Panasonic BlueRS+ SPP, PAN 1455, PAN 1555 Bluetooth module AT Command Reference
Below you will find brief information for Bluetooth module BlueRS+ SPP, Bluetooth module PAN 1455, Bluetooth module PAN 1555. These Bluetooth modules support a rich set of AT commands that give you the ability to configure the module and manage its operations. For example, you can set the module's name, connect to other Bluetooth devices, manage connections, control flow control, and configure the serial port settings. You can also use the commands to update the firmware on the module, and manage power consumption. The commands are designed to be easy to use and provide a powerful way to control and customize the module's behavior.
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BlueRS+ - SPP
AT Command Reference
Release r05
BlueRS+ - SPP
AT Command Reference
This device was developed for the purpose of communication in an office environment. It is intended solely for our industrial clients for physical integration into their own technical products after careful examination by experienced technical personnel for its suitability for the intended purpose. The device was not developed for or intended for use in any specific customer application. The firmware of the device may have to be adapted to the specific intended modalities of use or even replaced by other firmware in order to ensure flawless function in the respective areas of application. Performance data (range, power requirements, etc.) may depend on the operating environment, the area of application, the configuration, and method of control, as well as on other conditions of use; these may deviate from the technical specifications, the Design Guide specifications, or other product documentation. The actual performance characteristics can be determined only by measurements subsequent to integration. Variations in the performance data of mass-produced devices may occur due to individual differences between such devices. Device samples were tested in a reference environment for compliance with the legal requirements applicable to the reference environment. No representation is made regarding the compliance with legal, regulatory, or other requirements in other environments. No representation can be made and no warranty can be assumed regarding the suitability of the device for a specific purpose as defined by our customers. Stollmann reserves the right to make changes to the hardware or firmware or to the specifications without prior notice or to replace the device with a successor model. Of course, any changes to the hardware or firmware of any devices for which we have entered into a supply agreement with our customers will be made only if, and only to the extent that, such changes can reasonably be expected to be acceptable to our customers. No general commitment will be made regarding periods of availability; these must be subject to individual agreement. All agreements are subject to our Terms and Conditions for Deliveries and Payments, a copy of which is available from Stollmann.
Copyright © 2005-2009 Stollmann E+V GmbH
The Bluetooth
word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Stollmann E+V GmbH is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
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AT Command Reference
Table of contents
DCD Control ................................................................................. 10
DTR Control ................................................................................. 10
Load Factory Defaults .................................................................. 10
Flow Control ................................................................................. 11
CTS Control ................................................................................. 11
DSR Control ................................................................................. 11
Display Configuration ................................................................... 12
Store Active Configuration............................................................ 12
Accept Incoming Call.................................................................... 12
Repeat Last Command Line ........................................................ 12
BACCL Bluetooth Serial Service Access Level......................................... 12
BARSSI Read Absolute RSSI Value .......................................................... 13
BARSSIIO Signaling Absolute RSSI Value at GPIO ...................................... 14
BCLASS Bluetooth Class of Device ............................................................ 14
BINQ Search Bluetooth Devices ............................................................ 17
BINQDEL Delete Remote Device Or Service ............................................... 18
BINQLIST Show Inquired Bluetooth Devices ................................................ 19
BINQND Request Device Name During Device Search ............................. 20
BINQSD Discover Services During Device Search..................................... 20
BINQSERV Discover Services of Device......................................................... 21
BNAME Local Device Name ...................................................................... 22
BND Bond With a Bluetooth Device...................................................... 22
BNDDEL Delete Bonding Information.......................................................... 23
BNDLIST Show Bonded Device List ............................................................ 23
BNDS Storage Mode for Bonds .............................................................. 23
BNDSIZE Bonded Devices List Size............................................................. 24
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BOAD Bluetooth Own Device Address.................................................... 24
BOFCON Fast-Connection Mode ................................................................. 24
BOSCH Own Server Channel Number ...................................................... 25
BOSRV Own Service Profile (UUID).......................................................... 25
BOSRV2 Own Second Service Profile (UUID) ............................................ 25
Bluetooth Device PIN (Passkey) .................................................. 26
Scanning Capability ..................................................................... 26
BPSRI Page-Scan Repetition Interval...................................................... 27
BPSRM Page-Scan Repetition Mode ........................................................ 27
BPSRW Page-Scan Repetition Window..................................................... 28
BR Baud Rate .................................................................................... 28
BRAD, BRAD2, BRAD3 Bluetooth Remote Device Address.......................... 28
BRBD Connected Device Address.......................................................... 29
BRNAME Connected Device Name ............................................................. 29
BRSCH Remote Bluetooth Server Channel............................................... 30
BSECIN Authorization Mode for Incoming Connection .............................. 30
BSECOUT Authorization Mode for Outgoing Connection .............................. 31
BSMAX Maximum Sniff Interval................................................................. 32
BSMIN Minimum Sniff Interval.................................................................. 32
BSNAME Local Service Name ..................................................................... 33
BSNAME2 Local Second Service Name ........................................................ 33
BSTPOLL Update Interval for Radio Statistics .............................................. 34
BSUPTIM Supervision Timeout..................................................................... 34
Call Timeout to Abort.................................................................... 35
CTS Control ................................................................................. 35
DCD Control ................................................................................. 35
DSR Control ................................................................................. 35
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AT Command Reference
DTR Control ................................................................................. 35
Command Set .............................................................................. 36
Enter BlueRS+ Configurator......................................................... 36
RI Control ..................................................................................... 36
Initiate Bluetooth Link ................................................................... 37
Initiate Bluetooth Link to Last Dialed Bluetooth Address.............. 38
Data Bits....................................................................................... 38
DEVMODE Device Mode Indication ................................................................ 38
DEVMSEL Device Mode Selection................................................................. 39
E Local Echo ................................................................................... 39
Load New Firmware ..................................................................... 39
Flow Control ................................................................................. 40
Disconnect ................................................................................... 40
Display Version Information ......................................................... 40
Idle Data Timeout ......................................................................... 41
Load Stored Parameter Setting.................................................... 41
Return to Online State.................................................................. 41
Option Register ............................................................................ 41
Power Down Mode ....................................................................... 42
Q Suppress Results ......................................................................... 43
QUIT, EXIT, GO Activate Parameter Changes .............................................. 43
RBACCL Remote Config Port Access Level................................................ 43
RBSNAME Remote Config Port Service Name .............................................. 43
RFMAXTXPWR Maximum Output Power ...................................................... 44
Remote Config Port Idle Data Timeout ........................................ 44
Remote Port Configuration Enable............................................... 45
RPWD Remote Config Port Password ..................................................... 45
RSTMSG Startup Message .......................................................................... 46
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AT S Register ............................................................................... 46
Store Parameter Changes............................................................ 47
SHOW Show Parameter Settings............................................................. 48
SHOWALL Show All Parameter Settings........................................................ 48
TXFWD Timer for Data Forwarding ........................................................... 48
V Result Message Format ............................................................... 49
Show Version String of Firmware................................................. 49
Show Version String of Bootloader .............................................. 49
Extended Result Codes................................................................ 49
Load Stored Settings.................................................................... 50
Diagnostic And Error Messages ................................................................... 56
AT Result Codes .......................................................................... 56
Bluetooth Error Codes.................................................................. 56
Table for Coding Bluetooth Services ............................................................ 58
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AT Command Reference
1 Introduction
This documentation describes the command interface for the following models within the BlueRS+ product family:
• PAN1455 / PAN1555 featuring software version 1.001.1 or later
The BlueRS+ has two different operating modes, the command mode and the online mode. In the command mode, the BlueRS+ can be controlled using the commands described below. In the online mode (data transfer mode), the BlueRS+ transmits each character to the remote device via the existing Bluetooth link.
To enter the command mode during an active data connection the following sequence (escape sequence) can be used:
<delay time
><+><+><+><delay time>
The time interval between each of the three plus signs must not exceed 1 second.
The escape sequence remains transparent to the remote device.
Regardless of which command set is used (see the AT**CMDS parameter), the
BlueRS+ can be configured after power-on using the BlueRS+ configurator. To enter the BlueRS+ configurator, perform the steps below (only applicable if the startup message has been enabled with AT**RSTMSG=1):
• Start your terminal emulation program (e.g. HyperTerminal) with the following settings: 9,600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8/N/1).
• Power on the BlueRS+ and wait until the startup message is displayed.
+++ Press <CR>,<CR>,<ESC>,<ESC> to enter BlueRS+ configurator +++
• Type in quickly (time slot is defined in AT**RSTTIM command, see page 46) the
sequence <CR> <CR> <ESC> <ESC> to enter the BlueRS+ configurator.
• The BlueRS+ configurator acknowledges the sequence by outputting version information and a “#” prompt. At that point, you can configure the BlueRS+ using the commands described below (Configurator syntax). Save the configuration if required. The new settings take effect after leaving the BlueRS+ configurator.
Delay time defined in the S12 register (see page 47)
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2 Commands
Each command line sent from the DTE to the DCE consists of a prefix, a body, and a terminator.
With the exception of the command A/ (repeat command), all command lines begin with the prefix AT (ASCII 065, 084) or at (ASCII 097, 116).
The body is a string of characters in the ASCII range 032-255. Control characters other than <CR> (carriage return; ASCII 013) and <BS> (back space; ASCII 008) in a command line are ignored.
The terminator is <CR>.
There is no distinction between upper-case and lower-case characters. A command line can have a maximum length of 80 characters. It is automatically discarded if the input is longer. Corrections are made using <BS>. Multiple commands on the same command line are allowed; they can be entered without a separator (e.g.
