Allen-Bradley Analog Output Module Installation Instructions
Allen-Bradley Analog Output Module is designed for use in industrial environments and offers 4 individually isolated outputs. It can be configured for various voltage and current ranges depending on the specific model and application. The module is compatible with Bulletin 1771 I/O Chassis and receives power through the backplane, requiring no additional external power supply. The module can be used in conjunction with various analog devices, such as sensors and actuators, and allows for configuration of data and scaling settings.
Installation Instructions !+,4 ,&0/ ,4 64(' 8+(/ $'',5,0/$- ,/)03.$5,0/ ,4 $7$,-$%-( ,/ 5+( 16%-,&$5,0/ ;" Use this document as a guide when installing the 1771-OFE analog output module. .1035$/5 "4(3 /)03.$5,0/ "/'(345$/' 30'6&5 0.1$5,%,-,59 $-&6-$5( 08(3 (26,3(.(/54 (5(3.,/( 0'6-( -$&(.(/5 (5 5+( 0'6-( 0/),*63$5,0/ 6.1(34 /45$-- 5+( (9,/* $/'4 /45$-- 5+( 0'6-( $/' ,(-' #,3,/* 3. 0//(&5 #,3,/* 50 5+( ,(-' #,3,/* 3. 306/' 5+( +$44,4 $/' 0'6-( 0/),*63( 5+( 0'6-( ,$*/045,&4 $/' !306%-(4+005,/* $:$3'064 0&$5,0/4 1(&,),&$5,0/4 Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of these products must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance and safety requirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards. In no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damage resulting from the use or application of these products. Any illustrations, charts, sample programs, and layout examples shown in this publication are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation does not assume responsibility or liability (to include intellectual property liability) for actual use based upon the examples shown in this publication. 6%-,&$5,0/ &50%(3 2 Analog Output Module Allen–Bradley publication SGI–1.1, Safety Guidelines for Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid–State Control (available from your local Rockwell Automation office), describes some important differences between solid–state equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken into consideration when applying products such as those described in this publication. Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole or part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, is prohibited. Throughout this publication, notes may be used to make you aware of safety considerations. The following annotations and their accompanying statements help you to identify a potential hazard. avoid a potential hazard, and recognize the consequences of a potential hazard. ! ! Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Identifies information about practices or circumstances that may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Identifies information that is critical for IMPORTANT successful application and understanding of the product. Analog Output Module ! 3 Environment and Enclosure This equipment is intended for use in a Pollution Degree 2 industrial environment, in overvoltage Category II applications (as defined in IEC publication 60664–1), at altitudes up to 2000 meters without derating. This equipment is considered Group 1, Class A industrial equipment according to IEC/CISPR Publication 11. Without appropriate precautions, there may be potential difficulties ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted as well as radiated disturbance. This equipment is supplied as “open type” equipment. It must be mounted within an enclosure that is suitably designed for those specific environmental conditions that will be present, and appropriately designed to prevent personal injury resulting from accessibility to live parts. The interior of the enclosure must be accessible only by the use of a tool. Subsequent sections of this publication may contain additional information regarding specific enclosure type ratings that are required to comply with certain product safety certifications. See NEMA Standards publication 250 and IEC publication 60529, as applicable, for explanations of the degrees of protection provided by different types of enclosures. Also, see the appropriate sections in this publication, as well as the Allen–Bradley publication 1770–4.1, (“Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines”), for additional installation requirements pertaining to this equipment. 