Elsner Elektronik WS1 Style, WS1 Style-PF, WS1000 Style, Style-PF Building Control System Installation and Operation

Elsner Elektronik WS1 Style, WS1 Style-PF, WS1000 Style, Style-PF Building Control System Installation and Operation
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Below you will find brief information for WS1 Style, WS1000 Style. The control system is designed to centrally control various technical equipment in conservatories and buildings, providing flexibility in connections and settings to individual site requirements. This operational guide helps you adjust automatic functions, ensure comfortable manual operation, and make the most of your investment.


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WS1 Style, WS1000 Style Installation and Operation | Manualzz


WS1 Style

Control System for Buildings and for Conservatories

WS1000 Style

Control System for Buildings and for Conservatories

Elsner Elektronik GmbH Control and Automation Technology

Herdweg 7

D – 75391 Gechingen Phone +49 (0) 70 56 / 93 97-0 [email protected]

Germany Fax +49 (0) 70 56 / 93 97-20 www.elsner-elektronik.de

including WS1Style-PF and WS1000Style-PF

Installation and Operation

1 Contents

1. Description ................................................... 7

1.1. Field of application ............................................................................ 8

1.1.1. Delivery scope ........................................................................................................ 8

1.2. Connection and control options ........................................................ 9

1.2.1. Automatic functions in overview ....................................................................... 11

2. Operation and use ....................................... 15

2.1. Weather data display (starting image) ............................................. 16

2.2. The touch display ............................................................................. 18

2.3. Manually operate drives and devices ............................................... 18

2.3.1. The „Manual“ menu ............................................................................................ 18

2.3.2. External buttons ................................................................................................... 20

2.3.3. Internal buttons (group buttons) ........................................................................ 20

2.3.4. Remote control .................................................................................................... 21

2.4. Navigation in the System menu ....................................................... 21

2.4.1. Input keyboard for names and codes ................................................................ 22

2.5. Slideshow ........................................................................................ 23

3. Automatic settings ..................................... 25

3.1. Automatic settings .......................................................................... 26

3.1.1. Safety notice for automatic and alarm functions .............................................. 26

3.1.2. Power failure, maintenance works, etc. (restart of control) ............................. 26

3.2. Automatic settings for drive groups and devices ............................ 27

3.2.1. Drives and devices without automatic functions .............................................. 27

3.2.2. Automatic awning settings ................................................................................. 27

3.2.3. Automatic blind and roller shutter settings ....................................................... 33

3.2.4. Automatic window settings ................................................................................ 40

3.2.5. Automatic ventilation settings ............................................................................ 47

3.2.6. Automatic heating settings ................................................................................. 53

3.2.7. Automatic air-conditioner settings ..................................................................... 55

3.2.8. Automatic light settings ...................................................................................... 57

3.2.9. Automatic roof gutter heating settings .............................................................. 58

3.2.10.Set up alarm ........................................................................................................ 59

3.2.11.Setting motion detectors .................................................................................... 60

3.3. Adjust general automatic settings ................................................... 60

3.3.1. Adjust twilight value ............................................................................................ 60

3.3.2. Adjust movement delays (shading elements) ................................................... 61

3.3.3. Set timer ............................................................................................................... 61

3.3.4. Adjust ventilation block ....................................................................................... 62

3.3.5. Set night-time re-cooling (ventilation) ............................................................... 63

Elsner Elektronik GmbH • Herdweg 7 • D-75391 Gechingen • Germany

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • from software version 1.705

Status: 07.09.2012 • Subject to technical changes. Errors excepted.

2 Contents

3.3.6. Adjust frost alarm ................................................................................................ 64

3.3.7. Set movement limitations (window) .................................................................. 65

3.3.8. Setting a wind delay (shades) ............................................................................ 65

3.3.9. Define automatic reset ........................................................................................ 66

4. Installation .................................................. 67

4.1. Procedure ......................................................................................... 68

4.1.1. Notes on installation ........................................................................................... 68

4.1.2. Notes on wireless equipment ............................................................................. 69

4.1.3. Safety notice for automatic and alarm functions .............................................. 69

4.1.4. Power failure, maintenance works, etc. (restart of control) ............................. 69

4.2. Installation of the P03i-GPS Weather Station .................................. 70

4.2.1. Mounting of the weather station ........................................................................ 70

Installation position .............................................................................................. 70

Preparation of the weather station ...................................................................... 71

Layout of the circuit board ................................................................................... 72

Mounting the weather station ............................................................................. 72

4.2.2. Installation notes for the weather station .......................................................... 73

Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 73

4.3. Installation of a WGTH-UP Indoor Sensor ........................................ 73

4.3.1. Installation of the indoor sensor ........................................................................ 74

Installation location .............................................................................................. 74

Layout .................................................................................................................... 75

Rear view ............................................................................................................... 75

Installation ............................................................................................................. 75

4.3.2. Notes on mounting and commissioning ........................................................... 76

4.3.3. Establish radio connection with WGTH-UP ....................................................... 76

4.4. Installation of the control unit ......................................................... 76

4.4.1. Installation of the control unit WS1000 Style .................................................... 76

Preparing the installation location ...................................................................... 76

Preparing for installation ..................................................................................... 77

Wall-fitting ............................................................................................................. 78

Cavity wall fitting .................................................................................................. 79

Assembling the control unit with concealed box .............................................. 79

Structure of the connector board WS1000 Style ............................................... 80

Structure of the connector board WS1000 Style-PF .......................................... 81

4.4.2. Installation of the control unit WS1 Style .......................................................... 82

Preparing the installation location ...................................................................... 82

Preparing for installation ..................................................................................... 83

Wall-fitting ............................................................................................................. 84

Cavity wall fitting .................................................................................................. 84

Assembling the control unit with concealed box .............................................. 84

Structure of the connector board WS1 Style ..................................................... 86

Structure of the connector board WS1 Style-PF ................................................ 87

4.4.3. Connect drives and devices ................................................................................ 87

Elsner Elektronik GmbH • Herdweg 7 • D-75391 Gechingen • Germany

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • from software version 1.705

Status: 07.09.2012 • Subject to technical changes. Errors excepted.

3 Contents

Connect drive groups ........................................................................................... 87

Connect devices to the multifunctional outputs ................................................ 88

Connect devices to the multifunctional inputs ................................................... 88

Connecting drives and devices wirelessly .......................................................... 89

5. Commissioning ........................................... 91

5.1. Procedure ......................................................................................... 92

5.1.1. Start control unit .................................................................................................. 92

5.1.2. Check sensor functions ....................................................................................... 93

6. Basic Setting ............................................... 95

6.1. The “Installation” menu .................................................................. 96

6.1.1. Set up drives and drive groups .......................................................................... 96

Tips on connecting windows ............................................................................... 99

6.1.2. Assign external buttons .................................................................................... 100

6.1.3. Assign internal buttons (group buttons) ......................................................... 101

6.1.4. Set up multifunctional outputs ......................................................................... 103

6.1.5. Set up multifunctionals inputs ......................................................................... 104

6.1.6. Wireless connections ........................................................................................ 105

Learn wireless connection ................................................................................. 106

Status ................................................................................................................... 106

Delete wireless connection ................................................................................ 110

6.1.7. Indoor sensor for weather display ................................................................... 110

6.1.8. Settings for communication with KNX (WS1000 only) .................................. 111

6.1.9. Setting Camera Inputs ....................................................................................... 112

6.1.10.Configuring internal thermometer/hygrometer of WS1 ................................ 113

6.1.11.Define channel order ........................................................................................ 113

6.2. WS1 / WS1000 Settings ................................................................. 114

6.2.1. Settings ............................................................................................................... 114

Enter time and date manually ........................................................................... 114

Change language ................................................................................................ 115

Adjust screen ...................................................................................................... 115

Select time zone .................................................................................................. 116

Enter location (only DCF weather stations) ...................................................... 117

Calibrate touch .................................................................................................... 117

Adjust logo lighting ............................................................................................ 117

6.2.2. Service settings .................................................................................................. 118

Reset (new start) ................................................................................................. 119

Factory settings ................................................................................................... 119

Internal area ........................................................................................................ 119

6.2.3. Access code ........................................................................................................ 119

Using an SD card ................................................................................................ 120

Show images on display .................................................................................... 121

Saving and loading configuration data ............................................................ 122

Elsner Elektronik GmbH • Herdweg 7 • D-75391 Gechingen • Germany

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • from software version 1.705

Status: 07.09.2012 • Subject to technical changes. Errors excepted.

4 Contents

7. Tables, diagrams, maintenance ................ 123

7.1. Care and maintenance ................................................................... 124

Maintenance of the weather station ................................................................. 124

Maintenance of the control unit ........................................................................ 124

7.2. Technical specifications ................................................................ 124

7.2.1. Technical specifications Control Unit WS1 Style ............................................ 124

7.2.2. Technical specifications Control Unit WS1000 Style ...................................... 125

7.2.3. Technical specifications P03i-GPS ................................................................... 125

7.2.4. Technical specifications WGTH-UP .................................................................. 126

7.2.5. Units for sun and wind ...................................................................................... 127

7.3. Alarm and error messages ............................................................. 128

7.3.1. Weather data display messages ....................................................................... 128

7.3.2. “Manual” menu messages ............................................................................... 129

7.4. Connection diagrams ..................................................................... 130

7.4.1. Diagrams WS1 ................................................................................................... 130

7.4.2. Diagrams WS1000 ............................................................................................. 133

7.4.3. Connection of several drives to one 230 V drive output ................................ 136

7.4.4. Use drive outputs for centralised control ........................................................ 137

Centralised control with IMSG 230 Motor Control Units (230 V drive output) 137

Centralised control with IMSG-UC Motor Control Units ................................. 138

7.5. Personal automatic settings data .................................................. 139

Elsner Elektronik GmbH • Herdweg 7 • D-75391 Gechingen • Germany

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • from software version 1.705

Status: 07.09.2012 • Subject to technical changes. Errors excepted.

5 Explanation of symbols

Installation, inspection, commissioning and troubleshooting of the device must only be carried out by a competent electrician.

This manual is subject to changes an is readjusted to new software versions. The revision status (software version and date) can be found in the footer of the contents.

If you have got a device with a more recent software version, please have a look at

www.elsner-elektronik.de in the „Service“ menu, if there is a more current version

of the manual available.

Explanation of the symbols used in this manual

Danger of death by electrocution!

Advice on dangers concerning work on electrical terminals, components etc.

Safety measures to protect the life and health of relevant personnel.

Safety instruction!

Instructions that must strictly be observed to ensure the safe operation of the control unit. Safety measures to protect against damage to persons or property.

“Control unit”

The symbol is followed by a menu path. In this menu the settings just described can be changed.


The symbol is followed by chapter information with a page number. In this chapter you will find additional information about the setting just described.

6 Explanation of symbols


1. Description


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

8 Description


Field of application

The control system was developed so that the different technical equipment installed in conservatories and buildings could be centrally controlled. The control units offer the highest measure of flexibility with regard to connections, allowing settings to be optimally and individually adjusted to the circumstances on site. Please use this operational guide to adjust the automatic functions to your requirements and enable comfortable manual operation.

1.1.1. Delivery scope

• Central control and operations unit

WS1 Style: With integrated indoor sensor. With 1, 2, 3 or 4 drive outputs for

230 V motors or without drive outputs, depending on model.

WS1 Style-PF: With integrated indoor sensor. With 1, 2, 3 or 4 potential-free drive outputs, depending on model.

WS1000 Style: With 4, 6, 8 or 10 drive outputs for 230 V motors, depending on model.

WS1000 Style-PF: With 4, 6, 8 or 10 potential-free drive outputs, depending on model.

• Weather station

• Manual

• Torx bit T6

Additionally with WS1000 Color:

• WGTH-UP indoor sensor with frame

(You need a socket ø 60 mm, 42 mm deep additionally)

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.



Connection and control options


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

10 Description

The following environmental parameters will be measured and displayed:

• Outdoor and indoor temperature

• Air humidity inside

• Lighting (intensity and direction, twilight recognition)

• Wind speed

• Precipitation

• Time/date

The following drives can be connected to the drive outputs:

(WS1 Style: 0-4 drive outputs, WS1000 Style: 4-10 drive outputs)

• Electrically-operated awnings

• Electrically-operated blinds

• Electrically-operated shutters

• Electrically-operated windows and sliding roofs

• Electrically-operated sliding doors

The following devices can be connected to the multifunctional outputs:

(WS1 Style: 2 MF outputs, WS1000 Style: 4 MF outputs)

• Heating

• Cooling

• Alarm equipment

• Lighting

• Roof gutter heating

• Ventilation units

• Dimmer (for a light)

The following can be connected to the multifunctional inputs:

(WS1 Style: 2 MF inputs, WS1000 Style: 4 MF inputs)

• Motion detector

• Smoke detector

• Climate sensor (A climate or heating unit which is independent of the control unit. Status query “active”/“not active”, for cancelling ventilation)

• Safety contacts to keep drives in secured position

• Closed-contact for closing notification of a sliding door

• Impulse for automatic reset (e.g. button or impulse at alarm activation)

• Binary contact

The following devices can be connected via a wireless connection:

• WGTH-UP indoor sensors for temperature and humidity measurement at various places in the room. This allows various climate areas to be realised (e. g. living and plant areas in the conservatory)

• WGT temperature sensor for temperature measurement at various places in the room and, for example, in the ground for control of the floor heating

• Radio remote control Remo 8

• Elsner ventilation devices (WL610, WL305, WFL)

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

11 Description

• Fan module RF-VM for connecting fans/circulating air heating units from other manufacturers

• RF relay (radio relay, On/Off)

• RF MSG (radio motor control device, Up/Down)

The following additional options are available:

• Connection of up to 10 external Up/Down wall buttons for manual operation of drives and devices on the spot

• Connection of video cameras via an optional camera interface

• Presentation of a slideshow on SD card, data storage on SD card

The followingfunctions are available with WS1000 Style only:

• Communication with the KNX bus system via an optional KNX interface

1.2.1. Automatic functions in overview

Devices connected via the “Dimmer” output (e.g. lighting) have no automatic functions. They can however be operated manually via the display.

Sliding doors also have no automatic functions. They can be fitted with a close-con-

tact (to a multifunctional input) and be manually operated via the display.

Automatic functions for windows/sliding roofs:

• Opening above a selectable indoor temperature (can be switched off)

• Opening above a selectable air humidity level in the room (can be switched off)

• Close when the supply air temperature is higher than the room temperature

(can be switched off)

• Night-time re-cooling (settable running times)

• Daily forced closure (settable running times)

• Outdoor temperature block: Block beneath a selectable outdoor temperature

(can be switched off)

• Keep closed in a period which can be set

• Frost alarm: Close in case of precipitation beneath a selectable outdoor temperature (can be switched off)

• Wind alarm: Close when a selectable wind speed is exceeded (can be switched off)

• Rain alarm: Close when there is precipitation or move to a gap (can be switched off)

• Closing when cooling/air-conditioning unit is active

If a motion detector is connected, windows will be closed automatically when a breakin alarm is triggered. If a smoke detector is connected, windows will be opened automatically when a fire alarm is triggered.

Step windows will be opened step-by-step. An opening position can be set for sliding windows.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

12 Description

Automatic functions for awnings:

• Extend according to brightness and the position of the sun or retract regardless of brightness (extending only manually) or extend regardless of brightness (visual protection, automatically retraction only when there is a rain or wind alarm)

• Adjustable movement position

• Keep retracted until a selectable indoor temperature is reached

(can be switched off)

• Outdoor temperature block: Block beneath a selectable outdoor temperature

(can be switched off)

• Frost alarm: Retract in case of precipitation beneath a selectable outdoor temperature (can be switched off)

• Wind alarm: Retract when a selectable wind speed is exceeded (can be switched off)

• Rain alarm: Retract when there is precipitation (can be switched off)

If a smoke detector is connected, awnings will be automatically retracted when a fire alarm is triggered.

Automatic functions for blinds:

• Closing according to brightness or position of the sun or keep open regardless of brightness (only time-controlled or manual closing) or keep closed regardless of brightness (visual protection, automatically retract only when there is a rain or wind alarm) with light reversal

• Adjustable movement position and slat position (slat tracking of the sun height possible)

• Leave open until a selectable indoor temperature is reached

(can be switched off)

• Close at night/twilight (can be switched off)

• Close daily (settable running times)

• Outdoor temperature block: Block beneath a selectable outdoor temperature

(can be switched off)

• Frost alarm: Retract in case of precipitation beneath a selectable outdoor temperature (can be switched off)

• Wind alarm: Retract when a selectable wind speed is exceeded (can be switched off)

• Rain alarm: Retract when there is precipitation (can be switched off)

If a smoke detector is connected, blinds will be opened automatically when a fire alarm is triggered.

Automatic functions for shutters:

• Closing according to brightness or position of the sun or keep open regardless of brightness (only time-controlled or manual closing) or keep closed regardless of brightness (visual protection, automatic retraction only when there is a rain or wind alarm)

• Adjustable movement position

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

13 Description

• Leave open until a selectable indoor temperature is reached

(can be switched off)

• Close at night/twilight Leave open until

• Close daily (settable running times)

• Outdoor temperature block: Block beneath a selectable outdoor temperature

(can be switched off)

• Frost alarm: Retract in case of precipitation beneath a selectable outdoor temperature (can be switched off)

• Wind alarm: Retract when a selectable wind speed is exceeded (can be switched off)

• Rain alarm: Retract when there is precipitation (can be switched off)

If a smoke detector is connected, shutters will be opened automatically when a fire alarm is triggered.

Automatic functions for heatings:

• Switch on daily below a selectable indoor temperature

• Night setback (with adjustment of time and temperature until the setback is made)

If a smoke detector is connected, the heating will be automatically switched off when a fire alarm is triggered.

Automatic functions for coolings and air-conditioning units:

• Switch on daily above a selectable indoor temperature

• Night mode (with adjustment of time and temperature until cooling takes place)

• Cancel ventilation when cooling/air-conditioning unit is active

If a smoke detector is connected, the cooling will be automatically switched off when a fire alarm is triggered.

Automatic ventilation functions:

• Ventilation above a selectable indoor temperature (can be switched off)

• Ventilation above a selectable air humidity level in the room

(can be switched off)

• Winter operation: supply air will be closed below a selectable outdoor temperature (can be switched off)

• Summer operation: supply air will be shut off if outdoor temperature is higher than room temperature

• Adjustable minimum and maximum speeds for motorised fans

• Night-time re-cooling (settable running times)

• Daily forced ventilation (settable running times)

• Additionally with roof ventilators WL610 and WL305: recirculating air for heat recovery; recirculating air to avoid condensation

• Cancel ventilation when cooling/air-conditioning unit is active

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

14 Description

If a smoke detector is connected, ventilation will be activated automatically when there is a fire alarm.

