Stern Pinball High Roller Casino pinball machine User manual
The High Roller Casino pinball machine is a four-player game that features a variety of casino-themed games, including slots, roulette, craps, blackjack, and poker. Players can earn points by hitting targets and completing challenges, and can then use these points to play the various casino games. The game also features a variety of bonus games and features, such as a multiball mode and a super jackpot.
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Find-It-In-Front: Find-It-In-Front: Dr. Pinball Dr. Pinball Section Section The inside cover & the front pages DR. thru DR. covers the basics Alot of uestions get answered here... The Portals Service Menu, Section 3, is your Technical Friend... 2020 Janice Ave., Melrose Park, IL 60160 our Parts Sales & Technical Support Team Joe Blackwell Susan White Patty Schraps DIRECTOR, Parts Sales & Technical Support Parts Sales MANAGER Parts Stockroom MANAGER Jim Thornton Chas Siddi i Tashia Miles Jay Alfer Technical Support ENGINEER Technical Support ENGINEER Customer Service REPRESENTATIVE Technical Support Documentation ADMINISTRATOR Please call us at 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700 for Technical Support. Visit us at our Web Site Stern Pinball, Inc. 2001 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. March 2001 Print Copy: SPI PN : *.PDF 780-5065-00 We have designed a new Drop Target Assembly (SPI Part Nº: 500-6345-XX Series) which was used in our previous games, Striker Extreme (4-Bank) and Sharkey’s Shootout (7-Bank). This game, High Roller Casino (4-Bank) DOES NOT UTILIZE TRIP COILS, however, the TRIP COIL MOUNTING BRACKET still exists (Step 3 below). To shorten the learning curve, we have listed the procedure for replacing the targets below. The unit is extremely well built and solid and will reduce the number of service calls and maintenance involved with Drop Target Assemblies. Targets are still in that "wear-part" category so we felt it important to highlight this procedure. Note: This game uses a 4-Bank (7-Bank Shown) without TRIP COILS. The Trip Coil Mounting Bracket still exists and must be removed. New to our Pinball Games? Don’t forget to go over Section 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction. If using Diagnostics...very useful! Got confused? Comments? Questions? Call Technical Support at 800-542-5377 or 708-345-7700. 9%$&.%2;/$<287/2&$7,216)XVHV%ULGJHV5HOD\V520V9 'LVSOD\3RZHU6XSSO\%RDUG QUICK REFERENCE FUSE CHART B a c k b o x F u s e s LOC: DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY (P.S.) BOARD F1 3⁄4A 250v S.B. 90v DC High Voltage Display LOC: I / O POWER DRIVER BOARD F6 7A 250v S.B. 50v DC Primary High Power Coils/Flippers F7 5A 250v S.B. 20v DC Low Power Coils F8 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F9 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F20 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Magnet(s) F21 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Coils F22 8A 250v S.B. 18v DC Controlled Lamps F23 4A 250v S.B. 5v DC Logic F24 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (BRN-WHT to WHT-BRN) F25 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (YEL to WHT-YEL) F26 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (GRN to WHT-GRN) F27 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (VIO to WHT-VIO) F28 3A 250v S.B. 24v AC Not Used / Spare C a b i n e t F u s e s LOC: SERVICE ( AC) OUTLET BOX ( Ca binet Bottom) n/a 8A 250v S.B. 115v AC Main Fuse Line (Domestic or USA) n/a 5A 250v S.B. 220v AC Main Fuse Line (International) H i g h R o l l e r C a s i n o P / F F u s e s LOC: UNDER PLAYFIELD (By Assemblies Listed) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Rt. Flipper (BLU-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Lt. Flipper (GRY-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Ramp Diverter (GRY-YEL RED-YEL) )RU %DFNER[ &DELQHW *HQHUDO 3DUWV UHYLHZ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3DUWV ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 7KH 3LQN 3DJHV )RU 6FKHPDWLFV DQGRU &RPSRQHQW 3DUWV RQ DERYH %RDUGV UHYLHZ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3ULQWHG &LUFXLW %RDUGV 7KH <HOORZ 3DJHV &38 6RXQG %RDUG ‡ For more information see Pages 50 & 136) ,2 3RZHU 'ULYHU %RDUG F1 &386RXQG%RDUG SW300 U210 CPU/ OPSYS EPROM 1R)XVHV Jumper @ W6 must be present for 8MB EPROMs U36 U21 U17 U212 CMOS RAM U37 VOICE ROMS ,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUG F24 F26 F9 F22 F23 F25F27 G.I. Relay F8 F7 B3 B20 BRIDGES B2 B21 'LVSOD\ &RQWUROOHU %RDUG 0RXQWHG EHKLQG WKH 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ *** All BRIDGES rated 35A @ 100v *** +50v DC High B1 Current Coils B2 B3 B20 B21 +20v DC Low Current Coils +/-12v DC Sound / Display / Logic +18v DC Illumination +5v DC Logic Voltage F6 F21 DISPLAY ROM 0 ROM 0 B1 F28 F20 1R)XVHV Inside Coin Door Playfield Power Interlock Switch Volume Control & Service Switches For operational usage, see Section 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction The Display Controller Board (holds the Display ROM Loc: ROM0) is positioned behind the 128 X 32 Dot Matrix Display Board (Neither board contain Fuses.) Memory Protect Switch Service Outlet (on Power Box) Inside Coin Door On/Off Switch (Under Pwr. Box) Playfield Power Interlock Switch Memory Protect Switch )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO 3x AA SOUND/ U7 OPSYS EPROM INSIDE INSIDE VIEW VIEW OF OF THE PINBALL PINBALL CABINET THE CABINET Int’l.: 5 Amp 250v USA: 8 Amp 250v Slo-Blo Fuse Slo-Blo Fuse Transformer on Cabinet Bottom '5 : ),1',7,1)5217'U3LQEDOO6HFWLRQ([SODLQHG The key technical data from various parts of the manual were extracted and combined into the "Find- It-In-Front: Dr. Pinball Section." This section (pages '5 - ) will assist the technician in locating important technical information needed to troubleshoot the Pinball Machine. Dr. Pinball is also available in a Flow Chart Help Format in the Game Display. To access, enter the Portals™ Service Menu. ,QVLGH &RLQ 'RRU : = ??????+RZ,W:RUNV?????? First, the operator / technician must enter the Service Menu Mode (for a complete description of the Portals™ Service Menu and ICONS Read! Section 3, Chapter 1). To get into the Service Menu Mode, power-up the game (if not already) and open the Coin Door. On the Coin Door is the Portals™ Service Switch Set (Red, Green & Black Buttons). Step 1: Push down the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Looking at the Video Display you will momentarily see the introductory screen followed by the MAIN MENU. Step 2: Move through the Menus by pushing the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons. Step 3: Select or activate the Icons by pushing the Black "ENTER" Button. ,I &RLO )ODVKODPS 7HVWLQJ WKH 3OD\ILHOG 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 6ZLWFK PXVW EH SXOOHG RXW 6ZLWFK 6HW 5HG *UHHQ %ODFN While in the Portals™ Service Menu, the Start Button can be used in lieu of the Black Button; the Left & Right Flipper Buttons can be used in lieu of the Red & Green Buttons. However, in Switch or Active Switch Tests only the Red & Green Buttons can be used. In our Portals™ Service Menu, selecting the "DR." Icon will bring the operator/technician into Dr. Pinball (Flow Chart Menus), the "on-screen" diagnostic aide. This is a feature that will allow you to utilize the power of the microprocessor assisting in troubleshooting a problem with the machine in a Flow Chart format (Just follow along & answer the questions.). While in the MAIN MENU, select the "DIAG" Icon, then select the Cross "DR." Icon (the last Icon before the "PREV" Icon). This will bring you (the operator / technician) into DR. PINBALL (Flow Chart Menus) which offers you a choice of three (3) Sub-Menus: Coil "DR.," Switch "DR." & Lamp "DR." Icons. Selecting a particular sub-menu will give you a choice of which specific Flipper, Coil, Switch or Lamp circuit needs to be diagnosed. The display will now ask a question or give a procedure to follow such as "Does the lamp turn on?" or "Check bridge rectifier BR-20, if short replace." When Dr. Pinball asks a question or requests a procedure, respond by selecting the appropriate Mini-Icon, and continue. From the Main Menu in Portals GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU From the Diagnostics Menu GO TO DR. PINBALL From the Dr. Pinball Menu GO TO COIL, SWITCH OR LAMP FLOW CHARTS The following are the Mini-Icons with explanations for the Dr. Pinball Sub-Menus: Select a Coil, Lamp, Switch or Flipper to diagnose with the "-" or "+" Icon; select the "RUN" Icon to activate the choice. The "PREV" Icon goes back to previous question. The "QUIT" Icon exits Portals completely. Seen when a question is being asked on the Display. Select the "YES" Icon or "NO" Icon to answer the question given. The "END" Icon lets you select a new item to test. Seen when diagnosis is given. Select any Icon for your next step. The "?" Icon gives Help. In Coil Flow Chart Menu, select the "PULSE" Icon to pulse the coil selected. '5; )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO )RUSURSHURSHUDWLRQRIWKLV+LJK5 ROOHU&DVLQR3LQEDOO )2853,1%$//60867%(,167$//(' ',$*1267,&$,'6 The display reads "OPERATOR ALERT..." — A message displayed during Game Mode or Power-Up to alert the operator of a problem. OPERATOR ALERT works by monitoring any switch activated coil that has the potential to trap a ball when disabled (e.g. in the Auto Launch, Scoop, Eject, etc.). If this assembly has a closed switch indicating a ball is stuck or the switch is stuck closed, the CPU/Sound Board will activate the coil ten times. If the switch remains closed, the game will display a message indicating there is a problem (e.g. "OPERATOR ALERT AUTO LAUNCH NOT WORKING"). This not only warns the operator of a problem immediately, but indicates exactly where the operator should look to resolve it. The display flashes "OPEN THE COIN DOOR" — This indicates that CMOS RAM memory (CPU Loc. U212) has been corrupted. This is caused by either failure in memory (e.g. batteries are dead or faulty RAM) or upon installation of updated version of code. Opening the Coin Door will initiate a Factory Restore, by opening the Memory Protect Switch. Check battery voltage at VBATT Test Point on the CPU/Sound Board. ?????????&38',36:,7&+6(77,1*6????????? Location of Dip Switch [SW300] is on the CPU/Sound Board (Right of CN6, Top Mid) CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON USA OFF 99999999 Custom Factory Adjustments By Country (All countries not noted use the "USA Setting") CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON EURO OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON AUSTRIA OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON BELGIUM OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON BRAZIL OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: CANADA Pos. ON OFF 8888 9999 8 CPU COUNTRY SETTING: 9999999 8 9 999999 8 88 9 9999 88 999999 Pos. ON FRANCE OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON GERMANY OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON ITALY OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. ON JAPAN OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. NETHERLANDS ON ( HOLLAND / DUTCH ) OFF 88 9 99999 888 99999 8 999 9999 8 8 99 9999 8 99 99999 CPU COUNTRY SETTING: NORWAY Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: SWEDEN Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: SWITZERLAND Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: UK Pos. ON OFF CPU COUNTRY SETTING: Pos. UK ON FOR NEW 50p, 2£ COIN MECH OFF 8 8 9 9 9999 88 8 9 9999 88 99 9999 8 8 9 99999 888 9 9999 5206800$5<7$%/( Dot Matrix Display Bd. (Back Side) ROM 0 The Display Controller Board (holds the Display ROM Loc: ROM0) is positioned behind the 128 X 32 Dot Matrix Display Board. )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO I.C. NAME TYPE BD. NAME LOC. PART Nº Game ROM Sound EPROM Display EPROM Display EPROM 1MB 512K 4MB N/C CPU / Sound Bd. CPU / Sound Bd. Display Cntlr. Bd. Display Cntlr. Bd. U210 U7 ROM 0 ROM 1 965-0346-65 965-0347-65 965-0348-65 N/A Voice ROM 1 Voice ROM 2 Voice ROM 3 Voice ROM 4 8MB 8MB 8MB 8MB CPU / Sound Bd. CPU / Sound Bd. CPU / Sound Bd. CPU / Sound Bd. U17 U21 U36 U37 965-0349-65 965-0350-65 965-0351-65 965-0352-65 For Game, Sound & Voice ROM Locations see '5 X. '5 Z )URP WKH 0DLQ 0HQX LQ 3RUWDOV™ *2 72 ',$*1267,&6 0(18 8 127 86(' :+7%51 &13 8 127 86(' :+75(' &13 8 127 86(' :+725* &13 8 127 86(' :+7<(/ &13 8 127 86(' :+7*51 &13 8 127 86(' :+7%/8 &13 8 127 86(' :+79,2 &13 8 127 86(' :+7*5< &13 4 127 86(' *51%51 &13 LEFT BUTTON (UK ONLY) on Cabinet side 4TH COIN SLOT On Coin Door 6TH COIN SLOT On Coin Door RIGHT COIN SLOT On Coin Door CENTER COIN SLOT / DBA On Coin Door LEFT COIN SLOT On Coin Door 5TH COIN SLOT On Coin Door RIGHT BUTTON (UK ONLY) on Cabinet side 4 127 86(' *515(' &13 LEFT CHIP [S.U. TRGT] Under Playfield ROLL DICE (S.U. TRGT) Under Playfield 4-BALL TROUGH #1 (LEFT) On Assembly 4-BALL TROUGH #2 On Assembly 4-BALL TROUGH #3 On Assembly 4-BALL TROUGH VUK OPTO On Assembly 4-BALL STACKING OPTO On Assembly SHOOTER LANE Under Playfield 4 127 86(' *5125* &13 2 / HEARTS DROP [TARGET] On Assembly 2/DIAMONDS DROP [TARGET] ' 2 7 6 ' 2 7 6 4 127 86(' *51<(/ &13 3-BALL LOCK LOW [WIRE RAMP] 3-BALL LOCK MIDDLE [WIRE RAMP] On Assembly 4/DIAMONDS ' 3-BALL LOCK 2 DROP 7 HIGH 6 [WIRE RAMP] [TARGET] On Assembly On Assembly A / SPADES ' LEFT 21 HIT 2 DROP 7 STANDUP 6 [TARGET] [TARGET] Under Playfield Under Playfield A / DIAMONDS RIGHT 21 HIT STANDUP STANDUP [TARGET] [TARGET] On Assembly Under Playfield JOKER UPPER RIGHT STANDUP STANDUP [TARGET] [TARGET] Under Playfield Under Playfield 3 / DIAMONDS RIGHT STANDUP CHIP [TARGET] [TARGET] On Assembly Under Playfield POP ENTRY OPTO SPINNER [BALL LOCK] On Assembly Under Playfield 5RZ *1' 4 127 86(' 5('%51 -3 4 127 86(' 5('%/. -3 4 127 86(' 5('25* -3 4 127 86(' 5('<(/ -3 4 127 86(' 5('*51 -3 4 127 86(' 5('%/8 -3 4 127 86(' 5('9,2 -3 4 127 86(' 5('*5< -3 4 127 86(' 5(':+7 -3 4 127 86(' 5(' -3 '5[ 4 127 86(' *51%/. &13 4 127 86(' *51%/8 &13 TOP SLOT OPTO TOP ENTRY ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 1 On Assembly On Assembly MIDDLE SLOT OPTO BASH On Assembly BOT. SLOT OPTO R. ENTRY On Assembly MIDDLE RAMP LEFT ENTRY On Ramp Assy. MIDDLE RAMP RIGHT ENTRY On Ramp Assy. 1ST UP / DOWN RAMP [SLOT MACH.] On Assembly LEFT ORBIT GATE Above Playfield LEFT RAMP EXIT On Ramp Assy. ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 2 On Assembly ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 3 On Assembly ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 4 On Assembly LEFT ORBIT Under Playfield RIGHT ORBIT Under Playfield TOP LEFT SLINGSHOT On Assembly TOP RIGHT SLINGSHOT On Assembly )URP WKH /DPS 0HQX *2 72 6,1*/( /$03 7(67 8 127 86(' <(/25* -3 8 127 86(' <(/5(' -3 CHIP 1 #555 Bulb CHIP 2 CHIP 5 CHIP 3 #555 Bulb SPECIAL #555 Bulb BG START (6:00) #555 Bulb BG CASINO GAME (2:00) #555 Bulb RIGHT BUMPER On Assembly CHIP 4 #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb 2 / DIAMONDS 4 / DIAMONDS A / SPADES PLAY 21 #555 Bulb PLAY ROULETTE #555 Bulb ROLL DICE #555 Bulb EXTRA BALL #555 Bulb BG 3 SLOT SPINS (7:00) #555 Bulb BG 25 MILLION (3:00) #555 Bulb DOUBLE DOWN #555 Bulb PLAY ROLL-N-WIN #555 Bulb LEFT 21 HIT #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #5 #44 Bulb BG ? (8:00) #555 Bulb BG BONUS X (4:00) #555 Bulb SLOT MACHINE ARROW #555 Bulb RIGHT ORBIT ARROW #555 Bulb RIGHT 21 HIT #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #6 #44 Bulb BG 10 CHIPS (9:00) #555 Bulb BG LIGHT SPECIAL (5:00) #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb LEFT RETURN LANE Under Playfield LEFT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] BOTTOM BUMPER Under Playfield On Assembly NOT USED SLAM TILT On Coin Door PLUMB BOB TILT Inside Cabinet NOT USED *1' ,& 8 ,13876 8 *5<%51 &13 8 *5<5(' &13 8 *5<25* &13 8 *5<<(/ &13 8 127 86(' *5<*51 &13 8 *5<%/8 &13 8 *5<9,2 &13 8 *5<%/. &13 CHIP 10 CHIP 25 JOKER SPIN SLOT #555 Bulb PLAY HI-LO #555 Bulb LIGHT ROLL_N_WIN #555 Bulb BG SUPER POPS #555 Bulb BG ROLL AGAIN (10:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #7 #44 Bulb LOCK BALL #555 Bulb PLAY POKER #555 Bulb RIGHT CHIP #555 Bulb BG SUPER LOOPS #555 Bulb BG LITE EXTRA BALL (11:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL LIGHT #8 #44 Bulb #555 Bulb CASINO FRENZY #555 Bulb BOTTOM BUMPER #555 Bulb #555 Bulb A / DIAMONDS #555 Bulb #1 LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON in Cabinet side #2 LEFT FLIPPER E.O.S (End-of-Stroke) in Cabinet side #3 RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON in Cabinet side #4 RIGHT FLIPPER E.O.S. (End-of-Stroke) in Cabinet side #5 NOT USED in Cabinet side '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 #6 VOLUME (RED BUTTON) (In Test: LEFT) '6 #7 SERV. CRED. (GREEN BUTTON) (In Test: RIGHT) on Coin Door '6 #8 BEGIN TEST (BLACK BUTTON) (In Test: ENTER) on Coin Door '6 on Coin Door 8 127 86(' <(/*5< -3 8 127 86(' <(/9,2 -3 WON BLACKJACK 21 #555 Bulb ' ' 2 RIGHT 2 76 76 BUMPER #555 Bulb #555 Bulb *URXQG %/. &13 3 )URP WKH /DPS 0HQX *2 72 52: 25 &2/801 7(67 8 127 86(' <(/%/8 -3 8 127 86(' <(/*51 -3 8 127 86(' <(/%/. -3 WON CRAPS #555 Bulb LEFT BUMPER #555 Bulb On Assembly LEFT OUTLANE )URP WKH 6ZLWFK 0HQX *2 72 '(',&$7(' 6:,7&+ 7(67 )URP WKH /DPS 0HQX *2 72 7(67 $// /$036 WON WON WON POKER HI-LO ROULETTE #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb H ( I ) LO HI ( L ) O HIL ( O ) [LT. RETURN] [RT. RETURN] [RT. RETURN] #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb #555 Bulb LEFT BUMPER 4 127 86(' *51*5< &13 On Assembly 2ND UP / DOWN RAMP RIGHT [SLOT MACH.] OUTLANE On Assembly Under Playfield RIGHT ROULETTE RETURN SPIN LANE Cabinet Front Under Playfield RIGHT START SLINGSHOT BUTTON [BOTTOM] Cabinet Front On Assembly WON SLOT MACHINE #555 Bulb ( H ) ILO [LT. OUTLANE] #555 Bulb 2 / HEARTS #555 Bulb LEFT ORBIT ARROW #555 Bulb RAMP ARROW #555 Bulb LEFT CHIP #555 Bulb 4 127 86(' *519,2 &13 /$030$75,;*5,' D iode O n T erminal S trip : 8 127 86(' <(/%51 -3 On Assembly On Assembly )URP WKH 'LDJQRVWLFV 0HQX *2 72 /$03 0(18 &ROXPQ Y )URP WKH 6ZLWFK 0HQX *2 72 6:,7&+ 25 $&7,9( 6:,7&+ 7(67 6:,7&+0$75,;*5,''(',&$7('6:,7&+(6 D iode O n T erminal S trip : &ROXPQ 'ULYH 5RZ 5HWXUQ )URP WKH 'LDJQRVWLFV 0HQX *2 72 6:,7&+ 0(18 CHEAT GAME #555 Bulb ' 2 BREAK THE 76 BANK #555 Bulb 3 / DIAMONDS #555 Bulb CHIP 50 #555 Bulb MULTIBALL #555 Bulb BACK PANEL LEFT #1 #44 Bulb BACK PANEL #3 #44 Bulb BG SUPER SURPRISE #555 Bulb BG MULTIBALL (12:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #9 #44 Bulb ROLL AGAIN #555 Bulb SUPER JACKPOT #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #2 #44 Bulb BACK PANEL #4 #44 Bulb BG SUPER SPINNER #555 Bulb BG COLLECT BONUS (1:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL RIGHT #10 #44 Bulb )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO 6:,7&+ 0$75,; *5,' /2&$7,216 '6 = Switches/Lamps mounted above P/F. 7<3,&$/ 6:,7&+ 6&+(0$7,& Legend Note: '6 '6 /$036 LQ WKH %DFNER[ /$036 LQ WKH %DFN 3DQHO /$03 0$75,; *5,' /2&$7,216 '6 = Switches/Lamps mounted below the P/F. '(',&$7(' 6:,7&+ 6&+(0$7,& = ...mounted on Cabinet. 7<3,&$/ /$03 6&+(0$7,& -XXX Note: All Switches require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips OR Diode Boards (under playfield) & not on the switch itself. D iode D iode On On T erminal D iode -XXX Note: All Lamps require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips (under playfield) & not on the lamp itself. D iode On COMMON T erminal YEL RED Diode 1N4001 'U3LQEDOO )LQG,W,Q)URQW '5 \ )URP WKH 0DLQ™0HQX LQ 3RUWDOV *2 72 ',$*1267,&6 0(18 +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS )URP WKH 'LDJQRVWLFV 0HQX *2 72 &2,/ 0(18 )URP WKH &RLO 0HQX *2 72 &2,/ 7(67 )URP WKH &RLO 0HQX *2 72 &<&/,1* &2,/6 &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage #1 TROUGH UP-KICKER Q1 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-BLK J8-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50 v DC #2 AUTO LAUNCH Q2 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-RED J8-P3 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50 v DC #3 DROP TARGET RESET Q3 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-ORG J8-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50 v DC #4 NOT USED Q4 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-YEL J8-P5 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #5 SLOT HANDLE Q5 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-GRN J8-P6 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50 v DC #6 NOT USED Q6 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-BLU J8-P7 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #7 ROULETTE WHEEL MOTOR Q7 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-VIO J8-P8 BRN #8 FLASH: ROULETTE Q8 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-GRY J8-P9 YEL-VIO D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS #9 Drive Transistor (D.T.) LEFT BUMPER Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color J7-P1 20 v DC Power Line Connnection Power Voltage I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-BRN J9-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #10 RIGHT BUMPER Q10 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-RED J9-P2 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50 v DC #11 BOTTOM BUMPER Q11 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-ORG J9-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC Q12 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-YEL J9-P5 0v DC Q13 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-GRN J9-P6 #14 CENTER RAMP DIVERTER Q14 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-BLK J9-P7 #15 LEFT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q15 I/O Pwr. Drvr. ORG-GRY J9-P8 VIO-YEL J10-P3 50v DC BLK RED-YEL J10-P1/2 50v DC GRY-YEL RED-YEL J10-P1/2 50v DC GRY-YEL RED-YEL J10-P1/2 50v DC BLU-YEL #13 ORBIT MAGNET %$ #16 RIGHT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) 26-1200 090-5044-00T 22-600 090-5023-00B 23-1100 090-5030-00T 32-1520 090-0000-00T 32-1800 090-5031-00T XX-YYY 090-0000-00T Motor 041-5078-00 Bulb J10-P4/5 50v DC #906 165-5004-00 Q9 #12 NOT USED Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 090-5044-00T 26-1200 090-5044-00T 26-1200 090-5044-00T XX-YYY 090-0000-00T 24-780 090-5061-00 23-1100 090-5030-00T 22-900 090-5020-20T 22-1080 Q16 I/O Pwr. Drvr. ORG-VIO J9-P9 /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage #17 LEFT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] Q17 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BRN J7-P2 BRN J7-P1 20 v DC #18 RIGHT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] Q18 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-RED J7-P3 BRN J7-P1 20 v DC #19 TOP LEFT SLINGSHOT Q19 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-ORG J7-P4 BRN J7-P1 20 v DC #20 TOP RIGHT SLINGSHOT Q20 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-YEL J7-P6 BRN J7-P1 20 v DC #21 FLASH: LOCK BALL Q21 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-GRN J7-P7 ORG J6-P10 #22 POPS ENTRY POST Q22 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BLU J7-P8 BRN J7-P1 Bulb 20 v DC #906 165-5004-00 27-1500 20 v DC #23 BALL LOCK POST Q23 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BLK J7-P9 BRN J7-P1 20 v DC #24 OPTIONAL COIN METER Q24 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-GRY J7-P10 RED J16-P7 5v DC D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage J6-P1 20 v DC J16-P3 Step. Mtr. 20v DC 041-5062-01 20v DC Step. Mtr. #30 FLASH: DIVERTER Q30 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-BLU J6-P6 BRN GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT ORG J7-P1 Q29 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-BRN I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-RED to RED I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-ORG to GRN I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-YEL to BLK I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-GRN to BLU J6-P10 #31 FLASH: POPS*2 Q31 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-VIO J6-P7 ORG J6-P10 090-5032-00T Coil GA-Turn or Meter # 23-800 090-5001-00T 23-800 090-5001-00T 23-800 090-5001-00T 23-800 090-5001-00T 090-5004-00T 27-1500 090-5004-00T Meter 5v 091-5000-00 D iode O n T erminal S trip (if noted) /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Drive Transistor (D.T.) #25 LEFT RAMP DIVERTER #26 STEPPER MOTOR (RED) #27 STEPPER MOTOR (GREEN) #28 STEPPER MOTOR (BLACK) #29 STEPPER MOTOR (BLUE) Q25 %$ %$ %$ %$ Q26 Q27 Q28 Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color J6-P2 J6-P3 J6-P4 J6-P5 J16-P3 J16-P3 J16-P3 Bulb Type 27-1500 090-5004-00T 041-5062-01 Step. Mtr. 20v DC 041-5062-01 20v DC Step. Mtr. 041-5062-01 Bulb 20v DC #906 165-5004-00 20 v DC #89 Bulb 165-5000-89 Bulb Q32 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-GRY J6-P8 ORG J6-P10 20v DC #906 #32 FLASH: SLOT MACHINE 165-5004-00 1RWH ,Q 7HVW )ODVK /DPSV 0HQX )ODVK ,FRQ )ODVKHUV WHVWHG DUH DOO )ODVK /DPSV ORFDWHG EHWZHHQ 44 7KLV *DPH $X[LOOLDU\ 8. 21/< Drive Transistor (D.T.) AUX 1: LEFT UP/DOWN POST Q1 AUX 2: CENTER UP/DOWN POST Q2 AUX 3: RIGHT UP/DOWN POST Q3 '5] Driver Ouput Board Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage WHT J3-P11 BRN J7-P1 20v DC RED J3-P10 BRN J7-P1 20v DC ORG J3-P9 BRN J7-P1 20v DC Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 090-5044-00T 23-1100 090-5030-00T 26-1200 090-5044-00T )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO &2,/ /2&$7,216 )/$6+ /$03 /2&$7,216 $X[ $X[ $X[ Legend Note: = Coils/Flashers mounted above P/F. = Coils/Flashers mounted below the P/F. = ...mounted in/on Cabinet. 7<3,&$/ &2,/ :,5,1* $QRGH 1RQ %DQGHG 6LGH 1N4004 &DWKRGH %DQGHG 6LGH 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 9ROWDJH Note: All Coils require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips (under playfield) & not on the coil itself. D iode On T erminal S trip 'ULYH 7UDQVLVWRU 'U3LQEDOO )LQG,W,Q)URQW '5 ^ 'RPHVWLF3LQEDOO5HGHPSWLRQ'LVWULEXWRUV0DS ?????????,QWHUQDWLRQDO'LVWULEXWRUV0DS????????? For Parts & Service, call your nearest Distributor. View the above maps & the directories on the next page to locate your closest Distributor in your state, province, or country. Distributors and phone numbers are subject to change. Call Stern Pinball, Inc. (Parts Sales & Technical Support) with any questions or if your Distributor cannot help you: 1-800-542-5377 (in USA or Canada) or 1-708-786-5466. Visit us at for current Distributor Information & other pinball needs. '5_ )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO 'RPHVWLF3LQEDOO5HGHPSWLRQ'LVWULEXWRUV'LUHFWRU\ $/$%$0$ %LUPLQJKDP 9HQGLQJ *(25*,$ *UHDWHU 6RXWKHUQ 'LVW 0$66$&+86(776 %HWVRQ (QW 1(&2 )UDQFR 'LVWULEXWLQJ ,//,12,6 $PHULFDQ 9HQGLQJ E. Longmeadow (2) 1-413-525-2700 Birmingham (1) 1-205-324-7526 Montgomery (2) 1-334-834-3455 $5,=21$ %HWVRQ :HVW Phoenix 1-602-233-0190 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Phoenix 1-602-269-7596 %5,7,6+ &2/80%,$ &DQ &RLQ 0DFKLQH Burnaby (1) 1-604-420-4008 3DFLILF 9HQGLQJ Vancouver (2) 1-604-324-2164 &$/,)251,$ %HWVRQ :HVW Buena Park (1) 1-714-228-7500 So. San Francisco (2) 1-650-952-4220 &$ 5RELQVRQ Los Angeles (3) 1-323-735-3001 San Francisco (4) 1-650-871-4280 &2/25$'2 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Denver 1-303-427-2133 &211(&7,&87 %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV Milford (1) 1-203-878-6966 7'0 'LVWULEXWLQJ Willimantic (2) 1-860-456-4231 )/25,'$ %LUPLQJKDP 9HQGLQJ Orlando (1) 1-407-425-1505 %UDG\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Miami (2) 1-305-621-1415 Orlando (1) 1-407-872-1666 Atlanta 1-404-352-3040 Elk Grove Village (1) 1-847-439-9400 Springfield (2) 1-217-492-9400 $WODV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Elk Grove Village (3) 1-847-952-7500 ,2:$ *UHDWHU $PHULFD 'LVW Johnston 1-515-278-4455 0RVV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Des Moines 1-515-266-6422 ,1',$1$ $WODV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Indianapolis 1-317-786-6892 &OHYHODQG &RLQ Indianapolis 1-317-895-4270 6KDIIHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ Indianapolis 1-317-899-2530 Norwood (1) 1-781-769-9760 *HND\ 6DOHV 0,&+,*$1 $WODV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Redford (1) 1-313-794-4880 Wyoming (2) 1-616-241-1472 &OHYHODQG &RLQ Livonia (3) 1-734-432-1040 1HZ 2UOHDQV 1RYHOW\ New Orleans (2) 1-504-888-3500 0$5</$1' 6WDWH 6DOHV 6HUYLFH Baltimore 1-410-646-4100 :HLQHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ Baltimore 1-410-525-2600 1257+ &$52/,1$ %UDG\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Charlotte (1) 1-704-357-6284 2SHUDWRUV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Archdale (2) 1-336-884-5714 2+,2 $WODV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Minneapolis (2) 1-612-887-5299 0,66285, 6KDIIHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ St. Louis 1-314-645-3393 1(%5$6.$ &HQWUDO 'LVW Omaha 1-402-493-5600 1(9$'$ 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Metairie (1) 1-504-835-3232 Roslyn Heights (3) 1-516-621-1234 /LHEHUPDQ 0XVLF Bloomington (1) 1-612-884-6604 .(178&.< $WODV 'LVWULEXWLQJ /28,6,$1$ $0$ 'LVWULEXWRUV ,QF 'HLWK 'LVWULEXWLQJ 1257+ '$.27$ 0+ $VVRFLDWHV ,QF *UHDWHU $PHULFD 'LVW Louisville 1-502-966-5266 New Hyde Park (1) 1-516-354-4647 Syracuse (2) 1-315-455-5400 0,11(627$ +DQVRQ 'LVWULEXWLQJ .$16$6 8QLWHG 'LVW ,QF Wichita 1-316-263-6181 1(: <25. %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV Omaha 1-402-553-2812 Las Vegas (1) 1-702-798-0900 5HQR *DPH 6DOHV Reno (2) 1-775-829-2080 1(: -(56(< %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV Carlstadt (1) 1-201-438-1300 Fargo 1-701-282-7877 Cincinnati (1) 1-513-851-4100 &OHYHODQG &RLQ Cleveland (2) 1-216-692-0960 6KDIIHU 'LVWULEXWLQJ Columbus (3) 1-614-421-6800 Macedonia (4) 1-330-467-4850 2./$+20$ *DOD[\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Tulsa 1-918-835-1166 217$5,2 6WDUEXUVW &RLQ 0DFK Toronto 1-416-251-2122 25(*21 'XQLV 'LVWULEXWLQJ Portland 1-503-234-5491 3(116</9$1,$ %HWVRQ (QWHUSULVHV King Of Prussia (1) 1-610-265-1155 Pittsburgh (2) 1-412-331-8703 &OHYHODQG &RLQ Pittsburgh (2) 1-412-323-8400 *UHHQ &RLQ 6WUXYH 'LVWULEXWLQJ Salt Lake City 1-801-328-1636 :,6&216,1 3LRQHHU 6DOHV 6YF 5RWK 1RYHOW\ 6XSHULRU 6WDWH 6DOHV 6HUYLFH Menomonee Falls 1-262-255-6580 Wilkes-Barre (3) 1-570-824-9994 Bensalem (4) 1-215-638-1122 9LNLQJ 9HQGLQJ 48(%(& /DQLHO $XWRPDWLF 0DFK Montreal 1-514-731-8571 6287+ &$52/,1$ *UHHQ &RLQ Mrytle Beach 1-843-626-1900 7(11(66(( %UDG\ 'LVWULEXWLQJ Memphis 1-901-345-7811 *UHHQ *$0(6 Memphis 1-901-353-1000 7(;$6 &RPPHUFLDO 0XVLF Dallas (1) 1-214-741-6381 +$ )UDQ] &R Houston (2) 1-713-523-7366 San Antonio (3) 1-210-226-6322 0DVWHU 6DOHV Corsicana (4) 1-903-874-4740 6RXWKJDWH $PXVHPHQW 1(: 0(;,&2 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ 6RXWKJDWH0RVV 'LVW Houston (2) 1-713-691-7335 San Antonio (3) 1-210-225-3844 Albuquerque 1-505-345-7706 Salt Lake City 1-801-262-5494 Green Bay (1) 1-920-336-5800 Menomonee Falls 1-262-781-1420 Pittsburgh (2) 1-412-881-8804 6WDWH 6DOHV 6HUYLFH Carteret (2) 1-732-750-2700 87$+ 0RXQWDLQ &RLQ Irving (5) 1-972-721-4600 Note: For states and Canadian Provinces which do not have Distributors, call the neighboring state or province with the city closest to you (indicated with a white dot). States or Provinces with more than 1 city containing a distributor are numbered. View the map on the previous page. Note: Distributors are subject to change. Visit us at for current Distributor Information. ????????,QWHUQDWLRQDO'LVWULEXWRUV'LUHFWRU\???????? $5*(17,1$ 8QLYHUVH (OHFWURQLFV Buenos Aires 011-54-1-865-4730 (OHFWURSRUW )ORUHQFLD Mar Del Plata 011-54-223-495-5532 $8675$/,$ $PXVHPHQW 0DFK 'LVW Matraville 011-61-29-316-6000 $8675,$ 5 5XSS Kaindorf 011-43-34-528-6105 7DE Ansfelden 011-43-72-297-8040 1RYD *DPHV (Hamburg, Germany) 011-49-4-053-8060 %(/*,80 %UDER %5$=,/ 'LYHU%UDV São Paulo 011-55-11-6674-1000 &+,/( &XLQVD Santiago 011-56-2-641-8520 '(10$5. 9HQGFRPDWLF (Oslo, Norway) 011-47-2-291-8383 ),1/$1' 3HOLND 5D\2\ Espoo 011-358-94-370-2925 )5$1&( $YUDQFKHV $XWRPDWLF Ducey 011-33-23-389-6162 6)$ Paris 011-33-15-326-8080 Antwerpen 011-32-3-237-2591 'U3LQEDOO )LQG,W,Q)URQW *(50$1< 1RYD *DPHV 1(7+(5/$1'6 $:$ 6,1*$325( 9DOLEHO 7HFKQRORJLHV (UUpO ,QGXVWULHV 63$,1 $PXVH7(& 6/ Hamburg 011-49-4-053-8060 Amsterdam 011-31-2-069-4260 Bally Wulff (Berlin) 011-49-3-062-0020 Bally Wulff (Hannover) 011-49-511-358-5368 Hertogenbosch 011-31-73-645-6111 3DUWV 6HUYLFH 2QO\ *5((&( (OFRLQ Nikea 011-30-1-492-9357 *UHHFH &RLQ Athens 011-30-1-577-7012 +81*$5< )OLSSHU 5H[ Budapest 011-36-1-132-6512 ,7$/< 560 7HFQRSOD\ 6$ San Marino 011-37-0-890-0361 1(: =($/$1' $PFR 0DFKLQH 6XSSOLHV Auckland 011-64-9-846-7606 &RLQ &DVFDGH Christchurch 011-643-3381-411 125:$< 9HQGFRPDWLF Oslo 011-47-2-291-8383 32578*$/ -DFLQWR 0DUWLQV /GD Amadora 011-35-121-496-3744 Singapore 011-65-748-8404 Barcelona 011-34-93-739-6827 81,7(' .,1*'20 (OHFWURFRLQ London, England 011-44-208-965-2055 (OHFWURFRLQ $IWHUVDOHV Cardiff, S. Wales 011-44-2-920-614-000 6HQWH 6$ Madrid 011-34-91-541-7112 6:('(1 &DOO IRU ,QIRUPDWLRQ or visit our website 6:,7=(5/$1' 1RYRPDW $* Harkingen 011-41-62-388-8961 Note: Prefix of "011" is USA’s Dialing Code. If dialing outside the USA, please replace with your country’s Dialing Code. '5 ` 32:(55(48,5(0(176 This game must be connected to a properly grounded outlet to reduce shock hazard & insure proper game operation. See Sec. 5, Schematics & Troubleshooting, Chp. 3, Cabinet Wiring (Transformer Power Wiring), for transformer connections required for Normal, High, and Low Line conditions. Normal Line: 110v AC - 125v AC @ 60Hz Domestic AVG OPERATION MAX OPERATION uses an 8AMP 250v Slo-Blo Fuse. CURRENT: 2.8AMP CURRENT: 8AMP WATTAGE: 940w WATTAGE: 329w High Line: 218v AC - 240v AC @ 50Hz Export AVG OPERATION MAX OPERATION England uses 5AMP 250v Slo-Blo Fuses. CURRENT: 1.8AMP CURRENT: 5AMP & Hong | 8AMP* Kong use (*England & Hong Kong use an 8 250v S/B Fuse.) | WATTAGE: 412w WATTAGE: 1145w 1832w* an Low Line: 95v AC - 108v AC @ 50Hz / 60Hz Export Japan Only AVG OPERATION MAX OPERATION uses an 8AMP 250v Slo-Blo Fuse. CURRENT: 8AMP CURRENT: 2.6AMP WATTAGE: 812w WATTAGE: 264w AMP 8A Fuse. ???????????75$163257$7,21???????????? Back Width 273⁄4" 755⁄8" 277⁄8" The overall Front (36") & Back (851⁄2") dimensions reflect the ADDED +11⁄4" height with the Leg Levelers turned all the way in and includes the OPTIONAL TOURNAMENT HEADER; The Cabinet is designed to give the recommended 6.5° pitch to the Playfield when all four (4) Legs are installed with the Leg Levelers turned all the way in. With the Leg Levelers turned all the way out, an additional 13⁄4" MORE to the overall height should be added to the dimensions. 22" 233⁄4" 511⁄2" 49" 161⁄4" 37" Bottom Depth Leg Length: 301⁄4" Front Height Back Height To reduce the possibility of damage, observe ALL precautions whenever transporting the game. Read & follow Section 1, Chapter 1, Pinball Game Set-Up Procedures, & How to Secure the Backbox for Transporting. Remove the legs & secure the game within the transporting vehicle. S ave a nd r e ta in a ll p r in te d in for m at io n on t he g am e. Height: 56" Width: 31" Depth: 31" Approximate Unboxed Weight: Wt. 260lbs. (+/- 10) 11⁄4" 54 " 1⁄ 2 *$0(',0(16,216 '5= )LQG,W,Q)URQW 'U3LQEDOO *HQHUDO7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV See Sections 3 & 5, Table Of Contents, for details of that Section and it’s Chapters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` X3RZHU5HTXLUHPHQWV17UDQVSRUWDWLRQ1*DPH'LPHQVLRQV '5a *DPH0DQXDO*HQHUDO7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV LLL 6(&7,21 &KDSWHU$IWHU6HW8S Z 3LQEDOO *DPH 6HW8S 3URFHGXUHV Z 3LQEDOO *DPH 6HW8S )XWXUH 5HIHUHQFH Z +RZ WR 6HFXUH WKH %DFNER[ IRU 7UDQVSRUWLQJ /HJ /HYHOHU $GMXVWPHQW (DV\ $FFHVV 6HUYLFH 6\VWHP 3RVLWLRQV 6(&7,21 &KDSWHU*DPH2SHUDWLRQ)HDWXUHV Z 6WDUW RI *DPH )HDWXUHV 'XULQJ *DPH )HDWXUHV (QG RI *DPH )HDWXUHV $XWR 3HUFHQWDJLQJ ,QVWUXFWLRQ &DUG 6(&7,21 &KDSWHU3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ Z 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 0HQX 7DEOH RI &RQWHQWV 9LHZ IRU DQ RXWOLQH RI WKLV VHFWLRQ Z 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 6ZLWFK 6HW $FFHVV 8VH +RZ WR 8VH 7KLV 6HFWLRQ Z 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 0HQX ,FRQ 7UHH Z 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 0HQX ([DPSOH ([LWLQJ WKH 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 0HQX &KDSWHU*R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX &KDSWHU*R7R$XGLWV0HQX &KDSWHU*R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX &KDSWHU*R7R5HVHW0HQX &KDSWHU*R7R)XVHV/LVW &KDSWHU*R7R+HOS6FUHHQ 6(&7,21 &KDSWHU3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ7KH3LQN3DJHV 2YHUYLHZ %DFNER[ +LJK 5ROOHU &DVLQR $VVHPEO\ 6SHDNHU 3DQHO $VV\ IRU WKH %DFNER[ +5 &DVLQR $VVRFLDWHG 3DUWV &DELQHW *HQHUDO 3DUWV 6ZLWFKHV 3OD\ILHOG *HQHUDO 3DUWV 6ZLWFKHV %HORZ 3OD\ILHOG *HQHUDO 3DUWV 6ZLWFKHV $ERYH Section 4, Chapter 1, Parts Identification & Location (The Pink Pages) Continued on the Next Page -DQXDU\ L Section 4, Chapter 1, Parts Identification & Location (The Pink Pages) Continued from the Previous Page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after reading the Pinball Game Set-Up Instruction Sheet (SPI Part Nº 755-5310-00) included with your New Pinball Game, continue with the below procedures: :LWKWKH%DFN*ODVV5HPRYHG 1. Check all connectors in the Backbox for loose wire terminations. Reseat any loose wire by pushing in on the terminal. Push on all connectors plugged into the CPU/Sound Board, I/O Power Driver Board, and the Display Power Bd. to check that they are properly seated. Ensure Fluorescent Light Tube is seated correctly. Check that all fuses are seated properly. Close and lock the Backbox and secure its’ keys back inside the Coin Door. :LWKWKH3OD\ILHOG*ODVV5HPRYHG 2. Make sure the proper amount of pinballs were installed (Amount of balls are always specified on decal attached to the lock down assembly and top of Page DR. in the beginning of this manual). Z 3. Remove all shipping tie downs, shipping blocks, packing foam, shipping instruction pages, etc. (if any) from the game. READ ALL PRINTED INFORMATION! Shipping instructions, labels and/or decals describe warnings, cautions, and/or important information specific to the game. SAVE ALL PRINTED INFORMATION. 4. Raise the playfield and support it, by lifting the Prop Rod (located on the left, inside the cabinet). The end of the Prop Rod should be placed into the hole under playfield. See the illustration "Easy Access Service System" on Page 4. 5. Visually inspect all cabinet cables and connector terminations; ensure no wires or cables are pinched and that cable harnesses are not pulled tight. 6. Lower the playfield and ensure game is level side-to-side by adjusting Leg Levelers, if required. See the illustration "Leg Leveler Adjustment" on Page 4. With the Leg Levelers turned all the way in (1.25" from floor to bottom of leg), the game pitch is 6.5°; depending on the condition of the floor, adjust the Leg Levelers as required. 7KHSOD\ILHOGLQFOLQHDIIHFWVGLIILFXOW\RISOD\8VHWKHUHFRPPHQGHG LQFOLQH*DPHGLIILFXOW\LVEHVWYDULHGXVLQJJDPHDGMXVWPHQWV :LWKWKH&RLQ'RRU2SHQ 7. If desired, perform any self tests at this time. See Section 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction, and Chapter 2, Go To Diagnostics Menu, for instructions on how to enter "Begin Play Test" and "Game Specific" to test components on the game. 8. If desired, make Game Pricing (Standard and/or Custom) and Add-A-Ball, Novelty, or X-Ball Play adjustments at this time. See Section 3, Chapter 4, Go To Adjustments Menu, for instructions on how to enter adjustments. Follow instructions in the tables provided in the manual for suggestions of customizing. µPer "The appliance has to be placed in a horizontal position." "This appliance is not to be cleaned by a Water Jet." 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU $IWHU6HW8S 3LQE DOO*DPH6HW8S)XWXUH5HIHUHQFH 6HF$IWHU6HW8S 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU $IWHU6HW8S 6HF$IWHU6HW8S 3LQE DOO*DPH6HW8S)XWXUH5HIHUHQFH&RQWLQXHG 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU $IWHU6HW8S 6HF$IWHU6HW8S +RZWR6HFXUHWKH%DFNER[ IRU7UDQVSRUWLQJ /HJ/HYHOHU$GMX VWPHQW This cabinet is designed to automatically have a 6.5° pitch without any Leg Leveler adjustment! Attach the four (4) Leg Assemblies to cabinet corners with the eight (8) leg bolts provided. See Section 4, Chapter 1, Cabinet - General Parts, for part numbers. YOUR PLAYFIELD PITCH IS NOW AT 6.5° AS REQUIRED FOR PROPER GAME PLAY! Verify 6.5° pitch. Minor adjustment(s) may be necessary depending on the location floor being level. Cabinet Leg For custom adjustment greater than >6.5° can be acheived by turning out the rear leg leveler(s), however, it is not recommended. 3⁄ -16 8 Hex Nut Leg Leveler (turned all the way in) (DV\ $F FHVV6HU YL FH6\ VWHP 3RVLWLRQV Carefully lift the playfield using the Left and Right Ball Guides upward. Fig. 1B Fig. 1A Fig. 1C Positions 1 & 2 When lifted high enough, the Playfield Support Slide Brackets (Fig. 1A) can be seen & can clear the cabinet front. At this time, pull the playfield toward the front of the cabinet, checking that the mechanical components clear the cabinet front, then rest the playfield on the Playfield Support Slide Brackets at the front channel of cabinet (Fig. 1C); Or, the Prop Rod (located on the right inside of cabinet) can be used by positioning the Prop Rod end into the receiving playfield hole (Fig. 1B). Fig. 2C Fig. 2A Fig. 2B See Section 4, Chapter 1, Backbox Assembly for more details and part numbers. Position 3 With the playfield at rest, hold the sides & pull toward the front of the cabinet (approx. 6" to 8"), until resistance is felt from Edge Slide Brackets stopping against the Slide & Pivot Support Brackets located on either side of the cabinet (Fig. 2A). At this time, swivel the playfield toward the Backbox, then rest on the top edge (Fig. 2B & 2C). 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU $IWHU6HW8S 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI *DPH2SHUDWLRQ)HDWX UHV 6WDUWLQJD1RUPDO*DPH Insert coin(s). The game generates a sound for the first coin & for each subsequent coin with the display indicating the number of credits posted. Press the Start Button and a start-up sound is produced, and the posted credits are reduced by one. Subsequent players can be added (up to 4 can play!) by pressing the Start Button before the end of ball 1 (with sufficient credit in the game). The display now indicates the player or # of players selected from the total depressions of the Start Button. The display indicates the ball in play, and a ball is served to the Shooter Lane. An introduction is shown followed by Skill Shot Graphics and/or instructions. Pressing the Start Button after ball 1 of any player will start a new game (if credits are available), but only if the Start Button is depressed for 2-3 seconds. This delay is to avoid accidental "re-starts" of a game. (Note: Any partial credit remaining during game play after the end of ball 1, or power down, will be eliminated.) 'XULQJ*DPH)HDWXUHV )HDWXUH0RGH&RPELQDWLRQ6KRWV Features are lit on the playfield and started by completing certain shots (e.g. completion of Target Banks, Orbit(s), Ramp(s) and/or any combination of the shots). 0XOWLEDOO Multiball is started after completion of certain features. Multiball may vary with the amount of balls used depending on game style. 5HSOD\)HDWXUH Replay awards are given as the player exceeds a High Score Level during game play. This can be adjusted with Adjustment 3, Replay Awards (Default=CREDIT, adjustable). Players exceeding the High Score Levels can receive: CREDIT, EXTRA BALL, or SPECIAL. Adjust to NONE if a replay award is not desired. (QGRI*DPH)HD WX UHV 6WDUWLQJ7HDP3OD\'RXEOHV *DPH(QGLQJV Team Play is a four player game. The totals for players 1 & 3 (Team 1) and players 2 & 4 (Team 2) are displayed individually as well as the combined score for both teams. Team Play only works in a 4-Player game. In all other cases, the individual scores are shown. When all player(s) have played all balls (including any Extra Balls), the game ends. If power is interrupted during the course of a game, it will end that game ( see Starting a Normal Game). Closure of the Plumb Bob Tilt Switch according to the number of tilts set (Default = 2, adjustable) or its prolonged closure will end the current Ball-In-Play. Closure of the Slam Tilt Switch on the coin door ends the current game(s). 6WDUWLQJ/HDJXH3OD\ After credit is posted, while holding in the Left Flipper Button, press the Start Button. League Play has now begun. The differences between Normal Game Play and League/Tournament Play are: There is no "auto-percentaging" (awarding extra balls, specials, etc. to players with very low scores on the second or third ball). Mystery Features are awarded in a set order rather than random in Normal Game Play. Percentage Game Features are not automatically advanced as they are for the Regular Play Features. 0DWFK)HDWXUH At the end of each ball, earned bonuses are collected. At the end of the last ball of a game (including any extra balls, if applicable), earned bonuses are collected, then the system produces a random 2-digit number (a multiple of 10; 00 to 90). Matching the last 2 digits of the player’s score with this number awards a credit. In Adj. 11, Match Percentage (Default=9%, adjustable) can be changed from 0-10%. Changing the percentage to 0% displays the "Match Animation" at the end of the game, however, will never match (to award a credit). Changing this adjustment to OFF will not display the "Match Animation" nor award a credit. (QWHULQJ,QLWLDOV1DPH $GMXVWDEOH VHH 6HF &KS $GM +LJK 6FRUH ,QLWLDOV If player achieved a new high score in any of the 3 categories (Regular, Wizard or Special Game Feature), the player may enter their 3 initials or 10-Letter Name. Use the Left & Right Flipper Buttons to choose letter or character as seen on the Dot Display. Hitting the Start Button locks in the letter or character and proceeds to the next letter. The game then proceeds into the Game-Over Mode and then to the Attract Mode. Note: A Custom Message (Adjustable, see Sec. 3, Chp. 4, Adj. 29) can be displayed during the Attract Mode; enter letters in the same fashion. Continued Next Page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *DPH2SHUDWLRQ)HDWXUHV 6HF*DPH2S 6WDUWRI*DPH)HDWXUHV $XWR3HUFHQWDJLQJ This game is equipped with an Auto Percentaging Adjustment. The replay percent is automatically adjusted or you can set a fixed replay score. The factory default percentage is 10%. Four levels may be selected. Adjust- ments allow awarding of a "credit" or an "extra ball" as each level is exceeded. With the Autopercentage Feature, if the actual replay percentage is higher or lower than that desired, the game will automatically adjust for the new recommended percentage score(s). See Section 3, Chapter 4, Go To Adjustments Menu, Adj. 1 & Adj. 2. You may choose to make a different "score-to-beat" adjustment; this is done by utilizing Adj. 2, Replay Levels. 6HF*DPH2S , QVW UX FW LRQ&D UG Below is a COPY of the Game Instruction Card (SPI Nº: 755-5165-00 USA) which is included with every game. If your card is lost or damaged, simply COPY this page and cut out the Instruction Card as a temporary replacement until a new card is ordered. (Hint: COPY & CUT along the dotted line and fold in the center to keep the "COPY" sturdy.) COPY & CUT FOLD HERE )RUPRUHGHWDLOHGJDPHUXOHVYLVLWRXUZHEVLWH# ZZZ6WHUQ3LQEDOOFRPDQGFOLFNRQWKH +LJK5ROOHU&DVLQRRU*DPH$UFKLYH 3RS%XPSHU/LQN 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *DPH2SHUDWLRQ)HDWXUHV 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI 3RUWDOV ™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ &KDSWHU•*272',$*1267,&60(18 •• *R 7R 6ZLWFK 0HQX ••• 6ZLWFK 7HVW $FWLYH 6ZLWFK 7HVW 'HGLFDWHG 6ZLWFK 7HVW ] 6ZLWFK 0DWUL[ *ULG 'HGLFDWHG 6ZLWFKHV ] 6ZLWFK 0DWUL[ *ULG 'HVFULSWLRQV ZLWK 3DUW 1XPEHUV DQG /RFDWLRQV •• *R 7R &RLO 0HQX ••• 6LQJOH &RLO 7HVW &\FOLQJ &RLO 7HVW ] &RLO )ODVK /DPS 'HVFULSWLRQV ] &RLO )ODVK /DPS /RFDWLRQV ] &RLOV 'HWDLOHG &KDUW 7DEOH ] %DFNER[ ,2 3RZHU 'ULYHU %RDUG 'HWDLOHG :LULQJ 'LDJUDP •• *R 7R /DPS 0HQX ••• 6LQJOH /DPS 7HVW 7HVW $OO /DPSV 5RZ &ROXPQ /DPS 7HVWV ] /DPS 0DWUL[ *ULG ] /DPS 0DWUL[ *ULG /RFDWLRQV •• 7HVW )ODVK /DPSV •• &OHDU %DOO 7URXJK •• 7HFKQLFLDQ $OHUW •• 6HUYLFH 3KRQH •• %HJLQ 3OD\ 7HVW •• )LUH .QRFNHU •• 6RXQG 6SHDNHU 7HVW ] 6SHDNHU 3KDVH 7HVWLQJ •• %HJLQ %XUQ ,Q •• 'RW 0DWUL[ 7HVW 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ ([SODLQHG •• &DVLQR 6SHFLILF 6ORW 'LVSOD\ 5RXOHWWH 2372 6WHSSHU 0RWRU 7HVWV •• 'U 3LQEDOO )ORZ &KDUW 0HQXV &RLO 6ZLWFK /DPS &KDSWHU•*272$8',760(18 ] *DPH $XGLW 7DEOH •• (DUQLQJV $XGLWV $XGLWV •• 63, $XGLWV $XGLWV •• +LJK 5ROOHU &DVLQR $XGLWV $XGLWV •• *R 7R 3ULQWHU 0HQX ••• 4XLFN 3ULQWRXW )XOO 3ULQWRXW 5HVHW 3ULQWHU &KDSWHU•*272$'-8670(1760(18 ] *DPH $GMXVWPHQW 7DEOH •• 63, $GMXVWPHQWV $GMXVWPHQWV •• +LJK 5ROOHU &DVLQR $GMXVWPHQWV $GMXVWPHQWV •• &XVWRP 0HVVDJH 'LUHFW $FFHVV WR $GMXVWPHQW •• )LOP 6WDU 5HVHW 6SHFLDO )DFWRU\ 5HVHW 6HWWLQJV IRU WKH +RPH (QYLURQPHQW &KDSWHU•*2725(6(70(18 •• 5HVHW &RLQ $XGLWV 5HVHW *DPH $XGLWV )DFWRU\ 5HVHW ] ([DPSOH &KDSWHU•*272)86(6/,67 •• *R 7R )XVHV /LVW ] ([DPSOH DQG %DFNER[ /D\RXW /RFDWLRQV )XVHV %ULGJHV 5HOD\V 520V &KDSWHU•*272+(/36&5((1 •• *R 7R +HOS 6FUHHQV 0XOWL/HYHO ] 3UREOHP 6ROXWLRQ 7DEOH 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ 6HF0HQX,QWUR 6HFWLRQ 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV &KDSWHU•,1752'8&7,21 6HUYLFH 6ZLWFK 6HW 5HG *UHHQ %ODFN %XWWRQV $FFHVV 8VH +RZ WR 8VH 7KLV 6HFWLRQ 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 0HQX ,FRQ 7UHH 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 0HQX ([DPSOH DQG ([LWLQJ WKH 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH 0HQX 6HUYLFH6ZLWFK6HW5HG*UHHQ%ODFN%XWWRQV$FFHVV8VH The Service Switch Set provides access for three (3) functions available for your use. They are Volume Menu, Service Credits Menu and Portals™ Service Menu. All are accessed separately depending on which colored button (Red, Green or Black) is pushed first. 5HG D *UHHQ %ODFN ,QVLGH &RLQ 'RRU 7KH 3OD\ILHOG 3RZHU ,QWHUORFN 6ZLWFK PXVW EH SXOOHG RXW LI &RLO )ODVKODPS 7HVWLQJ 7KH 0HPRU\ 3URWHFW 6ZLWFK LV GLVDEOHG ZKHQ WKH &RLQ 'RRU LV RSHQ UHTXLUHG IRU DQ\ FKDQJHV To access any of these three (3) functions you must first open the Coin Door (see pictorial above) with the Game in the Attract Mode (not already in any Function or Menu stated below). 3XVKLQJ )XQFWLRQ9ROXPH0HQX 5HG VW 6HF0HQX,QWUR Pushing the Red Button first, enters the Volume Menu. While in this Mode, to DECREASE the volume, hold down or depress the Red "LEFT" Button until desired the volume is achieved; to INCREASE the volume, hold down or depress the Green "RIGHT" Button until the desired volume is achieved. Note: Pushing the Left or Right Flipper Buttons operates the same as the Red or Green Buttons of the Service Switch Set, while in this Volume Mode. Set between 0 and 31; 15 is the Factory Default. Once your adjustments are made, this menu will automatically exit a few seconds after the last button depression. )XQFWLRQ6HUYLFH&UHGLWV0HQX 3XVKLQJ *UHHQ VW Pushing the Green Button first, adds Service Credits (will not affect your audits as "paid" credits). This is useful for the technician to test the game in regular play without affecting the game audits. Each depression adds 1 credit; up to 50 credits can be applied. Adjustment 15, Credit Limit, determines this (the Factory Default is 30, however, it can be changed from 04-50; see Chapter 4 of this Section for details). Once your credits are added, this menu will automatically exit a few seconds after the last button depression. Note: This function is disabled if Adjustment 28, Free Play, is set to YES. The Service Credits are limited to the Credit Limit in addition to any paid credits present in the game (e.g. If the Credit Limit is 30, and there are 8 paid credits present, only 22 Service Credits can be applied.). 3XVKLQJ %ODFN VW )XQFWLRQ3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX Pushing the Black Button first, enters the Portals™ Service Menu. Once in, move through the menus and sub-menus by pushing down or depressing the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons. Note: Pushing the Left or Right Flipper Buttons operates the same as the Red or Green Buttons of the Service Switch Set, while in this Service Mode. Select or activate the Icon chosen (the Icon will be "flashing") by pushing down or depressing the Black "ENTER" Button. Note: Pushing the Start Button operates the same as the Black Button of the Service Switch Set, while in this Service Mode. Please read the remainder of this Chapter for more information on the Portals™ Service Menu. The remaining six (6) Chapters of this Section explains all Icons & Menus in detail. Read! Read! Read! 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ Important: The Dual Switch Bracket holds the Playfield Power Interlock & Memory Protect Switches. It is located just inside the Coin Door frame (see pictorial of the Coin Door on the previous page). The Button Switch at the top is the Playfield Power Interlock Switch. It must be pulled out for electro-mechanical device testing or diagnostic purposes (this is required). If this button is pushed in, the Playfield Power is diasabled while the Coin Door is OPEN. The Button Switch at the bottom is the Memory Protect Switch. It is enabled while the Coin Door is CLOSED; meaning any adjustment changes that are made will not be written to memory. If changing adjustments is required, ensure the Coin Door is OPEN to disable this switch, thus allowing for desired changes. +RZWR8VH7KLV6HFWLRQ This section will cover all functions available in the Portals™ Service Menu in a Step-By-Step process. This section is divided into chapters which coincide with the MAIN MENU. The following pages in this chapter will instruct the operator on how to move through the menus. It’s simple, easy and fun to use! Use the Red "LEFT" & Green "RIGHT" Buttons (or Left & Right Flipper Buttons) to move the selected Icon left or right, and the Black "ENTER" Button (or Start Button) to activate the selected Icon. The use of the Service Switch Set (Red, Green, & Black Buttons) is required in Switch Test or Active Switch Test, as the Start & Flipper Buttons are a part of this test. The MAIN MENU now appears with the "DIAG" Icon (DIAGNOSTICS MENU) flashing: 0$,1 *272',$*1267,&60(18 0$,1 As the operator views the Menu Screen(s), the symbols indicates that there are more Icons to select in each direction. The Icon selected will blink. Pushing the Black "ENTER" Button (or Start Button) will select the Icon and the Menu Screen will change to the menu selected. Select the "PREV" Icons to move backwards through the menu levels. Select the "QUIT" Icon to completely exit the Service Mode. View the Portals™ Service Menu Icon Tree on the next pages for a complete overview of all menus used in this system. View the last chapter (HELP) if more information is required. Selecting the "QUIT" Icon with the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons (or either Flipper Button), then pressing the Black "ENTER" Button (or Start Button) will exit the Service Mode. This applies to the large and small "QUIT" Icons. The chapters in this section, which coincide with the MAIN MENU, will also provide more detailed information which could not fit in the display. Use both the manual and the display to help customize, troubleshoot and/or diagnose faults, if any. