Danfoss EKC 531D1 Capacity controller Manual
The EKC 531D1 is a capacity controller designed for small refrigeration systems. It features eight outputs, and more can be added via an external relay module. It uses pressure transmitters to regulate compressor and condenser capacity. The device supports various configurations for compressors and unloaders, including sequential, cyclic, and binary operation. It also offers features like data communication, alarm functions, and manual control.
Capacity controller
EKC 531D1
The controller is used for capacity regulation of compressors or condensers in small refrigerating systems.
Numbers of compressors and condensers can be connected, as required.
There are eight outputs and more can be added via an external relay module.
• Patented neutral zone regulation
• Many possible combinations for compressor constellations
• Sequential or cyclic operation
• Possibility of suction pressure optimisation via the data communication
Regulation is based on signals from one pressure transmitter for the compressor regulation and one pressure transmitter for the condenser regulation plus one temperature sensor for the air temperature before the condenser.
The two pressure transmitters can be replaced by two temperature sensors when regulation has to be carried out on brine systems.
• Relays for compressor and condenser regulation
• Voltage output for capacity regulation of condenser
• Status inputs. An interrupted signal indicates that the safety circuit has been activated and the respective circuit stopped
• Contact inputs for indication of alarms
• Contact inputs for displacement of references or for indication of alarms
• Alarm relay
• External start/stop of regulation
• Possibility of data communication
All operation takes place either via data communication or via connection of a display type EKA 162. The display can be disconnected after the installation.
The controller has ten relay outputs two of which have been reserved for the alarm function and for the ”Inject ON” function.
For a start relays are reserved for compressor capacities starting from DO1, DO2, etc.
The remaining relays up to and including DO8 will then be available for fans. If more are required, one or more relay modules type EKC 331 with max. eight steps can be connected. The signals to these modules are to be taken from the controller’s analog output. Another solution could be that the fan speed is controlled via the analog output and a frequency converter.
If the alarm function and the ”Inject ON” function are left out, all ten relay outputs may be used for compressors and fans (but max. eight for compressors). The reconfi guration must take place via systems software type AKM and performed in the menu named
”For Danfoss only”.
2 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Compressors and unloaders can be combined in various ways. Cf. survey on page 10.
Capacity regulation
The cut-in capacity is controlled by signals from the connected pressure transmitter and the set reference.
Outside the reference a neutral zone is set where the capacity will neither be cut in nor out.
Outside the neutral zone (in the hatched areas named +zone and
-zone) the capacity will be cut in or out if the regulation registers a change of pressure “away” from the neutral zone. Cutin and cutout will take place with the set time delays.
If the pressure however “approaches” the neutral zone, the controller will make no changes of the cut-in capacity.
If regulation takes place outside the hatched area (named ++zone and --zone), changes of the cut-in capacity will occur somewhat faster than if it were in the hatched area. In order also to obtain good regulation at low capacity requirement the controller will gradually increase the neutral zone at capacity requirements below 50%. The change is greatest at 0% where it amounts to half a neutral zone. Cutin of steps can be defi ned for either sequential, cyclic, binary or "mix & match" operation.
Sequential (fi rst in - last out)
The relays are here cut in in sequence – fi rst relay number 1, then
2, etc.
Cutout takes place in the opposite sequence, i.e. the last cut-in relay will be cut out fi rst.
Cyclic (fi rst in - fi rst out)
The relays are coupled here so that the operating time of the individual relays will become equalised.
At each cutin the regulation scans the individual relays’ timer, cutting in the relay with least time on it.
At each cutout a similar thing happens. Here the relay is cut out that has most hours on the timer.
Rx = random relay h = number of hours
If capacity regulation is carried out on two compressors with one unloader each, the following function can be used:
Relays 1 and 3 are connected to the compressor motor.
Relays 2 and 4 are connected to the unloaders.
Relays 1 and 3 will operate in such a way that the operating time for the two relays will become equalised.
C = compressor, L = Unloader
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Suvey of functions
Normal display
If the two displays are mounted:
P0 will be shown on EKA 162 (the one with buttons)
Pc will be shown on EKA 161. Both readouts will be in temperature.
Compressor regulation reference
P0 setpoint
Regulation is based on the set value plus an off set, if applicable. An off set can be created from night setback r13 and/or from a master gateway’s override function.
Off set
The set reference may be displaced with a fi xed value when a signal is received at the
DI4 input or from the function "Night setback" (r27).
(Cf. also Defi nition of DI4 input).
Night setback
OFF: No change of the reference
ON: Off set value forms part of the reference
The regulation reference is shown here
Set point limitation
With these settings the setpoint can only be set between the two values.
(This also apply if regulation with displacements of the reference).
Max. permissible setpoint value.
Min. permissible setpoint value.
Neutral zone
There is a neutral zone around the reference. See also page 3.
Correction of pressure measurement
An off set adjustment of the registered pressure can be made.
Here you can select whether thedisplay is to indicate pressure and temperatures in °C or °F.
0: Will give °C.
1: Will give °F.
Start/stop of refrigeration
With this setting the refrigeration can be started and stopped. Start/stop of refrigeration may also be performed with an external contact function connected to the input named “ON input”.
(The input must be wired).
Condenser regulation reference
Pc setpoint
Regulation is based on the set value plus an off set, if applicable. An off set can be created via the “r34” function and/or from a master gateway’s override function.
