ICS Triplex ICS Regent+Plus RTD Input Equipment Reference Manual
ICS Triplex ICS Regent+Plus RTD Input Equipment is a versatile and reliable solution for monitoring and controlling process temperatures using RTD sensors. This equipment supports up to 16 RTD inputs, configured in two groups of eight, each capable of handling 2, 3, or 4-wire RTDs. The system features automatic linearization and calibration ensuring precise temperature readings. The integrated fault detection and annunciation mechanisms ensure robust operation and prevent erroneous data transmission. For safety critical applications, redundant input modules and multiplexers can be used to enhance fault tolerance.
ICS Regent+Plus ® PD-7037 RTD Input Equipment Input Module, Mux, Termination Panel and Cable (T7432-IM, T7432-Mux, T7432-TP and T7432-CA) Issue 1, March, 06 The RTD input equipment includes a RTD input module (T7432-IM), a RTD input multiplexer (T7432-MUX), a RTD termination panel (T7432-TP), and a RTD termination cable (T7432-CA). This equipment provides terminations and temperature conversion for as many as 16 RTD inputs, arranged in 2 groups of eight inputs. Features · Sixteen inputs for 100W platinum RTDs. · Configuration options: RTD type: Input Leads: Units: Resolution: Noise Filter: American (" = 0.00392 S/S/°C) European (" = 0.00385 S/S/°C) 2, 3 or 4-wire Degrees F or degrees C Units or tenths 50 Hz, 60Hz rejection · Complete linearization and automatic calibration. · Remote terminations up to 50 cable feet from I/O chassis. · Individual front panel indicators on each module show active, fault and MUX fault status. · 2500 volt isolation between Input Module and Mux. · Hot-replaceable input module and Mux. · Extensive fault diagnostics. · TÜV certified for safety, Risk Class 5. The input module plugs into an I/O chassis slot and receives data from the RTD input multiplexer (or Mux). The RTD input multiplexer plugs into the termination panel and provides low level signal conditioning, multiplexing, and Industrial Control Services 1 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) analog-to-digital conversion. The termination panel can be located as far as 50 cable feet from the I/O chassis. Each module’s triplicated I/O Safetybus interface ensures that no failure in the module can affect the operation of the Regent system or other I/O modules in the system. Extensive fault detection and annunciation of critical redundant circuits help prevent the controllers from receiving erroneous data from a faulty input module. The fault tolerant boundary may be extended by using three input modules and three multiplexers. A single RTD can be wired to a single RTD termination panel which contains three RTD multiplexers for fault tolerance. The fault tolerant boundary may be further extended into the process by wiring three separate RTDs, all measuring the same process parameter, to separate termination panels, multiplexers and input modules. In either triplicated configuration, a failed module or multiplexer can be removed and replaced without interrupting the input signals. Module Operation A simplified block diagram of the RTD input equipment is shown in Figure 1. Two, three, or four-wire RTDs are terminated at the termination panel. The termination panel routes the RTD signals to the Mux for multiplexing, signal conditioning, and A to D conversion. Up to three Mux’s can be installed in the termination panel for fault tolerance. The termination cable connects to the termination panel to carry RTD data between the input Mux’s and RTD input modules. A DC-to-DC converter on the input module shares three power legs from the I/O backplane power and provides isolated power to the Mux over the termination cable. The Mux transmits digitized serial RTD data back to the input module. The maximum allowable cable length is 50 feet. Sixteen, replaceable current sources on the term panel provide power to the individual RTDs. These current sources receive and share power from the one, two or three Mux’s installed in the termination panel. 2 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 1. Block Diagram of the RTD Input Equipment. The Serial data received from the Mux is optically coupled at the input module to provide electrical isolation. The input module's 68000-based microcomputer processes the RTD data. This microcomputer’s functions include: · Noise filtering · Automatic calibration · Temperature conversion and linearization · RTD lead-wire compensation · Diagnostics The processor modules send triplicated read data requests to the RTD input module over the I/O Safetybus. The processors’ addressing data and data read requests are voted by the module (preventing I/O Safetybus failures upstream from the module from affecting module operations). The voted result is then passed to the I/O bus interface logic. PD-7037 Mar-06 3 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) After receiving the voted data read request, the microcomputer transmits the conditioned temperature data to the Safetybus interface. This interface places the voted temperature data onto the triplicated Safetybus bus drivers. Each of the three bus drivers is independently powered and controlled (by the I/O transceiver modules) — preventing failures in a single driver from propagating to the other two I/O busses. The bus drivers then transmit the data via the backplane I/O Safetybus to the I/O transceiver modules which, in