Allen-Bradley Q, M Frame CB Electronic RMS Trip Unit Installation Instructions
Allen-Bradley Q, M Frame CB Electronic RMS Trip Unit is a microprocessor-based electronic trip unit designed for use with Q-Frame and M Frame Molded Case Circuit Breakers. Featuring true RMS current sensing for accurate thermal correlation with conductors and equipment, it ensures reliable protection from short circuits and overloads. This self-contained trip unit operates independently, drawing power from the current sensors integrated within its design. It caters to 50/60 Hz AC applications and offers adjustable short delay and ground fault protection settings for customization according to specific needs.
Bul. 140U Q and M-Frame Circuit Breakers Instruction Leaflet for Electronic RMS Trip Unit Installation and Operation Table of Contents Description Page 1.O General Information ............................................... 1 1 1.1 Protection .............................................................. 2 2.0 UL Listed Devices .................................................. 2 3.0 Installation ............................................................. 2 3.1 Preparation (All Trip Units) ..................................... 2 3.2 4-Pole Trip Unit Installation ..................................... 3 3.3 Ground Fault Trip Unit Installation .......................... 3 3.3.1 General .................................................................. 3 3.3.2 Installation ............................................................. 3.4 3-Pole (Non-Ground Fault) Trip Unit Installation ..... 5 3.5 Final Installation Instructions (All Trip Units) ...........6 6 4.0 Principle of Operation ............................................ 7 4.1 General .................................................................. 7 4.2 Overload Trip ......................................................... 7 4.3 Short Delay/lnstantaneousTrip .............................. 7 4.4 Ground Fault Protection ......................................... 7 5.0 Protection Settings ................................................. 7 5.1 General .................................................................. 7 5.2 Short Delay Pick-up Settings ................................. 7 5.3 Short Delay Time Settings ..................................... 7 5.4 Instantaneous Pickup Setting ................................ 7 5.5 Ground Fault Pick-up Setting ................................. 8 5.6 Ground Fault Time Settings ................................... 8 6.0 Testing ................................................................... 8 6.1 Functional Field Testing ......................................... 6.2 PerformanceTesting - for Ground Fault Trip Units .... 8 6.2.1 Code Requirements ............................................... 8 9 6.2.2 Standards Requirements ....................................... 6.2.3 General Test Instructions ....................................... 9 7.0 Rating Plug .......................................................... 12 12 8.0 References .......................................................... 8.1 Q-Frame Molded Case Circuit Breakers ................................................... 12 12 8.2 Internal Accessories ............................................ A WARNING A DEATH, SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY, OR SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY DAMAGE CAN RESULT FROM CONTACT WITH ENERGIZED EQUIPMENT. DO NOT AlTEMPTTO INSTALL OR PERFORM MAINTENANCE ON EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS ENERGIZED. ALWAYS VERIFY THAT NO VOLTAGE IS 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 PRESENT BEFORE PROCEEDING AND ALWAYS FOLLOW GENERALLY ACCEPTED SAFETY PROCEDURES. ALLEN-BRADLEY IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE MISAPPLICATION OR MISINSTALLATION OF ITS PRODUCTS. The user is cautioned to observe all recommendations, warnings, and cautions relating to the safety of personnel and equipment as well as all general and local health and safety laws, codes, and procedures. The recommendations and information contained herein are based on Allen-Bradley experience and judgement, but should not be considered to be all-inclusive or covering every application or circumstance which may arise. If any questions arise, contact Allen-Bradley for further information or instructions. Fig. 1 Electronic RMS Trip Unit for 3-Pole Q-Frame & M Frame Circuit Breaker 1.O GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Protection The Electronic RMS, illustrated in Figure 1, is an electronic