Smart Glasses User Manual

Smart Glasses User Manual

Below you will find brief information for Smart Glasses. This manual describes how to use the Smart Glasses, including how to charge the battery, connect to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, set up personal preferences, and use the camera and other apps. The manual also includes a troubleshooting section to help you resolve common problems.


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Smart super glass E580 User Manual | Manualzz


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2015A"r ghts are reserved No part ofth s document may be reproducedˇ v thout permissi° n

Ⅵ /h"ea"efforts have been made t° ensure the accuracy of a"contents in this manua1ˇ ve assu me no|iab"ity for errors or omissions or statelη ents of any kind in this lη anual,ˇ vhether such errors° r。 missions or statements resu"ing from neg igence,accidents,° r any other cause

The contents ofthis manua|are subjectto change vv thout nouce

Protec1ourenv ronment We stHveto produce products in colη p"anCeˇ v"h global envtronmenta| standards P|ease consu"yourIocal auth° r ties for proper disposa|

N ote∶ User’ s Manua"s Justt° guide the user aboutthe funct ona"ty ofthe smartsuper g|ass

This does not$ubstantiate any certincate。 f technoIogy s° me funcuons may vary dueto mod fications and up-gradat on ofsoftware or due to print ng mistake

P ea$e ensure you read theimportant produot use guide before using the product

The sma吐 superg ass appearanco s8Ilown IlⅡ p cture$for ref° ⒑ nce on y;y° ursmn"st""""Ⅱ di仟 erent Please take your ac1uaI$uρ



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Earphone Connector GD",l”

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Charger Connector HP|k)t1"hl

Reset Key I sDC:tr(I

VsB`Mouse Connector



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I lnsertearρ hone and mouse

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YOursmart super glass¨

…———¨…… ˉ

Key Descriptions ¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ˉ… … ¨¨

¨ˉ ¨

ˉ ˉ ¨ … ¨ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ6

Charge the Battery ˉ ˉ ¨ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ6

ˉ … …

ˉ ˉ ¨ ˉ …ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ6

2 FⅡ

e Manager-ˉ

ˉ ¨ ˉ …ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉˉ … ˉ

3 Camera-ˉ

¨ ¨ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … …ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ8

ˉ~ ˉ ˉ ˉ …… ˉ …… 8


¨¨ˉ ¨ -ˉ ˉˉˉ¨ˉ ˉ

- ˉˉ¨¨8


ˉ¨¨ˉ ˉˉ¨ˉ ¨¨¨¨ˉ¨¨9

7 Music

¨ ¨ ˉ ˉ ˉ ¨ ¨ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ¨


…¨¨… ~~ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ9

9Wireless update~ ~¨


ˉ ˉ - ¨

10 Player

ˉ ˉˉ ∶


… ˉ ˉ ¨ ˉ … ˉ

110ther APPs-ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ… ˉˉ ¨ˉ ˉ9

12 sense f"p cl° ck-ˉ

ˉ ˉ ˉ …ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ



ˉ ¨ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ

ˉ ˉ ˉ ¨ˉ ˉ10

Care and Maintenance-ˉ ˉ ¨ ˉ … ˉ

ˉ ˉ


CongratulauonsonyourpurChaseofthesuperglass YOursmart suρ er glass prov des many funct⒗ ns w"。 h are pract⒗alfor d引 use,suoh as a v deo p ayeG oamera,MP3p ayer,"deo re∞


rdoⅡ and more Yoursuperglass can also oonneCt mouse,or othΘ r device using a VsB data cable

You can read the manuaIto understand hoW to凵 supefg ass and exρ sethe smad e冖 ence the we卜 estab ished functions and

引 d P ease use tlle oHginal aocessoryin orderto ach eve the bestuse ofefects Vse ofnonˉ o冖 ginaI components resu"s n ofthe damage caused ofby machinery in

Wh Ch Case We sha"not be resp° nsible

For Υ our safety

Before using your sma沃 superg ass,please read the fo owing impo改 an1hforma"onto d mhate orreduce any p° causing damage and pers° naIinlury s引

