E2S A105N 32 Tone 'AlertAlarm' alarm Installation Instructions

E2S A105N 32 Tone 'AlertAlarm' alarm Installation Instructions

Below you will find brief information for alarm A105N 32 Tone 'AlertAlarm'. The A105N is a 32 tone, CPD compliant alarm that can operate on 24 or 48VDC or 115/230VAC. You can select from 32 different tones, and the unit has a built-in volume control. The A105N can be used for a variety of applications including fire alarms, security systems, and industrial control.


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E2S A105N 32 Tone 'AlertAlarm' Installation Instructions | Manualzz
A105N - 32 Tone ‘AlertAlarm’
24, 48vdc
A10 5N
Stage 2 Stage 3
115, 230vac
S2 S3
DC Line monitoring resistor
S2 C S3
Stage 2
Stage 3
A105N 24vdc (18-30vdc) & 48vdc (35-60vdc) units are CPD Compliant.
Voltage :
Voltage range :
Current mA :
•Volume Control
•Réglage du volume
•Steuerung der Lautstärke
•Controllo volume
•Controlo do Volume
•Control Volumen
•Vol umen kontrol
•Vo lum ereg eli ng
•Vo lum kon tro ll
•Vo lym kon tro ll
•Tone Selection
•Sélection de la tonalité
•Ton wahl
•Selezio ne tono
•Seleção de tons
•Selección Tono
•Va lg a f to ne
•To onse lectie
•Velge to ne
•Ton va l
Tel : 0044(0)2087438880
Type B
Stag e 1
Fr e q u e n c y
to ne
De s cr ip tio n
To ne 2
To ne 3
8 00 /10 00 Hz @ 0.2 5 se c A ltern ating
5 00 /12 00 Hz @ 0.3 Hz 0.5 s ec Slo w W ho op
To ne
To ne
To ne
To ne
1 20 0 /5 00 Hz @ 1Hz - DIN / PFEER P.T.A .P.
8 00 Hz Con tin uo u s
6 60 Hz 1 50 ms ON 15 0ms OFF
5 44 Hz (1 00 mS)/4 4 0Hz (4 00 mS) - NF S 3 2-0 01
mail : [email protected]
: 0044(0)2087404200
The tones listed have been
tested to EN54-3 a nd are
compliant with the
Cronstructi on Product
Directive 8 9/106/EEC.
EN54-3 test data:
document D2273
web : www.e2s.com
Stage 2
Stage 3
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 17
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 5
106dB(A) @ 1m
800/1000Hz @ 1Hz Sweeping
106dB(A) @ 1m
Tone 6
Tone 5
2400Hz Continuous
112dB(A) @1m
Tone 3
Tone 20
Tone 6
2400/2900Hz @ 7Hz Sweeping
108dB(A) @1m
Tone 7
Tone 5
Tone 7
2400/2900Hz @ 1Hz Sweeping
108dB(A) @1m
Tone 10
Tone 5
Tone 8
Tone 9
500/1200/500Hz @ 0.3Hz Sweeping
1200/500Hz @ 1Hz - DIN / PFEER P.T.A.P.
106dB(A) @ 1m
106dB(A) @ 1m
Tone 2
Tone 15
Tone 5
Tone 2
Tone 10
2400/2900Hz @ 2Hz Alternating
110dB(A) @1m
Tone 7
Tone 5
Tone 11
1000Hz @ 1Hz Intermittent
106dB(A) @ 1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 12
800/1000Hz @ 0.875Hz Alternating
106dB(A) @ 1m
Tone 4
Tone 5
Tone 13
2400Hz @ 1Hz Intermittent
112dB(A) @1m
Tone 15
Tone 5
Tone 14
800Hz 0.25sec on, 1 sec off Intermittent
108dB(A) @1m
Tone 4
Tone 5
Tone 15
Tone 16
800Hz Continuous
660Hz 150mS on, 150mS off Intermittent
108dB(A) @1m
104dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 18
Tone 5
Tone 5
Tone 17
544Hz (100mS)/440Hz (400mS) - NF S 32-001
104dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 27
Tone 18
660Hz 1.8sec on, 1.8sec off Intermittent
104dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 19
1.4KHz-1.6KHz 1s, 1.6KHz-1.4KHz 0.5s -NFC48-265
106dB(A) @ 1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 20
660Hz Continuous
104dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 21
554Hz/440Hz @ 1Hz Alternating
104dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 22
544Hz @ 0.875 sec. Intermittent
104dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 23
Tone 24
800Hz @ 2Hz Intermittent
800/1000Hz @ 50Hz Sweeping
108dB(A) @1m
108dB(A) @1m
Tone 6
Tone 29
Tone 5
Tone 5
Tone 25
2400/2900Hz @ 50Hz Sweeping
108dB(A) @1m
Tone 29
Tone 5
Tone 26
100dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 15
Tone 27
554Hz Continuous
104dB(A) @1m
