IBM 10.1 DB2 Connect User's Guide

IBM 10.1 DB2 Connect User's Guide

Below you will find brief information for DB2 Connect 10.1. DB2 Connect provides connectivity to mainframe and midrange databases from Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems. You can connect to DB2® databases on the z/OS®, IBM® i, VSE, and VM operating systems and on IBM Power Systems™ hardware. You can also connect to databases that you did not create by using IBM products if they are Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®) compliant. DB2 Connect is the industry-leading solution integrating System z®, System i® and other enterprise data with client/server, web, mobile, and service-oriented architecture applications. DB2 Connect delivers significant feature enhancements to improve programmer productivity, provide a more robust infrastructure, and enable the deployment of DB2 technology.


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DB2 Connect 10.1 User's Guide | Manualzz
IBM DB2 Connect 10.1
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Updated January, 2013
IBM DB2 Connect 10.1
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Updated January, 2013
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About this book . . . . . . . . . . . v
Chapter 1. DB2 Connect overview . . . 1
Key Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Client and server connection options . . . . .
Functionality in DB2 features in DB2 Connect
product editions . . . . . . . . . . . .
Host databases . . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect and SQL statements . . . . . .
DB2 Connect administration utilities . . . . .
InfoSphere Federation Server and DB2 Connect. .
DB2 Connect scenarios . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect client access to host databases . . .
DB2 Connect server products as connectivity
servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect and transaction processing monitors
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Supported DB2 Connect interface languages . . .
Displaying the DB2 Setup wizard in your
national language (Linux and UNIX) . . . . .
Language identifiers for running the DB2 Setup
wizard in another language . . . . . . . .
Changing the DB2 Connect product interface
language (Windows) . . . . . . . . . .
Changing the DB2 Connect interface language
(Linux and UNIX) . . . . . . . . . . .
Conversion of character data . . . . . . .
Prerequisites for installing DB2 Connect server
product. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server
products (AIX) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server
products (HP-UX) . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server
products (Linux). . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect
products (Solaris) . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server
products (Windows) . . . . . . . . . .
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect
Personal Edition (Linux) . . . . . . . . .
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect
Personal Edition (Windows) . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect disk and memory requirements . .
Java software support for DB2 Connect . . . .
Preparing to install DB2 Connect for Linux on
zSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kernel parameters (Linux and UNIX). . . . . .
Modifying kernel parameters for DB2 Connect
(HP-UX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Recommended kernel configuration parameters
for DB2 Connect (HP-UX) . . . . . . . .
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
Modifying kernel parameters for DB2 Connect
(Linux) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modifying kernel parameters for DB2 Connect
(Solaris) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect server products: installation and
configuration overview . . . . . . . . .
AIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HP-UX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Typical steps required to install and configure DB2
Connect Personal Edition . . . . . . . . .
Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maintaining license keys . . . . . . . . .
Registering a DB2 Connect license key using the
db2licm command . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the DB2 Connect license policy using the
db2licm command . . . . . . . . . .
Post-installation tasks . . . . . . . . . .
Adding your user ID to the DB2ADMNS and
DB2USERS user groups (Windows) . . . .
Applying fix packs to DB2 Connect . . . .
Uninstalling . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Uninstalling DB2 Connect (Windows) . . .
Uninstalling DB2 Connect (Linux and UNIX) .
. 29
. 31
. 60
. 60
. 61
Chapter 3. Upgrading to the latest
version of DB2 Connect . . . . . . . 67
Upgrade essentials for DB2 Connect . . .
Pre-upgrade tasks for DB2 Connect servers .
Upgrading DB2 Connect servers . . . .
Post-upgrade tasks for DB2 Connect servers
Chapter 4. Configuring . . . . . . . . 75
Preparing IBM DB2 for IBM i for connections from
DB2 Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparing DB2 for z/OS for connections from DB2
Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Host databases . . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring TCP/IP for DB2 for z/OS . . .
Configuring DB2 for z/OS . . . . . . .
Preparing DB2 for VSE & VM for connections from
DB2 Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sysplex support . . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect server Sysplex support . . . .
Configuring connections to IBM mainframe
database servers . . . . . . . . . . . .
Registering a DB2 Connect license key using the
db2licm command . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5. Administering . . . . . . . 85
. 75
. 80
. 80
. 81
. 83
. 83
Binding applications and utilities (DB2 Connect
server) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Moving data with DB2 Connect . . . . . . . 88
Automatic client reroute description and setup (DB2
Connect server) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Administering DB2 Connect systems . . . . . . 91
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Distributed Relational Database Architecture . . 97
Updating database directories . . . . . . . 100
DB2 Connect and SQL statements . . . . . 110
Multisite Updates . . . . . . . . . . . 110
SQLCODE mapping . . . . . . . . . . 113
Chapter 6. Monitoring DB2 Connect
server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Monitoring connections for remote clients .
Monitoring performance using the Windows
Performance Monitor . . . . . . . .
Using the GET SNAPSHOT commands. .
DCS application status . . . . . . .
. 119
. 119
. 120
. 122
Chapter 7. Developing database
applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Running your own applications .
. 127
Chapter 8. Security . . . . . . . . . 129
Trusted connections through DB2 Connect. . . .
Creating and terminating a trusted connection
through CLI . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Switching users on a trusted connection through
CLI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect authentication considerations . . .
Kerberos support . . . . . . . . . . .
Authentication types supported with DB2
Connect server . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 9. Tuning
. . . . . . . . . 137
DB2 Connect performance considerations . . . .
Application design . . . . . . . . . . .
Connection management . . . . . . . . .
Connection pooling . . . . . . . . . .
Connection concentrator . . . . . . . . .
Connection pooling and connection concentrator
Connection concentrator required with
WebSphere MQ Transaction Manager and DB2
for z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 Connect User's Guide
DB2 Connect server tuning . . . . . . . .
Host database tuning . . . . . . . . .
Network tuning considerations . . . . .
System resources contention . . . . . .
DB2 Connect performance troubleshooting .
Tuning DB2 for z/OS. . . . . . . . .
Increasing DB2 Connect data transfer rates .
Extra query block . . . . . . . . . .
RFC-1323 Window scaling . . . . . . .
High availability and load balancing for host
database connectivity. . . . . . . . .
Host data conversion . . . . . . . . .
Data types for character data . . . . . .
Network hardware . . . . . . . . .
CLI/ODBC application performance tuning . .
Chapter 10. Troubleshooting . . . . . 161
Troubleshooting DB2 Connect servers . . . . . 161
Gathering relevant information . . . . . . 161
Initial connection is not successful . . . . . 161
Problems encountered after an initial connection 162
Diagnostic tools . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Chapter 11. Messages. . . . . . . . 165
Common DB2 Connect problems .
. 165
Appendix A. Overview of the DB2
technical information . . . . . . . . 169
DB2 technical library in hardcopy or PDF format
Displaying SQL state help from the command line
processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing different versions of the DB2
Information Center . . . . . . . . . .
Updating the DB2 Information Center installed on
your computer or intranet server . . . . . .
Manually updating the DB2 Information Center
installed on your computer or intranet server .
DB2 tutorials . . . . . . . . . . . .
DB2 troubleshooting information . . . . . .
Terms and conditions. . . . . . . . . .
. 172
. 172
. 172
Appendix B. Notices . . . . . . . . 179
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
About this book
The DB2 Connect User's Guide provides all the information you need to learn about
and use the DB2 Connect™ product. DB2 Connect concepts are presented with
typical scenario showing the relationships between DB2 Connect and the other
parts of the network environment. Considerations involving database directories,
security between systems, multisite updates, moving data, and monitoring DB2
Connect are discussed. How DB2 Connect supports high availability in your
network environment is presented. Ensuring good performance by DB2 Connect
and across the network is introduced as are some topics concerned with
troubleshooting possible problems.
Who should use this book?
System administrators, database administrators, and system communications
specialists would all be interested in part or all of this book.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 1. DB2 Connect overview
DB2 Connect provides connectivity to mainframe and midrange databases from
Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems. You can connect to DB2® databases
on the z/OS®, IBM® i, VSE, and VM operating systems and on IBM Power
Systems™ hardware.
You can also connect to databases that you did not create by using IBM products if
they are Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®) compliant.
DB2 Connect is the industry-leading solution integrating System z®, System i® and
other enterprise data with client/server, web, mobile, and service-oriented
architecture applications. DB2 Connect delivers significant feature enhancements to
improve programmer productivity, provide a more robust infrastructure, and
enable the deployment of DB2 technology. DB2 Connect has several product
v DB2 Connect Personal Edition
Connect Enterprise Edition
Connect Application Server Edition
Connect Unlimited Edition for System z
Connect Unlimited Edition for System i
DB2 Connect Application Server Advanced Edition
v IBM DB2 Connect Unlimited Advanced Edition for System z
For detailed information about DB2 Connect product offerings, see:
It is strongly recommended that you use DB2 Connect client, notably the IBM data
server drivers and clients, instead of the DB2 Connect server. IBM data server
drivers and clients provide the same connection and application development
functionality as the DB2 Connect server. However, you can reduce complexity,
improve performance, and deploy application solutions with smaller footprints for
your business users. DB2 Connect license files are required. For more information
about DB2 Connect client, refer to Client and server connection options.
Key Concepts
Client and server connection options
DB2 Connect server provides a single point of connectivity to numerous
workstations supporting a variety of applications. However, it adds additional
processing time to applications accessing DB2 for z/OS data and increases the
elapsed time of those applications.
Starting with DB2 Connect Version 8 and later, DB2 Connect clients use the DRDA
protocol natively to connect directly to DB2 for z/OS and DB2 for IBM i.
Advantages of using DB2 Connect server
DB2 Connect server is advantageous in the following situations:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
v For two-phase commits, if you are using transaction managers that use a dual
transport model
v For Homogeneous Federation
Advantages of using DB2 Connect client
You can replace DB2 Connect server with DB2 Connect client, choosing from
among the various IBM data server drivers, the IBM Data Server Runtime Client,
or the IBM Data Server Client. DB2 Connect client and drivers offer functionality
that is equivalent or superior to that of DB2 Connect server and includes the
following other advantages:
v Enhanced Performance. You can achieve better performance due to less network
traffic and code paths. DB2 Connect clients simplify network topology, since a
direct connection is established between the application server and DB2 z/OS.
This will also eliminate network hop and DB2 Connect gateway routing.
Reduced resource consumption means hardware or software resources are not
required for DB2 Connect server machines.
v Reduced footprint. By replacing DB2 Connect server with DB2 Connect client,
you can reduce complexity and deploy application solutions with smaller
footprints and achieve overall benefits.
v Improved availability. Application access, using IBM data server drivers or
clients, to DB2 for z/OS data equals to or is superior to three-tier configuration
due to elimination of a point of failure.
v Improved monitoring. A direct connection makes it easier to monitor application
server or web application server traffic and behavior.
v Improved problem determination. If an application experiences a performance
problem, the presence of the DB2 Connect server complicates the efforts to
identify the source of the problem.
v Latest code levels. You can obtain the latest code levels to exploit new server
features and APIs. Data support for some features such as new data types is
easier to obtain.
If you replace DB2 Connect server with DB2 Connect client, DB2 Connect license
files are required. In a DB2 Connect server configuration, DB2 Connect entitlement
is stored at the DB2 Connect server, not at individual clients. If you change to
direct client connectivity, you must store the DB2 Connect entitlement at each
Functionality in DB2 features in DB2 Connect product editions
Some functionality is available in only certain DB2 Connect product editions. In
some cases, the functionality is associated with a particular DB2 feature.
The table indicates which functionality is included in a DB2 Connect product
edition. If the functionality is not applicable to the DB2 Connect products, the
value "Not applicable" is specified.
Table 1. Functionality in DB2 Connect product editions
DB2 Connect Personal
DB2 Connect server editions
Adaptive Compression
Advanced Copy Service
Compression: backup
Compression: Data
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Table 1. Functionality in DB2 Connect product editions (continued)
DB2 Connect Personal
DB2 Connect server editions
Compression: Index
Compression: Temp table
Compression: XML
Connection concentrator
Continuous Data Ingest
Database partitioning
DB2 Governor
Heterogeneous Federation
High availability disaster
Homogeneous Federation
Homogeneous Q Replication
IBM Data Studio
IBM InfoSphere Optim
pureQuery Runtime
Label-based access control
Materialized query tables
Multidimensional clustering
(MDC) tables
Multi-Temperature Storage
Online reorganization
pureXML storage
Query parallelism
Replication tools
Scan Sharing
Spatial Extender
Time Travel Query
Table partitioning
Tivoli System Automation
Workload management
IBM InfoSphere Optim
Performance Manager
Extended Edition1
DB2 pureScale
Chapter 1. DB2 Connect overview
Table 1. Functionality in DB2 Connect product editions (continued)
DB2 Connect Personal
DB2 Connect server editions
1. IBM InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager Extended Edition is a follow-on to
Performance Expert. IBM InfoSphere Optim Performance Manager Extended Edition
helps optimize the performance and availability of mission-critical databases and
2. Only DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z and DB2 Connect Application Server
Advanced Edition include IBM InfoSphere Optim pureQuery Runtime.
3. Replication tools except the Replication Center are available on all supported operating
systems. The Replication Center is available only on Linux and Windows operating
Host databases
The term database is used throughout this document to describe a relational
database management system (RDBMS).
Other systems with which DB2 Connect communicates might use the term
database to describe a slightly different concept. The DB2 Connect term database
can also refer to:
System z
DB2 for z/OS. A DB2 for z/OS subsystem identified by its LOCATION
NAME. Use the z/OS -display ddf command to get the DB2 server
location name, domain name, IP address and port.
A DB2 for z/OS location is the unique name of a database server. An
application uses the location name to access a DB2 for z/OS subsystem or
a DB2 for z/OS data sharing group. A data sharing group enables
applications on different DB2 subsystems to read from and write to the
same data concurrently. The application uses a DB2 data sharing group
network address to access a DB2 data sharing location. The accessed DB2
subsystem is transparent to the application.
Since DB2 for z/OS supports multiple databases at the same DB2 location,
the location name is analogous to a Linux, UNIX, and Windows database
alias name. A database alias can be used to override the location or
location alias name when accessing a location. A location alias is another
name for a location. It is used to control which subsystems in a data
sharing group are accessed by an application.
LOCATION NAME is also defined in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) as
well as the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location), which is written
when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started. LOCATION NAME
supports up to 8 alias location names, allowing applications the ability to
use different dbalias names to access a Version 8 z/OS server.
IBM Power Systems Servers
IBM DB2 for IBM i, an integral part of the IBM i operating system. Only
one database can exist on an IBM Power Systems server unless the system
is configured to use independent auxiliary storage pools.
DB2 Connect and SQL statements
DB2 Connect forwards SQL statements submitted by application programs to IBM
mainframe database servers.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
DB2 Connect can forward almost any valid SQL statement, as well as the
supported DB2 APIs (application programming interfaces):
v Perl
Embedded SQL
Embedded SQL support
Two types of embedded SQL processing exist: static SQL and dynamic SQL. Static
SQL minimizes the time required to execute an SQL statement by processing in
advance. Dynamic SQL is processed when the SQL statement is submitted to the
IBM mainframe database server. Dynamic SQL is more flexible, but potentially
slower. The decision to use static or dynamic SQL is made by the application
programmer. Both types are supported by DB2 Connect.
Different IBM mainframe database servers implement SQL differently. DB2 Connect
fully supports the common IBM SQL, as well as the DB2 for z/OS, DB2 Server for
VM and VSE (formerly SQL/DS), and IBM DB2 for IBM i implementations of SQL.
IBM SQL is strongly recommended for maintaining database independence.
DB2 Connect administration utilities
You can use certain utilities to administer DB2 Connect servers
You can use the following utilities to administer DB2 Connect servers:
v The Command Line Processor (CLP) or CLPPlus. You can use the CLP or
CLPPlus to issue SQL statements against an IBM mainframe database server
database. The SQL statements are issued on the database that you specify.
Note: CLPPlus for administration is available in the IBM data server driver
package and does not require DB2 Connect server modules to be installed.
v Replication tools to set up and administer all replication programs for Q
replication and SQL replication. These tools are the Replication Center, the
ASNCLP command-line program, and the Replication Alert Monitor tool. The
Replication Center is available only on Linux and Windows operating systems.
v Import and export utilities. You can use these utilities to load, import, and to
export data to and from a file on a workstation or an IBM mainframe database
server database. You can then use these files to import data into databases,
spreadsheets, and other applications running on your workstation.
v The Event Viewer and the Performance Monitor. If you are running a DB2
Connect server product, you can use these tools. Using the Event Viewer, you
Chapter 1. DB2 Connect overview
can view exception events that DB2 Connect logs. Using the Performance
Monitor, you can monitor and manage the performance of DB2 Connect servers
either locally or remotely.
v The database system monitor utility. You can use this utility to monitor system
connections. This function is available only when DB2 Connect is acting as
server. You can also use this utility to determine the source of an error. You can
correlate client applications with the corresponding jobs running on the IBM
mainframe database server.
InfoSphere Federation Server and DB2 Connect
InfoSphere Federation Server is a separate product offering that provides access to
and integration of data across multivendor data sources, while DB2 Connect
enables you to leverage the large volumes of data located in existing host and
midrange servers.
InfoSphereFederation Server helps integrate information by allowing a collection of
data sources to be viewed and manipulated as if they were a single source. It
makes data source access completely transparent to the calling application.
InfoSphere Federation Server works in conjunction with DB2 Connect server
products. InfoSphere Federation Server provides native read and write access to
the DB2 family of products, Informix®, Oracle, Sybase, Teradata, and Microsoft
SQL Server databases. InfoSphere Federation Server also provides read access to
nonrelational and life sciences data sources such as Documentum, IBM Lotus®
Extended Search, table-structured files, and XML. You can use it to formulate
queries on data in a federated system.
DB2 Connect scenarios
DB2 Connect can provide a variety of solutions to your IBM mainframe database
access needs.
This topic outlines several scenarios that might apply to your particular needs or
DB2 Connect client access to host databases
DB2 Connect's basic feature is providing a direct connection to a host database
from desktop applications running on your workstations. IBM Data Server Driver
Package with DB2 Connect license is the simplest way to provide this solution.
Each workstation that has a client package and DB2 Connect license installed can
establish a direct TCP/IP connection to DB2 for z/OS, IBM DB2 for IBM i, and
DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows servers. In addition, applications can connect
to and update multiple DB2 family databases in the same transaction with the
complete data integrity provided by the two-phase commit protocol.
Figure 1 on page 7 shows a direct connection to an IBM mainframe database server
from a workstation with DB2 Connect Personal Edition installed.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
for VSE
for VM
for IBM i
for z/OS
System z
IBM Data server client package
with DB2 Connect license
Application 4
Application 3
Application 2
Application 1
Application n
Figure 1. Direct Connection Between DB2 Connect and an IBM mainframe database server
1. All IBM data server drivers provide the ability to perform workload balancing
and seamless automatic client reroute features without requiring DB2 Connect
modules to be installed or configured.
DB2 Connect server products as connectivity servers
A DB2 Connect Server is used to provide a single point of connectivity to
numerous workstations supporting a variety of applications.
Figure 2 on page 8 illustrates IBM's solution for environments in which you want a
DB2 client to make an indirect connection to an IBM mainframe database server
through a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition.
Chapter 1. DB2 Connect overview
for VSE
for VM
for z/OS
for IBM i
System z
DB2 Connect server
Named Pipes, TCP/IP
Figure 2. DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
If a TCP/IP connection to the DB2 Connect server is lost, the client will
automatically attempt to reestablish the connection. The client will first attempt to
reestablish the connection to the original server. If the connection is not
reestablished, the client will failover to an alternate DB2 Connect server. (The
alternate server is specified on the server instance and its location is returned to
the client during the connection.) If the connection to the alternate server is not
reestablished, the client will attempt to reestablish the connection to the original
server. The client will continue the attempts to reestablish the connection,
switching between the original server and the alternate server, until the connection
is established or the number of attempts time out.
DB2 Connect and transaction processing monitors
A transaction can be thought of as a routine event, usually a request for service, in
running the day-to-day operations of an organization. The orderly processing of
transactions is the type of work for which Transaction Processing (TP) monitors
were designed.
An application server permits a large number of users to execute applications
using a minimum of system resources. An application server can be extended to
allow coordinated transactions to be invoked from applications executed by the
application server. This transaction coordination is generally known as a
Transaction Processing (TP) monitor. A TP monitor works in conjunction with an
application server.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Transaction processing
Every organization has rules and procedures that describe how it is supposed to
operate. The user applications which implement these rules can be called business
logic. The transactions these business applications execute are often referred to as
Transaction Processing or Online Transaction Processing (OLTP).
The key characteristics of commercial OLTP are:
Many Users
It is common for transaction processing to be used by the majority of the
people in an organization, since so many people affect the current state of
the business.
Most interactions with the computer tend to be the same process executed
over and over again. For example, entering an order or processing
payments are used many times every day.
Short Interactions
Most interactions that people in the organization have with the transaction
processing system are short in duration.
Data Sharing
Since data represents the state of the organization, there can only be a
single copy of the data.
Data Integrity
The data must represent the current state of the organization, and must be
internally consistent. For example, every order must be associated with a
customer record.
Low Cost/Transaction
Since the transaction processing represents a direct cost of doing business,
the cost of the system must be minimal. DB2 Connect allows applications
under the control of an application server running on Linux, UNIX, and
Windows to execute transactions against remote LAN, and IBM mainframe
database servers and have these transactions coordinated by a TP monitor.
Chapter 1. DB2 Connect overview
non-DB2 XA-capable RM
(e.g. Oracle, MQ, file)
Jane, Mike,
Tom, Sue
Select name
TP monitor
(Encina, Tuxedo,
SQL and XA
DB2 Connect Server
TP monitor API/flows
Figure 3. DB2 Connect support for TP monitors
In Figure 3, the APIs, as well as the connectivity mechanism between the
application server and the back-end database servers, are provided by a DB2
Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition.
Examples of transaction processing monitors
The most common TP monitors on the market today are:
v IBM WebSphere® Application Server
v IBM WebSphere MQ
IBM TxSeries CICS®
BEA Tuxedo
BEA WebLogic
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)
Remote IBM Power Systems, System z, and LAN database servers can be used
within transactions coordinated by these TP monitors.
X/Open Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) model
An application executing business logic might be required to update multiple
resources within a single transaction. For example, a bank application which
implements a transfer of money from one account to another could require
debiting one database (the "from" account) and depositing to another database (the
"to" account).
It is also possible that different vendors provide these two databases. For example,
one database is a DB2 for z/OS and the other is an Oracle database. Rather than
have every TP monitor implement each database vendor's proprietary transaction
interface, a common transaction interface between a TP monitor and any resource
DB2 Connect User's Guide
accessed by an application has been defined. This interface is known as the XA
Interface. A TP monitor that uses the XA Interface is referred to as an XA compliant
Transaction Manager (TM). An updatable resource that implements the XA interface
is referred to as an XA compliant Resource Manager (RM).
The previously listed TP monitors are all XA compliant TMs. Remote host, IBM
Power Systems, and DB2 LAN-based databases, when accessed via DB2 Connect,
are XA compliant RMs. Therefore, any TP monitor which has an XA compliant TM
can use host, IBM Power Systems, and LAN-based DB2 databases within business
applications executing transactions.
Chapter 1. DB2 Connect overview
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Supported DB2 Connect interface languages
DB2 language support for DB2 interfaces can be categorized into server group
languages and client group languages.
Server group languages will translate most messages, help, and DB2 graphical
interface elements. Client group languages will translate the IBM Data Server
Runtime Client component, which will include most messages and certain help
Server group languages include: Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Finnish,
French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Simplified
Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, and Traditional Chinese.
Client group languages include: Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Dutch, Greek,
Hebrew, Hungarian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Turkish.
Do not confuse languages supported by the DB2 database product with languages
supported by the DB2 interface. Languages supported by the DB2 database
product means the languages in which data can exist. These languages are a
superset of languages supported by the DB2 interface.
Displaying the DB2 Setup wizard in your national language
(Linux and UNIX)
The db2setup command queries the operating system to determine the existing
language settings. If the language setting of your operating system is supported by
db2setup, then that language will be used when displaying the DB2 Setup wizard.
If your system uses the same code pages but different locale names than those
supported by the DB2 interface, you can still see the translated db2setup by setting
your LANG environment variable to the appropriate value by entering the following
bourne (sh), korn (ksh), and bash shells:
export LANG
C shell:
setenv LANG locale
where locale is a locale supported by the DB2 interface.
Language identifiers for running the DB2 Setup wizard in
another language
If you want to run the DB2 Setup wizard in a language different from the default
language on your computer, you can start the DB2 Setup wizard manually,
specifying a language identifier. The language must be available on the platform
where you are running the installation.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
On Windows operating systems, you can run setup.exe with the -i parameter to
specify the two-letter language code of the language the installation is to use.
On Linux and UNIX operating systems, it is recommended that you set the LANG
environment variable to display the DB2 Setup wizard in your national language.
Table 2. Language identifiers
Language identifier
Arabic (available on Windows platforms
Brazilian Portuguese
Chinese, Simplified
Chinese, Traditional
Indonesian (available on Windows platforms id
Lithuanian (available on Windows platforms lt
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Changing the DB2 Connect product interface language
The DB2 interface language is the language that appears in messages, help, and
graphical tool interfaces.
About this task
Do not confuse languages supported by a DB2 database product with languages
supported by the DB2 interface. Languages supported by a DB2 database product
means the languages in which data can exist. These languages are a superset of
languages supported by the DB2 interface.
The DB2 interface language you want to use must be installed on your system. The
DB2 database product interface languages are selected and installed when you
install a DB2 database product using the DB2 Setup wizard. If you change the
interface language of a DB2 database product to a supported interface language
that has not been installed, the DB2 database product interface language will
default to the operating system language first, and if that is not supported,
Changing the interface language for a DB2 database product on Windows requires
that you change the default language setting for your Windows operating system.
To change the DB2 database product interface language on Windows operating
1. Through the Control Panel, select Regional and Language Options.
2. On the Regional Options tab under Standards and formats, select the
appropriate language. On Windows 2008 and Windows Vista or higher, use the
Formats tab for this step.
3. On the Regional Options tab under Location, select the location that
corresponds to the appropriate language.
4. On the Advanced tab under Language for non-Unicode programs select the
appropriate language. On Windows 2008 and Windows Vista or higher, on the
Administrative tab, under Language for non-unicode programs, click Change
system locale and select the appropriate language. You will then be asked to
reboot, click Cancel.
5. On the Advanced tab under Default user account settings, check the Apply all
settings to the current user account and to the default user profile box. On
Windows 2008 and Windows Vista or higher, on the Administrative tab under
reserved accounts, click Copy to reserved accounts and check the accounts that
you want to copy the language settings to.
6. You will be asked to reboot before these changes come into effect.
What to do next
Refer to your operating system help for additional information about changing the
default system language.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Changing the DB2 Connect interface language (Linux and
The interface language of the DB2 database product is the language that appears in
messages, help, and graphical tool interfaces.
Before you begin
Do not confuse languages supported by the DB2 database product with languages
supported by the DB2 interface. Languages supported by the DB2 database
product, that is, languages that data can exist in, are a superset of languages
supported by the DB2 interface.
Support for the DB2 interface language you want to use must be installed on your
system. DB2 interface language support is selected and installed when you install a
DB2 database product using the DB2 Setup wizard. If you change the interface
language of the DB2 database product to a supported interface language that has
not been installed, the DB2 interface language will default to the operating system
language. If the operating system language is not supported, English is used as the
DB2 interface language.
DB2 interface language support is selected and installed when you install your
DB2 database product using the DB2 Setup wizard or by using the National
Language Package.
About this task
To check which public locales are available in your system, run the $ locale -a
To change the DB2 interface language:
Set the LANG environment variable to the locale you want.
v For bourne (sh), korn (ksh), and bash shells:
export LANG
v For C shell:
setenv LANG locale
For example, to interface with the DB2 database product in French, you must have
the French language support installed and you must set the LANG environment
variable to a French locale, for example, fr_FR.
Conversion of character data
When character data is transferred between machines, it must be converted to a
form that the receiving machine can use.
For example, when data is transferred between a DB2 Connect server and a host or
System i database server, it is usually converted from a server code page to a host
CCSID, and vice versa. If the two machines use different code pages or CCSIDs,
code points are mapped from one code page or CCSID to the other. This
conversion is always performed at the receiver.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Character data sent to a database consists of SQL statements and input data.
Character data sent from a database consists of output data. Output data that is
interpreted as bit data is not converted. For example, data from a column declared
with the FOR BIT DATA clause. Otherwise, all input and output character data is
converted if the two machines have different code pages or CCSIDs.
For example, if DB2 Connect is used to access data, the following happens:
1. DB2 Connect sends an SQL statement and input data to System z.
2. DB2 for z/OS converts the SQL statement and data to the host server's code
page and then processes the data.
3. DB2 for z/OS sends the result back to the DB2 Connect server.
4. DB2 Connect converts the result to the code page of the user's environment.
For bidirectional languages, a number of special "BiDi CCSIDS" have been defined
by IBM and are supported by DB2 Connect.
If the bidirectional attributes of the database server are different from those of the
client you can use these special CCSIDS to manage the difference.
Refer to the supported territory codes and code pages topic for the supported
conversions between code pages on the DB2 Connect and CCSIDs on the host or
System i server.
Prerequisites for installing DB2 Connect server product
Before you install DB2 Connect server products, ensure that the necessary
prerequisites are met, such as disk, memory, and paging space requirements. There
are also additional prerequisites that depend on your operating system.
The following topics provide detailed information about the installation
prerequisites that you need to meet to install DB2 Connect server products.
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server products
Before you install DB2 Connect server products on AIX® operating systems, ensure
that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system, hardware,
software, and communications requirements.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
the following requirements must be met:
Installation requirements
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Table 3. AIX installation requirements
Operating System
AIX Version 6.1
v 64-bit AIX kernel is required
v AIX 6.1 Technology Level (TL) 6 and
Service Pack (SP) 5
64-bit Common Hardware Reference
Platform (CHRP) architecture, excluding
POWER3 processor-based systems.1
All processors that are capable of running
v Minimum C++ runtime level requires the the supported AIX operating systems.
xlC.rte and xlC AIX rte (or
later) filesets.
AIX Version 7.1
v 64-bit AIX kernel is required
v AIX 7.1 Technology Level (TL) 0 and
Service Pack (SP) 3
v Minimum C++ runtime level requires the
xlC.rte and xlC AIX rte (or
later) filesets.
To verify that it is a CHRP architecture system, issue the command
lscfg and look for the following output: Model Architecture: chrp. For
POWER3 processor-based systems, first upgrade to POWER4
processor-based systems before installing DB2 Version 10.1. POWER3
processor-based systems are not supported in DB2 Version 10.1.
v 2In AIX 6.1 there are two types of Workload Partitions (WPARs): system
WPARs and application WPARs. DB2 installation is supported only on a
system WPAR. AIX 6.1 also supports the ability to encrypt a JFS2 file
system or set of files.
Software requirements
v Use the bosboot command to switch to the 64-bit kernel.
To switch to a 64-bit kernel, you require root authority and should enter
the following commands:
ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /unix
ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /usr/lib/boot/unix
bosboot -a
shutdown -Fr
v For application development and runtime considerations, see the topics
in Supported programming languages and compilers for database
application development.
v You can download the latest IBM C++ Runtime Environment
Components for AIX from the IBM AIX XL C and C++ support website.
v One of the following browsers is required to view online help and to
run First Steps (db2fs):
– Firefox 3.0 and later
– Google Chrome
– Safari 4.0
v For details regarding known AIX issues, see
Communication requirements
When using a communication protocol, you have the following
v For TCP/IP connectivity, no additional software is required.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
v For LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) support, you require
an IBM SecureWay Directory Client V3.2.1 or later.
DB2 product installation on NFS (Network File System)
The installation of DB2 products on NFS (Network File System) is not
recommended. Running DB2 products on NFS (for example, NFS mounting
/opt/IBM/db2/V10.1 and then running off code that was physically installed on a
remote system) requires several manual setup steps. There are also a number of
potential issues with setting up NFS for a DB2 server. These include possible
problems that involve:
Performance (impacted by network performance)
Availability (you are allowing a single point of failure)
Licensing (there is no checking done across machines)
Diagnosing NFS errors can be difficult
As mentioned, the setup for NFS will require several manual actions including:
v Ensuring that the mount point preserve the install path
v Permission must be controlled (for example, write permission should not be
given to the mounting machine)
v DB2 registries have to be set up manually and maintained across all mounting
v The db2ls command, which lists installed DB2 products and features, must be
set up and maintained properly if you need to detect DB2 products and features
v More care is required when updating your DB2 product environment
v More steps are required when cleaning up on the exporting machine and the
mounting machine
For detailed instructions, see the "Setting up DB2 for UNIX and Linux on NFS
mounted file systems" white paper in
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server products
Before you install DB2 Connect server products on HP-UX operating systems,
ensure that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system,
hardware, software, and communications requirements.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
on HP-UX, the following requirements must be met:
Note: A 64-bit HP-UX operating system is required to support DB2 Connect.
Installation requirements
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Table 4. HP-UX installation requirements
Operating System
HP-UX 11i v3 (11.31) with:
Itanium based HP Integrity Series Systems
v PHSS_37202
v PHKL_41481
v PHKL_42035
v PHKL_42335
v PHKL_41588
v PHSS_41496
HP-UX 11i v4 (11.31)
Software requirements
v A browser is required to view online help.
v For details regarding known HP-UX issues, see
Communication requirements
You can use TCP/IP
v For TCP/IP connectivity, no additional software is required.
Note: DB2 products installed on the HP-UX operating system support long host
names. The length has been extended to 255 bytes, in any combination of
characters or digits.
To enable long host name support, complete the following tasks:
1. Turn on the kernel tunable parameter expanded_node_host_name.
Kctune expanded_node_host_name=1
2. Compile applications requiring long host name support with the
-D_HPUX_API_LEVEL=20040821 option.
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server products
Before you install DB2 Connect server products on Linux operating systems,
ensure that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system,
hardware, software, and communications requirements.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
the following requirements must be met:
Hardware requirements
Your processor can be:
v x86 ( Intel Pentium, Intel Xeon, and AMD Athlon)
v x64 (Intel EM64T and AMD64)
v POWER® (any Power Systems Servers, pSeries®, System i, System p®,
and POWER Systems that support Linux)
v System z (formerly eServer™ zSeries®)
Distribution requirements
For the latest information about the supported Linux distributions, point
your browser to
DB2 Connect User's Guide
You might be required to update your kernel configuration parameters.
The kernel configuration parameters are set in /etc/sysctl.conf. See the
Modifying kernel parameters (Linux) section of the DB2 Information
Center. Refer to your operating system manual for information about
setting and activating these parameters using the sysctl command.
Software requirements
v An X Window System software capable of rendering a graphical user
interface is required if you want to use the DB2 Setup wizard to install
DB2 Connect or if you want to use any DB2 graphical tools.
v A browser is required to view online help.
Communication requirements
For TCP/IP connectivity, no additional software is required.
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect products (Solaris)
Before you install DB2 Connect products on the Solaris Operating System, ensure
that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system, hardware,
software, and communications requirements. The installation requirements are
same for both the DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition and the DB2 Connect Personal
To install a DB2 Connect product on Solaris, the following requirements must be
Table 5. Solaris installation requirements
Operating System
Solaris 10 Update 9
Solaris x64 (Intel 64 or AMD64)
v 64-bit kernel
Solaris 10 Update 9
UltraSPARC or SPARC64 processors
v 64-bit kernel
1. Support is only for the DB2 product to be installed on local zones. Installation
on the global zone is not supported by the DB2 product at this time.
Operating system requirements
"Recommended & Security Patches" can be obtained from the Web site. From this website, click on the "Patches"
menu item in the left panel.
The J2SE Solaris Operating System Patch Clusters are also required. They
can be obtained from the Web site.
The Fujitsu PRIMEPOWER patches for the Solaris operating system can be
downloaded from FTSI at: an
additional list of issues that can affect DB2 database systems on Solaris,
DB2 database products support Solaris ZFS filesystems and Logical
Domains (LDoms).
For details about virtualization technology supported by DB2 products, see
Software requirements
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
v SUNWlibC software is required to install DB2 Connect on Solaris. It can
be obtained from the Web site.
v A browser is required to view online help.
Communication requirements
You can use TCP/IP
v For TCP/IP connectivity, no additional software is required.
v DB2 Connect is supported on Sun Cluster 2.2 if:
– The protocol to the host is TCP/IP
– Two-phase commit is not used. This restriction is relaxed if the user
configures the SPM log to be on a shared disk (this can be done
through the spm_log_path database manager configuration
parameter), and the failover system has an identical TCP/IP
configuration (the same host name, IP address, and so on).
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect server products
Before you install DB2 Connect server products on Windows operating systems,
ensure that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system,
hardware, software, and communications requirements.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
the following requirements must be met:
Hardware requirements
All Intel and AMD processors capable of running the supported Windows
operating systems (32-bit and 64-bit)
Operating system requirements
One of:
v Windows XP Professional Edition (32-bit and 64-bit) with Service Pack 3
or later
v Windows 2003 with Service Pack 2 or later:
– Standard Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Datacenter Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
v Windows Vista:
– Business Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Ultimate Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
v Windows 7 Service Pack 1
– Professional Edition (32-bit and x64)
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and x64)
v Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 or later
– Standard Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Datacenter Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
v Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 or later
– Standard Edition (64-bit)
– Enterprise Edition (64-bit)
DB2 Connect User's Guide
– Datacenter Edition (64-bit)
Software requirements
v A browser is required to view online help.
Communication requirements
v TCP/IP is supported and supplied by the operating system.
Windows (64-bit) considerations
v 32-bit UDFs and stored procedures are supported.
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect Personal Edition
Before you install DB2 Connect Personal Edition on Linux operating systems,
ensure that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system,
hardware, software, and communications requirements.
To install DB2 Connect Personal Edition, the following requirements must be met:
Hardware requirements
Your processor must be one of:
v x86 ( Intel Pentium, Intel Xeon, and AMD Athlon)
v x64 (Intel EM64T and AMD64)
Distribution requirements
For the latest information about the supported Linux distributions, point
your browser to
You might be required to update your kernel configuration parameters.
The kernel configuration parameters are set in /etc/sysctl.conf. Refer to
your operating system manual for information about setting and activating
these parameters using the sysctl command.
Software requirements
v A browser is required to view online help.
v An X Window System software capable of rendering a graphical user
interface is required if you want to use the DB2 Setup wizard to install
DB2 Connect or if you want to use any DB2 graphical tools.
Communication requirements
For TCP/IP connectivity, no additional software is required.
Installation requirements for DB2 Connect Personal Edition
Before you install DB2 Connect Personal Edition on Windows operating systems,
ensure that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system,
hardware, software, and communications requirements.
To install DB2 Connect Personal Edition, the following requirements must be met:
Operating system requirements
One of:
v Windows XP Professional Edition (32-bit and 64-bit) with Service Pack 3
or later
v Windows 2003 with Service Pack 2 or later:
– Standard Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Datacenter Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
v Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 or later
– Business Edition (32-bit and x64)
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and x64)
All Windows Vista service packs are supported.
v Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 or later
– Professional Edition (32-bit and x64)
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and x64)
v Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 or later
– Standard Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Enterprise Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
– Datacenter Edition (32-bit and 64-bit)
v Windows Server 2008 R2
– Standard Edition (64-bit)
– Enterprise Edition ( 64-bit)
– Datacenter Edition (64-bit)
All Windows Server 2008 R2 service packs are supported.
Hardware requirements
v All Intel and AMD processors capable of running the supported
Windows operating systems (32-bit and x64 based systems).
Software requirements
v A browser is required to view online help.
Communication requirements
v TCP/IP is supported and supplied by the operating system.
Windows (64-bit) considerations
v SQL requests sent by remote 32-bit clients from earlier versions are
This edition of DB2 Connect is intended for personal workstation use and
application connectivity. Server or gateway functionality is not available.
For complete details about features provided in this edition, visit
This edition of DB2 Connect is not intended to enable application servers
and should not be installed on such servers.
DB2 Connect disk and memory requirements
Ensure that an appropriate amount of disk space is available for your DB2 Connect
environment, and allocate memory accordingly.