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ 6HF0HQX,QWUR To get into the Service Menu Mode review "Function 3, Portals™ Service Menu" on the previous page. Push down the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button to begin. Looking at the Video Display you will momentarily see the introductory screen "Service Menu" with a satellite flying from right to left pulling a banner "Portals©TM" followed by the MAIN MENU: 0$,1 0(18 Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 2. ',$*1267,&6 0(18 Go To Diagnostics Menu Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 3. $8',76 0(18 Go To Audits Menu Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 4. $'-8670(176 0(18 Go To Adjustments Menu *2 72 $8',76 0(18 *2 72 &2,/ 0(18 1st Audit of Game Generic Group 1st Audit of Game Earnings Group *2 72 6:,7&+ 0(18 63, $8',76 1st Adjustment of Game Specific Group ($51,1*6 $8',76 1st Adjustment of Game Generic Group +,*+ 52//(5 &$6,12 63, $'-8670(176 $'-8670(176 *2 72 ',$*1267,&6 0(18 *2 72 /$03 0(18 1st Audit of Game Specific Group $8',76 +,*+ 52//(5 &$6,12 Direct Access to Adjustment 34, Custom Message &86720 0(66$*( *2 72 $'-8670(176 0(18 &/($5 %$// 7528*+ IN TEST IN TEST Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 3. 35,17(5 68%0(18 Go To Audits Menu *2 72 +(/3 6&5((1 1-800-KICKERS (USA Setting) 6(59,&( 3+21( Special Equipment is required. Special Equipment is required. 7(&+1,&,$1 $/(57 )8// 35,17287 REQUEST INSTALLED 5(6(7 *$0( $8',76 48,&. 35,17287 REQUEST INSTALLED 5(6(7 &2,1 $8',76 ([LWV EDFN WR $WWUDFW 0RGH 48,7 7+,6 6(66,21 PLAYFIELD STATUS Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 5. 5(6(7 0(18 Go To Reset Menu Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 6. GAME FUSES LISTING *2 72 )86(6 /,67 7(67 )/$6+ /$036 *2 72 35,17(5 0(18 (Back to Attract Mode) REQUEST INSTALLED ),/0 67$5 5(6(7 *2 72 5(6(7 0(18 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,FRQ7UHHIRU+LJK5ROOHU&DVLQR3LQEDOO*DPH IN TEST %(*,1 3/$< 7(67 Nº of Copies Printed is reset. 5(6(7 35,17(5 (Back to Attract Mode) REQUEST INSTALLED )$&725< 5(6(7 See the next page for "Summary of Common Icons" or reference Sec. 3, Chapter 7. +(/3 6&5((1 Go To Help Screen Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 2. 6:,7&+ 7(67 68%0(18 Go To Switch Menu IN TEST IN TEST IN TEST '(',&$7(' 6:,7&+ 7(67 IN TEST IN TEST $&7,9( 6:,7&+ 7(67 &<&/,1* &2,/ 7(67 6,1*/( &2,/ 7(67 IN TEST IN TEST Q&A &2,/ )/2: &+$57 IN TEST 6/27 ',63/$< 7(67 IN TEST '27 0$75,; 7(67 View the schematic (DRAWing) of current display INCREMENT (+) displayed value or select next... RUN (or activate) selected test Indicates MORE Icons to the RIGHT. Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 2. )/2: &+$57 68%0(18 Dr. Pinball Menus IN TEST &2/801 /$03 7(67 IN TEST %(*,1 %851 ,1 Go to the NEXT / Move forward or RIGHT DECREMENT (-) displayed value or select previous... Go to the PREVIOUS / Move backward or LEFT Indicates MORE Icons to the LEFT. 6XPPDU\ RI &RPPRQ ,FRQV IN TEST 52: /$03 7(67 IN TEST IN TEST 7(67 $// /$036 6281' 63($.(5 7(67 ),5( .12&.(5 6,1*/( /$03 7(67 6:,7&+ 7(67 Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 2. &2,/ 7(67 68%0(18 Go To Coil Menu Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 2. /$03 7(67 68%0(18 Go To Lamp Menu Reference current Game Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 2. ',$*1267,&6 0(18 Go To Diagnostics Menu '5 3,1%$// PULSE Coil in Dr. Pinball Go to HELP Screen of current menu Answer NO or YES in Dr. Pinball Flow Chart Menus Q&A /$03 )/2: &+$57 IN TEST 67(33(5 02725 7(67 END Coil selection to select new Coil in Dr. Pinball Flow Chart QUIT Portals Service Menu Session Go back to PREVIOUS menu Q&A 6:,7&+ )/2: &+$57 IN TEST 528/(77( 2372 7(67 *$0( 63(&,),& Reference current Game 68%0(18 Manual, Sec. 3, Chapter 2. Go To Game Specific Menu 63(&,),&N +,*+ 52//(5 &$6,12 3RUWDOV ™ 6HU YLFH0HQX([DPSOH This example will demonstrate activation of Icons in the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. The example will show activation of the "SW" Icon (GO TO SWITCH MENU). In this menu, the switches can be tested individually and also all active switches can be tested. Use the same technique to access all the Icons in the Portals™ Service Menu. Follow Portals™ Service Menu Icon Tree on the previous pages as a guide to help navigate through the entire system (Also, go to the chapter in this manual explaining the icon(s) selected.). D If the display is in any other menu other than the MAIN MENU, use the Red "LEFT" & Green "RIGHT" Buttons to select the "PREV" Icon and press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate the ICON thus moving back to the previous menu. Do so until MAIN MENU appears. Chapters 2 through 7 will cover all menu items within the Portals™ Service Menu. The Icon is shown preceding the text. Find the Icon in the Portals™ Service Menu by navigating with the Red or Green Buttons. Each chapter started is from the MAIN MENU. Within the chapter, the sub-menu’s will be covered sequentially with their explanation & function. If the operator "gets lost", select and activate the "PREV" Icon until the display indicates MAIN MENU. For more help, see Chapter 7. The "MORE" symbols are indicating that "more icons" are available which don’t appear in the display and which way to move the selection to view the Icons. ,PSRUWDQW1RWH Exit any sub-menu and return to the MAIN MENU by selecting & activating the "PREV" Icons. If no Icons appear in the display because of a testing function or special display (e.g. Help, Schematic Display, etc.), press any service button to exit to the previous menu or sub-menu. 6HF0HQX,QWUR Selecting & activating the "QUIT" Icon from any display will exit the Service Session. Selecting & activating the "HELP" Icon will show a help screen. (An explanation of each Mini-Icon at that level will cycle continuously until any active button is pressed.) Example: From the MAIN MENU, use the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Buttons to select the "DIAG" Icon (GO TO DIAGNOSTICS MENU). 0$,1 *272',$*1267,&60(18 0$,1 Press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this ICON. This will bring up the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. ',$* *2726:,7&+0(18 ',$* The DIAGNOSTICS MENU now appears with the "SW" Icon (GO TO SWITCH MENU) flashing. Press the Black Button to activate this icon. This will bring up the SWITCH TEST MENU. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ The SWITCH TEST MENU now appears with the "TEST" Icon (SWITCH TEST) flashing: Press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate this icon. This will bring up the Switch Test Display. 6: 6:,7&+ 7(67 6: The Switch Test Display now appears. 6:,7&+ 7(67 '225 %877216 23(5$7( 0(18 All switches can be tested one at a time (When possible, use a pinball to close any playfield switches; rolling the ball at Stand-Up Targets or over/under switches is suggested. Use finger for all non-playfield switches.) As each switch is closed, the respective Switch Matrix Grid Position (1-64) will be lit. To view the schematic for the switch selected, press the Red or Green Buttons to select the "DRAW" Icon. Press the Black Button to activate this icon. This will bring up the Switch Schematic Display for the switch being closed. 3/80% %2% 7,/7 :+7*5< &3861' &13 8 *519,2 &13 4 An example is shown with Switch #56, Plumb Bob Tilt, selected. The display describes the switch in the Switch Matrix which includes the name of the switch, the Return (Row) Wire and the Drive (Column) Wire, drive transistor, the part number (not shown in the above example) and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/Sound Board. While in Switch or Active Switch Tests, the Flipper & Start Buttons are deactivated. Use the Red "LEFT," Green "RIGHT" and/or Black "ENTER" Buttons to select and activate the "MINI-ICONS" at the bottom of the display. In Switch Test, if the "Left Arrow" or "Right Arrow" Icon is activated, the display will go to the previous tests (Active and Dedicated Switch Tests). Use the Red or Green Buttons to change the selected ICON to "PREV"Icon. Press the Black "ENTER" Button to go to the previous menu. Note: In Dedicated Switch Test, the Flipper & Start Buttons are to be used instead of the Red, Green & Black Service Buttons, as these buttons are deactivated for this test. Exit out of the sub-menu by activating the big "PREV" Icon in the menu. This will bring up the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. The Switch Test Session is now complete. See the next page about exiting the Portals Service Menu. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ 6HF0HQX,QWUR 121( ([LWLQJWKH3RUWDOV ™ 6HU YLFH0HQX All Icons will be covered in the chapters of this section with the exception of the "QUIT" Icon, in the MAIN MENU. Both the large and small Icons if selected and activated, will exit the user from the Portals™ Service Menu. The display will return back to the ATTRACT MODE! To re-enter the Portals™ Service Menu follow the instructions at the beginning of this chapter. D 0$,1 48,77+,66(66,21 0$,1 If more help is required, see Chapter 7 of this section, and view the various help displays in the game. <RXU1RWHV 6HF0HQX,QWUR 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3RUWDOV™ 6HUYLFH0HQX,QWURGXFWLRQ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX S p e c i a l N o t e : If the display flashes "OPEN THE DOOR" the game is indicating that memory has been corrupted. This is caused be either failure in memory (e.g. batteries are dead and/or faulty RAM) or upon installation of updated version of game code. Opening the Coin Door will initiate a Factory Restore (Reset), by opening the Memory Protect Switch. Check battery voltage at VBATT Test Point on the CPU/Sound Board. 2YHU YLHZ The Portals™ Service Menu System provides tests for sounds, display, lamps, switches and coils. Each feature may be tested manually or automatically after entering the Portals™ Service Menu (see Chapter 1 of this section). Select the "DIAG" Icon from the MAIN MENU to go to the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. The automatic tests (e.g. Cycling Coils, Test Flash Lamps) may be used for a quick verification of automatic test functions and the manual tests (Begin Play Test, Single Lamp / All / Row / Column Tests, and Game Specific Test.) may be used for troubleshooting. All Icons and there usages are explained throughout this chapter. CAUTION: Remove pinballs from the Ball Trough prior to lifting the playfield for servicing. This can easily be done in the Portals™ Service Menu System. Select the "DIAG" Icon from the MAIN MENU to go to the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. Select the "CLR" Icon to enter the CLEAR BALL TROUGH MENU. Select the "RUN" Icon & press the Start Button to remove one ball at a time. This is also useful to retrieve one ball for game testing in Begin Play Test & Game Specific Test. Important: The Power Interlock Switch must be pulled out. *272',$*1267,& 60(18 With the game in the Attract Mode, open the Coin Door and press the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Select the "DIAG" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either Flipper or Red "LEFT" & Green "Right" Buttons (upon entry of the Portals™ Service Menu, the system defaults with the selection of the "DIAG" Icon flashing) and press the Start or Black "ENTER" Buttons. The DIAGNOSTICS MENU appears. The "MORE" symbols are indicating that "more icons" are available which don’t appear in the display and which way to move the selection to view the Icons. ,PSRUWDQW1RWHV Exit any sub-menu and return to the MAIN MENU by selecting & activating the "PREV" Icons. If no Icons appear in the display because of a testing function or special display (e.g. "Help"), press any button to exit. Selecting & activating the "QUIT" Icon from any display will exit the Service Session. Selecting & activating the "HELP" Icon from any display will show a help screen. (An explanation of each Mini-Icon at that level will cycle continuously until any active button is pressed.) In Diagnostics, selecting & activating the "-" or "+" Icons moves test forwards/backwards. Selecting & activating the "RUN" Icon repeats the test on the coil or flash lamp left off at. Selecting & activating the "ARROW" Icons moves between tests in the sub-menu. Selecting & activating the "DRAW" Icon will show the schematic for that switch or coil. Some tests require navigation through the menu(s) and selection of the Icons with ONLY the Red "LEFT," Green "RIGHT" and Black "ENTER" Buttons. This is required in Switch & Active Switch Tests, as the Flipper & Start Buttons are a part of the test. In Single Coil Test, Cycling Coil Test, Test Flash Lamps, Clear Ball Trough, Begin Play Test & Casino Specific Menu’s, the Power Interlock Switch (inside Coin Door) must be pulled out. (See Access & Use in Chapter 1 of this section for the location.) ,I WKH VXFK 3RZHU DV ,QWHUORFN &RLOV 6ZLWFK FDQQRW EH &RLQ 'RRU 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX LV WHVWHG ZLOO QRW Y SXOOHG RXW Y DXWRPDWLFDOO\ '& DOO H O H F W U R P H F K D Q L F D O SRZHU UH V H W WKLV LV GLVDEOHG GHYLFHV &ORVLQJ WKH VZLWFK 6HF'LDJ0HQX During game play, activation of switches and operation of coils with associated switches are monitored. If the CPU/Sound Board does not detect a switch transition ("Stuck Open" / "Stuck Closed") for 50 games, it is considered faulty. When operation of a coil should close or open a switch and does not, the coil is considered faulty. In the Attract Mode, faulty switches and coils (if any) are reported (Select the "TECH" Icon, Technician Alert, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU). Note that reporting of an unused switch does not constitute a problem and that a bad coil could mean that the associated switch requires adjustment. *R7R6ZLWFK0HQX From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "SW" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Switches are configured in an 8 x 8 Matrix of Columns (Switch Drives) and Rows (Switch Returns) with up to 64 switches possible. The Switch Test Menu consists of three (3) parts: Switch Test, Active Switches, and Dedicated Switch Test. Note: The Flipper & Start Buttons are deactivated during Switch Tests. D 6ZLWFK7HVW To initiate, from the SWITCH MENU, select the "TEST" Icon with the Red or Green Button & press the Black Button. In Switch Test, close each switch and observe the display. The display will describe the switch in the Switch Matrix, which includes the switch name, Return (Row) Wire, Drive (Column) Wire, Part Nº, and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/SOUND Board. When the switch is released, the information of the last switch closed will remain in the display until another switch is closed or the test is exited. To view the switch schematic, select the "DRAW" Mini-Icon with the Red or Green Button & press the Black Button. $FWLYH6ZLWFK7HVW To initiate, from the SWITCH MENU, select the "ACT" Icon with either Red or Green Button & press the Black Button. If still in a previous test, select the "PREV" Icon to return to Switch Menu or selecting either of the "ARROW" Icons will move through the tests. If any switches are stuck closed (or made from the presence of a pinball), the display sequences through the Switch Names, Return (Row) Wire, Drive (Column) Wire, Drive Transistor, Part Nº, and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/SOUND Board. This cycle continues until all switches are cleared or until the test is exited. 'HGLFDWHG6ZLWFK7HVW 6HF'LDJ0HQX To initiate, from the SWITCH MENU, select the "DED" Icon with either Flipper Button & press the Start Button (The service switches are deactivated during this test.). The display will describe the switch which includes the Switch Name, Return (Row) Wire, Drive (Column) Wire, Part Nº, and the "Pin-Outs" from the CPU/SOUND Board. 6:,7&+0$75,;*5,''(',&$7('6:,7&+(6 D iode O n T erminal S trip : &ROXPQ 'ULYH 5RZ 5HWXUQ 8 127 86(' :+7%51 &13 8 127 86(' :+75(' &13 8 127 86(' :+725* &13 8 127 86(' :+7<(/ &13 8 127 86(' :+7*51 &13 8 127 86(' :+7%/8 &13 8 127 86(' :+79,2 &13 8 127 86(' :+7*5< &13 4 127 86(' *51%51 &13 LEFT BUTTON (UK ONLY) on Cabinet side 4TH COIN SLOT On Coin Door 6TH COIN SLOT On Coin Door RIGHT COIN SLOT On Coin Door CENTER COIN SLOT / DBA On Coin Door LEFT COIN SLOT On Coin Door 5TH COIN SLOT On Coin Door RIGHT BUTTON (UK ONLY) on Cabinet side 4 127 86(' *515(' &13 LEFT CHIP [S.U. TRGT] Under Playfield ROLL DICE (S.U. TRGT) Under Playfield 4-BALL TROUGH #1 (LEFT) On Assembly 4-BALL TROUGH #2 On Assembly 4-BALL TROUGH #3 On Assembly 4-BALL TROUGH VUK OPTO On Assembly 4-BALL STACKING OPTO On Assembly SHOOTER LANE Under Playfield 4 127 86(' *5125* &13 2 / HEARTS DROP [TARGET] On Assembly 2/DIAMONDS DROP [TARGET] ' 2 7 6 ' 2 7 6 4 127 86(' *51<(/ &13 3-BALL LOCK LOW [WIRE RAMP] On Assembly 3-BALL LOCK MIDDLE [WIRE RAMP] On Assembly 4/DIAMONDS ' 3-BALL LOCK 2 DROP 7 HIGH 6 [WIRE RAMP] [TARGET] On Assembly On Assembly A / SPADES ' LEFT 21 HIT 2 DROP 7 STANDUP 6 [TARGET] [TARGET] Under Playfield Under Playfield A / DIAMONDS RIGHT 21 HIT STANDUP STANDUP [TARGET] [TARGET] On Assembly Under Playfield JOKER UPPER RIGHT STANDUP STANDUP [TARGET] [TARGET] Under Playfield Under Playfield 3 / DIAMONDS RIGHT STANDUP CHIP [TARGET] [TARGET] On Assembly Under Playfield POP ENTRY OPTO SPINNER [BALL LOCK] On Assembly Under Playfield On Assembly 7\SLFDO 6ZLWFK 6FKHPDWLF :LULQJ 4 127 86(' *51%/. &13 TOP SLOT OPTO TOP ENTRY MIDDLE SLOT OPTO BASH On Assembly BOT. SLOT OPTO R. ENTRY On Assembly MIDDLE RAMP LEFT ENTRY On Ramp Assy. MIDDLE RAMP RIGHT ENTRY On Ramp Assy. 1ST UP / DOWN RAMP [SLOT MACH.] On Assembly LEFT ORBIT GATE Above Playfield LEFT RAMP EXIT On Ramp Assy. On Assembly Note: All Switches require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips OR Diode Boards (under playfield) & not on the switch itself. D iode O n T erminal S trip 4 127 86(' *51%/8 &13 ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 1 On Assembly ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 2 On Assembly ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 3 On Assembly ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 4 On Assembly LEFT ORBIT Under Playfield RIGHT ORBIT Under Playfield TOP LEFT SLINGSHOT On Assembly TOP RIGHT SLINGSHOT On Assembly 4 127 86(' *519,2 &13 4 127 86(' *51*5< &13 *1' ,& 8 ,13876 LEFT BUMPER On Assembly RIGHT BUMPER On Assembly LEFT OUTLANE Under Playfield LEFT RETURN LANE LEFT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] BOTTOM BUMPER *5<%51 &13 Under Playfield On Assembly 2ND UP / DOWN RAMP RIGHT [SLOT MACH.] OUTLANE On Assembly Under Playfield RIGHT ROULETTE RETURN SPIN LANE Cabinet Front Under Playfield RIGHT START SLINGSHOT BUTTON [BOTTOM] Cabinet Front On Assembly On Assembly 8 *5<5(' &13 SLAM TILT PLUMB BOB TILT Inside Cabinet *5<<(/ &13 8 127 86(' *5<*51 &13 8 *5<%/8 &13 8 *5<9,2 &13 NOT USED 8 NOT USED 8 *5<25* &13 On Coin Door 8 8 *5<%/. &13 *URXQG %/. &13 3 #1 LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON in Cabinet side #2 LEFT FLIPPER E.O.S (End-of-Stroke) in Cabinet side #3 RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON in Cabinet side #4 RIGHT FLIPPER E.O.S. (End-of-Stroke) in Cabinet side #5 NOT USED in Cabinet side '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 #6 VOLUME (RED BUTTON) (In Test: LEFT) '6 #7 SERV. CRED. (GREEN BUTTON) (In Test: RIGHT) on Coin Door '6 #8 BEGIN TEST (BLACK BUTTON) (In Test: ENTER) on Coin Door '6 on Coin Door 'HGLFDWHG 6ZLWFK 6FKHP D iode O n D iode B oard 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6ZLWFK0DWUL[*ULG'HVFULSWLRQVZLWK3DUW1XPEHUVDQG/RFDWLRQV The Switch locations correspond with the Switch Nº in the Part Number Table shown & the Switch Matrix Grid (previous page). '6 '6 '6 1 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8 9 10 11 12 13 '6 Sw. 14 / Sw. 15 have both REC/TRANS on 1 board respectively. Sw. 33, 34, 35 are located on 1 PCB each for Trans. & Rec. DOTS: Diode On Terminal Strip, or DODB: Diode On Diode Board ‡ Legend Note: = Switches mounted above playfield. = Switches mounted below playfield. * The following switches are located in the cabinet and are not noted in the diagram above: The following switches are not used ( Switches for Future Use: 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX are UK Only): 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 14‡ 2 6 15‡ 2 7 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 32 4 8 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55* 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 56* 7 8 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '2'% '2'% '2'% '2'% '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 '276 6ZLWFK 0DWUL[ 'HVFULSWLRQ 3DUW Nº Note: The ¥ Coin Switch (for Japan) is 180-5091-00 LEFT BUTTON (UK ONLY) 180-5160-00 4TH COIN SLOT 180-5024-00 6TH COIN SLOT (Future Use) RIGHT COIN SLOT 180-5024-00 CENTER COIN SLOT / DBA LEFT COIN SLOT 5TH COIN SLOT (Future Use) RIGHT BUTTON (UK ONLY) 180-5160-00 LEFT CHIP 500-6139-01 ROLL DICE 500-6228-04 4-BALL TROUGH #1 (LEFT) 180-5119-02 4-BALL TROUGH #2 4-BALL TROUGH #3 4-BALL TROUGH BOT TRANS: 515-5173-00 VUK OPTO BOT REC: 515-5174-00 4-BALL TOP TRANS: 515-5173-00 STACKING OPTO TOP REC: 515-5174-00 SHOOTER LANE 180-5100-01 2 / HEARTS DROP 2 / DIAMONDS DROP 180-5158-00 4 / DIAMONDS DROP A / SPADES A / DIAMONDS 500-6189-01R JOKER STANDUP 3 / DIAMONDS STANDUP SPINNER 180-5010-04 3-BALL LOCK LOW 180-5119-02 3-BALL LOCK MIDDLE 3-BALL LOCK HIGH LEFT 21 HIT STANDUP 500-6138-02 RIGHT 21 HIT STANDUP 500-6139-02 UPPER RIGHT STANDUP 500-6075-01R RIGHT CHIP 500-6139-01 TRANS: 520-5082-00 POP ENTRY OPTO REC: 520-5083-01 TOP SLOT OPTO - TOP TRANS: 515-7121-01-65 MID SLOT OPTO - BASH REC: 515-7121-00-65 BOT. SLOT OPTO - R. ENTRY See Note MIDDLE RAMP LEFT ENTRY on Gate 180-5087-00 MIDDLE RAMP RIGHT ENTRY 180-5093-00 1ST UP / DOWN RAMP 180-5119-02 LEFT ORBIT GATE on Gate 180-5087-00 LEFT RAMP EXIT on Gate ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 1 ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 2 520-5194-01 ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 3 ROULETTE WHEEL OPTO 4 LEFT ORBIT on Rt. Mount R/O 500-6227-02 RIGHT ORBIT on Rt. Mount R/O TOP LEFT SLINGSHOT Leaf Sw. X2 180-5054-00 TOP RIGHT SLINGSHOT Leaf Sw. X2 LEFT BUMPER 180-5015-03 RIGHT BUMPER BOTTOM BUMPER 2ND UP/DOWN RAMP 180-5175-00 ROULETTE SPIN 180-5119-02 START BUTTON 180-5174-00 Switch Only SLAM TILT 180-5022-00 On Coin Door HANGER 535-5319-00 PLUMB BOB TILT CONTACT 535-7563-01 LEFT OUTLANE on Rt. Mount R/O 500-6227-02 LEFT RETURN LANE on Rt. Mount R/O LEFT SLINGSHOT 180-5054-00 Leaf Sw. X2 RIGHT OUTLANE on Rt. Mount R/O 500-6227-02 RIGHT RETURN LANEon Rt. Mount R/O RIGHT SLINGSHOT Leaf Sw. X2 180-5054-00 NOT USED NOT USED 6HF'LDJ0HQX Sw. Col. Row 6HH Nº Nº Nº 1RWH *R7R&RL O0HQX From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "COIL" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The coils are listed in groups. Coils 01-16 are typically High Current Coils (although Low Current Coils may be used in these positions & will be noted). Coils 17-32 are typically Low Current Coils. Flash Lamps are typically used in positions 26-32 (although may be used in any position & will be noted), read Single Coil Test below. D 6LQJOH&RLO7HVW To initiate, from the COIL MENU, select the "TEST" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Ensure the Power Interlock Switch is pulled out. Select either the "-" or "+" Icons. Start with the "+" Icon to start the manual Coil Test from #1 (The test runs through all Coils and Flash Lamps #1-#32 & AUX 1-3 (Auxilliary Positions are Optional UK Only). Press the Black Button on the "+" Icon, as each coil is selected, the display will describe the Coil or Flash Lamp Name with the corresponding number, the wire with colors, the "Pin-Outs" from the I/O Power Driver Board, the Coil Voltage & Gauge-Turns (e.g. 23-800). Press the Black Button again to move forward in the test. To test and view a particular Coil or Flash Lamp, select the "RUN" Icon and press the Black Button. Each time the Black Button is pushed, the Coil or Flash Lamp will fire on the Playfield and/or Backbox, with the display indicating the Coil or Flash Lamp information. Continue with the same procedure to run through the entire test. Important: The Power Interlock Switch must be pulled out for this test to function while the Coin Door is OPEN. &\FOLQJ&RLO7HVW 6HF'LDJ0HQX To initiate, from the COIL MENU, select the "CYC" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. If still in a previous test, select the "PREV" Icon to return to Coil Menu or selecting either of the "ARROW" Icons will move to Cycling Coil Test (selecting agaIn will return to Coil Test). The test pulses each regular Coil or Flash Lamp sequentially (cycling) on the Playfield and Backbox. The display indicates "CYCLING COILS." Important: The Power Interlock Switch must be pulled out for this test to function while the Coin Door is OPEN. 7\SH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Flash Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil &RLO)ODVK/DPS'HVFULSWLRQV &RLO )ODVK /DPS 'HVFULSWLRQV 7\SH 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TROUGH UP-KICKER (VUK) (26-1200) AUTO LAUNCH (22-600) DROP TARGET RESET (23-1100) NOT USED SLOT HANDLE (32-1800) NOT USED ROULETTE WHEEL MOTOR FLASH: ROULETTE (#906 Bulb) LEFT BUMPER (26-1200) RIGHT BUMPER (26-1200) BOTTOM BUMPER (26-1200) NOT USED ORBIT MAGNET (24-780) CENTER DIVERTER (23-1100) LEFT FLIPPER [50V RED/YEL] (22-900) RIGHT FLIPPER [50V RED/YEL] (22-1080) Coil Coil Coil Coil Flash Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Coil Flash Flash Flash &RLO )ODVK /DPS 'HVFULSWLRQV LEFT SLINGSHOT (23-800) RIGHT SLINGSHOT (23-800) TOP LEFT SLINGSHOT (23-800) TOP RIGHT SLINGSHOT (23-800) FLASH: LOCK BALL (#906 Bulb) POPS ENTRY POST (27-1500) BALL LOCK POST (27-1500) (OPTIONAL COIN METER) LEFT RAMP DIVERTER (27-1500) STEPPER MOTOR (RED) STEPPER MOTOR (GREEN) STEPPER MOTOR (BLACK) STEPPER MOTOR (BLUE) FLASH: DIVERTER (#906 Bulb) FLASH: POPS*2 (#89 Bulb) FLASH: SLOT MACHINE (#906 Bulb) See the next three (3) pages for the Coil & Flash Lamp Location Maps (corresponds to above tables), Coils Detailed Chart Table & the Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram. $QRGH 1RQ %DQGHG 6LGH Note: All Coils require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips (under playfield) & not on the coil itself. D iode On T erminal S trip 7\SLFDO &RLO :LULQJ 1N4004 &DWKRGH %DQGHG 6LGH 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 9ROWDJH 'ULYH 7UDQVLVWRU 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX &RLO)ODVK/DPS/RFDWLRQV 6HF'LDJ0HQX $X[ $X[ $X[ Use the previous page and the following two (2) pages in conjunction with above Coil and Flash Lamp Maps. Legend Note: The following Bulb Types are used for Flash Lamps: = Coils and Flash Lamps mounted above playfield. #89 Bulb (Bayonet) 165-5000-89 = Coils and Flash Lamps mounted below playfield. The following Coil is optional: The following Coil(s) are Not Used: 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX #906 Bulb (Wedge Base) 165-5004-00 The following Coils are for UK Only: $X[ $X[ $X[ ) )URP WKH 0DLQ™0HQX LQ 3RUWDOV *2 72 ',$*1267,&6 0(18 +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS )URP WKH 'LDJQRVWLFV 0HQX *2 72 &2,/ 0(18 )URP WKH &RLO 0HQX *2 72 &2,/ 7(67 )URP WKH &RLO 0HQX *2 72 &<&/,1* &2,/6 &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type D 26-1200 #1 TROUGH UP-KICKER Q1 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-BLK J8-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5044-00T #2 AUTO LAUNCH Q2 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-RED J8-P3 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5023-00B #3 DROP TARGET RESET Q3 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-ORG J8-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #4 NOT USED Q4 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-YEL J8-P5 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-0000-00T #5 SLOT HANDLE Q5 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-GRN J8-P6 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5031-00T #6 NOT USED Q6 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-BLU J8-P7 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #7 ROULETTE WHEEL MOTOR Q7 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-VIO J8-P8 BRN J7-P1 20v DC #8 FLASH: ROULETTE Q8 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-GRY J8-P9 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 Bulb 50v DC #906 165-5004-00 +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS 22-600 23-1100 090-5030-00T 32-1520 32-1800 XX-YYY 090-0000-00T Motor 041-5078-00 Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Q9 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-BRN J9-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #10 RIGHT BUMPER Q10 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-RED J9-P2 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5044-00T #11 BOTTOM BUMPER Q11 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-ORG J9-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5044-00T Q12 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-YEL J9-P5 Q13 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-GRN J9-P6 #14 CENTER RAMP DIVERTER Q14 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-BLK J9-P7 #15 LEFT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q15 I/O Pwr. Drvr. ORG-GRY J9-P8 #9 LEFT BUMPER #12 NOT USED %$ 0v DC Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 090-5044-00T 26-1200 26-1200 XX-YYY 090-0000-00T 24-780 6HF'LDJ0HQX Q16 I/O Pwr. Drvr. ORG-VIO J9-P9 VIO-YEL BLK RED-YEL GRY-YEL RED-YEL GRY-YEL RED-YEL BLU-YEL /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Coil GA-Turn or Meter # #17 LEFT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] Q17 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BRN J7-P2 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5001-00T #18 RIGHT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] Q18 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-RED J7-P3 BRN J7-P1 20v DC #19 TOP LEFT SLINGSHOT Q19 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-ORG J7-P4 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5001-00T #20 TOP RIGHT SLINGSHOT Q20 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-YEL J7-P6 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5001-00T #21 FLASH: LOCK BALL Q21 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-GRN J7-P7 ORG J6-P10 #22 POPS ENTRY POST Q22 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BLU J7-P8 BRN J7-P1 Bulb 20v DC #906 165-5004-00 27-1500 20v DC #23 BALL LOCK POST Q23 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BLK J7-P9 BRN J7-P1 20v DC #24 OPTIONAL COIN METER Q24 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-GRY J7-P10 RED J16-P7 5v DC Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Q25 I/O Pwr. Drvr. J6-P1 20v DC I/O Pwr. Drvr. J16-P3 Q27 I/O Pwr. Drvr. Step. Mtr. 20v DC 041-5062-01 20v DC Step. Mtr. Q28 I/O Pwr. Drvr. Q29 I/O Pwr. Drvr. #30 FLASH: DIVERTER Q30 I/O Pwr. Drvr. J6-P6 BRN GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT ORG J7-P1 Q26 BLK-BRN BLK-RED to RED BLK-ORG to GRN BLK-YEL to BLK BLK-GRN to BLU BLK-BLU J6-P10 #31 FLASH: POPS*2 Q31 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-VIO J6-P7 ORG J6-P10 #13 ORBIT MAGNET #16 RIGHT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) J10-P3 50v DC 090-5061-00 J10-P1/2 50v DC 090-5030-00T J10-P1/2 50v DC 23-1100 22-900 090-5020-20T 22-1080 J10-P1/2 50v DC 090-5032-00T 23-800 23-800 090-5001-00T 23-800 23-800 090-5004-00T 27-1500 090-5004-00T Meter 5v 091-5000-00 D iode O n T erminal S trip (if noted) /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS #25 LEFT RAMP DIVERTER #26 STEPPER MOTOR (RED) #27 STEPPER MOTOR (GREEN) #28 STEPPER MOTOR (BLACK) #29 STEPPER MOTOR (BLUE) %$ %$ %$ %$ J6-P2 J6-P3 J6-P4 J6-P5 J16-P3 J16-P3 J16-P3 Bulb Type 27-1500 090-5004-00T 041-5062-01 Step. Mtr. 20v DC 041-5062-01 20v DC Step. Mtr. 041-5062-01 Bulb 20v DC #906 165-5004-00 20v DC #89 Bulb 165-5000-89 Bulb Q32 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-GRY J6-P8 ORG J6-P10 20v DC #906 #32 FLASH: SLOT MACHINE 165-5004-00 1RWH ,Q 7HVW )ODVK /DPSV 0HQX )ODVK ,FRQ )ODVKHUV WHVWHG DUH DOO )ODVK /DPSV ORFDWHG EHWZHHQ 44 7KLV *DPH $X[LOOLDU\ 8. 21/< Drive Transistor (D.T.) AUX 1: LEFT UP/DOWN POST Q1 AUX 2: CENTER UP/DOWN POST Q2 AUX 3: RIGHT UP/DOWN POST Q3 Driver Ouput Board Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage WHT J3-P11 BRN J7-P1 20v DC RED J3-P10 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5030-00T ORG J3-P9 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5044-00T Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 090-5044-00T 23-1100 26-1200 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram FROM D iode On T erminal S trip Partial View I/O Power Driver Board 520-5137-01 J2 & J3 Optional use of a Printer Interface, see Sec. 5, Chp. 3, ... Coin Door Wiring ..., Pg. 98 For UK USE ONLY Left Ramp Q25 Diverter Stepper Motor Q26 (Red) Stepper Motor Q27 (Green) 4 Stepper Motor Q28 (Black) 5 FROM J7P1 Low Power +20v DC I/O BD. BRN Stepper Motor Q29 (Blue) 26-1200 AUX 1 4 RED 23-1100 AUX 2 3 ORG 26-1200 Flash: Q30 Diverter Flash: Q31 Pops*2 AUX 3 1 GND CN2 Flash: Q32 Slot Machine Diodes (1N4004) are located on Terminal Strips below the playfield. Page 95 shows location and details. D D D # 25 BLK-RED # 26 BLK-ORG # 27 BLK-YEL # 28 BLK-GRN # 29 BLK-BLU # 30 BLK-VIO # 31 BLK-GRY # 32 D O T S O T S O T S O T S RED Stepper Motor (SPI 041-5062-01) WHT BLK GRN WHT BLU Haydon Nº 36864-12 ?? Bulb X1 #89 7 Bulb X2 #906 8 10 J7 Solenoid Expander PC (Auxilliary) Board J3 27-1500 #906 6 5 WHT 12 Left Q1 11 BLU-WHT 4 Up/Down Post 10 GRN-WHT 2 Center BRN-WHT 1 9 Up/Down Q2 Post 8 Right 7 Up/Down Q3 6 Post 5 3 CN1 2 1 2 3 (Skill Shots: Left & Right Up/Down Posts, and Center Up/Down Post) For a detailed Schematic of the Solenoid Expander Bd. and the Component Layout & Parts, see Sec. 5, Chp. 4, PCBs, Page 136 J6 1 BLK-BRN J16- GRY-RED P3 Power Out I/O BD. +12v DC 1 Bulb X1 ORG 20V DC LOW POWER BRN 20V DC LOW POWER Transformer 4 +16v AC J17P6 I/O BD. BRIDGE 2 20V LOW CURRENT COILS GND Top Left Q19 Slingshot 6 Top Right Q20 Slingshot Flash: Q21 Lock Ball BRDG 2 FROM 8 Pops Q22 Entry Post Transformer +16v AC 9 5A Slo-Blo J17P7 I/O BD. Ball Q23 Lock Post F7 10 FROM Optional Q24 Coin Meter BLU-WHT Transformer +13v AC J17P8 I/O BD. BRIDGE 20 CONTROLLED LAMPS GND FROM J13P10 I/O BD. BRDG 20 BLU-WHT Transformer FROM +13v AC BLU 8A Slo-Blo J17P9 I/O BD. F22 7A Slo-Blo BRIDGE 1 50V HIGH CURRENT COILS F6 FROM BLK-YEL AC Voltages IN GND +48v AC Q1 Auto Launch Q2 Drop Target Reset Q3 Not Used Q4 Slot Handle Q5 Not Used Q6 Roulette Wheel Motor Q7 LAMP COLUMNS +18v DC J11P3 I/O BD. Trough Up-Kicker 3A Slo-Blo Flash: Roulette Q8 J11P2 I/O BD. 3A Slo-Blo FROM J10P3 I/O BD. AC Voltages IN FROM BLK-ORG +48v AC VIO-YEL +50v DC Note: All Coils require diodes. Some diodes may be located on Terminal Strips & not on the coil itself. D iode On T erminal S trip For the Playfield Terminal Strips, Fuses & Misc. Wiring Descriptions & Locations, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. VIO-YEL 23-800 Q1-Q16 STP20N10L 110-0106-00 Q17-Q32 TIP122 110-0067-00 For the General Illumination (G.I.) Circuit Detailed Wiring Diagram, see Sec. 5, Chp. 2, Playfield Wiring. Section 3, Chapter 2: Go To Diagnostics Menu Left Bumper Q9 Right Q10 Bumper Bottom Q11 Bumper Not Q12 Used Orbit Q13 Magnet Ctr. Ramp Div’tr Q14 (50v RED/YEL) Left Flipper Q15 (50v RED/YEL) Right Flipper Q16 (50v RED/YEL) # 18 # 19 # 20 VIO-BLU 27-1500 VIO-BLK 27-1500 (VIO-GRY) CABINET 3 4 5 6 7 8 002001 X1 # 22 # 23 FROM # 24 J16RED P8 Power Out I/O BD. +5v DC COIN METER 26-1200 BRN-RED 22-600 BRN-ORG 23-1100 BRN-YEL Not Used BRN-GRN 32-1800 BRN-BLU Bulb # 21 VIO-GRN Not Used #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Roulette Motor (SPI 041-5078-00) FROM #6 BRN-VIO #7 BRN-GRY #8 J7BRN P1 Voltage Outputs I/O BD. +20v DC #906 9 1 2 4 5 6 Bulb X1 YEL-VIO 50V DC HIGH POWER J9 BLU-BRN F20 FOR MAGNET(S) Voltage Outputs 23-800 1 4 5 F21 VIO-ORG J8 BRN-BLK J10 BRDG 1 23-800 #906 7 RED-WHT VIO-RED # 17 ORG 20V DC WHT-RED 23-800 26-1200 BLU-RED 26-1200 BLU-ORG 26-1200 BLU-YEL Not Used BLU-GRN #9 # 10 D iode On T erminal S trip # 11 Diode (1N4004) is located on a Terminal Strip below the playfield. Page 95 shows location and details. # 12 MAGNET # 13 BLK 24-780 BLK Terminal Strip 7 8 9 # 14 GRY-YEL 3A Slo-Blo 22-900 # 15 GRY-YEL 3A Slo-Blo 22-1080 # 16 BLU-YEL 3A Slo-Blo BLU-BLK 23-1100 ORG-GRY ORG-VIO via I/O Pwr. Drv. Bd. F20 3A Slo-Blo FROM J10VIO-YEL P3 Voltage Outputs I/O BD. +50v DC FROM J10RED-YEL P1 / P2 Voltage Outputs I/O BD. +50v DC Fuses are located under playfield NEAR assembly (See Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring) 21 Sec. 3: ... Diag. Menu 3 Right Q18 Slingshot FROM VIO-BRN BRN 20V DC 2 Left Q17 Slingshot S For Replacement Cable Wiring Harness from CN1 (Sol. Exp. Bd.) to J3 (I/O Bd.) use SPI Part Number: 036-5463-29 ORG 20V DC (SPI: 520-5192-00) *R7R/D PS0HQX From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "LAMP" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Controlled lamps are configured in and 8 x 10 Matrix of Columns (Lamp Drives) and Rows (Lamp Returns) with up to 80 lamps possible. The Lamp Test Menu consists of four (4) parts: Single Lamp Test, Test All Lamps, Row Lamp Test and Column Lamp Test. D 6LQJOH/DPS7HVW To initiate, from the LAMP MENU, select the "ONE" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Select either the "-" or "+" Icons. Start with the "+" Icon to start the manual Lamp Test from Column 1, Row 1, Lamp 1. Press the Black Button on the "+" Icon, as each lamp is selected, the lamp will light at it’s location on the playfield as well as the display, indicating the Lamp Matrix Grid Position, lamp name with the corresponding number, Return (Row) Wire & Color, Drive (Column) Wire & Color, and associated drive transistors. Press the Black Button again to move forward in the test. To test and view a particular lamp, select the "RUN" Icon and press the Black Button. Each time the Black Button is pushed, the lamp will light-up on the playfield, with the display indicating the lamp information. Continue with the same procedure to run through the entire test. 7HVW$OO/DPSV To initiate, from the LAMP MENU, select the "ALL" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. If still in Single Lamp Test (or any 1 of the 4 tests), select the "PREV" Icon to return to Lamp Menu or selecting either of the "ARROW" Icons will move through the tests, keep activating until Test All Lamps is displayed. The display will indicate "ALL LAMPS ON" and the lamps on the playfield will be lit, alternating between the rows in the Lamp Matrix Grid. 5 RZ&ROX PQ/DPS7HVWV 6HF'LDJ0HQX To initiate, from the LAMP MENU, select the "ROW" or "COL" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black Button. If still in a previous test, select the "PREV" Icon to return to Lamp Menu or selecting either of the "ARROW" Icons will move through the tests, keep activating until Row or Column Lamp Test (whichever desired) is displayed. In this test, each set of lamps in each Row or Column of the Lamp Matrix Grid (respective to each test) will light-up on the playfield and is indicated in the display. /$030$75,;*5,' D iode O n T erminal S trip : Column (18v) Row (GND) 8 127 86(' <(/%51 -3 8 127 86(' <(/5(' -3 8 127 86(' <(/25* -3 4 127 86(' 5('%/. -3 WON SLOT MACHINE #555 Bulb ( H ) ILO [LT. OUTLANE] #555 Bulb WON POKER #555 Bulb H ( I ) LO [LT. RETURN] #555 Bulb WON HI-LO #555 Bulb HI ( L ) O [RT. RETURN] #555 Bulb 4 127 86(' 5('25* -3 CHIP 1 #555 Bulb CHIP 2 #555 Bulb CHIP 3 #555 Bulb 4 127 86(' 5('%51 -3 4 127 86(' 5('<(/ -3 4 127 86(' 5('*51 -3 4 127 86(' 5('%/8 -3 4 127 86(' 5('9,2 -3 4 127 86(' 5('*5< -3 4 127 86(' 5(':+7 -3 4 127 86(' 5(' -3 2 / HEARTS #555 Bulb LEFT ORBIT ARROW #555 Bulb RAMP ARROW #555 Bulb LEFT CHIP #555 Bulb SPECIAL #555 Bulb BG START (6:00) #555 Bulb BG CASINO GAME (2:00) #555 Bulb 2 / DIAMONDS #555 Bulb PLAY 21 #555 Bulb PLAY ROULETTE #555 Bulb ROLL DICE #555 Bulb EXTRA BALL #555 Bulb BG 3 SLOT SPINS (7:00) #555 Bulb BG 25 MILLION (3:00) #555 Bulb 8 127 86(' <(/%/. -3 8 127 86(' <(/*51 -3 WON ROULETTE #555 Bulb HIL ( O ) [RT. RETURN] #555 Bulb WON CRAPS #555 Bulb LEFT BUMPER #555 Bulb CHIP 4 #555 Bulb CHIP 5 #555 Bulb 4 / DIAMONDS #555 Bulb DOUBLE DOWN #555 Bulb PLAY ROLL-N-WIN #555 Bulb LEFT 21 HIT #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #5 #44 Bulb BG ? (8:00) #555 Bulb BG BONUS X (4:00) #555 Bulb A / SPADES #555 Bulb SLOT MACHINE ARROW #555 Bulb RIGHT ORBIT ARROW #555 Bulb RIGHT 21 HIT #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #6 #44 Bulb BG 10 CHIPS (9:00) #555 Bulb BG LIGHT SPECIAL (5:00) #555 Bulb 8 127 86(' <(/%/8 -3 8 127 86(' <(/9,2 -3 8 127 86(' <(/*5< -3 WON BLACKJACK 21 #555 Bulb RIGHT %$ BUMPER #555 Bulb CASINO FRENZY #555 Bulb BOTTOM BUMPER #555 Bulb CHIP 10 #555 Bulb CHIP 25 #555 Bulb %$ A / DIAMONDS #555 Bulb SPIN SLOT #555 Bulb PLAY HI-LO #555 Bulb LIGHT ROLL_N_WIN #555 Bulb BG SUPER POPS #555 Bulb BG ROLL AGAIN (10:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #7 #44 Bulb JOKER #555 Bulb LOCK BALL #555 Bulb PLAY POKER #555 Bulb RIGHT CHIP #555 Bulb BG SUPER LOOPS #555 Bulb BG LITE EXTRA BALL (11:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL LIGHT #8 #44 Bulb %$ 3 / DIAMONDS #555 Bulb MULTIBALL #555 Bulb BACK PANEL LEFT #1 #44 Bulb BACK PANEL #3 #44 Bulb BG SUPER SURPRISE #555 Bulb BG MULTIBALL (12:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #9 #44 Bulb CHEAT GAME #555 Bulb BREAK THE BANK #555 Bulb CHIP 50 #555 Bulb ROLL AGAIN #555 Bulb SUPER JACKPOT #555 Bulb BACK PANEL #2 #44 Bulb BACK PANEL #4 #44 Bulb BG SUPER SPINNER #555 Bulb BG COLLECT BONUS (1:00) #555 Bulb BACK PANEL RIGHT #10 #44 Bulb 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX /DPS0DWUL[*ULG/RFDWLRQV The lamp locations correspond with the Lamp Nº in the Lamp Matrix Grid on the previous page. /$036 LQ WKH %DFN 3DQHO /$036 LQ WKH %DFNER[ Legend Note: = Lamps mounted below playfield. The following Bulbs are used in the Lamp Matrix Grid (See Table Grid on previous page for details): #555 Bulb (Wedge) #44 Bulb (Bayonet) 165-5002-00 165-5000-44 -XXX 7\SLFDO /DPS 6FKHPDWLF -XXX The following Lamps are not used: (ALL LAMPS USED) 6HF'LDJ0HQX = Lamps mounted above playfield. 7\SLFDO /DPS :LULQJ YEL RED COMMON Diode 1N4001 Note: All Lamps require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips (under playfield) and not on the lamp itself. D iode O n T erminal S trip 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 7HVW)OD VK/DPSV From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "FLASH" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the display will indicate "CYCLING FLASHERS" and all the Flash Lamps will cycle continuously until the test is exited. This test is allows the technician to easily spot any burned-out bulbs and replace them. Flashers tested are Flash Lamps in Positions: Q1-Q32 and in this game Flash Lamp(s) are in Position(s): Q8, Q21 & Q30-Q32. D Important: The Power Interlock Switch must be pulled out for this test to function while the Coin Door is OPEN. &OHDU%DOO7URXJK From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "CLR" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. This is provided to allow the technician a simple method of removing the balls from the trough and also, to test functionality of the trough, ensuring proper trough operation. After selecting this Icon the display will show a graphic of the ball trough with balls in the trough with it’s corresponding switch number. Select the "RUN" Icon to eject the ball in the first position. Simultaneously, the display and the playfield will eject the ball to the Trough Up-Kicker, eject from the Trough Up-Kicker into the Shooter Lane and will be ejected onto the playfield where the technician can easily retrieve the pinball or allow the ball(s) to re-enter the trough to continue Clear Ball Trough Test. Important: The Power Interlock Switch must be pulled out. Caution: Continuous use of above test may overheat the Trough Up-Kicker Coil. 7HFKQL FL DQ$O HUW From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "TECH" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the display will indicate if there are any faulty switches (i.e., switches that are normally closed but remain open or open switches that have not been closed (activated) in 50 games.) 6HF'LDJ0HQX 6HU YLFH3KRQH From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "SERV" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the display will indicate a phone number to call if technical assistance is required. %HJL Q3 OD \7HVW From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "PLAY" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the technician can test certain play functions to insure all switch activated coils function without entering game play. For example, by rolling the ball over the Shooter Lane switch, the Autoplunger should fire. If it kicks to early or too late, the switch actuator should be adjusted to compensate for this error. If it fails to fire, use the Switch Test or Coil Test to help determine the cause of the failure. During this function, similar tests may be performed on the "Ejects", Slingshots, Vertical Up-Kickers, Pop Bumpers, etc. in the game. For unique Play Test functions, select the "GAME SPECIFIC" Icon in the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. Important: The Power Interlock Switch must be pulled out. )LUH.QRFNHU From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "KNOCKER" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The digitally mastered "Knocker" is sounded. 6RX QG6SHD NHU 7HVW From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "SPKR" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The BSMT 2000 Sound System produces true digital stereo sound from Backbox & Cabinet Speakers or "Mono" on the Cabinet Speaker (when used by itself). After selecting this Icon, select the "-" or "+" Icons and press the Black "ENTER" Button to activate the first test. Repeat to visually see & hear all tests. Select the "RUN" Icon to activate the test chosen without moving to the next test. Note: During Sound Tests, the display shows the speaker identification and the corresponding sound(s). The sound functions allow verification that both channels are functioning properly & that the speaker connections are correct. Sound / Speaker Test Continued Next Page 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6SHDNHU3KDVH7HVWLQJ Connections to each of speakers are polarized and each must be connected appropriately for the best quality sound. If one speaker has the positive and negative connections reversed with respect to the other one, bass frequencies will not be produced properly and the overall sound quality will be poor. To Continued test for proper speaker phasing, use the sound test to cycle through the Backbox & Cabinet, and Backbox Sine (repeated) functions. If the Cabinet Sine produces more volume and bass than the Left Sine, the speakers are connected properly. If it produces the same or less, one speaker is connected improperly. To isolate and correct reversed speaker connections, one of two methods may be used. 1. Check each speaker for polarity markings. If the speakers have polarity markings, verify that the Backbox Speaker RED/WHT Wire and the Cabinet Speaker YEL/WHT Wire is connected to the negative (-) terminal. 2. Disconnect the speaker output connector from the CPU / Sound Board and connect a 1.5-volt battery across each speaker pair one at a time while observing the speakers. Make sure the positive battery terminal is connected to the positive lead (CN4, Pin-3 (RED/BLK) or Pin-6 (YEL/BLK)) each time. As the connection is made, check speaker cone movement; proper connections are indicated by outward movement. $XWR 0DQXDO 7HVWV 6RXQGV 3URGXFHG %HJLQ%X UQ,Q From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "BURN" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the Begin Burn-In Test will start. At this stage the game will exercise all CPU I/O Functions (Dot Matrix Display Test, Coil Testing, Lamp Testing, Sound, etc.). This is provided to constantly exercise sounds, coils, etc... Cumulative Burn-In minutes will be displayed. To reset Burn-In minutes to 00, select the "RESET" Icon in the MAIN MENU and select the "FACT" Icon (Factory Reset). See Chapter 5, Go To Reset Menu, of this section. 'RW0DWUL[7HVW From the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "DOT TEST" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. After selecting this Icon the Dot Matrix Test immediately begins. The display will immediately illuminate & cycle for 1 pass of each test continuously for each of the following tests: 1. Illuminates 1 vertical column of dots, turning it off & illuminating the next column, until each column has been individually lit, while the other columns are off. 2. Illuminates 1 horizontal row of dots, turning it off & illuminating the next row, until each row has been individually lit, while the other rows are off. 3. Illuminates all the dots, except for one column from left to right. 4. Illuminates all the dots, except for one row from top to bottom. 5. Illuminates every other dot lit, in both the rows and columns. 6. Illuminates all dots at 30%, 70% & 100% brightness. Note: Pressing any button will exit the test & return to DIAGNOSTICS MENU. 'RW0DWUL['LVSOD\([SODLQHG The display utilizes a Micro-Processor Control Board mounted in piggyback fashion to the Dot Matrix Display (128 X 32) Driver Board. The purpose behind this board is to provide more information to the operator as well as displaying graphics to the player. The board is controlled by a 6809E Microprocessor and its personality ROM (Unique to the Game). It receives Data, Reset & Clock Information from the CPU/Sound Board via the ribbon cable and sends back multiple Status and Busy Signals to the CPU. This is to insure synchronized communication between the CPU and the Display Controller Board. The Drivers for the rows and columns are provided on 5 surface mounted integrated circuits on the Dot Matrix Display Driver Board. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HF'LDJ0HQX Speaker Test Tone Sound/OPSYS EPROM (Loc. U7) Level 1-3+ (Music Test) Voice ROMs: 1 (U17) 2 (U21) 3 (U36) 4 (U37) Speech Pattern 1-3+ Note: For ROM Locations, see Page # X. For ROM Usage (Summary Table) see Page # Z in the "Find-It-In-Front: Dr. Pinball Section". Voice ROMs (U17, U21, U36 & U37) which are 8MB must have a Jumper at W6 on the CPU/Sound Board to function properly. &DVL QR6SHFL ILF 6 O R W ' L V S O D \ 5 R X O H W W H 2 3 7 2 6 W H S S H U 0 R W R U 7H V W V To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the "HRC" Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button (the LEFT & RIGHT FLIPPER Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" Button (the START Button operates in the same manner). D +5& 6/27 ',63/$< 7(67 +5& This will bring up the CASINO SPECIFIC MENU. This Sub-Menu is used to test the Operation of the Display in the Slot Machine ("DSP" Icon), the OPTOs in the Roulette Wheel ("OPTO" Icon) and the Stepper Motor in the Slot Machine Entrance Ramp ("SLOT" Icon). To initiate, from the CASINO SPECIFIC MENU, select one of the 3 Icons with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button (the LEFT and RIGHT FLIPPER Buttons operates in the same manner) and press the Black "ENTER" SLOT MACHINE ROULETTE Button (the START Button operates in the same manner). DOT WHEEL 4-POSITION OPTOs DISPLAY After finishing the Test select the "PREV" Icon to return to the Sub-Menu or select either of the ">>" Icon to slip between the 3 Testing Menus. SLOT MACHINE STEPPER MOTOR (OPERATES THE ENTRANCE RAMP) Important: The Power Interlock Switch must be pulled out for the motors function while the Coin Door is OPEN. 6ORW'LVSOD\7HVW 6HF'LDJ0HQX Selecting this Icon will bring up the SLOT DISPLAY TEST MENU. This test is provided to allow the technician a simple method of testing the DOTS in the Display for the Slot Machine. The Menu appears blank as well as the Display in the Slot Machine. Upon entering this sub-menu the "+" Icon is blinking. Select the "-" or "+" Icon to begin the tests. The tests are as follows: VERTICAL LINE, HORIZONTAL LINE, ALL ON, ALL OFF, REVERSE VERTICAL LINE & REVERSE HORIZONTAL LINE. As the line tests are cycled through watch the Dot Display in the Slot Machine to ensure all are functioning properly. 5 RX OHW WH23727HVW Selecting this Icon will bring up the ROULETTE OPTO TEST MENU. This test is provided to allow the technician a simple method of testing the OPTO Switches, - OP2 RIGHT (Sw. 41), - OP1 TOP (SW. 42), - OP3 LEFT (SW. 43) and - OP4 BOTTOM (SW. 44). Upon entering this test menu, the display will indicate the switch status of the Roulette Wheel. Select the "PULSE" Icon to pulse the motor (in steps). If the Roulette Wheel is at OP2 Right the motor will turn to the - OP3 LEFT (SW. 43) position (OP3 on the OPTO Bd.). Continuously activating the "PULSE" Icon will bring the Roulette Wheel back into the - OP2 RIGHT (SW. 41) position (OP2 on the OPTO Bd.), etc. Selecting the "RUN" Icon will automatically cycle the motor to the next open switch (OPTO) and then will stop. Select the "RUN" Icon again to return (cycle) to the other positions. Watch the Dot Matrix Display to ensure the Switches 41 (OP2), 42 (OP1), 43 (OP3) & 44 (OP4) are being indicated as closed as the motor stops ( will turn solid ). Also shown in the Display will be the Value on the Wheel as it turns (when the OPTO Switches are closed). Note: These OPTO Switches close when the Motor Cam Flag Bracket passes between the OPTOs. F F F F F F F J 6WHSSHU0RWRU7HVW Selecting this Icon will bring up the STEPPER MOTOR TEST MENU. This test is provided to allow the technician a simple method of testing the Slot Machine Entrance Ramp Home Micro Switches, - LEFT (Sw. 52) and - RIGHT (SW. 38). Upon entering this test menu, the display will indicate the switch status of the Slot Machine Entrance Ramp. Select the "PULSE" Icon to pulse the motor (in steps). Selecting the "RUN" Icon will automatically cycle the motor to the next level (mid-way) and then will stop. Select the "RUN" Icon again to bring the ramp all the way up. Watch the Dot Matrix Display to ensure the Switches 52 & 38 are being indicated as closed as the motor stops in the down position ( will turn solid ). Select "RUN" or "PULSE" until the ramp returns to the down position closing both switches (These switches located below the playfield.). F F F J For more details on the PC Boards which are tested on this page, see Sec. 5, Chp. 4, Pages 130 through 135. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 'U3L QEDO O)O RZ&KDU W0HQXV To initiate, from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU, select the Cross "DR." Icon with either the Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. This will bring you (the operator / technician) into DR. PINBALL (Flow Chart Menus) which offers you a choice of three sub-menus: Coil "DR.," Switch "DR." and Lamp "DR." Icons. Selecting a particular sub-menu will give you a choice of which specific Coil (any and all coil assemblies such as Flippers, VUKs, Magnets, etc.), Switch or Lamp circuit needs to be diagnosed. The display will now ask a question or give a procedure to follow such as "Does the lamp turn on?" or "Check bridge rectifier BR-20, if short replace." When Dr. Pinball asks a question or request a procedure the Dr. will expect a response such as "NO" or "YES" (see below examples of the Mini-Icons which will prompt the operator). You the operator/technician must respond by using your Flipper Buttons to "SELECT" a Mini-Icon and the Start Button to "ENTER" your selection. The following are the Mini-Icons with explanations for the Dr. Pinball Sub-Menus to follow: — Seen when a question is being asked on the Display. Select "YES" or "NO" to answer the question given. "END" lets you select a new item to test. "PREV", "QUIT" and "?" (see first example above). — Seen when diagnosis is given. Select any Icon for your next step. "END" lets you select a new item to test. "PREV", "QUIT" and "?" (see first example above). — In Coil Flow Chart Menu, select "PULSE" to pulse the coil selected. "END" lets you select a new item to test. "PREV", "QUIT" and "?" (see first example above). &RLO)ORZ&KDUW To initiate, from the DR. PINBALL MENU, select the Coil "DR." Icon with either the Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. This is the Coil Flow Chart. Follow the questions, answering by using the Mini-Icons in the display. 6ZLWFK)ORZ&KDUW To initiate, from the DR. PINBALL MENU, select the Switch "DR." Icon with either the Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. This is the Switch Flow Chart. Follow the questions, answering by using the Mini-Icons in the display. /DPS)ORZ&KDUW To initiate, from the DR. PINBALL MENU, select the Lamp "DR." Icon with either the Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. This is the Lamp Flow Chart. Follow the questions, answering by using the Mini-Icons in the display. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R'LDJQRVWLFV0HQX 6HF'LDJ0HQX — Select a Coil, Lamp or Switch to diagnose with "-" or "+" Icon; Then select the "RUN" Icon to activate the choice. "PREV" goes back to previous question. "QUIT" exits Portals completely. Help "?" gives direction on button usage. *DPH$XGLW7DEOHIRU 3LQEDOO Copy for Field Audit Tracking Performance (Use blank columns to fill-in Audit Info.). $XGLW 1DPH (DUQLQJV$XGLWV )LOO,Q $XGLW 1DPH )LOO,Q $XGLW 1DPH 1 TOTAL PAID CREDITS 5 COINS THRU LEFT SLOT 9 TOTAL COINS 2 FREE GAME PERCENTAGE 6 COINS THRU RIGHT SLOT 10 TOTAL EARNINGS 3 AVERAGE BALL TIME 7 COINS THRU CENTER SLOT 11 METER CLICKS 4 AVERAGE GAME TIME 8 COINS THRU 4TH SLOT 12 SOFTWARE METER $XGLW 1DPH 63,$XGLWV )LOO,Q $XGLW 1DPH )LOO,Q )LOO,Q $XGLW 1DPH )LOO,Q 6HF$XGLWV0HQX 13 TOTAL BALLS PLAYED 28 20M—49.9M SCORES 43 14 TOTAL EXTRA BALLS 29 50M—69.9M SCORES 44 15 EXTRA BALL PERCENT 30 70M—99.9M SCORES 45 16 REPLAY 1 AWARDS 31 100M—129.9M SCORES 46 17 REPLAY 2+ AWARDS 32 130M+ SCORES 47 18 TOTAL REPLAYS 33 AVERAGE SCORES 48 19 REPLAY PERCENT 34 SERVICE CREDITS 49 20 TOTAL SPECIALS 35 BALL SEARCH STARTED 50 21 SPECIAL PERCENT 36 LOST BALL FEEDS 51 22 TOTAL MATCHES 37 LOST BALL GAME STARTS 52 LEFT FLIPPER USED 23 HIGH SCORE AWARDS 38 LEFT DRAINS 53 RIGHT FLIPPER USED 24 HIGH SCORE PERCENT 39 CENTER DRAINS 54 USA 8 BONUS USED 25 TOTAL FREE PLAYS 40 RIGHT DRAINS 55 26 TOTAL PLAYS 41 SLAM TILTS 27 0—19.9M SCORES 42 TOTAL BALLS SAVED +LJK5ROOHU&DVLQR$XGLWV 3URJUDPPLQJ8VH2QO\ )LOO,Q )LOO,Q )LOO,Q )LOO,Q )LOO,Q )LOO,Q )LOO,Q )LOO,Q )LOO,Q 56 73 90 107 124 141 158 175 192 57 74 91 108 125 142 159 176 193 58 75 92 109 126 143 160 177 194 59 76 93 110 127 144 161 178 195 60 77 94 111 128 145 162 179 196 61 78 95 112 129 146 163 180 197 62 79 96 113 130 147 164 181 198 63 80 97 114 131 148 165 182 199 64 81 98 115 132 149 166 183 200 65 82 99 116 133 150 167 184 201 66 83 100 117 134 151 168 185 202 67 84 101 118 135 152 169 186 203 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 69 86 103 120 137 154 171 188 70 87 104 121 138 155 172 189 71 88 105 122 139 156 173 190 72 89 106 123 140 157 174 191 Location: CPU Ver.: Display Ver.: Date: 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$XGLWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI *R 7R $XGL WV 0HQX 2YHU YLHZ The Portals™ Service Menu System provides 203 Audit Functions for accounting purposes and for evaluation of Game Difficulty Adjustments. The Audit Functions are divided into 3 groups: Earnings (Coin) Audits, are the first 12 most-used Audits S.P.I. Audits, are the Game Play Generic Audits 13-55 High Roller Casino Audits, Programming Use Only are the Game Play Specific Audits 56-203 ( ); Audits left open (blank space in gray, e.g. Audits 43-51, 54 & 55) are currently Not Used, allowing for Future Expansion, if any, or are Proprietary. If the code version is upgraded, view Audits in the display & write the audit(s) in the blank(s) if any audit(s) were added. Each group may be viewed in the Portals™ Service Menu (see Chapter 1, Portals™ Service Menu Introduction, of this Section). View all audits with the Game Audit Table provided on the previous page. *272$8',760(18 With the game in the Attract Mode, open the Coin Door and press the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Select the "AUD" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The AUDITS MENU appears. Exit any sub-menu and return to the MAIN MENU by selecting & activating the "PREV" Icons. If no Icons appear in the display because of a testing function or special display (e.g. "Help"), press any button to exit. Selecting & activating the "QUIT" Icon from any display will exit the Service Session. Selecting & activating the "HELP" Icon from any display will show a help screen. (An explanation of each Mini-Icon at that level will cycle continuously until any active button is pressed.) Selecting & activating the "ARROW" Icons selects the next or previous audit in the group. (D UQLQJV$X GLW V From the AUDITS MENU, select the "EARN" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon to view the 1st audit in this group. Continue to select either of the "ARROW" Icons to view each audit one at a time. The display will describe the audit number, the audit name, and the audit total or value. The current audit will remain in the display until the next audit is chosen or when the sub-menu is exited. $X 1º $XGLW 1DPH Au. 1 TOTAL PAID CREDITS Au. 2 FREE GAME PERCENTAGE Au. 3 AVERAGE BALL TIME Au. 4 Au. 5 Au. 6 AVERAGE GAME TIME COINS THRU LEFT SLOT COINS THRU RIGHT SLOT COINS THRU CENTER SLOT COINS THRU 4TH SLOT TOTAL COINS Au. 7 Au. 8 Au. 9 Au. 10 TOTAL EARNINGS Au. 11 METER CLICKS Au. 12 SOFTWARE METER 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$XGLWV0HQX $XGLW 'HILQLWLRQ Provides the total number of paid credits. This percentage is derived from dividing Audit 25, Total Free Plays, by Audit 26, Total Plays. In seconds, the average ball time is derived from the total play time divided by Audit 13, Total Balls Played. The average game time is expressed in minutes and seconds. Provides the total number of times Coin Switch (Sw. 6) was closed. Provides the total number of times Coin Switch (Sw. 4) was closed. Provides the total number of times Coin Switch (Sw. 5) was closed. Provides the total number of times Coin Switch (Sw. 2) was closed. Provides the total amount of coins registered through all the slots. The total cash value accumulated since the last Factory Restore occurred (see Chapter 5, Go to Reset Menu, of this section). Provides the total number of money clicks accumulated. (Based on the country’s lowest coin denomination used for the game credit.) Provides the continuing total of Meter Clicks. This audit cannot be reset; the display shows the constant addition of Meter Clicks. 6HF$XGLWV0HQX ,PSRUWDQW1RWHV 63,$XGLWV From the AUDITS MENU, select the "S.P.I." Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon to view the 1st audit in this group. Continue to select either of the "ARROW" Icons to view each audit one at a time. The display will describe the audit number, the audit name, and the audit total or value. The current audit will remain in the display until the next audit is chosen or when the sub-menu is exited. $X 1º $XGLW 1DPH 6HF$XGLWV0HQX Au. 13 Au. 14 TOTAL BALLS PLAYED TOTAL EXTRA BALLS Au. 15 EXTRA BALLS PERCENT Au. 16 REPLAY 1 AWARDS Au. 17 REPLAY 2+ AWARDS Au. 18 TOTAL REPLAYS Au. 19 REPLAY PERCENT Au. 20 TOTAL SPECIALS Au. 21 SPECIAL PERCENT Au. 22 TOTAL MATCHES Au. 23 HIGH SCORE AWARDS Au. 24 HIGH SCORE PERCENT Au. 25 TOTAL FREE PLAYS Au. 26 TOTAL PLAYS Au. 27 0—19.9M SCORES Au. 28 20M—49.9M SCORES Au. 29 50M—69.9M SCORES Au. 30 70M—99.9M SCORES Au. 31 100M—129.9M SCORES Au. 32 130M+ SCORES Au. 33 AVERAGE SCORES Au. 34 SERVICE CREDITS Au. 35 BALL SEARCH STARTED Au. 36 LOST BALL FEEDS $XGLW 'HILQLWLRQ Provides the total number of regular and extra balls. Provides the total number of extra balls awarded. Provides the percentage total from dividing Audit 14, Total Extra Balls, by Audit 26, Total Plays. Provides the total awards (Credit, Extra Ball, Or Audit) for level 1. Provides the total awards (Credit, Extra Ball, Or Audit) for level(s) 2 or higher. Provides the total awards (Credits, Extra Balls, Or Audit Only) for exceeding replay score levels. Provides the percentage total from dividing Audit 18, Total Replays, by Audit 26, Total Plays. The percentage reflects replay total awards for exceeding replay score levels. Provides the total awards (Credits, Extra Balls, Or Scores) for making specials. This percentage is derived from dividing Audit 20, Total Specials, by Audit 26, Total Plays. Provides the total credits awarded for matching the last two digits of the score with the system-generated Match Number at the end of the game. Percentage of match credits is adjustable from 0% to 10% by Adjustment 11, Match Percentage, if enabled. (See Chapter 4, Go to Adjustments Menu, of this section.) Provides the total credits awarded for exceeding the High-Score-ToDate scores. This percentage is derived from dividing Audit 23, High Score Awards, by Audit 26, Total Plays. Provides the total free credits for replays, High-Score-To-Date, Specials, and Match. This total is derived by adding the sum of Audit 1, Total Paid Credits, and Audit 25, Total Free Plays. Note that free credits are not recorded in the Audit until they are actually used. Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was between 0 and 19,900,000 points. Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was between 20,000,000 and 49,900,000 points. Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was between 50,000,000 and 69,900,000 points. Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was between 70,000,000 and 99,900,000 points. Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was between 100,000,000 and 129,900,000 points. Provides the total number of games the Player’s final score was over 130,000,000 points. This total is derived from adding the Final Score of each game to a table and dividing this sum by Audit 26, Total Plays. Provides the total number of times Dedicated Switch (DS-7) was closed, not in the Portals™ Service Menu. (See Chapter 1, Introduction [Access & Use] for instructions on how to receive Service Credits.) Provides the total number of times the game performed a ball search. Provides the total number of times the game added a ball to play when it could not find a ball after ball search. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$XGLWV0HQX 63,$XGLWV&RQWLQXHG $XGLW 1DPH Au. 37 LOST BALL GAME STARTS Au. 38 LEFT DRAINS Au. 39 CENTER DRAINS Au. 40 Au. 41 RIGHT DRAINS SLAM TILTS Au. 42 TOTAL BALLS SAVED Au. 43Au. 51 Au. 52 Au. 53 Au. 54Au. 55 LEFT FLIPPER USED RIGHT FLIPPER USED $XGLW 'HILQLWLRQ Provides the total number of times the game started with a ball missing from the ball trough at the start of a game. Provides the total number of times Rollover Switch 57 was closed. Provides the total number of times the game ball had drained with the last switch closed was not Sw. 57 or Sw. 60. Provides the total number of times Rollover Switch 60 was closed. Provides the total number of times Contact Switch 55 was closed. Provides the total number of times this feature was used. This feature is enabled at the start of each ball and is disabled as soon as the ball makes contact with 5 game switches or allocated time expired. These audits are Not Used, allowing for Future Expansion, if any, and/or Proprietary (used for programming). Provides the total number of times Dedicated Sw. (DS-1) was closed. Provides the total number of times Dedicated Sw. (DS-3) was closed. These audits are Not Used, allowing for Future Expansion, if any, and/or Proprietary (used for programming). 3URJUDPPLQJ 8VH 2QO\ From the AUDITS MENU, select the "HRC" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon to view the 1st audit in this group. Continue to select either of the "ARROW" Icons to view each audit one at a time. The display will describe the audit number, the audit name, and the audit total or value. The current audit will remain in the display until the next audit is chosen or when the sub-menu is exited. These Game Specific Audits are primarily used for programming. They provide the total number of times a feature was started, awarded, lit, played and/or completed. They also may indicate the total number of Switch Closures during certain modes or features. Multiple variations of switch closures (see Diagnostics) are used to determine the lighting and/or completion of the feature stated. $X 1º Au. 56 Au. 57 Au. 58 Au. 59 Au. 60 Au. 61 Au. 62 Au. 63 Au. 64 Au. 65 Au. 66 Au. 67 Au. 68 Au. 69 Au. 70 Au. 71 Au. 72 Au. 73 Au. 74 Au. 75 Au. 76 $XGLW 1DPH LEFT ORBITS RIGHT ORBITS LEFT RETURN LANE MADE RIGHT RETURN LANE MADE LEFT CHIP TARGET HIT RIGHT CHIP TARGET HIT L CHIP TARG HIT, BLINK T CHIP TARG HIT, BLINK 3 BALL LOCKUP ARRIVALS CHIP COMBOS 4-WAY SLINGSHOT COMBOS CRAP TARGET HITS LEFT HITME TARGET HITS R. HIT-ME TARGET HITS MIDDLE RAMPS MADE SLOT RAMPS MADE X4 DROP TARGETS HIT X3 DROP TARG SU HIT UPPER RIGHT S.U. HITS SPINNER SPINS BONUS X FROM SPINNER 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$XGLWV0HQX $X 1 Au. 77 Au. 78 Au. 79 Au. 80 Au. 81 Au. 82 Au. 83 Au. 84 Au. 85 Au. 86 Au. 87 Au. 88 Au. 89 Au. 90 Au. 91 Au. 92 Au. 93 Au. 94 Au. 95 Au. 96 Au. 97 $XGLW 1DPH GREEN SKILL SHOTS MADE RED SKILL SHOTS MADE BLACK SKILL SHOTS MADE SKILL SHOT BALKS JET POST ARRIVALS POP BUMPER HITS DOUBLE POP BUMPER HITS ROULETTE SPINS ROULETTE LIT ROULETTE LOST ROULETTE WON SLOT BASHED SLOT SPINS SLOT LOST SLOT WON 1 PAIR POKER HANDS 2 PAIR POKER HANDS 3/KIND POKER HANDS STRAIGHT POKER HANDS FULL HOUSE POKER HANDS STRT FLUSH POKER HANDS 6HF$XGLWV0HQX +LJK5ROOHU&DVLQR$XGLWV +LJK5 ROOHU&DVLQR$XGLWV&RQWLQXHG 3URJUDPPLQJ8VH2QO\ $XGLW 1DPH 6HF$XGLWV0HQX Au. 98 Au. 99 Au. 100 Au. 101 Au. 102 Au. 103 Au. 104 Au. 105 Au. 106 Au. 107 Au. 108 Au. 109 Au. 110 Au. 111 Au. 112 Au. 113 Au. 114 Au. 115 Au. 116 Au. 117 Au. 118 Au. 119 Au. 120 Au. 121 Au. 122 Au. 123 Au. 124 Au. 125 Au. 126 Au. 127 Au. 128 Au. 129 Au. 130 Au. 131 Au. 132 Au. 133 Au. 134 Au. 135 Au. 136 Au. 137 Au. 138 Au. 139 Au. 140 Au. 141 Au. 142 Au. 143 Au. 144 Au. 145 POKER LOST POKER WON HILO COMPLETE HILO WON AFTER 1 CARD HILO LOST AFTER 1 CARD HILO WON AFTER 2 CARDS HILO LOST AFTER 2 CRDS HILO WON AFTER 3 CARDS HILO LOST AFTER 3 CRDS HILO WON AFTER 4 CARDS HILO LOST AFTER 4 CRDS CRAPS COMEOUT WINS CRAPS COMEOUT LOSSES CRAPS POINTS SET CRAPS PT. ROLL NOTHING CRAPS POINT ROLL WINS CRAPS PT. ROLL LOSSES 21 HITS (CARDS DRAWN) 21 BUSTS PLAY 21 LIT DOUBLE DOWN LIT 21 LOST 21 WON DOUBLE DOWN LOST DOUBLE DOWN WON ROLL-N-WIN COLLECTED LT ROLL-N-WIN TAR HITS ROLL-N-WIN LIT ROLL-N-WIN LAPS MADE SUPER POPS AWARDED SUPER LOOPS AWARDED SUPER SPINNER AWARDED SUPER SURPRISE AWARDED FIRST BALL LOCKED SECOND BALL LOCKED SLOT MACHINE MB STARTS 2+ SLOT MACH MB STARTS SMMB JACKPOTS SMMB DOUBLE JACKPOTS L ORBIT TRIPLE JACKPOT SM TRIPLE JACKPOT M RAMP TRIPLE JACKPOT R ORBIT TRIPLE JACKPOT SUPER JACKPOT LIT S DUPER JACKPOT LIT S D MEGA JACKPOT LIT SDMEXTREME JACKPOT LIT SUPER JACKPOTS $X 1º Au. 146 Au. 147 Au. 148 Au. 149 Au. 150 Au. 151 Au. 152 Au. 153 Au. 154 Au. 155 Au. 156 Au. 157 Au. 158 Au. 159 Au. 160 Au. 161 Au. 162 Au. 163 Au. 164 Au. 165 Au. 166 Au. 167 Au. 168 Au. 169 Au. 170 Au. 171 Au. 172 Au. 173 Au. 174 Au. 175 Au. 176 Au. 177 Au. 178 Au. 179 Au. 180 Au. 181 Au. 182 Au. 183 Au. 184 Au. 185 Au. 186 Au. 187 Au. 188 Au. 189 Au. 190 Au. 191 Au. 192 Au. 193 $XGLW 1DPH SUPER DUPER JACKPOTS S DUPER MEGA JACKPOTS SDMEXTREME JACKPOTS WON AT LEAST 2 GAMES WON AT LEAST 4 GAMES WON AT LEAST 6 GAMES # OF GAMES ABOVE 6 WON CASINO FRENZY LIT CASINO FRENZY STARTS 2+ CASINO FRENZY START CF CRAPS JACKPOT LIT CF CRAPS JACKPOTS CF 21 JACKPOT LIT CF 21 JACKPOTS CF SLOT JACKPOT LIT CF SLOT JACKPOTS CF ROULETTE JACKPOT LT CF ROULETTE JACKPOTS CF POKER JACKPOT LIT CF POKER JACKPOTS CF HILO JACKPOT LIT CF HILO JACKPOTS CF SUPER JACKPOT LIT CF SUPER JACKPOTS TOTAL CHIPS WON TOTAL CHIPS LOST WON AT LEAST 25 CHIPS WON AT LEAST 50 CHIPS WON AT LEAST 75 CHIPS WON AT LEAST 100 CHIPS WON AT LEAST 200 CHIPS BREAK THE BANK LIT BREAK THE BANK STARTS 2+ BRK THE BANK STARTS BRK THE BANK JACKPOTS BRK THE BANK SUPER JP BTB SUPER JP RECOLLECT BTB SUPER JP COMPLETED LEFT ORBIT ATM BONUS RIGHT ORBIT ATM BONUS ATM BONUS 2X COLLECTED ATM BONUS 3X COLLECTED ATM BONUS 5X COLLECTED ATM BONUS 7X COLLECTED ATM BONUS 10X COLLECTED CHIPS WON FROM 21 CHIPS LOST FROM 21 CHIPS WON FROM SLOT 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$XGLWV0HQX +LJK5 ROOHU&DVLQR$XGLWV&RQWLQXHG 3URJUDPPLQJ8VH2QO\ $XGLW 1DPH Au. 194 Au. 195 Au. 196 Au. 197 Au. 198 CHIPS LOST FROM SLOT CHIPS WON FROM POKER CHIPS LOST FROM POKER CHIPS WON FROM HILO CHIPS LOST FROM HILO $X 1º Au. 199 Au. 200 Au. 201 Au. 202 Au. 203 $XGLW 1DPH ROULETTE CHIPS WON ROULETTE CHIPS LOST CHIPS WON FROM CRAPS CHIPS LOST FROM CRAPS BONUS X MAXED AWARDS *R7R3U LQWHU 0HQX From the AUDITS MENU, select the "PRNT" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The PRINTER MENU appears. 6SHFLDOHTX LSPHQWLVUHTXLUHGIRUWKLV6X E0HQX The Portals™ Service Menu System provides 3 Audit Printing Adjustment Functions to print information on a "Hand-Held" printer, download game information to a Laptop PC or clear the printout count. A printer interface board, hand-held printer and/or a special software program is required to run this menu. Entering this menu and selection/activation of the Icons without this equipment/software will not affect the game. From the PRINTER MENU, select the "QUIK" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Select the "+" Icon and press the Black Button to start the printout. Only the Earnings Audits can be printed out to a "Hand-Held" Printer. )XOO3ULQWRXW$OLVRQ,QWHU IDFH3URJUDP From the PRINTER MENU, select the "ALISON" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Select the "+" Icon and press the Black Button to start the download. A special software program & a Lap Top PC is required. All game audits (Earnings, S.P.I. & Game Specific) can be retrieved. 5HVHW3ULQWHU1 RI&RSLHV3ULQWHG5HVHW From the PRINTER MENU, select the "RESET" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. Select the "+" Icon and press the Black Button to start the clear the "Nº of copies printed" count total. 5(6(7 7, 1*$8', 7127(6 $XGLW1RWHVW:D\WR5HVHW$XGLWV To reset audits, from the MAIN MENU, select the "ADJ" Icon. See Chapter 4, Go to Adjustments Menu, of this section. Select the "S.P.I." Icon, from the ADJUSTMENT MENU, and advance to Adj. 8, Reset Coin Audits, with the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon. Select the "+" Icon to change setting to YES. When enabled, the Coin Audits (5-11) will be reset to zero. Advance to Adj. 9, Reset Game Audits, with the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon. Select the "+" Icon to change setting to YES. When enabled, all the audits will be reset to zero, except for the Coin Audits (5-11) and Audit 12, Software Meter (the only audit which cannot be reset to zero). $XGLW1RWHQG:D\WR5HVHW$XGLWV To reset audits, from the MAIN MENU, select the "RESET" Icon. See Chapter 5, Go to Reset Menu, of this section. Selection of the "COIN" Icon, from the RESET MENU, will reset the Coin Audits (5-11) to zero. Selection of the "AUD" Icon, from the RESET MENU, will reset all audits to zero, except for the Coin Audits (5-11) and Audit 12, Software Meter (the only audit which cannot be reset to zero). 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$XGLWV0HQX 6HF$XGLWV0HQX 4XLFN3ULQWRXW3ULQWHU,QWHU IDFH *DPH$GMXVWPHQW7DEOHIRU 3LQEDOO Some adjustments have a "Drop-Down" Table for further customization. 63,$GMXVWPHQWV $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH 86$ 'HIDXOW <RXU 6HWWLQJ $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH 86$ 'HIDXOW 6HF$GM0HQX 1 REPLAYS: FIXED/AUTO ‡ ...10%... 22 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #2 400,000,000 2 REPLAY LEVELS ‡ 1 ... 23 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #3 350,000,000 3 REPLAY AWARD CREDIT 24 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #4 325,000,000 4 FREE GAME LIMIT 05 25 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #5 300,000,000 5 EXTRA BALL LIMIT 03 26 HSTD RESET COUNT 2,000 6 GAME DIFFICULTY ‡ MODERATE 27 HIGH SCORE INITIALS 3 Initials 7 GAME PRICING ‡ USA3 28 FREE PLAY NO 8 RESET COIN AUDITS NO 29 CUSTOM MESSAGE ON 9 RESET GAME AUDITS NO 30 FLASH LAMP POWER NORMAL 10 RESET HIGH SCORES NO 31 COIL PULSE POWER NORMAL 11 MATCH PERCENTAGE 9% 32 KNOCKER VOLUME NORMAL 12 BALLS PER GAME 03 33 GAME RESTART YES 13 TILT WARNINGS 01 34 EXTRA BALL PERCENTAGE 25% 14 REPLAY BOOST YES 35 BILL VALIDATOR NO 15 CREDIT LIMIT 30 36 TOURNAMENT MODE NONE 16 ALLOW HIGH SCORES YES 37 BKGRND MUSIC VOLUME 01 17 HIGH SCORE #1 AWARDS 01 38 FREEZE TIME AUTO 18 HIGH SCORE #2 AWARDS 00 39 UK COIN MECH. TYPE CURRENT: 19 HIGH SCORE #3 AWARDS 00 40 UK POST SAVE ENABLED NO 20 HIGH SCORE #4 AWARDS 00 41 LOCATION ID 00 21 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #1 500,000,000 42 GAME ID 00 <RXU 6HWWLQJ PLEASE NOTE: All Factory Settings (Defaults) described in the tables above/below and within the Adjustment Definitions are for USA Settings only (CPU/Snd Bd. Dip Sw. 300 Settings 1-8 are all "OFF"). Different countries may have different Factory Settings (Defaults). ‡ Adj. 1, 2, 6 & 7 have "Drop-Down" Tables, see definitions. Adj. 39 & 40 are utilized only for the UK, with UK Dip Switch Option Setting 2 (See DR. Z, in the front part of this manual.) $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH +LJK5ROOHU&DVLQR$GMXVWPHQWV 43 1ST MB W/ HARD LOCKS 86$ 'HIDXOW 01 <RXU 6HWWLQJ $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH 86$ 'HIDXOW 56 1ST ATM BON. EXTRA BALL 10 44 1ST MB W/ HARD RELEASE 02 57 ATM BONUS EB EVERY... 50 45 SLOT DIFFICULTY MODERATE 58 MAX ATM BON. EXTRA BALL 04 46 POKER DIFFICULTY MODERATE 59 EB MEMORY FROM RAMP ON 47 HI-LO DIFFICULTY MODERATE 60 EB MEMORY FROM GAMES ON 48 ROULETTE DIFFICULTY MODERATE 61 EB MEM. FROM ROLL-N-WIN OFF 49 CRAPS DIFFICULTY MODERATE 62 EB MEM. FROM ATM BONUS ON 50 BLACKJACK DIFFICULTY MODERATE 63 EB MEM. FROM MULTIBALL OFF 51 FAST BONUS COUNTDOWN NO 64 SPECIAL MEM. FROM RNW OFF 52 1ST RAMP EXTRA BALL AT 10 65 SPECIAL MEM. FROM BTB OFF 53 RAMP EXTRA BALL EVERY... 66 ADULT SPEECH ENABLED YES 67 TIMED PLUNGER OFF 50 54 MAX RAMP EXTRA BALL AT 05 55 # CASINO GAMES FOR EB <RXU 6HWWLQJ 02 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI *R 7R$G MXVWPHQWV0HQX 2YHU YLHZ The Portals™ Service Menu System provides 67 Adjustment Functions to vary game difficulty or to customize (e.g. Adjusting: High Score Levels; Balls per game; Game Pricing; Default High Scores; etc.). The Adjustment Functions are divided into 2 groups: • S.P.I. Adjustments, are the Game Play Generic Adjustments (1-42) • High Roller Casino Adjustments, are the Game Play Specific Adjustments (43-67); Any Adjustment(s) left open or are currently Not Used, are allowing for Future Expansion, if any, or are Proprietary. If the code version is upgraded, view Adjustments in the display & write the adjustment(s) in the blank(s) if any adjustment(s) were added. Each group may be viewed manually after entering the Portals™ Service Menu (see Chapter 1, Portals™ Service Menu Introduction, of this Section). All adjustments can be viewed at a glance with the Game Adjustment Table provided on the previous page. If a value is changed, the display will indicate REQUEST Important: The Coin Door must be OPEN allowing the Memory Protect INSTALLED. Switch to be disabled so changes can be made. *272$'-8670(1760(18 With the game in the Attract Mode, open the Coin Door and press the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Select the "ADJ" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The ADJUSTMENTS MENU appears. Exit any sub-menu and return to the MAIN MENU by selecting & activating the "PREV" Icons. If no Icons appear in the display because of a testing function or special display (e.g. "Help"), press any button to exit. Selecting & activating the "QUIT" Icon from any display will exit the Service Session. Selecting & activating the "HELP" Icon from any display will show a help screen. (An explanation of each Mini-Icon at that level will cycle continuously until any active button is pressed.) In Adjustments, selecting & activating the "-" Icon decrements the value setting. Selecting & activating the "+" Icon increments the value setting. Selecting & activating the "ARROW" Icons selects the next or previous adj. in the group. 63,$GMX VWPHQWV From the ADJUSTMENTS MENU, select the "S.P.I." Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon to view the 1st adjustment in this group. Continue to select either of the "ARROW" Icons to view each adjustment one at a time. Select either the "-" or "+" Icons to change the value, if desired. The display will describe the adjustment number, the adjustment name, and the adjustment total or value. The current adjustment will remain in the display until the next adjustment is chosen or when the sub-menu is exited. $GM 1º $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH Adj. 1 REPLAYS: FIXED / AUTO Adj. 2 REPLAY LEVELS Adj. 3 REPLAY AWARD Adj. 4 FREE GAME LIMIT Adj. 5 EXTRA BALL LIMIT 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX $GMXVWPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ Set between 01% - 50% and Fixed (0%) for Replay Levels. Default is 10%. Four levels may be selected. Adjustments allow awarding of a credit or an extra ball as each level is exceeded. With the Autopercentage Feature, if the actual replay percentage is higher or lower than that desired, the game will automatically adjust for the new recommended percentage score(s). Set between 1 - 4 or NONE for the number of replay levels to be active. A "Drop-Down" Table appears (after selection of number of replay levels) showing Replay Level 1. Adjust Replay Level 1 between 10M - 9.99B. Adjust Replay Level 2, 3 and/or 4 respectively. Set for replays to award: CREDIT, EXTRA BALL, NONE or SPECIAL (When score threshold is achieved, a Playfield Special is lit.) Default is CREDIT. Set between 01 - 09 or NO FREE GAMES. Default is 05. Adjust the maximum number of Free Games that may be accumulated per game. Set between 01 - 09 or NO EXTRA BALLS. Default is 03. Adjust the maximum number of Extra Balls that may be accumulated per game. 6HF$GM0HQX ,PSRUWDQW1RWHV 63,$GMXVWPHQWV&RQWLQXHG $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH Adj. 6 GAME DIFFICULTY $GMXVWPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ Set to EXTRA EASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXTRA HARD. (Note: Additional game features which are not adjusted may also change when adjusting this adjustment; see below table.) Default is MODERATE. Any one of the INSTALL settings (in a "Drop-Down" Table) for this adjustment may be activated to automatically select settings for multiple adjustments affecting game difficulty. Select and activate the "-" or "+" Icons to choose the difficulty level required. After activation, the individual adjustments may be readjusted, if desired. Adjustments which typically automatically get changed when changing this adjustment are Game Specific with adjustments values of EXTRA EASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD, EXTRA HARD, ON or OFF. After changing this adjustment, make note of it in the Table on Page 34 (in pencil), and check all Game Specific adjustments, noting all changes in the "Your Setting" Column. Performing a Factory Reset will revert all adjustments back to the defaults. 3OD\5XOHV1RYHOW\%DOOSOXV$GG$%DOO6HWWLQJV The following three combinations are recommended for situations where local laws restrict certain game features regarding the use of replays or the number of balls per game: Novelty Play Rules - Set to establish recommended settings for no Free Play or Extra Balls: 6HF$GM0HQX Adj. 1 2 3 4 Adjustment Name Replays: Fixed/Auto Replay Levels Replay Award Free Game Limit Adj. 1 2 3 4 Adjustment Name Replays: Fixed/Auto Replay Levels Replay Award Free Game Limit Setting Fixed None None 0 Adj. 5 11 17 18 Adjustment Name Extra Ball Limit Match Percentage High Score #1 Awards High Score #2 Awards Setting 00 Off 1 0 4-Ball Play Rules - Set to establish recommended settings for 4-Ball Play: Setting 07% 1 Credit 5 Adj. 5 11 12 17 18 Adjustment Name Extra Ball Limit Match Percentage Balls Per Game High Score #1 Awards High Score #2 Awards Setting 3 4 5 1 0 Add-A-Ball Settings -To disable awarding of credits and provide awards with an Extra Ball: Adj. 3 4 11 Adjustment Name Replay Award Free Game Limit Match Percentage Setting Extra Ball 00 Off Adj. 16 17-20 Adjustment Name Allow High Scores High Score #1 - #4 Awards Setting No 0 Set between USA1 thru UK6 or CUSTOM. Default is USA3 (foreign Game Pricing Options are in the Standard Pricing Select Table on the following pages). There are two methods available for coin switch programming: Standard & Custom. Standard pricing uses a single adjustment as seen in the first display. See the Standard Pricing Table. If "Custom" is selected, a "Drop-Down" Table appears. Select a pricing scheme shown in the Custom Pricing Table as seen below. Adj. 7 GAME PRICING With Adjustment 7 set to CUSTOM operating the Black "Enter" Button again initiates a drop down menu representing coin switch pulses for the LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT and 4TH Coin Slots. The prescribed the number of pulses are required for 1 Credit. For example, if Left Coin Pulses, was set to 02 and Coin Switch Pulses Required for 1 Credit, to 01 a coin in the Left Slot would produce 2 Credits. Further, if Left Coin Pulses, was set to 01 and Coin Switch Pulses Required for 1 Credit, to 02, 2 Coins in the Left Slot would be required for 1 Credit. Coin Switch Pulses Required for Bonus Credit may be set to post bonus credits when a minimum amount of coins are inserted at one time. For example, if Left Coin Pulses was set to 01, Coin Switch Pulses Required for 1 Credit to 01 and Coin Switch Pulses Required for Bonus Credit to 04, 1 Credit would be posted for each of the first 3 Coins in the Left Slot and 2 Credits for the 4th Coin. S.P.I. Adjustment 7 Continues on the next page. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 63,$GMXVWPHQW&RQWLQXHG Standard/Custom Pricing - Set for the desired pricing scheme from the Standard Pricing Table as indicated on the Dot Matrix Display. For Custom Pricing, set to CUSTOM. When set to CUSTOM, the following adjustments are utilized to tailor each individual coin chute: Set the number of pulses registered for closure of the Left Coin Switch; 00 to 99. /HIW &RLQ 6ZLWFK 3XOVHV Set the number of pulses registered for closure of the Right Coin Switch; 00 to 99. 5LJKW &RLQ 6ZLWFK 3XOVHV Set the number of pulses registered for closure of the Center Coin Switch; 00 to 99. &HQWHU &RLQ 6ZLWFK 3XOVHV Set the number of pulses registered for closure of the Fourth Coin Switch; 00 to 99. WK &RLQ 6ZLWFK 3XOVHV Set the number of pulses required to post one credit; 00 to 99. &RLQ 6ZLWFK 3XOVHV 5HTXLUHG IRU &UHGLW Set the number of pulses required to award the 1st Bonus credit(s); 00 to 99. &RLQ 6ZLWFK 3XOVHV 5HTXLUHG IRU %RQXV &UHGLW Set the number of pulses required to award the 2nd Bonus credit; 00 to 99. &RLQ 6Z 3XOVHV 5HT IRU QG %RQXV &UHGLW Set the number of credits awarded for achieving the first Bonus level; 00 to 99. &UHGLWV DZDUGHG IRU VW %RQXV &XVWRP3ULFLQJ7DEOH &(17(5 5,*+7 7+ 25¢ $1.00 25¢ N/U 5SCH 10SCH 10SCH N/U 10p 50p £1 20p 20¢ N/U $1.00 N/U Plays/Coins 1/25¢ 3/50¢ 1/25¢ 5/$1.00 1/25¢ 6/$1.00 1/10 S 1/10 S 4/30 S 1/30p 2/50p 5/£1 1/50p 3/£1 1/30p 4/£1 1/60¢ 2/$1.00 /()7 3XOVHV 01 01 05 01 04 01 01 01 01 &(17(5 3XOVHV 04 04 20 02 08 06 05 05 00 5,*+7 3XOVHV 01 01 05 02 08 15 15 12 05 $GMXVWPHQWV !!! 7+ 3XOVHV 3XOVHV 3XOVHV &UHGLW %RQXV 00 01 02 00 01 04 00 04 20 00 02 00 00 06 00 02 03 00 02 05 00 02 03 00 00 03 05 3XOVHV QG %RQXV 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 &UHGLW VW %RQXV 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 01 Below and the following page is the Standard Pricing Select Table for the individual countries listed. The Pricing Scheme is determined in two ways - 1: The CPU/Sound Board Dip Switch (Sw. 300) Setting; and, 2: The Country Setting Option. For each country listed, the Dip Switch Setting is shown (Column 1). At this time, not all countries have a unique Dip Switch Setting. For the countries without a unique setting, the USA Setting (or all positions in the "OFF" position) is used. In lieu of determining the best Pricing Scheme for your location, "pre-sets" were made available which would best suit any given situation. If the Factory Default setting is not the selection you feel is best for your location, choose any of the other pre-set settings. If any of these settings do not suit your needs, then CUSTOM PRICING will need to be accomplished (however, any "custom" changes made here will be lost after a FACTORY RESET so it is suggested to write down your unique set-up). The Standard Pricing Select Table Explained: Column 1: CPU/Sound Board Dip Switch 300 Settings: (self-explanatory). Column 2: Country Setting Option: The different available pre-sets are listed. Columns 3-6: Coin Mechanisms - These show the coinage through the available slots on the Coin Doors. Different countries use different Coin Doors. For example, USA style Coin Doors, which have only 2 coin acceptors (left & right) may utilize the "Center" slot cable for an optional Bill Validator. Different Coin Doors may have up to 4 coin acceptors. Columns 7-10: Pricing Scheme Explained Shows the number of plays received for the monies required determined by the setting selected. 6WDQGDUG3ULFLQJ6HOHFW7DEOH CPU/SOUND BOARD DIP SWITCH 300 SETTINGS Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF 99999999 8888 9999 COUNTRY SETTING OPTION 86$ 86$ 86$ 'HIDXOW 86$ 86$ 86$ 86$ 86$ (XUR 'HIDXOW (XUR (XUR (XUR (XUR (XUR 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX Coin Mechanisms COINS THRU ... SLOT: LEFT CENTER RIGHT 4TH 25¢ 20¢ $1.00 50¢ 25¢ L1.00 L2.00 Pricing Scheme Explained Number of "Plays" for Price Amount Shown 1 /25¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 2 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /50¢ 1 /L1.00 1 /L1.00 2 /75¢ 3 /$1.00 5 /$2.00 2 /‘4 X 25¢’ 3 /$1.00 Bill 4 /$1.50 6 /$2.00 3 /$1.00 5 /L2.00 3 /L1.00 2 /L1.50 5 /L2.00 Used to promote the Bill Validator 3 /L2.00 6HF$GM0HQX &RLQ 0HFKDQLVPV /()7 6WDQGDUG3ULFLQJ6HOHFW7DEOH&RQWLQXHG CPU DIP SWITCH SETTINGS, Location SW300 CPU/SOUND BOARD Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON 6HF$GM0HQX OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF Pos. ON OFF COUNTRY SETTING OPTION † ‡ 8 99999999 8 9 999999 8 88 9 9999 88 999999 99999999 $XVWULD † $XVWUDOLD ‡ $XVWUDOLD ‡ %HOJLXP † %UD]LO † &DQDGD † 'HQPDUN ‡ 'HQPDUN ‡ 99999999 )LQODQG ‡ )UDQFH † 9 88 )UDQFH 99999 99999 OFF 10S 10S 1 /10S 2 /15S 20¢ $A 1 $A 2 1 /$A 1 1 /$A 1 3 /$A 2 *HUPDQ\ *HUPDQ\ † 1 ‘coin’ 4 ‘coins’ 1 ‘coin’ 25¢ 25¢ 1 /‘2 coins’ Can$ 1 1 /50¢ 2 /75¢ 3/ Can$ 1 10 DKr 1 /3 DKr 1 /2 DKr 2 /5 DKr 3 /5 DKr 7 /10DKr 1 DKr 5 DKr 1 Fmk 5 Fmk 1 /5 Fmk 4 /10 Fmk 2 /5 Fr 3 /10 Fr 2 /5 Fr 5 /10 Fr 7 /20 Fr 4 /10 Fr 11 /20 Fr 5 Fr 1 /3 Fr 1 /5 Fr 1 /3 Fr 5 DM 1 /1 DM 1 /2 DM 1 /2 DM 1 /1 DM 6/‘1 X 5 DM’ 2 /3 DM 2 /3 DM 6 /5 DM 3 /4 DM 3 /4 DM 4 /5 DM 5 /5 DM 100 Dr 1 /50 Dr 3 /100 Dr 1 /5 HK$ 1 Fr 10 Fr 20 DKr 20 Fr 1 DM 2 DM *HUPDQ\ 99999999 *UHHFH ‡ 50 Dr 99999999 +RQJ .RQJ ‡ 1 HK$ 2 HK$ 5 HK$ +XQJDU\ ‡ 10 Ft 10 Ft 20 Ft 1 /20 Ft 3 /40 Ft 500 Lit 1 /500 Lit 1 /1000 Lit 3 /2000 Lit 100¥ 1 /100¥ 1 /100¥ 3 /200¥ 100 Won 1 /100 Won 99999999 8 999 9999 8 8 99 9999 ,WDO\ † ,WDO\ 99999999 8 99 99999 -DSDQ .RUHD ‡ 1HWKHUODQGV 1HWKHUODQGV † 1HZ =HDODQG ‡ 99999999 8 8 9 9 9999 1HZ =HDODQG ‡ 1RUZD\ † 1RUZD\ 99999999 88 8 9 9999 88 99 9999 8 8 9 99999 6SDLQ ‡ 6ZHGHQ † 6ZHGHQ 6ZLW]HUODQG † 6ZLW]HUODQG 9 888 9999 SEE NOTES IN PRICING SCHEME Notes: 500 Lit -DSDQ † 100 Won 1 Fls. 1 Fls. 2.5 Fls. 2.5 Fls. 5 Fls. 1 /1 Fls. 1 /1 Fls. 3 /2.5 Fls. 3 /2.5 Fls. $NZ 2 1 /$NZ 1 1 /$NZ 1 3 /$NZ 2 20 NKr 2 /10 NKr 1 /10 NKr 1 /5 NKr 3 /20 NKr 500 Pts 1 /100 Pts 6 /500 Pts 2 /15 SKr 2 /10 SKr $NZ 1 10 NKr 5 NKr 100 Pts 1 SKr 5 SKr 10 SKr 1 /10 SKr 1 /5 SKr 1 SwF 2 SwF 5 SwF 1 /1 SwF 1 /1 SwF 6 /5 SwF 3 /2 SwF 3 /£1 4 /£1 1 /50p 1 /30p 1 /£1 3 /£2 7 /£2 8 /£2 2 /£1 2 /60p 3 /£2 8. † 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 3 /20S 5 BF 20 BF 50 BF 1 /20 BF 3 /50 BF This country uses unique Tokens and/or Debit Cards only (pricing varies). *HUPDQ\ Dip Switch Setting for New 50p / £2: Pos. ON 5S )UDQFH 888 Pricing Scheme Explained Number of "Plays" for Price Amount Shown Please Note: for all USA Settings, see previous page (bottom). 9999999 Coin Mechanisms COINS THRU ... SLOT: LEFT CENTER RIGHT 4TH 10p 50p £1 20p 9 /20 Fr 6 /5 Fls. 4 /20 NKr 3 /20 SKr 9 /5 SwF The Pricing Scheme using the New UK Dip Sw. Setting (with 2, 3 & 4 = ON), is the same (UK1 - UK6). Use only with the New Style Coin Mech. The New 50p & £2 Coins can be accomodated in 5th & 6th Coin Slots. 5 /£2 3 /90p 4 /£1 This is "software controlled" by noting the presence/non-presense of pulses via Normal Coin Slots 1-4 (Left, Center, Right & 4th). If an old style Coin Mech is used, see new adjustment to accomodate. † Indicates Factory Default for that setting. ‡ Indicates a USA Dip Switch Setting (all positions in the "OFF" position). 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 63,$GMXVWPHQWV&RQWLQXHG Adj. 8 RESET COIN AUDITS Adj. 9 RESET GAME AUDITS Adj. 10 RESET HIGH SCORES Adj. 11 MATCH PERCENTAGE Adj. 12 BALLS PER GAME Adj. 13 TILT WARNINGS Adj. 14 REPLAY BOOST Adj. 15 CREDIT LIMIT Adj. 16 ALLOW HIGH SCORES Adj. 17 HIGH SCORE #1 AWARDS Adj. 18 HIGH SCORE #2 AWARDS Adj. 19 HIGH SCORE #3 AWARDS Adj. 20 HIGH SCORE #4 AWARDS Adj. 21 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #1 Adj. 22 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #2 Adj. 23 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #3 Adj. 24 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #4 Adj. 25 DEFAULT HIGH SCORE #5 Adj. 26 HSTD RESET COUNT Adj. 27 HIGH SCORE INITIALS 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX $GMXVWPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES (select the "+" Icon to change) all Coin Audits (Audits 5-11), will be reset to zero. Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES (select the "+" Icon to change) all audits will be reset to zero, except for the Coin Audits (Audits 5-11) and Audit 12, Software Meter (the only audit which cannot be reset to zero). Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES (select the "+" Icon to change) all the High Score Levels and associated initials will be restored to the backup settings. Set between 0% - 10% or OFF. Default is 9%. At 0% the match display occurs at the end of the game but never awards a credit. Set between 02 - 05. Default is 03. Adjusts the number of balls per game. Set to 00, 01 or 03. Default is 01. Adjusts the number of plumb bob tilt switch closures before the ball in play is tilted. Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, exceeding a replay will set a temporary replay level for each time a replay level is surpassed. This new level will equal the previous replay level (when the replay was awarded) plus 50M for each following game, until the replays have all been played (then the previous level is resumed). Set between 04 - 50. Default is 30. Adjusts the maximum number of credits that may be posted. Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES if a player exceeds any 1 of the 4 High Scores, the player may receive an award (depending on Adj. 3, Replay Award). Set to NO to disable this feature. There are 10 High Scores that will allow the player to enter their initials (or name) (See Adj. 27, High Score Initials), however, only the top 4 can receive an award if this adjustment is enabled. Set between 00 - 05. Default is 01. Adjusts the number of awards awarded for exceeding Level 1 (the highest of the four (4) Levels). Set between 00 - 03. Default is 00. Adjusts the number of awards awarded for exceeding Level 2. Set between 00 - 02. Default is 00. Adjusts the number of awards awarded for exceeding Level 3. Set between 00 - 01. Default is 00. Adjusts the number of awards awarded for exceeding Level 4. Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 500,000,000. Adjusts the desired High Score Level to which Level 1 may be achieved (not affected by Adj. 26). Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,0000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 400,000,000. Adjusts the desired High Score Level to which Level 2 may be achieved (not affected by Adj. 26). Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,0000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 350,000,000. Adjusts the desired High Score Level to which Level 3 may be achieved (not affected by Adj. 26). Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,0000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 325,000,000. Adjusts the desired High Score Level to which Level 4 may be achieved (not affected by Adj. 26). Set between 1,000,000 - 9,999,000,0000 or 00 (increments of 1M). Default is 300,000,000. Adjusts the desired High Score Level to which Level 5 may be achieved (not affected by Adj. 26). Set between 100 - 9,900 or OFF (increments of 100). Default is 2,000. HSTD (High Score To Date). Adjusts the number of games between automatic resets of high score levels to backup settings and ball time averager adjustments. Set to OFF for "no reset or adjustment". Set to 3 INITIALS or 10 LETTER. Default is 3 INITIALS. When set to 3 INITIALS, player is allowed only 3 initials to input. When set to 10 LETTER NAME, player is allowed to enter 10 initials to input. 6HF$GM0HQX $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH 63,$GMXVWPHQWV&RQWLQXHG $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH Adj. 28 FREE PLAY Adj. 29 CUSTOM MESSAGE Adj. 30 Adj. 31 Adj. 32 6HF$GM0HQX Adj. 33 Adj. 34 Adj. 35 Adj. 36 Adj. 37 Adj. 38 Adj. 39 $GMXVWPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, no coins are required for Game Play. Set to ON, CHANGE or OFF. Default is ON. When set to CHANGE (select the "+" Icon to change settings until "CHANGE" appears in the display, then select the ">>" Icon to access.) This adjustment can be accessed in two (2) ways by either selecting the "S.P.I." Icon and advancing to this Adjustment 29, or can be directly accessed by selecting the "ABCD CUST MSG" Icon in the ADJUSTMENTS MENU. View the definition at the end of this chapter under the Custom Message entry for the operation explanation. Set to NORMAL, DIM or OFF. Default is NORMAL. When set to DIM FLASH LAMP POWER the Flash Lamps impulse power is reduced by 25% and when set to OFF the Flash Lamps will not flash. Set to NORMAL, HARD or SOFT. Default is NORMAL. When HARD the coil pulse power is increased by 12.5% of the normal pulse rate. When set to SOFT the coil pulse power is decreased by 12.5% of the COIL PULSE POWER normal pulse rate. These adjustments are provided to compensate for Low Line or High Line voltage conditions where the solenoids appear to kicking too weak or too hard. Adjust as required. Set to NORMAL, LOW or OFF. Default is NORMAL. When set to KNOCKER VOLUME LOW, the volume is decreased 50%. When set to OFF, no sound is heard when the "knocker" is sounded. Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, a new game may be started during any ball after the first ball is completed (if credits are available). Pressing the Start Button during the first ball GAME RESTART will add additional players. When set to NO, the game disables the Start Button after the first ball until the final ball is in play. Review Section 2, Chapter 1, Game Operations & Features for details. EXTRA BALL Set between 0% - 50%. This adjustment allows the operator to adjust PERCENTAGE how frequently the Extra Ball Feature is made available to the player. Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to YES, in Game Attract BILL VALIDATOR Mode the Display will show an "Insert Bill Animation." When set to NO, the Display will show an "Insert Coin Animation." Set to NONE, IFPA, EXPO, PAPA or HOME. Default is NONE. Tournament Mode determines the default conditions to quickly prepare a game for tournament play. When this setting is changed all audits will be reset and all adjustments will be initiated to the particular style selected. The game will then return to Game Over TOURNAMENT MODE Attract Mode, as if a Factory Reset had been performed. NONE Same as a Factory Reset conditions. IFPA - Straight 50¢ play, No Replay, No Extra Ball, No High Scores, 2 Tilt Warnings and No Match. EXPO or PAPA - Same as IFPA settings except Free Play is enabled. HOME - Sets game for Free Play, Extra Ball Play, No Replay, 10% Match & 30% Extra Ball. Set between 01 - 15. Default is 01. After volume is set via Portals BKGRND (BACKGROUND) Service Buttons (See Sec. 3, Chp. 1, ...Intro) this adjustment can be MUSIC VOLUME utilized to adjust the background music (1 all the way on, 15 all the way off) while keeping the Special Sound FX the same level. Set to OFF, 0:01-0:15 or AUTO. Default is AUTO. When set to OFF this feature is unavailable. Set between 0:01 through 0:15 (single FREEZE TIME (BALL SAVE) increments) for the ball to be sent back into play if the time set is not met (per ball). Set to AUTO to automatically adjust the Freeze Timer based on the average ball time. UK COIN MECH. TYPE UK Only Dip Switch Set @ Option 2 Set to CURRENT: 2 POUND AT #5 if using a Coin Control Mech 74-1129-104U (latest version). Set to OLD: 2 POUND AT #6 if using older version Coin Control Mech 74-1129-104. Default is CURRENT: 2 POUND AT #5. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 63,$GMXVWPHQWV&RQWLQXHG $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH $GMXVWPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ Adj. 40 UK POST SAVE ENABLED UK Only Dip Switch Set @ Option 2 Set to YES or NO. Default is NO, (UK Default is YES). When set to YES this feature is available when lit. Set to NO to disable this feature. (UK Games have Outlane & Center Post Save Devices which are accessed in a different way; Non-UK Games cannot adjust this setting.) Set between 00 to 9999. Default is 00. This adjustment allows the Adj. 41 LOCATION ID operator to assign a location identification number to the audit print-out sheet. (Will not be affected by Factory Reset.) Set between 00 to 9999. Default is 00. This adjustment allows the Adj. 42 GAME ID operator to assign a game identification number to the audit print-out sheet. (Will not be affected by Factory Reset.) Please Note: For more details on Audit Printing, review Section 3, Chapter 3, Go To Audits Menu (Go To Printer Menu, Page 33). For more details on Factory Reset, review Section 3, Chapter 5, Go To Reset Menu. +L JK5 RO OHU &D VLQR$GMXVW PHQW V $GM 1º $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH Adj. 43 1ST MB W/HARD LOCKS Adj. 44 1ST MB W/HARD RELEASE Adj. 45 SLOT DIFFICULTY Adj. 46 POKER DIFFICULTY Adj. 47 HI-LO DIFFICULTY Adj. 48 ROULETTE DIFFICULTY Adj. 49 CRAPS DIFFICULTY Adj. 50 BLACKJACK DIFFICULTY Adj. 51 FAST BONUS COUNTDOWN Adj. 52 1ST RAMP EXTRA BALL AT Adj. 53 RAMP EXTRA BALL EVERY... Adj. 54 MAX RAMP EXTRA BALL AT Adj. 55 # CASINO GAMES FOR EB Adj. 56 1ST ATM BON. EXTRA BALL 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX $GMXVWPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ Set to 01 through 10. Default is 01. Determines the difficulty of qualifying Multiball. 01 is hardest. 10 is easiest. Set to 01 through 10. Default is 02. Determines the difficulty of qualifying Multiball. 01 is hardest. 10 is easiest. Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Determines how this Feature is started and played. Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Determines how this Feature is started and played. Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Determines how this Feature is started and played. Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Determines how this Feature is started and played. Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Determines how this Feature is started and played. Set to EXEASY, EASY, MODERATE, HARD or EXHARD. Default is MODERATE. Determines how this Feature is started and played. Set to YES or NO. Default is NO. When set to NO, this feature is not available. When set to YES, this feature is available. Set to 05 through 20. Default is 10. Determines how many ramp shots are needed to qualify for the Extra Ball Feature. Set to 40 through 75. Default is 50. After the Extra Ball Feature is qualified (based on the number adjusted in Adj. 52) for the first time, the subsequent number of ramps shots needed to qualify is the amount set in this adjustment. Set to OFF (00) or 01 through 11. Default is 05. Based on Adj. 52 & 53, the Extra Ball Feature will be turned off after the amount set in this adjustment is acheived. Set to OFF (00) or 01 through 06. Default is 02. Determines how many Casino Games need to be won to qualify for the Extra Ball Feature. Set to 05 through 20. Default is 10. Determines how many ATM Bonuses awarded are needed to qualify for the Extra Ball Feature. 6HF$GM0HQX From the ADJUSTMENTS MENU, select the "HRC" Icon with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon to view the 1st adjustment in this group. Continue to select either of the "ARROW" Icons to view each adjustment one at a time. Select either the "-" or "+" Icons to change the value, if desired. The display will describe the adjustment number, the adjustment name, and the adjustment total or value. The current adjustment will remain in the display until the next adjustment is chosen or when the sub-menu is exited. +LJK5 ROOHU&DVLQR$GMXVWPHQWV&RQWLQXHG $GMXVWPHQW 1DPH 6HF$GM0HQX Adj. 57 ATM BONUS EB EVERY... Adj. 58 MAX ATM BON. EXTRA BALL Adj. 59 EB MEMORY FROM RAMP Adj. 60 EB MEMORY FROM GAMES Adj. 61 EB MEM. FROM ROLL-N-WIN Adj. 62 EM MEM. FROM ATM BONUS Adj. 63 EB MEM. FROM MULTIBALL Adj. 64 SPECIAL MEM. FROM RNW Adj. 65 SPECIAL MEM. FROM BTB Adj. 66 ADULT SPEECH ENABLED Adj. 67 TIMED PLUNGER $GMXVWPHQW 'HILQLWLRQ Set to 40 through 99. Default is 50. After the Extra Ball Feature is qualified (based on the number adjusted in Adj. 56) for the first time, the subsequent number of ATM Bonuses awarded needed to qualify is the amount set in this adjustment. Set to OFF (00) or 01 through 11. Default is 04. Based on Adj. 56 & 57, the Extra Ball Feature will be turned off after the amount set in this adjustment is acheived. Set to ON or OFF. Default is ON. When set to ON, this feature bonus will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to OFF, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. Set to ON or OFF. Default is ON. When set to ON, this feature bonus will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to OFF, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. Set to ON or OFF. Default is OFF. When set to OFF, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. When set to ON, this feature bonus will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. Set to ON or OFF. Default is ON. When set to ON, this feature bonus will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. When set to OFF, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. Set to ON or OFF. Default is OFF. When set to OFF, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. When set to ON, this feature bonus will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. Set to ON or OFF. Default is OFF. When set to OFF, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. When set to ON, this feature bonus will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. Set to ON or OFF. Default is OFF. When set to OFF, this feature will go out at the end of each ball. When set to ON, this feature bonus will be retained in memory from ball-to-ball for the same player. Set to YES or NO. Default is YES. When set to YES, the original game program Adult Graphic Sound & Speech is used. When set to NO, the Sound & Speech is suitable for the innocent ears of children. Set to OFF or 0:15 - 1:00. Default is OFF. When set to 0:15 to 1:00, the plunger will "Autoplunge" the ball (at the time set) when the ball is at the beginning of play, awaiting the skill shot by the player. &XVW RP0HVVDJH To go directly to Adjustment 29, Custom Message, from the ADJUSTMENT MENU, select the "CUST MSG" Icon either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. At the top left corner of the Display, the letter A is indicated (blinking) in the first available position (Thirty-Six (36) characters including spaces are available). Vary the letter(s) by operating the Left and Right Flipper Buttons (or "RED" or "GREEN" Buttons). With the desired letter indicated, depress the Start Button to lock in the letter and advance to the next character. Repeat this procedure until the desired message is completed in the display. Select the "<" or ">" characters to back-space (erase) and/or to move forward in an already typed message. After completion, press the "BLACK" Button, "REQUEST INSTALLED" is indicated and then exits this sub-menu. )LO P6WD U5HVHW )RUW KH+RPH6HW WL QJ To reset the game with Special Home Settings (not the normal Factory Setting), from the ADJUSTMENT MENU, select the "STAR" Icon either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. This Special Setting automatically changes Adjustment 6, Game Difficulty, to EASY and Adjustment 28, Free Play, to YES. This setting is determined to be ideal for the home environment. 7DNH1RWH To Restore or Reset any of the adjustments to the Factory Settings (Default), review Sec. 3, Chp. 5, Go To Reset Menu. Follow the "RESET" Icon or "FACT" Icon and their explanations. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R$GMXVWPHQWV0HQX 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI *R7R5HVHW0HQX 2YHU YLHZ The Portals™ Service Menu System provides three (3) functions to reset adjustments and/or audits back to the Factory Setting. See Chapter 3, Go to Audits Menu, and Chapter 4, Go to Adjustments Menu, for the Game Audits & Adjustments Information. If a reset of Coin or Game Audits is performed, the display will indicate REQUEST INSTALLED and return to the RESET MENU. If a Factory Reset is performed, the display will indicate REQUEST INSTALLED, the Service Session is exited & returns to the Attract Mode. Please note that once reset, all customized settings are lost! Certain Audits & Adjustments cannot be reset (refer to the details below). *2725(6(70(1 8 With the game in the Attract Mode, open the Coin Door and press the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Select the "RESET" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The RESET MENU appears. ,PSRUWDQW1RWHV Exit any sub-menu and return to the MAIN MENU by selecting & activating the "PREV" Icon. Selecting & activating the "QUIT" Icon from the display will exit the Service Session. 