turn, transmit the data to the processors. The RTD input data is packaged as a 16-bit word for each input. The format of each word is shown in Figure 2. The most significant bit in the word is used as an alarm bit to indicate an out-of-range RTD input signal. The remaining 15 bits contain signed 15-bit integer data representing the temperature in degrees C or F and in units or tenths of degrees, as configured by jumper settings on the Mux. Figure 2. RTD Input Data Format. Testing and Diagnostics Input Module Testing Each module’s voter circuits are periodically tested by the processor modules. Discrepant data are sent through one of three legs of the I/O Safetybus to determine whether the module’s voter is able to outvote the incorrect data. A failure to return the correct majority-voted result to the processors produces an I/O module error indication at the processor modules and a module fault indication at the I/O module. Each type of module has a unique identification code that is read by the controller. This code lets the controller know which type of module is installed in each I/O chassis slot and 4 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) how to address that module and its points specifically. If a module is removed, or is replaced with a module of a different type, the processor modules will indicate an I/O module error. Loopback logic tests periodically write data to the module and then read it back to determine whether the module’s I/O bus interface logic is functioning correctly. Multiplexer Testing The serial communications link to the RTD Mux is continuously monitored. Additionally the data received from the Mux is checked for proper data format, parity and numeric range reasonableness. The precision voltage references on the multiplexer are also checked to verify that the power to the Mux is present and that the voltage references are within tolerance. Input Module Front Panel Indicators Figure 3 shows the physical features of the RTD input module. The front panel of each module contains status indicators to display the operational status of the input module and multiplexer. Active and Fault Status Indicators These green and red LEDs indicate the overall health of the module. During normal operation the green ACTIVE indicator flashes at the controller's scan rate. If a module fault occurs the red FAULT indicator turns on and the green ACTIVE indicator turns off. MUX Fault Indicator The red MUX FAULT indicator turns on when any of the following fault conditions are detected: · No data received from the Mux. · Corrupted data from the Mux. · Unreasonable data values from the Mux. Failure of the DC-to-DC converter supplying power to the termination panel or the receiver circuitry can also result in a MUX fault. Both of these faults are input module faults. PD-7037 Mar-06 5 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 3. RTD Input Module. 6 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Termination Panel and Multiplexer Figure 4 shows the physical features of the RTD termination panel and multiplexer. The multiplexer plugs into the termination panel and is secured in place with two thumb screws located at each end of the multiplexer. Up to three multiplexers can be installed in a single termination panel. Each multiplexer interfaces to a separate RTD input module installed in an I/O Chassis. Sixteen current sources are installed on the termination panel to source current to each RTD. The current sources are powered from the installed multiplexers and share power when multiple multiplexers are installed. Termination cables plug into the DB-9 connectors located to the right of the three multiplexers. Each cable interfaces one multiplexer to its associated input module installed in an I/O chassis. RTD inputs are wired to the terminal blocks located along the bottom of the termination panel. Each of the four terminal blocks has screw terminals for 4 RTD inputs. Four screw terminals are provided for each RTD input. Two additional ground terminals on each terminal block are provided to connect RTD cable shield wires if desired. RTD Multiplexer Indicators Each RTD multiplexer has status indicators for power supply voltages, and transmit data. When positive and negative supply voltages are present at the termination panel, the + V, and – V indicators are on. The TX indicator is on when the Mux is transmitting data to the input module. Normally, all these green indicators should be on. PD-7037 Mar-06 7 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 4. RTD Termination Panel and Multiplexer. Application Simplex Configuration A single RTD input module and multiplexer provide a suitable interface to non-critical input signals. Although many of the circuits in the RTD input module and multiplexer are automatically tested and annunciated, some logic circuits and field-side sensing circuits are simplex and non-tested. This simplex input configuration is illustrated in Figure 5. 