Auto Crane Nexstar 14005H crane Owner’s manual

Below you will find brief information for crane Nexstar 14005H. This manual provides operating and service instructions for the crane and winch-type application problems. It is specifically recommended that all operating and service personnel consider this manual as mandatory material for reading and study before operating or servicing Auto Crane products. It is highly recommended that crane owners, equipment managers, and supervisors also read this manual. The 14005H cranes are attached to your 12-volt truck electrical system through the relay provided.

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Crane Nexstar 14005H Owner's Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • 12-volt truck electrical system
  • maintenance-free battery
  • 60-amp alternator
  • 500 cold cranking amp battery
  • remote controlled cranes
  • overload shutdown device
  • hydraulic hoses
  • hoist cable
  • hoist hook
  • outriggers

Frequently asked questions

Refer to the Safety Tips and Precautions section in this manual.

Operators shall be required by the employer to pass a practical operating examination. Qualifications shall be limited to the specific type of equipment for which examined.

The crane should be inspected daily or before each use. Any deficiencies should be corrected immediately.

Shift crane/outrigger control valve to "outrigger" position and operate the outrigger control valves to position the outriggers. After outriggers are positioned, return crane/outrigger selector to "crane" position.

Move the On/Off/Multi-speed switch to the "on" position, then move the switch to the "Multi-speed" or "start" position momentarily. The status light should be blinking green when active with no buttons depressed.
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