KTR RUFLEX-torque limiter Operating/Mounting Instructions
KTR RUFLEX-torque limiter is a safety system that protects components in a drive train from damage. It features positive locking and limits torque, acting as an overload system. It's designed for various applications and can be assembled with different couplings like ROTEX® and BoWex®.
RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 1 of 26 9 RUFLEX® Torque limiter RUFLEX® RUFLEX® with sprocket RUFLEX® max. RUFLEX® with ROTEX® RUFLEX® with BoWex® Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 2 of 26 9 RUFLEX® is a torque limiting and load-holding overload system with positive locking. It protects adjacent components in the drive train from damage. Table of contents 1 Technical data 3 2 Advice 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 8 8 8 9 9 9 3 4 General advice Safety and advice symbols General hazard warnings Intended use Selection of torque limiter Reference to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Storage, transport and packaging 9 3.1 3.2 9 9 Storage Transport and packaging Assembly 10 ® 5 4.1 Components of RUFLEX 4.2 Layering of disk springs 4.3 Advice for finish bore 4.4 Assembly (general) 4.5 Centering plain bush 4.6 Assembly of RUFLEX® torque limiter 4.7 Assembly of RUFLEX® torque limiter with ROTEX® coupling 4.8 Assembly of RUFLEX® torque limiter with BoWex® coupling 4.9 Disassembly of the torque limiter / replacement of single parts 4.10 Assembly of the torque limiter 10 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 18 Adjustment of torque 18 5.1 5.2 18 21 Initial setting resp. re-setting of slipping torque Setting diagrammes 6 Breakdowns, causes and elimination 25 7 Disposal 26 8 Maintenance and service 26 9 Spares inventory, customer service addresses 26 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 1 46010 EN 3 of 26 9 Technical data Illustration 1: RUFLEX® size 00 Illustration 2: RUFLEX® size 0 to 5 Illustration 3: RUFLEX® size 6 to 9 Table 1: Technical data and dimensions Size 00 0 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Size 00 0 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Max. speed [rpm] 10000 8500 6600 5600 4300 3300 2700 2200 1900 1600 1300 1000 Torque [Nm] 1TF (0.5) 5) 1 - 3 2 - 10 5 - 35 20 - 75 25 - 140 50 - 300 90 - 600 400 - 800 300 - 1200 600 - 2200 900 - 3400 2500 - 6000 DA B 30 45 58 68 88 115 140 170 200 240 285 350 8.5 8.5 16 17 19 21 23 29 31 33 35 53 2TF 2-5 4 - 20 10 - 70 40 - 150 50 - 280 100 - 600 180 - 1200 800 - 1600 600 - 2400 1200 - 4400 1800 - 6800 6000 - 12000 3TF 3) 130 - 200 250 - 400 550 - 800 1100 - 1600 1400 - 2100 - Dimensions [mm] Bore d D 2) Pilot bore Max. 10 21 20 1) 35 22 40 25 44 35 58 45 72 55 85 65 98 38 80 116 45 100 144 58 120 170 65 140 237 Dimensions [mm] Drive component b1 s1 Min. Max. 2 6 2.5 2 6 2.5 3 8 3 3 10 3 4 12 3 5 15 4 6 18 4 8 20 5 8 23 5 8 25 5 8 25 5 16 28 6 L 31 33 45 52 57 68 78 92 102 113 115 162 D1 45 40 45 58 75 90 102 120 150 180 225 Thread for setscrews t G 3 M4 3 M4 4 M5 5 M5 5 M6 5 M6 5 M8 8 M8 8 M8 8 M10 8 M10 11 M12 1) Finish bore exceeding Ø19, feather keyway according to DIN 6885 sheet 3 2) Bore tolerance (drive component): F8 with size 00 - 4 H8 with size 5 - 9 3) With clamping setting nut to be used on types limited in dimensions only 4) Hexagon nuts with size 9 5) With special disk spring Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 1 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 4 of 26 9 Technical data Illustration 4: RUFLEX® with sprocket Table 2: Technical data and dimensions Size Max. speed [rpm] 01 1 2 3 4 6600 5600 4300 3300 2700 Size 01 1 2 3 4 1TF 5 - 35 20 - 75 25 - 140 50 - 300 90 - 600 Torque [Nm] 2TF 10 - 70 40 - 150 50 - 280 100 - 600 180 - 1200 B s1 L 16 17 19 21 23 3 3 3 4 4 45 52 57 68 78 3TF 1) 130 - 200 250 - 400 550 - 800 1100 - 1600 Dimensions [mm] Max. bore d D1 22 40 25 45 35 58 45 75 55 90 Dimensions [mm] Thread for setscrews t G 4 M5 5 M5 5 M6 5 M6 5 M8 DA 58 68 88 115 140 Standard sprocket 2) 06 B-1 (3/8 x 7/32) z = 23 08 B-1 (1/2 x 5/16) z = 22 08 B-1 (1/2 x 5/16) z = 27 12 B-1 (3/4 x 7/16) z = 22 16 B-1 (1 x 17,02) z = 21 1) With clamping setting nut to be used on types limited in dimensions only 2) Number of teeth required at the minimum. Other sprockets available on request. