Roland BK-5 Teclado Musical Owner's Manual
Roland BK-5 is a versatile arranger keyboard that offers a wide range of features and functions to help musicians create and perform music. With its large collection of realistic sounds, accompaniment styles, and powerful arranger functions, the BK-5 is an ideal choice for solo performers, bands, and songwriters alike. Additionally, the BK-5's easy-to-use interface and intuitive controls make it a breeze to learn and operate, even for beginners.
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The following functions were added in BK-5 starting from version 1.05.
Compiling your own Favorite tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
New Functions to Recall and Edit Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Recalling Performance Memories in Adjacent Positions . . . . . . . 2
Renaming and Copying Performances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Setting the volume and other aspects of the real-time parts . . . . 4
New Function Changing the Key (Transpose) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New One Touch Edit Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
New Tones were added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
To select the Upper1 part, switch off the [UP2] and [LWR] buttons.
Press and hold the [NUMERIC] button to jump to the
“Favorite Tones” page.
The “Favorite Tones” page can also be selected via the BK-5’s menu.
Check the version
If your BK-5 version is earlier than 1.05, download the update from the support page (http://www.roland.
com/support/) Downloads product name (BK-5)
BK-5 System Program Version 1.05, and update your BK-5.
* If this addendum was included with the BK-5 you purchased, your instrument has already been updated to version 1.05
or later; you do not need to update.
How to check the version
Press [MENU] button “Global” “Utility” “Version
The “Favorite Tones” page appears:
Press a TONE [0]~[9] button to select the favorite tone that you want to play.
Favorite Tones
The function described below allows you to create a list of 10 frequently used sounds and recall them instantly.
Each real time part (Upper 1, Upper 2, Lower) has a proper list of 10 tones.
Recalling a Favorite Tone
If the part (Upper1, Upper2, or Lower) for which you want to recall a favorite tone is not displayed in reverse on the main page, select it.
See “Switching the UP and LWR parts on and off” in the BK-5 owner’s manual.
The selected sound will be recalled immediately.
Alternatively you can select the favorite tone rotating the dial and then pressing the [ENTER/SELECT] button.
New Functions to Recall and Edit Performances
Each real-time part has its own list of 10 Favorite tones.
Press the [EXIT] button to leave the selection page.
Compiling your own Favorite tones
You can work with three “Favorite” lists that provide instant access to the 10 sounds you need most often for the real-time part in question (Upper 1, Upper 2, Lower).
If the part (Upper 1, Upper 2, or Lower) for which you want to register a favorite tone is not displayed in reverse on the main page, select it..
See “Switching the UP and LWR parts on and off” in the BK-5 owner’s manual.
To select the Upper 1 part, switch off the [UP2] and [LWR] buttons.
Select the sound you want to register.
See “Selecting Tones for the real-time parts” in the BK-5 owner’s manual.
Press and hold the [NUMERIC] button to jump to the
“Favorite Tones” function.
The “Favorite Tones” page can also be selected via the BK-5’s menu.
If a page like this appears, press and hold the [NUMERIC] button again:
To register additional favorite tones, return to step (1) above.
The list of Favorite Tones is automatically saved to the BK-5’s global memory.
The list of Favorite Tones saves only the Tone number information.
The list doesn’t save possible changes to the sound (e.g. Volume,
Reverb Level, etc.).
New Functions to Recall and Edit
Recalling Performance Memories in
Adjacent Positions
The selection procedure described here may come in handy when all Performance settings you need for a given song are located in adjacent memories and when you need to be able to switch quickly between them..
Load the required Performance / Music Assistant List.
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to select one of the 10
Favorite Tones memory locations.
Press the PERFORMANCE [WRITE] button to assign the sound you selected in step (2) above to the selected
“Favorite Tones” memory.
In the example above, we loaded the “Music Assistant” List.
Press and hold the [NUMERIC] button. The button lights.
The Performance List page changes to:
A confirmation message appears.
Press [EXIT] button to exit from the selection page.
The TONE [1]~[8] buttons flash. To the left of each memory entry, a number is shown. This number corresponds to the TONE button
[1]~[8] that you need to press to recall the assigned Performance memory.
Please bear in mind that these assignments change when you edit the Performance List in question using “Delete
Performance” , “Move Performance” or “Copy Performance”.
New Functions to Recall and Edit Performances
The TONE [0] and [9] buttons, on the other hand, light steadily because they are used to scroll through the list in steps of 8 memories. Pressing [9] while the above page is shown, for instance, will display Performance memories 9~16, which are again assigned to the TONE [1]~[8] buttons. See the screenshot below.
Press the TONE [1]~[8] button that is assigned to the
Performance memory you need.
Renaming and Copying Performances
Renaming and Copying Performances
Whenever the display shows all Performance memories to which the selected List refers, you can press the [MENU] button to edit the memories. The “Edit” option allows you to do the following:
The assigned Performance memory is recalled and shown in reverse in the display.
Press the TONE [9] button to select the next group of eight performances. Alternatively, press the TONE [0] button to select the previous group of eight performances.
Move Performance
Rename Performance
Copy Performances
Save Performance List
Deletes the selected Performance memory from the active list.
Refer the BK-5 owner’s manual.
Allows you to change the order in which the
Performance memories appear in the selected
Performance List.
Refer to the BK-5 owner’s manual.
Allows you to rename the selected Performance memory.
See below.
Copies one or several Performance memories.
