Clarion APX 400.4 Car Amplifier Operation Installation Manual
Clarion APX400 is a full-featured 4-channel car audio amplifier with a wide range of capabilities to meet your audio needs. It boasts independent front and rear amplifier sections, allowing flexible system configurations like 2, 3, or 4 channel setups and mixed mode operation for driving satellite speakers and subwoofers. With built-in 12 dB per octave electronic crossovers, you can tailor the sound of each channel to your preference. It also features bass boost to enhance low frequencies, ensuring rich and full bass tones.
OPERATION INSTALLATION MANUAL clafton 4 Channel Power System Amplifier INTRODUCTION The APX400A IS The Clanon Clarion APX400.4 is aa full-featured full-featured four-channel four-channelamplifier. amplifier. It It comes comeswIth with the the folloWIng followmg features: features: •l Full frequency nOIse frequencyresponse responsewIth with low distortIon distortion and and exceptIOnal exceptionalsIgnal signal to noise performance performance •l Advanced bndgeable and AdvancedCIrcUIt circuit desIgn designfeatures featuresbridgeable and mIxed mixed mode mode operatIOn operationfor use m aa vanety use variety of of 4, 4,33 or 2 channel channelsystems systems •l Independent rear, low-pass/hlgh-pass Independentfront front and andrear, low-pass/high-passelectromc electromccrossovers crossoverseach each With per octave range (from 55Hz with aa 12dB 12dBper octaveslope slopeand and full adjustment adjustmentrange 55Hz to 550Hz 550Hz Front Front and and 55Hz 55Hz to 5.5kHz 5.5kHz Rear) Rear)to aId aid In m audio audio system systemdesign design •l Vanable bass boost boost CIrcUIt remforce low frequency may be be Variablebass cncmt to reinforce frequencysignals signalsthat that may lost due dueto subwoofer subwooferbox design design •l Adjustable AdjustableInput input level level controls controls With with ground groundloop loop IsolatIOn isolation acceptIng acceptingaa wide range of range of Input input signals signals •l Remote prevent tum-on Remotetum-on turn-on With with "soft “soft start" start” mutmg mutmg to prevent turn-on "thump" “thump” •l Pulse-WIdth modulated (PWM) MOSFET power supply Pulse-widthmodulated MOSFET power supply With with low AM AM RFI RF1 and protectIOn CircUits andprotection circuits for overheatIng overheatingand and speaker speakershorts shorts •l 2 ohm ohm load load capacity capacityto to dnve drive aa vanety variety of of speaker speakersystems systems •l Gold-plated Gold-platedInput/output mput/outputconnectors connectorsand and an an external externalautomotIVe automotivetype type fuse fuse •l Alummum heat diSSipatIOn Aluminum heat heat SInk smk for effiCient efficient heat dissipatton •l Low profile, compact compactsize size for space spacelimited InstallatIOns installations bABOUT THE MANUAL AND WARRANTY To please read read the the To start start enjoyIng enjoying your new new Clanon Clarion four-channel four-channelamplifier, amplifier, please InstructIOns reference. mstructtonslisted listed In m thiS this manual. manual. Keep Keep all InstructIOns instructionsfor future future reference. Please warranty card protect your purchase purchase Pleasefill fill out out and and send sendIn m the the enclosed enclosedwarranty card to protect and warranty service. proof of and aid aid In m warranty service. Also, save saveyour original original sales salesreceipt as as proof purchase. purchase. TABLE OF CONTENTS Descrlptlon •. •. ••••• . . . . . •. •. •. •. ••••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . •. ••••••••••••••• . . . . . ..*..o..o.~ DescrIption 3 Input ConnectIOns Connectionsand andAudio Controls Controls •••••••••••••••••••• 3 ConnectIOns Connectionsfor Power Powerand and Speakers Speakers•••••• • ••••••••••••••• 5 Applications ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 ApplicatIons 6 Installation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~*~~~~~ InstallatIon 11 Mo~tlngPrecautlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..oll 11 MountIng PrecautIons ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WirlngPrecautlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..