Rohde & Schwarz CMW 500, SMW 200A, SMBV 100A, SMA 100A, SMB 100A, SGS 100A, SGT 100A, SGU 100A, SMC 100A, SMF 100A, CMA 180, FSW, FPS, FSV, FSVR, ZNB, ZNBT, ZNC, RTO, RTE, RSC Instrument Application Note
CMW500, SMW200A, SMBV100A, SMA100A, SMB100A, SGS100A, SGT100A, SGU100A, SMC100A, SMF100A, CMA180, FSW, FPS, FSV, FSVR, ZNB, ZNBT, ZNC, RTO, RTE, RSC. These instruments allow to control the device remotely over the LAN, allowing to configure and use them from a PC. This document also describes a simple, four-step setup procedure for HiSLIP.
Fast Remote Instrument
Control with HiSLIP
Application Note
This application note introduces the IVI High
Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) and outlines its main features. HiSLIP is the successor to the VXI-11 LAN remote control protocol. This document also describes guidelines for using this protocol.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Overview ................................................................................. 3
2 Introduction to HiSLIP ........................................................... 4
Comparison with Other VISA INSTR Protocols ......................................... 6
HiSLIP Messages and Sequences .............................................................. 8
Remote/Local Instrument Control ............................................................11
HiSLIP Protocol Support in the VISA Library ..........................................13
Getting Started ..................................................................... 14
Using HiSLIP in Remote Instrument Control Applications ....................14
Example with C Programming Language ................................................16
FAQ ....................................................................................... 17
Synchronizing Remote Control Applications ..........................................17
Possible Race Conditions in a Remote Control Application .................17
References ............................................................................ 20
Appendix ............................................................................... 21
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 2
1 Overview
This application note introduces the High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (IVI HiSLIP).
This protocol was developed by the IVI Foundation
and is recommended as LXI
HiSLIP Extended Function for LXI based instrumentation
and the LAN-based VXI-11
protocol, HiSLIP includes implementation of the IEEE 488.2 communications protocol. HiSLIP includes more IEEE 488.2 protocol features than VXI-11, which provides better GIPB functionality over the LAN network.
The features of the HiSLIP implementation in the latest Rohde & Schwarz instruments is presented. This application note refers to the latest HiSLIP-compatible Virtual
Instrument Software Architecture
The first part of this document introduces the key features of HiSLIP and a technical comparison with other IEEE 488.2-based communications buses. The second part explains how to set up systems to incorporate HiSLIP into remote control applications.
The final part answers frequently asked questions concerning HiSLIP synchronization.
IVI-6.1: High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP),
2011-02-24.pdf, Retrieved 2012-10-04
LXI stands for LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation,
Test_Procedures_v1_01.pdf, Retrieved 2012-10-04
General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) according to IEC/IEEE Standard for Higher
Performance Protocol for the Standard Digital Interface for Programmable
Instrumentation - Part 1: General (Adoption of IEEE Std 488.1-2003), IEEE, Retrieved
TCP/IP Instrument Protocol Specification VXI-11,, Retrieved 2012-10-04
VPP-4.3: The VISA Library,, Retrieved
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 3
Introduction to HiSLIP
2 Introduction to HiSLIP
HiSLIP is the future protocol for TCP/IP-based control of IEEE 488.2 message-based instruments. It includes the conventional features used to control instruments as well as advanced functions. It also offers better performance. HiSLIP can replace GPIB interfaces as well as the VXI-11 and USBTMC
protocols. HiSLIP was developed for one-to-one compatibility with VXI-11, which can be replaced easily with a simple modification of the instrument resource string.
2.1 Overview
HiSLIP is a non-proprietary standard approved by the IVI Foundation. The standard is supported by various versions of the VISA I/O library. Consequently, the LXI
Consortium adopted HiSLIP as the recommended LAN instrument control protocol for
LXI devices. HiSLIP includes the IEEE 488.2 communications features that were missing in the VXI-11 protocol, making it well-suited to replace VXI-11 for the LANbased control of instruments. In contrast to the VXI-11 protocol, HiSLIP has been developed to work in conventional IPv4 Ethernet networks
and IPv6 Ethernet networks. This makes it transparent to the Internet Protocol layer, which is responsible for the virtual addressing of the network components’ interfaces.