Commands denoted with “**” are advanced configuration commands. Multiple “**” commands in one command line have to be separated by a semicolon “;” (e.g.
Basic commands have the following syntax:
Syntax Description
<command> [<number>] Write the value of the command
If a command expects <number> and it is missing value “0” is assumed.
Advanced configuration commands have the following syntax:
Syntax Description
**<command> Read the current value of the command
**<command>? Display a help text for the command
To get an overview of the commands supported by BlueRS+, a number of special commands are available, such as:
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Command Description
**help Show all available commands
Show commonly used parameters and their values
Show all configurable parameters and their values
S parameters have the following syntax:
Syntax Description
S<parameter number>?
S<parameter number>=[<value>]
Reads the current value of the command
Writes the value of the command
If no value is given, an error result code is returned, and the stored value is left unchanged.
There are two types of responses - information text and result codes - that are sent back to the host. Information text may consist of a single line or multiple lines. Result codes may be transmitted as a number or as a string, depending on the user-
selectable setting (see the ATV command on page 49). For a detailed description of
the supported result codes see the chapter entitled “AT Result Codes” (page 56).
The factory-default values of the parameters marked using bold letter format.
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AT syntax: AT&C<mode>
This command determines the behavior of the DCD control line of the BlueRS+.
Mode Description
0 DCD always ON
DCD ON indicates a Bluetooth connection
DCD follows local DTR
DCD follows remote DCD
AT syntax: AT&D<mode>
This command determines the behavior of the DTR line in controlling a Bluetooth connection.
Mode Description
0 Ignore: Incoming calls will be accepted independently of the DTR status; DTR drop does not disconnect an active connection
Cmdmode: During an active connection dropping the DTR line performs a switch from online mode into command mode
Control: Incoming calls will be accepted only when DTR is ON; DTR drop disconnects an active connection
Hangup: Incoming calls will be accepted independently of the DTR status; DTR drop disconnects an active connection
Reset device: DTR drop initiates a software reset
&F Load Factory Defaults
AT syntax: AT&F<value>
The factory-default values will be loaded. For storing values in non-volatile memory, use the AT&W command.
Value Description
Set general parameters to factory defaults
Set general and proprietary parameters to factory defaults
This mode is only applicable when using AT command mode (cmds=0).
When using PAN1455/PAN1555 the default value is 0.
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AT syntax: AT&K<mode>
This command determines the flow control behavior of the BlueRS+ during the data communication phase.
Mode Description
0 No local flow control between the DTE and BlueRS+
Local flow control is set to hardware handshake RTS/CTS
Hardware flow control RTS/CTS in data mode and in command mode
Inverted RTS state is signaled to remote host as RI
AT syntax: AT&R<mode>
This command determines the behavior of the CTS control line of the BlueRS+.
Mode Description
Hardware flow control RTS/CTS, CTS is always ON if flow control is disabled
3 CTS follows remote CTS
In case transmitting the CTS line via Bluetooth (AT&R3) is selected, the local flow control needs to be disabled (AT&K0).
AT syntax: AT&S<mode>
This command determines the behavior of the DSR control line of the BlueRS+.
Mode Description
DSR always ON
DSR ON indicates a Bluetooth connection
DSR follows DTR
DSR follows DCD
DSR follows remote DSR
DSR Off Hook
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AT Command Reference
AT syntax: AT&V
This command displays the current configuration of the BlueRS+.
Param. Description
AT&V Displays the current configuration of the AT command setting
AT&V1 Displays the current configuration of the extended AT command setting
&W Store Active Configuration
AT syntax: AT&W
The active configuration is stored in non-volatile memory.
A Accept Incoming Call
AT syntax: ATA
This command accepts an incoming call if automatic call acceptance is not set
(Register S0=0). An incoming call is always signaled with the unsolicited response
“RING“ or code “2“, even if automatic call acceptance is selected.
Note: Must be the last command in an AT command line.
A/ Repeat Last Command Line
AT syntax: A/
This command repeats the commands of the most recently entered command line.
Note: No AT prefix is required.
BACCL Bluetooth Serial Service Access Level
AT syntax: AT**BACCL | AT** BACCL=<mode>
Configurator syntax: baccl | baccl =<mode>
This command defines the accessibility and visibility of the Bluetooth serial service.
Mode Description
Serial service is neither accessible nor visible
Serial service is accessible but not visible
Serial service is accessible and visible
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BARSSI Read Absolute RSSI Value
AT syntax: AT**BARSSI
Configurator syntax:
This read-only parameter contains the absolute receive signal strength value acquired on the last poll interval (see AT**BSTPOLL parameter). The value is returned as a signed byte in hexadecimal notation. If the update interval is 0, the returned value will also be 0.
The result of the AT**BARSSI command is a signed byte in hexadecimal notation.
That means if the highest bit (bit 7) is 1, the number is negative, and you get the value by building the two’s complement.
Conversion table:
The higher the value (hexadecimal value), the better the receive signal. Most common results are in the range of -20 dBm to -80 dBm.
When there is no Bluetooth connection the result isn't defined, amongst other things thats because there is no "neutral" value.
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Signaling Absolute RSSI Value at GPIO
AT syntax: AT**BARSSIIO | AT**BARSSIIO=<mode>
Configurator syntax: barssiio | barssiio=<mode>
This command controls the signaling of the receive signal strength value at GPIO.
Mode Description
Signaling absolute RSSI value at GPIO disabled
1 Signaling absolute RSSI value at GPIO enabled
Additionally the AT**BSTPOLL parameter must be configured to a value unequal 0.
The receive signal strength will be indicated at the GPIO’s 5, 8 and 10. The following states are possible:
IO5 IO8 IO10 Description
1 0 0 Too near
1 0 1 Too near
0 0 0 OK
0 0 1 OK
0 1 0 OK
0 1 1 OK
Too far away
Too far away
Receive signal strentgh
>= -30 dB ???
>= -30 dB ???
< -83 dB
< -90 dB
The GPIO signals are only valid during an established Bluetooth connection. The value is a moving average, it will be altered more often if the data troughput is higher. The refreshing rate depends on the setting of the AT**BSTPOLL parameter.
BCLASS Bluetooth Class of Device
AT syntax: AT**BCLASS | AT**BCLASS=<value>
Configurator syntax: bclass | bclass=<value>
This command allows the manipulation of the Bluetooth class of device/service
Note: Changing the class of device affects profile-specific requirements and may influence interoperability. Change this only if you are certain of all side effects.
The CoD consists of 3 octets (24 bits). Bits 23 through 13 define the service class, bits 12 through 8 define the major device class, and bits 7 through 2 define the minor device class. Bits 1 and 0 are reserved and must always be set to 0.
This command applies to BlueMod+C11/G2 only.
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The service class field is a bit field; no bit, one bit or several bits can be set, depending on the profile requirements.
Service classes:
Bit Description
13 Limited discoverable mode
14 Reserved
15 Reserved
16 Positioning (location identification)
17 Networking (LAN, ad-hoc, …)
18 Rendering (printing, speaker, …)
19 Capturing (scanner, microphone, …)
20 Object transfer (v-inbox, v-folder, …)
21 Audio (speaker, microphone, headset service, …)
22 Telephony (cordless telephony, modem, headset service, …)
23 Information (Web server, WAP server, …)
The major device class field represents the highest level of granularity for defining a
Bluetooth device. The main function of a device is used to determine the major device class setting (bits 12 through 8 in the CoD).
Major device class:
Bit 12 11 10 9 8 Description
0 0 0 0 1 (desktop, notebook, PDA, organizer, …)
0 0 0 1 0 Phone (cellular, cordless, payphone, modem, …)
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 0 Audio/video (headset, speaker, stereo, video display, VCR, …)
0 0 1 0 1 Peripheral (mouse, joystick, keyboards, …)
0 0 1 1 0 Imaging (printing, scanner, camera, display, …)
1 1 1 1 1
The minor device class field (bits 7 through 2 in the CoD) can be interpreted only in the context of the major device class (but independently of the service class field).
The meaning of the bits may therefore change depending on the major device class.
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Minor device class values for the “Computer” major device class:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Description
0 0 0 0 0 0 Uncategorized, specific device code not assigned
0 0 0 0 1 1 Laptop
Minor device class values for the “Phone” major device class:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Description
0 0 0 0 0 0 Uncategorized, specific device code not assigned
0 0 0 0 0 1 Cellular
0 0 0 0 1 0 Cordless
For the description of other minor device classes, refer to the Bluetooth specification.
Note: Values can be entered in hexadecimal notation (0x…). Leading zeros can be omitted.
Examples: at**bclass=0x1F00 Uncategorized, specific device code not specified
BCRYPT Encryption
AT syntax: AT**BCRYPT | AT**BCRYPT=<mode>
Configurator syntax: bcrypt | bcrypt=<mode>
Enable or disable the encryption of the information transferred via Bluetooth.
Please note the Bluetooth connection must be authenticated (see AT**BSECOUT,
AT**BSECIN parameters) to allow encryption.
Mode Description
Encryption disabled
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BINQ Search Bluetooth Devices
AT syntax: AT**BINQ | AT**BINQ=<mode>
Configurator syntax: binq | binq=<mode>
With this command, an automatic search for all discoverable Bluetooth devices, and optionally their names and/or services, will be initiated.
As a result, the creation of the binqlist list will be initiated. The list can be read using the AT**BINQLIST command. If the inquiry has not terminated when the
AT**BINQLIST command is issued, the BlueRS+ will return “inquiry active”.
The entries of the binqlist contain the Bluetooth device address, the Bluetooth device names, the available services (profiles), and the RSSI value. The RSSI value represents the absolute receive signal strength of the found Bluetooth device.