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 1 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 5 of 26 9 Technical data Illustration 5: RUFLEX® max. Table 3: Technical data and dimensions Size Max. speed [rpm] 01 1 2 3 4 6600 5600 4300 3300 2700 Size 01 1 2 3 4 Max. bore d 22 25 35 45 55 Torque [Nm] 2TF 10 - 70 40 - 150 50 - 280 100 - 600 180 - 1200 1TF 5 - 35 20 - 75 25 - 140 50 - 300 90 - 600 D1 40 45 58 75 90 DA 58 68 88 115 140 Dimensions [mm] B 16 17 19 21 23 Max. b 33.0 43.0 54.0 62.0 91.5 3TF 2) 130 - 200 250 - 400 550 - 800 1100 - 1600 D 1) 40 44 58 72 85 Max. L 70 85 100 115 154 1) Bore tolerance (drive component): F8 2) With clamping setting nut to be used on types limited in dimensions only Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 1 46010 EN 6 of 26 9 Technical data Illustration 6: RUFLEX® with ROTEX® Table 4: Technical data and dimensions Size 00 0 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ROTEX® size 14 19 24 28 38 48 75 90 100 110 140 160 ROTEX® torque [Nm] 98 ShA TKN TK max 12.5 25 17 34 60 120 160 320 325 650 525 1050 1920 3840 3600 7200 4950 9900 7200 14400 12800 25600 19200 38400 Torque [Nm] 1TF (0.5) 3) 1 - 3 2 - 10 5 - 35 20 - 75 25 - 140 50 - 300 90 - 600 400 - 800 300 - 1200 600 - 2200 900 - 3400 2500 - 6000 3TF 1) 130 - 200 250 - 400 550 - 800 1100 - 1600 1400 - 2100 - 2TF 2-5 4 - 20 10 - 70 40 - 150 50 - 280 100 - 600 180 - 1200 800 - 1600 600 - 2400 1200 - 4400 1800 - 6800 6000 - 12000 Dimensions [mm] Size 00 0 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bore d Pilot bore Max. 10 20 2) 22 25 35 45 55 65 38 80 45 100 58 120 65 140 Max. bore d1 16 25 35 40 48 62 95 110 115 125 160 185 DH DA l1 l2 E L LG 30 40 55 65 80 105 160 200 225 255 320 370 44 63 80 98 120 162 185 260 285 330 410 460 11 25 30 35 45 56 85 100 110 120 155 175 35 37 50 58 64 82 80 114 130 142 152 199 13 16 18 20 24 28 40 45 50 55 65 75 31 33 45 52 57 68 78 92 102 113 115 161 59.5 78 98 113 133 166 205 259 290 317 372 449 1) With clamping setting nut to be used on types limited in dimensions only 2) Finish bore exceeding Ø19, feather keyway according to DIN 6885 sheet 3 3) With special disk spring Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 1 46010 EN 7 of 26 9 Technical data Illustration 7: RUFLEX® with BoWex® Table 5: Technical data and dimensions Size 00 0 01 1 2 Size 00 0 01 1 2 BoWex® size 19 28 38 48 65 Max. bore d 10 20 2) 22 25 35 1TF (0.5) 3) 1 - 3 2 - 10 5 - 35 20 - 75 25 - 140 Torque [Nm] 2TF 2-5 4 - 20 10 - 70 40 - 150 50 - 280 Max. bore d1 19 28 38 48 65 BoWex® torque [Nm] TKN TK max 16 32 45 90 80 160 140 280 380 760 3TF 1) 130 - 200 250 - 400 Dimensions [mm] DA l1 48 25.0 66 40.0 83 35.5 95 45.5 132 64.0 L 31 33 45 52 57 E 2.5 2.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 LG 58.5 75.5 81.5 98.5 122.0 1) With clamping setting nut to be used on types limited in dimensions only 2) Finish bore exceeding Ø19, feather keyway according to DIN 6885 sheet 3 3) With special disk spring Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 2 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 8 of 26 9 Advice 2.1 General advice Please read through these operating/assembly instructions carefully before you start up the torque limiter. Please pay special attention to the safety instructions! The operating/assembly instructions are part of your product. Please store them carefully and close to the torque limiter. The copyright for these operating/assembly instructions remains with KTR. 2.2 Safety and advice symbols STOP ! Warning of personal injury This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing bodily injuries or serious bodily injuries that may result in death. Warning of product damages This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing material or machine damage. General advice This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing adverse results or conditions. Warning of hot surfaces This symbol indicates notes which may contribute to preventing burns with hot surfaces resulting in light to serious bodily injuries. 2.3 General hazard warnings STOP With assembly, operation and maintenance of the torque limiter it has to be made sure that the entire drive train is secured against accidental switch-on. You may be seriously hurt by rotating parts. Please make absolutely sure to read through and observe the following safety indications. • All operations on and with the torque limiter have to be performed taking into account "safety first". • Make sure to switch off the power pack before you perform your work on the torque limiter. • Secure the power pack against accidental switch-on, e. g. by providing warning signs at the place of switch-on or removing the fuse for current supply. • Do not reach into the operating area of the torque limiter as long as it is in operation. • Please secure the torque limiter against accidental contact. Please provide for the necessary protection devices and covers. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 2 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 9 of 26 9 Advice 2.4 Intended use You may only assemble, operate and maintain the torque limiter if you • have carefully read through the operating/assembly instructions and understood them • had technical training • are authorized by your company The torque limiter may only be used in accordance with the technical data (see chapter 1). Unauthorized modifications on the torque limiter design are not admissible. We will not assume liability for any damage that may arise. In the interest of further development we reserve the right for technical modifications. The RUFLEX® described in here corresponds to the technical status at the time of printing of these operating/assembly instructions. 