8 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 5. Simplex RTD Input Configuration. Fault Tolerant Configurations For safety-critical inputs, redundant input modules and multiplexers are used in a 2oo3 or 1oo2 fault tolerant configuration. In these configurations the redundant RTD input equipment is connected to single or multiple RTDs. When single RTDs are installed in the field, the RTDs connect to one termination panel containing redundant multiplexers which interface to redundant input modules as illustrated in Figure 6. When redundant RTDs that sense the same process variable are installed in the field, each RTD connects to one termination panel, multiplexer and input module as illustrated in Figure 7. Each RTD input module, cable, and multiplexer is hot replaceable. In redundant input configurations, if a fault occurs in one set of equipment, the failed equipment can be removed and replaced while the system continues to sense the inputs from the remaining two sets of equipment. PD-7037 Mar-06 9 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 6. Fault Tolerant RTD Input Configuration, Single Sensor. Figure 7. Fault Tolerant RTD Input Configuration, Redundant Sensors. 10 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) RTD Multiplexer Configuration The RTD input multiplexer provides jumpers to configure the RTD types, noise filtering, temperature units, and temperature resolution. All RTD configuration jumpers are located on the component side of the Mux as shown in Figure 8. The Mux must be removed from the termination panel and the Mux housing disassembled to access the RTD configuration jumpers. To disassemble the multiplexer, remove two screws from each end of the multiplexer and remove the loosened cover. Figure 8. Location of RTD Configuration Jumpers on Mux. RTD Type Configuration Each group of eight inputs, 1-8, and 9-16, is individually configured for RTD type (American or European) and the number of wire leads (2, 3, or 4-wire). Selecting American or European Type RTDs To select American type (" = 0.00392 S/S/°C) or European type RTDs (" = 0.00385 S/S/°C), position the jumper for each group as shown in Figure 9. The jumper posts are labeled “JP5” for group 1 inputs (channels 1 to 8) and “JP6” for group 2 inputs (channels 9 to 16). PD-7037 Mar-06 11 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 9. Selecting American or European Type RTDs. Selecting 2, 3 or 4-wire RTD Input Lead Configuration. To select the lead configuration for the RTDs, position the jumper for each group as illustrated in Figure 10. The jumper posts are labeled “JP7” for group 1 inputs and “JP8” for group 2 inputs. Note: 2-wire lead configuration is configured the same as 4-wire lead configuration. Figure 10. Selecting 2, 3, or 4-Wire Lead Configuration. RTD Current Source The RTD termination panel has sixteen current sources that power each of the RTD inputs. Termination panels are provided with standard 1mA current sources. Optionally, 5mA current sources are available, but must be special ordered. For most applications, the standard 1mA current sources are recommended. Two sets of jumper posts are located on the multiplexer to indicate the type of current sources installed. These jumper posts are labeled “JP1” and “JP9” and must be configured for the same type of current sources. Position the jumper on the 12 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) posts as illustrated in Figure 11 to configure the type of current sources installed on the termination panel. Figure 11. Selecting 1mA or 5mA Current Source. Noise Filtering RTDs and their associated wiring may be installed in electrically noisy environments. Noise filtering is required to ensure that this noise does not affect the reading of the low level RTD signals. Jumper posts are located on the Mux to select between 50 Hz or 60 Hz noise filtering. Choose the frequency which represents the predominant source of electrical noise in the RTD environment (e.g. electrical motors). This configuration selection applies to all 16 RTD inputs. The jumper posts for noise filtering are labeled “JP2”. Position the jumper on the posts as illustrated in Figure 12 for noise filtering configuration. Figure 12. Selecting 50 or 60 Hz Noise Filtering. RTD Data Format The RTD input module provides linearized temperature data to the processors in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. Jumper posts are located on the Mux to select between degrees C or F. PD-7037 Mar-06 13 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Position the jumper on the posts as illustrated in Figure 13 for the desired temperature units. The temperature data resolution must also be configured for units (data increments of 1 degree), or tenths (data increments of 0.1 degree). Position the jumper on the posts as illustrated in Figure 13 for the desired data resolution. Note: The RTD data is always presented as integer data to the processor modules. When you select tenths resolution, there is an implied fixed place decimal before the least significant digit in the temperature data. For example the temperature data value 1527 would represent 152.7º. The RTD data format selections apply to all 16 RTD inputs. Figure 13. Selecting RTD Data Format. The ranges of temperature data for RTDs are shown in Table 1. When the temperature data is outside the normal operating range, the NOSIG bit is set. 14 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Table 1. Temperature Data Ranges. Out-of-Range Detection When the RTD measures temperatures outside of the operating range listed in Table 1, the signal is considered to be out-of-range. The RTD equipment will continue to provide over-range and under-range readings up to the minimum and maximum readings shown in the Table. Also, many open-circuit and short-circuit wiring faults will cause out-of-range conditions for RTD inputs. In these cases, the temperature data value is the minimum or maximum value shown in the Table. When the signal is out-of-range, the NOSIG bit for the RTD input is set. In application programming, the NOSIG contact in ladder logic can be used to sense the RTD out-of-range condition. For more information, see Programming, starting on page 23. Installation Planning Accuracy Considerations Use the following guidelines to maximize overall system accuracy: PD-7037 Mar-06 15 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) 1. For unused input channels, short the +SENSE, -SENSE, and -FORCE terminals together. This will eliminate any floating readings for the unused channels. 