A selection of IEEE 488.2 protocol features included in HiSLIP:
● Device clear transaction
● Serial poll & status query
● Trigger message
● Service request
● Interrupted error detection via message exchange protocol (IEEE
● Lock management with exclusive and shared locks for controlling multiple virtual instruments
USBTMC is the USB interface based IEC 60488-2:2004
IEEE 802.3-2008 Standard,,
Retrieved 2012-10-04
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 4
Introduction to HiSLIP
2.1.2 Setup and Protocol Stack
The SCPI commands for remote control are issued by a remote control application.
Device under test
Configuration, queries, ...
Responses, measurements
Fig. 1: Basic setup for instrument (server) controlled via PC-based remote controller (PC)
VISA is the standard I/O interface for communicating with the LAN-connected instrument (server) from the application layer of the controller (PC):
Test Application
IEEE 488.1/2
Fig. 2: Extract of the protocol stack and hardware interfaces at the controller for remote instrument control
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 5
Introduction to HiSLIP
Comparison with Other VISA INSTR Protocols
2.2 Comparison with Other VISA INSTR Protocols
The following table compares several HiSLIP features with the VXI-11 protocol and raw sockets
connections via LAN. HiSLIP supports all major protocol functions required to remotely control the instrument (server) and offers greater flexibility:
Comparison of major protocol features
GPIB emulation
Raw sockets
Instrument locking
(shared & exclusive)
Support of message exchange protocol
IPv6 support
High performance
Table 1: Comparison of major protocol features
Major improvements of HiSLIP over VXI-11:
● HiSLIP does not use the ONC/RPC
protocol in the same way as VXI-11. HiSLIP eliminate superfluous messages and improve performance.
● HiSLIP is more “IT-friendly” than VXI-11, allowing easier data transfer through firewalls and routers. Since only a single port number (IANA
TCP port 4880) is registered, firewall configuration is much simpler.
● HiSLIP supports exclusive and shared locks, whereas VXI-11 only supports exclusive locks. A smooth lock mechanism allows locking programs to coexist with lock-unaware programs.
The table below shows the maximum theoretical bandwidth supported by the most common remote control interfaces.
Raw sockets connections allowing direct programming of server via its message channel using the telnet protocol (a socket API). The lack of a control channel creates major limitations in binary transmission, synchronization, service requests, triggering and error handling, e.g. the missing device clear transaction can cause problems.
Supports exclusive locking only.
11, Retrieved 2012-10-04
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, http:://
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 6
Introduction to HiSLIP
Comparison with Other VISA INSTR Protocols
Bandwidth comparison of interfaces and protocols for remote control
Interface Maximum interface throughput
Protocol Typical throughput
1 Gbit/s LAN 125 Mbyte/s HiSLIP, Raw
Sockets up to 60 Mbyte/s
11 Mbyte/s 100 Mbit/s LAN
1 Gbit/s LAN
100 Mbit/s LAN
12.5 Mbyte/s
125 Mbyte/s
12.5 Mbyte/s
USB 2.0
60 Mbyte/s
IEEE 488.2
Table 2: Bandwidth comparison of interfaces and protocols for remote control
34 Mbyte/s
11 Mbyte/s
18 Mbyte/s
1 Mbyte/s
Speed comparison with other VISA INSTR protocols
Aside from the previously mentioned HiSLIP features, one major advantage of the protocol is its improved performance. The following table provides a general performance comparison. The test was carried out using a modern desktop PC with a
1 Gbit/s LAN network connection to the R&S
Signal and Spectrum Analyzer.
Speed comparison of interfaces and protocols for remote control
Raw sockets
VXI-11 vs.
…) n.a. ~190us per call
~305us per call
~300us per call
~140us per call
~53 % faster
*OPC? ~180 us per call
~530us per call
~250us per call
~610us per call
~210us per call
~65 % faster
Writing 3Mbyte to instrument
No binary transmissi on
3Mbyte from instrument
No binary transmissi on
~2800ms per transfer
~590ms per transfer
~250ms per transfer
~29ms per transfer
~88 % faster
~3220ms per transfer
~232ms per transfer
~160ms per transfer
~115ms per transfer
~28 % faster
Table 3: Speed comparison of interfaces and protocols for remote control
The throughput between the controller and server (instrument) is limited by various factors and the interactions between these factors, e.g. hard disc speed, network controller, controller (desktop PC) capacity, network topology, router and even the quality of the actual cables.
