Omega FMA-7400/7500 Series Owner Manual
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It is designed with the ever changing process conditions, accuracy requirements and hostile process environments in mind to provide you with a lifetime of dependable service. We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety. Should you require any additional information concerning Omega products and services, please contact your local Omega Engineering office listed on the inside front cover of this manual or visit THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Contents FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Paragraph Number Page Number Section 1 Introduction 1-1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1-1 Section 2 Device Configuration and Wiring 2-1 Device Configuration .................................................................................................................. 2-1 2-2 Wiring ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure 3-1 Message Protocol Structure ........................................................................................................ 3-1 3-2 Addressing Concept ................................................................................................................... 3-1 3-3 Character Coding ....................................................................................................................... 3-1 3-4 Message Format ......................................................................................................................... 3-2 3-4-1 Message Structure ............................................................................................................ 3-2 3-4-2 Preamble Characters ........................................................................................................ 3-2 3-4-3 Start Character ................................................................................................................. 3-3 3-4-4 Address Characters .......................................................................................................... 3-3 3-4-5 Command Character ......................................................................................................... 3-5 3-4-6 Byte Count Character ....................................................................................................... 3-5 3-4-7 Status Characters ............................................................................................................. 3-5 3-4-8 Data Characters ............................................................................................................... 3-6 3-4-8-1 8-Bit Unsigned Integer Format .................................................................................... 3-6 3-4-8-2 24-Bit Unsigned Integer Format .................................................................................. 3-7 3-4-8-3 IEEE 754 Floating Point Format ................................................................................. 3-7 3-4-8-4 ASCII Data Format ..................................................................................................... 3-7 3-4-8-5 Packed-ASCII (6-Bit ASCII) Data Format .................................................................. 3-7 3-4-8-6 Checksum Characters ................................................................................................ 3-8 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications 4-1 Master/Slave Communications .................................................................................................... 4-1 4-1-1 RS485 Line Handling ........................................................................................................ 4-1 4-2 Establishing Communications with a Device ............................................................................... 4-2 4-2-1 Example of Using Command #11 ...................................................................................... 4-4 4-3 Alarm Configuration and Monitoring ........................................................................................... 4-6 4-4 Error Handling ............................................................................................................................ 4-6 4-5 Examples .................................................................................................................................... 4-7 4-5-1 Reading Flow Rate ............................................................................................................ 4-7 4-5-2 Sending the Setpoint ......................................................................................................... 4-8 Section 5 General Transmitter Information 5-1 Referenced Documents .............................................................................................................. 5-1 5-2 Unit Conversions ........................................................................................................................ 5-1 5-2-1 Flow Rate Conversions ...................................................................................................... 5-1 5-2-2 Temperature Conversions .................................................................................................. 5-2 i Contents FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Paragraph Number Page Number Section 6 Universal Command Specifications 6-1 Command #0 Read Unique Identifier .......................................................................................... 6-1 6-1-1 Command #0 Specific Response Codes ........................................................................... 6-2 6-2 Command #1 Read Primary Variable ......................................................................................... 6-2 6-2-1 Command #1 Specific Response Codes ........................................................................... 6-3 6-3 Command #2 Read Primary Variable Current and Percentage of Rate ...................................... 6-3 6-3-1 Command #2 Specific Response Codes ........................................................................... 6-3 6-4 Command #3 Read Current and all Dynamic Variables .............................................................. 6-4 6-4-1 Command #3 Specific Response Codes ........................................................................... 6-5 6-5 Command #6 Write Polling Address ........................................................................................... 6-5 6-5-1 Command #6 Specific Response Codes ........................................................................... 6-6 6-6 Command #11 Read Unique Identifier Associated with Tag ........................................................ 6-6 6-6-1 Command #11 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 6-7 6-7 Command #12 Read Message .................................................................................................... 6-8 6-7-1 Command #12 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 6-8 6-8 Command #13 Read Tag, Descriptor, Date ................................................................................ 6-9 6-8-1 Command #13 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 6-9 6-9 Command #14 Read Primary Variable Sensor Information ....................................................... 6-10 6-9-1 Command #14 Specific Response Codes ........................................................................ 6-10 6-10 Command #15 Read Output Information .................................................................................... 6-11 6-10-1 Command #15 Specific Response Codes ...................................................................... 6-12 6-11 Command #16 Read Final Assembly Number ............................................................................ 6-12 6-11-1 Command #16 Specific Response Codes ...................................................................... 6-12 6-12 Command #17 Write Message .................................................................................................. 6-13 6-12-1 Command #17 Specific Response Codes ...................................................................... 6-13 6-13 Command #18 Write Tag, Descriptor, Date ............................................................................... 6-14 6-13-1 Command #18 Specific Response Codes ...................................................................... 6-15 6-14 Command #19 Write Final Assembly Number ........................................................................... 6-15 6-14-1 Command #19 Specific Response Codes ...................................................................... 6-15 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications 7-1 Command #37 Set Primary Variable Lower Range Value ........................................................... 7-1 7-1-1 Command #37 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 7-1 7-2 Command #38 Reset Configuration Changed Flag ..................................................................... 7-1 7-2-1 Command #38 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 7-2 7-3 Command #39 EEPROM Control ................................................................................................ 7-2 7-4 Command #42 Perform Master Reset ......................................................................................... 7-3 7-5 Command #48 Read Additional Transmitter Status ..................................................................... 7-3 7-5-1 Command #48 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 7-3 7-6 Command #50 Read Dynamic Variable Assignments ................................................................. 7-4 7-6-1 Command #50 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 7-4 7-7 Command #59 Write Number of Response Preambles .............................................................. 7-5 7-7-1 Command #59 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 7-5 7-8 Command #66 Enter/Exit Fixed Analog Output Mode .................................................................. 7-6 7-8-1 Command #66 Specific Response Codes ......................................................................... 7-7 ii Contents FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Paragraph Number Page Number 7-9 Command #67 Trim Analog Output Zero .....................................................................................7-8 7-9-1 Command #67 Specific Response Codes .........................................................................7-9 7-10 Command #68 Trim Analog Output Span .................................................................................. 7-10 7-10-1 Command #68 Specific Response Codes..................................................................... 7-11 7-11 Command #122 Write Device Indentification Number (Non-Public) .......................................... 7-12 7-12 Command #123 Select Baud Rate ............................................................................................ 7-13 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications 8-1 Command #128 Enter/Exit Write Protect Mode (Non-Public) .................................................... 8-1 8-8-1 Command #128 Specific Response Codes ...................................................................... 8-1 8-2 Command #131 Read Serial Number ......................................................................................... 8-2 8-2-1 Command #131 Specific Response Codes ....................................................................... 8-2 8-3 Command #132 Read Model Number ......................................................................................... 8-3 8-2-1 Command #132 Specific Response Codes ....................................................................... 8-3 8-4 Command #134 Read Software Revisions .................................................................................. 8-4 8-4-1 Command #134 Specific Response Codes ....................................................................... 8-4 8-5 Command #150 Read Process Gas Type ................................................................................... 8-5 8-5-1 Command #150 Specific Response Codes ....................................................................... 8-5 8-6 Command #151 Read Gas Density, Flow Reference and Flow range ......................................... 8-6 8-6-1 Command #151 Specific Response Codes ....................................................................... 8-7 8-7 Command #152 Read Full Scale Flow Range ............................................................................. 8-8 8-8 Command #190 Read Standard Temperature and Pressure ....................................................... 8-9 8-8-1 Command #190 Specific Response Codes ....................................................................... 8-9 8-9 Command #191 Read Operational Settings ............................................................................... 8-10 8-9-1 Command #191 Specific Response Codes ...................................................................... 8-11 8-10 Command #193 Read Operational Settings ............................................................................... 8-12 8-10-1 Command #193 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-12 8-11 Command #195 Select Gas Calibration ..................................................................................... 8-12 8-11-1 Command #195 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-13 8-12 Command #196 Select Flow Unit ............................................................................................... 8-13 8-12-1 Command #196 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-14 8-13 Command #197 Select Temperature Unit ................................................................................... 8-14 8-13-1 Command #197 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-15 8-14 Command #215 Read Setpoint Settings .................................................................................... 8-16 8-14-1 Command #215 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-16 8-15 Command #216 Select Setpoint Source .................................................................................... 8-17 8-15-1 Command #216 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-17 8-16 Command #218 Select Softstart ................................................................................................ 8-18 8-16-1 Command #218 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-19 8-17 Command #219 Write Linear Softstart Ramp Value .................................................................. 8-19 8-17-1 Command #219 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-20 8-18 Command #220 Read PID Controller Values ............................................................................. 8-20 8-18-1 Command #220 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-20 8-19 Command #221 Write PID Controller Values ............................................................................. 8-21 8-19-1 Command #221 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-22 8-20 Command #222 Read Valve Range and Valve Offset ................................................................. 8-22 iii Contents FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Paragraph Number 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25 8-26 8-27 8-28 8-29 8-30 8-31 8-32 8-33 8-34 8-35 Page Number 8-20-1 Command #222 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-22 Command #223 Write Valve Range and Valve Offset ................................................................ 8-23 8-21-1 Command #223 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-23 Command #226 Trim Setpoint Input ........................................................................................... 8-24 8-22-1 Command #226 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-24 Command #230 Get Valve Override Status ................................................................................ 8-25 8-23-1 Command #230 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-25 Command #231 Set Valve Override Status ................................................................................ 