trip unit that incorporates a microprocessor-based custom application specific integrated circuit design for use with Q-Frame and M Frame Molded Case Circuit Breakers. The Electronic RMS Trip Unit provides true RMS current sensing for proper correlation with thermal characteristics of conductors and equipment. Interchangeable rating plugs Page 2 are provided to establish the continuous current rating of each circuit breaker. The Electronic RMS Trip Unit is completely self-contained and when the circuit breaker is closed, requires no external power to operate its protection systems. It operates from current signal levels and control power derived through current sensors integrally mounted in the trip unit. Electronic RMS Trip Units are suitable for 50/60 Hz AC applications only. For DC applications, a thermal-magnetic trip unit should be used. The Electronic RMS Trip Unit is available in 4 different types, (see Table 1-1). Each trip unit contains a fixed long delay time function (adjusted by changing the rating plug), and may be equipped with a maximum of two phase and two ground (time-current) adjustments to meet specific application requirements.The types of adjustments available for each model include the following: Adjustment T m 1) Short Delay Pick-up LS 2) Short Delay Pick-up/Short DelayTime LSI 3) Short Delay Pick-Up/Ground Fault Pick-up/Ground Fault Time The installation procedure consists of inspecting and installing the trip unit and rating plug. To install the trip unit, perform the following steps. Note: If required, internal accessory installation should be done before the circuit breaker is mounted and connected. Refer to individual accessory instruction leaflets. Make sure that the trip unit is suitable for the intended installation by comparing nameplate data with any existing equipment and system requirements. Inspect the trip unit for completeness, and check for damage before installing it in the circuit breaker frame. Note:Trip unit center retaining screw is captive in the trip unit conductor; the remaining retaining screws are supplied with the frame. To continue installation, proceed to the section applicable to the trip unit being installed: LSG Trip UnitTvpe 4-pole Type Trip Unit 3-pole Ground Fault Trip Unit 3-pole Non-Ground Fault Trip Unit The Electronic RMS Trip Unit is listed in accordance with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Standard UL489 and satisfies the applicable requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recommendations for molded case circuit breakers. Section 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.2 4-PoleTrip Unit Installation Remove the three screws for the left- and right-pole and fourth pole contact bases (Fig. 3) from the hardware bag. Place the trip unit and fourth pole current sensor side by side on a flat surface. (See Fig. 2) Remove the CAUTION tag from the current sensor secondary winding leads. Retaining Screw KPlaces)\ Note: Secondary winding connector is not polarized. Current Sensor Retaining Screw --Fig. 2 3.1 Preparation (AllTrip Units) Remove circuit breaker pan-head cover screws, and cover. 2.0 UL LISTED DEVICES \Trip 3 .O INSTALLATlON Unit LWinding Secondary Connector Preliminary Alignment of Trip Unit and Current Sensor 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Plug the current sensor secondary winding connector into the receptacle in the side of the trip unit. Either polarity is acceptable. Note:The two trip unit outer retaining screws and fourth pole sensor retaining screw may be placed in the trip unit conductor holes at this time. If preferred, the 5/16 inch hexagonal-head wrench may be used to position the screws when the trip unit is in the base. Position trip unit and fourth pole current sensor in base. Make sure latch bracket pin is properly seated in slots in side plates (see Fig. 4). If necessary, push circuit breaker handle towards the closed position to help seat trip unit. Page 3 3.3 Ground FaultTrip Unit Installation 3.3.1 General -Contact Base -Load Copper Fig. 3 Electronic RMS Ground Fault Trip Units detect ground fault currents through Residual Sensing.They are not designed to use source ground or zero sequence ground fault sensing methods. If the system neutral is grounded, but no phase to neutral loads are used, the neutral current sensor is not necessary. In that case, the white and grey leads on the trip unit should be cut off before installation. Contact Bases and Load Copper LINE END Side Plate Trigger Trip Unit and Current Sensor Retaining Screws Fourth Unit Fig. 4 LOAD END nh .P-.