Honda CT 70 Motorcycle Owner's Manual
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Honda Trail 70 is a small motorcycle, easy to transport, designed for off-road use only. This manual provides instructions for operation and servicing. It includes information on starting the engine, riding the motorcycle, maintenance, and technical data.
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"The ABC's of Carburetion" Click Here Now file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Tim/Desktop/carburetor-manual-welcome/index.htm[4/25/2009 11:42:20 AM] THIS VEHCLE WAS OESlGI£O AND MANUFACTURED FOR OFF- TI£ ROAD USE ONLV IT IS NOT EQlAPPEO OR APPROVED FOR OPERAnoo 00 PUBLIC STR£ETS ROADS OR HlGHWAVS DO NOT REMOVE OR MOOIFY THE EXHAUST SYSTEM IT INCORPORATES A USOA-fOREST SERVICE -APPROVED SPARK ARRESTER AND IS DESIG"</EO FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE WITH MINIMUM NOISE IMPOR TANT : Before transporting thiS ~e hlC le : • TYrn fuel vllve to OFF posiuon. • Tum las ClP vent \0 0 FF fKlsltlOll . • Open clrburetor drllll yalye. dra in carOOn!tor lIoal bowl, close drain valye. • Rl!fIIOve battery Ind keep In upnght pOSI\K)IL CONSUMER INFORMATION VEHICLE STOPPING DISTANCE This f,gure indicates br~king perfor man<:e th~t <:an be met or exceeded by the vehides to which it ~pplie5. w ithout loding th e wheels under d,fferent conditions of loa ding. The information presen ted repre!>ents resu lts obtainable by skilled drover5 under control led road and vehide <:onditions. and Ihe infor mation m~y not be corre<:t under other conditions. Descriptio n of vehides to wh ich this table applies' HONDA CT 70 Fu ll y Operational Service Brake Load Ligh t 18S.S M axin, um I a1. 7 '" Stopping D istance in Feet Irom 42.0 mph. " • The mH lm um sp .... d .1I. in . ble bv . c" ... ,."ng .t m" ,mum " te from. OUndins fo , on. mi l•. ".r! ACCEI.ERATION AND PASS ING ABILITY Thj~ figure indicates pa~~ing times and di5tances that can be met or exceeded by the vehicles to which it applies, in the situation~ diagrammed on th e next page. The tow-speed pass assumes an init ial speed of 20 MPH and a limiting speed of 35 MPH. The high-speed pa~s a~sumes an initial speed of 50 MPH and a lim it ing speed of BO MPH. NOTICE: The information prese nted 'eprese nts results obta inable by sk il led drive's under cont rolled road and veh icle conditions, and the information may not bc correct undcr other conditions . Description of vehicles to which t his table applies: HOND A CT 70 S UMMARY TABLE: Low -speed pass .. . ... 441 H l gh·~peed Feet: ~ pass ..... Not Capable Seconds - ~'---""- FO REW0 RD- - - ---1 II 1$ with great pleuU'f! ,ha' we welcome you as :0 new owner of :a Hondoo motorcycle. Further, we wish 10 lhank you for selecting a Honda product. This uni que miniuu,e T, .. il Bike is spedally designed so lhal il can be f!;u ily carried in an au tomobile, light airplane, bOil, etc. It is not designed, equipped, or approved for operation on public highways or roads. This Owner's Manual is a guide for the ploper ope",ion and servicing of you. mOtorc ycle. Read ,I thorougMy so thu you will be .. ble 10 maintain your molo<cyde in Ihe best of condition for Ihe ulmost in ri ding pleisure. Your Honda dealer is fully equipped 10 handle yOu r service needs and, furthermore, he Is always nsiUance if needed. happy 10 provide We wish you many miles of safe and ple ..,.n! lrllil riding. /01 910 IiOKIA M01011 1;0, 1'0. - - - - - - CONTE NTSSER IA L NUMBER lOCATION NOMENCLAT URE OPERATING INSTRUCT IONS • INSTRUMENT AND INDIC ATO R LAMP • ELECTRICAl CONTROLS • M[C HANICAL CONTROLS • fUEL AND O IL • CARRYING THE MOTORCYClE • PR[PARATIO N f OR FaDING • STA RTING ( NGIN( • RIDING THE MOTORCYCLE MA INTENANCE • SERVICE SCHEDULE • M A INTfN ANG OPERATIONS ... TOO L KIT . TEC HNICA L D ATA W IRING DIAGRAM .. 2 1 ----l , 1 8 8 , " . 16 .. 19 20 21 13 "" 26 . .. 52 . .... 55 " - - -- SERIAL NU MBER LOCATION - - - The /rIme ~III numbel' Q) oJ lumped on the tell Jide al the Irune e,!Rle, .nd 'he engme serial number (J) i, louted on lhe cfln~(ue directly Ihe step b" l u aching point. furthe •• the I"me ser;,1 nu mber mUll be indicated when processj". the w,rr,nty el"m and for ordering SII<"e pl'ts. ,boY"" 3 ill Speedometer ~ Fr o nt br~ke l eve • .1; Throllie s r ip ry Horn button (s Re~r br~k e pedal NOMENCLATURE • " Foot rests <.1. Rc •• br.lke lever ... Hea d l;,ht bum (ontrol §wilch ~ Stee rin g h.ndle bu knob 00) Gur ( h.ngt ped.l lio hit /stop lig ht • • a> ~) Igni l ion switch fue l ulvt' Cu. c h~ng .. ped.1 fllel d r.'n v. l ve • Chok e leve, o Ai. d .... n .. ' u se 7 - - - OPERATING INSTR UCTIO NS - -- _INSTHUM ENT AN n IN I)I CA TOR L A MP Speedometer I is Located on the headlight cue and odometer ~. incorporated in the speedometer indicates 10IaL di stance travelle d. Gear speed ran ge indicators rj' are curved bars shown on the speedometer dial plate to mdlCate the recommended operol1mg ran ge of the respective gea,s, is loca led .11 Ihe righ t si de of the H igh beam indicator lamp (red ) speedometer, This la mp w ill be on when heJdlighl is on high beam. I Spe~(> .. e,~, , Odometer " Ce" .peed .. n~" ,nd, •• "", Ql I'I ,.h bUM .nd ..... ot • • ELECT IU C}\ L CONTHULS • IGNI TIO N SW IT CH The ignition sWItch I IS loc~led on [he teft side of Ihe milln p'pe runcllons of Ihe resp"Cllve ~wllch posllions are shown '" Itl{" chan b('low. ""y K ey po sit ion Fun clio n OFf Ele<:trical Corcull IS open('Q. eng'"e .... ,11 nOI Sla, t Key can be Ele<:trical cirCUli is clos('d, ('ngine Clln be ~I M[ ed (for day lIme opN~li on) Key ca n :!; , I EI('c[rica l circuil is clo~ed, engin(' can be SIiH"ted (for nighl l ime op('ra tlon) rem ov , 1 removed not b(' removed Key ca n nOI be remov('d • • HEAD LI C H T BEA M CO NTROL SW IT CH The he~dlight beam control ~wi t ch <D is lonted on the teft h~ndle grip. " l " is low be~m positIon (low be~m light and tall tight on ). " H" is high bum light and tai l light on. The he~dlight Will only o pewe when Ihe Igni llon SWIlch Ii in tht on plXition. RefCf to ignillon swilch page 9. 1I. ,. !il fludl'lh, ~l~ lIu," pool""" <J) KII ",," <<>"""t ...., <~ • HORN BUTTON is 11 push bullon switch <D locllted on tile right handle grip. Wilen tne hom bullon swi tch is depressed the horn WIll opera.te. Thi~ fj) Horn bunon " • MECH AN I CAL CONT UOI..S • fRONT AND Af AR BR AKE lEVU S The front b.~ke lever J) is loc~led ~I Ihe "ghl h~ndle bar grip and ,ea. lever @ is at Ihe left hand le bar grip. Also, Ihe rear br Jke peda l is localed at the right fOOl reSt , br~ke • GEA R CHANGE PEDAL The 11'<1' change pedal <I' loe,lIed near the left foot rest is 04 the progressIve shill. positive stop type , w hIch means one full stroke of the gear change pedal wi ll shih only one gear pOS i tion. The shift ing sequence ,,' arranged as show n in t he figure . Sh ifting to lo w f rom "eutfa t is performed by depreSSIng the sear change ped.l; successive sh ifting into second and lOp are made by depreSSIng the pedil l in sequ ence. Shifling dow rl in gear .$ accomplished by lolling up the gear change pedal in successive sequence. ,. • KICK STARTER PEDAL The kick $tarter pedal is located at Ihe righ l side of Ihe engine. Operate the kick star ter pedal with the right fOOl, starring from the lOp of the stroke ilnd follOWing throug h with a rap id and cont inuous kick . • CHOKE LEVER The choke lever <D is located at the lefl side of Ihe ca.rburetor. When the choke lever is up W Inorma l driving pos ition). the choke is fully o pen. When the chok e lever is down <Ill the choke is fully closed (cold engine sta fling position). • SE AT lATCH The seal lalch ill i5 localed on Ihe lefl rear ent:! of Ihe .eat The seal can be rai5ing by releasing Ihe 5('~( lalch ,. • FUEL AN I) OI L • fu n TANK The fue l lank <Jl IS located under the leal The fuel ta nk capaclly Ii 0.65 U .S. Sil lI OJ"ls Including Ihe O. ~qu~rt s In Ihe rese,vc Supply. The capacuy of the .ese, ve .s sufficIen t 10 Iravel approxlmalely 25 mIles at modera l e sp«'lk. No t.,: Prem i um grade fuel wit h " n oc l~ne ' ~I;ns 01 85 or ~bove mu st be use d. Do no t m; ~ nil wi l h the lu.,l . • fUn TANk CAP The f uel tank cap (J, has ~ valv e ~ w,lh on "ON" and "Off" pOSItion to open or close Ihe tank vent The fuel tank valve should be turned to "ON" 10 allow fuel to flow when running the C!ngine. Turning the lever to "Off" WIll pre· vent fuel from flowing out Ihe venl hole when transportIng the motor · cycle . ,. • FUEL VALVE The fuel valve (j) is located at the leI! side of ihe carburetor When the fue l valve is in the "5" posItion, fuel can not flow from the fuel tank to the carburetor_ The fue l valve should be sct in this pOSItIon whcn the motor<:yd e is park ed or carried. Turning the f ue l valve 10 the "ON" position allows fu el to flow to the (arbu reior from t he main fuel supply. Turning the fuel valve to the "RES" pOSitIon aliow§ fuel to flow from the reServe supply_ When the main fue l supp ly IS c, · hausted, the fue l valve shou ld be tu rn ed to th e "RES" position thereby allowing you to proceed 10 th e nearest service station. • O i l RECOMMENDA TI ONS Use on ly reliable qu~lity oil of the MS 1I.