The creation of this list may take from 12 seconds (if only Bluetooth device addresses are discovered) up to several minutes. This depends on the setting of the
AT**BINQND, AT**BINQSD parameters and the behavior of the remote devices discovered. A maximum of 16 Bluetooth devices and services can be stored in the internal database.
If AT**BINQND and/or AT**BINQSD are enabled, the name and/or service discovery for each device discovered might take an average of 2 seconds. A
“complete” inquiry with name and/or service discovery for 16 devices will take approximately 45 seconds.
Mode Description
The command terminates immediately with “OK”. The search process is executed silently in the background.
The inquiry/service discovery results will be shown “live”. The command terminates with
“OK” once the search process is finished. During the search process the BlueRS+ reports the device and service information. If more than 16 devices are found, the message
“RESOURCE ERROR” will be displayed.
The inquiry/service discovery results will be shown “live”. The command terminates with
“OK” once the search process is finished. If the database cannot accommodate the devices found (because it is already full), instead of returning a “RESOURCE_ERROR” message, the devices/services are listed with their numbers set to “d--“ for devices and “s--“ for services.
Note: The performance of the command is influenced by the AT**BINQND and
AT**BINQSD parameters.
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Examples: at**binq at**binq 1
(at**binqsd=0) at**binq 2
(at**binqsd=1) starting inquiry.....
OK starting inquiry..... d01: 008025128F72 0x001F00 -072 d02: 008025087843 0x001F00 -078
… d16: 008025129025 0x001F00 -077
… starting name/service discovery..... d01: 008025128F72 0x001F00 -072 BlueRS+E/G2 8F:72 d02: 008025087843 0x001F00 -078 BlueMod+C11/G2 78:43
… d16: 008025129025 0x001F00 -077 BlueRS+E/G2 90:25
OK starting inquiry..... d01: 00802500211A 0x001F00 -075 d02: 000000330400 0x001F00 -056
… d16: 0080250021FD 0x001F00 -065 d--: 0002EE447120 0x500204 -083 d--: 008025070AAF 0x001F00 -077 d--: 0080250041ED 0x001F00 -079 starting name/service discovery..... d01: 00802500211A 0x001F00 -075
s01: uuid: 1101 sChan: 001E sName: config port
s02: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0001 sName: serial port d02: 000000330400 0x001F00 -056
s01: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0001 sName: serial port
… d16: 0080250021FD 0x001F00 -065
s01: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0001 sName: serial port
BINQDEL Delete Remote Device Or Service
AT syntax: AT**BINQDEL <dx>,[sx]
Configurator syntax: binqdel <dx>,[sx]
This command deletes a remote device or a service of a remote device from the
binqlist list.
Param. Description
dx sx
Reference to device list entry of remote device in binqlist (d01...d16)
Reference to service number of device list entry of remote device in binqlist
Examples: at**binqdel d01 Delete device d01 from binqlist at**binqdel d01,s2 Delete service s02 of device d01 from binqlist
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BINQLIST Show Inquired Bluetooth Devices
Configurator syntax: binqlist
This request returns the list of Bluetooth devices found. The list entries show the
Bluetooth device addresses and Bluetooth device names requested by the
AT**BINQ command.
For each Bluetooth device, the services (profiles) found will be shown (for a list of
valid services see page 58 “Table for Coding Bluetooth Services”).
These entries can be accessed by selectors d01...dnn to address the Bluetooth device and the selectors s01...snn to address the Bluetooth devices’ service channel.
The internal database is limited to 16 Bluetooth devices. If more than 16 devices are found, the binqlist contains a “list broken” entry at the end.
d01: <brad1> <cod1> <rssi1> <brname1>
s01: uuid: <service> sChan: <cn> sName: <service name>
s02: uuid: <service> sChan: <cn> sName: <service name> d02:B <brad2> <cod2> <rssi2> <brname2>
s01: uuid: <service> sChan: <cn> sName: <service name> d03: <brad3> <cod3> <rssi3> <brname3>
OK inquiry active
OK if the search initiated by AT**BINQ is still active list empty
OK if no Bluetooth device is found
Properties of found Bluetooth device
brad Bluetooth device address (12 digits) cod Class of device (hexadecimal value) brname service cn brsname
Bluetooth remote name
Service of Bluetooth device (hexadecimal value)
Channel number used for service type (hexadecimal value)
Service name used for service type
Bonded device (indicates an existing link key)
Note: The performance of the command is influenced by the AT**BINQND and
AT**BINQSD parameters.
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Example: at**binqlist
(at**binqsd=1) d01: 0002EE447120 0x500204 -078 Nokia 6310i
s01: uuid: 1111 sChan: 0002 sName: Fax
s02: uuid: 1105 sChan: 0009 sName: OBEX Object Push
s03: uuid: 1112 sChan: 000C sName: Audio Gateway
s04: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0003 sName: COM 1
s05: uuid: 111F sChan: 000D sName: Voice Gateway
s06: uuid: 1103 sChan: 0001 sName: Dial-up networking d02: 00802500211A 0x001F00 -075 Loopback RS+E
s01: uuid: 1101 sChan: 001E sName: config port
s02: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0001 sName: BlueRS+E serial port d03:B 008025002023 0x001F00 -068 BlueRS+E 20:23
s01: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0001 sName: serial port d04: 00032FFFB61C 0x420210 -082 Bluetooth Modem
s01: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0001 sName: Serial port
s02: uuid: 1103 sChan: 0001 sName: Dial-up Networking
s03: uuid: 1111 sChan: 0001 sName: Fax
BINQND Request Device Name During Device Search
AT syntax: AT**BINQND | AT**BINQND=<mode>
Configurator syntax: binqnd | binqnd=<mode>
This command controls the performance of a name request on each inquired device during the execution of the AT**BINQ command.
Mode Description
0 No name request is performed
Names are requested from remote device
Note: Each name request to a remote device can take an average 2 seconds.
BINQSD Discover Services During Device Search
AT syntax: AT**BINQSD | AT**BINQSD=<mode>
Configurator syntax: binqsd | binqsd=<mode>
This command controls the performance of a service discovery on each inquired device during the execution of the AT**BINQ command.
Mode Description
No service discovery is performed
1 Services are discovered from remote device
Note: Each service discovery to a remote device can take an average 2 seconds.
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BINQSERV Discover Services of Device
AT syntax: AT**BINQSERV | AT**BINQSERV=<brad> | <dx>,[ux]
Configurator syntax: binqserv | binqserv=<brad> | <dx>,[ux]
This command performs a service discovery on a single device.
Param. Description
brad dx ux
Bluetooth remote device address (12 digits)
Reference to device list entry of remote device in binqlist (d01...d16)
Specific UUID to search for
The command needs a Bluetooth device address or a device selector dx from the
binqlist as a parameter. The information gathered is returned immediately and inserted into the binqlist.
The internal database is limited to 16 Bluetooth devices. If the database cannot accommodate the devices found (because it is already full), instead of returning a
“RESOURCE_ERROR” error code, the devices/services are listed with their numbers set to “d--” for devices and “s--” for services.
Examples: at**binqserv 0002EE447120 Get service information for device with Bluetooth address
0002EE447120 d03: 0002EE447120 0x500204 -069 Nokia 6310i
s01: uuid: 1111 sChan: 0002 sName: Fax
s02: uuid: 1105 sChan: 0009 sName: OBEX Object Push
s03: uuid: 1112 sChan: 000C sName: Audio Gateway
s04: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0003 sName: COM 1
s05: uuid: 111F sChan: 000D sName: Voice Gateway
s06: uuid: 1103 sChan: 0001 sName: Dial-up networking
OK at**binqserv d11 at**binqserv d03,u1101
Get service information for device d11 from binqlist d11: 0080250021FD 0x001F00 -073 BlueRS+E 21:FD
s--: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0001 sName: serial port
Get service information for device d03 from binqlist for service 0x1101 d03: 0002EE447120 0x500204 -069 Nokia 6310i
s01: uuid: 1101 sChan: 0003 sName: COM 1
AT syntax: AT**BLINKP | AT**BLINKP=n
Configurator syntax: blinkp | blinkp=n
This command defines the link policy (bit mask) for device requests for a new
Bluetooth link.
Bit 2 1 0 Function
1 0 0 Enable support
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Examples: at**blinkp=1 at**blinkp=4 at**blinkp=5
Device supports role switch feature
Device supports sniff feature
Device supports role switch feature and sniff feature
BNAME Local Device Name
AT syntax: AT**BNAME | AT**BNAME=<name>
Configurator syntax: bname | bname=<name>
This command allows the modification of the local device name. The device name is shown on a remote Bluetooth device during device/service discovery. It is limited to
50 characters.
The device name can contain a format string to include the device’s own address or parts of it in the name.
Format: "%[<s>][<d>]a"
Identifier start format string
Character separator on byte order (optional)
Number (1-12) of digits included in device name (optional, default is 4)
Identifier end format string
Examples: Device address = "0123456789AB"
at**bname=BlueRS+E %:4a
at**bname=BlueRS+E %4a at**bname=BlueRS+E %:3a at**bname=BlueRS+E %3a at**bname=BlueRS+E %:12a
Display on remote end: BlueRS+E 89:AB
Display on remote end: BlueRS+E 89AB
Display on remote end: BlueRS+E 9:AB
Display on remote end: BlueRS+E 9AB
Display on remote end: BlueRS+E 01:23:45:67:89:AB
BND Bond With a Bluetooth Device
AT syntax: AT**BND=<device>[,PIN]
Configurator syntax: bnd=<device>[,PIN]
This command initiates a bonding process with a remote Bluetooth device. <device> can either be the device address of the remote device or the dxx device selector from the binqlist.