Disk requirements
The disk space required for your product depends on the type of installation you
choose and the type of file system you have. The DB2 Setup wizard provides
dynamic size estimates based on the components selected during a typical,
compact, or custom installation.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Remember to include disk space for required databases, software, and
communication products. Ensure that the file system is not mounted with
concurrent I/O (CIO) option.
On Linux and UNIX operating systems, 2 GB of free space in the /tmp directory is
recommended, and at least 512 MB of free space in the /var directory is required.
On Windows operating systems the following free space is recommended in
additional to that of your DB2 product:
v 40 MB in the system drive
v 60 MB in the temporary folder specified by the temp environment variable.
Memory requirements
Memory requirements are affected by the size and complexity of your database
system, the extent of database activity, and the number of clients accessing your
system. At a minimum, a DB2 database system requires 256 MB of RAM1. For a
system running just a DB2 product and the DB2 GUI tools, a minimum of 512 MB
of RAM is required. However, 1 GB of RAM is recommended for improved
performance. These requirements do not include any additional memory
requirements for other software that is running on your system. For IBM data
server client support, these memory requirements are for a base of five concurrent
client connections. For every additional five client connections, an additional 16
MB of RAM is required.
For DB2 server products, the self-tuning memory manager (STMM) simplifies the
task of memory configuration by automatically setting values for several memory
configuration parameters. When enabled, the memory tuner dynamically
distributes available memory resources among several memory consumers
including sort, the package cache, the lock list, and buffer pools.
Paging space requirements
DB2 requires paging, also called swap to be enabled. This configuration is required
to support various functions in DB2 which monitor or depend on knowledge of
swap/paging space utilization. The actual amount of swap/paging space required
varies across systems and is not solely based on memory utilization by application
software. It is only strictly required by DB2 on the Solaris and HP platforms due to
their use of early paging space allocation.
A reasonable minimum swap/paging space configuration for most systems is
25-50% of RAM. Solaris and HP systems with many small databases or multiple
databases tuned by STMM might require a paging space configuration of 1 x RAM
or higher. These higher requirements are due to virtual memory pre-allocated per
database / instance, and retained virtual memory in the case of STMM tuning
multiple databases. Additional swap/paging space might be wanted to provision
for unanticipated memory overcommitment on a system.
Java software support for DB2 Connect
You require the appropriate level of IBM Software Development Kit (SDK) for
Java™ to use Java-based tools and to create and run Java applications, including
stored procedures and user-defined functions.
1. DB2 products that run on HP-UX Version 11i for Itanium-based systems require a minimum of 512 MB of RAM.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
If the IBM SDK for Java is required by a component being installed and the SDK
for Java is not already installed in that path, the SDK for Java will be installed if
you use either the DB2 Setup wizard or a response file to install the product.
The SDK for Java is not installed with IBM Data Server Runtime Client or IBM
Data Server Driver Package.
The following table lists the installed SDK for Java levels for DB2 database
products according to operating system platform:
Operating System Platform
SDK for Java level
HP-UX for Itanium-based
Linux on x86
Linux on AMD64/EM64T
Linux on zSeries
Linux on POWER
Solaris Operating System
Windows x86
Windows x64
1. The SDK for Java software can be downloaded from the developerWorks® Web
page at: . For a
list of the supported levels of the SDK for Java, see the table later in this
section entitled DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows support for SDKs for Java.
Note: For Windows operating system platforms, use the IBM Development
Package for Eclipse downloads.
2. DB2 GUI tools only run on Linux on x86, Linux on AMD64/EM64T, Windows
x86, and Windows x64.
3. On Windows x86 and Linux on x86:
v the 32-bit SDK is installed
v 32-bit applications and Java external routines are supported
4. On all supported platforms (except Windows x86, and Linux on x86):
v 32-bit applications are supported
v 32-bit Java external routines are not supported
v 64-bit applications and Java external routines are supported
Supported Java application development software
The following table lists the supported levels of the SDK for Java. The listed levels
and forward-compatible later versions of the same levels are supported.
Because there are frequent SDK for Java fixes and updates, not all levels and
versions have been tested. If your database application has problems that are
related to the SDK for Java, try the next available version of your SDK for Java at
the given level.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Versions of SDK for Java, other than IBM SDK, are supported only for building
and running stand-alone Java applications. For building and running new Java
stored procedures and user-defined functions, only the IBM SDK for Java that is
included with the DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows product is supported. For
running Java stored procedures and user-defined functions that were built by prior
DB2 releases, refer to Table 1, column "Java Stored Procedures and User Defined
Functions" for details.
Table 6. DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows supported levels of SDKs for Java
Java applications
using JDBC driver or
1.4.2 to 7
1.4.2 to 6
Linux on POWER
1.4.2 to 73,4
1.4.2 to 7
Linux on AMD64 and 1.4.2 to 7
Intel EM64T
Linux on zSeries
1.4.2 to 73,4
1.4.2 to 7
6 and 73,4
DB2 Graphical Tools
1.4.2 to 6
1.4.26 to 7
6 and 7
1.4.2 to 7
5 to 7
6 and 7
1.4.2 to 7
1.4.26 to 7
6 and 73,4
6 and 7
1.4.2 to 7
1.4.26 to 7
5 to 7
5 to 7
1.4.2 to 7
Windows on x86
1.4.2 to 72
6 and 72
1.4.2 to 7
Solaris operating
Windows on x64, for
AMD64 and Intel
EM64T processors
Java Stored
Procedures and User
Defined Functions
6 and 7
HP-UX for
Linux on x86
Java applications
using JDBC driver
6 and 7
1.4.2 to 7
1. The same levels of the SDK for Java that are available from Hewlett-Packard
are supported for building and running stand-alone client applications that run
under the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ.
2. The same levels of the SDK for Java that are available from Oracle are
supported for building and running stand-alone applications with the IBM
Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ. However, if you set the IBM Data
Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ property securityMechanism for a type of
security that uses encryption, the SDK for Java must support the type of
encryption that you use. For example, the SDK for Java that you use might
support 256-bit AES (strong) encryption, but not 56-bit DES (weak) encryption.
You can specify the encryption algorithm by setting the IBM Data Server Driver
for JDBC and SQLJ property encryptionAlgorithm. To use 256-bit AES
encryption, set encryptionAlgorithm to 2. When you use 256-bit AES encryption
with the SDK for Java from Oracle, you might need to install the JCE Unlimited
Strength Jurisdiction Policy File, which is available from Oracle.
3. A minimum level of SDK for Java 1.4.2 SR6 is required for SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server (SLES) 10. A minimum level of SDK for Java 1.4.2 SR7 is
required for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.
4. SDK for Java 6 support on Linux requires SDK for Java 6 SR3 or later.
5. If SDK for Java 6 SR2 or later is used, set DB2LIBPATH=java_home/jre/lib/ppc64.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
6. Support for Java stored procedures and user-defined functions built by IBM
SDK for Java 1.4.2 was deprecated in Version 9.7 and might be removed in a
future release. IBM SDK for Java 1.4.2 has an End of Service date of September
2011. It is recommended to remove SDK for Java 1.4.2 dependency well before
this date. Removing this dependency can be done by rebuilding Java stored
procedures and user-defined functions with the SDK for Java included in DB2
Version 9.1, DB2 Version 9.5, DB2 Version 9.7 or DB2 Version 10.1 .
7. Java 6 is sufficient if you need to use JDBC 4.0 functions only. Java 7 is required
if you need to use JDBC 4.1 functions.
Preparing to install DB2 Connect for Linux on zSeries
To install a DB2 database product on an IBM zSeries that is running Linux, you
must make the installation image accessible to the Linux operating system.
Before you begin
You have already obtained your DB2 database product installation image.
v Using FTP to access the installation image
From the IBM zSeries computer running Linux:
1. Enter the following command: ftp
where represents the FTP server where the DB2 database
product installation image resides.
2. Enter your user ID and password.
3. Enter the following commands:
get product_file
where product_file represents the appropriate product package name.
v Using the DB2 database product DVD over NFS to access the installation image
1. Mount the appropriate product DVD.
2. Export the directory where you mounted the DVD. For example, if you
mounted the DVD under /db2dvd, then export the /db2dvd directory.
3. On the IBM zSeries computer running Linux, NFS mount this directory using
the following command:
mount -t nfs -o ro nfsservername:/db2dvd /local_directory_name
where nfsservername represents the host name of the NFS server, db2dvd
represents the name of the directory being exported on the NFS server, and
local_directory_name represents the name of the local directory.
4. From the IBM zSeries computer running Linux, change to the directory
where the DVD is mounted. You can do this by entering the cd
/local_directory_name command, where local_directory_name represents the
mount point of your product DVD.
Kernel parameters (Linux and UNIX)
Modifying kernel parameters for DB2 Connect (HP-UX)
For your DB2 database product to perform properly on HP-UX, you might need to
update your system's kernel configuration parameters. If you update your kernel
configuration parameter values, you must restart your computer.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Before you begin
You must have root user authority to modify kernel parameters.
To modify kernel parameters:
1. Enter the sam command to start the System Administration Manager (SAM)
2. Double-click the Kernel Configuration icon.
3. Double-click the Configurable Parameters icon.
4. Double-click the parameter that you want to change and type the new value in
the Formula/Value field.
5. Click OK.
6. Repeat these steps for all of the kernel configuration parameters that you want
to change.
7. When you are finished setting all of the kernel configuration parameters, select
Action > Process New Kernel from the action menu bar.
The HP-UX operating system automatically restarts after you change the values for
the kernel configuration parameters.
kctune can also be used on HP-UX for adjusting kernel parameters.
Recommended kernel configuration parameters for DB2
Connect (HP-UX)
For HP-UX systems running a DB2 64-bit database system, run the db2osconf
command to suggest appropriate kernel configuration parameter values for your
The db2osconf utility can only be run from $DB2DIR/bin, where DB2DIR is the
directory where you installed your DB2 database product.
Modifying kernel parameters for DB2 Connect (Linux)
Before installing a DB2 database system, update your Linux kernel parameters. The
default values for particular kernel parameters on Linux are not sufficient when
running a DB2 database system.
Before you begin
You must have root user authority to modify kernel parameters.
To update kernel parameters on Red Hat and SUSE Linux:
1. Run the ipcs -l command.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
2. Analyze the output to determine if there are any necessary changes required
for your system. Comments have been added following the // to show what
the parameter names are.
# ipcs -l
------ Shared Memory Limits -------max number of segments = 4096
max seg size (kbytes) = 32768
max total shared memory (kbytes) = 8388608
min seg size (bytes) = 1
------ Semaphore Limits -------max number of arrays = 1024
max semaphores per array = 250
max semaphores system wide = 256000
max ops per semop call = 32
semaphore max value = 32767
------ Messages: Limits -------max queues system wide = 1024
max size of message (bytes) = 65536
default max size of queue (bytes) = 65536
v Beginning with the first section on Shared Memory Limits, SHMMAX and
SHMALL are the parameters that need to be looked at. SHMMAX is the
maximum size of a shared memory segment on a Linux system whereas
SHMALL is the maximum allocation of shared memory pages on a system.
– It is recommended to set the SHMMAX value to be equal to the amount
of physical memory on your system. However, the minimum required on
x86 systems is 268435456 (256 MB) and for 64-bit systems, it is 1073741824
(1 GB).
– SHMALL is set to 8 GB by default (8388608 KB = 8 GB). If you have more
physical memory than this, and it is to be used for the DB2 database
system, then this parameter increases to approximately 90% of your
computer's physical memory For instance, if you have a computer system
with 16 GB of memory to be used primarily for the DB2 database system,
then SHMALL should be set to 3774873 (90% of 16 GB is 14.4 GB; 14.4 GB
is then divided by 4 KB, which is the base page size). The ipcs output has
converted SHMALL into kilobytes. The kernel requires this value as a
number of pages. If you are upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 and you are
not using the default SHMALL setting, you must increase the SHMALL
setting by an additional 4 GB. This increase in memory is required by the
fast communication manager (FCM) for additional buffers or channels.
v The next section covers the amount of semaphores available to the operating
system. The kernel parameter sem consists of 4 tokens, SEMMSL, SEMMNS,
SEMOPM and SEMMNI. SEMMNS is the result of SEMMSL multiplied by
SEMMNI. The database manager requires that the number of arrays
(SEMMNI) be increased as necessary. Typically, SEMMNI should be twice the
maximum number of agents expected on the system multiplied by the
number of logical partitions on the database server computer plus the
number of local application connections on the database server computer.
v The third section covers messages on the system.
– MSGMNI affects the number of agents that can be started, MSGMAX
affects the size of the message that can be sent in a queue, and MSGMNB
affects the size of the queue.
– MSGMAX should be change to 64 KB (that is, 65535 bytes), and MSGMNB
should be increased to 65535.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
3. To modify these kernel parameters, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file. If this file
does not exist, create it. The following lines are examples of what should be
placed into the file:
kernel.sem=250 256000 32 1024
#Example shmmax for a 64-bit system
#Example shmall for 90 percent of 16 GB memory
4. Run sysctl with -p parameter to load in sysctl settings from the default file
sysctl -p
5. To make the changes effective after every reboot:
v (SUSE Linux) Make boot.sysctl active
v (Red Hat) The rc.sysinit initialization script will read the /etc/sysctl.conf
file automatically
Modifying kernel parameters for DB2 Connect (Solaris)
For the DB2 database system to operate properly, it is recommended that you
update your system's kernel configuration parameters. You can use the db2osconf
utility to suggest recommended kernel parameters. If you want to take advantage
of project resource controls (/etc/project), consult your Solaris documentation.
Before you begin
You must have root authority to modify kernel parameters.
To use the db2osconf command, you must first install the DB2 database system.
The db2osconf utility can only be run from $DB2DIR/bin, where DB2DIR is the
directory where you installed your DB2 database product.
You must restart your system after modifying kernel parameters.
To set a kernel parameter:
Add a line at the end of the /etc/system file as follows:
set parameter_name = value
For example, to set the value of the msgsys:msginfo_msgmax parameter, add the
following line to the end of the /etc/system file:
set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax = 65535
What to do next
After updating the /etc/system file, restart the system.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
DB2 Connect server products: installation and configuration overview
Setting up a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
is a multi-step process. DB2 Connect server products are often installed with
hundreds or thousands of clients connecting to IBM mainframe database servers.
For this reason, it is recommended to use a test installation. After the test
configuration has proven stable, you can use it as the template for an unattended
installation of DB2 Connect and your clients across your organization.
The typical steps to installing and configuring a DB2 Connect server product are as
1. Determine how you want to use DB2 Connect in your network.
2. Verify that you have the correct hardware and software prerequisites on both
your workstation and the host database server.
Verify that your IBM mainframe database server is configured to accept
connections from DB2 Connect servers.
4. Install your DB2 Connect software. You will use this workstation to configure
and verify your IBM mainframe connections. Use the related links to find the
details specific to the installation of a DB2 Connect server product on your
operating system.
After installation, establish the connection between DB2 Connect and your
IBM mainframe database system. DB2 Connect can locate and configure all
TCP/IP connections for you. You can use the DB2 command line processor
(CLP) commands to configure IBM mainframe databases.
Bind the programs and utilities provided with DB2 Connect to your IBM
mainframe database.
Test the connection.
(Optional) Enable the Multisite Update feature.
If you are planning to use WebSphere, transaction monitors, or your own
application server software, install these products or applications. For
information about installing WebSphere consult the documentation provided
with these products as part of the DB2 Connect server product package. For
other products consult the installation documentation provided with the
Install and configure the IBM data server client. Use this workstation to test
connectivity from the IBM data server client to IBM mainframe database
servers, as well as to test applications that use this connectivity.
Use the CLP commands to connect the client to the IBM mainframe system
through DB2 Connect.
12. Install a IBM data server client on all end-user workstations that will use
applications that connect to IBM mainframe database servers.
13. You are now ready to use DB2 Connect with all your applications.
Workstations that will be used for application development should have the
IBM data server client installed.
14. If you want to use your workstation to administer DB2 for z/OS or DB2 for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows, install the IBM data server client.
Installing a DB2 Connect server product (AIX)
To define your installation preferences and to install a DB2 Connect product on
AIX, use the DB2 Setup wizard.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Before you begin
Before you begin your installation:
v You can install DB2 Connect using either root or non-root user authority.
v Ensure that your system meets:
– Disk and memory requirements
– Hardware and software requirements. Refer to “Installation requirements for
DB2 Connect server products (AIX)” on page 17.
v The DB2 database product DVD must be mounted on your system.
v The DB2 Connect product image must be available. If you are installing a
non-English version of a DB2 Connect product, you must also have the
appropriate National Language Packages.
v Ensure that asynchronous I/O has been enabled; it must be enabled before your
DB2 Connect server product can be successfully installed.
v To locate DB2 database products already installed on your system, use the db2ls
command. Refer to the “Listing DB2 products installed on your system (Linux
and UNIX)” topic in Installing DB2 Servers .
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v If security software such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is
used in your environment, you must manually create required DB2 users before
you start the DB2 Setup wizard.
Note: Network Information Services (NIS) and Network Information Services
Plus (NIS+) features are deprecated starting with DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 2.
Support for these features might be removed in a future release. Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the recommended solution for centralized
user-management services.
About this task
The DB2 Installer program is a Java-based installation tool that automates the
installation and configuration of any DB2 database product. If you prefer not to
use this utility, you have two alternatives. You can install a DB2 Connect product:
v Using the response file method
v Manually using the db2setup command. You cannot manually install a DB2
database product using the operating system's native installation utility SMIT.
Any existing scripts containing this native installation utility that you use to
interface and query with DB2 installations will need to change.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
on AIX using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Change to the directory where the DVD is mounted:
cd /db2dvd
where /db2dvd represents mount point of the DVD.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
2. If you downloaded the DB2 Connect product image, you must decompress and
untar the product file.
a. Decompress the product file:
gzip -d product.tar.gz
where product is the name of the database product that you downloaded.
b. Untar the product file:
tar xvf product.tar
c. Change directory:
cd ./product/disk1
Note: If you downloaded a National Language Package, untar it into the same
directory. This will create the subdirectories (for example ./nlpack/disk2) in
the same directory, and allows the installer to automatically find the installation
images without prompting
3. Enter the ./db2setup command from the directory where the product image
resides to start the DB2 Setup wizard. After a few moments, the IBM DB2
Setup Launchpad opens. For multiple CD installations, issue the db2setup
command outside the mounted CD location with either a relative or absolute
path name to ensure the DB2 Connect product CD can be unmounted as
required. From this window, you can view the installation prerequisites and the
release notes or you can proceed directly to the installation.
4. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard
installation panels and make your selections. Installation help is available to
guide you through the DB2 Setup wizard. Click Help to invoke the online help.
You can click Cancel at any time to exit the installation. DB2 files will only be
copied to your system once you have clicked Finish on the last DB2 Setup
wizard installation panel. Once completed, the DB2 Connect server product is
installed using the /opt/IBM/db2/V9.8 default installation path.
If you are installing on a system where this directory is already being used, the
DB2 Connect product installation path will have _xx added to it, where xx are
digits, starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you
have installed.
You can also specify your own DB2 database product installation path.
National Language Packs can also be installed by running the ./db2setup
command from the directory where the National Language Pack resides, after a
DB2 Connect product has been installed.
The installation logs, db2setup.log and db2setup.err will be located, by default, in
the /tmp directory. You can specify the location of the log files.
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you
must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
documentation for the DB2 database and DB2 related products. See the “Installing
the DB2 Information Center using the DB2 Setup wizard (UNIX)” topic in Installing
DB2 Servers .
Mounting CDs or DVDs (AIX)
To mount your DB2 database product CD or DVD on AIX operating systems, use
the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT).
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Before you begin
Depending on your system configuration, you might need to log on with root user
authority to mount discs.
To mount the CD or DVD on AIX using SMIT, perform the following steps:
1. Insert the disc in the drive.
2. Create a disc mount point by entering the mkdir -p /disc command, where disc
represents the CD or DVD mount point directory.
3. Allocate a disc file system using SMIT by entering the smit storage command.
4. After SMIT starts, select File Systems > Add / Change / Show / Delete File
Systems > CDROM File Systems > Add CDROM File System.
5. In the Add a File System window:
a. Enter a device name for your CD or DVD file system in the DEVICE Name
field. Device names for CD or DVD file systems must be unique. If there is
a duplicate device name, you may need to delete a previously-defined CD
or DVD file system or use another name for your directory. In this example,
/dev/cd0 is the device name.
b. Enter the disc mount point directory in the MOUNT POINT window. In this
example, the mount point directory is /disc.
c. In the Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart field, select yes to
enable automatic mounting of the file system.
d. Click OK to close the window, then click Cancel three times to exit SMIT.
6. Mount the CD or DVD file system by entering the smit mountfs command.
7. In the Mount a File System window:
a. Enter the device name for this CD or DVD file system in the FILE SYSTEM
name field. In this example, the device name is /dev/cd0.
b. Enter the disc mount point in the Directory over which to mount field. In
this example, the mount point is /disc.
c. Enter cdrfs in the Type of Filesystem field. To view the other kinds of file
systems you can mount, click List.
d. In the Mount as READ-ONLY system field, select yes.
e. Accept the remaining default values and click OK to close the window.
Your CD or DVD file system is now mounted. To view the contents of the CD or
DVD, place the disk in the drive and enter the cd /disc command where disc is the
disc mount point directory.
Installing a DB2 Connect server product (HP-UX)
To define your installation preferences and to install a DB2 Connect product on
HP-UX, use the DB2 Setup wizard.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Before you begin
Before you begin your installation:
v You can install DB2 Connect using either root or non-root user authority.
v Ensure that your system meets:
– Disk and memory requirements
– Hardware, distribution and software requirements. Refer to “Installation
requirements for DB2 Connect server products (HP-UX)” on page 19.
v The DB2 database product DVD must be mounted on your system.
v The DB2 Connect product image must be available. If you are installing a
non-English version of a DB2 Connect product, you must also have the
appropriate National Language Packages.
v To locate DB2 database products already installed on your system, use the db2ls
command. Refer to the “Listing DB2 products installed on your system (Linux
and UNIX)” topic in Installing DB2 Servers .
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v If security software such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is
used in your environment, you must manually create required DB2 users before
you start the DB2 Setup wizard.
Note: Network Information Services (NIS) and Network Information Services
Plus (NIS+) features are deprecated starting with DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 2.
Support for these features might be removed in a future release. Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the recommended solution for centralized
user-management services.
About this task
The DB2 Installer program is a Java-based installation tool that automates the
installation and configuration of any DB2 database product. If you prefer not to
use this utility, you have two alternatives. You can install a DB2 Connect product:
v Using the response file method
v Manually using the db2setup command. You cannot manually install a DB2
database product using the operating system's native installation utility
swinstall. Any existing scripts containing this native installation utility that you
use to interface and query with DB2 installations will need to change.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
on HP-UX using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Change to the directory where the DVD is mounted:
cd /db2dvd
where /db2dvd represents mount point of the DVD.
2. If you downloaded the DB2 Connect product image, you must decompress and
untar the product file.
a. Decompress the product file:
DB2 Connect User's Guide
gzip -d product.tar.gz
where product is the name of the database product that you downloaded.
b. Untar the product file:
tar xvf product.tar
c. Change directory:
cd ./product/disk1
Note: If you downloaded a National Language Package, untar it into the same
directory. This will create the subdirectories (for example ./nlpack/disk2) in
the same directory, and allows the installer to automatically find the installation
images without prompting
3. Enter the ./db2setup command from the directory where the product image
resides to start the DB2 Setup wizard. After a few moments, the IBM DB2
Setup Launchpad opens. For multiple CD installations, issue the db2setup
command outside the mounted CD location with either a relative or absolute
path name to ensure the DB2 Connect product CD can be unmounted as
required. From this window, you can view the installation prerequisites and the
release notes or you can proceed directly to the installation.
4. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard
installation panels and make your selections. Installation help is available to
guide you through the DB2 Setup wizard. Click Help to invoke the online help.
You can click Cancel at any time to exit the installation. DB2 files will only be
copied to your system once you have clicked Finish on the last DB2 Setup
wizard installation panel. Once completed, the DB2 Connect server product is
installed using the /opt/IBM/db2/V10.1 default installation path.
If you are installing on a system where this directory is already being used, the
DB2 Connect product installation path will have _xx added to it, where xx are
digits, starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you
have installed.
You can also specify your own DB2 database product installation path.
National Language Packs can also be installed by running the ./db2setup
command from the directory where the National Language Pack resides, after a
DB2 Connect product has been installed.
The installation logs, db2setup.log and db2setup.err will be located, by default, in
the /tmp directory. You can specify the location of the log files.
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you
must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
documentation for the DB2 database and DB2 related products. See the “Installing
the DB2 Information Center using the DB2 Setup wizard (UNIX)” topic in Installing
DB2 Servers .
Mounting CDs or DVDs for DB2 Connect (HP-UX)
To mount your DB2 database product CD or DVD on HP-UX operating systems,
issue the mount command.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Before you begin
Depending on your system configuration, you might need root user authority to
mount discs.
To mount your DB2 database product CD or DVD on HP-UX:
1. Insert the CD or DVD in the drive.
2. If necessary, define a new directory as the mount point for the CD or DVD
drive. Define /cdrom as the mount point using the mkdir /cdrom command.
3. If necessary, identify the drive device file using the ioscan -fnC disk
command. This command lists all recognized CD or DVD drives and their
associated device files. The file name will be something similar to
4. Mount the CD or DVD drive to the mount-point directory:
mount -F cdfs -o rr /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /cdrom
5. Obtain a file listing to verify the mount using the ls /cdrom command.
6. Log out.
Your CD or DVD file system is now mounted. View the contents of the CD or
DVD by placing it in the drive and enter the cd /cdrom command where cdrom is
the mount point directory.
Installing a DB2 Connect server product (Linux)
To define your installation preferences and to install a DB2 Connect product on
Linux, use the DB2 Setup wizard.
Before you begin
Before you begin your installation:
v You can install DB2 Connect using either root or non-root user authority.
v Ensure that your system meets:
– Disk and memory requirements
– Hardware, distribution and software requirements. Refer to “Installation
requirements for DB2 Connect server products (Linux)” on page 20.
v The DB2 database product DVD must be mounted on your system.
v The DB2 Connect product image must be available. If you are installing a
non-English version of a DB2 Connect product, you must also have the
appropriate National Language Packages.
v To locate DB2 database products already installed on your system, use the db2ls
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
DB2 Connect User's Guide
v If security software such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is
used in your environment, you must manually create required DB2 users before
you start the DB2 Setup wizard.
Note: Network Information Services (NIS) and Network Information Services
Plus (NIS+) features are deprecated starting with DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 2.
Support for these features might be removed in a future release. Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the recommended solution for centralized
user-management services.
About this task
The DB2 Setup wizard is a Java-based installation tool that automates the
installation and configuration of any DB2 database products. If you prefer not to
use this utility, you have two alternatives. You can install a DB2 Connect product:
v Using the response file method
v Manually using the db2setup command. You cannot manually install a DB2
database product using the operating system's native installation utility rpm. Any
existing scripts containing this native installation utility that you use to interface
and query with DB2 installations will need to change.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
on Linux using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Change to the directory where the DVD is mounted:
cd /db2dvd
where /db2dvd represents mount point of the DVD.
2. If you downloaded the DB2 Connect product image, you must decompress and
untar the product file.
a. Decompress the product file:
gzip -d product.tar.gz
where product is the name of the database product that you downloaded.
b. Untar the product file:
tar xvf product.tar
c. Change directory:
cd ./product/disk1
Note: If you downloaded a National Language Package, untar it into the same
directory. This will create the subdirectories (for example ./nlpack/disk2) in
the same directory, and allows the installer to automatically find the installation
images without prompting
3. Enter the ./db2setup command from the directory where the product image
resides to start the DB2 Setup wizard. After a few moments, the IBM DB2
Setup Launchpad opens. For multiple CD installations, issue the db2setup
command outside the mounted CD location with either a relative or absolute
path name to ensure the DB2 Connect product CD can be unmounted as
required. From this window, you can view the installation prerequisites and the
release notes or you can proceed directly to the installation.
4. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard
installation panels and make your selections. Installation help is available to
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
guide you through the DB2 Setup wizard. Click Help to invoke the online help.
You can click Cancel at any time to exit the installation. DB2 files will only be
copied to your system once you have clicked Finish on the last DB2 Setup
wizard installation panel. Once completed, the DB2 Connect server product is
installed using the /opt/IBM/db2/V9.8 default installation path.
If you are installing on a system where this directory is already being used, the
DB2 Connect product installation path will have _xx added to it, where xx are
digits, starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you
have installed.
You can also specify your own DB2 database product installation path.
National Language Packs can also be installed by running the ./db2setup
command from the directory where the National Language Pack resides, after a
DB2 Connect product has been installed.
The installation logs, db2setup.log and db2setup.err will be located, by default, in
the /tmp directory. You can specify the location of the log files.
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you
must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
documentation for the DB2 database and DB2 related products. See the “Installing
the DB2 Information Center using the DB2 Setup wizard (UNIX)” topic in Installing
DB2 Servers .
Mounting the CD or DVD for DB2 Connect (Linux)
To mount a CD-ROM on Linux operating systems, issue the mount command.
Before you begin
Depending on your system configuration, you might need root user authority to
mount discs.
To mount the CD or DVD on Linux operating systems:
1. Insert the CD or DVD in the drive and enter the following command:
mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom
where /cdrom represents the mount point of the CD or DVD.
2. Log out.
Your CD or DVD file system is now mounted. View the contents of the CD or
DVD by placing the disc in the drive and enter the cd /cdrom command where
cdrom is the mount point directory.
Installing a DB2 Connect server product (Solaris)
To define your installation preferences and to install a DB2 Connect product on the
Solaris Operating System, use the DB2 Setup wizard.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Before you begin
Before you begin your installation:
v You can install DB2 Connect using either root or non-root user authority.
v Ensure that your system meets:
– Disk and memory requirements
– Hardware, distribution and software requirements. Refer to “Installation
requirements for DB2 Connect products (Solaris)” on page 21.
v The DB2 database product DVD must be mounted on your system.
v The DB2 Connect product image must be available. If you are installing a
non-English version of a DB2 Connect product, you must also have the
appropriate National Language Packages.
v To locate DB2 database products already installed on your system, use the db2ls
command. Refer to the “Listing DB2 products installed on your system (Linux
and UNIX)” topic in Installing DB2 Servers .
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v If security software such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is
used in your environment, you must manually create required DB2 users before
you start the DB2 Setup wizard.
Note: Network Information Services (NIS) and Network Information Services
Plus (NIS+) features are deprecated starting with DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 2.
Support for these features might be removed in a future release. Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the recommended solution for centralized
user-management services.
About this task
The DB2 Setup wizard is a Java-based installation tool that automates the
installation and configuration of any DB2 database products. If you prefer not to
use this utility, you have two alternatives. You can install a DB2 Connect product:
v Using the response file method
v Manually using the db2setup command. You cannot manually install a DB2
database product using the operating system's native installation utility pkgadd.
Any existing scripts containing this native installation utility that you use to
interface and query with DB2 installations will need to change.
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition,
on the Solaris operating system using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Change to the directory where the DVD is mounted:
cd /db2dvd
where /db2dvd represents mount point of the DVD.
2. If you downloaded the DB2 Connect product image, you must decompress and
untar the product file.
a. Decompress the product file:
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
gzip -d product.tar.gz
where product is the name of the database product that you downloaded.
b. Untar the product file:
tar xvf product.tar
c. Change directory:
cd ./product/disk1
Note: If you downloaded a National Language Package, untar it into the same
directory. This will create the subdirectories (for example ./nlpack/disk2) in
the same directory, and allows the installer to automatically find the installation
images without prompting
3. Enter the ./db2setup command from the directory where the product image
resides to start the DB2 Setup wizard. After a few moments, the IBM DB2
Setup Launchpad opens. For multiple CD installations, issue the db2setup
command outside the mounted CD location with either a relative or absolute
path name to ensure the DB2 Connect product CD can be unmounted as
required. From this window, you can view the installation prerequisites and the
release notes or you can proceed directly to the installation.
4. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard
installation panels and make your selections. Installation help is available to
guide you through the DB2 Setup wizard. Click Help to invoke the online help.
You can click Cancel at any time to exit the installation. DB2 files will only be
copied to your system once you have clicked Finish on the last DB2 Setup
wizard installation panel. Once completed, the DB2 Connect server product is
installed using the /opt/IBM/db2/V9.8 default installation path.
If you are installing on a system where this directory is already being used, the
DB2 Connect product installation path will have _xx added to it, where xx are
digits, starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you
have installed.
You can also specify your own DB2 database product installation path.
National Language Packs can also be installed by running the ./db2setup
command from the directory where the National Language Pack resides, after a
DB2 Connect product has been installed.
The installation logs, db2setup.log and db2setup.err will be located, by default, in
the /tmp directory. You can specify the location of the log files.
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you
must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
documentation for the DB2 database and DB2 related products. See the “Installing
the DB2 Information Center using the DB2 Setup wizard (UNIX)” topic in Installing
DB2 Servers .
Mounting CDs or DVDs for DB2 Connect (Solaris)
If the CD-ROM is not automatically mounted when you insert it into the drive on
Solaris Operating System, issue the mount command.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Before you begin
If you are mounting the CD or DVD drive from a remote system using NFS, the
CD or DVD file system on the remote computer must be exported with root access.
Depending on your local system configuration, you might also need root access on
the local computer.
To mount the CD or DVD on Solaris:
1. Insert the CD or DVD into the drive.
2. If the Volume Manager (vold) is running on your system, the disc is
automatically mounted as /cdrom/cd_label if the CD or DVD has a label or
/cdrom/unnamed_cdrom if it is unlabeled.
If the Volume Manager is not running on your system, complete the following
steps to mount the CD or DVD:
a. Determine the name of the device by entering the following command:
ls -al /dev/sr* |awk ’{print "/" $11}’
This command returns the name of the CD or DVD device. In this example,
the command returns the string /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2.
b. Enter the following commands to mount the CD or DVD:
mkdir -p /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom
mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom
where /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 represents the name of the device that was
returned in the preceding step and /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom represents the CD
or DVD mount directory.
3. Log out.
Your CD or DVD file system is now mounted. View the contents of the CD or
DVD by placing the disk in the drive and enter the cd /cdrom command where
cdrom is the mount point directory.
Installing a DB2 Connect server product (Windows)
To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
on Windows operating systems, use the DB2 Setup wizard. Alternatively, you can
install DB2 Connect server products using the response file method.
Before you begin
Before you launch the DB2 Setup wizard:
v Ensure that your system meets:
– Disk and memory requirements
– Hardware, distribution and software requirements. Refer to “Installation
requirements for DB2 Connect server products (Windows)” on page 22.
v If you are planning to use LDAP, you must extend the directory schema. Refer
to the “Extending the Active Directory Schema for LDAP directory services
(Windows)” topic in Installing DB2 Servers.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
v It is recommended that you use an Administrator account to perform the
installation. The Administrator account must belong to the local administrator's
group on the Windows computer where you are installing your DB2 database
product and should have the following advanced user rights:
– Act as part of the operating system
– Create token object
– Increase quotas
– Replace a process level token
You can perform the installation without advanced user rights, but the setup
program might be unable to validate accounts.
v If you want to install DB2 Connect with a non-Administrator account, refer to
the topic “Non-Administrator installation of DB2 Connect (Windows)”.
v To install a DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise
Edition, on Windows using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Log on to the system as a user with administrator authority.
2. Close all programs so the installation program can update files as required.
3. Insert the DVD into the drive. The auto-run feature automatically starts the
DB2 Setup wizard. The DB2 Setup wizard will determine the system
language and launch the setup program for that language. If you want to
run the setup program in a different language, or the setup program failed to
autostart, you can run the DB2 Setup wizard manually.
4. The DB2 Launchpad opens. From this window, you can view the installation
prerequisites and the release notes, or you can proceed directly to the
5. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed by following the setup
program's prompts. Online help is available to guide you through the
remaining steps. Click Help to invoke the online help. You can click Cancel
at any time to exit the installation.
A log file stores general information and error messages resulting from the
install and uninstall activities. The file name of the log follows the format
DB2-Product_Abrreviation-Date_Time.log, such as DB2-CEE-10-062006_17_23_42.log. By default, the log file is located in the My Documents\DB2LOG
v To invoke the DB2 Setup wizard manually:
1. Click Start and select the Run option.
2. In the Open field, enter the following command:
x:\setup /i language
– x: represents your DVD drive
– language represents the territory code for your language (for example, EN
for English).
3. Click OK.
What to do next
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you
must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
DB2 Connect User's Guide
documentation for the DB2 database and DB2 related products.
Required user accounts for installation of DB2 Connect products
You must define the user account before proceeding with DB2 installation.
v An installation user account and
v Optional - one or more setup user accounts. You can create these accounts
during the installation.
– A DB2 Administration Server (DAS) user account
– A DB2 instance user account. You can also use the LocalSystem account for
products other than DB2 Enterprise Server Edition.
The installation user account is the account of the user performing the installation.
The installation user account must be defined before running the DB2 Setup
wizard. The setup user accounts can be defined before installation or you can have
the DB2 Setup wizard create them for you.
All user account names must adhere to your system naming rules and to DB2
User, user ID and group naming rules.
If you use an installation user account that contains non-English characters which
are not specified in DB2 naming rules, the DB2 installation will fail.
Extended security on Windows
DB2 database products offer extended Windows security. If the extended security
feature is selected, you must add the users who will administer or use the DB2
database product to either the DB2ADMNS or DB2USERS group as appropriate.
The DB2 installer creates these two new groups. You can either specify a new
name or accept the default names during installation.
To enable this security feature, select the Enable operating system security check
box on the Enable operating system security for DB2 objects panel during the
DB2 installation. Accept the default values for the DB2 Administrators Group field,
and the DB2 Users Group field. The default group names are DB2ADMNS and
DB2USERS. If there is a conflict with existing group names, you will be prompted
to change the group names. If required, you can specify your own group names.
DB2 server user accounts
Installation user account
A local or domain user account is required to perform the installation.
Normally, the user account must belong to the Administrators group on the
computer where you will perform the installation.
Alternatively, a non-Administrator user account can be used. This
alternative requires that a member of the Windows Administrators group
first configure the Windows elevated privileges settings to allow a
non-Administrator user account to perform an installation.
On Windows 2008 and Windows Vista or higher, a non-administrator can
perform an installation, but will be prompted for administrative credentials
by the DB2 Setup wizard.
The user right "Access this computer from the network" is required for the
installation user account.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
The installation user ID must belong to the Domain Administrators group
on the domain if the installation requires a domain account to be created
or verified.
You may also use the built-in LocalSystem account as your Service Logon
account for all products, except DB2 Enterprise Server Edition.
User rights granted by the DB2 installer
The DB2 installation program does not grant the Debug Programs user
right. The DB2 installer grants the following user rights:
Act as part of the operating system
Create token object
Lock pages in memory
Log on as a service
Increase quotas
Replace a process level token
DB2 Administration Server (DAS) user account
A local or domain user account is required for the DB2 Administration
Server (DAS).
Important: The DB2 Administration Server (DAS) has been deprecated in
Version 9.7 and might be removed in a future release. The DAS is not
supported in DB2 pureScale environments. Use software programs that use
the Secure Shell protocol for remote administration. For more information,
see “ DB2 administration server (DAS) has been deprecated” at .
If you are performing a response file installation, you can also specify the
Local System account in the response file. For more details, refer to the
sample response files in the db2\windows\samples directory.
The LocalSystem account is available for all products, except DB2
Enterprise Server Edition and can be selected through the DB2 Setup
The DAS is a special DB2 administration service used to support the GUI
tools and assist with administration tasks on local and remote DB2 servers.
The DAS has an assigned user account that is used to log the DAS service
on to the computer when the DAS service is started.
You can create the DAS user account before installing DB2 or you can have
the DB2 Setup wizard create it for you. If you want to have the DB2 Setup
wizard create a new domain user account, the user account you use to
perform the installation must have authority to create domain user
accounts. The user account must belong to the Administrators group on the
computer where you will perform the installation. This account will be
granted the following user rights:
v Act as part of the operating system
v Debug programs
v Create token object
v Lock pages in memory
v Log on as a service
v Increase quotas (adjust memory quotas for a process on Windows XP
and Windows Server 2003 operating systems)
v Replace a process level token
DB2 Connect User's Guide
If extended security is enabled, the DB2ADMNS group will have all these
privileges. You can add users to that group and you do not need to add
these privileges explicitly. However, the user still needs to be a member of
the Local Administrators group.
