Samsung SVMi 20E Extension Block User Manual
Below you will find brief information for Extension Block SVMi 20E. This manual describes the features and capabilities of the Extension Block SVMi 20E. You can learn about its function as one of two blocks that describes a subscriber and how it controls operating characteristics that are specific to a subscriber's extension, including caller options and transfer instructions. The Extension Block also includes the ability to specify the name, language, mailbox, EClass, dial number, alternate number, supervision level, subscriber password, account code, station, auto login, directory public/user, retention days, call blocking, call forwarding, call screening, find me, scheduling, intercept, retrieve public caller, busy greeting, designated location, stored phone numbers, extended prompting, stored numbers, greeting numbers, availability schedule, and caller options processor. You can also learn about the call director and activity counters.
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The Extension Block is one of the two Blocks (Extension, Mailbox) that describes a subscriber. The Extension Block controls the operating characteristics specific to a subscriber's extension. This includes all the caller options and transfer instructions.
It is important to understand that in the SVMi-20E system the only function of a mailbox block is to take a message and perform notification. All other subscriber features and options are provided by the extension block.
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The name of this block. A Block name can be any alphanumeric string up to 16 characters long
(including spaces). A Block name may not be the same as another Block name. MBX, EXT or LIST Numbers may not be duplicated within the same group.
The SVMi-20E stores the subscriber name in either 'lastname, firstname' or 'firstname lastname'. When entering the subscriber name it is suggested you follow one for mat or the other for the entire application. If the name is entered as 'firstname lastname' SVMi-20E will NOT automatically re-sort it to 'lastname, firstname', but the subscriber would still be able to be accessed correctly from the directory. However by mixing and matching formats with in an application would cause the list of blocks to appear to be out of order.
This format ('lastname, firstname' vs 'firstname lastname' is only important because the directory feature will search on a specific field, 'lastname' or 'firstname' . If you did not put a comma after the 'lastname' in the 'lastname, firstname' format or put a comma after 'firstname' in the 'firstname lastname' format the directory search would not be accurate and subscribers entered out of format could not be accessed from the Directory.
The number that must be entered by the caller in order to access the subscriber extension. It does not necessarily have to be the same number dialed by the SVMi-20E when transferring to the extension on the telephone system. This can not be the same number of any other extension, and is also referred to as the "Key" Value.
This is a language option. You may select from any installed language and from that point on, the extension will respond to the authorized owner in the language selected. Authorized owner means a user who has entered a valid password.
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The mailbox block also has a language field, and the SVMi-20E will try to resolve these fields to a single value
(make them match). If conflicting information is contained in these fields, the Extension Block has priority and the
Mailbox Block will be automatically changed to match.
This selection is based on the order of the defined languages in page 3 of the System Wide Parameters. If the languages are to be reordered, added to or changed in page 3 of the System Wide Parameters then this field should be re-entered.
The mailbox corresponding to the subscriber Extension Block. By entering a Mailbox Block here signifies that this extension owns the specified Mailbox. Press ENTER to bring up the Target Generator. Select and open the appropriate block type from the Target Generator pick list. Choose a new or existing block of that type and press ENTER. Press 'Ctrl+O' at this field to review or edit the Mailbox, List, or Net Mailbox Block associated and owned by this Extension Block.
The name of the EClass block that contains the class of service information for this Extension. Much of the prompts, control, and parameters are located here.
See the EClass Block for detailed information and operation.
Press Ctrl + 'O' (Open) at this field to review or edit the ECLASS Block associated with the Extension. To change this entry, press ENTER to bring up the Target Generator. Select a new or existing Block.
Extension Controls
The actual number that the SVMi-20E will dial to complete the transfer. The SVMi-20E associates two types of numbers with an extension: the block identification number called the Key and the Dial Number.The
Key is the number the caller enters for a particular called party's telephone. The Dial Number is the number the telephone system database recognizes as one of its stations. When the SVMi-20E receives the Key from the caller, it transmits the Dial Number to the telephone system to execute the transfer to the called party's telephone.
The Key and the Dial Number are usually the same, but they can be different. When they are different, the extension is a virtual extension. A virtual extension can be configured with the same set of call automation attributes as a regular extension. It is particularly useful when a group of people in an organization share a single telephone.
Each person in the group can be assigned his own Key in the SVMi-20E subscriber database. The Dial Number, however, will be the same for each virtual extension. This allows callers to enter a distinctive Key for each member of the group, even though they ring the same telephone. A call presentation prompt can be customized for each virtual extension subscriber; for example, "Call for John Smith," or "Call for Jane Doe".
