* The transformer size depends on the driver used: For CAREL valves driver use a 20VA transformer For universal valves driver use a 40VA transformer The order of the valve connection cable is 1 3 2 4. Notes on earthing: The shield of the valve cable MUST be earthed. We recommend the use of 1 transformer per driver. Respect the polarity G - G0: If earthing the secondary of the transformer (24V), only earth G0. Wiring with Ultracap module EVD0000UC0 +AU0EVDEVO rev 1.0 - 30/09/2011 EVD Evolution Summary of operating parameters Parameter CONFIGURATION Network address Refrigerant (1=R22, 2=R134a, 3=R404a, 4=R407C, 5=R410a, 6=R507a, 7=R290, 8=R600, 9=R600a, 10=R717, 11=R744, 12=R728, 13=R1270, 14=R417a, 15=R422d, 16=R413a, 17=R422a, 18=R423a, 19=R407a, 20=R427a, 21=R245Fa, 22=R407F) Valve (1=Carel EXV, 2=Alco EX4, 3=Al EX5, 4=Al EX6, 5=Al EX7, 6=Al EX8 330Hz, 7=Al EX8 500Hz, 8=Sporlan SEI0.5-11, 9=Sp SER1.5-20,10=Sp SEI30, 11=Sp SEI50, 12=Sp SEH100, 13=Sp SEH175,14=Danfoss ETS12.5-25B, 15=Dan ETS50B, 16=Dan ETS100B, 17=Dan ETS250, 18=Dan ETS400, 19=2 Carel EXV together, 20=Sporlan SER(I)G,J,K, 21=Danfoss CCM 10-20-30, 22=Dan CCM40) Probe S1 (default ratiometric -1 to 9.3 bar) Main control (1=centralised cold room, 2=self contained CR, 3=perturbated CR, 4=subcritical CO2 CR, 5=R404a cond for subcritical CO2, 6=AC/chiller w plate evaporator, 7=AC/chiller w shell tube evap, 8=AC/chiller w battery coil evap,…) Probe S2 (default Carel NTC) Auxiliary control (default disabled) Probe S3 (default ratiometric -1 to 9.3 bar) Relay configuration (default alarm relay) Probe S4 (default Carel NTC) DI2 configuration (default disabled) Display main variable 1 (default superheat) Display main variable 2 (default valve opening) S1 probe alarm management (default valve at fixed position) S2 probe alarm management (default valve at fixed position) S3 probe alarm management (default no action) S4 probe alarm management (default no action) Unit of measure: °C/K/barg, °F/psig DI1 configuration (default regulation start/stop) PROBES S1 calibration offset S1 calibration gain on 4-20mA S1 pressure MINIMUM value S1 pressure MAXIMUM value S1 alarm MINIMUM pressure S1 alarm MAXIMUM pressure S2 calibration offset S2 alarm MINIMUM temperature S2 alarm MAXIMUM temperature S3 calibration offset S3 calibration gain on 4-20mA S3 pressure MINIMUM value S3 pressure MAXIMUM value S3 alarm MINIMUM pressure S3 alarm MAXIMUM pressure S4 calibration offset S4 alarm MINIMUM temperature S4 alarm MAXIMUM temperature Unit Type Min. Max. Def. New - A A 1 1 207 22 198 3 - A 1 22 1 - A A 1 1 20 21 3 1 - A A A A A A C C C C C C C A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 23 20 6 3 7 23 23 4 4 3 3 7 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 3 3 1 1 °C 5 bar bar bar bar bar °C °C °C bar bar bar bar bar °C °C °C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C -60 -20 -20 MIN -20 MIN -20 -60 MIN -60 -20 -20 MIN -20 MIN -20 -60 MIN 60 20 MAX 200 MAX 200 20 MAX 200 60 20 MAX 200 MAX 200 20 MAX 200 0 1 -1 9.3 -1 9.3 0 -50 105 0 1 -1 9.3 -1 9.3 0 -50 105 Parameter CONTROL Superheat set point Valve opening at start-up Valve opened in standby (0=disabled=valve closed, 1=enabled=valve open 25%) Start-up delay after defrost Hot gas bypass temperature set point Hot gas bypass pressure set point EPR pressure set point PID proprtional gain PID integral time PID derivative time LowSH protection threshold LowSH protection integral time LOP protection threshold LOP protection integral time MOP protection threshold MOP protection integral time Enable manual valve position Manual valve position ADVANCED High Tcond threshold High Tcond integral time Modul thermostat set point Modul thermostat differential Modul thermostat Shset offset CO2 regul 'A' coefficient CO2 regul 'B' coefficient Start manual tuning (0=no, 1=yes) Tuning method Network settings (0=4800, 1=9600, 2=19200) ALARM CONFIGURATION Low superheat alarm timeout (LowSH) (0=alarm DISABLED) Low evap temp alarm timeout (LOP) (0=alarm DISABLED) High evap temp alarm timeout (MOP) (0=alarm DISABLED) High cond temp alarm timeout (High Tcond) (0=alarm DISABLED) Low suction temperature alarm threshold Low suction temp alarm timeout (0=alarm DISABLED) VALVE EEV minimum steps EEV maximum steps EEV closing steps EEV nominal step rate EEV nominal current EEV holding current EEV duty cycle EEV opening synchronisation EEV closing synchronisation Unit Type Min. Max. Def. New K % min °C bar bar s s K s °C s °C s step A A C C A A A C C C A C A C A C A A LSH 0 0 0 -60 -20 -20 0 0 0 -40 0 -60 0 LOP 0 0 0 180 100 1 60 200 200 200 800 1000 800 SH st 800 MOP 800 200 800 1 9999 11 50 0 10 10 3 3.5 15 150 5 5 15 -50 0 50 20 0 0 °C s °C °C K bit/s A C A A C C C C C C -60 0 -60 0.1 0 -100 -100 0 0 0 200 800 200 100 100 800 800 1 255 2 80 20 0 0.1 0 3.3 -22.7 0 50 2 s s s s °C s C C C C C C 0 0 0 0 -60 0 18000 18000 18000 18000 200 18000 300 300 600 600 -50 300 step step step step/s mA mA % - C C C C C C C C C 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 9999 9999 9999 2000 800 250 100 1 1 50 480 500 50 450 100 30 1 1 ">

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