Automatic functions for light:

• Switch on daily (settable running times, with and without twilight recognition)

• Switch on at twilight

• Switch on when an alarm triggers (motion/smoke detector)

Automatic functions for roof gutter heatings:

• Switch on within an adjustable temperature range

Automatic alarm settings:

• Motion detector: The period of alarm readiness is adjustable. If the alarm is triggered within this period, all windows close. After 5 minutes without a new alarm signal, normal automatic operation will be resumed.

• Smoke detector: When the alarm triggers, shades retract (escape routes), windows open, ventilators open/switch on (getting rid of smoke) and heatings and air conditioners switch off. No manual operation is possible. An acoustic warning signal will sound at the control system.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

15 Operation and use

2. Operation and use

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

16 Operation and use


Weather data display (starting image)

As a starting image, the control system shows the current weather data:

Sun data

Intensity: Light intensity (brightness) in Lux (lx) or Kilolux (klx)

Direction: Direction (azimuth) in degrees

Height: Elevation over the horizon in degrees


The wind speed will be shown in metres per second (m/s) and the windsock changes:

Calm: up to 1.9 m/s

Slight wind: 2.0 to 9.9 m/s

Strong wind: 10.0 m/s and up

A caution flag appears besides the wind symbol if wind alarm has been triggered for a drive.

Outdoor temperature

Outdoor temperature at the weather station in degrees Celsius (°C)

Night-time Re-cooling, Frost Alarm and Window Movement Limitation are dis-

played in turn next to the outdoor temperature value as long as the relevant function is active.

3.3. Set night_time re-cooling (ventilation)

3.3. Adjust frost alarm

3.3. Set movement limitations (windows)

Indoor information

Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C)

Air humidity in %RH

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

17 Operation and use

You may select which indoor information is displayed (e. g. if several sensors are connected).

 System > Installation > Weather Display

 6.1. Indoor sensor for weather display

The general weather situation is shown graphically:

Sunny or cloudy:

The sun moves across the sky according to its current direction and height.


When there is a precipitation report and temperatures above -3 °C, it is raining.


When there is a precipitation report and temperatures below -3 °C, it is snowing.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

18 Operation and use


At night (twilight) the display will be darker; instead of the sun, the moon and stars will appear.

The date and time will be shown on the lower right on the display. The following symbols are displayed, depending on which source the time signal is from:

GPS reception (from weather station) Satellite

Reception of time via KNX bus

(WS1000 Color)

Position must be entered manually for shading control:

 System > WS1000 Settings > Settings > Position

 6.2.1.Enter position


The touch display


Manual control, as well as setting the defaults for the automatic functions and the connected equipment, is via the control’s touch display. The button surfaces are operated in this area by touching the display. When a button is activated, there is visual feedback and a brief audio signal sounds.

If the push buttons shown do not match up with the touch-sensitive surfaces (you have to press “next to the button”), the touch display can be calibrated as follows.

 System > WS1 / WS1000 Settings > Settings > Calibrate touch

 6.2.1. Calibrate touch

Operating the display with long fingernails will not damage the screen or the touch function. Touching the display with very hard or pointed objects (e.g. those made from glass, gems or metal) should be avoided as this can cause marks.


Manually operate drives and devices

2.3.1. The „Manual“ menu

You can reach the menu for manual control of drives and equipment by using the button Manual:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

19 Operation and use

Here you can operate all connected drives and devices directly: Use the buttons to select the name of the drive or device you want to operate. You can change the order of the list in the System menu.

 System > Installation > Channel Order

 6.1. Define channel order

Use the arrow keys to scroll through the list.

The selected device is marked in white. On the right-hand side you will receive status information (e.g. on/off, open/closed, exhaust air level, error messages) and various control options (up/down arrow keys or on/off buttons).

The Down and Up buttons are fitted with automatic time functions. The drive can be precisely positioned with brief button presses (less than 1 second, short audio signal).

For shutters and roller blinds, only a short step-movement command is triggered. If the button is pressed for longer than 1 second (higher audio signal: locking signal), the drive moves independently to the end position. A brief press in the opposite direction stops the drive.

For shades and windows, the movement position is shown in percent above the Up-/

Down buttons (for blinds, also the slat position). For radio motor control units, the position shown can deviate from the movement position set in the automatic mode by up to 2%.

If a drive group is momentarily blocked for manual operation by a rain, wind or frost

alarm, the arrow keys will be greyed out and may not be used. The message “Rain

alarm” and/or “Wind alarm” is shown.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

20 Operation and use

The frost alarm can be deactivated by pressing the corresponding button (see diagram); manual operation is then possible again. The frost block will then be first active for this drive again when it is reactivated manually or the next time the frost alarm is triggered.

The drive and hangings may be damaged if a firmly frozen outdoor shading is moved!

Manu Auto

Whether a drive or device is in automatic mode or manually operated can be recognised from the white marking on the buttons on the right and the text “Auto” next to the name button in the list on the left. By pressing the button you can switch from one to another.

After being operated manually the drive or device remains in manual mode. The automatic functions are thus switched off and only the rain and wind protection will be carried out. The equipment will only switch back into automatic mode when reset by hand

(“Manu” button) or through the daily automatic reset. In the Automatic menu, the automatic reset can be activated separately for each drive group and each device.

Automatic Reset

This button allows you to perform the automatic reset manually. All systems for which an automatic reset has been set are then set to automatic mode.

Back to the weather data display (starting image)

2.3.2. External buttons

As well as operating the controls via the display, it is possible to connect external buttons (wall buttons) to the control unit. In the System menu the individual buttons can be assigned to any drives or devices.

 System > Installation > Ext. Buttons

 6.1. Assign external buttons

2.3.3. Internal buttons (group buttons)

It is possible to operate several drives or devices at the same time via a collective group button (internal software button). This makes it possible to close all windows with a

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

21 Operation and use

single button press, for example. These group buttons can be set up in the System menu.

 System > Installation > Int. Buttons

 6.1. Assign internal buttons (group buttons)

2.3.4. Remote control

Drives and equipment can be controlled by using the remote controller Remo 8, which can be ordered among the accessories. The hand-held transmitter must be configured in the control as a participant to the radio network. Then follows the allocation of drives and equipment to the eight remote control channels. In the control, several Remo 8 devices can be configured.

 6.1. Wireless connections


Navigation in the System menu

All settings for drives and devices, for the automation and the control system are changed in the System menu, which you reach via the System button:

In three sub-menus you can carry out the following adjustments:


• Specify fundamental characteristics of the drives at inputs/outputs

• Set up wireless connections to devices

• Define the order in which the drives and devices are shown (e.g. in the manual menu)

Automatic settings:

• Define automatic functions for the individual drives and devices

• Adjust general automatic settings: Twilight value, movement delays, forced closure, ventilation block and automatic reset

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

22 Operation and use

Control Settings:

• Change personal data such as Time/Date and location and adjust the screen display to your personal preferences

• Restart the control unit, reset to factory defaults and change internal settings

• Set an access code to protect the “Installation” and “Automatic Settings” menus from unauthorised changes.

The following buttons are needed constantly for navigation in the System menu:

Back to the previous menu level (only settings already saved with OK will be applied)

Back to the weather data display (starting image)

Confirms (saves) adjustments made

Info button: Appears in many menus next to the option settings. Press the button for an explanation of the function shown in the upper display area.

Press again for the explanation to disappear.

On the top right, beneath the System field, is shown which menu you are currently in as well as the path by which you arrived there. For example, if you are in the Automation menu for the light intensity of the “South awning”, the path will be:

System > Automation > Awning > Awning South > Intensity

2.4.1. Input keyboard for names and codes

In some menus an input keyboard for names and codes appears. The words can be typed in completely normally.

Special keys:


Selects the input keyboard for letters and numbers.

Selects the input keyboard for symbols and umlauts.


Delete. Removes the preceding character.

Shift key. Switches between upper and lower case letters.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

23 Operation and use



The WS1 Style / WS1000 Style can play back digitally-stored image data as a slideshow. For this, the image data must be saved onto an SD card and fulfil the following requirements:

• Data format Bitmap (BMP)

• Size 640 x 480 pixels

• Color intensity 24 bit or 16 bit

• No compression (RLE)

• The data must be saved in the uppermost level of the card's directory (root directory)

The SD card slot can be found on the inner face of the housing.


The display is held on the wall by magnets. It is connected to the power electronics in the concealed box with a cable. Lift the display unit to the front without breaking the cable connection.

The SD card is pushed into the slot, until it clicks into place.

The card will automatically be recognised. If image data are stored on the card, the symbol for „play-back“ appears at the bottom right-hand side of the weather data display.

Press „play-back“ to start the slideshow.

The image changes approx. every 45 seconds (for images with 24-bit color intensity).

To return to the weather data display, touch the screen or remove the SD card (briefly press down on the card so that it pops out).

Further information about the image display can be found in chapter

 6.2. Using an SD card

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

24 Operation and use

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

25 Automatic settings

3. Automatic settings

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

26 Automatic settings


Automatic settings

In the menu System > Automatic Settings you can make the following adjustments:

• Define automatic functions for the individual drives and devices

• Adjust general automatic settings: Twilight value, movement delays, timer, ventilation block, night time re-cooling, frost alarm and automatic reset

In order to set the automatic functions, the basic settings must already have been made.

 6. Basic setting

Please adjust the settings for drives and devices to your individual circumstances. Only in this way can alarm and blocking functions like rain or wind warnings help to protect external awnings or prevent rain from coming in through the window.

3.1.1. Safety notice for automatic and alarm functions

When it starts to rain, depending on the amount of rain and the temperature, some time may pass before the rain is recognised by the weather station. For electrically-operated windows or sliding roofs, a closing time must also be taken into account. Moisture-sensitive objects should therefore not be placed in an area where they may be damaged by precipitation penetrating inside. Please remember also that, for example, when it starts to rain during a power outage, the windows will no longer close automatically, if no emergency power generator is fitted.

Please note that the rails of externally mounted blinds, awnings and shutters can ice up. If the drive group is then moved, the shade and drives may suffer damage.

It is imperative you take care that no-one is in the movement area of the equipment parts moved by electrical motors (danger of crushing!).

The appropriate building regulations are to be observed.

3.1.2. Power failure, maintenance works, etc.

(restart of control)

If a power outage occurs, the control unit can no longer control the connected drives!

If the functional scope must be guaranteed even during a power cut, an emergency power unit with a corresponding switch from network power to emergency operation should be installed by the customer.

Settings saved in the control unit programme will be maintained even during a power outage.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

27 Automatic settings

If cleaning or maintenance work is to be carried out in the conservatory/building, the control unit should be de-energised and secure against restart by disconnection of the customer-installed fuse. This ensures that the connected drives cannot start.

After every re-start (e. g. return of voltage after mains failure or manual reset) all drives and devices are in automatic mode.


Automatic settings for drive groups and devices

3.2.1. Drives and devices without automatic functions

Devices connected via the “Dimmer” output (e.g. lighting) have no automatic functions. They can however be operated manually via the display.

Sliding doors also have no automatic functions. They can also be operated manually

via the display. In addition, sliding doors can be fitted with a close-contact (connection to a multifunctional input). In this way the control unit knows whether the door is open or closed.

3.2.2. Automatic awning settings

For connected awnings or awning groups the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Light intensity

• Direction of sun

• Height of sun

• Movement position

• Indoor sensor to be used for the awning

• Indoor temperature block

• Outdoor temperature block

• Frost alarm

• Wind alarm

• Rain alarm

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

Alarm functions

Alarm functions are used for awnings in manual and in automatic mode.

Fire alarm of a smoke detector has highest priority. All awnings are retracted and can-

not be influenced either by automatic or manual.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

28 Automatic settings

During frost, wind or rain alarm the awnings are retracted and cannot be manually extended.

Shade settings

The settings are only executed if an awning is in automatic mode and none of the alarm functions named above is active.

Highest priority is assigned to the outdoor temperature-block, followed by the in-

door temperature-block (retract).

Only when the direction and height of the sun agree and there is no active block is the

automatic shading by light intensity engaged.

Setting of the automatic

The automatic awning functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:





Now you can select individual awnings and adjust their settings. For each awning the following settings can be changed:


Press the button to set the brightness above which the awning will be deployed to offer shade.

Adjust value: Use the arrow buttons to change the value as you wish.

Default setting: 40 kLux.

 7.2. Units for sun and wind

Remain retracted: If the awning should not react to the brightness, select Never. The awning will then remain retracted unless it is manually operated.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For the automatic system to react, the set light intensity value must be exceeded or undercut for the duration of the delay times. This prevents constant extensions and retraction of the awning during rapid-changing light conditions. The movement delays can be adjusted.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Movement Delays

 3.3. Adjust movement delays (shading elements)

Direction of sun

Press the button to set the range (sun direction) in which the sun shall be, so that the awning provides shade.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

29 Automatic settings

All directions: If the sun’s orientation is not decisive for shading purposes, select All

sides (default setting).

Direction: If the shade should only be deployed when the sun is in a specific orientation, select as appropriate: West, South-West, South, South-East or East. The thickened part of the circle in the centre shows the selected area.

Enter angle: To set the range in which shading shall be provided in exact numbers, press the “from ” or “to 360°” and adjust the numeric values with the arrows keys that appear.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For as long as no time signal has been received and the time has not been entered manually (the display on the control unit will show "Please set clock!"), the shades will only be controlled based on light intensity, temperature and alarm reports. The position of the sun will not be taken into account.

Height of sun

Press the button to set the range (sun height) in which the sun shall be, so that the awning provides shade.

Any angle: If the height of the sun is not decisive for shading purposes, select Any height (default setting).

Enter angle: To exactly specify the hight numerically, change the number values

“smaller 90°” or “larger ” with the adjacent arrow keys. The thickened part of the graphic shows you the selected area.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For as long as no time signal has been received and the time has not been entered manually (the display on the control unit will show "Please set clock!"), the shades will only be controlled based on light intensity, temperature and alarm reports. The position of the sun will not be taken into account.

Movem. Position

Press the button to set the movement position for the automatic mode. With the arrow keys, specify the movement position in % (0% = fully retracted, 100% = fully extended).

Default setting: 75%.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Sensor Selection

Press the button to select the indoor sensor the control system will use for this awning

(Pre-setting: Internal sensor at WS1, first sensor in the list at WS1000). As long as “No

Sensor” is selected, the indoor temperature will not be taken into account by the con-

trol system for this shade.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

30 Automatic settings

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Indoor Temp.

Press the button to set the indoor temperature block. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the indoor temperature block will not be active.

The interior blocking temperature enables the use of solar energy to warm the room.

When the indoor temperature is below the set value, e.g. in the morning, the shading will remain retracted despite the sunshine.

As soon as the set indoor temperature is exceeded, the block is released and the shade is activated.

When the indoor temperature drops once again, the block is reactivated when the temperature drops below the pre-set value by more than 3.0°C (hysteresis). Note that the shade only retracts once the retraction delay time has elapsed.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Movement Delays

 3.3. Adjust movement delays (shading)

Set temperature: With the arrow keys, adjust the value for the desired room temperature. Default setting: 25.0 °C.

Disable block: If the awning should be deployed to offer shade regardless of the indoor temperature, press the Off button.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Outdoor Temp.

Press the button to set the outdoor temperature block. The block only applies to automatic operation; no shading occurs based on light intensity or the position of the sun.

Even when an outdoor blocking temperature is active, the drive will respond to wind and rain alarms, as well as manual movement commands.

Please note that the shade rails or other mechanical components can remain iced even when the outdoor temperature has already risen to a relatively high value.

The drive and hangings may be damaged if a firmly frozen outdoor shading is moved!

Set temperature: If the awning should be blocked when the outdoor temperature is low, set the value recommended by the manufacturer using the arrow keys. Default setting: 5.0 °C. The block is countermanded again when the temperature rises more than 2.0°C over the pre-set value (hysteresis).

Set the shade behavior in the next menu item.

Disable block: If the awning should be deployed to offer shade regardless of the outdoor temperature (for example with internal awnings), press the Off button.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

31 Automatic settings


Set the way in which the shade should behave when the outdoor temperature block is triggered. The button is only active once an outdoor temperature has been set.

Retract: If the shade should retract when the outdoor temperature falls below the set value, select Yes (default setting). The shade is only retracted once the movement delay time has elapsed.

Remain in current position: If the shade should not move when the outdoor temperature falls below the set value, select No. When the rain or wind alarm is triggered, the shade will be retracted nonetheless (the alarm has priority over blocking temperature).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Frost Alarm

Press the button to active or deactivate the frost alarm for this shade. The frost alarm retracts the sun shade if the outdoor temperature is low and it is raining/snowing at the same time. This protects external shades from icing and from damage through movement when the rails are iced up.

The conditions for the triggering of the frost alarm (outdoor temperature, period) are defined in the menu „General Settings“.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Frost Alarm

 Adjust frost alarm, page 62

When the frost alarm is triggered, manual operation of the shade is initially blocked.

You can remove the block manually however. To do this select the appropriate shade in the Manual menu and press the frost alarm button. If the button is shown normally

(black writing), the block has been removed. The block will then be first active for this drive again if it is reactivated maually or the next time the frost alarm is triggered.

Please note that the shade rails or other mechanical components can remain iced even when the outdoor temperature has already risen to a relatively high value.

The drive and hangings may be damaged if a firmly frozen outdoor shading is moved!

Activate: If the sun shade is to be retracted when there is a frost alarm, select Yes.

Deactivate: If the sun shade should offer shade regardless of the frost risk (e.g. for internal awnings), select No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Wind Alarm

Press the button to set the wind alarm. The wind alarm protects the sensitive awning cloth from damage by retracting the awning.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

32 Automatic settings

Adjust values: Use the arrow keys to adjust the value for wind speed and the length of time by which it must have been exceeded.

Disable: If the awning should not react to the wind (e.g. internal awnings), select Never

retract (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

A wind alarm triggered for the drive will remain active for 5 minutes. Additionally, a wind delay can be set for shades. Then the automatic functions remain switched off for the defined period of time after the end of the wind alarm. Manual operation is however possible again.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Wind Delay

 3.3. Setting a wind delay (shades)

Rain Alarm

Press the button to enable or disable the rain alarm. The rain alarm protects the sensitive awning cloth from damage by retracting the awning.

Enable: For moisture-sensitive external awnings, select Yes (awning should be retracted when it rains).

