LVE 115/116 Series
Electro-Optic Level Switch
1b 1/2" NPT S witch: Ap pl y a c uring t yp e th rea d seala nt (s uch as Loctite #565 wit h prim er "N"), which is com patible with the liquid m edia.
W e do not recom m end pipe tap e . For Carb on Steel units to rque one to two tu rns (m a xim um ) past the hand -tig ht eng agem ent. F or Stainless
Steel units tor que one t urn ( m axim um ) past the han d -tight engag em ent.Over T orqu e of se nsor c an perm anentl y dam age se nsor.
2. Senso r m a y be i nstalled h o rizo ntall y or up t o 45° from ho r izont al, onl y. (See Figure 1)
3. Do not inst all sensor cl ose t o infrar ed sou rces.
4. Prism surface m ust be at lea st 2" from an y reflective s urfac es.
5. Connect app ropri ate voltag e suppl y to r ed lead. Fo r 12 VDC units, connect t o 12 VDC ±5%.
6. In ductive loa ds m ust be dio de -s uppress ed.
Sensor may require a periodic cleaning of prism surface. A mild detergent may be used to clean prism surface.
This product complies with EN61326 Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory use - EMC Requirements for Minimum Requirements and Industrial
Locations. Special caution should be taken to meet EN61000-4-5 Surge Immunity if any of the following conditions apply to the installation: The product is installed
Nickel-Plated Carbon Steel
Open Collector Output,
18 mA Sink Max.
Electrical Termination 22 AWG, Polymeric, 12” to 14” Extended Lead
These units must be mounted horizontally or up to 45° from
Units Labeled
C.E. EN 61326
Note: Not for use in freezing liquids.
Mounting Attitude
Fused Glass
Operating Pressure 0 to 2500 psig, Max
Operating Temperature -40°F to 212°F (-40°C to 100°C)
Current Consumption 12V ~34mA No Load
Repeatability ±1 mm outside; the cable is greater than 30 meters in length. In order to meet the Surge
Immunity requirements, the following conditions must be followed during installation:
1. Shielded cable must be used, and the shield must be tied to earth ground (not power supply ground) on at least one end of the cable shield/drain wire. The shield must be maintained all the way from sensor to the power supply.
2. If unshielded cable is used, an earth grounded metal conduit can be used to replace the shielded cable.
3. For the sensor with metal body or enclosure the body/enclosure must be grounded to earth. If a protective metal housing is used, the metal housing should be grounded to earth.
4. If a protective plastic housing is used, the housing must be able to withstand at least 2 kV from the housing to earth ground.
Important Points:
· Omega products must be maintained and installed in strict accordance with the
National Electrical Code and the applicable Omega Product Instruction Bulletin that covers installation, operation and proper maintenance. Failure to observe this information may result in serious injury or damages.
· For hazardous area applications involving such things as, but not limited to, ignitable mixtures, combustible dust and flammable materials, use an appropriate explosionproof enclosure or intrinsically safe interface device.
· Please adhere to the pressure and temperature limitations shown throughout this catalog for our level and flow sensors. These limitations must not be exceeded.
Typical Wiring Dia-
+12 VDC
+12 VDC
These pressures and temperatures take into consideration possible system surge pressures, temperatures and their frequencies.
· Selection of materials for compatibility with the media is critical to the life and operation of Omega products. Take care in the proper selection of materials of construction, testing is required.
· Our sensors have been designed to resist shock and vibration. However, shock and vibration should be minimized.
· Filter liquid media containing particulate and/or debris to ensure the proper operation of our products.
· Electrical entries and mounting points in an enclosed tank may require liquid/ vaporsealing.
· Our sensors must not be field-repaired.
· Physical damage sustained by product may render it unserviceable.
1/2” NPT Thread Mounting
Max Ambient Light
Black Container Opaque Container
390 FT-CD 30 FT-CD
Above testing is based on minimum readings of at least two (2) samples.
The test depicted to the left was performed to determine the sensor immunity level to ambient light. The recorded ambient is the
239576 rev B

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