⑴Download and install “Amazon Alexa app;
⑵Sign up your Alexa account and pair your Echo show
2, Add PuwellCloud Skill
⑴Tap the menu icon at the top-left corner of the Alexa app
⑵Tap “Skills” to enter Skills Store
⑶Enter “Puwell Cloud” in search bar and click the search button
⑷Puwell Cloud Skill will be shown among the search results, click it
to see the details.
⑸You will see a “ENABLE” button on this page, click it to enable
this skill.
⑹After enabling the skill, you will enter the “Account Link”
interface. Please enter your account and password, click
⑺When the page prompts that the link is successful, you can close
the page.
⑻ After closing the Account Link result page (or pressing the
backspace key) ,it returns to the skill details page. A prompt will be
shown to ask you if you want to find the device immediately or not.
Click “Discover Devices” to start searching for devices.(There
must be a device under the account to search.)
⑼There will be a prompt for progress during the process;
⑽Once the search is complete, the device under your account will
be displayed. The green tag is the device name, and the device can
be controlled by this name.
You have successfully added skills and devices. Now you can start
controlling your device.
You can also find the device through the speaker. The voice
command is:
“Alexa, discover my smart home devices” or “Alexa, discover
device”,“Alexa find device”
Usually about a minute later(According to the tips of alexa),
the speaker will prompt you how many devices it has found. You can
log into the Alexa app and go to the "Smart Home" menu to see the
names of the devices.
3, Control devices
Please confirm that the camera name corresponds to the
language set by alexa, make sure the location of the camera is included
in the name, and do not use special characters for the name.
For example: “door camera”, “kitchen camera” will be ok.
⑵ Show the video
Control grammar: Suppose your camera name is “door camera”
“Alexa, show me the door camera.”OR “Alexa, show the door
Grammar explanation:
“Alexa” wakes up the Echo show, and then a blue light bar will
light up at the bottom of the screen.
The "Wait for puwell" waiting screen will be showed on the screen
when receiving the "Show me the door camera" command, until the
video is displayed.
⑶ Shut down the video
Control grammar: Suppose your camera name is “door camera”
“Alexa, close door camera.”
Grammar explanation:
The screen will be back to the home screen when receiving the
"close door camera" command,