8-26 8-24-1 Command #231 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-26 Command #235 Read Setpoint in % and Selected Units ........................................................... 8-27 8-25-1 Command #235 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-27 Command #236 Write Setpoint in % or Selected Units ............................................................. 8-28 8-26-1 Command #236 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-29 Command #237 Read Valve Control Value ................................................................................ 8-29 8-27-1 Command #237 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-29 Command #240 Read Totalizer Status ....................................................................................... 8-30 8-28-1 Command #240 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-30 Command #241 Set Totalizer Control ......................................................................................... 8-31 8-29-1 Command #241 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-31 Command #242 Read Totalizer Value and Unit .......................................................................... 8-31 8-30-1 Command #242 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-32 Command #245 Read Alarm Enable Setting .............................................................................. 8-32 8-31-1 Command #245 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-32 Command #246 Write Alarm Enable Setting .............................................................................. 8-33 8-32-1 Command #246 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-32 Command #247 Read High/Low Flow Alarm .............................................................................. 8-33 8-33-1 Command #247 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-34 Command #248 Write High/Low Flow Alarm .............................................................................. 8-34 8-34-1 Command #248 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-35 Command #250 Change User Password ................................................................................... 8-35 8-35-1 Command #250 Specific Response Codes .................................................................... 8-35 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables 9-1 Transmitter Specific Tables ......................................................................................................... 9-1 9-2 Device Type Codes .................................................................................................................... 9-1 9-3 Flow Rate Unit and Reference Codes ......................................................................................... 9-1 9-4 Density Unit Codes ..................................................................................................................... 9-2 9-5 Temperature Unit Codes ............................................................................................................. 9-2 9-6 Pressure Unit and Reference Codes .......................................................................................... 9-3 9-7 Write Protect Codes ................................................................................................................... 9-3 9-8 Physical Signalling Codes .......................................................................................................... 9-3 9-9 Transmitter Variable Codes ......................................................................................................... 9-4 iv Contents FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Paragraph Number 9-10 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-18 Page Number Flag Assignments ........................................................................................................................ 9-4 Analog Output Selection Codes .................................................................................................. 9-4 Setpoint Source Selection Codes ............................................................................................... 9-5 Softstart Selection Codes ........................................................................................................... 9-5 Valve Override Codes ................................................................................................................. 9-6 Totalizer Command/Status Codes ............................................................................................... 9-6 Totalizer Unit Codes .................................................................................................................... 9-6 Analog Output Unit Codes ........................................................................................................... 9-6 Additional Device Status and Masking ........................................................................................ 9-7 Warranty, Local Sales/Service Contact Information ....................................................................... Back Cover Figure Number 2-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 RS485 Multidrop Interconnection DMF/C and PC ...................................................................... 2-2 Single Character Bit Sequence .................................................................................................. 3-2 HART Message Structure ........................................................................................................... 3-2 Start Character Settings ............................................................................................................. 3-3 Short Frame Address Character ................................................................................................. 3-4 Long Frame Address Character ................................................................................................. 3-4 Packed-ASCII Construction ....................................................................................................... 3-7 Typical Message Exchange Using RS485 Communications ....................................................... 4-1 Command #11 Response to Long Frame Address ...................................................................... 4-3 Command #11 Master Request ................................................................................................... 4-4 Command #11 Response Message ............................................................................................. 4-5 Extracting the Long Address ....................................................................................................... 4-5 Reading Flow Rate Example ....................................................................................................... 4-8 Writing Setpoint Example ........................................................................................................... 4-9 Table Number 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 4-1 Page Number Page Number Universal Commands .................................................................................................................. 1-2 Common Practice Commands .................................................................................................... 1-2 Transmitter Specific Commands ................................................................................................. 1-3 D-Connector Communication Pins ............................................................................................. 2-1 Start Character Codings (Hexadecimal) ..................................................................................... 3-3 Status Byte Coding ..................................................................................................................... 3-6 Packed-ASCII Codes ................................................................................................................. 3-8 Converting Tag Name to Packed-ASCII ...................................................................................... 4-4 v Contents FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK vi Section 1 Introduction FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 1-1 Introduction The Digital Communication RS485 Protocol provides a reliable, transaction oriented service between a master device, such as a Personal Computer, and one or more RS485 Protocol compatible Mass Flow Meters and Controllers. The protocol is designed to allow a centralized controller to acquire measurement data from a Mass Flow device and, in case of Mass Flow Controllers, send setpoint values. The FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices support digital communications as defined by this manual. This protocol is based on the HART® Communication Foundation (HCF) protocol. FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices support all the Universal Commands and many of the Common Practice commands as defined by the HCF. However, conformance to the HCF specifications is neither claimed nor implied. The only physical layer supported by the FMA-7400/7500 Series devices is RS485 (see Section 2). The HART Communication Foundation FSK physical layer (Bell-202 modem) is NOT supported by the FMA-7400/7500 devices. Therefore, the commonly available HART “Hand Held Configurators” are NOT compatible with FMA-7400/7500 Series devices. This document is intended to give a user the means to implement the protocol structure into his own control system in order to establish communication between the control system and the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices. It does not cover the non-communication functionality of the FMA-7400/7500 Series Mass Flow Meters and Controllers. For this description please refer to Installation and Operation Manual for your specific device. The remaining sections of this document are summarized below: · Section 2 – Device Configuration and Wiring defines how to properly configure and wire FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices for digital communications. · Section 3 – Message Protocol Structure describes the HART message protocol. · Section 4 – Master/Slave Communications describes the requirements of the Master in the HART protocol. · Section 5 – General Transmitter Information defines transmitter specific information such as communication response times and units conversions. · Section 6 – Universal Commands defines the message formats for all supported universal commands. · Section 7 – Common Practice Commands defines the message formats for all supported common practice commands. · Section 8 – Transmitter Specific Commands defines the message formats for all supported transmitter specific commands. · Section 9 – Transmitter Specific Tables defines the meanings of various codes utilized by individual commands. 1-1 Section 1 Introduction FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Tables 1-1 through 1-3 provide a summary of RS485 commands available in the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices. This manual provides details that apply specifically to the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 products: Table 1-1 Universal Commands Command Description #0 #1 #2 #3 Read Unique Identifier Read Primary Variable Read Primary Variable Current and Percent Range (Supported) Read Current and all Dynamic Variables (Primary flow and secondary temperature variable supported) Write Polling Address Read Unique Identifier associated with Tag Read Message Read tag, Descriptor, Date Read Primary Variable Sensor Information Read Output Information Read Final Assembly Number Write Message Write Tag, Descriptor, Date Write Final Assembly Number #6 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 Table 1-2 Common Practice Commands Command Description #37 #38 #39 #42 #48 #50 #59 #66 #67 #68 #122 #123 1-2 Set Primary Variable Lower Range Value (Zero) Reset Configuration Changed Flag EEPROM control Perform master reset Read Additional Transmitter Status Read dynamic variable assignments Write Number of Response Preambles Enter/Exit Fixed Analog Output Mode Trim Analog Output Zero Trim Analog Output Span Write device identification number (NON-PUBLIC) Select Baud Rate Section 1 Introduction FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Table 1-3 Transmitter Specific Commands 1-3 Section 1 Introduction FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1-4 Section 2 Device Configuration and Wiring FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 2 Device Configuration and Wiring 2-1 Device Configuration The RS485 communications interface is standard on all FMA-7400/7500 Series devices. No hardware configuration is required. All devices are shipped with the communication data rate set to 19200 baud unless otherwise specified when ordering the device. 2-2 Wiring The RS485 communications interface is a multidrop connection making it possible to connect up to 32 devices to a computer on a single multidrop line as shown Figure 2-1. Most Computers are NOT equipped with RS485 ports. In order to connect an RS485 to a computer, you will need an RS485 to RS232C converter. Figure 2-1 shows the connection of three FMA-7400/7500 Series devices via an RS485 bus utilizing an RS485 to RS232C converter to the RS232 serial port of a typical computer. The RS485 bus requires two matching resistors of 120 Ohm, one at the end of the bus and one at the beginning, near the converter. Note that a control line from the PC to the converter is necessary to control the data direction of the RS485 buffers. The RTS (“Request To Send”) line is shown in Figure 2-1 because this line is used to control data direction in many of the commercially available converters. The actual line used depends on the converter selected. Table 2-1 - D-Connector Communication Pins D-Connector Pin Number RS485 Pin #14 B (inverted driver side) Pin #15 A (non-inverted driver side) 2-1 Section 2 Device Configuration and Wiring FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Figure 2-1 - RS485 Multidrop Interconnection DMFM/C and PC 2-2 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 3-1 Message Protocol Structure HART is a “master-slave” protocol: each message transaction is originated by the master (central) station, whereas the slave (field) device only replies when it receives a command message addressed to it. The reply from the slave device will acknowledge that the command has been received and it may contain the data requested by the master. FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices do not guarantee the timing required to support multiple masters communicating simultaneously to slave devices as defined by the HART Communications Foundation. FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices do not support Burst Mode. 3-2 Addressing Concept HART utilizes two possible addressing modes: short frame addressing and long frame addressing. The short frame addressing uses a one byte address of which the least significant nibble (four bits) is used to indicate the slave address. Because slave address 0 is reserved as a broadcast address, this provides the possibility to attach up to 15 different field devices and one master device on one multidrop bus. The long frame addressing mode uses 5 bytes (40 bits) as an address of which 38 bits are used to indicate the slave device. The slave address is built up from the manufacturer code (1 byte), the device type code (1 byte) and a device identification number (3 bytes). Details on addressing are explained in Section 3-4-4. 3-3 Character Coding HART messages are coded as a series of 8-bit characters or bytes. These are transmitted serially, using a conventional UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter). As in normal RS232C and other asynchronous communication links, a start bit, a parity bit and a stop bit are added to each byte. These allow the receiving UART to identify the start of each character and to detect bit errors due to electrical noise or other interference. A HART character is built up from: 1 Start bit - 0 bit 8 Databits 1 Odd parity bit 1 Stop bit - 1 bit This sequence is summarized in Figure 3-1. Since HART is an asynchronous protocol, successive characters may be separated by idle periods (logical 1 level), but the idle period must not exceed 1 character time. 3-1 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Figure 3-1 Single Character Bit Sequence 3-4 Message Format 3-4-1 Message Structure HART specifies a message structure which is given in Figure 3-2 below. Figure 3-2 HART Message Structure This structure is used for both the request (master to slave) and the response (slave to master) messages. The status part and the data part are shown in square brackets, because their occurrence in the message depends on the type of message (response or request message) and the command number. The individual items are explained below. 