ICS Triplex ICS Regent+Plus PDS to Winternet Conversion Package Reference Manual
ICS Regent+Plus ® PD-7046 PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package Converts PDS Application Programs and Configurations for Upgrade to WINTERPRET Compatible Projects (T7836) Issue 1, March, 06 The PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package is used to upgrade Regent application programs and configurations originally developed using the Program Development Station (PDS) software to compatible WINTERPRET files. The package includes a DOS program called PDS2WIN that converts PDS source files created by versions 2.6 to 2.9x to WINTERPRET source files. This program converts I/O configuration, shared variable definitions, application programs, and function blocks. All function block types are supported with the exception of continuous control and peer to peer. Continuous control function blocks are not currently supported by WINTERPRET. Guarded peer link configuration, the WINTERPRET replacement for Peer-to-Peer function blocks, requires significantly different configuration information than that contained in the PDS’s peer-to-peer function blocks. Features · Converts PDS source files to WINTERPRET source files. · Converts I/O and shared variable configurations. · Converts application programs and function blocks. · Allows users to upgrade PDS systems to take advantage of enhanced features provided in WINTERPRET. Industrial Control Services 1 PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) Software Installation The PDS to WINTERPRET conversion program, PDS2WIN is provided on a separate diskette from the WINTERPRET software. The conversion program can be run directly from the diskette or can be installed on the PC running the WINTERPRET application software. You should run the conversion software only after you have installed the WINTERPRET base package. Installation Procedure If you choose to install the conversion software on you hard disk, you can simply copy the program PDS2WIN.EXE from the distribution diskette onto your hard drive. It is not particularly important where you install the program on your hard drive. To copy the conversion package, use the following sequence: 1. Insert the Conversion package distribution disk into drive A: or B: 2. From the DOS prompt type copy b:\pds2win.exe drive:\[path] where drive is the drive letter of your hard disk and path is the directory path where you wish to copy the conversion program. For example if you type copy b:\pds2win.exe c:\convert the conversion program will be copied to drive C in the directory named Convert. Using the PDS2WIN Conversion Program Location of PDS and WINTERPRET files Before you run the PDS2WIN conversion program you should have your PDS application programs and configurations loaded on your hard disk and know the drive letter and directory path to where they are located. You should also have already loaded the WINTERPRET base package, know the 2 Industrial Control Services PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) drive letter and directory path to where it is located, and know a valid system user name for the WINTERPRET software. Once you have noted where your PDS and WINTERPRET files are located on your PC you can proceed to run the PDS2WIN conversion program Running the PDS2WIN Conversion Program PDS2WIN needs to know the location of the PDS files, the location of the WINTERPRET system files, a project name receiving the converted files, and a valid system user name for the project and programs that will be converted. After receiving the above information, PDS2WIN creates the project for the converted files. It converts the I/O configuration, then the shared variables. Next, PDS2WIN creates a program called library where it places all the converted function block files. The PDS directory is read and all the function block files are converted and placed in the library program. Finally, each of the PDS application programs are converted and the appropriate function block files are copied from the library program to the each converted program. PDS2WIN can be run from any directory or drive. To run the PDS2WIN program type drive:\[path]\pds2win ,where drive:\[path] is the drive letter and directory path to where the conversion program is located. For example, if you want to run the conversion program from the distribution disk installed in drive B, you would type b:\pds2win. Following are the prompts displayed from the PDS2WIN conversion program. The prompt text is shown in bold letters and example user responses are in italics. P D -7 046 M a r c h , 0 6 3 PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) PDS2WIN Version 1.0 Translator program converting files from PDS versions 2.6 to 2.9x to Winterpret source files. NOTE: Support for Continuous Control and Peer to Peer are not provided. Enter the full path name including drive letter for the PDS directory. >> c:\pds293 Enter the full path name including drive letter for the Winterpret system directory. Press ENTER to accept the default location of c:\winterp. >> c:\winterp Enter the project name receiving the converted files. >> proj293 Enter the user name for project and program ownership. >> ALL Creating project files... ok Converting the I/O configuration... ok Converting shared variables... ok Converting function block files... converting (function block name) converting (function block name) . . . ok Converting program files... converting (program name) converting (program name) . . . ok Successful translation. Conversion complete. Figure 1. Messages Displayed by PDS2WIN. When PDS2WIN fails to convert a file, "failed" is displayed in place of "ok". Conversion errors terminate the program. 