Installation Instructions
Fused Field Wiring Arm
Cat. No. 1771-WHF and -WHFB
To the Installer
This document describes:
• pre-installation considerations
• how to install the field wiring arm
• how to change a fuse on the field wiring arm
• product specifications
The fused field wiring arm provides individual output circuit protection.
It allows simple fuse replacement without removing the field wiring arm from
the I/O chassis.
Two versions are available, both of which are interchangeable with the
1771-WH field wiring arm:
• 1771-WHF - this wiring arm uses a 3 A fuse for each output. The
maximum continuous current should not exceed 2.0 A per fuse.
• 1771-WHFB - this wiring arm uses a 1.5 A fuse for each output. The
maximum continuous current should not exceed 1.1 A per fuse.
Fused field wiring arms require more clearance than
the 1771-WH field wiring arms. If you are installing
in a cabinet, make certain that your installation has
sufficient clearance for this wiring arm.
Publication 1771-IN072B-EN-P - December 2004
Fused Field Wiring Arm Cat. No. 1771-WHF and -WHFB
The following figure shows the minimum dimensions from the back of the
1771 I/O chassis to the front of the fused field wiring arm and to the front of
a typical wire bundle.
Top of Chassis
Fused wiring arm
Back of Chassis
Fuse holder
Wire bundle
To end of fuse holders
Installing the Fused Field
Wiring Arm
Maximum wire bundle
To install the fused field wiring arm:
If your application requires a single power source for
all circuits on the 16-point output module, install the
jumper supplied with the wiring arm to connect the
first 4 terminals (A, B, C and D) together. Refer to the
specific installation data for your output module for
wiring information.
1. Remove power from the wiring arm.
2. If replacing an existing wiring arm:
a. disconnect wiring from the terminals on the field wiring arm
b. release the tab securing the wiring arm to the module
c. swing the wiring arm downward and remove as shown in the
following figure
3. Snap the 1771WHF or -WHFB wiring arm on the horizontal bar at the
bottom of the chassis as shown in the following figure.
Publication 1771-IN072B-EN-P - December 2004
Fused Field Wiring Arm Cat. No. 1771-WHF and -WHFB
4. Swing the wiring arm upward onto the module until the arm is secured
by the tab.
5. Connect field wiring as outlined in the installation data sheet included
with your particular output module.
Make certain that you allow sufficient slack in the
wiring at the bottom of the field wiring arm so that
the wiring arm can pivot sufficiently on the
horizontal bar to allow module removal.
Fused field wiring arm
Horizontal bar
Changing a Fuse on the
Fused Field Wiring Arm
To change a fuse:
1. Remove power from the wiring arm.
2. Remove the fuse holder from the wiring arm as shown below:
Pivot the fuse holder
to the left and remove
from the wiring arm.
Pivot the fuse holder
to the right unitl it
rests against the right
arm wall.
Insert the bottom of
the fuse holder into
the bottom contact,
press firmly.
Fuse holder
3. Depending on the wiring arm, replace the fuse with the following:
• 1771-WHF - 3 A fuse from Allen-Bradley Fuse Pak, cat. no. 1771-FD or
Littelfuse 2AG 3 A, part. no. 225003
• 1771-WHFB - 1.5 A fuse from Allen-Bradley Fuse Pak, cat. no.
1771-FD2 or Littelfuse 2AG 1.5 A, part no. 22501.5
Publication 1771-IN072B-EN-P - December 2004
4. Replace the fuse holder in the field wiring arm as shown above.
5. Reapply power to the wiring arm.
The 1771-WHF and 1771-WHFB are not suitable for use
in Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D Environments.
Catalog Number
1771-WHF (3 A) and 1771-WHFB (1.5 A)
8.265H x 1.224W x 2.0D (inches)
209H x 31W x 51D (millimeters)
Wire Size - 14…20 AWG (2.5mm2…0.5mm2), copper only
stranded or solid, rated at 75 oC or higher,
3/64 inch (1.22mm) insulation
Category - Refer to specific module installation instructions
1771-WHF - Littelfuse 2AG 3 A Part No. 225003
1771-WHFB - Littelfuse 2AG 1.5 A Part No. 22501.5
Optional Fuse Pak
1771-WHF - Cat. No. 1771-FD: contains 2 fuse holders and 8 2AG 3 A
1771-WHFB - Cat. No. 1771-FD2: contains 2 fuse holders and 8 2AG
1.5 A fuses
Wiring Arm Screw Torque
9 pound-inches
Terminal Rating
Terminals A-D rated for 8 A @ 250V
1771-WHF - Terminal 00…17 - 3.0 A, 250V per terminal with a
maximum of 12 A combined for terminals 00…17 derated linearly
from 10 °C to 2 A per terminal at 60 °C.
1771-WHFB - Terminal 00…17 - 1.5 A, 250V per terminal with a
maximum of 12 A combined for terminals 00…17.
Publication 1771-IN072B-EN-P - December 2004 4
Supersedes Publication 1771-2.116 - April 1992 and 1771-IN072A - January 2001
PN 957944-28
© 2004 Rockwell International Corporation. Printed in the U.S.A.