The "Debug programs" privilege is only needed when DB2 group lookup is
explicitly specified to use the access token.
If the user account is created by the install program, the user account will
be granted these privileges and if the user account already exists, this
account will also be granted these privileges. If the install grants the
privileges, some of them will only be effective on first log on by the
account that was granted the privileges or upon reboot.
It is recommended that the DAS user have SYSADM authority on each of
the DB2 database systems within your environment so that it can start or
stop other instances if required. By default, any user that is part of the
Administrators group has SYSADM authority.
DB2 instance user account
The user account must belong to the Administrators group on the computer
where you will perform the installation.
A local or domain user account is required for the DB2 instance because
the instance is run as a Windows service and the service will be executing
in the security context of the user account. When you use a domain user
account to perform a database operation (such as, creating a database)
against a DB2 instance, the DB2 service needs to access the domain to
authenticate and search for the user's group membership. By default, a
domain will only allow a domain user to query the domain and hence, the
DB2 service needs to be running in the security context of a domain user.
An error will occur if you use a domain user account to perform a
database operation against a DB2 service running with either a Local user
account or a LocalSystem account.
You may also use the built-in LocalSystem account to run the installation
for all products, except for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition.
You can create the DB2 instance user account before installing DB2 or you
can have the DB2 Setup wizard create it for you. If you want to have the
DB2 Setup wizard create a new domain user account, the user account you
use to perform the installation must have authority to create domain user
accounts. This account will be granted the following user rights:
Act as part of the operating system
Debug programs
Create token object
Increase quotas
Lock pages in memory
Log on as a service
Replace a process level token
If extended security is enabled, then the DB2ADMNS group will have all
these privileges. You can add users to that group and you do not need to
add these privileges explicitly. However, the user still needs to be a
member of the Local Administrators group.
The "Debug programs" privilege is only needed when DB2 group lookup is
explicitly specified to use the access token.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
If the user account is created by the install program, the user account will
be granted these privileges and if the user account already exists, this
account will also be granted these privileges. If the install grants the
privileges, some of them will only be effective on first log on by the
account that was granted the privileges or upon reboot.
Extending the Active Directory Schema for LDAP directory
services (Windows)
If you plan to use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory
server feature with Windows Server 2003, you have to extend the Active Directory
schema to contain DB2 object classes and attribute definitions using the db2schex
About this task
Extending the directory schema before installing DB2 database products and
creating databases provide the following benefits:
v The default DB2 instance, created during the installation, is cataloged as a DB2
node in Active Directory, provided that the installation user ID had sufficient
privileges to write to Active Directory.
v Any databases created after installation is automatically cataloged into Active
To extend the directory schema:
1. Log onto any machine that is part of the Windows domain with a Windows
user account that has Schema Administration authority.
2. Run the db2schex command from the installation DVD . You can run this
command without logging off and logging on again, as follows:
runas /user:MyDomain\Administrator x:\db2\Windows\utilities\db2schex.exe
where x: represents the DVD drive letter.
What to do next
When db2schex completes, you can proceed with the installation of your DB2
database product; or if you have already installed DB2 database products or
created databases, you have to manually register the node and catalog the
databases. For more information, see the “Enabling LDAP support after DB2
installation is complete” topic.
Non-Administrator installation of DB2 Connect (Windows)
There are some additional considerations when you install DB2 Connect on
Windows operating systems using a non-Administrator user account.
For a non-Administrator's installation, the account you are logged on as must
belong to Power Users group.
Some information about DB2 Connect that must appear in the registry must be
entered in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder in the registry. Although many
items will be stored under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder in the registry for
non-Administrator installations of DB2 Connect, the environment settings must be
DB2 Connect User's Guide
A member of the Windows Administrators group must configure the Windows
elevated privileges settings to allow a non-Administrator user account to perform
an installation. For example, on a 64-bit operating system you must manually grant
full permission on HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node before a 32-bit DB2 Connect
Personal Edition product can be successfully installed.
Note: If a non-Administrator user account is going to do the product installation,
then the VS2010 runtime library must be installed before attempting to install a
DB2 product. The VS2010 runtime library is needed on the operating system before
the DB2 product can be installed. The VS2010 runtime library is available from the
Microsoft runtime library download website. There are two choices: choose
vcredist_x86.exe for 32-bit systems or vcredist_x64.exe for 64-bit systems.
System shortcuts must be changed to user shortcuts for the non-Administrator
install. Moreover, since services are required to install any of the DB2 Connect
products, but cannot be created without administrative authority, services that
would be automatically started are run as processes when a non-administrator
The following scenarios are installation situations that you might encounter in an
environment where both administrator and non-administrator installations exist:
v A non-Administrator has installed DB2 Connect, and then an Administrator
attempts to install DB2 Connect on the same system. The Administrator will get
a message that the product is already installed. The Administrator does have the
authority to uninstall and reinstall the product to get around this issue.
v A non-administrator has installed DB2 Connect, and then a second
non-Administrator attempts to install DB2 Connect on the same system. In this
scenario, the installation will fail, and return an error message that the user must
be an Administrator to install the product.
v An Administrator has installed DB2 Connect, and then a non-Administrator
attempts to install DB2 Connect on the same system. In this scenario, the install
will fail, and return an error message that the user must be an Administrator to
install the product. An Administrator always has the authority to uninstall or
v Non-Administrator users cannot uninstall a DB2 product. Those
non-Administrator users on a Windows Vista (and later) operating system can
uninstall a DB2 product.
Typical steps required to install and configure DB2 Connect Personal
Setting up DB2 Connect Personal Edition is a multi-step process. The typical steps
required to install and configure DB2 Connect Personal Edition include verifying
system prerequisites, installing the DB2 Connect software, testing the connection
and binding programs and utilities.
Note: If you have a computer with a IBM data server client installed, you can
activate DB2 Connect Personal Edition by registering your DB2 Connect Personal
Edition license to that computer.
1. Determine how you want to use DB2 Connect in your network.
2. Verify that you have the correct hardware and software prerequisites on both
your workstation and the IBM mainframe database server.
3. Verify that your IBM mainframe database server is configured to accept
connections from DB2 Connect.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
4. Install your DB2 Connect software. You will use this workstation to configure
and verify your IBM mainframe connections.
5. After installation, establish the connection between DB2 Connect and your IBM
mainframe database system.
DB2 Connect can locate and configure all TCP/IP connections for you. For
details, see the topic about validating IBM Data Server Driver Package
(Windows) installation.
6. Bind the programs and utilities provided with DB2 Connect to your IBM
mainframe database.
Note: This step is not required with IBM Data Server Driver Package (DS
Driver). For larger client packages, rebinding is required with each Fix Pack
7. Test the IBM mainframe connection.
8. You are now ready to use DB2 Connect with all your applications. Workstations
that will be used for application development should have the IBM data server
client installed.
9. If you want to use this workstation to administer DB2 for z/OS, or DB2 for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows servers, install the IBM data server client.
Installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition (Linux)
To define your installation preferences and to install a DB2 Connect Personal
Edition product on Linux, use the DB2 Setup wizard. Installing IBM Data Server
Driver Package (DS Driver) and then applying the DB2 Connect Personal Edition
license is the preferred alternative to the process listed in the following section.
Refer to IBM data server client types for details.
Before you begin
Before beginning your installation:
v You can install DB2 Connect using either root or non-root authority. For more
information about the non-root installation, see “Non-root installation overview
(Linux and UNIX)”.
v Ensure that your system meets:
– Disk and memory requirements
– “Installation requirements for DB2 Connect Personal Edition (Linux)” on page
v The DB2 database product DVD must be mounted on your system.
v The DB2 Connect product image must be available. If you are installing a
non-English version of a DB2 Connect product, you must also have the
appropriate National Language Packages.
v To locate DB2 database products already installed on your system, issue the
db2ls command..
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v If security software such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is
used in your environment, you must manually create required DB2 users before
DB2 Connect User's Guide
you start the DB2 Setup wizard. Refer to the “Centralized user-management
considerations” topic in Installing DB2 Servers before you begin.
Note: Network Information Services (NIS) and Network Information Services
Plus (NIS+) features are deprecated starting with DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 2.
Support for these features might be removed in a future release. Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the recommended solution for centralized
user-management services.
About this task
The DB2 Setup wizard is a Java-based installation tool that automates the
installation and configuration of any DB2 database products. If you prefer not to
use this utility, you have two alternatives. You can install a DB2 Connect Personal
Edition product:
v Using the response file method
v Manually using the db2setup command. You cannot manually install a DB2
database product using the operating system's native installation utility rpm. Any
existing scripts containing this native installation utility that you use to interface
and query with DB2 installations will need to change.
To install DB2 Connect Personal Edition on Linux using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Change to the directory where the DVD is mounted:
cd /db2dvd
where db2dvd represents mount point of the DVD.
2. If you downloaded the DB2 Connect product image, you must decompress and
untar the product file.
a. Decompress the product file:
gzip -d product.tar.gz
where product is the name of the database product that you downloaded.
b. Untar the product file:
tar xvf product.tar
c. Change directory:
cd ./product/disk1
Note: If you downloaded a National Language Package, untar it into the same
directory. This will create the subdirectories (for example ./nlpack/disk2) in
the same directory, and allows the installer to automatically find the installation
images without prompting
3. Enter the ./db2setup command from the directory where the product image
resides to start the DB2 Setup wizard. After a few moments, the IBM DB2
Setup Launchpad opens. For multiple CD installations, issue the db2setup
command outside the mounted CD location with either a relative or absolute
path name to ensure the DB2 Connect product CD can be unmounted as
required. From this window, you can view the installation prerequisites and the
release notes or you can proceed directly to the installation.
4. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard
installation panels and make your selections. Installation help is available to
guide you through the DB2 Setup wizard. Click Help to invoke the online help.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
You can click Cancel at any time to exit the installation. DB2 files will only be
copied to your system once you have clicked Finish on the last DB2 Setup
wizard installation panel. Once completed, the DB2 Connect Personal Edition
product is installed using the /opt/IBM/db2/Version 10.1 default installation
If you are installing on a system where this directory is already being used, the
DB2 Connect product installation path will have _xx added to it, where xx are
digits, starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you
have installed.
You can also specify your own DB2 database product installation path.
National Language Packs can also be installed by running the ./db2setup
command from the directory where the National Language Pack resides, after a
DB2 Connect product has been installed.
The installation logs, db2setup.log and db2setup.err will be located, by default, in
the /tmp directory. You can specify the location of the log files.
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you
must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
documentation for the DB2 database and DB2 database-related products.See
“Installing the DB2 Information Center using the DB2 Setup wizard (UNIX)” topic
in Installing DB2 Servers.
Mounting the CD or DVD for DB2 Connect (Linux)
To mount a CD-ROM on Linux operating systems, issue the mount command.
Before you begin
Depending on your system configuration, you might need root user authority to
mount discs.
To mount the CD or DVD on Linux operating systems:
1. Insert the CD or DVD in the drive and enter the following command:
mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom
where /cdrom represents the mount point of the CD or DVD.
2. Log out.
Your CD or DVD file system is now mounted. View the contents of the CD or
DVD by placing the disc in the drive and enter the cd /cdrom command where
cdrom is the mount point directory.
Installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition (Solaris)
To define installation preferences and to install DB2 Connect Personal Edition, use
the DB2 Setup wizard. Installing IBM Data Server Driver Package (DS Driver) and
DB2 Connect User's Guide
then applying the DB2 Connect Personal Edition license is the preferred alternative
to the process listed in the following section. Refer to IBM data server client types
for details.
Before you begin
Before beginning your installation:
v You can install DB2 Connect using either root or non-root user authority. For
more information about non-root installation, see “Non-root installation
overview (Linux and UNIX)” in Installing DB2 Servers.
v Ensure that your system meets the installation, memory and disk requirements.
v The DB2 database product DVD must be mounted on your system.
v The DB2 Connect product image must be available. If you are installing a
non-English version of a DB2 Connect product, you must also have the
appropriate National Language Packages.
v To locate DB2 database products already installed on your system, use the db2ls
command.Refer to the “Listing DB2 products installed on your system (Linux
and UNIX)” topic in Installing DB2 Servers.
v The DB2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X windows
software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup
wizard to run on your machine. Ensure that the X windows server is running.
Ensure that you have properly exported your display. For example, export
v If security software such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is
used in your environment, you must manually create required DB2 users before
you start the DB2 Setup wizard. Refer to “Centralized user-management
considerations” in Installing DB2 Servers before you begin.
Note: Network Information Services (NIS) and Network Information Services
Plus (NIS+) features are deprecated starting with DB2 Version 9.1 Fix Pack 2.
Support for these features might be removed in a future release. Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is the recommended solution for centralized
user-management services.
About this task
The DB2 Setup wizard is a Java-based installation tool that automates the
installation and configuration of any DB2 database products. If you prefer not to
use this wizard, you have two alternatives. You can install a DB2 Connect Personal
Edition product:
v Using the response file method.
v Manually using the db2setup command. You cannot manually install a DB2
database product using the operating system's native installation utility pkgadd.
Any existing scripts containing this native installation utility that you use to
interface and query with DB2 installations will need to change.
To install DB2 Connect Personal Edition on Solaris x64 using the DB2 Setup
1. Change to the directory where the DVD is mounted:
cd /db2dvd
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
where db2dvd represents the mount point of the DVD.
2. If you downloaded the DB2 Connect product image, you must extract and
untar the product file.
a. Decompress the product file:
gzip -d product.tar.gz
where product is the name of the DB2 Connect product that you
b. Untar the product file:
tar xvf product.tar
c. Change directory:
cd ./product/disk1
Note: If you downloaded a National Language Package, untar it into the same
directory. This will create the subdirectories (for example ./nlpack/disk2) in
the same directory, and allows the installer to automatically find the installation
images without prompting
3. Enter the ./db2setup command from the directory where the product image
resides to start the DB2 Setup wizard. For multiple CD installations, issue the
db2setup command outside the mounted CD location with either a relative or
absolute path name to ensure the DB2 Connect product CD can be unmounted
as required. After a few moments, the IBM DB2 Setup Launchpad opens. From
this window, you can view the installation prerequisites and the release notes
or you can proceed directly to the installation.
4. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard
installation panels and make your selections. Installation help is available to
guide you through the DB2 Setup wizard. Click Help to invoke the online help.
You can click Cancel at any time to end the installation. DB2 files will only be
copied to you system once you have clicked Finish on the last DB2 Setup
wizard installation panel.
Once completed, DB2 Connect Personal Edition is installed using the
/opt/IBM/db2/V10.1 default installation path.
If you are installing on a system where this directory is already being used, the
DB2 Connect product installation path will have _xx added to it, where xx are
digits, starting at 01 and increasing depending on how many DB2 copies you
have installed.
You can also specify your own DB2 Connect product installation path.
National Language Packs can also be installed by running the ./db2setup
command from the directory where the National Language Pack resides, after a
DB2 Connect product has been installed.
The installation logs, db2setup.log and db2setup.err will be located, by default, in
the /tmp directory. You can specify the location of the log files.
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then you
must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
documentation for the DB2 database and DB2 related products. See the “Installing
the DB2 Information Center using the DB2 Setup wizard (UNIX)” topic in Installing
DB2 Servers.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Mounting CDs or DVDs for DB2 Connect (Solaris)
If the CD-ROM is not automatically mounted when you insert it into the drive on
Solaris Operating System, issue the mount command.
Before you begin
If you are mounting the CD or DVD drive from a remote system using NFS, the
CD or DVD file system on the remote computer must be exported with root access.
Depending on your local system configuration, you might also need root access on
the local computer.
To mount the CD or DVD on Solaris:
1. Insert the CD or DVD into the drive.
2. If the Volume Manager (vold) is running on your system, the disc is
automatically mounted as /cdrom/cd_label if the CD or DVD has a label or
/cdrom/unnamed_cdrom if it is unlabeled.
If the Volume Manager is not running on your system, complete the following
steps to mount the CD or DVD:
a. Determine the name of the device by entering the following command:
ls -al /dev/sr* |awk ’{print "/" $11}’
This command returns the name of the CD or DVD device. In this example,
the command returns the string /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2.
b. Enter the following commands to mount the CD or DVD:
mkdir -p /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom
mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom
where /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 represents the name of the device that was
returned in the preceding step and /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom represents the CD
or DVD mount directory.
3. Log out.
Your CD or DVD file system is now mounted. View the contents of the CD or
DVD by placing the disk in the drive and enter the cd /cdrom command where
cdrom is the mount point directory.
Installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition (Windows)
You can install DB2 Connect Personal Edition on Windows operating systems
using the DB2 Setup wizard. Installing IBM Data Server Driver Package (DS
Driver) and then applying the DB2 Connect Personal Edition license is the
preferred alternative to the process listed in the following section. Refer to IBM
data server client types for details.
Before you begin
Before you launch the DB2 Setup wizard:
v Ensure that your system meets the following requirements:
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
– Hardware and software requirements
– Disk and memory requirements
v If you are installing on Windows and intend to use Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP), you must extend the directory schema.
v It is recommended that you use an Administrator account to perform the
installation. The Administrator account must belong to the local administrator's
group on the Windows computer where you are installing your DB2 database
product and should have the following advanced user rights:
– Act as part of the operating system
– Create token object
– Increase quotas
– Replace a process level token
You can perform the installation without advanced user rights, but the setup
program might be unable to validate accounts.
v If you want to install DB2 Connect with a non-Administrator account, refer to
the topic, “Non-Administrator installation of DB2 Connect (Windows)”.
v To install DB2 Connect Personal Edition using the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Log on to the system as a user with administrator authority.
2. Close all programs so the installation program can update files as required.
3. If you have a computer with a IBM data server client installed, you can
activate DB2 Connect Personal Edition by registering your DB2 Connect
Personal Edition license to that computer. To install DB2 Connect Personal
Edition by running the setup program, follow the remaining steps.
4. Insert the DVD into the drive. The auto-run feature automatically starts the
DB2 Setup wizard. The DB2 Setup wizard will determine the system
language, and launch the setup program for that language. If you want to
run the setup program in a different language, or the setup program failed to
auto-start, you can run the DB2 Setup wizard manually.
5. The DB2 Launchpad opens. From this window, you can view the installation
prerequisites and the release notes, or you can proceed directly to the
6. Once you have initiated the installation, proceed by following the setup
program's prompts. Online help is available to guide you through the
remaining steps. Click Help to invoke the online help. You can click Cancel
at any time to end the installation.
A log file stores general information and error messages resulting from the
install and uninstall activities. The file name of the log follows the format
DB2-Product Abrreviation-Date Time.log, such as DB2-CLIENT-10-062006_17_23_42.log. By default, the log file is located in the My Documents\DB2LOG
v To invoke the DB2 Setup wizard manually:
1. Click Start and select the Run option.
2. In the Open field, enter the following command:
x:\setup /i language
– x: represents your DVD drive
DB2 Connect User's Guide
– language represents the territory code for your language (for example, EN
for English).
3. Click OK.
If you want your DB2 database product to have access to DB2 documentation
either on your local computer or on another computer on your network, then
you must install the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains
documentation for DB2 database systems and related products.
Required user accounts for installation of DB2 Connect Personal
Edition (Windows)
If you are installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition product on Windows, you
require an installation user account.
The installation user account is the account of the user performing the installation.
The installation user account must be defined before running the DB2 Setup
wizard. The setup user accounts can be defined before installation or you can have
the DB2 Setup wizard create them for you.
All user account names must adhere to your system naming rules and to DB2
naming rules.
If you use an installation user account that contains non-English characters which
are not specified in DB2 naming rules, the DB2 installation will fail.
A local or domain user account is required to perform the installation. Normally,
the user account must belong to the Administrators group on the computer where
you will perform the installation.
Alternatively, a non-Administrator user account can be used. This alternative
requires that a member of the Windows Administrators group first configure the
Windows elevated privileges settings to allow a non-Administrator user account to
perform an installation. For example, on a 64-bit operating system you must
manually grant full permission on HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node before DB2 Connect
Personal Edition can be successfully installed. On Windows Vista, a
non-Administrator can perform an installation, but will be prompted for
administrative credentials by the DB2 Setup wizard.
The user right "Access this computer from the network" is required for the
installation user account.
For domain accounts, to verify user IDs, the installation user ID must belong to the
Domain Administrators group on the domain where the accounts are going to be
You can also use the built-in Local System account to run the installation for all
User rights granted by the DB2 installer
The DB2 installation program does not grant the Debug Programs user right. The
DB2 installer grants the following user rights:
v Act as part of the operating system
v Create token object
v Lock pages in memory
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
v Log on as a service
v Increase quotas
v Replace a process level token
Extended security on Windows
DB2 products offer extended Windows security. You can install DB2 Connect
Personal Edition with a user ID, but unless that user ID belongs to either the
DB2ADMNS or DB2USERS group, that user ID won't be able to run any DB2
The DB2 installer creates these two new groups. You can either specify a new
name during a custom installation or accept the default names.
To enable this security feature, select the Enable operating system security check
box on the Enable operating system security for DB2 objects panel during the
DB2 installation. Accept the default values for the DB2 Administrators Group field,
and the DB2 Users Group field. The default group names are DB2ADMNS and
DB2USERS. If there is a conflict with existing group names, you will be prompted
to change the group names. If required, you can specify your own values.
Extending the Active Directory Schema for LDAP directory
services (Windows)
If you plan to use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory
server feature with Windows Server 2003, you have to extend the Active Directory
schema to contain DB2 object classes and attribute definitions using the db2schex
About this task
Extending the directory schema before installing DB2 database products and
creating databases provide the following benefits:
v The default DB2 instance, created during the installation, is cataloged as a DB2
node in Active Directory, provided that the installation user ID had sufficient
privileges to write to Active Directory.
v Any databases created after installation is automatically cataloged into Active
To extend the directory schema:
1. Log onto any machine that is part of the Windows domain with a Windows
user account that has Schema Administration authority.
2. Run the db2schex command from the installation DVD . You can run this
command without logging off and logging on again, as follows:
runas /user:MyDomain\Administrator x:\db2\Windows\utilities\db2schex.exe
where x: represents the DVD drive letter.
What to do next
When db2schex completes, you can proceed with the installation of your DB2
database product; or if you have already installed DB2 database products or
created databases, you have to manually register the node and catalog the
DB2 Connect User's Guide
databases. For more information, see the “Enabling LDAP support after DB2
installation is complete” topic.
Non-Administrator installation of DB2 Connect (Windows)
There are some additional considerations when you install DB2 Connect on
Windows operating systems using a non-Administrator user account.
For a non-Administrator's installation, the account you are logged on as must
belong to Power Users group.
Some information about DB2 Connect that must appear in the registry must be
entered in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder in the registry. Although many
items will be stored under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder in the registry for
non-Administrator installations of DB2 Connect, the environment settings must be
A member of the Windows Administrators group must configure the Windows
elevated privileges settings to allow a non-Administrator user account to perform
an installation. For example, on a 64-bit operating system you must manually grant
full permission on HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node before a 32-bit DB2 Connect
Personal Edition product can be successfully installed.
Note: If a non-Administrator user account is going to do the product installation,
then the VS2010 runtime library must be installed before attempting to install a
DB2 product. The VS2010 runtime library is needed on the operating system before
the DB2 product can be installed. The VS2010 runtime library is available from the
Microsoft runtime library download website. There are two choices: choose
vcredist_x86.exe for 32-bit systems or vcredist_x64.exe for 64-bit systems.
System shortcuts must be changed to user shortcuts for the non-Administrator
install. Moreover, since services are required to install any of the DB2 Connect
products, but cannot be created without administrative authority, services that
would be automatically started are run as processes when a non-administrator
The following scenarios are installation situations that you might encounter in an
environment where both administrator and non-administrator installations exist:
v A non-Administrator has installed DB2 Connect, and then an Administrator
attempts to install DB2 Connect on the same system. The Administrator will get
a message that the product is already installed. The Administrator does have the
authority to uninstall and reinstall the product to get around this issue.
v A non-administrator has installed DB2 Connect, and then a second
non-Administrator attempts to install DB2 Connect on the same system. In this
scenario, the installation will fail, and return an error message that the user must
be an Administrator to install the product.
v An Administrator has installed DB2 Connect, and then a non-Administrator
attempts to install DB2 Connect on the same system. In this scenario, the install
will fail, and return an error message that the user must be an Administrator to
install the product. An Administrator always has the authority to uninstall or
v Non-Administrator users cannot uninstall a DB2 product. Those
non-Administrator users on a Windows Vista (and later) operating system can
uninstall a DB2 product.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Maintaining license keys
Registering a DB2 Connect license key using the db2licm
Use the db2licm command to apply the license entitlement certificate (also referred
to as registering a license key).
Before you begin
To complete this task, you must have the appropriate license file (*.lic).
To connect to a z/OS server or a System i server, you must register a DB2 Connect
license key. (Retrieve the license file from your Passport Advantage® distribution,
for example db2conpe.lic, then copy the license file to the license directory under
the directory where the driver was installed.)
If you are using DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for z/OS, then use a server based
license key. This one step will prevent the need for client based license keys. For
details, see the topic about activating the license key for DB2 Connect Unlimited
Edition for System z.
On Windows operating systems, you must belong to the local Administrators or
Power Users group to use the db2licm command with the -a command parameter.
On Windows operating systems, register a DB2 license key by entering the
following command:
db2instance_path\bin\db2licm -a filename
where db2instance_path is where the DB2 instance was created and filename is the
full path name and file name for the license file that corresponds to the product
or feature you have purchased.
v On Linux or UNIX operating systems, register a DB2 license key by entering the
following command:
INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2licm -a filename
where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the instance owner and
filename is the full path name and file name for the license file that corresponds
to the product or feature you have purchased. The db2licm command can also
be found in the path where the DB2 database product is installed. For example,
/opt/IBM/db2/V10.1/adm on AIX, HP-UX or Solaris operating systems or
/opt/ibm/db2/V10.1/adm on Linux operating systems, if you use the default
installation directory.
Setting the DB2 Connect license policy using the db2licm
To set your license policy, issue the db2licm command with the command
parameters that are appropriate for the license.
Before you begin
Before you set your license policy, you need to know the product identifier. To list
the product identifier information, enter the following command:
DB2 Connect User's Guide
db2licm -l
The product identifier is listed in the Product Identifier field.
About this task
For DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition the license policy controls and monitors the
number of users that can connect simultaneously to a DB2 Connect server.
For InfoSphere Replication Server or InfoSphere Federation Server, the license
policy controls and monitors the number of connectors to a data source that is not
a part of DB2.
To set your license policy:
Perform one of the following depending on the type of licenses that you purchased:
v If you purchased a InfoSphere Replication Server or InfoSphere Federation
Server Concurrent Connector policy, enter the following command:
db2licm -c isrs concurrent
db2licm -c isfs concurrent
v If you purchased a DB2 Connect server Concurrent User policy, enter the
following command:
db2licm -p db2consv concurrent
Post-installation tasks
Adding your user ID to the DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS user
groups (Windows)
After successfully completing a DB2 installation, you now have to add users to the
DB2ADMNS or the DB2USERS groups for users that need to run local DB2
applications and tools on the machine.
Before you begin
v You must have installed a DB2 database product.
v You must have selected the Enable operating system security check box on the
Enable operating system security for DB2 object panel during the installation of
your DB2 database product.
To add users to the appropriate group:
1. Click Start and select Run.
Type lusrmgr.msc and click OK.
Select Local Users and Groups.
Select Users.
Select the user you want to add.
Click Properties.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
Click the Member Of tab.
Click Add.
Select the appropriate group.
Click OK.
What to do next
If you did the install and chose not to enable the new security feature you can still
do so post-install by running the db2extsec.exe command. Adding a user to a
group takes effect the first time the user logs on after the user has been added. For
example, if you add you user ID to the DB2ADMNS group, you need to log out
and then log in again for this change to take effect.
Applying fix packs to DB2 Connect
It is recommended that you keep your DB2 database environment running at the
latest fix pack level to ensure problem-free operation. To install a fix pack
successfully, perform all of the necessary preinstallation and post-installation tasks.
About this task
A DB2 fix pack contains updates and fixes for problems (Authorized Program
Analysis Reports, or "APARs") found during testing at IBM, as well as fixes for
problems reported by customers. The APARLIST.TXT file describes the fixes
contained in each fix pack and it is available for download at ftp://
Fix packs are cumulative. This means that the latest fix pack for any given version
of DB2 database contains all of the updates from previous fix packs for the same
version of DB2 database.
The fix pack images available are:
v A single server image.
The single server image contains the new and updated code required for all DB2
database server products and the IBM Data Server Client. If more than one DB2
database server product is installed in a single location, the DB2 database server
fix pack applies maintenance code updates to all the installed DB2 database
server products. The Data Server Client fix pack is contained within the one DB2
database server fix pack (namely the fix pack that can service any one of the
following database server products: DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, DB2
Workgroup Server Edition, DB2 Express® Edition, DB2 Connect Enterprise
Edition, DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, DB2 Connect Unlimited
Edition for zSeries, and DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for i5/OS®). You can use
the DB2 database server fix pack to upgrade a Data Server Client.
A single server image can also be used to install any of the DB2 database server
products, at a particular fix pack level, with a DB2 try and buy license by
The single server fix pack image contains DB2 try-and-buy licenses for all DB2
server products. When you select a new DB2 server product to install or a
previously installed DB2 server product to update, the try-and-buy licenses are
installed. The try-and-buy licenses do not affect any valid licenses already
installed in the same DB2 installation path. Regarding DB2 Connect server
products, if you run the db2licm -l command to query valid licenses, the
try-and-buy license for DB2 Connect server product might display as an invalid
DB2 Connect User's Guide
license. However, if you do not need to use the DB2 Connect functionality, you
can ignore the report. To remove the try-and-buy license for DB2 Connect server,
use the db2licm command.
v A fix pack for each of the other DB2 database products.
Use this fix pack only if you only have non-server database products or add-on
products installed. For example, IBM Data Server Runtime Client.
Do not use this type of fix pack if the installed DB2 database products are only
DB2 database server products or a Data Server Client. Instead, use the single
server image fix pack.
For Windows platforms, if you have more than one DB2 database product
(which includes at least one product that is not a Data Server Client or a DB2
database server) installed in a single DB2 copy, you must download and
uncompress all of the corresponding product-specific fix packs before starting
the fix pack installation process.
v A universal fix pack.
The universal fix pack services installations where more than one DB2 database
product has been installed.
The universal fix pack is not needed if the installed DB2 database products are
only DB2 database server products or a Data Server Client. In this case, the
single server image fix pack should be used.
On Linux or UNIX operating systems, if national languages have been installed,
you also require a separate national language fix pack. The national language fix
pack can not be installed alone. A universal or product-specific fix pack must be
applied at the same time and they must both be at the same fix pack level. For
example, if you are applying a universal fix pack to non-English DB2 database
products on Linux or UNIX, you must apply both the universal fix pack and the
national language fix pack to update the DB2 database products.
v A DB2 Version 10.1 fix pack can only be applied to DB2 Version 10.1 general
availability (GA) or DB2 Version 10.1 fix pack copies.
v All DB2 instances, DAS, and applications related to the DB2 copy being updated
must be stopped before installing a fix pack.
v In a partitioned database environment, before installing the fix pack, you must
stop the database manager on all database partition servers. You must install the
fix pack on the instance-owning database partition server and all other database
partition servers. All computers participating in the instance must be updated to
the same fix pack level.
v On Linux or UNIX operating systems:
– If you have DB2 database products on a Network File System (NFS), you
must ensure the following applications are stopped completely before
installing the fix pack: all instances, the DB2 administration server (DAS),
interprocess communications (IPC), and applications on other machines using
the same NFS mounted installation.
– If the system commands fuser or lsof are not available, the installFixPack
command cannot detect loaded DB2 database files. You must ensure no DB2
files are loaded and provide an override option to install the fix pack. On
UNIX, the fuser command is required to check for loaded files. On Linux,
either the fuser command or lsof command is required.
For details on the override option, see the installFixPack command.
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
v On client applications, after a fix pack has been applied, to perform autobind of
applications, the user must have bind authority.
v Installation of a DB2 fix pack will not service IBM Data Studio Administration
Console or IBM Data Studio.
install a fix pack:
Check fix pack prerequisites.
Perform the necessary tasks before installing a fix pack.
Choose a fix pack installation method and install the fix pack.
4. Perform the necessary tasks after installing the fix pack.
5. Apply the appropriate DB2 database product license.
If a previously licensed copy of a DB2 database server product does not already
exist on the machine, a single server fix pack image can be used to install any
of the DB2 database server products. In this case, the DB2 database product
installed is treated as a try and buy license, and will stop working after a 90
day trial period unless you upgrade the try and buy license.
What to do next
Check the log file for any post-installation steps, or error messages and
recommended actions.
For non-root installations on Linux or UNIX, root-based features (such as High
Availability and operating system-based authentication) can be enabled using the
db2rfe command. If root-based features were enabled after installing your DB2
database product, you must rerun the db2rfe command each time a fix pack is
applied in order to re-enable those features.
If you have multiple DB2 copies on the same system, those copies can be at
different version and fix pack levels. If you want to apply a fix pack to one or
more DB2 copies, you must install the fix pack on those DB2 copies one by one.
Uninstalling DB2 Connect (Windows)
This task provides steps for completely removing your DB2 database product from
your Windows operating system. Only perform this task if you no longer require
your existing DB2 instances and databases.
About this task
If you are uninstalling the default DB2 copy, and you have other DB2 copies on
your system, use the db2swtch command to choose a new default copy before you
proceed with the uninstallation. Also, if your DB2 Administration Server (DAS) is
running under the copy being removed, move your DAS to a copy that is not
being removed. Otherwise, re-create the DAS using the db2admin create command
after the uninstall, and you reconfigure the DAS for some function to work.
To remove your DB2 database product from Windows:
DB2 Connect User's Guide
1. Optional: Drop all databases using the drop database command. Be sure that
you no longer need these databases. If you drop your databases, all of your
data will be gone.
2. Stop all DB2 processes and services. This can be done through the Windows
Services panel or by issuing the db2stop command. If DB2 services and
processes are not stopped before attempting to remove your DB2 database
product, you will receive a warning containing a list of processes and services
that are holding DB2 DLLs in memory. If you will use Add/Remove Programs
to remove your DB2 database product, this step is optional.
3. You have two options for removing your DB2 database product:
v Add/Remove Programs
Accessible through the Windows Control Panel, use the Add/Remove
Programs window to remove your DB2 database product. Refer to your
operating system's help for more information about removing software
products from your Windows operating system.
v db2unins command
You can run the db2unins command from the DB2DIR\bin directory to remove
your DB2 database products, features, or languages. Using this command,
you can uninstall multiple DB2 database products at the same time using the
/p parameter. You can use a response file to uninstall DB2 database products,
features, or languages using /u parameter.
What to do next
Unfortunately, your DB2 database product cannot always be removed by using the
Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs facility or using the db2unins /p
command or the db2unins /u command. The following uninstallation option must
ONLY be attempted if the previous method fails.
To forcefully remove all DB2 copies from your Windows system, run the db2unins
/f command. This command will perform a brute force uninstallation of ALL DB2
copies on the system. Everything except user data, such as DB2 databases, will be
forcefully deleted. Before running this command with the /f parameter, see the
db2unins command for details.
Uninstalling DB2 Connect (Linux and UNIX)
This task provides steps for removing a DB2 database product from your Linux or
UNIX operating system.
About this task
This task is not required to install a new version of a DB2 database product. Each
version of a DB2 database product on Linux or UNIX has a different installation
path and can therefore coexist on the same computer.
Note: This task applies to DB2 database products that were installed with root
user authority. A separate topic explains how to uninstall DB2 database products
that were installed as a non-root user.
To remove your DB2 database product:
Chapter 2. Installing DB2 Connect server
1. Optional: Drop all databases. You can drop databases using the DROP DATABASE
command. Database files remain intact on your file systems when you drop an
instance without dropping databases first.
2. Stop the DB2 Administration Server. Refer to the Installing DB2 Servers manual.
3. Remove the DB2 Administration Server, or run the dasupdt command to update
the DB2 Administration Server to another installation path. To remove the DB2
Administration Server, refer to the Installing DB2 Servers manual.
4. Stop all DB2 instances. Refer to the Installing DB2 Servers manual.
5. Remove the DB2 instances, or run the db2iupdt command to update the
instances to another installation path. To remove the DB2 instances, refer to the
Installing DB2 Servers manual.
6. Remove the DB2 database products. Refer to the Installing DB2 Servers manual.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 3. Upgrading to the latest version of DB2 Connect
Upgrading to a new version or release of DB2 Connect might require upgrading
your environment components if you want them to run on the new release. These
components are DB2 Connect servers, DB2 servers, DB2 clients, and database
For example, if you have an existing environment using an earlier version or
release of DB2 Connect and you want to install the latest version or release of DB2
Connect, then you can upgrade your DB2 Connect server and you might need to
upgrade other components in your environment.
DB2 Connect servers supports the upgrading of DB2 Connect instances, and any
existing transaction manager and DB2 Connect federated databases created on
previous versions of DB2 Connect servers.
The upgrade process consists of all the tasks that you need to perform to have
your environment running successfully on a new release. The upgrading of each of
the components in your environment to the latest version or release of DB2
Connect requires that you perform different tasks:
“Upgrading DB2 Connect servers” on page 70 involves upgrading your existing
instances, any existing DB2 Connect federated databases, and any existing
transaction manager databases so that they can run in the latest version or
release of DB2 Connect.
v Upgrading IBM Data Server client packages involves upgrading your client
instances to keep the configuration of your existing IBM Data Server client
packages.Refer to the “Clients upgrade” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version
v Upgrading database applications involves testing them in the latest version or
release of DB2 Connect and modifying them only when you need to support
changes available in the latest version or release of DB2 Connect.
Review changes in existing functionality and discontinued and deprecated
functionality for DB2 Connect in the What's New for DB2 Version 10.1 to
determine the changes that could impact your database applications. If your
database applications connect to DB2 servers, you might need to upgrade your
database applications. Refer to the “Database applications and routines upgrade”
topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1.
v Consideration toward DB2 Connect client, instead of DB2 Connect server, to
receive equivalent or superior function. You can reduce complexity, improve
performance, and deploy application solutions with smaller footprints. For
details, see the topic about client/server connection options.
The best approach to upgrading is to write an upgrade plan. A strategy defines
how to approach the upgrading of your environment and gives you the outline for
your upgrade plan. The characteristics of your environment and the information in
upgrade essentials, especially the upgrade recommendations and restrictions, can
help you determine your strategy. An upgrade plan should include the following
upgrade details for each component:
v Upgrade prerequisites that indicate all the requirements that you need to meet
before upgrading.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
Pre-upgrade tasks which describe all the preparation tasks that you need to
perform before upgrading.
v Upgrade tasks which describe step by step the basic upgrade process for a
component and how to upgrade environments with special characteristics.
v Post-upgrade tasks which describe all the tasks that you need perform after
upgrading to have your DB2 server running at the optimum level.
v Review the need to opt for DB2 Connect client, instead of DB2 Connect server,
to receive equivalent or superior function.
You will find that pre-upgrade tasks, upgrading tasks, and post-upgrade tasks for
DB2 Connect servers reference pre-upgrade tasks, upgrading tasks, and
post-upgrade tasks for DB2 servers because they are exactly the same tasks.
Upgrade essentials for DB2 Connect
If you are upgrading your clients to the latest version or release of DB2 Connect,
you need to consider the changes in support and resolve them before you upgrade.
Upgrade essentials for DB2 servers and clients also apply to DB2 Connect
Upgrade support and restrictions for DB2 servers and clients also apply
when you upgrade your DB2 Connect server.
v Review upgrade essentials for DB2 servers to determine additional
changes that impact your upgrade and how to address any issues. Refer
to the “Upgrade essentials for DB2 Servers” topic in Upgrading to DB2
Version 10.1 .
v Review upgrade essentials for clients, especially connectivity support
between clients and DB2 servers. Connections to the latest version or
release of DB2 Connect servers from a client release two or more
versions earlier are not supported.Refer to the “Upgrade essentials for
clients” topic in Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 .
v Review the need to opt for DB2 Connect client, instead of DB2 Connect
server, to receive equivalent or superior function. You can reduce
complexity, improve performance, and deploy application solutions with
smaller footprints. For details, see the topic about client/server
connection options.
Upgrade recommendations for DB2 Connect
The last two versions of the clients can connect to the latest version or
release of DB2 Connect servers. The only restriction is that new features
are not available to the clients from the previous versions and releases.