4 Analog Output Module ATTENTION ! Understand Product Compatibility Preventing Electrostatic Discharge This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which can cause internal damage and affect normal operation. Follow these guidelines when you handle this equipment: • Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static. • Wear an approved grounding wriststrap. • Do not touch connectors or pins on component boards. • Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment. • If available, use a static–safe workstation. • When not in use, keep modules in appropriate static–safe packaging. The 1771-OFE module can be used with any 1771 I/O chassis. Compatibility and data table use is listed below. Use of Data Table C Catalog Number Input Image Bits Output Image Bits Read Block Words , Compatibility Write Block Words 1/2ĆSlot 1ĆSlot 2ĆSlot Chassis S i Series Addressing %#&)!" +!) , , , %#&)!" +!) , , , , , %#&)!" +!) %*) '()'!)!%$ Calculate Power Requirements The analog output module receives its power through the 1771 I/O chassis backplane from the chassis power supply. It does not require any other external power supply. When planning your system, you must consider the power usage of all modules in the I/O chassis to prevent overloading the I/O chassis backplane and/or power supply. Add this to the requirements of all other modules in the I/O chassis. Analog Module , , , *"!)!%$ )%' Power Requirement Analog Output Module 5 Place your module in any I/O module slot of the I/O chassis except for the left-most slot. This slot is reserved for PC processors or adapter modules. ATTENTION ! Group your modules to minimize adverse affects from radiated electrical noise and heat. We recommend the following. • Group analog output and low voltage dc modules away from ac modules or high voltage dc modules to minimize electrical noise interference. • Do not place this module in the same I/O group with a discrete high-density I/O module when using 2-slot addressing. • Limit adjacent slot power dissipation to 10W maximum. The module configuration jumpers consist of: • the last state configuration jumper (all versions) • the voltage range configuration jumpers (1771-OFE1 only). The type of module you have dictates how you set the configuration jumpers. There are three versions of the analog output module: ( !% ( ( % ' ! &#%! &"#$ ( &## % ( %!#' $% ( &## % ( %!#' $% Current version modules (1771-OFE2 and -OFE3) have all configuration jumpers installed and require no additional configuration. The configuration jumper for the LAST STATE mode output level is in the default position (MID). Refer to the section entitled “Set the Last State Configuration Jumpers” for additional configuration information. &%! %!# 6 Analog Output Module # $# $# !" # $ If you are using the voltage output version (1771-OFE1), you must set several configuration jumpers on the module’s circuit board. You must set these jumpers before you can proceed with configuring the module. When you set these jumpers, you configure each channel for one of the three voltage ranges listed above. The module is shipped with the jumpers in the +10V position. # # "# ## $!