***o*ll WirIng PrecautIons ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 &ttlngth&aln l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 SettIng the GaIn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 13 Se~lngtheCrossover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...013 13 Setting the Crossover ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Se~lngtheBassBoost l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Setting the Bass Boost ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 FinalSystemChecks l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 • ••• 14 Final System Checks •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Troubleshooting •••••••• . . . . . . . . •. ••••••• . . . . . . . •. •••••••••••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...14 14 TroubleshootIng ProductSpecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .ee.15 15 Product Specs •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nofes..o.......o..............................ol5 Notes· • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 l 2 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l OWNER'S MANUAL DESCRIPnON The Clanon APX400.4 4-channel car audio amplifier IS an excellent choice for creatmg a vanety of multi-channel sound systems. It features built-m system deSign flexibility that allows you to create a 2, 3 or 4 channel amplifier With a flip of a sWitch. You can also configure the front or rear amplifier sectIOns for a mixed mode operatIOn to dnve a set of satellite speakers and/or subwoofer. The built-m 12 dB per octave electrOnIc crossover lets you custom tailor the sound of the front and rear channels, usmg two mdependent filters With adjustable crossover frequencies for high-pass or low-pass filtermg. The amplifier also uses an unregulated MOSFET power supply for supenor control of output wattage. A torOid-coil transformer yields maximum power transfer With minImum heat loss. Careful CirCUit deSign keeps AM RFI at low levels, so you won't hear unwanted nOise when the level IS cranked up. ProtectIOn CirCUits safeguard the amplifier when overheatmg and speaker shorts or Improper load conditIOns occur. All connections and controls are on the end panels and are easy to understand. We use gold-plated RCA and bamer connectors to ensure the best electncal connectIOn for your system. Included are external automotive type fuses that are easy to replace. INPUT CONNECTIONS AND AUDIO CONTROL The front panel of the APX400.4 contams connectIOns for RCA Inputs and Audio Control as shown below. The Input ConnectIOns are gold-plated RCA Jacks and are labeled as FRONT Figure 1- 2 6 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Front RCA Input Jacks Rear RCA Input Jacks Front Gam Control Rear Gam Control Bass Boost Control Rear Channel Input Selector Front Input Mode SWitch 11 14 8. Rear Input Mode SWitch 9 Speaker Level Inputs 10. Front Frequency Control 11. Front X-Over Mode SWitch 12. Rear Frequency Control 13. Multiplier SWitch 14. Rear X-Over Mode SWitch 3 clarion 4 Channel Power System Amplifier RIGHT, FRONT LEFT, REAR RIGHT and REAR LEFT. The Gam Controls provIde a wIde adjustment range to accommodate output levels from any brand of source umt. • Gain Controls - Seperate Front and Rear Gam Controls allow you to set the nommal operatmg level of the amplifier. The amplifier's range, 250mV to 2.5V for RCA mputs or 500mV to 5V for speaker level mputs, can accommodate mput levels from vIrtually any brand of source umt. • Bass Boost Control - The amplifier also features a "high-Q" (i.e. narrow frequency band) Bass Boost CIrcUit. It acts much