However, it is not likely that you need access to these new features
because your existing applications do not use them.
If you choose to upgrade your clients first, you need to be aware that there
are known limitations about the support for connectivity from a current
version or release of the client to DB2 Connect servers from two versions
ago. Check the current version or release of the incompatibilities with
previous releases, see if these limitations apply to your application in order
to take necessary actions.
Perform the pre- and post-upgrade tasks to ensure a successful upgrade.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Pre-upgrade tasks for DB2 Connect servers
To successfully upgrade your DB2 Connect servers, preparation is required to
address any issues that may exist.
Perform the following pre-upgrade tasks for DB2 servers that also apply to DB2
Connect servers:
1. Review the “Upgrade essentials for DB2 Connect” on page 68 to identify the
changes or restrictions that can affect your upgrade and learn how to address
any issues before upgrading.
2. If the modification level of your product is higher than 10, install DB2 for
z/OS APAR PM35785 on your z/OS system before upgrading to a new release
or fix pack of DB2 Connect.
3. Refer to the “Backing up DB2 server configuration and diagnostic
information” topic in Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 to have a record of your
current configuration that you can compare with the configuration after the
upgrade. You can also use this information to create new instances or
databases using the same configuration that you had before upgrading.
4. Optional: If you enabled the Syncpoint Manager (SPM) functionality on your
DB2 Connect server, ensure that the DRDA sync point managers do not
contain any indoubt transactions by using the LIST DRDA INDOUBT
TRANSACTIONS command to get a list of indoubt transactions and to
interactively resolve any indoubt transactions.
5. Optional: If you have transaction manager databases, perform the following
pre-upgrade tasks to prepare your databases for upgrading:
a. Ensure that the database to be upgraded does not contain any indoubt
transactions by using the LIST INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command to get a
list of indoubt transactions and to interactively resolve any indoubt
b. Refer to the “Verify that your databases are ready for upgrading” topic in
the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 to identify and resolve any problems
before the actual upgrade.
c. Refer to the “Backing up databases before upgrading” topic in the
Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 to be able to upgrade them to a new
upgraded system or restore them in the original pre-upgrade system.
d. Review the “disk space requirements” topic in the Upgrading to DB2
Version 10.1 to ensure that you have enough free disk space, temporary
table space and log space for database upgrading and increase table space
and log file sizes if necessary.
e. Linux only: Review the “Changing raw devices to block devices (Linux)”
topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 .
6. Optional: If you have DB2 Connect federated databases, refer to the
“Preparing to migrate to federated systems” topic in the IBM WebSphere
Information Integration: Migrating to Federation Version 9 for details on
pre-upgrade tasks for these databases.
7. Windows only: If you obtained customized code page conversion tables from
the DB2 support service, you need to backup all of the files in the
DB2OLD\conv directory where DB2OLD is the location of your existing DB2
Connect copy. Upgrading your current version or release of DB2 Connect copy
Chapter 3. Upgrading to DB2 Connect Version 10.1
removes these tables because standard code page tables are contained in a
new version or release DB2 Connect library. You do not need to backup
standard code page conversion tables.
8. Optional: Upgrade your DB2 Connect server in a test environment to identify
upgrade issues and to verify that database applications and routines work as
expected before upgrading your production environment.
9. If the diaglevel database manager configuration parameter is set to 2 or less,
set it to 3 or higher before upgrading.
Refer to the “Setting the diagnostic log file error capture level” topic in the
Troubleshooting and Tuning Database Performance to set this database manager
configuration parameter.
In the latest version or release of DB2 Connect, all significant upgrade events
are logged in the db2diag log files when the diaglevel database manager
configuration parameter is set to 3 (default value) or higher.
10. Take the DB2 Connect server offline for upgrading. For details, refer to the
“Taking a DB2 server offline before upgrading” topic in the Upgrading to DB2
Version 10.1.
Upgrading DB2 Connect servers
DB2 Connect Version 10.1 servers support the upgrade of DB2 Connect instances,
and any existing transaction manager and DB2 Connect federated databases
created on DB2 Connect Version 9.7 and Version 9.5 servers.
Before you begin
Before upgrading to DB2 Connect Version 10.1:
v Ensure that you have the proper operating system access:
– Root user authority on UNIX
– Local Administrator on Windows
Ensure that you have SYSADM authority.
Ensure that you meet the installation requirements for DB2 database products.
Refer to the “Installation requirements for DB2 database products” topic in the
Installing DB2 Servers . The requirements for Linux and UNIX operating systems
have changed.
Review the upgrade recommendations. Refer to the “Best practices for
upgrading DB2 Servers” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1.
Review the disk space requirements. Refer to the “Disk space requirements for
DB2 Server upgrades” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1.
Perform the pre-upgrade tasks, especially backing up your databases.
About this task
Since DB2 Connect server products are host database connectivity servers, the only
databases that can exist within a DB2 Connect server instance are transaction
manager databases and DB2 Connect federated databases. The DB2 Connect
transaction manager database stores transaction state information for DB2
coordinated transactions. The sole purpose of DB2 Connect federated databases is
to contain information about data sources.
On Linux and UNIX operating systems, you should manually upgrade your DB2
Connect instances after installing the latest version of DB2 Connect. All the remote
nodes and databases that you cataloged on the DB2 clients refer to these instances.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
If you create a new instance, again you will have to catalog nodes, DCS databases,
and databases on the DB2 clients that existed in the instances from the previous
On Windows operating systems, you have an option to automatically upgrade an
existing, supported DB2 Connect copy during installation. Your DB2 Connect
instances are automatically upgraded. Alternatively, you can install a new copy of
the latest version of DB2 Connect and then manually upgrade your DB2 Connect
This procedure describes how to upgrade by installing a new copy of the latest
version of DB2 Connect and then upgrade instances and any existing databases. To
automatically upgrade an existing, supported DB2 Connect copy on Windows,
refer to “Upgrading a DB2 server (Windows)”in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1.
v The bit size of the client instance is determined by the operating system where
you install DB2 Connect. Refer to the “Support changes for 32-bit and 64-bit DB2
servers” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 for details.
v Additional upgrade restrictions for DB2 servers also apply to DB2 Connect
servers. Refer to the “Upgrade restrictions for DB2 servers” topic in the
Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 .
To upgrade your DB2 Connect server Version 10.1:
1. Export your connectivity configuration information for your existing, supported
DB2 Connect server to an export profile. Use the db2cfexp tool to create a
configuration profile:
db2cfexp cfg_profile backup
This profile contains all of the instance configuration information, including the
database manager configuration and registry profile because the option backup
is specified. You can use this profile to re-create your connectivity configuration
if necessary.
2. Install DB2 Connect by running the DB2 Setup wizard and selecting the option
Install New on the Install a Product panel. Refer to “DB2 Connect server
products: installation and configuration overview” on page 32.
3. Upgrade your DB2 Connect instances using the db2iupgrade command. Refer
to the “Upgrading instances” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 .
4. Upgrade any existing transaction manager and DB2 Connect federated
databases. You can also upgrade your databases by restoring a DB2 Connect
backup from one of the two previous supported versions. Upgrade any existing
transaction manager and DB2 Connect federated databases by referring to the
“Upgrading databases” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1.
What to do next
After upgrading the DB2 Connect server, perform the recommended post-upgrade
tasks such as resetting the diagnostic error level, adjusting log space size, and
rebinding packages, and verifying that your upgrade was successful. Refer to
“Post-upgrade tasks for DB2 Connect servers” on page 72.
Chapter 3. Upgrading to DB2 Connect Version 10.1
Post-upgrade tasks for DB2 Connect servers
After upgrading your DB2 Connect servers, you should perform several
post-upgrade tasks to ensure that your DB2 Connect servers perform as expected
and run at their optimum level.
Perform the following post-upgrade tasks for DB2 servers that also apply to DB2
Connect servers:
1. If you set the diaglevel database manager configuration parameter to 4 as
recommended in the pre-upgrade tasks for DB2 Connect servers, reset this
parameter to the value set before the upgrade.
2. Manage changes in DB2 server behavior. Refer to the “Manage changes in DB2
server behavior” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 . There are new
registry variables, new configuration parameters, and new default values for
registry variables and configuration parameters introduced in latest version or
release of DB2 database products that can impact the behavior of the DB2
database server. There are also changes in physical design characteristics of
databases and changes to security that also have an impact.
3. If you obtained customized code page conversion tables from the DB2 support
service for previous versions or releases, copy all of the files for those tables
from the DB2OLD/conv to DB2DIR/conv, where DB2OLD is the location of your
previous supported version of DB2 Connect copy and DB2DIR is the location of
your new DB2 Connect copy. You do not need to copy standard code page
conversion tables.
If you upgraded your existing, supported DB2 Connect copy on Windows
operating systems, you can restore the customized code page conversion tables
that you backed up as part of the pre-upgrade tasks for DB2 Connect servers to
the DB2PATH\conv directory, where DB2PATH is the location of your new DB2
Connect copy.
4. If you are connecting to a DB2 for z/OS server or a IBM DB2 for IBM i server
where euro support is required, set the DB2CONNECT_ENABLE_EURO_CODEPAGE
registry variable to YES on all DB2 Connect clients and servers so that the
current application code page is mapped to the equivalent coded character set
ID (CCSID) that explicitly indicates support for the euro sign.
5. Optional: If you upgraded any databases in your DB2 Connect server and
changed the log space setting as recommended in the pre-upgrade tasks for
DB2 Connect servers, adjust the log space size. Refer to the “Adjusting the log
space size in migrated databases” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version 10.1 .
Ensure that the amount of log space that you allocate is adequate for your DB2
Connect server.
6. Optional: Back up your databases after the upgrade is complete. Refer to the
“Backing up databases before upgrading” topic in the Upgrading to DB2 Version
10.1 .
7. Optional: If you have DB2 Connect federated databases, review the
“Configuring federated systems after migration” topic in IBM WebSphere
Information Integration: Migrating to Federation Version 9 to determine if you need
to perform any tasks after you upgrade your federated databases.
Verify that your DB2 Connect server upgrade was successful. Test connections
to all your cataloged databases. The following example shows how to test a
connection from the Command Line Processor (CLP):
db2 CONNECT TO DATABASE sample user mickey using mouse
DB2 Connect User's Guide
You need to specify a user and password when connecting to a remote
database. Ensure all connections are successful.
Also, test your applications and tools to ensure that the DB2 Connect server is
working as expected.
What to do next
At this point, you should resume all of your maintenance activities. You should
also remove any previously supported versions or releases of DB2 Connect copies
that you no longer need.
Chapter 3. Upgrading to DB2 Connect Version 10.1
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 4. Configuring
Preparing IBM DB2 for IBM i for connections from DB2 Connect
DB2 Connect gives remote system applications access to data on your IBM DB2 for
IBM i system.
To set up the connection, you need to know the following information:
1. The local network name. You can get this information by entering DSPNETA.
2. The local adapter address. You can get this information by entering the WRKLIND
command in one of the following ways:
WRKLIND (*elan)
Lists Ethernet adapters
WRKLIND (*trlan)
Lists token ring adapters
WRKLIND (*all)
Lists all adapters
3. The hostname. You can get this information by entering DSPNETA.
4. The TCP/IP port or service name. The default is X'07'6DB (X'07F6C4C2'). The
default is always used by DB2 for i. If entering a hexadecimal number is not
convenient, an alias is QCNTEDDM.
5. The relational database name. You can get this information by entering
DSPRDBDIRE. This will display a list. The line containing *LOCAL in the Remote
Location column identifies the RDBNAME which must be defined to the client.
If there is no *LOCAL entry, you can add one, or use the system name obtained
from the DSPNETA command on the server.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
Here is an example:
Display Relational Database Directory Entries
Position to
. . . . . .
Type options, press Enter.
5=Display details 6=Print details
Location Text
When you have obtained these parameters from your IBM Power Systems server,
enter your values into the worksheet that follows:
Table 7. Configuration parameters from IBM Power Systems
Item Parameter
A-1 Local network name
A-2 Local adapter address
A-4 Hostname
A-5 TCP/IP port or service
X'07F6C4C2' (default)
A-6 Relational database name
Your value
For more information, refer to the “DRDA Considerations” section of the DB2
Server for VSE & VM SQL Reference (SC09-2989).
Preparing DB2 for z/OS for connections from DB2 Connect
DB2 Connect gives remote system applications access to data on your DB2 for
z/OS system.
Before you begin
If you anticipate that DB2 for z/OS will participate in a multisite update
transaction (two-phase commit) then refer to the topic that discusses enabling
multisite updates in the DB2 Connect User's Guide.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
About this task
This topic provides instructions for establishing TCP/IP network connections
between DB2 Connect Server or DB2 Connect client and DB2 for z/OS.
To prepare DB2 for z/OS to receive connection requests from DB2 Connect, you
need to configure your protocol by:
v “Configuring TCP/IP for DB2 for z/OS”
v “Configuring DB2 for z/OS” on page 80
Host databases
The term database is used throughout this document to describe a relational
database management system (RDBMS).
Other systems with which DB2 Connect communicates might use the term
database to describe a slightly different concept. The DB2 Connect term database
can also refer to:
System z
DB2 for z/OS. A DB2 for z/OS subsystem identified by its LOCATION
NAME. Use the z/OS -display ddf command to get the DB2 server
location name, domain name, IP address and port.
A DB2 for z/OS location is the unique name of a database server. An
application uses the location name to access a DB2 for z/OS subsystem or
a DB2 for z/OS data sharing group. A data sharing group enables
applications on different DB2 subsystems to read from and write to the
same data concurrently. The application uses a DB2 data sharing group
network address to access a DB2 data sharing location. The accessed DB2
subsystem is transparent to the application.
Since DB2 for z/OS supports multiple databases at the same DB2 location,
the location name is analogous to a Linux, UNIX, and Windows database
alias name. A database alias can be used to override the location or
location alias name when accessing a location. A location alias is another
name for a location. It is used to control which subsystems in a data
sharing group are accessed by an application.
LOCATION NAME is also defined in the Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) as
well as the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location), which is written
when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started. LOCATION NAME
supports up to 8 alias location names, allowing applications the ability to
use different dbalias names to access a Version 8 z/OS server.
IBM Power Systems Servers
IBM DB2 for IBM i, an integral part of the IBM i operating system. Only
one database can exist on an IBM Power Systems server unless the system
is configured to use independent auxiliary storage pools.
Configuring TCP/IP for DB2 for z/OS
To configure TCP/IP communications between your DB2 Connect workstation and
DB2 for z/OS Version 8 or later, you must first collect network details about the
host database server.
Chapter 4. Configuring
Before you begin
The instructions assume the following conditions:
v You are connecting to a single host database server or location via TCP/IP.
Multiple host connections will be handled in exactly the same way, although the
port number and service number required in each case might be different. Use the
group IP address to connect to a group location.
v The target database resides on DB2 for z/OS Version 8 or later.
v All the necessary software prerequisites are installed.
v DB2 clients have been set up as required.
1. Before you can use DB2 Connect over a TCP/IP connection, you must collect
information about both the host database server and the DB2 Connect server.
For each host server that you are connecting to via TCP/IP, you must have the
following information:
v The location of the TCP/IP services and hosts files at the DB2 Connect
On UNIX and Linux
On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
Usually %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\, where
%SystemRoot% represents the Windows install path directory.
You might want to add the host information to a domain name server to avoid
maintaining this file on multiple systems.
v The locations of the equivalent files at the target DB2 for z/OS host.
v The TCP/IP port number defined to DB2 for z/OS.
Note: The associated service name information is not exchanged between the
DB2 Connect workstation and DB2 for z/OS.
Port number 446 has been registered as the default for communication from
a DB2 Connect workstation.
v The TCP/IP addresses and host names for both the host and the DB2
Connect workstation.
v The LOCATION NAME of the DB2 for z/OS database server.
v The user ID and password to be used when issuing CONNECT requests to
the database at the IBM mainframe server.
2. Refer to your local network administrator and your DB2 for z/OS
administrator for help getting this information. Use the tables that follow as a
worksheet to plan each TCP/IP connection between DB2 Connect and a host
database server.
Table 8. User Information
Sample Value
User name
Contact info
User ID
Database type
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Your Value
Table 8. User Information (continued)
Sample Value
Your Value
Connection type (must
be TCPIP).
Table 9. Network Elements at the Host
Sample Value
Host name
Host IP address
Service name
Port number
User ID
Your Value
a. To obtain the host's IP address TCP-9, enter at the host:
b. To obtain the port number TCP-11, look for DSNL004I in the DB2 master
address space or system log.
Table 10. Network Elements at the DB2 Connect client and server
Sample Value
Host name
IP address
Service name
Port number
Your Value
Table 11. DB2 Directory Entries at the DB2 Connect server
Sample Value
Node name
Database name
Database alias
DCS database name
Your Value
3. Complete a copy of the worksheet example for each TCP/IP host:
a. Fill in the values to be used for the host name and IP address of the DB2
for z/OS host (TCP-8 and TCP-9).
b. Fill in the values to be used for the host name and IP address of the DB2
Connect workstation (TCP-18 and TCP-19).
c. Determine the service name or port number to be used for the connection
(TCP-10 or TCP-20, or TCP-11 or TCP-21).
d. Determine the LOCATION NAME of the DB2 for z/OS database server to
which you want to connect.
e. Determine the values to be used for user ID and PASSWORD when
connecting to the host database.
Chapter 4. Configuring
4. At
your System z server:
Verify the host address or the host name.
Verify the port number or the service name.
Update the services file with the correct port number and service name if
Update the hosts file (or the Domain Name Server used by the DB2 for
z/OS system) with the host name and IP address of the DB2 Connect
workstation if necessary.
Ensure the new definitions are active before attempting to test the
connection. Refer to your host network administrator or change control staff
if necessary.
Check with the DB2 for z/OS administrator that you have a valid user ID,
password, and database LOCATION NAME.
PING the DB2 Connect server, using the correct port number if that option
is supported by TCP/IP on the host system. For example:
ping remote_host_name -p port_number
Support for your System z server is available at
Configuring DB2 for z/OS
Before you can use DB2 Connect, your DB2 for z/OS Administrator must configure
DB2 for z/OS to permit connections from DB2 Connect workstations.
About this task
This section indicates the minimum updates required to permit a DB2 Connect
client to make a connection to the DB2 for z/OS database server. For more detailed
examples, refer to the DB2 for z/OS installation documentation: or refer to the DDF installation
steps in the DB2 for z/OS installation manual.
Preparing DB2 for VSE & VM for connections from DB2 Connect
You can set up a DB2 Server for VSE and VM as an application server.
About this task
For information about how to set up DB2 Server for VM and VSE as an application
server, refer to the “DRDA Considerations” section of the DB2 Server for VSE &
VM SQL Reference (SC09-2989) .
Sysplex support
Applications can leverage Sysplex capabilities by either going through a
middle-tier DB2 Connect server, or using client Sysplex support, when available.
The client sysplex support is the preferred option as it provides better availability,
improved server utilization since it eliminates a point of failure, transaction level
balancing and seamless automatic client reroute, whereas DB2 Connect server does
DB2 Connect User's Guide
DB2 Connect server Sysplex support
Sysplex permits the DB2 Connect server to seamlessly balance connections across
different members of a data sharing group. A Sysplex is a collection of System z
servers that cooperate, using hardware and software, to process work.
The Sysplex coordinates the cooperation by increasing the number of processors
working together, which increases the amount of work that can be processed. In
addition to an increase in processing capability, a Sysplex can provide flexibility in
mixing levels of hardware and software, and in dynamically adding systems.
Sysplex also provides DB2 Connect server the means to try alternate members
should a failure occur with one member. The rerouting capability for Sysplex is a
DB2 Connect feature. DB2 Connect server support for Sysplex is enabled by
default and so is the rerouting capability for Sysplex. Sysplex support to a host
database can be turned off by removing the SYSPLEX parameter from its DCS
directory entry, but the DCS entry itself should not be removed, even if it has no
other parameter specified.
With the automatic client reroute capability for Sysplex, the default behavior is for
a Sysplex enabled connection to try connecting again when there is a
communication failure. Special register values, up until the last successful
transaction not holding resources, are replayed when DB2 Connect is connected to
a DB2 for z/OS server.
You can configure the exact automatic client reroute retry behavior, including
disablement, by using the DB2_MAX_CLIENT_CONNRETRIES and
DB2_CONNRETRIES_INTERVAL registry variables. The connection timeout registry
Considerations for System z SYSPLEX exploitation
DB2 Connect provides load balancing and fault-tolerance when routing
connections to DB2 Sysplex. When connected to a DB2 for z/OS database server
running in a DB2 pureScale environment, DB2 Connect will spread the workload
amongst the different DB2 subsystems comprising the data sharing group, based
on the system load and health information provided by the Workload Manager
(WLM). It uses the Distributor to route connections. Use the group IP address to
connect to a group location.
DB2 Connect receives a prioritized list of DB2 members from the WLM. Each
Sysplex returns weighted priority information for each connection address that has
capacity to run the work. This list is then used by DB2 Connect to handle the
incoming CONNECT requests by distributing them among the DB2 members with
the best capacity to run work. For load balancing, the list of Sysplex weighted
priority information is obtained during each connection. This list is also used when
determining where to send each transaction.
Note: System z Distributed Data Facility (DDF) configuration does not need to be
changed to take advantage of the DB2 Connect Sysplex exploitation. Refer to DB2
for z/OS Data Sharing Planning and Administration guide.
DB2 Connect also provides fault-tolerance by attempting to connect to an alternate
sysplex machine in the event of a connection failure. An error will only be
returned to the application if all known connections have failed.
Chapter 4. Configuring
DB2 Connect is designed with a transport tool. With Sysplex enabled, DB2 Connect
routes connections using a transport member and associates it with a logical
DB2 Sysplex exploitation
In a typical scenario, a DB2 Connect server (server A) would be in conversation
with a Sysplex containing two DB2 for z/OS servers (servers B and C).
In a typical scenario, a DB2 Connect server (server A) would be in conversation
with a Sysplex containing two DB2 for z/OS servers (servers B and C).
Sysplex server B
Sysplex server C
Suppose that in this scenario an application now issues:
db2 connect to aliasb user xxxxxxx using xxxxxxxx
The connection to database MVSHOST is established. Because Sysplex exploitation is
enabled both for the DB2 Connect server and the DCS directory entry, DB2 for
z/OS identifies the network addresses to DB2 Connect for each Sysplex participant
(MVSHOST and MVSHOST1. DRDA4 protocols and message flows are used to
return this information). Once an initial connection has been made, the returned
list of addresses is cached at the DB2 Connect workstation. Once the initial
CONNECT is issued for a TCP/IP node, then the IP addresses are returned.
Priority information used for load balancing and fault tolerance
The list of addresses provided by DB2 for z/OS also includes priority information,
including the number of connections for each network address. The list is refreshed
whenever a new connection is made by DB2 Connect. This additional information
is used for load balancing purposes, as well as for fault tolerance.
Cached Address List used by DB2 Connect
If the database connection to ALIASB fails, then an error message SQL30081N is
issued, and the connection will be dropped. If a further connection request is
received for ALIASB, DB2 Connect performs the following actions:
1. It tries the highest priority server from the cached list of addresses based on the
priority information that was returned by DB2 for z/OS. This strategy is
always used by DB2 Connect, and it is by this means that load balancing is
2. If this connection attempt fails, then the other addresses in the list are tried, in
descending order of priority, as returned by DB2 for z/OS. This is how DB2
Connect exploits the Sysplex information to achieve fault tolerance.
3. If all other attempts to connect fail, then DB2 Connect will try the connection to
ALIASB using the address contained in the cataloged node directory.
The db2pd command with the sysplex parameter (db2pd -sysplex) can be used for
retrieving information about servers associated with a Sysplex environment.
Configuration requirements for Sysplex
Sysplex exploitation will not be used for a given database unless the DCS directory
entry for that database contains Sysplex (not case-sensitive) in the 6th positional
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Configuring connections to IBM mainframe database servers
You can manually configure your TCP/IP connection between a DB2 Connect
server and a IBM mainframe database using the DB2 command line processor
(CLP). For details on configuring connection using db2dsdriver.cfg, see the topic
about db2dsdriver configuration file.
Before you begin
Before you manually configure a TCP/IP connection between DB2 Connect and a
IBM mainframe database server, ensure that:
v TCP/IP is functional on the DB2 Connect server and IBM mainframe system.
v You have identified the following parameter values:
– Hostname (hostname) or IP address (ip_address)
– Connection Service name (svcename) or Port number/Protocol
– Target database name (target_dbname)
– Local database name (local_dcsname)
– Node name (node_name)
To manually configure TCP/IP communications between your DB2 Connect server
and an IBM mainframe database:
1. Configure TCP/IP on the DB2 Connect server. Refer to “Configuring TCP/IP
for DB2 for z/OS” on page 77.
2. Catalog the TCP/IP node. Refer to the “CATALOG TCPIP/TCPIP4/TCPIP6
NODE command” topic in the Command Reference.
3. Catalog the IBM mainframe database as a Database Connection Service (DCS)
database. Refer to the “CATALOG DCS DATABASE command” topic in the
Command Reference.
4. Catalog the IBM mainframe database. Refer to the “CATALOG DATABASE
command” topic in the Command Reference.
5. Bind utilities and applications to the IBM mainframe database server. Refer to
“Binding database utilities on DB2 Connect” on page 93.
6. Test the IBM mainframe connection. Refer to the “CONNECT (Type 1)
statement” topic in the SQL Reference Volume 2 .
Note: Due to the characteristics of the TCP/IP protocol, TCP/IP might not be
immediately notified of a partner's failure on another IBM mainframe. As a result,
a client application accessing a remote DB2 server using TCP/IP, or the
corresponding agent at the server, might sometimes appear to be hung. The
TCP/IP SO_KEEPALIVE socket option is used to detect when there has been a
failure and the TCP/IP connection has been broken.
Registering a DB2 Connect license key using the db2licm command
Use the db2licm command to apply the license entitlement certificate (also referred
to as registering a license key).
Chapter 4. Configuring
Before you begin
To complete this task, you must have the appropriate license file (*.lic).
To connect to a z/OS server or a System i server, you must register a DB2 Connect
license key. (Retrieve the license file from your Passport Advantage distribution,
for example db2conpe.lic, then copy the license file to the license directory under
the directory where the driver was installed.)
If you are using DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for z/OS, then use a server based
license key. This one step will prevent the need for client based license keys. For
details, see the topic about activating the license key for DB2 Connect Unlimited
Edition for System z.
On Windows operating systems, you must belong to the local Administrators or
Power Users group to use the db2licm command with the -a command parameter.
On Windows operating systems, register a DB2 license key by entering the
following command:
db2instance_path\bin\db2licm -a filename
where db2instance_path is where the DB2 instance was created and filename is the
full path name and file name for the license file that corresponds to the product
or feature you have purchased.
v On Linux or UNIX operating systems, register a DB2 license key by entering the
following command:
INSTHOME/sqllib/adm/db2licm -a filename
where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the instance owner and
filename is the full path name and file name for the license file that corresponds
to the product or feature you have purchased. The db2licm command can also
be found in the path where the DB2 database product is installed. For example,
/opt/IBM/db2/V10.1/adm on AIX, HP-UX or Solaris operating systems or
/opt/ibm/db2/V10.1/adm on Linux operating systems, if you use the default
installation directory.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 5. Administering
Binding applications and utilities (DB2 Connect server)
Application programs developed using embedded SQL must be bound to each
database with which they will operate. For information about the binding
requirements for the IBM data server package, see the topic about DB2 CLI bind
files and package names.
Binding should be performed once per application, for each database. During the
bind process, database access plans are stored for each SQL statement that will be
executed. These access plans are supplied by application developers and are
contained in bind files which are created during precompilation. Binding is a
process of processing these bind files by an IBM mainframe database server.
Because several of the utilities supplied with DB2 Connect are developed using
embedded SQL, they must be bound to an IBM mainframe database server before
they can be used with that system. If you do not use the DB2 Connect utilities and
interfaces, you do not have to bind them to each of your IBM mainframe database
servers. The lists of bind files required by these utilities are contained in the
following files:
v ddcsmvs.lst for System z
v ddcsvse.lst for VSE
v ddcsvm.lst for VM
v ddcs400.lst for IBM Power Systems
Binding one of these lists of files to a database will bind each individual utility to
that database.
If a DB2 Connect server product is installed, the DB2 Connect utilities must be
bound to each IBM mainframe database server before they can be used with that
system. Assuming the clients are at the same fix pack level, you need to bind the
utilities only once, regardless of the number of client platforms involved.
For example, if you have 10 Windows clients, and 10 AIX clients connecting to DB2
for z/OS via DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition on a Windows server, perform one of
the following steps:
v Bind ddcsmvs.lst from one of the Windows clients.
v Bind ddcsmvs.lst from one of the AIX clients.
v Bind ddcsmvs.lst from the DB2 Connect server.
This example assumes that:
v All the clients are at the same service level. If they are not then, in addition, you
might need to bind from each client of a particular service level
v The server is at the same service level as the clients. If it is not, then you need to
bind from the server as well.
In addition to DB2 Connect utilities, any other applications that use embedded
SQL must also be bound to each database that you want them to work with. An
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
application that is not bound will usually produce an SQL0805N error message
when executed. You might want to create an additional bind list file for all of your
applications that need to be bound.
For each IBM mainframe database server that you are binding to, perform the
following steps:
1. Make sure that you have sufficient authority for your IBM mainframe database
server management system:
System z
The authorizations required are:
privileges provide sufficient authority only when the packages do not
already exist. For example, if you are creating them for the first time.
If the packages already exist, and you are binding them again, then the
authority required to complete the task(s) depends on who did the
original bind.
A) If you did the original bind and you are doing the bind again, then
having any of the previously listed authorities will allow you to
complete the bind.
B) If your original bind was done by someone else and you are doing
the second bind, then you will require either the SYSADM or the
SYSCTRL authorities to complete the bind. Having just the BINDADD
and the CREATE IN COLLECTION NULLID authorities will not allow
you to complete the bind. It is still possible to create a package if you
do not have either SYSADM or SYSCTRL privileges. In this situation
you would need the BIND privilege on each of the existing packages
that you intend to replace.
The authorization required is DBA authority. If you want to use the
GRANT option on the bind command (to avoid granting access to each
DB2 Connect package individually), the NULLID user ID must have
the authority to grant authority to other users on the following tables:
v system.syscatalog
v system.syscolumns
On the VSE or VM system, you can issue:
grant select on table to nullid with grant option
DB2 Connect User's Guide
IBM Power Systems
*CHANGE authority or higher on the NULLID collection.
2. Issue commands similar to the following commands:
db2 connect to DBALIAS user USERID using PASSWORD
db2 bind [email protected] blocking all
sqlerror continue messages ddcsmvs.msg grant public
db2 connect reset
Where DBALIAS, USERID, and PASSWORD apply to the IBM mainframe
database server, ddcsmvs.lst is the bind list file for z/OS, and path represents
the location of the bind list file.
For example drive:\sqllib\bnd\ applies to all Windows operating systems,
and INSTHOME/sqllib/bnd/ applies to all Linux and UNIX operating systems,
where drive represents the logical drive where DB2 Connect was installed and
INSTHOME represents the home directory of the DB2 Connect instance.
You can use the grant option of the bind command to grant EXECUTE privilege
to PUBLIC or to a specified user name or group ID. If you do not use the grant
option of the bind command, you must GRANT EXECUTE (RUN) individually.
To find out the package names for the bind files, enter the following command:
ddcspkgn @bindfile.lst
For example:
ddcspkgn @ddcsmvs.lst
might yield the following output:
Bind File
Package Name
------------------------------ -----------------------------f:\sqllib\bnd\db2ajgrt.bnd
To determine these values for DB2 Connect execute the ddcspkgn utility, for
ddcspkgn @ddcsmvs.lst
Optionally, this utility can be used to determine the package name of
individual bind files, for example:
ddcspkgn bindfile.bnd
a. Using the bind option sqlerror continue is required; however, this option
is automatically specified for you when you bind applications using the
DB2 tools or the Command Line Processor (CLP). Specifying this option
turns bind errors into warnings, so that binding a file containing errors can
still result in the creation of a package. In turn, this allows one bind file to
be used against multiple servers even when a particular server
implementation might flag the SQL syntax of another to be invalid. For this
reason, binding any of the list files ddcsxxx.lst against any particular IBM
mainframe database server should be expected to produce some warnings.
b. If you are connecting to a DB2 database through DB2 Connect, use the bind
list db2ubind.lst and do not specify sqlerror continue, which is only valid
when connecting to a IBM mainframe database server. Also, to connect to a
DB2 database, it is recommended that you use the DB2 clients provided
with DB2 and not DB2 Connect.
3. Use similar statements to bind each application or list of applications.
4. If you have remote clients from a previous release of DB2, you might need to
bind the utilities on these clients to DB2 Connect.
Chapter 5. Administering
Moving data with DB2 Connect
If you are working in a complex environment in which you need to move data
between a host database system and a workstation, you can use DB2 Connect, the
gateway for data transfer between the host and the workstation.
About this task
Figure 4. Import/Export through DB2 Connect
The DB2 database export and import utilities allow you to move data from an IBM
mainframe server database to a file on the DB2 Connect workstation, and the
reverse. You can then use the data with any other application or relational database
management system that supports this export or import format. For example, you
can export data from an IBM mainframe server database into a PC/IXF file, and
then import it into a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database.
You can perform export and import operations from a database client or from the
DB2 Connect workstation.
1. The data to be exported or imported must comply with the size and data type
restrictions that are applicable to both databases.
2. To improve import performance, you can use compound queries. Specify the
compound file type modifier in the import utility to group a specified number of
query statements into a block. This can reduce network usage and improve
response time.
With DB2 Connect, export and import operations must meet the following
v The file type must be PC/IXF.
v A target table with attributes that are compatible with the data must be created
on the target server before you can import to it. The db2look utility can be used
to get the attributes of the source table. Import through DB2 Connect cannot
create a table, because INSERT is the only supported option.
If any of these conditions is not met, the operation fails, and an error message is
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Note: Index definitions are not stored on export or used on import.
If you export or import mixed data (columns containing both single-byte and
double-byte data), consider the following considerations :
v On systems that store data in EBCDIC (MVS™, System z, IBM Power Systems,
VM, and VSE), shift-out and shift-in characters mark the start and the end of
double-byte data. When you define column lengths for your database tables, be
sure to allow enough room for these characters.
v Variable-length character columns are recommended, unless the column data has
a consistent pattern.
v To move data from a workstation to host or System i server database:
1. Export the data from a DB2 table to a PC/IXF file.
2. Using the INSERT option, import the PC/IXF file into a compatible table in
the host server database.
v To move data from a host server database to a workstation:
1. Export the data from the host server database table to a PC/IXF file.
2. Import the PC/IXF file into a DB2 table.
The following example illustrates how to move data from a workstation to a host
or System i server database.
Export the data into an external IXF format by issuing the following command:
db2 export to staff.ixf of ixf select * from userid.staff
Issue the following command to establish a DRDA connection to the target DB2
db2 connect to cbc664 user admin using xxx
If it doesn't already exit, create the target table on the target DB2 database instance:
To import the data issue the following command:
db2 import from staff.ixf of ixf insert into mydb.staff
Each row of data will be read from the file in IXF format, and an SQL INSERT
statement will be issued to insert the row into table mydb.staff. Single rows will
continue to be inserted until all of the data has been moved to the target table.
What to do next
Detailed information is available in "Moving Data Across the DB2 Family," an IBM
Redbooks® publication. This Redbooks publication can be found at the following
Chapter 5. Administering
Automatic client reroute description and setup (DB2 Connect server)
The main goal of the automatic client reroute feature is to enable an IBM Data
Server Client application to recover from a loss of communications so that the
application can continue its work with minimal interruption. As the name
suggests, rerouting is central to the support of continuous operations. But rerouting
is only possible when there is an alternate location that is identified to the client
connection. Rerouting is not required if using the IBM data server client as a DB2
Connect client. For details, see the topic about IBM data server client types.
Automatic client reroute with IBM Data Server feature redirects client applications
from a failed server to an alternate server so the applications can continue their
work with minimal interruption. Seamless automatic client reroute for DB2 for
z/OS Sysplex is on by default and is recommended when WLB is enabled. With
this support, applications that access DB2 for z/OS Sysplex should use seamless
automatic client reroute capabilities provided by the client, and are not required to
go through a DB2 Connect server. For more information about this feature, see the
topic about automatic client reroute (client-side) in the DB2 Information Center.
Outside of a DB2 Connect high-availability environment, the database being
accessed is typically synchronized between the original DB2 server and the
alternate DB2 server through one of various means, such as High availability
disaster recovery (HADR) or IBM PowerHA® SystemMirror for AIX.
However, in the case of the DB2 Connect server, because there is no requirement
for the synchronization of local databases, you only need to ensure that both the
original and alternate DB2 Connect servers have the target IBM mainframe
database catalogued in such a way that it is accessible using an identical database
Note: In a DB2 Connect server environment, an alternate DB2 Connect server can
be specified to enable automatic rerouting between a client and the DB2 Connect
server. For rerouting to occur between the DB2 Connect clients or server products
and a IBM mainframe database server, the remote server must provide one or
more alternate addresses for itself. In the case of DB2 for z/OS, multiple addresses
are known if the database is a Sysplex data sharing environment.
Rerouting capability for Sysplex can be configured between DB2 Connect and the
host database server if Sysplex support is enabled. The rerouting capability for
Sysplex is a DB2 Connect feature that allows DB2 Connect to try the connection
against other members of the Sysplex group following the loss of communication
with the original member. The alternate server does not need to be cataloged in the
database directory to enable the reroute capability for Sysplex on DB2 Connect. By
default, the reroute capability for Sysplex is enabled if Sysplex support is enabled.
In order for an IBM Data Server Client to have the ability to recover from a loss of
communications to a DB2 Connect server using automatic client reroute, an
alternate DB2 Connect server location must be specified before the loss of
communication occurs. The UPDATE ALTERNATE SERVER FOR DATABASE command is
used to define the alternate DB2 Connect server location for a particular IBM
mainframe database. The alternate hostname and port number is given as part of
the command. The location is stored in the system database directory file at the
DB2 Connect server. In order to ensure the alternate DB2 Connect server location
specified applies to that database for all clients, the alternate server location has to
be specified at the DB2 Connect server side. The alternate server is ignored if it is
set at the client instance.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
For example, suppose a IBM mainframe database is catalogued using a database
alias of db1 at a DB2 Connect server S1 (with a hostname of db2conn1 and a port
number of 122). The database administrator would like to specify an alternate DB2
Connect server S2 at hostname db2conn2 with a port number of 123. Here is the
command the database administrator would run at the DB2 Connect server S1:
db2 update alternate server for database db1 using hostname db2conn2 port 123
After you have specified the alternate DB2 Connect server location for database
alias db1 at DB2 Connect server S1, the alternate server location information is
returned to the IBM Data Server Client as part of the connection process. If
communication between the IBM Data Server Client and the DB2 Connect server
S1 is lost for any reason (typically a communication error, such as SQL code -30081
or SQL code -1224), the IBM Data Server Client will attempt to reconnect to db1
through either the original DB2 Connect server (S1) or the alternate DB2 Connect
server (S2), alternating the attempts between the two servers. The time interval
between attempts starts off rapidly, then gradually lengthens with each attempt.
Once a connection is successful, the SQL code -30108 is returned to indicate that a
database connection has been reestablished following the communication failure.
The hostname or IP address and service name or port number are returned. The
IBM Data Server Client only returns the error for the original communications
failure to the application if the reestablishment of the client communications is not
possible to either the original or alternative server.
The following considerations involving alternate server connectivity in a DB2
Connect server environment should also be noted:
v When using a DB2 Connect server for providing access to an IBM mainframe
database on behalf of both remote and local clients, confusion can arise
regarding alternate server connectivity information in a system database
directory entry. To minimize this confusion, consider cataloging two entries in
the system database directory to represent the same IBM mainframe database.
Catalog one entry for remote clients and catalog another for local clients.
v Any SYSPLEX information that is returned from a target DB2 for z/OS server is
kept only in cache at the DB2 Connect server. Only one alternate server is
written to disk. When multiple alternates or multiple active servers exist, the
information is only maintained in memory and is lost when the process
Administering DB2 Connect systems
Access DB2 data from remote clients
The IBM data server client provides a runtime environment that enables client
applications to access one or more remote databases. With the IBM data server
client, you can remotely administer DB2 or DB2 Connect servers.