5HVHW &RL Q$ XGL WV From the RESET MENU, select the "COIN" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. All Coin Audits (See Fig. 1) will be reset to Factory Settings. The display will indicate REQUEST INSTALLED and return to the RESET MENU. Coin Audits can also be reset from the ADJUSTMENTS MENU, S.P.I. ADJUSTMENT 8. See Chapter 4, Go to Adjustments Menu, of this section. After selecting this Icon, all of the Coin Audits (5-11) are reset to zero. 5HVHW *DPH$ XGL WV From the RESET MENU, select the "AUD" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. All Game Audits (See Fig. 2) will be reset to Factory Settings. The display will indicate REQUEST INSTALLED and return to the RESET MENU. Game Audits can also be reset from the ADJUSTMENTS MENU, S.P.I. ADJUSTMENT 9. See Chapter 4, Go to Adjustments Menu, of this section. After selecting this Icon, all of the Audits are reset to zero, except for the Coin Audits (Audits 5-11) and Audit 12, Software Meter. Audit 12 is the only audit which cannot be reset. Reset Coin Audits )LJ Earnings Audits (Coin Audits Only 5-11) Au. Nº Description 1-4 The first 4 Audits in the game. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 + Coins Thru Left Slot Coins Thru Right Slot Coins Thru Center Slot Coins Thru 4th Slot Total Coins Total Earnings Meter Clicks Software Meter The remainder of the Audits. Reset Game Audits )LJ Earnings (1-4), Generic/Specific Audits (13+) Au. Nº Description 1-4 The first 4 Audits in the game. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 + Coins Thru Left Slot Coins Thru Right Slot Coins Thru Center Slot Coins Thru 4th Slot Total Coins Total Earnings Meter Clicks Software Meter The remainder of the Audits. )D FW RU \ 5HVHW From the RESET MENU, select the "FACT" Icon with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button. All adjustments will be reset to Factory Settings (except for Proprietary Adjustments). The display will indicate REQUEST INSTALLED and exit the Service Session. See Chapter 4, Go to Adjustments Menu, of this section, for the Factory Settings in the Game Adjustment Table. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R5HVHW0HQX 6HF5HVHW0HQX Selecting & activating the "HELP" Icon from the display will show a help screen. (An explanation of each Mini-Icon at that level will cycle continuously until any active button is pressed.) ([ DPSOH From the MAIN MENU, use the Red or Green Buttons to select the "RESET" Icon (GO TO RESET MENU). 0$,1 *2725(6(70(18 0$,1 Press the Black Button to activate this ICON. This will bring up the RESET MENU. 6HF5HVHW0HQX 5(6(7 5(6(7&2,1$8',76 5(6(7 The RESET MENU now appears with the "COIN" Icon (RESET COIN AUDITS) flashing: DO NOT PRESS THE START BUTTON AFTER SELECTING ANY THREE OF THESE ICONS UNLESS THIS IS WHAT IS DESIRED (SETTINGS WILL BE LOST)! PLEASE READ THE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF ANY OF THESE THREE ICONS ARE ACTIVATED. From the RESET MENU, select any of the Icons ("COIN", "AUD" or "FACT") with either Red or Green Button and press the Black Button to activate the ICON chosen. If the "COIN" or "AUD" Icons are chosen and activated, the affected audits (see previous page) will be reset, the display will indicate REQUEST INSTALLED and the display will return to the RESET MENU. If the "FACT" Icon is chosen and activated, all adjustments will be reset back to the Factory Settings. The display will indicate REQUEST INSTALLED (momentarily), the Service Session is automatically exited and returns to the Attract Mode. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R5HVHW0HQX 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI *R 7R )XVHV /L VW 2YHUYLHZ The Portals™ Service Menu System provides a current Fuse List for this game. The fuses are located in the Backbox (on the Display Power Supply Board and the I/O Power Driver Board), and also in the Cabinet (under the playfield by the Flippers and/or by any unique assembly, such as magnets). See the front of this manual (page # ) for the complete Fuse List in the Quick Reference Fuse Chart and note the drawings. : *272)86(6/,67 With the game in the Attract Mode, open the Coin Door and press the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Select the "FUSES" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. Select and activate the "RIGHT ARROW" Icon to view the 1st fuse in this group. Continue to select either of the "ARROW" Icons to view each fuse one at a time. The display will describe the fuse identification number (e.g. F1, F6, F7, etc.), location of fuse (i.e. Backbox: Board name located on; or Cabinet: Under the playfield or in Service Outlet), rating of fuse (e.g. 5A 250v S.B. - i.e. 5 Amp, 250 volt, Slo-Blo), and ‘use of fuse’ (e.g. 90v DC High Voltage Power, etc.). The current fuse listed will remain in the display until the next fuse is chosen or when the sub-menu is exited. Exit any sub-menu and return to the MAIN MENU by selecting & activating the "PREV" Icons. If no Icons appear in the display because of a testing function or special display (e.g. "Help"), press any button to exit. Selecting & activating the "QUIT" Icon from any display will exit the Service Session. Selecting & activating the "HELP" Icon from any display will show a help screen. (An explanation of each Mini-Icon at that level will cycle continuously until any active button is pressed.) Selecting & activating the "ARROW" Icons selects the next or previous fuse in this group. ([DPSOH From the MAIN MENU, use the Red or Green Buttons to select the "FUSES" Icon (GO TO FUSES LIST). *272)86(6/,67 0$,1 0$,1 Press the Black Button to activate this ICON. This will bring up the FUSES LIST. %$&.%2; )',63/$<32:(56833/<%' $96% 9'&+,*+92/7$*(',63/$< )86(6/,67 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R)XVHV/LVW 6HF)XVHV/LVW ,PSRUWDQW1RWHV 9%$&.%2;/$<287/2&$7,216)XVHV%ULGJHV5HOD\V520V9 'LVSOD\3RZHU6XSSO\%RDUG QUICK 6HF)XVHV/LVW REFERENCE FUSE CHART B a c k b o x F u s e s LOC: DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY (P.S.) BOARD F1 3⁄4A 250v S.B. 90v DC High Voltage Display LOC: I / O POWER DRIVER BOARD F6 7A 250v S.B. 50v DC Primary High Power Coils/Flippers F7 5A 250v S.B. 20v DC Low Power Coils F8 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F9 5A 250v S.B. 12v DC Logic Power F20 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Magnet(s) F21 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Coils F22 8A 250v S.B. 18v DC Controlled Lamps F23 4A 250v S.B. 5v DC Logic F24 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (BRN-WHT to WHT-BRN) F25 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (YEL to WHT-YEL) F26 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (GRN to WHT-GRN) F27 5A 250v S.B. 6.3v AC G.I. Lamps (VIO to WHT-VIO) F28 3A 250v S.B. 24v AC Motors / Aux. (If Used) C a b i n e t F u s e s LOC: SERVICE (AC) OUTLET BOX (Cabine t Bottom) n/a 8A 250v S.B. 115v AC Main Fuse Line (Domestic or USA) n/a 5A 250v S.B. 220v AC Main Fuse Line (International) H i g h R o l l e r C a s i n o P / F F u s e s LOC: UNDER PLAYFIELD (By As se mblies Listed) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Rt. Flipper (BLU-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Lt. Flipper (GRY-YEL RED-YEL) n/a 3A 250v S.B. 50v DC Ramp Diverter (GRY-YEL RED-YEL) )RU %DFNER[ &DELQHW *HQHUDO 3DUWV UHYLHZ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3DUWV ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ /RFDWLRQ 7KH 3LQN 3DJHV )RU 6FKHPDWLFV DQGRU &RPSRQHQW 3DUWV RQ DERYH %RDUGV UHYLHZ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3ULQWHG &LUFXLW %RDUGV 7KH <HOORZ 3DJHV F1 &386RXQG%RDUG SW300 6ROHQRLG ([SDQGHU %RDUG ‡ ‡ For more information see Pages 50 & 136) ,2 3RZHU 'ULYHU %RDUG U36 U21 U17 U212 CMOS RAM U37 VOICE ROMS ,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUG F24 F26 F9 F22 F23 F25F27 G.I. Relay F8 F7 B3 B20 BRIDGES B2 B21 'LVSOD\ &RQWUROOHU %RDUG 0RXQWHG EHKLQG WKH 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ *** All BRIDGES rated 35A @ 100v *** B1 +50v DC High Current Coils B2 +20v DC Low Current Coils B3 +/-12v DC Sound / Display / Logic B20 +18v DC Illumination B21 +5v DC Logic Voltage F6 F21 DISPLAY ROM 0 ROM 0 B1 F28 F20 1R)XVHV Inside Coin Door Playfield Power Interlock Switch Volume Control & Service Switches For operational usage, see Section 3, Chapter 1, Portals Service Menu Introduction The Display Controller Board (holds the Display ROM Loc: ROM0) is positioned behind the 128 X 32 Dot Matrix Display Board (Neither board contain Fuses.) Memory Protect Switch Service Outlet (on Power Box) Inside Coin Door On/Off Switch (Under Pwr. Box) Playfield Power Interlock Switch Memory Protect Switch U210 CPU/ OPSYS EPROM 1R)XVHV Jumper @ W6 must be present for 8MB EPROMs 'LVSOD\ 3RZHU 6XSSO\ %G &38 6RXQG %RDUG 3x AA SOUND/ U7 OPSYS EPROM INSIDE INSIDE VIEW VIEW OF PINBALL CABINET THE PINBALL CABINET Int’l.: 5 Amp 250v USA: 8 Amp 250v Slo-Blo Fuse Slo-Blo Fuse Transformer on Cabinet Bottom 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R)XVHV/LVW 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI *R7 R+HOS6FUHHQ 2YHU YLHZ The Portals™ Service Menu System provides help screens in each display (except if the display is in a testing mode). Each screen is basic and some terms may vary. At the beginning of each chapter in this section, Icons are shown and described to give detail of the particular function of the individual Icons. The table on the previous page was designed to help answer some questions of situations which may arise. *272+(/36&5((1 0(18+(/36&5((1 86(7+(5('25*5((1%877216 72&+$1*(7+(6(/(&7(',&21 35(667+(%/$&.%8772172 $&7,9$7(7+(6(/(&7(',&21 7+()/,33(567$57%877216 )81&7,21,17+(6$0(:$< ,PSRUWDQW1RWHV Exit any sub-menu and return to the MAIN MENU by selecting & activating the "PREV" Icons. If no Icons appear in the display because of a testing function or special display (e.g. "Help"), press any button to exit. Selecting & activating the "QUIT" Icon from any display will exit the Service Session. Selecting & activating the "HELP" Icon from any display will show a help screen. (An explanation of each Mini-Icon at that level will cycle continuously until any active button is pressed.) These "Mini-Icons" vary in functionality depending in what sub-menu they are used. Refer to the beginning of each chapter in this section for the function they serve in that menu or select the "HELP" Icons in the display where the Icon in question is being used. 5HYLHZ &KDSWHU ,QWURGXFWLRQ How to enter the Portals™ Service Menu. The chapter outlines the entire Portals™ Service Menu. View the Icon Tree in this manual which describes the names and menu descriptions of each Icon. View the display, after selecting and activating either of the "HELP" or "?" Icons. 5HYLHZ &KDSWHU *R WR 'LDJQRVWLFV 0HQX Find all the tests needed to troubleshooting the game. 5HYLHZ &KDSWHU *R WR $XGLWV 0HQX Gather play information and printing functions (downloading). 5HYLHZ &KDSWHU *R WR $GMXVWPHQWV 0HQX 5HYLHZ &KDSWHU *R WR 5HVHW 0HQX 5HYLHZ &KDSWHU *R WR )XVHV 0HQX Customize the game to vary difficulty of play or to change functions of the game. Reset audits and adjustments to Factory Settings. View the location & descriptions of the game fuses (the same information is referenced in the Fuse Chart Table on '5 ). : This concludes the Portals™ Service Menu. Review the Table of Contents at the beginning of this manual, and the detailed Table of Contents for Section 3 to quickly find the information required. The remainder of the sections in this manual will cover all the parts in this game and provide helpful information to aide in troubleshooting. If questions still arise after reading this Section completely, call our Technical Support Department. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R+HOS6FUHHQ 6HF+HOS6FUHHQ With the game in the Attract Mode, open the Coin Door and press the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. Select the "HELP" Icon in the MAIN MENU with either Red "LEFT" or Green "RIGHT" Button and press the Black "ENTER" Button. The HELP SCREEN appears cycling through the different icon usages pertinent to that menu level. 3257$/6™ 6(59,&(0(18 352%/(062/87,217$%/( Use this table for a quick simple solution(s) guide. For more technical assistance view Section 5. 352%/(0 62/87,21 6HF+HOS6FUHHQ • Check the Service Switch(es) (Red, Green & Black Buttons) for loose connections or bad Ground. Will not enter the Service Mode after depressing the • Check the associated wiring harness to/from the Black "BEGIN TEST" Button. CPU Board Connector CN6. • Check CPU Board, possibly failed. • Check the Service Switches for poor All Service Buttons (Red, Green and Black) appear connections or broken wires. nonfunctional. • Check to make sure the Game is not in "Free Play." If the game is set to Free Play, adding Service Credits is The Green Service Button in the Attract Mode will not not required. enter the Service Credits Menu to add Service Credits. • Check the Service Switche(s) for poor connections or broken wires. • Check the Dot Matrix Display for loose wiring harness connections. The display blanks out. • Check F1 (3/4A Fuse) on the Display Pwr. Supply Bd. Refer to Section 5, Chapter 4, Schematics & Troubleshooting. • If the Service Switch Set and/or the Coin Door was replaced, ensure the Locking Mechanism on the Green Button is removed. If the Green Button "clicks" and Icons "scroll" along continuously in the MAIN MENU. locks into an up/down position, the Green Button has this lock switch. Remove it. (Ref. to Svc. Bulletin #74.) • This is normal. These switches are deactivated, as The Start and Flipper Buttons do not select or they are a part of the Switch Test. Use the Red "LEFT" activate Icons in the SWITCH TEST MENU. or Green "RIGHT" & Black "ENTER" Buttons in this Sub-Menu (See Chapter 1). • Check the Flipper Buttons for loose connections or bad Ground and refer to Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Can’t move selection of Icon with the Left and/or Right Wiring, #-Flipper Circuit Wiring Diagram. Flipper Buttons. • This is normal only in Diagnostic’s Switch & Active Switch Tests (see previous Problem). • If no printing equipment is connected, the "-" Icon, "+" Some Icons appear non-functional in the PRINTER Icon and "RUN" Icon will appear not to function (see MENU(S). the end of Chapter 3). • If there is no other test under this Menu, the "Left Arrow" & "Right Arrow" Icons will appear not to function. Some Icons appear non-functional in the GAME The remaining Icons should function as normal. SPECIFIC MENU under the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. Note: If there is no Game Specific Special Test, the "GAME SPECIFIC" Icon will not invoke another display. The display returns to the ATTRACT MODE exiting the • This is normal. After a FACTORY RESET, the Service Session is automatically exited (see Chapter 4 Service Session from the FACTORY RESET MENU. (end) or Chapter 6). In COIL TEST MENU, the coils and flashlamps do not • Ensure the POWER INTERLOCK SWITCH (See figure on front inside cover) is pulled out. fire after activating the "RUN" Icon. In ADJUSTMENTS MENU, with the Coin Door • This is normal. The Memory Protect Switch is CLOSED, adjustments are not getting changed as enabled when the Coin Door is CLOSED. Changes desired while using the Flipper & Start Buttons to can be made with the Coin Door OPEN only. select Icons and change values. • The Volume adjustment can only be made when in the Attract Mode. The Volume Mode is entered by ™ In Portals Service Menu, the volume cannot be pressing the Red "VOLUME" Button. Then use the adjusted with the Red or Green Buttons. Red or Green Button to increase/decrease volume. (Red "LEFT" decrements; Green "RIGHT" increments.) • If you cannot clear the situation by exiting back one In Portals™ Service Menu, the display seems to lock Menu, exit completely out of the Portals™ Service up, or the Help Display appears to be non-functional. Menu, and re-enter. If the problem persists, call Technical Support for additional help. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU *R7R+HOS6FUHHQ 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU RI 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 7 KH3LQN3DJHV 2YHU YLHZ This section provides the Part Nºs and locations of all the components in this pinball machine. The parts are arranged in three groups: BACKBOX, CABINET & PLAYFIELD. Generic parts which may change as production continues (quantity and/or size) are listed together. Quantities greater than 0 indicates that the part is used in this game. Since quantity changes may occur, an item indicating "0" may be used. Compare the item which needs to be replaced with the drawings provided (the Posts, Sockets, Bulbs & Rubber Rings are drawn actual size). Major Assemblies & Ramps are detailed in the Blue Pages, Chapter 2. Important: Read all "Take Note:" items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iscellaneous Clamps in the Backbox: / 040-5000-(XX) (Fill in the last 2-digits for the Part Number): 5 6LGH 9LHZµ 1/4" (Double) Qty. 3 (-23) Qty. 2 The Backglass is Shown for clarity. ! ! $ Qty. 2 ! $ $ ! ! $ $ Associated Parts (AP-) Numbers listed in Table on the next page. )URQW9LHZ The Backglass is Not Shown in this Front View for clarity. 1" (Single) Qty. 6 (-09) ! ! 7DNH1RWH % 3/4" (Single) Qty. 3 (-08) Above clamps are secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 13) (234-5101-00) % ! 1/2" (Single) Qty. 1 (-06) & * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. & Right Side Pivot Hinge † When ordering Item 3, CPU/Sound Bd., please specify the Game Name to receive the board with the correct ROMs. 1º 1 %$&.%2; 3$57 1$0( Backbox (High Roller Casino) 1 63, 3$57 1º 525-5558-65 1 535-5809-04 47< Item 1 comes with White T-Molding installed. 6HF3DUWV,G 2 PCB Metal Mounting Plate Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 8) (234-5101-00), #10 Washer 7/32" ID X .5" OD X 1/16" (Qty. 4) (242-5003-00) and #8 Lock Washer (Qty. 2) (246-5001-00) 3 † CPU/Sound Board (Mono) FCC-FEB98 4 Display Power Supply Board 5 I/O Power Driver Board 1 1 1 Solenoid Expander Board (UK Only) 0 520-5192-00 Item 6 is required for UK Games Only to support the Left & Right Outlane Ball Deflectors & Center Up/Down Post Assemblies not supported in the Normal Coil Matrix of Q1-Q32. Fluorescent Light Bracket Assy. Left 1 515-6545-00 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 7) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 7A Fluorescent Light Bracket Left 1 535-7739-00 7B Lamp Holder (Self-Locking) 1 077-5214-00 7C #6-32 X 5/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc 1 232-5203-00 7D Starter Base (with Leads) 1 077-5213-00 7E #4-40 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc 2 237-5813-00 7R Fluorescent Light Bracket Assy. Right 1 515-6545-01 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 7) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 7A Fluorescent Light Bracket Right 1 535-7739-01 7B-7C Identical to Items 7B-7C above. See 6B-6C 7L Items 7L & 7R are secured by: #10-24 X 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 2/per) (231-5012-00), #10-24 Keps Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5207-00) and 3/4" X 3" Reinforced Strapping Tape (Qty. 1, Sold in 12" Lengths only) (626-5040-00) 8 9* 10 Fluorescent Tube (F20T12CW) Ground Strap (5") (by Item 11) Starter - Fluorescent (FS2 Light) 1 1 1 %$&.%2; 3$57 1$0( 11 Ballast SP2/K 5/8" Core 120v 50/60 Hz 13W Ballast Mounting Plate 47< 1 63, 3$57 1º 010-5015-00 535-8657-00 Item 11 is secured to Item 1 by: #6 X 5/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5102-04) 12 13 Lock Mounting Plate for 2000 Camlock (Cam 440X) & Key 1 1 535-8128-01 355-5018-02 520-5136-16 Items 12-13 are secured by: #8 X 5/8" TP Torx T20 (Qty. 4) (237-5947-00) 1 355-5006-01 520-5138-00 14A #1 Roto Lock Male (on Cabinet) 1 355-5006-02 520-5137-01 14B #1 Roto Lock Female (R2-0002-02) Items 3, 4 & 5 are secured to Item 2 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS (Qty. 19) (237-5903-00) 6 1º 165-5031-02 600-5006-05 165-5011-01 Item 14B is secured by: #10-24 X 1-3/4" CBSN (Qty. 2) (231-5022-00), #10-24 Keps Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5207-00) and #10 Washer 7/32" ID X .5" OD X 1/16" (Qty. 2) (242-5003-00) 15 Back Vent Grill 2-1/2" X 18" 1 545-5072-02 1 1 1 1 1 1 820-6152-00 820-6152-65 820-6143-00 820-5091-00 036-5000-04 036-5001-68 Item 15 is secured by: Staple 5/16" (Qty. 24) (631-5000-00) 16 17 18* 19* 20* 21* Fuse Description Decal (Generic) Fuse Description Decal Game Nº 65 Fuse Label (UL) Backbox Date Label Ribbon Cable, 20-Pin (4") Ribbon Cable, 26-Pin (68") Item 20 (20-Pin) connects the CPU/Sound Board to the I/O Power Driver Board. Item 21 (26-Pin) connects the CPU/Sound Board to the Display Controller Board. 22 Value Wheel Plastic (Buty.) Lamp Bd. w/Divider Foam (545-5963-00) Self-Adhesive 1 515-7124-00-65 Please Note: For #44 / #555 Sockets & Bulbs located in the backbox, see Page 62 (Items A & 8) and Page 64 (Items D & 7). 23 Value Wheel Support Bracket 2 535-8754-00 Items 22 & 23 are secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1 per hole) (234-5101-00) 24 "CAUTION - VERY HOT" Decal 1 820-6266-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 6SHDNHU3DQHO$VV\IRUWKH%DFNER[+5&DVLQR,WHPV DQG$VVRF3DUWV%DFNJODVV$VVHPEO\3LYRW+LQJHV/HIW5LJKW6HH%HORZ7DEOH Qty. 2 Qty. 2 )URQW9LHZ 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. (Broken View) ! ! % 1. Ordering the complete Speaker Panel Assembly, 515-6888-03 (Items 1-15) will include all hardware. & 6LGH9LHZ/DLG'RZQ For clarity, the below drawing does not show the speaker(s). See Hardware for Item 6. See Hardware for Item 4. See Hardware for Item 3. 1º 1 2 63($.(5 3$1(/ 3$57 1$0( Speaker Panel (Black Wood) Dot Matrix Disp. Bd. Mounting Bracket 47< 1 2 63, 3$57 1º 525-5515-00 535-8368-01 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #8 X 3/4" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4/per) (234-5103-00) 3 Dot Matrix Display Board 128 X 32 1 520-5052-00 Item 3 is secured to Item 2 by (at corners): 3/16" X 3/8" Spacer Gray (Qty. 4) (254-5000-18) and #6-32 X 1/2" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 4) (237-5976-03) Item 3 is secured to Item 4 (at the top center) by: 3/4" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 1) (254-5008-04) and #6-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 1) (232-5200-00) 4 Static Shield (Steel Plate) 1 5* 6 2 1 545-5592-01 520-5055-03 Item 6 is secured to Item 4 by: 1/2" X 5/16" X .144 ID Spacer Tap (Qty. 3) (254-5014-00), #6-32 X 3/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 3) (237-5504-00), 1/2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap. (Qty. 1) (254-5008-03) and #6-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5200-00) 7 RF Shield 1 820-5092-00 Item 7 is secured inbetween: "Item 6" and its’ mounting hardware described. 8* Ground Strap (25") (on Items 4, 6, 12) 9* 1/2" Clamp (Single) (on Item 4) 10* Ribbon Cable, 14-Pin 4 1 1 600-5006-25 040-5000-06 036-5260-00 Item 10 (14-Pin) connects the Dot Matrix Disp. Board to the Disp. Controller Board. 11* Foam 3/16" Thk. X 1/4" X 36" 6 626-5026-00 Above Item 11 is self-adhesive. Located between Items 3 & 17. Sold in 12" Lengths only. 12 13 Speaker (Shld.) 4" 8: MG Elec #4060SH Speaker Grill (Black w/no Artwork) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 2 2 1º 14 031-5004-01 535-8081-01 63($.(5 3$1(/ 3$57 1$0( Speaker Panel Hook Bracket 47< 2 63, 3$57 1º 535-7009-02 Items 12, 13 & 14 are secured by: #8 X 3/4" HWH AB (Zinc) (Items 12/13: Qty. 4/per; Item 14: Qty. 2/per) (234-5103-00) 15 Plastic Shield (Display Cover) 1 545-5884-00 Item 15 is secured to Item 2 by: #6 X 3/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 8) (234-5000-00) The Associated Parts AP-A thru AP-C are also noted in the Backbox Assembly drawings on the previous page. 535-6437-00 Item 4 is secured to Item 2 by: 1/2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 4) (254-5008-03) and #6-32 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2, on Left Side only) (232-5202-00) Edge Protector (on Item 4) Display Controller Board FCC-FEB98 ASSOC. PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH BACKBOX/SPKR. PANEL ASSY’S. 1º $662& %$&.%2; 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 515-5450-00-65 AP-A Backglass Assembly (Game Nº 65) ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM AP-A) ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 660-5038-02 AP-A1 Clear Backglass 25.906" X 19.187" 1 830-5265-00 AP-A2 H.R. Casino Film Art (Game Nº 65) 545-5018-15 1 AP-A3 Top Plastic Channel - 26" 545-5021-01 AP-A4 Bottom Plastic Lift Channel - 26-1/16" 1 2 545-5018-14 AP-A5 Plastic Edging (Left/Right) - 18-1/8" 1/2 626-5005-00 AP-A6* Tape (double-sided) (12" Length) Note: AP-A6 secures AP-A5 to AP-A1 1 535-7999-00 AP-B Pivot Hinge Left 1 535-7999-01 AP-C Pivot Hinge Right Items AP-B & AP-C are secured to Backbox by: 1/4"-20 X 1-1/4" C.B. Sq. Neck (Qty. 4) (231-5003-00), 1/4"-20 Flange Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5300-00) and Fend Washer 1/4" I.D. X 1" O.D. (Qty. 1) (242-5009-00) Items AP-B & AP-C are secured to Cabinet by: 1/4"-20 X 7/8" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 2) (231-5014-00), Hinge Spacer (Qty. 2) (530-5099-00), Washer 1/4" I.D. X 7/8" O.D. X 1/8" Yellow (Qty. 1/per) (242-5016-01), Fend Washer 1/4" I.D. X 1" O.D. (Qty. 1/per) (242-5009-00) and 1/4"-20 Flange Nut (Qty. 1/per) (240-5300-00) 6HF3DUWV,G &DELQHW*HQHUDO3DUWVJ6ZLWFKHVF Red Green Black )RU%DFNER[3DUWVVHH WKHSUHYLRXVWZRSDJHV % Qty. 2 (QODUJHG 9LHZ RI ,WHP LQVLGH WKH &RLQ 'RRU ,WHP )RU XVDJH VHH 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU 3RUWDOV 6HUYLFH 0HQX ,QWUR 3J $ Qty. 2 Qty. 2 Qty. 2 Qty. 2 9LHZ RI WKH EDFN RI WKH &DELQHW ZLWK WKH %DFNER[ LQ WKH GRZQ SRVLWLRQ ,WHP LV 1RW 8VHG LQ WKLV *DPH Qty. 4 Qty. 2 9LHZ RI WKH &RLQ 'RRU 2SHQ ,WHP $ ,WHP LV VWDSOHG RQ WKH LQVLGH EDFN ZDOO DQG WKH LQVLGH ERWWRP RI WKH FDELQHW ,WHP - 2Q2II 6ZLWFK LV ORFDWHG XQGHU WKH &DELQHW )URQW 5LJKW GLUHFWO\ EHORZ WKH 3RZHU %R[ ' & % & 6HF3DUWV,G 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. F Qty. 2 1º &$%,1(7 3$57 1$0( J 1. Legend Note: Items noted with a black square are General Parts. Items noted with a white square are Switches. 1º &$%,1(7 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 525-6000-65 12* P/F Glass (Tmprd.) 21" X 43" X 3/16" 1 660-5001-00 500-5921-50 13 Hex Key Allen Wrench 5/16" 1 777-0001-00 Item 2 is secured by: Leg Bolt Back Plate (535-5703-00) and Leg Bolt 3/8" X 16 X 2-1/2" 14A #1 Roto Lock Male 1 355-5006-01 Hex 5/8" Hd. (2/per) (231-5001-01) To order just a Leg Leveler (3/8" - 16 X 3") use SPI Nº: 500-5017-00. A Leg "without" a Leg Leveler is not available. 1 355-5006-02 14B #1 Roto Lock Female (on Backbox) 14A is secured by: #10-24 X 1-3/4" Carr. Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 2) (231-5022-00), 3 Start Button Assy. (Red "Flipper" Style) 1 500-6090-02 Item #10-24 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5206-00) and #10 Washer 7/32" X .5" X 1/16" (Qty. 2) 1 2 Game Nº 65 Screened Cabinet (Plain) Black Leg & Leveler Assembly 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 4 Item 3 includes the Switch. FOR SWITCH ONLY SEE: Next Page, Item 25. 4 Ball Shooter (Plunger) Assembly 1 Item 4 is secured by: Swage (Qty. 3) (237-5985-00) and #6 X 5/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5002-00). FOR A BREAKDOWN OF PARTS SEE: Sec. 4, Chp. 2, Drawings..., Page 66. 5 Large Rd. Auto Launch Assy. () 0 500-6121-XX Item 5 includes the Switch. FOR SWITCH ONLY SEE: Next Page, Item 25. NOT USED 6 Flipper Button Assembly Red 2 500-5026-32 Item 6 is secured by: Pal Nut for Flipper Button (Metal) (Qty. 2) (240-5003-01) and is fitted with: O-Ring 11/32" X 7/32" X 1/16" (Qty. 1/per) (545-5850-00) Item 6 DOES NOT include the Switch. FOR SWITCHES SEE: Next Page, Items 23A/B. 7 8 9 (242-5003-00) 500-6146-00-04 15 Support Plate (Qty. 1) (535-5027-00), #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH (Serr) Rear Glass Channel 20-3/8" Length Plastic Channel 42-5/8" Lg. (Lt. & Rt.) Side Armor "with holes" (Lt. & Rt.) 1 2 2 545-5038-00 545-5017-00 535-7297-02 Item 9 is secured by: #10-24 X 1" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (2/per) (231-5021-00), #10-24 Hex Nut (2/per) (240-5202-00) and #8 X 5/8" T20 Tmp. Prf. (2/per) (237-5947-00) 10 Front Molding - Black 11* Foam Rubber 3/8" X 3/16" X 20-3/8" 1 1 500-5757-01-00 626-5001-00 Corrugated Tubing Black 11⁄4"ø X 2.6’ Lg. Above Item 15 covers the Cables Wiring Harnesses going into the Backbox from the Cab. 16 Coin Door (with Validator) USA only 2 605-5008-00 1 500-5018-172 Item 16 is secured by: 1/4"-20 X 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 4) (231-5003-00) 1/4"-20 Flange Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5300-00) and Fend Washer 1/4" I.D. X 1" O.D. (Qty. 3) (242-5009-00) NOTE: For Coin Door other than USA call Technical Support for SPI Part Nº. 17 18 Coin Door Switch (USA) Coin Door Switch ( ¥ Japan) Diagnostics Service Switches (X3) 2 180-5024-00 n/a 180-5091-00 1 180-5012-03 Item 18 is secured to Coin Door by: Diagnostics Sw. Bracket (Qty. 1) (535-6860-01) Slam Tilt Switch (On Coin Door) 1 180-5022-00 Dual Switch Assembly 1 500-5808-00 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 20) ASSEMBLY PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 20A Mounting Bracket 1 535-6958-00 20B Playfield Power Interlock Sw. (Top) 1 180-5136-00 20C Memory Protect Switch (Bottom) 1 180-5000-00 19 20 Above Item 11 is self-adhesive. It is located on Item 10. Sold in 12" Lengths only. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ &DELQHW*HQHUDO3DUWVJ6ZLWFKHVF&RQWLQXHG *+ Qty. 2 Qty. 2 % Qty. 10 & Qty. 2 ' Qty. 4 ' Qty. 4 $ (QODUJHG 9LHZ RI WKH 3OXPE %RE 7LOW 6ZLWFK % Qty. 2 $ % 9LHZ RI &DELQHW ,QVLGH )URQW /HIW & ' 7KXPE6FUHZ LQFOXGHG ZLWK 7LOW 3OXPE %RE RQO\ &$%,1(7 3$57 1$0( Front Molding Lockdown Assembly 6HUYLFH *DPH 0DQXDO 6HH )URQW &RYHU IRU 63, 3DUW 1XPEHU $ 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 500-5020-01 Item 21 is secured by: #10-24 X 1-1/4" Carr. Bolt (Qty. 2) (231-5012-00), #10-24 Keps Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5207-00), #8 X 5/8" HWH AB Zinc (Qty. 4) (234-5102-04) and #10 Washer 7/32" ID X 1/2" OD X 1/16" (Qty. 2) (242-5003-00) 1º 32 33 6HH (QODUJHG 9LHZ 9LHZ RI &DELQHW ,QVLGH )URQW 5LJKW % $ Qty. 2 6HH 6HH 3UHYLRXV 3DJH IRU 2SHQ 9LHZ RI &RLQ 'RRU % Qty. 4 Qty. 2 (QODUJHG 9LHZ $ & 6ZLWFK 'LRGH 1 63, 1 LQ SURWHFWLYH WXELQJ * (QODUJHG 9LHZ RI 3RZHU %R[ &DELQHW %RWWRP ,QVLGH )URQW 5LJKW Qty. 2 ,WHPV $ 6KDNHU0RWRU ' DQGUHODWHGLWHPV DUH1275(48,5(' Qty. 4 , LQWKLVJDPH ( . $ $ 1º 21 ) &$%,1(7 3$57 1$0( Speaker 8" ø Rd. 8010 4: Speaker Grill 7" X 7" & $ 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 031-5007-00 545-5072-03 Items 32 & 33 are secured by: #6-32 X 1-1/4" Fin Shank Screw (Qty. 4) (237-5883-00) and #6-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5008-00) 22 Lockdown Spring (connected to handle) 1 265-5008-00 2 180-5160-00 23A Flipper Switch - Self-Cleaning 23B Flipper Sw. - X2 Stack for Lwr./Upr. Flipper(s) 0 180-5164-00 24* Foam Strip (2 on 23A; 1 on 23B) 3 626-5042-00 Start Button (SWITCH ONLY) 1 180-5174-00 25 Auto Launch Button (SWITCH ONLY) 26 Grills 2-1/2" X 18" (on Back & Bottom) 2 545-5072-02 27 Cabinet Plumb Bob Tilt Switch 1 n/a ORDER ONLY INDIVIDUAL PARTS NEEDED (NO ASSY. NUMBER): 27A Bracket for Hanger Wire 1 535-5221-00 27B Hanger Wire 1 535-5319-00 27C Contact Wire Form 1 535-7563-01 27D Plumb Bob Weight (includes Thumb-Screw) 1 535-5029-00 34 Power Input Box Sub-Assy. for 2000 1 515-5360-07 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 34) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 535-5932-00 34A Power Box (Plain) 1 180-5008-01 34B Service Outlet (for USA) 1 034-5000-10 34C Line Cord 10’ ROJ 3" Max. 1 545-5122-00 34D Recessed Cup for Line Cord 1 34E* Line Filter 150-5000-00 1 34F* Varistor TNR159211KM 150-5001-00 200-5000-05 34G Fuse 8 Amp 250v Slo-Blo (Domestic) 1 1 205-5001-00 34H Fuse Holder 1 535-8318-00 34I* On/Off Switch Bracket 1 180-5001-01 34J On/Off Rocker Sw. (Arcolectric C1350AB) 1 820-6123-03 34K Power Box Decal 35 Cash Box Plastic Bottom 1 545-5090-00 Items 27A & 27C are secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00) 36 Cash Box Cover (Validator) 1 535-5013-03 28A Slide & Pivot Support Bracket - Right 1 535-5989-00 37 Cash Box Lock Bracket (wire) 1 535-7562-00 28B Slide & Pivot Support Bracket - Left 1 535-5990-00 38 Large Hair-Pin Clip 1 535-7772-00 Items 28A & 28B are secured by: #10-24 X 1-1/4" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (3/per) (231-5012-00) and #10-24 KEPS Nut (3/per) (240-5207-00) 39* Shaker Motor (Vibrator) Assy. 0 515-5893-01 ABOVE (ITEM 39) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 29 Prop Rod 1 535-7553-00 ORDERING 1 041-5029-01 39A Shaker Motor 10.5v DC 2950 RPM CW Item 29 is secured by: #10-24 X 1-3/4" Carriage Bolt Sq. Neck (Qty. 1) (231-5022-00), 1 535-6711-01 39B Shaker Motor Mounting Bracket Washer #10 7/32" ID X .5" OD X 1/16" Thk (Qty. 1) (242-5003-00) and #10-24 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5206-00) 1 535-6711-02 39C Shaker Motor Leg Bracket Insulator 545-5425-00 1 30 Transformer 5.7v AC (with Ballast Winding) 1 010-5012-01 39D 535-6727-01 2 39E Shaker Motor Weight Item 30 is secured by: 1/4"-20 X 5/8" PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (237-5854-00) and 237-5911-00 2 39F #10-32 X 5/8" Lg. Soc. Set Screw 1/4" Split Lock Washer (Qty. 4) (244-5000-00) #8-32 X 1/4" HWH MS (Taptite) 4 237-5964-01 31 Cabinet Light Board Assembly 1 500-6413-65 39G 1 39H* Capacitor - Tecate .1 MFD 500v 130-5000-00 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 31) ASSEMBLY PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 39I M5X.8X8MM PHMS w/Patch 4 237-6014-00 31A Cab. Light Bd. Plain (Black Wood) 1 525-5570-00 Item 39 secured by: #8-32 T-Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5101-00) and #8 X 5/8" HWH SWAGE (Ser) Zinc (Qty. 4) (237-5975-03) 31B 3-Lug Stand-Up Long Shell Socket 10 077-5013-00 31C #44 Bulb Red (Small Bayonet Type) 2 165-5053-02 40 Shaker Motor Plastic Cover Housing 0 545-5241-00 31D #44 Bulb Amber (Small Bayonet Type) 4 165-5053-03 Item 40 secured to Item 39B by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS (Taptite) (Qty. 2) (237-5967-00) 31E #44 Bulb Yellow (Small Bayonet Type) 165-5053-06 4 41 Shaker Motor P.C. Board 0 520-5065-00 31F* #6 X 3/8" PPH Zinc 1/per 232-5000-00 Item 41 secured by: 3/8" Slf. Rtn. Spacer White (Qty. 4) (254-5007-01) and 31G Decal Cabinet Light Board 1 820-6260-46 #6 X 3/4" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5003-00) Item 31 is secured by: #8-32 X 1-1/2" HWH MS (Ser) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5946-00) and #8 Washer (Qty. 2) (242-5005-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 6HF3DUWV,G 6SHDNHU 3DQHO LQ WKH %DFNER[ 3OD\ILHOG*HQHUDO3DUWVJ6ZLWFKHVF%HORZ 1º %(/2: 3/$<),(/' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Playfield Support Slide Bracket 1 2 535-6862-02 Item 1 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (234-5101-00) and #8-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 1/per) (237-5975-03) Edge Slide Bracket 2 2 / 535-5988-00 / Item 2 is secured by: #4 X 1/2" PFH (Zinc) (Qty. 3/per) (237-5840-00) Pivot Pin Bracket Welded Assy. 2000 3 2 500-5329-03 Diode Terminal Strip 2-Lug (810) Isolated Diode Terminal Strip 3-Lug (813) Isolated Diode Terminal Strip 5-Lug (824) Isolated Diode Terminal Strip 7-Lug Isolated 4 5 6 7 2 3 2 1 1 Item 3 is secured by: #8-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 1/per) (237-5975-03) #8-32 X 1" PFH (Zinc) (Qty. 1/per) (237-6029-00) & #8-32 NS Nut (Qty. 1/per) (240-5102-00) 3A 250v Slo-Blo Fuse Fuse Clip Holder (Socket) 3 055-5203-00 055-5204-03 055-5204-05 055-5204-07 . . & 200-5000-08 205-5000-01 Item 8, Fuse Clip Holder (Socket) 205-5000-01 is part of a set of 12 (205-5000-12). You can order them as individuals (...-01) or a set of 12 (...-12). Item 8 is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PPH AB (Qty. 1/per) (237-5805-00) 9* #8 Solder Lug 5 . . & 1º %(/2: 6:,7&+(6 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Micro (Shooter Lane) Sw. Assembly A 1 Micro Sw. Assy. R/O Lt. Mount Reg. Micro Sw. Assy. R/O Rt. Mount Reg. B C 0 6 500-6227-01 500-6227-02 . . . . 500-5498-01 Item A is secured by: #6 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) Red (Qty. 2) (234-5001-02) For Individual Items use : Micro Switch (180-5100-01), Switch Body Protect Plate (535-6539-00), Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00), Switch Bracket (535-6173), #2-56 X 1/2" HWH (237-5937-02) or #2-56 Hex Nut (240-5301-00). ( Item 9 is secured by: #6 X 3/8" HWH AB (Zinc) Red (Qty. 1/per) (234-5000-00) $ & & ( 055-5140-08 2 1 Items 4, 5, 6 & 7 are secured by: #6 X 3/8 HWH AB Zinc (Qty. 1-2/per) (234-5000-00). NOTE: 1N4004 Diodes (112-5003-00) are used in all Diode applications. 1N4001 Diodes can be used for Switches and/or Lamps. See Sec. 5, Chp. 2, Playfield Diode Terminal Strip... 8 2 / * ' Items B & C are secured by: #6 X 1/2" HWH AB (Zinc) Red (Qty. 2/per) (234-5001-02) Modular S-U Target Round (Clear) Modular S-U Target Square (Clear) Modular S-U Target Square (Red) Modular S-U Target Rect. (Green) Modular S-U Target Narrow (Red) Modular S-U Trgt. 1" Sperical (Clear) D E F G H I 1 2 1 1 1 3 500-6075-01R 500-6139-01 500-6139-02 500-6228-04 500-6138-02 500-6189-01R / 6HF3DUWV,G J K L M N O P Q Micro Switch (on Turbo (Pop) Bumper) Stack (Blade) Sw. (on each Slingshot X2) Micro Roller Sw. (on Ball Trough & Slot Rmp.) Micro Switch (on Drop Targets) EOS Switch (on Flippers) Dual OPTO TRANS Bd. (on Ball Trough) Dual OPTO REC Board (on Ball Trough) Long Hop OPTO TRANS Bd. (on Brkt.) Long Hop OPTO REC Board (on Brkt.) 4-Pos. OPTO Board (inside Roulette Asm.) Micro (Hi-Form) Sw. (on Under-Trough) Micro Switch (on Super VUK) Micro (Heavy Duty "Y") Switch (on VUK) 3 8 5 4 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 180-5015-03 180-5054-00 180-5119-02 180-5158-00 180-5149-00 520-5173-00 520-5174-00 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 520-5194-01 180-5057-00 180-5052-00 180-5116-01 Items J thru P are on Major Assemblies: For securing hardware of Switches J-P, see the assemblies the switch is located on in the Blue Pages, Section 4, Chapter 2. / + Items D - I are secured by: #8 X 3/4" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (234-5103-00) NOTE: For Items D - I, Part Numbers ending with "R" are "Reverse Mount Style"; See Appendix I. 0 0 0 0 , ) , , - - - & 3 3 4 & 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. 1. 2. For Sockets & Bulbs (drawings & part numbers) see Pgs. 62-64. For Major Assemblies, Ramps and/or Under Troughs, see the Blue Pages, Sec. 4, Chp. 2. Legend Note: Items noted with a black square are General Parts. Items noted with a white square are Switches or OPTO Boards, or Misc. PC Boards. 3. F J 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 3OD\ILHOG*HQHUDO3DUWVJ6ZLWFKHVF$ERYH %& ( & * 1 2 830-5100-65 505-6004-65-65 535-8385-00 Item 1 is secured to the P/F by: #8-32 X 7/8" HWH MS Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (237-5890-00) 2 Arch Retaining (Hold-Down) Brackets 2 535-8394-00 Item 2 is secured to the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zc.) (Qty. 3/per) (234-5101-00) 3 ,WHP * LV ORFDWHG LQVLGH WKLV $VVHPEO\ n/a * P/F Complete w/ Inserts & ALL Parts 1 Playfield Hanger Bracket ) 1º $%29( 3/$<),(/' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º P/F Screened w/ Inserts & NO Parts & * + 1 500-6005-01 4A Instruction Card (USA) Nº: 65 4B Coin Card (Double-Sided) 4C OPTIONAL Coin Card ("Blank") 1 1 0 755-5165-00 755-5087-01 755-5087-02 Note: Use Item 4B (Side 1: 1 Play 50¢ 3 Plays $1) for Adj. 7, Game Pricing, USA 8 Setting; Use Item 4B (Side 2: 1 Play 50¢) for USA 3 Setting. Use Item 4C OPTIONAL (Blank) for Custom Settings (not included in USA Games or Foreign Games w/own Country Coin Card; Item 4C can be purchased, call your Distributor). $ Arch Assembly (Metal) (Plunger Ready) Item 3 is secured to the playfield by: #10-32 X 5/16" PH Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-6013-00). For Arch (w/o Fork, required for games with plungers) Plain : use 535-8392-01. For Nelson Protect Strips 8-9/16" : use 545-5212-02 (Qty. 2) (Note: Decals are not included with the above. See Playfield - Plastic, Decals & Mylar.) 5 6 7 1-1/16" Steel Balls Mini-Mars Light Cover (Snap-In) Red Light Deflector (Silver Plastic) 4 4 3 260-5000-00 550-5030-02 545-5409-01 1 545-5232-01 Note: For #555 Socket & Bulb, see Page 64 (Items D & 1). 8* 9 ' 10 4 515-6508-00 11 1 2 535-5269-02 535-5307-02 880-5048-00 12 Sign Bracket 1 535-8766-00 Item 12 is secured to Screen Plastic -12 by: #6 X 3/8" PPH (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (232-5000-00) and is secured to Screen Plastic -19 by: 1/8" X 3/16" (Qty. 1) (249-5001-00). Switch Bracket 1 535-8770-00 Item 13 is secured to the plastic by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (237-5809-00) Note: Item 13 is secured to Clear Plastic -05 and is used to position the Micro Switch (180-5175-00) in the Roulette Ramp Ball Path. 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. 1. Some unique parts may be included with or associated with a Major Assembly or Ramp Assembly; see the Blue Pages, Sec. 4, Chp. 2. for parts required not appearing on this page. If you still cannot find the part required, Call Stern™ Pinball Technical Support, 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700. Legend Note: Items noted with a black square are General Parts. Items noted with a white square are Switches. J F 1-Way Gate Mounting Bracket Wire Gate (for above) “Die” Foam Rubber (stops ball traps) Item 11 is secured to Cabinet by: #8 X 3" PFH Dry Wall (Black) (Qty. 1/per) (237-6032-00) 13 2. Ramp Mounting Welded Bracket Item 9 is secured on Wood Rail: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5809-00) & 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ Back Panel H.R. Casino (No Parts) 525-5577-00 A Spinner & Switch Assembly 1 500-5656-00 Item A is secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1) (234-5101-00) For Individual Items use : Micro Switch (1-1/4") (180-5010-04), Switch Body Protect Plate (535-6539-00), Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00), Spinner Bracket (535-5128-00), Spinner Sub-Assy. (515-5553-00), or #2-56 X 1/2" HWH (237-5937-02). B Gate & Switch Assembly 1 515-6556-02 Item B is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (237-5809-00) For Individual Items use : Micro Switch (180-5087-00), Switch Body Protect Plate (535-6539-00), Diode (1N4004) (112-5003-00), Gate Bracket (535-7756-02), Wire Form for Gate Bracket (535-7755-02), or #2-56 X 1/2" HWH (237-5937-02). C D E F G % 1 1º $%29( 6:,7&+(6 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Micro Switch (on Gates) Micro Switch Roller (on Wire Ramp) Micro Switch (on Plastic Left Ramp) Micro Switch (on Switch Brkt. Item 13 above) 1º 0,6& 3&% 3$57 1$0( % $ 14 Item 14 is secured by: #6 X 1-1/4" PFH A (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5000-00), #6 X 3/4" HWH AB (ZInc) (Qty. 4) (234-5003-00) and #6 Washer (Qty. 4) (242-5001-00) H 3-Pos. OPTO Bd. REC (in Slot Machine) 3-Pos. OPTO Bd. TRANS (in Slot Mach.) 5X7 Dot Display X3 Bd. (inside Slot Mach.) 3 3 1 1 180-5087-00 180-5119-02 180-5093-00 180-5175-00 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 520-5196-00 520-5195-00 520-5197-00 6HF3DUWV,G Plug-Cap (3/16") Black Plastic Note: Use Item 8 (in the Spare Parts Bag) if the Center Post (@ Drain) is not desired. ,' ⁄ ,' ⁄ ,' 3OD\ILHOG5XEEHU3DUWVF5LQJV$FWXDO6L]H† ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ,' GRHV QRW H[LVW * How to measure: Lay ring over circle of closest size. If you see the outside edge of the circle, move to 1 ring smaller. With the correct size, the inside edge of the circle will be seen within the inside edge of the Rubber Ring. Note: The rings will s t r e t c h with use. Always go to the size smaller. (I.D. = Inside Diameter ø; O.D. = Outside Diameter ø) + + * & 1RW 6KRZQ 4W\ )OLSSHU $VVHPEOLHV ,' * + 6KRZQ ' 1RW 4W\ 7URXJK 8S.LFNHU Items 1-9 have the "size" molded onto the Rubber Ring. ⁄ * * ⁄ ,QVLGH (GJH * ⁄ ,' 6HF3DUWV,G ⁄ * 2XWVLGH (GJH % ⁄ ⁄ ,' ,' 0 2 2 1 0 1 11 5 2 0 2 ,' ,' 2' 2' ,' ⁄ 1º $%29( 3/$<),(/' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Small Flipper Rubber Ring Large Flipper Black Rubber Ring Rubber Deflector Pad (Bumper) Rubber Bumper (Grommet) Bumper Post Rubber Rubber Flange Bumper (on Left Ramp) Post Rubber (Sleeve Short) Post Black Rubber (Sleeve Tall) 3" I.D. BLK Rubber Ring 23⁄4" I.D. Black Rubber Ring 21⁄2" I.D. Black Rubber Ring * ⁄ ,' A B C* D* E F* G H 1 2 3 1º 545-5207-00 4 545-5277-00 5 545-5428-00 6 545-5105-00 7 545-5009-00 8 545-5965-00 9 545-5151-00 10 545-5308-00 11 545-5348-10 12 545-5348-20 13 545-5348-09 14* $%29( 3/$<),(/' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 2" I.D. Black Rubber Ring 13⁄4" I.D. Black Rubber Ring 11⁄2" I.D. Black Rubber Ring 11⁄4" I.D. Black Rubber Ring 1" I.D. Black Rubber Ring 3⁄ " I.D. Black Rubber Ring 4 5/ " I.D. Black Rubber Ring 16 3/ " I.D. Black Rubber Ring 16 7/ " O.D. Black Rubber Ring 16 3⁄ " O.D. Black Rubber Ring 8 O-Ring 11/32" X 7/32" X 1/16" 0 0 0 0 2 5 1 5 4 0 2 545-5348-08 545-5348-21 545-5348-07 545-5348-06 545-5348-05 545-5348-04 545-5348-02 545-5348-01 545-5348-17 545-5348-19 545-5850-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 3OD\ILHOG3ODVWLFV6FUHHQHGJ&OHDUF0HWDO&RYHUVJ0\ODU'HFDOV * ' ) 6&5((1(' 3/$67,& 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º 16 17 18 19 Metal Cover Plate (Small) Metal Cover Plate (Medium) Metal Cover Plate (Large) Metal Cvr. Plate (Ramp Ball Protect) 0(7$/ &29(5 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º &/($5 3/$67,& 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 Attention: Individual Pieces may not be available. Pieces -01 & -04 are Not Used. 1 A* Value Wheel (In Backbox) (Black) 1 B Left Return Lane (above "-01" Item 1) C Right Return Lane (above "-03", Item 2) 1 D Under Ramps (above "-09", Item 7) 1 E Rt. Ramp Cover (attached to Lt. Ramp) 1 Under Rt. Ramp (above "-12", Item 10) 1 F G Sm. Cover On Roulette Ramp 1 830-5979-XX 830-5979-00 830-5979-02 830-5979-03 830-5979-05 830-5979-06 830-5979-07 830-5979-08 1º M1* M2* M3* M4* 820-5878-XX 820-5821-00 820-5815-00 820-5041-00 0</$5 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Clear - Playfield Pieces (Casino) Clear - Slingshot Front Protect Clear - Square Ball Drop Black Mylar - Cover Discs (in Cabinet) 1 2 3 2 1º *$0( '(&$/ 3$57 1$0( D1* Game Nº 65 Screened Decal Sheet Set % & 7DNH1RWH An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. 1. To order the entire Plastic Sheet Set (Screened & Clear), use the Part Nº with the "-XX" ending. For individual pieces replace the "-XX" with appropriate last 2-Digit Nº. Attention: Individual pieces are not be available. are Screened; Legend Note: Items noted with a black square ...a white square are © Clear; ...a gray square are Metal. F 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 63, 3$57 1 820-6260-XX Note: Individual pieces are not available, thus entire sheet set must be ordered. -01: Bottom Arch Left; -02: Bottom Arch Right; -03: Bottom Arch Center; -04: Arch Shooter; -05: Coin Door Front; -06: Install 4 Balls; -07: Portals Coin Door; -08: Flipper Right; -09: Flipper Left; -10: Technical Support...; -11: Upr. Rt. Target; -12: Lwr. Rt. Target; -13: Lwr. Lt. Target; -14: Slot Rt. Target; -15: Slot Lt. Target; -16: Spnr. Frnt; -17: Spnr Back; -18: Upr. Lt. Target; -19: Pop Top; -20: Pop Top; -21: Pop Top; -22: 4-Bank #1; -23: 4-Bank #2; -24: 4-Bank #3; -25: 4-Bank #4; -26: Diverter Top; -27: Diverter Side; -28: Diverter Side; -29: Cover Plate; -30: Cover Plate (Over Target Bank): -31: Cover Plastic Ramp; -32: Slot Machine (S.M.) Front; -33: S.M. Button #1; -34: S.M. Button #2; -35: S.M. Button #3; -36: S.M. Button #4; -37: S.M. Button #5; -38: Shooter Ramp (S.R.) Flange; -39: S.R. Light; -40: S.R. Roulette Flange; -41: Main Ramp Light; -42: Back Panel; -43: Up-Post (UK Only); -44: Roulette Center; -45: Diverter Center Ramp; -46: Cabinet Light Strip * 2. 535-8759-00 535-8760-00 535-8761-00 535-8758-00 J J D2* Ramp Decal D3* Diode Terminal Strip Desc. Decals 820-6281-00 820-6221-65 See Sec. 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring, Page 95 for more details. D4* Game Specific Backbox Fuse Locations 820-6152-73 *(1(5,& '(&$/ 3$57 1$0( (with SPI PART Nº) Power Box (820-6223-00), Protective Earth (820-6224-00), Generic Backbox Fuse Loc. (820-6152-00), Suitable ...Use... (UL) (820-6001-01), Canadian UL Listing Label (820-6141-01), High Voltage Label (UL) (820-6082-01), Shock Hazard Label (UL) (820-6263-00) 6HF3DUWV,G ( 1º Attention: Individual Pieces may not be available. 830-5973-XX Pieces -02, -04, -15, -16 & -17 are Not Used. Left Return Lane 1 830-5973-01 1 Right Return Lane 2 1 830-5973-03 Lower Left Slingshot 3 1 830-5973-05 Lower Right Slingshot 1 830-5973-06 4 Left Side Playfield 5 1 830-5973-07 Top Left Corner 6 1 830-5973-08 Inner Loop Left 7 1 830-5973-09 Inner Loop Right 1 830-5973-10 8 Top Right Corner 9 1 830-5973-11 10 Right Side Playfield 1 830-5973-12 11 Right Pop Bumper 1 830-5973-13 1 830-5973-14 12 Left Pop Bumper 13* Key Chain FOB 1 830-5973-18 14 Ball Shield (above "-12", Item 10) 1 830-5973-19 Note: Item 14 is riveted (1/8" X 3/16", Qty. 1, 249-5001-00) to a Sign Bracket (535-8766-00). To replace, drill out rivet and resecure new piece with another same type rivet or screw & nut. 15 Wire Ramp Switch Cover 1 830-5981-00 Note: Item 15 is not included with the Plastic Sheet Set 830-5973-XX. This item must be ordered separately. 3OD\ILHOG5DLOVJ:LUH)RUPVFDQG%DOO*XLGHVF† & & ) $ 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 525-5007-03 525-5007-05 525-5571-00 525-5572-00 Metal Rail (Center Drain Under Arch) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 535-8393-00 Item 5 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00) Metal Rail (Outer Loop) 1 535-8616-00 Item 6 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 11) (234-5101-00) and #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (237-5809-00) Metal Rail (Inner Loop Right) 1 535-8617-00 Item 7 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 5) (234-5101-00) 8 Metal Rail (Inner Loop Left) 1 535-8618-00 Item 8 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 6) (234-5101-00) 1º 0(7$/ 5$,/ 3$57 1$0( FRQW 9 10 11 12 Metal Rail (@ Lt. Ramp Enter Lt.) Metal Rail (@ Lt. Ramp Enter Rt.) Metal Rail (@ Mid. Ramp Enter Lt.) Metal Rail (@ Mid. Ramp Enter Rt.) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 535-8749-00 535-8749-01 535-8750-00 535-8751-00 Items 9-12 are secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1/2) (234-5101-00) and Item 12 requires additional: #6-32 X 1/2" SHWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 1) (237-5976-03) 1º :,5( )250 3$57 1$0( A B Wire Form - 1" Wire Form - 3-1/2" 2 2 1º %$// *8,'( 5$,/ 3$57 1$0( F J K L 47< 63, 3$57 1º Ball Guide Rail (2") Ball Guide Rail (Left Return) Ball Guide Rail (Right Return) Ball Guide Rail (Outlane Fence) 535-5300-05 535-5300-03 47< 63, 3$57 1º 2 1 1 2 535-5356-01 535-7560-00 535-7560-01 535-7595-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ ,WHPV ZLWK 4W\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 1º 0(7$/ 5$,/ 3$57 1$0( % † Wood Rail (38") Wood Rail (20.25") Wood Rail (Right Side) Wood Rail (Middle) Items 1-4 are secured by: #6 X 1-1/4" PFH A (Zinc) (Qty. 4/per) (237-5804-00) 7 $ 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ 6HF3DUWV,G 1º :22' 5$,/ 3$57 1$0( 6 ( 5 ' % 1 2 3 4 ) 3OD\ILHOG0HWDO3RVWV6FUHZVDQG1XWV$FWXDO6L]H† Top Thread Item 1 Post can use 3/16" I.D. Rubber Ring, 545-5348-01; or if Item 1 Post is used in pairs, can use 3/4" — 3" Rubber Rings. Top Top Top Thread Thread Top Thread Thread Thread Top Thread Tap Thread Tap No Tap Bottom Bottom Top Items 2 & 4 Posts can use 7/16" O.D. Rubber Ring, 545-5348-17. Top Thread Items 11-14 Posts can use a Post Rubber Sleeve (Tall), 545-5308-00. Thread Bottom Thread Bottom Bottom Thread Thread Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Thread Thread Thread Thread Nut Note: All nuts shown with a " " are used in this game. The quantities (not specified) vary. The remaining Items listed are not used in this game and are noted for reference only (used in prior games). Bottom Bottom Thread Thread Bottom Shown Below~ #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut: 240-5005-00 Shown Below~ #6-32 KEPS Nut (with Star Washer): 240-5008-00 Shown Below~ #6-32 Hex Nut (No Star Washer): 240-5004-00 Shown Below~ #6-32 T-Nut: 240-5002-00 Shown Below~ 1⁄4" X 20 Flange Nut: 240-5300-00 Thread Item 16 is typically used to hold Hex Spacers onto the Playfield Top. † ,WHPV ZLWK D =HUR 4W\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ Item 17 is typically used to hold the bottom Cabinet Speaker (used with #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut, 240-5005-00). Bottom Thread Item 18 is typically used to hold Item 15 (515-5939-00) in Turbo Bumper Assy., 515-6459-04. Note: The "Fins" keep the screw from turning inside the wood hole. 1º 0(7$/ 3267 1$0( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Stand-Off Double Groove Post 1-1/16" Mini-Post Wood Screw Mini-Post Wood Screw (no cut-away) Mini-Post Mach. Screw / #10-32 Bot. Post Fasten #6-32 Top / #8-32 Bot. Post Fasten #8-32 Top / #6-32 Bot. Post Fasten #6-32 Top / #6-32 Bot. Post Fstn. #6-32 Top / Wood Scr. Bot. Post #6-32 Top / Wood Screw Bottom 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ Top & Side Views Bottom & Side Views Top View Bottom & Side Views Top & Side Views Nylon Stop Nuts Not Shown: KEPS Nuts Not Shown: Hex Nuts Not Shown: T-Nuts Not Shown: Miscellaneous Nuts Not Shown: #6-32 (w/ 1⁄4" Hex Body): 240-5010-00 #8-32: 240-5102-00 #10-32: 240-5203-00 #10-24: 240-5206-00 #4-40: 240-5303-00 #4-40 (18/8 Stainless): 240-5303-01 5/16"-18: 240-5316-00 #6-32 (w/ 1⁄4" Hex Body): 240-5011-00 #8-32: 240-5104-00 #10-32: 240-5208-00 #10-24: 240-5207-00 #4-40: 240-5318-00 #8-32: 240-5103-00 #10-32: 240-5201-00 #10-24: 240-5202-00 #10-32 X 3⁄8": 240-5209-00 3⁄4-16: 240-5315-00 #2-56: 240-5301-00 7⁄8"-14: 240-5317-00 #6-32 (w/Side Cut Off): 240-5002-01 #8-32: 240-5101-00 #10-32 (Black Oxide): 240-5007-00 #10-32 (w/Side Cut Off): 240-5205-00 #10-24: 240-5200-00 Plastic Pal Nut (on Flipper Buttons): 240-5003-00 Metal Pal Nut (on Flipper Buttons): 240-5003-01 #6-32 Wing Nut: 240-5001-00 #8-32 Wing Nut: 240-5100-00 1⁄4"-20 Wing Nut: 240-5302-00 1⁄4"-20 Toggle Wing: 240-5324-00 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º 0(7$/ 3267 1$0( 0 0 9 4 0 0 28 14 0 530-5102-01 530-5004-00 530-5004-01 530-5005-00 530-5007-00 530-5008-00 530-5012-02 530-5010-02 530-5263-01 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Post #6-32 Tap / #6-32 Bottom Post Hex Base #6-32 Tap/#10-32 Bot. Post Hex Base (No Tap)/#10-32 Bot. Post Hex Base #8-32 Top/#10-32 Bot. Post Hex Base #6-32 Top/#10-32 Bot. Playfield Support #8-32 Top/Bottom #6-32 X 3/4" Fin Shank Screw #6-32 X 1-1/4" Fin Shank Screw #6-32 X 1-3/16" Spirol Fin Shank Scr. 47< 63, 3$57 1º 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 4 9 530-5127-00 530-5332-01 530-5332-00 530-5332-02 530-5332-03 530-5285-00 237-5921-02 237-5883-00 237-5957-00 6HF3DUWV,G 3OD\ILHOG0HWDO6SDFHUV$FWXDO6L]H† Hex Spacers: A Standard USA 9 Inch Ruler is provided on the back cover. Tap ⁄ % ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ $ 7DNH1RWH ‡ Hex Spacers Not Used in current games may no longer be available. ⁄ Choose one size up or ⁄ ⁄ down (+/-) and compensate with washers. ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ * Not Shown: Item 3B is 1⁄2 Item 4B is 5⁄8" ⁄ Item 6B is 7⁄8" Item 33 is 51⁄4" ⁄ Item 46 is 6" ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 6HF3DUWV,G ⁄ 0(7$/ 63$&(5 1$0( 1⁄ " 4 3⁄ " 8 1⁄ " 2 X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap Same as 3A but with Male End #6-32 5⁄ " X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 8 Same as 4A but with Male End #6-32 3⁄ " X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 4 7⁄ " X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 8 Same as 6A but with Male End #6-32 1" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 11⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap Same as 8A but with Male End #6-32 11⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 15/16" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 13⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 11⁄2" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 15⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 13⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 17⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 2" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 21⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 21⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 23⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 21⁄2" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 25⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 47< 0 0 3 9 1 0 13 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 2 2 0 0 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Note the Part Nº & Material Difference ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 1 2 3A 3B 4A 4B* 5 6A 6B* 7 8A 8B 9 10 11 ‡ 12 13 ‡ 14 15 ‡ 16 17 18 19 20 21 ⁄ ⁄ Items 1-33 are 1⁄4" wide. Items 35-46 are5/16" wide. With Items 1-3A, 4A, 5 & 6A (the tap goes thru the length of spacer. With Items 7, 8A, 9-33 & 41-46, the tap is up to 5⁄8" deep on each end. Note: Items 3B, 4B, 6B (Not Shown) & 8B (Shown as example of all "B" Styles) have 1 Male End #6-32 Thread, the other end is Female, identical to Items 7-33. ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ $ H[DPSOHRI%V ⁄ 1º ⁄ $ ⁄ 63, 3$57 1º 1º 0(7$/ 63$&(5 1$0( 254-5008-00 22 23⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-12 23 27⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-03 24 3" 254-5024-03 25 31⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-02 26 31⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5024-02 27 31⁄2" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-04 28 35⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-05 29 33⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5024-05 30 4" 254-5008-06 31 41⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-17 32 43⁄8" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5024-17 33* 51⁄4" X 1⁄4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-11 34 3⁄8" X 1⁄2" Spacer (Used with Backbox) 254-5008-34 35 1⁄4" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap 254-5008-33 36 1⁄2" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap 254-5008-09 37 9/16" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap 254-5008-13 38 3⁄4" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap 254-5008-10 39 11⁄8" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap 254-5008-20 40 1" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap 254-5008-07 41 13⁄4" X 5/16" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap X 5/16" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-32 42 2" X 5/16" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-18 43 4" 5 5/16" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 4 / " X 16 254-5008-28 44 254-5008-16 45 4.92" X 5/16" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap X 5/16" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 254-5008-08 46* 6" 47< 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63, 3$57 1º 254-5008-15 254-5008-31 254-5008-14 254-5008-19 254-5008-26 254-5008-27 254-5008-25 254-5008-36 254-5008-21 254-5008-30 254-5008-29 254-5008-35 530-5099-00 254-5014-03 254-5014-00 254-5014-04 254-5014-01 254-5014-02 254-5001-00 254-5018-06 254-5018-07 254-5018-03 254-5018-00 254-5018-04 254-5018-02 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ ,WHPV ZLWK D =HUR 4W\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH $ ⁄ 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ ⁄ † ⁄ 3OD\ILHOG3ODVWLF3RVWVDQG6SDFHUV$FWXDO6L]H† 1º -00 -01 -02 -03 -04 -05 Black Clear Red Amber Green Blue -06 -07 -08 -09 -10 -11 & 2 / 2 5 1º &RORU Yellow Orange White Purple Fluor. Orange Fluor. Green -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 & + $ 5 7 ‡ &RORU Fluor. Blue Teal Green Gray Luminescent Gold ‡ ‡ ‡ WKUX GLPHQVLRQ LV PHDVXUHG IURP WKLV SRLQW ** Items 1, 2 & 4 come in various colors (may not be available in every color). Item 3 is currently only available in the color stated in this game manual (other colors used in prior games may no longer be available). The "-XX" in Part Nºs which may come in various colors should be replaced with the desired 2-Digit Nº. corresponding to the color desired. Some colors may no longer be available for desired item. ‡ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ‡ Items 5 through 8 (Board Spacers) dimensions are measured from bottom to just under cutaway (see pictorial with Item 8 above). ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 7DNH1RWH If any one of Items 10-20 Spacers is not available in the size required, order the smaller sized spacers required to stack sizes together until appropriate size is achieved (e.g. If 11⁄8" is needed but unavailable, order a 1⁄2" + 5⁄8" & stack to = 11⁄8"). † ,WHPV ZLWK D =HUR 4W\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 1º 3/$67,& 326763$&(5 1$0( 1** Top Lane Mini-Light Hood (~) ⁄ ⁄ 47< 0 63, 3$57 1º 550-5061-XX Item 1 typically secured by: #6-32 X 1-3/4" PPH MS (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5511-00) and Washer 9/64" X 5/16" OD X 1/32" (Qty. 2/per) (242-5017-00) 2** Mini-Jewel Post Clear 3 550-5052-01 Item 2 typically secured by: #6 X 3/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 1/per) (234-5000-00) 3** 11/16" Single Groove Post (Black) 4** Single Groove Jewel Post (Clear) 54 2 550-5059-00 550-5034-01 Items 3 & 4 typically secured by: Post Fastening Screw #6-32 Top / #6-32 Bottom (Qty. 1/per) (530-5012-02, Item 7 Page 59) and may use Washer 9/64" X 5/16" OD X 1/32" (Qty. 1/per) (242-5017-00) with a #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1/per) (240-5005-00). 5‡ 6‡ 7‡ 8‡ 1⁄ " 4 3⁄ " 8 5⁄ " 8 3⁄ " 4 Slf. Rtn. Spacer White Slf. Rtn. Spacer White Slf. Rtn. Spacer White Slf. Rtn. Spacer White 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ 0 0 0 0 254-5007-02 254-5007-01 254-5007-00 254-5007-03 ⁄ 1º 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ⁄ 3/$67,& 326763$&(5 1$0( 47< 1⁄ " X 1⁄ " Spacer White (Narrow) 2 4 3/ " X 3⁄ " Spacer Gray (4 for Dot Display) 8 16 1⁄ " X 3⁄ " Spacer Gray 4 8 3⁄ " X 3⁄ " Spacer Gray 8 8 1⁄ " X 3⁄ " Spacer Gray 2 8 5⁄ " X 3⁄ " Spacer Gray 8 8 3⁄ " X 3⁄ " Spacer Gray 4 8 7⁄ " X 3⁄ " Spacer Gray 8 8 1" X 3⁄8" Spacer Gray/Black 11⁄8" X 3⁄8" Spacer Gray 11⁄4" X 3⁄8" Spacer Gray 11⁄2" X 3⁄8" Spacer Gray Items 3, 4 & 17 typically secured by: Items 6, 7 & 8 Post Fasten Screws, see Page 59. Items 10-20 typically secured by: #6 PPH Screw 1/2" Longer than spacer size. 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 63, 3$57 1º 254-5000-03 254-5000-18 254-5000-02 254-5000-12 254-5000-01 254-5000-14 254-5000-07 254-5000-11 254-5000-04 254-5000-06 254-5000-05 254-5000-08 6HF3DUWV,G &RORU can use 3/16" Rubber Rings, 545-5348-01 can use a Post Rubber Sleeve (Short), 545-5151-00 can use 3/16" Rubber Rings, 545-5348-01 3 $ 5 7 1º 9DULRXV &RORUV Items 3-4 Posts used in pairs can use 3⁄4" through 3" Rubber Rings, (See Rubber Parts for Part Nºs). 7DNH1RWH 3 / $ 6 7 , & ** /LPLWHG &RORUV ** 9DULRXV &RORUV can use 5/16" Rubber Rings, 545-5348-02 ** 9DULRXV &RORUV can use 5/16" Rubber Rings, 545-5348-02 ** 3OD\ILHOG6PDOO%D\RQHW7\SH%XOEVDQG6RFNHWV$FWXDO6L]H† $ $PEHU % %OXH &OHDU %XOEV <HOORZ %XOE B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 35 2 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 34 165-5000-44 165-5053-02 165-5053-03 165-5053-05 165-5053-06 165-5003-00 077-5000-00 077-5008-00 077-5002-00 077-5001-00 077-5003-00 077-5009-00 077-5006-00 077-5005-00 077-5013-00 077-5031-00 1º 11 12 60$// %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1-Lug Stand-Up Long Shell Socket 3-Lug Laydown Socket (2 Lugs Bent) 0 0 077-5012-00 077-5032-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ ,WHPV ZLWK D =HUR 4W\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH A #44 Bulb (Clear) #44 Bulb (Red) #44 Bulb (Amber) #44 Bulb (Blue) #44 Bulb (Yellow) #455 Twinkle Bulb 2-Lug Staple Down Socket 3-Lug Stand-Up Short Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Short Socket 3-Lug Staple Down Socket 2-Lug Laydown Socket 3-Lug Stand-Up Long Socket 3-Lug Laydown Socket (3 Lugs Flat) 2-Lug Stand-Up Long Socket 3-Lug Stand-Up Long Shell Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Lg. Shell Socket (GIs) † 6HF3DUWV,G 1º 60$// %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ 5HG 3OD\ILHOG/DUJH%D\RQHW7\SH%XOEDQG6RFNHWV$FWXDO6L]H† & %XOE 70775111s.pcx † ,WHPV ZLWK D =HUR 4W\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ 6HF3DUWV,G 70775112s.pcx 1º /$5*( %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º C 1 2 3 4 5 6 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ #89 Bulb Laydown Standard Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Short Socket 2-Lug Stand-Up Long Socket Stand-Up Socket Rev. Short 2-Lug Stand-Up Small Socket Straight Leg Socket 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 165-5000-89 077-5100-00 077-5101-00 077-5102-00 077-5103-00 077-5106-00 077-5107-00 3OD\ILHOG:HGJH%DVH%XOEVDQG6RFNHWV$FWXDO6L]H† %OXH &OHDU &OHDU %XOEV <HOORZ 5HG %XOEV <HOORZ 7DNH6SHFLDO1RWH D D 5/16" 6HF3DUWV,G DE7RS9LHZE6LGH9LHZLV1RW6KRZQ Item 7 is an IDC (Insulation Displacement Connection) Style Socket. This style is solderless, and has a built-in diode. This socket is secured to the playfield or component by Items 7a and 7b Snap-On Socket Brackets, or may also be snapped into Item 7c Socket Mounting Board. Just squeeze the "side arms" of the socket together and pull away from the bracket or mounting board for easy Bulb replacement. squeeze Note: Item 7c Socket Mounting Board is used only when sockets are positioned too close together (typically is a clear plastic piece; if used in this game, Item 7c will show the quantity and the Part Nº.). This Socket is equipped with a b u i l t - i n Diode, 1N4003, (112-5003-00). However, replacement can be made with Diode, 1N4001, (112-5001-00). Item 7c Located in the Backbox. 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk ( * ) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. 1. 2. 3. 4. Item 3 Socket has 2 Wires attached are approximately 12" ea. Item 4 Socket was used on PC Light Boards to position bulbs horizontally; Item 4 Socket is secured by soldering into place. Item 5 Socket was used on PC Light Boards to position bulbs vertically; Item 5 Socket is secured by "twisting" into place. Item E Bulb (#906) is normally used in conjunction with Item 6 Socket, but can be used with Items 1, 2, 4 or 7. Note: Always replace with same type bulb in original application. 5. See the start of this chapter for Fluor. Bulb & Assoc. Parts. 1º :('*( %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º :('*( %8/% 62&.(7 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º D 1 2 3 4 5 #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Red) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Green) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Blue) #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Yellow) #555 Wedge Base Socket (Laydown) #555 Wedge Base Socket (Offset) #555 W.B. Socket (for Pop Bumper) #555 W.B. Socket (Solder Type) #555 Wedge Base Socket (Twist) 75 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 0 0 165-5002-00 6 #906 Wedge Base Socket (Twist) 165-5054-02 7 #555 IDC Snap-On Socket 165-5054-04 7a 5/16" Ht. Snap-On Socket Bracket 165-5054-05 7b * 19/32" Ht. Snap-On Socket Bracket 165-5054-06 7c * Clear Plastic (Buty.) Socket Mtg. Bd. #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) 077-5026-01 #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Red) 077-5029-00 077-5206-00 E #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Amber) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Blue) 077-5207-00 #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Yellow) 077-5007-00 0 67 51 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 077-5016-00 077-5216-00 545-5760-18 545-5760-19 830-5979-00 165-5004-00 165-5004-02 165-5004-03 165-5004-05 165-5004-06 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3DUWV,GHQWLILFDWLRQ/RFDWLRQ ,WHPV ZLWK D =HUR 4W\ DUH QRW XVHG LQ WKLV JDPH 5HG %OXH 6L]H DQGRU TXDQWLWLHV PD\ FKDQJH GXULQJ SURGXFWLRQ ' ( † *UHHQ $PEHU 6HFWLRQ &KD SWHU R I 'UDZLQJVIRU0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 7KH%OXH3DJHV 2YHU YLHZ 6HF'UDZLQJV Drawings are provided for the Major Assemblies in this game with individual parts of each assembly numbered. Items noted with a white circle are mounted above the playfield; items noted with a black circle are mounted below. All numbered parts describe the NAME, QUANTITY & PART Nº. ASSOCIATED PARTS (AP-) are noted and/or viewed with the associated Major Assembly. Important: Read all "Take Note:" items. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV %DOO6KRRWHU3OXQJHU$VVHPEO\,WHPV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 3 4 5 Housing (Shooter Assembly) Rod Assembly (w/Black Knob) Comp. Spring (Green, .035" ø) Compression Spring (Short Plunger) Bushing, 3/8" I.D. (Oilite) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 2 535-5067-02 515-6557-00 266-5001-04 266-5010-00 280-5010-00 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 6 7 8 Washer, 3/8" I.D. X 5/8" O.D. X 1/16" Retaining Ring, 3/8" ø Shaft Plunger Tip (Black 50 Duro) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 3 1 1 242-5014-00 270-5012-00 545-5276-00 Ball Shooter (Plunger) Assembly (500-6146-50-04) is secured to the Cabinet by: Support Plate (Qty. 1) (535-5027-00), #10-32 X 1/2" PPH (Sems) Zinc TF (Qty. 3) (237-6033-00), #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 3) (234-5003-00) and #6 X 5/8" HWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5002-00) ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? $XWRSOXQJHU&RLO$VVHPEO\,WHPVZLWK $XWRSOXQJHU$UP:HOG$VVHPEO\,WHPV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º $XWRSOXQJHU &RLO $VVHPEO\ ,WHPV Autoplunger Coil Bracket Assembly Coil Retainer Bracket 1 1 515-6527-00 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5300-00) 3 Coil, 22-600 1 090-5023-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 3) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 4 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5031-00 5 Plunger & Link Assembly 1 515-5338-00 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 5) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 530-5025-01 5A Plunger 2" 5B Plunger Link 1 545-5293-00 251-5008-00 5C Roll Pin, 1/8" ø X 5/8" Lg. 1 Item 5B is secured to Item 7 by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) 6 Compression Return Spring 1 266-5020-00 $XWRSOXQJHU $UP :HOG $VV\ ,WHPV 7 Arm Weld Assembly 1 & % Autoplunger Fulcrum Nyliner, 1/4" (Thomson #4l1-FF) 1 2 515-6526-00 535-7697-00 545-5423-00 Autoplunger Arm Weld Assembly (500-6091-00) and Autoplunger Coil Assembly (500-6092-02) are secured under the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 9) (234-5101-00) $ Qty. 2 Item 7 is secured to Item 8 by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) 8 9 6HF'UDZLQJV 1 2 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV %DOO7URXJK$VVHPEO\,WHPV% DQG$VVRFLDWHG3DUWV6HH3DUWV7DEOHEHORZ 7DNH6SHFLDO1RWH Item AP-A, Enter / Exit Scoop, 535-7329-01 (not included with the 4-Ball Trough Assy.), is shown how it is actually positioned over the 4-Ball Trough Assembly. ! It is mounted above the playfield. $ (QWHU([LW6FRRS Shown Broken View See securing hardware under Item 12B. Shown Broken View to see complete switches ! % $ Qty. 3 Qty. 3 See securing hardware under Item 11 % Item 12A, Dual OPTO TRANS (Transmitter) Board, 520-5173-00, is mounted on the other side of the Trough Assembly, in line with Item 12B, Dual OPTO REC (Receiver) Board, 520-5174-00, using same hardware. 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. For a break-down of parts on these OPTO Boards (520-5173-00 & 520-5174-00), see Section 5, Chapter 4, Trough Up-Kicker Dual OPTO Boards Theory of Operation & Schematic, Component Layout & Parts, Page 99. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Ball Trough Outhole Mounting Bracket Micro Switch (Roller Actuator, Lite-Force) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 3 515-6580-01 180-5119-02 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH (Ser) UNS #4HD TR3 BO (Qty. 1/per) (237-5937-02) Item 2 requires: Heat Shrink Tubing 1/8" ø PUI-24 (Qty. 1"/per) (605-5006-00) 3 4 Switch Diode, 1N4001 Coil Mounting Bracket 3 1 Coil Retaining Bracket 1 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Rubber Bumper (Grommet) Trough Ball Guide Plate 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 545-5105-00 535-7801-00 Item 11 is secured to Item 1 by: 1/4" X 5/16" X .144" I.D. Spacer Tap. (Qty. 1) (254-5014-03) and #2-56 X 1/2" HWH (Ser) UNS #4HD TR3 BO (Qty. 4) (237-5937-02) 12A Dual OPTO TRANS Bd. Assembly 1 515-5173-00 112-5001-00 12B Dual OPTO REC Board Assembly 1 515-5174-00 535-7330-01 Items 12A & 12B are by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 3/per) (237-5976-04) Item 4 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Sr.) Zinc (Qty. 4) (237-5975-00) 5 1º 10 11 535-5203-03 Item 5 is secured to Item 4 by: #8-32 X 1/4" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5964-01) For Individual Items use : Dual OPTO TRANS Bd. (Qty. 1) (520-5173-00), Dual OPTO REC Bd. (Qty. 1) (520-5174-00), OPTO PCB Tube Spacer (Brass) (Qty. 3/per) (530-5308-02) or OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet (Qty. 3/per) (545-5518-00) 4-Ball Trough Assembly (500-6318-24) is secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 6) (234-5101-00) Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00T ASSOCIATED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 6) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 7 Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) 1 545-5076-01 AP-A Ball Trough Enter / Exit Scoop 1 535-7329-01 1 515-5941-01 Item AP-A secured to the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00). 8 Plunger Assembly 4 260-5000-00 9 Compression Spring 1 266-5020-00 AP-B* Steel Balls (1-1/16" ø) 6 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 6HF'UDZLQJV )OLSSHU/HIW$VVHPEO\,WHPV DQG$VVRFLDWHG3DUW:KLWH)OLSSHU%DW6KDIW$VV\,WHP$3$ , 0 3 2 5 Item 1, Item 4, and Item 12B (just the Pawl) 7 $ 1 The coils may also differ depending on the game. 7 $ <(//2: - * /HIW :KHQ UHSODFLQJ ,WHP % 3DZO 0QWJ /LQN $VV\ ZH DGYLVH UHSODFLQJ ZLWK HQWLUH ,WHP $ )OLSSHU 3OXQJHU/LQN $VV\ GXH WR RYHUDOO ZHDU WHDU &KHFN DOO RWKHU FRPSRQHQWV DQG UHSODFH DV UHTXLUHG ,WHPV $-6LGH9LHZ The differences between the Left & Right Flippers are: ' ( <(//2: ) - $ (+ + % , , * & & + - * 7DNH1RWH ! 6HF'UDZLQJV * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. ® "R" indicates item has a riveted-on part, if removing/adding rivets is not an option, order the entire ® Sub-Assembly. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Flipper Base Plate Kit (Left) 1 515-6617-01 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 1) KIT (LEFT) PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 Note: Flipper Base Plate (Left) comes threaded with all securing hardware (Thread Forming Screws) as listed under each of the Items which will get secured to it (Items 2, 3, 6 & 8). 2 Flipper Bat Bushing 1 545-5594-00 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 3) (237-5976-02) 3 Power (End of Stroke) Switch 1 180-5149-00 Item 3 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5976-04) 4 5 6 Switch Plate/Spring Return Lt. Brkt. Flipper Return Spring Coil Stop Bracket Sub-Assembly 1 1 1 535-7354-01 265-5035-00 515-6308-01 Item 6 is secured to Item 1 by: #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5985-00) and #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 2) (244-5003-00) 7 8 Spring Washer Coil Support Bracket 1 1 269-5002-00 535-7356-00 % 1º 12 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( $ 47< 63, 3$57 1º Plunger, Link & Pawl (Left) Sub-Assy. 1 515-6518-01 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 12) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 12A Flipper Plunger/Link Sub-Assy. 1 515-6304-01 includes : Plunger "Flipper" Link 1 545-5611-00 includes : Spirol Pin ø 5/32" X 3/4" Lg. 1 251-5015-02 includes : Flipper Plunger with "Flat" 1 530-5349-01 ®12B Pawl (Mntg. Link) (Left) Sub-Assy. 1 515-6305-01 includes : Pawl (Mounting Link) (Left) Plain 1 535-7271-01 includes : Switch Actuator 1 545-5612-00 includes : Rivet, 1/8" ø X 1/4" Lg. 1 249-5003-00 12C Return Bracket 1 535-7353-00 12D Flipper Link Bushing (Metal, Ext.) 1 530-5139-01 (.385" Lg. X .192" ID X .312" OD) 12E #10-32 X 1-1/4" Lg. Socket Head 1 237-5950-01 12F #10-32 X 7/8" Lg. Socket Head 1 237-5966-00 12G #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut 2 240-5203-00 12H #10 Split Lock Washer 2 244-5003-00 12I 242-5039-01 Washer .203" ID X .63" OD X .105" Thk w/cut 1 Washer .203" ID X .63" OD X .062" Thk 12J 2 242-5038-00 Flipper (Left) Assembly (500-5944-14) is secured below the playfield by: #10 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc ST (Qty. 8) (237-5949-00) Item 8 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5975-00) 9 Coil, 22-900 (YEL) (Left) 1 090-5020-20T ASSOCIATED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 9) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 White Flipper Bat & Shaft (Plain) 1 515-5133-08-06 10 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5388-00 AP-A (Non-Knurled End) Assembly Large Flipper BLACK Rubber Ring 1 545-5428-00 11 Deflector Pad (Bumper) 1 545-5277-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV )OLSSHU5LJKW$VVHPEO\,WHPV <(/*51 - 5LJKW ( * The coils may also differ depending on the game. $ <(/*51 Item 1, Item 4, and Item 12B (just the Pawl) ' ) % (+ & - $ 7 , + 5 , 2 * & 3 - 0 , * 7DNH1RWH ! $ 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( % 47< 63, 3$57 1º * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. ® "R" indicates item has a riveted-on part, if removing/adding rivets is not an option, order the entire ® Sub-Assembly. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Flipper Base Plate Kit (Right) 1 515-6518-00 1 515-6617-00 12 Plunger, Link & Pawl (Rt.) Sub-Assy. ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 1) KIT (RIGHT) PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 12) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 12A Flipper Plunger/Link Sub-Assy. 515-6304-01 includes : Plunger "Flipper" Link 1 545-5611-00 Note: Flipper Base Plate (Right) comes threaded with all securing includes : Spirol Pin ø 5/32" X 3/4" Lg. 1 251-5015-02 hardware (Thread Forming Screws) as listed under each of includes : Flipper Plunger with "Flat" 1 530-5349-01 the Items which will get secured to it (Items 2, 3, 6 & 8). ®12B Pawl (Mntg. Link) (Rt.) Sub-Assy. 1 515-6305-00 Pawl (Mounting Link) (Rt.) Plain 1 535-7271-00 : 2 Flipper Bat Bushing 1 545-5594-00 includes includes : Switch Actuator 1 545-5612-00 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 3) (237-5976-02) includes : Rivet, 1/8" ø X 1/4" Lg. 1 249-5003-00 1 535-7353-00 3 Power (End of Stroke) Switch 1 180-5149-00 12C Return Bracket Flipper Link Bushing (Metal, Ext.) 1 530-5139-01 Item 3 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5976-04) 12D (.385" Lg. X .192" ID X .312" OD) 4 Switch Plate/Spring Return Rt. Brkt. 1 535-7354-00 12E #10-32 X 1-1/4" Lg. Socket Head 1 237-5950-01 1 237-5966-00 1 265-5035-00 12F #10-32 X 7/8" Lg. Socket Head 5 Flipper Return Spring 12G #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut 2 240-5203-00 6 Coil Stop Bracket Sub-Assembly 1 515-6308-01 12H #10 Split Lock Washer 2 244-5003-00 Item 6 is secured to Item 1 by: #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) Washer .203" ID X .63" OD X .105" Thk w/cut 1 12I 242-5039-01 (237-5985-00) and #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 2) (244-5003-00) Washer .203" ID X .63" OD X .062" Thk 12J 2 242-5038-00 (Right) Assembly (500-5944-04) is secured below the playfield by: 7 Spring Washer 1 269-5002-00 Flipper #10 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc ST (Qty. 8) (237-5949-00) 1 535-7356-00 8 Coil Support Bracket 1 Item 8 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5975-00) 9 Coil, 22-1080 (YEL-GRN) (Right) 1 090-5032-00T ASSOCIATED PARTS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 9) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 White Flipper Bat & Shaft (Plain) 1 515-5133-08-06 10 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5388-00 AP-A (Non-Knurled End) Assembly Large Flipper BLACK Rubber Ring 11 Deflector Pad (Bumper) 1 545-5428-00 1 545-5277-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 6HF'UDZLQJV $ + 7 The differences between the Left & Right Flippers are: 1 ,WHPV $-6LGH9LHZ :KHQ UHSODFLQJ ,WHP % 3DZO 0QWJ /LQN $VV\ ZH DGYLVH UHSODFLQJ ZLWK HQWLUH ,WHP $ )OLSSHU 3OXQJHU/LQN $VV\ GXH WR RYHUDOO ZHDU WHDU &KHFN DOO RWKHU FRPSRQHQWV DQG UHSODFH DV UHTXLUHG DQG$VVRFLDWHG3DUW:KLWH)OLSSHU%DW6KDIW$VV\,WHP$3$ 6OLQJVKRW/ZU8SU/W5W$VVHPEOLHV4W\,WHPV % $ $ % % $ & Qty. 2 Qty. 2 Qty. 1/per ' & 6HF'UDZLQJV 7DNH1RWH An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. * ® "R" indicates item has a riveted-on part, if removing/adding rivets is not an option, order the entire ® Sub-Assembly. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Slingshot Bracket Assembly Coil Retaining Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 515-5339-01 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured to Item 1A by: #8-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) (Qty. 2) (232-5301-00) 3 Coil, 23-800 1 090-5001-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 3) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 4 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5031-00 1 515-5338-00 5 Plunger & Link Assembly ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 5) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 5A Plunger 2" Lg. 1 530-5025-01 5B Plunger Link 1 545-5293-00 5C Roll Pin 1/8" ø x 5/8" Lg. 1 251-5008-00 Item 5B is secured to Item 10A by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 6 7 8 Compression Spring Slingshot Stack (Blade) Switch Switch Body Protect Plate 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 2 2 266-5020-00 180-5054-00 535-5045-00 Items 7 & 8 are secured to Item 1A by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Qty. 4) (237-5976-04) 9 Switch Diode, 1N4001 10® Riveted Arm & Tip Assembly 2 1 112-5001-00 515-5340-01 ORDERING ABOVE ® RIVETED ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 10A Arm 1 515-5341-01 10B Kicker Tip 1 545-5216-01 10C Rivet, 1/8" ø x 1/4" Lg. 1 249-5003-00 Item 10A is secured to Item 1A by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 1) (270-5002-00) Slingshot Assemblies (500-5849-00) are secured below the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3/per) (234-5101-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 7XUER3RS%XPSHU7RS$VV\4W\,WHPV 7XUER3RS%XPSHU%RWWRP$VV\4W\,WHPV 7XUER3RS%XPSHU6ZLWFK$VV\4W\,WHPV DQG$VVRFLDWHG3DUWV6HH7DEOH%HORZ,WHP$3$ ! $ $VVHPEOHG 9LHZ 3/$<),(/' :22' Individual parts can be ordered. However, if the entire Turbo Bumper is required, use all three (3) Assembly Part Numbers at the top of this page. ([SORGHG 9LHZ 7DNH1RWH 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 7XUER %XPSHU 7RS $VV\ ,WHPV 1 2 3 #555 Wedge Base Bulb #555 Wedge Base Socket Bumper Body 1 1 1 165-5002-00 077-5206-00 545-5197-00 Item 3 is secured by: #5 X 7/8" PRH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (237-5826-00) 4 3/$<),(/' :22' Bumper Skirt Bumper Skirt Compression Spring Bumper Base 1 1 1 545-5607-00 266-5048-00 545-5195-00 Item 14 is secured by: #6-32 X 1/4" HWH Swage (Serr.) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5976-01) 15 Plunger 1 530-5348-00 Coil Compression Spring 1 266-5047-00 Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 10) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 11 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5031-00 12 Fiber Yoke 1 545-5609-00 13 Metal Yoke 1 535-7346-00 14 Metal Yoke Stop 1 535-7347-00 8 9 10 515-5085-00 7XUER %XPSHU %RWWRP $VV\ ,WHPV 1 Coil Bracket Welded Assembly 1 515-5939-00 Item 15 is secured by: #6-32 X 1-3/16" Spiral Fin Shank (Qty. 3) (237-5957-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 3) (240-5005-00) 7XUER %XPSHU 6ZLWFK $VV\ ,WHPV 16 Switch Bracket 1 535-7342-00 Item 16 is secured by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) Side View of 14 & 15 17 18 19 Spoon Switch Actuator Turbo Bumper Stack (Blade) Switch Switch Body Protect Plate 1 1 1 545-5610-01 180-5015-03 535-7344-00 Items 18 & 19 are secured by: #6-32 X 3/4" HWH Swage (Serr) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5976-05) 20 Switch Diode, 1N4001 1 112-5001-00 The Top & Bottom Assemblies are secured together by hardware included in assemblies. ASSOCIATED PART IS NOT INCLUDED WITH THE ABOVE ASSEMBLY. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 1º $662&,$7(' 3$57 1$0( AP-A Turbo (Pop) Bumper Cap (Clear) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 3 550-5057-01 Item AP-A is secured to Item 4 by: #4 X 3/4" PRH (Zinc) T-25 (Qty. 2/per) (237-5873-00) 6HF'UDZLQJV 5 6 7 Ring Assembly Item 4 is secured by: #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5005-00) %DQN'URS7DUJHW1R7ULS&RLOV$VVHPEO\,WHPV 7KH3DUWV7DEOHIRUWKLVDVVHPEO\LVRQWKHQH[WSDJH Qty. 4 $VVHPEOHG7RS9LHZ Qty. 4 Qty. 4 Qty. 2 (1 on each side) Qty. 2 (1 on each side) 7DNH1RWH The Switch Diode, 1N4001, is not located on this assembly (nor included); it’s located on a Terminal Strip under the playfield. See Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Terminal Strips..., Page 95. $VVHPEOHG)URQW9LHZ $VVHPEOHG6LGH9LHZ Qty. 4 7DUJHW $GMXVWPHQW $GMXVW ZLWK DOO WKH 7DUJHWV LQ WKH '2:1 3RVLWLRQ 7R SURSHUO\ DGMXVW WKH OHYHOV RI WKH 'URS 7DUJHWV ORRVHQ WKH VHFXULQJ KDUGZDUH RI ,WHP $GMXVWPHQW 6SLQGOH 6WRS RQ ERWK VLGHV 6WDUW RQ HLWKHU VLGH DQG VORZO\ WXUQ ,WHP FORFNZLVH WR UDLVH RU FRXQWHU FORFNZLVH WR ORZHU WKHQ WLJKWHQ WKH VHFXULQJ KDUGZDUH 7KH IRXU 7DUJHWV VKRXOG EH DW OHYHO WR DERYH WKH SOD\ILHOG VR DV QRW WR FUHDWH D EDOO WUDS 6HF'UDZLQJV Qty. 4 Qty. 4 Qty. 2 (1 on each side) Qty. 2 Qty. 2 Qty. 2 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV %DQN'URS7DUJHW1R7ULS&RLOV$VVHPEO\,WHPV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 Guide Brkt. (4-Bank) with Pem Nuts 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 515-6904-04 Item 1 is secured at the bottom and inbetween Items 17 & 21 by: See below Item 21. 2 Guide Brkt. (4-Bank) without Pem Nuts 1 535-8408-04 Item 2 is secured at the middle and inbetween Items 17 & 21 by: See below Item 21. 3 Mounting Plate Housing Side 2 535-8415-00 Item 3 is secured at the both sides over Items 17 & 21 by: See below Item 21. 4 Mounting Bracket Side (Short Feet) 2 535-8416-01 Item 4 is secured over Item 3 (on each side) by: See below Item 21. 5 Coil Housing Stop Bracket Sub-Assy. 1 Coil Housing Bracket 1 515-6905-00 535-8411-00 Item 6 is secured on Item 21: See below Item 21. Trip Coil Mounting Bracket (4-Bank) 1 535-8410-04 Item 13 is secured at the top of Items 17 & 21 by: See below Item 21. 14 15 16 Coil (Trip) NOT USED IN THIS ASSEMBLY. Drop Target White (Rollover) 4 Drop Target Guide Shaft 2 545-5533-01 530-5521-00 Item 16 is secured to Items 1 & 2 by: Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø (Qty. 2/per) (270-5002-00) 17 Switch Support Bracket (4-Bank) 1 535-8407-04 18 Switch Bracket 4 535-8414-00 4 180-5158-00 Item 18 is secured to Item 17 by: See below Item 21. 19 Switch (D/T) Item 19 is secured to Item 18 by: #4-40 X 5/8" HWH MS (Ser) Zc. (Qty. 2/per) (237-5945-00) 7 Coil, 23-1100 1 090-5030-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 7) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 8 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5709-00 9 Plunger Lift Bracket 1 535-8413-00 Item 9 is secured under Item 12: #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH (Ser) Swage (Qty. 2) (237-5985-00) 10 47< 63, 3$57 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Item 17 is secured to Items 1, 2 & 13 by: See below Item 21. Item 5 is secured over Item 7 inbetween Item 6 by: See below Item 21. 6 1º 13 Drive Coil Plunger 1 530-5522-00 20 Spring Support Bracket (4-Bank) 1 535-8420-04 Items 1-6, 13, 17, 18 & 20 are secured by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS Type C (237-5903-00) Item 3 = 8 Item 4 = 4 Item 5 = 4 Item 6 = 3 Item 13 = 6 Item 17 = 4 Item 18 = 8 Item 20 = 3 21 22 Spring (D/T Reset) #10-32 Adj. Spindle Stop w/Rubber Tip 4 2 265-5003-00 280-5014-00 Item 22 is secured by: #10-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 1/per) (240-5208-00) 4-Bank Drop Target Assembly (500-6345-24) is secured under the playfield by: #8-32 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 6) (234-5101-00) Item 10 is secured under Item 9: #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5203-00) and over Item 9: #10 Lock Washer (Qty. 1) (246-5002-00) Compression Spring Reset/Stop Bracket Assy. (4-Bank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º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Ball Lock Mounting Bracket Assy. Coil Retaining Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 2 515-7132-00 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (232-5300-00) 3 Coil, 27-1500 1 090-5004-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 3) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 4 5 6 7 8 Coil Sleeve Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") Solid Plunger Assy. (Short) Compression (Relay) Spring Nyliner 7/16" Shaft (7L2-FF) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 1 545-5411-00 269-5002-00 515-6119-02 266-5020-00 545-5418-01 Ball Lock (Short Plunger) Assembly (500-5867-02-65) is secured under the playfield by: #8-32 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3) (234-5101-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV %DOO/RFN/RQJ3OXQJHU$VVHPEO\,WHPV /RFDWHGXQGHUWKH:LUH5DPSRQWKH5LJKW6LGHRIWKH3OD\ILHOG 8VDJH1RWH7KLV%DOO/RFN/RQJ $VVHPEO\ LVVLPLOLDUWRWKH%DOO/RFN6KRUW $VVHPEO\ 7KHRQO\GLIIHUHQFHLV,WHP 6HF'UDZLQJV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Ball Lock Mounting Bracket Assy. Coil Retaining Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 2 515-7132-00 535-5203-03 Item 2 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (232-5300-00) 3 Coil, 27-1500 1 090-5004-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 3) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 4 5 6 7 8 Coil Sleeve Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") Solid Plunger Assy. (Long) Compression (Relay) Spring Nyliner 7/16" Shaft (7L2-FF) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 1 545-5411-00 269-5002-00 515-6119-03 266-5020-00 545-5418-01 Ball Lock (Short Plunger) Assembly (500-5867-03-65) is secured under the playfield by: #8-32 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 3) (234-5101-00) 6KRRWHU3ODVWLF5DPS,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV 89 'UDZLQJ3DUWV7DEOHFRQWLQXHVRQWKHQH[WSDJH )RU KRZ WKLV 5DPS LV 6HFXUHG WR WKH 3OD\ILHOG VHH WKH 6HFXULQJ +DUGZDUH # WKH ERW WRP RI WKH QH[W SDJH U 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. ® "R" indicates item has a riveted-on part, if removing/adding rivets is not an option, order the entire ® Sub-Assembly. 6HF'UDZLQJV ' 9 8 ' 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º 1 515-7117-00R-65 3 ORDERING ABOVE ® RIVETED ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 4 1A Shooter Plastic Ramp (No Parts) 1 545-5957-00 5 1 535-8736-00 1B Ramp Flap 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1® Roulette Ramp Riveted Sub-Assy. 1C Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. 1D* #6 - Riveting Lock Washer (for Item 1B) 2 #555 Wedge Base Socket (Offset) 2 2 249-5001-00 246-5000-00 1 Item 2 is secured by: Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. (Qty. 1) (249-5001-00) 077-5029-0 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) Mini-Mars Light Cover (Snap-In) Red #555 Wedge Base Socket (Laydown) 47< 1 1 1 63, 3$57 1º 165-5004-00 550-5030-02 077-5026-01 Item 5 is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 1) (237-5809-00) 6 7 8 #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) Light Deflector (Silver Plastic) #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) 1 1 1 165-5002-00 545-5409-01 237-5809-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV continued next page 6KRRWHU3ODVWLF5DPS,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV&RQWLQXHG 'UDZLQJ3DUWV7DEOHFRQWLQXHVRQSUHYLRXVSDJH U ( 9 8 % & $ 9 8 % & )RU WKH 0LFUR 6ZLWFK QRW LQFOXGHG ZLWK WKLV DVVHPEO\ VHH 3DJH ,WHP %UDFNHW ,WHP ) 6ZLWFK & % 9 8 ( ,WHP 7UXVV +HDG 6FUHZ LV XVHG WR VWRS WKH VSLQ RQ WKH SLQEDOO LQ WKLV UDPS ,W VHUYHUV QR RWKHU IXQFWLRQ FDQ EH UHPRYHG LI D ORQJ FRQWLQXRXV URXOHWWH VSLQ LV GHVLUHG ) 9 8 % & 1º 9 10 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Decal -38 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -40 (from Decal Sheet Set) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 820-6260-XX 1 Decals & Plastic Pieces are a part of a Complete Set (Part Number ending in -XX). Individuals pieces are typically not available and the whole set must be ordered. See Sec. 4, Chp. 1, Parts Identification & Location, Page 57 for more details. 11 Sm. Plastic -08 (from Clear Plas. Sheet Set) 1 89 )RU KRZ WKLV 5DPS LV 6HFXUHG WR WKH 3OD\ILHOG VHH WKH 6HFXULQJ # WKH ERWWRP RI WKLV SDJH 9 89 89 89 89 9 Shooter Plastic Ramp is secured above the playfield by: A 5/8" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 1) (254-5008-02) B #6-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 4) (232-5201-00) C #6 Washer (Qty. 4) (242-5001-00) D #4 X 5/8" PFH (Black) (Qty. 2) (237-5833-00) E 2-1/4" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 2) (254-5008-18) F 3-1/2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 1) (254-5008-27) 830-5979-XX Item 11 is secured at the top hole by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 1) (237-5809-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 6HF'UDZLQJV cont. previous page 5RXOHWWH:KHHO,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\ ,WHPV :RUNVLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKSDUWVRQQH[WSDJH 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Spindle Handle Assembly #10 Lock Washer #10 Washer, 7/32" ID X 1/2" OD X 1/16" Thk. Spinner Island Spinner Plate Spinner Platform Nyliner Bearing (Thomson #8L2-FF) Washer, .515" ID X .88" OD X .03" Thk Shaft Retaining (E-) Ring, 1/2" ø Shaft #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS Type C Decal -44 (from Decal Sheet Set) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 515-7110-00 246-5002-00 242-5003-00 545-5956-00 515-7131-00 535-8763-00 545-5964-00 242-5064-00 530-5569-00 270-5021-00 237-5903-00 820-6260-XX Decals Pieces are a part of a Complete Set (Part Number ending in -XX). Individuals pieces are typically not available and the whole set must be ordered. See Sec. 4, Chp. 1, Parts Identification & Location, Page 57 for more details. /LQH8S ,WHP RYHU WKH 3OD\ILHOG E\ DOLJQLQJ WKLV 7HDU'URS +ROH GLUHFWO\ RYHU WKH 7HDU'URS VFUHHQHG RQ WKH 3OD\ILHOG 6HF'UDZLQJV 7KH DVVHPEOHG 5RXOHWWH :KHHO LV DWWDFKHG WR WKH 5RXOHWWH :KHHO %RWWRP 0RWRU $VVHPEO\ ZLWK ,WHP VHH 3DUWV 7DEOH DERYH )RU PRUH GHWDLOV RQ WKLV DVVHPEO\ VHH WKH QH[W SDJH 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 5RXOHWWH:KHHO%RWWRP0RWRU ,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV :RUNVLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKSDUWVRQSUHYLRXVSJ Production Note: Item 2, Spring Plate, may vary in quantity from game to game; replace with the quantity used in your game (e.g. If your game has 1, replace with ONLY 1; if your game has 2, replace with 2). Qty. 3 Manual Addendum: Original Printing of this page in the Game Manual 780-5065-00 (1) Jan 2001, had the items misnumbered. In the parts table change the item numbers as follows: 1 to 8; 2 to 1; 3 to 2; 4 to 3; 5 to 7; 6 to 9; 7 to 6; 8 to 5; 9 to 4; 10 is 10. The below table is shown correct. See Securing Hardware (not included with this assembly) under Item 10. 7DNH1RWH Qty. 2 of 4 Qty. 2 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV For a break-down of parts on this OPTO Board (520-5194-01), see Section 5, Chapter 4, 4-Position OPTO PC Board (Roulette Motor) Theory of Operation & Schematic, Component Layout & Parts, Pages 130-131. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1/2 1 4 3 3 1 1 1 Base Plate Spring Plate (see Production Note above) Coupling / Interaupter #8-32 X 3/8" HWH MS Type C #6-32 X 1/2" PPH (Sems) Zinc #6 Washer 4-Position OPTO PC Board Motor Platform Motor & Soldered Cable Wiring Hrns. 515-7129-00 535-8764-00 530-5570-00 237-5903-00 232-5202-00 242-5001-00 520-5194-01 515-7130-00 515-7153-00 Item 9 Motor Specs: 17RPM 20V DC CCW (Multi) (041-5078-00) 10 #6-32 X 1" HWH Slotted Serr Tri-Point 2 237-6050-00 Roulette Wheel Bottom (Motor) is secured under the playfield by: #8 X 5/8" HWH AB (Zinc) Green (Qty. 5) (234-5102-04) 6HF'UDZLQJV Qty. 3 Qty. 2 of 4 0DLQ3ODVWLF5DPS,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV 'UDZLQJFRQWLQXHVRQWKHQH[WSDJH 8 $ % ( $ % ' 9 8 $ % ) ' FRQWLQXHG QH[W SDJH 7DNH1RWH * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. ® "R" indicates item has a riveted-on part, if removing/adding rivets is not an option, order the entire ® Sub-Assembly. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1® Main (Left) Ramp Riveted Sub-Assy. 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º 1 515-7118-00R-65 18 ORDERING ABOVE ® RIVETED ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 19 1A Main Plastic Ramp (No Parts) 1 545-5954-00 20 1B Ramp Flap (Left) 1 535-8742-00 21 1C Ramp Flap (Right) 1 535-8768-00 1D 1E 1F* 1G* 6HF'UDZLQJV 2 3 4 Ramp Mounting Bracket Spring Plate Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. #6 - Riveting Lock Wshr. (for Items 1BCE) #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) Mini-Mars Light Cover (Snap-In) Red #555 Wedge Base Socket (Laydown) 1 2 10 8 1 2 535-7817-00 535-8764-00 249-5001-00 246-5000-00 165-5004-00 550-5030-02 077-5026-01 Item 4 is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 1/per) (237-5809-00) 5 6 7 #555 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) Light Deflector (Silver Plastic) #555 Wedge Base Socket (Offset) 2 2 1 165-5002-00 545-5409-01 077-5029-00 Item 7 is secured by: Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. (Qty. 1) (249-5001-00) 8 9 Rubber Flange (Bumper) Coil 27-1500 Bracket Assembly 1 1 545-5965-00 515-6596-00 Item 9 is secured by: #6-32 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5202-00) and #6-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5010-00) For Individual Items use : Coil 27-1500 (Qty. 1) (090-5004-00T), Return Spring (Qty. 1) (Jaidninger #SPR29-18) (266-5024-00) or #8-32 X 3/8" PPH MS Zinc (Qty. 1) (232-5301-00). 10 11 Transition Flap Micro Switch Bracket 1 1 535-8757-00 535-7319-05 Items 10 & 11 are secured by: #4-40 X 3/8" PFH (Black) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5983-00) and #4-40 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5303-00) 12 13 Micro Switch Switch Body Protect Plate 1 1 180-5093-00 535-6539-00 Items 12 & 13 are secured to Item 11 by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser (Qty. 2) (237-5937-02) 14* Diode, 1N4004 15* Clear Dot Self-Adhesive 16 Cover Plate 1 1 1 112-5003-00 280-5012-00 535-8758-00 Item 16 is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A Zinc (Qty. 4) (237-5809-00) 17 Diverter Cover (Black Plastic) 1 545-5740-01 Item 17 is secured by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5976-02) ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Shaft for Middle Diverter Diverter Gate 6-32 X 1/4" PFH MS Zinc 82 Undercut Plastic -06 (from Clear Plastic Sheet Set) 47< 1 1 4 1 63, 3$57 1º 530-5568-00 535-8743-01 237-5871-01 830-5979-XX Item 21 is secured by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 3) (237-5809-00) 22 Gate (Roll-Under) Assembly 1 515-6556-02 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 22) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 22A Gate Bracket 535-7756-02 1 535-7755-02 22B Wire Form (on above item) 1 180-5087-00 1 22C Micro Switch (for Roll-Under Gate) 535-6539-00 22D* Switch Body Protect Plate 1 22E* Diode, 1N4004 112-5003-00 1 22F* #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser UNS #4HD TR3 BO 2 237-5937-02 23 Gate (Roll-Under) Assy. (Gold, 1-1/2") 1 515-6490-07 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 23) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 23A Gate Bracket 1 535-8461-00 23B Wire Form (on above item) 1 535-7755-02 23C Micro Switch (for Roll-Under Gate) 1 180-5087-00 23D* Switch Body Protect Plate 1 535-6539-00 23D* Diode, 1N4004 1 112-5003-00 23E* #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser UNS #4HD TR3 BO 2 237-5937-02 Items 22-23 are secured by: #6 X 1/2" PTH A (Zinc) (Qty. 2/per) (237-5809-00) 24 25 26 27 28 29 Ramp Decal (Individual Decal, Not In A Set) Decal -26 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -27 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -28 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -29 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -45 (from Decal Sheet Set) 1 1 1 1 1 1 820-6281-00 820-6260-XX Decals & Plastic Pieces are a part of a Complete Set (Part Number ending in -XX). Individuals pieces are typically not available and the whole set must be ordered. See Sec. 4, Chp. 1, Parts Identification & Location, Page 57 for more details. 89 89 89 9 8 8 89 Main Plastic Ramp is secured above the playfield by: A #6-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 4) (232-5201-00) B #6 Washer (Qty. 4) (242-5001-00) C #4 X 5/8" PFH (Black) (Qty. 2) (237-5833-00) D 1-3/4" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 1) (254-5008-10) E 2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 1) (254-5008-07) F 2-1/8" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 3) (254-5008-32) G 2" X 3/8" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 2) (254-5008-28) Note: Items E & F are mounted on Ramp Mounting Brackets (515-6508-00) on the wood rail. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 0DLQ3ODVWLF5DPS,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV4QWLQXHG 'UDZLQJF4QWLQXHV3DUWV%DEOH4QSUHYL4XVSDJH FRQWLQXHG SUHYLRXV SDJH U 9 89 )RU KRZ WKLV 5DPS LV 6HFXUHG WR WKH 3OD\ILHOG VHH WKH 6HFXULQJ +DUGZDUH # WKH ERW WRP RI SUHY SDJH 8 $ % ) ,WHP 'HFDO RYHU ,WHP 8 8 $ % * W 8 $ % * 9 8 $ % Qty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n asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. ® "R" indicates item has a riveted-on part, if removing/adding rivets is not an option, order the entire ® Sub-Assembly. 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Diverter Base Plate Kit (Right Style) 1 515-6617-04 9 Plunger, Spring & Pawl Sub-Assy. 1 515-7133-00-65 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 1) KIT (RIGHT) PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 9) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 9A Plunger & Spring Sub-Assy. 515-7134-00-65 includes : Plunger 2-1/4" 1 530-5025-03 Note: Diverter Base Plate (Right Style) comes threaded with all securing hardware (Thread Forming Screws) as listed under includes : Spring 1 266-5064-00 each of the Items which will get secured to it (Items 2, 4 & 6). includes : Spacer 1 254-5000-18 includes : #6-32 X 1/2" PPH (MS) TF 1 237-5842-00 Apply Loctite 243 Blue to threads; 2 "Flipper" Bat Bushing 1 545-5594-00 Note : Tighten to 20lbs. +/- 3 In-lbs. Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 3) (237-5976-02) ® 9B Pawl (Mntg. Link) (Rt.) Sub-Assy. 1 515-6305-00 1 535-7271-00 3 Spring (Large, Heavy-Duty) 1 266-5066-01 includes : Pawl (Mounting Link) (Rt.) Plain includes : Switch Actuator 1 545-5612-00 Coil Stop Bracket Sub-Assembly 4 1 515-6308-01 includes : Rivet, 1/8" ø X 1/4" Lg. 1 249-5003-00 #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2) Item 4 is secured to Item 1 by: 9C Return Bracket 1 535-7353-00 (237-5985-00) and #10 Split Lock Washer (Qty. 2) (244-5003-00) 9D "Flipper" Link Bushing (Metal, Ext.) 1 530-5139-01 (.385" Lg. X .192" ID X .312" OD) 5 Spring Washer 1 269-5002-00 9E #10-32 X 1-1/4" Lg. Socket Head 1 237-5950-01 1 535-7356-00 6 Coil Support Bracket 9F #10-32 X 7/8" Lg. Socket Head 1 237-5966-00 Item 6 is secured to Item 1 by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 2) (237-5975-00) 9G #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut 2 240-5203-00 2 244-5003-00 7 Coil, 23-1100 (ORG) 1 090-5030-00T 9H #10 Split Lock Washer 9I Washer .203" ID X .63" OD X .105" Thk w/cut 1 242-5039-01 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 7) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 9J Washer .203" ID X .63" OD X .062" Thk 2 242-5038-00 — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 9K Key Plate 1 535-8769-00 8 Coil Sleeve 1 545-5388-00 Diverter Assembly (500-6441-04-65) is secured below the playfield by: 1 #10 X 1/2" HWH MS (Serr) Zinc ST (Qty. 8) (237-5949-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV :LUH5DPS,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV U Qty. 3 & 9 8 ' ( Qty. 3 89 Qty. 2 1º 1 2 3 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Wire Ramp (No Parts) Micro Switch (Roller Actuator, Lite-Force) Switch Body Protect Plate 47< 1 3 3 63, 3$57 1º 535-8740-00 180-5119-02 535-6539-00 Items 2 & 3 are secured by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser (Qty. 2/per) (237-5973-02) and #2-56 Hex Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5301-00) 4 Plastic, Wire Ramp Switch Cover 1 830-5981-00 Item 4 is secured to Items 8 & 9 by: #6-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 3) (232-5201-00) 5 #555 Wedge Base Socket (Offset) 1 077-5029-00 Item 5 is secured to Item 4 by: Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. (Qty. 1) (249-5001-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 1º 6 7 8 9 9 9 98 8 8 & 9 8 ' ( $ % 9 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) Mini-Mars Light Cover (Snap-In) Red 1-1/8" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap 9 9 & 9 8 ' ( 6HF'UDZLQJV )RU KRZ WKLV 5DPS LV 6HFXUHG WR WKH 3OD\ILHOG VHH WKH 6HFXULQJ +DUGZDUH # WKH ERWWRP RI WKLV SDJH 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 165-5004-00 550-5030-02 2 254-5008-17 1 254-5008-07 Item 9 and below A & B are for Ball Trap Prevention: A #10-32 X 3/8" SHWH (Ser) Swage (Qty. 1) (237-5985-00) B #10-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5203-00) Wire Ramp is secured to the playfield by: C #6-32 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 3) (232-5202-00) and D Washer, 13/64" ID X 5/8" OD X .062" (Qty. 6) (242-5038-00) E 1/2" X 1/4" Hex Spacer #6-32 Tap (Qty. 3) (254-5008-03) 6ORW0DFKLQH8QLW,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV 'UDZLQJ3DUWV7DEOHFRQWLQXHVRQWKHQH[WSDJH /W6LGH 9LHZ Qty. 2 Qty. 2 For a break-down of parts on these OPTO Boards (520-5195-00 & 520-5196-00), see Section 5, Chapter 4, 3-Position OPTO PC Boards (Slot Machine) Theory of Operation & Schematic, Component Layout & Parts, Pages 132-133. ,WHP LV RQ WKH 5LJKW 6LGH RSSRVLWH ,WHP 7DNH1RWH 6HF'UDZLQJV 1RWH 7KH 8S'RZQ 5DPS 0RWRU %UDFNHW DUH VKRZQ IRU UHIHUHQFH RQO\ )RU GHWDLOV RQ WKHVH DVVHPEOLHV VHH 3DJH 7DNH1RWH An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. * 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 47< 63, 3$57 1º Slot Machine Main Housing 1 515-7103-00 Spring Plate Assembly 1 515-7127-00-65 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 2) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 2A Small Deflector Bracket 1 535-8704-00 2B Deflector (Spring) Bash Plate 1 515-7128-00 2C Compression Spring 2 266-5048-00 2D* #8-32 Nylon Stop Nut 2 240-5120-00 3 Deflector Bracket 1 535-8762-00 4 Small Arm Coil 32-1800 Assembly 1 500-6435-00 1 2 Items 2, 3 & 4 are secured by: #8-32 X 3/8" HWH Swage (Sr) Zinc (Qty. 9) (237-5975-00) For Individual Items use : Coil 32-1800 (Qty. 1) (090-5031-00T), Return Spring (Qty. 1) (Jaidninger #SPR29-18) (266-5024-00), Sm. Armature Assembly (Qty. 1) (515-7101-00). 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 5 6 OPTO Rec. (3-Pos.) Assy. w/cable OPTO Trans. (3-Pos.) Assy. w/cable 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 515-7121-00-65 515-7121-01-65 Items 5 & 6 are secured by: #6-32 X 5/8" Swage (Sr) Zinc (Qty. 3/per) (237-5976-04), For Individual Items use : 3-Pos. OPTO Rec. (Qty. 1) (520-5195-00), 3-Pos. OPTO Trans. (Qty. 1) (520-5196-00), OPTO PCB Tube Spacer (Brass) (Qty. 3/per) (530-5308-02), OPTO PCB Rubber Grommet (Qty. 3/per) (545-5518-00) and #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 3/per) (237-5976-04) For more details on these OPTO PC Boards, see Sec. 5, Chp. 4, Pages 132-133. 7 Dot Display (5X7) x3 PC Board 1 520-5197-00 Item 7 is supported by: 1/4 Spacer RLCBSPR-4-01 (Qty. 4) (254-5026-00) For more details on this PC Board, see Sec. 5, Chp. 4, Pages 134-135. 