2. Minimize the resistance of the RTD extension wire by using heavier wire gauges. The RTD input circuit supports a maximum 20 Ohms lead resistance. Radiated Field Susceptibility Transmitting equipment should not be operated within the vicinity of the termination panel. Power levels greater than one watt at a distance of one foot may degrade RTD measurements and eventually cause a permanent fault to be logged, resulting in a shutdown (clear to 0) of all inputs on the affected panel. Grounding The termination panel should be connected to the system’s safety or system ground. Use a minimum of #18 stranded wire. A chassis ground terminal is provided for this purpose. It is located at the bottom right corner of the termination panel, near RTD input 16. Additional ground terminals are provided with each RTD terminal block group. These terminals are electrically connected to the chassis and can be used for RTD field cable shield terminations. Installing the Termination Panel The RTD termination panel can be mounted in a 19-inch rack or flush mounted to a panel. Refer to Figure 14 for overall mounting dimensions for the termination panel and Mux. 16 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 14. Mounting Dimensions for the RTD Termination Panel. Termination Panel Cable The termination panel cable connects a RTD input module to a RTD multiplexer installed in the termination panel. It carries power to the Mux and routes serial data to the input module. One end of the cable has a male DB-9 nine-pin connector that plugs into one of three connectors on the termination panel. The opposite end should be cut to the desired length and wired to the I/O chassis terminal block immediately above the RTD input module. Do not connect the shield wire at this end. The six wires in the cable are connected to the I/O slot terminals as shown in Figure 15. PD-7037 Mar-06 17 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 15. Termination Cable Connections. 18 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) RTD Terminations RTD wiring is connected to the screw terminals located at the bottom of the termination panel as shown in Figure 16. When terminating RTD wiring, follow the recommendations listed below. 1. Greater accuracy is maintained with a heavier gauge RTD lead wire. Lead wire resistance should not exceed 20 Ohms. 2. All RTDs within a group of eight must be the same RTD type (American or European) and use the same number of leads (2, 3 or 4-wire). 2-wire and 4-wire RTDs can be mixed in the same group. 3. For unused RTD inputs, short the +SENSE, -SENSE, and -FORCE terminals together. PD-7037 Mar-06 19 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 16. Wiring RTDs to Termination Panel. Keying The I/O chassis can be physically keyed to prevent accidental damage caused by inserting a module into a slot wired for a different module type. Figure 17 illustrates how the slot keys are installed on the I/O chassis slot field wiring connectors. 20 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) The slot key positions for the RTD input module is listed in Table 2. Figure 17. Installing Slot Keys. Table 2. Slot Key Positions. PD-7037 Mar-06 Module Upper Connector Lower Connector T7432 15 15 21 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Configuration Each input module is configured using the WINTERPRET I/O Configuration Editor. In the editor, you will perform the three steps described below to configure the input module. 1) Set the Module Type: Position the cursor on the module slot you wish to define. Choose Set Module Type from the Edit Menu and select the RTD input module from the list. 2) Edit the Module Definition: Choose Edit Module Definition from the Edit Menu. A dialog box will open where you can define the input point definitions. Figure 18. RTD Input Module Definition. 3) Edit each point: Position the cursor on a Point definition and choose Edit from the Module Definition dialog box to define a name and description for each input point. In the RTD Input Point dialog, enter a tag name (up to 12 characters) and a description (up to 40 characters). The tag names are used in the application program to represent the value of the RTD input in your control algorithms and interlocks. The input data is in the units and format as configured on the RTD Mux. For more information, see RTD Multiplexer Configuration, starting on page 11. 