like an equalizer, wIth adjustable gam (from 0 to + 18dB) fixed at 45Hz. Use thIS feature to tune lowfrequency audio response to compensate for a less than Ideal subwoofer enclosure desIgn. The added boost produces nch, full bass tones that are normally difficult to reproduce m the car audio enVIronment. Note: If Bass Boost IS undesIred, set Bass Boost to OdB. High-passlLow-pass Filter Controls • Freq (Hz) Controls - The front crossover frequency IS fully adjustable between 55Hz and 550Hz. The rear crossover frequency IS fully adjustable between 55Hz and 5500Hz (vIa the Rear Crossover Frequency MultIplier) for a wIde range of crossover pomts. Use thIS feature, along wIth your speaker manufacturer's recommended crossover frequencIes, to qUickly desIgn a more advanced system (see ApplicatIons on page 6.) NOTE: If eIther of the X-Over Mode SWItches IS set to OFF, varymg the Freq (Hz) Control will produce no effect. • Rear X-Over Frequency Multiplier Switch - When engaged, thIS sWItch mcreases the crossover frequency of the rear channels by a factor of 10. Example: If the Freq (Hz) dial IS set for 240Hz, pushmg m the multIplier SWItch changes the settmg to 2400Hz. • X-Over Mode Switches - These sWItches are eqUipped wIth 12dB per octave electromc filters for preCIse frequency attenuatIOn wIth mimmal phase distortIOn. The steep crossover slopes keep mIdrange tones out of the subwoofer and thereby elimmatmg an unnatural "nasal" tone quality m the audio system. Each filter IS actIvated by sliding the X-Over Mode SWItch to eIther LP or HP. • Input Mode Switches - These sWItches allow you to set the mput mode for front and rear channels. Stereo mput allows full left and nght stereo operatIOn. RIght (bndged) mput allows smgle channel mput for bndged operatIOn. ThIS IS espeCIally useful m hIgh-powered systems when usmg the APX400A as a bndged 2 channel amplifier. L + R (sum mono) allows a stereo mput to be summed mto a mono output. 4 OWNER'S MANUAL • Rear Channel Input Select - ThIS sWItch allows you to use a 2 channel mput to dnve all 4 channels of thIS amplifier. • Speaker Level Inputs - These provIde connectIOns for a hIgh-level stereo source. In additIOn, these connectIOns are provIded for mstallatIOns where the source umt's RCA outputs are unavailable. WARNING: When usmg the speaker (hIgh-level) mputs, the Black WIre must be grounded at the Radio. Failure to do thIS will result m nOIse and Improper operatIOn. CONNECTIONS FOR POWER AND SPEAKERS The rear panel of the APX400.4 contams power and speaker connectIOns as shown below. 6 2 Figure 2- ~BA~~ED~ ':~ biJr@ [irijl j @ ----\------11------------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 7 8 Left Front Speaker Output RIght Front Speaker Output Remote Tum-on Input Ground Input 5. 6. 7 8. u! ® Battery + 12v Input 40 Amp Fuse Left Rear Speaker Output RIght Rear Speaker Output 5 clarion 4 Channel Power System Amplifier APPLICATIONS The Clanon APX400.4 4-channel car audio amplifier can be used In a vanety of system applicatiOns. We've enclosed some example systems to help plan your own InstallatiOn. 4-Channel Full-Range Stereo System RL Full Range FR Full Range RR Full Range FL Full Range Figure 3 - In thIS applicatiOn, the APX400.4 IS used as a 4-channel amplifier to dnve four full-range speakers In stereo. 6 OWNER'S MANUAL 4-Channel Stereo System 2-Channels High-Pass, 2-Channels Low-Pass FRONT GAIN REAli GAIN =:1 [dB] ..(0)..~,~ 2.SV 2.11V 18 I~~~~f::t'E~\~ I tiS NT FRONT REAR w/OI\S& I:!§EfJ FRONT BOOST~ ,"::~ ..,'~' ':':~'" "~ ~ "~ 330 ~: flo",O ~.p .;-<,; tL:J lP HP OFF 330 ~1 &Xl0 R Satellite L Satellite L Subwoofer R Subwoofer Figure 4 - In this 4-channel system, the APX400A dnves a pair of stereo satellites for th efront and a pair of stereo subwoofers for the rear. Note the fil ter settmgs. 