- Current Sensor Trip Unit Installed in Circuit Breaker a CAUTION DO NOT EXCEED A TORQUE OF 12LB-FT (16.27 N.M). EXCESSIVE TORQUING WILL SHEAR SCREWS. FAILURE TO APPLY THE REQUIRED TORQUE MAY LEAD TO EXCESSIVE HEATING AND CAUSE NUISANCETRIPPING OFTHE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Screw in and tighten three trip unit retaining screws (center first) and the screw for the fourth pole current sensor.Torque to 12 Ib-ft (16.27 N.m) (see Fig. 4). Finish installation of the 4-pole Trip Unit by following the instructions in Section 3.5. 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Ground fault trip units are supplied from the factory with a wire harness with pigtail lead connections for a neutral current sensor (white and grey wires) and a ground fault alarm relay (yellow and green wires). A neutral current sensor is provided with each trip unit, and the ground fault alarm relay is ordered and shipped separately if required. If the alarm relay is not required, the green and yellow leads should be cut off before the trip unit is installed in the breaker. If the system neutral is grounded and phase to neutral loads are used, then the neutral current sensor (see Fig. 5) must be used. It should be connected to the breaker according to the diagram in Fig. 6. It has the same turns ratio as the phase current sensors in the trip unit. Note:The polarity of the sensor connections is critical. Always observe the polarity markings on the installation drawings.The polarity markings are identified as white dots on the transformer.To insure correct ground fault equipment performance, conduct field tests to comply with National Electric Code requirements under article 230-95(C). See Section 6.2 for testing instructions. The optional “Internal Accessories” listed in Section 8.2 are available for installation in a Electronic RMS Ground Fault Trip Unit.These items, if required, must be ordered separately. 3.3.2 Installation Plug the wire harness supplied for the neutral current sensor and ground fault alarm relay (white, grey, yellow and green wires) into the connector located in the right pole of the trip unit. With the correct polarity the harness should snap into place. Do not force the harness into the connector with the wrong polarity. Remove trip unit outer pole screws and red plastic washers from the breaker frame. Discard red plastic washers (fig. 7). For the M-frame, also remove the load end trip unit mounting screws from the frame (fig. 7a). Page 4 Fig. 5 SOURCE - COVER SCREWS TORQUE 20-22 9 9 LOAD .Aux~Iiary switch shown m the "Breaker Canlacis Open'' p m i l m n Fig. 6 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Fig. 7a M-Frame Trip Unit Installation -1b Page 5 Position trip unit in base. Make sure latch bracket pin is properly seated in slots in side plates (see Fig. 8). If necessary, move latch toward load end of circuit breaker to seat trip unit. Screw in and tighten three trip unit retaining screws (centerfirst).Torque to 12 Ib-ft (16.27 N.m) (see Fig. 8). A CAUTION A DO NOT EXCEED A TORQUE OF 12 LB-FT (16.27 n.m.) EXCESSIVE TORQUING WILL SHEAR SCREWS. Lefl Contact Base Fig. 7 FAILURE TO APPLY THE REQUIRED TORQUE MAY LEADTO EXCESSIVE HEATING AND CAUSE NUISANCE TRIPPING OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Right Contact Base For an M-Frame, also screw in and torque the load end screws to 6-8 Ib-ft. (8.14-10.85 N.m.). Left- and Right-Pole Contact Bases 3.4 3-Pole (Non-Ground FauIt)Trip Unit Installation Circuit Breaker Handle Remove trip unit outer pole screws and red plastic washers from the breaker frame. Discard red plastic washers (fig. 7). For the M-Frame, also remove the load end trip unit mounting screws from the frame (fig. 7a). Latch NOTE: The two trip unit outer retaining screws may be placed in the trip unit conductor holes at this time. If preferred, the 5/16 inch hexagonal-head wrench may be used to position the screws when the trip unit is in the base. Position trip unit in base. Make sure latch bracket pin is properly seated in slots in side plates (see Fig. 8). If necessary, move latch toward load end of circuit breaker to seat trip unit. Screw in and tighten three trip unit retaining screws (centerfirst).Torque to 12 Ib-ft (16.27 N.m) (see Fig. 8). Side Plate Fig. 8 Trip Unit Retaining Screws Side Plate Trip Unit Installed in Circuit Breaker Note: The two trip unit outer retaining screws may be placed in the trip unit conductor holes at this time. If preferred, the 5/16 inch hexagonal-head wrench may be used to position the screws when the trip unit is in the base. 