Browning Cynergy over and under shotgun Owner’s manual

Browning Cynergy over and under shotgun Owner’s manual
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Below you will find brief information for Cynergy. The Cynergy is the very latest in over and under shotgun technology, incorporating cutting edge technology with legendary integrity earned by producing the very finest over and under shotguns for more than 75 years.


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Browning Cynergy Over and Under Shotgun Owner's Manual | Manualzz



08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 1

over and under shotgun owner’s manual

11/19/08 8:54:17 AM

Important operating instructions for:

B r o w n i n g C y n e r g y

® o v e r a n d u n d e r s h o t g u n s

If you have any questions about your new firearm, this owner’s manual or other Browning products, contact:

Browning Customer Service

One Browning Place

Morgan, UT 84050-9326

Phone: (800) 333-3288

Please use the space below to record information about your new firearm.

Model __________________________________________________

Serial Number ____________________________________________

Purchased From __________________________________________

Date of Purchase __________________________________________

t h a n K y o u F o r C h o o s i n g a

B r o w n i n g C y n e r g y s h o t g u n .

The Cynergy is the very latest in over and under shotgun technology, incorporating cutting edge technology with legendary integrity earned by producing the very finest over and under shotguns for more than

75 years. The Cynergy’s precise fit and finish will give you a keen sense of confidence and pride.

With a reasonable amount of care, your Cynergy shotgun is designed to give you many years of dependable, enjoyable service.

08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 2-1

C o n t e n t s P a g e

You are Responsible for Firearms Safety ................................................2

General Description and Operation .......................................................9

Nomenclature .........................................................................................10

Serial Number ........................................................................................10

Initial Cleaning .......................................................................................10

Operation of the “Safety” ......................................................................11

Barrel Selector ........................................................................................12

Top Lever ................................................................................................12

Assembly .................................................................................................13

Disassembly ............................................................................................15

Ammunition ...........................................................................................16

Loading ...................................................................................................17

Firing ......................................................................................................18

Unloading ...............................................................................................19

Interchangeable Choke Tube System ....................................................19

Adjusting the Comb ...............................................................................23

Adjusting the Length of Pull .................................................................30

Triple Trigger™ System ..........................................................................32

Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions ...............................................33

Barrel Porting .........................................................................................38

Maintenance of Oil Finish Stocks .........................................................38

Models with Special Finishes ................................................................38

Service or Repair ....................................................................................39


11/19/08 8:54:17 AM

y o u a r e r e s P o n s i B l e F o r F i r e a r m s s a F e t y


failure to follow any of the following warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

As a gun owner, you accept a set of demanding responsibilities. How seriously you take these responsibilities can be the difference between life and death.

There is no excuse for careless or abusive handling of any firearm.

At all times handle this firearm and all other firearms with intense respect for their power and potential danger.

Please read and understand all of the cautions, warnings, notices, proper handling procedures and instructions outlined in this owner’s manual before using your new firearm.

1 always keep the muZZle of your firearm pointed in a safe direCtion even though you are Certain it is unloaded.

Never point any firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot.

Be extremely alert and aware of all persons and property within the range of your ammunition.

2 never rely totally on your firearm’s meChaniCal “safety” deviCe. like any meChaniCal deviCe, a “safety” Can sometimes fail; it Can be jarred or inadvertently manipulated into an unsafe Condition.

The word “safety” describes a firearm’s trigger block mechanism, sear block mechanism, hammer block mechanism or firing pin block mechanism. Mechanical “safeties” are designed to place your firearm in a safer status, and no guarantee can be made that the firearm will not fire even if the “safety” is in the on safe position.

Mechanical “safeties” merely aid safe gun handling and are no excuse for pointing your firearm’s muzzle in an unsafe direction.

See “Operation of the Safety” on page 11 for instructions on the operation of this firearm’s “safety.”

08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 2-3

Remember, safe gun handling does not stop with your firearm’s mechanical “safety” devices, it starts there. Always treat this firearm with the respect due a loaded, ready-to-fire firearm.

Some firearms do not have a mechanical “safety.” Many target firearms, lever-action firearms and pistols do not have manual

“safety” mechanisms. Therefore it is critical to read and understand the owner’s manual for every firearm which explains the safe operation of the firearm.

While it is a good idea to “test” your firearm’s mechanical “safety” periodically for proper function, never test the “safety” while your firearm is loaded or pointed in an unsafe direction.

3 whenever you handle any firearm, or hand it to someone, always open the aCtion immediately and visually CheCk the firearm’s Chamber to make Certain that the firearm is

Completely unloaded.

Make certain the firearm does not inadvertently contain any ammunition. Always keep the chamber empty and the “safety” in the on safe position unless shooting is imminent.

4 always wear ear and eye proteCtion when shooting.

Unprotected, repeated exposure to gunfire can cause hearing damage. Wear hearing protection (shooting ear plugs or muffs) to guard against such damage.

Wear shooting glasses to protect your eyes from flying particles.

Allow proper distance (eye relief) between a scope and your eye when firing a scoped rifle, shotgun or pistol. Do not use unorthodox shooting methods that could cause the rearward travel of the slide or bolt of a firearm to contact your eyes, face or hands.

Always keep a safe distance between the muzzle of your firearm and any persons nearby, as muzzle blast, debris and ejecting shells could inflict serious injury.

Always wear eye protection when disassembling and cleaning any firearm to prevent the possibility of springs, spring-tensioned parts, solvents or other agents from contacting your eyes.


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5 keep all firearms unloaded during transport, even when stored in a holster, gun Case, sCabbard or other Container.

6 dropping or jarring a loaded firearm Can Cause aCCidental disCharge.

This can occur even with the “safety” in the on safe position. Be extremely careful while hunting or during any shooting activity to avoid dropping any firearm.

7 hunting from elevated surfaCes suCh as treestands is dangerous.

Doing so may increase the risk of mishandling a firearm. The following rules should always be observed by you and those you hunt with. Always make certain that the stand being used is safe and stable. Always make certain that your firearm is unloaded when it is being taken up and down from the stand. Always make certain that your firearm is not dropped from the stand, or dropped while it is being taken up or down from the stand.

Remember, a loaded firearm may discharge when dropped, even with the “safety” in the on safe position.

8 store your firearm and ammunition separately, well beyond the reaCh of Children.

Take prudent safeguards to ensure your firearm does not become available to untrained, inexperienced or unwelcome hands. Store all firearms in secure, locked cases or a gun safe. Keep your firearm unloaded when not in use.

9 beware of barrel obstruCtions.

Mud, snow and an infinite variety of other objects may inadvertently lodge in a barrel bore. It only takes a small obstruction to cause dangerously increased pressures that can damage your firearm and cause serious injury to yourself and others.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 4-5 before CheCking for a barrel obstruCtion, be Certain your firearm is Completely unloaded, there is not a live shell in the Chamber and the “safety” is in the on safe position.

After assuring yourself that the firearm is completely unloaded, open the breech or action and look through the barrel to be sure it is clear of obstructions. If an obstruction is seen, no matter how small it may be, clean the bore with a cleaning rod and patch as described on page 34 of this owner’s manual.

