Rockwell Automation Learning+ Training Subscription Administrative User Manual
Rockwell Automation Learning+ Training Subscription Administrative is a cloud-based platform providing access to self-paced e-learning courses, videos, and technology assessments. It also offers administrative tools, including user management, reporting features, and access key control, enabling organizations to efficiently manage their training programs.
Learning+ Training Subscription Administrative User Guide Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................3 How to Access the Learning+ Administrative Portal ......................................................................3 How to Navigate the Learning+ Administrative Portal....................................................................3 Manage Your Team ...................................................................................................................3 Adding Users............................................................................................................................4 Settings ...................................................................................................................................5 Administrative Tools ....................................................................................................................6 Change Password .....................................................................................................................6 Access Reports ........................................................................................................................6 Location List ............................................................................................................................7 Manager List ............................................................................................................................8 View Access Keys .....................................................................................................................9 Administrative Reporting .............................................................................................................9 Course Completion Report........................................................................................................9 Access Key Report .................................................................................................................11 Survey Report ........................................................................................................................13 Virtual Instructor-Led Training Survey Report .........................................................................15 Virtual Instructor-Led Training Enrollment Report ...................................................................16 User Activity Report ...............................................................................................................18 Usage Summary Report ..........................................................................................................19 Assessment Report ................................................................................................................21 Flex User Subscription Administration........................................................................................22 The Flex Subscription Report..................................................................................................22 Flex User Administrative Tools ...............................................................................................23 Support .....................................................................................................................................24 Useful Links...............................................................................................................................24 Introduction The Learning+ training platform is cloud-based and includes self-paced e-learning courses in addition to videos and other competency-enhancing features. Technology assessments are available to provide a baseline of a learner’s knowledge and point learners to a place to start on their learning journey. Your Learning+ Multi-User or Flex subscription includes administrative tools providing visibility into the use of the platform. This User Guide contains important information about how to use your Learning+ training subscription administrative capabilities. Please review all components carefully to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from your subscription. How to Access the Learning+ Administrative Portal As a Learning+ administrator you will have received a Welcome Email from [email protected] titled Learning+ Administrator Welcome. This welcome email will include a link to the Learning+ Administrator platform, access key information, number of concurrent active user counts and expiration date. Access the Learning+ Administrative Portal from the Welcome Email you received or at Rockwell As the administrator you will be responsible for communicating the access key to learners and managing the status of each learner. You will also have access to reporting capabilities for all learners using this access key for the duration of the subscription. How to Navigate the Learning+ Administrative Portal The following sections will discuss in detail the different sections within the administrator portal. Manage Your Team This area is the HOME page for administrators. Here you can manage all users on your team. Information and actions you can take from this area include: o o o o View all users tied to your access keys and their email, role, designated location, and designated manager. Take action and modify/edit users o Activating/Deactivating a User: As an administrator with a multi-user subscription, you can activate and deactivate a user. Deactivating a user will prohibit the user from accessing the Learning+ platform. This action will most likely only be applicable when there is a termination of employment since this will restrict the learner from accessing any of their records. Activating a user will reopen their access to the Learning+ platform, but their content will be locked unless they enter the access key again, which will consume another user seat on the access