Off set
The set reference may be displaced with a fi xed value when a signal is received at the
DI5 input. (Cf. also Defi nition of DI5 input).
Pc reference variation
Regulation with setting 1 (or 2 if the reference is to vary with the outdoor temperature) will give the best regulation if the system is in balance. But if a lot of condenser steps are cut in and out and the compressor capacity often becomes low, it will be necessary to select setting 3 instead (or 4, if there is regulation with the outdoor temperature). (Settings 3 and 4 will generally be preferable if a Pc-off set at max. compressor capacity can be accepted).
1: No change of the reference. Regulation based on set setpoint. And off set with the
DI5 function is allowed.
2: Outdoor temperature forms part of the reference. The outdoor temperature is measured with Sc3. When the outdoor temperature drops one degree, the reference is lowered one degree.
Setting 1 and 2 operate with a PI regulation, but if the system is unstable and the PI regulation not satisfactory the I element may be left out, so that the controller will be with P regulation only.
3: As 1, but with P regulation (xp-band)
4: As 2, but with P regulation (xp-band)
5 and 6 may only be used if regulation is carried out with the heat recovery function via the DI5 input; (5: as ”2”. 6: as ”4”). When the DI5 input is cut in, the reference changes over to the fi xed value, as in ”1”.
Parameter by operation via data communication
r23 r13 r27 r24 r25 r26 r01 r04 r05 r12 r28 r34 r33
P0 °C
Pc °C
Compressor control
Set Point °C
Night off set
Comp ref. °C
P0RefMax °C
P0RefMin °C
Neutral zone
(In AKM only bar or °C is used, whatever the setting)
Main Switch
Condenser control
Set Point °C
Press.off set
Pc mode
4 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
The regulation reference is shown here.
Set point limitation
With these settings the setpoint can only be set between the two values.
(This also applies to regulations where the Xp band lies above the reference).
Max. permissible setpoint value.
Min. permissible setpoint value.
Correction of pressure measurement
An off set adjustment of the registered pressure can be made.
Compressor capacity
Running time
To prevent frequent start/stop, values have to be set for how the relays are to cut in and out.
Min. ON time for relays.
(The time is not used if the relay cuts an unloader in or out).
Min. time period between cutin of same relay.
(The time is not used if the relay cuts an unloader in or out).
Setting for neutral zone regulation
Regulation band over the neutral zonen
Time delay between step cut-ins in the regulation band over the neutral zone
Time delay between step cut-ins in the regulation band over the "+Zone band".
Regulation band under the neutral zone
Time delay between step cut-outs in the regulation band under the neutral zone
Time delay between step cut-outs in the regulation band under the "-Zone band"
Compressor confi guration
Here you set the combination of number of compressors and any unloaders.
1 = One compressor, 2 = two compressors, 3 = three, 4 = four.
5 = One compressor + one unloader. 6 = One compressor + two unloaders.
For 7 to 26: See survey on page 10
If the compressors are of diff erent sizes the setting must be selected to either 4 or 0.
At pos. 0 it is up to you to determine which relays have to be drawn on at each of the required capacity steps.
0= mix and match. This function cuts the relay in and out depending on the defi nitions in "c17" to "c28".
Selection of coupling mode (See also the overview page 10)
1. Sequential: First relay 1 cuts in, then relay 2, etc. Cutout takes place in the opposite sequence. (”First in, last out”).
2. Cyclic: An automatic operating time equalisation is arranged here, so that all steps with motor connection will have the same operating time
3. Binary and cyclic (only for four compressors with "C16" set to 4.
Unloaders’ cutin and cutout mode
The relays for unloaders can be set to switch on when more capacity is required (setting = 0), or they can switch off when more capacity is called for (setting = 1).
Mix and Match step 1.
(“c17” to “c28” only used, if “c16” selected to “0”). (In Mix and Match couplings the settings “c08” and c09" are not used).
Here in c17 set the relays to be ON at step 1.
Setting takes place with a numerical value representing the combination of relays.
See the survey next page. Proceed by defi ning steps two, three, etc.
The defi nition ends at the fi rst c18 - c28 which is set to “0”.
The time delays “c01” and “c07” belong to the individual relay outputs. If a relay output is captured by the time delay, a changeover from one step to another will only take place when all the relay outputs concerned have been released. The time delay will not interfere with a relay which is ON in two successive couplings. If a compressor drops out there will be an alarm. The regulation will continue as emergency operation, as if the compressor were present.
Step 2. Here you also set a value between 1 and 15. Here in c18 the value will indicate which relays have to be ON at step 2.
Step 3. etc.
4. Etc.
5. r29 r30 r31 r32
Cond ref. °C
PcRefMax °C
PcRefMin °C
Compressor pack confi g.
c01 Min.ON time c07 MinRecyTime c10 + Zone K c11 + Zone m c12 + + Zone m c13 - Zone K c14 - Zone m c15 - - Zone m c16 Compr mode c08 Step mode c09 Unloader
(switch on = 0)
(switch off = 1) c17 M&M Step 1 c18 M&M Step 2 c19 M&M Step 3 c20 M&M Step 4 c21 M&M Step 5
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Survey of relays in Mix and Match operation
Relay no.