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 A CAUTION DO NOT EXCEED A TORQUE OF 12 LB-FT (16.27 N.M). EXCESSIVE TORQUING WILL SHEAR SCREWS. FAILURE TO APPLY THE REQUIRED TORQUE MAY LEADTO EXCESSIVE HEATING AND CAUSE NUISANCE TRIPPING OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Page 6 For an M-Frame, also screw in and torque the load end screws to 6-8 Ib-ft. (8.14-10.85 N.m.) 3.5 Final Installation Instructions (All Trip Units) Install accessory(ies), if required, using the appropriate instruction leaflet listed in Section 8.2. Where accessories are not required, install protective barriers supplied with the trip unit in accessory retaining slots in left- and righthand poles of trip unit and in fourth pole current sensor if applicable. Make sure interphase barriers and sliding handle barrier are in place. Install circuit breaker covers and pan-head screws as shown in Fig. 9. a until the arrow points to ENGAGED. If an adjustable rating plug is used, four continuous current settings are possible. Set the switch marked A, B, C, D to the current rating desired. Note: The reverse procedure is used to remove the rating plug. Turn the Push-to-Trip button to the remove position.This action will cause the circuit breaker to trip.Then grasp the lip of the Push-to-Trip button and gently pull. A small screwdriver placed under the left edge of the rating plug will assist in removal. Reset circuit breaker by moving handle to the reset position. Move handle to the ON position. Circuit breaker handle should remain at the ON position. Press Push-to-Trip button (in rating plug) to check manual tripping of the circuit breaker. CAUTION THE RATING PLUG MECHANICALLY INTERLOCKS WITH THE TRIP UNIT. IF RATING PLUG IS NOT CORRECTLY INSTALLED,THE CIRCUIT BREAKER CANNOT BE RESET OR PLACED IN THE ON POSITION Torque 20-22 IN-LB Trip Unit Fourth Fig. 10 Fig. 9 Cover Screw Installation Positions Note: Before attempting to install the rating plug, the arrow in the Push-to-Trip button portion of the plug must be pointing toward the REMOVE position.This can be done with a small screwdriver. Install rating plug. Position the rating plug as shown in Fig. 10. Insert the rating plug in the trip unit.The pins and plunger must align correctly with the matching receptacles and slot in the trip unit. After the rating plug is pressed into position, depress the Push-to-Trip button with a small screwdriver and turn it clockwise one quarter of a turn 40752-072 (2) Effective 6/02 Installing Rating Plug 4.0 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION In open air at 40"C, an Q-Frame circuit breaker with an Electronic RMS Trip Unit installed will carry continuously up to 800 amperes without exceeding a 50°C rise at the terminals. The calibration of the trip unit is insensitive to ambient temperatures over a range of -20" to +55"C. However, the trip unit contains thermal temperature protective circuitry that initiates a trip operation for selfprotection if the internal ambient temperature at the printed circuit board (PCB) reaches approximately 100°C. This may occur for open air temperatures above 40°C with circuit breaker currents near full load. Page 7 For ambient conditions above 40°C and where the maximum ampere rating plug has been installed, derating of the circuit breaker frame should be considered to avoid exceeding a safe terminal temperature operating range. Consult Allen-Bradley for recommendations. 4.1 General The Electronic RMS Trip Unit provides a tripping signal to the flux transfer shunt trip when current and time delay settings are exceeded. This is accomplished by employing the Allen-Bradley custom designed integrated circuit SpreTMchip,which includes a microcomputer to perform its numeric and logic functions. In the Electronic RMS Trip Unit, all required sensing and tripping power to operate its protection function is derived from the current sensors in the circuit breaker. The secondary currents from these sensors provide the correct input information for the protection functions, as well as tripping power, whenever the circuit breaker is carrying current. These current signals develop analog voltages across the appropriate calibrating resistors. The microcomputer, in cyclic fashion, repeatedly scans the voltage values across each calibrating resistor and enters these values into memory. These data are used to calculate true RMS current values, which are then repeatedly compared with the protection function settings and other operating data stored in the memory. The software program then determines whether to initiate protection functions, including tripping the breaker through the flux transfer shunt trip device in the circuit breaker. 