Oxygen PERSEUS Instruction manual
Oxygen Perseus is a powerful and reliable electromechanical gear motor designed for sliding gates. This manual provides essential guidance for installing and maintaining your Perseus motor, helping to ensure long-lasting performance and safe operation.
PERSEUS – ARTEMIS 230V MOTOR FOR SLIDING GATES INSTALLATION MANUAL Our compliments for your excellent choice. The PERSEUS 230V electromechanical gear motor has been produced for reliability and high quality. This Manual will offer information you may need to install your gear motor assuring long-lasting performance and to safeguard your safety. HOWEVER CAUTION IS UNQUESTIONABLY INDISPENSABLE AND NOTHING IS BETTER THAN PREVENTING ACCIDENTS. OXYGEN AUTOMATION products have been made to conform with rules and laws in force at time of manufacture. This manual is designed exclusively for the specialized installation of experts in the criteria of construction and equipment to assist in the protection against accidents in the installation and use of the gate; door and automation of such gates (adhere to the rules and laws in force). On completion the installer should issue to the end consumer an instruction manual according to EN 12635. Before proceeding with the installation the installer must provide an analysis on the identification and management of risks as per the standards EN 12453 and EN 12445. All wiring of the various external electrical components connected to the automation (e.g. Photocells, flashing lights, keypads etc) must be carried out according to EN 60204-1 and the amendments made of the point 5.2.2 of EN 12453. It is prohibited to do any repair or adjustment of the equipment if you have not taken all necessary precautions to avoid possible accidents (example: power supply disconnected, engine block). All mechanisms in motion must be equipped with appropriate protections. The mains power line must be protected for maximum current in locked rotor condition as per government electrical laws. Install the gear motor on gates that conform to EN 12604. Perform the measure of strength developed by the gear motor and take the appropriate steps as per EN 12445. Positioning photocells: These safety devices must be installed at a height not exceeding 70cm from the ground and at a distance from the floor movement of the door of no more than 20cm. Their proper functioning of the photocells must be verified at the end of installation according to Section 7.2.1 of EN12445. Keep the activation controls of automation out of reach of children. The controls should be installed at a minimum 1.5m height above the ground and outside the range of actions of moving parts such as the gate. All activation actions must be executed only at points from where the automation is fully visible. Operate the remote only in view of automation. Store carefully this manual in a suitable place known to all interested people. Any unauthorized and arbitrary modification made to this product, releases the company OXYGEN AUTOMATION and from any liability resulting from damage or injury to things, people or animals. The non-observance of regulations and of safety standards here listed releases the company OXYGEN AUTOMATION from any liability resulting from damage or injury to things, people or animals. The automation must be coupled to a control board equipped with torque regulation that provides an anti crushing safety as described in EN 12453 EN 12445 DISMANTLING / REINSTALLING To dismantle or reinstall the automation elsewhere, you need to: 1 - Disconnect the power supply and disconnect the electrical system. 2 - Remove the control panel and all the components of the installation. In the event that some components are damaged or unable to be removed, replace the This product falls within the scope of the Directive 2012/19 / EU concerning the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The appliance must not be disposed of with domestic waste as it is made of different materials that can be recycled at the appropriate facilities. Inquire through the municipal authority regarding the location of the ecological platforms to receive the product for disposal and its subsequent correct recycling. Furthermore, it should be remembered that, upon purchase of an equivalent appliance, the distributor is obliged to collect the product for disposal free of charge. The product is not potentially dangerous for human health and the environment, not containing harmful substances, but if abandoned in the environment negatively impacts on the ecosystem. Read the instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time. It is recommended that you do not use the product for any purpose other than that for which it was intended, there being a danger of electric shock if used improperly. The crossed-out bin symbol, on the label on the appliance, indicates the compliance of this product with the regulations regarding waste electrical and electronic equipment. Abandonment in the environment of the equipment or illegal disposal of the equipment is punishable by law. CONFORMITY DECLARATION: It’s in accordance with Machine Directive 39/89/CE and following modify. It’s in accordance with the following directive CE: Electromagnetic