Calculation value
Combination of relays that must be cut in
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1
2 2
3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
The sum of 1-8 is the setting value for each step
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
If capacity step 1 has to cut in relay number 3 only, you must set c17 to 4.
If capacity step 2 has to cut in relay number 4 only, you must set c18 to 8.
If capacity step 3 has to cut in relay numbers 3 and 4, you must set c19 to 12.
Continue with a setting for c20 etc. until all capacity steps have been defi ned.
Defi nition of condenser and number of fans
Here you set the number of fan steps with which regulation has to be carried out (but max. eight).
1-8: All fans are cut in and out with relays. The fi rst vacant relay number is assigned to fan 1, the next to number 2, etc. Steps after DO8 must be executed through connection of a relay module type EKC 331 to the analog output. Cf. drawing on page 11..
9: All fans controlled via the analog output and a frequency converter.
Read temperature at sensor Sc3
Read temperature at sensor Sc4 (sensor is only used for monitoring) c22 c23 c24
M&M Step 6
M&M Step 7
M&M Step 8 c25 M&M Step 9 c26 M&M Step 10 c27 M&M Step 11 c28 M&M Step 12 c29 No. of Fans u44 Sc3 temp u45 Sc4 temp
- - - Comp. Cap %
Read cut-in compressor capacity
- - - Cond. Cap %
Read cut-in condenser capacity
Regulation parameters for the condenser regulation
Proportional band xp (P = 100/Xp)
If the Xp value is increased, the regulation becomes steadier
I: Integration time Tn
If the Tn value is increased, the regulation becomes steadier
The controller can give alarm in diff erent situations. When there is an alarm all the light-emitting diodes (LED) will fl ash on the EKA 162, and the alarm relay will cut in.
(In EKC 531D1 the alarm relay may be used for a fan, if required).
P0 min. (Alarm and safety function, see also page 18.)
Here you set when the alarm at too low suction pressure is to enter into eff ect. The value is set as an absolute value.
Pc max. (Alarm and safety function, see also page 18.)
Here you set when the alarm at too high condensing pressure is to enter into eff ect.
The value is set as an absolute value.
Alarm delay DI1 (an interrupted input will give alarm).
The time delay is set in seconds. At max. setting the alarm is cancelled.
Alarm delay DI2 (an interrupted input will give alarm).
The time delay is set in seconds. At max. setting the alarm is cancelled.
Alarm delay DI3 (an interrupted input will give alarm).
The time delay is set in seconds. At max. setting the alarm is cancelled.
Alarm limit for high temperature of the “Saux1” sensor
With setting = Off the alarm has been opted out.
Alarm delay from "Saux1"
If the limit value is exceeded, a timer function will commence. The alarm will not become active until the set time delay has been passed. The time delay is set in minutes.
n04 n05
Xp K
Tn s
Alarm settings
Min. P0. b
Max. Pc. b
Saux1 high
Alarm delay
Give the top button a brief push to zeroset the alarm and to have the message shown on the display.
Reset alarm
The function zerosets all alarms when set in pos. ON.
With data communication the importance of the individual alarms can be defi ned. Setting is carried out in the
“Alarm destinations” menu. See also page 16.
6 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Sensor type (Sc3, Sc4 and "Saux1")
Normally a Pt1000 sensor with great signal accuracy is used for temperature measurement and AKS 32R for pressure measurement. But a PTC sensor may also be used (r25
= 1000) in special situations.
All temperature sensors must be of the same kind.
In brine cooling the pressure measurements are replaced by temperature measurements.
The following settings are possible:
0=PT1000. 1=PTC1000. 2=PT1000 on sensors and on Po. 3=PTC1000 on sensors and on Po. 4=PT1000 on sensors and on Pc. 5=PTC1000 on sensors and on Pc. 6=PT1000 on sensors, on Po and on Pc. 7=PTC1000 on sensors, on Po and on Pc.
(If a temperature sensor is mounted on P0 or Pc, the respective settings in o20, 21, 47 and 48 will not be required).
Pressure transmitter’s working range
Depending on the pressure, a pressure transmitter with a given working range is used. This working range must be set in the controller (e.g.: -1 to 12 bar
The values must be set in bar if display in °C has been selected. And in psig, if °F has been selected.
P0-Min. value
P0-Max. value
Pc-Min. value
Pc-Max. value
Use of DI4 input
The digital input can be connected to a contact function, and the contact can now be used for one of the following functions:
Setting / function:
0: DI input not used
1: Regulation reference P0 displaced when contact is cut in
2: Alarm function when the contact cuts out. Alarm “A31” is given when the time delay has elapsed.
Use of DI5 input
The digital input can be connected to a contact function, and the contact can now be used for one of the following functions:
Setting / function:
0: DI input not used
1: Regulation reference Pc displaced when contact is cut in
2: Alarm function when the contact cuts out. Alarm “A32” is given when the time delay has elapsed.
Read temperature at sensor "Saux1"
Operating hours
The operating hours for the compressor relays can be read in the following menus.
The read value is multiplied by 1000 to obtain the number of hours (f.ex. shows 2.1 for
2100 hours). On reaching 99.9 hours the counter stops and must now be reset to, say,
0. There will be no alarm or error message for counter overfl ow.
Value for relay number 1
Value for relay number 2
Value for relay number 3
Value for relay number 4
Value for relay number 5 to 8
Refrigerant setting
Before refrigeration is started, the refrigeration must be defi ned. You may choose between the following refrigerants:
1=R12. 2=R22. 3=R134a. 4=R502. 5=R717. 6=R13. 7=R13b1. 8=R23. 9=R500.