The optional <PIN> parameter is the passkey used to generate the bond. If <PIN> is omitted, the passkey configured with the AT**BPIN command is used.
If the bonding succeeds BlueRS+ returns “SUCCESS”, otherwise “FAILED”.
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Bonded devices are stored in the bndlist. The number of bonded devices which can be stored in the bonded device list is defined in the AT**BNDSIZE parameter. If all entries are used, a new bond will overwrite the least recently used one.
BNDDEL Delete Bonding Information
AT syntax: AT**BNDDEL=<mode>
Configurator syntax: bnddel=<mode>
This command deletes the bonding information stored by the BlueRS+.
Mode Description
Delete the bond of the device with device selector b<x> from bndlist; the remaining bond list entries get new index numbers all Delete all bonded devices
BNDLIST Show Bonded Device List
AT syntax: AT**BNDLIST
Configurator syntax:
This command shows information about the devices bonded with the BlueRS+.
Example: at**bndlist b01: 000461811C0F THA-W2K b02: 00802500211A Loopback RS+E
BNDS Storage Mode for Bonds
AT syntax: AT**BNDS | AT**BNDS=<mode>
Configurator syntax: bnds | bnds=<mode>
This command controls the storage mode for bonding information (link keys).
Mode Description
Bonds persists for the duration of the authenticated connection
Bonds are permanently stored in the NVRAM of the BlueRS+
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BNDSIZE Bonded Devices List Size
AT syntax: AT**BNDSIZE | AT**BNDSIZE=<value>
Configurator syntax: bndsize | bndsize=<value>
This command reduces the number of entries (1…10) the bonded-device list can hold.
The default size depends on the product for which the firmware is designed.
Currently it is 10 for SPP versions and 1 for versions that support audio profiles (HS-
Note: Modification of this parameter will delete all entries in the bonded-device list.
Example: at**bndsize=1 Limit the number of bonded devices to 1
BOAD Bluetooth Own Device Address
AT syntax: AT**BOAD
Configurator syntax:
This command reads the Bluetooth devices’ own device address.
Note: This command is read only.
AT syntax: AT**BOFCON | AT**BOFCON=<mode>
Configurator syntax: bofcon | bofcon=<mode>
This parameter switches the fast-connection mode for outgoing calls on and off. The
BlueRS+ uses a different page mode to establish the Bluetooth connection to the remote device and decreases the timeout for a unsuccessful connection.
Mode Description
Fast connection mode disabled
1 Fast connection mode enabled
Note: The remote device must be configured to use page-scan mode R0 (bpsrm parameter) for maximum speed.
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BOSCH Own Server Channel Number
AT syntax: AT**BOSCH | AT** BOSCH=<channel number>
Configurator syntax: bosch | bosch=<channel number>
This parameter sets up the server channel number of the serial service supplied by the local device. The channel number is used for incoming connections only.
Channel number Description
Server channel number for incoming connection
Note: Server channel 30 is reserved for the remote configuration access; do not use it for a serial port service.
BOSRV Own Service Profile (UUID)
AT syntax: AT**BOSRV | AT**BOSRV=<uuid>
Configurator syntax: bosrv | bosrv=<uuid>
This parameter defines the service the BlueRS+ reports to a remote device.
AT**BOSRV influences the type that is reported to a remote Bluetooth terminal device during a service-discovery sequence.
UUID Description
Serial port
0x1106 OBEX file transfer
For additional service profiles (UUID’s) please refer to the list of valid UUIDs. See
page 58, “Table for Coding Bluetooth Services”.
Note: The UUID must be entered as a hexadecimal value (0x...).
BOSRV2 Own Second Service Profile (UUID)
AT syntax: AT**BOSRV2 | AT**BOSRV2=<uuid>
Configurator syntax: bosrv2 | bosrv2=<uuid>
This parameter defines a second service the BlueRS+ reports to a remote device.
AT**BOSRV2 influences the type that is reported to a remote Bluetooth terminal device during a service-discovery sequence.
UUID Description
No second service profile reported to a remote Bluetooth terminal
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For additional service profiles (UUID’s) please refer to the list of valid UUIDs. See
page 58, “Table for Coding Bluetooth Services”.
Note: The UUID must be entered as a hexadecimal value (0x...).
BPIN Bluetooth Device PIN (Passkey)
AT syntax: AT**BPIN | AT**BPIN=<old_pin>,<new_pin>
Configurator syntax: bpin | bpin=<old_pin>,<new_pin>
This command sets the PIN for establishing a connection in restricted mode. The
PIN has a maximum length of 16 alphanumeric characters; the factory-default is
This PIN is always checked if:
• the BlueRS+ is set to restricted mode and a connection is established
• the BlueRS+ is not set to restricted mode but the remote Bluetooth device is set to restricted mode.
After a pairing has taken place (PINs successful exchanged), Bluetooth links can be established between these paired devices independent of the settings for restricted mode and the PIN.
To reset the PIN to the factory-default, use the AT&F1 command (all parameters will be set to the factory-default).
Note: Prefer PINs composed of only decimal digits. Do not assume that a remote device with limited user-interface capabilities supports alphabetic characters.
Example: at**bpin=0000,1234 Set PIN to 1234 (old PIN was 0000)
AT syntax: AT**BPSM | AT**BPSM=<mode>
Configurator syntax: bpsm | bpsm=<mode>
This parameter controls the visibility of the device and its ability to accept connections and its reaction to paging and/or inquiry requests. If set to “0” all paging/inquiry requests from other Bluetooth devices will be ignored, and the RF receive part of the BlueRS+ is disabled.
Mode Description
0 Page scan and inquiry scan are disabled; the BlueRS+ is not connectable and not discoverable
Inquiry scan is enabled; the BlueRS+ is discoverable, but not connectable
Page scan is enabled; the BlueRS+ is connectable, but not discoverable
Page scan and inquiry scan are enabled; the BlueRS+ is connectable and discoverable
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BPSRI Page-Scan Repetition Interval
AT syntax: AT**BPSRI | AT**BPSRI=<value>
Configurator syntax: bpsri | bpsri=<value>
This parameter modifies the page-scan repetition interval (in milliseconds) of the
Value Description
n=11…2560 Use page-scan repetition interval of n ms
Use page-scan repetition interval of 1280 ms
Note: Due to internal conversion it can happen that the value is not set to the exact entered value. In this case it will be set to the next lower value.
BPSRM Page-Scan Repetition Mode
AT syntax:
AT**BPSRM | AT**BPSRM=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
bpsrm | bpsrm=<mode>
This parameter modifies the page-scan repetition mode of the BlueRS+. Possible values according to the Bluetooth base-band specification are:
Mode Description
R0 - continuous scan
R1 - 1.28 s interval, 11.25 ms window
R2 - 2.56 s interval, 11.25 ms window
Values of AT**BPSRI (interval) and AT**BPSRW (windows) parameter applies to page-scan repetition mode
Continuous scanning decreases the connect time down to about 200 ms:
• R0: about 200 ms
• R1: about 2.2 s
• R2: about 3.5 s
AT**BPSRM should be set to the same value for the scanning and the paging device.
Note: Setting the page-scan repetition mode to continuous scan significantly increases the power consumption.
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BPSRW Page-Scan Repetition Window
AT syntax:
AT**BPSRW | AT**BPSRW=<value>
Configurator syntax:
bpsrw | bpsrw=<value>
This parameter modifies the page-scan repetition window (in milliseconds) of the
Value Description
n=11…2560 Use page-scan repetition window of n ms
Use page-scan repetition window of 11 ms
Note: Due to internal conversion it can happen that the value is not set to the exact entered value. In this case it will be set to the next lower value.
AT syntax: AT**BR | AT**BR=<value>
Configurator syntax:
br | br=<value>
This command determines the baud rate for the UART.
Value Description
115,200 bps
300 bps (only supported by BlueMod+C11/G2)
600 bps (only supported by BlueMod+C11/G2)
921,600 bps
BRAD, BRAD2, BRAD3 Bluetooth Remote Device Address
AT syntax: AT**BRAD | AT** BRAD=<Bluetooth address>
Configurator syntax:
brad | brad=< Bluetooth address >
This parameter sets up up to 3 Bluetooth addresses of remote Bluetooth devices that should be connected using an automatic link setup. The BlueRS+ will try to connect to the device with address AT**BRAD first; if that connection fails because
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AT Command Reference the device is busy or unreachable, the BlueRS+ tries to connect to the device with address AT**BRAD2, then AT**BRAD3, whereafter the sequence restarted at
The address can be any dial string as specified for the ATD command.
The address can be deleted using the command AT**BRAD=-
Note: These commands are only applicable if the command set is set to an automatic connection mode (AT**CMDS=6,7,8).
Example: at**brad=0123456789AB Automatic link setup to a device with Bluetooth address 0123456789AB
AT syntax: AT**BRBD
This command displays the device address of the connected Bluetooth device.
Note: This command is read-only and is only applicable in command mode during an active connection.
Example: at**brbd Show device address of connected Bluetooth device
AT syntax: AT**BRNAME
This command displays the device name of the connected Bluetooth device.
Note: This command is read-only and is only applicable in command mode during an active connection.
Example: at**brname Show device name of connected Bluetooth device
AT syntax: AT**BROLE | AT**BROLE=<mode>
Configurator syntax: brole | brole=<mode>
This command controls the role the device requests for a new Bluetooth link. If no specific action in this respect is taken, the device that initiates the connection will be the master. The terminating device (the one accepting a connection) will be the slave.
