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LaView LV-PWB5B-2PK B5 2K Wired Outdoor Security Camera
User Guide
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1 LaView LV-PWB5B-2PK B5 2K Wired Outdoor Security
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LaView LV-PWB5B-2PK B5 2K Wired Outdoor Security Camera
Connect the camera to power via included USB Charger ( f you are not setting up the camera for the very first
time, press the Reset button instead for 5 seconds until you hear a beep.)
Please download the LaView APP from the App Store or Scan the QR Code below. LaView APP is available for
both iOS and Android OS. Search the name LaView in
APP Store or Google Play. (The other LaView apps, such as LaView Connect, LaView ONE, LaView Life do
NOT support B5 camera)
Make sure your phone is connected to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network
Complete the app registration process
Click on the + sign to add the camera. Continue to click “Video Surveillance> “Smart Camera”
Wait until the LED indicator is flashing rapidly and the camera is beeping every 15 Seconds, which means the
camera is ready for pairing. If not, press and hold the reset button for 5 sec to reset the device.
Enter the Wi-Fi Password to generate a QR code that carries your Wi-Fi information
Use the camera to scan the QR code on the phone keep the camera 8-12 inches away from the phone)
The camera will beep when it receives the QR code. Press’1 Heard a Prompt’thern. The camera will start
pairing When connecting, you should make sure your router, mobile phone, and camera are as close as
Wait until the camera is connected online and finish set up If the pairing is not successful, press the Reset
button for 5 seconds until you hear a beep and start again. Or check the FAQ section in the User Manual for
more troubleshooting steps
Place your router, mobile phone, and device as close as possible
Device found
Register Device to Smart Cloud Initializing device…
1. Camera Name
2. Switch Video Quality HD/SD
3. Time Stamp
4. Edit Camera Settings
5. Sound Switch
6. Zoom in
7. Unfold the function bar
8. Record a video clip and save it to gallery
9. Two-Way Audio: Press to talk
10. Screenshot: Take a screenshot and save it to gallery
11. Full-Screen Mode
12. Playback: Watch the videos saved on the microSD card
13. Gallery: The folder where screenshots and videos are saved
14. Private Mode: Enable/disable sleep mode
15. Night Mode: Switch IR night vision mode
16. Spotlight: Turn on/off spotlight
17. Motion Detection: Receive push notification when motion is detected
18. Messages: Alarm notifications
19. Cloud: Watch the videos saved on the Cloud Server (Subscription Required)
/ALEXA SETUP (Optional)/
1. Download and Install Amazon Alexa APP on Your Phone
2. Log in the Alexa APP with Your Amazon Account
3. Set up Your Alexa Device
4. Ensure Your LaView Camera is Powered on and
5. Online in the LaView APP
1. In the LaView APP, go to the camera you are setting up, and tap the ‘Edit’ button to enter the camera menu.
2. Tap the camera model number or camera name
3. Edit the camera name to one that is easy to pronounce such as Baby Room, Front Door Camera, Living Room’
4. Tap the Menu icon and choose Skills & Games’ in the Alexa APP
5. Search LaView’ and choose the ‘LaView’ skill (Not LaView ONE)
7. Log in to your LaView APP account and tap Link Now
8. Tap Authorize’
9. Alexa by Amazon will be able to: Receive your public profile Control your devices over internet
10. Tap Done’ after the LaView APP is linked to the LaView Skill
12. Wait until the Alexa APP discovers the LaView camera. Check the following if Alexa repeatedly fails to discover
the camera.
1. A. Ensure the LaView camera, the Alexa device and your phone are connected in the same Wi-Fi
2. B. Ensure the LaView camera is powered on and set up in the LaView APP.
3. C. Ensure the Alexa device, such as Echo Show, is set up and connected.
4. D. Ensure the camera is added to the LaView account that is linked to the LaView Skill in the Alexa APP
13. You can now tell your Echo device to show the camera feed by calling Alexa, Show Baby Room. You can
change and update the camera name in the LaView APP camera menu. (Refer to Step 3)
Documents / Resources
LaView LV-PWB5B-2PK B5 2K Wired Outdoor Security Camera [pdf] User Guide
LV-PWB5B-2PK, B5 2K Wired Outdoor Security Camera, LV-PWB5B-2PK B5 2K Wired Outdoo
r Security Camera, 2K Wired Outdoor Security Camera, Wired Outdoor Security Camera, Outd
oor Security Camera, Security Camera, Camera
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