Top Mobility Pursuit Sport scooter User manual

Below you will find brief information for scooter. This guide provides basic information about safety requirements, proper use, and other information to keep you safe. This user manual is designed to help you operate your scooter safely.

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Scooter Consumer Safety Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Regenerative braking
  • Disc park brake
  • Manual freewheel lever system
  • Push-too-fast protection
  • Maximum weight capacity
  • Maximum incline angle

Frequently asked questions

The maximum weight capacity of the scooter is specified in the product specifications table.

The maximum incline angle that the scooter can safely ascend or descend is 5° (8.7%) or the maximum allowable incline listed in the product specifications.

The freewheel mode disengages the braking system and allows for manual maneuverability by the user or a trained attendant.

The scooter is equipped with two braking systems - regenerative and disc park brake. Regenerative braking uses electricity to rapidly slow the scooter to a neutral state. Disc park braking activates mechanically after regenerative braking slows the vehicle to near stop, or when power is removed from the system for any reason.
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