The SVMi-20E has a feature where a subscriber can enter an alternate location and all calls processed by the extension block will be transferred to this alternate number. This number can be an internal number (other extension) or an external number like your home number.
The designated location option must be set to Yes to use this feature. When calls are transferred to a designated location (alternate number) the SVMi-20E will supervise the transfer, i.e. it will monitor the call progress until the call is answered. If the call is not answered it will be routed to the destination specified in this extension block's call director, for the no answer event.
This sets the type of transfer that this extension block uses to transfer callers. Press
ENTER at this field to bring up a pick list with the following options:
The SVMi-20E transfers the call, releases, and doesn't wait for any subsequent condition.
(Supervise for Busy) The SVMi-20E transfers the call, and waits to see if it gets one valid Ring. If it hears a valid ring it releases, and doesn't wait for any subsequent condition. If it does not hear a valid ring, it
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aborts the transfer, pulling the call back and follows the Extension Blocks 'Busy' call condition rules. This can be play the subscriber's Busy Greeting if recorded, their Primary Greeting if recorded, or be directed to the
CallDirector on page four for instructions on where to send the call for that call condition.
The SVMi-20 transfers the call and waits until the call is answered. If the call is not answered (NO-ANSWER), the call transfer is aborted, pulling the call back and follows the extension Blocks
'No-Answer' call condition rules. This can be play the subscriber's Primary/No-Answer Greeting if recorded, or be directed to the CallDirector on page four for instructions on where to send the call for that call condition.
Each of the next supervision levels are simply Full Supervision levels with added functionality beneficial for the Subscriber being called.
A prompted supervision level performs a Full Supervision call transfer. If the call is answered it plays a prompt to the called party, "Transferring a call." after the answering party says 'hello'. This is useful if simply trying to identify a all is being transferred by the SVMi-20E.
This supervision level is very similar to the Prompted supervision. In this case the called party hears, "There is a call for Extension 2001" or "There is a call for Jane Doe." After that the call is handled in the same manor as a Full Supervision transfer.
This level not only performs a an Announced Supervision but also now allows the Subscriber the option of accepting, redirecting, rejecting, or record a real time greeting for the call. If the call is rejected it is considered to be a 'Blocked' call condition. The call transfer is aborted, pulling the call back and follows the extension Blocks 'Blocked' call condition rules. This can be play the subscriber's Blocked Greeting if recorded, Primary Greeting if recorded, or be directed to the CallDirector on page four for instructions on where to send the call for that call condition. This level of supervision is automatically used in all "Designated location",
"Follow Me", and "Find Me" applications or whenever the Alternate Number Field is used.
The system requests the name of the caller, rings the subscriber and announces who is calling. The subscriber has the option of accepting, redirecting, rejecting, or record a real time greeting for the call. If the call is rejected it is considered to be a 'Blocked' call condition. The call transfer is aborted, pulling the call back and follows the extension Blocks 'Blocked' call condition rules. This can be play the subscriber's Blocked
Greeting if recorded, Primary Greeting if recorded, or be directed to the CallDirector on page four for instructions on where to send the call for that call condition.
The digits the extension user enters to gain access to the extension user menu. In the
SVMi products, subscribers usually have both an Extension Block and a Mailbox Block (but may have only one of them). Since each of these blocks have a password option, if different password values are entered in each of these blocks (extension and mailbox) the SVMi-20E will try to resolve these two password fields into one value.
The extension password will override the value in the mailbox field. Valid entries for this field are "NONE" - No password and "DEFAULT" - Password will be set to the default of 0000. This field will not display the subscribers password.
Entered if the subscriber has an access code used for long distance access.This access code can be inserted in any dial string using '$A'.
If there is no entry entered here the system will automatically search the Station options for the appropriate Station block required to send the call. Press ENTER at this field to bring up the Target Generator. Select a new or existing Station Block from the Target Generator pick list. Press ‘Ctrl+O’ to review the selected Station
Block.This block is used to dial the 'Dial Number'. If there is an Alternate number it will select a station block automatically.
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A 'Y' in this parameter, enables the subscriber to login without a password when logging in from their extension.
A 'Y' in these parameters, and the subscribers' name recorded in the mailbox, allows this object to be listed in either of the appropriate Directories. The Public directory is the directory that callers access, the User directory is the directory that subscribers access.