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Mode Description
Don't care
If the role is set to “required”, the device enforces a switch. If this fails, the link is disconnected.
“Preferred” means that the device tries to perform a switch but does not care about the result.
BRSCH Remote Bluetooth Server Channel
AT syntax: AT**BRSCH | AT**BRSCH=<server channel>
Configurator syntax:
brsch | brsch=<server channel>
This command sets up the server channel of the remote Bluetooth device to which the Bluetooth link is to be established. The devices’ own server channel number can be changed with the AT**BOSCH parameter.
Server channel
Server channel of the remote Bluetooth device
Note: Remote management between BlueRS+ is achieved using server channel
BSECIN Authorization Mode for Incoming Connection
AT syntax: AT**BSECIN | AT**BSECIN=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
bsecin | bsecin=<mode>
This parameter configures the authorization behavior of the BlueRS+ on incoming connections.
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Mode Mode Description
bondable Passive mode - accept bond request from the remote device, no active authentication
2 bond always device, perform bonding
Always perform bonding
5 authorization rebond always Accept only connections from bonded devices; always perform bonding do not connect Do not connect accepts authentication but no bonding (PIN level authentication) from the remote end not accept authentication or bonding (PIN level authentication) from the remote end
BSECOUT Authorization Mode for Outgoing Connection
AT syntax: AT**BSECOUT | AT**BSECOUT=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
bsecout | bsecout=<mode>
This parameter configures the authorization behavior of the BlueRS+ for outgoing connections.
Mode Mode Description
bondable Passive mode - accept bond request from the remote device, no active authentication (default)
5 bond always device perform bonding
Always perform bonding authorization rebond always Accept only connections to bonded devices; always perform bonding do not connect Do not connect accepts authentication but no bonding (PIN level authentication) from the remote end not accept authentication or bonding (PIN level authentication) from the remote end
AT syntax: AT**BSIZE | AT**BSIZE=<value>
Configurator syntax:
bsize | bsize=<value>
This command defines the maximum length of a data block transmitted via
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Value Description
n=16…330 Block size of n bytes is used
Block size of 330 bytes is used
BSMAX Maximum Sniff Interval
AT syntax: AT**BSMAX | AT**BSMAX=<value>
Configurator syntax:
bsmax | bsmax=<value>
This command defines the maximum accepted sniff interval in ms for a new
Bluetooth link. The default value is 300 (ms). Possible values are profile-dependent.
Note: Currently the value must be divisible by 5. Other values are accepted, but sniff function will not work.
BSMIN Minimum Sniff Interval
AT syntax: AT**BSMIN | AT**BSMIN=<value>
Configurator syntax:
bsmin | bsmin=<value>
This command defines the minimum accepted sniff interval in ms for a new
Bluetooth link. The default value is 100 (ms). Possible values are profile-dependent.
Note: Currently the value must be divisible by 5. Other values are accepted, but sniff function will not work.
BSMODE Sniff Support
AT syntax: AT**BSMODE | AT**BSMODE=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
bsmode | bsmode=<mode>
This command enables/disables sniffing on a Bluetooth link. Sniffing is used to reduce power consumption during an active Bluetooth connection.
When a Bluetooth link is in the sniff state both connected devices can enter a power-saving state for a short time interval. The length of this interval is called “sniff interval” and is negotiated between the connected devices. The maximum and minimum acceptable values for the sniff interval can be set using the appropriate AT commands.
The sniff interval value has an impact on the propagation delay and maximum throughput on the Bluetooth link. Note that in order to enter sniff mode, both devices need support sniff mode.
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Mode Description
No sniff support
Passive sniff support
Active sniff support
Passive sniff support means that the device accepts sniff requests from the remote device with an interval between the values of AT**BSMIN and AT**BSMAX. To accept sniff requests from the remote device bit 2, of the AT**BLINKP parameter must to be set.
If active sniff support is enabled, the device tries to setup a sniff interval with a value of AT**BSMAX.
Note: The performance of the command is influenced by the parameters
Examples: at**bsmode=1 and at**blinkp=5 at**bsmode=2 and at**blinkp=1
Sniff requests from remote devices will be accepted
Device tries to initiate sniff mode on the Bluetooth link
BSNAME Local Service Name
AT syntax: AT**BSNAME | AT**BSNAME=<name>
Configurator syntax:
bsname | bsname=<name>
This command defines the service name of the BlueRS+ serial port. The service name is shown on a remote Bluetooth terminal device during a service discovery sequence.
at**bsname=serial port
Own service name of the serial port is “serial port”
Own service name of the serial port is “RS+SrvName”
BSNAME2 Local Second Service Name
AT syntax: AT**BSNAME2 | AT**BSNAME2=<name>
Configurator syntax:
bsname2 | bsname2=<name>
This command defines the service name of the second BlueRS+ serial port. The service name is shown on a remote Bluetooth terminal device during a service discovery sequence.
at**bsname2=serial port
Own service name of the serial port is “serial port” at**bsname2=RS+2ndSrvName Own service name of the serial port is “RS+2ndSrvName”
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Note: This command is only applicable if the value of the AT**BOSRV2 command is set to a value unequal 0.
BSTPOLL Update Interval for Radio Statistics
AT syntax: AT**BSTPOLL | AT**BSTPOLL=<value>
Configurator syntax:
bstpoll | bstpoll=<value>
This parameter configures the updating interval (in ms) for Bluetooth radio-specific statistics like RSSI (see AT**BARSSI parameter).
Value Description
No statistics are performed
n=1…65535 Update statistics every n ms
Example: at**bstpoll=500 Update statistics every 500 ms
AT syntax: AT**BSUPTIM | AT**BSUPTIM=<value>
Configurator syntax:
bsuptim | bsuptim=<value>
This command defines the supervision timeout the device requests for a new
Bluetooth link.
Value Description
n=1…65535 Supervision timeout after n*0.625 ms (n is decimal value)
Supervision timeout after 20 s
Note: The supervision timeout can only be set by the Piconet master.
Example: at**bsuptim=32000
Supervision timeout of 20 s
AT syntax: AT**CAPA | AT**CAPA=<value>
Configurator syntax:
capa | capa=<value>
This parameter defines the call pause (n in seconds) before making the next call attempt by using an automatic call setup mode.
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Value Description
n=0…255 Call retry after n s
Call retry after 3 s
CATO Call Timeout to Abort
AT syntax: AT**CATO | AT**CATO=<value>
Configurator syntax:
cato | cato=<value>
This parameter defines the time (n in seconds) after which to abort a call if not successful connected.
Value Description
n=3…255 Call is aborted after n s
Call is aborted after 15 s
AT syntax: AT**CCTS | AT**CCTS=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
ccts | ccts=<mode>
For a description of the settings, see the AT&R command (page 11).
AT syntax: AT**CDCD | AT**CDCD=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
cdcd | cdcd=<mode>
For a description of the settings, see the AT&C command (page 10).
AT syntax: AT**CDSR | AT**CDSR=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
cdsr | cdsr=<mode>
For a description of the settings, see the AT&S command (page 11).
AT syntax: AT**CDTR | AT**CDTR=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
cdtr | cdtr=<mode>
For a description of the settings, see the AT&D command (page 10).
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AT syntax: AT**CMDS | AT**CMDS=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
cmds | cmds=<mode>
This command selects the command set to use with the BlueRS+. For details about
the different command sets, see chapter 3 “Automatic Connection Establishment”.
Mode Description
AT command set
Automatic connection when DTR is ON
Automatic connection when character is received
Automatic connection, independent of any status line
Internal configuration command set (configurator commands need to be used)
Incoming calls only, no connection initiated by this module
Once the BlueRS+ is configured to an automatic connection establishment mode it can be re-configured only after power-on (see introduction).
After changing and saving the command set via remote configuration, the
BlueRS+ has to be reset using the RESET command.
CONF Enter BlueRS+ Configurator
AT syntax: ATCONF
This command calls the BlueRS+ configurator directly. The “#” configurator prompt will be displayed. Use the quit (or exit or go) command to exit the BlueRS+ configurator.
AT syntax: AT**CRI | AT**CRI=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
cri | cri=<mode>
This command configures the behavior of the RI signal.
Mode Description
RI is set with an incoming Bluetooth link request
1 RI follows the remote RI line status
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D Initiate Bluetooth Link
AT syntax: ATD <brad> | <remdev> [,<cn> | <service>]
This command addresses a Bluetooth device directly via its address or by reference to a device-internal list. If a connection to a Bluetooth device requiring the restricted mode, the PIN must have been set up using AT**BPIN command.
Param. Description
brad Called Bluetooth remote device address (12 digits) remdev Remote Bluetooth device, can be dx or bx (see below) service Service of remote Bluetooth device, can be sx or uy (see below) cn Server channel for the requested service on remote device (* input as decimal value) dx bx
Reference to device list entry of remote device in binqlist (d01...dx)
Reference to bonded device list entry of remote device in bndlist (b01...bx) sx uy
Reference to remote device service number in binqlist
With y=UUID of a service, if the remote device presents more than one service with the
same UUID the last one is selected (for a list of valid UUIDs see page 58 “Table for Coding
* The server channel in the binqlist is displayed as a hexadecimal value. In the ATD command, the server channel parameter must be entered in decimal format.
This command must be the last command in an AT command line. Any character input while the BlueRS+ is dialing will cancel the dialing procedure.
The dial string can be used with commands/parameters ATD, AT**BRAD,
AT**BRAD2 and AT**BRAD3.
The characters W P T R w p t r > , ; / ^ ! @ ( ) – and space are ignored within a dial string.