compatibility Directive 89/336/CEE and following modify. Low tension Directive 73/23/CEE and following modify. Have been applied the following harmonized norms: EN292/1/2, EN 294, EN60335-1, UNI EN 12453, and what applicable of the EN12445-2000. BOLOGNA 01/10/2020 SAFETY RULES During the installation and the use of the automation, pay attention to the following safety rules: Distance security! Mechanisms moving! Do not install automation in an environment saturated with explosive mixtures! Electric Shock! Use gloves! Use welding glasses! Maintain ear protection! USE OF THE AUTOMATION The gear motor PERSEUS was designed and built for the opening of gates with weight max. 600kg, meanwhile ARTEMIS is able to reach 800kg. OXYGEN AUTOMATION assumes no responsibility for a purpose other than that provided by gear motor PERSEUS. Since this automation can be activated remotely using a remote control, it is essential to check frequently that all safety devices are working properly. It is advisable to check periodically (every six months) the adjustment of the electronic friction with which the electronic control board must be equipped. PRELIMINARY CHECKS – Read the instructions in the manual carefully. – Check that the gate is perfectly horizontal – Check that it slides smoothly and without friction points – Check that there is an adequate base for fixing the motor, otherwise prepare it – Check that the electrical system complies with the characteristics required by the gear motor PRELIMINARY CHECKS – Read the instructions in the manual carefully. – Check that the gate is perfectly horizontal – Check that it slides smoothly and without friction points – Check that there is an adequate base for fixing the motor, otherwise prepare it – Check that the electrical system complies with the characteristics required by the gear motor – The engine is delivered UNLOCKED – Remove the motor from the box, check that it is not damaged. Unscrew the screws A and B and remove the cover FIG. 1 FIG.1 TECHNICAL DATA PERSEUS 600Kg 220Vac 190W 8,0µF 1,1A 1400 13,4Nm 10,2m/min 150°C -20°C +60°C GREASE IP44 25% MAX. weight of the gate Power supply Nominal power Capacitor Absorption RPM Torque Gate speed Thermal protection Working temp. Lubrication Protection IP Use frequency ARTEMIS 800Kg 220Vac 350W 12,5µF 1,5A 1400 21,2Nm 10,2m/min 150°C -20°C +60°C GREASE IP44 35% INSTALLATION 125mm FIG. 2 325mm A 72mm B 288mm A = 105mm = VERTICAL DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TEETH OF THE RACK AND THE GROUND B = 20mm= HORIZONTAL DISTANCE BETWEEN THE DRIVE WHEEL AND THE GATE C = 55mm = HORIZONTAL DISTANCE BETWEEN THE BASE OF THE MOTOR AND THE GATE 155mm C FOUNDATION PLATE (OPTIONAL) INSTALLING THE RACK If the base has yet to be prepared and the installation of the motor is not immediate, it is possible to cement the foundation plate (NOT INCLUDED) following the installation dimensions FIG.2 – Position the foundation plate as shown in FIG. 3 using the log bolts supplied with the plate If the rack is already installed, check that there is a space of approximately 1mm between the drive wheel and the rack FIG. 4, FIG. 4 FIG. 3 if the rack is not installed, proceed as follows: – Take the first piece of rack and position it on the motor sprocket making sure that at the end of the installation there is always 1mm of space (if necessary use temporary shims under the motor). Slide it to the point indicated in FIG. 4 – Weld or screw the first pin or spacer to the gate (depending on the type of rack). ENGINE POSITIONING If there is a concrete base already prepared, it is possible to install the motor, without using the given foundation plate, following the installation dimensions in FIG. 1. In this case, suitable M8 screw anchors must be used – Position the motor so that the cable outlets correspond appropriate holes on the motor body. – Apply all the other elements of the rack so that they are perfectly joined and aligned with the first one. Use pliers and a piece of rack for perfect alignment of one element with the other. See FIG. 5 FIG. 5 to the – Secure the motor to the ground with suitable anchors, using the slots provided FIG. 6. Or if the foundation plate is installed, fix the motor to the 4 log bolts provided as shown in FIG. 3. FINAL OPERATIONS Once the rack and motor have been fixed, release the motor FIG.8, and move the gate to check that it slides freely and effortlessly. FIG.6 ATTENTION check that it does not "rest" on the drive wheel of the motor. In this case, adjust the rack to leave about 1mm of space between the motor sprocket and the rack – Install the limit switch cams on the rack FIG. 7 without fixing them in a definitive way, in order to be able to adjust them in the optimal position when programming the control unit. FIG.7 ATTENTION The limit switch cams are used to operate the limit switches of the motor which, because of the control unit, interrupt the movement of the gate during opening and closing. They must be positioned at the end of the racks taking into account any inertia and delay in stopping the gate taking into consideration the operation of the limit switches. – Proceed with the electrical connections, program the control unit, carry out the final test and re-install the