How to hardwire the Olympus D-370 and D-380 Digital Cameras
Copyright ©, PixController, all rights reserved.
This document covers in detail how to modify either the Olympus D-370 or D-380 Digital Camera
so that the shutter can be controlled remotely. Please note that if you make this modification to
your Olympus camera that you will void your camera’s warranty.
Tools Needed
a. 2.4 mm #0 Philips Screwdriver & Small Flat Blade Screwdriver.
b. 3/16” Drill Bit and Drill.
c. Soldering Iron with a small tip.
d. (3) 6” 24 Gauge Wires.
1. Remove the Camera Batteries and SmartMedia Card
Before you begin to modify your camera you need to make sure you remove the batteries and the
SmartMedia card from the camera. If you leave them in you can damage your camera or the
media card. Note Figures 1 and 2 for the location of the 4 AA Batteries and the SmartMedia card.
Figure 1
Figure 2
2. Remove the Screws
The next step is to remove the screws from the camera case. There are a total of 7 small screws
to remove from the camera body. Note the location of each screw in Figure 3. There are 5
screws that are 3/16 inch in length, and 2 that are 1/4 inch in length.
Figure 3
Using a small 2.4 mm Philips type screwdriver remove screw #1 shown in Figure 5. Be sure to
keep a small jar handy to keep your screws in. Next open the door where the SmartMedia card is
located and remove screws #2 and #3 from the locations shown in Figure 6. Note, these are the
longer ¼ inch screws. After the screws are removed close the door so it stays in place when the
camera is taken apart.
Next open the door that covers the batter compartment. Remove screw #4 from the location
shown in Figure 7.
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Next remove screws #5 and #6, which are located around the cameras tripod mount seen in
Figure 8. Lastly remove screw #7, which is located under the flap where the USB port is.
Figure 8
Figure 9
You should have these 7 screws set aside shown in Figure 10 while you now remove the camera
Figure 10
3. Remove Back Cover
The next step is to remove the back cover. This is done by taking a small flat blade screwdriver
and carefully prying apart the back cover from the middle seam. See Figure 11. Note: you must
keep the tabs open that cover the DC Power Input and the USB port when doing this.
Figure 11
Be sure not to touch the area show. This is where the
flash CAP is located and it will give you a nasty shock
it touched. It’s a good idea to place a piece of
electrical tape over this area when performing this
Do not touch this area!
4. Drill Camera Cable Hole
Next you need to drill a small 3/16” hole in the bottom of the back cover. This hole is needed to
run the camera cable wires through. Note the location of the hole in Figure 12. Once drilled
insert the Camera Cable wires into the hole with the connector on the outside. See Figure 13 for
how this should look.
Figure 12
Figure 13
5. Solder Camera Cable
The last step is to solder the Camera Cable into place. This is the most critical part of the
modification. Please be familiar with soldering techniques before soldering the wires in place.
Locate the 3 soldering contact points shown in Figures 14 and 15. They are located near the
shutter button of the camera. You will be soldering 3 wires to the “Shutter”, “Refresh”, and
“Common” contact points. Figure 15 shows the exact locations of the solder points.
Figure 14
Figure 15
Next carefully place the camera cable under the sheet metal piece shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16
Lastly solder the Camera Cable into place. See Figure 17 for the location of the Black, Red, and
Green wires. Carefully solder these wires in place, and be sure not to remove the existing wires.
Also, be sure not to create a “solder bridge” between any of the 3 solder contact points.
Figure 17
6. Finished
You are now complete with the hardwire modification of your Olympus digital camera. Simply
replace the camera back and insert the 7 screws into the case. Figure 18 shows your completed
camera with camera cable.
Figure 18
PixController Universal Board Wiring Information
Update 9/9/04
Shown below are the locations for wiring to the PixContorller Universal Board. You may either
solder your connections to the “Camera Port”, or use the enclosed Phone Cable and wire to the
“Phone Jack Port”.
Note: The included phone cable for the phone jack can come in 2 different types of
configurations: Please make note if you have the Standard or Reverse Cable.
If the wiring for the phone line you have is BRGY
(Standard Cable)
Black -> Shutter
Red -> Refresh
Green -> Power on/off
Yellow -> Common or Ground
If the wiring for the phone line you have is YGRB
(Reverse Cable)
Yellow -> Shutter
Green-> Refresh
Red -> Power on/off
Black -> Common or Ground
Copyright ©, PixController, all rights reserved.