8 Small Lever Arm 1 545-5953-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 6ORW0DFKLQH8QLW,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV&RQWLQXHG 'UDZLQJ3DUWV7DEOHFRQWLQXHVRQWKHSUHYLRXVSDJH 7DNH1RWH For a break-down of parts on this PC Board (520-5197-00), see Section 5, Chapter 4,Dot Display (5X7) x3 PC Bd. (Slot Machine) Schematic, Component Layout & Parts, Pages 134-135. Also, see Solenoid Expander UK Posts & Slot Machine Special Wiring on Pg. 137. /W6LGH 9LHZ 6HF'UDZLQJV )URQW 9LHZ 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 9 10 11 Post Rubber (Sleeve Short) Small Arm Actuator Slot Machine Molded Plastic Cover 47< 63, 3$57 1º 2 1 1 545-5151-00 535-8703-00 880-5038-00 Item 11 is secured to Item 1 by: #6-32 X 5/8" HWH Swage (Ser.) Zc. (Qty. 5) (237-5976-04) and#6 Washer (Qty. 5) (242-5001-00) 12 #555 Wedge Base Socket (Offset) 1 077-5029-00 Item 12 is secured to Item 11 by: Rivet, 1/8" ø X 3/16" Lg. (Qty. 1) (249-5001-00) and #6 Riveting Lock Washer (Qty. 1) (246-5000-00) 13 14 15 #906 Wedge Base Bulb (Clear) Mini-Mars Light Cover (Snap-In) Red Foam Rubber (Self-Adh.) 2.5" X 3/8" X 3/16" 1 1 2 165-5004-00 550-5030-02 626-5001-00 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 1º 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Decal -32 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -33 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -34 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -35 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -36 (from Decal Sheet Set) Decal -37 (from Decal Sheet Set) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 1 1 1 1 820-6260-XX Decals & Plastic Pieces are a part of a Complete Set (Part Number ending in -XX). Individuals pieces are typically not available and the whole set must be ordered. See Sec. 4, Chp. 1, Parts Identification & Location, Page 57 for more details. Slot Machine Unit is secured above the playfield by: #8-32 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 4) (240-5102-00) and #8 Washer .17" ID X 1/2" OD X .042" (Qty. 4) (242-5015-00) 8S'RZQ5DPS,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV $VVHPEOHGSDUWVZRUNVLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDVVHPEOHGSDUWVEHORZ U 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Lift Ramp Welded Bracket (No Parts) Lift Ramp Flap (Cover) 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 535-8709-00 535-8711-00 Item 2 is secured to Item 1 by: Rivet, 1/8" X 5/32" X 7/32" Semi-Tblr. (Qty. 4) (249-5022-00) 3 Lift Ramp Fulcrum Bracket 1 535-8710-00 Item 3 is secured to Item 1 by: Nyliner 1/4" ID (Thomson #4L1-FF) (Qty. 2) (545-5423-00), Support Pin 2.08" (Qty. 1) (530-5449-03) and Ret. Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft (Qty. 2) (270-5002-00) 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Decal -31 (from Decal Sheet Set) 4 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 820-6260-XX Decals Pieces are a part of a Complete Set (Part Number ending in -XX). Individuals pieces are typically not available and the whole set must be ordered. See Sec. 4, Chp. 1, Parts Identification & Location, Page 57 for more details. Up/Down Ramp is secured under the playfield by: #8-32 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00) ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 8S'RZQ/LIW5DPS0RWRU%UDFNHW,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV 7KLVDVVHPEO\ZRUNVLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHDVVHPEO\DERYH Qty. 2 Qty. 2 6HF'UDZLQJV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 3 Lift Ramp Motor Bracket (No Parts) Micro Switch (Roller Actuator, Lite-Force) Switch Body Protect Plate 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 2 2 535-8707-00 180-5119-02 535-6539-00 Items 2 & 3 are secured by: #2-56 X 1/2" HWH Ser (Qty. 2/per) (237-5973-02) and #2-56 Hex Nut (Qty. 2/per) (240-5301-00) 4 HSI Stepper Motor Assembly 1 515-6794-00 Item 4 includes the Cable Wiring Harness & Connector. Item 4 is secured by: #4-40 X 1/2" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (237-5813-00) and #4-40 Nylon Stop Nut (Qty. 2) (240-5303-00) Motor Spec (041-5062-00) HSI Stepper Motor, Series 36000: 1.4"ø (Non-Captive Shaft) HSI #36864-12 (Unipolar) / Travel per Step = .004 Step Angle = 15° / 12v D.C. / 4.6W 5 6 Shaft (4.25") Lift Ramp Drive Pin 1 1 530-5503-01 530-5562-00 Item 5 is secured by: #8-32 X 3/8" Socket Head Cap Screw (Zinc) (Qty. 1) (237-5897-00) Up/Down Motor Bracket is secured under the playfield by: #8-32 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 6) (234-5101-00) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 3OD\ILHOG0LQL0DJQHW,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV 6LGH 9LHZ 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Magnet, 24-780 Threaded Core Weld Assembly 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 090-5061-00 515-6141-01 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 3 4 Threaded Core Plug 3/4" - 16 Hex Nut 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 530-5320-00 240-5315-00 Item 2 is secured to the Playfield by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00) 2372%UDFNHW3(0,QGLYLGXDO3DUWV2QO\,WHPV 1 2 3 OPTO Mtng Bracket & PEM Assy. OPTO Transmitter (TRANS) Board OPTO Receiver (REC) Board 47< 63, 3DUW 1º 1 515-7026-00 1 520-5082-00 1 520-5083-01 Items 2 & 3 are secured by: #4-40 X 5/8" HWH (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (237-5945-00) OPTO Bracket is secured under the playfield by: #8 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 2) (234-5101-00) 6LGH 9LHZ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 7DNH1RWH For a break-down of parts on the OPTO Boards (520-5082-00 & 520-5083-01), see Section 5, Chapter 4, Playfield Sw. OPTO "Long-Hop" Boards Component Layout & Parts, Page 138. 6HF'UDZLQJV 1º ,QGLYLGXDO 3DUW 1DPH ????????????????8.21/<237,21$/ %DOO'HIOHFWRURYHU/W5W2XWODQHV$VV\4W\,WHPV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( 1 2 Ball Deflector Coil Mounting Bracket Coil Retaining Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 535-6857-02 535-5203-03 7RS 9LHZ Item 2 is secured by: #8-32 X 1/4" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc (Qty. 2) (232-5300-00) 3 Coil, 26-1200 1 090-5044-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 3) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 4 Coil Sleeve (Short) (Formost #10-7077) 1 545-5076-01 5 Spring Washer (17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1") 1 269-5002-00 1 515-6858-00 6 Solid Plunger Assembly 7 Compression (Relay) Spring 1 266-5022-01 8 #10-32 Adj. Spindle Stop w/Rubber Tip 1 280-5014-00 Item 8 is secured by: #10-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5208-00) Ball Deflector Assembly (500-5788-02) is secured under the playfield by: #8-32 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 4) (234-5101-00) ????????????????8.21/<237,21$/ 8S'RZQ3RVW$VVHPEO\,WHPV 1º ,1',9,'8$/ 3$57 1$0( Up/Down Post Coil Mounting Bracket Adjustment Spindle Stop Bracket Coil Retaining Bracket 47< 63, 3$57 1º 1 1 2 $ 515-6840-00 535-8303-00 535-7356-00 Items 2 & 3 are secured by: #8-32 X 3/8" Swage (Serr) Zinc (Qty. 2/per) (237-5975-00) 4 Coil, 23-1100 (ORG) 1 090-5030-00T ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 4) COIL PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: — Diode, 1N4004 (positioned at top) 1 112-5003-00 5 Coil Sleeve (with extension) 1 545-5847-00 6 Spring Washer, 17/32" ID X 3/4" X 1" 1 269-5002-00 1 515-6844-00 7 Plunger & Shaft Assembly ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 7) SUB-ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1 550-5029-02 7A Ball Bumper Plastic (Top) Red 251-5002-00 1 7B* Roll Pin, 3/32" ø X 1/2" Long 270-5002-00 1 7C* Retaining Ring, 1/4" ø Shaft 1 515-6841-00 7D Plunger & Shaft Sub-Assembly 530-5511-00 1 7E Plunger Head 232-5401-00 1 7F #10-32 X 3/8" PPH MS (Sems) Zinc 8 Compression (Relay) Spring 1 266-5022-01 9 #10-32 Adj. Spindle Stop w/Rubber Tip 1 280-5014-00 Item 9 is secured by: #10-32 Keps Nut (Qty. 1) (240-5208-00) ' * An asterisk (*) indicates item(s) are not noted in the pictorials. 1. Item 7D, part of Item 7, Plunger & Shaft Sub-Assembly, is 1 piece and cannot be ordered separated. Up/Down Post Assembly (500-6293-00) is secured under the playfield by: #8-32 X 1/2" SHWH AB (Zinc) (Qty. 6) (234-5101-00) 7DNH1RWH 6HF'UDZLQJV 1 2 3 ' ( ) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 'UDZLQJV0DMRU$VVHPEOLHV5DPSV 6HFWLRQ 6FKHPDWLFV7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( •&KDSWHU%DFNER[:LULQJ %DFNER[,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUG'HWDLOHG:LULQJ'LDJUDP %DFNER[%RDUG/D\RXW:LULQJ'LDJUDP •&KDSWHU3OD\ILHOG:LULQJ *HQHUDO,OOXPLQDWLRQ&LUFXLW'HWDLOHG:LULQJ'LDJUDP 3OD\ILHOG6ZLWFK:LULQJ'LDJUDP3OD\ILHOG/DPS:LULQJ'LDJUDP 3OD\ILHOG7HUPLQDO6WULSV)XVHV0LVF:LULQJ'HVFULSWLRQV/RFDWLRQV )OLSSHU&LUFXLW:LULQJ'LDJUDP •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isit for the latest 11" X 17" Schematics (or "Split 8-1/2" X 11") for the Display Power Supply, Display Controller, I/O Power Driver & CPU/Sound Boards (White Star™ System Only). Along with the schematics you’ll find the component layout and theory of operation. Keep visiting as these files are continuously improved with more "search" links in the documents. The files are in PDF Format (Adobe® Reader required). They may be slow to open in the website only, but once on your harddrive they’ll open fast. Inside the schematics you can utilize internal links where addresses may direct you to another sheet in the schematic set (further instructions within documents). To "download" once open, in your browser click "File" "Send" "Page by eMail". It will be sent to your eMail Address, where there you can save the file to your hardrive. •&KDSWHU3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV3&%V Use the below Coils Detailed Chart Table in conjunction with Sec. 5, Chp. 1, Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram (I/O Board Connectors J6, J7, J8 & J9) and Backbox Board Layout Wiring Diagram: +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS &2,/6'(7$,/('&+$577$%/( Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Coil GA-Turn or Bulb Type 26-1200 #1 TROUGH UP-KICKER Q1 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-BLK J8-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5044-00T #2 AUTO LAUNCH Q2 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-RED J8-P3 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5023-00B #3 DROP TARGET RESET Q3 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-ORG J8-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #4 NOT USED Q4 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-YEL J8-P5 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-0000-00T #5 SLOT HANDLE Q5 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-GRN J8-P6 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5031-00T #6 NOT USED Q6 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-BLU J8-P7 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #7 ROULETTE WHEEL MOTOR Q7 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-VIO J8-P8 BRN J7-P1 20v DC #8 FLASH: ROULETTE Q8 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BRN-GRY J8-P9 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 Bulb 50v DC #906 165-5004-00 +LJK &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS 22-600 23-1100 090-5030-00T 32-1520 32-1800 XX-YYY 090-0000-00T Motor 041-5078-00 Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Q9 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-BRN J9-P1 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC #10 RIGHT BUMPER Q10 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-RED J9-P2 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5044-00T #11 BOTTOM BUMPER Q11 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-ORG J9-P4 YEL-VIO J10-P4/5 50v DC 090-5044-00T Q12 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-YEL J9-P5 Q13 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-GRN J9-P6 #14 CENTER RAMP DIVERTER Q14 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLU-BLK J9-P7 #15 LEFT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q15 I/O Pwr. Drvr. ORG-GRY J9-P8 #16 RIGHT FLIPPER (50v RED/YEL) Q16 I/O Pwr. Drvr. ORG-VIO /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board #17 LEFT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] Q17 #18 RIGHT SLINGSHOT [BOTTOM] #9 LEFT BUMPER #12 NOT USED %$ 0v DC J9-P9 VIO-YEL BLK RED-YEL GRY-YEL RED-YEL GRY-YEL RED-YEL BLU-YEL D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BRN Q18 I/O Pwr. Drvr. #19 TOP LEFT SLINGSHOT Q19 #20 TOP RIGHT SLINGSHOT #13 ORBIT MAGNET Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 090-5044-00T 26-1200 26-1200 XX-YYY 090-0000-00T 24-780 J10-P3 50v DC 090-5061-00 J10-P1/2 50v DC 090-5030-00T J10-P1/2 50v DC J10-P1/2 50v DC 090-5032-00T Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Coil GA-Turn or Meter # J7-P2 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5001-00T VIO-RED J7-P3 BRN J7-P1 20v DC I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-ORG J7-P4 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5001-00T Q20 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-YEL J7-P6 BRN J7-P1 20v DC 090-5001-00T #21 FLASH: LOCK BALL Q21 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-GRN J7-P7 ORG J6-P10 #22 POPS ENTRY POST Q22 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BLU J7-P8 BRN J7-P1 Bulb 20v DC #906 165-5004-00 27-1500 20v DC #23 BALL LOCK POST Q23 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-BLK J7-P9 BRN J7-P1 20v DC #24 OPTIONAL COIN METER Q24 I/O Pwr. Drvr. VIO-GRY J7-P10 RED J16-P7 5v DC Drive Transistor (D.T.) Driver Ouput Board D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage Q25 I/O Pwr. Drvr. J6-P1 20v DC I/O Pwr. Drvr. J16-P3 Q27 I/O Pwr. Drvr. Step. Mtr. 20v DC 041-5062-01 20v DC Step. Mtr. Q28 I/O Pwr. Drvr. Q29 I/O Pwr. Drvr. #30 FLASH: DIVERTER Q30 I/O Pwr. Drvr. J6-P6 BRN GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT GRY-RED WHT ORG J7-P1 Q26 BLK-BRN BLK-RED to RED BLK-ORG to GRN BLK-YEL to BLK BLK-GRN to BLU BLK-BLU J6-P10 #31 FLASH: POPS*2 Q31 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-VIO J6-P7 ORG J6-P10 23-1100 22-900 090-5020-20T 22-1080 23-800 23-800 090-5001-00T 23-800 23-800 090-5004-00T 27-1500 090-5004-00T Meter 5v 091-5000-00 D iode O n T erminal S trip (if noted) /RZ &XUUHQW &RLOV *URXS #25 LEFT RAMP DIVERTER #26 STEPPER MOTOR (RED) #27 STEPPER MOTOR (GREEN) 6HF6FKHPDWLFV #28 STEPPER MOTOR (BLACK) #29 STEPPER MOTOR (BLUE) %$ %$ %$ %$ J6-P2 J6-P3 J6-P4 J6-P5 J16-P3 J16-P3 J16-P3 Bulb Type 27-1500 090-5004-00T 041-5062-01 Step. Mtr. 20v DC 041-5062-01 20v DC Step. Mtr. 041-5062-01 Bulb 20v DC #906 165-5004-00 20v DC #89 Bulb 165-5000-89 Bulb Q32 I/O Pwr. Drvr. BLK-GRY J6-P8 ORG J6-P10 20v DC #906 #32 FLASH: SLOT MACHINE 165-5004-00 1RWH ,Q 7HVW )ODVK /DPSV 0HQX )ODVK ,FRQ )ODVKHUV WHVWHG DUH DOO )ODVK /DPSV ORFDWHG EHWZHHQ 44 7KLV *DPH $X[LOOLDU\ 8. 21/< Drive Transistor (D.T.) AUX 1: LEFT UP/DOWN POST Q1 AUX 2: CENTER UP/DOWN POST Q2 AUX 3: RIGHT UP/DOWN POST Q3 Driver Ouput Board Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) Sol. Expander (Aux. Board) D.T. Control Line Color D.T. Control Line Connect Power Line Color Power Line Connnection Power Voltage WHT J3-P11 BRN J7-P1 20v DC RED J3-P10 BRN J7-P1 20v DC ORG J3-P9 BRN J7-P1 20v DC Coil GA-Turn 26-1200 090-5044-00T 23-1100 090-5030-00T 26-1200 090-5044-00T 6HFWLRQ &RLOV'HWDLOHG&KDUW7DEOH Section 5 Chapter 1 of 4 Backbox Wiring Backbox I/O Power Driver Board Detailed Wiring Diagram J6 1 BLK-BRN Partial View Left Ramp Q25 Diverter I/O Power Driver Board BLK-RED 2 Stepper Motor Q26 520-5137-01 (Red) J2 & J3 Optional use of Printer Interface, see Sec. 5, Chp. 3, ... Coin Door Wiring ... , Pg. 98 For UK USE ONLY 3 Stepper Motor Q27 (Green) (Skill Shots: Left & Right Up/Down Posts, and Center Up/Down Post) For a detailed Schematic of the Solenoid Expander Bd. and the Component Layout & Parts, see Sec. 5, Chp. 4, PCBs, Page 136 4 Stepper Motor Q28 (Black) 5 FROM J7P1 Low Power +20v DC I/O BD. BRN Stepper Motor Q29 (Blue) 26-1200 AUX 1 4 RED 23-1100 AUX 2 3 ORG 26-1200 5 WHT 12 Left Q1 11 BLU-WHT 4 Up/Down Post 10 GRN-WHT 2 Center BRN-WHT 1 9 Up/Down Q2 Post 8 Right 7 Up/Down Q3 6 Post 5 3 CN1 2 1 Flash: Q30 Diverter Flash: Q31 Pops*2 AUX 3 1 GND CN2 Flash: Q32 Slot Machine Diodes (1N4004) are located on Terminal Strips below the playfield. Page 95 shows location and details. D D D # 25 D O T S # 26 BLK-ORG # 27 BLK-YEL # 28 BLK-GRN # 29 BLK-BLU # 30 BLK-VIO # 31 BLK-GRY # 32 J16- GRY-RED P3 Power Out I/O BD. +12v DC O T S O T S O T S RED Stepper Motor (SPI 041-5062-01) WHT BLK GRN WHT BLU Haydon Nº 36864-12 ?? #906 6 Bulb X1 #89 7 Bulb X2 #906 8 10 J7 Solenoid Expander PC (Auxilliary) Board J3 27-1500 FROM D iode On T erminal S trip 1 Bulb X1 ORG 20V DC LOW POWER BRN 20V DC LOW POWER 3 Right Q18 Slingshot Transformer 4 +16v AC J17P6 I/O BD. BRIDGE 2 20V LOW CURRENT COILS GND Top Left Q19 Slingshot 6 Top Right Q20 Slingshot Flash: Q21 Lock Ball BRDG 2 FROM 8 Pops Q22 Entry Post Transformer +16v AC 9 5A Slo-Blo J17P7 I/O BD. Ball Q23 Lock Post F7 10 FROM Optional Q24 Coin Meter BLU-WHT Transformer +13v AC J17P8 I/O BD. BRIDGE 20 CONTROLLED LAMPS GND FROM J13P10 I/O BD. BRDG 20 BLU-WHT Transformer FROM +13v AC BLU 8A Slo-Blo J17P9 I/O BD. F22 7A Slo-Blo BRIDGE 1 50V HIGH CURRENT COILS F6 FROM BLK-YEL AC Voltages IN GND +48v AC Q1 Auto Launch Q2 Drop Target Reset Q3 Not Used Q4 Slot Handle Q5 Not Used Q6 Roulette Wheel Motor Q7 LAMP COLUMNS +18v DC J11P3 I/O BD. Trough Up-Kicker 3A Slo-Blo Flash: Roulette Q8 J11P2 I/O BD. 3A Slo-Blo FROM J10P3 I/O BD. AC Voltages IN FROM BLK-ORG +48v AC VIO-YEL Q1-Q16 STP20N10L 110-0106-00 +50v DC Note: All Coils require diodes. Some diodes may be located on Terminal Strips & not on the coil itself. D iode On T erminal S trip For the Playfield Terminal Strips, Fuses & Misc. Wiring Descriptions & Locations, see Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring. Q17-Q32 TIP122 110-0067-00 For the General Illumination (G.I.) Circuit Detailed Wiring Diagram, see Sec. 5, Chp. 2, Playfield Wiring. Section 5, Chapter 1: Backbox Wiring VIO-YEL 23-800 Left Bumper Q9 Right Q10 Bumper Bottom Q11 Bumper Not Q12 Used Orbit Q13 Magnet Ctr. Ramp Div’tr Q14 (50v RED/YEL) Left Flipper Q15 (50v RED/YEL) Right Flipper Q16 (50v RED/YEL) # 18 # 19 # 20 VIO-BLU 27-1500 VIO-BLK 27-1500 (VIO-GRY) CABINET 3 4 5 6 7 8 002001 X1 # 22 # 23 FROM # 24 J16RED P8 Power Out I/O BD. +5v DC COIN METER 26-1200 BRN-RED 22-600 BRN-ORG 23-1100 BRN-YEL Not Used BRN-GRN 32-1800 BRN-BLU Bulb # 21 VIO-GRN Not Used #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Roulette Motor (SPI 041-5078-00) FROM #6 BRN-VIO #7 BRN-GRY #8 J7BRN P1 Voltage Outputs I/O BD. +20v DC #906 9 1 2 4 5 6 Bulb X1 YEL-VIO 50V DC HIGH POWER J9 BLU-BRN F20 FOR MAGNET(S) Voltage Outputs 23-800 1 4 5 F21 VIO-ORG J8 BRN-BLK J10 BRDG 1 23-800 #906 7 RED-WHT VIO-RED # 17 26-1200 BLU-RED 26-1200 BLU-ORG 26-1200 BLU-YEL Not Used BLU-GRN #9 # 10 D iode On T erminal S trip # 11 Diode (1N4004) is located on a Terminal Strip below the playfield. Page 95 shows location and details. # 12 MAGNET # 13 BLK 24-780 BLK Terminal Strip 7 8 9 # 14 GRY-YEL 3A Slo-Blo 22-900 # 15 GRY-YEL 3A Slo-Blo 22-1080 # 16 BLU-YEL 3A Slo-Blo BLU-BLK 23-1100 ORG-GRY ORG-VIO via I/O Pwr. Drv. Bd. F20 3A Slo-Blo FROM J10VIO-YEL P3 Voltage Outputs I/O BD. +50v DC FROM J10RED-YEL P1 / P2 Voltage Outputs I/O BD. +50v DC Fuses are located under playfield NEAR assembly (See Section 5, Chapter 2, Playfield Wiring) 91 Sec. 5: Backbox ... WHT-RED 23-800 ORG 20V DC FROM VIO-BRN BRN 20V DC 2 Left Q17 Slingshot S For Replacement Cable Wiring Harness from CN1 (Sol. Exp. Bd.) to J3 (I/O Bd.) use SPI Part Number: 036-5463-29 ORG 20V DC (SPI: 520-5192-00) 4 3 J6 FLASH LAMPS 10 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 10 5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 J7 BRN +20v DC VIO-BRN VIO-RED VIO-ORG KEY (P-5) VIO-YEL VIO-GRN VIO-BLU VIO-BLK VIO-GRY {Opt. Coin Meter} BRN-BLK KEY (P-2) BRN-RED BRN-ORG BRN-YEL BRN-GRN BRN-BLU BRN-VIO BRN-GRY 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 1 9 J8 BLU-BRN BLU-RED KEY (P-3) BLU-ORG BLU-YEL BLU-GRN BLU-BLK ORG-GRY ORG-VIO 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 1 9 J9 HIGH CURRENT SOLENOIDS J10 VOLTAGE OUTPUTS RED-YEL +50v DC RED-YEL +50v DC VIO-YEL +50v DC YEL-VIO +50v DC YEL-VIO +50v DC KEY (P-6) . BLK (GND). BLK (GND). BLK (GND). +24v AC 10 1 J11 AC VOLTAGES 10 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 1 3 BLK-YEL +48v AC LAMP ROWS (GND) J13 LAMP COLUMNS (18v) 3 YEL YEL-WHT YEL YEL-WHT YEL YEL-WHT 2 BLK-ORG +48v AC J12 J15 J14, Pins 1-6 are all 5.7v AC 6 YEL-BLK +48v AC RED-BRN RED-BLK RED-ORG RED-YEL RED-GRN RED-BLU KEY (P-7) RED-VIO RED-GRY RED-WHT RED N/C 12 5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 TO DOT MATRIX DISPLAY 1 RIBBON CABLE RIBBON CABLE CN1 CN3 26 25 2 NOT USED SWITCH 2 SWITCH 4 SWITCH 6 SWITCH 8 DATA 1 DATA 3 DATA 5 DATA 7 RESET STAT Ø STAT 2 BUSY RED NOT USED SWITCH 1 SWITCH 3 SWITCH 5 SWITCH 7 DATA Ø DATA 2 DATA 4 DATA 6 STROBE NOT USED STAT 1 STAT 3 RED DISPLAY CONTROLLER BD. 520-5055-03 CN2 3 3 2 1 2 1 GND BLK KEY (P-2) +5v DC RED 1 FROM CPU-SOUND CN8 1 Located behind the Dot Matrix Display 1 2 BLK-BRN BLK-RED BLK-ORD BLK-YEL BLK-GRN BLK-BLU BLK-VIO BLK-GRY KEY (P-9) ORG +20v DC 8 DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY BD. 520-5138-00 5 5 HIGH CURRENT SOLENOIDS I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD 520-5137-01 9 J17 7 8 1 4 5 2 3 J16 POWER OUT 15 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 1 5 POWER FROM THE TRANSFORMER 20 J1 RIBBON CABLE 1 2 19 7 LOW CURRENT SOLENOIDS J2 AUXILLIARY OUT PORT 1 4 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 4 14 6 RED +5v DC BLU +18v DC KEY (P-5) BLK (GND) WHT COM.110v AC BLK-RED 110v AC WHT-GRN 88v AC Sec. 5: Backbox ... { CN1 From Xfrmr. 6 J14 G.I.'s FROM TRANSFORMER 13 5 CN1 7 Printer Audio Audio 8 4 CN2 7 BLK (GND) KEY (P-14) N/C BLK (GND) BLK (GND) BLK (GND) BLK (GND) RED +5v DC N/C +5v DC RED +5v DC RED +5v DC RED +5v DC GRY-RED +12v DC GRY-WHT +12v DC BLK-WHT -12v DC 2 3 +16v AC +13v AC GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND NOT USED 2 CN2 From I/O Bd. +16v AC + 8v AC RED + 8v AC GRY-WHT (GND) GRY +19v AC BLU-WHT +13v AC GRY-GRN +19v AC 1 3 1 J3-P9/10/11 Required for Solenoid Expander PC Board DISPLAY ENABLE ROW DATA ROW CLOCK COL. LATCH PIX CLOCK SER. DATA NOT USED 1 RED-WHT RED VIO GRN YEL BRN-WHT KEY (P-5) WHT-VIO WHT-GRN WHT-YEL WHT-BRN YEL-BLK -110v DC GRY-YEL -98v DC KEY (P-3) YEL (GND) BLK (GND) RED +5v DC BLU +12v DC VIO-YEL +68v DC { J5 J4 J2 & J3 (N/C) used for Optional Printer Interface Connection GENERAL ILLUMINATION (G.I.'s) { YEL-WHT YEL-BLK KEY (P-5) RED-WHT RED-BLK N/C N/C POT 1 CN4 To Speaker(s) CN2 To Display RED +5v DC BLK (GND) BLK-WHT-12v DC N/U KEY (P-5) GRY-WHT+12v DC { 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 5 6 CN5 CN3 NOT USED SP2 SP1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 1 CN1 SOUND POWER CN2 CN6 RIBBON CABLE CPU/SOUND BD. MONO 520-5136-16 CN7 SWITCH ROWS (RETURNS) 12 5 9 2 SWITCH COLUMNS (DRIVES) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CN5 To Cabinet & Playfield RED WHT-RED BLU-WHT CN4 SP3 1 { GRN-GRY GRN-VIO GRN-BLU GRN-BLK GRN-YEL GRN-ORG GRN-RED KEY (P-2) GRN-BRN ORG-WHT ORG-GRY ORG-VIO ORG-BLU ORG-GRN ORG-YEL KEY (P-4) ORG-BLK ORG-RED ORG-BRN CN8 1 BLK-RED BLK GRY-BLK GRY-VIO GRY-BLU N/C GRY-YEL KEY (P-5) GRY-ORG GRY-RED GRY-BRN BLK 26 25 TO PLASMA CONTROLLER 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DEDICATED INPUTS (SWITCH TO GROUND) 10 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BLK UK ONLY{ WHT-BRN WHT-RED WHT-ORG WHT-YEL WHT-GRN KEY (P-4) WHT-BLU WHT-VIO UK ONLY{ WHT-GRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 } 1 RED { { 6 CN7 From Cabinet & Playfield NOT USED NOT USED +18v BLU DC YEL-BRN YEL-RED YEL-ORG YEL-BLK YEL-GRN YEL-BLU YEL-VIO KEY (P-2) YEL-GRY TO DISPLAY CONTROLLER CN3 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 WHT-BRN-BLK BLU-WHT GRN-WHT BRN-WHT KEY (P-8) GRY VIO BLU GRN YEL ORG BRN J3 When connecting any Ribbon Cable, always ensure the "Red Line" side of the ribbon cable goes to the Pin-1 side of any Dual 0.1" Header Connector. AUXILLIARY IN PORT 12 Important Note: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 1 Backbox Board Layout Wiring Diagram 92 Section 5, Chapter 1: Backbox Wiring Section 5 Chapter 2 of 4 Playfield Wiring General Illumination Circuit Detailed Wiring Diagram G.I. RELAY I-O POWER DRIVER BOARD 520-5137-01 8 5 X 6 20v DC D0 3 1D 1Q R254 U206 74HCT273 Data Latch Transformer D229 1N4004 Diode 2 1K W YEL YEL YEL-WHT YEL-WHT YEL-WHT Bottom of Playfield Shown as if leaning up against the Backbox. 3 G.I. 5.7v AC INPUT FROM XFRMR 2 3 2 4 General Illumination (G.I.) Bulbs (5.7v AC) 5A 250v SLO-BLO Fuses F27 F26 F25 F24 4 5 6 3 2 1 WHT-BRN 4 WHT-YEL 5 J15-P6 to J15-P1 (Fuse F24) B = BRN-WHT to WHT-BRN Location: Upr. Rt. below P/F X3 + Upr. Rt. above P/F X3 + Upr. Rt. Backbox X1 WHT-BRN Circuit Y 1 BRNWHT #1 #2 4 ea. #44 Bulb V Y Y 6 WHT-GRN GI above P/F here. 7 WHT-VIO GI above P/F here. Y 8 BRN-WHT x1 in Backbox Upr. Rt. 9 YELLOW J15 GREEN J14 B V 1 1 VIOLET Primary Secondary 5.7v AC YEL V 7 RELAY DRIVER PRI-103.5-115-207-230V 50/60Hz 750VA CLASS 130 EPBO V Q200 2N3904 Transistor #7* Note: 3 GIs above P/F are #555 Bulbs. J15-P7 to J15-P2 (Fuse F25) Y = YEL to WHT-YEL V Location: Entire Right P/F X12 Y Y WHT-YEL Circuit Y 2 YEL #1 #2 11 ea. #44 Bulb V V V #12* Note: 1 GI above is #555 Bulb. Y J15-P8 to J15-P3 (Fuse F26) G = GRN to WHT-GRN Y Circuit GRN G B B B B B Wiring Harness Connector #7 YEL #8* V = VIO to WHT-VIO Location: Upper Lt./Rt. & Mid. Playfield X13 V B WHT-VIO GIs above Playfield x3 SpotLights on Plastic Ramps. G Circuit VIO 4 #1 #2 12 ea. #44 Bulb GG V #1 J15-P9 to J15-P4 (Fuse F27) V G G G G 3 Coin Door #13* Note: 1 GI above is #555 Bulb. * G.I. Bulb quantities may change during production. This Side is “Upper Playfield”. Bottom Assemblies Not Shown for clarity. Section 5, Chapter 2: Playfield Wiring 93 Sec. 5: Playfield ... Y Y 2 ea. #555 Bulb Location: Upper Playfield X6 + Coin Door X2 On Coin Door WHT-GRN YEL-WHT Y V 6 ea. #44 Bulb V Playfield Switch Wiring Diagram Note: All switches require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips OR on a Diode Board (under playfield) & not on the switch itself. D iode D On O T erminal T S S trip -orD iode D On O D iode D B B oard For Switches: 17, 18, 19 & 20 Switch 9 Switch 1 Switch 2 Left Chip Switch 10 2/Ì Drop Switch 18 4th Coin Slot Switch 3 Roll Dice Switch 11 2/Ë Drop Switch 19 Lt. Button ] Future Expansion (UK ONLY) ] Future Expansion Switch 17 6th Coin Slot ] Switch 4 4-Ball Trough #1 Switch 12 4/Ë Drop Switch 20 Rt. Coin Slot Switch 5 4-Ball Trough #2 Switch 13 A/Í Drop Switch 21 Cnt. Coin Slot-DBA Switch 6 4-Ball Trough #3 Switch 14 Lt. Coin Slot Switch 7 4-Ball Tr. VUK Opto Switch 15 D O T S D O T S D O T S D O T S Switch 25 Switch 33 Switch 41 Switch 49 Switch 57 3-Ball Lock Low Switch 26 Top Slot OPTO - ... Switch 34 Roulette Wheel...1 Switch 42 Left Bumper Switch 50 Left Outlane Switch 58 3-Ball Lock Mid Switch 27 Mid Slot OPTO - ... Switch 35 Roulette Wheel...2 Switch 43 Right Bumper Switch 51 Left Return Lane Switch 59 3-Ball Lock High Switch 28 Bot. Slot OPTO - ... Switch 36 Roulette Wheel...3 Switch 44 Bottom Bumper Switch 52 Left Slingshot Switch 60 CPU-Snd. Bd. CN5GRN-BRN 1 Sw. Drive 1: Q1 GRN-RED 3 Sw. Drive 2: Q2 GRN-ORG 4 Sw. Drive 3: Q3 GRN-YEL 5 Sw. Drive 4: Q4 GRN-BLK 6 Sw. Drive 5: Q5 GRN-BLU 7 Sw. Drive 6: Q6 GRN-VIO 8 Sw. Drive 7: Q7 GRN-GRY 9 Sw. Drive 8: Q8 Color Column Pin Source Nº: 2N3904 D O T S 2nd Up / Dn. Ramp Switch 53 Right Outlane Switch 61 Left Orbit Switch 46 Roulette Spin Switch 54 Right Return Lane Switch 62 Right Orbit Switch 47 Start Button Switch 55 Right Slingshot Switch 63 Left 21 Hit S/U Switch 29 Mid. Ramp Lt. Entry Switch 37 Roulette Wheel...4 Switch 45 A/Ë Standup Switch 22 Right 21 Hit S/U Switch 30 Mid. Ramp Rt. Entry Switch 38 Joker Standup Switch 23 Upr. Rt. Standup Switch 31 1st Up/ Dn. Ramp Switch 39 CPU-Snd. Bd. CN7WHT-BRN WHT-RED WHT-ORG WHT-YEL WHT-GRN WHT-BLU WHT-VIO WHT-GRY 10 N/C 9 Sw. Return 1: U400 Sw. Return 2: U400 Sw. Return 3: U400 Sw. Return 4: U400 Sw. Return 5: U401 Sw. Return 6: U401 Sw. Return 7: U401 Sw. Return 8: U401 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 Color Row Pin 5th Coin Slot ] Switch 8 ...Stacking Opto Switch 16 3/Ë Standup Switch 24 Right Chip Switch 32 Left Orbit Gate Switch 40 Top Lt. Slingshot Switch 48 Slam Tilt Switch 56 Not Used Switch 64 Rt. Button Shooter Lane Spinner Pop Entry OPTO Left Ramp Exit Top Rt. Slingshot Plumb Bob Tilt Not Used (UK ONLY) Please Note: Switch & Lamp Descriptions may differ slightly than that of the Dot Display due to space restraints. Playfield Lamp Wiring Diagram Note: All lamps require diodes. Some diodes are located on Terminal Strips (under playfield) & not on the lamp itself. D iode On T erminal S trip D O T S For Lamps: 13, 14 & 15 LMP 1 LMP 4 LMP 3 LMP 2 Switch Drive Transistor LMP 6 LMP 5 LMP 7 LMP 8 Switch Return IC Source Nº: LM339AN I-O Bd. J13- Power Out for for Disp. 10 BLUE +18v Pwr. Sup. Bd. CN1-Pin 6 YEL-BRN 9 Lamp Drive 1: U17 YEL-RED 8 Lamp Drive 2: U16 YEL-ORG 7 Lamp Drive 3: U15 YEL-BLK 6 Lamp Drive 4: U14 YEL-GRN 5 Lamp Drive 5: U13 YEL-BLU 4 Lamp Drive 6: U12 YEL-VIO 3 Lamp Drive 7: U11 YEL-GRY 1 Lamp Drive 8: U10 Color Column Won Slot Machine LMP 9 (H) ILO Won Poker LMP 17 2/ Hearts LMP 33 Sec. 5: Playfield ... LMP 41 Ramp Arrow Left Chip LMP 65 BG Start BG Casino Play Roll-N-Win LMP 51 Left 21 Hit LMP 59 Back Panel #5 LMP 67 LMP 66 LMP 74 BG 25 Million 94 LMP 43 LMP 58 BG 3 Slot Spins LMP 73 LMP 35 Double Down LMP 50 Extra Ball Special 4/ Diamonds LMP 42 Roll Dice LMP 57 LMP 27 LMP 34 Play 21 Play Roulette LMP 49 LMP 19 Chip 3 LMP 26 2/ Diamonds Left Orbit Arrow HI (L) O LMP 18 Chip 2 LMP 25 LMP 11 LMP 10 H (I) LO Chip 1 Won HI-LO BG ? Won Roulette LMP 12 HIL (O) LMP 20 Chip 4 LMP 28 A/ Spades LMP 36 Slot Machine Arrow LMP 44 Right Orbit Arrow LMP 52 Right 21 Hit LMP 60 Back Panel #6 LMP 68 BG 10 Chips LMP 75 BG Bonus X LMP 76 BG Light Special LMP 13 Left Bumper D O T S LMP 21 Chip 5 LMP 29 A/ Diamonds LMP 37 Spin Slot LMP 45 Play HI-LO LMP 53 Light Roll-N-Win LMP 61 BG Super Pops LMP 69 BG Roll Again LMP 77 Back Panel #7 LMP 14 Right Bumper D O T S LMP 22 Chip 10 LMP 30 Joker LMP 38 Lock Ball LMP 46 Play Poker LMP 54 Right Chip LMP 62 BG Super Loops LMP 70 BG Light Extra Ball LMP 78 Back Panel #8 Cheat Game Casino Frenzy Won Blackjack 21 Won Craps LMP 15 Bottom Bumper D O T S LMP 23 Chip 25 LMP 31 3/ Diamonds LMP 39 Multiball LMP 47 Back Panel Left #1 LMP 55 Back Panel #3 LMP 63 BG Super Surprise LMP 71 BG Multiball LMP 79 Back Panel #9 Pin LMP 16 Lamp Drive IC Source Nº: VN02N Break the Bank LMP 24 Chip 50 LMP 32 Roll Again LMP 40 Super Jackpot LMP 48 Back Panel #2 LMP 56 Back Panel #4 LMP 64 BG Super Spinner LMP 72 BG Collect Bonus LMP 80 Back Panel Right #10 I-O Bd. J12RED-BRN 1 Lamp Return 1: Q33 RED-BLK 2 Lamp Return 2: Q34 RED-ORG 3 Lamp Return 3: Q35 RED-YEL 4 Lamp Return 4: Q36 RED-GRN 5 Lamp Return 5: Q37 RED-BLU 6 Lamp Return 6: Q38 RED-VIO 8 Lamp Return 7: Q39 RED-GRY 9 Lamp Return 8: Q40 RED-WHT 10 Lamp Return 9: Q41 RED 11 Lamp Return 10: Q42 Color 12 Pin N/C Row From I-O Pwr. Driver Board J16-Pins 9-15 Lamp Return Transistor Source Nº: STP19N06L Section 5, Chapter 2: Playfield Wiring Playfield Terminal Strips, Fuses & Misc. Wiring Descriptions & Locations RIGHT FLIPPER FUSE BLU RED -YEL 3A S.B. -YEL Explanation: All switches, lamps, coils require diodes. The diodes not physically located on the switch, lamp or coil are located on Terminal Strips or Diode Bd. under the playfield. The Switch & Lamp Matrix Grids also note which switch or lamp has a diode on a Terminal Strip (noted by "DOTS" meaning: "Diode on Terminal Strip") or Diode Board (noted by "DODB" meaning: "Diode on Diode Board"). Note: This game there is no Diode Board used. H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Switch 20 4-Bank Drop Target Right Switch 20 Please Note: Terminal Strip(s), Diode Board(s) and/or Fuse Holder(s) locations shown, represent the general location (your game may differ slightly). C H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Coil 13 (Q13) Magnet Top Orbit —WHT-YEL —VIO-YEL BLK —ORG-YEL to GRN-ORG H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Lamp 13 Left Turbo (Pop) Bumper H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Lamp 14 Right Turbo (Pop) Bumper Lamp 13 A —BLK —RED-BLK —YEL-BLU BLK Lamp 14 —YEL-GRN BLK H CENTER DIVERTER FUSE RED 3A S.B. GRY -YEL -YEL Section 5, Chapter 2: Playfield Wiring B —RED-BLK —BLK —BLK —RED-BLK —YEL-VIO BLK Coil 29 —BLK-GRN BLU —WHT & WHT JUMPER TO TERMINAL STRIP “F” —BLK-RED RED Sw. 19 —ORG to GRN-ORG —WHT-ORG Sw. 18 H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Switches 17-19 4-Bank D/T Left, Mid. Left, Mid. Right —ORG-RED to GRN-ORG Sw. 17 F G D JUMPER TO TERMINAL STRIP “G” —BLK-ORG GRN E C —GRY-RED WHT H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Lamp 15 Bottom Turbo (Pop) Bumper H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Coils 26 & 29 (Q26. Q29) Stepper Motor Pos. 1 & 4 Coil 26 Coil 27 Coil 28 H.R. Casino Terminal Strip: Coils 27 & 28 (Q27. Q28) Stepper Motor Pos. 2 & 3 —BLK-YEL BLK —BLU-GRN BLK —ORG-BRN to GRN-ORG —WHT-RED —WHT-BRN See the Pink Pages, Playfield - General Parts (Below) (Page 54) for Terminal Strips, Diodes, Fuses and Fuse Holders Part N1s. 95 Sec. 5: Playfield ... LEFT FLIPPER FUSE RED GRY -YEL 3A S.B. -YEL Bottom of Playfield Shown as if leaning up against the Backbox. Lamp 15 Do Not Over-Fuse Coil 13 All fuses are rated: 3A 250v Slo-Blo 2-Flipper Circuit Wiring Diagram The White Star Board System™ has allowed us to simplify the Flipper Circuit to the point where we have eliminated the Flipper Board all together. The Flipper Circuit is now configured the same as any other Solenoid Drive Circuit. GRY-GRN GRY-YEL GRY-ORG Technical Overview GRY-RED GRY-BRN OOOOOOOOOOOO 1 23 4 CN6 6 7 12 DEDICATED SWITCH IN CPU-SOUND BOARD (PARTIAL VIEW) N.O. UPPER FLIPPER CABINET SWITCH RIGHT FLIPPER CABINET SWITCH N.O. LEFT FLIPPER CABINET SWITCH N.O. NOT USED N.C. RIGHT EOS SWITCH N.C. LEFT EOS SWITCH NOTE: N.C. = Normally Closed N.O. = Normally Open BLK (GROUND) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 10 15 POWER OUT MOS FET STP20N10L J16 Q14 Q15 Q16 VOLTAGE OUTPUTS (PARTIAL VIEW) 10 J10 HIGH CURRENT SOLENOIDS J9 9 8 7 2 1 1 OOOOOOOOO I-O POWER DRIVER BOARD OOOOOOOOOO BLU-BLK ORG-GRY RED-YEL 50V DC ORG-VIO RED-YEL 50V DC 3A SLO-BLO 22-1080 (Located under Playfield) Sec. 5: Playfield ... BLU-YEL RED-YEL 50V DC 3A SLO-BLO 22-900 (Located under Playfield) GRY-YEL YELLOW 3A SLO-BLO 96 GRY-YEL RIGHT FLIPPER COIL LEFT FLIPPER COIL 23-1100 (Located under Playfield) RED-YEL 50V DC YEL-GRN ORANGE CENTER DIVERTER COIL Our Flipper System uses one supply voltage (50v DC) for both kick & hold. Once the Game CPU detects a Flipper Cabinet Switch closure (during game play) it applies a 40msec pulse to the gate of the Flipper Drive Transistor (STP20N10L). If it continues to detect a Flipper Cabinet Switch closure (the player holding the button in) it will continue to pulse the flipper drive transistor 1msec every 12msecs for the duration of the hold cycle. The E.O.S. (End-OfStroke) Switch serves the same function as before as it prevents foldback when the player has the flipper energized to capture balls. The E.O.S. Switch is a normally closed switch which opens approximately 1/16" when the flipper is energized. The Game CPU will detect a switch closure if the flipper bat is forced back by a high velocity shot or rebound on the playfield and will apply another 40msec pulse of 50v DC to the coil. Note: If an Upper Flipper is used, the Flipper Button on the side of the Upper Flipper will have a “Double-Stacked” E.O.S. Switch. This allows the player to push the Flipper Button half-way down to energize only the Lower Flipper; pushing the Flipper Button all the way down will energize both the Lower & Upper Flippers. Section 5, Chapter 2: Playfield Wiring Section 5 Chapter 3 of 4 Cabinet Wiring 120V / 240V 50 Hz / 60 Hz 1 GRY-WHT 2 2 FOR LOGIC +12/-12v DC TO BRIDGE 3 5 5 WHT 6 TO DOLLAR BILL$ VALIDATOR RF1 GRY-GRN 9 2 3 1 115v AC 5 BLU-WHT 4 BLU-WHT 8 WHT-RED 19v AC 4 9 8 FOR 18v DC CONTROL LAMPS TO BRIDGE 20 13v AC 10 9 16v AC 7 WHT 3 13v AC 6 FOR 20v DC COILS TO BRIDGE 2 7 WHT-RED DOMESTIC CONFIGURATION GRN RED RED BLK-YEL 4 48v AC 11 GRN (to (E)arth Ground) 3 24v AC 130V International = 1F1 275V YEL-BLK SERVICE OUTLET (Domestic / International) Domestic = Domestic = 8A 250V Note: Not All International Games have or require a Service Outlet. Slo-Blo Fuse BLK-ORG WHT-GRN WHT 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 <<< CONFIGURATON FOR DOMESTIC 115V <<< 100v AC J14 1 1 3 3 2 2 BLK WHT <<< YEL-WHT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 3 BLK WHT 4 5 6 7 8 9 206 VOLTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 4 5 5 6 6 1F/M4 BLU 230 VOLTS BLK FOR GENERAL ILLUMINATION (G.I.'s) 5.7v AC CONFIGURATION OF 220V OR LOWER LINE VOLTAGES FOR INTERNATIONAL USE WHT 2 1F/M3 115 VOLTS 1F1= 5A 250V SLO BLO 1V1= 275V VARISTOR DISPLAY POWER SUPPLY BOARD 3 8 YEL EXPORT/ HIGH LINE VOLTAGE 230/218/206 VOLTS 1 1 BLK-RED 1 2 88v AC 2 WHT JUMPERS FOR VOLTAGE VARIATION 4 48v AC 12 FOR 50v DC COILS TO BRIDGE 1 CN1 5A 250V Slo-Blo Fuse BLK 1 15 24v AC HOT (L)oad Int'l. = BRN 220V AC Domestic = BLK 115V AC International = <<< FOR +5v DC LOGIC TO BRIDGE 21 J11 LINE CORD 1V1 VARISTER 1 8v AC 14 (N)eutral 7 8v AC 13 GROUND Domestic = WHT 115V AC Int'l. = BLU 220V AC 16v AC 6 ONLY ON COIN DOOR LOCATED IN THE BACKBOX WHT 120V AC BLU BLK 218 VOLTS BALLAST SP2/K 5/8" Core 120V 50/60Hz 13W (UL) 1F1= 8A SLO BLO 1V1= 130V VARISTOR BLK WHT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 STARTER FLUOR. FS2 LIGHT SPI Nº 165-5011-01 SPI Nº 010-5015-00 <<< CONFIGURATON FOR JAPAN or LOW LINE VOLTAGE <<< BLK BLK-WHT FLUORESCENT TUBE RED (F20T12CW) SPI Nº 165-5031-02 WHT 100/105 VOLTS Section 5, Chapter 3: Cabinet Wiring 97 Sec. 5: Cabinet ... 1/0 J17 19v AC 3 TO I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD LINE FILTER GRY TO I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD BLK BLK 1F/M2 1T1 1F/M1 ON/OFF FLUORESCENT TUBE, STARTER & BALLAST IN THE BACKBOX Transformer Power Wiring Diagram Cabinet / Coin Door Wiring Diagram CPU BD CN7 SW RETURN 6 3 SW RETURN 5 5 SW RETURN 4 6 SW RETURN 3 7 SW RETURN 2 8 2 WHT-VIO START BUTTON WHT-BLU 3 LAUNCH BUTTON WHT-GRN 5 WHT-YEL 6 WHT-ORG WHT-RED from CPU CN5 Pin: CPU BD CN5 SW DRIVE 7 8 SW DRIVE 1 1 GRN-VIO 8 GRN-BRN 1 BLK 10 CPU BD. CN6 BLK-RED BLK 12 U.S. Bill Acceptor Center Coin Slot WHT-YEL Right Coin Slot 9 from CN5-P8 (Sw. Drive 7) from CN5-P1 (Sw. Drive 1) TO COIN METER J16-7 +5VDC I/O DRVR BD J7-10 Q24 I/O DRVR BD GRN-VIO 1 78 VIO-GRY N/C 2 3 GRN from CPU CN6 Pin: TM PORTALS SERVICE BUTTONS GRY-BLK 10 9 J16-7 +5VDC I/O DRVR BD J16-3 +12VDC I/O DRVR BD 1 22 RED 2 82 GRY-RED 3 BEGIN TEST / ENTER: BLACK BUTTON SERVICE CREDITS / RT.: GREEN BUTTON VOLUME / LEFT: RED BUTTON GRY-VIO GRY-BLU 8 GRY-GRN 4 GRY-BRN 2 G.I. 6.3V AC 3 WHT-GRN YEL-WHT GRN YEL 8 G.I. LAMPS on COIN DOOR FOR USA 2 SLOT COIN DOOR ONLY COIL POWER INTERLOCK SWITCH Normally Open - 1 RED-WHT 16 VAC 20v DC COILS Common - 1 WHT-RED 16 VAC Normally Open - 2 BLK-YEL 48 VAC 50v DC COILS Common - 2 BLK-YEL 48 VAC FOR USE ONLY IN SENTINEL COIN DOOR I/O DRVR BD J17 7 AMP CONNECTOR TO $ BILL VALIDATOR XFRMR I/O DRVR BD J11 SENTINEL INTERFACE BOARD 520-5037-01 BLK 4 (AC) WHT 112-5001-00 1N4001 DIODE 6 DIODE 7 GRN-BRN WHT-GRN -----------------------------------------------------------UK ONLY: 2 Extra Cabinet Buttons for the Post Save™Feature are used. The Left Button operates the Left Outlane Ball Deflector. The Right Button operates the Right Outlane Ball Deflector. Both buttons pushed together, operate the Center Up/Down Post. Both buttons are located under the Flipper Buttons. ------------------------------------------------------------ UK ONLY CPU/SND CN5 GRN-BRN N.O. 8 N.O. 1 CPU/SND CN7 WHT-GRY WHT-BRN 9 1 9 XFRMR PRINTER INTERFACE OPTIONAL Cable Wiring Harness SPI Part Nº: 036-5408-00 RS-232 Printer Interface Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5069-00 FOR C120 INTERFACE BOARD N/U N/U N/U KEY WHT-RED CN1 WHT-BLU 7 SW RET 6 WHT-GRN 6 SW RET 5 WHT-YEL 5 SW RET 4 GRN-BRN 4 SW DRV 1 1 CN5 BLK CN7 10 2 GND BRN 1 20VDC J7-1 KEY I/O 3 BD (AC) 8 1 2 3 4 SW RET 2 5 Sec. 5: Cabinet ... CN3 115v AC LINE VOLTAGE SW DRV 1 SW RET 5 3 CPU CN7 TO SENTINEL COIN MECH.: WIRING CONFIGURATION WILL VARY ACCORDING TO COUNTRY C120 CN1 CN2 +12 VDC 1 IN 1 2 KEY 3 IN 2 4 IN 3 5 N/U 6 IN 4 7 N/U 8 +12VDC 9 GND 10 SW 1 11 SW 2 12 SW 3 13 N/U 14 SW 4 15 RED WHT-BLU KEY WHT-GRN WHT-YEL N/U WHT-RED N/U RED WHT GRY-YEL GRY-GRN GRY-BLU N/U GRY-VIO 5 4 3 2 1 WHT-RED WHT-VIO WHT-ORG KEY N.C. 8 2 7 CPU CN7 4 3 2 1 WHT-YEL WHT-GRN WHT-BLU GRN-BRN KEY BLK (GND) BRN PRINTER BOARD CN1 I/O DRVR BD J16-3: +12V DC DATA LINES ORG-BRN ORG-RED ORG-BLK KEY ORG-YEL ORG-GRN ORG-BLU ORG-VIO ORG-GRY I/O DRVR BD J3-10: PRNTR CNT C120 CN2 7 6 5 Connection Notes: I/O DRVR BD 6 5 3 CPU CN7 1 CPU CN5 1 I/O J7 I/O DRVR BD J3-9: PRNTR CLK I/O DRVR BD J2-10: PRNTR ENABLE I/O DRVR BD J3-1: PRNTR BUSY I/O DRVR BD J16-7: +5V DC COIN DOOR 98 22 RED GRN-BRN I/O DRVR BD J15 3 5 6 YEL-WHT GRY-ORG DEDICATED SWITCHES CPU CN7 7 6th Coin Slot Future Use 4th Coin Slot European Use BLK GRY-BLU 7 YEL-BLK 6 CABINET BOT. SPEAKER (SP3) Memory Protect Switch GRY-VIO 8 LEFT FLIPPER BUTTON Left Coin Slot WHT-GRN FOR THE PRINTER SUB-ASSEMBLY GROUND 00 BLK GRY-BLK 10 RIGHT FLIPPER BUTTON CPU/SND CN4 WHT-BLU BLK BLK BACKBOX RT. SPEAKER (SP2) REDBLK BLK CPU BD. CN7 RED-BLK WHT-VIO WHT-RED 8 BACKBOX LEFT SPEAKER (SP2) 5th Coin Slot Future Use WHT-ORG 7 REDBLK BLKRED RIGHT BUTTON SW RETURN 7 2 3 Slam Tilt from CPU CN7 Pin: WHT-GRY 4 REDWHT LEFT BUTTON SW RETURN 8 1 COIN DOOR CONNECTOR PLUMB BOB TILT MONO SPEAKERS X3 CPU/SND CN4 CPU BD CN7-10: GND J2 P1-P9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CN2 GRY-RED KEY GRN-WHT BRN-WHT ORG-WHT N/C BRN N/C RED BLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Section 5, Chapter 3: Cabinet Wiring Section 5 Chapter 4 of 4 Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Tr o u g h U p - K i c k e r D u a l O P T O B o a r d s T h e o r y o f O p e r a t i o n & S c h e m a t i c As light from the Transmitter LED1 falls on the Receiver LED1, it generates a Positive Bias Voltage (0.7v to 1.5v) which is applied to the Gate (G) of Q1 (Fet 2N5460) turning Q1 off. When Q1 is held off, no current flows through Q2's (2N3906) Base (B). With no base current, Q2 is off and acts as an OPEN SWITCH. When the light is interrupted (BLOCKED) R1 (Rec. Bd.) bleeds the gate voltage off of Q1 allowing it to conduct, switching Q2 on, which acts as a CLOSED SWITCH. The LED2 (Trans/Rec) Circuit operates identical as the LED1 Circuit. +5v B CN1 RED Te s t Point CN1 1 WHT/XXX 2 R1 LED 1 R1 10M W TLRH180P 180 W R2 4.7K W G Q1 2N5460 R3 10K W LED 1 TLRH180P A B (Switch Row/ Return +) E Q2 2N3906 C B D S Te s t Point Te s t Point G=Gate D=Drain S=Source B=Base E=Emitter C=Collector 3 WHT/XXX R2 180 W R4 LED 2 10M W TLRH180P LED 2 BLK Q3 2N5460 R6 10K W 1 520-5173-00 Transmitter GND 4.7K W G TLRH180P 520-5174-00 Receiver A (Switch Row/ Return +) R5 E Q4 2N3906 C B D S 2 GRN/XXX Te s t Point (Switch Col/ Drive -) = Emitting Light Tr o u g h U p - K i c k e r D u a l O P T O B o a r d s C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s 520-5173-00 (TRANS) Boards Actual Size 520-5174-00 (REC) (Screened Text Printed Larger for Clarity) 00-4715-025 CER 105 562 105 Front Side (LEDs & 3-Pin Connector) 1B1 ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION A — 1 2 3 4 5 B — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 515-0173-00 520-5173-00 165-5052-00 121-5067-00 045-5111-02 545-5518-00 530-5308-02 515-0174-00 520-5174-00 165-5052-00 121-5082-00 121-5083-00 121-5011-00 110-5006-00 110-0086-00 045-5111-03 545-5518-00 530-5308-02 Dual-OPTO Trans. Bd. Assy. Dual-OPTO Trans. Bd. LED1, LED2 R1, R2 CN1 n/a n/a Dual-OPTO Rec. Bd. Assy. Dual-OPTO Rec. Bd. LED 1, LED 2 R1, R4 R2, R5 R3, R6 Q1, Q3 Q2, Q4 CN1 n/a n/a PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-5) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-3 only) LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) 180 W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) 2X, .156" Rt. Angle (26-60-5020) Conn. OPTO PCB Rubber Gromment OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-9) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-7 only) LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red ) 10M W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) 4.7K W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) 10K W 1/8W Chip Res. (CRCW) 2N5460, Transistor (P-FET SOT-23) 2N3906, Transistor 3X, .156" Rt. Angle (26-60-5030) Conn. OPTO PCB Rubber Gromment OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Replacement Part: LED TLRH180P (T1-3/4 GaAIAs) SPI Part N1: 165-5052-00 99 Sec. 5: PCBs 2A 7 Back Side (Solder / SMDs) MGE3 MGE3 2A 7 Back Side (Solder / SMDs) 562 103 1B1 Front Side (LEDs & 2-Pin Connector) 103 00-3715-025 SNART 23727URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 9ROW0HWHU7HVWLQGLFDWHVQRUPDORSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQ A. OPEN OPTO (Light Falling on LED) = SWITCH OPEN. Place meter leads across points A and B on the LED1 Circuit (Refer to Schematic Drawing on previos page, 520-5174-00 Receiver Side). It should read approximately 0.8 - 1.2v DC. The LED2 Circuit operates the same. B. CLOSED OPTO (Light Blocked) = SWITCH CLOSED. Place meter leads across points A and B on the LED1 Circuit (Refer to Schematic Drawing on previous page, 520-5174-00 Receiver Side). It should read approximately 0.0 - 0.1v DC. The LED2 Circuit operates the same. 2VFLOORVFRSH7HVWLQGLFDWHVQRUPDORSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQ )LJ$ A. OPEN OPTO (Light Falling on LED) = SWITCH OPEN. Place Scope lead at Pin-1 of OPTO Rec. Board with Scope Grounded (see Schematic). The Scope should display a STEADY +5v as shown in Fig. A, Wave Form Diagram. )LJ% B. CLOSED OPTO (Light Blocked) = SWITCH CLOSED. Place Scope lead at Pin-1 of OPTO Rec. Board with Scope Grounded (see Schematic). The Scope should display a PULSE STREAM indicating Q2 has switched "On" as shown in Fig. B, Wave Form Diagram. This is your Switch Drive Pulse. %HQFK7HVW6HH)LJ& Please Note: To perform this test you must use a spare 560: Pull-Up Resistor, SPI Nº: 121-5047-00 )LJ& Disconnect the OPTO Transmitter / Receiver Board from the circuit. Connect one side of a 560Ω Pull-Up Resistor to Pin-1 of the OPTO Receiver Bd. and the other side of the resistor to a 5v DC source. Connect Pin-2 to GND. Connect a +5v DC source to Pin-1 of the Transmitter & GND to Pin-2. Align with the Receiver OPTO approx. 3" distance. Using your Volt-Meter or an Oscilloscope, monitor Pin-1 while BLOCKING and UNBLOCKING the BEAM from the Trans. The output will be approx. +5v DC when the BEAM IS NOT BLOCKED and approx. v when the BEAM IS BLOCKED. 7URXJK'XDO2372%RDUGV$OLJQPHQW7HVWIRU/(' When a working OPTO is installed and connected in a game, the transmitter should light (LED1 lower & LED2 upper) when the power is switched on. With the playfield in Service Position #1 (playfield lifted up in the half-way position resting on the Prop Rod or edge slide support brackets) and the game on, the LED lights should show up as a BRIGHT RED RINGS through the back of the Receiver Board around the Receivers LED1 & LED2 (See Fig. 1). Testing only LED1: With the game in Switch Test Mode, lifting the Trough Plunger with a fingertip should block the BEAM and cause the Switch Position to trigger (See Fig. 2). View Fig. 2a & 2b (on the next page) for a sectional view of the Light Path (note alignment) and what happens as a ball breaks the light beam. )LJ 5HFHLYHU %RDUG 6HF3&%V %5,*+7 5(' 5,1* 3OXQJHU 9LHZIDFLQJWURXJKZLWKSOD\ ILHOGLQ6HU YLFH3RVLWLRQ )LJ 3OXQJHU EORFNV %($0 /LIW SOXQJHU WRFKHFN VZLWFKDV VKRZQ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV3&%V 6HFWLRQDOYLHZIURPULJKW)LJDE 5HF 6LGH )LJD 7UDQV 6LGH )LJE /LJKW 3DWK 3LQEDOO (Note alignment) 7URXJK'XDO2372%RDUGV$OLJQPHQW7HVWIRU/(' When a working OPTO is installed and connected in a game, the transmitter should light (LED1 lower & LED2 upper) when the power is switched on. With the playfield in Service Position #1 (playfield lifted up in the half-way position resting on the Prop Rod or edge slide support brackets) and the game on, the LED lights should show up as a BRIGHT RED RINGS through the back of the Receiver Board around the Receivers LED1 & LED2 (See Fig. 1, previous page). Testing only LED2: TO PERFORM THIS TEST, A PINBALL MUST BE IN THE BALL TROUGH. With the game in Switch Test Mode, lifting the Trough Plunger with a finger tip should block the BEAM on LED2 and cause the Switch Position to trigger (See Fig. 3). View Fig. 3a & 3b for a sectional view of the Light Path (note alignment) and what happens as a "double-stacked" ball scenario breaks the light beam. )LJ )LJD )LJE 5HF 6LGH 7UDQV 6LGH 3LQEDOO /LJKW 3DWK 3OXQJHU EORFNV %($0 /LIW SOXQJHU WRFKHFN VZLWFKDV VKRZQ , (Note alignment) 0 3 2 5 7 $ 1 7 6HF3&%V If replacement of LED is required, insure that is mounted correctly before and after soldering (See Fig. 4a / 4b). )LJD &RUUHFW3RVLWLRQ 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV3&%V )LJE ,QFRUUHFW3RVLWLRQ Dot Matrix Display / Display Controller Bd. Combined Display Connections CN1-Pin 2 P2-Pin 14 P2-Pin 2 NOT USED GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND NOT USED SER. DATA PIX CLOCK COL. LATCH ROW CLOCK ROW DATA DISPLAY ENABLE NOT USED GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND GROUND NOT USED SER. DATA PIX CLOCK COL. LATCH ROW CLOCK ROW DATA DISPLAY ENABLE Sec. 5: PCBs VIO-YEL BLU RED BLK YEL — GRY-YEL YEL-BLK 102 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN3-Pin 25 RIBBON CABLE CN3 CN3-Pin 1 CN1-Pin 13 520-5055-03 CN1-Pin 14 STAT 3 BUSY STAT 1 STAT 2 NOT USED STAT Ø STROBE RESET DATA 6 DATA 7 DATA 4 DATA 5 DATA 2 DATA 3 DATA Ø DATA 1 SWITCH 7 SWITCH 8 SWITCH 5 SWITCH 6 SWITCH 3 SWITCH 4 SWITCH 1 SWITCH 2 NOT USED NOT USED CN2 520-5052-00 CN3-Pin 2 GND KEY +5 VDC Display Controller Board CN3-Pin 26 3 2 1 Dot Matrix Display Board BLK — RED RIBBON CABLE CN1 CN1-Pin 1 P2-Pin 13 RIBBON CABLE P2 P2-Pin 1 +68v DC +12v DC +5v DC GND GND KEY -98v DC -110v DC P1 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) D i s p l a y Po w e r S u p p l y B o a r d S c h e m a t i c 1 CN2 -120V 8PKK156C 2 CN2 -100V 8PKK156C 3 KEY 4 CN2 C7 5 CN2 R1 130 W 5W D1 1N4004 88V AC + CN1 1 GND CN1 3 7PKK156E KEY 5 +20V 0.75A S.B. CN1 4 7PKK156E CN1 6 CN1 7 .. Q1 +12V MJE15030 6 CN2 +5V 8 CN2 Q5 MPSA92 R2 7 CN2 +12V 8PKK156C 1.5K W 1/2W C3 D5 1N4760A 68V +20V D6 R3 GND + 1N4764A 100V 47K W 1W C2 .. Q2 220 uF 200V GND 7PKK156E +5V GND 8PKK156C GND +5V 0.1 uF 500V R6 330K W 1/2W R8 2K W 5W +60V 8PKK156C MJE15030 F1 7PKK156E XFRMR _GND R4 D3 47K W 1W CN1 2 0.1 uF 500V 8PKK156C C1 7PKK156E 110V AC Q3 1N5228 3.9V 220 uF 200V GND GND 8PKK156C MPSA42 D4 D2 1N5228 3.9V 1N4004 +5V R5 1.5K W 1/2W C4 0.1 uF 500V R10 R7 330K W 1/2W GND 1.5K W 1/2W D7 1N4743 13V .. Q4 MJE15031 7PKK156E D i s p l a y Po w e r S u p p l y B o a r d C o m p o n e n t La y o u t & Pa r t s Actual Board Size 5” X 3.3” QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 520-5138-00 200-5000-17 535-5000-11 125-5044-00 121-5038-00 121-5059-00 121-5060-00 121-5061-00 121-5062-00 112-0053-00 112-0062-00 112-0049-00A 112-0061-00 110-0100-00 110-0082-00 125-5035-00 110-0103-00 110-0101-00 125-5003-00 124-5003-00 045-5015-08 112-5003-00 045-5015-07 240-5008-00 237-5501-00 205-0004-00 Display Power Supply Board F1 Q3, Q4 C1, C2 R4, R5, R10 R6, R7 R2, R3 R1 R8 D3, D4 D5 D6 D7 Q1 Q2 C3, C4, C7 Q4 Q3, Q5 (C5, C6: NS) (VR1: NS) CN2 D1, D2 CN1 Q3, Q4 Q3, Q4 F1 Complete PCB Assembly 3/4A (0.75A) S.B. Fuse Heatsinks - AAVID #563002 220uF, 200v, Radial Lytic Cap. 1.5K W 1/2W Res. (R9: NS) 330K W 1/2W Res. 47K W 1W Res. 130 W 5W Res. 2K W 5W Res. 1N5228, 3.9v, Diode 1N4760A, 68v, Diode 1N4764A, 100v, Diode 1N4743, 13v, Diode MPSA92, Transistor MPSA42, Transistor 0.1uF, 500v, Ceramic Disk Cap. MJE15031, Transistor MJE15030, Transistor 22uF, 35v, Rad Lytic Cap 7812CT 8PKK156 (PIN3=KEY) 1N4004, Diode 7PKK156E (PIN5=KEY) #6-32 KEPS Nut #6-32 X 3/8" PPH Screw Fuse Clips Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) (NS = Not Stuffed) 103 Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM Display Controller Board Schematic 3 4 CN2 KEY CN2 D C22 NOT STUFFED R19-R26 NOT STUFFED ROM 1 ROM 0 U14 (SOCKET/ROM) NOT STUFFED C NOT STUFFED JUMPER R11 NOT STUFFED C44-C51 NOT STUFFED B Sec. 5: PCBs A 4 104 3 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) D i s p l a y Po w e r S u p p l y B o a r d S c h e m a t i c 2 1 D C NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). R FB1 AND FB2 ARE FERRITE BEADS. Schematic Set Sheet 1 of 1 SIZE REV. E D SPI Display Controller Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5055-03 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0040-07 Dated: 03/10/00 2 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 105 A Sec. 5: PCBs B Display Controller Board Component Layout & Parts CN1 CN3 8MHz CRYSTEK 8.000 CCO-010 • 9805 Actual Board Size 8.05” X 4.9” Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 520-5055-03 077-5217-00 100-0397-00 100-0189-01 100-0233-00 100-0351-00 100-5001-00 100-5000-00 100-0046-00 100-0049-00 100-0058-00 100-0064-00 100-0037-00 965-0107-00 14 1 965-0108-00 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 23 125-5031-00 1 121-5051-00 15 121-5011-00 1 121-5014-00 0 n/a 14 125-5028-00 2 n/a 1 125-5015-00 1 045-5015-26 1 045-5015-03 1 045-5015-02 1 140-0013-00 0 Not Used 1 (See Pg. DR. w Table) 1 n/a Display Controller Board (FCC FEB98) Rev. E U12 (U14: NS) U8 U11 U9 U15 U1 U5 U3, U4, U6, U7 U19 U7, U10 U18 U13, U20 U16 - ORANGE DOT (Note the type of PAL) U2 - ORANGE DOT (Note the type of PAL) C7>C11, C13>C26, C34, C35, C43, C52 (C22: NS) R8 R1>R7, R9, R10, R12, R14>R18 (R11: NS) R13 (R19>R26: NS) C1>C6, C27>C33, C36>C42, C53 (C44>C51: NS) FB1, FB2 C12 CN3 CN2 CN1 X1 (SW1: NS) U12 (ROM 0) (U14 ROM 1: NS) U1 (@ Pins 9 & 10) Complete PCB Assembly 32-Pin, IC Dip Socket 32K X 8 Static RAM (62256L-10PC) 68B09E 68B45 74HCT00 74HCT240 74LS151 74LS157 74LS163A 74LS245 74LS374 74LS74 PAL16L8 (15CN), (Programmed) - ORANGE DOT PAL16R4 (25CN), (Programmed) - ORANGE DOT .1 uF, (104), Axial Cer. Cap 100K W 1/4W C.F. Res. 5% 10K W 1/4W Res. 5% 220 W 1/4W C.F. Res. 5% 106 (NS = Not Stuffed) 470pF, (471), Axl. Cap Ferrite Bead (2743001182) 100uF, 25v, Cap. (Radial Elec.) 13-Pin, Dual Row .1" HDR Conn. 3-Pin, KK-156 Conn. (540445-3) 7-Pin, Dual Row .1" Hdr. Conn. 8Mhz Clock Oscillator (SW1) 4MB ROM 100pF, Cap. Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) ,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUG7KHRU \RI2SHUDWLRQ 5v Supply: An AC voltage of approximately 9v comes into the board at [J17-(1-4)] this AC voltage is then full-wave rectified by bridge BRDG 21 and filtered by Capacitor C203. The resulting voltage is 11v DC which is inserted into a linear voltage regulator for the output of 5v DC. This 5v regulated voltage can be adjusted by potentiometer R116 the voltage should be set to 5.00v. Besides powering the I/O Board the regulated 5 volts supplies power to the CPU / Sound Board, Gas Plasma (Dot Matrix) Display and Plasma (Display) Controller Board. Power for these devices comes off the I/O Board on [J16-(4-8)]. +5v, +20v, +50v, +18v, & +12v LED Indicators: These DC voltages are derived on the I/O Board by rectification and filtering. Each has a LED indicating that power is being supplied to each of these voltage sources. The -12v supply comes from the same transformer winding as the +12v thus it does not have a LED indicator. ** Note that the +50v & +20v power sources are turned off by the Interlock Switches when the Coin Door is OPEN. /(' 6833/< 92/7$*( / / Y / Y / Y / Y Reset Circuitry: The I/O will reset in three (3) cases: 1. The CPU is in reset. The CPU’s reset signal is fed into the I/O through connector J1 and forces the I/O into reset. 