~de CAP I se rvi ce d.uir, c~tion ) or its equivilent. S<>:lect proper oit viSCO'lily "cordong to the ouuide tem_ peratu'e by referring to the below Chi,t. Ho wev". 5A( group 10 W- lO is .n ~II temperilure 001 ~nd may be used over the norm.1 ringe of outside te mper.ture . 0,1 shoutd be chingI'd it the prescrobed ,nte< ICcordong to Service Schedule Con p~ge 25) and chnge procedure in the Mainten.nce O~ritions (on p"ge 26- 271. #30 ,s • CARRYING TnE MOTORCYCLE • ~~I,~~I~~:~jnto a compact unit for carrying by automobile. ,I to prepare for carrying. ,."' . ."""(refer to page 1&) to "OFF" position. 17) to "OFF" p05ition . located on the left side 01 Ihe ca,bu4. Ihe carburetor and close the valve. upright position . S. @, fold the ha ndle bars (2) down and ,. . I'H E P A I( AT ION FO J{ IHUI I\'G Per/Qfnl tho:> fullowlnll [xo(o<e riding. 1 looso:>n thl' h.",dl" b<lr knob, ",,(old Ihe h."d1" bar 10 Ih" normal "dmg pO~iIlO'" In~1 Ihe SIOI)pei' localed at the base of the handle b.r Into the handle b.. holder grOOve, arld th erl ~urely light"n the knob. N"I~ : ' .. rn the h. ndte f.. lly in bO l h di,~~tion. to ...... re th .. t the bu ke ~.bfe. 'r~ not bI";"8 pull ed. 2 fI.,lis" th" sea t. Instal l the bat t ery and wire up the battery by connect ing tho:> retJ lead to the ban"ry termina l and the blue f<~ad to the terr'lllnal Note: Wlltn in't.Uin/t the b. tl rlY. n,~ ~e ome th.t tIM- b.otte<y vent tut... is n 0 1 p i n d~d . ), Check lor fuel In the t~n~ .;rond then pOSItIon the fuel tank "al"e 10 "ON" pOSlltOn (.eft'!" 10 p~ge 16). 4 Turn the fuel val"e. locdtcd on the left side of Ihe carburetor, to Ihe "ON" pOSIt Ion Irefer to page 17). 5. Check to make ~u re that both front and rear brakes are o perat in g pro. perly (refer to page 41_4)) 20 • STARTI NG T HE ENGI NE • COLO ENG INE STARTI NG PROCEDURE II i~ ,,:,commended Ihal Ihe fol lowing procedur e~ be followed when starting Ihe engine, 1. Switch the fuel lan k v~lve 10 Ihe "ON" posilion . (page 161 2. Sw ilCh Ihe fue l valve 10 ,. ON" po~i l ion . (page 17) J. Tum Ih e igni tio n swilch 10 "ON'", ( p~ge 9) 4 lOWN the cho ke lever 10 choke Ihe carburelOr. (p age 14) S. Slep o n Ihe kick ~ta rter pedal w ith a rapi d kick stroke a n d at the same lime. op en the throttl e valve slightly by tw isti ng the throttle gr ip ,nward approximately 15°_20". Perform Ihe kick star ting until the engine staflS. If the e ngine does not start by Ihe above procedure. tu rn the ig nitron swi tch 10 Ihe "O~F" pOSi tion, s('t the cho ke vall'" to th e full "OPEN " position !choke lever in th e hori zonta l p ositio n) and then crank Ihe engine seve ra l limes wilh Ihe kick starter. holding the Ihrottle grip turn ed fully inward, Next posil ion the ignitio n swi tch 10 "ON" and then follow the normal sta rting procedure. •• 6. After th e engine ~tar t~ operat e lor 2_3 minu tes at med ium ~p eed to w arm up the engine . 7. W hen the engine is warm, pl ace the choke lever In the ope n posit ion , • STA RTING IN UTREME COLD WEATHER Prime Ihe engi ne before mr[iog by cran king the engine ieveral tlme~ w ith the ignit ion ~w i1Ch "OfF", The choke should be fully closed and the throWe opened , follow with the procedure lor starting a cold engine, • STARTING A WARM ENGINE When the engine is to be re>tar ted while It " still warm proceed as 1m a cold engine, however, the use of the c hoke ,s not necessary. 22 • lUniNG TilE MOTORCYCI-E I. After Ihe eng,ne has been w"med up, the mOlorcv<=te ,s ready lor ridong. 2. Return the Ihl oute grip to the idling position and depras the geir change pedil 10 .hilt Inl0 low seir (1sI). No le' Ir om Uuling oot in 3<d (top) gur u thi s w ill hav e an adv erse ef1f' cI on th e d utch. 1. toc.ease th e engine speed by twisting the ,h ronle grip ,nw.rd. Whe n ,he mOIOfcyde att ains a speed of approximately 10 mph (16 kphJ, Close the thronl e and shill 10 2nd gear by depre<ising the geir change pedal. 4 This sequence is repeated 10 progressively shih inlO Ihe next higher gear . (.cfe. to page 1) for operalion of gear change pedal ). The max imum allowable »Ie speed for the 'e<ipective ge,,' ire shown in the lollow ing tab le . m h (k hI l SI Uow) ' od 3.' 1l (21) 30 (48) 47 (75 ) . Note, Whe n shr l ton!: !:u .. e. lh er up or do wn , Ih e thr o ttle gr ip m ust be dOied. 