7 clarion 4 Channel Power System Amplifier 2-Channel Stereo System with Low-Pass Bridged Mono Channel LSatellite R Satellite 2-way Passive Crossover Subwoofer Figure 5 - The APX400A can also be used to dnve a pair of stereo satellites for the front and a smgle mono subwoofer for the rear. Note the filter settmgs. 8 OWNER'S MANUAL 2-Channel High Power Systems (Satellite or Subwoofer) Bridged L Satellite Bridged L Subwoofer -- -- 2-way Passive Crossover Bridged A Satellite Bridged R Subwoofer Figure 6 - The APX400A can be set up as a 2-channel hIgh-power amplifier to dnve a pair of satellites (or subwoofers). 9 clanon 4 Channel Power System Amplifier Mixed-Mode System On Rear; Full-Range Speakers On Front L Full Range L Speaker R Speaker c L Full Range + L FREQ (hz) l(mH} C (uF) 80 100 125 150 200 8.0 6.4 5.1 4.2 3.2 497 398 318 265 199 Subwoofer 4 ohms NOTE: Chart values based on 4 ohm speakers. Figure 7 - The amplifier can be configured for a mixed-mode operatiOn on either channels 1/2 or 3/4 amplifier sectiOns. The table provides component values to create a 6dB per octave crossover at specified frequencies. Use components that have a ± 5% tolerance and capacitors rated at lOOV NOTE: Choose the same frequency for both LP and HP crossovers. Do not overlap frequencies, as thiS may damage the amplifier. 10 OWNER'S MANUAL INSTALLATION This sectIOn lists Mounting and Winng PrecautIOns for Installing the Clanon APX400.4. Combined with the expenence of a professIOnal Installer, these safeguards provide enough detail to successfully complete an installatIOn. If you do not have the necessary skills, do not Install the amplifier yourself. Instead, see your authonzed Clanon dealer for installation recommendatIOns. MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS Although the Clanon APX400.4 Incorporates heat sinks and protectIOn cIrcUIts, mounting the amplifier In a tight space without any air movement can still damage Internal circUitry over time. Choose a site that provides adequate ventilatIOn around the amplifier. For easy system set-up, mount the amplifier so the front panel controls will be accessible after installatIOn. In additIOn, observe the following precautIOns: 1. For the most effiCient cooling, mount the amplifier so cool air runs along the length of the fins rather than across them. Remember, any moving air will diSSipate heat. 2. Mount the amplifier on a ngld surface. AVOId mounting to subwoofer enclosures or areas prone to vibratIOn. Do not Install the amplifier on plastic or other combustible matenals. 3. Pnor to drilling, make sure proposed mounting holes will not cut Into the fuel tank, fuel lines, brake lines (under chaSSIS), or electncal wmng. WIRING PRECAUTIONS Read all wmng precautIOns. If you are not sure of the connectIOns, contact your authonzed Clanon dealer. 1. Before installatIOn, make sure the source umt Power sWitch IS In the OFF posItion. 2. Disconnect the negative (-) lead of the battery before making any power connectIOns. 3. When making connectIOns, be sure that each connectIOn IS clean and secure. Insulate final connectIOns with electncal tape or shnnk tubing. Failure to do so may damage your eqUipment. 4. A secure clean ground connectIOn IS cntlcal to the performance of your Clanon amplifier. Use the shortest ground wire possible snd securely connect to the car chaSSIS to minimize resistance and aVOid nOise problems. 5. Add an external fuse on the amplifier's positive (+) power lead and connect It as close as possible to the vehicle's (+) battery terminal. Use a rating that equals the total current consumptIOn at full output of all amplifiers In the system. Adding an external fuse will protect the electncal system from short CirCUits that can cause a fire. 11 clanon 4 Channel Power System Amplifier 6. Refer to the Figure 8 when maklllg electncal connectIOns. Connect the amplifier's positive (+) lead Via a fuse directly to the positive (+) termmal on the battery. Do not connect this Wire to the car's fuse panel. Use red-lllsulated la-gauge (or larger) WIre for the amplifier's pOSItive (+) power lead and the same-gauge black msulated WIre for the ground. 