The number of days remaining before this block is automatically discarded during system maintenance if unused. The range is 0 - 999 days. An entry of 0 means indefinite.
Call blocking will prevent any calls from being transferred to your extension or designated location. You may think of it as a DND feature. It will override all call transfer instructions (follow me, forward, find me etc.), but it will not override call screening.
A 'Y' in this field allows the Subscriber to set Call Blocking for their extension. An 'N' in this field disables the option and it will not be spoken as an option in the extension user menu.
The 'enabled' field shows if this option is currently set. This setting must be 'Y' to allow a subscriber to set this greeting. This option can only be set by the subscriber if the extension has Greeting type of "Basic."
A 'Y' in this parameter allows the Subscriber to remotely redirect calls to another extension. An 'N' in this parameter disables the option and it will not be spoken as an option in the extension user menu. The 'enabled' field shows if this option is currently set. If you 'enable' this feature here you must also assign a destination to the Remote - Fwd pointer in the Extension Block page 4 of 5. When this feature is activated the
SVMi-20E will perform a blind transfer and the control of the call will then be passed to the forward destination.
A 'Y' in this parameter allows the Subscriber to set call screening for their extension.The SVMi-
20E asks the calling party to speak his name before transferring the call and allows the called party to accept or reject the call when answered. If the call is rejected, the SVMi-20E will prompt the caller that their party is unavailable and allow them to dial another extension or leave a message. Allowable inputs are 'Y' for yes or 'N' for no.
The 'enabled' field shows if this option is currently set. This setting must be 'Y' to allow a subscriber to set this greeting. This option can only be set by the subscriber if the extension has Greeting type of "Basic".
Find Me is a feature that may be programmed by the subscriber as a high priority call connection method. When this feature is set, the SVMi-20E will begin to dial the first 5 numbers in your stored number list until you are reached. The 'enabled' field shows if this option is currently set.
Each subscriber (if allowed by setting this parameter to 'Y'), may define a weekly availability schedule. This schedule is used to automatically select a day or night greeting to play to callers. During the time a subscriber is (according to this schedule) available the call will be transferred to the extension blocks dial number, and the no answer greeting will play (if recorded).
If the subscriber is 'not available' (according to this schedule) the call will be transferred to the extension blocks dial number, and the extension night greeting will play (if recorded).
This feature only affects subscribers who are using an availability schedule (this must be allowed by a System Administrator.) When the intercept feature is set, and the subscriber is unavailable, callers will not be transferred to the subscriber station, instead they will immediately hear the night message (if recorded).
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Allowed When this option is available, a subscriber that accesses their mailbox while another caller is leaving a message will be given the opportunity to immediately connect with that caller.
Allows a subscriber to record a busy greeting This option can only be set by the subscriber if the extension has Greeting type of "Basic".
If this is set to Yes, then a subscriber can use the Access Manager Menu
(digit 4 from the Main Menu) to set an alternate number where they can be reached.This number can be an internal or external location. When this feature is activated, the SVMi-20E will perform a full supervised "Confirmed" transfer. If there is no answer at the designated location the transfer will be aborted and the caller will be returned to the SVMi -20E to follow the No-Answer call condition rules for that subscriber.
This allows the subscriber to enter a list of up to 9 personal phone numbers where the subscriber can be reached. Examples of this would be cell phone, branch office, home, etc. These numbers may be quickly entered into the designated location (Alternate #) or positions 1-5 may be used by the find me feature.
See 'Stored Numbers'.
A 'Y' in this parameter allows the subscriber to use Extended Subscriber
Prompting. Extended Prompting plays all of the options available to a subscriber. An 'N' in this parameter, disables the option and will play only the first three or four prompts.
Extension Block
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Stored Numbers
This is a list of nine phone numbers where the subscriber can be reached. Examples of this would be cell phone, branch office, home, etc.
These numbers may be quickly entered into the designated location (Alternate #) or positions 1-5 may be used by the Find Me feature.
These numbers can be entered in this screen or if allowed, by setting the Stored Phone Numbers Allowed flag, in page 1 of 5, the subscriber may enter and edit them.
Greeting Number Recorded
When a subscriber is using the 'Basic' greeting type, different greetings will play depending on different call coverage conditions.
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When a subscriber has the ‘Basic’ greeting enabled, they will be able to access and program the Personal greeting menu from their telephone.There are 9 personal greetings available, and any greeting may be assigned to any call coverage condition. The call coverage conditions are:
Your telephone has rung but it did not answer.
