ID Attribute Access NV Name Data format Description 0 1 Get Revision Revision of identity object UINT 0 2 Get Max Instance Maximum number of instances UINT 1 1 Get Vendor ID Product vendor identification number UINT 1 2 Get Device Type General type of device UINT 1 3 Get Product Code Identification number for product UINT Revision Revision of product 1 4 Major Revision Get Minor Revision 1 5 Get Major revisions Revision number for large changes that affect users. Minor revisions Revision number for small changes that do not affect users. WORD UDINT 6 Get Serial Number 1 7 Get Product Name Product name State State of device 0 = Nonexistent 1 = Device Self Testing 2 = Standby 3 = Operational 4 = Major Recoverable Fault 5 = Major Unrecoverable Fault 255 = Default Value Get USINT State of communications with devices 1 8 USINT Status Number that identifies products of specific vendors 1 Structure SHORT_S TRING USINT 9-1-3 Reset service Data 0 Description Executes the same operation as power reset. This is the default operation if data is omitted. 1 Executes the same operation as power reset and returns settings to factory defaults. List of settings that are initialized when data 1 is specified Item Initial value Object Attribute Configuration Method TCP/IP How to Set IP 2 = DHCP Addresses interface object IP address Subnet mask Default gateway (disabled) TTL for multicast 1 Configuration Control — 12 — Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant Method to specify 0 = Automatic Mcast Config multicast address allocation Multicast start (disabled) address ACD enabled/disabled 1 = enabled SelectAcd ACD information LastConflictDetected 0 Communication speed 0 = Auto-negotiate Ethernet link (automatic setting) object DSCP Scheduled 47 QoS object DSCP Explicit 27 Valve output count 0 Interface Control DSCP Scheduled DSCP Explicit Discrete output Count point object 0 Accumulated System operating time Total power on time information object 9-2 TCP/IP interface (class code: F5 hex) 9-2-1 Service code Service code Name 01 hex Get_Attribute_All 0E hex Get_Attribute_Single 10 hex Set_Attribute_Single 9-2-2 Attribute Instance ID Attribute Access NV Name Description Data format 0 1 Get Revision Revision of TCP/IP interface object UINT 0 2 Get Max Instance Maximum number of instances UINT Status State of TCP/IP network Bit0-3: Interface Configuration Status 1 = Established by BOOTP, DHCP, or NV 2 = Established by rotary switch Bit4-31: 0 fixed 1 1 Get — 13 — DWORD Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 1 2 Get 1 3 Get/Set Configuration Capability NV Configuration Control Settings function Bit0: BOOTP Client Bit1: Reserved Bit2: DHCP Client Bit3: Reserved Bit4: Configuration Settable Bit5: Hardware Configurable Bit6: Reserved Bit7: ACD Capable Bit8-31: Reserved How to set IP addresses Bit0-3: Configuration Method 0 = Fixed IP address 1 = BOOTP 2 = DHCP Bit4-31: 0 fixed DWORD DWORD Physical Link Object Path to object linked on physical layer Structure 1 4 Get Path Size Size of path fixed as 0002 hex UINT Path Logical segment that identifies object linked on physical layer 20 F6 24 01 hex fixed EPATH Interface Configuration 1 5 Get/Set NV Settings for TCP/IP network Structure IP Address IP address UDINT Network Mask Subnet mask UDINT Gateway Address Default gateway UDINT Name Server Primary name server UDINT Name Server 2 Secondary name server UDINT Domain Name Name of domain STRING 1 6 Get/Set NV Host Name Name of host STRING 1 8 Get/Set NV TTL Value Time to live for multicast USINT Mcast Config Multicast address settings Structure Alloc Control Method to allocate multicast address USINT Reserved Reserved USINT Num Mcast Number of multicast addresses UINT Mcast Start Addr Multicast start address UDINT SelectAcd ACD enabled/disabled BOOL 1 1 9 10 Get/Set Get/Set NV NV LastConflictDetected AcdActivity 1 11 Get/Set NV Most recently detected conflict information State of ACD when conflict was detected RemoteMAC Conflicting MAC address ArpPdu ARP message when conflict occurred — 14 — Structure USINT ARRAY of 6 USINT ARRAY of 28 USINT Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 9-3 Ethernet Link (class code: F6 hex) 9-3-1 Service code Service code Name 01 hex Get_Attribute_All 0E hex Get_Attribute_Single 10 hex Set_Attribute_Single 9-3-2 Attribute Instance ID Attribute Access NV Name Description Data format 0 1 Get Revision Revision of Ethernet link object UINT 