Tone 26
Tone 5
Tone 28
440Hz Continuous
103dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 29
800/1000Hz @ 7Hz Sweeping
105dB(A) @1m
Tone 7
Tone 5
Tone 30
300Hz Continuous
100dB(A) @1m
Tone 2
Tone 5
Tone 31
660/1200Hz @ 1Hz Sweeping
105dB(A) @1m
Tone 26
Tone 5
Tone 32
Two tone chime.
103dB(A) @1m
Tone 26
Tone 15
Stage 1
Frequency Description.
Tone 1
340 Hz Continuous
Tone 2
Tone 3
800/1000Hz @ 0.25 sec Alternating
500/1200Hz @ 0.3Hz 0.5 sec Slow Whoop
Tone 4
Tone 5
dB@ 1m
1 2 3 4 5 6
102dB(A) @1m
106dB(A) @1m
NOTE: Ple ase check factory settings a nd ens ure the cor rect a larm tone is sele cted for your country or application.
Pas op: bij ingebr uikstelling die nt u zich ervan te overtuigen dat de unit op de juiste toon is ingeste ld.
Tone Selection / switch setting.
Switch settings are shown in the tone table. Black squares are the swi tch levers in the ON position.
Les réglages des commutate urs sont indiqués sur le tableau de tonalités. Les carrés noirs représentent les leviers des commutateurs en position MARCHE (ON).
Reverse polarity switching - On DC versions the second stage alarm tone can be selected by reversing
the polarity of the supplyvoltage if switch 6 is in the ON position and link L1 is made.
Com mutati on de polarité in versé e. - D ans le cas des ap parei ls c.c., il est p ossibl e de sélectionner la
ton alité d’ala rme de deuxième é tage en inversan t la tensio n d’al imentation si la paire de b roches L1
de la carte de circuits i mprim és es t reli ée pa r un cavali er.
Sch alten durch Polaritätsu mkehrung - Bei Gleichs pannu ngsaus führu ngen kann de r Ala rmton der
zwe iten Stufe durch Umpol ung de r Versorgun gsspa nnung gewäh lt we rden, wenn das Stiftpa ar L1 auf
der Leiterplatte verbu nden i st.
Com mutazi one po larità inve rsa: s ulle unità in CC, il s egnale acustico d i alla rme di seco ndo li vello può
ess ere se lezion ato i nverte ndo la tens ione d i alim entazione s e il connettore con pie dini L1 del circu ito
è collega to.
Con mutaci ón de polaridad invers a: en unida des d e CC el ton o de alarma de l a segu nda fase pu ede
sel eccion arse invirtiendo la te nsión de al imentación si el par d e pin es L1 de la PCB e stá conecta do.
Com utação de p olarid ade in versa . - Na s uni dades de cc, é po ssível sele cciona r o so m de alarme da
seg unda fase i nvertendo a tens ão de alime ntação se o supo rte de pino s L1 n o circuito impre sso
estiver liga do.
Inverteri ng af polaritet. - På j ævnstrømsen heder kan a larmto nen for and en fas e væl ges, ved at man
ven der sp ændin gen, hvis L 1 på printkortet er a ktiveret.
Omg ekeerd e pola ritei tsscha keling – op DC-ap parate n kan de tw eede fase al armto on ges electe erd
worden do or de toevo erspa nning om te keren wann eer de twe e PCB-penne n L1 op de PCB
do orve rbon den zij n.
Reversert pola ritet.. På D C utg aver velges andre trin ns ala rmton e ved å snu tilførselss penni ngen h vis
hovedpinn e L1 på kre tskortet e r linket.
Pol aritetsändring. – På DC-enh eter kan en andrasteg ssigna l väl jas ge nom a tt vän da ri ktning på
strömmen om sti ftsockeln L 1 på kretskortet är överbygl ad.
DC Line monitoring
Remove link L1 for line monitoring (DC).
Cou per L1 en cas de contrôle de s lign es d’ alimen tatio n (c.c.).
L1 zur Üb erwach ung d er Spa nnungs verso rgungs leitun gen (Gleich spannu ng)
du rch tre nne n.
Interromp ere L1 in caso di monitoraggi o del le lin ee del l’ali mentatore (C C).
Corte L1 si es tá mon itori zando las líneas de ali menta ción e léctrica (C C).
No caso d e mon itorização das l inhas da al imenta ção e léctri ca (cc), corte L 1 .
Afb ryd L 1, h vis s trømforsynings linje rne overvåges (jævnstrøm).