10=R503. 11=R114. 12=R142b. 13=User defi ned. 14=R32. 15=R227. 16=R401A.
17=R507. 18=R402A. 19=R404A. 20=R407C. 21=R407A. 22=R407B. 23=R410A.
24=R170. 25=R290. 26=R600. 27=R600a. 28=R744. 29=R1270. 30=R417A
Warning: Wrong selection of refrigerant may cause damage to the compressor.
Other refrigerants: Select setting 13 here, and subsequently three factors have to be set – fac1, fac2 and fac3 – via AKM.
o06 o20 o37
Sensor type
If the values are to be set from the
AKM programme, they must be set in bar.
P0MinTrsPres o21 P0MaxTrsPres o47 PcMinTrsPres o48 PcMaxTrsPres o22 Di4 control
Di5 control o49 Saux1 temp
(In the AKM display the hour number has not been multiplied) o23 DO1 run hour o24 DO2 run hour o25 DO3 run hour o26 DO4 run hour o50o53
DO5 run hour ......
DO8 run hour o30 Refrigerant
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Manual control (stopped regulation only)
From this menu the relays can be cut in and out manually.
0 gives no override, but a number between 1 and 10 will cut in a belonging relay. 1 will cut in relay number 1, 2 relay 2, etc.
11-18 will produce voltage on the analog output. In this way the relays on the external relay module can be activated. Setting 11 will give a voltage of 1.25 V, setting 12 will give 2.5 V, etc.
Set the net frequency.
If the controller is built into a network with data communication, it must have an address, and the master gateway of the data communication must then know this address.
These settings can only be made when a data communication module has been mounted in the controller and the installation of the data communication cable has been completed.
This installation is mentioned in a separate document “RC.8A.C”.
The address is set between 1 and 60
The address is sent to the gateway when the menu is set in pos. ON
Access code
If the settings in the controller are to be protected by a numerical code, you can set a numerical value between 0 and 100. If not, you can cancel the function with setting
o18 o12 o03 o04 o05
- - -
50 / 60 Hz
(50=0, 60=1)
Following installation of a data communication module, the controller can be operated on a par with the other controllers in ADAP-KOOL ® tion controls.
Outputs DO9 and DO10 are normally used for the ”Inject ON” function and for the alarm function, but they may be redefi ned via a setting in AKM.
For Danfoss only
DO9 function:
0: AKD Start/stop
1: Inject-on function
2: Boost ready function
3: Fan relay
DO10 function:
0: Alarm relay
1: Fan relay
Confi guration settings (compressor and fan defi nitions, coupling mode and refrigerant) can only take place when regulation is stopped.
DO9 function:
Inject-on function
Normally DO9 is used for the Inject ON function. Here all the electronic expansion valves are closed when all the compressors are stopped. Wiring is carried out as shown below.
The function may however also be generated via data communication. In this way the relay output is made available for other applications.
Boost ready function
If two controllers are to capacity regulate the high-temperature part and the low-temperature part, respectively, they must be connected in such a way that low-temperature regulation cannot be started until the high-temperature part is operating. The signal can be taken from DO9 of one controller and received on the ON inpout of the other controller.
8 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Operating status
The controller goes through some regulating situations where it is just waiting for the next point of the regulation. To make these “why is nothing happening” situations visible, you can see an operating status on the display. Push briefl y (1s) the upper button. If there is a status code, it will be shown on the display. The individual status codes have the following meanings
S2: When the relay is operated, it must be activated for min. x minutes (cf. c01)
S5: Renewed cutin of the same relay must not take place more often than every x minutes (cf. c07)
S8: The next relay must not cut in until x minutes have elapsed (cf.c11-c12)
S9: The next relay must not cut out until x minutes have elapsed (cf. c14-c15)
S10: Regulation stopped with the internal og external start/stop
Alarm messages
A2: Low P0
A11: No refrigerant has been selected (cf. o30)
A17: High Pc
A19-26: Compr. fault. Interupted signal on input "Comp 2" /2/3/4/5/6/7/8
A27: High temperature alarm for sensor "Saux1"
A28 - 32: External alarm. Interrupted signal on input "DI1" /2/3/4/5
A45: Regulation stopped with setting or with external switch
E1: Error in the controller
E2: Control signal outside the range (short-circuited/interrupted)
EKC state
(0 = regulation)
Alarms "Destinations"
- - - Low P0 alarm
- - - No RFG Sel
- - - Hi Pc alarm
- - - Comp._fault
- - - Saux1 temp
- - - DI_ Alarm
A45 Stand by
Ctrl. fault
Out of range
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Compressor confi guration
Setting "C16" will defi ne the confi guration.
Setting "C08" will defi ne coupling mode.
Compressor connections
Relay no.
User-defi ned combination.
Coupling mode
Capacity step
All capacity steps are presumed to be identical. The only exception is the settings C16 = 0, 4, and 21 to 26.
Coupling mode
Coupling mode 1 = sequential operation.
Coupling mode 2 = cyclic operation.
