FM Electronics Ltd. FM4000 alarm system Operating instructions

Below you will find brief information for alarm system FM4000. The alarm system FM4000 is a versatile home security system that allows you to arm and disarm the system, set up chime zones, test your detectors and more. It comes with a range of features such as panic buttons, exit and entry timers, and a chiming function. You can also use the optional keypad tamper function to prevent unauthorized access.

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Key features

  • Arm/Disarm
  • Panic Button
  • Exit/Entry Timer
  • Chime Zones
  • Detector Testing
  • Keypad Tamper
  • Siren Duration
  • Silent/Audible Operation

Frequently asked questions

To arm the system, enter your 4-digit pin number, press the Full Set key, and wait for the exit timer bleep to stop. You can also arm the system using the 4174 remote control.

To disarm the system, enter your 4-digit pin number, and press the Off key.

To test your detectors, enter your pin number, press the 9 key, then walk around the building triggering each detector.

To set up chime zones, enter your pin number, press the 8 key, and then press the number keys corresponding to the zones you want to chime.
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