10 be alert to the signs of ammunition malfunCtion. if you deteCt an off sound or light reCoil when a shell is fired, do not load another shell into the Chamber.

If your firearm fails to fire, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction for a minimum of 30 seconds. Carefully open the action and remove the shell from the chamber. If the primer is indented, the defective shell should be disposed of in a way that cannot cause harm. If the primer is not indented, your firearm should be examined by a qualified gunsmith and the cause of the malfunction corrected before further use. Glance down the barrel to make sure that no obstructions remain in the barrel. Completely clear the barrel before loading and firing again. Failure to follow these instructions can cause extensive damage to your firearm and possible serious injury to yourself and others.

11 never insert a shell of the inCorreCt gauge into any firearm.

The gauge of your firearm is marked on the barrel. Store all shells of different gauges in completely separate and well-marked containers. Never store shells of mixed gauges in a common container or in your pockets. See page 16 for more information on the correct ammunition for your firearm.


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12 examine every shell you put in your firearm.

We assume no responsibility for the use of unsafe or improper firearm and ammunition combinations or damage or injury caused by damaged ammunition. It is your responsibility to read and heed all warnings in this owner’s manual and on ammunition boxes. See page 16 for more information on the correct ammunition for your firearm.

13 use only saami approved ammunition.

The barrel and action of this firearm have been made with substantial safety margins beyond the pressures developed by established American commercial loads. Nevertheless, we can assume no liability for incidents which occur through the use of shells of nonstandard dimensions or which develop pressures in excess of commercially available ammunition which has been loaded in accordance with standards established by the Sporting

Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI).

14 make sure of adequate ventilation in the area that you disCharge a firearm. lead exposure Can oCCur from disCharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, Cleaning firearms or handling ammunition.

Lead is a substance that has been known to cause birth defects, reproductive harm and other serious injury. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure to ammunition or after cleaning a firearm.

15 do not snap the firing pin on an empty Chamber; the

Chamber may not be empty!

Treat every firearm with the respect due a loaded firearm, even though you are certain the firearm is unloaded.

16 keep your fingers away from the trigger while loading and unloading until shooting is imminent.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 6-7

17 be sure of your target and baCkstop, partiCularly during low light periods.

Know the range of your ammunition. Never shoot at water or hard objects.

18 always unload your firearm’s Chamber before Crossing a fenCe, Climbing a tree, jumping a ditCh or negotiating other obstaCles.

Never place your firearm on or against a fence, tree, car or other similar object.

19 be defensive and on guard against unsafe gun handling around you and others.

Don’t be timid when it comes to firearm safety. If you observe other shooters violating any of these safety precautions, politely suggest safer handling practices.

20 be Certain your firearm is unloaded before Cleaning.

Because so many firearm accidents occur when a firearm is being cleaned, special and extreme care should be taken to be sure your firearm is unloaded before disassembly, cleaning and reassembly.

Keep ammunition away from the cleaning location. Never test the mechanical function of any firearm with live ammunition.

21 teaCh and supervise firearms safety to all members of your family, espeCially to Children and non-shooters.

Closely supervise newcomers to the shooting sports. Encourage enrollment in hunting and shooting safety courses.

22 never drink alCoholiC beverages or take any type of drugs before or during shooting.

Your vision, motor skills and judgment could be dangerously impaired, making your gun handling unsafe to you and to others.


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23 read and heed all warnings in this owner’s manual, on ammunition boxes and with all aCCessories that you install on your firearm.

It is your responsibility to secure the most up-to-date information on the safe handling procedures of your Browning firearm. We assume no liability for incidents which occur when unsafe or improper firearm accessories or ammunition combinations are used.

24 praCtiCe periodiC maintenanCe, avoid unauthoriZed serviCing.

Your firearm is a mechanical device which will not last forever, and as such, is subject to wear and requires periodic inspection, adjustment and service. Browning firearms should be serviced by a Browning Recommended Service Facility or by our Service

Facility in Arnold, Missouri. We assume no responsibility for injuries suffered or caused by unauthorized servicing, alterations or modifications of Browning firearms.

25 we reserve the right to refuse serviCe on firearms that have been altered, added to or substantially Changed.

Removal of metal from the barrel, or modifications of the firing mechanism and/or operating parts, may lead to a refusal of service on such firearms. We will charge you for parts and labor to return the firearm to original specifications.

do not, under any CirCumstanCes, alter the trigger, safety or other parts of the firing meChanism of this or any other firearm. failure to obey this warning may result in injury or death to yourself or others.

B e C a r e F u l !


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 8-9 figure 1


“safety” top lever rib


Front sight

Forearm muzzles trigger receiver recoil Pad g e n e r a l d e s C r i P t i o n a n d o P e r a t i o n

The Browning Cynergy is a two barreled shotgun with the barrels aligned one over the other that allow a rapid second shot when needed. Highly-skilled techniques of hand-fitting and polishing have been used to precisely fit the metal parts on this gun. These painstaking operations are necessary to prevent loosening even after years of use. You may consider your new gun to be slightly stiff. This close fitting, however, assures you of long-lasting dependability.

Unlike other over and under shotguns, the Cynergy features the

Reverse Striker Trigger System. The Reverse Striker is a mechanical trigger system rather than a traditional recoil-actuated trigger system.

With the Reverse Striker, after one barrel has been fired the trigger shifts itself into position to fire the second barrel when the trigger is pulled for the second shot. It will not fire both barrels simultaneously.

Only one barrel will be fired with each pull of the trigger. the Cynergy has a meChaniCal trigger system. the reCoil aCtion of a fired shell in the first barrel is not neCessary to set the trigger to fire the shell in the seCond barrel. if you pull the trigger on the first barrel seleCted and there is no shell loaded, or the shell misfires, immediately pulling the trigger again will fire the shell in the seCond barrel. failure to follow this warning Could result in serious injury or death.


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figure 2

recoil Pad top lever

Forearm Bracket receiver


Forearm latch ejectors ejector Cam monolock hinge Forearm Barrel lug n o m e n C l a t u r e

In conventional firearm terminology the position and movement of firearm parts are described as they occur with the firearm horizontal and in the normal firing position: i.e., the muzzles are forward or in front; the buttstock is rearward or to the rear; the trigger is downward or underneath; the rib is upward or on top. For general parts nomenclature, refer to Figure 1. For specific parts names related to disassembly, refer to Figure 2.

s e r i a l n u m B e r

The serial number of your Cynergy is found under the top lever.

Record this number in the space provided at the front of this owner’s manual for future reference.

i n i t i a l C l e a n i n g

NOTICE! please take note of the following information before

Cleaning your firearm.