key. Search for a user Add other Customer Administrators using the Add Users Button Adding Users Administrators can only add the Customer Supervisor role within Learning+. Only one (1) Customer Supervisor User can be added at a time. Administrators will require the following information to add a Customer Supervisor User. Click SAVE when complete. This action will enable the administrator to delegate a supervisor role so that they can see the same information and have the same privileges as the original administrator. This will provide another layer of autonomy and transparency of information so that supervisors can better manage their learners’ use of Learning+. Required User Information: o First Name, Last Name o Email Address o Role - only selection is Customer Supervisor o Access Key selection from the drop-down list o Time Zone Optional User Information o o o Middle Name – Allows stronger user identification. Location – Allows users to be grouped by location for usage and reporting purposes, but the Location List must be set up before you can designate a user to a location Company – Allows users to be grouped by company for usage and reporting purposes, but the Manager List must be set up before you can designate a user to a manager Click SAVE when complete. Settings See your name, email, and other profile information by clicking the profile icon in the top-right corner of the platform. Within your profile you can: o o Update your name Upload your profile image Administrative Tools Most of your administrative tools are accessed from a menu presented upon clicking the Profile icon. Options available: o o o o o o Access/ Update Settings Change your Password Access Reports Manage your Location List Manage your Manager List Manage your Access Keys See the following sections for more details about each option. Change Password You will set up a password the first time you sign in, but if you want to change your password at any point, you have that ability by clicking Change Password in your menu. Access Reports This area allows the administrator to view a variety of reports for their users and subscription. See the Administrative Reporting and Analytics section later in this document for more details regarding available reports. Location List This area allows the administrator to manage the organization’s locations. Here you can view, search and add location information. From this view you can see the Location Name, Status, Date the Location was added, and take action to modify an existing location. Once you populate your list of locations, you can return to the home page and designate a location for each employee. These locations will populate in the reports as filters you can use to narrow the data you wish to see. This feature can be used however fits your organization best and doesn’t have to tie to a physical location if that doesn’t best align with your organization’s users. Add a Location To add a location, click the Add Location button and complete the fields. Modify an Existing Location To edit an existing location, click the pencil icon next to the location you wish to modify Manager List The Manager List allows administrators to manage multiple learner managers from a single display. You will have the ability to view a list of managers and their current status, add managers and take action to make these roles active/ inactive. Once you populate your list of managers, you can return to the home page and designate a manager for each employee. These locations will populate in the reports as filters you can use to narrow the data you wish to see. This feature doesn’t correlate with the Customer Supervisor role, nor is there any access or responsibility you are giving to these individuals. This is exclusively used for filtering your reports. If you add a user on the home screen with a role of “Customer Supervisor,” but they don’t show up in the manager list, this is because the administrator role of Customer Supervisor is a role to provide access to and visibility of access key administration. The Manager List is strictly for reporting and filtering and does not provide any access or permissions to those listed. View Access Keys This area allows Multi-user administrators to view all entitled access keys. This option is not available for Flex subscriptions as the user management is done from a different menu option only visible to Flex subscription administrators. See the Flex User Subscription Administration section for more information on Flex administrator features. The access key list displays: o o o o o o o Alpha-Numeric Access Key - View access keys for which you are the administrator Subscription Type Catalog Number Target Quantity – Total number of access keys entitled Remaining Quantity – Number of unused users on the access key Access Key Start Date Access Key End Date – when your subscription will expire, and content will be locked for your users Status – Active/ Inactive designation for the access key Administrative Reporting Learning+ features customer administrative dashboarding to show usage and time spent on the platform. The following is common across reports: o o o o o Filters are available for each report Many of the filters can have multiple selections A downloadable Excel report is available to see the raw data behind the charts shown on the screen. You will download the filtered data, so if you wish to see all data, do not apply any filters before doing this download Click Apply to apply the filters you select. o Ensure you select Apply, even when no filters are applied to populate data. Filters can be cleared and reset by clicking the Reset Filter(s) button Course Completion Report Displays what courses have been completed and course progress. The Course Completion Report will allow you to quickly view learners' progress for a course, lesson, and module level at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o o o o o o o Start and End Date for the data you want to show – if you enter a start date you MUST enter an end date Category – specific category you wish to see data for Sub-Category – specific subcategory you wish to see data for Course – specific course you want to see data for Location - from your Location List Manager - from your Manager List Learner/ User- the