Thermomax SC100 Temperature difference controller Installation and operating instructions

The Thermomax SC100 Temperature difference controller is a device that controls the operation of solar thermal systems. It has 4 inputs and 2 outputs that can be used to connect temperature sensors and pumps/valves respectively. The controller can be set to operate in automatic, manual, or off mode which are controlled by a switch on the device. The SC100 controller is designed to work with systems that have one or two storage tanks and includes features such as circulation, back-up heating, solid fuel boiler, quick charge, heat quantity, thermostat, difference thermostat, interval, stagnation reduction, holiday function/recooling, frost protection and display storage tank top.

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Thermomax SC100 - Installation and operating instructions | Manualzz




Key features

  • 4 inputs, 2 outputs
  • One or two tank systems
  • Automatic, manual, off modes
  • Circulation pump control
  • Solid fuel boiler function
  • Quick charge feature
  • Holiday function

Frequently asked questions

The SC100 is a device that controls the operation of solar thermal systems. It monitors the temperatures of various components in the system and uses this information to regulate the flow of water and activate pumps and valves as needed, optimizing energy efficiency and system performance.

The controller offers three modes: Automatic, Manual, and Off. Automatic mode allows the controller to operate the system based on pre-programmed settings. Manual mode allows you to manually control the outputs for testing or troubleshooting. Off mode completely disables the controller and all outputs.

The SC100 can be used with systems that have one or two storage tanks. The specific system configuration is selected during the commissioning process.
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