C l e a n i n g Pa rt s w i t h s P e C i a l F i n i s h e s

Be especially careful when cleaning firearms with camouflage,



Armor Coating and other special finishes. Always


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 10-11 prevent these surfaces from coming in contact with cleaning solvents, barrel scrubbers and other strong chemicals. It is preferable to clean these surfaces with a lightweight gun oil containing no solvents, or with a damp cloth and mild dish soap (be sure to keep water out of the action). When cleaning your firearm’s bore and action, protect the external finishes from any contact with chemicals used. Also, avoid any contact between external finishes and other strong chemicals like those found in DEET-containing insect repellents, sunscreens, etc.

Damage to camouflage, Dura-Touch and other finishes caused by chemicals is irreversible and not repairable.

C l e a n i n g

Various exposed metal parts of your new firearm have been coated at the factory with a rust preventative compound. Before assembling your shotgun, clean the anti-rust compound from the inside of the barrel, receiver and figure 3 the action/chamber areas. A high-quality lightweight gun oil is ideal for removing this compound, and for giving your new firearm its first lubrication. Clean the barrel using a cleaning rod and patch as explained under

“Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions” on page 33.

the “safety” shown in the on safe position, with barrel selector on the over barrel.

Grease is recommended to lubricate the ejector cams on both sides of the barrels. Lightly grease the MonoLock Hinge mating surfaces on both sides of the receiver (hinged surfaces) to prevent galling. figure 4

o P e r a t i o n o F t h e “ s a F e t y ”

always keep the “safety” in the on safe position unless shooting is imminent.

the “safety” shown in the off safe position, with barrel selector on the over barrel.


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always keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

The Cynergy incorporates a tang-mounted, manual thumb-operated

“safety.” The complete action (both barrels) can be put on safe by drawing the thumb “safety” rearward (Figure 3). In the on safe position an “S” appears directly in front of the “safety. ” To put the

“safety” in the off safe position the “safety” is moved forward

(Figure 4).

B a r r e l s e l e C t o r

The thumb-operated “safety” also allows you to choose the firing order of the barrels. Barrel selection can be made only when the

“safety” is in the on safe position. Sliding the barrel selector to the left reveals an “O” that indicates the top barrel (over) will fire first. Sliding the barrel selector to the right reveals a “U” that indicates the bottom barrel (under) will fire first.

t o P l e v e r

The top lever is located just forward of the “safety”. Moving the top lever to the right unlocks the action and allows the shotgun to be loaded and unloaded.

It is not necessary that the top lever return to a completely centered position, nor should it be hanging over the right side or edge of the receiver tang as you look down on it. Upon closing your gun, let the top lever snap into position to allow the top lever spring to return the top lever mechanism to the locked position. Do not retard its action with your thumb. Many shooters lightly push the top lever to the left after the closing the breech. This operation is a quick method of assuring yourself that foreign matter has not interfered with the complete closure of the breech.

Always keep the polished breech surfaces clean and lightly oiled. The breech is so carefully hand fitted that accumulated debris, sand, etc. may prevent complete closing. If this should occur the action will not


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 12-13 figure 5 figure 6

lubricate at these points.

Pull down on the forearm latch and remove the forearm from the barrels.

Place one or two drops of heavy oil or grease on the monolock hinge surfaces, ejector cams and locking pin surfaces.

close. Open the firearm and unload it. Carefully examine the action surfaces and remove any foreign matter.

Additionally, provision is made for the gradual wear of locking surfaces to keep the breech of the gun tight.

a s s e m B ly

always keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. before starting assembly proCedures, visually inspeCt the Chambers to be absolutely Certain the firearm is Completely unloaded. plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position. failure to follow this warning Could result in serious injury or death.

1 Remove the forearm from the barrels by pulling outward on the forearm latch, slightly pivoting the front of the forearm away from the barrels and moving the forearm forward (Figure 5).

2 After cleaning exposed metal areas carefully, place one or two drops of heavy gun oil or grease on the MonoLock Hinge surfaces, ejector cams and locking pin surfaces (Figure 6).

3 Attach the barrels to the action by grasping the stock’s pistol grip with your right hand and anchor the buttstock between your right


11/19/08 8:54:21 AM

forearm and right side. With the thumb of your right hand, move the top lever sideways to the extreme right. Grasping the barrels in the left hand, engage the receiver into the mating

MonoLock Hinge’s circular arc on the barrel set (Figure 7).

4 Push and rotate the receiver into the arc in a forward, upward direction, engaging and following the arc. You will see the ejector spring begin to compress. Keep pushing/ rotating the receiver in until it fully engages and locks into the barrel set (Figures 8 and 9).

5 To attach the forearm, anchor the gun’s buttstock against your upper leg and slide the end of the forearm into the crescent shaped recess of the receiver.

Mate the small round studs inside of the forearm with the oval recesses on the barrel set

(Figure 10). Pivot the forearm up to the barrel set until it engages tightly (Figure 11). You should hear an audible “click” which signifies that the forearm is properly attached. The forearm latch should be locked and flush with the bottom of the forearm. figure 7

engage the receiver into the monolock hinge’s circular arc.

figure 8

Push and rotate the receiver until it fully engages and locks into the barrel set.

figure 9

if the receiver is not engaging the barrel set, do not force it. remove the receiver and start over.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 14-15 figure 10 figure 11

Fit the small round studs inside of the forearm with the oval recesses on the barrel set. attach the forearm to the barrels.

NOTICE! when assembling your shotgun, do not use exCessive forCe in Closing the aCtion. if the aCtion and barrels are not properly aligned, exCessive forCe will only Cause them to grind together and sCore, or mar, the finely fitted surfaCes. if there appears to be interferenCe, start over at step 3, taking time to line up the reCeiver, engage the mating surfaCes and push the reCeiver into the barrel set.

d i s a s s e m B ly

always keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. before starting disassembly proCedures, open the aCtion and visually inspeCt the Chambers to be absolutely Certain the firearm is

Completely unloaded. plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position. failure to follow this warning Could result in serious injury or death.

1 With the action closed, remove the forearm by pulling outward on the takedown latch with your index finger. At the same time, grasp the forearm and pivot the forearm away from the barrels.

2 Open the action and carefully rotate the barrels down to disengage them from the receiver.


11/19/08 8:54:22 AM

3. Lift the barrels out of the action.

If you are disassembling for storage, reinstall the forearm on the barrels. You will then have two compact units: the barrels and forearm and the receiver and buttstock.

a m m u n i t i o n

use only shells of the CorreCt gauge and length. the gauge and length of the Chamber is insCribed on the side of the barrel. do not use ammunition other than what is insCribed on the side of the barrel. examine every shell you put in your shotgun. failure to follow this warning Could result in serious injury or death and Cause damage to your shotgun. use shells of the CorreCt length. do not use 3" or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 2¾" or 2½" Chamber, or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 3" Chamber.

doing so Can result in a buildup of dangerously high pressures. failure to follow this warning

Could result in serious injury or death and Cause damage to your shotgun. do not put a 16 or 20 gauge shell in a 12 gauge shotgun. do not put a 28 gauge shell in a 20 gauge shotgun. do not put a

.410 bore shell in a 28 gauge shotgun. never put metalliC

Cartridges of any kind in a shotgun. speCifiCally, never put

Centerfire rifle or pistol Cartridges in a shotgun Chambered for .410 bore. failure to follow this warning Could result in serious injury or death and Cause damage to your shotgun.