23 5. When decelerating the motorcyc le, coordinallon 01 the thr o llie and thc Iront and r(!ar brakes is most important. ThIS motorcycle is provided wIth both a hand lever and a loot pedal lor thc . ca. brake and a hand lever lor the Itont brake. The most impo.tant poin t is to appl y both thc Iron t and r(!ar brakes toget h er. Indep endent appllCJtion 01 eit h er the front or r(!" brake gently is possible, but If only onc brakc is apptlcd strongly enough to tock the .espechve wheel. it can causc loss of cont rol of the motorcycl(!. Bo rh th e Iron t and rColl r br~ke s shoul d be ~ pp li ed tog eth e r unifor mly ~nd 1I •• d u~lIy . rurther, when brakrng on a sleep down Ilrade, rhe engine compressIon may also he used for hrakin,l; wlrhout dJnller or causing damagc ro til " "ngine. Not e: Thi s vehiclc was d cs ig n ed a nd m drl u l ~crur" d lor oll -Ih e- rua d. It is nO l equippcd or approved lor o p c r~t iun On public ~ trcct s, rOol.d, o r highwol. Ys. 2. MAl NTEN A NCE - · - - -• SERV ICE SC HEOUlE Perform the p~riodic inspC<llons o n the xheduled m'INge shown ,n the c har t to maintain your mot orcycle in the pe~k of con dition and be a§sured of extended troubl e free service. Your Honda dea ler will assis t you in carrying out the scheduled main tenance work . Speedometer Se,viu Rc !:\!!.i.. d -[~s'nOOll ch.nR e Ru di ng 1,000; 2,000 3,000 Repe>l Every 1,500 3,00014,500 Mite P,S" '" 'm 'm m ,.= I• • • • ,• ''''' .. ,.= •• ,I L ••• "'" ''''' " •• ,= " "'" • • •• ,= "'" ,."" • :, " • f • • • ,. . ... • ,.= ,.= .= "'" • Mile ~ "., Sp,,,k "Iu~ cle.n,ng ond . d' v>!men, Ign",on 10 ...,"& .d,u><menl Carbu'"'''' .d,"st"'c", fuel W"n., .c' '',ee Clutch od,u"men' O"ve <I"in . diu"m" n' 8,.ke in , pee l;"n .nd . o i "'tm~nt ~"' . 'V c lc< trolyle in'peCl io " _nd .. pl~n i . hmc "t [ le,,,;c.1 'y"C", i~'p<'<"on Boll> ud n,," '';I 'Rh' en i"~ ~= ~ t ]'}~:lO V.lye toppel dc.,.nce .d"n' men, "'" clc. n er 'eme e '.~ Ref. ~ . ,. __ , '.~ t 31_32 '.~ '.~ '.~ ,. ~ ~ I l1l-l') ,~ " _ ~J '.~ 4.5.00 46_.1 008_49 2. • MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS • OIL CHANGE As the effectivenes~ of engine oil is limited to a certa i" period, it is necessary to pe rform oil changes at suggested inte,vals shown in the service schedule_ W hen draining th", oil, it should be performed while the engine is still wJrm as this will assure complete and 'apid draining, ~ving much time. 1. Remove the oil filler cap CD from the R crankcase cover 2. Place a drip pan un der the (nnkcasc 10 caleh the 011 and then remOve the drain plug (-I> (page 27) with 17 mm w rench. l. After the oil SlOpS d raini"& from the cra"kease, operate the ~ick starter sevel.llimes to drain any oil which may be left in the engine. 4 . \Vhen Ihe oil has been completely drained, reinstall Ihe drain plug ' 4) , making Sur" that Ihe a ring used on the \lJ 0.1 We<- cop l) lJppor lev el ".. ,~ ® 26 low~' 1 ~ v<1 mo d, plug is in good cond,tion. S. f,n the cr~nkca~e through the oit filler ope ning w,lh ~ppro~im~telv 1.5 U.S. ph. (0.7 liter) of recommended grade oil. Check the oil level with f,lI"" cap dipstid. however . when making th,s check , do nOl SCrew in the up. 0,1 level ~hould be between the upper ind lower oil levef mark ings . , j on the d'pst,ck Note ' 1. 1)0 not o pe r.te Ihe engine if Ihe oi l leve l is be low t he lowe r oil leve l m~rk J oro th e dip stick. 2. Wh e n op er.tin g the mo torcycle under un usuall y du st y con di tion , it i. recomm end ed Ih.t Ih e o il c h ~nJll" be pe rlorm ed . 1 mor .. hequ .. nt inler val, Ihan Iha l w hic h is sp .. c ifi .. d in Ih e ma inl .. n.nce sch edule ; Ih i' will h. ve i ve ry benefic ial d l .., 1 on the enJiline. 27 • SP ARK PLUC Cl£AN INC AND AD JUS TMENT The NCII: C 7HS or NO U 22 f S plug IS used ~s st~nd.lrd eqUIpmen t on this model ServIcIng 0( Ihe spark plug is ~s fo llows_ I Deta ch the high tenSIon cord from the ' park plug an d remove the spark plug wi,h ,h" 'p!'cial wrench pr ovided ", the tool kit. 2. Inspe<1 Ih e ele<lrodcs ~ nd center porc"la, n ollhe spark plug 10< deposils. e"oded e le<t rodcs. or urban lou l'ng. II Ihe spark plug dePOSitS ~re hu,·y. or ,he " ICC' rOUes apl"N r be etroded excess,vely, r"'plKe .he >1'01,1; plug wuh. n.."v one . 1/ Ihe , p.rk plug is nrbon Or wet fou led. Ihe plug ca n ,o m,,"m!', be cI"an..,d wi l h a st nf w" .., such as .. pul J. Ad,US' Ihe Sp.lrk pl u!: sa p I 10 O.O:N 0.02ftinch (0.1> O.imm). The sap un be measured ",uh •• hKk· ness g~ug" . Th.., adl u>! menl ,S made by bend,ng iiI(' n e g~ti ve (grounded) c leWOd~' 4. \\'hen inSM lh ng Ihe spark p lug. do nOI OVCf IIgh len. .0 <D+-- N ",~; •. N~"~' .. n5~ ,p.,k 1. 2. u.~ plu~ . .n Do no, 'Uemp' '0 ,,><,. im p,o~, h~ . 1 rl,~ 0' '~n'o.