All applications must access a database through the IBM data server client. A Java
applet can access a remote database through a Java-enabled browser.
DB2 Connect client using the IBM data client is supported on Linux, UNIX, and
Windows operating systems.
Chapter 5. Administering
Accessing IBM mainframe DB2 data using DB2 Connect
A DB2 Connect client or Server enables a IBM data server client on a LAN access
to data that is stored on IBM mainframe systems.
In organizations with large amounts of data, IBM DB2 for IBM i, DB2 for z/OS, or
DB2 Server for VM and VSE are commonly used to manage that data. Applications
that run on any of the supported platforms can work with this data transparently,
as if a local database server managed it. A DB2 Connect client or Server is required
for supporting applications which access IBM mainframe data and exploit
transaction monitors as well as applications that are implemented as Java applets.
In addition, you can use a wide range of off-the-shelf or custom-developed
database applications with DB2 Connect and its associated tools. For example, you
can use DB2 Connect products with:
v Spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3®, to analyze real-time data
without having the cost and complexity of data extract and import procedures.
v Decision support tools, such as BusinessObjects, Brio and Impromptu®, and
Crystal Reports, to provide real-time information.
v Database products, such as Lotus Approach® and Microsoft Access.
v Development tools, such as PowerSoft PowerBuilder, Microsoft Visual Basic, and
Borland Delphi, to create client/server solutions.
A DB2 Connect server product, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, is most
appropriate for the following environments:
v Federation.
v Transaction monitors, such as BEA Tuxedo and BEA Weblogic. (See Figure 5 on
page 93.)
DB2 Connect provides transparent access to IBM mainframe data through a
standard architecture for managing distributed data. This standard is known as
Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA). DRDA allows your
applications to establish a fast connection to IBM mainframe databases without
expensive IBM mainframe components or proprietary gateways.
Although DB2 Connect is often installed on an intermediate server machine, it is
recommended to connect an IBM data server client to an IBM mainframe database
directly by installing the appropriate DB2 Client such as one of the IBM data
server client or driver. For more information about the DB2 Connect client, see the
topic about IBM data server client types.
DB2 Connect can also be installed on a Web server, Transaction Processor (TP)
monitor, or other 3-tier application server machines with multiple local SQL
application processes and threads. In these cases, you can choose to install DB2
Connect on the same machine for simplicity, or on a separate machine to off-load
CPU cycles.
A DB2 Connect server enables multiple clients to connect to IBM mainframe data
and can significantly reduce the effort that is required to establish and maintain
access to enterprise data.
To connect to an IBM mainframe database server you require a licensed DB2
Connect product. You cannot connect directly to an IBM mainframe Data Server
using a IBM data server client.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
for VSE
for VM
for z/OS
for IBM i
System z
Application n
Business Logic
Application 2
TP Monitor
(eg. Encina, Tuxedo
and Weblogic)
Application 1
DB2 Connect Server
TP Monitor Client
Figure 5. Transaction monitors working with DB2 Connect.
Binding database utilities on DB2 Connect
You must bind the database utilities (import, export, reorg, the Command Line
Processor) and CLI bind files to each database before they can be used with that
About this task
In a network environment, if you are using multiple clients that run on different
operating systems or are at different versions or service levels of DB2, you must
bind the utilities once for each operating system and DB2 version combination.
Binding a utility creates a package, which is an object that includes all of the
information that is needed to process specific SQL statements from a single source
The bind files are grouped together in different .lst files in the bnd directory,
under the installation directory (typically sqllib for Windows). Each file is specific
to a server.
Chapter 5. Administering
v To bind the utilities and applications to the IBM mainframe database server,
connect to the IBM mainframe server and use the following example as a
connect to dbalias user userid using password
bind path/bnd/@ddcsmvs.lst blocking all sqlerror continue
messages mvs.msg grant public
connect reset
where path corresponds to the DB2PATH registry value.
v To bind database utilities to a DB2 database, use the command line processor:
1. Change to the bnd directory, which is x:\sqllib\bnd, where x: represents the
drive where you installed DB2.
2. To connect to the database, enter the following commands in the Command
Center® or the Command Line Processor:
connect to database_alias
where database_alias represents the alias of the database to which you want to
3. Enter the following commands in the Command Line Processor:
"bind @db2ubind.lst messages bind.msg grant public"
"bind @db2cli.lst messages clibind.msg grant public"
In this example, bind.msg and clibind.msg are the output message files, and
EXECUTE and BINDADD privileges are granted to public.
4. Reset the connection to the database by entering the following command:
connect reset
1. The db2ubind.lst file contains the list of bind (.bnd) files required to create
the packages for the database utilities. The db2cli.lst file contains the list of
bind (.bnd) files required to create packages for the CLI and the DB2 ODBC
2. Binding might take a few minutes to complete.
3. If you have BINDADD authority, the first time you use the CLI or ODBC
driver, the CLI packages will be bound automatically. If the applications that
you are using require binding to the database, you can use the BIND
command to perform the bind action.
Considerations for System z SYSPLEX exploitation
DB2 Connect provides load balancing and fault-tolerance when routing
connections to DB2 Sysplex. When connected to a DB2 for z/OS database server
running in a DB2 pureScale environment, DB2 Connect will spread the workload
amongst the different DB2 subsystems comprising the data sharing group, based
on the system load and health information provided by the Workload Manager
(WLM). It uses the Distributor to route connections. Use the group IP address to
connect to a group location.
DB2 Connect receives a prioritized list of DB2 members from the WLM. Each
Sysplex returns weighted priority information for each connection address that has
capacity to run the work. This list is then used by DB2 Connect to handle the
incoming CONNECT requests by distributing them among the DB2 members with
the best capacity to run work. For load balancing, the list of Sysplex weighted
priority information is obtained during each connection. This list is also used when
determining where to send each transaction.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Note: System z Distributed Data Facility (DDF) configuration does not need to be
changed to take advantage of the DB2 Connect Sysplex exploitation. Refer to DB2
for z/OS Data Sharing Planning and Administration guide.
DB2 Connect also provides fault-tolerance by attempting to connect to an alternate
sysplex machine in the event of a connection failure. An error will only be
returned to the application if all known connections have failed.
DB2 Connect is designed with a transport tool. With Sysplex enabled, DB2 Connect
routes connections using a transport member and associates it with a logical
Conversion of character data
When character data is transferred between machines, it must be converted to a
form that the receiving machine can use.
For example, when data is transferred between a DB2 Connect server and a host or
System i database server, it is usually converted from a server code page to a host
CCSID, and vice versa. If the two machines use different code pages or CCSIDs,
code points are mapped from one code page or CCSID to the other. This
conversion is always performed at the receiver.
Character data sent to a database consists of SQL statements and input data.
Character data sent from a database consists of output data. Output data that is
interpreted as bit data is not converted. For example, data from a column declared
with the FOR BIT DATA clause. Otherwise, all input and output character data is
converted if the two machines have different code pages or CCSIDs.
For example, if DB2 Connect is used to access data, the following happens:
1. DB2 Connect sends an SQL statement and input data to System z.
2. DB2 for z/OS converts the SQL statement and data to the host server's code
page and then processes the data.
3. DB2 for z/OS sends the result back to the DB2 Connect server.
4. DB2 Connect converts the result to the code page of the user's environment.
For bidirectional languages, a number of special "BiDi CCSIDS" have been defined
by IBM and are supported by DB2 Connect.
If the bidirectional attributes of the database server are different from those of the
client you can use these special CCSIDS to manage the difference.
Refer to the supported territory codes and code pages topic for the supported
conversions between code pages on the DB2 Connect and CCSIDs on the host or
System i server.
System i and mainframe support for DB2 Connect
Before you access DB2 data on System z or System i data servers by using DB2
Connect products, ensure that the data server meets requirements.
DB2 Connect supports connectivity to the following mainframe and System i
Chapter 5. Administering
Table 12. Supported mainframe and IBM i data servers
Recommended maintenance levels
DB2 for z/OS Version See website for IBM z/OS Consolidated Service Test and the RSU (.
8, Version 9, and
Version 10.1.
In general, install the most recent Recommended Service Upgrade (RSU) to avoid
encountering problems that are caused by software defects that IBM has corrected.
DB2 for i (formerly
known as DB2
Universal Database
for i5/OS) V5R4
II13348 (Informational APAR)
DB2 for i V6R1
PTFs: SI30564, SI30588, SI30611, SI30620, SI30621, SI30622, SI30825, SI30827, SI30920, SI30921,
SI31019, SI31101, SI31125, SI31238, and SI31480.
PTFs: MF53402 and MF53403
See website for System i Preventative Service Planning (.
See website for System i Preventative Service Planning (.
DB2 for i V7R1
PTFs: SI43890, SI43864, SI43863, SI43817, SI43807, SI43806, SI43805, SI43804, SI43803, SI43802,
SI43801, SI43768, SI43757, SI43721, SI43658, SI43651, SI43577, SI43550, SI43544, SI43539,
SI43532, SI43476, SI43466, SI43446, SI43386, SI43373, SI43111, SI43017, SI43016, SI42986,
SI42954, SI42947, SI42928, SI42927, SI42906, SI42872, SI42783, SI42775, SI42769, SI42768,
SI42745, SI42716, SI42700, SI42504, and SI42492.
See website for System i Preventative Service Planning (.
Important: Use DB2 Connect V9.7 Fix Pack 4 or later to connect to DB2 for i V7R1.
DB2 Server for VM
and VSE Version 7
and later
See website for DB2 Server for VSE & VM (
Understanding the Administration Server
The DB2 Administration Server (DAS) responds to requests from the DB2
Administration Tools.
The DB2 Administration Tools, for example, allow you to start, stop, and set
database manager configuration parameters for servers. The Administration Server
is used to help users catalog databases on a client. The DAS is available on all
supported Linux, Windows, and UNIX operating systems as well as the System z
(z/OS only) operating systems.
An Administration Server must reside on each server that you want to administer
and detect. The Administration Server is automatically created and started for you.
The setup program creates the Administration Server on the instance-owning
machine and automatically starts it at boot time. By default the DAS instance is
DB2AS, which is the default user ID that is created using the DB2 Setup wizard.
Important: The DB2 Administration Server (DAS) has been deprecated in Version
9.7 and might be removed in a future release. The DAS is not supported in DB2
pureScale environments. Use software programs that use the Secure Shell protocol
for remote administration. For more information, see “ DB2 administration server
(DAS) has been deprecated” at .
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Distributed Relational Database Architecture
Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA) is a set of protocols that
permits multiple database systems, which includes both IBM and not IBM systems,
as well as application programs, to work together.
Any combination of relational database management products that use DRDA can
be connected to form a distributed relational database management system. DRDA
coordinates communication between systems by defining what must be exchanged
and how it must be exchanged.
Unit of work
A unit of work (UOW) is a single logical transaction. It consists of a
sequence of SQL statements in which either all of the operations are
successfully performed or the sequence as a whole is considered
Distributed unit of work
A distributed unit of work (DUOW), also known as multisite update,
involves more than one database server within a unit of work. A DUOW
has the following characteristics:
v More than one database management server is updated per unit of
v The application directs the distribution of work, and initiates commit.
v There might be multiple requests per unit of work.
v There is one database management server per request.
v Commitment is coordinated across multiple database servers.
DRDA and data access
Although DRDA defines database communication protocols, it does not define the
programming interfaces, or APIs, that should be used by application programmers.
In general, DRDA can be used by an application program to pass any request that
a target DRDA server can execute. All of the DRDA servers available today can
execute SQL requests forwarded by an application program through DB2 Connect.
IBM provides application programmers with tools to generate SQL requests for the
Windows, UNIX, and Linux operating systems. These tools are part of the DB2
client. The DB2 database manager supports several programming interfaces:
ADO.NET, JDBC, SQLJ, PHP, Perl DBI, embedded SQL, DB2 Call Level Interface
(DB2 Call Level Interface), and OLE DB. These APIs can be used by programmers
to build applications in a variety of programming languages.
DB2 Connect and DRDA
DB2 Connect implements the DRDA architecture to reduce the cost and complexity
of accessing data stored in IBM DB2 for IBM i, DB2 for IBM Power Systems, DB2
for z/OS, DB2 Server for VM and VSE, and other DRDA-compliant database
servers. By fully exploiting the DRDA architecture, DB2 Connect offers a
well-performing, low-cost solution with the system management characteristics
that customers demand.
In DRDA terminology, an application requester (AR) is the code that handles the
application end of a distributed connection. The AR is the application that is
requesting data. DB2 Connect acts as an application requester on behalf of
application programs which can be local to the DB2 Connect workstation or on a
separate client remote to DB2 Connect.
Chapter 5. Administering
An application server (AS) is the code that handles the database end of the
DRDA also supports multi-tier connections between an application requester and a
server. In this topology, the server that an application requester connects to is an
application server, but any other server further downstream is called a database
server (DS) as it does not interact directly with the application requester. In
addition, to highlight its role as neither the system where a database request
originates nor the system that performs the database function for the request, each
application server or database server between an application requester and the
final database server is also called an intermediate server. The use of database
servers and intermediate servers is supported by DB2 Connect.
Figure 6 shows the flow of data between the DB2 Connect workstation and the
IBM mainframe server in the case where there are local clients only.
DB2 Connect Workstation
Host or IBM i DB2 server
DRDA Application
Application Program
DRDA Application
Database Management
Figure 6. Data flow between a DB2 Connect server and an IBM mainframe server
To implement the connections between DRDA server database management
systems and IBM data server clients, DRDA uses the following architectures:
v Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA)
v Distributed Data Management Architecture (DDM)
v Formatted Data Object Content Architecture (FD:OCA)
v Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
These architectures are used as building blocks. The data streams which flow over
the network are specified by the DRDA architecture which documents a data
stream protocol supporting distributed relational database access.
A request is routed to the correct destination by means of directories that contain
various types of communication information and the name of the DRDA server
database being accessed.
Remote unit of work
A remote unit of work lets a user or application program read or update data at one
location per unit of work. It supports access to one database within a unit of work.
While an application program can update several remote databases, it can only
access one database within a unit of work.
Remote unit of work has the following characteristics:
v Multiple requests (SQL statements) per unit of work are supported.
v Multiple cursors per unit of work are supported.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
v Each unit of work can update only one database.
v The application program either commits or rolls back the unit of work. In certain
error circumstances, the database server or DB2 Connect might roll back the unit
of work.
For example, Figure 7 shows a database client running a funds transfer application
that accesses a database containing checking and savings account tables, as well as
a transaction fee schedule. The application must:
v Accept the amount to transfer from the user interface.
v Subtract the amount from the savings account, and determine the new balance.
v Read the fee schedule to determine the transaction fee for a savings account
with the given balance.
v Subtract the transaction fee from the savings account.
v Add the amount of the transfer to the checking account.
v Commit the transaction (unit of work).
Figure 7. Using a Single Database in a Transaction
To set up such an application, you must:
1. Create the tables for the savings account, checking account and transaction fee
schedule in the same database.
2. If physically remote, set up the database server to use the appropriate
communications protocol.
3. If physically remote, catalog the node and the database to identify the database
on the database server.
4. Precompile your application program to specify a type 1 connection; that is,
specify CONNECT(1) on the PREP command.
Distributed requests
A distributed request is a distributed database function that allows applications and
users to submit SQL statements that reference two or more DBMSs or databases in
a single statement. For example, a join between tables in two different DB2 for
z/OS subsystems. DB2 Connect provides support for distributed requests across
databases and DBMSs.
For example, you can perform a UNION operation between a DB2 table and an
Oracle view. Supported DBMSs include members of the DB2 Family (such as DB2
Chapter 5. Administering
for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 for i) and Oracle.
Multivendor support is available when using DB2 Connect in conjunction with
InfoSphere Federation Server.
Distributed request provides location transparency for database objects. If
information (in tables and views) is moved, references to that information (called
nicknames) can be updated without any changes to applications that request the
information. Distributed request also provides compensation for DBMSs that do not
support all of the DB2 SQL dialect, or certain optimization capabilities. Operations
that cannot be performed under such a DBMS (such as recursive SQL) are run
under DB2 Connect.
Distributed request function in a semi-autonomous manner. For example, DB2
queries containing references to Oracle objects can be submitted while Oracle
applications are accessing the same server. Distributed request does not
monopolize or restrict access (beyond integrity and locking constraints) to Oracle
or other DBMS objects.
Implementation of the distributed request function consists of a DB2 Connect
instance, a database that will serve as the federated database, and one or more
remote data sources. The federated database contains catalog entries identifying data
sources and their characteristics. A data source consists of a DBMS and data.
Applications connect to the federated database just like any other DB2 database.
DB2 Connect federated database is not licensed for managing user data. Its sole
purpose is to contain information about data sources.
After a federated system is set up, the information in data sources can be accessed
as though it were in one large database. Users and applications send queries to one
federated database, which then retrieves data from DB2 Family and Oracle systems
as needed. User and applications specify nicknames in queries; these nicknames
provide references to tables and views located in data sources. From an end-user
perspective, nicknames are similar to aliases.
Many factors can affect the performance of distributed requests. The most critical
factor is to ensure that accurate and up-to-date information about data sources and
their objects is stored in the federated database global catalog. This information is
used by the DB2 optimizer, and can affect decisions to push down operations for
evaluation at data sources.
Updating database directories
DB2 Connect uses the system database, node and database connection services
(DCS) directory to manage database connection information.
Before you begin
Before updating these directories, you should configure communications on the
IBM mainframe database server and workstations.
About this task
DB2 Connect uses the following directories to manage database connection
v system database directory, which contains name, node, and authentication
information for every database that DB2 Connect accesses.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
v node directory, which contains network address and communication protocol
information for every IBM mainframe database server that DB2 Connect
v database connection services (DCS) directory, which contains information specific to
IBM mainframe database server databases.
Database directories can be updated by cataloging your databases, nodes, or DCS
To update database directories:
1. Collect database directory information using the directory customization
worksheet. Refer to “Directory customization worksheet” on page 107.
2. Update the directories with information about remote database server machines
by cataloging your databases, nodes, or DCS directory. See “Configuring
connections to IBM mainframe database servers” on page 83 for details on how
to catalog databases, nodes, or DCS directory.
System database directory values
A system database directory exists for each instance of the database manager, and
contains one entry for each database that has been cataloged for this instance. In
DB2 Connect products, the system database directory contains information about
the name, alias, node name, and authentication type of each database.
You can specify the following information in the system database directory:
Database name
The same value that you wrote in the DCS Directory Parameters table.
Database alias
An alias for the IBM mainframe database server. This name will be used
by any application program that accesses the database. By default, the
value that you specify for Database name is used.
Format: 1-8 single-byte alphanumeric characters, including the number sign
(#), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and underscore (_). It cannot begin with an
underscore or a number.
Node name
The same value that you wrote in the Node Directory Parameters table.
Specifies where the validation of the user's name and password will be
made for connections originating from the DB2 Connect server. The valid
and DATA_ENCRYPT. There is no support for the GSSPLUGIN authentication
type in the system database directory.
Node directory values
You can specify the following information in the node directory: node name;
protocol; security type; TCP/IP host name or IP address; TCP/IP service name or
port number.
Node name
A nickname for the IBM mainframe database server system on which the
Chapter 5. Administering
remote database resides. This name is user-defined. Write the same node
name in both the Node Directory Parameters table and the System
Database Directory Parameters table.
Format: 1-8 single-byte alphanumeric characters, including the number sign
(#), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and underscore (_). It cannot begin with an
underscore or a number.
Must be TCP/IP.
Security type
The type of security checking that will be done. For TCP/IP nodes,
SECURITY SOCKS is an option which specifies that the node will be
SOCKS-enabled, in which case the SOCKS_NS and SOCKS_SERVER
environment variables are mandatory and must be set to enable SOCKS.
TCP/IP remote hostname or IP address
When defining a TCP/IP node, either the remote TCP/IP hostname, or the
remote TCP/IP address. If a hostname is specified, then it must be
resolved at the DB2 Connect workstation, either through Domain Name
Server (DNS) lookup, or by an entry in the local TCP/IP hosts file.
For DB2 for z/OS remote hosts, the hostname appears in the DSNL004I
message (DOMAIN=hostname) when the Distributed Data Facility (DDF)
is started. The -DISplay DDF command could also be used.
If accessing a z/OS data sharing group, the domain name should map to
the DB2 group dynamic VIPA address. This address routes to the least
loaded DB2 member. To access a specific member use the specific DB2
member dynamic VIPA address and turn off sysplex routing. Each member
DSNL004I message displays the member specific domain name.
TCP/IP service name or port number
When defining a TCP/IP node, either the remote TCP/IP service name or
port number. This must be defined to TCP/IP at the remote host. Port
number 446 has been registered as the default port number for DRDA.
For DB2 for z/OS remote hosts, the port number is defined in the Boot
Strap Data Set (BSDS) as PORT and is also provided in the DSNL004I
message (TCPPORT=portnumber) when the Distributed Data Facility
(DDF) is started. The -DISplay DDF command could also be used.
If accessing a z/OS data sharing group, the domain name should map to
the DB2 group dynamic VIPA address. This address routes to the least
loaded DB2 member. To access a specific member use the specific DB2
member dynamic VIPA address and turn off sysplex routing. Each member
DSNL004I message displays the member specific domain name.
Note: A second port used for two-phase commit resynchronization
operations over TCP/IP connections can be assigned by the server. For
example, the DB2 for z/OS bootstrap data set assigns a port number
(RESPORT) to be used for resynchronization for inbound connections to
DB2 for z/OS only. No service name need be defined for this.
DCS directory values
You can specify the database name, target database name, VSE or VM, other and
parameter string in the DCS directory.
You can specify the following information in the DCS directory:
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Database name
A user-defined nickname for the IBM mainframe database server. Use the
same database name in both the DCS Directory Parameters table and the
System Database Directory Parameters table.
Format: 1-8 single-byte alphanumeric characters, including the number sign
(#), at sign (@), dollar sign ($), and underscore (_). It cannot begin with an
underscore or a number.
Target database name
The database on the IBM mainframe database server system, as follows:
System z
A DB2 for z/OS subsystem identified by its LOCATION NAME or
one of the alias LOCATION names defined on the z/OS server.
The LOCATION NAME can be determined by logging in to TSO
and issuing the following SQL query using one of the available
query tools:
select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1
multiple LOCATION NAMEs are also defined in the Boot Strap
Data Set (BSDS) as well as the DSNL004I message
(LOCATION=location), which is written when the Distributed Data
Facility (DDF) is started. The -DISplay DDF command could also be
If accessing a z/OS data sharing group, the domain name should
map to the DB2 group dynamic VIPA address. This address routes
to the least loaded DB2 member. To access a specific member use
the specific DB2 member dynamic VIPA address and turn off
sysplex routing. Each member DSNL004I message displays the
member specific domain name.
The database name (DBNAME)
IBM Power Systems
The relational database name (RDBNAME)
Other For Windows, Linux, and UNIX operating systems, the database
alias found in the database directory.
Parameter string
If you want to change the defaults, specify any or all the following
parameters in the following order.
The name of an SQLCODE mapping file that overrides the
default SQLCODE mapping. To turn off SQLCODE
mapping, specify NOMAP.
Note: When processing a query request, the DRDA server
returns data in the form of a set of rows that represent the
result set. With each row, there is also an SQLCA returned,
usually containing a zero or positive sqlcode (such as +12
or +802). If you use a customized mapping file at a DB2
Connect server, such positive sqlcodes will not be mapped
if they are contained in the customized mapping file and
have customized mappings (for example, they are mapped
to a different sqlcode or have customized token mappings).
Chapter 5. Administering
It is important to emphasize that:
1. Positive sqlcodes represent warnings, as opposed to
negative sqlcodes which indicate error conditions. All
the negative sqlcodes will always be mapped in all
circumstances, regardless of which mapping file is
being used. All the positive sqlcodes, contained in the
customized mapping file and mapped to themselves
with no change, will always be mapped as well. Also,
those positive sqlcodes that are not contained in the
customized mapping file at the DB2 Connect server will
also always be mapped.
2. If you use the default mapping file, or you connect to
the host database directly, the sqlcode mapping will
always be performed for all sqlcodes.
This is the second positional parameter. If it is specified the
application will disconnect from the IBM mainframe
database server database when one of the following
SQLCODES is returned:
When the disconnect parameter ,D is not specified, a
disconnect will be performed only when the following
SQLCODEs are returned:
For explanations of these codes, refer to the Message
Note: If DB2 Connect disconnects due to an error, a
rollback will be done automatically.
This is the third positional parameter. INTERRUPT_ENABLED
only applies if the end server does not support interrupts.
If a server supports the DRDA interrupt flow DB2 Connect
will simply pass the interrupt request on to the server.
If INTERRUPT_ENABLED is configured in the DCS directory at
the DB2 Connect workstation, and a client application
issues an interrupt while connected to the IBM mainframe
database server, DB2 Connect will perform the interrupt by
DB2 Connect User's Guide
dropping the connection and rolling back the unit of work.
This interrupt behavior is supported on AIX, and
The application will receive sqlcode (-30081) indicating that
the connection to the server has been terminated. The
application must then establish a new connection with the
IBM Mainframe database server, in order to process
additional database requests. On platforms other than AIX
V5.2 and later and Windows, DB2 Connect does not
support the option of automatically disconnecting when an
application using it receives an interrupt request.
Note: This support works for TCP/IP connections on any
platforms. The client might kill the socket, but - depending
on the server implementation - there might or might not be
an outstanding receive. DB2 for z/OS uses asynchronous
socket calls and therefore is able to detect the loss of the
connection and roll back any long-running SQL statements
that are in progress.
This parameter, the 6th positional parameter, can be used
to explicitly enable DB2 Connect SYSPLEX support for a
particular database.
This parameter, the seventh positional parameter, is used to
enable DB2 Connect date formatting support. This is
implemented using a date mask for the value as follows:
Suppose you issue the following CLP (command line
processor) statements:
catalog TCPIP node nynode remote myhost server myport
catalog dcs database nydb1 as new_york
catalog database nydb1 as newyork1 at node nynode
authentication server
The database alias newyork1 is to be used for accessing a
host database without date transformation because no date
mask has been specified.
However, with the new date formatting support, you can
now use the following CLP commands. In this case,
because the CLP is being used, and the parameter string is
itself being specified using double quotation marks, the
LOCALDATE value has to be specified inside two pairs of
double quotation marks. Note the use of the operating
system escape character "\" (backslash) to ensure that the
double quotation marks are not stripped from the
LOCALDATE specification.
catalog dcs database nydb2 as new_york
parms \",,,,,,LOCALDATE=\"\"YYYYMMDD\"\"\"
catalog database nydb2 as newyork2 at node nynode
authentication server
The database alias newyork2 gives you access to the same
host database but, in addition, it has a date format mask
specified. This example illustrates that the date format
Chapter 5. Administering
mask is specified using the keyword LOCALDATE and is the
seventh positional parameter in the PARMS field of a DCS
directory entry.
For the date mask to be valid, ALL of the following
conditions must be true:
1. There can only be at most one sequence each of Y's,
M's, and D's where Y is a year digit, M is a month
digit, and D is a day digit.
2. The maximum number of Y's in a sequence is 4.
3. The maximum number of M's in a sequence is 2.
4. The maximum number of D's in a sequence is 2.
For instance, the following date format masks are all valid
date masks:
- Y, M, and D digits are case-insensitive
"MM+DD+YYYY" - OK to have a mask longer than 10 bytes
and to have characters other than Y, M,
and D in the mask
- OK not to have a sequence of D’s
The following date format masks are all invalid date
- invalid there are 5 Y’s in a sequence
- invalid there are 2 sequences of M’s
If a date format mask is invalid, no error will be issued. It
will just be ignored. Just because a date mask is valid does
not mean it will be used. Date format transformation based
on a valid date mask will only be performed if ALL of the
following conditions are true:
1. There is no SQL error.
2. The output is a date value in ISO-like (ISO and JIS)
3. The output data area is at least 10 bytes long. This is
the minimum size of an output data area in order for a
data value to be stored there even if NO date format
transformation is to be performed. This requirement
applies even if the date format mask ends up being
shorter than 10 bytes.
4. There is a valid date format mask specified in the DCS
directory entry and this mask fits in the output data
This parameter, the ninth positional parameter, is used to
specify the Bidirectional (BiDi) CCSID to be used to
override the default server database BiDi CCSID. For
where xyz represents the CCSID override.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Directory customization worksheet
The directory customization worksheet shows the information that you need to
collect. You might find it convenient to make a copy of the worksheet and enter
your system values.
Node Directory Parameters
Table 13. Node Directory Parameters
Node name
Remote hostname (TCP/IP node)
Server (TCP/IP service name or port
db2inst1c (or 446)
Your value
1. The default TCP/IP port number for DRDA is 446
2. Unless you know that the IBM mainframe database server supports SECURITY
SOCKS, do not specify SECURITY for a TCP/IP node.
DCS Directory Parameters
Table 14. DCS Directory Parameters
Database name
Target database name
Your value
Application requester
Parameter string
System Database Directory Parameters
Table 15. System Database Directory Parameters
Database name
Database alias
Node name
Your value
Defining multiple entries for the same database
For each database, you must define at least one entry in each of the three
directories (node directory, DCS directory, and system database directory). In some
cases, you might want to define more than one entry for the database.
For example, you might want to turn off SQLCODE mapping for applications that
were ported from the IBM mainframe database server but accept the default
mapping for applications that were developed for the client/server environment.
You would do this as follows:
v Define one entry in the node directory.
v Define two entries in the DCS directory, with different database names. For one
entry, specify NOMAP in the parameter string.
Chapter 5. Administering
v Define two entries in the system database directory, with different database
aliases and the two database names that you specified in the DCS directory.
Both aliases access the same database, one with SQLCODE mapping and the other
without SQLCODE mapping.
Handling BiDi data
The following section applies to z/OS servers only. This feature must not be
enabled for a IBM DB2 for IBM i server as full BiDi support is already provided.
The following BiDi attributes are required for correct handling of BiDi data on
different platforms:
v Numeral shape (ARABIC versus HINDI)
v Orientation (RIGHT-TO-LEFT versus LEFT-TO-RIGHT)
v Shaping (SHAPED versus UNSHAPED)
v Symmetric swapping (YES or NO)
v Text type (LOGICAL versus VISUAL)
Since defaults on different platforms are not the same, problems appear when DB2
data is sent from one platform to another. For example, Windows platforms use
LOGICAL UNSHAPED data, while z/OS data is usually in SHAPED VISUAL
format. Therefore, without any support for BiDi attributes, data sent from DB2 for
z/OS to DB2 Connect on Windows displays incorrectly.
When data is exchanged between DB2 Connect and a database on a server, it is
usually the receiver that performs conversion on the incoming data.
The same convention would normally apply to BiDi layout transformation also,
which is in addition to the usual code page conversion.
However, currently no host DB2 database product supports BiDi-specific CCSIDs
or BiDi layout transformation. Therefore, DB2 Connect has been enhanced with the
optional ability to perform BiDi layout transformation on data it is about to send
to the server database in addition to data received from the server database.
For DB2 Connect to perform BiDi layout transformation on outgoing data to a
server database, the BiDi CCSID of the server database will have to be overridden.
This is accomplished through the use of the BIDI parameter in the PARMS field of
the DCS database directory entry for the server database.
The use of this feature is best illustrated with an example.
Consider a Hebrew IBM data server client running CCSID 62213 (BiDi string type
5) and you would like to access a DB2 host database running CCSID 424 (BiDi
string type 4). However, you know that the data contained in the DB2 host
database is instead based on CCSID 62245 (BiDi string type 10).
There are two problems in this situation. The first is that the DB2 host database
does not know the difference between the BiDi string types with CCSIDs 424 and
62245. The second problem is that the DB2 host database does not recognize the
IBM data server client CCSID of 62213. It only supports CCSID 62209 (BiDi string
type 10), which is based on the same code page as CCSID 62213.
You will need to make sure that data sent to the DB2 host database is in BiDi
string type 6 format to begin with and also let DB2 Connect know that it has to
DB2 Connect User's Guide
perform BiDi layout transformation on data it receives from the DB2 host database.
You will use the following cataloging for the DB2 host database:
catalog dcs database nydb1 as TELAVIV parms ",,,,,,,,BIDI=62245"
This tells DB2 Connect to override the DB2 host database CCSID of 424 with
62245. This override includes the following processing:
1. DB2 Connect will connect to the DB2 host database using CCSID 62209 (BiDi
string type 10).
2. DB2 Connect will perform BiDi layout transformation on data it is about to
send to the DB2 host database from CCSID 62213 (BiDi string type 5) to CCSID
62209 (BiDi string type 10).
3. DB2 Connect will perform BiDi layout transformation on data it receives from
the DB2 host database from CCSID 62245 (BiDi string type 10) to CCSID 62213
(BiDi string type 5).
1. The environment variable or registry value DB2BIDI has to be set to YES in order
for the BIDI parameter to take effect. DB2BIDI must be set at the DB2 Connect
workstation where the DCS database directory entry is catalogued. For
applications running on a client remote to a DB2 Connect server, the DB2BIDI
variable must be set at that client as well.
2. If you would like DB2 Connect to perform layout transformation on data it is
about to send to the DB2 host database even though you do not have to
override its CCSID, you still have to add the BIDI parameter in the DCS
database directory PARMS field. In this case, the CCSID that you should
provide would be the default DB2 host database CCSID.
3. In some cases, use of a bidirectional CCSID might cause the SQL query itself to
be modified such that it is not recognized by the DB2 server. Specifically, you
should try to avoid using IMPLICIT CONTEXTUAL and IMPLICIT
RIGHT-TO-LEFT CCSIDs when a different string type can be used.
CONTEXTUAL CCSIDs can produce unpredictable results if the SQL query
contains quoted strings. Avoid using quoted strings in SQL statements, and use
host variables instead when possible.
If a specific bidirectional CCSID is causing problems which cannot be rectified
by following these recommendations, then you should set the environment
variable or registry value DB2BIDI to NO.
Parameter string specifications
The following examples show samples of DCS parameters (each line is a set of
Alternatively you can accept the defaults by not specifying a parameter string.
Note: You must use the operating system escape character "\" (backslash) when
using CLP from the operating system's command line on UNIX systems because of
the need to specify two pairs of double quotation marks when specifying the
LOCALDATE mask in the parameter string. For example:
db2 catalog dcs db x as y parms \",,,,,,LOCALDATE=\"\"YYMMDD\"\"\"
Chapter 5. Administering
This results in the following DCS directory entry:
DCS 1 entry:
Local database name
Target database name
Application requestor name
DCS parameters
DCS directory release level
DB2 Connect and SQL statements
DB2 Connect forwards SQL statements submitted by application programs to IBM
mainframe database servers.
DB2 Connect can forward almost any valid SQL statement, as well as the
supported DB2 APIs (application programming interfaces):
v Embedded SQL
Embedded SQL support
Two types of embedded SQL processing exist: static SQL and dynamic SQL. Static
SQL minimizes the time required to execute an SQL statement by processing in
advance. Dynamic SQL is processed when the SQL statement is submitted to the
IBM mainframe database server. Dynamic SQL is more flexible, but potentially
slower. The decision to use static or dynamic SQL is made by the application
programmer. Both types are supported by DB2 Connect.
Different IBM mainframe database servers implement SQL differently. DB2 Connect
fully supports the common IBM SQL, as well as the DB2 for z/OS, DB2 Server for
VM and VSE (formerly SQL/DS), and IBM DB2 for IBM i implementations of SQL.
IBM SQL is strongly recommended for maintaining database independence.
Multisite Updates
Multisite update, also known as distributed unit of work (DUOW) and two-phase
commit, is a function that enables your applications to update data in multiple
remote database servers with guaranteed integrity. DB2 database products provide
comprehensive support for multisite updates.
For example, a banking transaction that involves the transfer of money from one
account to another in a different database server. In such a transaction, it is critical
that updates which implement debit operations on one account do not get
committed unless updates required to process credits to the other account are
DB2 Connect User's Guide
committed as well. The multisite update considerations apply when data
representing these accounts is managed by two different database servers.
The multi-site update support provided by DB2 database products is available for
applications developed using regular SQL as well as for applications that use
transaction processing monitors (TP monitors) that implement the X/Open XA
interface specification. Examples of such TP monitors products include IBM
TxSeries CICS, IBM Message and Queuing Series, IBM Component Broker Series,
IBM San Francisco Project as well as Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), BEA
Tuxedo and several others. There are different setup requirements depending on
whether native SQL multisite update or TP monitor multisite update is used.
XA connections using IBM Data Server Driver Package against a z/OS server are
supported. However, XA connections against a System i server are not supported.
For details, see the topic about IBM data server driver restrictions.
Both the native SQL and TP monitor multisite update programs must be
precompiled with the CONNECT 2 SYNCPOINT TWOPHASE options. Both can use the
SQL Connect statement to indicate which database they want to be used for the
SQL statements that follow. If there is no TP monitor to tell DB2 it is going to
coordinate the transaction (as indicated by DB2 receiving the xa_open calls from
the TP monitor to establish a database connection), then the DB2 software will be
used to coordinate the transaction.
When using TP monitor multisite update, the application must request commit or
rollback by using the TP monitor's API, for example CICS SYNCPOINT, MTS
SetAbort(). When using native SQL multisite update, the normal SQL COMMIT and
ROLLBACK must be used.
TP monitor multisite update can coordinate a transaction that accesses both DB2
resource managers and resource managers that are not part of DB2, such as Oracle,
Informix or SQLServer. Native SQL multisite update is used with DB2 servers only.
For a multisite update transaction to work, each of the databases participating in a
distributed transaction must be capable of supporting a distributed unit of work
(DUOW). Currently, the following DB2 servers provided DUOW support that
enabled them to participate in distributed transactions:
v DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Version 8 or later
v DB2 for z/OS Version 7 or later
v IBM DB2 for IBM i
A distributed transaction can update any mix of supported database servers. For
example, your application can update several tables in a DB2 database on
Windows, a DB2 for z/OS database, and a DB2 for i database, all within a single
Multisite update and sync point manager for DB2 Connect server
IBM mainframe database servers require DB2 Connect to participate in a
distributed transaction originating from Linux, Windows, UNIX, and web
applications. In addition, many of the multisite update scenarios that involve IBM
mainframe database servers require that the sync point manager (SPM) component
be configured.
When a DB2 instance is created, the DB2 SPM is automatically configured with
default settings.
Chapter 5. Administering
The need for SPM is dictated by the choice of protocol (TCP/IP) and use of a TP
monitor. The following table provides a summary of scenarios that require the use
of SPM. The table also shows if DB2 Connect is required for any access to the IBM
mainframe from Intel or UNIX machines. For multisite updates, the SPM
component of DB2 Connect is required if you are using a TP monitor.
Table 16. Multisite update scenarios that require SPM - TCP/IP
Processor Monitor
Sync Point Manager
Product Required
(Choose One)
IBM mainframe
Database Supported
DB2 Connect server
DB2 for z/OS V8 or
DB2 Enterprise
Server Edition with
DB2 Connect license
DB2 Connect
Personal Edition
DB2 for z/OS V8 or
DB2 Connect server
DB2 Enterprise
Server Edition with
DB2 Connect license
Note: A distributed transaction can update any mix of supported database servers.
For example, your application can update several tables in a DB2 database on
Windows, a DB2 for z/OS database and a IBM DB2 for IBM i database all within a
single transaction.
Configuring DB2 Connect server with an XA compliant
transaction manager
This topic describes the configuration steps necessary to use IBM Power Systems
and System z database servers within your TP monitor. These steps are not
required if you are using the IBM data server package through DB2 Connect client.
For details, see the topic about IBM data server client types.
Before you begin
You must have an operational TP monitor and have DB2 Connect installed, as well
as have configured and tested a connection to the IBM mainframe database server.
To configure DB2 Connect to use IBM Power Systems and System z database
servers within your TP monitor, perform the following steps:
1. Configure the TP monitor so that it can access the DB2 XA Switch. The DB2 XA
Switch provides the TP monitor with the addresses of DB2 Connect's XA APIs.
Every TP monitor has a different way to do this.
2. Configure the TP monitor with the XA_OPEN string of DB2 product. Each TP
monitor has its own way to do this. For information about how to configure
XA OPEN string of the DB2 product, for use by the TP monitor, refer to your
TP monitor's documentation.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
3. If required, modify the DB2 Connect sync point manager (SPM) default
configuration parameters. IBM host and System i (Version 5 Release 3 and
earlier) database servers do not yet support the XA interface. System i Version 5
Release 4 and following has full XA support.