The most certain way to bulge or rupture a shotgun barrel is to load a smaller gauge shell into a larger gauge chamber. The smaller gauge shell will not fall completely through the barrel; its rim is caught by the front of a larger gauge chamber or at the larger gauge’s choke.

Your shotgun will misfire (with the chamber appearing to be empty).

It is then possible to load the correct gauge shell behind the smaller gauge shell. If the shotgun is then fired, the result will be a so-called


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 16-17

“12-16, 12-20, 20-28 or 28-.410 burst” which can cause extensive damage to your shotgun and possible serious injury to you and others.

We can assume no responsibility for incidents which occur through the use of shells of nonstandard dimension or those developing pressures in excess of SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition

Manufacturers’ Institute) established standards.

Cynergy 2¾" chamber models will shoot all factory lead and steel 2¾" field loads. Cynergy 3" chamber models will shoot all factory lead and steel 2¾" and 3" field loads. Cynergy 3½" chamber models will shoot all factory lead and steel 2¾", 3" and 3½" field loads.

l o a d i n g

when loading your shotgun always keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion, always plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position and keep your fingers away from the trigger. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

do not Carry your shotgun with a shell in the Chamber to avoid aCCidental disCharge. when firing is no longer imminent, make sure the “safety” is in the on safe position and unload the Chamber. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

1 Move the top lever to the right and open the breech.

2 Check the chambers and bores to be certain they are clear of obstructions.

3 Insert a shell in each chamber, or in the chamber you intend to fire, and close the breech. the shotgun is now ready to fire by simply moving the “safety” to the “off safe” position and pulling the trigger.


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F i r i n g

never load a shell into the Chamber or plaCe the “safety” in the off safe position unless shooting is imminent. always keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

1 Set the barrel selector to the barrel you wish to fire first. By sliding the barrel selector to the right a “U” will appear signifying that the under barrel will fire first. If you slide the barrel selector button to the left an “O” will appear signifying that the over barrel will fire first. Barrel selection can be made only when the “safety”/selector is in the rearward, on safe position.

2 When shooting is imminent, slide the “safety”/selector forward to the off safe position.

3 Take aim and, when ready, squeeze the trigger to fire. After firing one barrel, it is not necessary to move the “safety”/selector to fire the second barrel. Simply release the trigger to its original forward position and pull it a second time. Be certain you fully release the trigger between shots. If the trigger is not permitted to return to its fully forward position, the firing mechanism will not reengage.

The subsequent pull will fail to fire the gun. Proper execution of this maneuver is necessary with any single trigger gun. Failure to release the trigger ordinarily occurs with overly rapid firing or heavily gloved fingers.

after firing, or when shooting is no longer imminent, immediately plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position. failure to follow this warning Could result in serious injury or death.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 18-19

u n l o a d i n g

while unloading your shotgun always plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position. keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion, and your fingers away from the trigger. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

1 Using your thumb, move the top lever fully to the right to open the action. Due to tight manufacturing tolerances, it may be necessary to pull downward slightly on the forearm to completely open the breech. For proper ejection, keep the receiver level and allow the barrels to completely drop. This keeps empty hulls in full contact with the ejectors.

2 It is important to point the breech, by canting the shotgun to the right (left for left-handed shooters), so empty hulls eject clear of your body and face. Cynergy shotguns feature automatic ejectors.

Fired shells will be thrown completely out of the gun upon opening the action; and unfired shells will be elevated above the chambers for unloading.

i n t e r C h a n g e a B l e C h o K e t u B e s y s t e m

never attempt to remove or install a Choke tube in a loaded firearm. whenever removing or installing a Choke tube in a shotgun, always keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion.

Completely unload the shotgun. open the aCtion and visually inspeCt the Chamber, feed meChanism and magaZine to be absolutely Certain the firearm is Completely unloaded. always plaCe the "safety" in the on safe position and keep your fingers away from the trigger. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

do not fire this shotgun without the CorreCt Choke tube installed. permanent damage may result to the threads inside the barrel.


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use only the appropriate gauge and type of Choke tubes, marked inveCtor-plus or standard inveCtor, depending on your shotgun.

inveCtor-plus Choke tubes are for use only in browning shotguns with baCk-bored barrels, and are not interChangeable with standard inveCtor Choke tubes. do not use inveCtor-plus tubes in barrels threaded for standard inveCtor tubes. standard inveCtor tubes are for use only in browning shotguns, and are not interChangeable with inveCtor-plus

Choke tubes. do not use standard inveCtor tubes in barrels threaded for inveCtor-plus tubes. do not use browning standard inveCtor or inveCtor-plus

Choke tubes in any shotgun barrels not supplied by browning. do not use any other Choking deviCe in any shotgun barrels supplied by browning. failure to follow these warnings may Cause injury or death and Cause damage to your shotgun.

All current production 12 and 20 gauge Cynergy shotgun barrels have been threaded to accept the Invector-Plus ™ choke system.

28 gauge and .410 bore Cynergy shotgun barrels have been threaded to accept the Standard Invector

choke system. Standard Invector and

Invector-Plus tubes are not interchangeable. You may confirm the choke system of your shotgun by looking on the right side of the barrel where the specifications are inscribed, where the choke markings are normally located.

The constriction of each choke tube is indicated twice on the choke tube: on the side of the tube, and indicated with a “notch” code on the top rim of the tube. The included universal choke tube wrench is used to remove and install choke tubes.

Invector and Invector-Plus choke tubes are compatible with factory ammunition that has been loaded in compliance with SAAMI specifications, including magnum lead and steel shot loads, sabots and shotgun slug loads.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 20-21

Replacement and additional tubes and wrenches are available from your Browning dealer, or by contacting the Browning Consumer

Department. See the inside of the front cover for contact information.

C h o K e t u B e s e l e C t i o n

To help you choose the correct choke tube for each hunting and shooting situation, all Browning Invector choke tubes are inscribed on the side with the patterns they produce with both lead and steel shot. Each Invector tube also has notches in the top rim of the tube

(Figure 12). These notches are a code to allow you to determine the choke designation while the tube is installed. Rim notches refer specifically to lead shot. You will need to use the charts on the next page to cross-reference from lead to steel, and determine the appropriate tubes for your ammunition and hunting/shooting situation.

Several choke tubes are supplied with your shotgun. The choke tubes listed are also available as accessories. Remember, Standard Invector and Invector-Plus tubes are not interchangeable. Invector-Plus tubes are for Browning shotguns with back-bored barrels only. Before removing or installing tubes, or reading the rim notch code, make sure your shotgun is completely unloaded and the “safety” is in the on safe position.

C h o K e t u B e r e m o va l

1 Place the “safety” in the on safe position. Always make sure the shotgun is completely unloaded. Always keep the muzzles pointed in a safe direction.

2 Use the choke tube wrench to loosen the tube, turning it counterclockwise. Finger-twist the tube the rest of the way out of the barrel.