Disable: For internal awnings, select No (awning should not be retracted when it rains, default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatik Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the awning to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes (this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the awning’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the awning’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

33 Automatic settings

3.2.3. Automatic blind and roller shutter settings

For connected blinds and roller shutters (or groups of blinds/roller shutters) the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Light intensity

• Direction of sun

• Height of sun

• Movement position

• Slat position (only for blinds)

• Indoor sensor to be used for the blind/roller shutter

• Indoor temperature block

• Night closure

• Timed closure

• Outdoor temperature block

• Frost alarm

• Wind alarm

• Rain alarm

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

Alarm Functions

Alarm functions are used for shades in manual and in automatic mode.

Fire alarm of a smoke detector has highest priority. All shades are retracted and can-

not be influenced either by automatic or manual operation.

During frost, wind or rain alarm the shades are retracted and cannot be manually extended.

Shade settings

The settings are only executed if a shade is in automatic mode and none of the aforementioned alarm functions is active.

The highest priority is given to the outdoor temperature block, followed by timed

closure (extend), night closure (extend) and indoor temperature-block (retract).

Only when the direction and height of the sun agree and there is no active block is the

automatic shading by light intensity engaged.

Setting of the automatic

The automatic blind functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


Automatic settings


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

34 Automatic settings

The automatic roller shutter functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


Automatic settings


Now you can select individual blinds respectively roller shutters and adjust their settings. For each shade the following settings can be changed:


Press the button to set the brightness above which the blind respectively the roller shutter will be deployed to offer shade.

Adjust value: Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your desire. Default setting: 40 kLux.

 7.2. Units for sun and wind

Keep closed: If the blind respectively the roller shutter should remain closed when there is brightness, select Always. The shading will then remain closed and will only be retracted when the rain or wind alarms trigger, if these functions have been activated. The slat (for blinds) and movement position can be adjusted individually. Manual opening is possible.

Leave open: If the blind respectively the roller shutter should not react to the brightness, select Never. The shading will then only be closed in the night closing and time closing periods set by you. Manual closing is possible.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For the automatic system to react, the set light intensity value must be exceeded or undercut for the duration of the delay times. This prevents constant up and down movement of the shading during rapidly changing light conditions. The movement delays can be adjusted.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Movement delays

 3.3. Adjust movement delays (shading elements)

Direction of sun

Press the button to set the range (sun direction) in which the sun shall be, so that the blind/roller shutter provides shade.

All directions: If the sun’s orientation is not decisive for shading purposes, select All

sides (default setting).

Direction: If the shade should only be deployed when the sun is in a specific orientation, select as appropriate: West, South-West, South, South-East or East. The thickened part of the circle in the centre shows the selected area.

Enter angle: To set the range in which shading shall be provided in exact numbers, press the “from ” or “to 360°” and adjust the numeric values with the arrows keys that appear.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

35 Automatic settings

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For as long as no time signal has been received and the time has not been entered manually (the display on the control unit will show "Please set clock!"), the shades will only be controlled based on light intensity, temperature and alarm reports. The position of the sun will not be taken into account.

Height of sun

Press the button to set the range (sun height) in which the sun shall be, so that the blind/roller shutter provides shade.

Any angle: If the height of the sun is not decisive for shading purposes, select Any height (default setting).

Enter angle: To exactly specify the height numerically, change the number values

“smaller 90°” or “larger ” with the adjacent arrow keys. The thickened part of the graphic shows you the selected area.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For as long as no time signal has been received and the time has not been entered manually (the display on the control unit will show "Please set clock!"), the shades will only be controlled based on light intensity, temperature and alarm reports. The position of the sun will not be taken into account.

Movem. Position

Press the button to set the movement position for the automatic shading. With the arrow keys, specify the movement position in % (0% = fully retracted, 100% = fully extended). Default setting: 75%.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Slat position

Only for blinds!

Press the button to set the angular position of the slats.

Fixed angle: If the slats should be opened at a fixed angle after reaching the movement position, leave the button position at No (do not follow the sun's height). With the arrow keys, specify the slat position in % (0% = closed, 50% = horizontal, 100% = closed).

Default setting: 75% (slightly open).

Tracking the position of the sun: If the slats should be opened in accordance with the position of the sun, press the button so it changes to Yes. You can adjust the slat opening for the various angles of the sun. For this use the arrow keys next to the % details.

Default setting: 0° to 15°: 100% (closed), 15° to 30°: 80%, 30° to 45°: 65%, 45° to 90°: 50%


Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

36 Automatic settings

Sensor Selection

Press the button to select the indoor sensor the control system will use for these blinds respectively shutters (Pre-setting: Internal sensor at WS1, first sensor in the list at

WS1000). As long as “No Sensor” is selected, the indoor temperature will not be taken into account by the control system for this shade.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Indoor Temp.

Press the button to set the indoor temperature block. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the indoor temperature block will not be active.

The interior blocking temperature enables the use of solar energy to warm the room.

When the indoor temperature is below the set value, e.g. in the morning, the shading will remain retracted despite the sunshine.

As soon as the set indoor temperature is exceeded, the block is released and the shade is activated.

When the indoor temperature drops once again, the block is reactivated when the temperature drops below the pre-set value by more than 3.0°C (hysteresis). Note that the shade only retracts once the retraction delay time has elapsed.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Movement Delays

 3.3. Adjust movement delays (shading)

Set temperature: With the arrow keys, adjust the value for the desired room temperature. Default setting: 25.0 °C.

Disable block: If the blinds respectively shutters should be deployed to offer shade regardless of the indoor temperature, press the Off button.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Night Closure

Press the button to enable or disable the closing of the blind respectively the roller shutter at night.

Enable: If the blind respectively the roller shutter should be closed at night, select Yes.

Disable: If the blind respectively the roller shutter should remain open at night, select

No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The threshold value, above which twilight/night will be recognised, can be adjusted.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Twilight

 3.3. Adjust twilight value

Note to night closing function and outdoor temperature block:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

37 Automatic settings

If the outdoor temperature is below the blocking temperature (see “Outdoor Temperature” settings), the blinds and roller shutters will close, but will not open automatically. If the blind/shutter fails to move up in the morning, please check if the hangings are not frozen or the rails iced. When the shading is free, you can move the hangings up by hand.

The drive and hangings may be damaged if a firmly frozen outdoor shading is moved!

Timed closure

Press the button to set the closure time. Press Select to select the time during which the blind respectively the roller shutter will be closed. Activate one or more periods on the list. The periods can be individually customised (see below).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 Set timer, page 59

Note to timer closing function and outdoor temperature block:

If the outdoor temperature is below the blocking temperature (see "Outdoor Temperature" settings), the blinds and roller shutters will close, but not open automatically. If the blind/shutter fails to move up after the preset period, please check if the hangings are not frozen or the rails iced. When the shading is free, you can move the hangings up by hand.

The drive and hangings may be damaged if a firmly frozen outdoor shading is moved!

Outdoor Temp.

Press the button to set the outdoor temperature block. The block only applies to automatic operation; no shading occurs based on light intensity or the position of the sun.

Even when an outdoor blocking temperature is active, the drive will respond to wind and rain alarms, as well as manual movement commands.

Please note that the shade rails or other mechanical components can remain iced even when the outdoor temperature has already risen to a relatively high value.

The drive and hangings may be damaged if a firmly frozen outdoor shading is moved!

Set temperature: If the blind respectively the roller shutter should be blocked when the outdoor temperature is low, set the value recommended by the manufacturer using the arrow keys. Default setting: 5.0 °C. The block is countermanded again when the tem-

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

38 Automatic settings

perature rises more than 2.0°C over the pre- set value (hysteresis).

Set the shade behavior in the next menu item.

Disable block: If the blind respectively the roller shutter should be deployed to offer shade regardless of the outdoor temperature, press the Off button.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.


Set the way in which the shade should behave when the outdoor temperature block is triggered. The button is only active once an outdoor temperature has been set.

Retract: If the shade should retract when the outdoor temperature falls below the set value, select Yes (default setting). The shade is only retracted once the movement delay time has elapsed.

Remain in current position: If the shade should not move when the outdoor temperature falls below the set value, select No. When the rain or wind alarm is triggered, the shade will be retracted nonetheless (the alarm has priority over blocking temperature).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Frost Alarm

Press the button to active or deactivate the frost alarm for this shade. The frost alarm retracts the sun shade if the outdoor temperature is low and it is raining/snowing at the same time. This protects external shades from icing and from damage through movement when the rails are iced up.

The conditions for the triggering of the frost alarm (outdoor temperature, period) are defined in the menu „General Settings“.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Frost Alarm

 3.3. Adjust frost alarm

When the frost alarm is triggered, manual operation of the shade is initially blocked.

You can remove the block manually however. To do this select the appropriate shade in the Manual menu and press the frost alarm button. If the button is shown normally

(black writing), the block has been removed. The block will then be first active for this drive again if it is reactivated maually or the next time the frost alarm is triggered.

Please note that the shade rails or other mechanical components can remain iced even when the outdoor temperature has already risen to a relatively high value.

The drive and hangings may be damaged if a firmly frozen outdoor shading is moved!

Activate: If the sun shade is to be retracted when there is a frost alarm, select Yes.

Deactivate: If the sun shade should offer shade regardless of the frost risk, select No

(default setting).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

39 Automatic settings

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Wind Alarm

Press the button to set the wind alarm. The wind alarm protects the system from damage by retracting the blind respectively the roller shutter.

Adjust values: Use the arrow keys to adjust the value for wind speed and the length of time by which it must have been exceeded.

Disable: If the blind respectively the roller shutter should not react to the wind, select

Never retract (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

A wind alarm triggered for the drive will remain active for 5 minutes. Additionally, a wind delay can be set for shades. Then the automatic functions remain switched off for the defined period of time after the end of the wind alarm. Manual operation is however possible again.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Wind Delay

 3.3. Setting a wind delay (shades)

Rain Alarm

Press the button to enable or disable the rain alarm. The rain alarm protects against moisture damage by retracting the blind respectively the roller shutter.

Enable: If the shading should be retracted when there is rain, select Yes.

Disable: If the shading respectively the roller shutter should remain closed when there is rain, select No. (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the blind respectively the roller shutter to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes (this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the blind’s/shutter’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the blinds’s/ shutter’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

40 Automatic settings

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

3.2.4. Automatic window settings

For connected windows, sliding roofs, step windows or window groups, the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Indoor sensor to be used for the window

• Indoor temperature

• Air humidity

• Supply air temperature

• Night-time re-cooling (together with indoor temperature and movement position for night-time re-cooling)

• Movement position (only for sliding windows)

• Number of steps (only for step windows)

• Timed ventilation

• Outdoor temperature

• Timed closure

• Frost alarm

• Wind alarm

• Rain alarm

• Gap ventilation

• Gap position

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

Alarm Functions

Alarm functions are used for windows in manual and in automatic mode.

Fire alarm of a smoke detector has highest priority. All windows are opened and can-

not be influenced either by automatic or manual operation.

In the case of a break-in alarm from a motion detector all windows are closed. The windows can be operated again immediately after the break-in alarm.

During frost, wind or rain alarm all windows are closed and cannot be manually opened. Gap ventilation during a rain alarm is an exception; it only restricts the window's range of motion in automatic mode.

As soon as a connected air conditioner is activated, all windows are closed. They are then in automatic mode but can be immediately operated again. The delay time for the ventilation block engaged by an air conditioner can be adjusted.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Ventilation Block

 3.3. Adjust ventilation block

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

41 Automatic settings

Ventilation settings

The settings are only executed if a window is in automatic mode and none of the alarm functions named above is active.

Highest priority is assigned to time closure, followed by the outdoor temperature-

block (keep closed), timed ventilation (open), the incoming air temperature-block

(keep closed) and night-time re-cooling (open).

This means that e.g. timed ventilation or night-time re-cooling will only occur, when the outdoor temperature lies over the pre-set value for the outdoor temperature block.

The automatic ventilation according to temperature or relative humidity is only performed if no block is active.

Setting of the automatic

The automatic window functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


Automatic settings


Now you can select individual windows and adjust their settings. For each window the following settings can be changed:

Sensor Selection

Press the button to select the indoor sensor the control system will use for this window

(Pre-setting: Internal sensor at WS1, first sensor in the list at WS1000). As long as “No

Sensor” is selected, the indoor temperature and air humidity will not be taken into ac-


Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Indoor Temp.

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the window will be opened. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the indoor temperature will be disregarded.

Setting the temperature: Adjust the value for the desired room temperature using the arrow buttons. Pre-setting: 25.0 °C.

The window is opened as soon as the temperature lies above the pre set value. It is closed again once the temperature sinks more than 2.0°C under the pre-set value (hysteresis).

Shutting off ventilation: If ventilation shall be independent of indoor temperature, press the button labelled OFF.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

42 Automatic settings

Air Humidity

Press the button to set the air humidity above which the window will be opened. Until an indoor sensor with humidity measurement is selected, the air humidity will be disregarded.

Setting air humidity: Adjust the value for the desired humidity using the arrow buttons.

Pre-setting: 80%.

The window is opened as soon as the humidity lies above the pre- set value. However, it is only closed again when the humidity sinks by more than 3.0% under the pre-set value (hysteresis).

Shutting off ventilation: If ventilation is to be independent of the air humidity, press the button labelled OFF.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Supply-Air Temp.

Press the button to set the supply air temperature block (heat protection).

Enable: If the window should be closed when the air supply temperature is higher than the room temperature, select Yes.

The supply air temperature-block becomes active as soon as the incoming air temperature lies above the room temperature. The block is however only deactivated again when the incoming air temperature sinks below the room temperature by more than

3.0°C (hysteresis).

Disable: If the window should also then be/remain open when the supply air temperature is higher than the room temperature, select No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Movem. Position

Only for sliding windows.

Press the button to set the movement position for a sliding window in automatic mode.

The window can also be fully opened by hand.

With the arrow keys, specify the movement position in % (0% = closed, 100% = fully open). Default setting: 75%.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Number of steps

Only for step windows.

Press the button to set the number of movement steps for a step window in automatic mode. With step windows the control unit checks every 3 minutes whether the set room temperature or air humidity has been exceeded and then moves up another step if necessary.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

43 Automatic settings

Specify the desired number of steps with the arrow keys. Default setting: 5.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Night-time cooling

Press the button to set the times for night-time re-cooling. The button is only activated once the general settings for night-time re-cooling have been configured.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Night-time Cooling

 3.3. Set night-time re-cooling

Press Select to select the time during which the night-time re-cooling will operate. Activate one or more periods on the list.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer

Be careful that your settings for timed closure do not prevent night-time re-cooling operations!

NTC Indoor Temp.

Press the button to set the indoor temperature to the desired cooling level (for the night-time re-cooling). The button is only activated once a night-time re-cooling period has been set.

Use the arrow keys to change the value as required. Default setting: 16.0°C.

Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

NTC Movem. Pos.

Press the button to set the movement position for the night-time re-cooling. The button is only activated once a night-time re-cooling period has been set.

Input the movement position in % using the arrow keys (0% = closed, 100% = fully open). Default setting: 30%.

Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

Timed Ventilation

Press the button to set the ventilation running time. However the window will only open if the specified outdoor temperature is reached. At the end of a ventilation period, the normal automatic ventilation according to temperature and air humidity will be executed.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

44 Automatic settings

Press Select to select the time periods. Activate one or more periods on the list. The periods can be individually customised (see below).

Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer

Movement Limitation

Press the button to activate or deactivate the movement range limitation for this window at low outdoor temperatures.

The conditions for the triggering of the movement limitation (outdoor temperature, period) are defined in the "General Settings" menu.

 System > Automatic Setttings > General Settings > Movement Limitation

 3.3. Set movement limitations (windows)

Confirm your setting by pressing OK. to Position

Press the button to set the movement position when movement limitation is active.

The button will only be activated once the movement limitation has been activated.

Input the maximum movement position in % using the arrow buttons (0% = closed,

100% = fully open). Default: 50%.

The window can be reopened fully by hand.

Confirm your setting using the OK button.

Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

Outdoor Temp.

Press the button to set the outdoor temperature block. The effect of the block is that the window remains in the current position. The outdoor temperature block can, for example, be used if the window should not be used for ventilation in winter (cold protection for plants).

The outdoor temperature block only applies for automatic operation; no ventilation then takes place. When the rain or wind alarm is triggered, the window will be closed despite the outdoor temperature block (the alarm has priority over temperature block).

Manual operation continues to remain possible, even when the window is blocked because of low outdoor temperatures.

Set value: Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 5.0°C

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

45 Automatic settings

The outdoor temperature-block becomes active as soon as the temperature sinks under the pre- set value. The block is however only deactivated again when the temperature rises over the pre-set value by more than 2.0°C (hysteresis).

Disable block: If the window should be controlled independently of the outdoor temperature, press the button Off.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Timed closure

Press the button to set the closure time. Closure periods prevent the windows, for example, from opening and closing at night, and thus causing noise. Note that no nighttime re-cooling is possible during the set closure periods.

Press Select to select the time during which the window should be closed. Activate one or more periods on the list. The periods can be individually customised (see below).

Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer

Frost Alarm

Press the button to activate or deactivate the frost alarm for this window. The frost alarm closes the window if the outdoor temperature is low and it is raining/snowing at the same time. This prevents damage from ice (e.g. at the seal).

The conditions for the triggering of the frost alarm (outdoor temperature, period) are defined in the menu „General Settings“.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Frost Alarm

 3.3. Adjust frost alarm

When the frost alarm is triggered, manual operation of the window is initially blocked.

You can remove the block manually however. To do this select the appropriate window in the Manual menu and press the frost alarm button. If the button is shown normally

(black writing), the block has been removed. The block will then be first active for this drive again when it is reactivated manually or the next time the frost alarm is triggered.

Activate: If the window is to be closed when there is a frost alarm, select Yes.

Deactivate: If ventilation is to take place via the window regardless of the frost risk, select No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

46 Automatic settings

Wind Alarm

Press the button to set the wind alarm. The wind alarm protects the unit and equipment from damage by closing the window. The wind alarm will also close manually opened windows.

Adjust values: Use the arrow keys to adjust the value for wind speed and the length of time by which it must have been exceeded.

Disable: If the window should not react to the wind, select Never close (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

A wind alarm triggered for the drive will be maintained for 5 minutes. If during these 5 minutes the saved value is exceeded again, the holding time begins again.

Rain Alarm

Press the button to enable or disable the rain alarm. The rain alarm protects against moisture damage by closing the window. The rain alarm will also close manually opened windows.

Enable: If the window should be closed when there is rain, select Yes.

Disable: If the window should remain open when there is rain, select No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

When precipitation begins, depending on the amount of rain and the temperature, some time may pass before the precipitation is recognised by the weather station. The operating time taken to close the window must also be included in this calculation.

Moisture-sensitive objects should therefore not be placed within the area of the automatic window.