# $ !" The LAST STATE configuration jumpers determine the value of all the module’s outputs whenever communication between the module and the processor is lost. This condition occurs when a processor or adapter faults, or the processor is placed in the PROG or TEST mode, or if the remote I/O cable breaks. This is a significant safety feature. You can choose to have the module’s outputs go to the minimum, middle or maximum of their respective ranges or hold their last state if a module or system fault occurs or if the system processor changes from RUN to PROG mode. You do this by placing the LAST STATE configuration jumpers on eight (four jumpers on sets of pins) of the stake pins corresponding to MIN, MID or MAX. If you do not place configuration jumpers in one of these positions, the module defaults to the HOLD LAST VALUE setting. • On power-up, the module’s output is disabled until the module receives the first block transfer write. The output then enables with the value that you send it in the block transfer write block. • We ship 1771-OFE modules with the LAST STATE configuration jumpers in the MID position. IMPORTANT Switch 1 of the I/O rack affects the function of the configuration settings as indicated in the table below. ATTENTION ! $!# $ ! ## %# ## Rack switch 1 determines what output conditions occur during a rack fault. Analog Output Module To set the last state configuration jumpers, proceed as follows. Do not insert modules into or remove modules from the I/O chassis while system power is ON. Failure to observe this rule could result in damage to module circuitry and unexpected machine operation. ATTENTION ! /" /%" (./ .//" +*#&$0-/&+* '0),"-. +0 !+ *+/ *""! /+ +-")+1" /%" )+!0(" +1"- ./ //" 0/,0/ "1"( +*#&$0-/&+* 0),"-. -+*/ +# &- 0&/ +-! +, &"2 4) ) ) ) 4 ) ) ) ) 4 4 4 These output conditions are active only if the following conditions exist: • the module faults • the processor is in the PROGRAM or TEST mode • rack switch 1 is in the reset position -"#0((3 ,0(( 0, +* /%" '0),"- /+ -")+1" &/ #-+) /%" ,&*. -",+.&/&+* /%" '0),"- /+ -"#(" / /%" !".&-"! 1(0". &* -"#0((3 /%" /(" /+ /%" ("#/ 0(& /&+* /+"- 7 8 Analog Output Module Set the Voltage Range Configuration Jumpers (1771ĆOFE1 only) If you ordered the voltage output version, you must set several configuration jumpers located inside the module on the circuit board. 2 /#!4% 4(% #/.&)'52!4)/. *5-0%23 !.$ 3%4 4(%- !##/2$).' 4/ 8/52 /54054 6/,4!'% 2%15)2%-%.43 LAST STATE /.&)'52!4)/. 5-0%2 /#!4)/. 5-0%2 . . 54 54 54 54 10V 54 54 . . 54 54 5-0%2 . . 54 54 54 54 54 54 . . 54 54 54 54 54 54 . . 5-0%2 . . 54 54 54 54 54 54 . . 54 54 54 54 54 54 . . 5-0%2 . . 54 54 54 54 54 54 . . 54 54 54 54 54 54 . . In Out 3)$% 6)%7 /& *5-0%2 Install the Keying Bands Observe the following precautions when inserting or removing keys: ATTENTION ! %3)2%$ /,4!'% !.'% 0-10V 1-5V 54054 (!..%, 54 54 54 54 . . /3)4)/. 4(% +%8).' "!.$3 ). 4(% "!#+0,!.% #/..%#4/23 4/ #/22%30/.$ 4/ 4(% +%8 3,/43 /. 4(% -/$5,% ,!#% 4(% +%8).' "!.$3 "%47%%. 10 !.$ 12 "%47%%. 26 !.$ 28 • Insert or remove keys with your fingers. • Make sure the key placement is correct Incorrect keying or the use of a tool can result in damage to the backplane connector and possible system faults. 00%2 /..%#4/2 #(!33)3 /5 #!. #(!.'% 4(% 0/3)4)/. /& 4(%3% "!.$3 )& 35"3%15%.4 3834%- $%3)'. !.$ 2%7)2).' -!+%3 ).3%24)/. /& ! $)&&%2%.4 480% /& -/$5,% .%#%33!28 5",)#!4)/. #4/"%2 9 Analog Output Module ! WARNING ! Remove power from the 1771 I/O chassis backplane and field wiring arm before removing or installing an I/O module. • Failure to remove power from the backplane or wiring arm could cause module damage, degradation of performance, or injury. • Failure to remove power from the backplane could cause injury or equipment damage due to possible unexpected operation. When you insert or remove the module with power applied, or connect or disconnect the field wiring arm with field side power applied, an electrical arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding. 1%,%)# ,( ..$ .$! 1%,%)# ,( 4 .* .$! $*,%3*).' , . .$! *..*( *" .$! $--%- $! 1%,%)# ,( +%0*.- /+1, ) *))!.