Campbell 15906 Instruction manual

Campbell 15906 Instruction manual
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Campbell 15906 Instruction manual | Manualzz

25458 DIN-Rail Terminal Kit


C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 9

C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c , I n c .

25458 Kit Table of Contents

PDF viewers note: These page numbers refer to the printed version of this document. Use the Adobe Acrobat® bookmarks tab for links to specific sections.

1. Introduction


2. Installation Procedure



1. 15908 DIN Rail Stopper Installation ..........................................................1

2. 15920 Terminal Strip Installation ...............................................................2

3. 15907 End Plate Installation.......................................................................2

4. 15909 Jumper Installation...........................................................................3

5. DIN-Rail Bracket Mounted onto an Enclosure Backplate..........................3

6. An Installed and Wired 25458 DIN Rail Terminal Kit...............................4

7. The 25458 DIN Rail Terminal Kit facilitates wiring of multiple

HMP45C sensors..................................................................................4 i

25458 DIN-Rail Terminal Kit

1. Introduction

The 25458 kit can facilitate wiring when many wires need to be connected to one terminal. The kit contains one 15906 5-inch DIN-Rail Mounting Bracket, two 505 screws, two 6044 grommets, and two 15908 DIN-Rail Stoppers. A complete configuration will also include #15920 Terminal Strips, #15907 End

Plates, and #15909 Jumpers. The stoppers, terminal strips, and end plates are mounted onto the DIN Rail bracket. The DIN Rail bracket is mounted to an enclosure backplate using the kit’s screws and grommets.

One 15920 terminal strip consists of three spring-loaded "guillotine" terminals that provide connection points for individual wires. Up to 20 of these terminal strips may be fastened to the DIN Rail bracket. The 15907 End Plates separate the terminal strips. The 15909 jumpers are used to electrically connect the terminals. A stopper needs to be on each end of the terminal strip assembly.

2. Installation Procedure

1. Mount the 15908 DIN Rail Stoppers, 15920 Terminal Strips, and 15907

End Plates onto the 15906 DIN Rail Bracket (see Figures 1 through 3).

FIGURE 1. 15908 DIN Rail Stopper Installation


25458 DIN-Rail Terminal Kit

FIGURE 2. 15920 Terminal Strip Installation


FIGURE 3. 15907 End Plate Installation

25458 DIN-Rail Terminal Kit

2. Insert the 15 909 Jumpers in the terminal strips as shown in Figure 4.

FIGURE 4. 15909 Jumper Installation

3. Mount the DI N Rail bracket onto the enclosure backplate using two 505 screws and two 6044 grommets (see Figure 5).

FIGURE 5. DIN-Rail Bracket Mounted onto an Enclosure Backplate


25458 DIN-Rail Terminal Kit

4. Connect the wires to the terminals (see Figures 6 and 7). The 8125 flatbladed screwdriver is used to open the terminals’ guillotines for wire entry.

FIGURE 6. An Installed and Wired 25458 DIN Rail Terminal Kit


FIGURE 7. The 25458 DIN Rail Terminal Kit facilitates wiring of multiple HMP45C sensors.

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