MAGNE-SONIC MS400RH B28, N28 ultrasonic level transmitter Installation, operation & maintenance instructions

The MS400RH B28 and MS400RH N28 are ultrasonic level transmitters designed to be mounted above a liquid. They measure the distance to the liquid surface and compute level, contents or flow based on vessel, sump or open channel details. The transmitters provide a 4-20mA signal proportional to the chosen variable and feature two relays for control functions. Programming is achieved using integral push buttons or remotely via HART protocol. The MS400RH transmitters are powered by a two-wire 24V dc loop and can be connected to any suitable dc power source using 2 core shielded cable. They are compatible with Magne-Sonic MSC900 range of Control Units and must not be mounted in hazardous areas.

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MAGNE-SONIC MS400RH B28, N28 Ultrasonic Level Transmitter - Installation, Operation & Maintenance Instructions | Manualzz




Key features

  • Ultrasonic level measurement
  • 4-20mA signal output
  • Two relays for control
  • HART communications
  • Two-wire loop powered
  • NEMA4X weatherproofing

Frequently asked questions

The MS400RH transmitter operates over a range of 1.5 Ft. to 36 Ft..

The MS400RH transmitter is NEMA4X weatherproof.

You can program the MS400RH transmitter using integral push buttons or remotely via HART protocol.

The MS400RH transmitter can be mounted using the 2” thread provided. An optional mounting bracket kit is available on request.

The maximum cable length for the MS400RH transmitter is 9842 Ft. (3000m).
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