Gap Ventilation

Press the button to enable or disable gap opening when a rain alarm triggers. The function is only active if the rain alarm is switched on. With gap opening, the window can be opened a little despite a rain alarm.

Enable: If gap opening should be active when it rains, select Yes.

Disable: If the window should be completely closed when there is rain, select No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

47 Automatic settings

Please note that gap ventilation is not possible if the MSG Control has been activated

(signal duration set to permanent) in the basic settings of the window in the installation menue.

 6.1. Set up drives and drive groups

Gap Position

Press the button to set the movement position for the opening when a rain alarm triggers. The function is only active if the gap ventilation is switched on.

With the arrow keys, specify the movement position in % (0% = closed, 100% = fully open). Default setting: 5%.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the window to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes (this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the window’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the window’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

3.2.5. Automatic ventilation settings

For connected roof ventilation units and supply air units the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Indoor sensor to be used for the ventilation unit

• Indoor temperature

• Air humidity

• Air supply temperature (only for air supply devices)

• Exhaust air levels (only for roof ventilators WL610/WL305)

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

48 Automatic settings

• Night-time re-cooling (together with indoor temperature for night-time recooling)

• Timed ventilation (and levels for timed ventilation)

• Outdoor temperature (only for air supply devices)

• Recirculating air for heat recovery (only roof ventilators WL610/WL305)

• Recirculating air for condensation reduction (only for roof ventilators WL610/


• Temperature for heating (only for fresh air/heating-combos on RF-VM)

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

In the event of a fire alarm from a smoke detector, ventilation is activated and cannot be influenced by either the automatic or the manual.

As soon as a connected air conditioner is activated, ventilation is disabled, including manually activated fans. The fans can be manually operated again immediately. The delay time for the ventilation block can be adjusted.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Ventilation Block

 3.3. Adjust ventilation block

The automatic ventilation functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:





Now you can select individual ventilators and adjust their settings. For each ventilator the following settings can be changed:

For all ventilation units.

Sensor Selection

Press the button to select the indoor sensor the control system will use for this ventilator (Pre-setting: Internal sensor at WS1, first sensor in the list at WS1000). As long as

No Sensor” is selected, the indoor temperature and air humidity will not be taken into account by the control system for this ventilator.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For all ventilation units.

Indoor Temp Temp. Ventilation

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the ventilation will be switched on at night. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the indoor temperature will be disregarded.

Setting the temperature: Adjust the value for the desired room temperature using the arrow buttons. Pre-setting: 21.0 °C.

Roof Ventilator WS305/610, ventilation units at RF-VM module: The ventilator is switched step by step, depending on the difference to the target temperature.

Air Supply Unit WFL, ventioaltor at multifunctional output or RF Relay: The ventilation

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

49 Automatic settings

unit is opened as soon as the temperature exceeds the set value. It is closed again as soon as the temerature drops more than 2.0°C below the set value (hysteresis).

Shutting off ventilation: If ventilation is to be independent of indoor temperature, press the button labelled OFF.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For all ventilation units.

Air Humidity Humidity Ventil.

Press the button to set the air humidity above which the ventilation will be switched on at night. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the air humidity will be disregarded.

Setting humidity: Adjust the value for the desired humidity using the arrow buttons.

Pre-setting: 80%.

Shutting off ventilation: If ventilation is to be independent of air humidity, press the button labelled OFF.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Supply-Air Temp.

Only for WFL and ventilation units at MF output/RF Relay.

Press the button to set the supply air temperature block (summer operation). With WFL supply air units, the supply air temperature is recorded by a thermometer integrated into the WFL. With devices from other manufacturers the outdoor temperature at the weather station is used as the supply air temperature.

Enable: If the supply air unit should be closed when the supply air temperature is warmer than the room temperature, select Yes.

Disable: If the supply air unit should also then be/remain open when the supply air temperature is warmer than the room temperature, select No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Exhaus Air Levels

Ventilation Levels

Only for WL610/WL305 and air supply on RF-VM.

Press the button to set the ventilation levels of the motorised roof ventilators. The further the indoor temperature and air humidity lie above the reference values, the higher the ventilator shifts.

Use the arrow buttons to change the start and maximum values according to your wishes. Default setting: Start with level 1, maximum level 8 (full level utilisation).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

50 Automatic settings

Not on fresh air/heating-combos on RF-VM.

Night-time Cooling

Press the button to set the times for night-time re-cooling. The button is only activated once the general settings for night-time re-cooling have been configured.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Night-time Cooling

 3.3. Set night-time re-cooling (ventilation)

Press Select to select the time during which the night-time re-cooling will operate. Activate one or more periods on the list.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer

Be careful that your settings for timed closure do not prevent night-time re-cooling operations! A set supply air temperature block can also prevent night-time re-cooling.

NTC Indoor Temp.

Press the button to set the indoor temperature to the desired cooling level (for the night-time re-cooling). The button is only activated once a night-time re-cooling period has been set.

Use the arrow keys to change the value as required. Default setting: 16.0°C.

Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

Only for exhaust air units.

NTC Exhaust Level

Press the button to set the ventilation levels of the motorised roof ventilators for the night-time re-cooling. The button is only activated once a night-time re-cooling period has been set.

Use the arrow buttons to change the level according to your desire. Default setting:

Level 3.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For all ventilation units.

Timed Ventilation

Press the button to set the timed ventilation. Press Select to select the time during which ventilation will occur. However supply air flaps are only opened if the set outdoor temperature is hit.

Activate one or more periods on the list. Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

51 Automatic settings

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 Set timer, page 59

Only for supply air units.

Ventilation Level

Press the button to set the ventilation levels of the motorised roof ventilators for the timed ventilation. The button is only active if a ventilation time has been set.

Use the arrow buttons to change the level according to your desire. Default setting:

Level 3.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Outdoor Temp

Only for WFL and ventilation units at MF output/RF Relay.

Press the button to set the outdoor temperature above which the supply air unit should remain closed (winter operation). Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 1.0 °C.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Only for roof ventilators WL610 and WL305.

Heat Recovery

Press the button to set the recirculating air function for heat recovery. Recirculation allows heated air from the first area to be distributed in the entire room and so be used for warming if required. In principle, the recirculation function only starts if the temperature at the ventilator is at least 3° warmer than the indoor temperature.

Select Yes to activate the heat recovery function (with No, the function is switched off).

Use the arrow keys that appear to set the indoor temperature beneath which circulation should take place, and the level at which the ventilator should run.

Default setting: Indoor temperature 10.0°C lower; with level 3.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Only for roof ventilators WL610 and WL305.


Press the button to set the recirculating air function for condensation reduction. Recirculation of the air can reduce condensation forming on the window panes.

Select Yes to activate the condensation reduction function (with No, the function is switched off). Using the arrow keys that appear, set the U-value of the glass used (ask your window manufacturer or conservatory supplier for the value) and the level at which the ventilator should run. Default setting: U-value 1.0; with Level 3.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

52 Automatic settings

Only for fresh air/heating-combos on RF-VM.

Temp. Heating

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the circulating air heating will be switched on during the day. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the automatic heating is deactivated. Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 16.0 °C.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Only for fresh air/heating-combos on RF-VM.

Night mode

Press the button to set the night-time operation for the circulating air heating. Press

Select to select the time during which the night mode will operate. Activate one or

more periods on the list. The periods can be individually customised (see below).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer

Indoor Temp. Night

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the heating will be switched on at night. The button is only active if a night mode operation period has been set. Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 9.0°C

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

For all ventilation units.

Automatic Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the ventilation unit to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes

(this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the ventilation unit’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the ventilation unit’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

53 Automatic settings

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

3.2.6. Automatic heating settings

For connected heatings the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Indoor sensor to be used for the heating

• Indoor day temperature

• Night mode (period) and indoor night temperature

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

The automatic heating functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:




Air Conditioner

Now you can select individual heatings and adjust their settings. For each heating the following settings can be changed:

Sensor Selection

Press the button to select the indoor sensor the control system will use for this heating

(Pre-setting: Internal sensor at WS1, first sensor in the list at WS1000). For as long as

No sensor” is selected, the indoor sensor will not be taken into account for control of the heating, i.e. no automatic control will take place.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Indoor Temp. Day

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the heating will be switched on during the day. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the automatic heating is deactivated. Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 20.0 °C.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The heating will engage as soon as the temperature drops below the set value and is shut down again when the temperature is more than 0.5°C above the set value (hysteresis).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

54 Automatic settings

Night mode

Press the button to set the night-time operation. Press Select to select the time during which the night mode will operate. Activate one or more periods on the list. The periods can be individually customised (see below).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3 Set timer

Indoor Temp. Night

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the heating will be switched on at night. The button is only active if a night mode operation period has been set. Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 16.0°C

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The heating will engage as soon as the temperature drops below the set value and is shut down again when the temperature is more than 0.5°C above the set value (hysteresis).

Automatic Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the heating to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes (this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the heating’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the heating’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

55 Automatic settings

3.2.7. Automatic air-conditioner settings

For connected coolings/air conditioners the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Indoor sensor to be used for the air-conditioner

• Indoor day temperature

• Night mode (period) and indoor night temperature

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

As soon as a cooling/air-conditioning unit is activated, windows will be closed and ventilators switched off. The delay time applicable to this can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Ventilation Block

 3.3. Adjust ventilation block

The automatic climate control functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:




Air conditioner

Now you can select individual air conditioners and adjust their settings. For each air conditioner the following settings can be changed:

Sensor Selection

Press the button to select the indoor sensor the control system will use for this cooling unit (Pre-setting: Internal sensor at WS1, first sensor in the list at WS1000). For as long as “No sensor” is selected, the indoor sensor will not be taken into account for control of the cooling unit, i.e. no automatic control will take place.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Indoor Temp. Day

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the cooling unit will be switched on during the day. Until an indoor sensor is selected, the automatic cooling is deactivated. Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 30.0°C

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The cooling will engage as soon as the temperature exceeds the set value and is shut down again when the temperature is more than 2°C below the set value (hysteresis).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

56 Automatic settings

Night mode

Press the button to set the night-time operation. Press Select to select the time during which the night mode will operate. Activate one or more periods on the list. The periods can be individually customised (see below).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer

Indoor Temp. Night

Press the button to set the indoor temperature above which the cooling will be switched on at night. The button is only active if a night mode operation period has been set. Use the arrow buttons to change the value according to your wish. Default setting: 34.0°C.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The cooling will engage as soon as the temperature exceeds the set value and is shut down again when the temperature is more than 2°C below the set value (hysteresis).

Automatic Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the air conditioner to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes

(this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the air conditioner’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the air conditioner’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

57 Automatic settings

3.2.8. Automatic light settings

For connected lights the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Time switches

• Twilight operation

• Alarm reaction

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

The automatic lighting functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:





Now you can select individual lights and adjust their settings. For each light the following settings can be changed:

Time Switch

Press the button to set the time switch. Press Select to select the time during which the lights will be turned on. As soon as you activate the twilight setting (see below), the light will only be turned on at twilight in the selected time periods. Activate one or more periods on the list.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer


Press the button to enable or disable the twilight/night switch. If the twilight setting is active, the light is only turned on at twilight in the time periods selected above. Presetting: No (twilight switching off).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The threshold value, above which twilight/night will be recognised, can be adjusted.

 System > Automatic Settings > Twilight

 3.3. Adjust twilight value


Press the button to set the alarm response. When an alarm is triggered in a connected motion or smoke detector, the lighting can be switched on automatically.

Enable: If the lighting should be switched on automatically when an alarm is triggered, select Yes.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

58 Automatic settings

Disable: If the lighting should not be switched on automatically when an alarm is triggered, select No (default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the light to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes (this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the light’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the light’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

3.2.9. Automatic roof gutter heating settings

For connected roof gutter heatings the following automatic settings can be changed:

• Temperature range within which the heating will be switched on

• Enable/Disable automatic reset

The automatic gutter heating functions can be accessed by pressing the buttons:




Gutter Heating

Now you can select individual roof gutter heatings and adjust their settings. For each heating the following settings can be changed:

Temperature Range

Use the arrow keys to set the temperature range within which the roof gutter heating will be switched on. If the temperatures are very cold, no condensate forms and the heating can remain switched off. Default setting: 5.0°C to -5.0°C.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

59 Automatic settings

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset

Press the button to enable or disable the switchover to automatic mode at a set point in time, or following a manual intervention.

The general Automatic Reset occurs daily at the same time.

Switching on: To set the gutter heating to Automatic at a set point in time, select Yes

(this is the default setting).

Switching off: To switch off the gutter heating’s Reset function, select No.

Alternatively, the automatic function can be reactivated at a set time following a manual intervention.

Switching on: To perform an Automatic Reset after a manual intervention, select Yes.

Switching off: To switch off the gutter heating’s Reset function, select No (this is the default setting).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Automatic Reset time and/or period can be set.

 System > Automatic Settings > General Settings > Automatic Reset

 3.3. Define automatic reset

3.2.10.Set up alarm

You can select the alarm source which should activate the alarm output relay here. The alarm settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:





First select the alarm output that you want to set.

Select the alarm source which should activate the alarm output relay. More than one source can also be selected:

• Smoke detector (multifunctional output)

• Motion detector (multifunctional output)

• Rain alarm from weather station

• Wind alarm. Adjust the values for wind speed and duration of the exceedance.

A triggered wind alarm will be maintained for 5 minutes. If during these 5 minutes the saved value is exceeded again, the holding time begins again

• Frost alarm of the control

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

60 Automatic settings

3.2.11.Setting motion detectors

If a motion-detector is connected, a period of time during which the control system will react to the movements detected can be set (severe alarm). If an alarm is triggered within this time, all windows will close for around 5 minutes. The display (starting position with weather data display) reads "Motion-detector alarm." After 5 minutes without a new alarm signal, normal automatic operation will be resumed.

Even manually opened windows will be closed when there is a motion-detector alarm!

If a multifunctional output is configured as an alarm output, it closes for the duration of the alarm signal.

 3.2. Set up alarm

Lights can also be switched on when the alarm is active.

 3.2. Automatic light settings

The motion-detector settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:




Motion Detector

First select the motion detector that you want to set. Press Select to select the time during which the motion detector alarm should be active. Activate one or more periods on the list. The operating times can be individually customised (see below).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

To change any of the time periods, press Timer.

 3.3. Set timer


Adjust general automatic settings

The settings applied here are used for all drives and devices, or are applicable to the drive types defined in the relevant chapter (e.g. for all shades).

3.3.1. Adjust twilight value

You can adjust the threshold value above which twilight/night will be recognised. Note that on moonlit nights, brightness values short below 10 lux can be achieved. If the twilight value is set below 10 lux, shades which are set to “close at night” will remain open because of the moonlight or retract during the night.

The twilight settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:







Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

61 Automatic settings

Use the arrow keys to set the value above which twilight or night will be recognised by the control unit. Default setting: 10 Lux.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

3.3.2. Adjust movement delays (shading elements)

You can adjust the delay time for shades. The movement delay prevents sun shades from being constantly extended and retracted when there are rapidly changing light conditions.

For the shade to extend, the brightness must lie above the set light intensity value uninterruptedly for the set extension delay time (e.g. 1 minute). For the shade to retract again, the light intensity for the set retraction delay time must lie below the value without interruption for the set retraction delay time (e.g. 12 minutes). Clever selection of the delay time “masks out” passing clouds and nonetheless permits the shade to react quickly to the sun.

The movement delay settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:






Movement Delays

Use the arrow keys to set the values for the extension and retraction delays.

Default setting: Extension 1 minute, retraction 12 minutes.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

3.3.3. Set timer

Sixteen periods can be set in the week-long timer, which can be used for different automation functions. A start and end point, as well as a day of the week must be set for each time period.

The timer settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:







Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

62 Automatic settings

In the illustration, the times for mandatory closing and opening the windows on weekdays and weekends have already been set.

Select the time period that you want to change. The following settings of each time period can be changed:

Name of the time period:

Period 1

Press the button to change this name. Input the desired name on the on-screen keyboard which appears.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Start / end:

Set the start and end of the time period by selecting each hour and minute field consecutively and setting the time using the arrow keys.


Select the day of the week on which the time period should be activated. More than one day can also be selected.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

3.3.4. Adjust ventilation block

As soon as a cooling/air-conditioning unit is activated, windows will be closed and ventilators switched off. If the cooling is switched off again, the ventilation will stay off for a while, to prevent the cooled air to be discharged immidiately through windows or ventilation units. You can adjust the delay time for this.

The ventilation block is also iniciated by devices that are connected to the multifunction input as climate signallers.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

63 Automatic settings

The ventilation block settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:






Ventilation Block

Use the arrow keys to set how many minutes ventilation via windows or ventilators should remain blocked after an air-conditioning device is switched off.

Default setting: 120 minutes.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

3.3.5. Set night-time re-cooling (ventilation)

The night-time re-cooling function using the windows and ventilation equipment is activated once a set outdoor temperature is exceeded for an extended period of time.

The weather data display (Start screen) then shows “Night-time re-cooling” next to the outdoor temperature value. The display can also show “Frost alarm” and “Window movement limitation” in turn.

 2.1. Weather data display (start screen)

The window(s) and ventilator(s) which are used for night-time re-cooling as well as the time period over which these are activated can be set in the automatic operation functions for the individual windows and ventilators.

The night-time re-cooling settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:






Night-time Cooling

Using the arrow keys, set the outdoor temperature at which the night-time re-cooling shall be active (e. g. higher than 20°C). Remember that the night-time re-cooling only starts when the outdoor temperature is more than 2.0°C above the pre-set value. The night-time re-cooling is de-activated again as soon as the outdoor temperature drops below the pre-set value.

Also set the period for which the outdoor temperature must have been above the minimum temperature (e. g. longer than 48 hours).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Night-time re-cooling will stop when the set outdoor temperature is undercut by 2°C for a specified period of time. This period depends on the set trigger period and on how long this temperature has been exceeded. It is a maximum of one third of the set trigger period (e.g. max. 12 hours for a 48-hour trigger period).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

64 Automatic settings

3.3.6. Adjust frost alarm

The frost alarm for shades and windows will be active when during or after precipitation the outdoor temperature falls below a defined level.

The weather data display (Start screen) then shows “Frost alarm” next to the outdoor temperature value. The display can also show “Night-time re-cooling” and “Window movement limitation” in turn.

 2.1. Weather data display (start screen)

You adjust which shades will be retracted and which windows will be closed in the automatic functions for the individual shades and windows.

The following situations trigger the frost alarm:

• The outdoor temperature is below the set frost alarm temperature and ist starts to rain/snow.

• The outdoor temperature falls below the set frost alarm temperature while it is raining/snowing.