~ f,om ,h•• p.o,k plu. by bu,n;" s , • IGNITION TIMING A I)JUSTME NT Adjustment of contaCt hreake r pOint gap and 'gn'lion t,m,ng are required h) maimaon satisfJcto ry engone perfor mance. -I. Remove the left crankcase cover_ 2. Rot~te th e flywheel countcrclod,wl>e 10 find the pv irt ",h~'re the brea ker po,m gap ,s at maximum and check Ii th e ~ ap IS correct usong a th ic kness gauge. J . The st~n<lal <l gap 1 ,s 0.Ot2 0.016 in . {0.3 -0 A mm l. , ~I R,~"., I""'" S'I> T B, •• k., '''''kmg .c.. w I ·29 4. When ~dju'tme n t " necessary, loo,en the break er IQoCking Krew , and move the breaker base in either clockw ise or counterclockwise direction to obtain the standard point gap sett ing. 5. After completing Ihe break er point gap adjustmen t , r~c h eck the Ignition timing. To pe rform the check, rotate the flywheel 50 t hat when the flywheel "F" timing ma rk -!I is aligned to t he t Iming in dex mar k 1 on the left cran k case. t he brea ker points just begin to open . -, W I~d., m. ,. ® "roo m.,k 30 • VAL VE TAPPET CLE ARANCE ADJ US TME NT rXCfi!u;ve v,lve '''ppet (I(';trlnce will Ciuse tappet noise, and negative clearance will (;lUst! vilve damlge ind lo w power. Therefore, the v.lve tappet clearance should be maintained properly. Ad justment should be made with the engine cold. \. Remove the t",pet adjusting hOle caps. 2. Remove the Ie t crankcase cover. 3. Rotate the flywheel up with counterclockwise the i ndex mark CDun~'~;I~~~~~:~~ on wheel lines In Ihis pOSi tion, the piston may either be woke. The adjustme nt mu st be made, center of the compression stroke, that is when bolh valves ueciosed. ThIS condItio n el n be determined "",,~ by sh ifting the tappets w ith fin_ gers t hrOl,lgh Ihe ta ppet adjusting hOles ln d if the I~ppets ,Ut free, it IS an indiu tion that the ".'vtS are closed and that the p i5 ton is on the co mpression 51roke. If the tappets are tight, the valv es are op ened, so rotate th e flywhee l 360" and 'eltign the "Tn m" k to Ihe index mark. . 4 ThC v~lve IJppel c leJr~nce 'S mea suted belween Ihe v. lve stem .nd tappel Jd jultlnG SCrew Bolh the .n tet a nd lhe exluU$t v.lves $h OU ld be .dlU'Sted 10 0.002 in. (0.05 onn' l To 1".. fOlm the adJu~lment . 10000n lhe lock nut , .nd Iurn Ihe adJu$lIng screw TUrn,ng the .dIU$t 'n~ screw in Ihe Clockwi'e dlrect,on w,lI ,educe Ihe de.'~nce No t" : M. k" ,u ,e Hut th e ~dju~lrn"nl li gh ten ing lh e lock n"t , lo y , ec h ec kin g th e (iN " . "ce . fr er th e lock nlll I... been li ~ h'ened. ,+. Mlu","; >crew Ii) A~,u"i n g ,<,"w I""l nu' '0,. l ~k~M" .. ",. 32 h~, no r heen d i""rhe d wh ile • AIR CLEANER SERVICE " dogged air filter wil l ad"N~ely affel:t engme performanl:e, therefore it ~hould be de,J n ed periodicJlly a~ fo llows. I. Unscrew.t he a ir cl ea ne. cover ~e!!mg ~oew Jnd remove the air cleaner I:o"e. '. 1. Kemove the a" cleJne. clement ". 3. Wa,h the air deaner element with ga~oline and dry ,I thoroughly. 4. Soak the ~ir deaner element ,n a mixt ure 01 10 pari gasoline to 1 part of ('ngirl(' 001, curi ng out by hand and then reinslall into the air deane, case, T ,0." <, covc' Air clc. ne , " Iemrnt 33 • THROTTlE CABLE ADJUSTMENT for Uf(!, pO~lI ive and consistent engine .e5.pOn~ Ihe good condition ;ond Ope'at lon of the throll!e gllp and IhrOIl!e cable is " must. 1 Check for the smOC)lh rOUlIo n of Ihe IhroUle co nlfol grip from the full Open to the full close posI tio n s. Check when "I lu ll !eft and lull "ghl steerIng posItions. 2. Standard throtlle R"P play is approximately 10_15· 01 the g"p .0t.. Hon . If g rip Irlle play .otatlon exceeds, this adj ustment of t he thrott le cable adjuster <!l is neces~.rV . Tur n the cllble adlust er untIl g"p Iree play ,ot al'on IS ,educed to 10_15·. II! Rubb .. <op (\> Th.oTl I. c. bl . '~JU"" • CA R8URETOR ADJ USTMENT PcrfOfm Ihe carburelOl ~d iu!;lme nl periodIcall y as ne<:e»;J ' Y_ ,\I<lke Ihe carburelor <ldJustmenl ~her Ihe £!ngm£! ~tu,"s opl!r~llng ll!m· per<l ture. I. Adjust Ihe engine idle speed [0 appr oxlm<ltely 1,300 .pm wIth Ihe Ih/ol1le §lOP screw i" . , rUfn Ihe ai' SC rew ~ Slow ly lla(k and fo rth 10 obta in Ih e po ull 01 Ihe hIghest engine rpm . J 1/ Ihe Idling speed jn(rca~es (!,ccsm'e ly, reduc e Ihe ~peed wllh the Ih. on le StOp scre w.l hcn 'eche(k Ihe ~" scre w RCfle.1 Ihl! abo... c Iluxedurc dg~ln If ncces~'y 10 oblam a ~ta ble adluSlment n.onlc Slop " few • ..'" .ne.... 35 • Iun S !IIAIN(II SE R VIC E Th\! Iud mJ,,'\!' 's ,nCOfI)Qfdted on til\! "~111 ~,de 0' Ill\! CU UU ' \!IOt. Aceu· mut.r,on of dirt In Ih\! ~I,a .n{!f ",II ,<!SIIICt Ih\! flow of th\! i u\!1 Jnd UO\.e the UdJO'\!tOf 10 nl~liunclion [h"rclOt\!