Coupling mode 3 = cyclic and binary operation where the compressor capacities are, as follows:
1: 9%
2: 18%
3: 36%
4: 36%
There is cyclic coupling at 3 and 4, and binary on 1, 2 and 3/4.
(for c16=4 only)
When there is cyclic operation and connections with unloaders there will in some capacity cutins and cutouts be overlappings where the unloaders from either one compressor or another may be active.
In such cases the unloaders on the compressor with the lowest number of hours will be cut in, and the others cut out.
The changeover will take place at
6-second intervals.
Equalised operation
When C16 = 21 to 26, compressor
1 + belonging unloader must have the same capacity as each of the subsequent compressors. The unloading function will equalise the cut-in capacity when the subsequent compressors are cut in and out.
Compressor 1 will always be operating.
10 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Condenser couplings
When the compressor relays have been established the turn comes to the fan relays.
The fi rst vacant relay (DO1-DO8) will become the fi rst fan relay.
It will be followed by the subsequent relays. If more relays are required than the vacant DO relays, a relay module can be connected to the analog output. The function is, as follows:
If there are up to four external fans on an EKC 331:
If there are more than four external fans on two EKC 331 units:
Output signal from EKC 531D1
In EKC 331 the voltage range must be set to 0-5 V (“o10” = 6).
In EKC 331 the number of steps must be set to 4 (“o19” = 4) (also when fewer fans are connected).
Output signal from EKC 531D1
In the fi rst EKC 331, set 0-5 V (“o10” = 6).
In the second EKC 331, set 5-10 V (“o10” = 7).
In both EKC’s the number of steps must be set to 4 (“o19” = 4) (also when fewer fans are connected to the second EKC).
If the entire condenser capacity is to be controlled by a frequency converter, EKC 531D1 must send an analog signal about the required capacity (“c29” = 9).
The signal varies from 0 to 10 V. Signal and capacity have the following context.
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The values will be shown with three digits, and with a setting you can determine whether the pressures are to be shown in °C or i °F.
EKA 162
For operation and display of evaporating pressure. The light-emitting diodes on the left-hand side fl ash when there is an alarm.
EKA 161
For display of condensing pressure.
During normal operation the light-emitting diodes will indicate where regulation is taking place.
Highest + second highest : ++Zone
Lowest + second lowest : - - Zone
The buttons
When you want to change a setting, the two buttons will give you a higher or lower value depending on the button you are pushing. But before you change the value, you must have access to the menu. You obtain this by pushing the upper button for a couple of seconds - you will then enter the column with parameter codes.
Find the parameter code you want to change and push the two buttons simultaneously. When you have changed the value, save the new value by once more pushing the two buttons simultaneously.
Gives access to the menu (or cutout an alarm)
Gives access to changes
Saves a change
1. Push the upper button until a parameter is shown
2. Push one of the buttons and fi nd the parameter you want to change
3. Push both buttons simultaneously until the parameter value is shown
4. Push one of the buttons and select the new value
5. Push both buttons again to conclude the setting
Quick- start
If you wish to start the system in a hurry so that refrigeration can be commenced you can set the following eight parameters: r23
– r28 – c08 – c09 – c16 – c29 – o30, and fi nally r12.
When regulation has then started you can go through the remaining parameters and adjust these.
Factory setting
If you need to return to the factory-set values, it can be done in this way:
- Cut out the supply voltage to the controller
- Keep both buttons depressed at the same time as you recon nect the supply voltage
Menu survey EKC 531D1
SW: 1.
2 x
Factory setting
Normal display
Shows P0 in EKA 162 (display with buttons)
Shows Pc in EKA 161
P0 reference
Neutral zone
Correction of signal from P0 sensor
°C r01 0.1 °C 20 °C 4.0
r04 -10 °C 10 °C 0.0
Select unit (0=bar and °C, 1=Psig and °F) r05 0
Start/Stop of regulation r12 OFF
Reference off set for P0
1 r13 -20 °C 20 °C 0.0
r23 -99 °C 30 °C 0.0
r24 °C 0.0
r25 -99 °C 30 °C 30.0
r26 -99 °C 0 °C r27 OFF ON
Set regulation setpoint for P0
Shows total P0 reference
Limitation: P0 reference max. value *
Limitation: P0 reference min. value *
Displacement of P0 (ON=active “r13”)
Pc reference
Set regulation setpoint for Pc
Shows total Pc reference
Limitation: Pc referencen max. value
Limitation: Pc referencen min. value
Correction of signal from Pc sensor
Pc reference variation.1 and 2 are PIregulation
1: Fixed reference. “r28” is used
2: Variable reference. Outdoor temperature (Sc3) included in the reference
3: As 1, but with P-regulation (Xp-band)
4: As 2, but with P-regulation (Xp-band)
5: As 2, and with heat recovery
6: As 4 and with heat recovery
Reference off set for Pc
Min. ON time for relays
Min. time period between cutins of same relay
Defi nition of regulation mode
1: Sequential (step mode / FILO)
2: Cyclic (step mode / FIFO)
3: Binary and cyclic
If a regulation mode with unloaders is selected, the relay must be defi ned to:
0: Cut in when more capacity is required
1: Cut out when more capacity is required
Regulation parameter for + Zone r28 r29
-25 °C 75 °C
10 r30 -99 °C 99 °C 10 r31 -99 °C 99 °C -10 r32 -10 °C 10 °C 0.0
r33 r34 c01 c07 c08 c09 c10
-20 °C
0 min
0 min. 60 min 4
0.1 K
20 °C
30 min. 0
2 K
Regulation parameter for + Zone min.