Note: The remote Bluetooth device has to be determined before issuing this link request. This can be done in the following ways:
Get it manually by reading it from the sticker of the remote Bluetooth device.
Request the address and service by using the AT**BINQ=1 and
AT**BINQLIST commands.
Give the BlueRS+ about 10 seconds after reset to initialize before issuing the first command.
ATD 0080371443AB Connect to Bluetooth device 0080371443AB
ATD d1 Connect to the first Bluetooth device in binqlist (server channel number defined in AT**BRSCH)
ATD d3,u1101
ATD b1,c2
Connect to Bluetooth device to service with UUID 1101 (serial port) of device d3
Connect to first entry in bonded device list on server channel 2
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DL Initiate Bluetooth Link to Last Dialed Bluetooth Address
AT syntax: ATDL<Bluetooth address>
This command initiates a Bluetooth link to the last Bluetooth address used with the
ATD command.
If the ATD command was not used prior to the ATDL command (e.g. after reset), the command is answered with an ERROR message.
AT syntax: AT**DBITS | AT**DBITS=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
dbits | dbits=<mode>
This command defines the number of data bits (asynchronous characters).
Mode Description
7 Use 7 data bits
Use 8 data bits
AT syntax: AT**DEFA=<value>
Configurator syntax:
For a description about the settings, see the AT&F command (page 10).
DEVMODE Device Mode Indication
AT syntax: AT**DEVMODE
Configurator syntax:
This command indicates if the device is working as DCE or DTE.
Value Description
0 Device is working as DCE
1 Device is working as DTE
Note: This command is read-only and is only applicable for devices that support this feature.
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DEVMSEL Device Mode Selection
AT syntax: AT**DEVMSEL | AT**DEVMSEL=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
devmsel | devmsel=<mode>
This command determines if the device is working as DCE or DTE.
Value Description
Selected by GPIO
Set fixed DTE
Set fixed DCE
Note: This command is only applicable for devices that support this feature.
AT syntax: ATE
This command selects the local echo in command mode.
Param. Description
ATE No local echo
Local echo on in command phase
FLASH Load New Firmware
AT syntax: AT**FLASH[=<baud rate>]
Configurator syntax:
flash[=<baud rate>]
This commands loads new firmware into the BlueRS+. The current firmware will be overwritten. The firmware will be stored in the previously used part of flash memory.
For the optional parameter <baud rate> the following values are allowed:
Value Description
115200 use 115,200 bps for flashing
230400 use 230,400 bps for flashing
460800 use 460,800 bps for flashing
921600 use 921,600 bps for flashing
While uploading, the following checks will be performed:
• File transfer protocol is XMODEM 1K
• An overall firmware checksum is used
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• The firmware type written in the module header of the firmware must be compatible with the hardware type and permitted firmware types (stored inside the bootloader).
For details about the firmware update procedure, see page 53 “Firmware Update”.
Note: This command is only available via the local serial port.
AT syntax: AT**FLC | AT**FLC=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
flc | flc=<mode>
For a description about the settings, see the AT&K command (page 11).
H Disconnect
AT syntax: ATH
This command disconnects the existing Bluetooth connection after issuing the
I Display Version Information
AT syntax: ATI
Displays different information about version number and settings.
Param. Description
ATI Returns the device name (e.g. “BlueRS+E“)
Returns the version string: “”
Returns the manufacturers name: “Stollmann E+V GmbH”
ATI6 Returns the copyright string: “(c) Copyright Stollmann E+V GmbH”
ATI77 Returns the bootloader version string
ATI99 Returns the firmware creation date
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AT Command Reference
AT syntax: AT**IDLE | AT**IDLE=<value>
Configurator syntax:
idle | idle=<value>
This command defines the timeout (in seconds) for disconnecting the Bluetooth link after inactivity on the serial line.
Value Description
Inactive; no automatic disconnect in case of inactivity on the serial line
LOAD Load Stored Parameter Setting
AT syntax: AT**LOAD
Configurator syntax:
This command loads all parameters stored in non-volatile RAM.
O Return to Online State
AT syntax: ATO
If the BlueRS+ is in command mode after issuing an escape sequence while a connection is active, ATO returns the BlueRS+ to data mode.
Note: This command must be the last command in the AT command line.
AT syntax: AT**OPT | AT**OPT=<value>
Configurator syntax:
opt | opt=<value>
This command (bit mask) controls the echo, suppress results, result message format, and extended result code parameters. The parameter is given as a decimal value; the default is 5.
Bit 5 2 1 0 Function
0 0 0 1 Echo
0 0 1 0 Suppress
0 1 0 0 Result format
1 0 0 0 Extended codes
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Examples: at**opt=5 ATE1, ATQ, ATV1, ATW at**opt=37 ATE1, ATQ, ATV1, ATW1
PRTY Parity
AT syntax: AT**PRTY | AT**PRTY=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
prty | prty=<mode>
This command defines the parity of asynchronous characters.
Mode Description
No parity
PWD Power Down Mode
AT syntax: AT**PWD | AT**PWD=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
pwd | pwd=<mode>
This command controls the power-down mode that reduces power consumption if no Bluetooth link is established. If activated, the power-down state is achieved automatically (after approx. 1-2 seconds) if a Bluetooth link is disconnected, and the
DTR line is set to low.
Raising DTR will signal the BlueRS+ to leave the power-down state; all functions will be available.
Please note, that the AT command handler is not available in the power-down state.
Mode Description
Power-down not allowed
1 Power-down state will be achieved automatically
Note: The power consumption in the power-down state is influenced by the
AT**BPSM parameter.
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AT Command Reference
AT syntax: ATQ
This command allows/suppresses result codes and messages.
Param. Description
Enable result messages after command input
ATQ1 Suppress result messages after command input
QUIT, EXIT, GO Activate Parameter Changes
Configurator syntax:
quit | exit | go
These commands activate the current parameter settings and exits the BlueRS+
Configurator (without storing the parameters in non-volatile memory).
RBACCL Remote Config Port Access Level
AT syntax: AT**RBACCL | AT**RBACCL=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
rbaccl | rbaccl=<mode>
This command defines the accessibility and visibility of the Bluetooth remote configuration port.
Mode Description
0 Config port is neither accessible nor visible
Config port is accessible but not visible
Config port is accessible and visible
RBSNAME Remote Config Port Service Name
AT syntax: AT**RBSNAME | AT** RBSNAME=<name>
Configurator syntax:
rbsname | rbsname=<name>
This command defines the service name of the Bluetooth remote configuration port.
The service name is shown on a remote Bluetooth terminal device during a service discovery sequence.
at**rbsname=config port
Own service name of config port is “config port”
Own service name of config port is “RS+CfgName”
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AT Command Reference
AT syntax: AT**RESET
Configurator syntax:
This command resets the whole functionality of the BlueRS+ by a forced hardware reset (like power off/on).
Note: See also the AT**RSTTIM parameter.
RFMAXTXPWR Maximum Output Power
Configurator syntax:
rfmaxtxpwr | rfmaxtxpwr=<value>
This command sets the maximum output power of the Bluetooth radio of the device.
The firmware ensures the device never speaks more loudly that this value. The chip uses this for page, inquiry and their scan responses. This is also the power used for new connections.
Value Description
Use factory default maximum output power value
-20…16 Maximum output power in dBm
All other values in the range of -128 to 127 could be set with this command as well, but the equal or next lower value from the power table will be set internally.
Furthermore the value will be set to a value amongst minimum and maximum output power value of the device.
Example: at**rfmaxtxpwr=0 The maximum output power will be set to 0 dBm
RIDLE Remote Config Port Idle Data Timeout
AT syntax: AT**RIDLE | AT**RIDLE=<value>
Configurator syntax:
ridle | ridle=<value>
This command defines the timeout (in seconds) for disconnecting the remote
Bluetooth link after inactivity on the serial line.
Value Description
0 Inactive; no automatic disconnect in case of inactivity on the serial line
n=1…255 Disconnect the remote connection after n s of inactivity on the serial line
Disconnect the remote connection after 60 s
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RPC Remote Port Configuration Enable
AT syntax: AT**RPC | AT**RPC=<value>
Configurator syntax:
rpc | rpc=<value>
Bluetooth provides the feature of allowing the control over serial-port parameters
(like baud rate, parity, etc.) from the remote end. To distinguish which device is the master regarding RPC (settings are provided by the DTE) and which one is the slave (settings are obtained via the Bluetooth link), the AT**RPC parameter is used.
RPC uses a decimal parameter value; the default is 0 = master mode. Any value different from 0 places the BlueRS+ in slave mode.
To facilitate more detailed settings, each bit of the RPC value has a control function for one port setting. If the bit is set, the settings follows the remote settings (slave mode), and the corresponding local parameter is used as the initial value and as the setting in command mode (when no Bluetooth link is active).
Bit 4 3 2 1 0 Function
0 0 0 0 1 Baud
0 0 0 1 0 Number
0 0 1 0 0 Number
0 1 0 0 0 Parity
1 0 0 0 0 Flow
Examples: at**rpc=7 Baud rate, data bits and stop bits follows the remote settings at**rpc=31 Baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity and flow control follows the remote settings
RPWD Remote Config Port Password
AT syntax: AT**RPWD | AT**RPWD=<password>
Configurator syntax:
rpwd | rpwd=<password>
This command sets the password for the remote configuration port. The length of the password can be 1...32 characters. The default password is empty - just press the return key to access.