3-4-2 Preamble Characters Every message, whether from a master or a slave device, is preceded by a specified number of hexadecimal FF characters (databyte with all 1’s). These characters, called preamble characters, are used in the messagedetect pattern together with the start character. The preamble characters are used to synchronize the field device. The FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices require at least 2 preamble characters in order to be able to proceed in the message detection with the start of message character. Note that due to potential losses due to RS232 to RS485 converters, a master should send a minimum of 5 preamble characters in order to guarantee that slave device receives the required 2 preamble characters. 3-2 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 3-4-3 Start Character The start character or delimiter is a one byte code used to detect the type of frame (type of message) being transmitted and the type of addressing being used. The most significant bit indicates the addressing mode used: 0 for short frame and 1 for long frame addressing, whereas the three least significant bits indicate the frame type of the message: 010 indicates a Start-Of-Text character and 110 indicates an Acknowledge character. The Start-Of-Text character is used to indicate a message from the master to a slave device whereas the Acknowledge character is used to indicate the response messages from slave devices to the master. The rest of the bits in the character are all zeros. See Figure 3-3 and Table 3-1 below. Figure 3-3 Start Character Settings Table 3-1 Start Character Codings (Hexadecimal) Short frame Long frame Master to slave (STX) 02 82 Slave to master (ACK) 06 86 1 byte 5 bytes Address field length 3-4-4 Address Characters The address field contains both the master and the field device addresses for the message. These may be contained in a single byte (short frame format) or in five bytes (long frame format). In either format, the most significant bit is usually the single-bit address of the master device taking part in the message transaction (either sending a command or receiving a reply from a slave device). Since only two masters are allowed only one bit is needed for the master address. This bit will be 1 if it indicates the primary master system, and 0 if it indicates the secondary master system. The rest of the address field is determined by the frame format. 3-3 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Figure 3-4 below shows the address character in the short frame format. The 4 least significant bits are the slave address, which can be used as a polling address. Figure 3-4 Short Frame Address Character In the long frame format the slave device address is represented by a 38-bit number. The structure of the address is given in Figure 3-5 below. Byte 0 Byte 4 Device Type Device Identifier 6 Least Significant Bits of Manufacture ID 1 = Slave in Burst Mode 1 = Primary Master 0 = Secondary Master Figure 3-5 Long Frame Address Characters In the long frame format the slave address part of the five address characters is build up from three sources: The 6 bits of the first byte of the slave address part represent the manufacturers code. In the case of FMA7400/7500 Series devices this is the number 10 (decimal). The manufacturer number is a number which is stored in the device by the manufacturer and which can not be changed by the user. The second byte in the address is the device type code. This code indicates the type of the device addressed. The device type code will be 90 for all FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices. The device type code is a number which is stored in the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices by the manufacturer and which can not be changed by the user. 3-4 The last three bytes form a 24-bit unique identification number. As the name implies, this value must be unique to each FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol device on a network. For legacy products this value was derived from the serial number of the device, however for the FMA7400/7500 Series this value is a random value. Command #122 can be used to change this value. Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 A special case occurs when all bits of the slave address part are set to 0. A message with this type of address, called a broadcast address, will be accepted by all slave devices attached to the bus. A slave device will always respond to a message with the broadcast address unless the message contains additional information in the data portion of the message that allows the slave device to determine that the message is not addressed to that device. FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices support only one such command, Command #11. This type of addressing can be used to address devices of which the manufacturer and the device type codes and the unique identification number are not available to the host system and with which this information can still be retrieved from the unknown device. Command #11 data contains a Tag Name. Only a slave device with the specified Tag Name will respond to Command #11 even if the address in the message is the broadcast address. The Tag Name is an 8 character field which is equal to the last 8 digits of the device's serial number. See Section 4-2 for a detailed description of the use of Command #11. 3-4-5 Command Character The command character is a 1 byte unsigned integer in the range from 0 to 255 (decimal), which indicates the action the slave device has to perform. A larger range of commands is theoretically possible by using the expansion code or 254 (decimal) followed by a second byte. This feature however is not implemented by the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices. The received command is echoed back by the slave device in its reply to the master. Three types of commands are available to the user: the ‘Universal Commands’, the ‘Common-Practice Commands’ and the ‘TransmitterSpecific Commands’. The Universal Commands are a number of commands in the range from 0 to 19, which are implemented by all field devices utilizing the HART protocol. Refer to Section 6 for descriptions of all available universal commands. The Common-Practice Commands are a number of commands in the range from 32 to 127, which can be implemented by all devices. These commands perform tasks which are often common to most devices. Refer to Section 7 for descriptions of all implemented Common-Practice Commands. The last category, Transmitter-Specific Commands are a number of commands, ranging from 128 to 250 which are specific to the type of device. Refer to Section 8 for descriptions of all available Transmitter-Specific Commands. The commands #251 to #255 are reserved. 3-4-6 Byte Count Character The bytecount character is a 1 byte unsigned integer indicating the number of bytes which will form the remainder of the message. This number includes the two status bytes (only if the message is a response message) and the bytes in the data part. It does NOT include the checksum byte. The byte count character is used by the receiving device to identify the checksum byte and to determine when the message is finished. 3-4-7 Status Characters Status Characters consists of two bytes, which contain bit-coded information about communications errors, command errors, and device 3-5 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 status as defined in Table 3-2. Only response messages from the slave device to the master device will contain status characters. Table 3-2 Status Byte Coding First Byte Communication errors Command errors Second Byte Bit 7 1 = Communication error Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Parity error (hex C0) Overrun error (hex A0) Framing error (hex 90) Checksum error (hex 88) Reserved (hex 84) Rx Buffer Overflow (hex 82) Undefined Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 7 0 = Communication error Bit 7 Device Malfunction Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Configuration Changed Cold Start More Status available. Use Command # 48 to get more information Primary variable analog output fixed Primary variable analog output saturated Non primary variable out of range Primary variable out of range Bit 6 to 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-15 16 32 64 (not bit-mapped): Non command specific error Undefined Invalid selection Passed parameter too large Passed parameter too small Incorrect byte count Transmitter specific command error IIn write-protect mode Command specific errors Access restricted Device is busy Commanded not implemented Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 All 0 If the communication failed (i.e. the slave received distorted information) the first byte indicates the receiver error(s) of the slave device. The second byte will then be 0. If communication did not fail, the first byte will give command execution information, whereas the second byte will give information on the status of the device. The command specific errors 8 15 are errors which can have a different meaning for different commands. Refer to the Sections 6, 7 and 8 for more information. 3-4-8 Data Characters For the commands that contain data, the data field may contain up to a maximum of 24 8-bit data bytes. The data can appear in a number of formats described in the following sections. 3-4-8-1 8-Bit Unsigned Integer Format This format can be used to transfer codes (e.g unit codes), indexes (e.g analog output numbers) and raw data. If a parameter, represented by an 8-bit unsigned integer in a command data part is not implemented, codes like 250, “Not Used” or 0 will be used. 3-6 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 3-4-8-2 24-Bit Unsigned Integer Format This format can be used to transfer large integer data numbers (e.g. the valve values). 3-4-8-3 IEEE 754 Floating Point Format This format is based on the IEEE 754 single precision floating point standard: S EEEEEEE E MMMMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM byte # 0 byte # 1 byte # 2 byte # 3 Where: S - Sign of mantissa (1 = negative) E - Exponent; Biased by 127 in two’s complement format M - Mantissa; 23 least significant bits, fractional portion The value of a parameter described in the above format can thus be found by: Value = S 1.M * 2(E - 127) This format is also used in most personal computers. The floating point parameters not used by a device will be filled with 7F A0 00 00 (hexadecimal) or ‘Not-A-Number’. 3-4-8-4 ASCII Data Format Some of the alphanumeric data passed by the protocol is transmitted to and from the devices in the ASCII format. Refer to any ASCII Code table for the alphanumeric code assignments. 3-4-8-5 Packed-ASCII (6-bit ASCII) Data Format Some of the alphanumeric data passed by the protocol is transmitted to and from the devices in the Packed-ASCII format. Packed-ASCII is a subset of ASCII (See Table 3-3) produced by removing the two most significant bits from each ASCII character. This allows four Packed-ASCII to be placed in the space of three ASCII characters. Typically four PackedASCII strings are even multiples of three bytes. Figure 3-6 illustrates the byte sequence. Figure 3-6 Packed-ASCII Construction 3-7 Section 3 Message Protocol Structure FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Construction of Packed-ASCII: a. Remove bit #7 and bit #6 from each ASCII character. b. Pack four 6-bit ASCII bytes into three bytes. Reconstruction of ASCII characters: a. Unpack the four 6-bit ASCII characters into four bytes. b. Place the complement of bit #5 of each unpacked 6-bit ASCII character into bit #6. c. Set bit #7 of each unpacked ASCII to zero. Table 3-3 Packed-ASCII Codes Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code @ A 00 01 P Q 10 11 (space) ! 20 21 0 1 30 31 B C 02 03 R S 12 13 “ # 22 23 2 3 32 33 D E 04 05 T U 14 15 $ % 24 25 4 5 34 35 F G 06 07 V W 16 17 & ‘ 26 27 6 7 36 37 H I 08 09 X Y 18 19 ( ) 28 29 8 9 38 39 J K 0A 0B Z [ 1A 1B * + 2A 2B : ; 3A 3B L M 0C 0D \ ] 1C 1D , - 2C 2D < = 3C 3D N O 0E 0F ^ _ 1E 1F . / 2E 2F > ? 3E 3F 3-4-8-6 Checksum Characters The checksum byte contains the ‘exclusive-or’ (‘longitudinal parity’) of all the characters preceding it in the message starting with the start character. It provides a further check on transmission integrity, beyond the one provided by the parity check on each individual byte. The exclusive-or of all the message bytes (including the start character, excluding the checksum byte) and the checksum byte itself should read exactly zero. 3-8 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 4-1 Master/Slave Communications Section 3 of this manual defined the RS485 Protocol message structure in detail. Section 4 of this manual will describe how to utilize the RS485 message structure to perform master slave communications with a FMA7400/7500 Series RS485 device. This section focuses on RS485 line handling, establishing communications with a device, error recovery, and timing. Sections 6, 7, and 8 of this manual define all RS485 commands available in FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices. This section will conclude with examples of typical communications sequences. Master devices initiate all communications on a Master/Slave communications network. Master devices are typically a computer of some kind but other devices such as PLC’s can also operate as a Master device. Slave devices only respond to messages initiated by a Master. FMA-7400/ 7500 Series RS485 devices are always Slaves on the communications network. 4-1-1 RS485 Line Handling The physical communications layer used by FMA-7400/7500 Series devices is RS485. On an RS485 physical communications layer, all data is transmitted and received using differential signals on a single pair of wires. Since both the Master and the Slave devices use the same pair of wires to transmit their data, care must be taken to ensure that only one device has its transmitter enabled at any point in time. Figure 4-1 shows a typical message exchange using RS485. Notice that the Master’s transmitter is enabled only during the Master Request message and the Slave’s transmitter is enabled only during the Slave Response message. At all other times, the transmitters on the Master and all Slaves connected to the network must be in their high impedance state, leaving the network “Un-Driven.” Figure 4-1 Typical Message Exchange Using RS485 Communications 4-1 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 It is the user's responsibility to guarantee that the Master’s transmitter is enabled only during the Master Request message. Control of the Master’s transmitter is dependent upon the hardware used by the Master. If an RS232 to RS485 converter is used, the most common control is the RTS signal on the RS232 interface as shown in Figure 2-1 (See Section 2-2). Refer to the user manual for your hardware to determine the proper control method required in your system. Timing the enabling/disabling of the transmitter is very important. The transmitter must be enabled before the first bit of the first character is transmitted and must be disabled only after the last bit of the last character is transmitted. Additionally, all transmitters have some finite turn-on/turn-off delays which may be affected by the wire length and wire quality of your network. The RS485 message structure attempts to minimize these affects by requiring all messages to have at least 5 preamble characters while only 2 are required for the receiving device to detect a valid message (see Section 3-4-2). This allows up to 3 lost characters due to turn-on/turn-off delays. Disabling a transmitter at the proper time is frequently a difficult task. Many UARTS/systems do not provide an indication when the last byte of a message is completely transmitted. It is more likely that an indication is provided when the last byte of a message is starting to be transmitted. Since the last byte of an RS485 message is the checksum byte for the message, it is critical that the transmitter remain enabled until the last byte is completely transmitted. One solution is to transmit an extra character at the end of a message (typically 0x00) and then disable the transmitter when the indication is received that the extra character is starting to be transmitted. However, the transmitter cannot be enabled too long after a message is complete. Slave devices will begin transmitting a response as soon as 5 msec after the reception of an error free request message. High data rates increase the importance of disabling the transmitter quickly. At 19200 baud, one character time is 0.57 msec. Thus, the 3 lost character “cushion” represents only 1.72 msec. While the response of a FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 device is always at least 5 msec regardless of the data rate, lower data rates provide a longer “cushion” and thus is a possible solution if disabling the transmitter in a timely manner proves difficult. Another solution is to increase the number of preamble characters transmitted by the Master and/or the slave. 