C h o K e t u B e i n s ta l l at i o n

1 Place the “safety” in the on safe position. Always make sure the shotgun is completely unloaded. Always keep the muzzles pointed in a safe direction.


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figure 12

o n e n o t C h t h r e e n o t C h e s F i v e n o t C h e s t w o n o t C h e s r i m n o t C h e s

e x t e n d e d * * i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i n o n o t C h e s

F o u r n o t C h e s

P a t t e r n w i t h l e a d s h o t

x - f u l l t u r k e y f u l l i m p. m o d i f i e d m o d i f i e d i m p. C y l i n d e r s k e e t

C y l i n d e r

n o n o t C h e s

P a t t e r n w i t h s t e e l s h o t

* *

* f u l l 1 f u l l 1 m o d i f i e d i m p. C y l i n d e r

C y l i n d e r


Not for use with steel shot. Using an over-tight choke constriction with steel shot will result in an ineffective “blown” pattern.


Extra Full Special, extended with ports. Do not use with steel shot.


When more than one choke designation is listed for a given steel shot pattern, use the more open choke listed for high velocity, larger shot size steel loads.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 22-23

2 Before installing a tube, check the internal choke tube threads in the muzzle, as well as the threads on the choke tube to be sure they are clean. Lightly oil the threads with a high-quality, lightweight gun oil.

NOTICE! failure to Clean and oil the threads on the Choke tube

Could result in the Choke tube seiZing in the barrel.

3 Using your fingers, screw the appropriate tube into the muzzle of the barrel, tapered end first, notched end outward. When it becomes finger-tight, use the choke tube wrench to firmly seat the tube.

NOTICE! the Choke tube should be periodiCally CheCked to assure that it is tight and firmly seated. before CheCking, follow all Choke tube removal and installation safety guidelines previously outlined.

a d j u s t i n g t h e C o m B

before performing Comb adjustment proCedures, plaCe the

“safety” in the on safe position. open the aCtion and make

Certain your shotgun is Completely unloaded. keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

The buttstock of some Cynergy shotguns feature a comb that can be adjusted for both cast and drop. These adjustments allow you to achieve a perfect fit of the stock against your face, and determines how correctly and consistently your dominant eye aligns with the sight plane along the barrel rib.

With the gun shouldered, cast off means moving the comb to the right of the centerline of the gun to give a fit advantage for a right-handed shooter. Cast on refers to moving the comb to the left of the centerline, giving a fit advantage for a left-handed shooter.

A shotgun that is correctly adjusted for cast will have you looking directly down the center of the rib with both the front and middle beads in exact alignment.


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Adjusting the drop at the comb allows you to align your eye perfectly with the plane of the rib. The drop measurement is determined by measuring the distance between the plane formed by the top of the rib and the top of the comb itself. The higher the comb, the less drop there will be.

A correct sight picture for trap shooters should have you looking down the rib with the bottom of the front bead resting on the top of the middle bead. This forms a “figure eight” or “stacked” configuration.

Some of the rib will be showing as you sight down, but no rib will show between the beads. Lining up the beads correctly each time you shoot is what’s important.

The correct sight picture for skeet and sporting clays shooters should have the two sight beads in perfect alignment.

Cast and drop adjustments are a matter of trial and error. Adjust a little at a time until you obtain the desired sight picture on the rib.

Right-handed shooters may desire some cast off, with left-handed shooters preferring some cast on. The terminology is the same for right- or left-handed shooters. The net effect is to move the comb to allow the face to move farther over the stock for better eye-to-rib alignment. When properly set, the front and rear sight beads should line up perfectly each time you shoulder your shotgun.

a d j u s t i n g C a s t o n a n d C a s t o F F ( C y n e r g y C l a s s i C s )

The adjustable comb on Cynergy Classic models features a total adjustment range of ¼" for cast on and cast off adjustment.

Adjustment increments are approximately




". Cast on and cast off angle adjustments of a maximum of




" are also possible.

1 Insert the provided

7 /


" Allen wrench through the hole found on the upper left of the recoil pad and into the Allen screw located within the recoil pad (Figure 13). Once the Allen wrench is engaged with the Allen screw, turn the wrench counterclockwise three full turns to loosen Allen screw. This will sufficiently loosen the comb, allowing adjustments to be easily made. The comb comes from the factory with cast set in the center position.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 24-25

2 With the Allen screw loose, carefully adjust comb to desired position (Figure 14) by sliding each post equally in the desired direction. Each adjustment increment represents approximately

1 /



• Move the posts to the right for more cast off. figure 13

• Move the posts to the left for more cast on.

insert a




" allen wrench through the hole in the recoil pad.

3 If drop at comb has already been set to your desired height, tighten the Allen screw in the recoil pad.

The screw needs to be firmly tightened, but be careful not to overtighten. If drop has not been set, leave the Allen screw loose and proceed to “Adjusting Drop at Comb.”

a d j u s t i n g d r o P at C o m B

( C y n e r g y C l a s s i C s )

The adjustable comb on Cynergy Classic models features a height adjustment range of 11 increments, at




" per increment, resulting in approximately




" of total height adjustment. do not go beyond the range of adjustment inCrements. should this oCCur, the Comb will not be properly seCured to the shotgun and Could result in injury or damage to the firearm.

figure 14

1 Insert the provided

7 /


" Allen wrench through the hole found on the upper left of the recoil pad and into the Allen screw

with the allen screw loose, adjust comb to the desired position by sliding each post in the desired direction.


11/19/08 8:54:24 AM

located within the recoil pad (if it was not left loose after setting the cast.) Once the Allen wrench is engaged with the

Allen screw, turn the wrench counterclockwise three full turns to loosen the Allen screw.

The comb will move freely, up figure 15 and down, on the stock adjustment posts.

2 With the Allen screw loose,

with the allen screw loose, adjust comb to desired position by sliding each post up or down in the desired direction.

carefully adjust the comb to desired position (Figure 15) by raising or lowering each post equally in the desired direction. Each increment represents




" of movement.

• To decrease drop at comb, carefully slide each post up equally. Sliding the posts equally will reduce the chance of the posts binding.

• To increase drop at comb, carefully slide each post down equally. Sliding the posts equally will reduce the chance of the posts binding.

3 Once your desired drop at comb is obtained, tighten the Allen screw in the recoil pad with a




" Allen wrench. The screw needs to be firmly tightened, but be careful not to over-tighten.

a d j u s t i n g C a s t o n a n d C a s t o F F ( o r i g i n a l C y n e r g y, w o o d s t o C K )

The adjustable comb on original Cynergy models features a total adjustment range of ½" for cast on and cast off adjustment. The comb comes set from the factory with cast in the center position.

1 Insert the provided 4mm Allen wrench into the hole found on the upper left side of the comb and into the Allen screw

(Figure 16). Turn the wrench counterclockwise to loosen the screw only enough to remove the comb.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 26-27

NOTICE! loosen the sCrew only enough to move the Comb.