IEEE 488 interlocked handshake.
14, firmware version 1.51.
The times per call are averaged over 1000 single time measurements for viReadSTB() and “*OPC?” query commands. The file transfer was repeated five times executed and the time are averaged as well.
The telnet protocol does not support the VISA API function viReadSTB().
Furthermore no binary data transmission is possible.
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 7
Introduction to HiSLIP
HiSLIP Channels
2.3 HiSLIP Channels
HiSLIP uses a simplified connection model with two TCP connections (port 4880) to a single instrument (server) that is controlled remotely from a controller (PC).
Both the client and the server can store messages in the synchronous buffers and execute them in the given order:
● Data
● DataEND
● Trigger
The asynchronous channel carries GPIB-like meta messages that have to be processed in parallel to the data path:
● Device clear transaction
● Status query & serial polling
● Service request (program interrupt)
● Remote/local instrument control
● Locking and lock information of an instrument
● and others for asynchronous (out-of-band) control commands
● Improved remote/local status control
Both the controller and the instrument (server) handle asynchronous messages with higher priority, processing them before messages received via the synchronous channel.
2.4 HiSLIP Messages and Sequences
2.4.1 Communications Model
HiSLIP data is sent in a
“fire and forget” manner with immediate return – unlike VXI-11, whereby each VISA write or VISA read operation is blocked until a VXI-11 device handshake is returned. As a result, it is not possible to guarantee that the instrument has finished (or even started) processing the requested operation before the next request is received. This causes the new request to be stored in the TCP/IP buffers of the instrument (server).
The following figure shows the error-free mechanism for message exchange. No acknowledgement messages are transferred between the controller and server (no handshake).
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 8
Introduction to HiSLIP
HiSLIP Messages and Sequences
viWrite(*CLS) viWrite(*IDN?)
<DataEND>< -- ><2><
…>“R&S Device“
Clear Status
Queries instrument
ID string
RMT = 1 expected with next DataEND message from PC viRead(bufsize=50) viWrite(SYST:ERR?)
Queries error entries in the Event Queue
Fig. 3: Simple message sequence between controller (PC) and instrument (server)
As a compensation for the acknowledgement messages of the VXI-11, the RMT bit
(remote message terminator) is introduced. The RMT bit in the messages indicates if this is the first Data, DataEND or Trigger message since the controller (PC) has finished reading completely a previous data message from the instrument (server).
Thereby the instrument can de tect if the controller has received the instrument’s
DataEND message before the controller has sent its next message. The instrument expects RMT = 1 after having sent its DataEND message.
This mechanism saves time compared to usual handshake message sequences as used in the VXI-11 protocol.
The controller increments the Message ID used as sequence number with each Data,
DataEND or Trigger message sent.
2.4.2 Operating Modes
HiSLIP supports two different operating modes. Overlapped Mode
This mode is similar to raw sockets mode. Input and output data and trigger messages are arbitrarily buffered between the controller and the controlled instrument. Their responses are returned in the same order as the queries were sent.
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 9
Introduction to HiSLIP
HiSLIP Messages and Sequences Synchronized Mode
This mode closely resembles the requirements of the IEEE 488.2 message exchange protocol for detecting interrupted errors. In general, the synchronized mode and message exchange protocol ensure the instrument (server) responds only to the last query. An incoming response is discarded if it is not associated with the last query that was sent. The synchronized mode ensures compatibility with GPIB, VXI-11 and
USBTMC instruments and is the mode supported by the Rohde & Schwarz instruments.
Reading the VISA attribute VI_ATTR_TCPIP_HISLIP_OVERLAP_EN returns the protocol mode of the current session (VI_FALSE for Rohde & Schwarz instruments).
Interrupted error detection in synchronized mode
Interrupted errors are detected and processed on the controller side or on the instrument side. If the controller sends two queries to the instrument and receives the
DataEND response to the first query after the second query has been sent, any data responses already buffered in the controller are cleared, which generates an interrupted protocol error. If the instrument receives a second query from the controller before it has finished sending the response to the first query, or if the second query is sent before the controller has received the complete response to the first query, the instrument stops responding to the first query, generates an interrupted error and sends an interrupted message to the controller. Then the instrument sends the controller the response to the second query.