2. The 5v supply has fallen below 4.75v. 3. The watchdog is not being fed by the scanning of the light matrix. More specifically Pin-19 of U6 must be toggling once every 50ms to prevent the watchdog from resetting. The scanning of the light matrix is controlled by the CPU through J1. LED L204 shows the reset state of the I/O Board. If this LED is not lit either the 5v DC is below 4.75v or the CPU/Sound Board is holding the I/O in reset. If the LED is flashing this means that the watchdog is not being feed by the CPU/Sound Board and the I/O is oscillating into and out of reset. If the LED is continuously on the board is out of reset and communication from the CPU to the lamp matrix is confirmed. Testpoint Blanking is the actual reset signal on the I/O Board. A low voltage indicates that it is in reset this will turn off all Solenoid (Coil) Drivers, Flash Lamps, Lamp Matrix Drivers, Auxiliary Outputs and Flipper Outputs. A high voltage indicates that it is out of reset and normal operation can take place. Address Decoding: All Address decoding is done by two 74LS138’s (U204 & U205) (3 of 8 decoder). Both of these must be in operation for the I/O Board to function properly. Solenoid (Coil) Drivers & Flash Lamps: J8 & J9 are high side drivers for driving solenoids and other heavy loads. Each connector has its own buffer driving 8 drivers. J8 & J9 consist of MOSFET Drivers 20N10L which can easily & safely be tested by clipping one end of a clip-lead to test point FET TPL1 and then the other to the corresponding gate resistor R1-R16 (see Note 1). This will apply 3.4v to the gate of the MOSFET Transistor thus switching it on. J7 & J6 each are a bank of 8 low side driver for driving lamps or other lower current solenoids (coils). They use a Bipolar Power Transistor TIP122 which can also be tested by using TEST POINT TIP TPL3 and the corresponding resistors R17-R32* (see Note 1). Note 1 • Clip on the resistor side with the white stripe. •• R1 controls Q1, R2 controls Q2, et cetera... Lamp Matrix: J12 has 10 low side drivers for the lamp strobes which consist of 19N06L MOSFETS. Only one lamp strobe should be low at any time. Again the scanning of the lamp strobes keeps the I/O from resetting. J13 has 8 high side drivers with each having a status indicator. All the status indicators are logically ’OR’ed together and fed back to the CPU/Sound Board. The status can identify open loads (for example open lamp filaments or intermittent connections) and short circuits. These drivers are also short-circuit protected. General Illumination (G.I.) Lights: J15 has 6v AC switched on & off by a relay on the I/O Board. The relay is controlled by Q200 which supplies power to the 24v coil winding to activate the relay. There are 4 taps on J15 each fused at 5A for this 6v AC source. 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV3&%V 6HF3&%V Auxiliary In & Out: J2-8 CMOS Outputs sometimes used for a printer interface. J3-8 CMOS Inputs general purpose inputs. I /OPower Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 1 of 5) 4 3 D C B Sec. 5: PCBs A NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. 4 108 3 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 1 of 5) 2 1 The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid D C A Schematic Set Sheet 1 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 109 Sec. 5: PCBs B I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 5) 4 3 D C B Sec. 5: PCBs A The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid 4 110 3 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 5) 2 1 NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. D C A Schematic Set Sheet 2 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 111 Sec. 5: PCBs B I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 3 of 5) 4 3 D C The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid B Sec. 5: PCBs A 4 112 3 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 3 of 5) 2 NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. 1 JAN 2001 Cut trace on solder side at Aux. Out Port J2-PIN1 thru J2-PIN3 & TS J2-PIN5 thru J2-PIN9; Soldered Resistor 100W 1/4W 5% (SPI N1: 121-5007-00). This Modification (highlighted below at J2 with a dotted-line box) was accomplished on boards produced after Jan. 1, 2001. This board is backwards compatible for the White Star™ Board System. JET Resistor 100W D C A Schematic Set Sheet 3 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 113 Sec. 5: PCBs B I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 4 of 5) 4 3 D The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid C The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid B Sec. 5: PCBs A 4 114 3 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 4 of 5) 2 1 05-25-99 CUT PIN-3 TO GND ON U210 (4-3D) NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. D The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid C A Schematic Set Sheet 4 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 115 Sec. 5: PCBs B I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 5 of 5) 4 3 D C The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid B Sec. 5: PCBs A 4 116 3 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) I/O Power Driver Board Schematic (Sheet 5 of 5) 2 1 D C NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 MICROFARADS ( mF ) BYPASS CAPACITOR ON ALL IC’S. A Schematic Set Sheet 5 of 5 SIZE REV. E D SPI I/O Power Driver Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5137-01 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0161-00 Dated: 09/05/97 2 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 1 117 Sec. 5: PCBs B I/O Power Driver Board Component Layout Test Points: LED TEST • ¬TIP TPL3 ¬BLANKING ¬L204 LED • • TEST TEST • TE S T • TEST ¬RESET LEDs : ¬L201+50v ¬L202+18v ¬L200+20v TEST • LEDs ¬L203+12v LED TEST • TE ST • ¬FET TPL1 LED : ¬L2+5V ¬R116 POT Actual Board Size 15.698” X 11” TE ST • Sec. 5: PCBs 118 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) ,23RZHU'ULYHU%RDUG3DUWV ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION — 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 1 5 13 1 1 5 1 1 17 520-5137-01 112-5000-00 125-5030-00 125-5033-00 125-5035-00 125-5036-00 125-5034-00 125-5032-00 125-5031-00 Complete PCB Assembly DB3501 220pF, (221), Cap. 100uF, 150v, Radial Lytic Cap. .1UF, 500v, Ceramic Disk Cap. 15000uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 4700uF, 35v, Radial Lytic Cap. 100uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 0.1uF, (104), Cap. 09 10 11 12 13 22 0 16 0 25 125-5028-00 n/a 125-5029-00 125-5027-00 112-0054-00 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 26 1 7 3 1 1 1 1 112-5003-00 205-0004-00 200-5000-03 200-5000-01 200-5000-08 200-5000-05 200-5000-06 045-5015-01 045-5014-01 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 16 16 10 1 32 16 17 8 11 13 045-5015-00 n/a 045-5013-00 045-0014-03 045-5015-00 045-0014-06 045-5016-00 045-0014-09 165-5099-00 110-0106-00 110-0067-00 110-0088-00 110-0069-00 121-5042-00 121-5003-00 121-5045-00 121-5021-00 121-5011-00 121-5007-00 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 8 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 9 8 1 2 8 1 1 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 121-5029-00 121-5033-00 121-5030-00 121-5039-00 121-5036-00 121-5038-00 121-5050-00 121-5009-00 n/a 121-5009-00 121-5032-00 190-5002-00 n/a 100-5012-00 110-0058-00 100-5023-00 110-0089-00 100-0356-00 n/a 100-0338-00 100-0148-00 100-0037-00 n/a I/O Power Driver Board BRDG1, BRDG2, BRDG3, BRDG20, BRDG21 C1, C2, C3>C6, C7, C8, C9>C10, C11, C12 C25 C26 C27, C30, C201, C202, C203 C29 C32 C35, C36, C37, C38, C39, C40, C41, C42, C43, C45, C46, C200, C238, C239, C240, C241, C242 C212>C219, C228>C237, C243>C246 (C204-C211: NS) (C220>C227: NS) C247>C254, C263>C270 (C255>C262, C271>C278: NS) D200>D207, D208>D215, D220, D221, D222, D223, D224, D225, D226, D227 D217, D229 (D216: NS) F6, F7, F8, F9, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24> F27, F28 F6 F7, F8, F9, F24>F27 F20, F21, F28 F22 F23 J1 J2 (Key Pin-4), J6 (Key Pin-9), J7 (Key Pin-5) J10 (Key Pin-6), J13 (Key Pin-2) J3 (Key Pin-8) (J4, J5: NS) J8 (Key Pin-2), J9 (Key Pin-3), J15 (Key Pin-5) J11 J12 (Key Pin-7) J14 J16 (Key Pin-14) J17 L2, L200, L201, L202, L203, L204 Q1>Q16 Q17>Q24, Q25>Q32 Q33>Q42 Q200 R1>R8, R9>R16, R200>R207, R208>R215 R17>R24, R25>R32 R33>R42, R236>R242 R49, R57>R61, R253, R256, R270 (R252: NS) R50>R56, R255, R271, R300 R64>R76 Resistors on Solder Side @ J2-Pins: 1-3 & 5-9 R90, R92, R94, R96, R98, R100, R102, R104 R114, R269 R115 R116 R117, R272 R216, R218 R217 R219 (R220>R227: NS) R245>R251, R254, R302 (R228>R235: NS) R261, R262, R263, R264, R265, R266, R267, R268 RELAY TPL1, TPL3 U1, U2, U3, U4, U6, U18, U201, U206 (U200: NS) U9 U210 U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17 U19 U19 U203 (U202: NS) U204, U205 U209 470pF, (471), Axial Cap. 0.01uF, (103), 100v Cap. 0.1uF, (104), 100v, Cap. 1N4148, Diode 1N4004, Diode Fuse Clips 7A 250v S.B. Fuse 5A 250v S.B. Fuse 3A 250v S.B. Fuse 8A 250v S.B. Fuse 4A 250v S.B. Fuse 20-Pin, 0.1 Dual Row Header 10PKK156 12PKK156 9PKK156 10-84-4030 (3-Pin MOLEX) 12PKK156 10-84-4060 (6-Pin MOLEX) 15PKK156 10-84-4090 (9-Pin MOLEX) LED T1-3/4 DIFFUSER LED 20N10L STP, Transistor TIP122 19N06L STP, Transistor 2N3904, Transistor. 22K 1/4W Res. 620 1/4W Res. 39K 1/4W Res. 4.7K 1/4W Res. 10K 1/4W Res. 100 1/4W Res. : : : : : : 6.8K : 1/4W Res. 220 : 1/4W Res. 120 : 1/4W Res. 50 : Pot 330 : 1/4W Res. 1.5K : 1/2W Res. 4.7K : 2W Res. (SANDBAR) 1K : 1/4W Res. 1K : 1/4W Res. 47 : 1/4W Res. FRL264D024/02CK Relay Test Point Wire (24ga.) Loops 74HCT273 74LS245 DS1232 VN02N LM338K Heatsink (5v Reg.) 74HC245 74LS138 74LS74 Test Points 6HF3&%V BLANKING, RESET (NS = Not Stuffed) 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV3&%V <RXU1RWHV 6HF3&%V 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV3&%V &386RXQG%RDUG7KHRU \RI2SHUDWLRQ CPU Section: The CPU is a 68B09E (U209) with up to 8 MBytes of CPU Code Space (U210). The CPU code is bank selected by the use of U211 and each bank consists of 16 KBytes. 8 KBytes of RAM (U212) is available to the CPU. The RAM is battery backed and has a write protected area. Battery back up is accomplished by 3-AA Cells (BAT1) which have a TEST POINT VBATT to check the battery voltage status. The write protected area consists of 512 Bytes used for storing game settings. This section of RAM can only be written to when the coin door is open. The Coin Door switch comes into the CPU on CN6-12 and is fed into the address decoding PAL U213. When this memory protect signal is low writes to the protected RAM area are prohibited. Address decoding for the system is accomplished by one PAL U213 and one 1-of-8 decoder U214. A watchdog is used to monitor the CPU and the 5v supply. If the 5v supply is below 4.75 the watchdog will hold the CPU/Sound Board & I/O Board in reset. The watchdog must be fed at a rate of 250ms or faster. The signal used to feed the watchdog comes from the EPROM Bank select signal used to load U211. The CPU has a timer interrupt used as a heartbeat for the system this signal comes from counter U2. The clock for this counter is the CPU Q CLOCK. Clearing the timer interrupt is done by reading the DIP Switch. The timer interrupt can be observed at TEST POINT FIRQ. In normal operation "FIRQ" should be toggling at a rate of 976Hz. The I/O Interface CN1 is buffered by two (2) HC245 Chips. The CPU’s reset line is buffered by Q10 and fed over to the I/O through CN1. An I/O Strobe Signal is feed through CN1-15 and is used to notify the I/O that a valid address is being sent. Switches: The Switch Matrix consists of eight (8) 2N3904 Transistors which pull one of 8 strobes ‘low’ to activate a Single Column of switches. The Switch Return Signals are fed into CN7 [SWITCH ROWS] and are highly filtered and compared to a 2.5v reference voltage. The Switch Return Voltage must be below 2.5v to make a Valid Switch Closure. If false switches are appearing, check that none of the 2N3904 Transistors are permanently pulling the strobe line low. Only one strobe from CN5 [SWITCH COLUMNS] should be low at any time. CN6 [DEDICATED SWITCH IN] is a Dedicated Bank of Input Switches. Switches connected to CN6 are connected to ground instead of a strobe and may be read at any time. Plasma Interface: The data path for communication to and from the Plasma Controller Board is 8 bits wide. There are separate Input and Output Busses. The Input Bus from the Plasma Controller to the CPU/Sound Board comes in on CN8 [PLASMA CONTROL]-Pins 3-10 and is fed into U200 for input to the CPU’s Data Bus. Data going out to the controller comes from the CPU’s Data Bus through U201 and onto CN8-Pins 11-18. Status back from the Plasma Controller comes in on CN8-Pins 22-26 and is fed into U202 for input to the CPU’s Data Bus. Two control signals that go out to the Plasma Controller are PRES [PLASMA RESET] and CN8-Pin 19 [PSTB - Plasma Strobe]. The Plasma Reset is software controllable through U216/B and also has a test point "Plasma Reset". The Plasma Strobe Signal to the controller is generated from U216/A and is used to latch data into the Plasma Controller. Sound calls are made from the CPU’s 68B09E U200 to the sound section by latching data into U5. The sound section’s CPU 68BO9E (U6) reads in this data and handles the interfacing to the BSMT. Other Test Points: E & Q - The CPU signals for both 68B09E processors. Should be at 2Mhz with Q leading E by 500 nsec. 24Mhz - The oscillator used for the BSMT & derivation of E & Q. SND-FIRQ - The sound sections CPU Interupt. 6Mhz - This clock is generated internally on the BSMT and is used for shifting the data samples into th DAC. W6 Jumper - This jumper must be installed for games that use 8MB Sound EPROMs (U17 U21 U36 U37). For games which use 4MB Sound EPROMs this jumper is not installed but will operate on boards with W6 installed. 6H.WLRQ&KDSWHU 3ULQWHG&LU.XLW%RDUGV3&%V 6H.3&%V Sound Section: The audio section consists of a BSMT SOUND CHIP U9 Sound (Voice) EPROMs (U17 U21 U36 U37) 68B09E U6 and Sound Code EPROM U7. The BSMT latches sound EPROM addresses in U13 & U12 for output to the Sound EPROMs. Sound Data from the EPROMs is read through U19 to the BSMT. The EPROMs are bank selected by U22. When the BSMT has sound data to be played out to the speakers it loads 16 bits into a 16 bit shift register made up of U24 & U23. The data stream from the shift register is serially shifted into a stereo 16 bit Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). When the system is operating properly the ws (word select) input of the DAC will be toggling. The ws input is used to latch the right and left channel sound data into the DAC. If the ws line is not oscillating no analog signal will come out of the DAC. The DAC outputs are a controlled current source. These outputs are converted to a voltage by an operational amplifier U30 to form the analog signal. TEST POINTS AOR and AOL are the outputs of the operational amplifier. These outputs are then fed directly into three power amplifiers (TDA2030A) or optionally into an analog volume control chip U35 for a potentiometer volume control. The analog section has its own +5v & -5v derived from VR1 & VR2. These separate supply voltages are for the DAC U26 Operational Amplifier U30 and analog volume control U35. CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 1 of 3) J I H G F +5v C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C7 C8 C9 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C18 C19 C20 C21 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C32 C36 C41 C42 C43 C44 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 5 C272 C273 C274 C275 C276 C277 C278 C279 C280 C281 C282 C283 C284 C285 C286 C287 C288 C289 C291 C292 GND 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 0.1 mF 1-5I 1-5J +5v 1-5H A13 U212 [26] 1-5G A13 U212 [26] 5Q U211 [12] +5v 2 JP1S R301 10W 1 JP1 +5v R306 +5v 32K 8K 10KW +5v R414 220W R302 R304 10W R303 10W R305 10W 10W XA0 XA1 XA2 XA3 XA4 XA5 N.C. N.C. +5v L201 OC CP 2 5 6 9 12 15 16 19 1Q 1D 2Q 2D 3D 3Q 4D 4Q 5D 5Q 6Q 6D 7Q 7D 8Q 8D 74LS374 U211 A15 1 A15 11 BSEL A13 U212 [26] D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 3 4 7 8 13 14 17 18 4 GND (2-2A) A A * R308 IS JUMPERED B (2-2A) B R309, R307 NOT STUFFED (2-2A) C R307 0W R308 12 PR Q D R309 9 CP Q 8 13 VPP D7 D7 D7 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 FIRQ A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 1-3G A16 A17 A18 DQ0 DQ1 DQ2 DQ3 DQ4 DQ5 DQ6 DQ7 U210 U210S 32PSKT E 1-3I E 24 1-3H G ROMCS 22 RAMCS 1-4F E E 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 27 26 23 25 4 28 29 3 2 30 31 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 XA0 XA1 XA2 XA3 XA4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 VCC NMI U209 FIRQ IRQ 1-3F N.C. 38 LIC AVMA 36 AVMA R/W 32 R/W 6 N.C. BA 5 N.C. BS 33 N.C. BUSY 34 E 35 Q 40 HALT 37 RESET Q 2 CP CLR HCT74 1-2I Q N.C. GND L200 R312 8 RED 330W A15 A14 A13 +5v 13 E Q 1-2H RESET U209S 40PSKT A0 12 PR Q D R310 9 CP Q N.C. HCT74 AVMA 2 Sec. 5: PCBs D 3 Q 1-1J 1-1I CP CLR GND 1 J 122 1 CP CLR Q PLASMA_RESET Q 6 N.C. 6 N.C. 1 1-2F /O 1 I/O 2 I/O 3 I/O 4 I/O 5 I/O 6 I/O 7 /O 8 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 +5v ROMCS RAMCS IO PORT A9 A10 SNDSTB XA0 IO STB PAL16V8Q A8 A9 A10 1 2 3 A12 6 4 5 A7 +5v A B C U214 G1 G2A G2B Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 SWLO DPSW BSEL SWSTB SWM PLIN POUT STATUS 74LS138 RESET PRES PLIN PSTB VCC 20 5 VMA 5 PSTB 1-1H HCT74 POUT Q 74LS74A PR U216/A 1 Q 3 4 2 PR D U215/A PLIN +5v +5v 4 0W 13 U213S 20PSKT +5v R311 8 CLR A11 A12 MPIN PRES 0W U216/B POUT 11 A0 * R310 IS JUMPERED 10 10 GND 1 I/ 1 2 I/ 2 3 I/ 3 4 I/ 4 5 I/ 5 6 I/ 6 7 I/ 7 8 I/ 8 9 I/ 9 11 I/ 10 U213 E Q VMA R/W 1-2G VMA RESET A0 A0 1-1G 1-1F POUT GND 2 I E Q ROMCS U217/B 1-2J R298 10KW A10 9 +5v RESET PRES PLIN PSTB POUT +5v H G R297 10KW +5v XA0 10 PR D E +5v R296 +5v 10KW INT AVMA +5v The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid 7 2 4 3 INT Q E U215/B CLR [13] BSEL Q E U215/B CLR [13] BSEL 11 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 TSC 39 USS 1 GND 68B09E BSEL E 27 R/W U212S 28PSKT R432 XA0 12 22 E 10KW 27C040 D7 20 RAMCS R/W 1 0W The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid (2-2A) E (2-2A) Q (2-1A) E (2-1A) BSEL D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 MS6264A GND * R300 NOT STUFFED 1-3J R/W 1-4G R300 0W 3 VCC GND 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 R299 10KW INT XA5 E CE OE 14 +5v CLR 74LS74A D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 U212 C290 0.1 mF 1N5817 BAT 1 Holds 3X 1.5v AA Size Cells GND GND D201 BSEL E N.C. 28 1-5F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 1N5817 VBATT 1-4H 10KW U215/B 11 0W C +5v 1-4I 10 D200 +5v R431 RED 1-4J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 25 24 21 23 2 26 1 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 F Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) E Q CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 1 of 3) E D C B A DEDICATED SWITCH IN D3 +5v CN6 1 1N4004 12PKK156E GND CN6 2 R278 R279 R280 R281 R282 R283 R284 R285 1KW 1KW 1KW 1KW 1KW 1KW 1KW 1KW R287 1-5E 1-5D 1-5C 12PKK156E R286 1KW 1-5A 12PKK156E CN6 4 SWLO SWLO 19 1 GND RAMCS E R/W 39KW R289 G DIR D0 2 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A1 B1 U206 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 A5 B5 A6 B6 A7 B7 A8 B8 74HC245 12PKK156E 5 KEY 6 CN6 39KW R290 18 39KW R291 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 12PKK156E CN6 7 39KW R292 12PKK156E 39KW R293 12PKK156E 39KW R294 12PKK156E 39KW R295 12PKK156E CN6 8 CN6 9 10 MPIN 1-4E E 39KW C255 1-4D R/W C247 C248 C249 C250 C251 C252 C253 C254 1-4A 12 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF GND 4 12PKK156E GND 1-4B 1-4C 0.1 mF CN6 CN6 11 RAMCS 5 CN6 3 1-5B 39KW R288 CN6 12PKK156E GND R/W G DIR +5v IO PORT RESET R297 10KW 4 A0 2 +5v PR D Q 5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 N.C. IO PORT 19 1 +5v U217/A SNDSTB 3 R298 10KW CP CLR 1-3E HCT74 E Q SPRST Q 6 B1 A1 U207 B2 A2 B3 A3 B4 A4 B5 A5 B6 A6 B7 A7 B8 A8 74HC245 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C256 C257 C258 C259 C260 C261 C262 C263 GND 1-3D 1-3C 1 +5v A0 RESET RESET A0 2 A1 A2 A3 A4 IO STB RESET A9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SND_RESET N.C. 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF G DIR B1 A1 U208 1-3B 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 CN1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 N.C. 3 1-3A HDR2X10 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4 A5 B5 A6 B6 A7 B7 A8 B8 74HC245 N.C. C264 C265 C266 C267 C268 C269 C270 C271 GND TO I/O DATA 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF GND D0-D7 (2-2J, 3-2J) SNDSTB SPRST RESET IO RESET SNDSTB SPRST RESET SNDSTB SPRST RESET IO RESET RAMCS IO PORT 1-2E 1-2D IO RESET 1-2C R412 3 2 1KW SNDSTB GND MPIN 1-2A Q10 2N3904 The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid GND The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid 1 R413 10KW IO STB 1-2B SWLO DPSW MPIN DPSW SWSTB SWM PLIN POUT STATUS SWSTB SWM PLIN POUT STATUS PRES PSTB RESET PRES (2-2J) (2-1J) (2-1J) 3-2J (2-1A) MPIN (3-2J) DPSW (3-2J) SWSTB SWM PLIN POUT STATUS PRES PSTB (3-2J) (3-2J) (3-2J) (3-2J) (3-2J) (3-2J) (3-2J) PRES 1 1-1A 1-1E 1-1D PSTB 1-1C 1-1B PSTB Schematic Set Sheet 1 of 3 1-1E NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). R REMOVE W6 TO EMULATE SPI N1 520-5077-00 SOUND BOARD. R W6 JUMPER MUST BE INSTALLED FOR GAMES USING 8MB ROM(S) AT LOCATIONS U17, U21, U36 AND/OR U37. Fonts used in this Schematic: Arial (Arial.ttf) for normal text, Symbol Proportional BT (Symbpron.ttf) for Micro (m) and Ohm [Omega] (W) & Wingdings 2 (Windng2.ttf) for Special Symbols or Check Boxes. E D Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) C B SIZE D 2 REV. E SPI CPU/Sound Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5136-16 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0176-00 Dated: 07/22/99 A 123 Sec. 5: PCBs R296 10KW D0 18 19 IO PORT 1 R/W CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3) J I H U18 5 F U13 2-5I 2-5J G 2-5H U17 U24 2-5F 2-5G U36 U18 U12 U23 4 2-4I 2-4J 2-4H 2-4F 2-4G U22 U9 U37 U21 U19 U25/A U34 BSMT 2000 3 2-3J 2-3H 2-3I 24MHz CLOCK 2-3G 2-3F U11 U16 U4 U10 /A U5 U15 U10 /B 2 2-2G 2-2H 2-2J 2-2F 2-2I U8/B SND_FIRQ U1/B U7 U6 Sec. 5: PCBs U8/B 1 3-2J 2-1J 2-1I 2-1H 2-1G 2-1F The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid J 124 I H G F Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 3) E D U34 C B A VOL. POT 1A 1B 1C U34 NOT STUFFED CN3 U35 CN3 NOT STUFFED 5 2-5B U24 2-5E 2-5D CN3 2-5C 2-5A CN3 CN3 U26 CN3 U30/B U100 U23 SPEAKER OUTPUTS U25/B 2-4E 2-4D 4 CN4 2-4B 2-4C 2-4A U30/A CN4 U101 U19 CN4 CN4 KEY U34 CN4 FOR 8MB EPROMS *W6 STUFFED CN4 U34 U102 2-3E 2-3D 2-3C 2-3B 2-3A 2-2C 2-2B 2-2A 3 U20 U27/B 2-2E 2-2D U2 U27/A NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). R REMOVE W6 TO EMULATE SPI N1 520-5077-00 SOUND BOARD. R W6 JUMPER MUST BE INSTALLED FOR GAMES USING 8MB ROM(S) AT LOCATIONS U17, U21, U36 AND/OR U37. 2 The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid Fonts used in this Schematic: Arial (Arial.ttf) for normal text & Wingdings 2 (Windng2.ttf) for Special Symbols or Check Boxes. U1/A U3 SW200 2-1E 2-1D 1 2-1A 2-1B 2-1C Schematic Set U218 Sheet 2 of 3 SIZE D REV. E SPI CPU/Sound Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5136-16 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0176-00 Dated: 07/22/99 E D Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) C B A 125 Sec. 5: PCBs The below circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 3 of 3) J I PLASMA CONTROLLER CN8 H 5 F R200-R207 NOT STUFFED R208-R215 NOT STUFFED CN8 3-5J G 3-5I 3-5H 3-5F 3-5G CN8 CN8 U200 CN8 CN8 CN8 CN8 CN8 CN8 C200-C207 NOT STUFFED CN8 CN8 4 CN8 3-4J 3-4H 3-4I 3-4G 3-4F U201 CN8 CN8 CN8 CN8 CN8 R409 NOT STUFFED CN8 CN8 CN8 CN8 3 CN8 3-3I 3-3J DIODE D202 NOT STUFFED 3-3G 3-3F 3-3H C408 NOT STUFFED CN8 CN8 CN8 2 3-2J U202 3-2I 3-2H 3-2G 3-2F POWER IN CN2 CN2 The above circuit(s) continue at the address shown (#-XY). # = Sheet Number (1-5), X = Column Grid, Y = Row Grid CN2 CN2 KEY CN2 Sec. 5: PCBs 1 NOTES: R ALL RESISTOR VALUES ARE IN OHMS ( W ), 1/4W, 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 3-1J R ALL CAPACITOR VALUES ARE IN MICROFARADS ( mF ), UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. R 0.1 mF BYPASS CAPACITORS FOR ALL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (ICs). R REMOVE W6 TO EMULATE SPI N1 520-5077-00 SOUND BOARD. R W6 JUMPER MUST BE INSTALLED FOR GAMES USING 8MB ROM(S) AT LOCATIONS U17, U21, U36 AND/OR U37. 3-1I 3-1H U205 3-1G 3-1F G F Fonts used in this Schematic: Arial (Arial.ttf) for normal text, Symbol Proportional BT (Symbpron.ttf) for Micro (m) and Ohm [Omega] (W) & Wingdings 2 (Windng2.ttf) for Special Symbols or Check Boxes. J 126 I H Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) CPU/Sound Board Schematic (Sheet 3 of 3) E D C B A D106 (Not Screened On Board) This diode is soldered between D3 & R430 under CN6. +5v 1N4004 SWITCH ROWS CN5 3-5E 3-5D 3-5C 3-5A 3-5B KEY 5 CN5 CN5 CN5 CN5 U203 CN5 CN5 CN5 3-4E 4 3-4A 3-4B 3-4C 3-4D SW300 8-POS. DIP SWITCH 3-3E U204 3-3D 3-3C 3-3B 3 3-3A SWITCH ROWS U401/A CN7 U401/B CN7 CN7 3-2E 3-2D 3-2B U401/C 3-2A 3-2C CN7 2 CN7 CN7 U401/D KEY CN7 U401/A CN7 3-1D 3-1E U401/C 3-1C 1 3-1A 3-1B Schematic Set Sheet 3 of 3 SIZE D U401/D REV. E SPI CPU/Sound Board SPI Part Nº: 520-5136-16 Prepared By: CES Inc. Edited By: SPI Inc. Model: 237-0176-00 Dated: 07/22/99 E D Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) C B A 127 Sec. 5: PCBs CN7 U401/B U205 • • • VR1 E ST CN2 • AOR T Actual Board Size 14.67” X 9.125” U30 TES U26 • TE TEST TEST TEST • VR2 T Q 6MHZ U25 T T ES • U37 U37 U21 U21 U36 U36 U18 U17 U17 U9 U3 24MHZ 24MHZ U2 U19 X1 L201 CN1 U12 L200 +5V LED ST SND_RESET U13 U9 JP U23 +5V U209 U208 U217 U214 SWITCH ROWS U209 CN7 U211 U215 5 6 7 8 TEST • U207 U216 JP JP GND1 4 3 CUT 2 1 U218 RESET T • PLASMA_RESET • U201 TEST • 8K 32K JP1 ¬8K/32K JUMPER JP1 FIRQ U202 JP U200 TEST TE S SW200 U210 U212 ( -- ) SIZE AA 1.5V ( + ) SW200 • U213 ( -- ) SIZE AA 1.5V ( + ) VBATT BAT1 CN8 • AOL U35 JP U34 JP U22 U24 U15 U400 U401 TE CN3 JP TES SND_FIRQ U6 W6 JUMPER REQUIRED FOR 8MB EPROMS U27 U16 • U1 • GND2 U10 TEST U8 U5 T • U20 U6 U11 TES U4 U4 U204 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U205 • U7 U7 JP U206 DEDICATED SWITCH IN ­ SW300 ON 8-Pos. Dip Sw. TEST CN4 U203 SWITCH COLUMNS CN6 TEST • BSMT2000 T D15552N W -01A5HE9 TES 980 TEST C01100 24.000MHZ RALTRON 98 TV 52 ST TE 128 PLASMA CNTLR ( -- ) SIZE AA 1.5V ( + ) Sec. 5: PCBs CN5 CPU/Sound Board Component Layout Test Points: ¬VBATT • ¬GND2 ¬6MHZ ¬E ¬SND_FIRQ & Q ¬SND_RESET ¬AOL & AOR Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) TEST ¬FIRQ ¬SW200 ¬PLASMA_RESET ¬GND1 ¬RESET LEDs : ¬L201+5v & L200 ¬+5V ¬24MHZ REQUIRED FOR 8MB EPROM USE ¬W6 JUMPER • &386RXQG%RDUG3DUWV 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 QTY 1 1 79 PART NUMBER 520-5136-64 545-5685-00 125-5031-00 REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION (NS = Not Stuffed) CPU/Sound Board Mono (FCC FEB98) Complete PCB Assembly BAT1 HOLDER (Always replace all 3, Size AA 1.5v Cells, with new ones, when required) C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8, C9, C12, C13, C14, C15, 0.1uF, (104), Axial Cer. Cap. C16, C18, C19, C20, C21, C23, C24, C25, C26, C28, C32, C33, C34, C36, C38, C39, C41, C42, C43, C44, C47, C49, C110, C111, C113, C117, C118, C120, C123, C124, C125, C255, C272, C273, C274, C275, C276, C277, C279, C280, C281, C282, C283, C284, C285, C286, C287, C288, C289, C290, C291, C292, C400>C401, C402>C404, C405>C407 (C45, C46, C52, C103, C105, C106, C122: NS) 2 125-5017-00 C10, C35 10uF, 16v, Radial Tant. Cap. 3 125-5043-00 C29, C37, C51 0.001uF, (102), Cap. 1 125-5037-00 C30 1000uF, 16v, Radial Lytic Cap. 2 125-5019-00 C31, C81 470uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 4 125-5020-00 C40, C59, C108, C115 (C76, C77, C101: NS) 22uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 4 125-5039-00 C48, C50, C75, C80 0.0022uF, (222), Cap. 6 125-5017-00 C78, C79, C107, C114 (C100: NS) 10uF, 25v-35v, Radial Lytic Cap. 2 125-5015-00 C109, C112 (C102, C104: NS) 100uF, 25v, Rad. Ltc. Cap. 2 125-5012-00 C116, C119 220uF, 25v, Radial Lytic Cap. 0 125-5038-00 (C121: NS) 100pF, (101), Cap. 44 125-5028-00 C208>C215, C216>C220, C229, C230, C247>C254, 470pF, (471), Cer. Cap. C256>C263, C264>C271 (C200>C207: NS) 8 125-5029-00 C221>C228 (C408: NS) 0.01uF, (103), 100v Cap. 1 125-5014-00 C409 22uF, 16v, Radial Lytic Cap. 1 045-5015-01 CN1 20-Pin, 0.1 HEADER 1 045-5015-06 CN2 (Key Pin-5) (CN3: NS) 6PKK156 1 045-5015-07 CN4 (Key Pin-5) 7PKK156 1 045-5013-00 CN5 (Key Pin-2) 9PKK156 1 045-5015-00 CN6 (Key Pin-5) 12PKK156 1 045-5014-01 CN7 (Key Pin-4) 10PKK156 X2 1 045-5015-26 CN8 26-Pin, 0.1 HEADER 7 112-5003-00 D1, D2, D3, D102, D103, D104, D105 (D100, D101: NS) 1N4004, Diode 2 112-5008-00 D200, D201 1N5817, Diode 8 112-0054-00 D400, D401, D402>D404, D405>D407 (D202: NS) 1N4148, Diode 6 n/a (FB1)-FB2, FB3-(FB4), (FB5)-FB6 Ferrite Bead (if required, call Tech Support) 1 165-5099-00 L200, L201 LED T1-3/4 DIFFUSER LED 10 110-0069-00 Q1>Q8, Q10 (Q9 Not Used) 2N3904, Transistor 36 121-5011-00 R1>R3, R4, R113, R224>R228, R244>R251, 10K 1/4W Res. R260>R267, R296>R298, R299, R301, R302>R305, R306, R413, R431>R432 (R200>R207, R409: NS) 1 121-5018-00 R7 1.5K 1/4W Res. 5 121-5023-00 R9, R14, R104, R106, R110 (R100, R102: NS) 22K 1/4W Res. 20 121-5009-00 R15, R8, R234>R241, R278>R286, R412 1K 1/4W Res. 2 121-5043-00 R16, R17 (R25, R112: NS) 2.2K 1/4W Res. 3 121-5051-00 R21, R22, R24 (R12, R13, R19: NS) 100K 1/4W Res. 2 121-5046-00 R105, R109 (R101: NS) 470K 1/4W Res. 2 121-5009-00 R107, R111 (R103: NS) 1K 1/4W Res. 9 121-5045-00 R108, R287>R294 39K Res. 11 121-5021-00 R216>R223, R242, R243, R400 4.7K 1/4W Res. 15 121-5033-00 R229>R233, R295, R414, R415>R422 (R208>R215: NS) 220 1/4W Res. 5 n/a R308, R310, R315>R316, WX 0 Jumper Wire (24ga.) (R300, R307, R309, R311, R313>R314, WY: NS) 1 121-5036-00 R312 330 1/4W Res. 16 121-5047-00 R401>R402, R403>R405, R406>R408, R423>R430 560 1/4W Res. 2 121-5048-00 R410, R411 3.3K 1/4W Res. 1 n/a SW200 B3F4000 1 181-5002-00 SW300 8-Pin, Dip Switch 5 100-0037-00 U1, U8, U25, U27, U215 74LS74 1 100-0249-00 U2 74HC4020 1 100-0049-00 U3 74LS163 1 105-0052-05 U4 6116 RAM 3 077-5208-00 U4, U7, U212 28-Pin, IC Dip Socket 6 100-0064-00 U5, U12, U13, U15, U16, U211 74LS374 1 100-0189-01 U6, U209 68B09E 3 077-5209-00 U6, U9, U209 40-Pin, IC Socket Table) U7 27512 EPROM 1 (See Pg. # 1 105-0116-00 U9 BSMT2000 1 100-0149-00 U10 74LS240 5 (See Pg. # Table) U17, U21, U36, U37, U210 27C040 EPROM 5 077-5217-00 U17, U21, U36, U37, U210 32-Pin, IC Socket 1 100-0043-00 U18 74ALS139 1 965-0136-00 U19 - YELLOW DOT PAL16L8 (Programmed) YELLOW DOT 1 965-0137-00 U20 - WHITE DOT PAL16L8 (Programmed) WHITE DOT 2 100-0022-00 U22, U11 74LS273 2 100-5008-00 U23, U24 74LS165 1 100-5018-00 U26 TDA1543 1 100-0375-00 U30 LM833 1 100-0027-00 U34 74LS04 0 100-5016-00 (U35: NS) TDA1899 2 100-5016-20 U101, U102 (U100 : NS) TDA2030A 3 535-5000-10 U101 (HS2), U102 (HS3) (U100 (HS1): NS) AAVID 531102 (Heat Sink) 2 100-5012-00 U201, U203 74HCT273 74HC245 6 100-0338-00 U202, U204, U205, U206, U207, U208 (U200: NS) 1 105-5046-00 U212 MS6264A 1 965-6504-00 U213- BLUE DOT PAL16L8 (Programmed) BLUE DOT 1 100-0148-00 U214 74LS138 2 100-5015-00 U216, U217 HCT74 1 100-5023-00 U218 DS1232 2 100-0377-00 U400, U401 LM339AN 4 n/a VBATT, +5v, GND1, GND2 Test Point Wire (24ga.) Loops 1 124-5002-00 VR1 LM7905CT -5v Regulator 1 124-5001-00 VR2 LM7805CT +5v Regulator 6 n/a W1, W5, W6* (*for 8MB EPROMs) (W2-W3, W4: NS) 0 Jumper Wire (24ga.) 1 140-0011-00 X1 24Mhz 12 n/a AOR, AOL, SND_RESET, SND_FIRQ, Q, E, 6Mhz, 24Mhz, FIRQ, PLASMA_RESET, RESET (X2) Test Points : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : W W 6HFWLRQ&KDSWHU 3ULQWHG&LUFXLW%RDUGV3&%V 6HF3&%V ITEM — 01 02 : 4-Position OPTO PC Board (R oulette Motor) Theor y of Operation & Schematic The OPTO Printed Circuit Board (SPI Part N1: 520-5194-01) used in the Roulette Motor Assembly, is an ordinary Photo-Interrupter designed to signal Switches #41 (OP1), #42 (OP2), #43 (OP3) and #44 (OP4) back to the CPU/Sound Board (Switch Matrix Grid). The slotted OPTO’s (U-Shaped), locations OP1, OP2, OP3 & OP4, contain a small infrared LED that beams light across the slot to an NPN Phototransistor. This causes the Phototransistor to conduct and pulls down the voltage at the base of Q1-Q4 (2N3904 Transistors) to .3v or less. Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 (transistors) required the Base Emitter Drop Voltage (.7v) plus the Switch Drive Drop (.1v) to conduct, and since .3v is less than this .8v, Q1-Q4 stay off when the Switch Matrix Strobe (on Pin-4 of CN1) polls them. If the Metal Flag Bracket (riveted on the CAM) of the Motor Shaft breaks the beam in the OPTO Slot, the NPN Phototransistors stay off, and the base voltages on the associated 2N3904 Transistor(s) are pulled to .8v during the Switch Strobe through the 68KW 1/4W Pull-Up Resistors (this base voltage will be higher when the switch is not being polled). With the .8v applied to the bases, Q1-Q4 conduct through D1-D4, respectively. These Diodes (1N4001) prevent certain kinds of Matrix-Related leakages which show up as "Phantom Switches" that completes the corners of a square in the Matrix with three (3) Real Activated Switches comprising the other three (3) corners. CN1 +5V 9 C1 + +5V 10uF 8 R2 D1 68K +5V 3 OP1 OPB804 1N4001 1 6 WHT-BRN (Switch Return to CPU/Sound Board CN7-P9) 7 NOT USED 4 KEY 5 WHT-RED (Switch Return to CPU/Sound Board CN7-P8) 3 WHT-ORG (Switch Return from CPU/Snd. Board CN7-P7) 1 WHT-YEL (Switch Return from CPU/Snd. Board CN7-P6) GRN-BLU (Switch Drive from CPU/Snd. Board CN5-P7) Q1 2N3904 R1 220 W RED (+5v DC) from I/O Board J16-P8 BLK (Ground) from I/O Bd. J16-P12 4 2 +5V Switch 41 R4 D2 68K +5V 3 OP2 OPB804 1N4001 1 Q2 2N3904 R3 220 W 4 2 +5V Switch 42 R6 D3 68K +5V 3 OP3 OPB804 1N4001 1 Q3 2N3904 R5 220 W 4 2 +5V Switch 43 R8 D4 68K Sec. 5: PCBs +5V 3 OP4 OPB804 1 Q4 2N3904 R7 220 W 4 2 Switch 44 130 1N4001 2 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 4-Position OPTO PC Board (R oulette Motor) Component Layout & Parts Component Side Solder Side ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR — 1 2 3 4 5 1 4 4 4 4 1 520-5194-01 165-5036-00 112-5001-00 121-5014-00 121-5035-00 125-5017-00 4-Position OPTO PC Board OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 D1, D2, D3, D4 R1, R3, R5, R7 R2, R4, R6, R8 C1 6 7 4 1 110-0069-00 045-5009-09 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 CN1 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) DESCRIPTION Complete PCB Assembly Slotted OPTO OPB804 Rec/Trans 1N4001, Diode 220W 1/4W Resistor 5% 68KW 1/4W Resistor 5% 10uf, 35v Radial Electrolytic Cap. (Panasonic ECE-A1VU100 (35v) or eqv.) 2N3904, Transistor 9x1, .156" Header Connector Motor 131 Sec. 5: PCBs CN1: Pin-1 is Noted. Pin-4 = Key Pin-7 is Not Used. 3-Position OPTO PC Boards (Slot Machine) Theor y of Operation & Schematic As light from the Transmitter LED1 falls on the Receiver LED1, it generates a Positive Bias Voltage (0.7v to 1.5v) which is applied to the Gate (G) of Q2 (Fet MMBF5460) turning Q2 off. When Q2 is held off, no current flows through Q3's (2N3906) Base (B). With no base current, Q3 is off and acts as an OPEN SWITCH. When the light is interrupted (BLOCKED) R1 (Rec. Bd.) bleeds the gate voltage off of Q2 allowing it to conduct, switching Q3 on, which acts as a CLOSED SWITCH. The LED2 & LED3 (Trans/Rec) Circuit operates identical as the LED1 Circuit. Transmitter (3X) (515-7121-01) I/O Board +5v J16-P5 RED J16-P11 BLK R1 180 W R1 180 W LED LED Ultra Bright Red 2 L3 1 TLRH180P L2 R1 180 W LED Ultra Bright Red 2 1 TLRH180P L1 Ultra Bright Red 2 TLRH180P 1 Receiver (3X) (515-7121-00) 1 L1 2 LED Ultra Bright Red R2 5.6K R1 1M TLRH180P E Q1 2N3906 B C D R3 G 10K Q2 MMBF5460 S 1 L2 2 LED Ultra Bright Red R6 1M R5 5.6K E TLRH180P Q4 2N3906 B G 10K CN7-P8 WHT-RED CN5-P6 GRN-BLK CN7-P9 WHT-BRN CN7-P7 WHT-ORG C D R4 CPU / Snd Board Q3 MMBF5460 S 1 L3 2 LED R9 1M R8 5.6K Ultra Bright Red E TLRH180P Q6 2N3906 B R7 Sec. 5: PCBs 10K 132 C D G Q5 MMBF5460 S Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 3-Position OPTO PC Boards (Slot Machine) Component Layout & Parts Solder Side Solder Side Solder Side ITEM QTY PART NUMBER A -1 2 3 4 5 B -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 3 3 0 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 515-7121-01-65 (incl. soldered Cable & Conn.) 3-Pos. OPTO Trans. Bd. 520-5196-00 --165-5052-00 L1, L2, L3 121-5086-00 R1, R2, R3 (Manex N1 : 101-0006254) n/a J1 (Connector Not Used, Solder wires direct onto pads) 545-5518-00 n/a 530-5308-02 n/a 515-7121-00-65 (incl. soldered Cable & Conn.) 3-Pos. OPTO Rec. Bd. 520-5195-00 3X OPTO Rec. Bd. 165-5052-00 L1, L2, L3 121-5084-00 R3, R4, R7 (Manex N1 : 101-0001827) 121-5087-00 R1, R6, R9 (Manex N1 : 101-0001907) 121-5085-00 R2, R5, R8 (Manex N1 : 101-0006077) 112-5015-00 Q2, Q3, Q5 (Manex N1 : 201-0003680) 112-5016-00 Q1, Q4, Q6 (Manex N1 : 211-0003587) 545-5518-00 n/a 530-5308-02 n/a REF-DESIGNATOR Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Component Side DESCRIPTION PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-5) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-3 only) LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) 180 W 1/4W (Res180E1/4W1210) OPTO PCB Rubber Gromment OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer PCB Assy. (with all Items 1-8) PCB Assy. (with Items 1-6 only) LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) 10K W (Res10K 1/10W 0805) 1M W (Res1M 1/10W 0805) 5.6K W (Res5.6K 1/10W 0805) 2N5469 (MMBF5460), Transistor 2N3906, Transistor OPTO PCB Rubber Gromment OPTO PCB Brass Tube Spacer 133 Sec. 5: PCBs Component Side 134 KEY J2-P10 ORG-WHT J16-P5 RED J16-P11 BLK J2-P1 ORG-BRN J2-P2 ORG-RED J2-P3 ORG-BLK J2-P5 ORG-YEL J2-P6 ORG-GRN J2-P7 ORG-BLU J2-P8 ORG-VIO J2-P9 ORG-GRY Magnified View of Pin-Out Sec. 5: PCBs I/O Board Magnified View of Dot Block Digit 1.2 _ 5X7 Dot Display (5X7) x3 PC Bd. (Slot Machine) Schematic Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) Component Side Solder Side Component Side Solder Side ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 2 4 6 3 3 10 21 1 1 1 520-5197-00 100-5035-00 112-5017-00 100-5036-00 100-5039-00 100-5040-00 121-5084-00 121-5088-00 121-5086-00 100-5037-00 100-5038-00 121-5089-00 Dot Display (5X7) x3 PC Board J1 (Manex Q1, Q2 (Manex U1, U2, U3, U4 (Manex C2-C7 (Manex DIGIT1, DIGIT2, DIGIT3 (Manex R32-R34 (Manex R1-R9, R31 (Manex R10-R30 (Manex C1 (Manex U5 (Manex MOD1 (Manex Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) DESCRIPTION N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : 315-0004125) 211-0003589) 221-0006048) 121-0004238) 430-0006059) 101-0001827) 101-0001905) 101-0001897) 131-0003773) 225-0005340) 105-0002703) PCB Assembly 9T Conn. 12P.1VM 2N3904S 40V 0.2A 74ACT574 Cap. 104-0805 0.1 50V Dot Block 1.2_5X7 GMA8875C Res. 10K 1/10W 0805 Res. 1K 1/10W 0805 Res. 180 W 1/10W 0805 T. Cap. 100uF 25V ULN2003(S) Res. 1K 1/8W 5CF 135 Sec. 5: PCBs Dot Display (5X7) x3 PC Bd. (Slot Machine) Component Layout & Parts Solenoid Expander PC Board Schematic CN2 D1 R1 620 W ohm CN2 to Coils to I/O J7-P1 20v BRN 5 Q1 TIP122 4 3 R4 22k KEY 2 1 D2 R2 620 W ohm Pin-1 GND Pin-2 Key Pin-3 ORG Right Up/Down Post (Aux. 3) Pin-4 RED Center Up/Down Post (Aux. 2) Pin-5 WHT Left Up/Down Post (Aux. 1) Q2 TIP122 R5 22k CN1 1 2 3 KEY D3 R3 620 W ohm 4 Q3 TIP122 CN1 to I/O J3 (AUX IN) Pin-1 BRN-WHT to J3-P9 Pin-2 GRN-WHT to J3-P10 Pin-3 Key Pin-4 BLU-WHT to J3-P11 Component Side R6 22k See next page for more details. Solenoid Expander PC Board Component Layout & Parts Component Side Solder Side Solder Side Sec. 5: PCBs SPI N1: 520-5192-00 ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION — 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 520-5192-00 Solenoid Expander PC Board CN1 CN2 D1, D2, D3 R1, R2, R3 R4, R5, R6 Q1, Q2, Q3 Complete PCB Assembly Connector, 4X .156” Connector, 5X .156” 1N914, Signal Diode 620W, 1/4W CF Resistor 22KW, 1/4W CF Resistor Tip122 (NPN Darl. Transistor) 136 112-5014-00 121-5003-00 121-5042-00 110-0067-00 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) KEY KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 J3 AUX IN I/O POWER DRIVER BOARD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J2 AUX OUT For more details on the Dot Display (5X7) x3 PC Board (Slot Machine) see Pages 134 & 135. Sec. 5: PCBs CPU BOARD GRN-WHT BLU-WHT CSTB DSTB AUX OUT bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 POSTS- OLD BRN-WHT BSTB BSTB CSTB DSTB bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 NEW CN1 1 2 3 4 KEY Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) SOLE EXPANDER 5 4 3 2 1 CN2 Pin-1 GND Pin-2 Key Pin-3 ORG Right Up/Down Post (Aux. 3) Pin-4 RED Center Up/Down Post (Aux. 2) Pin-5 WHT Left Up/Down Post (Aux. 1) CN2 to Coils to I/O J7-P1 20v BRN Solenoid Expander UK Posts & Slot Machine Special Wiring 137 Playfield Switch OPTO “Long-Hop” Boards Theor y of Operation & Schematic The light falling +5v +5v = Emitting Light 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 on LED (CR1) Transmitter Receiver +5v generates a CR1 voltage which is R4 LED +5v C2 220K W TLRH180P applied to the 2 .1uf, 25v 8 R1 CN1 input (Pin-2) of CN1 180 W U1 +5v the LM311 LM311 1 RED 1 D1 RED (+5V) Comparator 1N914 3 R1 4 (U1). R1 + 2 WHT/XXX 1M W BLK R2 2 Q1 (Switch Row/ bleeds off 330K W CR1 2N3904 Return +) LED excess charge. 3 GRN/XXX TLRH180P (Switch Col/ At about a volt CR2 R3 Drive -) C1 RED T1-3/4 input from LED GND 6.8K W 4 BLK .1uf, 25v DIFF. LED (Ground) (CR1) the Comparator (U1) trips & drives either Q1 (during switch line strobes) or the indicator LED (CR2) (in between strobes). If a switch line is being strobed, the emitter of Q1 drops to the saturation voltage of the Switch Line Driver, about .3 volts. This plus the .7 volt drop on the base give a 1v forward bias voltage to Q1, which is lower than the 1.7v drop on LED (CR2) so the current flows through the Transistor during strobes. This drives Q1 on and makes the switch. If the strobe line is high, then the 1.7v path through LED (CR2) is lower than Q1's bias voltage so current flows through LED (CR2) and the indicator lights. D1 prevents reverse bleed, R2 and R3 form the voltage divider for the trip point, R4 is a current limiter for both Q1 and CR2, C1 and C2 are general noise-filter caps. - Playfield Switch OPTO “Long-Hop” Boards Component Layout & Parts SOLDER SIDE 520-5082-00 (TRANS) Solder Side (Green) Solder Side (Green) R2 R4 C2 D1 CN1 U1 R1 CR1 520-5082-00 Component Side (Beige) R3 CN1 LONG OPTO XMTR CR1 520-5083-01 (REC) R1 Pin-1 RED (+5v) Pin-2 BLK (GROUND) Q1 C1 OPTO RCVR. SEGA PINBALL Component Side (Beige) Pin-3 GRN/XXX (Sw. Drive « - ») CN1 Note: In this game, this Combo OPTO Board is used as a Playfield Detection Switch for the Ball Lock under the Roulette Wheel. See the Switch Matrix Grid (Pgs. 16-17 or 94). 1 Pair is used for Switch 32, OPTO (GRN-YEL, WHT-GRY). Pin-2 WHT/XXX (Sw. Return « + ») Pin-1 RED (+5v) CR2 520-5083-01 CN1 Pin-4 BLK (GROUND) Sec. 5: PCBs ITEM QTY PART NUMBER REF-DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTION A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 520-5083-01 165-5052-00 165-5099-00 112-5014-00 121-5013-00 121-5037-00 121-5077-00 121-5014-00 125-5023-00 100-5025-00 110-0069-00 045-5200-04 OPTO Receiver Board CR1 CR2 D1 R1 R2 R3 R4 C1, C2 U1 Q1 CN1 (Molex 50-84-1040) Complete PCB Assembly LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) LED T1-3/4 RED DIFFUSER 1N914, Diode 1M W 1/4W Res., 5% 330K W 1/4W Res., 5% 6.8K W 1/4W Res., 5% 220 W 1/4W Res., 5% .1uF, 25v, Axial Ceramic Cap. LM311 2N3904, Transistor 4X1, .156" Locking Straight Hdr. Conn. B 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 520-5082-00 165-5052-00 121-5066-00 045-5206-02 OPTO Transmitter Board CR1 R1 CN1 (Molex 50-84-1020) Complete PCB Assembly LED TLRH180P (Ultra Bright Red) 180 W 1/4W Res. 2X1, .156" Locking Straight Hdr. Conn. 138 Section 5, Chapter 4: Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) $S SHQGL[ $SSHQGL[HV$WKURXJK, $SSHQGL[ 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV •$SSHQGL[$3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUH7DEOH GHVFULEHVWKH(3520ZLWKLWVFKLSVL]HWKH6WHUQ ™ 3LQEDOO,QF63,3DUW1 YHUVLRQLIDSSOLFDEOHDQG&38%RDUG&386RXQG%RDUG3LQORFDWLRQV •$SSHQGL[%6HPL&RQGXFWRUV,&·V5HOD\V&URVV5HIHUHQFH7DEOH GHVFULEHVGLRGHVDQGWUDQVLVWRUVZLWK6RXUFH163,3DUW117(1(&*1 5DGLR6KDFN15&$3DUW1,IDSSOLFDEOH •$SSHQGL[&*DPH0IJ'DWH0DQXDO3DUW1&38-XPSHU7DEOH SURYLGHVWKH*DPH0DQXIDFWXUHG'DWH0DQXDO3DUW1WKH&38YHUVLRQWKH (35203RVLWLRQ-XPSHUV,QVWDOOHGDQG-XPSHUV5HPRYHGJDPHVVSHFLILHG •$SSHQGL['%RDUG7\SH7DEOH SURYLGHV%RDUG3DUW1VIRU*DPHV/DVHU:DUWKURXJK%DWPDQ)RUHYHU)OLSSHU 6RXQG3RZHU6XSSO\'RW0DWUL['LVSOD\'LVSOD\&RQWUROOHU2372VDQGWKH :KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP*DPHV$SROORWKURXJKFXUUHQW)OLSSHU,23RZHU 'ULYHU&386RXQG'LVSOD\3RZHU6XSSO\'RW0DWUL['LVSOD\'LVSOD\&RQWUROOHU 2372V)OLSSHU%RDUGZLWKWKH:KLWH6WDU%G6\VWHPIRU$*ROGHQ(\HRQO\ •$SSHQGL[(*HQHULF&RLO&URVV5HIHUHQFH*XLGH)OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH SURYLGHVWKH&RLOVXVHGZLWK3DUW1DQG*DXJH7XUQVRIWKHFRLO •$SSHQGL[)0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH SURYLGHVDOOWKH0RWRU)XQFWLRQ6SHFLILFDWLRQVDQG3DUW1IRU*DPHV/DVHU:DU WKURXJKFXUUHQW •$SSHQGL[*3DUW1XPEHU3UHIL[&ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV H[SODLQVKRZRXU3DUW1XPEHUVDUHGHYHORSHGWRKHOSVRUWSDUWVHDVLHU •$SSHQGL[+3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV JLYHVDSLFWRUDOYLHZZLWKWKHQDPHDQG3DUW1RIDOOWKHLQVHUWVXVHGDOVR JLYHVWKH&RORU&RGH&KDUW •$SSHQGL[,6WDQG8S7DUJHWV+DSS0RGXODU5HJXODU JLYHVDSLFWRUDOYLHZZLWKWKHQDPHDQG3DUW1RIDOOWKH6LQJOH6WDQG8S7DUJHWV XVHGDOVRJLYHVWKH&RORU&RGH&KDUW •*ORVVDU\RI7HUPV JLYHVGHILQLWLRQVRUH[SODQDWLRQVRIVRPHSLQEDOOWHUPVDQGDFURQ\PV •3DUWV2UGHU&KHFNOLVW1RWHV NHHSWUDFNRI\RXUSDUWVRUGHUHGWKURXJK\RXUGLVWULEXWRUIRUWKLVJDPH 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV $SSHQGL[HV$WKURXJK, $33(1',;$ (3520 &KLS 6L]H 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 CPU Sound (Old) Sound (Old) Sound (Old) (256K) (256K) (256K) (256K) 965-0004-00 965-0005-00 965-0006-00 965-0007-00 Sound Sound 1 Sound 2 (256K) (512K) (512K) 965-0008-00 965-0009-00 965-0010-00 Laser War 86$ 9HU - OR - %G /RF 3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUH7DEOH 5DZ 3DUW 1 C5 J5 J6 J7 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 7F 6F 4F 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 (3520 Lethal Weapon 3 (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0011-00 965-0012-00 965-0014-00 965-0015-00 965-0013-00 A-6 A-6 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0016-00 965-0017-00 965-0019-00 965-0020-00 965-0018-00 A02-1 A02-1 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0021-00 965-0022-00 965-0024-00 965-0025-00 965-0023-00 A02-3 A02-3 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Torpedo Alley CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) Time Machine CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) Playboy 35th Anniversary CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0046-00 965-0047-00 965-0049-00 965-0050-00 965-0048-00 A02-3 A02-3 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 ABC Monday Night Football CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0031-00 965-0032-00 965-0034-00 965-0035-00 965-0033-00 A02-7 A02-7 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Robocop CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0036-00 965-0037-00 965-0039-00 965-0040-00 965-0038-00 A03-4 A03-4 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 Phantom of the Opera CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0026-00 965-0027-00 965-0029-00 965-0030-00 965-0028-00 A03-2 A03-2 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 965-0041-00 965-0042-00 965-0044-00 965-0045-00 965-0043-00 A02-0 A02-0 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5007-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 (128K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) 965-0051-00 965-0052-00 965-0054-00 965-0055-00 965-0053-00 A02-7 A02-7 B5 C5 6F 4F 7F 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 960-7001-02 960-5007-00 (128K) (256K) (1M) (1M) (256K) (512K) 965-0056-00 965-0134-00 965-0057-00 965-0058-00 965-0059-00 965-0060-00 A1-7 A1-7 B5 C5 F7 F5 F4 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 B5 C5 F5/6 F4/5 F7 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-7001-02 Back to the Future CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (256K) (256K) (512K) (512K) (256K) The Simpsons CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Checkpoint CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display CP80 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (128K) (256K) (1M) (1M) (256K) (512K) 965-0061-00 965-0062-00 965-0063-00 965-0064-00 965-0065-00 965-0066-00 A1.04 A1.04 A1.04 Batman CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (128K) (256K) (2M) (1M) (256K) (1M) 965-0067-00 965-0135-00 965-0068-00 965-0069-00 965-0070-00 965-0071-00 A1.06 A1.06 A1.06 B5 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-5006-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5009-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 Star Trek 25th Anniversary CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display (512K) (2M) (2M) (256K) (1M) 965-0072-00 965-0073-00 965-0074-00 965-0075-00 965-0076-00 A2.01 (512K) (2M) (2M) (256K) (1M) 965-0077-00 965-0078-00 965-0079-00 965-0080-00 965-0081-00 A4.08 A1.09 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 U8 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5009-00 CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display A4.01 86$ 9HU %G /RF 5DZ 3DUW 1 (512K) 965-0082-00 A2.08 (2M) 965-0083-00 (2M) 965-0084-00 (256K) 965-0085-00 (2M) 965-0086-00 A2.06 (2M) 965-0087-00 A2.06 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-00) C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 1 960-7001-02 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 Display -OR(4M) 965-0087-04 A2.06 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-01) ROM 0 960-5015-00 CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display Display (512K) 965-0119-00 A1.03 (4M) 965-0132-00 (2M) 965-0133-00 (256K) 965-0131-00 (2M) 965-0120-00 A1.04 (2M) 965-0121-00 A1.04 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-00) C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 1 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5010-00 960-5010-00 Display -OR(4M) 965-0122-00 A1.05 (Used on Display PCB 520-5055-01) ROM 0 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5010-00 960-5007-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 ROM 0 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 C5 U17 U21 U36 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0138-00 965-0139-00 965-0140-00 965-0141-00 965-0142-00 A1.30 965-0143-00 965-0144-00 965-0145-00 965-0146-00 965-0147-00 A5.13 965-0148-00 965-0149-00 965-0150-00 965-0151-00 965-0152-00 A1.12 A1.30 Jurassic Park CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) A5.10 Last Action Hero CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) A1.06 Tales from the Crypt CPU Voice 0 Voice 1 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (2M) (256K) (4M) 965-0157-00 965-0158-00 965-0159-00 965-0160-00 965-0161-00 A3.03 965-0162-00 965-0165-00 965-0166-00 965-0167-00 965-0168-00 965-0164-00 965-0163-00 A4.00 A3.01 The Who’s Tommy CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) A4.00 WWF Royal Rumble CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0169-00 965-0172-00 965-0173-00 965-0174-00 965-0171-00 965-0170-00 A1.06 (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) 965-0175-00 965-0178-00 965-0179-00 965-0180-00 965-0181-00 965-0177-00 965-0176-00 A3.00 (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0182-00 965-0186-00 965-0187-00 965-0187-01 965-0185-00 965-0183-00 965-0184-00 A4.04 A1.02 Guns N’ Roses CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound Display A3.00 Maverick * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display* Display* A4.01 A4.01 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound Display* Display* (512K) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0188-00 965-0192-00 965-0193-00 965-0194-00 965-0191-00 965-0189-00 965-0190-00 (512K) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) 965-0195-00 965-0196-00 965-0197-00 965-0199-00 965-0200-00 965-0201-00 Baywatch * CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display* Display* CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display* Display* A1.03 A1.03 A1.03 (CPU Board 520-5003-04) Batman Forever * Hook 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound Display Display Secret Service CPU CPU Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound &KLS 6L]H (512K) (4M) (4M) (512K) (4M) (4M) A4.00 A4.00 A4.00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 (CPU Board 520-5003-04) 965-0202-00 965-0203-00 965-0204-00 965-0205-00 965-0206-00 965-0207-00 A3.02 A3.00 A3.00 C5 U17 U21 U7 ROM 0 ROM 3 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 960-7001-02 960-5015-00 960-5015-00 * Note: Display EPROMS (4M) for Maverick thru Batman Forever require an access time of 120 Nsec or faster. $SSHQGL[$ 3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUH7DEOH $33(1',;$ 520 Apollo 13 &KLS 6L]H 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUHIRU:KLWH6WDU%RDUG6\VWHP7DEOH CPU / Sound Board: 86$ '07 %G &KHFN 6XP /RF 5DZ 3DUW 1 (1M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0208-00 965-0209-00 965-0210-00 965-0211-00 965-0212-00 A5.01 | $09FF U17 U21 U36 U7 U210 n/a (masked) n/a (masked) n/a (masked) Display (4M) 965-0213-00 A5.00 | $B92B ROM 0 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 960-7001-02 960-5015-01 (1M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0214-42 965-0215-42 965-0216-42 965-0217-42 A4.04 | $3FFF Display (4M) 965-0218-42 A4.00 | $E6ED ROM 0 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 U210 U17 U21 U7 960-5009-00 n/a (masked) n/a (masked) 960-7001-02 960-5015-01 Twister (1M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0219-41 965-0220-41 965-0223-41 965-0221-41 A4.05 | $E9FF Display (4M) 965-0222-41 A4.01 | $FD01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 U210 U17 U21 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 ID4: Independence Day CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-10 (Mono) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (1M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0224-45 965-0225-45 965-0226-45 965-0227-45 A2.02 | $9CFF Display (4M) 965-0228-45 A2.00 | $ABF7 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 U210 U17 U21 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 Space Jam 520-5136-10 (Mono) (1M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0229-43 965-0230-43 965-0231-43 965-0232-43 965-0233-43 A3.00 | $E6FF Display (4M) 965-0234-43 A3.00 | $0057 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 U210 U17 U21 U36 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 The Star Wars Trilogy - Special Edition (S.E.) CPU / Sound Board: (1M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0289-40 965-0290-40 965-0291-40 965-0292-40 965-0293-40 965-0294-40 A2.05| $B1FF Display (4M) 965-0295-40 A2.00 | $C929 (1M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0235-56 965-0236-56 965-0237-56 965-0238-56 A4.03 | $5EFF Display (4M) 965-0239-56 A4.00 | $8817 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 U210 U17 U21 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 