4 Industrial Control Services PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) Conversion Details The following paragraphs discuss details about the conversion program methods and results. I/O Configuration PDS2WIN converts I/O configuration files created by versions 2.7 through 2.95. All module types, chassis and slot positions, point tag names and descriptions are converted. Analog Alarm Limits The alarm limits for analog modules are not converted. In WINTERPRET, alarm limits are now configured as part of analog scaling function blocks. This allows you to express the analog alarm limit values in terms of engineering units instead of raw analog units (0 to 4095). Comm Protection, Initial Values and Final Values The comm protection flag for all variables is set to “not protected.” All initial and final values are left empty. Line Monitored Input Modules The fault LED states for line monitored input modules are determined by the tags for points 17 to 32. If the points are not tagged, the LEDs are disabled. The threshold values for line monitored input modules are converted from the 2.9x defaults.sys file. The following formulas convert the 2.9x values to WINTERPRET values: open threshold = ((high threshold * 37) / 255) - 5, on/off threshold = ((middle threshold * 37) / 255) - 5, short threshold = ((low threshold * 37) / 255) - 5. When defaults.sys is not present, the following are the threshold values: open threshold = 20, on/off threshold = 12, short threshold = 4. P D -7 046 M a r c h , 0 6 5 PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) Monitored Guarded Output Modules The fault LED states for monitored guarded output modules are determined by the tags for points 1 to 16. If the points are not tagged, the LEDs are disabled. Shared Variables All shared variable control relays, registers and floating point registers are converted. This includes tag names and descriptions. Comm Protection, Initial Values and Final Values The comm protection flag for all variables is set to “not protected.” The initial values for registers and floating point registers are converted. Since shared control relays in PDS could not be assigned an initial value, PDS2WIN sets their initial values to off. All final values for control relays, registers and floating point registers are set to off (or zero). Shared Allocation Control relay allocation is set to the larger of 2472 or the actual number of control relays defined. The shared word register and floating point register allocation are set to the actual number of registers of each type. Programs A program named LIBRARY is created in WINTERPRET and contains a copy of all of the function blocks found in the PDS software. Each PDS program found is converted to a WINTERPRET program with the original PDS program name and contains a copy of each function block that was in the original PDS program. Since Peer to Peer and Continuous Control function blocks are not converted by PDS2WIN if these function blocks are found in the PDS source files, a message informs the user that the function block was not converted, and the conversion continues. All other function block types are converted and will be in the program. 6 Industrial Control Services PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) Ladder Logic Function Blocks Subroutines Subroutines are not currently supported using WINTERPRET. If a PDS ladder logic function block contained a CALL element PDS2WIN will convert the function block to a WINTERPRET source file. However, when the function block is opened and compiled in WINTERPRET an error “Compilation of Call is not yet implemented” will be displayed. You must remove the call instruction from the function block before it will compile successfully and can be loaded into a Regent. Rung and Cell Comments Ladder logic rung comments are converted (except for those that were entered for empty rows). Cell comments that may have been entered in the PDS ladder logic function blocks are not converted. In WINTERPRET, cell comments in ladder logic are automatically linked to the description of the variables (as entered in the I/O and shared variable editors). Ladder Logic Title Page The title page of a PDS ladder logic function block is converted to the WINTERPRET function block file details. ASCII Function Blocks In WINTERPRET, the ASCII output function is now part of the ladder logic instruction set. Therefore, ASCII output function blocks from PDS are converted to WINTERPRET ladder logic function blocks. Each ASCII output message is converted to an individual rung of ladder logic containing the new ASCII output element (see below). The start tag becomes an up-transitional contact connected to the input leg of the ASCII element, the done tag becomes a coil connected to the top output leg of the element, and the error tag becomes a coil connected to the bottom output leg of the element. The messages do not have names. P D -7 046 M a r c h , 0 6 7 PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) Figure 2. Example of Converted ASCII Output Message. Port Numbers Port 1 was a valid message port for PDS, valid port numbers for WINTERPRET are 2 to 6. When a message uses port 1, it is converted to the same port number. When editing the element or compiling the function block an error will occur. Quotation mark characters (") Any message containing a " character (quotation mark) will be converted from text to the ASCII code equivalent of 34. Continuous Control Function Blocks Continuous Control (PID) function blocks are not yet supported by WINTERPRET so are not converted at this time. When Continuous Control function blocks become available in WINTERPRET, the PDS2WIN conversion program will be updated to convert them. Floating Point Function Blocks All Floating Point Math function block information is converted. Peer-to-Peer Function Blocks In WINTERPRET, the Guarded Peer-Link communication functions replace the operations performed by peer-to-peer function blocks configured using the PDS. The methods of configuration for Guarded Peer-Link differ significantly from those used by the previous peer-to-peer function blocks. Therefore peer-to-peer function blocks are not converted. 