Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Switch (400A) Installation Instructions
Allen-Bradley 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Switch (400A) is a high-performance disconnect switch kit designed for use with a range of electrical applications. The kit includes a cable mechanism, disconnect switch, handle, and mounting plate, which provide a safe and reliable way to isolate electrical circuits. With its robust design and easy installation process, the 1494C kit guarantees reliable circuit isolation and user-friendly operation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Bulletin 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Switch Kit (400A) Installation Instructions (Cat 1494C- _ _ _ Series 2 : 400A) ATTENTION: To prevent electrical shock, disconnect from power source before installing or servicing. Follow NFPA 70E requirements. Install in suitable enclosure. Keep free from contaminants. ATTENTION: The following procedures are critical to the proper operation of the disconnect handle and switch. Failure to follow these steps can result in damage to the equipment and/or serious injury or death to the operator. B Table of Contents Page Quick Installation Guide - Disconnect Switch Installation - Disconnect Handle Installation - Assemble and Install Line Terminal Guard - Cable Mechanism Installation - Connecting Rod Adjustment Procedure 2,3 3 4 4 5 C Enclosure Without Handle Cutout - Locate Handle - Drill Handle Holes 6 Door Catch Mounting Bracket Installation 7 Trailer Fuse Block Installation (400A) 8 Phase Barrier Replacement (400A) 9 Fuse Clip Installation (400A) 10 Bulletin 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Switch Kit Components 11 Bulletin 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Switch Kit Optional Accessory List 12 D E F G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. G. Ushakow CHKD. M. Jutz APPD. J. Koziczkowski DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE 12-3-07 12-3-07 DATE 12-3-07 DATE DWG. SIZE B SHEET 1 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A QUICK INSTALLATION GUIDE IMPORTANT: When locating the 400A switch, verify that the minimum diameter for the loop of the cable between the switch mechanism and handle mechanism is not less than 16 inches. Any reduction to the diameter of the bend loop for the cable will reduce the efficiency of the cable system, and create additional drag and friction within the cable conduit. IMPORTANT: Verify that the cable assembly does not interfere with any mechanical and moving parts. Keep the cable conduit a minimum of 1/2" from all heat sources and current carrying terminals, fuses, transformers, etc. 1 Disconnect Switch Installation B Panel Mounting Dimensions Switch Size AA BB CC DD EE (4) Mounting Plate Holes FF Minimum Bend Diameter 400A 2" 11" 4-3/4" 1-3/8" 9/32" Dia. 16" Dia. 1a Locate switch with right hand mechanism AA EE AA EE C BB BB DD DD CC CC FF FF D Enclosure with Left Hand Flange Enclosure with Right Hand Flange 1b Locate switch with left hand mechanism AA E AA EE BB EE BB DD DD CC CC FF FF Enclosure with Right Hand Flange F Enclosure with Left Hand Flange (2) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 2 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 1 Disconnect Switch Installation (Cont'd) 2 3 Assemble disconnect switch to cable switch mechanism Assemble disconnect switch assembly to mounting plate 90 - 130 lb-in (400A) B Thread forming screws provided with disconnect switch. Thread forming screws provided with cable mechanism. 90 - 130 lb-in (400A) Disconnect Switch with Right Hand Cable Mechanism (shown) C 4 5 Install rubber handle on line terminal guard Install the line terminal guard on disconnect switch LIN LIN ET ER MI NA LG UA ET ER M IN AL GU AR D RD D 2 Disconnect Handle Installation E 1 2 Install gasket Install handle and mechanism bracket 3 Install defeater lever (Right Hand Flange Mounted Shown) 60 - 80 lb-in NOTE: Apply grease from capsule to gasket or groove to retain gasket to handle. 