learner(s) you want to see data for Company – not as applicable in this report, but available if you’re the administrator of multiple access keys Status (Completed, In Progress, Overdue, Yet to Start). After applying filters, if you choose to enter any, you can view the data in both graphical and list form depending on the way the data is represented. If you would like to see the raw data, you can download the report and do your own manipulation. Summary Displays a summary of the total course(s) completed. Course Completion Details Shows course completion information by Course. The following are shown for each record: o o o User Status Progress - the percent of modules completed out of the total modules available in the course o o o o o o Assigned Start Date - the date the user first redeemed their access key Actual Start Date – the date the user opened the course Completion Date – the date the user finished all course contents Time Spent (HH:MM) – how long the user spent making progress in the course Access Key – the key used to access this course Access Key End Date – the expiration date of the access key mentioned above Lesson Completion Details Shows the lessons completed by a user. The following are shown for each record: o o o o o o Lesson Name Associated Course Name – the course the specified lesson belongs to Start Date – date that the user started this specific lesson Completion Date – the date the user finished this specific lesson Status – where the user is in their completion of this lesson Progress – the percentage of the modules completed compared to the number of modules in the lesson Module Completion Details Shows the modules completed by a user. The following details are associated with each record: o o o o o o Course Name – which course the specified module belongs to Lesson Name – which lesson the specified module belongs to Module Name – the name of the module Completion Date – the date the user completed this specific module Status - where the user is in their completion of this module Progress - the percentage of the topics in the module completed compared to the number of topics in the module Course Completion Report Insight With the power of this report, you can see when learners fully complete a course and how long it took them to complete the course; based on this information you might choose to adjust dedicated training time or recommend other courses that they should take. Access Key Report Displays access key identification, how many users are provisioned on the key, how many users remain on the key, does not include Flex subscription access keys. The Access Key Report will allow you to quickly view your access key allotment and status at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o o o Company – not as applicable in this report, but available if you’re the administrator of multiple access keys Order ID – not as applicable in this report and is representative of your Rockwell Automation contract number and as such, we suggest you disregard this filter Manager – the primary administrator that was entered as the contact at the time of order Access Key – if you have multiple access keys you can filter to a specific key you wish to see data for Access Key Status – if the access key is Active or Inactive The applied filters do not apply to the first banner of data as that is summarized data. Data below this banner will change based on selected filters. Access Keys The access keys that you have visibility into and the status of the key itself, the number of users who have used the access key compared to how many user seats were purchased. Details This section shows more details about each access key that you have visibility into. Unique to this section of the report, you can see when the access key expires and by clicking the hyperlink in the Used Quantity column, you can see who has used the key. Access Key Report Insight You are better able to manage your entitlement and access key distribution. If your access key isn’t being fully utilized, be sure to follow up with people you shared the key with or share the key with other individuals. Survey Report Displays responses to e-learning course surveys. End-of-course survey response is mandatory to receive a course completion certificate. The Survey Report will allow you to quickly view your learner’s sentiment and feedback towards the course curriculum at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o Start and End Date for the data you want to show – if you enter a start date you MUST enter an end date Course – specific course you want to see data for Learner/ User- the learner(s) you want to see data for Top 5 Courses with Survey Responses Since a survey response is required to receive a certificate of completion for a course, so this information also articulates the top 5 courses your users are completing. Survey Feedback Responses A color-coded pie chart representation of the responses to each question asked on the survey. Survey Comments Comments are a required field in the survey, so don’t be surprised if you see nonsensical responses so users can complete the survey. The comments section can be searched for specific learners. Survey Report Insight With this data you will be able to better understand which courses are most applicable for your competency objectives. You may wish to dig deeper into the survey responses from users who selected “Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree” to confirm that they are getting the most out of their subscription. Virtual Instructor-Led Training Survey Report Displays responses to Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) Session surveys. The VILT Survey Report will allow you to quickly view your learner’s sentiments and feedback towards the course curriculum at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o o Start and End Date for the data you want to show – if you enter a start date you MUST enter an end date Course – specific course you want to see data for Learner/ User- the learner(s) you want to see data for Session - specific session of the course Please note that, unlike course surveys, VILT surveys are optional. Top 5 VILT Courses with Survey Responses This information articulates the top 5 courses that your users are completing. VILT Survey