2.5 Selection of torque limiter ! For a long-lasting and failure-free operation of the torque limiter it must be selected according to the respective application (see catalogue drive technology „RUFLEX ®“). If the operating conditions (performance, speed, modifications on engine and machine) change, the selection must be reviewed. The transmittable torque of the shaft-hub-connection must be reviewed by the customer and is subject to his responsibility. 2.6 Reference to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC The torque limiters supplied by KTR should be considered as components, not machines or partly completed machines according to EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Consequently KTR does not have to issue a declaration of incorporation. For details about safe assembly, start-up and safe operation refer to the present operating/assembly instructions considering the warnings. 3 Storage, transport and packaging 3.1 Storage The torque limiters are supplied in preserved condition and can be stored at a dry and covered place for 6 - 9 months. ! Humid storage rooms are not suitable. Please make sure that condensation is not generated. The best relative air humidity is less than 65 %. 3.2 Transport and packaging ! In order to avoid any injuries and any kind of damage please always make use of proper transport and lifting equipment. The torque limiters are packed differently each depending on size, number and kind of transport. Unless otherwise contractually agreed, packaging will follow the in-house packaging specifications of KTR. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 46010 EN 10 of 26 9 Assembly The torque limiter is supplied in assembled condition. 4.1 Components of RUFLEX® Subassembly 1: Components of RUFLEX® torque limiter size 00 to 5 Component 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 Number 1 1 1 6 1) see table 7 2 1 2) 1.8 1 1.9 1 1.10 1 1.5 Description Hub Pressure ring Setting nut Torque setting screws Disk spring Friction lining Centering plain bush Setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 Lock washer Drive component e. g. sprocket (optional) Illustration 8: RUFLEX® size 00 to 5 1) With size 00 number = 3 2) The number of plain bushes of RUFLEX® max. depends on the width of drive component (customized). Subassembly 2: Components of RUFLEX® torque limiter size 6 to 8 Component 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.7 Number 1 1 1 see table 6 see table 7 2 1 1) 2.8 1 2.9 1 2.10 1 2.11 2.12 see table 6 2.4 2.5 Description Hub Pressure ring Setting nut Setting screws for disk springs Disk spring Friction lining Centering plain bush Setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 Cap screw DIN EN ISO 4762 Drive component e. g. sprocket (optional) Disk DIN 1440 Snap ring DIN 7993 Illustration 9: RUFLEX® size 6 to 8 1) The number of plain bushes of RUFLEX® max. depends on the width of drive component (customized). Table 6: Size Number of setting screws for disk springs (component 2.4) Number of disks (component 2.11) Number of snap rings (component 2.12) Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz 6 8 8 8 7 12 12 12 Replacing: Replaced by: 8 16 16 16 KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 11 of 26 9 Assembly 4.1 Components of RUFLEX® Subassembly 3: Components of RUFLEX® torque limiter size 9 Component 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 Number Description 1 Hub 1 Pressure ring 1 Setting nut Setting screws for disk 15 springs see Disk spring table 7 2 Friction lining 1 1) Centering plain bush Setscrews 1 DIN EN ISO 4029 Setscrews 1 DIN EN ISO 4029 Drive component e. g. 1 sprocket (optional) 2) Lock washer 15 Circlip DIN 471 Hexagon nut 15 DIN EN ISO 4035 Illustration 10: RUFLEX® size 9 1) The number of plain bushes of RUFLEX® max. depends on the width of drive component (customized). 2) Number with 1 TF = 30, with 2TFD = 15 Components of RUFLEX® torque limiter with ROTEX® coupling Component/ subNumber assembly 1/2/3 1 4 5 6 1 1 1 7 1) 8 1 Description RUFLEX® (complete torque limiter) with driving component (friction flange) ROTEX® driving flange ROTEX® hub ROTEX® spider Cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 - 12.9 Setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 Illustration 11: RUFLEX® with ROTEX® 1) depending on the size of ROTEX® coupling Components of RUFLEX® torque limiter with BoWex® coupling Component/ subNumber assembly 1/2 1 5 6 1 1 8 1 Description RUFLEX® (complete torque limiter) with driving component (friction flange) BoWex® hub BoWex® sleeve Setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 Illustration 12: RUFLEX® with BoWex® Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 46010 EN 12 of 26 9 Assembly 