Advanced Bionics Harmony User manual

Below you will find brief information for Harmony. This document outlines the basic troubleshooting steps for the Harmony, a device designed to help with hearing loss. In case of any water exposure, you need to take immediate action to prevent damage, as explained in the manual.

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Harmony User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Troubleshooting guide
  • LED indication status
  • PowerCel charging information
  • Water damage instructions
  • Accessories list

Frequently asked questions

Remove the PowerCel battery from the Harmony. Shake out any excess water. Place the Harmony and headpiece in the Dri-Aid Kit overnight. If no kit is available, leave to dry at room temperature. Do not attempt to speed up the drying process by using a hairdryer or other equipment as this can cause further damage.

The green light blinking means the microphone is picking up good sound and the processor is functioning correctly.

A PowerCel charger will give you information as to whether the PowerCel is charging correctly. If there is a problem with the PowerCel charger, try this link:
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