4.2 Overload Trip: In accordance with standards requirements, the trip unit initiates a trip of the circuit breaker within two hours for an overload of 135 percent, and will trip in less time for higher overload currents. A “Thermal Memory” effect prevents the breaker from being re-energized immediately after an overload. A “cooling off” period of up to 5 minutes is required, which allows time for cabling to cool off. 4.3 Short Delay/lnstantaneousTrip: For short circuit conditions that exceed the short delay pick-up settings, the trip unit initiates a trip after a delay prescribed by the I2tramp function for trip units with catalog number suffixes LS, LSG. A flat response time delay action is provided by trip units with catalog number suffixes LSI, and LSIG unless the instantaneous (I) setting is selected. 4.4 Ground Fault Protection: When selected, ground fault pick-up and time delay settings shown in Table 1-2 allow selective ground fault coordination with other circuit protection devices. 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 5.0 PROTECTION SETTINGS 5.1 General Prior to placing any circuit breaker in operation, each trip unit protection setting must be set to the values specified by the engineer responsible for the installation.The available settings along with the effect of changing the settings are illustrated in Figures 12-1 to 12-3. The installed rating plug establishes the maximum continuous current rating (I,) of the circuit breaker. Short delay current settings are defined in multiples of ln.., One to four time and pick-up adjustment settings are available depending on the particular trip unit purchased. A rotary switch is provided for each setting. The rotary switch is adjusted using a small flatblade screwdriver (Figure 11). 5.2 Short Delay Pick-up Setting Seven settings are available that range from 2 to 8 (I,) as shown in Figure 12-1.This feature is included on all Electronic RMS Trip Units. 5.3 Short DelayTime Settings For catalog number LS and LSG the short time delay is an ramp configuration with the actual time delay a function of the trip current involved. For catalog number LSI and LSIG the short time delay is a flat response. Four settings (I,.1, .2, .3 second) are available (see Figure 12-2). The "I" setting gives a trip response with no intentional delay (Instantaneous). 5.4 Instantaneous Pickup Setting For catalog number LSI and LSIG Instantaneous Pickup is achieved by setting Short Delay Time to "I" (Instantaneous.) Short Delay Pickup (see paragraph 5.2) then becomes Instantaneous Pickup. 5.5 Ground Fault Pick-up Setting Five settings ranging from 1 through 5 (xlG) are available (see Figure 12-3) and correspond to the fixed ampere values listed on the trip unit nameplate and in Table 1.2. Note:These ampere values are always the same no matter what rating plug is installed in the circuit breaker. Page 8 6.OTESTING 6.1 Functional FieldTesting 5.6 Ground FaultTime Settings The ground fault time delay is a flat response with four settings (I, .15, .3, .5second) available (Figure 12-3).The I setting gives a trip response with no intentional delay (Instantaneous).This option is available on Catalog Nos. LSG and LSIG. A test receptacle is built into each trip unit to allow use of the STK2 Test Kit. The Test Kit performs a test of the Long Delay, Short Delay and Ground Fault functions. 6.2 Performance Testing for Ground Fault Trip Units 6.2.1 Code Requirements The National Electrical Code under Article 230-95-C requires that any ground-fault protection system be performance tested when first installed.The test shall be conducted in accordance with approved instructions I\ I Remove- \ I I L T e s t Jacks Fig. 1 1 Adjustment Switches and Test Points 5 I Ih 1 Ilh 7@3 5 W +E Short Delay Pick-up (Multiples of Rated Cuirrent) Short Delay Pickup (Multiples of Rated Current )1, Current Current Fig. 12-1 Short Delay Trip Current Adjustment and Curve Details 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Fig. 12-2Short Delay Trip Current and Short Delay Trip TimeAdjustment and Curve Details Page 9 & ! ( \ 0 0 3 I 8 ’*+ I i Rating Plug Setting (Amperes) .- + L 2x-Ex 2x-8x 2 x . 8 ~2x-Ex t See Fig. 2-7 and Fig. 2-8for Continuation of Short Time Instantaneous Portions of Curves L Time Ms Current Current Fig. 12-3 Ground Fault Trip Current, and Ground Fault Trip TimeAdjustments and Curve Details provided with the equipment. A written record of this test shall be made and shall be available to the authority having inspection jurisdiction. 