_ [he fu\!1 ~t'J"'\!' ~hould bl! \.efvoc\!d pt>"Od'U lly I Tu,n the lu\!I 'JI." tu "S" 1><>'iIl'On "~I:eln ! R,'n'uve Ihl' loci w~,ne, co,'eo- ~"d () ung j·NI t ] Thl' "'::,e<>n lUel ~I,~,n'" ' un hI.' .emoved Ihe \\,.,h n. w h 'cnt Of Ild!iOl,ne Ind ,e~ssemble ·0· ,ona .r.' , ,,,,,I ",.,ne' 3. c~r uu.etOt • CLUTC H AD IUSTMENT ThIs motorcycle IncorfWrates an automatic centrifugal clutch. Perform the cl utch ~dlustmen t by the following procedure ,. Clulch muSI be ad lusled Wllh Ihe engln<' shul oli Loo~n the adluster lock nul 2 Turn Ihe ~dIU51<'r screw I clochvlse aboul olle IUto : do nol Iurn t'~. ':essive ly. J Ne,t. slowly lurn Ihe adjuste r !tCrew counlerclodwlsc dnd SlOp when Ihe K H: W SlarlS 10 lurn heavy. <I Irom Ih,s point. bad ofl the JdlUSler in Ihe c lockwIse ,-lIreCllon , 6 to 114 lurn . ~nd Ihen I, shl<'n Ihe lOCk nul. Check 10 make Sur<' th ..1 the Clutch operales properly .. ller adlustment . A. The <'ns,ne shou ld stall e~sl ly 2 w'lh Ihe kICk starler w.lhoul the clulCh sllpp"'S' II \Vhe n ch anging geM_ Ihe clulch operalion should l>e smooth and IIghl, especia lly when shlllmg down ill gedr 10 the neu lral po 5ilio" CtulCh .d,u"e' ,e'N\' .• I<><~ ~u, 37 • CLEANING TH[ DRIVE C H AIN The h ie of th e d. ive cham IS d i.ectly atiected b y the 3"' ount of service. Remove the cham by tak In g off the joint c lip i aod wash in 50lvent wl1 h a ~ti ff b.ush to ta ke dir t aod o ld g .eas(' off . :\ f1er drying It thoroughl\,. place Ihe chJin '" a vessel containing d mixture of ;:ood grade eng in e oil and petro latum (rat,o of 30Jgr o f p etro lat um 10 1 li ter of eng,o e 0,1. 5,\[ : 3O_5.0l. a nd heal for 10 m,nules at a te mpe ratur e of 12(r to 250 r (SO to 120 n wh, le agitallng Remove th e chain dnd han;.: Aiter 111(' Rfease ha rdem. wIp e off Ihe eX(es~ w ,th J c ledn ra~ a nd as_ semb le on the machine 2. To assemble the d fl ve chJ"'. loos en lil(' rea. a\le . .1 110 """'1> the ('n d s o f the d rive c ha,n to he connected w ,th J 100nt Ihe 10101 ~hp 5"0 "ld be ,nsta ll ed so that Ihe OpCIl end w,lI f~ce OPI'O'lie 1" lh" ,II' Cf 1, nn of '01.'1'00. 3. • OR IV E C HA IN AD jlJSTM[NT The tension of the d rive ch~ 'n w ,lI hJve conSiderable erieci on the 11am, mission of power from the ensmc to the reM wheel and On the hfe of the chain olseH. Therefore , the cham should always be maintained at the proper slack. in other words. nOI too tLghl and not 100 loose. W henc"N adjustment is made, make ,t habit to lubricate the chain wilh cng ine 0'1. 1. The ma~'mum amount of th e d " l'e cha," , lack is measured by pressing the cham up J nd down al the midpoint between the sprockets. The maXimum slack 01 the chain should be 0..1_ 0.8 in. pO _ 20 mm ) 3. 2 If adJU~lmen1 15 nc<:e5sa'y. loosen Ihc 'ca' axle nul 3 "dlu~1 Ihe chdln 51~ck ,,'th Ihe lock nUl I. by l urnln~ il ,n Ihe clock WIst'. Ih.5 ,,,II dCHed5c Ihe cha in .Iack. lurnlng the (oo,m te,eJock"" S'! ""II I~n Ihe (h."l Lpon COnlllleuon of ~dluSlm('nt . Ih(' Ind<'~ mark I o n the hOih the lIght dnd left chain adl',lSW'S shou ld be at the s;ame ,cle,ence md,b ; on the rea, lorks. 4 I mally . lI);htcn the ,,,,1 sc<:urcly to p'evenl the "ul from loosening. ,,,t,, , K~ . ' ,,1,- ,. ~ Nr " I. "~I ' "d~. • ~"., Il Ch.," 40 ",.,' 10" relc"c"« ", .. . . , .dlu " ~. lod "u' • fRONT A NI) HE A R BRAKE AOJ USfMENT Bra kes are ilems of persona l ~afely alld shou ld al ways he maInt ained in proper" nt I . h o n l bt~k e a. RaIse the front wheel ofl the ground by p lacrng J wpport b lock u nder the cOII'"c. Sp In t he (roni wheel by hand and measure the Jmoun t. The hon! br J~ e lever I m uSI be mo,cd before Ihe bra~e starts 10 take hOl d. Thc le" cr free play' shou l d be OA _ O.B in ( 10 _ 10mm ) a l the end 0 1 the brake lev.... b. Whcn bra k e J d lUSl men t bccome~ neces~ary. peri"'"' Ihe tJ~ k wllh Ihe front brake ad luslmg nUl .<_ TurnIng Ihe n ul In t he c l ock wI ~e dHecllorr w til decredse Ihe J lever and turnIng Ihc nUl cou nt er clock w Ise WI ll rncrNse I" ". ""'C' _ j 1. R ,,~( b.~ke For the rear brake system , the , ear brake lever and Ihe ,e.r brake pedal 'equire :.,the 1. Placeadiu~lmenl.~~,~!:.:,~~~, a support Ihen, tread on Check the The 2. 1he free '2 mOIO/cycle. raISe Ihe rear wheel, and pedal while lightly 'otaling Ihe rear wh eel , unt ,l Ihe rear brake lIarlS to take hold . is 0.8- 1.2 in. (20- 30 mrn ~ the brake adjuning nut (J , The pedal nul cloc kw i ~e. while II increases 3 4 check the free play 01 the fron t b ... ke lever -1'. The SI .. ndard Iree play IS OA 11.8 in. ( 10 20 mm l at the Iront brike lever tip . This ~d, ... stmen t ,~ m~de with the rear brake cable ~d,u~ter 3 after the lock nut , IS loosened The free play becomes I.rge by turning the ~d,uster tow;ud the dorel:tlon A (clockwlse l, whIle It becomes sm.n bv turning the adluster towilrd the derection B (count(rctodwlsel l\.e~1. Reu b"~e f,u pt,v lev'" •• • W H H l IIEM OYAL Removal 01 hOIll and "'"' wheel j. performed In the following ma nne r 1. h on1 whee l d. Place a sUllable blod under the engrne 10 rai5e the fron l wheel of1 Ihe 1he 8roond. b. Remove 1he frolll brake ~dlu"rng nul I . C. Remove the .peedometer ca b le I . d. Remove the frolll whee l axle not ! and I)ull oUI the Ironi wheel ax le .' . e. The fron l wheel C3n be rcmovcd f,om Ihe /'Jme. NC)1C' 51 .. nd .. , d lir e a i, prc .. "r" is 17 P. 5. 