Your telephone is busy (must be allowed by Administrator - See Busy Greeting Allowed ).
A subscriber has 'blocked' calls to their extension (must be allowed by administrator - See
The subscribers personal availability schedule reports that the subscriber is an unavailable extension
(must be allowed by administrator - See Scheduling ).
The subscriber has selected the call screening option (must be allowed by Administrator
If a subscriber records only the greeting assigned to the No-Answer Call Coverage Condition, then that greeting will play to callers for all Call Coverage Conditions (No-Answer, Busy, Blocked, Night, and Rejected Caller). In this case the greeting should be very general.
Availability Schedule
If allowed by setting "Scheduling" to 'Y', a subscriber may define an availability schedule. During the time a subscriber is (according to this schedule) available, the call will be transferred to the extension blocks dial number, and the no answer greeting will play (if recorded).
If the subscriber is 'not available' (according to this schedule), the call will be transferred to the extension blocks dial number, and the extension night greeting will play (if recorded).
Extension Block
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Caller Options Processor
Two greeting options are available in the SVMi-20E Extension Block. They are NONE and BASIC.
If the greeting is NONE, the subscriber may not record a greeting in their extension (they may however, if allowed, record a mailbox greeting). The caller will be played a list of caller options that match the selections that have been allowed in EClass System Caller Options Digit Assignment. These may include any or all of the following:
Dialing another number, leave a message, hold, have the subscriber paged on the overhead paging system, select other custom options or reach the operator.
If the greeting type is BASIC the caller may record custom greeting(s) according to the features allowed in extension block Authorizations.The caller will still be able to access a list of caller options that match the selections that have been allowed in EClass System Caller Options Digit Assignment, but the subscribers greeting will have to announce these. Additionally any other options that have been assigned in the extension Caller Options
Processor (Extension Block page 3 of 5) will be available to callers.
Caller Options Processor Parameters
This column contains texts fields for a description of what the caller will experience as a result of pressing the 'To Select' column digit in the Caller Options Processor target generator. Example, 'I'm in the facility, if you would like to page me, please press 3'.
The The fields in this column are Event Pointers. They are offered by the Subscriber in a greeting to the callers as “Caller Options” during that greeting. They are activated by the administrator at the time of installation for each subscriber. The Administrator sets the target values for each authorized Caller Option.. The
EClass defines the System Caller Options and sets the targets for those options in the EXT Block. The System Caller
Options can be over written by an administrator per Subscriber.
Action specifies the operation to take place. In the Extension
Block, go to (or leave blank) is the only possible action. Typ indicates the type of block targeted. Gp represents the group number (if appropriate) and will always be 01. Target Name specifies the block to pass control to. To edit the information in the Select, Action, Typ, Gp, or Target Name columns, press ENTER to bring up the Target
Generator. Highlight and open the appropriate Block type from the Target Generator pick list. Select a new or existing Block of that type. Press ‘Ctrl + O' to review or edit the selected Block.
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Call Director
Indicates the Mode Name and Number for which the displayed Block Pointers' Targets are active. Each Operating Mode is given an unique Number by the system. Valid numbers are 01 - 99, and are assigned in sequence as new Modes are created. Pressing ENTER at this field opens a Target Generator, from which an existing Mode Name may be selected, or a new name may be entered. Entering a new name creates a new
Mode with its corresponding Number. The Mode Number and Name are associated with the Block's Pointers, not the Block itself. This allows one Block to route calls to different destinations in different Modes, using different
Targets for the pointers' various Mode references. For example, the No-Answer pointer might route callers to an associate's Extension during the 'Day' Mode, but after 5:00 PM, it would route them to a Mailbox during the 'Night'
Mode. Pointers set in the Default Mode are always in effect unless the same Pointer is set in the current Operating
Mode. The SVMi-20E will display Default Mode pointers in a block while viewing pointers in another mode. The
Default Mode pointers will be grayed out to denote that they are not in the current mode.
To edit any of the event Pointers, press ENTER to bring up the Target
Generator. Select and open the appropriate Block type from the Target Generator pick list. Choose a new or existing Block of that type. Press ‘Ctrl + O' to review or edit the chosen Block. Translation Pointers may be used to alter call progress results.