Supported baud rate values via RPC are from 2,400 bps up to 230,400 bps
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AT Command Reference
AT syntax: AT**RSTMSG | AT**RSTMSG=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
rstmsg | rstmsg=<mode>
After power-on, the following startup message can be displayed with a fixed speed of 9,600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit:
+++ Press <CR>,<CR>,<ESC>,<ESC> to enter BlueRS+ configurator +++
Mode Description
Inactive, no startup message will be send after power-on
Active, startup message will be send after power-on
AT syntax: AT**RSTTIM | AT**RSTTIM=<value>
Configurator syntax:
rsttim | rsttim=<value>
This command defines the startup delay after a reset. Within this period, the internal configuration mode can be entered after a reset of the device (see AT**RSTMSG).
Value Description
Startup delay 2 s
AT syntax: AT**Sx | AT**Sx=<value>
Configurator syntax:
sx | sx=<value>
This command configures the S register settings. It is used in the AT command set only.
Mode Description
sx Show the current setting of register Sx sx=1 Set register Sx to 1
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AT Command Reference
AT command S register set (all values in decimal format):
Register Value Description
s0 0
No automatic call acceptance; acceptance of an incoming call is controlled by the data terminal (ATA command after RING)
Immediate call acceptance
Call acceptance after n RING messages s2 s3 s4 s5 s7
Escape character
Carriage-return character
Line-feed character
Backspace character
Wait time for carrier (in s) s9 s12 s30 s91
Enable PNP functionality for Windows 95
Delay time by using the escape sequence in 10 ms increments
Escape characters will not be transmitted to the remote device
Escape characters will be transmitted to the remote device
All unknown AT commands will be answered with ERROR
All unknown AT commands will be answered with OK
Windows 2000 compatibility: Some AT commands will be answered with OK, unknown AT commands will be answered with OK
SAVE Store Parameter Changes
AT syntax: AT**SAVE
Configurator syntax:
This command stores the current set of parameters in non-volatile memory.
AT syntax: AT**SBITS | AT**SBITS=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
sbits | sbits=<mode>
This command defines the number of stop bits of asynchronous characters.
Mode Description
One stop bit
2 Two stop bits
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AT Command Reference
AT syntax: AT**SERMODE | AT**SERMODE=<mode>
Configurator syntax:
sermode | sermode=<mode>
This command defines the serial mode of the device.
Mode Description
Note: In RS-485 mode the serial hardware flow control needs to be disabled
(AT&K0) and the control of the DTR line shall be ignored (AT&D0).
SHOW Show Parameter Settings
AT syntax: AT**SHOW
Configurator syntax:
This command displays the current set of parameters.
SHOWALL Show All Parameter Settings
AT syntax: AT**SHOWALL
Configurator syntax:
This command displays all accessible parameters.
TXFWD Timer for Data Forwarding
AT syntax: AT**TXFWD | AT**TXFWD=<value>
Configurator syntax:
txfwd | txfwd=<value>
If characters were entered, but no additional characters are entered within the defined period, the serial data already received will be transmitted via the Bluetooth link.
Value Description
Data will be forwarded after 4 bytes’ worth of data timeout (time depends on serial speed)
This command applies to BlueMod+C11/G2 only.
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AT Command Reference
V Result Message Format
AT syntax: ATV
This command determines the format of the result messages.
Param. Description
ATV Result message is presented numerically (followed by <CR>)
Result message is presented as text
VER Show Version String of Firmware
Configurator syntax:
This command displays detailed information about the firmware version and
BlueRS+ type.
Example: ver BREa000 V1.1.054 May 26 2005 10:57:12
VERB Show Version String of Bootloader
Configurator syntax:
This command displays detailed information about the bootloader version and
BlueRS+ type.
Example: verb BOOT LOADER V1.27 150703 0704-01-00
W Extended Result Codes
AT syntax: ATW
This command enables/disables extended result codes.
Param. Description
Result message is presented without extended result codes
ATW1 Result message is presented with extended result codes (include error causes)
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AT Command Reference
Z Load Stored Settings
AT syntax: ATZ
The active configuration is reset to the stored configuration.
Note: This command must be the last command in the AT command line.
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AT Command Reference
Deprecated commands
The following commands are supported by the firmware for compatibility with older versions:
We strongly recommend using the newer equivalent commands.
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AT Command Reference
3 Automatic Connection Establishment
The BlueRS+ supports different modes of automatic connection establishment. The following modes are available:
• Bluetooth connection will be initiated independent of any status line after poweron the BlueRS+ (AT**CMDS=8)
• Bluetooth connection will be initiated when character is received on the serial line (AT**CMDS=7)
• Bluetooth connection will be initiated when DTR line goes ON (AT**CMDS=6)
The address of the device, that should be connected using an automatic link setup, needs to be stored in the AT**BRAD parameter (see AT**BRAD).
Example: at**cmds=8 at**brad=0123456789AB
Automatic link setup after power-on the BlueRS+ to a device with
Bluetooth address 0123456789AB
Note: Once the BlueRS+ is configured to an automatic connection establishment mode it can be re-configured only after power-on (see introduction).
4 Remote Configuration
The BlueRS+ can be configured via Bluetooth by using another Bluetooth device.
Make sure the BlueRS+ is powered on and in range of the local Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth connection establishment using a standard Bluetooth device:
By default the configuration port of the BlueRS+ is accessible but not visible. To make it visible for other Bluetooth devices the configuration port must be set to
“accessible and visible” first (AT**RBACCL=2).
Initiate a new scan of the Bluetooth area. When the BlueRS+ is found perform a service discovery. In the result you will get 2 services (ports):
- “serial port” (UUID 0x1101, server channel 0x0001)
- “config port” (UUID 0x1101, server channel 0x001E)
Connect to the “config port” and open the terminal program at the appropriate COM port.
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AT Command Reference
Bluetooth connection establishment using another BlueRS+:
When using another BlueRS+ to connect to the remote BlueRS+ establish a
Bluetooth connection using server channel 30 (see ATD command). e.g. ATD <BD address of remote device>,c30
Remote configuration
Once the Bluetooth connection is established successfully the remote BlueRS+ acknowledges by requesting the remote password. Please enter the correct password (default: no password, just press <RETURN>). After successful login the remote BlueRS+ responds with a “#” prompt. Now you can configure the remote
BlueRS+ using the AT commands (Configurator syntax, without the prefix AT**).
The new settings can be stored using the SAVE command and becomes active after disconnecting the Bluetooth connection. If necessary the remote BlueRS+ can be reset using the RESET command
. After finishing the configuration of the remote
BlueRS+ the Bluetooth connection can be disconnected using the QUIT command.
The configuration port of the BlueRS+ can be disabled using the AT**RBACCL=0 command.
Note: The remote Bluetooth connection is disconnected after 60 seconds (default) inactivity on the serial line (see AT**RIDLE).
5 Firmware Update
The firmware can be updated using the AT**FLASH command.
To update the firmware, perform the steps below:
• Set the serial speed on the terminal emulation to the baud rate the device is configured to.
• Alternative: Send the command string AT**FLASH=<baud rate> and set the terminal emulation accordingly.
• After a few seconds, the following message will be displayed:
“Erasing flash EPROM now. Please wait ...”
• A few seconds later the following message will be displayed:
“Start your XMODEM transfer now (Ctrl-X aborts) ...”
• Start the upload transfer. Search for the firmware file to load into the device and upload the file using the 1k X-Modem protocol.
When executing the RESET command the Bluetooth connection will be disconnected.
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AT Command Reference
The character “C” received is the request character of the X-Modem protocol. It will stop being output after the upload procedure has started.
• After loading the complete firmware into flash memory, the device will automatically perform a reset.
• After reset the device will start with the baud rate stored in NVRAM or with the firmware default. Be aware that the terminal emulation has to be set accordingly.
• Make sure the new firmware file is present and enter ATI3 to check the firmware version number.
• Send the following commands to get firmware default values: AT&F1&W.
If the firmware update fails for some reason (file upload is interrupted, wrong file etc.) the device will run in bootloader mode. In this mode, the device responds to all
AT commands besides AT and AT**FLASH with “BOOTLOADER ACTIVE”. Enter the AT**FLASH command again to repeat the firmware update procedure.
6 Power Management
To reduce the power consumption of the BlueRS+, power-down modes can be activated automatically by the BlueRS+ (controlled by parameter settings).
If no Bluetooth connection is established, the following states are implemented. The activation of these states can be controlled by the AT**BPSM and AT**PWD parameters.
6.1 Deep-Sleep State
The Bluetooth radio is completely deactivated; no paging requests from other
Bluetooth devices will be recognized. Only raising the DTR control line will activate the BlueRS+ and may initiate a Bluetooth link, depending on other parameters.
Note: In deep-sleep state, the AT command set is not active; the CTS line is low.
Example: at**pwd=1 at**bpsm=0 at**cmds=6
Enable power-down mode
Disable page scan and inquiry scan
Establish Bluetooth link after raising DTR
Note: After setting the command set (CMDS command) to a value unequal 0, the
AT command interface is disabled and it is not possible to enter AT commands anymore.
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6.2 Power-Down State
The Bluetooth RF is activated every 1.25 seconds. Paging requests from other
Bluetooth devices will be recognized after that interval and accepted if allowed.
Additionally raising the DTR control line will activate the BlueRS+ and may initiate a
Bluetooth link, depending on other parameters.
Note: In power-down state, the AT command set is not active; the CTS line is low.
Example 1: at**cdtr=2 DTR-controlled Bluetooth link at**pwd=1 Enable power-down mode at**bpsm=2 at**cmds=6
Enable paging in power down mode (inquiry will not be answered)
Establish Bluetooth link after raising DTR
Example 2: at**cdtr=4 at**pwd=1 at**bpsm=2 at**cmds=12
Accept Bluetooth link independently of DTR status
Enable power-down mode
Enable paging in power-down mode (inquiry will not be answered)
Accept Bluetooth link
Note: After setting the command set (CMDS command) to a value unequal 0, the
AT command interface is disabled and it is not possible to enter AT commands anymore.