The following figure shows an example where the second query of the controller and the first response of the instrument cross
…>“*IDN?“ viWrite(SYST:ERR?) viRead(bufsize=50) discard response
<DataEND>< -- ><
…>“R&S Device“
RMT = 1 expected with next DataEND message from PC
RMT = 0 generates error in Event Queue
<DataEND>< -- ><4><
Fig. 4: Message sequence with interrupted error
The controller detects an interrupted error by comparing the sequence number of its last query with the sequence number of the instrument’s response. Both sequence numbers should be equal. After detection of the interrupted error, the controller discards the response.
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 10
Introduction to HiSLIP
Remote/Local Instrument Control
The instrument detects the interrupted error due to RMT = 0 in the controller’s
DataEND message: The instrument sets its RMT expectation value to 1 when sending its DataEND message. RMT = 1 would indicate that the controller had received the instrument’s DataEND message before sending the second query; RMT = 0 indicates that the controller had not yet read the first response from the TCP/IP buffers. After detection of the interrupted error, the instrument reports the error. Since the instrument has already finished the first response it takes no additional action. The instrument responds to the last query from the controller in the normal way even with the correct response
“-410,”Query Interrrupted”“.
One possible variation occurs when the instrument detects the wrong RMT value while responding to a previous query. As a result, the instrument would stop responding and would send an interrupted message to the controller, which would then prompt the controller to discard the incomplete response.
2.5 Remote/Local Instrument Control
The remote/local instrument control prevents manual operation of the instrument from its front panel when the instrument is being controlled remotely with SCPI commands.
The local key
allows to regain access to the instrument to manual operation, while an instrument is still connected to a valid remote control session.
HiSLIP can control the remote/local state of an instrument in a GPIB mnemonic similar to the function call viGpibControlREN(…)
. The remote-local commands are sent on the asynchronous channel for GPIB as meta-messages.
For practical reasons, three VISA modes from viGpibControlREN(…) are also specified for HiSLIP:
● Disable front panel operation, controlled by VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_ADDRESS mode. Local lockout key is functional.
● Disable front panel operation and perform a local lockout, controlled by
VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_ADDRESS_LLO mode. Local lockout key is blocked.
● Enable front panel operation and undo a possible local lockout, controlled by
It is important to remember that without instrument locking, SCPI commands will always be accepted by the instrument.
IEEE 488 defines the local key in the instrument to regain front panel access, when the front panel access has been disabled via a remote interface.
17, p.273f. IVI Foundation, Retrieved 2012-
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 11
Introduction to HiSLIP
Instrument Locking
2.6 Instrument Locking
HiSLIP supports exclusive and shared locking as specified according to the VXIPNP
VISA standard
. This locking mechanism affects all synchronous and asynchronous commands sent to the instrument after the VISA session has been initialized. Similar to the remote/local state control, this feature allows access for controlling the remote control interfaces of the instrument. When a client closes its session, all locks belonging to this session are released.
Possible configurations:
● Server is not locked
– This allows any client to communicate with the server (instrument).
– Any client can request a shared or an exclusive lock.
● Client holds an exclusive lock
– This allows one-to-one communications between the server and the client holding the exclusive lock.
– No other clients are allowed to send messages to the locked instrument.
● Multiple clients are holding a shared lock
– All clients holding this single shared lock are allowed to communicate with the instrument.
– One client holding this single shared lock is allowed to request an exclusive lock. The server grants the exclusive lock one client at a time. While the exclusive lock is active, no other client holding a shared lock is allowed to send commands to the instrument.
– No other clients are allowed to send messages to the locked instrument.
If a client holds a shared or exclusive lock, the following applies for clients that do not hold a lock:
● Any lock request will either be granted access if the requested lock becomes available or will timeout after the specified waiting period.
● A device clear transaction is executed immediately. Only the parameters applying to this session are affected; server parameters which also apply to other sessions are not affected.
● Messages sent over the synchronous channel to the server remain in the input buffer. This buffer is handled by the TCP behavior to avoid buffer overflows.
● Any synchronous or asynchronous transactions in progress are completed as usual, causing all data traffic to be transferred from the server to the client.
● Asynchronous service requests are sent to the client in the normal way.
