SCT RC-SDA & RC4-E4P Multiple EagleEye IV Camera Brugermanual
RCSDA™&RC4E4P™ HDMIMat r i x+Pol yEagl eEyeI V Des i gnGui de Pol yG7500+RPG700/ 500/ 300Codecs RCSDA™ RCCH0301 . 0M 3r dPar t y HDMIVi deoDevi ce HDCIYCabl e t oHDMI / 9Pi n ( I ncl udedi nRC4E4P™Ki t ) W PS1 230VDC 1 00240V 4763Hz PowerSuppl y HDMIMat r i xSwi t cher RC4HE™ RC4HE™ Requi r ed3r dPar t y RS232Cont r ol l er W PS1 230VDC 1 00240V 4763Hz PowerSuppl y * Swi t ched PowerModul e * Remot eCont r ol l abl ePowerModul e A r eboot oft he camer a may be neces s ar yt o r ees t abl i s h communi cat i on bet ween t he 3r d Par t yCont r ol l erand Pol yEagl eEyeI V camer a( s ) . An al t er nat i ve t ot he powermodul ei s3r d par t y cont r ol code wr i t t en t o pol lt he camer af or communi cat i ons t at us . RC4CE™ RC4CE™ RCCC0300. 4M RCCC0300. 4M Mi ni HDCIYCabl e t oRJ45/HDMI Mi ni HDCIYCabl e t oRJ45/HDMI Pol yEagl eEyeI V Pol yEagl eEyeI V W PS1 230VDC 1 00240V 4763Hz PowerSuppl y * Swi t ched PowerModul e ">

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