4.2 Layering of disk springs Single layering (standard) 1TF Size 0 to 5 1TFD Size 00 Double layering 1TFD Size 6 to 9 2TF Size 0 to 5 2TFD Size 00 Triple layering 2TFD Size 6 to 9 3TF Size 1 to 5 Table 7: Disk springs Size 00 0 01 1 1TF 1TFD 2TF 2TFD 3TF 2 4 - 1 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 3 2 3 4 Number of disk springs 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 16 32 - 24 48 - 32 64 - 30 60 - 4.3 Advice for finish bore STOP The maximum permissible bore diameters d (see table 1 to 5 in chapter 1 - technical data) must not be exceeded. If these figures are disregarded, the torque limiter may tear. Rotating particles may cause danger to life. • If the bore of the hub is machined by the customer, the torque limiter needs to be disassembled (see chapter 4.6). • Axial run-out or concentricity (see illustration 13) must be adhered to. • Please make absolutely sure to observe the figures for Ø dmax. • Carefully align the hubs when the finish bores are drilled. • Please provide for a setscrew according to DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point or an end plate to fasten the hubs axially. ! Illustration 13: Concentricity and axial run-out The customer bears the sole responsibility for all machining processes performed subsequently on unbored or pilot bored as well as finish machined components and spare parts. KTR does not assume any warranty claims resulting from insufficient remachining. Table 8: Setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 Size Dimension G Dimension t 00 M4 3 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 0 M4 3 01 M5 4 1 M5 6 2 M6 6 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz 3 M6 6 4 M8 6 5 M8 8 Replacing: Replaced by: 6 M8 8 7 M10 8 8 M10 8 9 M12 11 KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 13 of 26 9 Assembly 4.3 Advice for finish bore Table 9: Recommended fit pairs acc. to DIN 748/1 Bore [mm] above up to 50 50 Shaft tolerance Bore tolerance k6 m6 H7 (KTR standard) If a feather keyway is intended to be used in the hub, it should correspond to the tolerance ISO JS9 (KTR standard) with standard operating conditions or ISO P9 with complicated operating conditions (frequently alternating torsional direction, shock loads, etc.). The transmittable torque of the shaft-hub-connection must be reviewed by the customer and is subject to his responsibility. 4.4 Assembly (general) We recommend to clean bores, shaft, keyway and feather keyway and inspect for dimensional accuracy before assembly. Heating the RUFLEX® torque limiter respectively ROTEX® or BoWex® hub lightly (approx. 80 °C) allows for easier mounting onto the shaft. STOP Touching the heated torque limiter, coupling or hub causes burns. Please wear safety gloves. The mounting process of the torque limiter via a mounting device should be done through the hub (component 1.1, 2.1 or 3.1). • Please make sure the perfect technical condition of the RUFLEX® torque limiter. • Clean the bores, shafts, sliding surfaces of the hub, driving component, thrust washer and friction linings from dirt, oil and grease. • Please only use original KTR components (no purchased parts). ! Dirty friction surfaces affect the torque limiter's functioning.The friction linings must not get in contact with oil or grease. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 46010 EN 14 of 26 9 Assembly 4.5 Centering plain bush • Inspect the width of the centering plain bush. Only valid for size 00: Centering plain bush = b1 - 0.5 to 1.0 Only valid for size 0 to 9: Centering plain bush = 1.5 x s1 + b1 Example: RUFLEX® torque limiter size 1 Width of driving component e. g. b1 = 8 mm Width of friction lining s1 = 3 mm Centering plain bush = 1.5 x 3 + 8 = 12.5 mm Illustration 14: Centering plain bush with RUFLEX® size 00 Illustration 15: Centering plain bush with RUFLEX® size 0 to 9 Centering plain bush = Unless any width of driving component is specified in the order, the centering plain bush is supplied with maximum width. ! If the specified width of the centering plain bush is not observed, the functioning of the torque limiter is not ensured. Table 10: Width of centering plain bush Size Max. width of centering plain bush 00 0 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4.2 10 13 15 17 21.5 24.5 28 31 33 33 33 4.6 Assembly of RUFLEX® torque limiter • Mount the RUFLEX® torque limiter (subassembly 1, 2 or 3) onto the shaft of the driving or driven side. • Fasten the RUFLEX® torque limiter by tightening the setscrew DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point (component 1.8, 2.8 resp. 3.8) (tightening torques see table 11). All screw connections can be secured against working loose additionally, e. g. conglutinating with Loctite (average strength). Table 11: Tightening torques of setscrews DIN EN ISO 4029 (component 1.8, 2.8 and 3.8) Size Dimension G Tightening torque TA [Nm] 00 M4 1.5 