1. 11.2kg (m ;>'r'~ ',onr b'. 'e .dJ" , " ng nu' r ,on, w~oo l "I ~ nu' iron' whee ' " I. Sp"" do",,'<r c. ble •• 2. Rear w hccl a . Un~rcw thc drive chJin adjusting nut and rear wheel ax le n ut. h. Remove thc cha in Joint clip and drivc chain. c. Unscrcw the reM br~kc adjust,ng nut Jnd dosa ssemblc the rear brake rod from the rear brake arm. d . Pull out Ihe cotler pi n '. loose n the lad nut Jnd remove the to.que arm sett ing bolt .;. e. Putt out th e rear wheel Jxle and then the .ear whee l can be disassembled from the frame . Note: 1. Standard lire ai r IHe ss Ole is 20 2. Th e tire shoul d be .epl.tccd when t he t.ea d has been worn to le s$ O.O~ in . (lmm ) d ep lh . Ri di ng wil h wo. n lir e is a ha~Jfd . bOlO 45 _ BA THI Y SER VICE If the mOlorcyde i, Ope'.led w,th ~n ,nsuHre,ent (Iowl luu." ele<;lIolyte level, 5ulfation .nd lune'y plate damige may occur . In~«t ,ng and m.,n· t.,n,ng Ihe elcellolyle level is • s,mple, quick ope<OI,on. theu·fOfe, ,t should be perfo,med frequently .s rnd,c il!ed ,n the service schedu le on page 25 I The 6 V- l All b~l!e,y m " mounted und ... the sea t. Acee .. to the baue,y 's obta' n ed by ,eteasing th ... 5.... t latch on the ' ca' ... nd unde' th .. seat and '.'$,ng the 'U,. 2. Remove the lunery telling ,ubber and , •• Se the bmery slightly to check the b.u .... y electrolyte. The COf'eet ..1C'(\,olyte levet is between the "lower" .nd ··up per " ICv e t mark1 on th ... batle,y c ase , ""e., Ie•• ' ",.. , •• , Vp~, il 10 ..... ' le • • 1 "'.. ~ J to ,0ne,1 Ihe ele'lrolyte. remOve Ihe bauery cell '.ps from the cells needing level correctIon. Fo. case of (ell level correct ion. sma U syri nge or plasti( funnel shou ld be \lsed. Using a small syro n ge. '.ref ully add dIstI lled water 10 bring the elecl.olyte to a le vel between the upper "nd lowe< marks. for ma ~ jmum bam•• y performanc e and life. only distilled witer should be added . however. in an e mer gency Situa tion whe.e electro lyte level is found to be low and distilled water ;5 not available, drinki n g water or a lo w minera l co nten t can be used. Reinsta ll the ce ll cap s. No le : 1. Add only di s tilled wi ler 10 Ih e b.tter y, neve. use t.p w.ler. 2. When replacing Ih e battery in to Ih e comp.rtmen t, make liure Ihit the ven l lube o f Ih e ba ll e r y is not pinched o r blo cke d. 1. If unusual hi gh ra le of balle ry electrolyte loss is experie nced, con · suit your Han d. du ler fo r ch e ck of Ih e Irouble. .7 • HE AD LI C HT BEAM AD JUSTMEN T I lc~d "ghl beam Can be ad)ustcu vertrcally Jnd horl<onta lly_ 1 The ver tK.1 .dJustment i, m,de by loosen,ng Ihe bolls '1" which mount Ihe he .. dlrghl_ 2. The hOliwn)a) be.rn .dlu~t men! .s made wi th the beam ldlusting screw . loc. led on the Idt side of Ihe he.dlrghl when lacrng the motorcycle Tu rning the K,ew in w, ll fo<;us the beam towilrd the Icll I,de of the "dcr L !le.d"gh, ill •• mo"",,'" Ad,",,,,,, .cr.... bol" • ST OP LIG HT SW IT CH ADJUSTMEN T The stop light swi tdl adjustment is made at the stop IIghr sWItch il tocated on the right side toward the ,ear of the cng ine , 1 First check the adjustment of the rear brake pedal jn accordance WIth the procedure on page 42_43 to make Sure rhJt the brakes are properly adjusted. 2. Turn on the ignition switch (IgnitIon posi tion ·'Red" doU j ,\diust the stop light switch • So that rhe stop ligh t will come on when the brake pedal , or rea' brake lever . IS depressed to the point where the brake just starts to take hold . If th e stop light switch IS rate ;n switching on t he stop light. sCrew in :Al the switch adjusting nul 'J) and jf the stop fight comes On \00 early screw oul If~ Ihe swilC h ad . jusring nut. " Adj~'''n8 Out l' Stopl"nt .... ,tch •• • REPL AC ING LI G HT BU LB S When e ~ch~nging the light bulbs, alwiYS replace the bulb with Ihil of Ihe specified type ind riling . Th is is impor lant to prevent the elect,int lighting circuit from mi lf"mct,oning. 1. He.a dl iS hi bulb repbceme nt procedure l . loosen the cross K.ew il Ihe bollom of the heidl.,hl ind remove the headlight rim. b. Remove the socket issembly CD bl from pushing down on the the reflector @. twisting counlerdockwise to unhoo c. Pull the bulb , 5. 