- 1%.$ .$! (* /'! -* 2*/ ) %)-.'' *, ,!(*0! .$! (* /'! 1%.$*/. %-*))!.%)# .$! 1%,!- 4 ,!(*0! $*,%3*).' , 4 4 4 4 4 $--%'*&%)# . 4 4 4 4 !,%!- $--%'*&%)# , +%) '*&%)# , , #/% !, #/% !- (* /'! )+ .$! $--%- '.$ *0!, .$! .*+ *" .$! (* /'! .* -!/,! %. (* /'! 1%)# .$! $--%- '*&%)# , *1) %).* +'! .* -!/,! .$! (* /'!- &! -/,! .$! '*&%)# +%)- !)##! /'%.%*) .*!, 10 Analog Output Module The 1771–OFE modules are a modular component of the 1771 I/O system requiring a properly installed system chassis. Refer to publication 1771–IN075 for detailed information on acceptable chassis and proper installation and grounding requirements. Limit the maximum adjacent slot power dissipation to 10W maximum. Connect your I/O devices to the cat. no. 1771-WC wiring arm shipped with the module. ! WARNING ! Remove power from the 1771 I/O chassis backplane and field wiring arm before removing or installing an I/O module. • Failure to remove power from the backplane or wiring arm could cause module damage, degradation of performance, or injury. • Failure to remove power from the backplane could cause injury or equipment damage due to possible unexpected operation. If you connect or disconnect wiring with field–side power is on, an electrical arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure that power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding. 0$/ + ),& $3("$ ' ++$) ,21-21 )$ # ' ++$) ,21-21 6 )$ # ' ++$) ,21-21 )$ # ' ++$) ,21-21 6 )$ # 2+"1(,+ ) /,2+# ' ++$) ,21-21 )$ # 0$/602--)($# ),,- -,4$/ (% /$.2(/$# '$ 6 *,#2)$ #,$0 +,1 02--)5 ),,- -,4$/ %,/ ),,-6-,4$/$# + ),& #$3("$0 1/ +0*(11$/0 1/ +0#2"$/0 $1" ,,- -,4$/ *201 !$ 02--)($# !5 1'$ 20$/ 0$ $)#$+ 0'($)#$# " !)$ %,/ 0(&+ ) 1/ +0*(00(,+ 1, 1'$ + ),& #$3("$0 '(0 " !)$ ",+0(010 ,% 0(+&)$ (+02) 1$# 14(01$#6- (/ ,% ",+#2"1,/0 ",3$/$# ),+& 1'$(/ $+1(/$ )$+&1' !5 %,() 0'($)# +# $+" 0$# (+ -) 01(" '$ 0'($)# /$#2"$0 1'$ $%%$"1 ,% (+#2"$# +,(0$ 1 +5 -,(+1 ),+& 1'$ " !)$ 2!)(" 1(,+ "1,!$/ ' ++$) ,21-21 6 )$ # ' ++$) ,21-21 )$ # ' ++$) ,21-21 6 )$ # ,1 20$# ,1 20$# ($)# (/(+& /* 1 , 6 Analog Output Module Use the following diagrams to ground your I/O chassis and analog input module. Follow these steps to prepare the cable: "*'0 ;17 %100'%6 )4170&+0) %10&7%6145 61 6*' %*#55+5 )4170&+0) 567& 2.#%' # 56#4 9#5*'4 70&'4 6*' (+456 .7) 6*'0 2.#%' # 076 9+6* %#26+8' .1%- 9#5*'4 10 612 1( '#%* )4170& .7) 1437' 6*' 076 9+6* %#26+8' 9#5*'4 61 2170&+0%*'5 '/18' # .'0)6* 1( %#$.' ,#%-'6 (41/ 6*' '.&'0 %#$.' 4170& 7) 76 '.&'0 #$.' 6*' (1+. 5*+'.& #0& $#4' 7.. &4#+0 9+4' (41/ 6*' +057.#6'& 9+4'5 4170&+0) 67& #4' &4#+0 9+4' 057.#6'& 9+4'5 76 #0& #26+8' "#5*'4 6#4 "#5*'4 *#55+5 +&' .#6' 4170& 7) *+'.& #0& 4#+0 69+56'& 61)'6*'4 !5' 6*' %72 9#5*'4 +( %4+/2<10 .7)5 #4' 016 75'& 1+. 5*+'.& 9+4' 61)'6*'4 61 (14/ # 5+0).' 564#0& 9+56 6*' (1+. 5*+'.& #0& &4#+0 :6'0& 5*+'.& 61 6'4/+0#6+10 21+06 :215' ,756 '017)* %#$.' 61 #&'37#6'.; 6'4/+0#6' +00'4 %10&7%6145 66#%* # )4170& .7) !5' *'#6 5*4+0- 67$+0) 14 16*'4 57+6#$.' +057.#< 6+10 9*'4' 9+4' ':+65 %#$.' ,#%-'6 "*'0 75+0) 5*+'.&'& %#$.' 9+4' )4170& 6*' (1+. 5*+'.& #0& &4#+0 9+4' 10.; #6 10' '0& 1( 6*' %#$.' "' 4'%1/< /'0& 6*#6 ;17 94#2 6*' (1+. 5*+'.& #0& &4#+0 9+4' 61< )'6*'4 #0& %100'%6 6*'/ 61 # %*#55+5 /1706+0) $1.6 6 6*' 12215+6' '0& 1( 6*' %#$.' 6#2' ':215'& 5*+'.& #0& &4#+0 9+4' 9+6* '.'%64+%#. 6#2' 61 +057.#6' +6 (41/ '.'%64+%#. %106#%6 Refer to Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1 for additional information. *+'.& #0& 4#+0 69+56'& 61)'6*'4 *4'#&<(14/+0) 5%4'9 :6'40#.<6116* "#5*'45 7$.+%#6+10 %61$'4 11 12 Analog Output Module Configure the Module .0 %&2"*+&% $.-'*(30"2*.*-'.0,"2*.- 1&& $)"/2&0 .' 6.30 /3#+*$"2*.7 Because of the many analog devices available and the wide variety of possible applications, you must configure the module to conform to the analog device and specific application that you have chosen. Use the configuration information below to configure your module to your specifications. Word/Dec. Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Word/Octal Bit 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 )"--&+ "2" "+3& )"--&+ "2" "+3& )"--&+ "2" "+3& )"--&+ "2" "+3& !.0% )"--&+ )"--&+ )"--&+ )"--&+ "2".0,"2 *-"06 "2"*(-.+"0*26 &("2*4& .1*2*4& &1&04&% "5*,3,$"+*-( "+3&.+"0*26 &("2*4& .1*2*4& .%3+&&'"3+2.-'*(30"2*.- "2".0,"2 .$"+*-( "2"*(-.+"0*26.1*2*4& )"--&+ *-*,3, $"+*-( "+3& )"--&+ "5*,3, $"+*-( "+3& )"--&+ *-*,3, $"+*-( "+3& )"--&+ "5*,3, $"+*-( "+3& )"--&+ *-*,3, $"+*-( "+3& )"--&+ "5*,3, $"+*-( "+3& )"--&+ *-*,3, $"+*-( "+3& )"--&+ "5*,3, $"+*-( "+3& 3#+*$"2*.- $2.#&0 *-*,3,$"+*-( "+3&.+"0*26 &("2*4& .1*2*4& 13 Analog Output Module Diagnostics and Troubleshooting The front panel of the module contains a green RUN and a red FLT (fault) indicator. Possible module fault causes and corrective actions are shown in the table below. Indicators (1&&. /. 1&% /'' 1&&. *.%*$"3/1 &% *.%*$"3/1 Probable Cause Recommended Action 6"*3*.( $/.'*(41"3*/. ! 3 0/6&140 3)& -/%4,& /43043 *2 %*2"#,&% 4.3*, 3)& -/%4,& 1&$&*5&2 3)& '*123 ! )& /43043 *2 &."#,&% ".% (/&2 3/ 3)& 5",4& 2&.3 *. 3)& ! ./1-", /0&1"3*/. /.& /1-", /0&1"3*/. (1&&. /. 1&% /. .24$$&22'4, 0/6&1940 '"4,3 )&$+24- &11/1 "1%6"1& '"*,41& *. -/%4,& 8$,& 0/6&1 &341. -/%4,& '/1 1&0"*1 (1&&. /'' 1&% /'' / 0/6&1 "% *.3&1.", '42& 41. /'' 0/6&1 &-/5& ".% 1&*.2&13 -/%4,& *.3/ $)"22*2 &341. 0/6&1 ' 01/#,&- 23*,, &7*232 ".% $)"22*2 0/6&1 2400,8 *2 '4.$3*/.*.( 01/0&1,8 1&341. 3)& -/%4,& '/1 1&0"*1 Read Block Transfer Status Words The module allows a five-word read block transfer for rudimentary program or hardware debugging. If a read block transfer request is for more or less than five words, the module will not perform a read block transfer. The following table shows the word assignment for the read block transfer. Decimal Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Octal Bit 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 !/1% )"..&, .043 "3" )"..&, .043 "3" )"..&, .043 "3" )"..&, .043 "3" /3 42&% &2&3 &2&15&% "3" ",*% The first four words of the read block transfer show the actual 12 bits of data sent to the module’s digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The first four words in the read block transfer appear in 12-bit binary format regardless of the module’s mode of operation (BCD or 12-bit binary). 4#,*$"3*/. $3/#&1 14 Analog Output Module The fifth word contains the status of each DAC word; that is, whether data is out of range or scaling is improperly programmed. The fifth word also indicates that I/O RESET has been established (when the processor is in the PROG/TEST or RUN mode). 0(& /&+* /+"- &/. 3 %"* ."/ &*!& /" &*1(&! %**"( !/ &. ."*/ /+ /%" )+!0(" %"." &/. -" *+/ -"."/ 0*/&( +--" / 2-&/" (+ ' /-*.#"- &. ."*/ &/ +--".,+*!. /+ %**"( &/ /+ %**"( *! .+ +* &/ . /%" &/ %"* ."/ &/ &*!& /". /%/ /%" ,-+3 "..+- &. &* +- )+!" &" (+ ' /-*.3 #"- !/ &. *+/ "&*$ 2-&//"* /+ /%" )+!0(" Analog Output Module Hazardous Locations 15 The following information applies when operating this equipment in hazardous locations: Products marked CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D" are suitable for use in Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C, and D Hazardous Locations and nonhazardous locations only. Each product is supplied with markings on the rating nameplate indicating the hazardous location temperature code. When combining products within a system, the most adverse temperature code (lowest T" number) may be used to help determine the overall temperature code of the system. Combinations of equipment in your system are subject to investigation by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction at the time of installation. WARNING ! EXPLOSION HAZARD • Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous. • Do not disconnect connections