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 0 M4 1.5 01 M5 2 1 M5 2 2 M6 4.8 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz 3 M6 4.8 4 M8 10 5 M8 10 Replacing: Replaced by: 6 M8 10 7 M10 17 8 M10 17 9 M12 40 KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 46010 EN 15 of 26 9 Assembly 4.7 Assembly of RUFLEX® torque limiter with ROTEX® coupling Please consider our operating/assembly instructions KTR-N 40210 additionally when using the ROTEX® coupling. • Mount the RUFLEX® torque limiter (subassembly 1, 2 or 3) resp. ROTEX® hub (component 5) onto the shafts of the driving and driven side). • Fasten the RUFLEX® torque limiter (subassembly 1, 2 resp. 3) by tightening the setscrew (component 1.8, 2.8 resp. 3.8) DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point (tightening torques see table 11). • Hand-tighten the ROTEX® driving flange (component 4) and RUFLEX® torque limiter with the cap screws (component 7) first. Illustration 16: RUFLEX® with ROTEX® • Tighten the cap screws (component 7) crosswise via a suitable torque key to the tightening torques T A specified in table 12. • Insert the ROTEX® spider (component 6) into the cam section of the ROTEX® hub (component 5). • Shift the power packs in axial direction until the distance dimension E has been achieved (see illustration 6 or table 4). • If the power packs are already firmly assembled, shifting the hubs axially on the shafts allows for setting the distance dimension E. • Fasten the ROTEX® hub (component 5) by tightening the setscrews (component 8) DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point (tightening torque see KTR-N 40210). ! With the assembly make sure that the distance dimension E (see illustration 6 and table 4) is observed so that the components are not in contact with each other during the operation. Disregarding this advice may cause damage to the torque limiter resp. coupling. All screw connections can be secured against working loose additionally, e. g. conglutinating with Loctite (average strength). Table 12: Tightening torques of the cap screws DIN EN ISO 4762 (component 7) Size Screw size Tightening torque TA [Nm] Please observe protection note ISO 16016. 00 M3 0 M4 01 M4 1 M5 2 M5 3 M6 4 M12 5 M12 6 M12 7 M16 8 M20 9 M20 1.2 2.8 2.8 5.5 5.5 14 115 115 115 290 560 560 Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 16 of 26 9 Assembly 4.8 Assembly of RUFLEX® torque limiter with BoWex® coupling Please consider our operating/assembly instructions KTR-N 40110 additionally when using the BoWex® coupling. • Mount the RUFLEX® torque limiter (subassembly 1 or 2) resp. BoWex® hub (component 5) onto the driving or driven side. • Fasten the hub of the RUFLEX® torque limiter by tightening the setscrew (component 1.8 or 2.8) DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point (tightening torques see table 11). • Put the BoWex® sleeve (component 6) onto the spline of the BoWex® hub (component 5). • Shift the power packs in axial direction until the distance dimension E has been achieved (see illustration 7 or table 5). Illustration 17: RUFLEX® with BoWex® • If the power packs are already firmly assembled, shifting the hubs axially on the shafts allows for setting the distance dimension E. • Fasten the BoWex® hub (component 5) by tightening the setscrew (component 8) DIN EN ISO 4029 with a cup point (tightening torque see KTR-N 40110). ! With the assembly make sure that the distance dimension E (see illustration 7 and table 5) is observed to allow for axial clearance of the BoWex® sleeve (component 6) when in operation. Disregarding this advice may cause damage to the torque limiter resp. coupling. All screw connections can be secured against working loose additionally, e. g. conglutinating with Loctite (average strength). 4.9 Disassembly of the torque limiter / replacement of single parts Only valid for size 00 to 5: • Unscrew the torque setting screws (component 1.4) evenly sequentially. During every revolution every screw may only be unscrewed by half a turn. Unscrew all clamping screws until they do no longer protrude in the locking washer. • Disassemble the setting nut (component 1.3) from the hub (component 1.1). • Remove the disk springs (component 1.5). Illustration 18: RUFLEX® size 00 to 5 Please note the disk spring layer for assembly. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 17 of 26 9 Assembly 4.9 Disassembly of the torque limiter / replacement of single parts Only valid for size 6 to 9: • Turn back the setting screws for disk springs (component 2.4 resp. 3.4) until the disk springs (component 2.5 resp. 3.5) fit the interior of the setting nut (component 2.3 resp. 3.3). • Only valid for size 6 to 8: Unscrew the cap screw (component 2.9) from the setting nut (component 2.3). Only valid for size 9: Unscrew the setscrew (component 3.9) from the setting nut (component 3.3). • Disassemble the setting nut (component 2.3 resp. 3.3) from the hub (component 2.1 resp. 3.1). Illustration 19: RUFLEX® size 6 to 8 • Screw the setting screws for disk springs (component 2.4 resp. 3.4) into the setting nut (component 2.3 resp. 3.3) until there is no pressure on the disk springs (component 2.5 resp. 3.5). • Only valid for size 6 to 8: Remove the snap ring (component 2.12) from the setting screws for disk springs (component 2.4). Only valid for size 9: Remove the snap ring (component 3.12) from the setting screws for disk springs (componenent 3.4). • Only valid for size 6 to 8: Take the locking washer (component 2.11) and disk springs (component 2.5) from the setting screws for disk springs (component 2.4). Only valid for size 9: Take the locking washer (component 3.11) and disk springs (component 3.5) from the setting screws for disk springs (component 3.4). Illustration 20: RUFLEX® size 9 Please note the disk spring layer for assembly. Continuation of disassembly with all sizes: • Remove the thrust ring (componen 1.2, 2.2 resp. 3.2). • Take the friction linings (component 1.6, 2.6 resp. 3.6) and the driving component (component 1.10, 2.10 resp. 3.10) from the hub (1.1, 2.1 resp. 3.1). • Remove the centering plain bushes (component 1.7, 2.7 resp. 3.7). A needle bearing can be installed instead of the centering plain bush (component 1.7, 2.7 resp. 3.7). Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 4 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 18 of 26 9 Assembly 4.10 Assembly of the torque limiter The assembly is done in reverse order with the disassembly (see chapter 4.9). For that purpose observe the exploded-view drawings illustration 8 to 10 resp. 18 to 20. Components lubricated by the manufacturer may have to be re-lubricated. Lubrication by usual greases has to be done. Make sure that the friction linings remain free from grease. Please note the disk spring layer for the assembly as per chapter 4.2. ! Table 13: Tightening torques of torque setting screws (component 1.4) resp. setting screw for disk springs (component 2.4) Size Width across flats SW Tightening torque TA [Nm] 5 00 3 0 3 01 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 24 7 24 8 24 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 8.5 21 21 21 200 200 200 Adjustment of torque 5.1 Initial setting resp. re-setting of slipping torque ! ! Setting a slipping torque not covered by the slipping torque as per table 1 may cause failure and damage of the torque limiter. The slipping torques specified in the diagrammes refer to driving components made of steel or cast iron as well as friction linings run in. For torque limiters supplied by KTR without being set, run in of the friction linings must be done by the customer. Please contact KTR for further details. When being set the RUFLEX® torque limiter should slip at approx. 50 % of the respective maximum torque several times to achieve a maximum contact ratio of the friction lining. To achieve the maximum slipping torques specified the contact ratio must be at least 50 %. The level of the slipping torque set depends on several factors and may vary heavily. That is why we recommend to inspect the slipping torque set of the torque limiter via suitable tools. During the operation there may be bigger deviations from the slipping torque set subject to environmental influences, operating conditions or wear. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 5 46010 EN 19 of 26 9 Adjustment of torque 5.1 Initial setting resp. re-setting of slipping torque Table 14: Tools for torque setting Hook spanner DIN 1810-A Jointed pin wrench Jointed face wrench Size 0 1 2 3 4 5 Ø40-42 Ø52-55 Ø68-75 Ø80-90 Ø110-115 Ø120-130 Ø18-40x4 Ø35-60x4 Ø40-80x5 Ø60-90x5 Ø80-125x6 Ø90-155x8 Ø125-200x8 RUFLEX® size 00 to 5: 1) Fix the hub (component 1.1) to avoid twisting. 2) Turn back the torque setting screws (component 1.4) until they no longer protrude through the setting nut (component 1.3). 3) Turn the setting nut (component 1.3) manually until it fits with the locking washer (component 1.9). Now you have achieved zero position. 4) To achieve the maxium slippling torque fully screw in the torque setting screws (component 1.4). 5) For a smaller slipping torque unscrew the setting nut (component 1.3) pursuant to the setting diagramme (see diagramme 1 to 8, chapter 5.2) by the angle of setting specified before starting with step 4. Afterwards fully screw in the torque setting screws (component 1.4) (tightening torque TA see table 13). Illustration 21: Torque setting RUFLEX® size 00 to 5 RUFLEX® size 6 to 8: 1) Fix the hub (component 2.1) to avoid twisting. 2) Turn back the setting screws for disk springs (component 2.4) until the disk springs (component 2.5) fit the interior of the setting nut (component 2.3). The setting screw for disk springs (component 2.4) must not be unscrewed exceeding the resistance of the snap ring (component 2.12). 