19, p37ff, Retrieved 2012-10-04.
A shared lock is identified by a string.
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 12
Introduction to HiSLIP
HiSLIP Protocol Support in the VISA Library
2.7 HiSLIP Protocol Support in the VISA Library
VISA is the standard I/O interface for accessing the instrument from the application layer on the controller. The following VISA versions support the HiSLIP protocol:
● NI-VISA: supports HiSLIP since version 5.1.0 (IPv4).
NI-VISA versions 5.2.0 and later is recommended to achieve maximum performance.
● Agilent IO Libraries Suite: supports HiSLIP (IPv4 and IPv6) versions 16.2 and later.
1MA208_0e Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 13
Getting Started
Using HiSLIP in Remote Instrument Control Applications
3 Getting Started
A main objective of HiSLIP was to minimize integration testing complexity for existing applications. HiSLIP can coexist or even replace VXI-11 in current and future remote control applications.
3.1 Using HiSLIP in Remote Instrument Control
One key requirement during the development of HiSLIP was to maximize the simplicity of migrating remote control software from one of major remote control interface (GPIB or VXI-11) to the LAN-based HiSLIP for end users. The result of these efforts was a simple, four-step setup procedure for HiSLIP:
1. Check availability of HiSLIP for remote control channels of the server
Check if the instrument supports HiSLIP. The following Rohde & Schwarz instruments support HiSLIP:
CMW500 (since firmware version 3.x.y)
ZNB (since firmware version 1.63)
ZNC (since firmware version 1.63)
FSW (since firmware version 1.60)
SMBV100A (since firmware version 2.20.360.114)
SGS100A (since firmware version 2.20.417.20)
SMA100A (since firmware version 2.20.470.18)
SMB100A (since firmware version 2.20.382.35)
RSC (since firmware version 1.34)
2. Enable HiSLIP on your VISA client (remote control PC)
Your controller (remote control PC) must also support HiSLIP. There are currently two possible configurations for Windows
-based clients: a) National Instruments VISA
NI-VISA versions 5.2.0 and later is recommended to achieve maximum performance. b) Agilent IO Libraries Suite
HiSLIP for IPv6 and IPv4 are supported by Ag-VISA versions 16.2 and later.
Now your client and server are ready to communicate with your instrument via
For information regarding the Rohde & Schwarz instrument driver HiSLIP support, please refer to the latest version of the history release notes.
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 14
Getting Started
Using HiSLIP in Remote Instrument Control Applications
3. Change the VISA resource string
Find out the IP address or hostname (alias for the IP address of the instrument) of the instrument. The address structure for HiSLIP
is as follows:
TCPIP[Interface number]::<IP address>|<Hostname>::hislip0[,<port>][::INSTR]
The shortest possible HiSLIP VISA resource string would resemble the following:
If constant instrument VISA aliases are defined in the Measurement & Automation
Explorer software or in the Agilent Connection Export software please refer to the corresponding software documentation for further information.
4. Send SCPI commands to your instrument
The easiest way to communicate with an instrument is to use the interactive tools provided by National Instruments Measurement & Automation Explorer or using the Agilent Connection Expert.
At this point, your remote control application or your test system infrastructure is ready to be configured for use with the instrument.
After successfully establishing the connection to the instrument, single commands can be sent and responses can be easily read from the instrument.
This screenshot shows the scenario with the National Instruments software tools:
Fig. 5: Example scenario to send single SCPI commands to an instrument via HiSLIP using a
VISA alias name
In comparison, the shortest possible VXI-11 VISA resource string looks very similar:
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 15
Getting Started
Example with C Programming Language
Example with C Programming Languag e
Appendix 6.1 contains a small sample of source code. This demonstrates a speed
comparison of HiSLIP, GPIB, VXI-11 and raw socket connections.
1MA208_0e Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 16
Synchronizing Remote Control Applications
The following section provides an overview on how to successfully begin development with the HiSLIP protocol and how to migrate from VXI-11 to HiSLIP.
For information regarding the SCPI programming, please refer to the application notes
“1EF62: Hints and Tricks for Remote Control of Spectrum and Network Analyzers”,
“1GP79: Top Ten SCPI Programming Tips for Signal Generators” or “1CM100:
Optimizing the Performance of Multi Eval. List Mode Tests
4.1 Synchronizing Remote Control Applications
Remote control applications have to be synchronized with the remote instrument. This is very important. Otherwise, erroneous measurement data and/or undesirable, unstable program behavior may occur.