6.3 Idle State
Power-down mode not activated. All functions are available immediately, including connection control using the AT command set.
Example: at**cdtr=4 at**pwd=0 at**bpsm=3 at**cmds=0
Accept Bluetooth link independently of DTR status
Disable power-down mode
Enable paging and inquiry
Establish Bluetooth link using AT command or accept incoming BT links
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7 Appendix
7.1 Diagnostic And Error Messages
In AT command mode, the display of error causes (not a part of the AT command standard) and remote device addresses can be turned on by issuing the ATW1 command. The displayed error causes use the coding defined by the Bluetooth definition (see below).
7.1.1 AT Result Codes
Result codes (numerical and verbose):
Numeric Text
0 OK
CONNECT <radr>
RING <radr>
NO ANSWER <berr>
Connection established
Indicates an incoming call (link request received)
General connection setup error
Illegal command or error that can not be indicated otherwise
Local connection setup error
Connection setup error caused by remote end
<radr> = Address of the remote device
<berr> = Bluetooth release (error) cause, hexadecimal, e.g. NO CARRIER <0104>
7.1.2 Bluetooth Error Codes
Error codes (hexadecimal) and their translations into AT result codes:
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Error cause
No error, no explanation
Driver and application version mismatch
Application ID provided is not correct
Unknown message code in message
AT result codes
Not enough resources to complete request (out of descriptors etc.) 3
At least one parameter of the message is wrong 3
No adapter plugged in
Too much outstanding messages in downstream direction
Driver is busy, repeat request later
Error in message transport system (driver not correct installed?)
0x0103 Bluetooth adapter crashed 3
0x0104/260 Remote Bluetooth device not found (wrong address?, out of range?) 8
0x0105 Authentication error (wrong pin code supplied?) 3
0x0108/264 Lost connection to remote Bluetooth device (out of range)
0x0109 Max. no. of connections exceeded
0x010a Max. no. of voice connections exceeded 6
Connection attempt by remote end rejected 3 0x010d
Connection attempt by remote end rejected
Connection attempt by remote end rejected
Connection attempt by remote end timed out
Connection terminated by remote end
Connection terminated by remote end
Connection terminated by remote end
Connection terminated by local side
Authentication rejected by remote end
Incompatible remote Bluetooth adapter
Audio parameter error 3
Audio parameter error
Audio parameter error
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AT Command Reference
Master-slave role switch not allowed
Connection lost to remote Bluetooth adapter (link manager)
0x0123 (i)
Attempt to enable encryption failed
Information: unit key used
(i) quality of service not supported.
(i) unit key not supported 3
Initialization of adapter failed (synchronization)
(i) connection went to state pending
Protocol not supported by remote end
Connection refused due to security conditions
Out of resources
Remote end timed out
Version of remote SDP entity not compatible
Invalid service record handle
Invalid request syntax
Invalid PDU size
Continuation state is invalid
Not enough resources to complete operation
Client received unhandled SDP opcode
No answer from server (timeout)
Specified service not found
Syntax Error in Response from server
Connection setup was rejected by remote end (DM), e.g. the Pin exchange has failed in restricted mode
Connection timed out (no response)
Non-supported command received (incompatible remote end)
Note: Error codes marked (i) are internal errors.
7.2 Table for Coding Bluetooth Services
List of Bluetooth services (profiles/UUIDs):
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AT Command Reference
Code Text
1101 SerialPort
1102 LANAccessUsingPPP LAN Access with PPP protocol
1103 DialUpNetworking Dial-up networking to establish switched connections to the
1104 IrMCSync
1105 OBEXObjectPush OBEX Push
1106 OBEXFileTransfer OBEX File transfer
1107 IrMCSyncCommand
1100 Intercom
1111 Fax Fax
HeadsetAudioGateway Headset Gateway for audio signals
1113 WAP
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8 History
Version Release Date By Change description
Added remote configuration,
Improved English language
Added new parameters bosrv2, bsname2, txfto
Removed support for BlueMod+C11/RS+C1/V2,
Removed hidden parameter TXFTO,
Removed baud rate BR=26 – 10400 bps,
Parameter RIDLE not hidden anymore, removed note,
Enhanced description of AT&R, BINQLIST, BINQ,
BLINKP, BNAME commands,
Added new value of BPSRM command,
Added description of S30 register,
Added new commands RFMAXTXPWR, BPSRI, BPSRW
Enhanced description of RFMAXTXPWR command,
Added ATDL command,
Corrected examples for power down and deep sleep,
More sufficient description of CMDS command
Added optional parameter “baud rate” for FLASH command support of old BlueRS+ models,
Corrected timer in RSTTIM parameter,
Corrected description of AT&F parameter
BNDSIZE parameter
Corrected headline of RIDLE and RPC command
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Life Support Policy
This Stollmann product is not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in a significant personal injury to the user, or as a critical component in any life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Stollmann customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Stollmann for any damages resulting.
Stollmann Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs-GmbH
Mendelssohnstraße 15 D
22761 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0)40 890 88-0
Fax: +49 (0)40 890 88-444
E-mail: [email protected]
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Key Features
- AT Command Interface
- Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) support
- Configurable serial port settings
- Power management features
- Firmware update capability
- Remote configuration
- Automatic connection establishment
- Bluetooth inquiry and service discovery
- Bonding with remote devices
- Flow control
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I connect to a remote Bluetooth device?
How do I configure the serial port settings?
How do I update the firmware on the module?
What is the difference between the PAN1455 and PAN1555 models?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 7 Introduction
- 8 Commands
- 10 DCD Control
- 10 DTR Control
- 10 Load Factory Defaults
- 11 Flow Control
- 11 CTS Control
- 11 DSR Control
- 12 Display Configuration
- 12 Store Active Configuration
- 12 Accept Incoming Call
- 12 Repeat Last Command Line
- 12 Bluetooth Serial Service Access Level
- 13 Read Absolute RSSI Value
- 14 Signaling Absolute RSSI Value at GPIO
- 14 Bluetooth Class of Device
- 16 Encryption
- 17 Search Bluetooth Devices
- 18 Delete Remote Device Or Service
- 19 Show Inquired Bluetooth Devices
- 20 Request Device Name During Device Search
- 20 Discover Services During Device Search
- 21 Discover Services of Device
- 21 Link Policy
- 22 Local Device Name
- 22 Bond With a Bluetooth Device
- 23 Delete Bonding Information
- 23 Show Bonded Device List
- 23 Storage Mode for Bonds
- 24 Bonded Devices List Size
- 24 Bluetooth Own Device Address
- 24 Fast-Connection Mode
- 25 Own Server Channel Number
- 25 Own Service Profile (UUID)
- 25 Own Second Service Profile (UUID)
- 26 Bluetooth Device PIN (Passkey)
- 26 Scanning Capability
- 27 Page-Scan Repetition Interval
- 27 Page-Scan Repetition Mode
- 28 Page-Scan Repetition Window
- 28 Baud Rate
- 28 Bluetooth Remote Device Address
- 29 Connected Device Address
- 29 Connected Device Name
- 29 Device Role
- 30 Remote Bluetooth Server Channel
- 30 Authorization Mode for Incoming Connection
- 31 Authorization Mode for Outgoing Connection
- 31 Block Size
- 32 Maximum Sniff Interval
- 32 Minimum Sniff Interval
- 32 Sniff Support
- 33 Local Service Name
- 33 Local Second Service Name
- 34 Update Interval for Radio Statistics
- 34 Supervision Timeout
- 34 Call Pause
- 35 Call Timeout to Abort
- 35 CTS Control
- 35 DCD Control
- 35 DSR Control
- 35 DTR Control
- 36 Command Set
- 36 Enter BlueRS+ Configurator
- 36 RI Control
- 37 Initiate Bluetooth Link
- 38 Initiate Bluetooth Link to Last Dialed Bluetooth Address
- 38 Data Bits
- 38 Default Settings
- 38 Device Mode Indication
- 39 Device Mode Selection
- 39 Local Echo
- 39 Load New Firmware
- 40 Flow Control
- 40 Disconnect
- 40 Display Version Information
- 41 Idle Data Timeout
- 41 Load Stored Parameter Setting
- 41 Return to Online State
- 41 Option Register
- 42 Parity
- 42 Power Down Mode
- 43 Suppress Results
- 43 Activate Parameter Changes
- 43 Remote Config Port Access Level
- 43 Remote Config Port Service Name
- 44 Reset Device
- 44 Maximum Output Power
- 44 Remote Config Port Idle Data Timeout
- 45 Remote Port Configuration Enable
- 45 Remote Config Port Password
- 46 Startup Message
- 46 Startup Timer
- 46 AT S Register
- 47 Store Parameter Changes
- 47 Stop Bits
- 48 Serial Mode
- 48 Show Parameter Settings
- 48 Show All Parameter Settings
- 48 Timer for Data Forwarding
- 49 Result Message Format
- 49 Show Version String of Firmware
- 49 Show Version String of Bootloader
- 49 Extended Result Codes
- 50 Load Stored Settings
- 52 Automatic Connection Establishment
- 52 Remote Configuration
- 53 Firmware Update
- 54 Power Management
- 54 Deep-Sleep State
- 55 Power-Down State
- 55 Idle State
- 56 Appendix
- 56 Diagnostic And Error Messages
- 56 AT Result Codes
- 56 Bluetooth Error Codes
- 58 Table for Coding Bluetooth Services
- 60 History