3) Screw in the setting nut (component 2.3) until the disk (component 2.11) is in contact with the front surface of the thrust ring (component 2.2). Now you have achieved zero position. Fasten the setting nut (component 2.3) via the cap screw (component 2.9) (tightening torque see table 15). Illustration 22: Torque setting RUFLEX® size 6 to 8 4) To achieve the maximum slippling torque tighten the setting screws for disk springs (component 2.4) evenly (tightening torque see table 13). 5) For a smaller slipping torque unscrew the setting nut (component 2.3) pursuant to the setting diagramme (see diagramme 9 to 11, chapter 5.2) by the angle of setting specified before starting with step 4. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 5 46010 EN 20 of 26 9 Adjustment of torque 5.1 Initial setting resp. re-setting of slipping torque Table 15: Tightening torques of cap screws (component 2.9) Size Screw size Tightening torque TA [Nm] 6 M6x16 14 7 M6x16 14 8 M6x16 14 RUFLEX® size 9: 1) 2) 3) Fix the hub (component 3.1) to avoid twisting. Unscrew the hexagon nuts (component 3.13). Turn back the setting screws for disk springs (component 3.4) until the disk springs (component 3.5) fit the interior of the setting nut (component 3.3). The setting screw for disk springs (component 3.4) must not exceed the resistance of the snap ring (component 3.12). 4) Remove the setscrew (component 3.9) from the safety groove of the hub (component 3.1). 5) Screw in the setting nut (component 3.3) until the locking washer (component 3.11) is in contact with the front surface of the thrust ring (component 3.2). 6) Afterwards turn the setting nut (component 3.3) counterclockwise until the setscrew (component 3.9) is flush with the safety groove of the hub (component 3.1). 7) Tighten the setscrew (component 3.9) to the tightening torque TA = 40 Nm. 8) Hand-tighten the setting screws for disk springs (component 3.4) clockwise until the locking washer (component 3.11) is in contact with the front surface of the thrust ring (component 3.2). Now you have achieved zero position. 9) Afterwards turn the setting screw for disk springs (component 3.4) evenly clockwise by the number of setting points (each 3 setting points at the maximum) pursuant to the setting diagramme (see diagramme 12). One revolution corresponds to 12 setting points (see illustration 24). 10) Having set the torque, fasten the setting screw for disk springs (component 3.4) by tightening the hexagon nuts (component 3.13) at the tightening torque TA = 300 Nm. Illustration 23: Torque setting RUFLEX® size 9 One revolution of the setting screw for disk springs (component 3.4) corresponds to 12 setting points (see illustration 24). Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Illustration 23: Setting points Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 5 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 21 of 26 9 Adjustment of torque 5.2 Setting diagrammes Diagramme 1: RUFLEX® size 00 Diagramme 2: RUFLEX® size 0 Diagramme 3: RUFLEX® size 01 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 5 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 22 of 26 9 Adjustment of torque 5.2 Setting diagrammes Diagramme 4: RUFLEX® size 1 Diagramme 5: RUFLEX® size 2 Diagramme 6: RUFLEX® size 3 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 5 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 23 of 26 9 Adjustment of torque 5.2 Setting diagrammes Diagramme 7: RUFLEX® size 4 Diagramme 8: RUFLEX® size 5 Diagramme 9: RUFLEX® size 6 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 5 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 24 of 26 9 Adjustment of torque 5.2 Setting diagrammes Diagramme 10: RUFLEX® size 7 Diagramme 11: RUFLEX® size 8 Diagramme 12: RUFLEX® size 9 Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 6 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 25 of 26 9 Breakdowns, causes and elimination The below-mentioned failures can lead to a use of the RUFLEX® torque limiter other than intended. In addition to the specifications given in these operating/assembly instructions make sure to avoid such failures. The errors listed can only be clues to search for the failures. When searching for the failure the adjacent components must generally be considered. General failures with use other than intended: • • • • • • • • • Important data for the torque limiter selection were not forwarded. The calculation of the shaft-hub-connection was not considered. Components with damage occurred during transport are assembled. If the heated hubs are assembled, the permissible temperature is exceeded. The clearance of the components to be assembled is not coordinated with one another. Tightening torques have been fallen below/exceeded. Components are mixed up by mistake/assembled incorrectly. No original KTR components (purchased parts) are used. Maintenance intervals are not observed. Breakdowns The torque limiter releases in an undefined position. The torque limiter does not release in