Apelco LDR 9910 radar Instruction manual

The Apelco LDR 9910 radar is a compact and powerful radar that provides clear and detailed images of other vessels, buoys, and landfall surrounding your vessel.

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Apelco LDR 9910 Radar Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • LCD display
  • Compact and powerful
  • Easy installation
  • Long-term reliability
  • Electronic Bearing Line (EBL)
  • Variable Range Marker (VRM)
  • Seaguard Alarm
  • Target Expansion
  • Interference Rejection
  • Offset

Frequently asked questions

The maximum range of the Apelco LDR 9910 radar is 8 nautical miles.

The minimum range of the Apelco LDR 9910 radar is 0.25 nm.

To adjust the tuning of the radar, press the 'TUNE' key and use the 'UP' or 'DOWN' keys to adjust the tuning until you see the most targets on the screen. The bar graph on the lower right-hand corner of the display will give you an indication of the TUNE setting.

The 'SEA CLUTTER' control reduces the strength of false echoes received from waves at short range. Adjust it until the clutter appears only as small dots or until small targets can be distinguished.

To measure the range of a target, press the 'VRM' key and use the 'UP' or 'DOWN' keys to move the variable range marker to the closest edge of the target. The target distance will be displayed in the lower character area.

To measure the bearing of a target, press the 'EBL' key and use the 'UP' or 'DOWN' keys to move the electronic bearing line to the center of the target. The target relative bearing will be displayed in the lower character area.
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