Regulation parameter for ++ Zone seconds c12
Regulation parameter for - Zone c11 0.1 min 60 min 5.0
0.1 min.
3.0 min 1.0
c13 0.1 K 2 K 2.0
Regulation parameter for - Zone min.
Regulation parameter for - - Zone seconds c15
0.1 min.
0.1 min.
60 min 1.0
10 min 0.5
Defi nition of compressor connections.See options on page 10.
c16 0
The following “c17” to “c28” is only relevant if “c16” has been selected to 0.
A code will then have to be set for the relays that are to be ON at the diff erent steps:
Step 1 (M&M operation)
Step 2 (M&M operation) c17 0 c18 0
* also applies to regulation with reference displacement To be continued
12 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Step 3 (M&M operation)
Step 4 (M&M operation)
Step 5 (M&M operation)
Step 6 (M&M operation)
Step 7 (M&M operation)
Step 8 (M&M operation)
Step 9 (M&M operation) c19 0 c20 0 c21 0 c22 0 c23 0 c24 0 c25 0
Step 10 (M&M operation)
Step 11 (M&M operation) c26 c27
Step 12 (M&M operation) c28 0 15 0
Defi nition of condenser:
1-8: Total number of fan relays c29 0/OFF 9 0
9: Only via analog output and start of frequency converter
Proportinal band Xp for (P= 100/Xp) condenser regulation
I: Integration time Tn for condenser regulation n04 0.2 K 40 K 10 n05 30 s 600 s 150
Delay time for a "Saux1" alarm
Low alarm and safety limit for PC
Delay time for a DI1 alarm
Delay time for a DI2 alarm
Delay time for a DI3 alarm
Upper alarm and safety limit for Pc
Upper alarm limit for sensor "Saux1"
A03 0 min.
90 min 30
A11 -1 bar 40 bar -40
0 s
0 s
0 s
600 s
600 s
600 s
99 °C 60.0
A30 0 °C
0 °C
99°C 0.0
Controllers address
On/off switch (service-pin message) o03* 1 o04* -
Access code
Used sensor type for Sc3, Sc4 and "Saux1"
0=PT1000, 1=PTC1000
2-7=variations with temperature sensor on P0 and Pc. See earlier in the manual.
Set supply voltage frequency o05 o06 off (-1)
7 0 o12 50 Hz 60 H 0
Manual control of outputs:
0: No override
1-10: 1 will cut in relay 1, 2 relay 2, etc.
11-18: Gives voltage signal on the analog o18 0 18 0 output. (11 gives 1.25 V, and so on in steps of 1.25 V
P0 pressure transmitter’s working range o20 -1 bar 0 bar -1.0
- min. value
P0 pressure transmitter’s working range
- max. value
Use of DI4-input o21 1 bar 40 bar 12.0
o22 0 2 0 0=not used. 1=P0 displacement. 2=alarm function. Alarm="A31"
Operating hours of relay 1 (value time
Operating hours of relay 2 (value time
Operating hours of relay 3 (value time
Operating hours of relay 4 (value time
Setting of refrigerant o23 o24 o25 o26 h 0.0
h 0.0
h 0.0
h 0.0
1=R12. 2=R22. 3=R134a. 4=R502.
5=R717. 6=R13. 7=R13b1. 8=R23.
9=R500. 10=R503. 11=R114. 12=R142b.
13=User defi ned. 14=R32. 15=R227.
16=R401A. 17=R507. 18=R402A. o30 0
19=R404A. 20=R407C. 21=R407A.
22=R407B. 23=R410A. 24=R170.
25=R290. 26=R600. 27=R600a. 28=R744.
29=R1270. 30=R417A
Use of DI5-input
0=not used. 1=Pc displacment. 2=alarm function. Alarm="A32" o37 0
Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Pc pressure transmitter’s working range
- min. value
Pc pressure transmitter’s working range
- max. value
Read temperature at sensor "Saux1"
Operating hours of relay 5 (value time
Operating hours of relay 6 (value time
Operating hours of relay 7 (value time
Operating hours of relay 8 (value time
o47 o48 o49 o50 o51 o52 o53
-1 bar
1 bar
0 bar
60 bar h h h h
°C 22.3
Read temperature at sensor "Sc3" u44 °C 41.1
Read temperature at sensor "Sc4" u45 °C 20.1
*) This setting will only be possible if a data communication moduel has been installed in the controller.
The controller can give the following messages
Error message
Alarm message
Fault in controller
Regulation is outside the range, or the control signal is defective
Low P0
Refrigerant not selected
High Pc
Compressor 1 alarm. Terminal 29 is open
Compressor 2 alarm. Terminal 30 is open
Compressor 3 alarm. Terminal 31 is open
Compressor 4 alarm. Terminal 32 is open
Compressor 5 alarm. Terminal 33 is open
Compressor 6 alarm. Terminal 34 is open
Compressor 7 alarm. Terminal 35 is open
Status message
Compressor 8 alarm. Terminal 36 is open
Room temperature alarm (housing temp.)