4-2 Establishing Communications with a Device In order for a Master to establish communications with a FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 device, the Master must know the address of the device. The RS485 Protocol supports both Short Frame Addressing and Long Frame Addressing as defined in Section 3-2. 4-2 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Short Frame Addressing allows a master to communicate with up to 15 devices. Each device on the network must have a unique Polling Address with a value of 1–15. Short Frame Addressing has one side effect which will be undesireable in many applications. If the Polling Address is set to a non-zero value (as required for Short Frame Addressing), the Primary Analog Output will be fixed at the low range of the output and will not respond to the applied process. If your system requires the use of the Primary Analog Ouput, then Long Frame Addressing must be used. Long Frame Addressing allows a master to communicate with up to 16,777,215 devices on a wide area network (RS485 has a limit of 32 devices per daisy chain). Each device is pre-programmed at the factory with a unique long address. Using the process described below, the Master can obtain the long address from the device by knowing only the device Tag Name. The Tag Name is pre-programmed at the factory and is printed on the devices’s calibration sheet. The following procedure can be performed online in order to obtain a device’s long address: 1.Send Command #11 (See Section 6-6) using Long Frame Addressing and an address of 0. In the data section of Command #11, use the device’s Tag Name to identify the device. Command #11 requires that the Tag Name be transmitted in Packed-ASCII format as defined in Section 3-4-8-5. 2.Extract the Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer’s Device ID, and Device ID Number from the response and construct the Long Address Frame as shown in Figure 4-2. Figure 4-2 Command #11 Response to Long Frame Address 4-3 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 4-2-1 Example of Using Command #11 Command #11 reads the unique identifier from a device whose Tag Name is specified in the Command #11 request from the Master. Tag Names are strings of up to 8 characters which are limited to the reduced ASCII set defined in Table 3-3. A Tag Name consists of the last 8 digits of the device's serial number. Table 4-1 is an example of converting an 8 character Tag Name to 6 bytes in the Packed-ASCII format. In this example, the Tag Name of the device will be “MFC-1234”. Table 4-1 Converting Tag Name to Packed ASCII Representation Tag Name MFC-1234 Characters M F C 1 2 3 4 8- bit ASCII (hex) 4D 46 43 2D 31 32 33 34 Bit 7 & 8 removed: 6 bit ASCII (hex) 0D 06 03 2D 31 32 33 34 6 bit ASCII (binary) 001101 000110 000011 101101 110001 110010 110011 110100 Packed (binary) 00110100 0110 0000 11101101 11000111 00101100 11110100 Packed (hex) 34 60 ED C7 2C F4 Figure 4-3 shows the request message for Command #11 sent by the Master to the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol device whose Tag Name is MFC-1234. Delimiter Figure 4-3 Command #11 Master Request 4-4 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 A possible Response Message from a FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 device is shown in Figure 4-4. Figure 4-4 Command #11 Response Message From the response, the long address can be extracted as shown in Figure 4-5. Figure 4-5 Extracting the Long Address 4-5 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 4-3 Alarm Configuration and Monitoring FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices monitor for various alarm conditions such as Flow Rate, Totalizer Overflow, and Diagnostics. To determine which alarms conditions have been detected, use Command #48 (See Section 7-3). However, it is not necessary to constantly poll Command #48 to determine when an alarm condition has been detected. All slave response messages contain a 2 byte status. If an alarm condition has been detected, then bit 4 of the second status byte will indicate “More Status Available”. Then Command #48 can be used to determine the alarm condition(s) that has been detected. To configure which alarm conditions are monitored and reported by the device, refer to Commands 245, 246, 247, and 248 in Section 7, also Table 9-15. 4-4 Error Handling In all communications networks, communications errors can and will occur. Both the Master and the Slave devices must be able to properly handle errors in order to maintain a operating network. When a FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 device detects a communications error, one of two results may occur. It may respond with an error code, or it may not respond at all to the request. The result depends upon the type of error that was detected, and where in the message the error was detected. It is important that the Master handles the situation correctly. There are two basic type of errors defined by the RS485 Protocol: Communications Errors and Command Response errors. The type of error can be determined by examining the Status Code returned by the slave device (See section 3-4-7). Command Response errors are typically the result of a programming error in the Master and should not normally occur in a mature system. The main focus of this section will be Communication Errors. Communications Errors are frequently the result of external environment issues, faulty wiring, etc. In a properly designed network, Communications Errors should be rare. A Communications Error can occur in either the Master to Slave Request or the Slave to Master response. If the error occurs in a Master to Slave request, one of two results may occur. It may respond with an error code, or it may not respond at all to the request. The result depends upon the type of error that was detected, and where in the message the error was detected. It is the responsibility of the Master device to check all Slave to Master responses for errors including message frame formatting, longitudinal parity, and vertical parity. 4-6 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Regardless of the type of error and when or where it was detected, the normal way to handle a Communications Error is to simply retry the message. Typically, a master would attempt to retry a message at least twice to allow any external disturbance to clear. In the event that the retries are unsuccessful, then the Master device must handle the situation in a manner consistent with the requirements of the system. Typical responses to such an error are: Taking the device off-line so that the remainder of the network is not affected; Notifying an operator; Triggering a system alarm; etc. A Master device must allow sufficient time for a Slave to respond before attempting to retry the message. The average response time for a FMA7400/7500 Series RS485 device is less than 1 msec, but it is possible to for the response to be as along as 10 msec. The Master should wait 4 times the maximum response time (40 msec) before retrying the message. As long as communications errors are infrequent, this retry delay time should not affect system performance. 4-5 Examples The following 2 examples show the most typical messages used by a Master when communicating to a FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 device: Reading Flow Rate and Sending the Setpoint. These examples will use the Long Addressing Frame with the long address established in the example in Section 4-2-1. The calibrated full scale of the device used in these examples is 1.0 liters per minute. 4-5-1 Reading Flow Rate The flow rate of the device can be read using any of the following commands: • Command #1 – Read Primary Variable • Command #2 – Read Primary Variable Current and Percent of Range • Command #3 – Read Current and All Dynamic Variables This example will use Command #1 to read the Flow Rate of the device. This command returns the flow rate in the unit of measure as configured in the device. The units can be changed using Command #196, Select Flow Unit. In the example shown in Figure 4-6, the device returns a flow of 0.8502 liters/min. 4-7 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Delimiter Delimiter Figure 4-6 Reading Flow Rate Example 4-5-2 Sending the Setpoint The Setpoint can be controlled via the network using Command #236. In the example shown in Figure 4-7, the setpoint is set to 85% of full scale. If Setpoint is controlled via an analog input, then Setpoint can be read using Command #235. When Command #236 is received by a FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 device, the Setpoint Source is automatically changed to digital mode. Setpoint source can be changed back to analog by using Command #216 or by cycling power to the device. 4-8 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Delimiter Delimiter Figure 4-7 Writing Setpoint Example 4-9 Section 4 Master/Slave Communications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4-10 Section 5 General Transmitter Information FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 5-1 Referenced Documents The following HART documents where referenced in order to implement the protocol: Data Link Layer Specification Rev. Command Summary Information Rev. Command-Specific Response Code Defs. Rev. Universal Command Specification Rev. Common-Practice Command Specification Rev. Common Tables Rev. HCF_SPEC-81 HCF_SPEC-99 HCF_SPEC-307 HCF_SPEC-127 HCF_SPEC-151 HCF_SPEC-183 Rev 7.1 Rev 7.1 Rev 4.1 Rev 5.2 Rev 7.1 Rev 11.0 5-2 Unit Conversions 5-2-1 Flow Rate Conversions All flow values involved in the exchange of data during communication are converted to/from the user specified flow units. A list of supported flow units is provided in Section 8-3. The user can change the flow units to be used for all flow rate conversions with Command #196. Volume flow units are always reported at specific reference conditions. Using Command #196, the user can select reference condition type from 3 options as listed in Section 8-3. · Normal - reference conditions of 0 °C and 1 atmosphere. ( 273.15 degrees K/ 101325 Pascals). · Standard – user specified reference conditions. · Calibration – reference conditions used at calibration. 5-1 Section 5 General Transmitter Information FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Reference condition conversions are done using the Boyle-Gay-Lussac law P1 · V 1 = P 2 · V 2 = Constant T2 T1 (1) Where P is pressure, T is temperature and V is volume (per unit of time). The indexes 1 and 2 represent the two different reference conditions. This results in the reference conversion formula V2= ( P1 · T 2 ) *V 1 ( P2 · T 1 ) (2) Where applicable the conversion factors are taken from The Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th edition, R.C. Weast (Ed.), CRC Press Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. 5-2-2 Temperature Conversions All temperature values involved in the exchange of data during communication are converted to/from the user specified temperature units. A list of supported temperature units is provided in Section 8-5. The user can change the temperature units to be used for all temperature conversions with Command #197. 5-2 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-1 Command # 0 Read Unique Identifier Command used to retrieve the expanded device-type codes, revision levels and the device identification number from the specified device. The device type code will always be returned in the expanded three byte format (i.e. “254”, manufacturer identification code, manufacturers device type code). The combination of the manufacturer identification code, manufacturer’s device type code and device identification code make up the unique identifier for the extended frame format of the data link layer. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: 254 #0 MFR. ID MFR's NUMBER UNIV. DEVICE RQUEST CMD. TYPE PREAM REV. #1 #2 #3 #4 TRANS. SPEC. REV. SOFTW REV. HARDW REV. #5 #6 #7 FLAGS DEVICE ID NUM MSB #8 #9 DEVICE DEVICE ID NUM ID NUM #10 #11 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2 8-bit unsigned integer 3 8-bit unsigned integer 4 8-bit unsigned integer 5 8-bit unsigned integer 6 8-bit unsigned integer Device type code for “expansion”. Contains the code “254” (decimal). Manufacturer identification code. (Always 10). Manufacturers device type code. Refer to Section 9-2, Device type codes. Number of response preamble characters required for the request message from the master to the slave. Universal command revision level implemented by this device. Transmitter specific command revision level implemented by this device. Software revision level of the device. 7 8-bit unsigned integer Hardware revision level of the electronics in the device. Format: xxxxx.yyyB x - Device hardware revision level, 5-bit unsigned integer, level 15 is reserved. y - Physical signalling code, 3-bit unsigned integer, refer to Section 9-8, Physical signalling codes. 8 8-bit unsigned integer Flags. Refer to Section 9-10, Flag assignments. 9 - 11 24-bit unsigned integer Device identification number. 6-1 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-1-1 Command #0 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 6-2 Command #1 Read Primary Variable Read the primary variable. The primary variable is the flow rate of the device expressed in the selected flow units at the selected flow reference conditions. See Command #196 for information on setting Flow Units, and Flow Reference conditions. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: SEL. FLOW UNIT #0 6-2 FLOW RATE MSB FLOW RATE FLOW RATE FLOW RATE LSB #1 #2 #3 #4 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1-4 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Primary variable unit code. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Primary variable: flow rate. Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-2-1 Command #1 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 6-3 Command #2 Read Primary Variable Current and Percent Range Read the primary variable, flow rate, as current or voltage and as a percent of the primary variable range. For FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices, the current/voltage field reports current in mAmps or voltage in volts depending upon the configuration of the output of the device. The current/voltage always matches the analog output of the device including alarm conditions and set values. Percent of range always follows the primary variable, even if the current is in an alarm condition or set to a value. Also, the percent of range is not limited to values between 0% and 100%, but tracks the primary variable to the sensor limits. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: CURRENT/ VOLTAGE MSB #0 CURRENT/ VOLTAGE #1 CURRENT/ CURRENT/ VOLTAGE VOLTAGE LSB #2 #3 PV PV PV % RANGE % RANGE % RANGE MSB #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 4-7 32-bit floating Point, IEEE 754 format Analog output current or voltage [milliamperes or volts]. Primary variable: flow rate [% of range] #6 PV % RANGE LSB #7 6-3-1 Command #2 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 6-3 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-4 Command #3 Read Current and all Dynamic Variable Read the current and the dynamic variables. The current/voltage field reports current in mAmps or voltage in volts depending upon the configuration of the output of the device. The current/voltage always matches the analog output current/voltage of the device including alarm conditions and set values. For the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices, the dynamic variable assignments are as follows: Variable #0: Variable #1: Flow Rate (Primary Variable) Temperature (Secondary Variable) Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: CURRENT/ VOLTAGE MSB #0 CURRENT/ CURRENT/ VOLTAGE VOLTAGE LSB PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY VAR. VAR. VAR. UNITS #1 #2 #3 SECOND. VAR. UNITS SECOND. VAR. MSB SECOND. VAR. #8 #9 #10 #11 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 4 8-bit unsigned integer code.Refer to Section Analog output current/ voltage [milliamperes or volts]. Primary variable unit PRIMARY VAR. LSB 5-8 6-4 CURRENT/ VOLTAGE 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format #4 #5 SECOND. SECOND. VAR. VAR. LSB #12 #13 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Primary variable: flow rate. #6 PRIMARY VAR. #7 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 9 8-bit unsigned integer Secondary variable unit code.Refer to Section 9-5, Temperature unit codes. 10 - 13 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Secondary variable: temperature. 6-4-1 Command #3 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 6-5 Command #6 Write Polling Address This command writes the Polling Address (Short Frame Address) to the field device. Request data bytes: POLLING ADDRESS #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Polling Address: 0-15 16-255 Undefined 6-5 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Response data bytes: POLLING ADDRESS #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Polling Address: 0-15 16-255 Undefined 6-5-1 Command #6 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8-15 16 17 -127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Access restricted Undefined 6-6 Command #11 Read Unique Identifier associated with Tag This command returns the expanded device-type codes, revision levels and the device identification number of a device containing the requested tag. It will be executed when either the appropriate long address or the broadcast long address, “00000” is received. The address field in the response message of this command always contains the address received in the request message. This command is unique in that no response is made unless the tag matches that of the device. Request data bytes: TAG #0 6-6 TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 6(8-bit) byte packed ASCII Device tag number Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Response data bytes: 254 #0 MFR. ID MFR's NUMBER DEVICE RQUEST TYPE PREAM #1 #2 #3 UNIV. CMD. REV. TRANS. SPEC. REV. SOFTW REV. HARDW REV. #4 #5 #6 #7 FLAGS DEVICE ID NUM MSB #8 #9 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2 8-bit unsigned integer 3 8-bit unsigned integer 4 8-bit unsigned integer 5 8-bit unsigned integer 6 7 8-bit unsigned integer 8-bit unsigned integer 8 8-bit unsigned integer 9-11 24-bit unsigned integer Device type code for "expansion". Contains the code "254" (decimal). Manufacturer identification code. (Always 10). Manufacturers device type code. Refer to Section 9-2, Device type code. Number of response preamble characters required for the request message from the master to the slave. Universal command revision level implemented by this device. Transmitter specific command revision level implemented by this device. Software revision level of the device. Hardware revision level of the electronics in the device. Format: xxxxx.yyyB x- Device hardware revision level, 5-bit unsigned integer, level 15 is reserved. y- Physical signalling code, 3-bit unsigned integer, refer to Section 9-8, Physical signalling codes. Flags Refer to Section 9-10, Flag assignments. Device identification number. DEVICE DEVICE ID NUM ID NUM #10 #11 6-6-1 Command #11 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 6-7 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-7 Command #12 Read Message Read the 32 Character Message String contained within the device. The message string is a 32 character storage area that the user may use for any application related function desired. The message string is not used by the device. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: MESSAGE MESSAGE #0 #1 MESSAGE MESSAGE #12 #13 MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-23 24(8-bit) byte packed ASCII 32 character message string. 6-7-1 Command #12 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 6-8 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-8 Command #13 Read tag, Descriptor, Date Read the tag, descriptor and date contained within the device. The tag name is used to identify the device (See Command #11). The description and date fields can be utilized for any application specific function desired. The description and date fields are not used by the device. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG DESCRIPT. DESCRIPT. DESCRIPT. DESCRIPT. DESCRIPT. DESCRIPT. #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 DESCRIPT. DESCRIPT. DESCRIPT. DATE DATE DATE DAY MONTH MONTH #18 #19 #20 DESCRIPT. #12 DESCRIPT. #13 DESCRIPT. #14 #15 #16 #17 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-5 6-17 18-20 6(8-bit) byte packed ASCII 12(8-bit) byte packed ASCII 3(8-bit) byte packed ASCII Device tag name. Device descriptor. (16 character string) Date.Respectively day, month, year - 1900. 6-8-1 Command #13 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 6-9 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-9 Command #14 Read Primary Variable Sensor Information This command is intended to read primary variable sensor information. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: SENSOR SERIAL NUM MSB SENSOR SERIAL NUM SENSOR SERIAL NUM LSB LIMITS UNITS CODE UPPER SENSOR LIMIT MSB UPPER SENSOR LIMIT UPPER SENSOR LIMIT UPPER SENSOR LIMIT LSB LOWER SENSOR LIMIT MSB LOWER SENSOR LIMIT LOWER SENSOR LIMIT LOWER SENSOR LIMIT LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 MIN SPAN MSB MIN SPAN MIN SPAN MIN SPAN LSB #12 #13 #14 #15 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer Sensor serial number. 3 8-bit unsigned integer Sensor limits/minimum span unit code. 4-7 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Upper sensor limit. 8 - 11 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Lower sensor limit. 12 – 15 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Minimum span. 6-9-1 Command #14 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 6-10 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-10 Command #15 Read Output Information This command is intended to read the alarm selection code, transfer function, primary variable/range unit code, upper range value, lower range value, damping value (applied to the sensor, not the output), write protect code and private label distributor. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: ALARM SELECT CODE TRANSF. FUNCT. CODE PV / RANGE UNITS CODE UPPER RANGE MSB UPPER RANGE UPPER RANGE UPPER RANGE MSB LOWER RANGE MSB LOWER RANGE LOWER RANGE LOWER VALUE MSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 DAMPING DAMPING DAMPING WRITE PVT VALUE VALUE VALUE PROTECT LABEL LSB CODE DIST #14 #15 #16 #12 #13 DAMPING VALUE #11 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer Alarm select code. Not implemented for the FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices, the integer returned is a “Not-Used” or “250” (decimal). Transfer function code. Always returns LINEAR (0) 2 8-bit unsigned integer Primary variable upper and lower range unit code. 3-6 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Upper range value. 7 - 10 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Lower range value. 6-11 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Data Byte # 11 - 14 Type Remarks 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Damping value. (Always 0.0) 15 8-bit unsigned integer Write protect code. Not supported, returns Not Used (250 dec) 16 8-bit unsigned integer Private label distributor. Returns Hart code (10dec) 6-10-1 Command #15 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 6-11 Command #16 Read Final Assembly Number This command is used to read the final assembly number associated with the device. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: FINAL FINAL ASS. NUM ASS. NUM MSB #0 FINAL ASS. NUM LSB #1 #2 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer Final assembly number. 6-11-1 Command Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 6-12 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-12 Command #17 Write Message Write a 32 Character Message String into the device. See Command #12 for more information about the message string Request data bytes: MESSAGE MESSAGE #0 #1 MESSAGE MESSAGE #12 #13 MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 - 23 24 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 32 Character message string. Response data bytes: MESSAGE MESSAGE #0 #1 MESSAGE MESSAGE #12 #13 MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE MESSAGE #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 - 23 24 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 32 Character message string. 6-12-1 Command #17 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 7 8-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 6-13 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-13 Command #18 Write Tag, Descriptor, Date Write the tag, descriptor and date into the device. See Command #13 for more information. Request data bytes: TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DATE DAY DATE MONTH DATE YEAR #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-5 6 - 17 18 - 20 6 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 12 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 3 (8-bit) unsigned integers Device tag number. Device descriptor. (16 character string) Date. Respectively day, month, year - 1900. Response data bytes: 6-14 TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG TAG DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DESCR. DATE DAY DATE MONTH DATE YEAR #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-5 6 - 17 18 – 20 6 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 12 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 3 (8-bit) unsigned integers Device tag number. Device descriptor. (16 character string) Date. Respectively day, month, year - 1900. Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 6-13-1 Command #18 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 7 8-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 6-14 Command #19 Write Final Assembly Number Write the final assembly number into the device. Request data bytes: FINAL FINAL ASS. NUM ASS. NUM MSB #0 FINAL ASS. NUM LSB #1 #2 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer Final assembly number. Response data bytes: FINAL FINAL ASS. NUM ASS. NUM MSB #0 FINAL ASS. NUM LSB #1 #2 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer Final assembly number. 6-14-1 Command #19 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 - 127 7 8-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 6-15 Section 6 Universal Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6-16 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-1 Command #37 Set Primary Variable Lower Range Value This command generates a sensor zero action, the same function as pushing the zero button on the analog device. No flow should be applied to the device. The command will return an error response code 9, “Applied process too high,” if flow output is greater than 2% when the command is received. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: NONE 7-1-1 Command #37 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 7 8 9 10-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Applied pressure too high Undefined 7-2 Command #38 Reset Configuration Changed Flag Resets the configuration changed response code, bit #6 of the transmitter status byte. Secondary master devices, address ‘0’ should not issue this command. Primary master devices, address ‘1’, should only issue this command after the configuration changed response code has been detected and acted upon. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: NONE 7-1 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-2-1 Command #38 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 7 8-15 16 17-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Access restricted Undefined 7-3 Command #39 EEPROM Control The FMA-7400/7500 Series device automatically saves all changes made to non-volatile attributes in flash memory. It is not necessary to use this command to save data non-volatile memory. Request data bytes: EEPROM CONTROL CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer EEPROM control code 0 No change 1 No change 2-249 Undefined Response data bytes: EEPROM CONTROL CODE #0 7-2 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer EEPROM control code 0 No change 1 No change 2-249 Undefined Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-4 Command #42 Perform Master Reset Command used to reset the device's microprocessor. The device will respond first and then perform the master reset. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: NONE Command Specific Response Codes: 0 1-15 16 17-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Access restricted Undefined 7-5 Command #48 Read Additional Transmitter Status This command is used to retrieve additional transmitter status information. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: ADD. ADD. ADD. ADD. STATUS STATUS STATUS STATUS BYTE#0 BYTE#1 BYTE#2 BYTE#3 #0 #1 #2 #3 Refer to Section 9-15 for a definition of the Additional Status Bytes. 7-5-1 Command #48 Specific Response Codes 0 No command-specific errors 1-4 Undefined 5 Incorrect bytecount 6-127 Undefined 7-6 Command #50 Read Dynamic Variable Assignments 7-3 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Read the assignment numbers for the dynamic variables. This command always returns Transmitter Variable #0 (flow rate) as the Primary Variable Transmitter Variable #1 (temperature) as the Secondary Variable, and Transmitter Variable #2 (pressure) as the Tertiary Variable. Note that the assignment of dynamic variables cannot be changed. Transmitter variable codes shall be reported as defined in Section 9-9. Request data bytes: none Response data bytes: PV. SV. TV. QV. XMITTER XMITTER XMITTER XMITTER CODE CODE CODE CODE #0 #1 #2 #3 Data Byte # 0 Type Remarks 8-bit unsigned integer Transmitter variable number assigned to the primary variable, flow rate 1 8-bit unsigned integer Transmitter variable number assigned to the secondary variable, temperature 2 8-bit unsigned integer Transmitter variable number assigned to the tertiary variable, not supported, returns Not Used (250 dec) 3 8-bit unsigned integer Transmitter variable number assigned to the Quaternary variable, not supported, returns Not Used (250 dec) 7-6-1 Command #50 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 – 127 7-4 No command specific errors Undefined Incorrect byte count Undefined Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-7 Command #59 Write Number of Response Preambles Set the minimum number of preambles to be sent by a device before the start of a response packet. This number includes the two preambles contained in the start of message. The value can vary from 2 to 15. Request data bytes: NUMBER RESP. PREAM. #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Number of response preambles to be sent with the response message from slave to master. Response data bytes: NUMBER RESP. PREAM. #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Number of response preambles to be sent with the response message from slave to master. 