case of overload. Different operating noise and/or vibrations occuring RUFLEX® with ROTEX® torque is no longer transmitted ROTEX® BoWex® Causes Elimination Torque is not set Torque set incorrectly 1) Set the unit out of operation Setting nut resp. setting screws 2) Adjust torque, see chapter 5 have worked loose 1) Set the unit out of operation Wear 2) Send the torque limiter to KTR for inspection/repair Oily friction linings 1) Replace friction linings 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Eliminate the reason for the misalignment (e. g. loose Misalignment foundation bolts, breaking of the engine mount, heat expansion of unit components, modification of the installation dimension E of the torque limiter) 1) Set the unit out of operation 2) Inspect components and replace components that have been Screws working loose damaged 3) Tighten the dowel screws to the tightening torque specified 4) Inspect alignment, adjust if necessary 1) Set the unit out of operation Screws/setscrew for axial 2) Inspect alignment fastening of flange hubs 3) Tighten the screws to fasten the flange hubs and secure against working loose working loose 1) Set the unit out of operation Faulty storage 2) Send the torque limiter to KTR for inspection/repair ROTEX® driving flange has 1) Set the unit out of operation worked loose 2) Tighten the cap screws Torque is not set Torque set incorrectly 1) Set the unit out of operation Setting nut resp. setting screws 2) Adjust torque, see chapter 5 have worked loose 1) Set the unit out of operation Wear 2) Send the torque limiter to KTR for inspection/repair Oily friction linings Replace friction linings Please consider our operating/assembly instructions KTR-N 40210 additionally when using the ROTEX® coupling. See chapter 6 Breakdowns, causes and elimination Please consider our operating/assembly instructions KTR-N 40110 additionally when using the BoWex® coupling. See chapter 6 Breakdowns, causes and elimination Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 RUFLEX® Torque limiter Operating/Assembly instructions 7 KTR-N Sheet: Edition: 46010 EN 26 of 26 9 Disposal In respect of environmental protection we would ask you to dispose of the packaging or products on termination of their service life in accordance with the legal regulations and standards that apply, respectively. • Metal Any metal components have to be cleaned and disposed of by scrap metal. • Friction linings Friction linings can be disposed of by residual waste. • Greases/oils Greases and oils have to be collected and disposed of by a waste disposal company. 8 Maintenance and service RUFLEX® is a low-maintenance torque limiter. We recommend to perform a visual inspection on the torque limiter at least once a year. In case of extreme drive conditions or heavy dirt, respectively, the RUFLEX® has to be regularly inspected for its operation. If RUFLEX® is ordered in a pilot bored design, the customer has to disassemble it in order to machine a finish bore. • Since the flexible machine bearings of the driving and driven side settle during the course of load, inspect the alignment and re-align the torque limiter, if necessary. • The components have to be inspected for damages. • The screw connections have to be inspected visually. Having started up the torque limiter the tightening torques of the screws have to be inspected during the usual inspection intervals. ! 9 Spares inventory, customer service addresses A basic requirement to ensure the readiness for use of the torque limiter is a stock of the most important spare parts on site. Contact addresses of the KTR partners for spare parts and orders can be obtained from the KTR homepage at www.ktr.com. KTR does not assume any liability or warranty for the use of spare parts and accessories which are not provided by KTR and for the damages which may incur as a result. Please observe protection note ISO 16016. Drawn: Verified: 2019-03-05 Pz 2019-03-06 Pz Replacing: Replaced by: KTR-N dated 2011-05-24 ">
Key features
- Torque limiting
- Load-holding
- Positive locking
- Overload protection
- Various sizes
- ROTEX® coupling compatibility
- BoWex® coupling compatibility
- Sprocket compatibility
- Easy assembly and disassembly
- Adjustable slipping torque
Frequently asked questions
The RUFLEX-torque limiter is designed to protect components in a drive train from damage. It limits torque and acts as an overload system with positive locking. It can be used in various applications with different couplings like ROTEX® and BoWex®. Refer to the technical data in Chapter 1 of the manual.
The assembly process depends on the specific configuration and size of the RUFLEX-torque limiter. Refer to Chapters 4 and 5 of the manual for detailed instructions.
The slipping torque can be adjusted using the torque setting screws or setting screws for disk springs. Refer to Chapter 5 of the manual for precise instructions on adjusting the slipping torque.