• Rain/snow has stopped. The outdoor temperature falls belowing the set frost alarm temperature within the set standby period after the end of precipitation.

The following situation stops the frost alarm:

• The outdoor temperature stays above the set unfreezing temperature for the set time period.

Setting of the frost alarm:

You can reach the frost alarm settings by pressing the buttons:






Frost Alarm

First set when the frost alarm should be triggered. Use the arrow keys to adjust the outdoor temperature that must be undercut to trigger the frost alarm (e.g. 2.0°C).

Then set how many hours after precipitation the standby for the frost alarm should be active (e.g. 5 hrs). Choose the standby period so that all humidity of the previous precipitation has dried.

Then set the conditions for the end of the frost alarm. Set the outdoor temperature to be exceeded (e.g. 5.0°C) and the duration for which it should be exceeded (e.g. 5 hrs).

Choose the time period so that ice is completely melted thereafter.

The Off button lets you deactivate the frost alarm for all shades and windows.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

65 Automatic settings

3.3.7. Set movement limitations (window)

A movement limitation ensures that a window remains only open a portion at low outdoor temperatures. This prevents the room from cooling too rapidly.

The weather data display (Start screen) then shows “Window movement limitation” next to the outdoor temperature value. The display can also show “Night-time re-cooling” and “Frost alarm” in turn.

 2.1. Weather data display (start screen)

You can set the degree to which the opening is restricted for individual windows in the automatic functions.

You can reach the movement limitation settings by pressing the buttons:






Movement Limitation

First define the outdoor temperature below which the window movement range becomes limited (e.g. 2.0°C).

You can then set how long the outdoor temperature must remain above the set limit value, so that the movement limitation is cancelled again (e.g. 8 hours).

The Off button lets you deactivate the movement limitation for all windows.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

3.3.8. Setting a wind delay (shades)

When the wind limitation value is exceeded for a drive, the wind alarm is then triggered for 5 minutes. If the wind value is once again exceeded within this period, the 5-minute stop time restarts from scratch.

For shades, a delay time can also be set following the wind alarm, during which the shade automation is blocked. This means that if the shade is in automatic mode before a wind alarm, the automatic setting remains switched off after the wind alarm. Further manual operation is however possible again.

You can reach the wind delay time settings by pressing the buttons:


Automatik einstellen




Set the duration of the shade block after a wind alarm using the arrow keys (0-360 minutes, default setting: 0 minutes).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

66 Automatic settings

3.3.9. Define automatic reset

Following a manual intervention, the affected drive or unit remains in manual mode, and automatic operations are switched off. Once the general Automatic Function time point is reached, drives and units are once again set to Automatic. Alternatively, the automatic function can be set to reactivate following a manual intervention. The period for this can be set.

The Automatic Reset prevents drives from being manually operated and then stay in an unfavourable position (leaving windows accidentally open, or blinds retracted despite the sunlight).

The general Automatic Reset and reset following a manual intervention can be separately activated and de-activated in the Automatic functions menu for each drive group and each unit.

The Automatic Reset function settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:






Automatic Reset

General Automatic Reset

Set the time point by selecting the hour and accordingly the minute fields and setting the time using the arrow buttons. Default setting: 3:00 AM.

Automatic reset following a manual intervention

Use the arrow keys to set the time interval after which Automatic functions should be once again activated.Default setting: 60 minutes.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


4. Installation


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

68 Installation



Installation, inspection, commissioning and troubleshooting must only be carried out by a competent electrician.

To install the control unit, proceed as follows:

1. Installation

2. Commissioning

3. Basic settings in the menu System > Installation (with selection of the time zone in the System > WS1 / WS1000 Settings menu).

4. Automatic settings in the menu System > Automatic Settings.

This chapter describes the installation. Read through the notes and instructions for the individual components carefully. First of all fit all components and connect the cables to the control unit, drives and devices. Then check all components and continue with the commissioning.

4.1.1. Notes on installation

Warning, mains voltage!

National legal regulations are to be observed.

Installation, inspection, commissioning and troubleshooting of the device must only be carried out by a competent electrician.

Disconnect all lines to be assembled, and take safety precautions against accidental switch-on.

The device is exclusively intended for appropriate use. With each inappropriate change or non-observance of the instructions for use, any warranty or guarantee claim will be void.

After unpacking the device, check immediately for any mechanical damages. In case of transport damage, this must immediately notified to the supplier.

If damaged, the device must not be put into operation.

If an operation without risk may supposedly not be guaranteed, the device must be put out of operation and be secured against accidental operation.

The device must only be operated as stationary system, i.e. only in a fitted state and after completion of all installation and start-up works, and only in the environment intended for this purpose.

Elsner Elektronik does not assume any liability for changes in standards after publication of this instruction manual.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

69 Installation

4.1.2. Notes on wireless equipment

When planning facilities with devices that communicate via radio, adequate radio reception must be guaranteed. The range of wireless control will be limited by legal regulation and structural circumstances. Avoid sources of interference and obstacles between receiver and transmitter, that could disturb the wireless communication. Those would be for example:

• Walls and ceilings (especially concrete).

• Metal surfaces next to the wireless participants (e. g. aluminium construction of a conservatory).

• Other wireless devices and powerful local transmitters (e.g. wireless headphones), which transmit on the same frequency (868,2 MHz). Please maintain a minimum distance of 30 cm between wireless transmitters for that reason.

The transmission performance and reception sensitivity can be improved by means of an external antenna. During installation, a conduit should be placed beneath the recessed housing, in which the external antenna can be mounted.

4.1.3. Safety notice for automatic and alarm functions

When it starts to rain, depending on the amount of rain and the temperature, some time may pass before the rain is recognised by the weather station. For electrically-operated windows or sliding roofs, a closing time must also be taken into account. Moisture-sensitive objects should therefore not be placed in an area where they may be damaged by precipitation penetrating inside. Please remember also that, for example, when it starts to rain during a power outage, the windows will no longer close automatically, if no emergency power generator is fitted.

Please note that the rails of externally mounted blinds, awnings and shutters can ice up. If the drive group is then moved, the shade and drives may suffer damage.

It is imperative you take care that no-one is in the movement area of the equipment parts moved by electrical motors (danger of crushing!).

The appropriate building regulations are to be observed.

4.1.4. Power failure, maintenance works, etc.

(restart of control)

If a power outage occurs, the control unit can no longer control the connected drives!

If the functional scope must be guaranteed even during a power cut, an emergency power unit with a corresponding switch from network power to emergency operation should be installed by the customer.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

70 Installation

Settings saved in the control unit programme will be maintained even during a power outage.

If cleaning or maintenance work is to be carried out in the conservatory/building, the control unit should be de-energised and secure against restart by disconnection of the customer-installed fuse. This ensures that the connected drives cannot start.

After every re-start (e. g. return of voltage after mains failure or manual reset) all drives and devices are in automatic mode.


Installation of the P03i-GPS Weather


The P03i-GPS Weather Station maesures temperature, wind speed and brightness.

It recognizes precipitation and receives the GPS signal (internat. time signal UTC and position).

4.2.1. Mounting of the weather station

Installation position

Choose an installation position in the building where wind, rain and sun can be measured unhindered by the sensors. The weather station must not be installed underneath any structural parts from which water can still drip onto the rain sensor after it has stopped raining or snowing. The weather station must not be shaded by anything, such as building structures or trees. There must be at least 60 cm of free space underneath the weather station to allow it to measure the wind correctly and to prevent it from being snowed in when it snows. Please take note that an extended awning does not shade the device from sun and wind.

Temperature measurements can also be affected by external influences such as by warming or cooling of the building structure on which the sensor is mounted, (sunlight, heating or cold water pipes).

Magnetic fields, transmitters and interfering fields from electricity consumers (e.g. fluorescent lamps, neon signs, switched-mode power supplies etc.) can interfere with or even cut out reception of the GPS signal.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

Wall or pole


71 Installation

Fig. 1

The weather station must be mounted on a vertical wall (or a pole).


60 cm

Fig. 2

The weather station must be mounted in the horizontal transverse direction (horizontally).

Preparation of the weather station

Unsnap cover and remove upwards


Fig. 3

1 Cover with rain sensor

2 Cover snaps

3 Bottom part of housing

The weather station lid with the rain sensor latches into place on the lower edge to the right and left. Remove the lid from the weather station. Proceed carefully to avoid tearing off the cable connection between the circuit board in the lower section and the rain sensor in the lid (cable with plug).

Lead the connection cable through the rubber seal on the underside of the weather station and connect it to the terminals provided.

The power supply cable to the weather station should be a maximum of 300 m long.

The connection is made with a standard, UV-resistant telephone cable (A-2Y(L)2Y

2x2x0.6 or A-2Y(L)2Y 2x2x0.8).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.



Layout of the circuit board

72 Installation




Fig. 4

1 Cable connection to the precipitation sensor in the housing lid

2 Slot for control unit/voltage connection, 1: +24 V DC | 2: GND

3 GPS reception LED monitor

Mounting the weather station

Close the housing by placing the lid on the lower section. The lid must lock into place on the right and left with a distinct click.

Fig. 5

Check that the lid and lower section have properly latched into place! The diagram shows the closed weather station from below.


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

73 Installation

Fig. 6

Push the housing from above into the fitted holder. In doing this, the studs in the holder must click in to the tracks on the housing.

For removal purposes, the weather station can be pulled upwards against the resistance of the notches.

4.2.2. Installation notes for the weather station

Do not open the weather station when water (rain) can enter into it: Even a few drops may damage the electronics.

During installation care must be taken that the temperature sensor (small plate on the underside of the housing) is not damaged. The cable connection between the plate and the rain sensor should also not be torn off or bent when being connected.

After installation, remove all transport protection stickers present.

The wind measurement can first be output 60 seconds after applying the supply voltage.


The weather station must be checked for dirt on a regular, twice-yearly basis and cleaned if necessary. A dirty weather station can lead to strange results, such as the wind sensor failing to work, the station constantly announcing rain, or failure to detect sunlight.


Installation of a WGTH-UP Indoor


The WS1 Style control system has an indoor sensor integrated into the central unit.

Further external sensors can additionally be installed. The WS1000 Style control system comes with an indoor sensor WGTH-UP included in the delivery.

The WGTH-UP Indoor Sensor transfers temperature and humidity to the control system via radio. Several separate WGTH-UP can be taught to one control system. The teaching is described in the chapter “Learn wireless connections” (manual of the control system).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

74 Installation

The WGTH-UP Indoor Sensor consists of the housing, the sensor PCB/base plate and a frame. As an alternative to the supplied frame, a frame of the switch series used in the building may be used. You will additionally require a junction box (Ø 60 mm, 42 mm deep, not included in scope of delivery).

For power supply (7...30 V DC), e. g. 12 V DC can be tapped from the connection board of the control unit (multifunctional input).

4.3.1. Installation of the indoor sensor

Installation location

The interior sensor is to be installed flush to the wall surface in a junction box (Ø 60 mm, 42 mm deep). When selecting an installation location, please ensure that the measurement results are affected as little as possible by external influences. Possible sources of interference include:

• Direct sunlight

• Drafts from windows and doors

• Draft from ducts which lead from other rooms to the junction box in which the sensor is mounted.

• Waste heat from the control unit (when mounted above the display)

• Warming or cooling of the building structure on which the sensor is mounted, e.g. due to sunlight, heating or cold water pipes

• Connection lines which lead from warmer or colder areas to the sensor

Temperature variations from such sources of interference must be corrected in the control unit menu in order to ensure the specified accuracy of the sensor (see manual chapter on Wireless connections > Status).

The indoor sensor must only be installed and used in dry, interior spaces. Avoid condensation.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


75 Installation





Fig. 7

1 Openings for air circulation

2 Opening programming LED

4 Opening programming button for configurating the device

5 Openings for air circulation


Rear view

Fig. 8

1 Connection for power supply

7…30 V DC (+/-)



First install the junction box. Seal the inlet tubes in order to prevent drafts.

Connect the power supply +/- to the connector terminals provided for this purpose on the sensor board. Then screw the board/base plate onto the socket. Ensure that the front side with the writing „TOP“ is directing out of the wall and that the arrows point towards the top.

Position the frame of the switching programme. Insert the housing of the sensor firmly onto the base plate using the catches, so that the housing and frame are fixed together.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

76 Installation

4.3.2. Notes on mounting and commissioning

Sensor must not be exposed to water (rain) or dust. This could result in the electronic being damaged. A relative air humidity of 95% must not be exceeded. Avoid bedewing.

4.3.3. Establish radio connection with WGTH-UP

1. Bring the control unit into learning readiness mode (note chapter Learn wireless

connection in the manual).

2. Press the programming button at the WGTH-UP sensor

The programming button is situated behind the right lower opening of the housing.

Use e. g. a paper-clip or a wire to press the button.

3. Pay attention to the report of the control unit (“Device successfully learnt”).


Installation of the control unit

4.4.1. Installation of the control unit WS1000 Style

Warning, mains voltage! National legal regulations are to be observed. Installation, inspection, commissioning and troubleshooting of the device must only be carried out by a competent electrician.

Preparing the installation location

The device must only be installed and used in dry, interior spaces. Avoid condensation.

Cut-out dimensions for concealed box:

W = 248 mm +1 -0 | H = 165 mm +1 -0 | D = 84 mm

An external antenna can be connected in order to improve wireless communications.

During installation, a conduit 50 cm in length should be placed beneath the recessed housing, in which the external antenna can be mounted (antenna dimensions approx. 565 x 8 x 5, L × W × H in mm):

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

77 Installation

Conduit angled diagonally downwards

(for cable access from above or below)

concealed box

Conduit angled vertically downwards

(only for cable access from above!)

cable concealed box

45° cable

M16 conduit, 50 cm in length

Preparing for installation

M16 conduit,

50 cm in length

The display unit is held by magnets.

Remove the front part from the concealed box.

Caution: The display is connected with a flat-ribbon cable to the circuit board in the concealed box.

Loosen the plug so that the display unit can be removed.

Remove all parts of the transportation lock/packing.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

78 Installation

The security covering in the concealed box is attached with four screws:

Loosen the screws and take off the security covering.

Remove the circuit board from the concealed box to be installed a keep it in a place where it is protected from dirt. It may never be exposed to

dust or moisture!

Place the concealed box in the wall so that the arrows point upwards.


For fitting, screw the cover (board) on to the concealed box with the enclosed screws.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

Cavity wall fitting

79 Installation oder

Clamp the concealed box to the wall with the four enclosed screws.

Upon delivery, the pouch containing the assembly screws can be found in the control unit’s concealed box.

Assembling the control unit with concealed box

During electrical installation, please introduce all connection cables into the concealed box through the lower or upper side wall. In the process, keep the individual connection wires short to prevent long reserve loops.

After connecting the cables screw the security covering onto the concealed box.

The security covering must be fixed before the control is put into operation! It prevents contact with current-carrying parts in the concealed box.



Adjust the screws of the magnetic mounting with the enclosed template.

Each of the four screws must be adjusted individially in height.

When the edge of the template rests on the wall surface (1), the template must rest on the mounting screws as well (2).


By adjusting the mounting screws, the display unit will rest flat on the wall later and be held by the magnets safely.

Connect the flat ribbon cable to the display and place the display unit on the concealed box. The magnets must be attracted by the mounting screws considerably and the display unit must rest tightly on the concealed box.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Structure of the connector board WS1000 Style


1 2



3 4







14 15













22 23

1 Multifunctional output 1


2 Multifunctional output 2 (pot.-free)

3 Multifunctional output 3 (pot.-free)

4 Multifunctional output 4 (pot.-free)

5 Outer conductor L1

6 Outer conductor L1

7 Drive group 1

8 Drive group 2

9 Drive group 3

10 Drive group 4

11 Drive group 5

12 Drive group 6

13 Drive group 7

14 Drive group 8

15 Drive group 9

16 Drive group 10

17 Mains connection L/N/PE 230 V/50 Hz

18 Wall button 1 (terminals 1-3)

Wall button 2 (terminals 4-6)

Wall button 3 (terminals 7-9)

Wall button 4 (terminals 10-12)

19 Wall button 5 (terminals 1-3)

Wall button 6 (terminals 4-6)

Wall button 7 (terminals 7-9)

Wall button 8 (terminals 10-12),

20 Wall button 9 (terminals 1-3)

Wall button 10 (terminals 4-6),

21* Multifunctional input 1 (terminals 1-3)

Multifunctional input 2 (terminals 4-6)

22 Weather station (terminals 1-2)

23* Multifunctional input 3 (terminals 3-5)

Multifunctional input 4 (terminals 6-8)

24 Connector for flat-ribbon cable to front board

25 Microfuse T6.3 A (Drive 1-5)

26 Microfuse T6.3 A (Drive 6-10)

27 Microfuse T630 mA

28 Slot KNX interface

* Supply voltage indoor sensor (or e. g. cameras) possible via MF inputs

(No. 21, terminals 1(+), 2(-) | 4(+), 5(-) and No. 23, term. 3(+), 4(-) | 6(+), 7(-)), max. 400 mA altogether.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Structure of the connector board WS1000 Style-PF



1 2 5 6 7 8 9



3 4 10 11 12 13 14 16







20 21



1 Multifunctional output 1


2 Multifunctional output 2 (pot.-free)

3 Multifunctional output 3 (pot.-free)

4 Multifunctional output 4 (pot.-free)

5 Drive group 1

6 Drive group 2

7 Drive group 3

8 Drive group 4

9 Drive group 5

10 Drive group 6

11 Drive group 7

12 Drive group 8

13 Drive group 9

14 Drive group 10

15 Outer conductor L1

16 Outer conductor L1

17 Mains connection L/N/PE 230 V/50 Hz

18 Wall button 1 (terminals 1-3)

Wall button 2 (terminals 4-6)

Wall button 3 (terminals 7-9)

Wall button 4 (terminals 10-12)

19 Wall button 5 (terminals 1-3)

Wall button 6 (terminals 4-6)

Wall button 7 (terminals 7-9)

Wall button 8 (terminals 10-12),

20 Wall button 9 (terminals 1-3)

Wall button 10 (terminals 4-6),

21* Multifunctional input 1 (terminals 1-3)

Multifunctional input 2 (terminals 4-6)

22 Weather station (terminals 1-2)

23* Multifunctional input 3 (terminals 3-5)

Multifunctional input 4 (terminals 6-8)

24 Connector for flat-ribbon cable to front board

25 Microfuse T6.3 A (Drive 1-5)

26 Microfuse T6.3 A (Drive 6-10)

27 Microfuse T630 mA

28 Slot KNX interface

* Supply voltage indoor sensor (or e. g. cameras) possible via MF inputs

(No. 21, terminals 1(+), 2(-) | 4(+), 5(-) and No. 23, term. 3(+), 4(-) | 6(+), 7(-)), max. 400 mA altogether.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

82 Installation

4.4.2. Installation of the control unit WS1 Style

Warning, mains voltage! National legal regulations are to be observed. Installation, inspection, commissioning and troubleshooting of the device must only be carried out by a competent electrician.