Feedback Responses A color-coded pie chart representation of the responses to each question asked on the VILT survey summarizes the feedback. VILT Survey Comments Comments are a required field in the VILT survey, so don’t be surprised if you see nonsensical responses so users can complete the survey. The comments section can be searched for specific learners. Virtual Survey Report Insight You will be able to better understand which of the available courses apply to your learners. If you’re seeing positive responses, you may wish to recommend these sessions to other learners to increase the value they are getting from their access to Learning+. With this insight you will be able to better understand which instructor-led courses are applicable for your learners. This information can assist you in making recommendations to align with competency objectives and meet your training and production goals. Virtual Instructor-Led Training Enrollment Report Displays what VILT Sessions users have been enrolled in. The VILT Enrollment Report will allow you to quickly view your learner’s enrollment status and usage at any time. Filters for this report are: o Start and End Date for the data you want to show – if you enter a start date you MUST enter an end date o o o o Category – specific category you wish to see data for Sub-Category – specific sub-category you wish to see data for Course – specific course you want to see data for Session – specific session of the course VILT Enrollment Summary The total number of enrollments in VILT sessions for the specified filters, if any, selected. User Details Displays which users enrolled in VILT sessions, what VILT course the session belongs to, the start and end date of the session, and the instructor's name. Session Wise Enrollment Displays the user enrollments in sessions for a VILT course. Course Wise Enrollment Displays the user enrollments in a VILT course. Regional Enrollment VILT sessions are scheduled and hosted at a regional (North America, Europe/Middle East/Africa, Latin America, Asia Pacific) level, so this section displays which regional sessions users are attending. VILT Enrollment Report Insight The enrollment data will tell you how many times and which sessions learners are signed up for, but attendance information is not available. If you’re not seeing many enrollments into the VILT sessions, you may want to remind your users that they have these sessions available as part of their access and these sessions are a great complement to the selfpaced courses. User Activity Report Displays user activity on the Number of Users, Active and Inactive Users, Login Counts, Time Spent in the Learning+ Platform and Last Login Date. The User Activity Report will allow you to view your user's activity usage at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o Start and End Date for the data you want to show – if you enter a start date you MUST enter an end date Learner/ User- the learner(s) you want to see data for Company – not as applicable in this report, but available if you’re the administrator of multiple access keys Company versus Learners Count The number of learners that are active or inactive for a given company. If you only have visibility to one access key, then you will only see one company here. Learners versus Login Count This section of the report details how many times learners have logged in, how long they have spent in Learning+ and the date of their last log in. It is important to note that this data is dependent on the date range entered. Time spent does not equate to time actively navigating Learning+, but there is a 30-minute auto log out feature. User Activity Report Insight With visibility into the time users spend in Learning+ and their last login, you can gauge a learner's adoption of the platform. Pair this with the Course Completion Report and you’ll be able to see if users are being productive on the platform by completing courses or enrolling in VILT sessions. If you see a lot of time spent in Learning+, but not many courses completed or enrollments, you may wish to understand if learners are only accessing videos (views are not tracked) and not taking full advantage of all that is available. Usage Summary Report Displays overall Learning+ user usage including Access Key Utilization, e-learning Courses Usage, Course Survey Responses and Virtual Instructor-Led Training Session Enrollment. The Usage Summary Report will allow you to comprehensively view your organization's usage at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o Start and End Date for the data you want to show – if you enter a start date you MUST enter an end date o As a multi-user or flex user administrator, this will be your primary filter for this report Company – not as applicable in this report, but available if you’re the administrator of multiple access keys Orders – not as applicable in this report and is representative of your Rockwell Automation contract number and as such, we suggest you disregard this filter o Access Key – if you have multiple access keys you can filter to a specific key you wish to see data for Access Keys The access keys you have visibility into and the status of the key itself, the number of users who have used the access key compared to how many users were purchased. Course Completion Summary Displays a summary of the total course(s) completed. VILT Enrollment Summary Summary of Total User Enrollments in VILT courses. Top 5 Courses with Survey Responses Since a survey response is required to receive a certificate of completion for a course, so this information also articulates the top 5 courses your users are completing. Usage Summary Report Insight With a summarized view, this is a great place to get a big-picture view of how much learners are taking advantage of their Learning+ subscription. Assessment Report Displays what Assessments have been attempted and completed. The Assessment Report will allow you to view the user’s knowledge assessment usage at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o o Start and End Date for the data you want to show – if you enter a start date you MUST enter an end date Learner/ User- the learner(s) you want to see data for Assessment Name – the specific assessment you wish to see data for Assessment