Some T&M instruments involve time-consuming operations, e.g. because measurements have to be calculated from large data sets or switching between different configurations is required. Special SCPI commands are provided for this reason. They are referred to as “overlapping SCPI commands”. This means that the execution and processing of a command takes a considerable amount of time. The instrument accepts and processes queries in addition to set commands while the overlapping command is being processed
. This means that the “operation complete” state of these SCPI commands has to be sent to the controller (e.g. PC remote control application).
For information regarding the remote control instrument synchronization, please refer to the latest version of the instrument manual. For further information please refer to the VISA programming guide.
4.2 Possible Race Conditions in a Remote Control
Race conditions do not occur when the overlapping SCPI command synchronization is realized by the “*OPC?” query command or the “*WAI” control command.
If the set command is affecting the currently running operation, the operation is restarted. For example, perform a trace measurement with 100 sweeps on the
FSW Signal and Spectrum Analyzer. The command that starts this measurement is overlapping. During these 100 sweeps, the center frequency, for example, can be changed via remote control. In this case, the sweep count restarts with one again using the modified parameter set.
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 17
Possible Race Conditions in a Remote Control Application
HiSLIP supports two paths for the data and the control channel. This is similar to the
GPIB (IEEE 488.2) interface. In HiSLIP the control channel has a higher execution and processing priority as the data channel. The VXI-11 protocol also uses two channels for data and control messages. The commands are synchronized to a certain extent using RPC
acknowledgement messages (refer to chapter 2.4.1).
How does the parallel channels of HiSLIP result in a race condition?
At first glance, these simple measurement steps for a spectrum analyzer should not cause any significant problems:
Reset the spectrum analyzer and configure the status subsystem to allow operation complete synchronization (*OPC) and service requests (SRQ) indication in the STB register
WHILE MEASUREMENT in PROGRESS viReadSTB(); //repeated STB byte reads
//to check if measurement is
//in progress
This is the case with VXI-11 connections, but this code might result in erroneous measurement data when using HiSLIP
The problem occurs if this example loop is executed more than once (step 1 to 6). The instrument state before the second iteration (step #2) is as the following: one valid measurement was performed by step #2 in the first iteration of the measurement loop.
Therefore valid measurement data is still available in the output buffer of the instrument along with pending information about the operation complete status in the status subsystem.
RPC stands for remote procedure calls, refer to,
Retrieved 2012-10-04.
This race condition does not occur with GPIB (IEEE 488.2) connections in the field.
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 18
Possible Race Conditions in a Remote Control Application
On a fast controller line #2 and line #4 are sent to the instrument almost at the same time
. In the second iteration of the measurement loop this lead to the situation that the command line #1 (cleaning the status subsystem
and starting the measurement with operation complete synchronization) will be processed by the instrument after the processing the viReadSTB() query. This query r eturns the “operation complete” status information from the first run of the measurement loop. This allows the program to immediately continue reading measurement values. The measurement data can be a result of the first measurement, because in some cases the instrument is not even finished with the processing of the command sequence sent over the data channel
(line #2).
One possible method is to perform synchronization by ensuring there is no remaining data in the status subsystem after the first run. This would result in the following:
Reset the spectrum analyzer and configure the status subsystem to allow operation complete synchronization (*OPC) and service requests (SRQ) indication in the STB register
#2a viRead(); //first STB byte read to check if
//measurement is in progress
#4 viReadSTB(); //repeated STB byte reads
//to check if measurement is
//in progress
This allows to synchronize the clearing of the status subsystem. After reading the
“*STB?” query the instrument processed the line #2 completely . The query allows to synchronize the “*CLS” (clean status subsystem), to the start of the measurement and all following read queries.