motor cover. EMERGENCY RELEASE To unlock the motor proceed as it follows: – remove the cap “D” – Insert the supplied key “E” and turn clockwise 4 times (4 full turns) FIG.8 – To overturn the motor turn anti-clockwise for 4 full turns FIG.8 E D 4 TURNS SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE Before any maintenance operation, disconnect the power source using the main switch The equipment must be maintained a way that maintains the conditions that guarantee safety and correct operation Always use original spare parts Do not carry out any modification that modify the machine The modified machine needs a new CE marking The modifications in the functioning of the automation must be carried out by specialized personnel, in compliance with the relevant regulations. During these operations it is needed the presence of two operators. DESCRIPTION Photocells cleaning Control of the gate supports of the fall arrest devices, the limit stops, the rack, the sliding guide and the sliding of the gate FREQUENCY Monthly According to necessity ENTRUSTED Operator Operator OPERATION Clean with damp cloth Check the integrity of all items, state of welds and corrosion. Unhook the motor and check the friction points of the gate and the distance between the pinion and rack (1.0mm). Control of the sensitivity of the electronic clutch (torque regulation) of the control unit Semiannual Technician Check the torque adjustment as indicated in the EN 12453 - EN 12445 standard Control of the IP protection Semiannual Technician Check that there are no traces of moisture or water inside the electrical enclosures Monitoring current dispersion Control of signals Annual Semiannual Technician Operator Verify that the dispersion of current is less than 7.5 A Verify that the safety warning signage is complete and intact Per ulteriori informazioni non esitate a contattatrici: For further information don’t hesitate to contact us: Pour plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter: Para más información, no dude en contactarnos: Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung: [email protected] AVVERTENZE: Durante il cablaggio l’apparecchiatura non deve essere alimentata. L’installazione e/o la manutenzione deve essere eseguita solo da personale qualificato nel rispetto delle disposizioni legislative vigenti. Il costruttore non può essere considerato responsabile per eventuali danni causati da uso improprio. Un’errata installazione o un uso errato del prodotto può compromettere la sicurezza dell’impianto. Tutti i materiali presenti nell’imballo non devono essere lasciati alla portata dei bambini in quanto fonti di pericolo. WARNINGS: The equipment must not be powered during wiring. Installation and/or maintenance must only be carried out by qualified personnel in compliance with the laws in force. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by improper use. Incorrect installation or use of the product may compromise the safety of the system. All materials in the packaging must not be left within the reach of children as they are a source of danger. AVERTISSEMENTS L'alimentation principale doit être coupée pendant le câblage. L'installation et la maintenance doivent être effectuées uniquement par du personnel qualifié, conformément à la législation de référence. Le fabricant ne peut être tenu responsable des dommages causés par une utilisation inappropriée. Une installation incorrecte ou une utilisation incorrecte peut être dangereuse. Tous les matériaux à l'intérieur du colis sont dangereux pour les enfants. ADVERTENCIAS: El aparato no debe ser alimentado durante el cableado. La instalación y/o el mantenimiento deben ser realizados únicamente por personal cualificado de acuerdo con las leyes vigentes. El fabricante no se hace responsable de los daños causados por un uso inadecuado. La instalación o uso incorrecto del producto puede comprometer la seguridad del sistema. Todos los materiales del embalaje no deben dejarse al alcance de los niños, ya que son una fuente de peligro. WARNUNGEN: Während der Verkabelung darf das Gerät nicht mit Strom versorgt werden. Die Installation und/oder Wartung darf nur von qualifiziertem Personal unter Beachtung der geltenden Gesetze durchgeführt werden. Der Hersteller haftet nicht für Schäden, die durch unsachgemäßen Gebrauch entstehen. Eine unsachgemäße Installation oder Verwendung des Produkts kann die Sicherheit des Systems beeinträchtigen. Alle Materialien in der Verpackung dürfen nicht in Reichweite von Kindern liegen, da sie eine Gefahrenquelle darstellen. 100% Made in Italy Manufactured under CE regulation in ITALY and distributed in EUROPEAN UNION and OVERSEAS countries by OXYGEN AUTOMATION SRL 40100 BOLOGNA - ITALY and its authorized dealers Contact: [email protected] ">

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Key features
- Max. 600 kg gate weight
- 220Vac Power supply
- 190W Nominal Power
- 10.2m/min Gate speed
- IP44 Protection
Frequently asked questions
The Perseus motor is designed for gates with a maximum weight of 600kg.
The Perseus motor operates on a 220Vac power supply.
The Perseus motor has an IP44 rating, meaning it is protected against solid objects larger than 1mm and water splashing from any direction.