Preparing the installation location

The device must only be installed and used in dry, interior spaces. Avoid condensation.

The device is to be installed flush to the wall surface. When selecting an installation location, please ensure that the measurement results of the integrated temperature/ humidity sensor are affected as little as possible by external influences. Possible sources of interference include:

• Direct sunlight

• Drafts from windows and doors

• Draft from ducts which lead from other rooms to the concealed box

• Warming or cooling of the building structure on which the device is mounted, e.g. due to sunlight, heating or cold water pipes

• Connection lines which lead from warmer or colder areas to the device

Cut-out dimensions for concealed box:

W = 166 mm +1 -0 | H = 116 mm +1 -0 | D = 80 mm

An external antenna can be connected in order to improve wireless communications.

During installation, a conduit 50 cm in length should be placed beneath the recessed housing, in which the external antenna can be mounted (antenna dimensions approx. 565 x 8 x 5, L × W × H in mm):

Conduit angled diagonally downwards

(for cable access from above or below)

Conduit angled vertically downwards

(only for cable access from above!)

cable concealed box concealed box

45° cable

M16 conduit, 50 cm in length

M16 conduit,

50 cm in length

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

Preparing for installation

83 Installation

The display unit is held by magnets.

Remove the front part from the concealed box.

Caution: The display is connected with a flat-ribbon cable to the circuit board in the concealed box.

Loosen the plug so that the display unit can be removed.

Remove all parts of the transportation lock/packing.

The security covering in the concealed box is attached with four screws:

Loosen the screws and take off the security covering.

Remove the circuit board from the concealed box to be installed a keep it in a place where it is protected from dirt. It may never be exposed to

dust or moisture!

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

84 Installation

Place the concealed box in the wall so that the arrows point upwards.


For fitting, screw the cover (board) on to the concealed box with the enclosed screws.

Cavity wall fitting


Clamp the concealed box to the wall with the four enclosed screws.

Upon delivery, the pouch containing the assembly screws can be found in the control unit’s concealed box.

Assembling the control unit with concealed box

During electrical installation, please introduce all connection cables into the concealed box through the lower or upper side wall. In the process, keep the individual connection wires short to prevent long reserve loops.

After connecting the cables screw the security covering onto the concealed box.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

85 Installation

The security covering must be fixed before the control is put into operation! It prevents contact with current-carrying parts in the concealed box.



Adjust the screws of the magnetic mounting with the enclosed template.

Each of the four screws must be adjusted individially in height.

When the edge of the template rests on the wall surface (1), the template must rest on the mounting screws as well (2).


By adjusting the mounting screws, the display unit will rest flat on the wall later and be held by the magnets safely.

Connect the flat ribbon cable to the display and place the display unit on the concealed box. The magnets must be attracted by the mounting screws considerably and the display unit must rest tightly on the concealed box.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Structure of the connector board WS1 Style




4 3 2




















Mains connection L/N/PE 230 V/50 Hz

Drive group 1

Drive group 2

Drive group 3

Drive group 4

Outer conductor L1

Multifunctional output 1


12 Wall button 4 (10:+12V|11:Up|12:Down)

13 Weather station (terminals 1-2)

14* Multifunctional input 1

(terminal 3: +12 V | 4: GND | 5: IN)

15* MF input 2 (6: +12 V | 7: GND | 8: IN)

16 Connector for flat-ribbon cable to front board

17 Microfuse T6,3 A

8 MF output 2 (potential-free)

9 Wall button 1

(terminal 1: +12 V | 2: Up | 3: Down)

10 Wall button 2 (4: +12 V | 5: Up | 6: Down)

11 Wall button 3 (7: +12 V | 8: Up | 9: Down)

* Supply voltage e. g. indoor sensor possible via MF inputs

(No. 2, terminal 3(+), 4(-) and

No. 3, terminal 6(+), 7(-)), max. 50 mA altogether.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Structure of the connector board WS1 Style-PF




4 3 2












1 Mains connection L/N/PE 230 V/50 Hz

2 Drive group 1

3 Drive group 2

4 Drive group 3

5 Drive group 4

6 Multifunctional output 1


7 MF output 2 (potential-free)

12 Wall button 4 (10:+12V|11:Up|12:Down)

13 Weather station (terminals 1-2)

14* Multifunctional input 1

(terminal 3: +12 V | 4: GND | 5: IN)

15* MF input 2 (6: +12 V | 7: GND | 8: IN)

16 Connector for flat-ribbon cable to front board

8 Microfuse T6,3 A

9 Wall button 1

(terminal 1: +12 V | 2: Up | 3: Down)

10 Wall button 2 (4: +12 V | 5: Up | 6: Down)

11 Wall button 3 (7: +12 V | 8: Up | 9: Down)

* Supply voltage e. g. indoor sensor possible via MF inputs

(No. 2, terminal 3(+), 4(-) and

No. 3, terminal 6(+), 7(-)), max. 50 mA altogether.

4.4.3. Connect drives and devices

Connect drive groups

Each drive that must be controlled individually requires a group of its own. It is not possible to individually control drives that are connected in a group. Only drives with the same function (only windows, only awnings, only blinds, only shutters) can be brought together in groups.

Shades with different orientations (east, south, west) should be placed in different groups. Only in this way can the shades be controlled appropriately according to the position of the sun.

Drives can be kept in secure position by using safety contacts (multifunctional inputs).

Take note that a safety contactis not capable of preventing collisions (e.g. if an awning is installed over a window).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

88 Installation

The device works with 230 V alternating voltage 50 Hz. The input power is dependent on the number and power of the connected motors.

On the WS1/WS1000 Color version (for 230V drives), each drive outlet must have a maximum 400-watt load. The total installed input must not however exceed approx.

1.5 kW. The output voltage is 230 V AC.

On the WS1/WS1000 Color-PF version (with potential-free drive outputs), each relay must have a maximum 400-watt load.

When motors are connected in parallel, take note of whether a group control relay is prescribed by the manufacturer. Group control relays can be obtained from Elsner

Elektronik or the motor manufacturer.

Various drives for blinds and awnings, in particular, can for the most part only be operated via a group control relay on an output channel.

If motors are connected in parallel which are unsuitable for this purpose, both they and the control unit will be damaged.

Motors with a higher power input than 400 Watt are to be operated via a relay or control gate with its own power cable.

For D.C. drives we offer appropriate power supply units. In case of need we ask for details of the motor type, the manufacturer and – if available – the technical data.

Connect devices to the multifunctional outputs

Heatings, air-conditioners, lights, ventilation devices, roof gutter heatings, dimmers or alarm devices (e.g. alarm equipment in combination with a motion detector in a multifunctional input) can be connected to the multifunctional outputs.

The multifunctional outputs have a potential-free make contact which can be loaded with 230 V AC/2 A.

Connect devices to the multifunctional inputs

Devices with potential-free contacts can be connected to the multifunctional inputs.

These can be alarm-reporting devices, such as motion-detectors or smoke detectors

(with relay output) or another device with a potential-free contact, which is then crucial for the alarm function.

A smoke alarm at the multi-functional input does not fulfil the requirements for a smoke alarm system.

A heating or cooling plant operated independently of the control system can be connected to a multifunction input using its potential-free contact. Through the closed relay, the device signals the control that it is currently heating or cooling and the control activates the ventilation block.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

89 Installation

A closed contact on the multifunction input can be used to test if a sliding door is closed.

An impulse transmitter for the automatic reset can also be connected here, e.g. a sensor device or an alarm unit (impulse when activating).

Connecting drives and devices wirelessly

Connecting drives and devices wirelessly is achieved by means of an Elsner wireless modules (RF relay, RR-MSG). Elsner Elektronik ventilation devices can be learned into the control system without any additional equipment. Please observe the installation instructions relating to the wireless relays, motor control devices and ventilation devices.

6.1. Wireless connections

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

90 Installation

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

91 Commissioning

5. Commissioning

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

92 Commissioning



Installation, testing, commissioning and fault repair should only be carried out by a qualified electrician.

To install the control unit, proceed as follows:

• Installation

• Commissioning

• Basic setting in the menu System > Installation

• Automatic settings in the menu System > Automatic Settings

This chapter describes the commissioning of the device. Prior to commissioning all components must be installed (fitted and with their cables connected). Read through the notes and instructions carefully.

5.1.1. Start control unit

ICondensation water can occur if a device is taken from a cold into a warm room. Before the commissioning of the control take care that there is no humidity inside the device

(let dry if necessary).

After installation, connecting cables to the unit and checking all connections, switch the power supply on.

The control unit starts and in the display the model and serial number appear initially.

Then the following will be shown

• “Read drive parameter OK“

(or if there is an error: “Error initialising drive parameter with factory settings.”)

• “Wireless interface”

(or if there is an error: “Wireless interface error”)

• “Wireless channel initialised OK“

(or if there is an error: “Wireless channel initialisation error”)

After successfully running through the initial test sequence, the control unit will be in the starting position with a display of weather data. Weather data is displayed if the control system is receiving data (brightness, sun direction and height, precipitation, wind, temperature, and indoor room data). The weather animation is only shown when there no error messages are displayed.

The time is automatically displayed when the unit receives time /date information, otherwise, the time can be set manually. Also a time zone (if there is a GPS weather station

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

93 Commissioning

on the control system) and location (if there is a DCF77 weather station on the control system) must be set.

 System > WS1/1000 Settings > Settings > Time and Date

 6.2.Enter time and date manually

 System > WS1/1000 Settings > Settings > Time Zone

 6.2. Select time zone

 System > WS1/1000 Settings > Settings > Location

 6.2. Enter location

5.1.2. Check sensor functions

On the display the current values for sun, wind and outdoor temperature are shown.

First check the sensor functions.

Light intensity (sun sensor)

The sunlight sensor is beneath the weather station lid. If there is not enough brightness at the moment, light up the weather station with a powerful table lamp until a value is shown.

Direction and height (sun)

The direction and height of the sun is calculated by the control unit based on the date/ time and location. The time is set upon receipt of a time signal from the unit itself (can take up to 10 minutes). If no signal is available, the time can be set manually. If a weather station with GPS receiver is connected to the control system, the time zone must be selected from the menu. With a DCF77 receiver, the geographical location of the building must be input.

 System > WS1/1000 Settings > Settings > Time and Date

 6.2. Enter time and date manually

 System > WS1/1000 Settings > Settings > Location

 6.2. Enter location (only DCF weather stations)

Precipitation (Precipitation sensor)

Precipitation is shown with the “Rain” or “Snow” animation in the display. Moisten the golden sensor surface on the weather station lid (often the moisture from the surface of the skin when touching is enough). The “Precipitation” animation should then begin.

Please take note that after the sensors dry out, the precipitation warning remains for a further 5 minutes.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

94 Commissioning

Wind speed (wind sensor)

If the sensor tube on the underside of the weather station is blown into, the corresponding wind speed in metres per second appears in the display alongside the animated windsock.


The outdoor temperature is shown next to the symbol “thermometer next to house”.

If reasonable values are shown, correct functioning can be assumed.

If there is an indoor sensor (internal sensor of WS1 Color or external wireless sensor

WGTH-UP), the values are shown next to the symbol “thermometer inside house”. RH specifies the relative humidity. Normal values are approx. 25% RH to 65% RH in living rooms. After installation it may be a few hours before the hygrometer shows normal values.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

95 Basic Setting

6. Basic Setting

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

96 Basic Setting


The “Installation” menu

In the menu area System > Installation you can adjust the following settings:

• Specify fundamental characteristics of the drives and devices at the inputs/ outputs

• Set up wireless connections to devices

• Configure internal thermo-/hygrometer (WS1 Color only)

• Define the order in which the drives and devices will be shown (e.g. in the manual menu)

For this the following sub-menus are used:

• Drive (with the option settings type, name, movement time, direction of rotation, manual direction, MSG control, canvas tightening, slat turning, closecontact)

• External button (with the option settings type, direction, name and drive group assignment)

• Internal button (with the option settings type, name and drive group assignment)

• Multifunctional output (with the option settings type and name)

• Multifunctional input (with the option settings type and name)

• Wireless connection

• Weather display (selection of indoor sensor for weather data display)

• KNX settings (only if a KNX interface is installed)

• Camera (only if a camera interface is installed)

• WS1 TH (settings for the internal temperature/humidity sensor of WS1 Color)

• Channel order

In order to be able to carry out the basic setting, the control unit must have been professionally installed and commissioned.

 4. Installation and 5. Commissioning

6.1.1. Set up drives and drive groups

The WS1 Color-0 model offers no drive outputs. The “Drive” key is grey. In

this case, drives can still be controlled via radio motor control units (see 6.1. Wireless


Windows, awnings and blinds are controlled in various ways. For example, windows are opened or closed according to the temperature or air humidity, but blinds are opened or closed according to the light or time. For this reason it is imperative that, when started up, the control unit be adjusted accordingly.

The basic settings for the drives can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


System Drive

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

97 Basic Setting

Now you can select individual drives (or drive groups) from the list and adjust their settings. So long as no settings were completed yet, the buttons show (Drive 1), (Drive

2) etc. If an output was already configured, the name of the drive will be displayed in-


Press the button of the drive to be set. For each drive the following settings can be changed:

Drive type


Press the Reserve button. The possible drive types appear (awning, window, step window, sliding roof, blinds, shutters, sliding door). Select as appropriate. If the connection is not being used for the moment, leave “Reserve”.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

With the buttons A and B you can test the motor function. Please also determine the

movement times to complete opening/extension or closing/retraction (stop watch).

You need these values for the setting "movement times" (see below).

INote that rain and wind alarms are deactivated while the menu item “drive type” is shown!


Name 1

Press the button to change the name (by default its name is the selected drive type).

Enter the desired name via the keypad that appears.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Confirm your input with the OK button.

Movement times

Extend Secs


Retract Secs


Press the buttons with the number values and enter the timed values (see top “Drive type”) via the keypad that appears.

Confirm with the OK button.


Different option settings appear here depending on the drive type:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

98 Basic Setting

Dir. of Rotation

Press the button to check the motor’s direction of rotation. A selection menu appears.

Test the response of the drive when pressing the A/B buttons. Then select the applicable button Retract with A (or Close with A) or Retract with B (or Close with B).

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Note that rain and wind alarms are deactivated while the menu item “direction of rotation” is shown!

Manual Direction

Press the button to adjust the assignment of arrow keys (Up/Down, Open/Closed). A selection menu appears. Choose whether the drive should retract (or open) or ex-

tend (or close) when the button is pressed.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

MSG Control

Press the button if the output shall be used as the central command for motor control devices.

Select Yes to drive motor control devices (e.g. IMSG 230) using the drive output. The relay stays closed permanently during a rain or wind alarm.

If a single drive or a group of drives is connected on the drive output, leave the default settings No.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Please note that for windows where MSG control is selected, the “Gap ventilation during rain” function is not possible.

 3.2. Automatic window settings

Canvas Tightening

Press the button to select the canvas tightening for awnings. Only select Yes (tighten canvas after reaching the movement position), if the installed awning is suitable. The drive time for canvas tightening is 1 second.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

99 Basic Setting

Slat Turning

Press the button to adjust the slat turning for blinds. Turning the slats is for example recommended with shutters which are installed between glass panes. Slats in this instance can get caught together when moving the curtains. Turning the slats sorts them and sets them to the neutral position.

Never turn: Setting for most indoor and outdoor shutters.

Turn when shading: The slats are only turned during automatic shading.

Turn after every movement: The slats are turned during automatic shading, during night-time and timed closure and during manual closure without stopping (end position).

The slats are normally only turned after extending the blind. They are not turned at a manually reached intermediate position (stop pressed).

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Safety Contact

Press the button in order to assign a drive to a safety contact. The contacts are connected to the MF inputs. If the safety contact is opened, then the drive will advance to the safe position (window closes, shade retracts) and manual operation is blocked.

Select the button of the appropriate contact. Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Closed Detector

Press the button in the basic settings to assign an installed door contact to a sliding door. Select the button of the appropriate contact.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Manual Menue

Press the button to set wheather the drive should be displayed in the manuel menue or not.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Tips on connecting windows

With windows the supply of fresh air can be very well regulated using the Step window configuration. In this, the control unit checks the room temperature every 3 minutes. If the temperature is close to the reference value, the window will be opened or closed

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

100 Basic Setting

step by step. You can adjust the number of steps in the Automation menu (“Number of steps” button).

For sliding roofs, during normal operation of ventilators, it is not necessary to use the full stroke. For that reason you can adjust the size of the opening in the Automatic menu ("Movement position" button). If the sliding roof should be opened fully, this can take place manually.

Not all window motors are suitable for step or sunroof operation. Ask your motor supplier.

6.1.2. Assign external buttons

If external buttons for operating drives and devices on the spot are installed, their settings and assignments can be made here.

Single buttons (toggle buttons) can be installed and allocated the function Button.

Equipment such as heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and/or gutter heating are thereby switched on and off alternately.

To be able to control a dimmer, the single button must be allocated the function of the

 Button.

Double buttons (unlocked serial buttons) are allocated the function of the  But-

ton. If, in these settings, the button is allocated the shading and/or window functions,

then the button has its own internal timer, i.e. a short pressing of the button works according to the "dead man's principle": if pressed for longer (> 1 second), the drive travels up to the end position (self-stop mode).

If such a double button is allocated a switchable device (lighting, heating, etc.), then the Up button switches on and the Down button off.

The external button settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


System Ext. Button

You can now select individual buttons from the list and adjust their settings. So long as no settings have been completed yet, the buttons will show (Ext. Button 1), (Ext.

Button 2) etc. If a button was already configured, the name or function will appear in-

stead. Press the key of the button to be set.

For each external button the following settings can be changed:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

101 Basic Setting

Input type


Press the Reserve button. A selection menu appears. Select  Button (if a double push button is connected) or Button (if a single push button is connected) or leave

Reserve”, if the button input is not being used for the moment.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Button direction


Press Settings to adjust the direction of an up/down button. No button direction is needed for single buttons.

The directional test menu appears. Press the button’s up and down keys. This activates the arrows in the display. If the direction of the button matches the display, leave the setting at Normal. Otherwise press the button Invert. Now button and display should match.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.


Button 1

Press the button to change the name. Enter the desired name via the keypad that appears.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Confirm your input with the OK button.

Drive groups


Press the button to assign the external buttons to drive groups or devices. All connected drives and devices appear. You can select several buttons.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.