DI 1 alarm. Terminal 46 interrupted
DI 2 alarm. Terminal 47 interrupted
DI 3 alarm. Terminal 49 interrupted
DI 4 alarm. Terminal 50 interrupted
DI 5 alarm. Terminal 52 interrupted
Regulation stopped
Wait for “c01”
Wait for “c07”
Wait for “c11” or “c12”
Wait for “c14” or “c15”
Refrigeration stopped by the internal or external start/stop function
Brine cooling
All inputs are low-voltage. All relay outputs may be highvoltage.
Necessary connections
1-2 Supply voltage 24 V a.c.
4- 19 Relay outputs for either compressors, unloaders or fan motors
22-24 Alarm relay *
There is connection between 22 and 24 in alarm situa tions and when the controller is dead
27-28 24 V signal to start / stop of regulation
27-29 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 1
27-30 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 2
27-31 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 3
27-32 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 4
27-33 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 5
27-34 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 6
27-35 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 7
27-36 24 V signal from the safety circuit compressor 8
57-59 Suction pressure. Voltage signal from AKS 32R **
60-62 Condenser pressure. Voltage signal from AKS 32R **
54-55 Out temperature (Sc3). Sensor signal from AKS 11, AKS 12 or EKS 111
Application dependent connections
20-21 Inject On function *
The relay cuts out when all compressor relays are cut out.
The signal must be received by evaporator controls.
37-38 Voltage signal to external condenser control
39-41 Possibility of connecting an external display type EKA 161 for display of Pc
42-44 Possibility of connecting an external display type EKA 161 for display of P0, or EKA 162 for operation and display of
45-46 Contact function for alarm signal
45-47 Contact function for alarm signal
48-49 Contact function for alarm signal
48-50 Contact function for displacement of the suction pressure reference or for alarm signal.
51-52 Contact function for displacement of the condenser pressure reference or for alarm signal.
51-53 Separate sensor Saux1. Sensor signal fra AKS 11, AKS 12 or
EKS 111
54-56 Air temperature at condenser outlet. Sensor signal from
AKS 11, AKS 12 or EKS 111
If an output is used for an unloader, the unloader's safety signal must be downloaded from the compressor's satety circuit.
Data communication
25-26 Mount only, if a data communication module has been mounted.
For ethernet communication the plug connection RJ45 must be used. (LON FTT10 can also be connected in this way.
It is important that the installation of the data communication cable be done correctly. Cf. separate literature No.
The termination bracket is placed to the right of terminal
*) Relays DO9 and DO10 may in special cases be reconfi gurated so that they can be used as fan relays. See also page 8.
**) In brine systems temperature measurement at terminals 57-58 and 60-61 may be used instead of pressure measurement with AKS 32R. See also o06.
14 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Supply voltage
Input signal
Digitale input from contact function.
24 V a.c. +/-15% 50/60 Hz, 5 VA
2 pcs. Pressure transmitters type AKS 32R
(temperature sensor in brine systems)
3 pcs. temperature sensor input for PT 1000 ohm/0°C or PTC 1000 ohm/25°C
1 pcs. for Start/stop of regulation
8 pcs. for monitoring of safety circuits
3 pcs. for alarm function
2 pcs. for alarm function or for displacement of references
Relay output for capacity regulation
"Inject-on" relay
Alarm relay
Voltage output
Display outputs
Data communication
8 pcs. SPST
AC-1: 3 A (ohmic)
AC-15: 2 A (inductive)
1 pcs. SPST
1 pcs. SPDT
AC-1: 6 A (ohmic)
AC-15: 3 (inductive)
0-10 V d.c.
EKA 161
EKA 162
Pc display
Operation, P0 display and
Possible to connect a data communication module
0 - 55°C, during operation
-40 - 70°C, during transport
20 - 80% Rh, not condensing
No shock infl uence / vibrations
IP 20
0.4 kg
DIN rail or on wall max. 2.5 mm
EU Low voltage Directive and EMC demands re
CE-marking complied with.
LVD-tested acc. to EN 60730-1 and EN 60730-2-9
EMC-tested acc. to EN61000-6-2 and 3
Type Function
EKC 531D1 Capacity controller
EKA 161 Display unit
EKA 162 Display unit with operation buttons
Cable for display unit 2 m, 1 pcs.
Cable for display unit 6 m, 1 pcs.
EKA 173 Data communication module, FTT 10
EKA 175
EKA 177
Data communication module, RS 485
Data communication module, Ethernet
Neutral version. There are no icons at light-emitting diodes.
Code no.
084B7062 *
Pressure transmitter / temperature sensor
Please refer to catalogue RK0YG...
Installation considerations
Accidental damage, poor installation, or site conditions, can give rise to malfunctions of the control system, and ultimately lead to a plant breakdown.
Every possible safeguard is incorporated into our products to prevent this. However, a wrong installation, for example, could still present problems. Electronic controls are no substitute for normal, good engineering practice.
EKC 531D1
When the unit is mounted on a wall, the two points on the DIN fastening are cut off .
Danfoss wil not be responsible for any goods, or plant components, damaged as a result of the above defects. It is the installer's responsibility to check the installation thoroughly, and to fi t the necessary safety devices.