Allows you to save the edited list.
Refer to the BK-5 owner’s manual.
Renaming Performance
Select the Performance memory you want to rename in the list.
Press the [MENU] button.
The display shows either the next (TONE [9]) or the previous (TONE
[0]) set of 8 Performance memories.
In the example above we pressed the TONE button [9].
Repeat the steps (3) and (4) above to recall other
Performance memories when you need them.
Press and hold the [NUMERIC] button again to exit from this type of selection.
Press the [EXIT] button to leave the list page without exiting from this type of selection.
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to select “Rename
Performance”, then press the [ENTER/SELECT] button.
The display changes to:
Setting the volume and other aspects of the real-time parts
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to select one or several
The selected Performances are displayed in reverse.
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to select the desired character, then use the TONE buttons.
You can press the [NUMERIC] button to switch between upper- and lower-case characters as well as numbers. The [LWR] button can be used to delete the selected character. The [UP2] button allows you to insert a character.
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial again to select the next character position you want to change, then use the TONE buttons to enter the next character.
Repeat the above steps (4) and (5) to complete the name.
Press the PERFORMANCE [WRITE] button.
A message confirms that the Performance has been renamed.
If you want to save the edited list, see “Saving the edited
Performance List” in the BK-5 owner’s manual.
Copying Performance
You can copy one, several or all Performances from one
Performance list to another. You can also copy and paste
Performance memories to different locations within their original
Performance List. And finally, you can copy “Music Assistant” memories to one of your Performance lists.
Select the Performance memory you want to start to copy from the list.
Press the [MENU] button.
You can only select adjacent memories (either before or after the
Performance memory selected in step (1) above).
Press the [ENTER/SELECT] button to confirm your selection.
Select the Performance List to which you want to copy the selected Performance memory/memories.
To load another performance press the [LIST] button and select another Performance list. See “Loading a Performance/‘Music
Assistant’/‘Factory Songs’ List” in the BK-5 owner’s manual.
You can choose to paste the selected Performances in the same
Performance List.
Select the Performance memory that should contain (the first) Performance memory you copied.
Press the [MENU] button.
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to select “Copy
Performance”, then press the [ENTER/SELECT] button.
The display changes to:
Note the “Paste” option in the “Edit” list, which wasn’t there before you started copying Performance memories.
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to select “Paste”, then press the [ENTER/SELECT] button.
The Performance memories you copied are pasted to the location you selected. If you copied several memories, they will be pasted to subsequent locations.
A message confirms the operation.
If you want to save the edited list, see “Saving the edited
Performance List” in the BK-5 owner’s manual.
Setting the volume and other aspects of the real-time parts
The BK-5 provides you an easy way to change the volume, reverb, chorus and panpot of the Upper1, Upper2, Lower and Melody
Intelligent parts.
New Function Changing the Key (Transpose)
Adjusting the Volume
Briefly press and release both the [LWR] and [UP2] buttons to call up the “Parts Mixer” page.
Renaming and Copying Performances
For adjust other values repeat actions from step (7).
Leaving the Part Mixer page
Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.
New Function Changing the Key
This new function allows you to reset the transpose quickly.
While the “KEY” page is displayed:
The “Volume” value of the last part you selected (on the main page) is already highlighted.
Press the [KEY] button to set the transpose to “0”.
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to set the desired volume for that part (0~127).
Press the [UP2] button to select the “UP2 Volume” value.
If you press the [UP2] button again you can select the “UP1 Volume” value.
Repeat step (2) above to adjust the Upper 2 volume.
Press the [LWR] button to select the “LWR Volume” value.
Repeat step (2) above to adjust the Lower volume.
Adjusting the Reverb, Chorus and Panpot
Press the [ENTER/SELECT] button and rotate the [CURSOR/
VALUE] dial to select the “Reverb”, “Chorus” or “Panpot” of the real-time part that you want to change.
Press the [ENTER/SELECT] button to confirm the selection.
The Key transpose value is restored to “0”
For more details see “Changing the key” in the BK-5 owner’s manual.
In the above example we selected the “Reverb” parameter of the
Upper 1 part (UP1).
Rotate the [CURSOR/VALUE] dial to set the desired value.
New One Touch Edit Page
New One Touch Edit Page
The One Touch edit page now shows the tones assigned to each real time part. This will come in handy to identify the One Touch to edit.
New Tones were added
Three new Tones were added in the Pad - Ethnic family.
Pad - Ethnic
0947 Harmonium 1
0948 Harmonium 2
0949 Harmonium 3
CC00 CC32 PC
602.00.0607 RES 955-13 BK-5 Addendum V105 - E
Frequently Answers and Questions
What are the functions added in BK-5 version 1.05?
How can I check the version of my BK-5?
How do I access the Favorite Tones page?
How do I recall a Favorite Tone?
How do I register a Favorite Tone?
How do I recall Performance Memories in Adjacent Positions?
How do I rename a Performance?
How do I copy a Performance?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 1 Favorite Tones
- 1 Recalling a Favorite Tone
- 2 Compiling your own Favorite tones
- 2 New Functions to Recall and Edit Performances
- 2 Recalling Performance Memories in Adjacent Positions
- 3 Renaming and Copying Performances
- 4 Setting the volume and other aspects of the real-time parts
- 5 New Function Changing the Key (Transpose)
- 6 New One Touch Edit Page
- 6 New Tones were added