OLIMEX PIC-PG4D PIC16F84A, PIC16F628 PIC microcontroller development board User manual
Below you will find brief information for PIC microcontroller development board PIC-PG4D PIC16F84A, PIC microcontroller development board PIC-PG4D PIC16F628. The PIC-PG4D is a microcontroller development board that allows you to program and run PIC microcontrollers using a RS232 port and ICPROG software. It includes a built-in programmer, a 20MHz oscillator, an LM78L05 voltage regulator, and a sea of pads for prototyping. The board comes with both the PIC16F84A and PIC16F628 microcontrollers and allows for in-circuit programming of PICs on other boards.
Key Features
- On-board programmer
- RS232 port for programming
- ICSP programming interface
- 20MHz oscillator circuit
- LM78L05 voltage regulator
- I2C EEPROM memory
- Sea of pads on 0.1" grid with GND bus
- Four mounting holes
- Dimensions: 61x76 mm
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I program the PIC on the board?
Connect the PIC-PG4D board to your computer's RS232 port and use ICPROG software to program the microcontroller. Ensure the switch is in the PGM position and the power supply is disconnected when programming.
What is the power supply requirement for the board?
The power supply must be in the range of +7.5-12VDC.
What are the RS232 connections for programming?
Your RS232 cable must provide the following signals: Tx, Rx, CTS, DTR, RTS, and GND. The RS232 interface is used for communication between the PIC on the board and other computers with an RS232 interface.