Continuing to loosen the sCrew will damage the Comb.

With the screw loose, remove the comb from the shotgun.

2 With the comb removed, the adjustment tower is exposed

(Figure 17). Insert a 4mm

Allen wrench into the hole located between the uprights on the adjustment tower

(Figure 18). Turn the wrench counterclockwise to loosen the screw. With the screw loose, the adjustment tower should move freely. Carefully adjust the comb to the desired position by sliding the adjustment tower in the desired direction.

• Move the post to the right for more cast off.

• Move the post to the left for more cast on.

3 When you have settled on the position of the adjustment tower, tighten the Allen screw located between the uprights.

4 Reinstall the comb at the desired cast position and comb height using a 4mm Allen figure 16

loosen the screw between the height adjustment uprights.

figure 17

with the comb removed, the adjustment tower is exposed.

figure 18

loosen the adjustment tower with the allen wrench.


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wrench. The screw needs to be firmly tightened, but be careful not to over tighten.

a d j u s t i n g d r o P at C o m B ( o r i g i n a l C y n e r g y, w o o d s t o C K )

The adjustable comb on original Cynergy models features a total height adjustment range of ½". do not go beyond the range of adjustment inCrements. should this oCCur, the Comb will not be properly seCured to the shotgun and Could result in injury or damage to the firearm.

1 Insert the provided 4mm Allen wrench into the hole found on the upper left side of the comb and into the Allen screw (Figure 16).

Turn the wrench counterclockwise to loosen the screw.

NOTICE! loosen the sCrew only enough to move the Comb.

Continuing to loosen the sCrew will damage the Comb.

2 With the Allen screw loose, adjust the comb to the desired position by moving the comb up or down on the adjustment tower (Figure 17). Each increment on the height adjustment tower represents

1 /



• To decrease drop at comb, slide the comb up on the adjustment tower.

• To increase drop at comb, slide the comb down on the adjustment tower.

3 Reinstall the comb at the desired cast position and comb height using a 4mm Allen wrench. The screw needs to be firmly tightened, but be careful not to over tighten.

a d j u s t i n g C a s t o n a n d C a s t o F F

( o r i g i n a l C y n e r g y, C o m P o s i t e s t o C K )

The adjustable comb on original Cynergy Composite stock models is neutral (no cast on or cast off). Two optional combs with cast on or off are available. They completely replace the neutral comb, and are also fully adjustable in height. Extra recoil pads, spacers and combs


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 28-29 figure 19 figure 20

tap out the retaining pin with a drift punch, then slide the comb forward off the ribs.

slide the comb into the ridges to obtain the desired comb height.

can be purchased by calling our Parts Dept. at 1-800-322-4626, or by contacting your Browning dealer.

1 Remove the retaining pin from either side of the stock by tapping it out with a

1 /


" drift punch and hammer (Figure 19).

2 Slide the comb forward off the stock. The new comb fits and adjusts the same way your original comb does. It has ridges that mate with the grooves in the stock. Each ridge represents 1 ⁄


" in height (Figure 20).

3 Slide the new comb in place, fitting it in the proper ridges to the desired comb height. Shoulder the shotgun and check the comb position before inserting the pin. When you have determined the correct comb height, insert the pin. This will secure the comb in place.

a d j u s t i n g d r o P at C o m B ( o r i g i n a l C y n e r g y, C o m P o s i t e s t o C K )

1 Remove the retaining pin from either side of the stock by tapping it out with a

1 /


" drift punch and hammer (Figure 19).

2 Slide the comb forward off the height adjustment ribs and off the adjustment tower on the stock.

3 Each ridge represents on the adjustment tower




" in height adjustment (Figure 20). Slide the new comb rearward into place,


11/19/08 8:54:27 AM

fitting it in the proper ridges to obtain your desired comb height.

Shoulder the shotgun and check your comb position before inserting the pin.

4 When you have determined the correct comb height, align the holes in the stock and adjustment tower and gently tap the retaining pin into position to secure the comb in place on the stock.

a d j u s t i n g t h e l e n g t h o F P u l l

before performing length of pull adjustment proCedures, plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position. open the aCtion and make Certain your shotgun is Completely unloaded. keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

Original Cynergy shotguns feature the Inflex Recoil Pad System. This system is designed to significantly reduce felt recoil and be easily adjustable for length of pull using a combination of stock spacers and one of the three different length recoil pads that are available. There is a ½" difference in the thickness of each pad, and each spacer is ¼" thick. Original Cynergy models are fit from the factory with a standard length recoil pad, which provides a 14¼" length of pull. Extra recoil pads, spacers and combs can be purchased by calling our Parts

Dept. at 1-800-322-4626, or by contacting your Browning dealer.

IMPORTANT: Optional recoil pads for the original Cynergy wood models will not fit on the composite stock models. The pads made for the composite models will not fit original Cynergy models with wood stocks. When ordering make certain you select the right recoil pad for your shotgun and desired length of pull.

r e m o v i n g t h e r e C o i l Pa d

1 Locate the two hidden screw slits located at each end of the recoil pad. The holes can be found by gently probing in the areas shown in Figure 21.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 30-31 figure 21 figure 22

locate the two entry holes in the recoil pad.

start the screws through the pad into the holes in the stock (shown with ¼" spacer).

2 When the access holes are located, place a small amount of petroleum jelly on the tip of a Phillips screwdriver to avoid damaging the recoil pad when the screwdriver is inserted.

3 Engage the hidden screws with the screwdriver. Turn counterclockwise until the screws are completely loose from the stock. When both screws are free, remove the pad.

The new pad will come with its own screws in the pad. Before you attach the new pad or spacers, it is a good idea to hold the shotgun to your shoulder to determine if the new length feels comfortable for you.

i n s ta l l i n g t h e r e C o i l Pa d a n d / o r s Pa C e r s

1 Start the screws through the recoil pad and/or spacer(s) into the holes in the stock (Figure 22). Remember that the optional pads come in ½" increments to shorten or lengthen your pull. Spacers are ¼" thick and are available to be used with the recoil pads, if needed.

2 Place a small amount of petroleum jelly on the tip of a Phillips screwdriver to avoid damaging the recoil pad when the screwdriver is inserted.


11/19/08 8:54:29 AM

3 Engage the hidden screws with the screwdriver. Turn clockwise until the screws are tight in the stock. Do not over tighten the screws.

t r i P l e t r i g g e r

s y s t e m

before Changing triggers or performing adjustment proCedures, plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position. open the aCtion and make Certain the Chambers are unloaded. keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

The Triple Trigger System has three interchangeable trigger shoes with different surfaces: wide with checkered surface, wide with canted smooth surface and narrow with smooth surface. Each trigger shoe is adjustable to three positions for length of pull. Please heed all safety warnings, cautions and procedures found in this owner’s manual when adjusting or installing trigger shoes.

r e m o v i n g t h e t r i g g e r

Before you begin to remove the trigger, place the “safety” in the rearward, on safe position to prevent dry firing your shotgun as you are changing/adjusting trigger shoes.