"lty of

deta"ed seCu",Instrucuons bθ fore ConnectIng⒗ other

Imρ ropoΓ use W"inval旧 ate thθ warranty!these safelyinslruCuons

Backuρ Copies


r Key F Camera

Earρ hone Conneot" G Detachableleg snaρ b【 on

Chargθ r Connector HP"0tL gh1


ey I sD Card

VsB`Mousθ Connec1or

RemoV⊙ odnstaIItho mom° ry card nsertthθ θ×

sIot WⅡ h1hθ contaCtfaChg down TO rθ moˇ ethe mioro sD card, ge刂



ess and sIide"out


1 Plug onθ

2Connθ ct another end ofthe chargerto thθ sooket


θ r∶ nto supθ r gIass oharging"can bθ oharged whothθ r p°


ρoworo仔 when tho1ndloator"ghtrθ d mθ ans"is boon oharged Whenthe nd o臼

1or ightgrθ θ n means oh臼 rg。 oomp eted

4Vnplug the chargerfrom the socket

5DisConoΘ C1the chargΘ r and the supθ rg19ss l。



Jfrph° ne而 b曲 e

θ hone

踯 槲 s:d:妇 m创


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茹吕 曹 m旧

Inthis monu,you can sθ loot and set W卜 FI,BIuetooth



You can connectlo a W"θ

IΘ ss LAN(W卜 and doWnIoad w"h high spθ θ

FI),use“ to accθ g8

In Menu`sθ ttings`ˇ icon bθ sidθ Wiˉ


s,slide thθ

FitOward"ghtto turn on W卜 Fi Prθ ss W卜 Fl to oheok aVa"able W卜 Fi nθ 1Works sθ lθ o1one opθ n network,y° u oan accΘ sst0the network d rθ ouy Ifthθ network y° u selected Is passw° rd





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Bofore transm"data,you may need to matCh with other

Blue1oo1h devioes

Dθ ˇICe h1his menu,you oan setsound and disp ay,cheok storage and bat1ery,and managθ apps l PersonaI

・Looauon Aocess

涨 墚 漱


:∶ security

DEVlCE ADM|NIstRAtI0N,and CREDENTlAL sT0RAGE n this menu



age,keyboard&np“ method⒐ speeoh,

・ Backup&Reset

腿 i罟



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TO add neW aocountofEma"`Goog e and so on

I system


me set"me and date forthe phone

scheduled PoWer On&0仟

set"meto poWeron`o仟 thθ phone automau° ally

To set accessib"ty funoti° ns forthe suρ er glass

To Chθ Ck status,lega informauon,et。

Inth s menu,you can seIeotto oheokthis maohine storago and sD card AlIow youto manage nIes

By using the oamera appI oatlon,you oan1ake photos or v deo recordsfor around peopIe or eVents anyume PrΘ s: the Cameraiconin main mθ nu to enter Prθ ssthθ shoot icon orrecord icon to take photos or video records

Pfessthe consonscreenortosetparametersofthθ camera orrecordeΓ nthe mθ nu,youoanturnonoroffthθ bIuetooth nthe menu,youoantumonorofftheWIFI

翮 斡孽 神渭颦 bar to visIt

Pressthθ IConin main menu And you can updatθ and the weathθ rforecast



rthe widgets ln thθ widgets"st,y° u Can seIect dosIrθ d Widgetto add to idIo l璀 screθ n to oporatθ


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audio player


You can usθ Ga"Θ ry toˇ

Υ ou cao uρ datθ theIatestsomWarein the me冂 u

You can usθ

Video playθ rto V θ os

ˇou can download andinsta"the android version ofthe app"oa"on soflware

槲撕擀 娲胖面

Ilfesρ ・ an

黯 链鞲 槲 叩

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嬲眇∞ in Cold areas When the devioθ




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FrequentIyAsked Questions

口ease Ly and movθ to a⒗ cauon W"h


Key Features

  • Wi-Fi & Bluetooth connectivity
  • Camera with photo & video recording
  • Multimedia playback (music, video)
  • Multiple apps for varied functionality
  • Personalized settings
  • User-friendly interface

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I charge the Smart Glasses?
Connect one end of the charger to the Smart Glasses and the other end to the power socket. The indicator light will turn red when charging and turn green when fully charged.
How do I connect to Wi-Fi?
Go to Settings > Wireless & Networks > Wi-Fi. Slide the Wi-Fi icon to the right to turn on Wi-Fi. Select the desired Wi-Fi network and enter the password (if required).
How do I use the camera?
Press the Camera icon in the main menu. Press the shoot icon or record icon to take photos or videos. You can also press the screen to adjust camera settings.

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