Testo 320 flue gas analyzer Instruction manual

Below you will find brief information for flue gas analyzer testo 320. This device is a handheld measuring device for the professional flue gas analysis of combustion plants such as small combustion plants, low-temperature and condensing boilers, and gas water heaters. You can use this device to check the compliance of the system with the applicable limit values and regulate the O2, CO and CO2 values in combustion plants to ensure optimal operation.

testo 320 Flue Gas Analyzer Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Handheld flue gas analyzer
  • Professional analysis of combustion plants
  • Compliance checking with limit values
  • Regulation of O2, CO and CO2
  • Draught measurement
  • Gas flow pressure measurement
  • Flow and return temperature optimization
  • Ambient CO measurement
  • Gas leak detection

Frequently asked questions

The testo 320 is suitable for analyzing small combustion plants (burning oil, gas, wood, coal), low-temperature and condensing boilers, and gas water heaters.

Besides flue gas analysis, the testo 320 can also be used for draught measurement, measuring and regulating gas flow pressure, measuring and optimizing flow and return temperatures, ambient CO measurement, and gas leak detection.

For official measurements in accordance with 1. BImSchV, the measuring instrument must be checked every six months by a technical testing body of the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps or another testing body recognised by the authorities.
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