to this equipment unless power has been removed or the area is known to be nonhazardous. Secure any external connections that mate to this equipment by using screws, sliding latches, threaded connectors, or other means provided with this product. • Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2. • If this product contains batteries, they must only be changed in an area known to be nonhazardous. Informations sur l'utilisation de cet équipement en environnements dangereux: Les produits marqués CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D ne conviennent que une utilisation en environnements de Classe I Division 2 Groupes A, B, C, D dangereux et non dangereux. Chaque produit est livré avec des marquages sur sa plaque d'identification qui indiquent le code de température pour les environnements dangereux. Lorsque plusieurs produits sont combinés dans un systéme, le code de température le plus défavorable (code de température le plus faible) peut eatre utilisé pour déterminer le code de température global du systéme. Les combinaisons d'equipements dans le systéme sont sujettes à inspection par les autorités locales qualifiées au moment de l'installation. AVERTISSEMENT ! RISQUE D'EXPLOSION • Couper le courant ou s'assurer que l'environnement est classé non dangereux avant de débrancher l'équipement. • Couper le courant ou s'assurer que l'environnement est classé non dangereux avant de débrancher les connecteurs. Fixer tous les connecteurs externes reliés à cet équipement à l'aide de vis, loquets coulissants, connecteurs filetés ou autres moyens fournis avec ce produit. • La substitution de composants peut rendre cet équipement inadapté à une utilisation en environnement de Classe 1, Division 2. • S'assurer que l'environnement est classé non dangereux avant de changer les piles. Publication 1771-IN044C-EN-P - October 2002 16 Analog Output Module Outputs per Module 4 Individually Isolated Module Location Bulletin 1771 I/O Chassis - One Slot Output Voltage Ranges (Nominal) 1771ĆOFE1 +1 to +5V DC -10 to +10V DC 0 to +10V DC Output Current (maximum) 10mA per Channel in Voltage Mode (1771-OFE1) Output Current Ranges (Nominal) +4 to +20mA, 5V dc (1771-OFE2) 0 to +50mA, 12.5V dc (1771-OFE3) Digital Resolution 12ĆBit Binary - 1 Part in 4095 Output Capacitance 0.01µ F (Voltage Outputs) 0.022µ F (Current Outputs) Output Impedance <0.25 ohms for Voltage Outputs Exclusive of Contact Wiring Resistance >1.5 megohms for Current Outputs Max Loop Impedance in the Current Mode 1771ĆOFE2 - Up to 1200 ohms Load Resistance 1771ĆOFE3 - Up to 400 ohms Load Resistance Output Overload Protection All outputs are protected against short circuit load conditions not to exceed one minute. Backplane Power 1771ĆOFE1 - 1.50A 1771ĆOFE2 - 1.50A 1771ĆOFE3 - 2.50A Power Dissipation 1771ĆOFE1 - 7.9W 1771ĆOFE2 - 7.9W 1771ĆOFE3 - 13.1W Thermal Dissipation 1771ĆOFE1 - 26.9 BTU/hr 1771ĆOFE2 - 26.9 BTU/hr 1771ĆOFE3 - 44.5 BTU/hr Adjacent Slot Power Dissipation 10 Watts (max.) Isolation Voltage Tested to 850V dc for 1s D/A Converter Specifications Settling Time 0.8 ms Maximum for a Resistive Load Internal Scan Rate 8.0 ms for All Channels Using BCD Data and Scaling 1.6 ms for All Channels Using Binary Data and No Scaling Accuracy (Including Linearity, Gain, and Offset at 25oC) +0.1% of Full Scale +1/2 LSD (BCD Mode) +1/2 LSB (BINARY Mode) Temperature Coefficient +50 ppm/oC of Full Scale Range Publication 1771-IN044C-EN-P - October 2002 Analog Output Module 17 Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold) IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat) IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock) 32 to 140° F (0 to 60° C) Storage Temperature IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Cold) IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Dry Heat) IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Thermal