7 When replacmg the amplifier's fuse, always use one havmg the same current ratmg. SubstItutmg a hIgher-rated fuse or a slow-blow type can result m senous damage to the amplifier. 8. Never ground the speakers to the vehIcle chassis or body. 9 Make sure that your vehIcle's electncal system (alternator, battery, etc.) IS capable of handling the additional load. If you are plannlllg a multI-amplifier system, you may need to add a second battery and possibly upgrade the alternator with a hIgher-output rated model. Consult your authonzed Clanon dealer for recommendatIOns. 10. To avoId nOIse problems, run the amplifier's posItIve (+) power lead along one sIde of the vehIcle to the battery. Run the remote tum-on WIre and RCA audio cables down the center, and route the speaker WIres along the remammg sIde. If WIres must cross, run them perpendicular to each other. 11. When creatmg passage holes for the power WIre, use grommets to elimmate any sharp edges created durmg drilling. ThIS will protect the WIre from belllg mcked and causmg a short CIrcUIt. 12. Extra cable can cause sIgnal loss and act as an "antenna" for nOIse. Use only hIgh-quality RCA cables that are no longer than necessary to make a direct connectIOn wIth the source umt or equalizer. Lefl Fronl Speaker LeflFrontSpeaker+ Le1tRearSpeakef+- ;@, ~, ..__ ----IJ\, ~ Figure 8 - Electncal connectIOns for the APX400.4 12 " OWNER'S MANUAL SEmNG THE GAIN After completmg the mstallatIOn, follow these steps to set the Gam Control and then perform the Final System Checks. 1. Tum the Gam Control all the way counter-clockwIse. 2. Tum the vehIcle's IgllltIOn SWItch to the ON posItIOn. Then tum the ON/OFF SWItch on the source UllltS to the ON posItIOn. Set all Tone or EqualizatIOn Controls to "flat" posItIons and tum Loudness off. 3. Playa CD or Tape and set the Volume Control at 75% of full level. Note: If the system uses an equalizer, set ItS frequency controls to "flat" posItIons. 4. Slowly mcrease the Gam Control. Stop when you hear a slight distortIOn of audio. SEmNG THE CROSSOVER The Clanon APX400.4 features fully adjustable front and rear crossovers. To set the crossovers, follow these steps. 1. Usmg the X-Over Mode SWItch, select the desIred mode - LP for Low Pass, HP for High Pass and OFF for Full Range. 2. Usmg the Freq (Hz) SelectIOn Control, select the desIred frequency. If the desIred frequency exceeds the range of the Freq (Hz) SelectIOn Control, press the Crossover Frequency MultIplier SWItch to mcrease the value by a multIplier of 10. -For example, 55Hz x 10 = 550Hz or 550Hz x 10 = 505kHz. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for both the front and rear crossovers. SEmNG THE BASS BOOST 1. IllltIally set the Bass Boost control to ItS full left posItIon (i.e. OdB). 2. LIsten to a vanety of mUSIC styles (e.g. Rock, Rap, etc.) and slowly mcrease the Bass Boost control until a notIceable mcrease m low bass response IS perceIVed. 3. Slowly adjust the Bass Boost control (up or down) to realize the best bass response. CAUTION: If you hear a "pop" (due to speaker over-excursIOn), lower the Bass Boost to prevent speaker damage. If the system sounds muddy and distorted (due to amplifier clippmg), lower Bass Boost to avoId shutdown from overheatmg. 13 clarion 4 Channel Power System Amplifier FINAL SYSTEM CHECKS 1. Start the engme and turn on the source umt. After a two-second delay, slowly mcrease the Volume Control and listen to the audio. If you hear any nOIse, static, distortiOn or no sound at all, check the connectiOns, and also refer to Troubleshootmg. Depending on your system desIgn, the levels may become qmte loud even at low Volume Control settmgs. Until you get an "audio feel" of the system's power, use care when adjustmg controls. 