22 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Figure 19. Defining a RTD Input Point. Programming Inputs are referenced in the application program through the tag names defined in the I/O Configuration Editor. The RTD inputs variables will be in the engineering units (degrees F or C) and resolution (1 or 0.1 degree) as configured on the RTD multiplexer. Because the input data is already represented in engineering units, there is no need to scale the RTD input variables in the application program. Note: The MSB of each RTD input represents out-of-range (or NOSIG) status. This bit is normally equal to one. When RTD inputs are used in application program instructions, this MSB is masked and the sign bit is shifted to the MSB. This allows the application program instructions to evaluate only the data portion of the temperature value. This is true for all application program instructions except Block Move (in ladder logic). The Block Move instruction moves the entire word of data without masking off the NOSIG bit. Programming Fault Tolerant RTD Inputs To program fault tolerant configurations using triplicated RTD input modules, a midvalue element can be used as shown in Figure 20. Figure 20. Programming Fault Tolerant RTD Inputs. PD-7037 Mar-06 23 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) In this illustration, VALUE_A_NAME, VALUE_B_NAME, and VALUE_C_NAME represent the three RTD inputs to be mid-value selected. ERROR_A_NAME, ERROR_B_NAME and ERROR_C_NAME are the error bits for the RTD inputs. RESULT_NAME is the result of the mid-value instruction. The field Limit is the integer value, in similar units to the Value A, B and C variables, that a RTD input can deviate from the mid-value result before signaling an error (via the Error A, B or C bits). Once an error bit is set, it is latched. RESET_NAME is the reset bit used to reset the latched error bits. RTD Signal Out of Range Conditions The NOSIG contact in ladder logic function blocks can be used to detect an out of range RTD input signal. The NOSIG contact will be true when the RTD input signal is outside the normal operation limits (see Table 1, Temperature Data Ranges). Maintenance Calibration The Mux contains an ultra-stable voltage reference circuit for auto-calibration of all RTD channels. This circuit does not require re-adjustment. Safety Considerations The RTD input modules are TÜV certified as non-interfering and can be used for non-safety critical inputs in Risk Class 5 safety applications. The RTD input equipment is TÜV certified as non-interfering and when properly configured is also certified for Risk Class 5 safety critical inputs. Safety critical configurations include redundant input modules and multiplexers and application programmed midvalue selection methods. Redundant RTDs can be used with redundant input modules, termination panels and multiplexers to eliminate any single 24 Industrial Control Services RTD Input Equipment (T7432) points of failure and extend fault tolerance to include the RTDs. For additional safety considerations, please refer to the Safety Considerations section of the Regent User’s Guide. Specifications Safetybus Power 1.8 load units Number of Inputs 16, two, three, or four-wire RTDs RTD Input Types American: European: 100W Platinum " = 0.00392 S/S/°C " = 0.00385 S/S/°C RTD Units Degrees Centigrade or degrees Fahrenheit RTD Resolution Tenths or units RTD Temperature Range Normal Operation: Over-Range: Under-Range: -200° to +800° C (-328° to +1470° F) +801° to +883° C (+1471° to +1622° F) -242° to -201° C (-404° to --329° F) Input Resolution 14-bit, 1 part in 16,384 Response Time 2 seconds, typical Linearization Automatic Calibration Automatic Maximum Lead Resistance 20 ohms Current Source 1 mA (standard) 5 mA (optional) Accuracy T < 93° C (200° F) T > 93° C (200° F) PD-7037 Mar-06 +/- 0.55° C (1.0° F) +/- 1.1° C (2.0° F) 25 RTD Input Equipment (T7432) Common Mode Rejection 100 dB @ 50/60 Hz 60 dB minimum, elsewhere Normal Mode Rejection 70 dB typical Termination Panel Cable Length Isolation Maximum 50 cable feet (15 m) 2500 volts minimum (Mux to input module) Operating Temperature 0° to 60° C (32° to 140° F) Storage Temperature -40° to 85° C (-40° to 185° F) Operating Humidity 0 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing Safety Pending certification to DIN V VDE 0801 for Risk Class 5. Also designed to meet UL 508 and CSA 22.2, No. 142M1981 Heat Dissipation Input module: Termination panel/Mux: 4.5 Watts, 15 BTUs/hour 2.5 Watts, 9 BTUs/hour Dimensions Input Module Height: Width: Depth: Termination Panel Height: Width: Depth (with MUX): 12.6” (320 mm) 1.27” (32 mm) 10.125” (257 mm) 6.94” (176 mm) 19.0” (483 mm) 5.12” (130 mm) Weight Input module: Mux: Termination panel: 26 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg) 2 lbs (0.9 kg) 5.6 lbs (2.5 kg) Industrial Control Services ">

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Key features
- 16 RTD inputs
- 2, 3, or 4-wire RTD support
- Automatic linearization and calibration
- Fault tolerant configurations
- Safetybus interface
- Extensive diagnostics
- Hot-replaceable modules
- TÜV certified for safety
Frequently asked questions
This equipment supports 100W platinum RTDs with either American (' = 0.00392 S/S/°C) or European (' = 0.00385 S/S/°C) specifications.
The equipment can handle 2, 3, or 4-wire RTDs, with the option to configure each group of eight inputs separately. For example, you can have 2-wire RTDs in group 1 and 4-wire RTDs in group 2.
The maximum allowed cable length is 50 feet (15 meters) for the termination panel cable.
The red MUX FAULT indicator lights up when there is a problem with the multiplexer, such as no data received, corrupted data, unreasonable data values, or a failure in the power supply to the multiplexer.