6.2.2 Standards Requirements As a follow-up to the basic performance requirements stipulated by the N.E.C. as stated above, UL Standard No. 1053 requires that certain minimum instructions must accompany each ground fault protection system. These following statements plus a copy of the test record form illustrated in Fig. 16 are shipped with each Electronic RMS Trip Unit. 6.2.3 General Test Instructions The interconnected system shall be evaluated in accordance with the equipment assembler’s detailed instructions by qualified personnel. The polarity of the neutral sensor connections (if used) must agree with equipment assembler’s detailed instructions to avoid improper operations following apparently correct simulated test operations. Where a question exists, consult the specifying engineer and/or equipment assembler. The grounding points of the system shall be verified to determine that ground paths do not exist that would bypass the sensors. The use of high-voltage testers and resistance bridges may be used. 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Fig. 13 OptionalAdjustable Ampere Setting Rating Plug Used in Electronic RMSTrip Unit a WARNING THERE IS A HAZARD OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK OR BURN WHENEVER WORKING IN OR AROUND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. ALWAYSTURN OFF POWER SUPPLYING BREAKER BEFORE CONDUCTINGTESTS. Note: Since the Electronic RMS Trip Units derive their operating power from the phase currents, and not from the neutral current, passing current through the neutral sensor only will not properly test the ground fault feature. Using a low voltage (0-24 volt), high current, AC source, apply a test current of 125% of the Electronic RMS Ground FaultTrip Unit pick-up setting through one phase of the circuit breaker, as shown in Fig. 14-1.This should cause the breaker to trip in less than 1 second, and if an alarm indicator is supplied, it should operate. Reset the breaker and the alarm indicator. Repeat the test on the other two phases. Page 10 69 voltage Source Source 1 Load i Nl Current-Lim iring Resisto! (if required1 Fig. 14-1 Connections for Ground Fault Trip Test Load Fig. 14-2 Connections for Ground Fault No-Trip Test, with a Four- Wire System Voltage Source Fig. 15 Current Limiting Resistor (if required) Fig. 14-3 Connections for Ground Fault No-Trip Test, with a Three-Wire System 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Current Limiting Resistor (if required) Typical Rating Plug Page 11 GROUND FAULT TEST RECORD FORM Ground Fault Test Record should be Retained by Those in Charge of the Building's Electrical Installation in order to be available to the Authority having Jurisdiction. Test Date Fig. 16 Circuit Breaker Number Typical Performance Test Record Form 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Results Tested By: Page 12 If the system is a 4-wire system with a neutral current sensor, apply the same current as described above through one phase of the breaker, returning through the neutral sensor, as shown in Fig. 14-2.The breaker should not trip, and the alarm indicator, if supplied, should not operate. Repeat the test on the other two phases. If the system is a 3-wire system with no neutral current sensor, apply the same current as described above through any two phases of the breaker, with the connections exactly as shown in Fig. 14-3.The breaker should not trip, and the alarm indicator, if supplied, should not operate. Repeat the test using the other two combinations of breaker phases. a CAUTION FIELDTESTING SHOULD BE USED FOR FUNCTIONALTESTING AND NOT FIELD CALIBRATION OF THE ELECTRONIC RMS GROUND FAULTTRIP UNIT. ANY TEMPORARY CONNECTION MADE FORTHE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTINGTESTS SHOULD BE RESTOREDTO PROPER OPERATING CONDITIONS BEFORE RETURNINGTHE BREAKERTO SERVICE. The results of the test are to be recorded on the test form provided with the equipment. 7.0 RATING PLUG The rating plug, as illustrated in Figure 15, is used to establish the continuous ampere rating of the related circuit breaker. 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 For adjustable rating plugs (Table 1-2), the primary current carrying conductors used with the breaker must be sized to correspond with the maximum setting of the rating plug, in accordance with National Electric Code requirements. The Long Delay protection function of the trip unit is set at the rating plug value ((,).The Short Delay and Instantaneous protection functions are set as a multiple of In.The Ground Fault protection function is independent of In. Different rating plugs are available (Table 1-2) to match the desired current rating and type of circuit breaker into which the trip unit is to be installed. Complete catalog descriptions of all available rating plugs are given in the applicable circuit breaker supplementary instruction leaflets (see Section 8.0). 