The SPM is a component of DB2 Connect which maps the XA two phase
commit protocol into the two phase commit protocol used by IBM mainframe
database servers. By default, the DB2 instance has predefined values for the
SPM configuration parameters. The most significant parameter is the database
manager configuration parameter spm_name. It defaults to a variant of the first
seven characters of the TCP/IP hostname.
4. On DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, set the DB2COMM registry variable to use
TCPIP, and set the svcename database manager configuration parameter to a
TCP/IP port number or service name.
DB2 Connect support for loosely coupled transactions
The support within DB2 Connect for loosely coupled transactions is intended for
users who implement XA distributed applications that access IBM DB2 for IBM i
Version 5 Release 4 or later; and DB2 for z/OS Version 7 or later. This support
allows different branches of the same global transaction to share lock space on DB2
for z/OS.
Support for loosely coupled transactions is intended for .NET and COM+
This feature reduces the window where one branch of a distributed transaction
encounters lock timeout or deadlock as a result of another branch within the same
global transaction.
SQLCODE mapping
Different IBM relational database products do not always produce the same
SQLCODEs for similar errors. Even when the SQLCODE is the same, it might be
accompanied by tokens that are specified differently. The token list is passed in the
SQLERRMC field of the SQLCA. By default, DB2 Connect maps SQLCODEs and
tokens from each IBM mainframe database server to the appropriate DB2
If you want to turn off SQLCODE mapping, specify NOMAP in the parameter string
of the DCS directory.
If you port an application directly from IBM mainframe database server, such as
DB2 for z/OS, you might want to turn off SQLCODE mapping. This would let you
use the application without changing the SQLCODEs that it references.
Turning off SQLCODE mapping
If you port an application directly from a IBM mainframe database server, such as
DB2 for z/OS, you might want to turn off SQLCODE mapping. This would let you
use the application without changing the SQLCODEs that it references.
About this task
If you want to turn off SQLCODE mapping, specify NOMAP in the parameter string
of the DCS directory.
Chapter 5. Administering
If you port an application directly from a IBM mainframe database server, such as
DB2 for z/OS, you might want to turn off SQLCODE mapping. This would let you
use the application without changing the SQLCODEs that it references.
Note: SQLCODE mapping can also be turned off using SQLCODEMAP
CLI/ODBC configuration keyword or SQL_ATTR_SQLCODEMAP connection
attribute when used with DB2 CLI application programming interface (API).
Tailoring the SQLCODE mapping
By default, DB2 Connect maps SQLCODEs and tokens from each IBM mainframe
database server to the appropriate DB2 SQLCODEs. You can tailor the SQLCODE
mapping if you want to override the default SQLCODE mapping or if you are
using a IBM mainframe database server that does not have SQLCODE mapping
(not an IBM database server).
About this task
The following files are copies of the default SQLCODE mapping:
v maps DB2 for z/OS SQLCODEs.
v maps DB2 Server for VM and VSE SQLCODEs.
v maps IBM DB2 for IBM i SQLCODEs.
No mapping is required for DB2 on Linux or UNIX operating systems.
Each mapping file is an ASCII file, which is created and edited using an ASCII
editor. At initial installation, the file is stored in the map directory in the installation
If you want to create an SQLCODE mapping for a database server that is not an
IBM database server or override the default SQLCODE mapping:
1. Copy one of the,, or files and use it as
the basis for your new SQLCODE mapping file. By copying the file rather than
editing it directly, you ensure that you can always refer to the original
SQLCODE mapping, if necessary.
2. Specify the file name of your new SQLCODE mapping file in the parameter
string of the DCS Directory.
3. Edit the new SQLCODE mapping file.
The file can contain the following special types of lines:
The logical beginning of the file. All lines before the first occurrence of
&& are considered free-form comments and ignored. If the file contains
nothing after &&, no SQLCODE mapping is performed. You can also
turn off SQLCODE mapping with the NOMAP parameter, as described
As the first character on a line, indicates a comment.
As the only character on a line, indicates that warning flags should be
remapped. By default, the original warning flags are passed. The W
must be uppercase.
All other lines after && must be either blank or mapping statements in the
following form:
input_code [, output_code [, token_list]]
DB2 Connect User's Guide
The input_code represents one of the following values:
sqlcode The SQLCODE from the IBM mainframe database server.
All undefined negative SQLCODEs (those not listed in this file) are
mapped to the specified output_code. If no output_code is specified on
this line, the original SQLCODE is used. This character must be
All undefined positive SQLCODEs (those not listed in this file) are
mapped to the specified output_code. If no output_code is specified on
this line, the original SQLCODE is used. This character must be
The SQLSTATE class code from the IBM mainframe database server. nn
is one of the following values:
Unqualified successful completion
No data
Cardinality violation
Data exception
Constraint violation
Invalid cursor state
Invalid SQL statement identifier
Transaction Rollback
Access violation
Invalid application state
Object not in prerequisite state
Miscellaneous SQL or Product Error
Resource not available or operator intervention
System error
The specified output_code is used for all SQLCODEs with this class code
that are not specified explicitly in the mapping file. If no output_code is
specified on this line, the original SQLCODE is mapped to itself with
no tokens copied over.
The characters cc must be lowercase.
If the same input_code appears more than once in the mapping file, the first
occurrence is used. The output_code represents the output SQLCODE. If no
value is specified, the original SQLCODE is used.
If you specify an output code, you can also specify one of the following value:
The input SQLCODE plus the product ID (ARI, DSN or QSQ) will be
put into the SQLCA message token field.
The original SQLCODE is returned as the only token. This option is
designed to handle undefined SQLCODEs, with the exception of +965
and -969. If +965 or -969 is the output_code, the token list returned in the
SQLERRMC field of the SQLCA includes the original SQLCODE,
followed by the product identifier, followed by the original token list.
Chapter 5. Administering
The character s must be lowercase.
A list of tokens, separated by commas. Specify only a comma to skip a
particular token. For example, the form (,t2,,t4) means that the first and
third output tokens are null.
Each token has the form of a number (n), optionally preceded by c,
optionally followed by c or i. It is interpreted as follows:
The data type of the token in this position is CHAR (the
default). If c comes before n, it refers to the input token; if it
comes after n, it refers to the output token. The character c
must be lowercase.
The data type of the token in this position is INTEGER. If i
comes after n, it refers to the output token. i should not come
before n, because IBM mainframe database server products
support only CHAR tokens. The character i must be lowercase.
A number or numbers indicating which IBM mainframe
database server tokens are used. They are arranged in the order
required for placement in the output SQLCA. The number
indicates the IBM mainframe database server token; the
arrangement indicates the order in which the tokens will be
placed in the SQLCA.
For example, the IBM mainframe database server might return
two tokens, 1 and 2. If you want token 2 to appear before token
1 in the output SQLCA, specify (2,1).
Multiple token numbers can be combined to form one CHAR
output token by connecting them with periods.
Commas are used to separate output tokens. If no token is
specified before a comma, no output token is included in the
SQLCA for that position. Any tokens occurring in the output
SQLCA following the last specified token are mapped to a null
Figure 8 shows a sample SQLCODE mapping file.
-30021 ,
Figure 8. An SQLCODE Mapping File
DB2 Connect User's Guide
The following descriptions correspond to the matching line number in the previous
1. The SQLCODE is mapped from -007 to -007. The first input token received
from the IBM mainframe database server is used as the first output token, and
it defaults to CHAR. No other tokens are transferred.
2. The SQLCODE is mapped from -010 to -010 (no output SQLCODE is specified).
No tokens are put into the output SQLCA.
3. The SQLCODE is mapped from -060 to -171. The first input token received
from the IBM mainframe database server is discarded. The second is used as
the first token in the output SQLCA, and it is CHAR. There is no second token
in the output SQLCA.
4. The SQLCODE is mapped from -204 to -204. The first and second tokens
received from the IBM mainframe database server are CHAR. These two input
tokens are combined to form one CHAR output token, which will be the first
output token in the SQLCA.
5. The SQLCODE is mapped from -633 to -206. The first input token received
from the IBM mainframe database server is CHAR. It is converted to INTEGER
and is used as the second token in the output SQLCA. The first token in the
output SQLCA is null, as indicated by a comma.
6. The SQLCODE is mapped from -30021 to -30021. The first and second input
tokens received from the IBM mainframe database server are CHAR, and they
are used as the first and second tokens in the output SQLCA.
7. All SQLCODEs in SQLCAs with SQLSTATEs in the 00 class will be mapped to
8. All undefined SQLCODEs are mapped to -969. This option should be used only
if all mappable codes are listed, including all those that are identical and
require no mapping. The (s) option indicates that the token list to be returned
in the SQLERRMC field of the SQLCA includes the original SQLCODE,
followed by the product the error occurred in, followed by the original token
list. If the U entry is not included, all unlisted codes are passed without any
9. All undefined positive SQLCODEs are mapped to +965. This option should be
used only if all mappable codes are listed, including all those that are identical
and require no mapping. The (s) option indicates that the token list to be
returned in the SQLERRMC field of the SQLCA includes the original
SQLCODE, followed by the product the warning occurred in, followed by the
original token list. If the P entry is not included, all unlisted positive codes are
passed without any mapping.
Chapter 5. Administering
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 6. Monitoring DB2 Connect server
Monitoring connections for remote clients
You can use the database system monitor with a DB2 Connect server product, such
as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, to monitor the remote client connections.
To monitor clients that are local to the DB2 Connect server, that are running on the
server itself, you will need to set the following variable:
For example, when an error occurs at the IBM mainframe system, the system
administrator can determine if the problem was on the DB2 Connect workstation.
The database system monitor correlates:
v The DRDA correlation token (CRRTKN), for unprotected conversations.
v The unit of work id (UOWID), for two-phase connections protected by the
DRDA-3 sync point manager (as used over TCP/IP connections).
v The DB2 Connect connection identifier (the Application ID).
This information shows which DB2 Connect connection caused the problem, which
allows the system administrator to force the individual client application from the
system without affecting the other clients using the DB2 Connect connection.
Listing the Status of Monitor Switches
To list the status of monitor switches, use the db2 get monitor switches
Monitoring performance using the Windows Performance Monitor
Windows operating systems provide a useful tool for monitoring the performance
of your DB2 applications. The Performance Monitor, which is one of the Windows
administrative tools, displays a graphical representation of system performance.
You can choose a variety of system, database, and communications-related items to
monitor and map them together in a graphical representation.
For example, the reports available through the GET SNAPSHOT FOR ALL DCS
in real time using the monitor, and compared directly with values such as CPU
usage. You can directly compare the effects of different settings on database or
communications performance. You can save your specialized configurations of
settings in PMC files that you can later retrieve.
For example in the following figure, several DB2 measures are being graphed
against CPU usage. The collection of values being charted was saved in the file
db2chart.pmc. You can save as many PMC files as you like, each reflecting a
different cross-section of system performance.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
Figure 9. Performance Monitor
To enable monitoring of local applications you will need to turn off the
DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS environment variable.
Using the GET SNAPSHOT commands
The DB2 monitor maintains a running tally of valuable system information. You
can get a summary of system status at any time by issuing the GET SNAPSHOT
You can take monitor snapshots if you have SYSMAINT, SYSCTRL, or SYSADM
authority for the database manager instance that you want to monitor.
There are five snapshot commands useful for monitoring DCS information. They
Each snapshot command will produce a detailed report about the area you
For instance, issuing the GET SNAPSHOT FOR DCS DATABASE ON DCSDB will produce
the following report:
DCS Database Snapshot
DCS database name
Host database name
First database connect timestamp
DB2 Connect User's Guide
= 12-15-2001 10:28:24.596495
Most recent elapsed time to connect
Most recent elapsed connection duration
Host response time (
Last reset timestamp
Number of SQL statements attempted
Commit statements attempted
Rollback statements attempted
Failed statement operations
Total number of gateway connections
Current number of gateway connections
Gateway conn. waiting for host reply
Gateway conn. waiting for client request
Gateway communication errors to host
Timestamp of last communication error
High water mark for gateway connections
Rows selected
Outbound bytes sent
Outbound bytes received
This report provides information about the database connections, performance,
errors and throughput of SQL requests. DB2 Monitor snapshots can be much more
detailed, in fact. For instance, if you issue the GET SNAPSHOT FOR ALL DCS
APPLICATIONS command, you will receive a report similar to the following one:
DCS Application Snapshot
Client application ID
Sequence number
Authorization ID
Application name
Application handle
Application status
Status change time
Client node
Client release level
Client platform
Client protocol
Client codepage
Process ID of client application
Client login ID
Host application ID
Sequence number
Database alias at the gateway
DCS database name
Host database name
Host release level
waiting for request
12-15-2001 10:29:06.707086
Outbound communication address
Outbound communication protocol
Inbound communication address
First database connect timestamp
Host response time (
Time spent on gateway processing
Last reset timestamp
Rows selected
Number of SQL statements attempted
Failed statement operations
Commit statements
Rollback statements
Inbound bytes received
Outbound bytes sent
Outbound bytes received
Inbound bytes sent
Number of open cursors
Application idle time
= 5021
TCP/IP 46756
12-15-2001 10:28:24.596495
1 minute and 32 seconds
Chapter 6. Monitoring DB2 Connect server
UOW completion status
Previous UOW completion timestamp
= 12-15-2001 10:28:25.592631
UOW start timestamp
= 12-15-2001 10:29:06.142790
UOW stop timestamp
Elapsed time of last completed uow ( 0.034396
Most recent operation
Most recent operation start timestamp
Most recent operation stop timestamp
= Execute Immediate
= 12-15-2001 10:29:06.142790
= 12-15-2001 10:29:06.707053
Section number
Application creator
Package name
SQL compiler cost estimate in timerons
SQL compiler cardinality estimate
Statement start timestamp
Statement stop timestamp
Host response time (
Elapsed time of last completed stmt(
Rows fetched
Time spent on gateway processing
Inbound bytes received for statement
Outbound bytes sent for statement
Outbound bytes received for statement
Inbound bytes sent for statement
SQL statement text:
create table t12 (col1 int, col2 char)
Execute Immediate
12-15-2001 10:29:06.142790
12-15-2001 10:29:06.707053
DCS application status
The System Monitor provides three forms of the LIST DCS APPLICATIONS command.
The System Monitor provides three forms of the LIST DCS APPLICATIONS command,
as follows:
In the output that follows, the format for the Host Application ID and Client
Application ID can differ depending on the IBM mainframe database version and
the TCP/IP support level.
Table 17. Application ID format based on host version and TCP/IP support level
Application ID format
Clients accessing
data servers with
RDB Manager Level
support less than 7
Clients accessing
data servers with
RDB Manager level
support 8 or greater
over TCP/IP v4
Clients accessing
data servers with
RDB Manager level
support 8 or greater
over TCP/IP v6
DB2 Connect User's Guide
To view the information provided by the monitor at the application level, issue the
It returns the following information for a TCP/IP connection (DB2 Connect to DB2
for z/OS):
Auth Id Application Name Appl.
------- ---------------- -----NEWTON db2cli.exe
NEWTON db2cli.exe
NEWTON db2cli.exe
Host Application Id
The authorization ID that was used to log on to the IBM mainframe
database server. This identifies who is running the application.
Application Name
The name of the application running at the client as known to DB2
Connect. Only the first 20 bytes after the last path separator are available.
Appl. Handle
The agent that is executing on the DB2 Connect workstation. You can use
this element to link the database system monitor information to other
diagnostic information. The agent ID is also required when using the
FORCE USERS command or API.
Host Application ID
One of the following items:
v The DRDA correlation token (CRRTKN), for unprotected conversations.
v The unit of work id (UOWID), for two-phase connections protected by
the DRDA-3 Syncpoint Manager (as used over TCP/IP connections).
This unique identifier is generated when the application connects to the
IBM mainframe database server. You can use this element in conjunction
with the Application ID to correlate the client and server parts of the
application information.
If the DB2 LIST DCS APPLICATIONS SHOW DETAIL command format is specified,
additional information is shown, including:
Auth Id
Client Application Id
------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------NEWTON
DB Alias
----- -------00001 MDB
Application Name
Host Application Id
---------- -------------------------1252
Host DB Name
----- -------------------- -------00001 MEXICO
Chapter 6. Monitoring DB2 Connect server
Client Application ID
Uniquely identifies the application connected to the DB2 Connect
workstation. There are different formats for the application ID, which are
dependent on the communication protocol between the client and the DB2
Connect workstation.
This value lets you correlate connections from clients to the DB2 Connect
workstation and from the DB2 Connect workstation to the IBM mainframe
database server.
Client Sequence no (Seq#)
The client sequence number is the transaction sequence number. It is used
to help correlate a transaction spread over different systems.
Client DB alias
The alias of the database provided by the application to connect to the
database. This element can be used to identify the actual database that the
application is accessing. The mapping between this name and the database
name could be done by using the database directories at the client node
and the database manager server node.
Client NNAME (Node)
Identifies the node where the client application is executing. The
information varies according to the client protocol in use. For a client
connected via TCP/IP, this is the host name.
Client Product ID (Client)
The product and version that is running on the client. The client product
IDs will be:
v SQL07010 for Version 7.1 of DB2 Universal Database™ and DB2 Connect
products and their clients.
v SQL08010 for Version 8.1 of DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect
products and their clients.
v SQL08020 for Version 8.2 of DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect
products and their clients.
v SQL09120 for Version 9.1 of DB2 products, DB2 Connect products, and
their clients.
Code Page ID
The code page identifier at the node where the monitored application
You can use this information to ensure that data conversion is supported
between the application code page and the database code page (or for IBM
mainframe database server databases, the IBM mainframe database server
If the application code page is different from that under which the
database system monitor is running, this code page element can help you
to manually convert data that was passed from the application and
displayed by the database system monitor. For example, you can use it to
help translate the Application Name.
Outbound Sequence No
This represents the outbound sequence number. It is used for correlating
transactions on different systems.
Host Database Name
The real name of the database to which the application is connected. In the
DCS directory, this is the target database name.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Host Product ID
The product and version that is running on the server. It is in the form
PPPVVRRM, where:
Identifies the IBM mainframe database server product (for
example, DSN for DB2 Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390®,
ARI for DB2 Server for VSE & VM, or QSQ for IBM DB2 for IBM i)
Represents a two-digit version number, such as 08.
Represents a two-digit release number, such as 01.
Represents a one-character modification level (0-9 or A-Z).
You can use the LIST DCS APPLICATIONS command with the option EXTENDED in
order to generate an Extended Report. The Extended Report lists all the fields that
are listed when the SHOW DETAIL option is specified on the command, plus nine
new fields:
v DCS application status
v Status change time
v Client platform
v Client protocol
Host Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID).
Client login ID
Process ID of client application
Database alias at the gateway
v DCS database name
While the existing command options list the fields horizontally, one line per
application, the new option lists them vertically, one field per line.
Here is the new syntax of the command:
And here is sample output from this command, when using the new option
Chapter 6. Monitoring DB2 Connect server
List of DCS Applications - Extended Report
Client application ID
= 2002:91a:519:13:209:6bff:fe14:4fbb.8196.060306214224
Sequence number
= 00001
Authorization ID
Trusted Authorization ID
Application name
= db2cli.exe
Application handle
= 37
Application status
= waiting for request
Status change time
= Not Collected
Client node
Client release level
= SQL09000
Client platform
= NT
Client protocol
Client codepage
= 1252
Process ID of client application = 1192
Client login ID
Host application ID
= G91A0D3A.P982.060306214231
Sequence number
= 00001
Database alias at the gateway
DCS database name
Host database name
Host release level
= DSN08015
= 1208
The application status field contains one of the following three values:
1. connect pending - outbound. This means that the request to connect to a IBM
mainframe database has been issued, and DB2 Connect is waiting for the
connection to be established.
2. waiting for request. This means that the connection with the IBM mainframe
database has been established, and that DB2 Connect is waiting for an SQL
statement from the client application
3. waiting for reply. This means that the SQL statement has been sent to the
IBM mainframe database.
Also, the status change time is only shown in the report if the System Monitor
UOW switch was turned on during processing. Otherwise, "Not Collected" will be
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 7. Developing database applications
Running your own applications
You can build and run DB2 applications with an IBM Data Server Client installed.
Various types of applications can access DB2 databases:
v Applications developed using the IBM data server client that include embedded
SQL, APIs, stored procedures, user-defined functions or calls to the CLI
v ODBC applications
Java applications using the JDBC or SQLJ interfaces
PHP applications
Ruby or Ruby on Rails applications
Perl applications
Python applications
On Windows operating systems, the following routines or objects can also access
DB2 databases:
v ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) implemented in Microsoft Visual Basic and
Microsoft Visual C++
v Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Automation Routines (UDFs and Stored
v Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLE DB) table functions
To run an application:
1. Ensure the server is configured and running.
2. On the DB2 server, ensure that the database manager is started on the database
server to which the application program is connecting. If it is not, you must
issue the db2start command at the server before starting the application.
3. Ensure that you can connect to the database that the application uses.
4. Bind the necessary files to support the database application driver being used.
5. Run the application program.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 8. Security
Trusted connections through DB2 Connect
Some DB2 database servers support trusted contexts. A trusted context allows the
database administrator to, among other things, define conditions under which a
client application will be allowed to create a trusted connection. A trusted
connection is allowed to do things that a normal connection cannot.
There are two types of trusted connection, implicit and explicit. When you create a
connection, whether you get an explicit trusted connection, an implicit trusted
connection, or a regular connection depends on whether you ask for a trusted
connection and whether the connection meets the criteria defined in the trusted
context on the server, as summarized in Table 18.
Table 18. What type of connections result from different combinations of actions
The connection meets the
server's criteria for being
The connection does not
meet the server's criteria for
being trusted
You request that the
connection be trusted
Explicit trusted connection
Regular connection and
warning SQL20360W
(SQLSTATE 01679) is
You do not request that the
connection be trusted
Implicit trusted connection
Regular connection
An implicit trusted connection is identical to a regular connection except that it
grants temporary role privileges to the user while they are using the connection.
The role privileges that are granted (if any) are specified in the trusted context that
caused the connection to be trusted.
Implicit trusted connections can be created by any application that connects using
DB2 Connect. Implicit trusted connections are made and used in the same way
that regular connections are made and used. This means that no code changes are
necessary for an existing application to take advantage of implicit trusted
connections as long as the application connects through DB2 Connect.
An explicit trusted connection grants temporary role privileges to the user the same
way that an implicit trusted connection does. In addition, an explicit trusted
connection lets you change the authorization ID used when performing actions
across that connection. Changing the authorization ID on an explicit trusted
connection is referred to as switching users. The authorization IDs to which you can
switch and whether a given authorization ID requires a password when switching
to it are defined as part of the trusted context that allowed the trusted connection
to be created.
User switching can significantly reduce the processing usage of sharing a
connection among several users, especially for user names that do not require a
password because in that case the database server does not authenticate the
authorization ID. When using the feature, however, you must be very certain that
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
your application does not allow switching to an authorization ID without
validating and authenticating that authorization ID. Otherwise you are creating a
security hole in your system.
Explicit trusted connections can be created and the user can be switched when
connecting through DB2 Connect using CLI or JDBC, including XA established
connections. Creating an explicit trusted connection and switching users requires
setting special connection attributes. This means that existing applications will
need to be modified in order to take advantage of explicit trusted connections.
Other than the differences just mentioned, you can use a trusted connection
(whether implicit or explicit) the same way you would used a regular connection.
You must be certain, however, to explicitly disconnect an explicit trusted
connection when you are done with it, even if it is in a broken or disconnected
state. Otherwise resources used by the connection might not be released. This is
not a problem with implicit trusted connections.
1. Explicit trusted connections should not use CLIENT authentication. This does
not apply to implicit trusted connections.
2. Applications using explicit trusted connections should be run on secure
machines which are password protected and accessible only to authorized
personnel. This does not apply to implicit trusted connections.
Creating and terminating a trusted connection through CLI
If the database server you are connecting to is configured to allow it, you can
create an explicit trusted connection when connecting through CLI.
Before you begin
This procedure assumes that you are not using an XA transaction manager. If you
are using an XA transaction manager you only need to make sure that the
transaction manager is configured to set the configuration value TCTX to TRUE
when it calls xa_open. If that is done then any connection that can be an explicit
trusted connection will be. To verify that a connection is an explicit trusted
connection see step 3.
v The database that you are connecting to must support trusted contexts.
v A trusted context must be defined that will recognize the client as being
v You must know the system authorization ID that is specified in the trusted
context. The system authorization ID of a trusted connection is the authorization
ID you provide to the server as a user name when creating the connection. For
your connection to be trusted by a particular trusted context the system
authorization ID must be the one specified in that trusted context. Ask your
security administrator for a valid system authorization ID and the password for
that ID.
About this task
The examples in these instructions use the C language and assume that conn is a
pointer to a valid, but unconnected, connection handle. The variable rc is assumed
to have a data type of SQLRETURN.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
1. In addition to setting any connection attributes that you would set for a regular
connection, set the connection attribute SQL_ATTR_USE_TRUSTED_CONTEXT
to SQL_TRUE with a call to the SQLSetConnectAttr function.
rc = SQLSetConnectAttr(
2. Connect to the database as you would for a regular connection, for example by
calling the SQLConnect function. Use the system authorization ID as the user
name and its password as the password. Be sure to check for errors and
warnings, especially those listed in table Table 19.
Table 19. Errors indicating failure to create a trusted connection
SQL20360W 01679
The connection could not be established as a trusted
connection. It was established as a regular connection instead.
If no errors or warnings tell you differently, then the connection is established
and is an explicit trusted connection.
3. Optional: You can verify that an established connection is an explicit trusted
connection by checking the value of the connection attribute
SQL_ATTR_USE_TRUSTED_CONTEXT using the SQLGetConnectAttr function.
If it is set to SQL_TRUE the connection is an explicit trusted connection.
4. When you are finished using the connection you must be very careful to
explicitly disconnect it, even if it is in a broken or disconnected state. If you do
not explicitly disconnect an explicit trusted connection some of the resources
used by the connection might not be released.
1. Explicit trusted connections should not use CLIENT authentication. This does
not apply to implicit trusted connections.
2. Applications using explicit trusted connections should only be run on secure
computers which are password protected and accessible only to authorized
personnel. This does not apply to implicit trusted connections.
Switching users on a trusted connection through CLI
You can switch users on an explicit trusted connection through the command line
interface (CLI).
For a description of what it means to switch users using a trusted connection see
the topic in the related links.
Before you begin
v The connection must have been successfully created as an explicit trusted
v The explicit trusted connection must not be in a transaction.
v The trusted context that allowed the explicit trusted connection to be created
must be configured to allow switching to the authorization ID you are switching
Chapter 8. Security
About this task
The examples in these instructions use the C language and assume that conn is a
pointer to a connected explicit trusted connection. The variable rc is assumed to
have a data type of SQLRETURN. The variable newuser is assumed to be a pointer
to a character string holding the authorization ID of the user you want to switch
to. The variable passwd is assumed to be a pointer to a character string containing
the password for that authorization ID.
1. Call the SQLSetConnectAttr function to set the
SQL_ATTR_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_USERID attribute. Set it to the authorization
ID you want to switch to.
rc = SQLSetConnectAttr(
//Check for errors
Be sure to check for errors and warnings, especially those listed in table
Table 20.
Table 20. Errors indicating failure to set a new authorization ID when switching users
The connection is not connected.
The connection is not a trusted connection.
There is a problem with the value provided. Check that it is not null, or not
too long, for example.
The connection is involved in a unit of work that prevents it from switching
users. To be able to switch users the connection must not be in a transaction.
2. Optional: (This step is optional unless the trusted context that allowed this
trusted connection requires a password for the authorization ID you are
switching to.) Call the SQLSetConnectAttr function to set the
SQL_ATTR_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_PASSWORD attribute. Set it to the password
for the new authorization ID.
rc = SQLSetConnectAttr(
//Check for errors
Be sure to check for errors and warnings, both those listed in table Table 20 and
those listed in table Table 21.
Table 21. Errors indicating failure to set a password when switching users
The attribute SQL_ATTR_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_USERID has not yet been set.
3. Proceed as with a regular connection. If you are using an XA transaction
manager the user switch is attempted as part of the next request, otherwise the
user switch is attempted just before initiating the next function call that
accesses the database (SQLExecDirect for example). In either case, in addition
DB2 Connect User's Guide
to the errors and warnings you would normally check for, be sure to check for
the errors listed in Table 22. The errors in Table 22 indicate that the user switch
Table 22. Errors indicating failure to switch users
The trusted context that allowed this trusted
connection is not configured to allow
switching to the authorization ID you are
trying to switch to. You will not be able to
switch to that authorization ID until the
trusted context is changed.
The password provided is not correct for the
authorization ID you are switching to.
SQL0969N with a native error of -20361
There is some database level constraint that
prevent you from switching to the user.
If the user switch fails the connection will be in an unconnected state until you
successfully switch to another user. You can switch users on a trusted
connection in an unconnected state but cannot access the database server with
it. A connection in an unconnected state will remain in that state until you
successfully switch users on it.
What to do next
1. Important: Switching users without supplying a password bypasses the
database server's authentication. Your application must not allow a switch to an
authorization ID without a password unless that application has already
validated and authenticated that authorization ID. To do otherwise creates a
security hole.
2. Specifying a NULL value for the SQL_ATTR_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_USERID
attribute is equivalent to specifying the trusted context system authorization ID
(the user id used when the explicit trusted connection was created).
3. When you successfully set the value of the
SQL_ATTR_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_USERID connection attribute on an explicit
trusted connection the connection is immediately reset. The result of resetting is
as if a new connection were created using the original connection attributes of
that connection. This reset happens even if the value you set the connection
attribute to is the system authorization ID or NULL or the same value that the
attribute currently holds.
4. If the SQL_ATTR_TRUSTED_CONTEXT_PASSWORD attribute is set, the
password will be authenticated during the switch user processing, even if the
trusted context that allowed the trusted connection doesn't require
authentication on a switch user for that authorization ID. This results in
unnecessary processing time. This rule doesn't apply to the trusted context
system authorization ID. If the trusted context system authorization ID doesn't
require authentication when you switch to it then it is not authenticated even if
a password is provided.
Chapter 8. Security
DB2 Connect authentication considerations
As a DB2 Connect administrator, in cooperation with your System z or IBM Power
Systems database administrator, you can determine where user names and
passwords are validated.
For example:
v At the client
v At the System z or IBM Power Systems server
v Single sign-on and validation through a third-party system (Kerberos).
Note: If the remote client has not specified an authentication type, the client will
try to connect using the SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication type first. If this type is not
accepted by the server, the client will attempt to try using an appropriate value
returned from the server. To help optimize performance, always specify the
authentication type at the client to avoid this extra network flow.
Starting with DB2 Connect Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) the
gateway is no longer a passive participant during authentication negotiation.
Instead, the gateway takes an active role. The authentication type specified in the
database directory entry at the gateway overrides the authentication type cataloged
at the client. The client, gateway, and server must all specify compatible types. If
the cataloged authentication type at the gateway has not been specified in the
database directory entry, SERVER authentication will be the default type requested
of the server. However, negotiation will still take place between the client and
server if the server does not support SERVER authentication. This behavior is in
contrast to the client which defaults to SERVER_ENCRYPT if an authentication type
has not been specified.
The authentication type cataloged at the gateway is not used if DB2NODE or the
SQL_CONNECT_NODE option of the Set Client API has been set at the client. In these
cases negotiation is still strictly between the client and the server.
The following authentication types are allowed with DB2 Connect:
The user name and password are validated at the client.
Provides the ability to encrypt user data during client/server
communications. This authentication type is not supported on IBM Power
Systems database server.
Enables the client to log into the server using Kerberos authentication
instead of the traditional ID and password combination. This
authentication type requires that both the server and client be
The user name and password are validated at the System z or IBM Power
Systems server database.
As for SERVER authentication, the user name and password are validated
at the System z or IBM Power Systems database server, but the transferred
user IDs and passwords are encrypted at the client.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
The transferred user IDs and passwords are encrypted using an Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm at the client and
validated at the System z database server.
Kerberos authentication is unique in that the client does not pass a user ID and
password directly to the server. Instead, Kerberos acts as a third-party
authentication mechanism. The user enters an ID and password once at the client
terminal, and Kerberos validates this sign-on. After this, Kerberos automatically
and securely passes the user's authorization to any local and network services
requested. This means that the user does not need to re-enter an ID and password
to log into a remote DB2 server. The single sign-on capability provided by
Kerberos authentication requires that both DB2 Connect and the database server
that it is connecting to provide Kerberos support.
Note: There is no support for the GSSPLUGIN authentication type.
Kerberos support
The Kerberos authentication layer which handles the ticketing system is integrated
into the Windows 2000 Active Directory mechanism.
The client and server sides of an application communicate with the Kerberos SSP
(Security Support Provider) client and server modules. The Security Support
Provider Interface (SSPI) provides a high level interface to the Kerberos SSP and
other security protocols.
Typical setup
To configure DB2 database products with Kerberos authentication, set up:
v An authorization policy for DB2 (as a service) in the Active Directory that is
shared on a network, and
v A trust relationship between Kerberos Key Distribution Centers (KDCs)
In the simplest scenario, there is at least one KDC trust relationship to configure,
that is, the one between the KDC controlling the client workstation, and the IBM
Power Systems, or System z. OS/390 Version 2 Release 10 or z/OS Version 1
Release 2 provides Kerberos ticket processing through its RACF® facility which
allows the host to act as an UNIX KDC.
DB2 Connect provides as usual the router functionality in the 3-tier setting. It does
not assume any role in authentication when Kerberos security is used. Instead, it
merely passes the client's security token to IBM DB2 for IBM i or to DB2 for z/OS.
There is no need for the DB2 Connect gateway to be a member of the client or the
host's Kerberos realm.
Downlevel compatibility
Minimum requirements for Kerberos support in DB2 database products:
IBM data server client:
Version 8
DB2 Connect:
Version 8
Chapter 8. Security
DB2 for z/OS:
Version 7
Authentication types supported with DB2 Connect server
Certain combinations of authentication and security settings are supported with
DB2 Connect.
Authentication types for TCP/IP connections
The TCP/IP communication protocol does not support Authentication
options at the network protocol layer. The authentication type determines
where authentication takes place. Only the combinations shown in this
table are supported by DB2 Connect. The authentication setting is in the
database directory entry at the DB2 Connect server.
Table 23. Valid Authentication Scenarios
Authentication setting
IBM mainframe database server
IBM mainframe database server
Kerberos security
Host database server
Discussion of Authentication types
The following discussion applies to the connections described previously
and listed in Table 23. Each scenario is described in more detail, as follows:
v In scenario 1, the user name and password are validated only at the
remote client. For a local client, the user name and password are
validated only at the DB2 Connect server.
The user is expected to be authenticated at the location they sign on to.
The user ID is sent across the network, but not the password. Use this
type of security only if all client workstations have adequate security
facilities that can be trusted.
v In scenario 2, the user name and password are validated at the IBM
mainframe database server only. The user ID and password is sent
across the network from the remote client to the DB2 Connect server and
from the DB2 Connect server to the IBM mainframe database server.
v Scenario 3 is the same as scenario 2, except that the user ID and
password are encrypted.
v In scenario 4, a Kerberos ticket is obtained by the client from the
Kerberos KDC. The ticket is passed unaltered through DB2 Connect to
the server, where it is validated by the server.
v Scenario 5 is the same as scenario 3, except that the user data is also
encrypted and DATA_ENCRYPT does not support the IBM Power Systems
database server.
v Scenario 6 is the same as scenario 3, except that an Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) encryption algorithm is used.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 9. Tuning
DB2 Connect performance considerations
Performance is the way a computer system behaves given a particular workload. It
is affected by the available resources and how they are used and shared. If you
want to improve performance, you must first decide what you mean by
You can choose many different performance metrics, including:
Response time
The interval between the time that the application sends the database
request and the time that the application receives a response.
Transaction throughput
The number of units of work that can be completed per unit of time. The
unit of work could be simple, like fetching and updating a row, or
complicated, involving hundreds of SQL statements.
Data transfer rate
The number of bytes of data transferred between the DB2 Connect
application and the IBM mainframe database per unit of time.
Performance will be limited by the available hardware and software resources.
CPU, memory, and network adapters are examples of hardware resources.
Communication subsystems, paging subsystems, mbuf for AIX, is an example of a
software resource.
Data Flows
Figure 10 on page 138 shows the path of data flowing between the IBM mainframe
database server and the workstation through DB2 Connect.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
Figure 10. Data Flows in DB2 Connect
v The IBM mainframe database and part of communication subsystem B are
usually running on the same system. This system is made up of one or more
CPUs, main storage, an I/O subsystem, DASD, and an operating system.
Because other programs might share these components, resource contention
could cause performance problems.
v The network is composed of a combination of cables, hubs, communication lines,
switches, and other communication controllers. For example, the network
hardware interface B could be communication controllers such as 3745 or 3172 or
a token ring adapter for an IBM Power Systems server. There could be more
than one transmission medium involved between network hardware interfaces A
and B.
v Network hardware interface A could be token ring, Ethernet**, other LAN
adapter, or an adapter which supports the SDLC or X.25 protocols.
v DB2 Connect and the communication subsystem A are usually located on the
same system. For the scope of this discussion, it is assumed that the application
is also on the same system.
Transaction throughput is dependent on the slowest component in the system. If
you identify a performance bottleneck, you can often alleviate the problem by
changing configuration parameters, allocating more resources to the problem
component, upgrading the component, or adding a new component to offload
some of the work.
You can use various tools to determine how much time a query spends in each
component. This will give you an idea of which components should be tuned or
upgraded to improve performance. For example, if you determine that a query
spends 60% of its time in the DB2 Connect machine, you might want to tune DB2
Connect or (if you have remote clients) add another DB2 Connect machine to the
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Benchmarking compares performance in one environment with performance in
another. Benchmarking can begin by running the test application in a normal
environment. As a performance problem is narrowed down, specialized test cases
can be developed to limit the scope of the function that is tested and observed.
Benchmarking does not need to be complex. Specialized test cases need not
emulate an entire application in order to obtain valuable information. Start with
simple measurements and increase the complexity only when warranted.
Characteristics of good benchmarks:
v Each test is repeatable.
v Each iteration of a test is started in the same system state.
v The hardware and software used for benchmarking matches your production
v There are no functions or applications active in the system other than those
being measured unless the scenario includes some other activity going on in the
Note: Applications that are started use memory even when they are minimized
or idle. This could cause paging and skew the results of the benchmark.
Performance Tools
The following tables list some of the tools that can help you measure system
performance. Because these tools themselves use system resources, you might not
want to have them active all the time.
Table 24. Performance tools for CPU and memory usage
vmstat, time, ps, tprof
Provide information about
CPU or memory contention
problems on the DB2
Connect workstation and
remote clients.
vmstat, time, ps, monitor and
glance if available
Microsoft Performance
Table 25. Performance tools for database activity
Database monitor
Determines if the problem
originates from the database.
System z
XE for DB2 Performance
Monitor on z/OS,
and CA Insight Performance
Monitor for DB2 for z/OS
(Computer Associates
International, Inc.)
Chapter 9. Tuning
Table 25. Performance tools for database activity (continued)
Microsoft Performance
Table 26. Performance tools for network activity
Reports low level network
statistics, including TCP/IP
statistics such as the number
of packet or frames received
per second.
Network controller such as
NetView® Performance
Reports utilization of
communication control and
Linux and UNIX
Handles TCP/IP traffic.
Application design
When you create an application, you can improve performance in several ways.
For example, consider using compound SQL and stored procedures, grouping
related database requests into one database request, refining the predicate logic,
implementing data blocking and tuning your dynamic SQL. This section is also
relevant for applications using embedded SQL.
Compound SQL and stored procedures
For applications that send and receive many commands and replies,
network processing usage can be significant. Compound SQL and stored
procedures are two ways to reduce this processing usage.
If an application sends several SQL statements without intervening
programming logic, you can use compound SQL. If you require
programming logic within the group of SQL statements, you can use stored
All executable statements except the following statements can be contained
within a Compound SQL statement:
Compound SQL
Set connection
execute immediate
Stored procedures help to reduce network traffic by placing program logic
at the server. You can commit automatically when exiting the procedure.
You can also return results sets, which minimize application logic at the
Grouping requests
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Grouping related database requests (SQL statements) into one database
request can reduce the number of requests and responses transmitted
across the network.
For example, grouping the following statements:
sends fewer requests across the network.