8 Industrial Control Services PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) In order to implement the same operations the peer-to-peer function blocks performed, you should generate a printout of your PDS peer-to-peer function blocks, I/O configuration and shared variable configurations using the PDS software. These printouts will assist you in performing the necessary editing and configuration of the Guarded Peer-Link functions in WINTERPRET. For more details, refer to the product description PD-6041 “Communications Package for WINTERPRET” which describes the operation and configuration requirements for Guarded Peer-Link communications. Scaling Function Blocks Scale and Unscale Operation In PDS the type of scaling operation (scale or unscale) was determined by the type of variable entered in the “analog” column of the scaling editor. In WINTERPRET, the user enters the operation type for each scaling entry. The conversion program uses a temporary dictionary created from the entries in the PDS symbol table to determine the type of scaling operation. When the analog variable type is an output, the conversion creates an unscale operation. All other tag types are converted to scale operations. Alarm Contacts In WINTERPRET, each scaling entry can be configured with alarm limits and alarm contacts. The PDS scaling function block did not have alarm limits or alarm contacts so these fields are made empty. Scaling Entry Description The PDS scaling function block entry descriptions are not converted. In WINTERPRET the description fields are automatically linked to the result variable tag name descriptions defined in the shared variable editor. Control Parameters In WINTERPRET, the scaling function block can be configured with control parameters which govern the execution of the scaling function block. The PDS scaling function block did not include these control parameters. In the converted P D -7 046 M a r c h , 0 6 9 PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) WINTERPRET function block the enable and reset contacts are left blank, the timing interval is one program scan. These values will cause the scaling function block to execute once each application program scan, which is how they were executed in previous PDS versions. Sequence of Events Function Blocks All information with the exception of descriptions is converted. In WINTERPRET the description fields are automatically linked to the tag name descriptions defined in the I/O and shared variable editors. Process Historian Function Blocks All information with the exception of descriptions is converted. In WINTERPRET the description fields are automatically linked to the tag name descriptions defined in the I/O and shared variable editors. Description of PDS2WIN Messages During the conversion process PDS2WIN displays a variety of messages that report the progress of the file conversion. These messages are listed and described below. converting function block name This is a progress message indicating the function block currently being converted. converting program name This is a progress message indicating the program currently being converted. Could not convert function block name in program program name. The function block is an unsupported language. function block name is not converted. currently unsupported.) (Language is The function block is a continuous control function block and isn't available in WINTERPRET. Or the 10 Industrial Control Services PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) function block is a Peer to Peer function block and the information cannot be converted to similar information for Guarded Peer Link. PDS files converted from PDS directory name. This is the project description placed in the WINTERPRET project description. The project receiving the converted files already exists. All existing files will be deleted. Continue? (Y/N) >> The project name entered for the PDS converted files already exists in the WINTERPRET system. The conversion program creates a new project removing all files in the project. The conversion program can be aborted by responding with a negative response. Translation aborted. Could not find PDS file directory. The directory path provided for the PDS files does not exist. Translation aborted. Could not find Winterpret system directory. The directory path provided for the WINTERPRET files does not exist. Translation aborted. Invalid project name. The provided project name does not follow the WINTERPRET project naming conventions. Translation aborted. Invalid user name. The provided user name does not follow the WINTERPRET user naming conventions. P D -7 046 M a r c h , 0 6 11 PDS to WINTERPRET Conversion Package (T7836) 12 Industrial Control Services ">

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