0 2 Get Max Instance Maximum number of instances UINT 1-2 1 Get Interface Speed Speed of communications at IN port UDINT 1-2 2 Get Interface Flags Status of IN port DWORD 1-2 3 Get Physical Address MAC address In Unknown Protos Out Octets Number of octets sent UDINT Out Ucast Packets Number of unicast packets sent UDINT In Octets In Ucast Packets In NUcast Packets In Discards 4 Get In Errors Out NUcast Packets Number of non-unicast packets sent Number of sent packets that were discarded UDINT Out Errors Number of packets that had errors UDINT Media Counters Ethernet media counter FCS Errors 5 Get UDINT Out Discards Alignment Errors 1-2 6 USINT Number of packets sent and received Structure at interface Number of packets received at UDINT interface Number of unicast packets received at UDINT interface Number of non-unicast packets UDINT received at interface Number of incoming packets that UDINT were discarded Number of packets that had errors UDINT (not counting the incoming discards) Number of packets with unknown UDINT protocols Interface Counters 1-2 ARRAY of Single Collisions Multiple Collisions SQE Test Errors Deferred Transmissions Number of received frames whose lengths were not octets Number of frames received that did not match FCS Number of sent frames for which one collision occurred Number of sent frames for which more than one collision occurred Number of SQE test error messages that were generated Number of frames whose first transmission was delayed because the media was busy — 15 — Structure UDINT UDINT UDINT UDINT UDINT UDINT Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant Number of collisions detected after 512 bit time slot Number of frames that failed to be Excessive Collisions sent due to too many collisions Number of frames that failed to be MAC Transmit Errors sent due to errors in MAC sublayer Number of errors or losses of carrier Carrier Sense Errors sense Number of frames received that exceeded maximum allowable frame Frame Too Long size Number of frames that failed to be MAC Receive Errors received because of errors in MAC sublayer Late Collisions 1-2 6 Get/Set NV 7 Get 1-2 8 Get NV UDINT UDINT UDINT UDINT UDINT Interface Control Control for interface Control Bits Specify full duplex mode for auto negotiations WORD Communication speed when full duplex mode is specified UINT Interface Type Type of physical interface USINT Interface State State of interface USINT USINT Forced Interface Speed 1-2 UDINT 1-2 9 Get/Set NV Admin State Whether interface is enabled or disabled 1-2 10 Get NV Interface Label Name that identifies interface Structure SHORT_S TRING 9-4 Device Level Ring (class code: 47 hex) 9-4-1 Service code Service code Name 0E hex Get_Attribute_Single 9-4-2 Attribute Instance ID Attribute Access NV Name Description Data format 0 1 Get Revision Revision of device level ring object UINT 0 2 Get Max Instance Maximum number of instances UINT 1 1 Get Network Topology Format of connections in a network USINT 1 2 Get Network Status Format of a network USINT Active Supervisor Address 1 10 Get Supervisor IP Address Supervisor MAC Address — 16 — Address supervisor that is operating IP address of supervisor MAC address of supervisor Structure UDINT ARRAY of 6 USINT Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 9-5 Quality of Service (class code: 48 hex) 9-5-1 Service code Service code Name 0E hex Get_Attribute_Single 10 hex Set_Attribute_Single 9-5-2 Attribute Instance ID Attribute Access NV Name 0 1 Get Revision 0 2 Get Max Instance 1 5 Get/Set NV DSCP Scheduled 1 8 Get/Set NV DSCP Explicit Description Data format Revision of quality of service object UINT Maximum number of instances UINT Scheduled priority for CIP transport class 0/1 message Priority for UCMM CIP transport class 2/3 and other messages USINT USINT 9-6 Discrete Output Point (class code: 09 hex) 9-6-1 Service code Service code Name 0E hex Get_Attribute_Single 10 hex Set_Attribute_Single 9-6-2 Attribute Instance ID Attribute Access 1-N *1 3 Get/Set 1 5 Get 1-N *1 100 Get/Set NV Name Output value 0 = off, 1 = on Operation when communication breakdown occurs Clear = 0, Hold = 1 Value Fault Action NV Description Number of outputs Count 1 YS7M1 = 16, YS7M3 = 32 CAUTION Set the hold/clear switch to hold when a value of 3 is set for the attribute. — 17 — Data format BOOL BOOL UDINT Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 9-6-3 About the number of outputs Counts