You can also use keywords such as IN and BETWEEN to reduce the
number of rows returned. In addition, you can use WHERE, IN, and
BETWEEN keywords on UPDATE and DELETE statements.
Predicate logic
You can use predicate logic to request only the rows and columns that are
needed. This minimizes the network traffic and CPU usage for data
For example, do not use the query:
if only the first row of TABLEA with ROW_ID=1 is really needed or if only
column 1 and column 2 are needed.
Data blocking
You should use data blocking if you expect large amounts of data from the
server. Blocking improves the use of the network bandwidth and reduces
the CPU usage of both the IBM mainframe database server and the DB2
Connect server. There is fixed amount of CPU and network usage for each
message sent and received regardless of size. Data blocking reduces the
number of messages required for the same amount of data transfer.
With blocking, the first row of data from a query will not be delivered to
the application until the first block is received. Blocking increases the
retrieval time for the first row, but improves the retrieval time for
subsequent rows.
Another consideration is the amount of memory that is used. The memory
working set usually increases when blocking is turned on.
Within DB2 Connect, you can control the amount of data that is transferred
within each block.
To invoke blocking, use the BLOCKING option of the prep or bind command.
Blocking is on, if:
v The cursor is read-only, or
v The cursor is ambiguous and blocking is specified during the prep or
Note: When using dynamic SQL, the cursor is always ambiguous.
SQL statements with BLOCKING
statements) are non-blocking queries, so you should use them only when
absolutely necessary.
Chapter 9. Tuning
An updatable SELECT ensures that the row has not changed between the
time the SELECT is completed and the UPDATE/DELETE is issued. If this level
of concurrency is not important to your application, an alternative is to use
a DELETE or UPDATE with search criteria based on the values returned
from a non-updateable SELECT.
For read-only SELECT, specify FOR FETCH ONLY, except under VM and VSE,
where it is not supported.
Static and dynamic SQL
Use static SQL as much as possible. It avoids runtime SQL section
preparation and ambiguous cursors. If dynamic SQL cannot be avoided,
you can do the following to minimize the network traffic and improve
v If the statement is a SELECT and must be prepared, perform PREPARE
... INTO SQLDA. The SQLDA should be allocated to the full size
needed for your settings. If the maximum number of columns is x and is
expected to stay that way, allocate an SQLDA with x SQLVARs. If the
number of potential columns is uncertain (and memory is not a
problem), use the maximum number of SQLVARs (256).
If the SQLDA allocation is not big enough to store the returning SQLDA,
the program must issue another DESCRIBE with a big enough SQLDA
to store the result again. This would increase the network traffic.
Do not use the PREPARE and DESCRIBE sequence. Using the
PREPARE.....INTO statement provides better performance.
v Execute statically bound SQL COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements
instead of dynamic COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements.
v If it is not a SELECT, COMMIT, or ROLLBACK statement, issue
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to execute the statement instead of the
PREPARE and EXECUTE sequence.
v ODBC applications use dynamic SQL. You might use the CLI/ODBC
static profiling feature to improve performance. This feature allows you
to capture and convert ODBC calls into static statements stored in a
database package. The actual performance you will get depends on the
complexity of your application.
Other SQL considerations
Using the Command Line Processor (CLP) is, in general, slower than
having dynamic SQL in the program because the CLP must parse the input
before submitting the SQL to the database engine. The CLP also formats
data when it is received, which might not be necessary for your
SQL statements in an interpreted language, such as REXX, are substantially
slower than the same SQL statements in a compiled language, such as C.
There are two types of CONNECT statement, called type 1 and type 2.
With type 2 connect, connecting to a database puts the previous connection
into a dormant state but does not drop it. If you later switch to a dormant
connection, you avoid the processing usage of loading libraries and setting
up internal data structures. For this reason, using type 2 connect might
improve performance for applications that access more than one database.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Connection management
Connection pooling
DB2 Connect server products, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, often
provide database connections for thousands of simultaneous client requests.
Establishing and severing connections to the database server can be a very resource
intensive process that adversely affects both database server and DB2 Connect
server performance. To reduce this processing usage, DB2 Connect server products
use connection pooling to maintain open connections to the database in a readily
accessible pool.
This problem is especially evident in web environments where each visit to a web
page can require building a new connection to the database server, performing a
query and terminating a connection. Most applications based on web technologies
execute large volume of short transactions. A typical web transaction is executed as
part of its own connection. In other words, executing a transaction means
establishing a database connection and then terminating this connection only after
a few SQL statements. This process of establishing and tearing down a connection
is very costly. It involves creation of a DB2 Connect agent, establishing a network
connection between this agent and the DB2 server, and creation of a DB2 thread on
the server. For longer running connections these costs are amortized over all of the
transactions executed on this connection but for a typical web transaction these
costs will typically exceed the cost of executing the transaction itself.
Connection pooling is a technique that allows reuse of an established connection
infrastructure for subsequent connections. When a DB2 Connect instance is started
a pool of coordinating agents is created. When a connection request comes in an
agent is assigned to this request. The agent will connect to the DB2 server and a
thread will be created in DB2. When the application issues a disconnect request,
the agent will not pass this request along to the DB2 server. Instead, the agent is
put back in to the pool. The agent in the pool still owns its connection to the DB2
server and the corresponding DB2 thread. When another application issues a
connect request, this agent is assigned to this new application. To insure secure
operation, user identity information is passed along to the DB2 thread which, in
turn, performs user authentication.
DB2 Connect's connection pooling provides a significant performance improvement
in such environments. DB2 Connect maintains open connections to the database in
an available pool. When a client requests a connection, it can be provided from this
pool of ready connections. Connection pooling significantly reduces the processing
usage typically spent on opening and closing these connections.
Connection pooling is transparent to applications connecting to the host through
DB2 Connect. When an application requests disconnection from the host, DB2
Connect drops the inbound connection with the application, but keeps the
outbound connection to the host in a pool. When a new application requests a
connection, the DB2 Connect uses one from the existing pool. Using the
already-present connection reduces the overall connection time, as well as the high
CPU connect cost on the host.
DB2 Connect agents can be in one two states: idle or active. An agent is active
when it is executing work for an application. Once this work is completed the
agent goes into an idle state awaiting further work from the same or a different
application. All idle agents are kept together in what is known as the idle agent
Chapter 9. Tuning
pool. You can configure the size of this pool using the num_poolagents
configuration parameter. This parameter equals the maximum number of idle
agents you want the system to maintain. Setting this parameter to zero is
equivalent to turning off the connection pooling feature. The default for this
configuration parameter is set to AUTOMATIC with a value of 100. By being set to
AUTOMATIC, DB2 Connect automatically manages the number of idle agents in the
idle agent pool.
DB2 Connect does not establish connections to the database before receiving its
first client request. Alternatively, you can fill the pool of idle agents before any
clients make a request. The pool can be filled on startup using the num_initagents
configuration parameter. This parameter determines how many idle agents should
be created at start up time. These idle agents initially will not have connections to
the host database server.
When a client requests a connection to the host, DB2 Connect will attempt to get
an agent from among those in the pool that have a connection to the host database
server. If that fails, it will try to find an available agent in the idle pool. If the pool
is empty, DB2 Connect will create a new agent.
You can control the maximum number of agents that can be concurrently active
using the max_coordagents configuration parameter. Once this number is exceeded,
new connections will fail with error sqlcode SQL1226. (This code means that the
maximum number of concurrent outbound connections has been exceeded.) The
default for this configuration parameter is set to AUTOMATIC with a value of 200. By
being set to AUTOMATIC, DB2 Connect automatically manages the number of
coordinator agents.
The DB2 registry variable DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS allows applications running
on the same machine as a DB2 Connect server product to either have DB2 Connect
run within the applications process, default behavior, or to have the application
connect to the DB2 Connect server product and then have the host connection run
within an agent. For an application to use connection pooling the connections to
the host must be made from within the DB2 Connect server product agents and
thus DB2CONNECT_IN_APP_PROCESS must be set to NO.
DB2 Connect Connection Pooling versus Application Server
Connection Pooling
Connection pooling is a must for any web technologies based application that is to
support large volumes of transactions. Most web application servers now provide
their own way of pooling database connections. For example, both Microsoft MTS
(COM+) and IBM WebSphere provide connection pooling.
Application pooling mechanisms implemented by these servers differ significantly
from what is provided by the DB2 Connect servers. Since application servers pool
connections only for their own use they typically presume that user id, password,
isolation levels, and so on, will be exactly the same for all connections. Even more
important, application servers only pool connections initiated by the same process.
This means that connections from other machines, users or processes are not
pooled. While these application server pooling techniques are effective for reusing
connections established by the same instance of an application they are absolutely
ineffective for pooling connections from multiple users, servers, and so on.
Connection pooling, provided by the DB2 Connect servers, is completely
application, machine and user independent. Connections from multiple clients,
DB2 Connect User's Guide
application servers all with different user IDs can all reuse each other's connections
resulting in a much better utilization of the pooled resources.
Which type of connection pooling is the right one to use? Both. Generally, using
both DB2 Connect connection pooling and Application Server connection pooling
is a good strategy since they don't interfere with each other. Even when application
server connection pooling is enabled, DB2 Connect connection pooling can provide
connection reuse for multiple application servers as well as other clients using the
DB2 Connect server.
Connection concentrator
The connection concentrator reduces the resources required on DB2 for z/OS
database servers to support large numbers of workstation and web users. This
function can dramatically increase the scalability of your DB2 for z/OS and DB2
Connect solution while also providing for fail-safe operation and transaction level
load balancing in DB2 for z/OS data sharing environments.
The connection concentrator allows applications to stay connected without any
resources being consumed on the DB2 host server. You can have thousands of
users active in applications and only have a few threads active on the DB2 host
DB2 Connect's connection concentrator technology allows DB2 Connect server
products, such as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, to provide support to thousands
of users simultaneously executing business transactions, while drastically reducing
resources required on the System z host or IBM Power Systems database servers. It
accomplishes this goal by concentrating the workload from all applications in a
much smaller number of System z host or IBM Power Systems database server
connections. While this might seem similar to the connection pooling function
described previously, it is in fact a more sophisticated approach to reducing
resource consumption for very high volume OLTP (On-line Transaction Processing)
Connection concentrator takes the concept of an agent and splits it into two
v Logical agent, which represents an application connection.
v Coordinating agent, which owns the DB2 connection and thread, and executes
application requests.
When a new application attempts a connection to the host, it is assigned a logical
agent. To pass SQL to the database, a coordinating agent is required and is
assigned as soon as a new transaction is initiated. The key to this architecture is
the fact that the coordinating agent is:
v Disassociated from the logical agent
v Returned to the pool when transaction completes due to a commit or rollback
Another key feature is the method of assigning coordinating agents to new
transactions in a DB2 pureScale environment. DB2 Connect implements a
sophisticated scheduling algorithm that uses System z Work Load Manager (WLM)
information. This information is used to distribute workload across members of a
data sharing group according to criteria set up in WLM. WLM is not only aware of
the load on each member but also their availability. This allows DB2 Connect to
transparently relocate work away from failed or overloaded members to members
that are up and underutilized. DB2 Connect connection concentrator is activated
Chapter 9. Tuning
when you set the number of maximum logical agents (max_connections) higher
than the number of coordinating agents (max_coordagents).
Connection pooling saves the cost of establishing a connection when one is no
longer needed by a terminating application. In other words, one application has to
disconnect before another one can reuse a pooled connection.
Alternatively the connection concentrator allows DB2 Connect to make a
connection available to an application as soon as another application has finished a
transaction and does not require that other application to disconnect. In essence, a
database server connection and its associated host and DB2 Connect resources are
used by an application only while it has an active transaction. As soon as the
transaction completes, the connection and associated resources are available for use
by any other application that needs to have a transaction executed.
In previous versions of DB2 Connect, every active application had an Engine
Dispatchable Unit (EDU) which managed the database connection as well as any
application requests. This EDU was typically referred to as the coordinator agent.
Each coordinator agent tracked the state, or context of the application and EDU.
Each EDU takes a significant amount of memory when the number of connections
increases, and context switching between agents results in additional processing
In the architecture mentioned previously, there is a one-to-one relationship between
connections and EDUs. The connection concentrator, however, permits a
many-to-one relationship between connections and EDUs. That is, the relationship
of connections (X) to EDUs (Y) is now X >= Y.
The connection concentrator splits the agent into two entities, a logical agent and a
worker agent. Logical agents represent an application, but without reference to a
particular EDU. The logical agent contains all the information and control blocks
required by an application. If there are n applications connected to the server, there
will be n logical agents on the server. Worker agents are physical EDUs that
execute application requests, but which have no permanent attachment to any
given application. Worker agents associate with logical agents to perform
transactions, and at the transaction boundary end the association and return to the
available pool.
An entity known as the dispatcher assigns worker agents to logical agents.
Limitations in the number of open file handles on certain computing platforms
might result in more than one scheduler instance.
Restrictions for the connection concentrator
There are a number of important restrictions to the use of the DB2 Connect server
concentrator. Review the following information in its entirety before attempting to
use the connection concentrator on your system.
General restrictions:
v The concentrator relies on the TCP/IP protocol to establish inbound connections
from local and remote clients. Only inbound connections using TCP/IP or Local
(IPC) will be able to take advantage of pooled outbound connections. The
concentrator will accept connections via other communications protocols such as
named pipes, but you will not be able to use its XA concentration features with
that connection.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
v For XA tightly coupled transaction support, all applications that participate in
the same XA transaction must use the same DB2 Connect server Instance to
connect to the host.
v Only applications that close withhold resources (such as withhold cursors) on
transaction boundaries can benefit from the concentrator. Transactions that do
not close withhold cursors will still go through, but will be assigned a dedicated
worker agent and hence will not be able to use the concentrator's full feature set.
v If you declare temporary tables, they must be dropped explicitly at transaction
or branch boundary. Failure to drop the tables will turn off connection
concentration but the application will continue to work.
v All applications participating in the same XA transaction must have the same
CCSID and use the same user ID to make the connection.
v If an outbound connection was established to support two-phase connection,
that connection's agent can only be used to support two-phase connections.
Similarly, agents established to support a one-phase connection can only support
one-phase connections.
v The concentrator supports applications that use the IBM Data Server Driver for
JDBC and SQLJ and also Call Level Interface (CLI) applications that use
dynamic SQL. CLI applications should also not use KEEPDYNAMIC as the
concentrator depends on statements being re-prepared on each transaction
v Dynamic prepare requests from embedded dynamic SQL applications will be
rejected. Your applications should be altered so as to either use static SQL or to
use the CLI for dynamic SQL statements.
v If the connection concentrator is ON, the inbound request to the DB2 Connect
server cannot use SSL. However, the outbound request to the target database
server can use SSL. If the connection concentrator is OFF, both the inbound and
the outbound requests can use SSL.
When working with DB2 Version 9 or Version 8 FixPak 13 (or higher), to enable
DB2 Connect concentrator support requires IBM Power Systems Version 5 Release
4 (PTF SI23726). Otherwise, only the XA portion of the connection concentrator is
Activating the connection concentrator
The database manager configuration parameter max_coordagents sets the maximum
number of logical agents. You can activate the concentrator feature by setting the
value of max_connections to any number greater than the default. The default
value for max_connections is equivalent to the value of max_coordagents. Because
each application will have one logical agent, max_connections actually controls the
number of applications that can be connected to the database instance, while
max_coordagents controls the number of inbound connections that can be active at
any time. max_connections will take a numeric range from max_coordagents up to
64 000. The default number of logical agents is equal to max_coordagents.
Both max_connections and max_coordagents can be set to AUTOMATIC. If
max_connections is set to AUTOMATIC, the number of connections can be increased
beyond the base configured value. If both max_connections and max_coordagents
are set to AUTOMATIC, max_connections can be increased beyond the base value, and
max_coordagents is automatically increased to maintain the concentration ratio
between connections and the coordinator agents.
Chapter 9. Tuning
Several existing configuration parameters are used to configure agents. These
parameters are as follows:
Maximum number of active coordinator agents.
Agents pool size. The agent pool includes inactive agents and idle agents.
For improved performance, num_poolagents should be configured to equal
the average number of clients.
Initial number of worker agents in the pool. These will be idle agents.
XA transaction support
The architecture of the connection concentrator allows DB2 Connect to provide
tightly coupled XA transaction support to DB2 for z/OS and IBM DB2 for IBM i.
The concentrator will associate a worker agent with a particular XA transaction
(single XID) as it would for any other transaction. However, if the XA transaction
is ended by xa_end() (branch boundary), the worker agent will not release itself
into the general pool. Instead, the worker remains associated with that particular
XA transaction. When another application joins the same XA transaction, the
worker agent will be attached to that application.
Any transaction boundary call will return the agent to the pool. For instance,
xa_prepare() with read only, xa_rollback(), xa_recover(), xa_forget(),
xa_commit(), or any XA error that causes rollback will return the agent to the
normal pool. Xa_end() itself only ends the transaction branch, and this is not
sufficient to end its association with the XID.
Examples of XA transaction support
1. Consider an environment where 4 000 or more concurrent connections are
needed. A web server that uses CGI applications, or an office system with
many desktop users can both exceed this requirement. In these cases, efficiency
will usually require that DB2 Connect operate as a stand-alone gateway; that is,
the database and the DB2 Connect system are on separate machines.
The DB2 Connect server system might not be able to maintain 4 000
simultaneous open connections to the database machine. In most cases, the
number of transactions occurring at any given moment will be considerably
less than the number of concurrent connections. The system administrator
could then maximize the efficiency of the system by setting the database
configuration parameters as follows:
The concentrator will keep open up to 4 000 concurrent sessions, even though
the gateway is only managing 1 000 transactions at a time.
2. In the previous example, worker agents will constantly form and break
associations to logical agents. Those agents that are not idle might maintain a
connection to the database but are not participating in any particular
transaction, hence they are available to any logical agent (application) that
requests a connection.
The case of XA transactions is somewhat different. For this example, assume
that a TP Monitor is being used with a DB2 Connect gateway and an System z
or IBM Power Systems database. When an application requests a connection,
DB2 Connect User's Guide
the concentrator will either turn an inactive agent over to serve that request, or
create a new worker agent. Assume that the application requests an XA
transaction. An XID is created for this transaction and the worker agent is
associated with it.
When the application's request has been serviced, it issues an xa_end() and
detaches from the worker agent. The worker agent remains associated with the
XID of the transaction. It can now only service requests for transactions with its
associated XID.
At this time, another application might make a request for a non-XA
transaction. Even if there are no other available worker agents, the agent
associated with the XID will not be made available to the second application. It
is considered active. The second application will have a new worker agent
created for it. When that second application completes its transaction, its
worker agent is released into the available pool.
Meanwhile, other applications requesting the transaction associated with the
first agent's XID can attach and detach from that agent, which executes its
dedicated XA transaction for them. Any application requesting that particular
transaction will be sent to this worker agent if it is free.
The worker agent will not be released back into the general pool until an
application issues a transaction boundary call (not xa_end()). For instance, an
application might end the transaction with xa_commit(), at which point the
worker agent drops its association with the XID and returns to the available
pool. At this point any requesting application can use it for either another XA,
or a non-XA, transaction.
Connection pooling and connection concentrator
While connection pooling and connection concentrator seem to have similarities,
they differ in their implementation and address different issues. Connection
pooling helps reduce the processing usage of database connections and handle
connection volume. Connection concentrator helps increase the scalability of your
DB2 for z/OS and DB2 Connect solution by optimizing the use of your host
database servers.
When using connection pooling, the connection is only available for reuse after the
application owning the connection issues a disconnect request. In many 2-tier
client-server applications users do not disconnect for the duration of the workday.
Likewise, most application servers in multi-tier applications establish database
connections at server start up time and do not release these connections until the
application server is shut down.
In these environments, connection pooling will have little, if any, benefit. However,
in web and client-server environments where the frequency of connections and
disconnections is higher than connection pooling will produce significant
performance benefits. The connection concentrator allocates host database resources
only for the duration of an SQL transaction while keeping user applications active.
This allows for configurations where the number of DB2 threads and the resources
they consume can be much smaller than if every application connection had its
own thread.
When it comes to fail-safe operation and load balancing of workload connection
concentrator is clearly the right choice as it allows reallocation of work with every
new transaction. Alternatively, connection pooling can only offer very limited
balancing and only at connect time.
Chapter 9. Tuning
Connection pooling and connection concentrator should be used together although
they address different issues.
Connection concentrator required with WebSphere MQ
Transaction Manager and DB2 for z/OS
When running applications in an IBM WebSphere MQ (formerly known as IBM
MQSeries®) environment, WebSphere MQ can act as an XA-compliant transaction
manager, coordinating any distributed, two-phase commit transactions. When
WebSphere MQ is acting as a transaction manager in this way, and the data
sources are from the DB2 family of products, there are several configuration
Most of the configuration requirements in such a transaction manager environment
are already documented elsewhere. For example, you must set the DB2
configuration parameter tp_mon_name to MQ at the DB2 runtime client.
However, there is a configuration requirement that was missing. The requirement
is specific to DB2 Connect when connecting to data sources that are DB2 for z/OS
servers: when using WebSphere MQ to coordinate distributed transactions
involving DB2 for z/OS and IBM DB2 for IBM i servers, the DB2 Connect
connection concentrator feature must be enabled at the gateway. The connection
concentrator is enabled when the value of the max_connections configuration
parameter is greater than the value of the max_coordagents configuration
If you do not enable the connection concentrator, unexpected transaction behavior
will result.
If you are using the WebSphere MQ Transaction Manager and DB2 for z/OS
server, the application must set the special registers for each local or global
DB2 Connect server tuning
Various parameters in the database manager configuration file can be used to tune
DB2 Connect.
The RQRIOBLK parameter sets the maximum size of network I/O blocks. A larger
block size might improve the performance of large requests. The block size does
not usually affect the response time for small requests, such as a request for a
single row of data.
A larger block size usually requires more memory on the DB2 Connect server. This
increases the size of the working set and might cause large amounts of paging on
small workstations.
Use the default DRDA block size (32767) if it does not cause too much paging on
executing your application. Otherwise, reduce the I/O block size until there is no
paging. Once paging begins, a noticeable degradation of performance will occur.
Use performance monitoring tools (such as the vmstat tool for Linux and UNIX
operating systems) to determine whether paging is occurring on your system.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
The DIR_CACHE parameter determines whether directory information is cached.
With caching (DIR_CACHE=YES), directory files are read and cached in memory to
minimize the processing usage of creating the internal directory structure and
reading the directory files every time a connection is established.
Without caching (DIR_CACHE=NO), whenever you connect to a database the
appropriate directory is read from a disk and then the search is performed. After
the requested entries are found, all memory related to directory searches is freed.
With caching, a shared directory cache is built during db2start processing and
freed when DB2 stops. This cache is used by all DB2 server processes (db2agent).
Also, a private application directory cache is built when an application issues its
first connect to a database and freed when the application ends.
Each cache provides an image of the system database directory, the database
connection services directory and the node directory. The cache reduces connect
costs by eliminating directory file I/O and minimizing directory searches.
If a cached directory is updated, the changes are not immediately propagated to
the caches. If a directory entry is not found in a cache, the original directory is
Caching increases the private memory that is needed for the life of an application.
Without caching, this memory is needed only when a directory lookup is
processed. Overall use of shared memory by DB2 increases slightly because
directory information that is shared among database agents is moved to shared
memory. The size of the memory required for a cache depends on the number of
entries defined in each directory.
The behavior of DB2 Connect was unaffected by the NUMDB configuration parameter
in previous versions, however, this changed starting with Version 8. This parameter
indicates the maximum number of databases the clients can connect to through the
DB2 Connect server. More specifically, the maximum number of different database
aliases that can be catalogued on DB2 Connect server.
Other DB2 Connect parameters
The AGENTPRI and MAXAGENTS are deprecated in Version 9.5
Commands to update the value for MAXAGENTS will continue to work so that
existing applications are not broken, but the values will be ignored. The parameter
name will not appear in any configuration lists. In the past, the total number of
agents allowed to be created on a given DB2 partition was controlled through the
MAXAGENTS configuration parameter. You now have the ability to automate the
configuration of agents.
By default, NUM_POOLAGENTS will be set to AUTOMATIC with a value of 100 as the
default. Also by default, MAX_COORDAGENTS will be set to AUTOMATIC with a value of
200 as the default.
Chapter 9. Tuning
To send accounting strings from your client applications to the DB2 Connect server,
use the API-specific means for setting accounting information. The API-specific
means perform faster than setting the DB2ACCOUNT environment variable.
IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ property
IBM Data Server Provider for .NET
DB2Connection.ClientAccountingInformation property
ClientAcctStr CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
Embedded SQL (C, C++, and COBOL)
sqlesact function
If you do not need a tailored SQLCODE mapping file, you can improve
performance by using the default SQLCODE mapping or turning off SQLCODE
mapping. The default mapping file is imbedded in the DB2 Connect library; a
tailored mapping file must be read from disk, which affects performance.
Host database tuning
System performance will be affected by the performance of the IBM mainframe
database server. Different database management systems have different
performance features. SQL optimizers of different systems, for example, could
behave differently with the same application.
Check your IBM mainframe database server system performance documentation
for more information.
You might be able to improve performance by using the uncommitted read (UR) or
no commit (NC) bind options, where available, to avoid journaling.
Note: When using UR, unjournaled data can only be read, not updated, and then
only if blocking is set to ALL.
Depending on the application server and the lock granularity it provides, the
isolation level used for a query or application might have a significant effect on
performance. The database should have the appropriate level of normalization,
effective use of indexes, and suitable allocation of database space. Performance can
also be affected by the data types that you use, as described in the following
Network tuning considerations
The best way to improve overall performance in a distributed database
environment is to eliminate delays from the network.
It is common for network administrators to consider a network to be more efficient
if it collects as much data as possible between transmissions. This approach doesn't
work for applications such as distributed databases because it builds delays into
the network. The end-user doesn't see the efficiency of the network, only the
Most network devices have delay parameters, and most of them default to values
that are very bad for distributed databases. To improve performance you should
locate these parameters and if possible, set them to zero. In addition you should
ensure that the buffer size on the device is large enough to prevent retransmits due
DB2 Connect User's Guide
to lost data. For instance, UNIX systems typically have a Transmit or Receive
queue depth default of 32. For better results, set the queue depth to 150. A
corresponding parameter on DLC settings is the Receive Depth, which should also
be 150.
The IOBUF parameter is set too low at most sites. It is usually set at 500, but
experience has shown that a value of 3992 works best if you are moving large
amounts of data, especially for channel connections such as ESCON® or 3172.
On a LAN system the DLC or LLC transmit and receive window sizes can have a
dramatic effect on performance. The send value should be set to seven or more,
and for most configurations a receive value of four or less works best.
If you are running Ethernet, you should set the TCP segment size to 1500 bytes.
On a token ring or FDDI network this value should be 4400 bytes, and if you are
using an ESCON adapter with TCP/IP, the segment size should always be 4096.
Finally, for TCP/IP networks, the TCP Send and Receive buffer sizes should be set
higher than 32768. A value of 65536 is generally best.
Note: Establishing a connection from the gateway to the server (outbound
connection) is much more expensive than establishing a connection from a client to
the gateway (inbound connection). In an environment where thousands of clients
frequently connect to and disconnect from the server through the gateway, a
substantial amount of processing time is spent establishing outbound connections.
DB2 Connect provides connection pooling over TCP/IP. When a client requests
disconnection from the server, the gateway drops the inbound connection with the
client, but keeps the outbound connection to the server in a pool. When a new
client comes into the gateway to request a connection, the gateway provides an
existing one from the pool thus reducing the overall connection time and saving
the high CPU connect cost on the server.
A summary of network performance tuning methods is provided in Table 27.
Table 27. Network performance tuning methods
What to Look For
Deliberate Delays
Delay parameters on
network devices
Set to 0.
Defaults are usually
IOBUF parameter
Set up to 3992.
Particularly useful
for ESCON or other
channel adapter.
Optimum size is
Setting RUSIZE and
RQRIOBLK to same
size might give the
best performance.
and Mode Profiles
should be set to 63.
Use adaptive pacing
where applicable.
Adapter Settings
queue depth
Recommended value
is 150.
Default is usually 32.
TCP Settings
Segment Sizes
1500 on Ethernet,
4400 on token ring
and FDDI.
ESCON adapters
used for TCP/IP
should always be set
to 4096.
Chapter 9. Tuning
Table 27. Network performance tuning methods (continued)
What to Look For
TCP Settings
Send/Receive Space
Should be 64K for
Default is only 8192
for Windows. Can be
set in the Windows
System resources contention
Performance could be degraded if many tasks in the system are contending for
system resources.
Consider the following questions:
v Is the CPU saturated? Consider upgrading the system, reducing the system
workload, and tuning the system to reduce processing usage.
v Is the memory over-committed? Consider upgrading memory, reducing system
workload and tuning the system to reduce the memory working set.
v Is the communication adapter/communication controller too busy? Consider
upgrading the network or pairing up token-ring cards.
v Is one of the subsystems too busy, and is this subsystem on the data path?
v Are any unnecessary processes or tasks running on the system? The general rule
is not to configure or start services unless they are used regularly since they will
waste system resources.
v Do a few processes or tasks use most of the resource? Can they be stopped? Can
their priorities be reduced? Can they be refined so that they don't use as much
DB2 Connect performance troubleshooting
If DB2 Connect users are experiencing long response times during large queries
from IBM mainframe servers, there are some configuration settings that can help
you troubleshoot the performance problem.
The following areas should be examined for the possible cause of the performance
1. For queries which result in returning large data blocks from the IBM
mainframe server (usually 32K of data and above), ensure that the database
manager configuration parameter RQRIOBLK is set to 32767. This can be done
using the Command Line Processor (CLP) as follows:
db2 update database manager configuration using RQRIOBLK 32767
2. Ensure the maximum RU size defined in the IBMRDB mode definition is set to
a suitable value. It is recommended that the size is not less than 4K for
connections using Token-ring hardware. For connections using Ethernet
hardware, note the maximum Ethernet frame size of 1536 bytes, which might
be a limiting factor.
Tuning DB2 for z/OS
You can optimize inactive thread processing in z/OS.
In V5, you are allowed up to 25,000 concurrently connected clients. In all cases, the
maximum number that can be concurrently active, however, is 1999. Each
workstation client can stay connected when it is inactive; its thread is placed on an
inactive chain at each commit.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
The DSNZPARM parameters CMTSTAT, CONDBAT and MAXDBAT affect thread
processing. For best performance, set CMTSTAT to INACTIVE, adjust CONDBAT to the
maximum number of connected DBATs that provide good performance, and
MAXDBAT to the maximum acceptable number of active DBATs.
Increasing DB2 Connect data transfer rates
In addition to blocking of rows for a query result set, DB2 for z/OS can also return
multiple such query blocks in response to an OPEN or FETCH request to a remote
client, such as DB2 Connect.
Instead of the client repeatedly sending requests to the DB2 for z/OS server
requesting one block of row data at a time, the client can now optionally request
that the server send back some number of query blocks in addition to the one that
it will always send back. Such additional query blocks are called extra query
As such, this new feature allows the client to minimize the number of network line
turnarounds, which constitute a major cost to network performance. The decrease
in the number of requests sent by the client to the server for query blocks
translates into a significant performance boost. This performance boost is due to
the fact that switching between a send and receive is an expensive operation
performance-wise. DB2 Connect can now exploit this performance enhancement by
requesting extra query blocks from a DB2 for z/OS server by default.
To fully take advantage of the return of extra query blocks (each of which can be
up to 32K bytes long) for the preferred network protocol of TCP/IP, window
scaling extensions have been enabled as architected under RFC-1323 in DB2
Connect. This feature that allows TCP/IP to dynamically adjust the send and
receive window sizes to accommodate the potentially large amounts of data
returned by way of the extra query blocks efficiently.
Extra query block
Extra query block support on servers with DB2 for z/OS Version 7 or later is
configured via the EXTRA BLOCKS SRV parameter on the DB2 DDF installation
panel. This support is configured by way of controlling the maximum number of
extra query blocks that DB2 can send back to a client for a request.
You can set this parameter to a value between 0 and 100. Setting the parameter
value to 0 disables the return of extra query blocks. The default value of 100
should always be used to get the most benefit out of this feature, barring any
idiosyncrasies in the network that would render this setting less than ideal.
On the client side, where the application accesses DB2 for z/OS either directly
through a co-located DB2 Connect installation, or through a separate DB2 Connect
server installation, there are various means for activating the corresponding DB2
Connect support on a per cursor or statement basis:
v The use of a query rowset size for a cursor
v The use of the 'OPTIMIZE for N ROWS' clause on the select statement
associated with a cursor
v The use of the 'FETCH FIRST N ROWS ONLY' clause on the select statement
associated with a cursor
DB2 Connect can enable extra query block support using different SQL APIs:
Embedded SQL
Chapter 9. Tuning
v The user can invoke extra query block support for a query by specifying
either the 'OPTIMIZE for N ROWS' clause, or the 'FETCH FIRST N
ROWS ONLY' clause, or both on the select statement itself.
v With the 'OPTIMIZE for N ROWS' clause, DB2 for z/OS will attempt to
block the desired number of rows to return to DB2 Connect, subject to
the EXTRA BLOCKS SRV DDF installation parameter setting. The
application can choose to fetch beyond N rows as DB2 for z/OS does
not limit the total number of rows that could ultimately be returned for
the query result set to N.
v The 'FETCH FIRST N ROWS ONLY' clause works similarly, except that
the query result set is limited to N rows by DB2 for z/OS. Fetching
beyond N rows would result in SQL code +100 (end of data).
v The user can invoke extra query block support for a query through its
SQL_MAX_ROWS statement attribute.
v The 'FETCH FIRST N ROWS ONLY' clause is used instead for a DB2 for
z/OS 7.1 or later server.
– For Version 7, the query result set is limited to N rows by DB2 for
z/OS. Fetching beyond N rows would result in
– For Version 8 or later, the CLI ensures that only the first N rows are
returned to the application via the client Cursor Manager.
JDBC The user can invoke extra query block support for a query through the
setMaxRows method. Similar to the CLI/ODBC enablement, DB2 Connect
will tag on the 'OPTIMIZE for N ROWS' clause for a DB2 for z/OS 6.x
server. DB2 Connect will also tag the 'FETCH FIRST N ROWS ONLY'
clause for a DB2 for z/OS 7.1 or later server.
RFC-1323 Window scaling
Window scaling is supported on all Windows, Linux, and UNIX platforms that
support the RFC-1323 extensions for TCP/IP. You can enable this feature on DB2
for Windows, Linux, or UNIXusing the DB2 registry variable DB2SORCVBUF.
To turn window scaling on, this registry variable should be set to any value above
64K. For example, on DB2 for Windows, Linux, or UNIX, you can issue db2set
The maximum send and receive buffer sizes are dependent on the specific
operating system. To ensure that buffer sizes configured have been accepted, the
user can set the database manager configuration parameter diaglevel to 4
(informational) and check the administration notification log file for messages.
For window scaling to take effect it must be enabled on both ends of a connection;
on both the workstation and the host, either directly through the operating system
TCP/IP stack, or indirectly through the DB2 database product. For instance, for
DB2 for z/OS, window scaling can currently only be activated through the
operating system by setting TCPRCVBUFRSIZE to any value above 64K. If you are
using a remote IBM data server client to access an IBM mainframe DB2 database
through a DB2 Connect server workstation, you can enable window scaling on the
client as well. By the same token, you can also enable window scaling between a
remote IBM data server client and a workstation DB2 server when no IBM
mainframe DB2 database is involved.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
While window scaling is designed to enhance network performance, it is important
to note that the expected network performance improvement does not always
materialize. Interaction among factors such as the frame size used for the ethernet
or token ring LAN adapter, the IP MTU size, and other settings at routers
throughout the communication link could even result in performance degradation
once window scaling has been enabled. Therefore, by default, window scaling is
disabled with both the send and receive buffers set to 64K.
You should be prepared to assess the impact of turning on window scaling and
perform any necessary adjustments to the network. For an introduction to tuning
the network for improved network performance, refer to
High availability and load balancing for host database
In today's information technology market, there is a high demand for around the
clock availability of data.
This demand must be met in order for a business to compete with its competitors
and maintain continued growth. Many of today's web and spreadsheet applications
require access to enterprise data.
A reliable, fast and secure connection to IBM mainframe databases must be
established. This connection must be constantly available and be able to handle the
high connection demands under critical load conditions.
How can this connection be built?
High availability scenario
A company has several workstations and application servers running on Windows,
Linux, and UNIX. These machines require access to data residing on several IBM
mainframe databases. Applications running on these machines demand fast and
reliable connections to the databases. The entire system is connected by an
Ethernet network using TCP/IP.
Chapter 9. Tuning
for VSE
for VM
for IBM i
Power Systems
DB2 for
System z
Figure 11. Sample network scenario
For workstations and application servers to access IBM mainframe databases, you
need a connectivity component as an intermediary. This component must provide a
highly available, robust, and fast connection to IBM mainframe databases. It must
also be scalable to anticipate for future growth in connection volume.
Use the related links from this topic to see details regarding a solution using DB2
Connect and the automatic client reroute feature .
Host data conversion
When information is transferred between different environments (such as Intel
[Windows], IEEE [Linux and UNIX operating systems], System z [VM, VSE, z/OS],
IBM Power Systems [IBM i]), numeric data types (such as decimal, integer, floating
point) might need to be converted. This conversion can affect performance.
The CPU cost of single-byte character data conversion is generally less than that of
numeric data conversion (where data conversion is required).
The data conversion cost of DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP is almost the same as that
of single-byte CHAR. FLOATING point data conversion costs the most. The
application designer might want to take advantage of these facts when designing
an application based on DB2 Connect.
If a database table has a column defined 'FOR BIT DATA', the character data being
transferred between the application and the database does not require any data
conversion. This can be used when you are archiving data on the IBM mainframe
database server.
Data types for character data
Character data can have either the CHAR or VARCHAR data type.
Which data type is more efficient depends on the typical length of data in the field:
v If the size of actual data varies significantly, VARCHAR is more efficient because
CHAR adds extra blank characters to fill the field. These blank characters must
be transmitted across the network like any other characters.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
v If the size of actual data does not vary much, CHAR is more efficient because
each VARCHAR field has a few bytes of length information which must be
Network hardware
The following considerations relate to the hardware: speed of the network or
transmission media; network adapter or communication controller; network
topology; network traffic; and network reliability.
v Speed of the network or transmission media
Performance improves with a faster transmission medium. For example, the
following list shows some typical raw data transfer rates:
Channel-to-channel (fiber optics)
4.0 MB/s
16 Mbps LAN
2.0 MB/s
Channel-to-channel (regular)
1.0 MB/s
4 Mbps LAN
0.5 MB/s
High speed T1 carrier (1.544 Mbps)
0.193 MB/s
Fast remote 56 Kbps phone line
0.007 MB/s
19.6 Kbps modem
0.002 MB/s
9600 bps modem
0.001 MB/s
The data transfer rate is limited by the slowest transmission medium in the path
to the IBM mainframe database server.
v Network adapter or communication controller
You should carefully plan the memory usage of the network adapter and
communication controller. In addition, you should work with a network
specialist to ensure that the controller has the capability to handle the extra
traffic generated by DB2 Connect.
v Network topology
If data crosses from LAN to LAN, and from one network to another network,
consider the travel time. Bridges, routers, and gateways will add to the elapsed
time. For example, reducing the number of bridges that are crossed reduces the
number of hops required for each request.
The physical distance between nodes should also be considered. Even if a
message is transferred by satellite, the transfer time is limited by the speed of
light (3 * 10**8 m/s) and the round-trip distance between the sender and
v Network traffic
If the bandwidth of the network has been fully utilized, both the response time
and the data transfer rate for a single application will decrease.
Congestion can occur in the network when data accumulates at a particular part
of the network; for example, at an old NCP with a very small buffer size.
Chapter 9. Tuning
v Network reliability
If the error rate of the network is high, the throughput of the network will
decrease and this will cause poor performance because of data retransmission.