Ond erbree k L1 wanne er de voedi ngslij nen (DC) ge controleerd word en.
Ta ut L1 derso m strømlinj ene o vervå kes (D C).
112dB(A) Max.
Bryt L1 vid ko ntrol l av ström kablarna (D C).
•Disconnect from pow er source to prev ent electrical shock before installing and serv icing
•Couper l’ alime ntati on pour empêcher tout choc é lectr ique av ant d’effectuer des trav aux d’i nstal lation et
Die Schaltereinstellung en sind in der Tabelle der Töne angegeben. D ie schwarzen Quadrate kennzeichnen die Ein-Positionen der Schalter.
d’ entre tie n.
Le imp ostazioni degli inte rruttori so no mostrate nella ta bella dei s egnali acu stici. I riquadri neri indicano le leve d egli interruttori nel la posizio ne ON.
der I nstall ation und Wartung v on der Spannungsquell e abnehmen, um el ektri sche S chläge zu
v erme iden.
Los ajustes de interruptor se muestran en la tabla de tonos. Los cuadros negros representan las palancas de los interruptores en la posición ON.
Os ajustes dos interruptores estão indicados na tabela de sons. Os quadrados pretos indicam que as alavancas dos interruptores estão na posição LIGADA.
Kontaktind stillingerne fremgår af toneskemaet. Et sort felt betyder, at kontakten er aktiv (“ON”).
De schakelinstellingen staan vermeld in de toontabel. Zwarte vierkanten zijn de schakelaars in de stand AAN.
Bryterinnstillinger er beskrevet i tonetabellen. De svarte firkantene indikerer bryterposisjonene i PÅ-posisjon.
Brytarinställning arna visas i signaltab ellen. De svarta fyrkan terna är brytarna i ON -läge.
No liabil ity i s acce pted for an y con sequen ce of the u se of this docum ent. T he te chnica l spe cific ation of th is uni t is subjec t to change with out no tice due to our policy of
con tinual produ ct de velopm ent. All di mensio ns are approximat e.Thi s unit is sold su bject to ou r stan dard condit ions o f sal e, a c opy of whic h is a vaila ble on reque st.
•Pri ma del l’ins tallaz ione e del la manutenz ione s pegne re l’a limentazione ele ttric a per ev ita re scosse
ATTENTION ele ttric he.
•Des conecte la alimentación par a ev itar de scarga s elé ctrica s antes de la instala ción y mantenimie nto
•Antes de instal ar ou de fa zer a manutenção desligue se mpre da alim entaç ão elé ctrica para ev ita r choques
eléctr icos.
•Str ømmen skal a fbrydes v ed insta lleri ng og efter syn for at undgå elektr isk stød.
•Los koppel en v an de e lektri sche v oeding om e lektri sche schok v óór i nstal latie en onderhoud te v oorkom en.
•Før monte ring e ller v edlik ehold, må spenningen koples fra for å unngå s trømstøt.
•Bryt strömmen innan instal lation och under håll för att förhindra elektriska stöta r stötar.


Key Features

  • 32 tones
  • CPD compliant
  • 24/48VDC or 115/230VAC operation
  • Built-in volume control
  • EN54-3 compliant
  • IP55 rated
  • Line monitoring
  • Reverse polarity switching

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the voltage and current requirements for the alarm?
The A105N can operate on 24 or 48VDC or 115/230VAC. The current draw is 25mA for 24VDC, 50mA for 48VDC, 20mA for 115VAC, and 15mA for 230VAC.
What are the different tones available for the alarm?
The A105N has 32 different tones to choose from. The tones are listed in the manual and are compliant with EN54-3.
How do I select the tone for the alarm?
The tone is selected using the switch settings on the unit. The switch settings are shown in the tone table in the manual.
How do I adjust the volume of the alarm?
The A105N has a built-in volume control that can be adjusted to suit your needs.
What are the dimensions of the A105N?
The A105N is 133.5mm in diameter and 144mm square.

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