2. Tum the Balance Controls to theIr extreme posItions and listen to the results. Audio output should match control settmgs (audio from the left speaker when balance IS left). 3. Increase the volume and venfy that the amplifier reproduces audio (at full frequencIes) WIthout distortiOn. If you hear distortiOn, check the connectiOns and venfy that the Gam Control IS set correctly. Another possibility IS damaged speakers or under-powered speakers. Once agam refer to Troubleshootmg for additiOnal help. TROUBLESHOOTING Problem NoAudio. Solutipn Low or no remote rum-on voltage. Check remote connections at amplifier and source unit. Blown amplifier fuse. Replace with new fast-blow fuse (same rating). Power wires not connected. Check battery and ground wiring at amplifier; also check battery connections. i Speaker leads shorted. Check speaker continuity to ground, it should not show i a common ground. Speakers not connected or are blown. Check speaker connections at amplifier, measure coil impedance. PrQklcJtl Audio cycles on and off. SQ/ufWn Thermal protection circuits are shutting amplifier off. Check location for adequate ventilation; consult an authorized Clarion Audio Dealer Distorted audio. ~ Gain is not set properly, or damaged speaker cones. Review Setting Gain; nspect each speaker cone for signs of damage (Le. frozen cone, burning smell, ; M~ 14 ~ OWNER'S MANUAL ! Problem Audio lacks punch. Solution kern wired incorrectly, which causes cancellation of bass frequencies. k polarity of wires from amplifier to each speaker as defined by the system design. Problem Amplifier fuse keeps blowing. ,Solution I Incorrect wiring or short circuit. Review Installation and check all wiring connections. ,Problem Whining or ticking noise in the audio with engine on. Solution Amplifier is picking up alternator noise or radiated noise. Tum down input gain; move audio cables away from power wires. Check power and ground connections on amplifier; install an in-line noise filter on source unit's power wire; check alternator and/or voltage regulator; test for weak battery or add water to battery I PRODUCT SPECS APX400.4 Frequency Response Signal NOise Ratio THD Input SensitiVity Low Level Input Sensitivity Speaker Level Max. Power Output Cont. Power Output 2-0hm Stereo Output Bndged Power DimenSions Current Consumption @ Max Power Output 20Hz - 20kHz >95db .05% all channels dnven 250mV - 2.5V 500mV - 5V 380w (190 x 2) 200w (50w x4) @.08% THD 90 x 4 @ .8% THD 190 [email protected]%THD 21/8" H x 81/4" W x 12" L 46A @ 380 Watts 15 clariOri CAR AUDIOQBEYOND 661 W. Redondo Beach Blvd. Gardena. CA 90247 1-800-GO-CLARION APX400.4-10 Rev.1 (02100) ATTENTION INSTALLER!!! When using the speaker (high-level) inputs, the Black wire must be grounded at the Radio. Failure to do this will result in noise and improper operation. For more information, please see the owners guide. ">
Key features
- 4-Channel Operation
- Built-in Crossover
- Bass Boost
- High-Pass/Low-Pass Filter
- MOSFET Power Supply
- 2-Ohm Stability
- Gold-Plated Connectors
- Protection Circuits
- Remote Turn-On
Frequently asked questions
The Bass Boost control acts like a narrow band equalizer to boost low frequencies by 0 to 18 dB at 45Hz. It can help compensate for subwoofer enclosures that may not be ideal.
The X-Over Mode Switches allow you to select high-pass, low-pass, or full-range mode for each channel. They use 12dB per octave electronic filters to create a steep crossover slope and minimize phase distortion, which can help improve the overall sound quality.
You can use this switch to use a 2-channel input to drive all 4 channels of the amplifier.
The APX 400.4 has a maximum power output of 380 watts (190 x 2)
The APX 400.4 is 21/8" H x 81/4" W x 12" L
The APX 400.4 can be used in a variety of system applications. For example, you can use it to drive a pair of stereo satellites and a single mono subwoofer, or a pair of high-power satellites (or subwoofers).