7-7-1 Command #59 Specific Response Codes 0 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8-15 16 17 No command-specific errors Undefined Passed parameter too large Passed parameter too small Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Access restricted Undefined 7-5 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-8 Command #66 Enter/Exit Fixed Analog Output Mode The device is placed in the Fixed Analog Output Mode with the analog output set to the value received. The value returned in the response data bytes is the value actually used by the device. A level of "Not-A-Number" (7F A0 00 00) with any unit code exits the fixed analog output mode. Fixed Analog Output Mode is also exited when the power is removed from the device. The Analog Output Code and the Analog Output Units must be compatible (i.e. current output and milliamps) and the device must be configured for the type of output specified by the Analog Output Code or Response Code 12 or 15 will be returned. Request data bytes: ANALOG ANALOG ANALOG ANALOG ANALOG OUTPUT # OUTPUT # OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. CODE UNIT MSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 ANALOG OUT. LVL. LSB #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2-5 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Analog output selection code. Refer to Section 9-11. Analog output units code. Refer to Section 9-19. Fixed analog output low or high level. Refer to Section 9-11. Response data bytes: ANALOG ANALOG ANALOG ANALOG ANALOG OUTPUT # OUTPUT # OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. CODE UNIT MSB #0 7-6 #1 #2 #3 #4 ANALOG OUT. LVL. LSB #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2-5 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format1 Analog output selection code. Refer to Section 9-11. Analog output units code. Refer to Section 9-19. Fixed analog output low or high level. Refer to Section 9-11 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-8-1 Command #66 Specific Response Codes 0 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8-11 12 13-14 15 16 17-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Passed parameter too large Passed parameter too small Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Invalid units code Undefined Invalid analog output number code Access restricted Undefined Follow the sequence below to adjust the output: 1) Use command #66 to put the device in a fixed analog output mode with the low limit as the fixed value. 2) Use command #67 to adjust the low limit (zero offset). 3) Use command #67 to put the device in a fixed analog output mode with the high limit as the fixed value. 4) Use command #68 to adjust the high limit (span). 5) Use the command #42 to perform a master reset in order to store the new values in nonvolatile memory. 7-7 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-9 Command #67 Trim Analog Output Zero Trim the Zero of the selected analog output so that the connected meter reads the analog output lower endpoint value. The response data bytes contain the value from the request as used by the device. Command #66, Enter/Exit Fixed Analog Output Mode, should be used first to set the analog output exactly to the lower endpoint value before using this command. Response code #9, "Not in proper analog output mode" will be returned if the analog output involved has not been set to the fixed analog output mode. Request data bytes: ANALOG ANALOG MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED OUTPUT # OUTPUT # OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. CODE UNIT MSB LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2-5 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Analog output number code. Refer to Section 9-11, Analog Output Selection codes. Analog output units code. Refer to Section 9-19, Analog Output units codes. Externally measured analog output level. Response data bytes: ANALOG ANALOG MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED OUTPUT # OUTPUT # OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. CODE UNIT MSB LSB #0 7-8 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2-5 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format1 Analog output number code. Refer to Section 9-11, Analog Output Selection codes. Analog output units code. Refer to Section 9-19, Analog Output units codes. Actual measured analog output level. Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-9-1 Command #67 Specific Response Codes 0 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-11 12 13-14 15 16 17-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Passed parameter too large Passed parameter too small Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Not in proper analog output mode Undefined Invalid units code Undefined Invalid analog output number code Access restricted Undefined 7-9 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-10 Command #68 Trim Analog Output Span Trim the Span of the selected analog output so that the connected meter reads the analog output upper endpoint value. The response data bytes contain the value from the request as used by the device. Command #66, Enter/Exit Fixed Analog Output Mode, should be used first to set the analog output exactly to the upper endpoint value before using this command. Response code #9, "Not in proper analog output mode" will be returned if the analog output involved has not been set to the fixed analog output mode. Request data bytes: ANALOG ANALOG MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED OUTPUT # OUTPUT # OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. CODE UNIT MSB LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2-5 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Analog output number code. Refer to Section 9-11, Analog Output Selection codes. Analog output units code. Refer to Section 9-19, Analog Output units codes. Externally measured analog output level. Response data bytes: ANALOG ANALOG MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED MEASURED OUTPUT # OUTPUT # OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. OUT. LVL. CODE UNIT MSB LSB #0 7-10 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2-5 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format1 Analog output number code. Refer to Section 9-11, Analog Output Selection codes. Analog output units code. Refer to Section 9-19, Analog Output units codes. Actual measured analog output level. Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-10-1 Command #68 Specific Response Codes 0 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-11 12 13-14 15 16 17-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Passed parameter too large Passed parameter too small Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Not in proper analog output mode Undefined Invalid units code Undefined Invalid analog output number code Access restricted Undefined 7-11 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-11 Command #122 Write Device Identification Number (Non-Public) Write the device indentification number into the device's memory. The response message will be made using the unique identifer (long frame address) as received in the request message. The devcie indentification number will not be incorporated in the unique identifer until the response message has been sent. The command is a Non-Public one, i.e. execution is protected by a three byte 'password' which has to be sent with the request message. This password should match the device's final assembly number in order to achieve a correct execution of the command. When they do not match, the "Command not implemented" response code will be returned. The coommand specific response codes will only be returned if the password and final assembly numbers have matched. Request data bytes: Password Password Password MSB #0 #1 Device I.D. # LSB Device I.D. # MSB Device I.D. # LSB #2 #3 #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 3-5 24-bit unsigned integer 24-bit unsigned integer Password Device indentification number Response data bytes: Device I.D. # MSB Device I.D. # Device I.D. # LSB #0 #1 #2 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 24-bit unsigned integer Device indentification number Command specific response codes: 0 1-4 5 6 7 8 - 15 16 17 - 127 7-12 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Access restricted Undefined Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 7-12 Command #123 Select Baud Rate Select the baud rate for RS485 communications. The new baud rate setting will not take effect until the device is reset, (See Command #42) or power is cycled to the device. Request data bytes: Baud Rate #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Baud Rate 0 9600 1 19200 2 38400 Response data bytes: Baud Rate #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Baud Rate Command specific response codes: 0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 7-13 Section 7 Common Practice Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 7-14 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-1 Command #128 Enter/Exit Write Protect Mode (Non-Public) This command is implemented to maintain compatibility with other Smart products, however, it is not required and has no effect. Write Protect mode is not supported by FMA-7400/7500 Series. Request data bytes: USER PASSWORD USER PASSWORD USER PASSWORD USER PASSWORD USER PASSWORD #1 #2 #3 #4 #0 USER WRITE PASS- PROTECT WORD MODE #5 #6 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-5 6 6 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 8-bit unsigned integer User password. Write protect code. Refer to Section 9-7, Write protect codes. Response data bytes: WRITE PROTECT MODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Write protect code. (Always returns 0). Refer to Section 9-7, Write protect codes. 8-1-1 Command #128 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 8-1 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-2 Command #131 Read Serial Number Read the order number from the device’s memory. The order number is a 24-byte packed ASCII string (resulting in 32 total unpacked ASCII characters) indicating the serial number of the device. The number can be used for traceability purposes. Request data bytes: None Response data bytes: Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-23 24 (8-bit) packed ASCII Serial Number 8-2-1 Command #131 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 8-2 No command-specific errors Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-3 Command #132 Read Model Number Read the device Model number from the device’s memory. The device Model number is a 24-byte packed ASCII string (resulting in 32 total unpacked ASCII characters). Request data bytes: None Response data bytes: Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-23 24 (8-bit) packed ASCII Serial Number 8-3-1 Command #132 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-3 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-4 Command #134 Read Software Revisions Read the software revision from the device as an ASCII string of up to 8 characters. If the firmware revision string is less than 8 characters, the remaining bytes wil be 0. Request data bytes: None Response data bytes: FIRMWARE REVISION FIRMWARE REVISION FIRMWARE REVISION FIRMWARE REVISION #0 #1 #2 #3 Data Byte # Type 0-7 8 (8-bit) ASCII text FIRMWARE FIRMWARE REVISION REVISION #4 #5 FIRMWARE FIRMWARE REVISION REVISION #6 Remarks Firmware revision 8-4-1 Command #134 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 8-4 No command-specific errors Undefined #7 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-5 Command #150 Read Process Gas Type Read the type of process gas specified by the gas selection code from the device’s memory. The gas can be specified as a string of upper and lower case characters. The gases will in most cases be expressed by their chemical formula. Request data bytes: Gas Select Code #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Gas Selection Code (1-6) Response data bytes: Gas Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Select Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas Gas #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 Code #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Gas Selection Code (1-10) 1-12 12 (8-bit) ASCII text Process Gas Type (null terminated string) 8-5-1 Command #150 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid Selection Undefined Incorrect Bytecount Undefined 8-5 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-6 Command #151 Read Gas Density, Flow Reference and Flow Range Read the density of the selected gas, the operational flow range and the reference temperature and pressure for the flow range. The flow range equals the volume flow in engineering units at 100% as calibrated. The reference temperature and pressure are the conditions at which the volume flow is specified. Request data bytes: Gas Select Code #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Gas Selection Code (1-6) Response data bytes: Gas Density Select Unit Density Code Code MSB #0 #1 #2 Density Density LSB #3 #4 #5 Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Unit MSB LSB Unit MSB #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 Flow Unit Flow Flow Flow Flow Code Range Range Range Range #18 #19 MSB #16 8-6 Density #17 LSB #20 LSB #15 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Data Byte # 0 Type Remarks 8-bit unsigned integer Gas selection Code (1-10) 1 8-bit unsigned integer Density Unit Code (See Section 9-4) 2-5 32-bit floating point, Process Gas Density IEEE 754 format 6 8-bit unsigned integer Reference Temperature Unit Code (See Section 9-5) 7-10 32-bit floating point, Reference Temperature Value IEEE 754 format 11 8-bit unsigned integer Reference Pressure Unit Code (See Section 9-6) 12-15 32-bit floating point, Reference Pressure Value IEEE 754 format 16 8-bit unsigned integer Reference Flow Rate Unit Code (See Section 9-3) 17-20 32-bit floating point, Reference Flow range Value IEEE 754 format 8-6-1 Command #151 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid Selection Undefined Incorrect Byte count Undefined 8-7 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-7 Command #152 Read Full Scale Flow Range Read the configured full scale flow range of the specified process gas page in the selected flow units (see Command 196). Request data bytes: GAS SELECT CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Gas selection code. Number between 1 and 6 Response data bytes: SEL FLOW UNIT FLOW RATE MSB FLOW RATE FLOW RATE FLOW RATE LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1-4 32-bit floating point IEEE 754 format Primary variable unit code. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Primary variable: flow rate Command specific response codes: 0 No command-specific errors 1 Unidefined 2 Invalid selection 3-4 Unidefined 5 Incorrect bytecount 6 - 127 Unidefined 8-8 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-8 Command #190 Read Standard Temperature and Pressure Write the standard temperature and pressure values into the device’s memory. The standard temperature and pressure are reference values which can be set by the user and which are used in the conversion of flow units as defined in Section 5-2-1. Request data bytes: None Response data bytes: Temp. Std. Std. Std. Std. Press. Std. Std. Std. Std. Unit Temp Temp Temp Temp Unit Press. Press. Press. Press. Code MSB LSB Code MSB #0 #1 #4 #5 #6 #2 #3 LSB #7 #8 #9 Data Byte # 0 Type Remarks 8-bit unsigned integer Temperature Unit Code (See Section 9-5) 1-4 32-bit floating point, Standard Temperature Value IEEE 754 format 5 8-bit unsigned integer Pressure Unit Code (See Section 9-6) 6-9 32-bit floating point, Standard Pressure Value IEEE 754 format 8-8-1 Command #190 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-9 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-9 Command #191 Write Standard Temperature and Pressure Write the standard temperature and pressure values into the device’s memory. The standard temperature and pressure are reference values which can be set by the user and which are used in the conversion of flow units as defined in Section 5-2-1. Request data bytes: Temp. Std. Std. Std. Std. Press. Std. Std. Std. Std. Unit Temp Temp Temp Temp Unit Press. Press. Press. Press. Code MSB LSB Code MSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 LSB #9 Data Byte # 0 Type Remarks 8-bit unsigned integer Temperature Unit Code (See Section 9-5) 1-4 32-bit floating point, Standard Temperature Value IEEE 754 format 5 8-bit unsigned integer Pressure Unit Code (See Section 9-6) 6-9 32-bit floating point, Standard Pressure Value IEEE 754 format Response data bytes: Temp. Std. Std. Std. Std. Press. Std. Std. Std. Std. Unit Temp Temp Temp Temp Unit Press. Press. Press. Press. Code MSB LSB Code MSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Data Byte # 0 1-4 LSB #9 Type Remarks 8-bit unsigned integer Temperature Unit Code (See Section 9-5) 32-bit floating point, Standard Temperature Value IEEE 754 format 5 8-bit unsigned integer Pressure Unit Code (See Section 9-6) 6-9 32-bit floating point, Standard Pressure Value IEEE 754 format 8-10 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-9-1 Command #191 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-15 16 17-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid Selection Passed parameter too large Passed parameter too small Incorrect Byte count Undefined In write protect mode Undefined Access restricted Undefined 8-11 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-10 Command #193 Read Operational Settings Read the operational settings from the device. These settings consist of the selected gas number, the selected flow reference condition, the selected flow unit and the selected temperature unit. Request data bytes: None Response data bytes: SEL SEL GAS FLOW NUMBER REF #0 #1 SEL FLOW UNIT SEL TEMP UNIT #2 #3 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer 2 8-bit unsigned integer 3 8-bit unsigned integer Selected gas number. Number between 1 and 6. Selected flow reference. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Selected flow unit. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Selected temperature unit. Refer to Section 9-5, Temperature unit codes. 8-10-1 Command #193 Specific Response Codes 0 1 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-11 Command #195 Select Gas Calibration Select a gas calibration from the available calibrations. Refer to the Product/Calibration Data Sheet(s) shipped with each device to determine the proper gas calibration number for the desired gas/flow conditions. Request data bytes: SEL CAL NUMBER #0 8-12 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Selected calibration number. Number between 1 and 6. Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Response data bytes: SEL CAL NUMBER #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Selected calibration number. Number between 1 and 6. 8-11-1 Command #195 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-12 Command #196 Select Flow Unit Select a flow unit. Selecting a flow unit not only consists of selecting the flow unit, but also the reference condition. The selected flow unit will be used in the conversion from flow data. Flow data will be made available to the user in the selected flow unit and reference conditions. (See Section 5-2-1.) Request data bytes: SEL FLOW REF #0 SEL FLOW UNIT #1 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer Selected flow reference. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Selected flow unit. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. 8-13 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Response data bytes: SEL FLOW REF #0 SEL FLOW UNIT #1 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer Selected flow reference. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Selected flow unit. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. 8-12-1 Command #196 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-13 Command #197 Select Temperature Unit Select a temperature unit. The selected temperature unit will be used in the conversion of temperature data. Temperature data will be made available to the user in the selected temperature unit. Request data bytes: SEL TEMP REF #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Selected temperature unit. Refer to Section 9-5, Temperature unit codes. Response data bytes: SEL TEMP REF #0 8-14 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-13-1 Command #197 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-15 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-14 Command #215 Read Setpoint Settings Read the setpoint related settings from the device. The settings contain the setpoint source indication, i.e. analog 0 - 5 V / 0 - 10 V / 0 - 20 mA, analog 4 - 20 mA or digital, the type of softstart and the softstart ramp. Request data bytes: None Response data bytes: SETP SOURCE CODE #0 SETP SPAN MSB SETP SPAN SETP SPAN SETP SPAN SETP LSB OFFSET MSB SETP OFFSET SETP OFFSET #6 #7 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 SOFT START CODE S. START RAMP MSB S. START RAMP S. START RAMP S. START RAMP LSB #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8 bit unsigned integer 1-4 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Type Setpoint source selection code. Refer to Section 9-12, Setpoint source selection codes. Always returns 1.0 SETP OFFSET LSB Data Byte # 5-8 9 10 - 13 Remarks 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 8 bit unsigned integer Always return 0.0. Softstart selection code. Refer to Section 9-13, Softstart selection codes. Softstart ramp value See command #218 for an explanation of the Softstart Ramp Value. 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 8-14-1 Command #215 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 8-16 No command-specific errors Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-15 Command #216 Select Setpoint Source Select the setpoint source to be used as setpoint input. The setpoint source can be either analog 0 - 5 V / 0 - 10 V / 0 - 20 mA, analog 4 - 20 mA or digital (i.e. through communication). This command allows the user to select between analog setpoint and digital setpoint. To change the analog input and output type configured during production, e.g. 0 - 5 V, 0 - 10 V, 0 - 20 mA, or 4 20 mA use the setpoint source selection values 10, 11, 20, 21 refer to Section 9-12. Request data bytes: SETP SOURCE CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Setpoint source selection code. Refer to Section 9-12, Setpoint source codes. Response data bytes: SETP SOURCE CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Setpoint source selection code. Refer to Section 9-12, Setpoint source codes. 8-15-1 Command #216 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-17 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-16 Command #218 Select Softstart Select the softstart type to be used by the device. The softstart mode can be set to either disabled or time. When Time is selected, then the Software Ramp value (see Command #219) will be the time required to ramp to a new setpoint expressed in seconds. Request data bytes: SOFT START CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Softstart selection code. Refer to Section 9-13, Softstart selection codes. Response data bytes: SOFT START CODE #0 8-18 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Softstart selection code. Refer to Section 9-13, Softstart selection codes. Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-16-1 Command #218 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-17 Command #219 Write Linear Softstart Ramp Value Write the linear softstart ramp value into the device’s memory. The definition of the softstart ramp value is dependent upon the selected softstart ramp code. See command #218 for a description of the softstart ramp value. Request data bytes: S.START S.START S.START S.START RAMP RAMP RAMP RAMP MSB LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Softstart ramp value [seconds] Response data bytes: S.START S.START S.START S.START RAMP RAMP RAMP RAMP MSB LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Softstart ramp value [seconds] 8-19 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-17-1 Command #219 Specific Response Codes 0 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Parameter too small Parameter too large Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefine 8-18 Command #220 Read PID Controller Values Read the PID controller settings from the device. The controller setting consist of three parameters: the proportional part Kp, the integral part Ki and the differential part Kd. Kd is not used and therefore is set to 0. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: KP MSB KP KP KP LSB KI MSB KI KI KI LSB #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 KD KD KD LSB #8 #9 #10 #11 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Kp. Proportional part of PID controller. Ki. Integral part of PID controller. Kd. Differential part of PID controller. #0 KD MSB 4-7 8 - 11 8-18-1 Command #220 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 8-20 No command-specific errors Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-19 Command #221 Write PID Controller Values Write the PID controller settings into the device. The controller setting consist of three parameters: the proportional part Kp, the integral part Ki and the differential part Kd. Request data bytes: KP MSB #0 KD MSB KP KP KP LSB KI MSB KI KI KI LSB #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 KD KD KD LSB #10 #11 #8 #9 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Kp. Proportional part of PID controller. Ki. Integral part of PID controller. Kd. Differential part of PID controller. 4-7 8 - 11 Response data bytes: KP MSB #0 KD MSB KP KP KP LSB KI MSB KI KI KI LSB #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 KD KD KD LSB #10 #11 #8 #9 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, Kp. Proportional part of PID controller. Ki. Integral part of PID controller. Kd. 4-7 8 - 11 8-21 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-19-1 Command #221 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6 7 8-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-20 Command #222 Read Valve Range and Valve Offset Read the Valve Range and Valve Offset values from the device. The settings are 24-bit unsigned integers used to fine tune the D/A converter for the valve control. The numbers are dimensionless and sized to the range of 0 to 62500. 100% flow is achieved with the number valve offset + valve range. Also, the sum of both should not be over 62500. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: VALVE RANGE MSB VALVE RANGE VALVE RANGE LSB VALVE OFFSET MSB #0 #1 #2 #3 VALVE VALVE OFFSET OFFSET LSB #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer 3-5 24-bit unsigned integer Valve range - (Not used in FMA-7400/7500, always returns 0.) Dimensionless number in the range of 0 to 62500. Valve offset Dimensionless number in the range of 0 to 62500. 8-20-1 Command #222 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 8-22 No command-specific errors Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-21 Command #223 Write Valve Range and Valve Offset Write the Valve Range and Valve Offset values into the device. The settings are 24-bit unsigned integers used to fine tune the D/A converter for the valve control. The numbers are dimensionless and sized to the range of 0 to 62500. 100% flow is achieved with the number valve offset + valve range. Also, the sum of both should not be over 62500. Request data bytes: VALVE RANGE MSB VALVE RANGE VALVE RANGE LSB VALVE OFFSET MSB #0 #1 #2 #3 VALVE VALVE OFFSET OFFSET LSB #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer 3-5 24-bit unsigned integer Valve range - (Not used in FMA-7400/7500, always write 0.) Dimensionless number in the range of 0 to 62500. Valve offset Dimensionless number in the range of 0 to 62500. Response data bytes: VALVE RANGE MSB VALVE RANGE VALVE RANGE VALVE OFFSET MSB #0 #1 #2 #3 VALVE VALVE OFFSET OFFSET LSB #4 #5 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer 3-5 24-bit unsigned integer Valve range (Not used in FMA-7400/7500; always returns 0) Dimensionless number in the range of 0 to 62500. Valve offset Dimensionless number in the range of 0 to 62500. 8-21-1 Command #223 Specific Response Codes 0 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Parameter too small Parameter too large Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-23 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-22 Command #226 Trim Setpoint Input This command instructs the device to perform a trim of the Setpoint Input for the condition specified in the data section. Before issuing this command, the appropriate voltage or current must be applied to the Setpoint Input. For example, to trim the Setpoint Input when the device is configured for 0 - 5 Volt input, first apply 2 Volts to the input, then send command #226 with the data value of 1. Then apply 10 Volts to the input and send command #226 with data value of 2. The new values will be stored in non-volatile memory when a master reset is performed using command #42. Request data bytes: CAL POINT #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 = Low scale point (2 volt 0 - 5 V / 0 - 10 V; 4 mA 0 - 20 mA; 4 mA 4 - 20 mA). 2 = High scale point (10 volt 0 - 5 V / 0 - 10 V; 20 mA 0 - 20 mA; 20 mA 4 - 20 mA). 0,3 - 225 = Undefined Response data bytes: CAL POINT #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 = Min scale point (ex. 2 Volts, 4 ma). 2 = Max scale point (ex. 10 Volts, 20 ma). 0,3 -225 = Undefined 8-22-1 Command #226 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6-127 8-24 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-23 Command #230 Get Valve Override Status Get the current valve override status from the device. The valve override status can be set to either OFF (No valve override), CLOSE, OPEN or MANUAL. The analog valve override input on the D-Connector of the device will take precedence over the digital command sent to the device via command #231. Therefore, the value reported with the Get Valve Override Status command may be different than the last value sent to the device using command #231. Request data bytes: None . Response data bytes: VALVE OVERRIDE CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Valve override code. Refer to Section 9-14, Valve override codes. 8-23-1 Command Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-25 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-24 Command #231 Set Valve Override Status Set the current valve override status. The valve override can be set to either OFF (No valve override), CLOSE or OPEN. The analog valve override input on the D-Connector of the device will take precedence over the digital command. Request data bytes: VALVE OVERRIDE CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Valve override code. Refer to Section 9-14, Valve override codes. Response data bytes: VALVE OVERRIDE CODE #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Valve override code. Refer to Section 9-14, Valve override codes. 8-24-1 Command #231 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-127 8-26 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-25 Command #235 Read Setpoint in % and Selected Units Read the current setpoint value in percent of full scale and in selected flow units. The setpoint in selected flow units compared to its full scale range should be the equivalent of the setpoint in percent. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: PERCENT UNIT CODE SETP PERCENT MSB #0 #1 SETP UNITS SETP UNITS LSB #8 #9 SETP SETP PERCENT PERCENT #2 #3 SETP PERCENT LSB SETP FLOW UNIT SETP UNITS MSB SETP UNITS #4 #5 #6 #7 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1-4 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 8-bit unsigned integer Setpoint percent unit. Unit always reads 57 (decimal), percent. Setpoint in percent of full scale. 5 6- 9 Selected flow unit. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Setpoint in selected flow unit. 