6.1.3. Assign internal buttons (group buttons)

Several drives or devices can be operated at the same time in the Manual menu via a collective group button (internal software button). Ten internal buttons are available.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

102 Basic Setting

The internal group button settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


System Int. Button

You can now select individual buttons from the list and adjust their settings. So long as no settings have been completed yet, the buttons will show (Int. Button 1), (Int.

Button 2) etc. If a button was already configured, the name or function will appear in-


Press the key of the button to be set. For each internal button the following settings can be changed:

Button type


Press the Reserve button. A selection menu appears. Select Int. Button or leave “Reserve” if the button is not being used for the moment.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.


Group Button 1

Press the button to change the name. Enter the desired name via the keypad that appears.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Confirm your input with the OK button.

Drive groups


Press the button to assign the internal buttons to drive groups or devices. All connected drives and devices appear. You can select several buttons. Confirm your selection with the OK button.

Only drives/devices with the same functions should be operated together with a single button (e.g. only blinds or only windows).

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

103 Basic Setting

6.1.4. Set up multifunctional outputs

To the multifunctional outputs you can connect:

• heatings

• air conditioners

• ventilation units

• lights

• roof gutter heatings

• alarm equipment

• dimmers

Specify here which devices are connected to the individual outputs. The settings for the multifunctional outputs can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


System Multif. Output

You can now select individual outputs from the list and adjust their settings. So long as no settings were completed yet, the buttons show (MF Output 1), (MF-Output 2) etc.

If an output was already configured, the function and/or name will be displayed instead.

Press the button of the output to be set. For each multifunctional output the following settings can be changed:

Output type


Press the Reserve button. The possible output types appear (heating, air-conditioner, ventilator, light, roof gutter heating, alarm, dimmer). Select as appropriate. You can test the relay function with the Close button. If a multifunctional output is not being used for the moment, leave “Reserve."

Confirm your selection with the OK button.


Name 1

Press the button to change the name. Enter the desired name via the keypad that appears.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Confirm your input with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

104 Basic Setting

6.1.5. Set up multifunctionals inputs

To the multifunctional inputs you can connect:

• alarm signal (motion or smoke detectors)

• climate indicators (e.g. a climate/heating unit that is independent of the control

• safty contacts

• close-contacts (for sliding doors)

• impulse for automatic reset

• signal for activation of the camera picture (binary input)

Specify here which devices are connected to the individual inputs.

When a motion-detector alarm is triggered and a sensor signal recognised, all windows connected to the control unit will be closed. After 5 minutes without a new sensor signal the control unit switches back to normal operation.

 7.3. Messages in the weather data display

The fire alarm activates various safety measures: awnings, blinds and shutters retract in order to clear an escape route, the light comes on, heatings and air-conditioning units switch off, windows and ventilators are opened or switched on. While the fire alarm is triggered an acoustic warning signal sounds at the control unit. The fire alarm can only be switched off by a Reset/Restart of the control system through the System

> WS1 / WS1000 Settings > Service > Reset menu or by cutting off the power sup-


 7.3. Messages in the weather data display

A heating or climate unit (climate detector) that works independent of the control unit can be connected to a multifunctional input with its potential-free relaiy contact.

The device signals the control via the closed relay contact that it is heating or cooling.

The control then closes all windows and switches off the ventilators. If the device opens the relay contact again, the control will hold the windows closed for a variable time and leave the ventilators switched off.

 3.3. Adjust ventilation block

A safety contact can be connected to the multifunctional inputs which will then be assigned to a drive output. If the safety contact is opened, then the drive will advance to the safe position (window closes, shade retracts) and manual operation is blocked.

This can ensure that the blind on a terrace door can't descend if the door is open. Take note that a safety contactis not capable of preventing collisions (e.g. if an awning is installed over a window).

A closed contact can be used on a multi-function input in order to determine if a sliding door is completely closed.

The multifunctional inputs may be used as the trigger for automatic reset. The input impulse may come e.g. following the pressing of a button or alarm activation.

If cameras are connected to the control system, the setting Binary Input can be used to activate the image display. For example, the signal can be connected to a bell on a

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

105 Basic Setting

multifunctional input and this can be configured as a binary input. Then the image of a camera can be shown in the screen as soon as the bell is rung.

The settings for the multifunctional inputs can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


System Multif. Input

You can now select individual inputs from the List and adjust their settings. So long as no settings were completed yet, the buttons show (MF Input 1), (MF Input 2) etc. If an output was already configured, the function and/or name will be displayed instead.

Press the button of the input to be set. For each multifunctional input the following settings can be changed:

Input type


Press the Reserve button. The possible input types appear (motion detector, smoke detector, climate detector, closed detector, automatic reset, binary input). Select as appropriate. If a multifunctional input is not being used for the moment, leave “Reserve”.

Confirm your selection with the OK button.


Name 1

Press the button to change the name. Enter the desired name via the keypad that appears.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Confirm your input with the OK button.

Status of input

It displays whether the relay is currently open or closed.

6.1.6. Wireless connections

Devices that communicate wirelessly with the control unit must first be learned by the control unit. These wireless actors include WGTH-UP Indoor Sensors, Remo 8 Remote

Controls, the Elsner ventilation units (WL610, WL305, WFL), RF-VM Ventilation Modules, RF Relay Wireless Switches or RF MSG Motor Control Units.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

106 Basic Setting

When learning wireless connections, always comply with the data sheet of the relevant wireless device. The instructions for learning WGTH-UP indoor sensors can be found in the Chapter Setting up a wireless connection using WGTH-UP.

Some devices have programming keys for learning the radio connection inside their housings. In this case, learning should only be performed by a trained electrician.

This menu allows you to learn, control and delete radio connections. Press the buttons:


System Radio Connection

Learn wireless connection


Press Learn to bring the control unit into learning readiness mode. Then follow the instructions for the respective wireless participant (press PROG key or switch power supply on).

As soon as the wireless connection has been established, the control unit reports “Device successfully learnt” and beeps. Press to go back to the menu.

If you want to learn several wireless components, repeat the learning procedure with all of them accordingly. If a device has already been learned, the message “The wireless connection to member XX (device type) has already been learned” appears.



Press Status to see which connections already exist.

WGTH Remo 8 RF Relay

WL305/610 WFL RF MSG

You can now select, monitor and adjust the settings for the individual wireless participants. If no adjustments have been made, the names of the wireless components are the same as the names of the devices. Later the names given are shown on the buttons.

Different operational data will be shown for the devices:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

107 Basic Setting

WGTH-UP indoor sensor

Radio module type


Radio status

WGTH status

Measured values


“WGTH“ display

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Radio status display

Display of serial number and version

Display of current values.

To adjust the sensor, press the Adjust button. Adjust the value for "Displayed temperature/humidity". A correction of measured values may be needed when the temperature/air humidity on the sensor does not correspond to the room average (e.g. when the sensor has been installed in a place with above-average temperatures) Confirm your entry using the OK key.

Press the Manual Menu button to set if the indoor sensor shall be displayed in the manual menu. Confirm your choice using the OK key.

WGT temperature sensor:

Radio module type


Radio status

WGT status

Measured values


“WGT“ display

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Radio status display

Display of serial number and version

Display of current value.

To adjust the sensor, press the Adjust button. Adjust the value for "Displayed temperature". Confirm your entry using the OK key.

Press the Manual Menu button to set if the indoor sensor shall be displayed in the manual menu. Confirm your choice using the OK key.

Remote control Remo 8

Radio module type

Radio module name

Serial number

“Remo 8“ display

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Display of serial number

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

108 Basic Setting

Drive groups Press the Allocate button to allocate drives and devices to the manual sender channels.

Select channel for the manual sender (channels 1 to 8).

Select the drives and/or devices to be controlled by the channel. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

Only drives/units with the same function should be controlled together using a single hand-held transmitter channel (for example, blinds or

windows alone).

WL610/WL305 roof vent

Radio module type

Radio module name

Radio status

WL305/610 status

Measured values


“WL305/610“ display

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Radio status display

Display of serial number, period, flap movements, version

Display of current temperature change on vent.

To adjust the sensor, press the Adjust button. Adjust the value for "Displayed temperature". Confirm your entry using the OK key.

Press the Manual Menu button to set if the vent shall be displayed in the manual menu. Confirm your choice using the OK key.

WFL air supply device

Radio module type

Radio module name

Radio status

WFL status

Measured values


“WFL“ display

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Radio status display

Display of Serial number, flap movements, version

Display of current temperature change on vent.

To adjust the sensor, press the Adjust button. Adjust the value for "Displayed temperature". Confirm your entry using the OK key.

Press the Manual Menu button to set if the vent shall be displayed in the manual menu. Confirm your choice using the OK key.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

109 Basic Setting

RF-VM ventilation module:

Radio module type

Type of automatic


Radio status

RF-VM status


“RF-VM“ display

Presss the button in order to set the function of the device attached to the ventilation module. Select Sup-

ply/Exh. Air or Fresh Air/Heating and confirm with

the OK button. The automatic menus will be updated to match.

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Radio status display

Display of Serial number and version

Press the Manual Menu button to set if the vent shall be displayed in the manual menu. Confirm your choice using the OK key.

RF relay

Radio module type

Type of automatic

Radio module name

Radio status

RF relay status


“RF-Relais“ display

To set what shall be connected to the RF relay, press the button. Select the type of automatic regime (heating, cooling, alarm, light, roof gutter heating, supply air, dimmer or none). If "Dimmer" or "None" is selected, the device can be switched on and off only by hand, there are no automatic regime menus. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Radio status display

Display of Serial number and version

Press the Manual Menu button to set if the device shall be displayed in the manual menu. Confirm your choice using the OK key.

RF-MSG motor control devices

Radio module type

Type of automatic

“RF-MSG“ display

To set what shall be connected to the RF-MSG relay, press the button. Select type of automatic regime (awning, window, sky roof, blinds). Confirm your entry using the OK key.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

110 Basic Setting

Radio module name

Radio status

RF-MSG status

Other settings

To change the name, press the button showing device identification. Enter the required name in the box which appears. Confirm your entry using the OK key.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Radio status display

Display of Serial number and version

Factory settings of drive

Set up movement times, settings

 Set up drives and drive groups, page 94

Delete wireless connection


Press Delete if you want to delete the connection to a wireless participant. All wireless participants available are shown:

WGTH Remo 8 RF Relay

WL305/610 WFL RF MSG

Select the wireless participant to be deleted. Confirm the question “Really delete wireless connection to member XX?” with Yes. The wireless connection is deleted.

6.1.7. Indoor sensor for weather display

In the weather data display, the values from a sensor (e.g. internal sensor of WS1 Color or wireless sensor WGTH-UP) can be displays. Wireless sensors have to be taught in to the control first.

Select the desired sensor here. Press the buttons:


System Weather Display

Sensor Selection

Press the button to reach the selection menu with the sensors. Then press the button of the desired sensor and confirm using the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

111 Basic Setting

6.1.8. Settings for communication with KNX

(WS1000 only)

Communication with the building bus system KNX is possible with WS1000 only. The control must be equipped with KNX interface for this purpose (optional accessory).

To set up the data exchange with the KNX system, please use the ETS software and follow the KNX Interface Guide. The KNX actuators and sensors provided for communication with the WS1000 Color are displayed in the KNX Settings menu and can be adjusted. Pres the buttons:


System KNX Settings Functional Blöcks

A list of all KNX actuators and sensors set up for communication with the control system (ETS) will be displayed. Press the button of the actuator or sensor that you wish to set.

Different operational data and setting options will be displayed for the devices:



Display of the block with number and type of input or output

Press the button with the device's designation in order to change the name. Enter the desired name via the keypad that appears. Confirm your selection using OK.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Display of communication status Status of KNX Block

(only for inputs)

Correction factor

(for 2/4 byte floating point inputs only)

Measuring unit

(for 2/4 byte floating point inputs only)


(varies depending on type of input/output)

Press the button in order to enter the correction factor for the value received by the bus. Enter the factor via the keypad that appears. Confirm your selection using


Press the button in order to input the measuring unit.

Enter the desired name via the keypad that appears.

Confirm your selection using OK.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and code

Press Manual Direction in order to adjust the assignment of the arrow keys (up/down, on/off). A selection menu appears. Select whether the drive shall retract

(or open) or extend (or close) when the button is pushed. Confirm your selection using OK.

Press Manual Menu in order to set whether the drive/ sensor shall be displayed in the manual menu or not.

Confirm your selection using OK.

The KNX drives and devices appear in the menu for Automatic Setting. The setting options for automatic functions are the same as for directly connected drives and devices.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

112 Basic Setting

6.1.9. Setting Camera Inputs

This menu point only appears if the control is equipped with a camera interface!

In order to set up camera interface and inputs, press the buttons:


System Camera

Camera 1/2

If you want to set both camera inputs, press the button with the name of the camera.

In the pre-settings, the cameras are called "Camera 1" and "Camera 2". You can change the names in this menu.

You can perform the following settings on each camera:

Test pattern

Using the camera


Camera off after ... (sec.)

Multif. Input

Press Show Picture, in order to show the current camera picture. If no camera is connected, nothing will be displayed.

Confirm your entry by pressing OK.

Press the button in order to activate or deactivate this camera. Select Yes or No.

Confirm your entry by pressing OK.

Press the button with the device's designation (pre setting: camera 1/2), in order to change the name. Enter the desired name using the key pad that appears. Confirm your selection using OK.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Press the button with the numeric value in order to set how long the camera's picture shall be displayed on the weather data screen. After the pre-set time has expired, the picture fades out. Enter the desired time (seconds) using the keypad that appears.

Confirm your entry by pressing OK.

Press the button Assign, in order to assign the camera to a multifunction-input. The camera then comes on automatically as soon as signal is picked up at this input (e. g. motion detector). Several inputs can also be selected. Confirm your entry by pressing OK.


Press the button if you want to de-activate the camera interface. This is only necessary if the interface fails or is removed when the control system is running and an error message is displayed ("Camera interface defect"). By de-activating the interface the er-

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

113 Basic Setting

ror message is suppressed and the weather animation will be displayed normally again.

De-activating: If the camera interface is to be turned off, select Yes.

Confirm your setting by pressing OK.

6.1.10.Configuring internal thermometer/ hygrometer of WS1

To configure the internal sensor of WS1, press the buttons:


System WS1 TH

Sensor type



Measured values


Display "WS1 TH"

Press the button with the device's designation (pre setting: Thermo/hygro), in order to change the name.

Enter the desired name using the key pad that appears.

Confirm your selection using OK.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Display of status

Display of the current values.

Press the button Adjust to adjust the sensor. Adjust the value at "displayed temperature/humidity". A correction to the values measured may be necessary if the temperature/humidity on the sensor does not match the average for the room (e.g. if the WS1 Color is installed at a site that is warmer than average). Confirm your selection using OK.

Press the Manual Menu button in order to set whether the drive/sensor shall be displayed in the manual menu or not. Confirm your selection using OK.

6.1.11.Define channel order

This is where you define the order in which the drives and devices are shown in the menues. Press the buttons:


System Channel Order

Here all configured drives and devices (“channels”) are displayed. Note that the list also includes those channels that do not appear in the manual menu. The display in the

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

114 Basic Setting

manual menu can be activated or de-activated in the base settings for every single channel.

 6.1. Set up drives and drive groups

Press the button of the channels to be changed and shift them with the arrow keys that appear on the right.

Confirm the new sequence with the OK button.


WS1 / WS1000 Settings

In the menu area System > WS1 / WS1000 Settings you can adjust the following settings:

• Change personal data such as time/date and location and adjust the screen display to your personal preferences (Settings)

• Restart, reset to factory defaults and change internal settings of the control


• Set an access code to protect the “Installation” and “Automatic Settings” menus from unauthorised changes

• Storing the set-up data for the control system on the SD card or reading the data from the SD card

6.2.1. Settings

In the menu area System > WS1 / WS1000 Settings > Settings you can adjust the following settings:

• Time and date

• Language

• Display

• Calibrate touch

• Time zone

• Location

• Logo lighting

Enter time and date manually

Time and date are normally received by the weather station via the DCF77 respectively

GPS signal. Reception is normally available within around 10 minutes of starting up the system. The date and time is then shown on the weather data display on the lower right.

If no time signal is available, “Please set clock!” will show permanently in the display.

While this is being displayed, no weather animations can be shown. In this case, you should set the clock by hand.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

115 Basic Setting

The time settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000



Time and Date

Set the time and date by pressing the hour, minute, second, day, month and year fields after one another and setting the current values.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Change language

The menus can be shown in German, English, French or Italian. Press the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000




Select the desired language for the menues by pressing the button. Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Adjust screen

The brightness and automatic shutdown of the display can be adjusted individually.

Press the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000




In the menu that appears you can switch the automatic brightness adjustment on and off. For this press the On or Off button.

The automatic brightness adjustment adjusts the display screen to the light conditions in the room (the darker the room, the darker the display screen lighting). Touching the display screen increases the brightness by 30% in order to ensure excellent legibility. If no further operation is performed within one minute, the screen brightness is reduced once again. This automatic darkening saves energy.

If the automatic function is off, the screen brightness can be set in percent. For this press the % value. Using the arrow keys that appear you can adjust the value. Default setting: On.

Using the automatic switch-off, you can determine whether the display lighting should be switched off. Press the button Off / When ambience dim / On until the desired setting is visible. Pre-set: Off.

If the automatic switcht-off is set to On, the display lighting will be turned off if no command is given for 5 minutes. If the screen is touched, it re-activates.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

116 Basic Setting

If the automatic switch-off is set to When ambience dim, then the display lighting will switch off if the room is dark. If the room is lit, the display lighting will automatically re-activate. If the screen is touched, it also re-activates. If no command is given for around 1 minute, the automatic switch-off darkens the screen again.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Select time zone

In order to display date and time correctly, the time zone (relating to GMT) must be specified here. In addition the automatic switch-over to summer time can be set.

You can reach the time zone settings by pressing the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000



Time zone

The time zone can be set by pressing the arrow keys in the menu that appears.

Examples for UTC difference:





United Kingdom













UTC difference

















Press the button next to Summertime Rule to set the automatic switch-over. Depending on location, select Europe, USA, None (if no summertime switch-over shall take place) or User-defined (if the switching shall be set individually).

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

117 Basic Setting

Enter location (only DCF weather stations)

The location must only be specified if the control unit is connected to a weather station with a DCF77 receiver!

The information about the building’s location is required for correct details of the sun’s position. If the location data is not correct, the shades will not be properly controlled.

The location settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000




In the menu that appears, you can enter the location as a city or as coordinates (longitude and latitude).


Select City to make a selection under Country and City from a list using the buttons.