The Lost World: Jurassic Park CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-10 (Mono) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (1M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0240-53 965-0241-53 965-0242-53 965-0243-53 A2.01 | $C2FF Display (4M) 965-0244-53 A2.01 | $7F46 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 U210 U17 U21 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 The X-Files CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-10 (Mono) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound (1M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0245-46 965-0246-46 965-0247-46 965-0248-46 A3.03 | $A2FF Display (4M) 965-0249-46 A3.00 | $66D0 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-01 U210 U17 U21 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 520-5136-15 (Mono FCC NOV97) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound (1M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0250-59 965-0251-59 965-0252-59 965-0255-59 965-0253-59 A2.00 | $85FF Display (4M) 965-0254-59 A2.00 | $E77B U210 U17 U21 U36 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-02 (FCC NOV97) 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Note: This game uses four (4) 8MB VOICE ROMS at U17, U21, U36 & U37 requiring a Jumper at Loc. W6. Refer to CPU/Snd. Bd. Schematic (2 of 3). Game ROM (1M) 965-0301-71 A1.03 | $58FF U210 960-5009-00 Voice 1 (8M) 965-0302-71 U17 960-5016-00 Voice 2 (8M) 965-0303-71 U21 960-5016-00 Voice 3 (8M) 965-0304-71 U36 960-5016-00 Voice 4 (8M) 965-0305-71 U37 960-5016-00 Sound (512K) 965-0306-71 U7 960-7001-02 Display (4M) 965-0307-71 A1.01 | $166F ROM 0 960-5015-01 Harley-Davidson® CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Note: This game uses four (4) 8MB VOICE ROMS at U17, U21, U36 & U37 requiring a Jumper at Loc. W6. Refer to CPU/Snd. Bd. Schematic (2 of 3). Game ROM (1M) 965-0319-67 A1.03 | $3EFF U210 Voice 1 (8M) 965-0322-67 U17 Voice 2 (8M) 965-0323-67 U21 Voice 3 (8M) 965-0324-67 U36 Voice 4 (4M) 965-0325-67 U37 Sound (512K) 965-0320-67 U7 960-5009-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 Display 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) (4M) 965-0321-67 A1.04 | $FC7C ROM 0 Striker Xtreme 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Note: This game uses four (4) 8MB VOICE ROMS at U17, U21, U36 & U37 requiring a Jumper at Loc. W6. Refer to CPU/Snd. Bd. Schematic (2 of 3). Game ROM (1M) 965-0326-68 A1.02 | $E4FF U210 Voice 1 (8M) 965-0329-68 U17 Voice 2 (8M) 965-0330-68 U21 Voice 3 (8M) 965-0331-68 U36 Voice 4 (8M) 965-0332-68 U37 Sound (512K) 965-0327-68 U7 960-5009-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-7001-02 Display 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) (4M) 965-0328-68 A1.03 | $1957 ROM 0 CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Note: This game uses four (4) 8MB VOICE ROMS at U17, U21, U36 & U37 requiring a Jumper at Loc. W6. Refer to CPU/Snd. Bd. Schematic (2 of 3). Game ROM (1M) 965-0339-73 A1.00 | $D2FF U210 Voice 1 (8M) 965-0342-73 U17 Voice 2 (8M) 965-0343-73 U21 Voice 3 (8M) 965-0344-73 U36 Voice 4 (8M) 965-0345-73 U37 Sound (512K) 965-0340-73 U7 960-5009-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-7001-02 Display 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) (4M) 965-0341-73 A1.01 | $845A ROM 0 Sharkey’s Shootout CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-64 (Mono FCC FEB98 Rev. 8/00) Note: This game uses three (3) 8MB VOICE ROMS at U17, U21 & U36 requiring a Jumper at Loc. W6. Refer to CPU/Snd. Bd. Schematic (2 of 3). Game ROM (1M) 965-0333-72 A2.04 | $5CFF U210 Voice 1 (8M) 965-0336-72 U17 Voice 2 (8M) 965-0337-72 U21 Voice 3 (8M) 965-0338-72 U36 Sound (512K) 965-0334-72 U7 960-5009-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-7001-02 Display 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) (4M) 965-0335-72 A2.01 | $6C33 ROM 0 High Roller Casino CPU / Sound Board: Starship Troopers CPU / Sound Board: U210 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 NFL 520-5136-10 (Mono) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound CPU / Sound Board: CPU / Sound Board: Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound 5DZ 3DUW 1 86$ '07 %G &KHFN 6XP /RF Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) 520-5136-10 (Mono) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound 3URJUDP 3DUW 1 South Park 520-5136-00 (Stereo) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Sound &KLS 6L]H CPU / Sound Board: 960-5009-00 Golden Eye CPU / Sound Board: Godzilla 520-5136-00 (Stereo) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Sound CPU / Sound Board: 520 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Note: This game uses four (4) 8MB VOICE ROMS at U17, U21, U36 & U37 requiring a Jumper at Loc. W6. Refer to CPU/Snd. Bd. Schematic (2 of 3). Game ROM (1M) 965-0346-65 A|$ U210 Voice 1 (8M) 965-0349-65 U17 Voice 2 (8M) 965-0350-65 GAME CODE U21 Voice 3 (8M) 965-0350-65 U36 IN Voice 4 (8M) 965-0350-65 PRODUCTION U37 Sound (512K) 965-0347-65 U7 960-5009-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-5016-00 960-7001-02 Display 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) (4M) 965-00348-65 A|$ ROM 0 Viper Night Drivin’ CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound (1M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0266-35 965-0267-35 965-0268-35 965-0269-35 965-0270-35 965-0271-35 A2.01 | $C5FF Display (4M) 965-0272-35 A2.01 | $C17D U210 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) Lost In Space CPU / Sound Board: 520-5136-16 (Mono FCC FEB98) Game ROM Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Sound (1M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (4M) (512K) 965-0282-60 965-0283-60 965-0284-60 965-0285-60 965-0286-60 965-0287-60 A1.01 | $B2FF Display (4M) 965-0288-60 A1.02 | $32AB U210 U17 U21 U36 U37 U7 960-5009-00 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-5015-01 960-7001-02 ROM 0 960-5015-01 Display Controller Bd.: 520-5055-03 (FCC FEB98) Game Revisions can be updated after the Production Run. This Table is accurate as of the printing of this manual. If any changes occurred, the next game manual will include the updated information. The version stated is USA. If there is a question of as to the latest Code Revision & Check Sum call our Technical Support Department, 1-800-542-5377 or 1-708-345-7700 (Select Option 1). Visit our website where code can be downloaded (an EPROM Burner is required). $SSHQGL[$ 3LQEDOO*DPH)LUPZDUH7DEOH $33(1',;% 6HPL&RQGXFWRUV,QWHJUDWHG&LUFXLWV,&5HOD\V&URVV5HIHUHQFH7DEOH 7DEOH 1 5DGLR 6RXUFH 67(51™ ( & * 5 & $ 1 7 ( 6KDFN 1XPEHU 3,1%$// 5(&7,),&$7,21 %/2&.,1* '$03(1,1* ',2'(6 $1'25 /,*+7 (0,77,1* ',2'(6 /('V 7\SH Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode, Signal LED 1N4001 1N4004 1N5401 1N5404 T6A10L FR302 1N914 MT5000UR or TLRH180P (T1-3/4 GaAIAs) 112-5001-00 112-5003-00 112-0056-00 112-5004-00 112-5006-01 112-5009-00 112-5014-00 165-5052-00 NTE552 NTE116 NTE5801 NTE5804 NTE5812 NTE588 -—-—- ECG552 ECG116 ECG5801 ECG5804 ECG5812 ECG588 -—-—- -—-—276-1103 276-1143 276-1144 -—-—-—-—-—-—- SK9000 SK3312 SK9004 SK9007 -—-—SK5014 -—-—- (old SPI Part N: 165-5100-00) -—-—- -—-—- 276-066B -—-—- 1N4742A 12v 1N4760B 68v 1N4764A 100v 1N5228 3.9v 1N5234B 6.2v 1N5379 110v 1N6267A 6.8v 1N4752A 33v 1N4736 6.8v 1w 112-0061-00 112-0062-00B 112-0049-00A 112-0053-00 112-0047-00B 112-0072-00 112-5011-00 112-5010-00A 112-5007-00 NTE142A NTE5092A NTE5096A NTE5007A NTE5013A NTE5157 NTE4902 NTE147A NTE5071A ECG142A ECG5092A ECG5096A ECG5007A ECG5013A ECG5157 ECG4902 ECG147A ECG5071A 276-563 -—-—-—-—-—-—276-561 -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—- SK12V SK68V SK100V SK3A9 SK6A2 SK110X -—-—SK33V -—-—- ECG2987 ECG2985 -—-—ECG85 ECG48 ECG157 ECG287 ECG123AP ECG261 ECG375 ECG288 ECG292 ECG374 ECG278 ECG332 ECG292 ECG393 ECG5400 ECG5461-8 -—-—-—-—-—-—276-2009 -—-—-—-—-—-—276-2009 276-2068 -—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—276-1067 -—-—- -—-—-—-—-—-—SK3124A SK4906 SK3747 SK3232 -—-—SK3896 SK9118 SK3434 SK3441 SK9042 SK3434 SK9236 SK3441 SK3961 SK3950 -—-—- =(1(5 ',2'(6 Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode Diode 75$16,67256 7<3( )(7 131 313 $1'25 6&5 FET Trans. FET Trans. FET Trans. NPN Trans. NPN Trans. NPN Trans. NPN Trans. NPN Trans. NPN Trans. NPN Trans. PNP Trans. PNP Trans. PNP Trans. PNP Trans. PNP Trans. PNP Trans. PNP Trans. SCR Trans. SCR Trans. STP20N10L STP19N06L VN02N 2N4401 2N6427 MJE340 MPSA42 2N3904 TIP122 MJE15030 2N5401 MJE15031 MJE350 MPSA92 TIP42 TIP32C TIP36C 2N5060 SCR2800B 110-0106-00 110-0088-00 110-0089-00 110-0073-00 110-0070-00 110-0071-00 110-0082-00 110-0069-00 110-0067-00 110-0101-00 110-0078-00 110-0103-00 110-0072-00 110-0100-00 110-0068-00 110-0081-00 110-0077-00 110-0074-00 110-0083-00 %5,'*( 5(&7,),(56 %5 BR (Present) DB3501 or CM3501 &RPPHQWV 112-5000-00 5(/$<6 Relay Relay NTE2987 NTE2985 -—-—NTE85 NTE48 NTE157 NTE287 NTE123AP NTE261 NTE375 NTE288 NTE292 NTE374 NTE288 NTE332 NTE292 NTE393 NTE5400 NTE5461-8 For White Star I/O Bds., BR = 35 Amp @ 100v P.I.V. &RPPHQWV FRL-264 D024/02CK FRL-264 D006/04CV 190-5002-00 190-5001-00 For PPB, Power Supply, & White Star I/O Boards, Relay = 24v DC 10 Amp DPDT For CPU Boards, Relay = 6v DC 5 Amp 4 Pole DT $SSHQGL[% 6HPL&RQGXFWRUV,&V5HOD\V $33(1',;& 5B, 5C J4 J5 2 5B, 5C J4 J5 2 5B, 5C J4 J5 2 5B, 5C J4 J5 2 5B, 5C J4 J5 2 5B, 5C J4 J5 2 5B, 5C J4 J5 3 5B, 5C J4 J5 3 5B, 5C J4 J5 3 5B, 5C J4 J5 3 5B, 5C J4 J5 3 5B, 5C J4 J5 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 3 5C J5 J4 -XPSHUV ,QVWDOOHG -XPSHUV 5HPRYHG 2 29. Apollo 13 (A13) 30. Golden Eye 31. Twister 32. ID4: Independence Day 33. Space Jam 34. The Star Wars Trilogy - S.E. 35. The Lost World: J.P. 36. The X-Files 37. Starship Troopers 38. Viper Night Drivin’ 39. Lost In Space 40. Godzilla 41. South Park 42. HarleyDavidson® 43a. Striker Xtreme 43b. NFL 44. Sharkey’s Shootout 45. High Roller Casino -XPSHUV ,QVWDOOHG J5 J6 J7b J5 J5b J6b *DPH 0IJ 'DWH DQG 0DQXDO 31 (3520 3RVLWLRQ J4 J6a J7a J4 J5a J6a †VHH 1RWH 5C 5B, 5C †VHH 1RWH 1 2 *DPH 1DPH &38 9HU MAY 87 780-5001-00 MAR 88 780-5002-00 AUG 88 780-5003-00 DEC 88 780-5004-00 MAY 89 780-5005-00 SEP 89 780-5007-00 NOV 89 780-5006-00 JAN 90 780-5008-00 JUN 90 780-5009-00 SEP 90 780-5012-00 FEB 91 780-5010-00 MAY 91 780-5017-00 JUL 91 780-5011-00 OCT 91 780-5014-00 JAN 92 780-5019-00 JUN 92 780-5026-00 OCT 92 780-5024-00 FEB 93 780-5022-00 APR 93 780-5020-00 AUG 93 780-5027-00 NOV 93 780-5018-00 FEB 94 780-5028-00 MAY 94 780-5023-00 JUL 94 780-5029-00 SEP 94 780-5031-00 DEC 94 780-5036-00 MAR 95 780-5033-00 JUL 95 780-5038-00 (3520 3RVLWLRQ 1. Laser War 2. Secret Service 3. Torpedo Alley 4. Time Machine 5. Playboy 35th Anniversary 6. ABC Monday Night Football 7. Robocop 8. Phantom of the Opera 9. Back to the Future 10. The Simpsons 11. Checkpoint 12. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 13. Batman 14. Star Trek 25th Anniversary 15. Hook 16. Lethal Weapon 3 17. Star Wars 18. Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends 19. Jurassic Park 20. Last Action Hero 21. Tales from the Crypt 22. The Who’s Tommy 23. WWF Royal Rumble 24. Guns-N’-Roses 25. Maverick 26. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 27. Baywatch 28. Batman Forever *DPH 0IJ 'DWH DQG 0DQXDO 31 &38 9HU *DPH 1DPH -XPSHUV 5HPRYHG *DPH0IJ'DWH0DQXDO3DUW1&38-XPSHU7DEOH† NOV 95 780-5044-00 FEB 96 780-5042-00 APR 96 780-5041-00 JUL 96 780-5045-00 OCT 96 780-5043-00 FEB 97 780-5056-00 JUN 97 780-5053-00 AUG 97 780-5046-00 NOV 97 780-5059-00 FEB 98 780-5035-00 JUN 98 780-5060-00 SEP 98 780-5040-00 JAN 99 780-5071-00 AUG 99 780-5067-01 MAR 00 780-5068-01 OCT 00 780-5073-00 OCT 00 780-5072-01 JAN 01 780-5065-00 — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U210 n/a n/a — U17 U21 U36 U37 W6 CPU/Snd. n/a — U17 U21 U36 U37 CPU/Snd. — U17 U21 U36 U37 CPU/Snd. — U17 U21 U36 U37 CPU/Snd. — U17 U21 U36 CPU/Snd. — U17 U21 U36 U37 CPU/Snd. W6 n/a W6 W6 W6 W6 n/a n/a n/a n/a † Additional Information for Installed / Removed Jumpers (List 1-28 only): Board Combinations with ROM at Location 5C (Game 1, Ver1) Installed J1b, J3, J4, J6a, J7a & J8 Removed J1a, J2, J5, J6 & J7b Board Combinations w/ ROM at Locations 5B, 5C (Game 1, Ver2) Installed J1b, J3, J4, J5a, J6a, J7b & J8 Removed J1a, J2, J5, J5b, J6b, & J7a Board Combinations w/ ROM at Locations 5B, 5C (Games 2-12, Ver2/3) Installed J1b, J3, J4, J5b, J6b, J7b & J8 Removed J1a, J2, J5, J5a, J6a & J7a Board Combinations with ROM at Locations 5C (Games 14-28, Ver3) Installed J1b, J3, J5, J5b, J6b, J7b & J8 Removed J1a, J2, J4, J5a, J6a & J7a * Version 1 has a 2K RAM which is a 24-pin IC in Position 5D; Versions 2 & 3 have a 8K RAM which is a 28-PIN IC in Position 5D. $SSHQGL[& *DPH0DQXDO7DEOH $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH7DEOH *DPH 1DPH )OLSSHU 6RXQG initial: 520-5002-00 replaced with: 520-5002-02 2-Flipper Laser War Board Not Required 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ ;'LJLW 520-5000-00 Master: 520-5004-00 plus: 520-5005-00 (Qty. 2): 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric 520-5006-00 (Qty. 2): 7 Digit Numeric 520-5007-00 (Qty. 1): 4 Digit Numeric 520-5002-01 was not used. 3-Flipper Secret Service Board Not Required 3-Flipper Torpedo Alley Board Not Required 2-Flipper Time Machine Board Not Required Playboy 35th Anniversary ABC Monday Night Football Robocop Phantom of the Opera Back to the Future The Simpsons *DPH 1DPH )OLSSHU 3RZHU 6XSSO\ 6RXQG 520-5000-00 520-5002-02 520-5000-00 520-5002-02 520-5000-00 520-5002-02 520-5000-00 520-5002-02 520-5000-00 520-5002-02 520-5000-00 520-5002-02 520-5000-00 520-5002-02 520-5000-00 520-5002-03 520-5000-00 'RW 0DWUL[ 'LVSOD\ 'LVSOD\ &RQWUROOHU 520-5014-01 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5014-01 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5014-01 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5014-01 7 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5030-00 16 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5030-00 16 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5030-00 16 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5030-00 16 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 520-5030-00 16 Digit Alpha/Numeric Combined 2372 7UDQVPLWWHU 520-5042-00 128 X 16 520-5042-00 Teenage Mutant 520-5002-03 520-5047-00 Ninja Turtles 128 X 16 520-5042-00 Batman 520-5050-01 520-5047-00 128 X 16 520-5042-00 Star Trek 25th 520-5050-01 520-5047-00 Anniversary 128 X 16 520-5042-00 Hook 520-5050-01 520-5047-00 128 X 16 520-5052-00 Lethal 520-5050-01 520-5047-01 520-5055-00 Weapon 3 128 X 32 520-5052-00 Star 520-5050-02 520-5047-01 520-5055-00 Wars 128 X 32 520-5052-00 Rocky & Bull520-5050-02 520-5047-01 520-5055-00 winkle & Friends 128 X 32 520-5052-00 Jurassic Park 520-5050-02 520-5047-02 520-5055-00 128 X 32 520-5052-00 Last Action Hero 520-5050-03 520-5047-02 520-5055-00 128 X 32 520-5052-00 Tales from 520-5050-03 520-5047-02 520-5055-01 the Crypt 128 X 32 520-5052-00 The Who’s 520-5077-00 520-5047-02 520-5055-01 Tommy 128 X 32 520-5070 / 5080 -00 520-5052-00 WWF Royal 520-5077-00 520-5047-02 520-5055-01 Rumble 4-Flipper (2X2) 128 X 32 520-5052-00 520-5076-00 Guns N’ 520-5055-01 520-5077-00 520-5047-02 Roses 128 X 32 3-Flipper 520-5076-00 520-5075-00 520-5102-00 Maverick 520-5050-03 520-5047-03 520-5092-01 3-Flipper 192 X 64 Single OPTO 520-5076-00 520-5075-00 Mary Shelley’s 520-5077-00 520-5047-03 520-5092-01 Frankenstein 3-Flipper 192 X 64 520-5070 / 5080 -00 520-5075-00 520-5124-00 520-5126-02 520-5047-03 520-5092-01 Baywatch 4-Flipper (2X2) 192 X 64 Single OPTO 520-5076-00 520-5075-00 520-5124-00 Batman 520-5126-02 520-5047-03 520-5092-01 Forever 3-Flipper 192 X 64 Single OPTO Miscellaneous Boards (Lamp Boards & Relay Boards) not listed above can be found in each individual game manual. Checkpoint 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5076-00 3-Flipper 520-5070-00 2-Flipper 520-5076-00 3-Flipper 520-5076-00 3-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper (for 100 games) 520-5033-00 2-Flipper (for 100 games) 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5033-00 2-Flipper 520-5002-02 520-5002-03 2372 5HFHLYHU 2372 $SOOLFDWLRQ 520-5103-00 Single OPTO Paddle Boat Wheel Enter 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 5-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5047-00 GAMES HEREON USE THE WHITE STAR BOARD SYSTEM™ (with the addition of the I/O Power Driver Board): *DPH 1DPH )OLSSHU 520-5080-00 2-Flipper Apollo 13 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Golden Eye 520-5080-00 2-Flipper Miscellaneous PC Boards: ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'ULYHU 6WHUHR 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ 520-5137-00 520-5136-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 Light Boards 520-5130-01, -04 & -05 Magnet Interface, 7-Segment Display & Light Bd. 520-5130-06 Magnet Driver Board 520-5130-02 Switch Membrane Board 520-5130-03 520-5052-00 520-5137-00 520-5136-00 520-5138-00 128 X 32 Light Boards 520-5128-05 through -08 Mag. Processor X2 Driver Bd. 520-5143-00 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU 520-5055-01 2372 5HFHLYHU 2372 $SOOLFDWLRQ 520-5124-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 5-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5124-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 5-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker Relay Board 520-5010-00 520-5055-01 Relay Board 520-5010-00 Table continued on the next page. $SSHQGL[' %RDUG7\SH7DEOH $33(1',;' %RDUG7\SH7DEOH GAMES HEREON USE THE WHITE STAR BOARD SYSTEM™ (with the deletion of the Flipper Board): *DPH 1DPH ,2 3RZHU &386RXQG 'LVS 3RZHU 'RW 0DWUL[ 'ULYHU 0RQR 6XSSO\ 'LVSOD\ 520-5137-01 Twister Miscellaneous PC Boards: Independence Day (ID4) 520-5137-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 Space Jam Miscellaneous PC Boards: The Star Wars Trilolgy - Special Ed. The Lost World: J.P. 520-5136-10 Light Boards 520-5145-01 through -07 520-5136-10 520-5136-10 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-01 Mag. Drv. Bd. 520-5143-00 Relay Board 520-5010-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-01 Servo Mtr. Bd. 520-5152-00 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Relay Board 520-5010-00 520-5137-01 520-5136-10 Viper Night Drivin’ Lost In Space Godzilla Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 5-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-01 520-5124-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-01 520-5124-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker DC Relay Bd. Shaker Mtr. Bd. 520-5066-00 520-5065-00 520-5136-10 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-01 520-5136-15 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-02 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 4X 7-Segment Display Board 520-5166-00 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Relay Board 520-5010-00 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Relay Board 520-5010-00 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 520-5138-00 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 520-5136-16 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 520-5136-16 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 Miscellaneous PC Boards: Sharkey’s Shootout High Roller Casino 520-5162-00 2-Pos. Motor Sensor on Snagger Motor 520-5124-00 520-5125-00 4-Ball Trough 520-5155-00 Single OPTO Single OPTO over Up-Kicker 3-Pos. Motor Sensor on 520-5082-00 520-5083-00 File Cabinet File Cab. Motor Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Enter 520-5124-00 520-5125-00 4-Ball Trough Single OPTO Single OPTO over Up-Kicker 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 L/R Orbit Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Lane Enter 520-5124-00 Single OPTO 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Jump Ramp 520-5173-00 520-5174-00 4-Ball Trough Dual OPTO Dual OPTO over Up-Kicker 520-5173-00 Dual OPTO 520-5174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker Miscellaneous Shaker Mtr. Bd. PC Boards: 520-5065-00 520-5137-01 Striker Xtreme (NFL) 520-5124-00 520-5125-00 4-Ball Trough Single OPTO Single OPTO over Up-Kicker 520-5083-00 Alien Head 520-5082-00 Enter Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO 520-5124-00 Single OPTO South Park HarleyDavidson® 5-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5055-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 520-5125-00 Single OPTO 2372 0LVF 2372 $SOOLFDWLRQ $SS 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5138-00 The X-Files Starship Troopers 520-5124-00 Single OPTO 2372 5HFHLYHU 2X 7-Segment Display Board 520-5153-00 520-5136-10 520-5137-01 520-5138-00 Light Boards 520-5149-01 through -10 520-5137-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5138-00 'LVSOD\ 2372 &RQWUROOHU 7UDQVPLWWHU 520-5137-01 Miscellaneous PC Boards: 520-5137-01 Relay Board Shaker Mtr. Bd. Diode Board 520-5010-00 /520-5065-00 520-5146-00 520-5136-16 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 520-5173-00 520-5174-00 5-Ball Trough Dual OPTO Dual OPTO over Up-Kicker 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 Kenny Under Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Trough Enter 520-5173-00 Dual OPTO 520-5174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 Motorcycle Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Enter 520-5173-00 520-5174-00 4-Ball Trough Dual OPTO Dual OPTO over Up-Kicker Miscellaneous PC Boards: DC Relay Bd. 520-5066-00 Relay Board 520-5010-00 Diode Board 520-5146-00 for UK ONLY> Solenoid Expander Bd. 520-5192-00 520-5137-64 520-5136-64 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 520-5173-00 Dual OPTO 520-5174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker Miscellaneous PC Boards: Relay Board 520-5010-00 Sol. Exp. Bd. 520-5192-00 520-5137-01 520-5136-16 520-5138-00 520-5052-00 128 X 32 520-5055-03 520-5173-00 Dual OPTO 520-5174-00 Dual OPTO 4-Ball Trough over Up-Kicker Miscellaneous PC Boards: Dot Display (5X7) in Slot 520-5197-00 UK Only: Sol. Exp. Bd. 520-5192-00 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 Goalie UnderLong Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO Trough Enter 520-5082-00 520-5083-01 Long Hop OPTO Long Hop OPTO 520-5196-00 3-Pos. OPTO 520-5195-00 3-Pos. OPTO Ball Lock Under Roulette Up/Dn Ramp in Slot Mach. 520-5155-00 3-Pos. Motor Sensor on Goalie Motor 520-5194-00 4-Pos. Motor Sensor on ?-Ball Motor 520-5194-00 4-Pos. Motor Sensor on Roulette Wheel Motor † N o t e : To order Game Specific CPU/Sound Board please specify Game Name. $SSHQGL[' %RDUG7\SH7DEOH $33(1',;( *HQHULF&RLO&URVV5HIHUHQFH*XLGH† ‡ 67$1'$5' &2,/6 *$78516 5HV : 63, 3$57 1 *$78516 5HV : 63, 3$57 1 *$8*(78516 090-5036-00T 20-400 1.0 : 090-5021-00 21-900 † 24-940 † 5.5 : 090-5036-00B 22-750/30-2600 ‡ 22-500 1.7 : 090-5017-00 22-600 2.2 : 090-5023-00 25-1240 9.3 : 090-5034-00 22-900 † 090-5044-00T 23-700 3.1 : 090-5022-00 26-1200 † 10.3 : 22-1080 † 090-5044-00B 23-750 3.4 : 090-5019-00 090-5001-00T 27-1300 14.2 : 090-5003-00 23-620/30-2600 ‡ 23-800 † 3.6 : 090-5001-00B 27-1400 14.7 : 090-5015-00 23-700/30-2600 ‡ 090-5004-00T 23-800/30-2600 ‡ 23-840 4.0 : 090-5005-00 27-1500 16.3 : 090-5004-00B 23-1200 7.1 : 090-5008-00 23-900 231⁄2-765 3.6 : 090-5037-03 28-1050 11.5 : 090-5046-00 23-1100 24-900 5.0 : 090-5002-00 29-2000 33.6 : 090-5016-00 24-1570 NOTE: Ohm values may vary +/- .03 : depending on meter calibration. 25-1800 )/,33(5 &2,/6 5HV : &2/25 63, 3$57 1 090-5020-10T 2.6 / 92.0 : 090-5011-00 3.4 : 090-5020-20T 090-5032-00T 4.3 : YEL/GRN 090-5032-00B 2.4 / 75.0 : N/A 090-5006-00 3.0 / 83.5 : N/A 090-5013-00 2.8 / 90.5 : N/A 090-5012-00 3.8 : GRN 090-5020-30 5.1 : ORG 090-5030-00 9.5 : N/A 090-5025-00 13.8 : BLU/GRN 090-5041-00 † Coil Part Nºs ending with a "T" signifies the Diode is on the top of the lug; ...ending with a "B" signifies the Diode is on the bottom of the lug. ‡ These coils are dual-wound. Also Note: All Coil Part Nºs listed Do Not Include Coil Sleeves (must be ordered separately). 0$*1(7 &2,/6 Z OHDGV RED N/A YEL not available 75,3 &2,/6 0LQLDWXUH *$78516 5HV : 63, 3$57 1 22-650 4.3 : 090-5042-01 8 : 090-5061-00 24-780 *$78516 5HV : 63, 3$57 1 29-1000 15.2 : 090-5059-00 31-1500 52.0 W 090-5054-00 32-1800 50.2 : 090-5031-00 *$78516 5HV : 63, 3$57 1 33-1590 59 : 515-6916-00 32-1250 35 : 515-6916-01 Note: 33-1590 WHT & 32-1250 YEL /8*/(66 &2,/6 *$78516 5HV : 63, 3$57 1 23-800 : 090-5053-00 )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH‡ †† *$0( 1$0( 1 RI )OLSSHUV Laser War ‡ Secret Service ‡ Torpedo Alley ‡ Time Machine ‡ /2:(5 )/,33(56 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /()7 5,*+7 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 090-5006-00 23-620 / 30-2600 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 090-5011-00 22-750 / 30-2600 833(5 )/,33(56 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /()7 5,*+7 SAME Not Used Not Used SAME Not Used 090-5013-00 23-700 / 30-2600 Not Used 090-5006-00 23-620 / 30-2600 090-5012-00 23-800 / 30-2600 SAME Not Used Not Used ‡ These coils are dual-wound. 090-5020-02 SAME Not Used Not Used 22-900 -YEL090-5020-02 ABC Monday Night Football †† SAME Not Used Not Used 22-900 -YEL†† A very small % of these games used a 090-5020-20 coil which used a proto-type Solid State Flipper System. The two types of coils both are 22-900 coils; the only difference being the addition of the 1N5404 Diode on the (-02) coils which was used in the Deger Design. 090-5020-20 SAME Not Used Not Used Robocop 22-900 -YEL090-5020-20 Phantom of the Opera SAME Not Used Not Used 22-900 -YEL090-5020-20 SAME Not Used Not Used Back to the Future 22-900 -YEL090-5020-20 SAME Not Used Not Used The Simpsons 22-900 -YEL090-5020-20 SAME Not Used Not Used Checkpoint 22-900 -YEL090-5020-30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles SAME Not Used Not Used 23-900 -GRN090-5020-30 Batman SAME Not Used Not Used 23-900 -GRN090-5020-30 SAME Not Used Not Used Star Trek 25th Anniversary 23-900 -GRN090-5030-00 090-5020-30 Hook Not Used Not Used 23-1100 -ORG23-900 -GRN090-5030-00 Lethal Weapon 3 SAME Not Used Not Used 23-1100 -ORGPlayboy 35th Anniversary †† Table continued on the next page. $SSHQGL[( *HQHULF&RLO7DEOH $33(1',;( )OLSSHU&RLO7DEOH† *$0( 1$0( 1 RI )OLSSHUV Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends Last Action Hero Tales from the Crypt The Who’s Tommy Jurassic Park Guns N’ Roses Maverick Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein WWF Royal Rumble Batman Forever Apollo 13 Golden Eye Baywatch ID4: Independence Day Space Jam † The Star Wars Trilogy - Special Edition † Twister The X-Files † Starship Troopers † Viper Night Drivin’ † The Lost World: Jurassic Park † Godzilla † South Park † Harley-Davidson® † Lost In Space † Sharkey’s Shootout † High Roller Casino † Striker Xtreme (NFL) † /2:(5 )/,33(56 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /()7 5,*+7 833(5 )/,33(56 63, 1 *$8*(78516 &RORU /()7 5,*+7 090-5032-00 SAME Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 SAME Not Used Not Used 23-900 -GRN090-5020-30 090-5030-00 SAME Not Used 23-900 -GRN23-1100 -ORG090-5020-30 SAME Not Used Not Used 23-900 -GRN090-5041-00 090-5032-00 SAME Not Used 25-1800 -BLU-GRN22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 090-5041-00 SAME Not Used 23-900 -GRN25-1800 -BLU-GRN090-5032-00 090-5041-00 SAME SAME 22-1080 -YEL-GRN25-1800 -BLU-GRN090-5032-00 090-5030-00 SAME Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG090-5032-00 090-5032-00 SAME Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00 090-5030-00 SAME Not Used 23-1100 -ORG23-1100 -ORG090-5030-00 090-5020-30 090-5025-00 090-5030-00 23-1100 -ORG23-900 -GRN24-1570 -N/A23-1100 -ORG090-5020-30 090-5032-00 090-5020-20 Not Used 23-900 -GRN22-1080 -YEL-GRN22-900 -YEL090-5032-00 SAME Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00 SAME Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-20 090-5032-00 Not Used Not Used 22-900 -YEL22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5020-30 090-5032-00 SAME Not Used 23-900 -GRN22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T 090-5020-20T Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN22-900 -YEL090-5032-00T SAME Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T 090-5030-00T SAME Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG090-5030-00T SAME Not Used Not Used 23-1100 -ORG090-5030-00T 090-5032-00T Not Used Not Used 23-1100 -ORG22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5032-00T SAME Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN090-5030-00T SAME Not Used Not Used 23-1100 -ORG090-5032-00T 090-5030-00T Not Used Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG090-5032-00T 090-5030-00T 090-5030-00T Not Used 22-1080 -YEL-GRN23-1100 -ORG23-1100 -ORG090-5030-00T 090-5030-00T 090-5030-00T Not Used 23-1100 -ORG23-1100 -ORG23-1100 -ORG090-5020-20T 090-5032-00T Not Used Not Used 22-900 -YEL23-1080 -YEL-GRN- † Coil Part Nºs ending with a "T" signifies the Diode is on the top of the lug (on the coil-winding side); Coil Part Nºs ending with a "B" signifies the Diode is on the bottom of the lugs. $SSHQGL[( *HQHULF&RLO7DEOH $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH The following table only list games that used motors. *DPH 1DPH )XQFWLRQ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1 ABC Monday Night Football Goal Post Up/Down Movement Organ Up/Down Movement Mag Wheel (in Backbox) Motor 24v A.C. 60 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v 60Hz 3W 11 RPM CCW 515-5222-00 515-5256-00 Motor D.C. (KEN) 041-5005-00 Shaker Johnson Motor (Vibrator) Gear Motor 24v A.C. 325 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v 60Hz 3W 11 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v 221⁄2 RPM Gear Motor 24v A.C. 31⁄2 RPM 041-5002-00 41⁄2" Motor 12v 041-5014-00 Phantom of the Opera Checkpoint Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman Spinning Pizza Ball Deflector Bar Target Up/Down Movement Swinging Target Star Trek 25th Anniversary Transporter F/X Cooling Fan (for Transporter F/X) Lethal Weapon 3 Star Wars Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends Jurassic Park Spinning Light Bar Target Up/Down Movement R2D2 Robot Left/Right Movement Death Star Rotation Nell Log "Cutting Blade" Forward/Back Movement T-Rex Left/Right Movement T-Rex Up/Down Movement Shaker Last Action Hero Crane Left/Right Movement Shaker Tales from the Crypt Tombstone Up/Down Movement Shaker Mirror Up/Down Movement The Who’s Tommy Flipper Blinders Spinning Airplane Propellers WWF Royal Rumble Shaker Maverick, The Movie Turning Paddle Wheel Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Batman Forever Apollo 13 Creature Head Left/Right Movement Cannon Left/Right Movement Rocket Up/Down Movement Moon Unit Rotational Orbit Shaker Golden Eye Satellite Left/Right Movement Motor 21⁄2 v A.C. 4000 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v 60hz 3W 11 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 221⁄2 RPM CW Bowman "G" Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 6 RPM CW Autotrol Model E Motor 24v 60hz 4W 3 RPM CCW Multi Motor 5v D.C. 515-5397-00 515-5256-00 515-5534-00 500-5421-00 041-5017-00 515-5256-00 515-5571-00 515-5570-00 041-5023-00 041-5025-00 Bowman Motor 24v 11 RPM CW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) Multi Products Motor 12v D.C. #3312 OSC Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 6 RPM CCW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 6 RPM CCW Servo Motor (94102) 041-5026-00 Motor D.C. 041-5033-00 Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Motor 24v A.C. 10 RPM 041-5029-00 Servo Motor (94102) 041-5032-00 Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 3W 6 RPM CCW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 3W 6 RPM CCW Multi Products Motor 24v A.C. 50/60Hz 3W 6 RPM CCW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 3W 6 RPM CW 515-6383-00 041-5002-00 041-5027-00 041-5029-00 515-5900-00 041-5029-00 515-5900-00 041-5032-00 041-5036-00 515-6383-00 515-6487-00 041-5029-00 515-6528-00 Table continued on the next page. $SSHQGL[) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH $33(1',;) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH The following table only list games that used motors. *DPH 1DPH Twister ID4: Independence Day The Star Wars Trilogy - S.E. The Lost World: J.P. The X-Files Starship Troopers Lost In Space Godzilla Harley-Davidson® Striker Xtreme (NFL) Sharkey’s Shootout High Roller Casino )XQFWLRQ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3DUW 1 Spinning Disc with Magnet Backbox Fan (Tornado Wind) Alien Head Open/Close Movement X-Wing Left/Right Movement Snagger & Center Link Lift Up/Down Movement Multi Products Motor 24v A.C. 50/60Hz 3W 325 RPM CCW Multi Products Motor 24v A.C. 50/60Hz 3W 3600 RPM CW 515-6347-00 Servo Motor (94322) 041-5045-00 Bowman Motor 24v A.C. 60Hz 3W 10 RPM CCW Multi Products Motor 20v D.C. 9 RPM Non-Directional Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. Shaker 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW X-File Cabinet Multi Products Motor 20v D.C. Lift Up/Down Movement 9 RPM CCW Haydon Switch & Instrument, Inc. Stepper Motor, Warrior Bug Series 36000: 1.4"ø (Non-Captive Shaft not incl.) Forward/Reverse Movement HSI #36864-12 (Unipolar) / Travel per Step = .004 Step Angle = 15° / 12v D.C. / 4.6W Spinning Disc Multi Products Motor 24v A.C. with Magnet 50/60Hz 3W 325 RPM CCW Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. Shaker 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW ‡ Johnson Motor (Vibrator) 10.5v D.C. Shaker 10 AMP 2950 RPM CW ‡ Motorcycle Autotrol 24v A.C. Lift Up/Down Movement 20 RPM CCW Goalie (Linebacker) Multi #3590 12v D.C. Left to Right Movement 60 RPM Mystery Ball Hankscraft Model-E 24v A.C. Rotating Movement 50/60Hz 3W 20 RPM CW Roulette Wheel Multi Products Motor 20V D.C. Rotating Movement CCW Haydon Switch & Instrument, Inc. Stepper Motor, Up/Dn. Ramp in Slot Mach. Series 36000: 1.4"ø (Non-Captive Shaft not incl.) Lift Up/Down Movement HSI #36864-12 (Unipolar) / Travel per Step = .004 Step Angle = 15° / 12v D.C. / 4.6W 515-6531-00 515-6383-01 515-6715-03 041-5029-00 041-5057-00 515-6794-00 515-6347-00 041-5029-01 041-5029-01 041-5072-01 041-5075-00 041-5076-00 041-5078-00 515-6794-00 No motors were used on the following games: Laser War, Secret Service, Torpedo Alley, Time Machine, Playboy 35th Anniversary, Robocop, Back to the Future, The Simpsons, Hook, Guns N’ Roses, Baywatch, Space Jam, Viper Night Drivin’, South Park. ‡ Please Note: "-01" Shaker Motor is Not Compatible with old Shaker Motor 041-5029-00 (Shaker Motor Assy. 515-5893-00). THIS NEW MOTOR CAN ONLY BE USED IN NEW SHAKER MOTOR ASSY. 515-5893-01. $SSHQGL[) 0RWRU6SHFLILFDWLRQ7DEOH $33(1',;* 3DUW1XPEHU3UHIL[&ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV I. Electrical Source, Energy & Signal Converters 010- Transformers 031- Speakers 090- Solenoids (Coils) II. Conductors, Connectors & Insulators 034- Line Cords 036- Cable and Harness Assemblies 041- Motors 045- Connectors (All Types) 077- Lamp Sockets III. Circuits & Circuit Elements 100- ICs 110- Transistors 112- Diodes 121- Resistors 123- Resistors (Variable & Adjustable) 124- Regulators & Bridge Rectifiers 125- CAPS 140- Crystals 165- Light Bulbs 180- Switches 190- Relays IV. Bolts, Screws, Nuts & Washers 231- Bolts 232- Screws (Pan Head) 234- Screws (HWH) 237- Screws (Misc.) 240- Nuts (Misc.) 242- Washers (Flat, Round) 244- Washers (Split Lock) 246- Washers (Lockers, External Tooth) V. Mechanical Components 249- Rivets 251- Pins (Dowel) 254- Stand-Offs, Spacers and Shims 260- Steel Ball 265- Springs (Extension) 266- Springs (Compression) 269- Springs (Washers - Belleville, Wave) 280- Grommets and Bushing VI. Handles, Locks, Catches & Latches, Keys & Hinges 355- Handles, Locks, Catches & Latches and Keys 390- Hinges VII. Fabricated Parts (In-House Assemblies) 500- End Product (Systems and Models) 515- Sub-Assemblies 520- Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) 522- Display Glass 525- Wood Parts 530- Screw Machined Parts 535- Fabricated Parts 545- Molded (Extruded) Plastic/Rubber Parts 550- Molded (Inserts) VIII. Bulk Materials 600- Braided Ground Wire 601- Stranded Wire 602- Ribbon Cable 605- Sleeving (Shrink Tubing) 626- Foam Rubber IX. Miscellaneous 705- Packing & Shipping Items 820- Decals and Labels (Sets & Misc.) 830- Butyrate (Plastic Pieces) 900- Game Posters 960- EPROM (Raw Part) 965- EPROM (Programmed Part) $SSHQGL[* 3UHIL[&ODVVLILFDWLRQ&RGHV $33(1',;+ 3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV STARBURST CIRCULAR STARBURST CIRCULAR Patterns: STARBURST 5⁄8" STIPPLE 3⁄4" ø STARBURST CIRCULAR STARBURST CIRCULAR STARBURST CIRCULAR 1" ø 1-3/16" ø 1-1⁄2" ø 550-5002-XX PLAIN CIRCULAR 550-5003-XX PLAIN CIRCULAR 550-5004-XX PLAIN CIRCULAR 1" ø 1-3/16" ø 1-1⁄2" ø 550-5009-XX ROLLOVER BUTTON BASE 550-5010-XX WHITE STAR (only in white) ø STARBURST CIRCULAR 550-5000-XX STARBURST CIRCULAR 550-5001-XX PLAIN CIRCULAR 2-1⁄4" ø 2-3⁄4" ø 550-5005-XX PLAIN CIRCULAR 550-5006-XX PLAIN CIRCULAR 550-5007-XX STIPPLE CIRCULAR 550-5008-XX STIPPLE 1" SQUARE 2-1⁄4" ø 2-3⁄4" ø 1" ø 12" 3⁄4" ø 550-5019-XX 550-5026-XX 545-5015-00 550-5048-XX 550-5011-XX 550-5012-XX STIPPLE STIPPLE STARBURST PLAIN PLAIN PLAIN RECTANGULAR RECTANGULAR RECTANGULAR RECTANGULAR RECTANGULAR RECTANGULAR 1-1⁄2" X 3⁄4" 1-1⁄4" X 1-1⁄2" 2-1⁄4" X 1-1⁄8" 2-1⁄4" X 1-1⁄8" 1-1⁄4" X 1-1⁄2" 2" X 2-1⁄2" 550-5018-XX STARBURST MINI SHIELD 550-5051-XX STARBURST LARGE SHIELD 550-5044-XX MINI HOT DOG 550-5049-XX BEVEL HOT DOG 550-5050-XX PLAIN HOT DOG 550-5063-XX BANANA 1-5/8" 3-1⁄2" 3-1⁄2" 550-5020-XX STARBURST ARROW-HEAD SMALL 550-5021-XX STARBURST ARROW-HEAD LARGE 550-5022-XX STARBURST BULLET 550-5023-XX STARBURST TRIANGLE 550-5014-XX 550-5015-XX 550-5016-XX 550-5017-XX 1" X 1" 550-5024-XX 550-5025-XX STARBURST STARBURST ARROW-SMALL ARROW-LARGE 550-5013-XX 550-5070-XX Note: The shapes and sizes shown above are not to scale. Some shapes may no longer be available in every color. Instructions: 1º &RORU Parts which may come in various colors (i.e. targets, some posts, playfield inserts, etc.) end in a 2-digit Nº which correspond to the color of that part. The "-XX" in Part Nºs which may come in various colors should be replaced with the desired 2-Digit Nº. corresponding to the color desired. Not all colors may be available. 3 / 1º $ 6 7 &RORU -00 Black or Solid Clear -03 Amber -01 Clear -04 Green -02 Red -05 Blue , & 1º 3 $ 5 &RORU -06 Yellow -07 Orange -08 White $SSHQGL[+ 3OD\ILHOG,QVHUWV3ODVWLF/LJKW&RYHUV 7 & 1º 2 / 2 &RORU 5 -09 Purple -10 Fluor. Orange -11 Fluor. Green & 1º + $ 5 &RORU -12 Fluor. Blue -13 Teal Green -14 Gray 7 1º &RORU -15 Luminescent -16 Gold -17 Trans. Brown $33(1',;, 3/$67,& 3$57 &2/25 &+$57 6WDQG8S7DUJHWV 1º -00 -01 -02 -03 -04 -05 -06 -07 -08 -09 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 "R" means «Target Insert» is reversed, allowing for Rear Mounted application. 5 7DNH1RWH 1. 2. For Items A-E, for the Target Assembly use the "500-" SPI Nº; For the Target Assy. with Rear Mount add "R" to "500-" SPI Nº; For just the «Target Insert» use the "545-" SPI Nº. Items A-E come in various colors. These targets may not be available in every color. The "-XX" in should be replaced with the desired 2-Digit Nº for the color desired described in the Chart . As of date of print, the following colors were used for Items A-E: Ç -01 Clear (A, D); -02 Red (A, B, C, D, E); -03 Amber (D, E); -04 Green (A, B); -05 Blue (C); -06 Yellow (A, C), -09 Purple (B, D); -11 Fluorescent Green (A, B, D). 3. See Section 3, Chapter 2, Go To Diagnostics Menu, for switches used corresponding to the Switch Matrix Grid of this game. 1º 67$1'83 7$5*(7 1$0( A B C Modular Stand-Up Target Narrow Assy. Stand-Up Target Narrow (Insert) Modular Stand-Up Target Square Assy. Stand-Up Target Square (Insert) Modular Stand-Up Target Rectangle Assy. Stand-Up Target Rectangle (Insert) ) &RORU Black Clear Red Amber Green Blue Yellow Orange White Purple Fluor. Orange Fluor. Green Fluor. Blue Teal Green Gray Luminescent Gold 63, 3$57 1º 1º 67$1'83 7$5*(7 1$0( 63, 3$57 1º Modular Stand-Up Target Round Assy. 500-6138-XX 500-6075-XX D Stand-Up Target Round (Insert) 545-6138-XX 545-6075-XX Mod. Stand-Up Target 1" Spherical Assy. 500-6139-XX 500-6189-XX E Stand-Up Target 1" Spherical (Insert) 545-6139-XX 545-6189-XX 500-6228-XX NOTE: To receive the Target Assy. with the « Target Insert » « Reversed » simply add a "R" at the end of the Part Nº. See Side 545-6228-XX View picture above to compare (dashed line shows target reversed). $ & % 7DNH1RWH ' ( 1. 2. 3. 1º 67$1'83 )/$7 7$5*(7 1$0( 63, 3$57 1º For Items 1-4, "single" components can be ordered. Items 1-4 come in various colors. These targets may not be available in every color. The "-XX" in Part Nºs should be replaced with the desired 2-Digit Nº for the color desired described in the above Chart. For switches used corresponding to the Switch Matrix Grid of this game, see Sec. 3, Chp. 2, ...Diagnostics. 1º 67$1'83 )/$7 7$5*(7 1$0( 63, 3$57 1º Note: Item 2A, is a riveted Sub-Assy. which includes the following items for reference: 1" Round Stand-Up Target Assy. 500-5835-XX ‡A1— Stack Switch Radius End (180-5133-00), A2— Washer 5/16" (242-5017-00), A3— Rivet 1/8" ø X 3/16" (249-5001-00) and A4— Rectangular Target (545-5145-XX). ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 1) ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1A‡ Switch & Target Assy. 1" Round 515-5966-XX 3 1" Sq. Stand-Up Target Assy. 500-5232-XX 1B Mounting Bracket 535-6896-00 ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 3) ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 1C Switch Back Plate 535-6452-00 3A‡ Sw. & Target Assy. 1" Square 515-5162-XX 1D 237-5976-05 6-32 X 3⁄4 HWH Swage (Qty. 2) Items 3B-F are identical to 1B-F Same as 1B-F 1E 112-5001-00 Switch Diode, 1N4001 ‡ Note: Item 3A, is a riveted Sub-Assy. which includes the following items for reference: 1F 626-5029-00 Foam Pad Stack Switch Radius End (180-5133-00), Washer 5/16" (242-5017-00), 1 ‡ Note: Item 1A, is a riveted Sub-Assy. which includes the following items for reference: A1— Stack Switch Radius End (180-5133-00), A2— Washer 5/16" (242-5017-00), A3— Rivet 1/8" ø X 3/16" (249-5001-00) and A4— 1" Round Target (545-5456-XX). A1— A2— A3— Rivet 1/8" ø X 3/16" (249-5001-00) and A4— 1" Square Target (545-5470-XX). 4 Narrow Stand-Up Target Assy. 500-5857-XX 1" X 11⁄2" Stand-Up Rect. Target Assy. 500-5321-XX ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 4) ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: 4A‡ Sw. & Target Assy. Narrow 515-5967-XX ORDERING ABOVE (ITEM 2) ASSY. PART Nº WILL INCLUDE: Items 4B-F are identical to 1B-F Same as 1B-F 2A‡ Sw. & Target Assy. 1" X 11⁄2" Rect. 515-6027-XX ‡ Note: Item 4A, is a riveted Sub-Assy. which includes the following items for reference: Items 2B-F are identical to 1B-F Same as 1B-F A1— Stack Switch Square End (180-5132-00), A2— Washer 5/16" (242-5017-00), Item 2 Table Note continued in A3— Rivet 1/8" ø X 3/16" (249-5001-00) and A4— Narrow Target (545-5210-XX). the next column. 2 $SSHQGL[, 6WDQG8S7DUJHWV */266$5<2)7(506 A Followed after a number means "Amp." or Ampage in an expression relating to an electrical object. (e.g. 8A). AC (Acronym) Alternating Current. Adj. (Abbreviation) Adjustment(s). Assy. (Abbreviation) Assembly. Au. (Abbreviation) Audit(s). Bd. (Abbreviation) Board. BOT (Abbreviation) Bottom. Brkt. (Abbreviation) Bracket. Bridge Rectifier A configuration of a diode that allows current to flow in one direction producing both positive and negative pulsating DC Voltages. Color Coding See Appendix H or I, Plastic Part Color Chart or Section 4, Chapter 1, Playfield - Plastic Posts & Spacers. Combination (Combo) [Shot] Any variable pinball shot(s) made successively. Conn. (Abbreviation) Connector. CMOS Short for COSMOS (Complementary Symmetry M.O.S.); Complementary Metal-Oxide Semi-Conductor. CN (Abbreviation) Connector (e.g. CN5-P3). CT (Abbreviation) Center. DC (Abbreviation) Direct Current. DT (Abbreviation) Drop Target(s). DOTS (Acronym) Diode On Terminal Strip. EB (Abbreviation) Extra Ball. Eject Playfield surface device to kick ball back into play; Saucer. EPROM (Acronym) Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. Can be erased using UV Light and re-programmed. e.g. (Abbreviation) Latin- Exempli gratia. For Example. EOS (Acronym) End-Of-Stroke (i.e. Switch for flipper). F (Abbreviation) Fuse (i.e. F23). GA-Turn Gauge & Turn describing the windings on a coil (e.g. 23800, 23 is the gauge of wire and 800 is the amount of windings. G.I. (Abbreviation) General Illumination (Lamps). HWH (Abbreviation) Hex Washer Head. IC (Acronym) Integrated Circuit (As in after 24-Pin IC). ID or I.D. (Acronym) Inside Dimension. i.e. (Abbreviation) Latin- Id est. That is. IO or I/O (Abbreviation) Input / Output (e.g. I/O Power Driver Bd.) LT, Lt. or L. (Abbreviation) Left. Laser Kick A coil/plunger used above the playfield to kick pinball back into play. LED (Acronym) Light Emitting Diode. Loop [Shot] Continuously up a ramp and back to the flipper. Lwr. (Abbreviation) Lower. Orbit [Shot] From the left or right flipper around the back rail of the playfield back to the flipper. MB (Abbreviation) Magnet Board. M-BALL or MBALL (Abbreviation) Multiball™ More than 1 ball in game play. MID (Abbreviation) Middle Non-Reflexive See Reflexive. No. or Nº or # (Abbreviation) Number NPF (Acronym) No Problem Found. N.C. or NC (Abbreviation) Normally Closed. N.O. or NO (Abbreviation) Normally Open. NS (Abbreviation) Not Stuffed. (Use in Part Listings, Sec. 5) OD or O.D. (Abbreviation) Outside Dimension. P (Abbreviation) Pin (e.g. CN5-P3). PCB (Acronym) Printed Circuit Board *ORVVDU\ RI7HUPV P/F (Abbreviation) Playfield. PIA LED (Acronym) Peripheral Interface Adapter Light Emitting Diode.. This is a diagnostic LED on the CPU; it should not be lit during normal operation of a pinball game. Plumb Bob Tilt Weight on Tilt Assembly. PPH (Abbreviation) Phillips Pan Head. Pop(s) Another term for Turbo Bumper(s). PPB (Acronym) Playfield Power Board ("Popcorn-Popping Bd."). PREV (Abbreviation) Previous. PSB (Abbreviation) Power Supply Board RAM (Acronym) Random Access Memory. RAM can store input instructions and supply output information. Reflexive/Non-Reflexive Reflexive—Solenoid Drive Transistor is enabled directly by a switch closure on the (Relating to CPU Boards) solenoid assembly (Ver. 1/2). Non-Reflexive—Solenoid Drive Transistor is enabled by the CPU after reading a switch closure in the Switch Matrix (Ver. 3). Also note: All CPU Boards are backwards compatible (e.g. Jurassic Park/Ver. 3 to Time Machine/ Ver. 2). Swapping a Ver. 2 Board to a Ver. 3 is not possible due to the special solenoids section (i.e. Slingshots, Turbo Bumpers, etc.) changing from REFLEXIVE to NON-REFLEXIVE on Ver. 3 Boards. Relay An automatic switch operated by current in a coil. ROM (Acronym) Read Only Memory. ROM cannot store input instructions but can supply output information. ROM can be programmed only once. RMA (Abbreviation) Return Merchandise Authorization Number RT, Rt. or R. (Abbreviation) Right; ("R" at the end of Target Assy. Part Nº signifies Target Insert is Reversed.) RO (Abbreviation) Rollover (switches). Saucer See Eject. Scoop A hole into the playfield. A metal scoop is in place to guide the ball into the kick-back under the playfield. Slam Tilt A switch which closes when the game is slammed into or the Coin Door is slammed shut. Depending on adjustable settings, will cancel game in play when the number of closures required is achieved. SMB (Abbreviation) Shaker Motor Board. Solenoid A coil used for Electro Magnetic devices such as relays, flippers, slingshots, etc. SSFB (Abbreviation) Solid State Flipper Board. STEP Refers to the service switches on the coin door. Sub-Assy. (Abbreviation) Sub-Assembly. S-U or S/U (Abbreviation) Stand-Up ( targets). TM (Abbreviation) Trademark Transfer [Shot] Maneuvering the ball in play from one flipper to the other. With flipper in the up position and the ball cradled by that flipper one would activate the flipper button in a quick repetitive manner to bounce the ball to the other side. Skilled players can rebound the ball off the slingshot. Tri-Ball Three balls in play. TTL (Abbreviation) Transistor-Transistor Logic Upr. (Abbreviation) Upper. V or v (Abbreviation) Volt(s). Ver. (Abbreviation) Version. VUK (Acronym) Vertical Up-Kicker (Super or Standard). X (Abbreviation) "Times" A multiplier; also used in dimensions. X-Ball An undetermined number of ball(s) during game play. Zener Diode A semi-conductor diode used for voltage regulation. Application depends on reverse break-down voltage. "-00B" "B" at the end of Coil Part Numbers signifies that the diode is attached to the bottom of the lug. "-00T" "T" at the end of Coil Part Numbers signifies that the diode is attached to the top of the lug (the side nearest the coil-winding). 3DUWV2UGHU&KHFNOLVW1RWHV 'DWH 2UGHUHG 3DUW 1º 4W\ 'HVFULSWLRQ 'DWH 5HFHLYHG 3DUWV2UGHU &KHFNOLVW1RWHV 6 7 ( 5 1 3 , 1 % $ / / , 1 & / , 0 , 7 ( ' : $ 5 5 $ 1 7 < 67(51 3,1%$// ,1& 6(//(5 :$55$176 21/< 72 7+( ,1,7,$/ 385&+$6(5 2) ,76 352'8&76 7+$7 7+( ,7(06 /,67(' %(/2: $5( )5(( )520 '()(&76 ,1 0$7(5,$/ $1' :25.0$16+,3 81'(5 1250$/ 86( $1' 6(59,&( )25 7+( : $ 5 5 $ 1 7 < 3 ( 5 , 2 ' 6 3 ( & , ) , ( ' 35,17(' &,5&8,7 %2$5'6 *$0( /2*,& '27 0$75,; ',63/$< %2$5'6 0217+6 0217+6 12 27+(5 3$576 2) 6(//(5·6 352'8&7 $5( :$55$17(' :$55$17< 3(5,2'6 $5( ())(&7,9( )520 7+( ,1,7,$/ '$7( 2) 6+,30(17 )520 6(//(5 72 ,76 $87+25,=(' ',675,%87256 6(//(5·6 62/( /,$%,/,7< 6+$// %( $7 ,76 237,21 72 5(3$,5 25 5(3/$&( 352'8&76 :+,&+ $5( 5(7851(' 72 6(//(5 '85,1* 7+( :$55$17< 3(5,2'6 63(&,),(' 3529,'(' 6(//(5 ,6 127,),(' 352037/< 8321 ',6&29(5< %< 385&+$6(5 7+$7 67$7(' 352'8&76 $5( '()(&7,9( 68&+ 352'8&76 $5( 3523(5/< 3$&.$*(' $1' 7+(1 5(7851(' )5(,*+7 35(3$,' 72 6(//(5·6 3/$17 7+,6 :$55$17< '2(6 127 $33/< 72 $1< 3$576 '$0$*(' '85,1* 6+,30(17 $1'25 '8( 72 ,03523(5 +$1'/,1* 25 '8( 72 ,03523(5 ,167$//$7,21 25 86$*( 25 $/7(5$7,21 ,1 12 (9(17 6+$// 7+( 6(//(5 %( /,$%/( )25 $1< $17,&,3$7(' 352),76 /266 2) 352),76 /266 2) 86( $&&,'(17$/ 25 &216(48(17,$/ '$0$*(6 25 $1< 27+(5 /266(6 ,1&855(' %< 7+( &86720(5 ,1 &211(&7,21 :,7+ 7+( 385&+$6( 2) $ 67(51 3,1%$// ,1& 352'8&7 :$55$17< ',6&/$,0(5 (;&(37 $6 63(&,),&$//< 3529,'(' ,1 $ :5,77(1 &2175$&7 %(7:((1 6(//(5 $1' 385&+$6(5 7+(5( $5( 12 27+(5 :$55$17,(6 (;35(66 25 ,03/,(' ,1&/8',1* $1< ,03/,(' :$55$17,(6 2) 0(5&+$17$%,/,7< 25 ),71(66 )25 $ 3$57,&8/$5 385326( & $ 8 7 , 2 1 6 : $ 5 1 , 1 * 6 1 2 7 , & ( 6 &DXWLRQ )25 6$)(7< $1' 5(/,$%,/,7< 68%67,787( 3$576 $1' (48,30(17 02',),&$7,216 $5( 127 5(&200(1'(' $1' 0$< 92,' $1< :$55$17,(6 86( 2) 12167(51 3,1%$// ,1& 3$576 25 02',),&$7,216 2) *$0( &,5&8,75< 0$< $'9(56(/< $))(&7 *$0( 3/$< 25 0$< &$86( ,1-85,(6 75$163257 3,1%$// *$0(6 :,7+ +,1*(' %$&.%2; ,1 7+( '2:1 326,7,21 21/< $/:$<6 7$.( *5($7 &$5( :+(1 6(59,&,1* $1< *$0( $/:$<6 5($' 7+( 6(59,&( 0$18$/ %()25( 5(3/$&,1* 25 6(59,&,1* &20321(176 68%67,787,216 2) 3$576 25 (48,30(17 02',),&$7,216 0$< 92,' )&& 7<3( $&&(37$1&( $OZD\V 'LVFRQQHFW 7KH /LQH 9ROWDJH %HIRUH 6HUYLFLQJ 6RPH 3DUWV 0D\ 6WLOO +ROG &XUUHQW :KHQ 8QSOXJJHG :DUQLQJ 7+,6 (48,30(17 *(1(5$7(6 86(6 $1' &$1 5$',$7( 5$',2 )5(48(1&< (1(5*< $1' ,) 127 ,167$//(' $1' 86(' ,1 $&&25'$1&( :,7+ 7+( ,16758&7,216 0$18$/ 0$< &$86( ,17(5)(5(1&( 72 5$',2 &20081,&$7,216 ,7 +$6 %((1 7(67(' $1' )281' 72 &203/< :,7+ 7+( /,0,76 )25 $ &/$66 $ &20387,1* '(9,&( 38568$17 72 68%3$57 - 2) 3$57 2) )&& 58/(6 :+,&+ $5( '(6,*1(' 72 3529,'( 5($621$%/( 3527(&7,21 $*$,167 68&+ ,17(5)(5(1&( :+(1 23(5$7(' ,1 $ &200(5&,$/ (19,5210(17 23(5$7,21 2) 7+,6 (48,30(17 ,1 $ 5(6,'(17,$/ $5($ ,6 /,.(/< 72 &$86( ,17(5)(5(1&( ,1 :+,&+ &$6( 7+( 86(5 $7 +,6 2:1 (;3(16( :,// %( 5(48,5(' 72 7$.( :+$7(9(5 0($685(6 0$< %( 5(48,5(' 72 &255(&7 7+( ,17(5)(5(1&( 5) ,17(5)(5(1&( 127,&( &$%/( +$51(66 3/$&(0(176 $1' *5281' 675$3 5287,1* 21 7+,6 *$0( +$9( %((1 '(6,*1(' 72 .((3 5) 5$',$7,21 $1' &21'8&7,21 :,7+,1 /(9(/6 $&&(37(' %< 7+( )&& 58/(6 72 0$,17$,1 7+(6( /(9(/6 5(326,7,21 +$51(66(6 $1' 5(&211(&7 *5281' 675$36 72 7+(,5 25,*,1$/ 3/$&(0(176 ,) 7+(< %(&20( ',6&211(&7(' '85,1* 0$,17(1$1&( 1RWLFHV 7+,6 '2&80(17 $1' 7+( '$7$ ',6&/26(' +(5(,1 25 +(5(:,7+ ,6 127 72 %( 5(352'8&(' (;&(37 :+(5( 127(' 86(' 25 27+(5:,6( ',6&/26(' ,1 :+2/( 25 ,1 3$57 72 $1<21( :,7+287 :5,77(1 &216(17 2) 67(51 3,1%$// ,1& :$51,1* 352'8&76 ,1 7+,6 0$18$/ 7+( &203$1< 1$0( $1' '(9,&(6 $1' 7+( '(6,*1 2) 7+( 0$18$/ ,76(/) $5( 3527(&7(' %< )('(5$/ 3$7(176 $1' 3$7(176 3(1',1* '(6,*1 5(*,675$7,216 75$'(0$5.6 $1' &23<5,*+76 $&7,21 :,// %( 7$.(1 ,1 7+( (9(17 2) ,1)5,1*(0(17 25 ,0,7$7,21 7+( 5,*+7 ,6 5(6(59(' 72 &+$1*( 63(&,),&$7,216 :,7+287 35,25 127,&( +LJK 5ROOHU &DVLQR 3LQEDOO 0DQXIDFWXUHG E\ 6WHUQ™ 3LQEDOO ,QF 3RUWDOV ,FRQ 'HVLJQV ORJRV QDPHV FKDUDFWHUV DOO UHODWHG LQGLFLD DUH WUDGHPDUNV RI 6WHUQ™ 3LQEDOO ,QF $OO 5LJKWV 5HVHUYHG 0XOWLEDOO LV D UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUN RI :LOOLDPV (OHFWURQLFV *DPHV ,QF 8VHG E\ SHUPLVVLRQ 3&% 6FKHPDWLFV 6HFWLRQ &KDSWHU E\ &(6 &UHDWLYH (OHFWURQLFV 6RIWZDUH ,QF 1/4” 1/32” (.03125”) 3/4” 2 For metric, multiply inch value by metric value, e.g. 5” X 2.54cm 12.7cm or 127mm. For US, multiply metric value by inch value, e.g. 13cm X .3937” 5.1181” 3 4 5 6 7 Visit our website for more current game information, Distribution Lists, Articles, Contact Information, and check out Technical Support & Part Sales for a whole lot more 8 9 Games Produkte, Les euxshipped envoy die factory svon directement Stern direct Pinball de to Europe l usinedirekt Stern from nach Stern Pinball, Pinball, Europa Inc. verschickt en Inc. Europe are CE ont werden approved le label CE sind and et leur will CE getestet und haben ein “E” am num have ro an de E sprefix rie comportera attached to le ende der tp h re S f ei r xi Serien-Nummer. ael N u“mEb e” r . 2020 Janice Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 U S H E L P O U IF OU HAVE AN SUGGESTIONS, QUESTIONS, NEED TECHNICAL ADVICE, FIND ERRORS OR HAVE COMMENTS, CALL US TOLL-FREE (USA or CANADA) 2.54cm /25.4mm 1cm .3937” 1mm .03937” H E L P 1 1” 1/2” .75” .25” .125” .0625” 1/8” Tel 708-345-7700 Fax 708-345-7889 eMail parts.service 1/16” 1-800-KICKERS Metric Conversion .5” q U.S. q Customary 9” Ruler ALTHOUGH EVER EFFORT IS PUT INTO MAKING THIS MANUAL (AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THIS PRODUCT) ACCURATE AND COMPLETE, PLA FIELD COMPONENTS, FEATURES, RULES, PROGRAMMING AND OPERATION ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE.
Key Features
- Casino-themed games
- Four-player mode
- Multiple bonus games and features
- Multiball mode
- Super jackpot
- Points system
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the 'OPERATOR ALERT' message?
This message appears during game mode or power-up to warn the operator about a potential ball trap issue. It occurs when a switch-activated coil that could trap a ball is disabled. If a ball is stuck or the switch remains closed, the CPU will activate the coil ten times. If the switch remains closed, the message will display indicating the exact problem and location.
What does 'OPEN THE COIN DOOR' message signify?
This indicates that the CMOS RAM memory has been corrupted, which could be caused by dead or faulty RAM batteries or new code installation. Opening the coin door triggers a Factory Restore by activating the Memory Protect Switch.
How do I access the Portals™ Service Menu?
Power up the game and open the Coin Door. On the door, you'll find the Portals™ Service Switch Set (Red, Green & Black Buttons). Press the Black 'BEGIN TEST' Button to enter the Service Menu Mode.