CLI/ODBC application performance tuning
CLI/ODBC is an SQL application programming interface that can be called by
your database applications. CLI functions invoke DB2 stored procedures which, in
turn, access the system catalog tables. If CLI/ODBC applications are encountering
performance problems, consider tuning their behaviour with CLI/ODBC
Some applications use ODBC APIs to gather metadata information that is used in
further processing. The ten metadata API calls that can be made are:
v SQLTables
v SQLColumns
v SQLSpecialcolumns
v SQLStatistics
v SQLPrimarykeys
v SQLForeignkeys
Certain CLI/ODBC applications that use the metadata APIs listed previously might
query all of the objects within the database. For example, an SQLTables call
requests metadata for all the tables in the database. On a large system, such
requests can result in a lot of network traffic, take a considerable amount of time
and consume a considerable amount of server resources.
Several CLI/ODBC initialization keywords can be used to limit the amount of data
that will be returned by the initial API calls during the "information gathering"
stage after the database is first connected to. These keywords can be set by:
1. Manually editing the db2cli.ini file.
2. Updating the database CLI configuration using the DB2 Command Line
The keywords are:
v DBName
v TableType
v SchemaList
v SysSchemae
v GrantorList
v GranteeList
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 10. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting DB2 Connect servers
The DB2 Connect environment involves multiple software, hardware and
communications products. Troubleshooting is best approached by a process of
elimination and refinement of the available data to arrive at a conclusion (the
location of the error).
After gathering the relevant information and based on your selection of the
applicable topic, proceed to the referenced section.
Gathering relevant information
Troubleshooting includes narrowing the scope of the problem and investigating the
possible causes. The proper starting point is to gather the relevant information and
determine what you know, what data has not been gathered, and what paths you
can eliminate.
At a minimum answer the following questions.
v Has the initial connection been successful?
v Is the hardware functioning properly?
v Are the communication paths operational?
v Have there been any communication network changes that would make
previous directory entries invalid?
v Has the database been started?
v Is the communication breakdown between one or more clients and the DB2
Connect Server (gateway); between the DB2 Connect gateway and the IBM
mainframe database server; or between the DB2 Connect Personal Edition and
the IBM mainframe database server?
v What can you determine by the content of the message and the tokens returned
in the message?
v Will using diagnostic tools such as db2trc, db2pd, or db2support provide any
assistance at this time?
v Are other machines performing similar tasks working correctly?
v If this is a remote task, is it successful if performed locally?
Initial connection is not successful
If you have configured a new connection in DB2 Connect and cannot connect
successfully, troubleshoot the problem by answering a set of questions that are
structured into a checklist.
Review the following questions and ensure that the installation steps were
1. Did the installation processing complete successfully?
v Were all the prerequisite software products available?
v Were the memory and disk space adequate?
v Was remote client support installed?
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
v Was the installation of the communications software completed without any
error conditions?
2. For UNIX operating systems, was an instance of the product created?
v As root did you create a user and a group to become the instance owner and
SYSADM group?
3. If applicable, was the license information processed successfully?
v For UNIX operating systems, did you edit the nodelock file and enter the
password that IBM supplied?
4. Were the IBM mainframe database server and workstation communications configured
v There are three configurations that must be considered:
a. The IBM mainframe database server configuration identifies the
application requester to the server. The IBM mainframe server database
management system will have system catalog entries that will define the
requester in terms of location, network protocol and security.
b. The DB2 Connect workstation configuration defines the client population
to the server and the IBM mainframe server to the client.
c. The client workstation configuration must have the name of the
workstation and the communications protocol defined.
v Problem analysis for not making an initial connection includes verifying that
PU (physical unit) names are complete and correct, or verifying for TCP/IP
connections that the correct port number and hostname have been specified.
v Both the IBM mainframe server database administrator and the Network
administrators have utilities available to diagnose problems.
5. Do you have the level of authority required by the IBM mainframe server database
management system to use the IBM mainframe server database?
v Consider the access authority of the user, rules for table qualifiers, the
anticipated results.
6. If you attempt to use the Command Line Processor (CLP) to issue SQL statements
against a IBM mainframe database server, are you unsuccessful?
v Did you follow the procedure to bind the CLP to the IBM mainframe
database server?
If the checklist does not guide you to a resolution, contact IBM Support.
Problems encountered after an initial connection
If DB2 Connect can no longer connect successfully, troubleshoot the problem by
answering a set of questions that are structured into a checklist.
Answering the following questions can help you to identify the source of the
connection problem:
1. Are there any special or unusual operating circumstances?
v Is this a new application?
v Are new procedures being used?
v Are there recent changes that might be affecting the system? For example,
have any of the software products or applications been changed since the
application or scenario last ran successfully?
v For application programs, what application programming interface (API) was
used to create the program?
DB2 Connect User's Guide
v Have other applications that use the software or communication APIs been
run on the user's system?
v Has a fix pack recently been installed? If the problem occurred when a user
tried to use a feature that had not been used (or loaded) on their operating
system since it was installed, determine IBM's most recent fix pack and load
it after installing the feature.
2. Has this error occurred before?
v Are there any documented resolutions to previous error conditions?
v Who were the participants and can they provide insight into a possible
course of action?
3. Have you explored using communications software commands that return information
about the network?
v TCP/IP might have valuable information retrieved from using TCP/IP
commands and daemons.
4. Is there information returned in the SQLCA (SQL communication area) that can be
v Problem handling procedures should include steps to examine the contents
of the SQLCODE and SQLSTATE fields.
v SQLSTATEs allow application programmers to test for classes of errors that
are common to the DB2 family of database products. In a distributed
relational database network this field might provide a common base.
5. Was START DBM executed at the Server? Additionally, ensure that the DB2COMM
environment variable is set correctly for clients accessing the server remotely.
6. Are other machines performing the same task able to connect to the server successfully?
The maximum number of clients attempting to connect to the server might
have been reached. If another client disconnects from the server, is the client
who was previously unable to connect, now able to connect?
7. Does the machine have the proper addressing? Verify that the machine is unique in
the network.
8. When connecting remotely, has the proper authority been granted to the client?
Connection to the instance might be successful, but the authorization might not
have been granted at the database or table level.
9. Is this the first machine to connect to a remote database? In distributed
environments routers or bridges between networks might block communication
between the client and the server. For example, when using TCP/IP, ensure that
you can PING the remote host.
Diagnostic tools
DB2 Connect provides diagnostic tools to troubleshoot problems. You can also use
the tools and diagnostic files provided with the operating system.
When you encounter a problem, you can use the following troubleshooting
v All diagnostic data including dump files, trap files, error logs, notification files,
and alert logs are found in the path specified by the diagnostic data directory
path (diagpath) database manager configuration parameter:
If the value for this configuration parameter is null, the diagnostic data is
written to one of the following directories or folders:
– For Linux and UNIX environments: INSTHOME/sqllib/db2dump/ $m, where
INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance.
– For supported Windows environments:
Chapter 10. Troubleshooting
- If the DB2INSTPROF environment variable is not set then
x:\SQLLIB\DB2INSTANCE is used where x:\SQLLIB is the drive reference and
the directory specified in the DB2PATH registry variable, and the value of
DB2INSTANCE has the name of the instance.
Note: The directory does not have to be named SQLLIB.
- If the DB2 registry variable DB2INSTPROF is set then x:\DB2INSTPROF\
DB2INSTANCE is used where x:\DB2INSTPROF is the path specified in the
DB2INSTPROF registry variable and DB2INSTANCE is the name of the instance
(by default, the value of DB2INSTDEF on Windows 32-bit operating systems).
For Windows operating systems, you can use the Event Viewer to view the
administration notification log.
The available diagnostic tools that can be used include db2trc, db2pd, db2support
and db2diag
For Linux and UNIX operating systems, the ps command, which returns process
status information about active processes to standard output.
For UNIX operating systems, the core file that is created in the current directory
when severe errors occur. It contains a memory image of the terminated process,
and can be used to determine what function caused the error.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Chapter 11. Messages
Common DB2 Connect problems
There are common symptoms and solutions for connection problems that you can
encounter when using DB2 Connect.
In each case, you are provided with:
v A combination of a message number and a return code (or protocol specific
return code) associated with that message. Each message and return code
combination has a separate heading, and the headings are ordered by message
number, and then by return code.
v A symptom, usually in the form of a sample message listing.
v A suggested solution, indicating the probable cause of the error. In some cases,
more than one suggested solution might be provided.
SQL0965 or SQL0969
Messages SQL0965 and SQL0969 can be issued with a number of different
return codes from IBM DB2 for IBM i, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 Server for
VM and VSE.
When you encounter either message, you should look up the original SQL
code in the documentation for the database server product issuing the
The SQL code received from the IBM mainframe database cannot be
translated. Correct the problem, based on the error code, then resubmit the
failing command.
Support for one or more communications protocols failed to start
successfully. However, core database manager functionality started
Perhaps the TCP/IP protocol is not started on the DB2 Connect server.
There might have been a successful client connection previously.
If diaglevel = 4, then the db2diag log files might contain a similar entry,
for example:
common_communication sqlcctcpconnmgr_child
DIA3205E Socket address "30090" configured in the TCP/IP
services file and
required by the TCP/IP server support is being used by another
This warning is a symptom which signals that DB2 Connect, acting as a
server for remote clients, is having trouble handling one or more client
communication protocols. These protocols can be TCP/IP and others, and
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
usually the message indicates that one of the communications protocols
defined to DB2 Connect is not configured properly.
Often the cause might be that the DB2COMM profile variable is not defined, or
is defined incorrectly. Generally, the problem is the result of a mismatch
between the DB2COMM variable and names defined in the database manager
configuration (for example, svcename or nname).
One possible scenario is having a previously successful connection, then
getting the SQL5043 error message, while none of the configuration has
changed. This could occur using the TCP/IP protocol, when the remote
system abnormally terminates the connection for some reason. When this
happens, a connection might still appear to exist on the client, and it might
become possible to restore the connection without further intervention by
issuing the following commands.
Most likely, one of the clients connecting to the DB2 Connect server still
has a handle on the TCP/IP port. On each client machine that is connected
to the DB2 Connect server, enter the following commands:
db2 terminate
SQL30020N Execution failed because of a Distributed Protocol Error that
will affect the successful execution of subsequent commands and SQL
Service should be contacted with this error. Run the db2support command
before contacting service.
SQL30060N "<authorization-ID>" does not have the privilege to perform
operation "<operation>".
When connecting to DB2 for z/OS, the Communications Database (CDB)
tables have not been updated properly.
Connecting to the wrong IBM mainframe database server location - no
target database can be found.
The wrong server database name might be specified in the DCS directory
entry. When this occurs, SQLCODE -30061 is returned to the application.
Check the DB2 node, database, and DCS directory entries. The target
database name field in the DCS directory entry must correspond to the
name of the database based on the platform. For example, for a DB2 for
z/OS database, the name to be used should be the same as that used in the
Boot Strap Data Set (BSDS) "LOCATION=locname" field, which is also
provided in the DSNL004I message (LOCATION=location) when the
Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is started.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
The correct commands for a TCP/IP node are:
db2 catalog tcpip node node_name remote host_name_or_address
server port_no_or_service_name
db2 catalog dcs database local_name as real_db_name
db2 catalog database local_name as alias at node node_name
authentication server
To connect to the database you then issue:
db2 connect to alias user user_name using password
SQL30081N with Return Code 79
SQL30081N A communication error has been detected.
Communication protocol
being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS".
where the error was detected: "". Communication function
detecting the error:
"connect". Protocol specific error code(s): "79", "*", "*".
This error can occur in the case of a remote client failing to connect to a
DB2 Connect server. It can also occur when connecting from the DB2
Connect server to a IBM mainframe database server.
1. The DB2COMM profile variable might be set incorrectly on the DB2
Connect server. Check this. For example, the command db2set
db2comm=tcpip should appear in sqllib/db2profile when running DB2
Enterprise Server Edition on AIX.
2. There might be a mismatch between the TCP/IP service name and port
number specifications at the IBM data server client and the DB2
Connect server. Verify the entries in the TCP/IP services files on both
3. Check that DB2 is started on the DB2 Connect server. Set the Database
Manager Configuration diaglevel to 4, using the command:
db2 update dbm cfg using diaglevel 4
After stopping and restarting DB2, look in the db2diag log files to check
that DB2 TCP/IP communications have been started. You should see
output similar to the following one:
common_communication sqlcctcp_start_listen
DIA3000I "TCPIP" protocol support was successfully started.
SQL30081N with Protocol Specific Error Code 10032
SQL30081N A communication error has been detected.
Communication protocol
being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS".
where the error was detected: "". Communication
function detecting
the error: "send". Protocol specific error code(s): "10032",
"*", "*".
Chapter 11. Messages
This error message might be received when trying to disconnect from a
machine where TCP/IP communications have already failed. Correct the
problem with the TCP/IP subsystem.
On most machines, simply restarting the TCP/IP protocol for the machine
is the way to correct the problem. Occasionally, recycling the entire
machine might be required.
SQL30082 RC=24 During CONNECT
SQLCODE -30082 The username or the password supplied is incorrect.
Ensure that the correct password is provided on the CONNECT statement
if necessary. Password not available to send to the target server database. A
password has to be sent from the IBM data server client to the target
server database. On certain platforms, for example AIX, the password can
only be obtained if it is provided on the CONNECT statement.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information
DB2 technical information is available in multiple formats that can be accessed in
multiple ways.
DB2 technical information is available through the following tools and methods:
v DB2 Information Center
– Topics (Task, concept and reference topics)
– Sample programs
– Tutorials
v DB2 books
– PDF files (downloadable)
– PDF files (from the DB2 PDF DVD)
– printed books
v Command-line help
– Command help
– Message help
Note: The DB2 Information Center topics are updated more frequently than either
the PDF or the hardcopy books. To get the most current information, install the
documentation updates as they become available, or refer to the DB2 Information
Center at
You can access additional DB2 technical information such as technotes, white
papers, and IBM Redbooks publications online at Access the DB2
Information Management software library site at
Documentation feedback
We value your feedback on the DB2 documentation. If you have suggestions for
how to improve the DB2 documentation, send an email to [email protected].
The DB2 documentation team reads all of your feedback, but cannot respond to
you directly. Provide specific examples wherever possible so that we can better
understand your concerns. If you are providing feedback on a specific topic or
help file, include the topic title and URL.
Do not use this email address to contact DB2 Customer Support. If you have a DB2
technical issue that the documentation does not resolve, contact your local IBM
service center for assistance.
DB2 technical library in hardcopy or PDF format
The following tables describe the DB2 library available from the IBM Publications
Center at
English and translated DB2 Version 10.1 manuals in PDF format can be
downloaded from
Although the tables identify books available in print, the books might not be
available in your country or region.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
The form number increases each time a manual is updated. Ensure that you are
reading the most recent version of the manuals, as listed below.
Note: The DB2 Information Center is updated more frequently than either the PDF
or the hard-copy books.
Table 28. DB2 technical information
Form Number
Available in print
Last updated
Administrative API
April, 2012
Administrative Routines
and Views
January, 2013
Call Level Interface
Guide and Reference
Volume 1
January, 2013
Call Level Interface
Guide and Reference
Volume 2
January, 2013
Command Reference
January, 2013
Database Administration SC27-3871-01
Concepts and
Configuration Reference
January, 2013
Data Movement Utilities SC27-3869-01
Guide and Reference
January, 2013
Database Monitoring
Guide and Reference
January, 2013
Data Recovery and High
Availability Guide and
January, 2013
Database Security Guide
January, 2013
DB2 Workload
Management Guide and
January, 2013
Developing ADO.NET
and OLE DB
January, 2013
Developing Embedded
SQL Applications
January, 2013
Developing Java
January, 2013
Developing Perl, PHP,
Python, and Ruby on
Rails Applications
April, 2012
Developing RDF
Applications for IBM
Data Servers
January, 2013
Developing User-defined
Routines (SQL and
January, 2013
Getting Started with
Database Application
January, 2013
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Table 28. DB2 technical information (continued)
Form Number
Available in print
Last updated
Getting Started with
DB2 Installation and
Administration on Linux
and Windows
April, 2012
Globalization Guide
April, 2012
Installing DB2 Servers
January, 2013
Installing IBM Data
Server Clients
April, 2012
Message Reference
Volume 1
January, 2013
Message Reference
Volume 2
January, 2013
Net Search Extender
Administration and
User's Guide
January, 2013
Partitioning and
Clustering Guide
January, 2013
Preparation Guide for
DB2 10.1 Fundamentals
Exam 610
January, 2013
Preparation Guide for
DB2 10.1 DBA for
Linux, UNIX, and
Windows Exam 611
January, 2013
pureXML Guide
January, 2013
Spatial Extender User's
Guide and Reference
April, 2012
SQL Procedural
Languages: Application
Enablement and Support
January, 2013
SQL Reference Volume 1 SC27-3885-01
January, 2013
SQL Reference Volume 2 SC27-3886-01
January, 2013
Text Search Guide
January, 2013
Troubleshooting and
Tuning Database
January, 2013
Upgrading to DB2
Version 10.1
January, 2013
What's New for DB2
Version 10.1
January, 2013
XQuery Reference
January, 2013
Table 29. DB2 Connect-specific technical information
Form Number
DB2 Connect Installing SC27-3861-00
and Configuring DB2
Connect Personal Edition
Available in print
Last updated
April, 2012
Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information
Table 29. DB2 Connect-specific technical information (continued)
Form Number
Available in print
Last updated
DB2 Connect Installing
and Configuring DB2
Connect Servers
January, 2013
DB2 Connect User's
January, 2013
Displaying SQL state help from the command line processor
DB2 products return an SQLSTATE value for conditions that can be the result of an
SQL statement. SQLSTATE help explains the meanings of SQL states and SQL state
class codes.
To start SQL state help, open the command line processor and enter:
? sqlstate or ? class code
where sqlstate represents a valid five-digit SQL state and class code represents the
first two digits of the SQL state.
For example, ? 08003 displays help for the 08003 SQL state, and ? 08 displays help
for the 08 class code.
Accessing different versions of the DB2 Information Center
Documentation for other versions of DB2 products is found in separate information
centers on®.
About this task
For DB2 Version 10.1 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is
For DB2 Version 9.8 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://
For DB2 Version 9.7 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://
For DB2 Version 9.5 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://
For DB2 Version 9.1 topics, the DB2 Information Center URL is http://
For DB2 Version 8 topics, go to the DB2 Information Center URL at:
Updating the DB2 Information Center installed on your computer or
intranet server
A locally installed DB2 Information Center must be updated periodically.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Before you begin
A DB2 Version 10.1 Information Center must already be installed. For details, see
the “Installing the DB2 Information Center using the DB2 Setup wizard” topic in
Installing DB2 Servers. All prerequisites and restrictions that applied to installing
the Information Center also apply to updating the Information Center.
About this task
An existing DB2 Information Center can be updated automatically or manually:
v Automatic updates update existing Information Center features and languages.
One benefit of automatic updates is that the Information Center is unavailable
for a shorter time compared to during a manual update. In addition, automatic
updates can be set to run as part of other batch jobs that run periodically.
v Manual updates can be used to update existing Information Center features and
languages. Automatic updates reduce the downtime during the update process,
however you must use the manual process when you want to add features or
languages. For example, a local Information Center was originally installed with
both English and French languages, and now you want to also install the
German language; a manual update will install German, as well as, update the
existing Information Center features and languages. However, a manual update
requires you to manually stop, update, and restart the Information Center. The
Information Center is unavailable during the entire update process. In the
automatic update process the Information Center incurs an outage to restart the
Information Center after the update only.
This topic details the process for automatic updates. For manual update
instructions, see the “Manually updating the DB2 Information Center installed on
your computer or intranet server” topic.
To automatically update the DB2 Information Center installed on your computer or
intranet server:
1. On Linux operating systems,
a. Navigate to the path where the Information Center is installed. By default,
the DB2 Information Center is installed in the /opt/ibm/db2ic/V10.1
b. Navigate from the installation directory to the doc/bin directory.
c. Run the update-ic script:
2. On Windows operating systems,
a. Open a command window.
b. Navigate to the path where the Information Center is installed. By default,
the DB2 Information Center is installed in the <Program Files>\IBM\DB2
Information Center\Version 10.1 directory, where <Program Files>
represents the location of the Program Files directory.
c. Navigate from the installation directory to the doc\bin directory.
d. Run the update-ic.bat file:
Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information
The DB2 Information Center restarts automatically. If updates were available, the
Information Center displays the new and updated topics. If Information Center
updates were not available, a message is added to the log. The log file is located in
doc\eclipse\configuration directory. The log file name is a randomly generated
number. For example, 1239053440785.log.
Manually updating the DB2 Information Center installed on your
computer or intranet server
If you have installed the DB2 Information Center locally, you can obtain and install
documentation updates from IBM.
About this task
Updating your locally installed DB2 Information Center manually requires that you:
1. Stop the DB2 Information Center on your computer, and restart the Information
Center in stand-alone mode. Running the Information Center in stand-alone
mode prevents other users on your network from accessing the Information
Center, and allows you to apply updates. The Workstation version of the DB2
Information Center always runs in stand-alone mode. .
2. Use the Update feature to see what updates are available. If there are updates
that you must install, you can use the Update feature to obtain and install them
Note: If your environment requires installing the DB2 Information Center
updates on a machine that is not connected to the internet, mirror the update
site to a local file system by using a machine that is connected to the internet
and has the DB2 Information Center installed. If many users on your network
will be installing the documentation updates, you can reduce the time required
for individuals to perform the updates by also mirroring the update site locally
and creating a proxy for the update site.
If update packages are available, use the Update feature to get the packages.
However, the Update feature is only available in stand-alone mode.
3. Stop the stand-alone Information Center, and restart the DB2 Information Center
on your computer.
Note: On Windows 2008, Windows Vista (and higher), the commands listed later
in this section must be run as an administrator. To open a command prompt or
graphical tool with full administrator privileges, right-click the shortcut and then
select Run as administrator.
To update the DB2 Information Center installed on your computer or intranet server:
1. Stop the DB2 Information Center.
v On Windows, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Then right-click DB2 Information Center service and select Stop.
v On Linux, enter the following command:
/etc/init.d/db2icdv10 stop
2. Start the Information Center in stand-alone mode.
v On Windows:
a. Open a command window.
DB2 Connect User's Guide
b. Navigate to the path where the Information Center is installed. By
default, the DB2 Information Center is installed in the
Program_Files\IBM\DB2 Information Center\Version 10.1 directory,
where Program_Files represents the location of the Program Files
c. Navigate from the installation directory to the doc\bin directory.
d. Run the help_start.bat file:
v On Linux:
a. Navigate to the path where the Information Center is installed. By
default, the DB2 Information Center is installed in the
/opt/ibm/db2ic/V10.1 directory.
b. Navigate from the installation directory to the doc/bin directory.
c. Run the help_start script:
The systems default Web browser opens to display the stand-alone Information
3. Click the Update button ( ). (JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.)
On the right panel of the Information Center, click Find Updates. A list of
updates for existing documentation displays.
4. To initiate the installation process, check that the selections you want to install,
then click Install Updates.
5. After the installation process has completed, click Finish.
6. Stop the stand-alone Information Center:
v On Windows, navigate to the doc\bin directory within the installation
directory, and run the help_end.bat file:
Note: The help_end batch file contains the commands required to safely stop
the processes that were started with the help_start batch file. Do not use
Ctrl-C or any other method to stop help_start.bat.
v On Linux, navigate to the doc/bin directory within the installation directory,
and run the help_end script:
Note: The help_end script contains the commands required to safely stop the
processes that were started with the help_start script. Do not use any other
method to stop the help_start script.
7. Restart the DB2 Information Center.
v On Windows, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Then right-click DB2 Information Center service and select Start.
v On Linux, enter the following command:
/etc/init.d/db2icdv10 start
The updated DB2 Information Center displays the new and updated topics.
Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information
DB2 tutorials
The DB2 tutorials help you learn about various aspects of DB2 database products.
Lessons provide step-by-step instructions.
Before you begin
You can view the XHTML version of the tutorial from the Information Center at
Some lessons use sample data or code. See the tutorial for a description of any
prerequisites for its specific tasks.
DB2 tutorials
To view the tutorial, click the title.
“pureXML” in pureXML Guide
Set up a DB2 database to store XML data and to perform basic operations
with the native XML data store.
DB2 troubleshooting information
A wide variety of troubleshooting and problem determination information is
available to assist you in using DB2 database products.
DB2 documentation
Troubleshooting information can be found in the Troubleshooting and Tuning
Database Performance or the Database fundamentals section of the DB2
Information Center, which contains:
v Information about how to isolate and identify problems with DB2
diagnostic tools and utilities.
v Solutions to some of the most common problem.
v Advice to help solve other problems you might encounter with your
DB2 database products.
IBM Support Portal
See the IBM Support Portal if you are experiencing problems and want
help finding possible causes and solutions. The Technical Support site has
links to the latest DB2 publications, TechNotes, Authorized Program
Analysis Reports (APARs or bug fixes), fix packs, and other resources. You
can search through this knowledge base to find possible solutions to your
Access the IBM Support Portal at
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Permissions for the use of these publications are granted subject to the following
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Applicability: These terms and conditions are in addition to any terms of use for
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DB2 Connect User's Guide
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IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web
Appendix A. Overview of the DB2 technical information
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Appendix B. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
Information about non-IBM products is based on information available at the time
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IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
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DB2 Connect User's Guide
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Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of
Appendix B. Notices
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Special characters
SQLCODE mapping file
about this book v
agentpri database manager configuration parameter
CD mounting 35
DVD mounting 35
DB2 Connect server products 17, 33
application design
overview 140
application development
IBM Data Server Driver Package 6
application name monitor element 122
application requesters
DRDA definition 97
parameters 107
application servers
DRDA definition 97
binding 85
compound SQL 140
application design 140
running 127
stored procedures 140
AS target database name 102
ATOMIC compound SQL
not supported in DB2 Connect 140
DB2 Connect 134, 136
directory customization worksheet 107
system database directory 101
default 134
validation 134
binding 85
automatic client reroute
details 90
setup 90
performance 137
bidirectional CCSID support
BIDI parameter 102
language support 16, 95
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2013
bind list
DB2 Connect 85
BINDADD authority
DB2 Connect 85
applications 85
authority 85
DB2 Connect 85
DB2 Connect 85, 93
block size
DB2 Connect 150
data 140
bootstrap data set (BSDS) parameters
performance 137
transactions 137
cached address list 82
AIX 35
HP-UX 38
Linux 40, 52
Solaris 43, 55
CHAR data type
details 158
character data representation architecture (CDRA)
character data types 158
overview 160
trusted connections 129
client and server connections
overview 1
client applications
communication recovery 90
CLIENT authentication type
DB2 Connect 134
client DB alias 122
overview 91
remote 91
code pages
exceptions 16, 95
supported 13
coded character set identifier (CCSID)
bidirectional languages 16, 95
bidirectional support
details 102
languages 16, 95
command line processor (CLP)
performance 140
SQL statements 5
setting license policy 60
commands (continued)
determining kernel configuration parameter values
displaying DB2 Setup wizard in your national
language 13
overview 120
COMMIT statement
statically bound 140
communication protocols
DRDA host access configuration 78
recovery 90
DB2 Connect Personal Edition 49
DB2 Connect server products 32
host connections 6
using CLP 83
configuration parameters
agentpri 150
dir_cache 150
details 145
overview 143
num_initagents 143, 145
num_poolagents 143, 145
numdb 150
rqrioblk 150
connection concentrator
connection pooling comparison 149
DB2 Connect 150
overview 143, 145
worker agents 145
connection pooling
connection concentrator comparison 149
overview 143
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition 7
DRDA hosts through communications server 78
hosts directly 6
IBM mainframe directly 6
advantages 145
connection concentrators 145
overview 143
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition 7
direct to host 6
connectivity servers
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition 7
system resources 154
character 16, 95
host 158
core files
problem determination 163
performance tools 137
D (disconnect) parameter
DB2 Connect User's Guide
DAS (DB2 administration server)
see DB2 administration server (DAS) 96
DB2 Connect 92
blocking 140
DB2 Connect 97, 137
sources 99
between hosts and workstations 88
performance 159
rates 137, 159
data movement
DB2 Connect 88
data types
CHAR 158
character 158
performance effect 158
host data conversion 158
host data conversion 158
packed decimal 158
overview 158
zoned decimal 158
DATA_ENCRYPT authentication type 134
Database Connection Services (DCS) directory
updating entries 100
values 102
database directories
Database Connection Services (DCS) 100
multiple entries 107
node 100
updating 100
database requests
grouping for performance 140
database system monitor
overview 5
remote clients 119
directory customization worksheet 107
system database directory 101
grouping requests 140
host 4, 77
DCS directory 102
directory customization worksheet 107
system database directory 101
performance tools 137
tuning 152
time zone support 102
DB2 administration server (DAS)
overview 96
DB2 Connect
administration utilities 5
configuring 112
connection concentrators 150
DB2 for VSE & VM 80
disk requirements 24
Enterprise Edition
connectivity servers 7
transaction processing monitors 8
DB2 Connect (continued)
Enterprise Edition (continued)
XA-compliant transaction managers 112
host support 92, 95
IBM i connections 75
non-Administrator installation 48, 59
prerequisites 17
mainframe support 92, 95
memory requirements 24
moving data 88
overview 1, 2, 92
Personal Edition
configuring 49
installing (Linux) 23, 50
installing (overview) 49
installing (Solaris) 53
installing (Windows) 23, 55, 57
prerequisites 17
scenarios 6
server products
configuring 32
installing (AIX) 17, 33
installing (HP-UX) 19, 36
installing (Linux) 20, 38
installing (overview) 32
installing (Solaris Operating System) 21, 41
installing (Windows) 22, 43
post-upgrade tasks 72
pre-upgrade tasks 69
Sysplex support 80, 81
System i support
overview 95
overview 67, 68
procedure 70
Windows user accounts 57
zSeries support 95
DB2 for VM & VSE
preparing for connections from DB2 Connect 80
DB2 for z/OS
node directory values 101
updating system tables 80
DB2 Information Center
updating 173, 174
versions 172
DB2 Setup wizard
language identifiers 14
DB2ADMNS group
adding users 61
db2licm command
registering licenses 60, 84
setting license policy 60
db2osconf command
determining kernel configuration parameter values 29
db2setup command
language setting 13
DB2USERS user group
adding users 61
DCS (Database Connection Services) directory
see Database Connection Services (DCS) directory 102 file 114 file 114 file 114
ddcs400.lst file 85
ddcsmvs.lst file 85
ddcsvm.lst file 85
ddcsvse.lst file 85
default language setting
Windows 15
DESCRIBE statement
compound SQL statements 140
performance with PREPARE statement 140
diagnostic information
overview 163
dir_cache parameter 150
customizing 107
system database
updating 100
values 101
directory cache support configuration parameter
DB2 Connect tuning 150
directory schema
Windows 48, 58
Distributed Data Management (DDM)
Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)
Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA)
data access 97
DB2 Connect 97
overview 97
distributed requests
overview 99
distributed units of work
multisite updates 110
overview 97
servers supported 110
two-phase commit 110
overview 169
PDF files 169
printed 169
terms and conditions of use 176
AIX 35
HP-UX 38
Linux 40, 52
Solaris 43, 55
dynamic SQL
techniques 140
processing effects 5, 110
error messages
DB2 Connect 165
troubleshooting 161
connection concentrators 145
XA concentrators 145
application design 140
export utility
transferring data between hosts and workstations
extra query blocks
EXTRA BLOCKS SRV parameter 155
overview 155
federated databases
distributed requests 99
fix packs
DB2 Connect 62
floating-point data types
conversion 158
SELECT statement 140
FORCE command 122
Formatted Data Object Content Architecture (FDOCA)
DB2 Connect product support
details 26
overview 120
network performance 159
SQL statements 172
host databases
accessing using DB2 Connect Personal Edition
configuring TCP/IP 83
high availability 157
load balancing 157
DB2 Connect servers 19, 36
kernel configuration parameters
modifying 29
recommended values 29
mounting media 38
IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
levels for DB2 Connect versions 26
DB2 Connect 95
import utility
transferring data between host and workstation 88
InfoSphere Federation Server
overview 6
DB2 Connect
prerequisites 17
server products 32
user accounts (Windows) 45
DB2 Connect Personal Edition 49, 57
zSeries running Linux
DB2 Connect 28
INTEGER data type
host data conversion 158
interface languages
Windows 15
overview 13
INTERRUPT_ENABLED (disconnect) parameter 102
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Kerberos authentication protocol
DB2 Connect 134
OS/390 135
z/OS 135
kernel configuration parameters
db2osconf command 29
modifying 29
recommended 29
modifying 29
Solaris 31
LANG environment variable
setting 13, 16
bidirectional support 16, 95
DB2 Connect interface 13
DB2 interface 15
DB2 Setup wizard for language identifiers
db2licm command 60, 84
db2licm command 60
DB2 Connect on zSeries 28
DB2 Connect Personal Edition 50
DB2 Connect server products 20, 38
kernel parameters
modifying 29
CDs 40, 52
DVDs 40, 52
DB2 Connect (root) 65
uninstalling DB2 Connect
root 65
output 122
LOCALDATE parameter 102
DB2 Connect interface languages 13
max_coordagents database manager configuration parameter
details 145
overview 143
maxagents database manager configuration parameter
deprecated 150
usage tools 137
connections 119
Windows Performance Monitor 119
mounting CDs or DVDs
AIX 35
HP-UX 38
Linux 40, 52
Solaris 43, 55
multisite updates
distributed unit of work (DUOW) 110
enabling 110
sync point manager 112
national language support (NLS)
converting character data 16, 95
displaying DB2 Setup wizard 13
data transfer rates 159
performance tools 137
tuning 152
updating 100
values 101
directory customization worksheet 107
node directory values 101
system database values 101
NOMAP parameter
DCS directory parameters 113
SQL CODE mapping 102
turning off SQL mapping 113
NONE authentication types 136
application design 140
notices 179
num_initagents database manager configuration parameter
configuring idle agents pool 143
overview 145
num_poolagents database manager configuration parameter
configuring idle agents pool 143
overview 145
numdb database manager configuration parameter
DB2 Connect 150
CLI/ODBC application performance tuning
enabled applications 93
interfaces 6
host database servers 85
System i database servers 85
packed decimal data type 158
paging block size 150
parameter strings
commas 102
double commas 102
directories 107
strings 108
application design 140
command line processor (CLP) impact
connection concentrator 149
connection pooling 149
DB2 Connect
increasing transfer rates 155
overview 137
troubleshooting 154
network hardware 159
system resources 154
z/OS 154
post-upgrade tasks
DB2 Connect servers 72
pre-upgrade tasks
DB2 Connect servers 69
performance of logic 140
PREPARE statement
application design 140
performance effect 140
problem determination
connection 161
diagnostic tools
overview 163
information available 176
post-connection 162
tutorials 176
process status utility
command 163
product availability and packaging 2
PROGRAM authentication type 136
ps command
overview 163
query blocks
increasing DB2 Connect data transfer rates
defining multiple database entries 107
remote units of work
characteristics 98
example 98
overview 98
DB2 Connect (root)
Linux 65
resource access control facility (RACF)
authentication 136
response times
DB2 Connect 137
ROLLBACK statement
statically bound 140
rqrioblk configuration parameter
tuning 150
SAME authentication type 136
TCP/IP security 136
product levels 26
GRANT statement 136
Kerberos 135
node directory values 101
TCP/IP 136
types 107
user groups 61
SELECT statement
application design 140
updatable 140
SERVER authentication type
DB2 Connect 134
SERVER_ENCRYPT authentication type
DB2 Connect 134
SERVER_ENCRYPT_AES authentication type 134
SHOW DETAIL monitor option 122
mandatory environment variables 101
Solaris operating systems
installation requirements
DB2 Connect server products 21
DB2 Connect server products 41
installing DB2 Connect Personal Edition 53
modifying kernel parameters 31
mounting CDs or DVDs 43, 55
dynamic 140
static 140
SQL statements
DB2 Connect 5, 110
displaying 172
switching users on a trusted connection through
CLI 131
switching users on a trusted connection through
CLI 131
creating trusted connection through CLI 130
SQL0965 error code 165
SQL0969 error code 165
SQL30020 error code 165
SQL30060 error code 165
SQL30061 error code 165
SQL30073 error code 165
SQL30081N error code 165
SQL30082 error code 165
SQL5043N error code 165
DB2 Connect User's Guide
mapping 113, 114
mapping file 114
allocation size 140
class codes 114
static SQL
performance 140
processing effects 5, 110
symbolic destination names
case sensitivity 101
sync point manager (SPM)
configuration parameters
default 112
scenarios 112
configuration requirements 83
DB2 Connect support 81
fault tolerance 82
load balancing 82
parameter 102
priority information 82
support 80
System z 81, 94
using 82
system database directory
updating 100
values 101
System i
database servers
configuring TCP/IP 83
DB2 Connect support 95
system resources
contention 154
system status
GET SNAPSHOT command 120
System z
DB2 Connect
support overview 95
target databases
names 102, 107
authentication scenarios 136
host connections 78
host database servers 83
System i database servers 83
DB2 for z/OS configuration 76
host names 107
port numbers 107
remote host names 101, 107
resynch port 101
RFC-1323 extensions 156
service names 101
terms and conditions
publications 176
territory codes
page support 16, 95
transactions 137
time zones
overview 102
CPU usage 137
memory usage 137
performance 137
transaction processing monitors
DB2 Connect 8
examples 8
multisite updates 110
Tuxedo 8
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition 8
distributed 110
loosely coupled
DB2 Connect 113
multisite updates 97, 110
DB2 Connect 137
transaction processing monitors 8
two-phase commit 97
unit of work (UOW) 97
XA distributed applications 113
connections 161, 162
DB2 Connect 161, 165
gathering information 161
online information 176
performance 154
tutorials 176
trust relationships
DB2 Connect 129
trusted connections
DB2 Connect 129
switching users through CLI/ODBC 131
trusted contexts
CLI/ODBC support 130
DB2 Connect support 129
DB2 for z/OS 154
host databases 152
networks 152
agentpri 150
dir_cache 150
maxagents 150
numdb 150
rqrioblk 150
list 176
problem determination 176
pureXML 176
troubleshooting 176
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition 8
two-phase commit
enabling 110
resynch port used by TCP/IP connections
DB2 Connect
Windows 64
root installations 65
units of work
distributed 110
overview 97
remote 98
changing DB2 Connect interface language 16
DB2 Connect (root) 65
uninstalling DB2
root 65
uninstalling DB2 Connect
root 65
database directories 100
DB2 Information Center 173, 174
DB2 Connect
overview 67, 68
procedure 70
user accounts
DB2 Administration Server (Windows) 45
instance user (Windows) 45
required for installation (Windows) 45, 57
user groups
security 61
binding 85, 93
database system monitor 5
DB2 Connect administration 5
ddcspkgn 85
ps (process status) 163
VARCHAR data type
overview 158
preparing z/OS for connections from DB2 Connect
WebSphere MQ
DB2 Connect 150
window scaling
RFC-1323 extensions 156
applications 6
default language setting 15
DB2 Connect (with non-Administrator access) 48, 59
DB2 Connect Personal Edition (procedure) 55
DB2 Connect server products (procedure) 43
Performance Monitor
monitoring DB2 applications 119
uninstalling DB2 Connect 64
user accounts
DB2 Connect Personal Edition installation 57
DB2 Connect product installation 45
Windows operating systems
DB2 Connect Personal Edition (requirements) 23
DB2 Connect server products (requirements) 22
directory customization 107
X/Open distributed transaction processing (DTP) model
overview 8
concentrator examples 145
resource managers 8
trusted connections 129
XA transaction managers
connection concentrators 145
overview 8
configuring DB2 database systems 80
zoned decimal data types 158
installing DB2 Connect for Linux 28
DB2 Connect User's Guide
Printed in USA
IBM DB2 Connect 10.1
Spine information:
DB2 Connect User's Guide


Key Features

  • Provides connectivity to mainframe and midrange databases
  • Connects to DB2® databases on z/OS®, IBM® i, VSE, and VM operating systems
  • Supports Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®)
  • Integrates System z®, System i® and other enterprise data
  • Improves programmer productivity
  • Provides a more robust infrastructure
  • Enables deployment of DB2 technology

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is DB2 Connect?
DB2 Connect provides connectivity to mainframe and midrange databases from Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems.
What databases can I connect to with DB2 Connect?
You can connect to DB2® databases on the z/OS®, IBM® i, VSE, and VM operating systems and on IBM Power Systems™ hardware.
What is DRDA®?
DRDA® is a set of protocols that allows different database systems to communicate with each other.
What are the benefits of using DB2 Connect?
DB2 Connect provides a number of benefits, including improved programmer productivity, a more robust infrastructure, and the ability to deploy DB2 technology.

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