All Cynergy target models are supplied with three different styles of trigger shoes. To remove the trigger shoe, loosen the center screw with the provided 2mm (




") Allen wrench (Figure 23). Loosen the screw so the trigger shoe slides easily on the trigger plate. Keep the screw threaded at least one thread into the trigger shoe so the screw is not lost.

Slide the trigger shoe forward to the end of the trigger plate. Press the rearward end of the trigger plate down with your finger and gently slide the trigger shoe off the trigger plate.

To replace the trigger shoe, press the rearward end of the trigger plate and slide the trigger shoe down the side grooves of the plate.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 32-33 figure 23 figure 24

remove the trigger retaining screw.

line up the notch on the right side of the trigger shoe with one of the three notches on the right side of the trigger plate.

C h a n g i n g t h e l e n g t h o F P u l l

With the trigger shoe loosely on the trigger plate, select the length of pull by lining up the notch on the right side of the trigger shoe with one of the three notches on the right side of the trigger plate

(Figure 24). Make sure you line up the notches so you do not mar the trigger plate. When the notches are properly aligned the screw on the trigger shoe will seat in one of three recesses on the bottom of the trigger plate.

Use the provided 2mm (




") Allen wrench to tighten the screw on the trigger. Be certain the trigger shoe is secure before firing, and periodically check the shoe for any looseness as part of your cleaning and general maintenance procedures.

C l e a n i n g a n d m a i n t e n a n C e s u g g e s t i o n s

NOTICE! please take note of the following information before

Cleaning your firearm.

C l e a n i n g Pa rt s w i t h s P e C i a l F i n i s h e s

Be especially careful when cleaning firearms with camouflage,



Armor Coating and other special finishes. Always prevent these surfaces from coming in contact with cleaning solvents,


11/19/08 8:54:30 AM

barrel scrubbers and other strong chemicals. It is preferable to clean these surfaces with a lightweight gun oil containing no solvents or with a damp cloth and mild dish soap (be sure to keep water out of the action). When cleaning your firearm’s bore and action, protect the external finishes from any contact with chemicals used. Also avoid any contact between external finishes and other strong chemicals like those found in DEET-containing insect repellents, sunscreens, etc.

Damage to camouflage, Dura-Touch and other finishes caused by chemicals is irreversible and not repairable.

before performing Cleaning proCedures, plaCe the “safety” in the on safe position. open the aCtion and make Certain your shotgun is Completely unloaded. keep the muZZles pointed in a safe direCtion. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

wear eye proteCtion when disassembling and Cleaning your shotgun to prevent springs, spring-loaded parts, solvents or other agents from ContaCting your eyes, resulting in injury.

keep all ammunition away from the Cleaning area. never test the meChaniCal funCtion of your shotgun with live ammunition. failure to follow these warnings Could result in serious injury or death.

C l e a n i n g P r o C e d u r e s

Your Cynergy shotgun will function better and more reliably over a longer period of time if it is properly maintained and kept clean. You should clean your shotgun after every day of shooting, and more often if it becomes excessively dirty. The barrels should be cleaned and the action wiped clean and oiled after every day of shooting.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 34-35

Normal maintenance can be accomplished with the barrel still attached to the receiver (oiling/greasing and wiping down). More careful cleaning requires removal of only the barrels and forearm from the receiver (cleaning the barrel).

If a malfunction occurs, perform a thorough cleaning to see if it solves the problem before seeking the services of a Browning Recommended

Service Center, the Browning Service Facility in Arnold, Missouri, or a qualified gunsmith.

1 Place the “safety” in the on safe position. Open the action and inspect the chambers to make certain they do not contain any shells. Keep the muzzles pointed in a safe direction.

2 Remove the forearm and barrels as explained under “Disassembly” on page 15.

3 Using a shotgun cleaning rod with tip and patch large enough for a snug fit in the bore, insert the rod and a lightly oiled patch in the breech end of the barrel and run back and forth through the bore several times. Remove and wipe the choke tube, threads and barrel threads with a nylon brush and lightly oil.

Alternately, the Browning Barrel Weasel

makes cleaning the bores of your firearm fast and easy. Be sure to follow all instructions when using any product to clean your firearm.

4 Inspect the bore from both ends for leading and plastic residue that often remain in the bores from the shot cups in modern shotshells. Leading and plastic residue will appear as longitudinal streaks and are usually more predominant near the muzzle and just forward of the chamber. A normal amount of either is common and not serious.

5 If leading or plastic residue seems excessive you can remove it by brushing the bore with a brass brush. Soak the brush or spray the bore with a powder solvent first. Scrub until clean. To prevent bristles from breaking off, push the brush fully through the barrel each time before pulling it back through.


11/19/08 8:54:30 AM

most solvents are highly flammable. wear eye proteCtion and praCtiCe appropriate safety measures when working with solvents to avoid serious injury.

6 After all leading and plastic residues have been removed, run a clean, dry patch through the bore. Follow this with a final, lightly oiled patch.

7 Wipe all metal surfaces of the receiver, forearm and barrels with a clean rag. Then lubricate your gun at the points described in

Step 2 under “Assembly” on page 13. Regular, light lubrication is extremely important to the durability and reliable operation of your shotgun.

Remember, the broad, polished, finely fitted surfaces of the receiver and forearm mechanisms (the barrel lugs, MonoLock

Hinge surfaces ejector cams and locking pin surfaces) must always have a thin film of lubricant. A heavy oil or grease is recommended to lubricate the ejector cams on both sides of the barrels, along with the MonoLock Hinge mating surfaces on both sides of the receiver (hinged surfaces) to prevent galling. Do not over lubricate the action.

8 Reassemble the shotgun and wipe all exposed metal surfaces with an oiled cloth making sure to wipe away all finger marks where moisture could accumulate.

9 Inspect the barrels and chambers to be certain no patches have inadvertently been left in them. Remove any that remain.

10 Lightly oil your firearm at the points described under “Periodic

Oiling” on page 37. Regular, light oiling is extremely important to the durability and reliable operation of your shotgun.

11 The wood surfaces can also be wiped with a quality, lightweight gun oil or they can be polished with any quality furniture wax

(but not both).


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 36-37

NOTICE! it is very important that the Chambers of your shotgun be Cleaned thoroughly and promptly after shooting plastiC shotshells. do not leave disCharged (empty) shells in the

Chambers for any length of time. the ChemiCal Composition of many plastiC shells Contains moisture whiCh Can “sweat” out of the shell and onto the Chambers’ surfaCes, and possibly

Cause Corrosion and rust.

P e r i o d i C o i l i n g

The metal parts of a firearm should receive a light film of oil after the firearm has been exposed to weather or handling.

A heavy oil or grease is recommended to lubricate the ejector cams on both sides of the barrels, along with the MonoLock Hinge mating surfaces on both sides of the receiver (hinged surfaces) to prevent galling. However, any quality gun oil may be used.

If the firearm has been exposed to excessive dust, dirt, mud or water, the principal working parts should be wiped clean and lubricated with a light film of quality, lightweight gun oil or grease.