Special reference is made to the necessity of signals to the controller when the compressor is stopped and to the need of liquid receivers before the compressors.
Display type EKA 161 / 162
Your local Danfoss agent will be pleased to assist with further advice, etc.
Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Only for front mounting (IP 40)
Only connection via plugs
Data communication
This page contains a description of a few of the possibilities you will have when the controller is provided with data communi cation.
It is important that the installation of the data communication cable is carried out correctly. Please refer to separate literature No. RC.8A.C
Each controller is provided with a plug-in module.
The controllers are then connected to a two-core cable.
The cable can be connected to a gateway type AKA 243.
AKA 243 will now control the communication to and from the controllers.
AKA 243 can control 60.
They will collect temperature values and they will receive alarms.
When there is an alarm the alarm relay will be activated.
If contact is made to an external service company, the gateway can be connected to a modem.
When an alarm occurs from one of the controllers, the gateway will
- via the modem - make a phone call to the service company.
At the service company a modem, gateway and PC with system software type AKM have been installed.
All the controllers’ functions can now be operated from the various menu displays.
The programme will for example upload all the collected temperature values once a day.
Example of menu display in the AKM-programm
Measurements are shown at one side and settings at the other.
You will also be able to see the parameter names of the functions on page 4 - 8.
With a simple change-over the values can also be shown in a trend diagram.
If you wish to check earlier temperature measurements, you can see them in the log collection.
If the controller is extended with data communication, it will be possible to defi ne the importance of the transmitted alarms.
The importance is defi ned with the setting: 1, 2, 3 or 0. When the alarm then arises at some time, it will result in one of the following activities:
1 = Alarm
The alarm message is sent off with alarm status 1. This means that the gateway that is the master in the system will have its alarm relay output activated for two minutes.
Later, when the alarm ceases, the alarm text will be retransmitted, but now with status value 0.
2 = Message
The alarm text is transmitted with status value 2. Later, when the
“message” lapses, the alarm text is retransmitted, but now with status value 0.
3 = Alarm
As “1”, but the master gateway’s relay output is not activated.
0 = Suppressed information
The alarm text is stopped at the controller. It is transmitted nowhere.
16 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
The controller contains a number of functions that can be used together with the override function in the master gateway.
They can therefore only be used in combination with data communication.
Function via data communication
Functions to be used in the gateway’s override function
Stop of injection when the compressor is stopped
Night serback
Day/night control and time schedule
Selection of parameter in EKC 531AD1
084B8007 Sw.1.
2 x
- - - MC Inject ON
Suction pressure optimisation P0 optimisation r27 NightSetback
Select controller address
(The parameters are found automatically and do not become visible).
EKC 531D1 registers the refrigeration point which handles the largest capacity (requires the lowest suction pressure). The parameter may be logged for use in a service situation.
- - - MLC
Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004 17
Safety function
Monitoring of maximum discharge pressure
The function cuts in all condenser steps and gradually cuts out compressor steps, if the condensing pressure exceeds the permitted value. The cutout limit is the setting in "A30".
The function starts at a value that is 3 K below the set value. At this point the entire condenser capacity is cut in at the same time as
33% of the compressor capacity is cut out. (however min. one step). This is repeated for each 30-second interval.The alarm function is activated.
If the temperature (pressure) rises to the set limit value, the following happens:
- all compressor steps are immediately cut out
- the condenser capacity remains cut in
The alarm ceases when the temperature (pressure) has dropped to the 3 K below the limit value for 60 seconds.
Renewed cut in of compressor steps is allowed when the temperature (pressure) has dropped to the 3 K below the limit value.
Restart of the compressor is dependent on expiry of the restart timer.
Monitoring of minimum suction pressure
The function immediately cuts out all compressor steps if the suction pressure becomes lower than the permitted value. The cut out limit is the setting in "A11".
Cut outs activate the alarm function.
The alarm ceases when the pressure (temperature) is above the cut out limit.
Renewed cut in of compressor steps is allowed when the alarm has stopped (the time delay has expired).
Emergency procedure
If the controller registers irregularities in the registered signals, it will start an emergency procedure:
For compressor regulation:
- If the signal from the pressure transmitter becomes smaller than expected, the controller will continue operating with the average capacity that has been cut in during the past 60 minutes. This cut-in capacity will gradually decline as time passes.
- If the signal for the suction pressure becomes smaller than the set value of A11, the capacity will instantly be cut out.
For condenser regulation:
- If the signal from the pressure transmitter becomes smaller than expected, or if the condensing pressure becomes bigger than the set value of A30, the entire capacity will in stantly be cut in.
18 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
List of literature
Instructions RI.8H.U-.-- (extract from this manual).
Here you can see how controllers are mounted and programmed.
Installation guide for extended operation RC.8A.C
Here you can see how a data communication connection to ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration controls can be established.
Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004 19
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alternations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifi cations already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respecitve companies. Danfoss and Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
20 Manual RS.8D.D3.02 © Danfoss 02-2004
Key features
- Capacity regulation of compressors and condensers
- Eight outputs, expandable via external relay modules
- Sequential, cyclic, and binary operation modes
- Data communication capabilities
- Alarm functions for various events
- Manual control for individual relays
- Adjustable neutral zone for precise regulation
- Suction and condenser pressure optimization
- Support for brine cooling systems
- User-definable compressor and unloader configurations