Allen-Bradley Spring Charging Motor Guide d'installation
Bul. 140G2 DIR 1002013A1603 Version 00 - 140G2-NS-SCMA, 140G2-NS-SCMB, 140G2-NS-SCMD, 140G2-NS-SCMJ, 140G2-NS-SCMKY, 140G2-NS-SCA, 140G2-NS-SCJ Spring Changing Motor for 140G2-NS Motoriduttore per la carica automatica delle molle di chiusura Getriebemotor zum automatischen Spannen der Einschaltfedern Motoréducteur pour le bandage automatique des ressorts de fermeture Motorreductor para la carga automática de los muelles de cierre 电机M和加载弹簧信号触点 Installation - Installazione - Installation - Installation Instalación - Instalação - 140G2-NS WARNING: To prevent electrical shock, disconnect from power source before installing or servicing. Install in suitable enclosure. Keep free from contaminants. 70E requirements Per prevenire infortuni, togliere tensione prima dell'installazione o manutenzione. Installare in custodia idonea. Tenere lontano da contaminanti. WARNUNG: Vor Installations- oder Servicearbeiten Stromversorgung zur Vermeidung von elektrischen Unfällen trennen. Die Geräte müssen in einem passenden Gehäuse eingebaut und gegen Verschmutzung geschützt werden. AVERTISSEMENT: Avant le montage et la mise en service, couper l'alimentation secteur pour éviter toute décharge. Prévoir une mise en coffret ou armoire appropriée. Protéger le produit contre les environnements agressifs. ADVERTENCIA: Desconéctese de la corriente eléctrica, antes de la instalación o del servicio, a fin de impedir sacudidas eléctricas. Instálelo en una caja apropiada. Manténgalo libre de contaminantes. ATENÇÃO: Para evitar choques, desconectar da corrente elétrica antes de fazer a instalação ou a manutenção. Instalar em caixa apropriada. Manter livre de contaminantes. 警告:感電事故防止のため、取付けまたは修理の際は電源から取り外してく ださい。適切なケース内に取付けてください。また、汚染物質がないことを 確認してください。 警告:为了防止触电,在安装或维修之前必须先切断电源。安装在合适的设备 箱内。防止接触污染物。 Clack! Required Tools A B C D xx lb-in xx Nm PH 1 PH 2 xx lb-in xx Nm Length TX 5 mm (0.196") 20 Quantity 1 Publication 140G-IN164A-EN-P - December 2019 2 TX 20 2 1 Spring Changing Motor for 140G2-NS 2 1 PH 1 PH 2 2 3 Publication 140G-IN164A-EN-P - December 2019 DIR 1002013A1603 (Version 00) Spring Changing Motor for 140G2-NS 4 TX 20 1.5 Nm 13.3 lb in TX 20 6 5 Publication 140G-IN164A-EN-P - December 2019 DIR 1002013A1603 (Version 00) 3 Spring Changing Motor for 140G2-NS 4 7 PH 1 PH 2 0.8 Nm 7.1 lb in 1.5 Nm 13.3 lb in 1.5 Nm 13.3 lb in Terminal Strip Markings: Ne- 24Vdc K2 W4 R1 95 35 96 36 U1 R2 Ne+ ONLY K1 W3 98 38 U2 TU AL SNC M TR Neutral Current Power Supply 35 45 D1 C1 C11 11 21 31 41 C3 C13 12 22 32 42 46 48 D2 C2 C12 14 24 34 44 Module 1 Module 2 RTC UVR SNT2 SNC SNT Ax1 Ax1 Ax1 Ax1 1 38 36 36 U1 38 U2 35 36 U1 SNC M U1 U1 U2 38 SNC M U2 8 35 Publication 140G-IN164A-EN-P - December 2019 DIR 1002013A1603 (Version 00) U2 Spring Changing Motor for 140G2-NS 9 Max Ø 3.3 mm Max Ø 0.13" 8 mm 0.31" 5 2 1 2 0.5...2.5 mm 20 AWG...14 AWG Max Ø 3.3 mm Max Ø 0.13" 8 mm 0.31" 2 0.5...2.5 mm 20 AWG...14 AWG Rated service voltage Tensione nominale di impiego Bemessungsbetriebsspannung Tension assignée de service Tensión nominal de servicio 额定工作电压 Inrush power consumption Portenza allo spunto Leistungsaufnahme bei Anzug Consommation à l’appel Potencia en el arranque 浪涌功耗 Rated power Potenza nominale Bemessungsleistung Puissance assignée Potencia nominal 额定功率 Starting time Tempo di spunto Anzugzeit Temps de démarrange Tiempo de arranque 起始时间 Loading time Durata di carica Spannzeit Durée de bandage Duración de la carga 额定功率 Minimum control impulse time Tempo minimo di impulso di controllo Minimale Steuerimpulszeit Tempo mínimo de impulso de controle Tiempo mínimo de impulso de control 最短控制脉冲时间 140G2-NS-SCMJ [V] 24...30 AC/DC 140G2-NS-SCMKY [V] 48...60 AC/DC 140G2-NS-SCMD [V] 100...130 AC/DC 140G2-NS-SCMA [V] 220...250 AC/DC 140G2-NS-SCMB [V] 380...415 AC 300 VA-W 100 VA-W 200 ms 8s ≥ 100 ms For Technical Support, visit Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at Product certificates are located in the Rockwell Automation Literature Library: EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur. TM expanding human possibility AMERICAS EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA ASIA PACIFIC Publication 140G-IN164A-EN-P - December 2019 Copyright © 2019 Rockwell Automation, Inc. Al l Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. DIR 1002013A1603 (Version 00) (ECN000116797 - Rev. #) ">

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