NOTICE! do not plaCe large quantities of oil into the aCtion. exCess oil will run baCk into the wood of the stoCk softening the wood, with Consequential loosening of the stoCk.

NOTICE! do not take your firearm’s aCtion apart beyond what is explained in this owner’s manual. this is a speCialiZed, finely fitted meChanism; any attempt to disassemble the inner meChanism may mar it for life. it is unneCessary, and may do damage to the inner meChanism to disassemble it for routine

Cleaning and oiling. of Course, misfortunes (suCh as dropping your firearm in water) require appropriate attention, and in suCh CirCumstanCes we reCommend you immediately take your firearm to a qualified gunsmith.


11/19/08 8:54:30 AM

B a r r e l P o r t i n g

Some Cynergy target models feature ported barrels that reduce recoil and muzzle jump. Reducing recoil not only increases comfort when shooting, but increases accuracy because it is easier to pick-up the second clay target faster due to decreased recovery time following the first shot. Carbon can build up in the ports after shooting, to clean them, use a good quality powder solvent and pipe cleaners to scrub away debris from the ports.

m a i n t e n a n C e o F o i l F i n i s h s t o C K s

Keeping the oil-finished wood surface on your firearm looking its best requires only a small amount of maintenance. When the surface becomes spotted or dull, the affected area(s) can be treated using rubbing alcohol on a soft, lint free cloth and allowed to dry. A small amount of a linseed oil-based finish, such as Watco


Danish Oil Finish,



Danish Oil Finish, or Formby’s


Tung Oil Finish should then be applied to the surface of the wood with a soft, lint free cloth according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To treat the checkering, a small amount of oil-based finish can be applied and then distributed evenly using a toothbrush or other soft bristled brush.

m o d e l s w i t h s P e C i a l F i n i s h e s

As with any firearm, the only way to preserve its pristine condition and collector appeal is to never handle or fire it, which in turn would deprive you of much of the enjoyment that comes with owning a fine

Browning firearm.

While special finishes such as engraving and gold plating greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your shotgun, please be aware that they are no more durable, and in some cases may even be slightly less durable than more common firearm finishes.

As you use your shotgun, you can expect special finishes to wear in much the same manner as any other firearm finish. These marks are the honest product of the hours spent enjoying your firearm and each scuff and scratch will probably have a good story to go along with it.


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 38-39

s e r v i C e o r r e P a i r

If your firearm should require service or repairs, we suggest you first contact a local recommended Browning Firearms Service Center. To locate a service center visit, contact our Customer

Service Department or your Browning firearms dealer for the address of the Service Center nearest you. Otherwise, you may send your firearm directly to our Service Department in Arnold, Missouri.

Parts listings, Firearm Service Center lists, service procedures, service/ repair form and general product information are also found on the internet at For technical questions about your firearm or service, contact:

United States customers contact:

Browning Firearm Status and

Technical Service

One Browning Place

Arnold, MO 63010-9406

Phone: (800) 322-4626

Canadian customers contact:

Browning Canada Sports Ltd/Ltée

5583 Chemin St-François

St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1W6

Phone: (514) 333-7261

When returning your firearm for servicing, you must do the following:

1 Be sure it is completely unloaded.

2 Remove the scope or other optics.

3 Package it securely in a cardboard container.

4 Enclose the service/repair form available at or a letter that clearly describes the trouble experienced, the ammunition used and the repairs desired. Also include your name and a daytime phone number where you can be reached.

5 If convenient, send a copy of the service/repair form or letter to us separately.

6 Never return ammunition with your firearm. It is against postal and most commerce regulations.


11/19/08 8:54:30 AM


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 40-41

n o t e s

11/19/08 8:54:30 AM


Browning us: Morgan, Utah 84050-9326

Browning Canada: Browning Canada Sports Ltd/Ltée, St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1W6

Browning intl: Parc Industriel des Hauts-Sarts, B-4040 Herstal, Belgium


08-344-BFA_Cynergy OM.indd 42 11/19/08 8:54:31 AM


Key Features

  • Reverse Striker Trigger System
  • MonoLock Hinge
  • Interchangeable Choke Tube System
  • Adjustable Comb
  • Adjustable Drop at Comb
  • Triple Trigger™ System

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I adjust the comb of my shotgun?
Before performing comb adjustment procedures, place the “SAFETY” in the on safe position. open the action and make certain YOUR shotgun IS completely UNLOADED. Keep the muzzles pointed in a safe direction. Failure to follow these warnings could result in serious injury or death. The adjustable comb on Cynergy Classic models features a height adjustment range of 11 increments, at 1/16" per increment, from 1/16" to 1 3/16". To adjust the comb for height, unscrew the Allen screw located in the recoil pad (Figure 13) using a 7/64" Allen wrench. With the Allen screw loose, carefully adjust comb to desired position (Figure 14) by sliding each post equally in the desired direction. Each adjustment increment represents approximately 1/16". If drop at comb has already been set to your desired height, tighten the Allen screw in the recoil pad. The screw needs to be firmly tightened, but be careful not to overtighten. If drop has not been set, leave the Allen screw loose and proceed to "Adjusting Drop at Comb."
How do I remove and install a choke tube?
NEVER ATTEMPT TO REMOVE OR INSTALL A choke tube iN A LOADED FIREARM. whenever removing or installing a choke tube in a shotgun, Always keep the muzzles pointed in a safe direction. completely unload the shotgun. open the action and VISUALLY INSPECT THE CHAMBER, feed mechanism and magazine TO BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THE FIREARM IS COMPLETELY UNLOADED. Always place the "sAFETY" IN THE ON SAFE position and keep your fingers away from the trigger. Failure to follow these warnings could result in serious injury or death. DO NOT FIRE THIS SHOTGUN WITHOUT the correct cHOKE TUBE INSTALLed. Permanent damage May result to the threads inside the barrel. USE ONLY THE APPROPRIATE GAUGE AND TYPE OF CHOKE TUBES, MARKED INVECTOR-PLUS or Standard INVECTOR, DEPENDING ON YOUR SHOTGUN.
What kind of ammunition should I use?
Use only shells of the correct gauge and length. The gauge and length of the chamber is inscribed on the side of the barrel. Do not use ammunition other than what is inscribed on the side of the barrel. Examine every shell you put in your shotgun. failure to follow this warning could result in serious injury or death and cause damage to your shotgun. Use shells of the correct length. Do not use 3" or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 2¾" or 2½" chamber, or 3½" shells in a barrel with a 3" chamber. Doing so can result in a buildup of dangerously high pressures. failure to follow this warning could result in serious injury or death and cause damage to your shotgun. do not put a 16 or 20 gauge shell in a 12 gauge shotgun. do not put a 28 gauge shell in a 20 gauge shotgun. do not put a .410 bore shell in a 28 gauge shotgun. never put metallic cartridges of any kind in a shotgun. specifically, never put centerfire rifle or pistol cartridges in a shotgun chambered for .410 bore. failure to follow this warning could result in serious injury or death and cause damage to your shotgun.

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