7-11 lb-in F (3) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 3 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 3 Cable Mechanism Installation 1 Verify that disconnect switch and handle are in "ON" position. (Switch blades will not be visible) 2 Rotate connecting rod (clockwise) into drive bar until it begins to exit the drive bar (approximately 18 full turns). B C 3 Align connecting rod with primary link Connecting Rod Primary Link D E F (4) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 4 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A 3 Cable Mechanism Installation (Cont'd) 5 Install hitch pin clip 6 Turn disconnect handle "OFF" and install handle mechanism spring Hitch Pin Clip B C 4 Connecting Rod Adjustment Procedure "ON" Position ➊ Move disconnect handle to the "ON" position. ➋ If switch does not fully close, return handle to "OFF" position. ➌ Remove link spring hitch pin and disengage the connecting rod from the primary link. ➍ Turn connecting rod counter-clockwise (1 or more) full turns. ➎ Re-engage connecting rod in primary link of handle, insert hitch pin and re-test ➏ Repeat ➊ - ➎ as necessary. ➐ Re-install link spring. D "OFF" Position ➊ Move disconnect handle to the "OFF" position. ➋ If switch does not fully open, return handle to "ON" position. ➌ Remove hitch pin and link spring, then disengage the connecting rod from the primary link. ➍ Turn connecting rod clockwise (1 or more) full turns. ➎ Re-engage connecting rod in primary link of handle, insert hitch pin and re-test. ➏ Repeat ➊ - ➎ as necessary. ➐ Re-install link spring. E ATTENTION: CHECK FOR PROPER OPERATION. Upon completion of the installation instructions, no further adjustment of the cable mechanism is required. F (5) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 5 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Enclosure without Handle Cutout ● Enclosures with a Flange Thickness less than 3/16" use dimensions below to install disconnect handle. 1 Locate Handle B 1-1/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-3/8" 14-3/8" 14-3/8" Top Handle Hole C Right Hand Flange Left Hand Flange 2 Drill Handle Holes D (2) .328 Dia. Holes 5/16" Top Handle Hole 1/2" 5-1/2" 6-1/2" 1/4" Square corners or up to 1/4" radius E F (6) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 6 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Door Catch Bracket Installation Right hand installation shown (for left hand installation follow similar procedures) Door Catch Mounting Bracket: ● Provided with projections for welding. ● Projections can also be used as a guide for drilling holes. ● Can be used as a template to drill corresponding holes in the enclosure door. ● User to supply the hardware for fastening the bracket. ● Fasteners must provide the degree of ingress protection for the environmental rating of the enclosure. ● The bracket hardware must be inaccessible to unauthorized personnel. Dimension K (3/4" to 1") ● When using large disconnect handle kit only (1494F-M2 or -S2), use door catch provided with handle kit. B ● When using large disconnect handle kit and small door hardware kits (1494V-L1, -LL1, -L2 or -LL2), use door catch provided with door hardware kit. Dimension K (1-1/8" to 1-3/8") ● When using large disconnect handle kit and large door hardware kits (1494V-L3 or -LL3), use door catch provided with door hardware kit. Door Catch Mounting Bracket Top C Door Catch TOP VIEW Flange Thickness Enclosure Door K Door Catch Mounting Bracket 1 - 1/8" Enclosure Base Door Catch 1 - 3/8" 1 - 5/8" D 1-1/8" E 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-3/8" 14-3/8" 14-3/8" 3-3/4" 3-3/4" Top Handle Hole Door Catch Mounting Bracket Door Catch Mounting Bracket 1-5/8" 1-5/8" F (7) Right Hand Flange Left Hand Flange G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 7 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Trailer Fuse Block Installation (Switch Rating 400A) 1 Trailer Fuse Block Location Note: Refer to the figures and chart below to determine the location on the mounting plate for the trailer fuse block. (Not required for non-fusible disconnect switch applications.) 1494V-FS400 400 Amp Trailer Fuse Block (1494V-FS400) Fuse B Amps Voltage 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 250 600 600 600 250 600 600 600 Class A Torque (lb-in) Fuse Block H/R 7-11/16" H/R 10-3/16" 90-130 J 6-3/8" HRCII-C 6-3/8" H/R 8-11/16" H/R 11-11/16" 90-130 J 7-3/16" HRCII-C 8-11/16" Fuse Clip Lug to Wire Terminal into Lug 16-22 175-200 275-305 22-37 175-200 275-305 A C 4 - 3/4" 2 Install Trailer Fuse Block D 1494V-FS400 E (See Table ) F (8) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 8 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Phase Barrier Replacement Kit (Switch Rating 400A) 1494F-PH5 20 - 30 lb-in 3 B 1 4 2 C CLICK Terminal Adapter Installation - Conversion from Fusible