The commands in line #2 and #5 are transmitted over the HiSLIP synchronous data channel, whereas the command in line #4 is transmitted over the HiSLIP control channel. The commands in the control channel are executed with a higher priority
For more information on the status subsystem, refer to the instrument manual available at:
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 19
Possible Race Conditions in a Remote Control Application
5 References
● IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol, IVI Foundation,
1.1-2011-02-24.pdf, Retrieved 2012-10-04
● TCP/IP Instrument Protocol Specification VXI-11, VXIbus Consortium,, Retrieved 2012-10-04
● Automated Measurement Control, John M. Pieper, Rohde & Schwarz
● 1EF62: Hints and Tricks for Remote Control of Spectrum and Network Analyzers,
Johannes Ganzert, Application Note,, Retrieved 2012-10-04
● 1GP79: Top Ten SCPI Programming Tips for Signal Generators, Caroline Tröster,
Application Note,, Retrieved 2012-
● 1CM100: Optimizing the Performance of Multi Eval. List Mode Tests, Klaus
Lienhart, Application Note,,
Retrieved 2012-10-04
1MA208_0e Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 20
6 Appendix
6.1 Example
Example source code to measure the remote control performance for short commands:
Speed test
32-bit only (-> due to VISA framework limitation on Mac OS X!)
Note: Please do not forget compiler optimization
@JE, R&S
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
//Utility routines
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
//Windows platform!
#include <visa.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#if defined (_MSC_VER) || defined (_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS 11644473600000000Ui64
#define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS 11644473600000000ULL
#endif struct timezone
{ int tz_minuteswest; /* minutes W of Greenwich */ int tz_dsttime; /* type of dst correction */
}; int _gettimeofday( struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
FILETIME ft; unsigned __int64 tmpres = 0; static int tzflag; if (NULL != tv)
tmpres |= ft.dwHighDateTime;
tmpres <<= 32;
tmpres |= ft.dwLowDateTime;
/*converting file time to unix epoch*/
tmpres /= 10; /*convert into microseconds*/
tv->tv_sec = ( long )(tmpres / 1000000UL);
tv->tv_usec = ( long )(tmpres % 1000000UL);
} if (NULL != tz)
{ if (!tzflag)
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 21
tz->tz_minuteswest = _timezone / 60;
tz->tz_dsttime = _daylight;
} return 0;
//Mac OS X platform!
#include <VISA/VISA.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#endif double getwalltime()
{ struct timeval tp; double sec, usec;
// Time stamp before the computations
_gettimeofday( &tp, NULL );
sec = ( double )tp.tv_sec;
usec = ( double )tp.tv_usec/1E6; return ( double ) sec + usec;
//Measurement routines
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#define MUTATION 2
#define SCPI_OPC_QUERY "*OPC?\n" int open_resource(ViSession rm, char * resource, ViPSession io)
buf[0] = '\0' ; if (resource == NULL) return ret;
ret=viOpen(rm, resource, VI_NULL, VI_NULL, io); if (ret!=VI_SUCCESS)
printf( "Open VISA resource failed!\n" ); return ret;
ret=viLock(*io, VI_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, 0, "" , VI_NULL); if (ret!=VI_SUCCESS)
printf( "Exclusiv locking of VISA resource failed!\n" ); return ret;
//socket test
viSetAttribute(*io, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN, VI_TRUE);
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 22
viQueryf(*io, "*IDN?\n" , "%s" , buf);
printf( "\n*********\n" );
printf( "Resource open and locked: %s\n" , buf); return ret;
} void close_resource(ViSession io)
ViAccessMode val = VI_NO_LOCK; while (TRUE)
viGetAttribute(io, VI_ATTR_RSRC_LOCK_STATE, &val); if ( val != VI_NO_LOCK )
viUnlock(io); else break ;
} void print_report( char *resource, char * command, double total_time)
printf( "*********\n" );
printf( "VISA Resource: %s\n" , resource);
printf( "Query: %s\n" , command);
printf( "Total time: %f\n" , total_time);
printf( "Measurement cycles: %d\n" , MEASUREMENT_CYCLES);
printf( "Average query time: %f\n\n" , total_time/MEASUREMENT_CYCLES);
} int performance_test_query(ViSession rm, char * resource, char * command)
ViSession io = VI_NULL; int i; int ret = VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR; double start; double end; double total_time = .0; double temp; char rd_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