Status – whether the assessment was completed or yet to be started This information displays a summary of the total assessment attempts as well as a breakdown of assessment results by User, Assessment Name, Date Assessment was completed and the total number of assessment attempts. Assessment Report Insight Knowledge assessments are not required, but they are a great benefit of the Learning+ subscription in that they allow learners to baseline their existing knowledge and help decipher what courses they may want to take. You can determine if learners are taking advantage of this feature and whether they are using this as a starting point or if they are returning to reassess after they have taken courses. Flex User Subscription Administration As an administrator of a Flex User Subscription, you have additional privileges tied to managing the users on your access key. The Flex Subscription Report This report is visible for this subscription type and displays the information just like the Access Key report but for Flex subscription access keys only. The Flex Subscription Report will allow you to view details on your access key at any time. Filters for this report are: o o o o o Company – not as applicable in this report, but available if you’re the administrator of multiple access keys Order ID – not as applicable in this report and is representative of your Rockwell Automation contract number and as such, we suggest you disregard this filter Admin – the primary administrator that was entered as the contact at the time of order Access Key – if you have multiple access keys you can filter to a specific key you wish to see data for Access Key Status – if the access key is Active or Inactive The Flex Subscription displays the total number of access keys purchased. The Access Key graphic displays the status of the key itself, and the number of users who have used the access key compared to how many users were purchased. The Details section outlines your company’s purchased access keys, which include the Order ID, Access Key Number, Total Quantity, Used Quantity, Status and Expiration Date. Flex Subscription Report Insight Since this report is very similar to the Access Key report, but for Flex subscription access keys only, the same insights would apply related to ensuring you are getting full use by having the full quantity of purchased users active and no remaining users available. Flex User Administrative Tools The Flex User Management option is unique to Flex Subscription Administrators; you can view your access key information including your total purchased quantities, remaining quantity of unused access keys, start/end dates. Most importantly, you will be able to take action from this view and unassign users that are currently using your access key using the pencil icon under the Action column. User Unassignment As an administrator with a Flex subscription, you will have the ability to reallocate your access key and maximize your usage of Learning+. Once you have reached the target quantity of user seats purchased, any other users trying to use the access key will receive a message that their access key is not able to be used. You will be able to unassign a user from this screen, and you will see your Rem Qty increase the same number of users you unassigned. You can now share the access key with other users. Example: If you purchased a Flex subscription with a quantity of 25, you will be able to share the single access key with up to 25 concurrent users in your organization at one time. If five (5) of those users have completed their required training after three (3) months, you will have the ability to unassign them within the Flex Subscription Access Key List and reallocate access those five (5) people had to new users to begin or continue their training journey. When a user is unassigned, they will receive an email notification with their updated Learning+ status. If at any time you wish to reassign a former user that was unassigned, you will simply tell that user to enter the access key again to unlock content. All prior training records and status for that user will remain and they can pick up from where they left off before unassignment. If you are a Flex Subscription administrator and do not see the Deactivate button on your home screen, this is because Flex Subscription administrators can’t deactivate a user because this functionality on the home screen could be confused with user unassignment, which is only available with the Flex Subscriptions. Support All customer support for Learning+ is provided by clicking the link for HELP that is available on the lower left corner of each page. This will provide self-service support through a constantly monitored email used to address customer support needs. You can also contact [email protected] for Learning+ or any training assistance. Useful Links Find Your Allen-Bradley® Authorized Distributor or Sales Office Contact Customer Care myRockwellAutomation Rockwell Automation Website LifecycleIQ Services and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies. Publication GMST-UM001B-EN-P – March 2024 Supersedes publication GMST- UM001A-EN-P – June 2021 Copyright© 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. ">
Key Features
- User Management
- Reporting Features
- Access Key Control
- Course Completion Tracking
- VILT Session Management
- Assessment Management
- Flex Subscription Administration
- Cloud-Based Platform
- Self-Paced Learning
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I access the Learning+ Administrative Portal?
You can access the portal using the link provided in your Welcome Email from [email protected] or by visiting Rockwell
What are the differences between Multi-User and Flex subscription types?
Multi-User subscriptions provide a fixed number of user seats, while Flex subscriptions allow you to assign users to the access key as needed. Both types offer reporting features and administrative tools, but Flex subscriptions offer the ability to unassign users to reallocate the access key.
How can I track the progress of my learners in a specific course?
You can use the Course Completion Report to track learners' progress at the course, lesson, and module level. You can filter by course, user, location, or other criteria.