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 8-25-1 Command #235 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-27 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-26 Command #236 Write Setpoint in % or Selected Units Write the current setpoint value in percent of full scale or in selected flow units to the device. If the setpoint unit code is set to percent (code 57) the setpoint value is assumed to be in percent. If the setpoint unit code is set to Not Used, the setpoint value is assumed to be in the selected flow unit. The return message is the same as the one of Command #235. The setpoint in selected flow units compared to its full scale range should be the equivalent of the setpoint in percent. When this command is received, the Setpoint Source will be set to digital automatically if not already in digital mode. The Setpoint Source will remain in digital mode until the user returns the Setpoint Source to analog mode via Command #216 or until the power to the device is cycled. Request data bytes: SETP UNIT CODE SETP #0 #1 SETP SETP SETP MSB LSB #2 #3 #4 Data Byte # 0 Type Remarks 8-bit unsigned integer 1-4 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 Setpoint unit. 57 (decimal), “Percent” or 250 (decimal) “Not Used”. Setpoint value. In either percent of full scale or in selected flow units. Response data bytes: PERCENT UNIT CODE SETP PERCENT MSB #0 #1 SETP UNITS SETP UNITS LSB #8 #9 #2 #3 SETP PERCENT LSB SETP FLOW UNIT SETP UNITS MSB SETP UNITS #4 #5 #6 #7 Data Byte # 0 Type Remarks 8-bit unsigned integer 1-4 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 8-bit unsigned integer Setpoint percent unit. Unit always reads 57 (decimal), percent. Setpoint in percent of full scale. 5 6-9 8-28 SETP SETP PERCENT PERCENT 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Select flow unit. Refer to Section 9-3, Flow rate unit and reference codes. Setpoint in selected flow unit. Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-26-1 Command #236 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Parameter too small Parameter too large Incorrect bytecount Undefined In write protect mode Undefined 8-27 Command #237 Read Valve Control Value Read the current valve control value. The valve control value is a dimensionless number in the range from 0 to 62500. It represents the value sent to the D/A-converter used to control the valve. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: VALVE VALUE MSB VALVE VALUE VALVE VALUE LSB #0 #1 #2 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-2 24-bit unsigned integer Valve control value. Dimensionless number between 0 and 62500. 8-27-1 Command #237 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-29 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-28 Command #240 Read Totalizer Status Read the totalizer status. Both the totalizer status and the selected totalizer unit is returned. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: TOT. STATUS SEL. TOT. UNIT #0 #1 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1 8-bit unsigned integer Totalizer status code. Refer to 9-16 Totalizer unit. Refer to 9-17 8-28-1 Command #240 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 8-30 No command-specific errors Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-29 Command #241 Set Totalizer Control Set the totalizer state. Use this command to start, stop or reset the totalizer. Actually, the totalizer has only two states; running and stopped. A totalizer reset will not effect the totalizer state. Request data bytes: TOT. CMD. #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Totalizer command code. Refer to Section 9-16, Totalizer command/status codes. Response data bytes: TOT. STATUS #0 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer Totalizer status code. Refer to Section 9-16, Totalizer command/status codes. 8-29-1 Command #241 Specific Response Codes 0 1 2 3-4 5 6- 127 No command-specific errors Undefined Invalid selection Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 8-30 Command #242 Read Totalizer Value and Unit Read the totalizer counter and the totalizer unit. The totalizer unit is dependent on the selected flow unit and can not be selected separately. Request data bytes: NONE 8-31 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Response data bytes: SEL. TOT. UNITS TOT. COUNT. MSB TOT. COUNT. TOT. COUNT. TOT. COUNT. LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 8-bit unsigned integer 1-4 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Totalizer unit code. Refer to Section 9-17, Totalizer unit codes Totalizer counter value. 8-30-1 Command #242 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-31 Command #245 Read Alarm Enable Setting Read the alarm enable settings. These alarm settings can be used to mask specific alarm sources. Request data bytes: NONE Response data bytes: ALARMENABLE BYTE 0 ALARMENABLE BYTE 1 ALARMENABLE BYTE 2 ALARMENABLE BYTE 3 #0 #1 #2 #3 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 1 2 3 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field Alarm mask byte 0 Alarm mask byte 1 Alarm mask byte 2 Alarm mask byte 3 Refer to Section 9-15, Additional device status and masking 8-31-1 Command #245 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 8-32 No command-specific errors Undefined Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 8-32 Command #246 Write Alarm Enable Setting Set the alarm enable settings. These alarm settings can be used to mask specific alarm sources. Request data bytes: ALARMENABLE BYTE 0 ALARMENABLE BYTE 1 ALARMENABLE BYTE 2 ALARMENABLE BYTE 3 #0 #1 #2 #3 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 1 2 3 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field Alarm mask byte 0 Alarm mask byte 1 Alarm mask byte 2 Alarm mask byte 3 Refer to 9-15, Additional device status and masking Response data bytes: ALARMENABLE BYTE 0 ALARMENABLE BYTE 1 ALARMENABLE BYTE 2 ALARMENABLE BYTE 3 #0 #1 #2 #3 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0 1 2 3 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field 8-bit bit-field Alarm mask byte 0 Alarm mask byte 1 Alarm mask byte 2 Alarm mask byte 3 Refer to 9-15 8-32-1 Command #246 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Too few bytes received Undefined 8-33 Command #247 Read High/Low Flow Alarm Read the high/low flow alarm settings as a percent of device full scale. This command can be used to read the actual flow alarm limits. Request data bytes: NONE 8-33 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Response data bytes: LOWLIMIT MSB LOWLIMIT LOWLIMIT LOWLIMIT LSB HIGHLIMIT MSB HIGHLIMIT HIGHLIMIT HIGHLIMIT LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Low-flow alarm limit (Percent of FS). 4-7 High-flow alarm limit (Percent of FS). 8-33-1 Command #247 Specific Response Codes 0 1-127 No command-specific errors Undefined 8-34 Command #248 Write High/Low Flow Alarm Set the high/low flow alarm settings in percent of device full scale. This command can be used to configure the flow alarm limits. NOTE: Smart Digital Series devices use Flow Alarm 1 for the Low Flow Alarm and Flow Alarm 2 for the High Flow Alarm. Request data bytes: LOWLIMIT MSB LOWLIMIT LOWLIMIT LOWLIMIT LSB HIGHLIMIT MSB HIGHLIMIT HIGHLIMIT HIGHLIMIT LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Low-flow alarm limit (Percent of FS). 4-7 High-flow alarm limit (Percent of FS). Response data bytes: 8-34 LOWLIMIT MSB LOWLIMIT LOWLIMIT LOWLIMIT LSB HIGHLIMIT MSB HIGHLIMIT HIGHLIMIT HIGHLIMIT LSB #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-3 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format 32-bit floating point, IEEE 754 format Low-flow alarm limit. 4-7 High-flow alarm limit. 8-34-1 Command #248 Specific Response Codes 0 1-2 3 4 5 6-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Passed parameter too large Passed parameter too small Too few bytes received Undefined 8-35 Command #250 Change User Password This command is implemented to maintain compatibility with other Smart products, however, it is not required and has no effect. Write Protect mode is not supported by Smart Digital Series and therefore the device does not require a password. Request data bytes: OLD PASSW. OLD PASSW. OLD PASSW. OLD PASSW. OLD PASSW. OLD PASSW. NEW PASSW. NEW PASSW. #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 NEW PASSW. NEW PASSW. NEW PASSW. #9 #10 #11 NEW PASSW. #8 Data Byte # Type Remarks 0-5 6 - 11 6 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII 6 (8-bit) byte packed ASCII Current password. New password. Response data bytes: NONE 8-35-1 Command #250 Specific Response Codes 0 1-4 5 6-127 No command-specific errors Undefined Incorrect bytecount Undefined 8-35 Section 8 Transmitter Specific Command Specifications FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8-36 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 9-1 Transmitter Specific Tables This Section lists all transmitter specific codes as used by the FMA-7400/ 7500 Series RS485 Protocol devices. The codes are commonly 8-bit unsigned integers, ranging from 0 to 255. In a number of cases these code tables are subsets of existing “Common Tables” provided by the HART communication specification. 9-2 Device Type Codes The Device type code for all FMA-7400/7500 Series RS485 devices is 90. 9-3 Flow Rate Unit and Reference Codes The flow rate unit codes are covered by two tables: the table with the reference condition codes and the table with the actual unit codes. Code 0..16 17 18 19 20..23 24 25..27 28 29..56 57 58..130 131 132..137 138 139..169 170 171 172 173..249 250..255 Flow rate unit Undefined Litres/minute Undefined Cubic meters/hour Undefined Litres/second Undefined Cubic meters/second Undefined Percent of flow range Undefined Cubic meters/minute Undefined Liters/hour Undefined Millilitres/second Millilitres/minute Millilitres/hour Undefined Reserved 9-1 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 Code 0 1 2 3..249 250..255 Reference condition Normal (273.15 Kelvin/1013.33 mBar) Standard (User defined through separate command) Calibration (As defined at calibration) Undefined Reserved 9-4 Density Unit Codes The density units are always referenced at 273.15 Kelvin and 1013.33 mBar (‘normal’ conditions). Code 0..90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98..249 250..255 Density unit Undefined Grams/cubic centimetre Kilograms/cubic meters Undefined Pounds/cubic feet Undefined Kilograms/litre Grams/Litre Undefined Reserved Code 0..31 32 33 34 35 36..249 250..255 Temperature unit Undefined Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit Undefined Kelvin Undefined Reserved 9-5 Temperature Unit Codes 9-2 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 9-6 Pressure Unit and Reference Codes All pressure values can be expressed in the pressure units as given in the table below. In case the unit refers to the inlet and outlet pressure values, the pressure reference is also given. Code 0..5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15..249 250..255 Pressure unit Undefined Pounds/square inch Bar Millibar Undefined Pascals Kilopascals Torricelli Atmosphere Undefined Reserved Code 0 1 2..249 250..255 Pressure reference Absolute pressure Effective pressure Undefined Reserved 9-7 Write Protect Codes Write Protect Codes Code 0 2..249 250..255 Material Not write protected Undefined Reserved 9-8 Physical Signalling Codes The physical signalling codes indicate the physical layer that can be used for communication. Physical Signalling Codes Code 0 1..249 250..255 Physical signalling code RS485 Undefined Reserved 9-3 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 9-9 Transmitter Variable Codes Definition of the transmitter variable codes. Transmitter Variable Codes Code 0 1 2 3..249 250..255 Variable Flow rate Temperature Pressure Undefined Reserved 9-10 Flag Assignments The flag assignments indicate implementation facts of the device. Flag Assignments Bit #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Indication Multisensor device Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Reserved 9-11 Analog Output Selection Codes Definition of the analog output selection codes. Analog Output Selection Codes Analog Output Analog Output Factory Analog Analog Code Code Description Configured Level Low Level High Output Type 0 Current Output 0 - 20 mA1 4 20 4 - 20 mA 4 20 1 Voltage Output 0-5V 0 5 0 - 10 V 0 10 1 For output type 0 - 20 mA use command #216 to switch to 4 - 20 mA. Perform the output adjustment, master reset and use command #216 to switch back to 0 - 20 mA. 9-4 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 9-12 Setpoint Source Selection Codes The codes define the possible sources for the setpoint signal. Setpoint Source Selection Codes Code 0 1..2 3 4...9 10 11 12..19 20 21 22..249 250..255 Setpoint source Undefined Analog Input Digital Communication Input Undefined Sets Analog Input and Output 0-5 V Sets Analog Input and Output 0-10 V Undefined Sets Analog Input and Output 0-20 mA Sets Analog Input and Output 4-20 mA Undefined Reserved Read command #215 will only return setpoint source selection codes 1, 2 and 3. Command #215 returns code 1 for analog input/output type 0-5 V, 0-10 V and 0-20 mA, and code 2 for input/output type 4-20 mA. Both codes 1 and 2 can be used for command #216 to change the setpoint source to analog, this will select the analog input/output type configured during production. Next to the values 1, 2 and 3 write command #216 will also accept setpoint source selection codes 10, 11, 20 and 21 to change the configured analog input and output type to 0-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA. Only use this in case the analog input and output type, configured during production, needs to change. 9-13 Softstart Selection Codes The codes define the possible softstart types with changing setpoints. Softstart Selection Codes Code 0 1 2 3 4 5..249 250..255 Softstart type Softstart disabled Undefined Undefined Undefined Linear up and down Softstart Undefined Reserved 9-5 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 9-14 Valve Override Codes Note: These codes are all ‘Undefined’ for the meter models. Valve Override Codes Code 0 1 2 3 3..249 250..255 9-15 Totalizer Command/Status Codes Totalizer command/status codes Code 0 1 2 Totalizer command / status Stop totalizer / stopped Start totalizer / running Reset totalizer counter / resetting 9-16 Totalizer Unit Codes Totalizer unit codes Code 41 43 60 61 63 175 Totalizer unit l (liters) m3 (cubic meters) g (gram) kg (kilogram) lb (pound) ml (milliliter) 9-17 Analog Output Unit Codes Analog Output Unit codes Code 0..38 39 40..57 58 59..249 250..255 9-6 Analog Output Unit Codes Undefined Milliamperes Undefined Volts Undefined Reserved Valve override selection Valve override off (normal operation) Valve override open Valve override close Valve override manual (Read Only) Undefined Reserved Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 9-18 Additional Device Status and Masking Additional Device Status and Masking Byte # Bit # Status bit description 0=no error, 1=specified error ccured): Device status masking Mask bit: Mod LED 0=disabled Flash Code 1=enabled (*default) 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Program memory corrupt RAM test failure Undefined Non-volatile memory failure Undefined Internal power supply failure Undefined Undefined 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Setpoint deviation (controller error) Temperature out of limits (high/low) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 / 1* 0 */ 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Low flow alarm (flow alarm 1) High flow alarm (flow alarm 2) Totalizer overflow Undefined Undefined Valve drive out of limits Undefined Device calibration due 0* 0* 0* 0 0 0* 0 0* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Device overhaul due Undefined No-flow indication Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined Undefined 1 2 3 12 12 12 6 /1 /1 /1 Remarks One always One always Zero always One always Zero always One always Zero always Zero always Zero always Zero always Zero always Zero always Zero always Zero always 8 7 10 11 7 Zero always Zero always /1 3 /1 2 0* / 1 0 0/ 1* 0 0 0 0 0 1 Zero always Zero always 9 Zero always Zero always Zero always Zero always Zero always 9-7 Section 9 Transmitter Specific Tables FMA-7400/7500 Series Devices - RS485 THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 9-8 WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages. CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner. RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIES Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence. The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit. FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED, 2. Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product. FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair, 2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product. OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 2009 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control? OMEGA…Of Course! 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