ViUInt16 unused_val_stb = 0;
rd_buffer[0] = '\n' ; if (resource == NULL)
printf( "ERROR: Resource must not be empty!\n" ); return ret;
} if (command == NULL)
printf( "ERROR: Command must not be empty!\n" ); return ret;
//open resource for query speed test
ret = open_resource(rm, resource, &io); if (ret != VI_SUCCESS) return ret;
//do the measurement n-times for (i=0; i<MEASUREMENT_CYCLES; i++)
//start time
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 23
//for speed test viReadSTB() query speed
//test insert your code here
//viReadSTB(io, &unused_val_stb);
//speed test query command
viQueryf(io, command, "%s\n" , rd_buffer);
//stop time
//sum up milliseconds
temp = end-start; if (temp>=0.){
total_time += temp;
} else {
printf( "ERROR: Time measuerment failed, start time bigger than stop time" );
total_time = 0; return ret;
//close the resoucre
//calculate average time
print_report(resource, command, total_time); return VI_SUCCESS;
} int performance_test_sa_measurement(ViSession rm, char * resource)
ViSession io=VI_NULL; int ret = VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR; int i; char rd_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; double centerfreq[MUTATION]; char wrt_buffer[MUTATION][BUFFER_SIZE]; double start; double end; double total_time = .0; double temp;
rd_buffer[0] = '\n' ;
centerfreq[0] = 0.8e9;
centerfreq[1] = 1.2e9;
sprintf(wrt_buffer[0], SCPI_MARKER_QUERY, centerfreq[0]);
sprintf(wrt_buffer[1], SCPI_MARKER_QUERY, centerfreq[1]);
//open resource for query speed test if (resource == NULL)
printf( "ERROR: Resource must not be empty!\n" ); return ret;
ret = open_resource(rm, resource, &io); if (ret != VI_SUCCESS)
{ return ret;
//setup instrument and initate measurement
viQueryf(io, SCPI_MARKER_SETUP_INIT, "%s\n" , rd_buffer);
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 24
//do the measurement n-times for (i=0; i<MEASUREMENT_CYCLES; i++)
//start time
start=getwalltime(); if (i%2)
//set marker to f1 and query
viQueryf(io, wrt_buffer[0], "%s\n" ,rd_buffer); else
//set marker to f2 and query
viQueryf(io, wrt_buffer[1], "%s\n" , rd_buffer);
//stop time
//sum up milliseconds
temp = end-start; if (temp>=0.){
total_time += temp;
} else {
printf( "ERROR: Time measuerment failed, start time bigger than stop time" );
total_time = 0; return ret;
//close the resoucre
//calculate average time
print_report(resource, SCPI_MARKER_QUERY, total_time); return VI_SUCCESS;
} int main ( int argc, const char * argv[])
ViSession rm; int ret=VI_SUCCESS; char resource_gpib[] = "GPIB::20" ; char resource_vxi[] = "TCPIP::" ; char resource_hislip[] = "TCPIP::" ; char resource_socket[] = "TCPIP::" ; char command[] = SCPI_OPC_QUERY; if (MEASUREMENT_CYCLES<1)
printf( "\nSet the amount of measurement cycles <0\n" ); return VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR;
//open the local VISA resource manager if (VI_SUCCESS != viOpenDefaultRM(&rm))
printf( "\nOpen VISA resource manager failed!\n" ); return VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR;
//gpib test
performance_test_query(rm, resource_gpib, command);
performance_test_sa_measurement(rm, resource_gpib);
//VXI-11 test
performance_test_query(rm, resource_vxi, command);
performance_test_sa_measurement(rm, resource_vxi);
//HiSLIP test
Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 25
performance_test_query(rm, resource_hislip, command);
performance_test_sa_measurement(rm, resource_hislip);
//SOCKET test
performance_test_query(rm, resource_socket, command);
performance_test_sa_measurement(rm, resource_socket);
//close the local VISA resource manager
viClose(rm); return ret;
1MA208_0e Rohde & Schwarz
Fast Remote Instrument Control with HiSLIP 26
About Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz is an independent group of companies specializing in electronics. It is a leading supplier of solutions in the fields of test and measurement, broadcasting, radiomonitoring and radiolocation, as well as secure communications. Established more than 75 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz has a global presence and a dedicated service network in over 70 countries. Company headquarters are in Munich, Germany.
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Key features
- Remote control over LAN
- High speed communication
- Supports GPIB-like features
- Improved synchronization
- Improved performance
- Replaces VXI-11 protocol
- Supports IPv4 and IPv6 networks