Select Coordinates to specify the location numerically. Press the minute and second fields after one another for eastern longitude and northern latitude and set the values with the arrow keys that appear.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

Calibrate touch

If, when operating the touch display, you are forced to press “next to the button”, please perform a calibration here. Press the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000



Calibrate Touch

Follow the instructions on the display and press with a pointed object (preferably the enclosed control stylus) on the centre of the cross. This will adjust the touch surface.

Adjust logo lighting

The logo lettering under the display can be lit individually. The light can be switched on either when it gets dark or together with the screen. Colour and brightness are also

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

118 Basic Setting

adjustable. You can also switch off all the logo lighting.

Press the buttons:





Logo Lighting

In the menu that appears, you can adjust the RGB light components and thus determine the colour. The abbreviation RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue. Press the buttons consecutively to set the percentages. You can adjust the value with the arrow keys that appear.

The value in the left button determines the red component, the value in the centre the green component and the value in the right button the blue component of the light. If all values are at 0%, the light is off. If all values are at 100%, the light is white. The highest component dominates the colour of the light - in other words, 100% Red, 0% Green and 0% blue produce a red light.

You adjust the intensity of the light with Brightness. Adjust the percentage value with the directly adjacent arrow keys.

Use the button next to Automatic to set when the logo lighting is to be switched on:

To do this, press the button Off / On in darkness / Like display autom., until the desired setting is visible.

If the logo lighting is set to On in darkness, then the logo is lit when it is dark in the room. If the room is bright, the logo lighting will switch off again automatically.

If the setting is Like display automation, the logo is switched on together with the screen. Accordingly, if the screen was set to automatic switch-off, the logo lighting behaves similarly.

 6.2.1. Adjust screen

Confirm your settings using the OK button.

6.2.2. Service settings

In the menu area System > WS1 / WS1000 Settings > Service you can adjust the following settings:

• Reset (new start)

• Factory settings

• Internal area

In normal operation of the control unit, the service settings are not used. Damage may arise through inappropriate use!

Reset (new start)

Reset restarts the control system’s software. In the process, the automatic settings will be maintained. After starting up, all drives and devices will be in automatic mode.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


The Reset function can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000



Basic Setting


Press Reset and the control system restarts.

Factory settings

By resetting to the factory defaults all basic and automatic settings will be deleted. The control unit will once again be in the condition it was when delivered.

The Factory settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000



Factory Defaults

Select Factory Defaults. Enter the code “81” via the keypad which appears and confirm with the OK button. The factory settings will be loaded and the control system restarted.

Internal area

In the internal area, basic data of the device can be modified. You are not authorised to change this.

6.2.3. Access code

In the System > WS1 / WS1000 Settings > Access code menu area you can set an access code which locks the “Installation” and “Automatic Settings” menus against unauthorised changes. Manual operation of the control system remains possible at any time.

The access code settings can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000


Access Code

Here you can enter, change and delete a code.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

120 Basic Setting

Enter Code

Press the button to set a new code. Enter the desired access code via the keyboard that appears. The code will be shown in plain form.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The control system will now ask for this code before the menus are shown.

Change Code

Press the button to change an existing code. First of all enter the existing access code via the keyboard that appears. The code will be shown in plain form.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Confirm your input with the OK button.

Now enter the new access code via the keyboard.

Confirm your setting with the OK button.

The control system will now ask for this code before the menus are shown.

Delete Code

Press the button to delete an existing code, e.g. if you have forgotten the combination or do not want it to be locked any more. Enter the active code or the unlocking code

“123” via the keyboard that appears.

Confirm with the OK button. The control system shows “Access code deleted”. Press

to go back to the menu. The control system no longer has an access code.

Using an SD card

The WS1 Style / WS1000 Style has an SD card slot, which can be used to show the images on the display and to store or transfer the set-up data to the control system.


The SD card slot can be found on the inner face of the housing.

The display is held on the wall by magnets. It is connected to the power electronics in the concealed box with a cable. Lift the display unit to the front without breaking the cable connection.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

121 Basic Setting

The card is automatically recognised and the symbol „SD card“ appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the display. Once the image data have been saved onto the card, the symbol for "play-back" immediately appears in the weather data display. From here you can start the slideshow directly.

To remove the card, briefly push down on the card. The card pops up slightly out of the slot and can then be removed.

The SD card menu can be accessed by pressing the buttons:


WS1 / WS1000


SD Card

Show images on display

The WS1 Style / WS1000 Style can display digitally-stored image data as a slideshow or as individual images. For this, the image data must be saved onto an SD card and fulfil the following requirements:

• Data format Bitmap (BMP)

• Size 640 x 480 pixels

• Color intensity 24 bit or 16 bit

• No compression (RLE)

• The data must be saved in the uppermost level of the card's directory (root directory)


Press the button to start the slideshow. The images are displayed in the same sequence as they were saved onto the card (see note below). The image changes approx.

every 45 seconds (for images with 24-bit color intensity).

To return to the weather data display, touch the screen or remove the SD card (briefly press down on the card so that it pops out).


Press the button if you wish to show an individual image on the display. All images saved on the card will be displayed. Select the desired picture.

To return to the weather data display, touch the screen or remove the SD card (briefly press down on the card so that it pops out).

Note: The sequence of the catalogue of individual images and of the slideshow corre-

sponds to the sequence in which the images were saved onto the card. The images are not sorted according to name.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

122 Basic Setting

Saving and loading configuration data

The SD card can be used as a storage and transfer medium for set-up data to:

• Save personal settings

• Store summer and winter configurations on two SD cards

Load Config.

Press the button to transfer the settings data from the SD card to the control system.

All configuration data stored in the card's root directory will be displayed. Select the desired file. The data will be uploaded and the control system restarted.

Save Config.

Press the button to save the control system settings data onto the SD card. Enter the desired file name using the keyboard that appears (max. 7 characters). Confirm by pressing the OK button to save the information.

 2.4. Input keyboard for names and codes

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


7. Tables, diagrams, maintenance

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.



Care and maintenance

Maintenance of the weather station

The weather station must be checked for dirt on a regular, twice-yearly basis and cleaned if necessary. A dirty weather station can lead to strange results, such as the wind sensor failing to work, the station constantly announcing rain, or failure to detect sunlight.

Maintenance of the control unit

Finger marks on the touch screen are best removed with a damp cloth or a microfiber cloth. You can wipe the buttons without activating them.

Do not use abrasives / detergents or aggressive cleaners for cleaning.

If there is a power outage, the data you have entered will be saved for around 10 years.

No battery is required for this. Once power is restored, the clock must be set again. If there is time signal reception this takes place automatically.


Technical specifications

7.2.1. Technical specifications Control Unit

WS1 Style





Ambient temperature

Glass, plastic material

• White/grey

• Dark grey/black with reflective coating

Flush/cavity wall

Display front approx. 181 × 131 (W × H, mm), mounting depth approx. 8 mm, concealed box approx. 172 × 122 × 81 (W × H × D, mm)

Operation 0…+45°C, Storage -30…+70°C, avoid bedewing

230 V AC, 50 Hz

Stand-by max. 11 W

868.2 MHz

Operating voltage

Power consumption

Frequency wireless channels

Measurement range temperature

Resolution (temperature)

Measurement range humidity

Resolution (humidity)



0…100% rH


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


For assessing the product with regard to electromagnetic compatibility the following standards were used:

• EN 60730-1:2000-11 + A1:2004-09 + A11:2002 + A12:2003-09 + A13:2004-09

• ETS 300683 ed. 1:1997-06

• ETS 300220-1:09-2000

• ETS 300220-3:09-2000

The product was tested by an accredited EMC laboratory in accordance with the standards named.

7.2.2. Technical specifications Control Unit

WS1000 Style





Ambient temperature

Glass, plastic material

• White/grey

• Dark grey/black with reflective coating

Flush/cavity wall

Display front approx. 1270× 185 (W × H, mm), mounting depth approx. 9 mm, concealed box approx. 254 × 171 × 85 (W × H × D, mm)

Operation 0…+45°C, Storage -30…+70°C, avoid bedewing

230 V AC, 50 Hz

Stand-by max. 17 W

868.2 MHz

Operating voltage

Power consumption

Frequency wireless channels

For assessing the product with regard to electromagnetic compatibility the following standards were used:

• EN 60730-1:2000-11 + A1:2004-09 + A11:2002 + A12:2003-09 + A13:2004-09

• ETS 300683 ed. 1:1997-06

• ETS 300220-1:09-2000

• ETS 300220-3:09-2000

The product was tested by an accredited EMC laboratory in accordance with the standards named.

7.2.3. Technical specifications P03i-GPS




Protection category



Plastic material

White / translucent


IP 44 approx. 96 x 77 x 118 (W x H x D, mm) approx. 160 g

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Ambient temperature

Operating voltage

Heating rain sensor

Measurement range temperature

Resolution (temperature)

Accuracy (temperature)

Measurement range wind

Resolution (wind)

Accuracy (wind)

Operation -30…+50°C, Storage -30…+70°C

24 V DC approx. 1.2 W



±1.5°C at -25…+80°C

0…35 m/s

0,1 m/s at ambient temperature -20…+50°C:

±22% of the measurement value when incident flow is from 45…315°

±15% of the measurement value when incident flow is from 90…270°

(Frontal incident flow corresponds to 180°)

0…99 000 lux Measurement range brightness

Resolution (brightness) 1 lux at 0…120 lux

2 lux at 121…1,046 lux

63 lux at 1,047…52,363 lux

423 lux at 52,364…99,000 lux

± 35% Accuracy (brightness)

7.2.4. Technical specifications WGTH-UP




Protection rating


Total weight

Ambient temperature

Ambient air humidity

Operating voltage


Data output

Wireless frequency


Temperature measurement range

Plastic (partially painted)

• White, glossy (similar to RAL 9016 Traffic White)

• Matt aluminium

Flush-mounted (installed in wall within junction box

Ø 60 mm, 42 mm deep)

IP 20

Housing approx. 55 × 55 (W × H, mm)

Installation depth approx. 15 mm

Backplate approx. 71 × 71 (W × H, mm) approx. 50 g

Operating -20…+70°C, Storage -55…+90°C max. 95% rH, avoid condensation

7…30 V DC max. 35 mA


868.2 MHz

Proprietary protocol (Elsner RF)


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Resolution (temperature)

Accuracy (temperature)

Humidity measurement range

Resolution (humidity)

Accuracy (humidity)

Drift (humidity)

7.2.5. Units for sun and wind

The display of sun intensity is in lux or kilolux and is shortened in the display to lx or klx. The value 1 is reached even with overcast skies, 20 klx if the sun has just come out again and 100 klx is reached when there are cloudless skies at noon. Experience indicates that extending shades above 40 klx is to be recommended.

The display of wind speed is in meters per second and is shortened in the display to m/s. Depending on the position of the building and the installation position of the weather station, different values may be optimal in order to protect the shade or window. Observe the response of the awning or blinds or the window to wind and then correct the wind value accordingly.

The following table should make it easier to find the optimal values for your situation:



Light air

Light breeze

Gentle breeze


< 0,3




5,5-7,9 Moderate breeze

Fresh breeze

Strong breeze



Moderate gale 13,9-17,1

Fresh gale 17,2-20,7

Strong gale

Whole gale






> 32,6


± 0.9°C at 25°C

0…100% rH


0…20 % = ± 5% rH

20…80 % = ± 3% rH

80…100 % = ± 5% rH

± 0.5% rH per year in normal atmosphere


< 1












> 117






















> 63


< 1





Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.



Alarm and error messages

7.3.1. Weather data display messages

Various alarm and error messages can appear in the weather data display. In this case no weather animation will be shown.

Alarm from motion detector

is shown when a connected motion sensor has been activated. When there is a motiondetector alarm, windows close automatically; if applicable, the light is switched on. After 5 minutes without another signal from the motion detector, the warning disappears and the control system returns the windows to normal automatic mode.

Fire alarm! By “XX” (sensor name)

is shown if the control system receives a signal from a smoke detector. At the same time awnings and blinds retract, the light comes on, heatings and air conditioners switch off, windows and ventilators open/switch on. Manual operation is blocked. A warning system sounds at the control system. The fire alarm can only be switched off by a Reset/Restart of the control system through the System > WS1 / WS1000 Set-

tings > Service > Reset menu or by cutting off the power supply.

Please set clock!

is shown when the control system is first started or after a restart. As soon as a time signal is received, this message disappears. If no reception is available, please set the clock by hand.

 System > WS1 / WS1000 settings > Settings > Time and Date

 6.2. Enter time and date manually

Connection to weather station failed!

means that the control system is receiving no data from the weather station. Check the connection lead to the weather station and examine it if necessary. Manual operation of drives and devices without rain or wind alarm is still possible. Drives with selected rain or wind alarm move to the safe position.

RF868 wireless module faulty!

means that the internal wireless module is not working properly. Contact customer service to have the control unit checked.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


KNX interface faulty!

(only for WS1000 Color with KNX interface)

Indicates an error or defect in the KNX interface. There is no communication with the bus. If the ETS is set to allow weather data to be received from the bus, a wind or rain alarm is triggered on the control system. Get in touch with customer support to check the interface.

Camera interface faulty!

(only when a camera interface is installed)

Indicates an error or defect in the camera interface. Get in touch with customer support to check the interface.

Configuration memory faulty!

means that the memory for the automatic settings is not working properly. Contact customer service to have the control unit checked.

7.3.2. “Manual” menu messages

The manual menu displays the status of the drives, devices and sensors as well as any error messages (e. g. on/off, exhaust speed, slat position, etc.).

No response! Or Sensor fault as a status message from a wireless device

(e. g. wireless fan, drive to RF-MSG or WGTH-UP wireless sensor)

The control system receives no further information from the wireless receiver. Check the status of the wireless connection under System > Installation > Wireless con-

nection > Status. If the wireless system has a problem, this displays “Wireless status:

Receiver timeout”. Have the affected device checked.


as a status message from a KNX bus device

Indicates an error or fault in the KNX interface. There is no communication with the bus. If the ETS is set to allow weather data to be received from the bus, a wind or rain alarm is triggered on the control system. Get in touch with customer support to check the interface.

No measurement value received or Position unknown

as a status message from a wireless/KNX sensor or a KNX actuator

The control system has not yet received any data from a configured sensor (wireless or KNX) or KNX actuator. Once data is received, the message disappears.

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.



Connection diagrams

7.4.1. Diagrams WS1

Drive and MF outputs WS1:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Drive and MF outputs WS1-PF:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

Inputs WS1 and WS1-PF:


Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


7.4.2. Diagrams WS1000

Drive and MF outputs WS1000:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Drive and MF outputs WS1000-PF:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Inputs WS1000 and WS1000-PF:

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


7.4.3. Connection of several drives to one 230 V drive output

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


7.4.4. Use drive outputs for centralised control

Centralised control with IMSG 230 Motor Control Units

(230 V drive output)

Simple centralised control

Example for simple central control with motor-control devices in one drive group of the control system: IMSG230 motor-control devices with Up/Down buttons for manual operation on the spot.

Central with group formation

Example of central control with group formation with motor-control devices in one drive group of the control system: IMSG230 motor-control devices with Up/Down buttons for manual operation on the spot

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


Centralised control with IMSG-UC Motor Control Units

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.



Personal automatic settings data

Awnings, blinds, shutters

Drive no. (output)



Light intensity (kLUx)

Direction of sun

Height of sun

Movement position

Slat position for height of the sun of

Slat position





Indoor sensor

Indoor temperature (°C)

Night closure?

Timed closure (period)

Outdoor temperature (°C)

Wind alarm at (m/s),

Time exceeded

Rain alarm?

Automatic reset?

Reset following manual intervention?

Extension delay (min)

Retraction delay (min)

Twilight value (lux)

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.



Drive no. (output)


Normal, sliding window or step window?

Indoor sensor

Indoor temperature (°C)

Air humidity (%)

Supply air temperature block

Night-time re-cooling

(period, temp., position)

Movement position/ number of steps

Timed ventilation (period)

Outdoor temperature (°C)

Timed closure (period)

Wind alarm at (m/s),

Time exceeded

Rain alarm?

Gap opening during rain?


Automatic reset?

Reset following manual intervention?

Ventilation, heating and cooling units

No. (output)


Indoor sensor

Air humidity (%)

Indoor Temperature (°C)

Outdoor Temperature (°C)

Supply air temperature block

Exhaust air levels

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


No. (output)


Night-time re-cooling ventil.

(period, temperature)

Timed ventil. /Night mode

(period, temperature)

Heat recovery recirculation

(temperature, step)

Condensation air recirculation (level)

Automatic reset?

Reset following manual intervention?

Ventilation block via air-conditioning


Roof gutter heating

No. output


Temperature range (°C) from

Temperature range (°C) to

Automatic reset?

Reset following manual intervention?


No. (output)


Twilight operation

Time switch (period)

On at alarm?

Automatic reset?

Reset following manual intervention?

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.


















General settings

Time point for general automatic reset

Reset following manual intervention (min)

Timer time periods

Name from to

Control System WS1 Style / WS1000 Style • Status: 07.09.2012 • Errors excepted. Subject to technical changes.

Elsner Elektronik GmbH Control and Automation Technology

Herdweg 7

D – 75391 Gechingen Phone +49 (0) 70 56 / 93 97-0 [email protected]

Germany Fax +49 (0) 70 56 / 93 97-20 www.elsner-elektronik.de


WS1 Color

Control System for Buildings and for Conservatories

WS1000 Color

Control System for Buildings and for Conservatories

Installation and Operation


Key Features

  • Central control and operation unit
  • Weather station
  • Automatic functions for windows, awnings, blinds, shutters, heating, cooling, ventilation, light and roof gutter heating
  • Alarm functions for motion and smoke detectors
  • Manual operation via touch display
  • Wireless connection for additional devices
  • External button control
  • Slideshow playback
  • KNX bus system communication
  • Data storage on SD card

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of the weather station?
The weather station measures and displays various environmental parameters like outdoor and indoor temperature, air humidity, wind speed, precipitation, and time/date. This information helps to control the automatic functions based on real-time weather conditions.
How can I manually operate drives and devices?
You can directly control all connected drives and devices via the 'Manual' menu on the touch display. Use the buttons to select the drive or device and use the arrow keys or on/off buttons for operation.
How do I access the automatic settings for different devices?
You can access automatic settings by navigating to the 'Automatic Settings' menu. Here, you can define automatic functions for individual drives and devices, like extending awnings based on sunlight or closing windows when there is precipitation.
How can I connect external buttons?
You can connect external (wall) buttons to the control unit for manual operation of specific drives or devices. The System menu allows you to assign each button to a specific function.

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