the number of times the output command goes from off to on. The instance ID is the same as the solenoid number. Refer to "7 Relationship between I/O data allocation and solenoid valves" for the relationship between the solenoid numbers and the I/O data. Stations Solenoid (= instance ID) 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 6 4 7 8 5 9 10 )RUGRXEOHVROHQRLGV — 18 — Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 9-7 System Information (class code: B0 hex) 9-7-1 Service code Service code Name 0E hex Get_Attribute_Single 9-7-2 Attribute Instance ID Attribute Access NV Name Description Data format 1 100 Get Power on time Time from power on to operation LTIME 1 101 Get Power on days (units are days) UINT 1 102 Get Power on hours (units are hours) UDINT 1 103 Get Power on minutes (units are minutes) UDINT 1 104 Get Power on seconds (units are seconds) UDINT 1 110 Get NV Total power on time Accumulated operating time LTIME 1 111 Get NV Total power on days (units are days) UINT 1 112 Get NV Total power on hours (units are hours) UDINT 1 113 Get NV Total power on minutes (units are minutes) UDINT 1 114 Get NV Total power on seconds (units are seconds) UDINT — 19 — Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 10 Web page 10-1 How to use You can check the internal status from the web page. 1. Open a browser. 2. Input the IP address of YS7Mn in the URL field. The web page opens. IP address of YS7Mn ※ To check use Internet Explorer 7 or later, Firefox 9.0 or later, or Google Chrome 4.0 or later. — 20 — Solenoid Valve F Series EtherNet/IP Compliant 11 Specifications 11-1 General specifications Item YS7M1 Power supply DC24V ± 10% YS7M3 voltage Power consumption 3 W or less (excluding solenoid valves) Operating 5 to 50 °C temperature range Operating humidity 35 to 85% RH (non-condensation) range Operating No corrosive gases and no excessive dust atmosphere Vibration 49.0m/s2 resistance Shock resistance 98.1m/s2 Dielectric strength 1000 VAC for 1 minute (between all external terminals and the case) Noise resistance IEC61000-4-4 compliant, level 3 Insulation 10 MΩ or more (between all external terminals and the case, using a resistance 500 VDC insulation tester) Standard CE marking compliant 11-2 Communication specifications Item YS7M1 Vendor ID 429 Output size 2 byte Number of ports RJ45 × 2 Physical layer 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX YS7M3 4 byte CIP Connection Class 1, Exclusive Owner: 1 cyclic communications RPI 1 ~ 1000 ms CIP Connection Class 3, UCMM: 8 explicit message Communication speed 10, 100 Mbps, full duplex, half duplex, auto-negotiate MDI MDI, MDI-X, Auto-MDIX IP address settings Fixed, BOOTP, DHCP Switching functions Supported ACD Supported DLR Supported Supported protocols CIP, HTTP Port numbers CIP: 44818, 2222 HTTP: 80 EthterNet/IP CT13 compliant — 21 — ● For other information, detailed specifications, and precautions, see the product catalog. ● F or inquiries about the product, contact your nearest Koganei sales office or the Overseas Department noted below. KOGANEI CORPORATION OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT 3-11-28, Midoricho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, 184-8533, Japan TEL : +81-042-383-7271 FAX : +81-042-383-7276 Website: http://www.koganei.co.jp ● The specifications or the appearance of this product are subject to change any time without prior notice. 7/'20 AB ©KOGANEI CORP. PRINTED IN JAPAN ">

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Key features
- EtherNet/IP compliance
- Serial transmission compatibility
- F10 & F15 Series support
- Flexible I/O allocation
- Multiple network topologies
- CIP class objects
- Web page access
- HOLD/CLEAR switch
Frequently asked questions
The manual mentions that this manifold is specifically for the F10 and F15 series solenoid valves. Contact the manufacturer for information about compatibility with other series.
There are three methods for setting the IP address: specifying it using the host address switches, using a DHCP server, or uploading from a flash memory. It is recommended to use the host address switches for visual confirmation of the settings.
The allocation of I/O data depends on the wiring specifications of the manifold. ‘Blank’ (packed wiring) specifies wiring according to the valve specifications. ‘-W’ (double wiring) assigns all wiring for double solenoids, regardless of the valve specifications.