The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block when a ring-no-answer condition is encountered. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block when a busy condition is encountered. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block when a fast busy condition is encountered. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block when call blocking is activated in the extension administration menu. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block when an error is encountered during the transfer. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
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This causes the SVMi-20E to go directly to the designated Block if the caller chooses to leave a message for this extension. The target is usually a MBX Block. However, it may be another EXT or DIAL Block. If left unspecified in this block, and the <MSG> pointer in the EClass block associated with it is set, the SVMi-20E will attempt to find a mailbox with the same number as the Extension. If a mailbox is not found the SVMi-20E will automatically create one. If this parameter is not specified in this block and the EClass block associated with it,The
SVMi-20E will not present the caller the option to leave a message in the event of a busy or no answer for this extension.
Note: The MESSAGE Pointer may also be specified in the associated ECLASS Block. However, the MESSAGE pointer in this Extension Block will take precedence.
This pointer is reached because the EClass (page 1 of 5) assigned a specific digit to 'options' and allowed the feature for at least one call condition. The extension block (page 3 of 5) will then show that 'Other
Options' has been assigned to that digit.
On this Call Director page you may assign any destination to this options pointer.This is used if a subscriber wants to offer callers the option to press a certain digit to route to an audiotext system, list of departments to transfer to or any other condition that may be programmed in the SVMi-20E. The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated Target Block. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
This pointer is reached because the EClass (page 1 of 5) assigned a specific digit to 'operator' and allowed the feature for at least one call condition.
The extension block (page 3 of 5) will then show that 'Operator' has been assigned to that digit. On this call director page you may assign any destination to this operator pointer. The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
This pointer is reached because the EClass (page 1 of 5) assigned a specific digit to 'escape' and allowed the feature for at least one call condition. The extension block (page 3 of 5) will then show that
'escape' has been assigned to that digit. On this call director page you may assign any destination to this escape pointer. The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this.
The SVMi-20E goes to the designated target Block, when the caller makes no input. It will not prompt the caller prior to doing this. The 'wait for input' is located on page 1 of 5 of the Eclass Block.
The SVMi-20E goes immediately to the designated target Block, when a caller makes an invalid input. The SVMi-20E will not prompt the caller prior to doing this Page 1 of 5 of the EClass block allows for multiple caller mistakes in a parameter called 'Retries on invalid input'.
The next block to go to if the number of callers allowed to hold in queue is exceeded. ( See
Note: The <QUE-FULL> Pointer may also be specified in the associated ECLASS Block. However, the <QUE-FULL>
Pointer in the EXT Block will take precedence.
The Remote-Forward pointer is used to display the target extension, when
CallForwarding is activated in the extension administration menu. This feature can be set by the Subscriber - (but
must first be allowed by administrator - See Call Screening ).
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Extension Block
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Activity Counters
This page will keep track of this extension blocks activity. It contains the following statistics. Total shows the total number of calls this Block has processed during the period specified in the following range.
Indicates the period, from the date when the Report Counters were last cleared, until the current date.
Applies to all call counts in this report.
The number of calls processed by this Block, which were answered by the called party, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of calls processed by this Block, which encountered a ring-no-answer condition, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of calls processed by this Block, which encountered a busy signal, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents
The number of calls which encountered call blocking set on this extension, and the percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of calls processed as screened transfers, which were rejected by the subscriber, and the percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of callers redirected to another extension by the subscriber, and the percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of calls processed by this Block, during which the caller disconnected without selecting any options, and the percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of calls processed by this Block, during which the caller made no entry in response to the available options, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of calls processed by this Block, during which the caller chose to record a voicemail message, and the percentage of the total calls this number represents.
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The number of calls processed by this Block, during which the caller elected to go to the Operator, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of callers who chose to have the called party paged, while in this Block, and the percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of calls processed by this Block, during which the caller elected to hear the other options, and what percentage of the total calls this number represents.
The number of callers who elected to hold, after encountering a busy signal, and the percentage of the total calls this number represents. It includes callers who may have elected to hold and subsequently hungup prior to connecting.
The total time, in seconds, callers were holding for this extension. Dividing this number by the Hold Count gives an approximation of the average hold time per caller.
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Key Features
- Controls operating characteristics of a subscriber's extension
- Includes caller options and transfer instructions
- Provides mailbox functionality with notification capabilities
- Allows for customization of language settings
- Supports call blocking, forwarding, screening, and find me features
- Offers scheduling options for availability
- Provides call director functionality for routing calls based on conditions
- Tracks extension activity with counters