to Non-Fusible (Switch Rating 400A) D 3 90 - 110 lb-in 175 - 200 lb-in 1 35 - 50 lb-in 2 E F (9) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 9 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Fuse Clip Installation (Switch Rating 400A) 1 1 Switch for Right Hand Mechanism 200A Fuse Clips 400A Fuse Clips Switch for Left Hand Mechanism 200A Fuse Clips 400A Fuse Clips 16 - 22 lb-in 22 - 37 lb-in 16 - 22 lb-in 22 - 37 lb-in 2 2 B 1 1 C 2 Switch for Right Hand Mechanism 200A Fuse Clips 400A Fuse Clips D 2 Switch for Left Hand Mechanism 23 - 37 lb-in 40 - 55 lb-in 2 1 E 1 2 200A Fuse Clips 400A Fuse Clips F 23 - 37 lb-in 40 - 55 lb-in (10) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 10 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Bulletin 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Switch Kit Components Cat No. Disconnect Switch Kit Handle B 1494F-M2 (7-1/2" Painted Metal) (400A - 600A) 1494F-S2 (7-1/2" Stainless Steel) (400A - 600A) Switch for Right Hand Mechanism 1494F-D400 (400A) Switch Switch for Left Hand Mechanism 1494F-DX400 (400A) C Cable Mechanism Cable with Right Hand Mechanism 1494C-CM9: 400A (4 Ft Cable) 1494C-CM10: 400A (5 Ft Cable) 1494C-CM11: 400A (6 Ft Cable) 1494C-CM12: 400A (10 Ft Cable) Cable with Left Hand Mechanism 1494C-CMX9: 400A (4 Ft Cable) 1494C-CMX10: 400A (5 Ft Cable) 1494C-CMX11: 400A (6 Ft Cable) 1494C-CMX12: 400A (10 Ft Cable) D Fuse Block 1494V-FS400 (400A) Fuse Clips 1401-N45 (Class H,J, 200A - 250V, 200A - 600V) 1401-N46 (Class H,J, 400A - 250V, 400A - 600V) 1401-N54 (Class R, 200A - 250V, 200A - 600V) 1401-N55 (Class R, 400A - 250V, 400A - 600V) E F (11) G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 11 OF 13 42052-155 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A Bulletin 1494C Cable Operated Disconnect Switch Kit Optional Accessory List Optional Accessories (Installation Instructions Not Included) Electrical Interlock B Auxiliary Contact Cat No. Switch with Right Hand Mechanism 1495-N43 (1-N.O./N.C.) (200A - 400A) 1495-N44 (2-N.O./N.C.) (200A - 400A) Switch with Left Hand Mechanism 1495-N41 (1-N.O./N.C.) (400A) 1495-N42 (2-N.O./N.C.) (400A) 1495-N8 (1-N.O.) (30A - 400A) 1495-N9 (1-N.C.) (30A - 400A) 1495-N25 (200A - 400A) Auxiliary (Required only for switch with Contact Adapter Kit Left Hand Mechanism) C Wire Lug Connectors D Phase Barrier 1494R-N14 (CU Wire Size (2 ) - #1/0 - 250 MCM (400A) 1494R-N15 (CU Wire Size #4.......500 MCM (400A) 1494F-PH5 (400A) Switch Rating Fuse Cover with Door Fuse Class Fuse Clip Rating 250V 600V H, J, R 200A 400A 200A 400A Non-Fusible ---- ---- H, J, R 200A 400A 200A 400A Non-Fusible ---- ---- 400A E 400A Cat No. 1495-N68➀ 1495-N63➁ ➀ Switch with right hand mechanism ➁ Switch with left hand mechanism 42052-155-01 (2) F Printed in U.S.A. G REFERENCE REVISION AUTHORIZATION 1 1026760 2 1030857 BULLETIN 1494C (400A) CABLE OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH KIT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEET DIMENSIONS APPLY BEFORE SURFACE TREATMENT (DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) TOLERANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED .XX: N/A .XXX: N/A E - DOC THIS DRAWING IS THE PROPERTY OF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. OR ITS SUBSIDIARIES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, USED OR DISCLOSED FOR ANY PURPOSE EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. H LOCATION: MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN U.S.A. ------------CHKD. ------------APPD. ------------DR. ANGLES: 42052 N/A DATE DATE DATE ------------------------------------- DWG. SIZE B SHEET 12 OF 13 42052-155 ">

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Key features
- Cable Operated
- 400A Rating
- Right/Left Hand Options
- Fuse Block Capability
- Installation Instructions
Frequently asked questions
The minimum bend diameter should be at least 16 inches. Refer to the ‘Quick Installation Guide’ section in the viewed document for more details.
The disconnect switch assembly should be installed to the mounting plate using thread forming screws provided with the switch. Ensure the screws are tightened to 90-130 lb-in. Refer to ‘Disconnect Switch Installation’ section in the viewed document for detailed instructions.
The 1494V-FS400 (400 Amp Trailer Fuse Block) can be installed with this switch. Refer to the ‘Trailer Fuse Block Installation’ section in the viewed document for more details.