Shock) -40 to 185° F (-40 to 85° C) Relative Humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Damp Heat) 5 to 95%, noncondensing Shock Operating Nonoperating IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 30g 50g Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating) 2g @ 10-500Hz ESD Immunity IEC 61000-4-2 4kV contact discharges Radiated RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m with 1kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 30MHz to 1000MHz 10V/m with 200Hz 50% Pulse 100%AM at 900MHz EFT/B Immunity IEC 61000-4-4 +1kV @ 5kHz on signal ports Surge Transient Immunity IEC 61000-4-5 +2kV line-earth (CM) on shielded ports Conducted RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-6 10V rms with 1kHz sine wave 80% AM from 150kHz to 30MHz Emissions CISPR 11 Group 1, Class A (with appropriate enclosure) Specifications continued on next page. Publication 1771-IN044C-EN-P - October 2002 18 Analog Output Module Enclosure Type Rating None (open-style) Keying Between 10 and 12 Between 26 and 28 Field Wiring Arm Catalog No. 1771ĆWC Field Wiring Arm Screw Torque 7-9 pound-inches (0.6-0.7Nm) Conductors 12 gauge (4mm2) maximum stranded copper wire, (Belden 8761) 3/64 inch (1.2mm) insulation maximum 21 Wire Size Category Certifications (when product is marked) UL UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment User Manual Publication 1771ĆUM030 CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A, B, C, D Hazardous Locations CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment CE2 European Union 89/336/EEC EMC Directive, compliant with: EN 61000-6-4, Industrial Emissions EN 50082-2, Industrial Immunity EN 61326, Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements EN 61000-6-2, Industrial Immunity EEx2 European Union 94/9/EEC ATEX Directive, compliant with: EN 50021, Potentially Explosive Atmospheres, Protection n" C-Tick2 Australian Radiocommunications Act,compliant with AS/NZS 2064, Industrial Emissions 1 Use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing . Refer to publication 1770Ć4.1, Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines." 2 See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates and other certification details Publication 1771-IN044C-EN-P - October 2002 Analog Output Module !,-5 )37-2/)06 -5 -06)0()( *14 75) -0 216)06-%..; ):2.15-8) %6/152,)4)5 %5 ()*-0)( &; 7412)%0 "0-10 -4)'6-8) !,) %&14%61-4) )064%. 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Key features
- 4 isolated outputs
- Various voltage/current ranges
- Compatible with 1771 I/O Chassis
- 12-bit resolution
- Configurable data and scaling
- Overload protection
- Diagnostic indicators
- Last state configuration
- Hazardous location compatible
Frequently asked questions
The 1771-OFE1 model offers three voltage ranges: +1 to +5V DC, -10 to +10V DC, and 0 to +10V DC. The 1771-OFE2 and 1771-OFE3 models offer current outputs and have different ranges, as described in the manual.
You can configure the last state of the output channels using configuration jumpers on the module. By placing jumpers in the MIN, MID, or MAX positions, you can determine the output value when communication with the processor is lost. The default setting is HOLD LAST VALUE, which means the output will hold the last sent value.
Proper grounding is crucial for the module's operation and safety. The manual provides diagrams and instructions on grounding the I/O chassis and the analog output module itself. Refer to the document for detailed steps and recommendations.
The module has a specified operating temperature range of 32 to 140° F (0 to 60° C) and a storage temperature range of -40 to 185° F (-40 to 85° C). It can operate in relative humidity levels of 5 to 95%, noncondensing. The manual also provides information on shock, vibration, and electromagnetic compatibility requirements.