11 ...II'lht (3) S<K ~ " oul and replace. socket and 2. a. b. c. h il/stopli ght bulb re ploilCe menl pr oc e d ure Remove the IWO S(:re ws retaining Ihe tai l/slop hght l en~. Press Ihe bul b in w'lld an d twist to the left, a nd the bu lb c,on be .emoved. When inSla ll ing Ihe tai lligh t lens, do 1'101 ove. tig hten the S(:,ews, as this may damage the lens. W 1.,llnophlh. bul., ., TOOL KIT The 1001 kit (i) ;$ cont ained in the compartment located under the seal . Minor adjustment and parts replacement can be performed with the tools con tained in the kit. Adjustments or repairs whiCh cannot be performed with the lools in the kit should be referred to your Honda dealer . • 2 • Listed below ~re Ihe Items included in the tool kit rj) Spade plug wrench : for spark plug. front ~nd reu .. d e nul jI ,. X 1 7 mm open end wrench Q) lOx 12 mm open end wren ch @ 8 mm sp.Jnn er l) Pliers 1> No. 2 Kl"ew dr i~t'f 1 No.3 cross ~;nr scr ew dr iver • No. 2 Cl OSS poinr screw driver • 9 mm span ner: for valve r~pper clearance adjus tment, screw dr iver <I) Scre w dd"er gri p : for ~rew dri~er ~ll Valve tippet adjust wrench : for valve lapp er clearance adjustment L~ Thickness ga u ~c : for valve tappet clearance adjustment 101 Tool bag • Items aruched to rhe mo torcyc te is .. separ"te pichge (f1 1\ can of louch-up p. inr fl Spire banery fuse .0 ~ (j) 2r." Ie ® ® ,tC - ® (j) ® ® -'. ~ @ ® •• = ~ -® ® , - - - TECHNICAL DATA - - - ITEM D IMENSIONS Overa ll length Overall width Overa ll height Wheel base Min. ground clearance Curb weight 59.6 in (1,510 mml 22_6 in I 580 mm l 37.8 in I 9Wmm l 40.7 in (1,035 mm ) 7.1 in I 1110 mm ) H3.llb (65 kg) FRAME Suspens ion, fro nt Suspension, rear 6rakes Te leKopic fork Swinging arm Internal expansion 55 Tr~it 2.3 in I'MI mml 1'''"glh ,~ C~Sler lore s.~e &-." prcssu,e (f l rife sile & .ir pressure tRI 4.(1)- 10 1711KJ rn> ( 1.2 kg/em ') 4 .00-10 20 Ibs In : (1.4 kg/em ') fNC I NE Cyl inder l.yoUi le, 00" inclined (rom vertical Valve arrangemenl O"erhead camshllit Bore ~nd slroke 1.85 x 1.63 in (47 x 41.4 mm) Comp<cssion ra lio 66 D.splaeemenl 4.4 CU-in 172 eel C;lrburelor Keihin, piston valve lype 011 ca pacity 1.5 U,S. Pi" 10.71111 Lubriution Forced and wet sump 00 Oi l str~iner Centrifugal and fillering mesh Reduc ti on ra tios Prim.ry 3.722 Se<ondary 2.533 Gear ral ios ,,, '0' M 3.)64 1.722 1.190 PERFO RM A.NC E Max. sp eed 47 mph (75 kph) Min. tu rning circle 105 It 0.2 m ) Bra king distance 23 ft at 22 mph 17 m al SO kph J .7 ElECTRI CA L SYSTEM Flyw heel mJ s neto Ignil ion Sp;l,k plug NGK C-7 HS or ND U - 22 FS Headlight bulb 6V- 1S{1SW h il/stop light bu lb 6V - 5,3{17W .. WIRING DIAGRAM - - - - .... "'" , • •TC>o ,.' .- ".- w· o - . .. ~" B····-a.. B>.,,····80o:\. G-'''' g,_ ........... £1< .... - 9< ... lG-' -l'ft' Ck ... G/. -····OO ........ . 6'/11······.... ...,... •• lOW. 5.HO ,..1, .... SPHO: 2\lUPH I I U"'ITltc:; SI'([O l5MP!1 101 .... IIO.SSIIGDlSI0NCt. FEU 101 .... H.SSltc:; ILWt. SECCHlS <>}--- - - - ------ ------ ----- --- -- . <>} I00 ~--Ecfisl~T-..:;.;~-- .c:Pl 00·1 ,~ , HIGH· 5'EEO . . Till. SPUO: ~ IOI .... 'ASSIIC;DlS'..OCl HCI TOTAL PASSI,.,. m i L SEt(J()'; I u .. ,uo:: SPUO I . 1IOMf'H <>}-----------------------------------r lWi o- .unnn ___ ...o-°r-i r 5~ ,~, CONS IANt ~PH
Key Features
- Off-road use only
- Easy to transport
- Small motorcycle
- 4.4 cu-in displacement
- 47 mph max speed
- Single cylinder engine
- 6V electrical system
- Manual transmission
- Swing arm suspension
- Telescopic fork suspension
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Frequently Answers and Questions
Where is the serial number located on the Trail 70?
The frame serial number is located on the left side of the frame, and the engine serial number is located on the engine directly below the step, by the foot peg mounting point.
What kind of fuel should I use in my Trail 70?
You should use premium grade fuel with an octane rating of 85 or above. Do not mix gasoline with the fuel.
How do I adjust the spark plug gap on my Trail 70?
The spark plug gap should be adjusted to 0.018 to 0.022 inches (0.45 to 0.55 mm). This adjustment is made by bending the negative (grounded) electrode.
How do I adjust the chain tension on my Trail 70?
The maximum amount of chain slack is measured by pressing the chain up and down at the midpoint between the sprockets. The maximum slack of the chain should be 0.4 to 0.8 inches (10 to 20 mm).
How do I change the oil in my Trail 70?
You should change the oil at the intervals suggested in the service schedule. When draining the oil, it should be performed while the engine is still warm.