8.0 REFERENCES 8.1 Q-Frame Molded Case Circuit Breakers 40752-078 Contact AB Frame Instruction Leaflet Typical Time-Current Characteristic curves for L Frame Breakers 8.2 Internal Accessories: The following types of internal accessories, which mount on the trip unit, are available for use. The number of the instruction leaflet covering the installation of each accessory is shown. .. . Alarm (Signal)/Lockout (ASL) Switch ...........40752-076 Auxiliary Switch ........................................... 40752-074 ShuntTrip .................................................... 40752-075 Undervoltage Release Mechanism (Handle Reset ........................................................... 40752-070 Page 13 Trip Unit Functions Table 1-1. Electronic RMS Trip Units 3 Pole Electronic RMS Trip Unit type Catalog Numbers LS LSI LSG LSIG Long Delay Fixed Ampere Rating¬ with Fixed Long Delay Adjustable ampere Setting with fixed Long Delay­ Short Delay Adjustable Short Delay Pick-up with Short Delay Time l2t Ramp Instant Ground Fault Fourth Pole Protection l l l l l l l l l l Adjustable Short Delay Time® with Adjustable Short Delay Pick-up, or l l Adjustable Instantaneous Pick-up® Fixed Instantaneous (Override)¯ Adjustable Ground Fault Pick-up with Adjustable Ground Fault Time 100% rating for fourth pole l l l l l l l l 60% rating for fourth pole Fourth pole unprotected ¬ Fixed rating plugs available, see Table 1-2 ­ Optional four-setting adjustable rating plugs available, see Table 1-2 ® Using trip unit with adjustable short delay time (LSI, LSIG), instantaneous pick-up is achieved when the lowest time delay setting (1) is selected. ¯ A non-adjustable override setting is set at the frame withstand rating. 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Page 14 Table 1-2. Electronic RMS Trip Unit Function and Rating Settings Trio Function RatinalSettina Descriotion Ampere Rating Fixed at 100% Fixed rating plugs available Trip Unit Amoere Ratina Fixed Rating Plugs 600A 630A 800A 300A, 350A, 400A, 500A, 600A (I,) 300A, 315AO, 350A, 400A, 500A, 600A, 630AO (I,) 400A. 500A. 600A. 700A. 800A (I-! Trip Unit Ampere Rating Adjustable Rating Plugs 600A 630A 800A 300A-400A-500A-600A (I,) 315A-400A-500A-630A (IJO 400A-500A-630A-800A fI I or 400A-500A-600A-800A fI I Adjustable Long Delay Pick-up Short Delay Pick-up (Adjustable) In multiples of installed rating plug amperes (I,) with marks at 2-3-4-5-6-7-8x Short DelayTime (Fixed) IZtramp configuration Short DelayTime (Adlustable) Flat response with time delay settings at 100 ms 200 ms and 300 ms Instantaneous Pick-upO Ground Fault Pick-up (Adjustable) Trip Unit Ampere Rating Settings 600A 800A 120A, 240A, 360A, 480A, and 600A 160A, 320A, 480A, 640A, and 800A Ground Fault Time Delay Settinas at instantaneous (1). 150ms. 300ms. and 500ms 0 Not UL Listed O Occurs with short delay time adjustment set at I 40752-072(2) Effective 6/02 Printed in U.S.A./TQC ">

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Key features
- True RMS current sensing
- Adjustable short delay & ground fault settings
- Self-contained operation
- Microprocessor-based design
- UL Listed & IEC compliant
- Interchangeable rating plugs
- 4-pole, 3-pole ground fault, and 3-pole non-ground fault options
- Optional accessories for enhanced functionality
Frequently asked questions
The Electronic RMS Trip Unit is suitable for 50/60 Hz AC applications only. For DC applications, a thermal-magnetic trip unit should be used.
Seven settings are available, ranging from 2 to 8 (I,) as shown in Figure 12-1. You can adjust these settings using a small flatblade screwdriver, as illustrated in Figure 11.
The rating plug establishes the continuous ampere rating of the related circuit breaker. It also sets the Long Delay protection function of the trip unit at the rating plug value.
Using a low voltage (0-24 volt), high current, AC source, apply a test current of 125% of the Electronic RMS Ground Fault Trip Unit pick-up setting through one phase of the circuit breaker, as shown in Fig. 14-1. This should cause the breaker to trip in less than 1 second, and if an alarm indicator is supplied, it should operate. Reset the breaker and the alarm indicator. Repeat the test on the other two phases.